1!! Copyright (C) 2002-2006 M. Marques, A. Castro, A. Rubio, G. Bertsch
3!! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4!! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5!! the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
6!! any later version.
8!! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9!! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11!! GNU General Public License for more details.
13!! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14!! along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
15!! Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
16!! 02110-1301, USA.
19#include "global.h"
21module kick_oct_m
22  use iso_c_binding
23  use geometry_oct_m
24  use global_oct_m
25  use ion_dynamics_oct_m
26  use kpoints_oct_m
27  use loct_math_oct_m
28  use math_oct_m
29  use mesh_oct_m
30  use messages_oct_m
31  use namespace_oct_m
32  use parser_oct_m
33  use pcm_eom_oct_m
34  use pcm_oct_m
35  use poisson_oct_m
36  use profiling_oct_m
37  use species_oct_m
38  use simul_box_oct_m
39  use states_elec_oct_m
40  use states_elec_dim_oct_m
41  use symm_op_oct_m
42  use symmetries_oct_m
43  use unit_oct_m
44  use unit_system_oct_m
45  use write_iter_oct_m
47  implicit none
49  private
50  public ::               &
51    kick_t,               &
52    kick_init,            &
53    kick_copy,            &
54    kick_end,             &
55    kick_read,            &
56    kick_write,           &
57    kick_apply,           &
58    kick_function_get,    &
59    kick_get_type
62  integer, public, parameter ::        &
63    KICK_FUNCTION_DIPOLE        = 0,   &
64    KICK_FUNCTION_MULTIPOLE     = 1,   &
67  integer, public, parameter ::    &
68    KICK_DENSITY_MODE        = 0,  &
69    KICK_SPIN_MODE           = 1,  &
70    KICK_SPIN_DENSITY_MODE   = 2,  &
71    KICK_MAGNON_MODE         = 3
73  integer, public, parameter ::    &
74    QKICKMODE_NONE           = 0,  &
75    QKICKMODE_EXP            = 1,  &
76    QKICKMODE_COS            = 2,  &
77    QKICKMODE_SIN            = 3,  &
78    QKICKMODE_BESSEL         = 4
81  type kick_t
82    ! Components are public by default
84    !> The time which the kick is applied (normally, this is zero)
85    FLOAT             :: time
86    !> The strength, and strength "mode".
87    integer, private  :: delta_strength_mode
88    FLOAT             :: delta_strength
89    !> In case we use a normal dipole kick:
90    FLOAT             :: pol(MAX_DIM, MAX_DIM)
91    integer           :: pol_dir
92    integer           :: pol_equiv_axes
93    FLOAT             :: wprime(MAX_DIM)
94    FLOAT             :: easy_axis(MAX_DIM)
95    !> In case we have a general multipolar kick,
96    !! the form of this "kick" will be (atomic units):
97    !! \f[
98    !! V(\vec{r}) = sum_{i=1}^{n\_multipoles}
99    !!                weight(i) * (e^2 / a_0^(l+1)) * r^l(i) * Y_{l(i),m(i)} (\vec{r})
100    !! \f]
101    !! which has units of energy; if we include the time-dependence (delta function):
102    !! \f[
103    !! V(\vec{r}) = sum_{i=1}^{n\_multipoles}
104    !!                 weight(i) * (\hbar / a_0^l) * r^l(i) * Y_{l(i),m(i)} (\vec{r}) * \delta(t)
105    !! \f]
106    integer              :: n_multipoles
107    integer, pointer     :: l(:), m(:)
108    FLOAT, pointer       :: weight(:)
109    integer              :: nqmult(1:MAX_DIM)
110    integer              :: nqvec
111    FLOAT, allocatable   :: qvector(:,:)
112    FLOAT                :: trans_vec(MAX_DIM,2)
113    FLOAT                :: qlength
114    integer              :: qkick_mode
115    integer              :: qbessel_l, qbessel_m
116    !> In case we use a general function
117    integer              :: function_mode
118    character(len=200), private:: user_defined_function
119  end type kick_t
123  ! ---------------------------------------------------------
124  subroutine kick_init(kick, namespace, sb, nspin)
125    type(kick_t),      intent(out) :: kick
126    type(namespace_t), intent(in)  :: namespace
127    type(simul_box_t), intent(in)  :: sb
128    integer,           intent(in)  :: nspin
130    type(block_t) :: blk
131    integer :: n_rows, irow, idir, iop, iq, iqx, iqy, iqz
132    FLOAT :: norm, dot
133    FLOAT :: qtemp(1:MAX_DIM)
134    integer :: dim, periodic_dim
136    PUSH_SUB(kick_init)
138    dim = sb%dim
139    periodic_dim = sb%periodic_dim
141    !%Variable TDDeltaKickTime
142    !%Type float
143    !%Default 0.0
144    !%Section Time-Dependent::Response
145    !%Description
146    !% The delta-perturbation that can be applied by making use of the <tt>TDDeltaStrength</tt> variable,
147    !% can be applied at the time given by this variable. Usually, this time is zero, since one wants
148    !% to apply the delta pertubation or "kick" at a system at equilibrium, and no other time-dependent
149    !% external potential is used. However, one may want to apply a kick on top of a laser field,
150    !% for example.
151    !%End
152    call parse_variable(namespace, 'TDDeltaKickTime', M_ZERO, kick%time, units_inp%time)
153    if(kick%time > M_ZERO) then
154      call messages_experimental('TDDeltaKickTime > 0')
155    end if
157    !%Variable TDDeltaStrength
158    !%Type float
159    !%Default 0
160    !%Section Time-Dependent::Response
161    !%Description
162    !% When no laser is applied, a delta (in time) perturbation with
163    !% strength <tt>TDDeltaStrength</tt> can be applied. This is used to
164    !% calculate, <i>e.g.</i>, the linear optical spectra. If the ions are
165    !% allowed to move, the kick will affect them also.
166    !% The electric field is <math>-(\hbar k / e) \delta(t)</math> for a dipole with
167    !% zero wavevector, where <i>k</i> = <tt>TDDeltaStrength</tt>, which causes
168    !% the wavefunctions instantaneously to acquire a phase <math>e^{ikx}</math>.
169    !% The unit is inverse length.
170    !%End
171    call parse_variable(namespace, 'TDDeltaStrength', M_ZERO, kick%delta_strength, units_inp%length**(-1))
173    nullify(kick%l)
174    nullify(kick%m)
175    nullify(kick%weight)
176    kick%function_mode = KICK_FUNCTION_DIPOLE
178    if(abs(kick%delta_strength) <= M_EPSILON) then
179      kick%delta_strength_mode = 0
180      kick%pol_equiv_axes = 0
181      kick%pol(1:3, 1) = (/ M_ONE, M_ZERO, M_ZERO /)
182      kick%pol(1:3, 2) = (/ M_ZERO, M_ONE, M_ZERO /)
183      kick%pol(1:3, 3) = (/ M_ZERO, M_ZERO, M_ONE /)
184      kick%pol_dir = 0
185      kick%wprime = M_ZERO
186      kick%n_multipoles = 0
187      kick%qkick_mode = QKICKMODE_NONE
188      kick%easy_axis(1:MAX_DIM) = M_ZERO
189      POP_SUB(kick_init)
190      return
191    end if
193    !%Variable TDDeltaStrengthMode
194    !%Type integer
195    !%Default kick_density
196    !%Section Time-Dependent::Response
197    !%Description
198    !% When calculating the density response via real-time propagation,
199    !% one needs to perform an initial kick on the KS system, at
200    !% time zero. Depending on what kind of response property one wants to obtain,
201    !% this kick may be done in several modes. For use to calculate triplet excitations,
202    !% see MJT Oliveira, A Castro, MAL Marques, and A Rubio, <i>J. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology</i> <b>8</b>, 3392 (2008).
203    !%Option kick_density 0
204    !% The total density of the system is perturbed. This mode is appropriate for
205    !% electric dipole response, as for optical absorption.
206    !%Option kick_spin 1
207    !% The individual spin densities are perturbed oppositely. Note that this mode
208    !% is only possible if the run is done in spin-polarized mode, or with spinors.
209    !% This mode is appropriate for the paramagnetic dipole response, which can couple
210    !% to triplet excitations.
211    !%Option kick_spin_and_density 2
212    !% A combination of the two above. Note that this mode
213    !% is only possible if the run is done in spin-polarized mode, or with spinors.
214    !% This mode is intended for use with symmetries to obtain both of the responses
215    !% at once, at described in the reference above.
216    !%Option kick_magnon 3
217    !% Rotates the magnetization. Only works for spinors.
218    !% Can be used in a supercell or my making use of the generalized Bloch theorem.
219    !% In the later case (see <tt>SpiralBoundaryConditions</tt>) spin-orbit coupling cannot be used.
220    !%End
221    call parse_variable(namespace, 'TDDeltaStrengthMode', KICK_DENSITY_MODE, kick%delta_strength_mode)
222    select case (kick%delta_strength_mode)
223    case (KICK_DENSITY_MODE)
225    case (KICK_MAGNON_MODE)
226      if(nspin /= SPINORS) call messages_input_error(namespace, 'TDDeltaStrengthMode')
227    case default
228      call messages_input_error(namespace, 'TDDeltaStrengthMode')
229    end select
231    if(parse_is_defined(namespace, 'TDDeltaUserDefined')) then
233      kick%function_mode = KICK_FUNCTION_USER_DEFINED
234      kick%n_multipoles = 0
236      !%Variable TDDeltaUserDefined
237      !%Type string
238      !%Section Time-Dependent::Response
239      !%Description
240      !% By default, the kick function will be a dipole. This will change if (1) the variable
241      !% <tt>TDDeltaUserDefined</tt> is present in the inp file, or (2) if the block <tt>TDKickFunction</tt>
242      !% is present in the <tt>inp</tt> file. If both are present in the <tt>inp</tt> file, the <tt>TDKickFunction</tt>
243      !% block will be ignored. The value of <tt>TDDeltaUserDefined</tt> should be a string describing
244      !% the function that is going to be used as delta perturbation.
245      !%End
246      call parse_variable(namespace, 'TDDeltaUserDefined', '0', kick%user_defined_function)
248      !%Variable TDKickFunction
249      !%Type block
250      !%Section Time-Dependent::Response
251      !%Description
252      !% If the block <tt>TDKickFunction</tt> is present in the input file, and the variable
253      !% <tt>TDDeltaUserDefined</tt> is not present in the input file, the kick function to
254      !% be applied at time zero of the time-propagation will not be a "dipole" function
255      !% (<i>i.e.</i> <math>\phi \rightarrow e^{ikx} \phi</math>, but a general multipole in the form <math>r^l Y_{lm}(r)</math>.
256      !%
257      !% Each line has three columns: integers <i>l</i> and <i>m</i> that defines the
258      !% multipole, and a weight. Any number of lines may be given, and the kick will be the sum of those
259      !% multipoles with the given weights.
260      !%
261      !% This feature allows calculation of quadrupole, octupole, etc., response functions.
262      !%End
263    else if(parse_block(namespace, 'TDKickFunction', blk) == 0) then
265      kick%function_mode = KICK_FUNCTION_MULTIPOLE
266      n_rows = parse_block_n(blk)
267      kick%n_multipoles = n_rows
268      SAFE_ALLOCATE(     kick%l(1:n_rows))
269      SAFE_ALLOCATE(     kick%m(1:n_rows))
270      SAFE_ALLOCATE(kick%weight(1:n_rows))
271      do irow = 1, n_rows
272        call parse_block_integer(blk, irow - 1, 0, kick%l(irow))
273        call parse_block_integer(blk, irow - 1, 1, kick%m(irow))
274        call parse_block_float(blk, irow - 1, 2, kick%weight(irow))
275        if( (kick%l(irow) < 0) .or. (abs(kick%m(irow)) > abs(kick%l(irow))) ) then
276          call messages_input_error(namespace, 'TDkickFunction')
277        end if
278      end do
280    else
282      kick%function_mode = KICK_FUNCTION_DIPOLE
283      kick%n_multipoles = 0
285      ! Find out how many equivalent axes we have...
286      !%Variable TDPolarizationEquivAxes
287      !%Type integer
288      !%Default 0
289      !%Section Time-Dependent::Response::Dipole
290      !%Description
291      !% Defines how many of the <tt>TDPolarization</tt> axes are equivalent. This information is stored in a file and then
292      !% used by <tt>oct-propagation_spectrum</tt> to rebuild the full polarizability tensor from just the
293      !% first <tt>TDPolarizationEquivAxes</tt> directions. This variable is also used by <tt>CalculationMode = vdw</tt>.
294      !%End
295      call parse_variable(namespace, 'TDPolarizationEquivAxes', 0, kick%pol_equiv_axes)
297      !%Variable TDPolarizationDirection
298      !%Type integer
299      !%Section Time-Dependent::Response::Dipole
300      !%Description
301      !% When a delta potential is included in a time-dependent run, this
302      !% variable defines in which direction the field will be applied
303      !% by selecting one of the lines of <tt>TDPolarization</tt>. In a
304      !% typical run (without using symmetry), the <tt>TDPolarization</tt> block
305      !% would contain the three Cartesian unit vectors (the default
306      !% value), and one would make 3 runs varying
307      !% <tt>TDPolarization</tt> from 1 to 3.
308      !% If one is using symmetry,  <tt>TDPolarization</tt> should run only from 1
309      !% to <tt>TDPolarizationEquivAxes</tt>.
310      !%End
312      call parse_variable(namespace, 'TDPolarizationDirection', 0, kick%pol_dir)
314      if(kick%delta_strength_mode /= KICK_MAGNON_MODE) then
315        if(kick%pol_dir < 1 .or. kick%pol_dir > dim) call messages_input_error(namespace, 'TDPolarizationDirection')
316      end if
318      !%Variable TDPolarization
319      !%Type block
320      !%Section Time-Dependent::Response::Dipole
321      !%Description
322      !% The (real) polarization of the delta electric field. Normally
323      !% one needs three perpendicular polarization directions to calculate a
324      !% spectrum (unless symmetry is used).
325      !% The format of the block is:
326      !%
327      !% <tt>%TDPolarization
328      !% <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;pol1x | pol1y | pol1z
329      !% <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;pol2x | pol2y | pol2z
330      !% <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;pol3x | pol3y | pol3z
331      !% <br>%</tt>
332      !%
333      !% <tt>Octopus</tt> uses both this block and the variable
334      !% <tt>TDPolarizationDirection</tt> to determine the polarization
335      !% vector for the run. For example, if
336      !% <tt>TDPolarizationDirection=2</tt> the polarization <tt>(pol2x,
337      !% pol2y, pol2z)</tt> would be used.
338      !% These directions may not be in periodic directions.
339      !%
340      !% The default value for <tt>TDPolarization</tt> is the three
341      !% Cartesian unit vectors (1,0,0), (0,1,0), and (0,0,1).
342      !%
343      !% Note that the directions do not necessarily need to be perpendicular
344      !% when symmetries are used.
345      !%
346      !% WARNING: If you want to obtain the cross-section tensor, the
347      !% <tt>TDPolarization</tt> block must be exactly the same for the run in
348      !% each direction. The direction must be selected by the
349      !% <tt>TDPolarizationDirection</tt> variable.
350      !%
351      !%End
353      kick%pol(:, :) = M_ZERO
354      if(parse_block(namespace, 'TDPolarization', blk)==0) then
355        n_rows = parse_block_n(blk)
357        if(n_rows < dim) call messages_input_error(namespace, 'TDPolarization')
359        do irow = 1, n_rows
360          do idir = 1, 3
361            call parse_block_float(blk, irow - 1, idir - 1, kick%pol(idir, irow))
362          end do
363        end do
364        if(n_rows < 3) kick%pol(1:3, 3) = (/ M_ZERO, M_ZERO, M_ONE /)
365        if(n_rows < 2) kick%pol(1:3, 2) = (/ M_ZERO, M_ONE, M_ZERO /)
366        call parse_block_end(blk)
367      else
368        ! FIXME: Here the symmetry of the system should be analyzed, and the polarization
369        ! basis built accordingly.
370        kick%pol(1:3, 1) = (/ M_ONE,  M_ZERO, M_ZERO /)
371        kick%pol(1:3, 2) = (/ M_ZERO, M_ONE,  M_ZERO /)
372        kick%pol(1:3, 3) = (/ M_ZERO, M_ZERO, M_ONE  /)
373      end if
375      ! Normalize
376      do idir = 1, 3
377        kick%pol(1:3, idir) = kick%pol(1:3, idir) / sqrt(sum(kick%pol(1:3, idir)**2))
378      end do
380      if(kick%delta_strength_mode /= KICK_MAGNON_MODE) then
381        if(any(abs(kick%pol(1:periodic_dim, :)) > M_EPSILON)) then
382          message(1) = "Kick cannot be applied in a periodic direction. Use GaugeVectorField instead."
383          call messages_fatal(1, namespace=namespace)
384        end if
385      end if
387      !%Variable TDPolarizationWprime
388      !%Type block
389      !%Section Time-Dependent::Response::Dipole
390      !%Description
391      !% This block is needed only when
392      !% <tt>TDPolarizationEquivAxes</tt> is set to 3.  In such a case,
393      !% the three directions (<i>pol1</i>, <i>pol2</i>, and <i>pol3</i>) defined in
394      !% the <tt>TDPolarization</tt> block should be related by symmetry
395      !% operations. If <i>A</i> is the symmetry operation that takes you
396      !% from <i>pol1</i> to <i>pol2</i>, then <tt>TDPolarizationWprime</tt>
397      !% should be set to the direction defined by <i>A</i><math>^{-1}</math><i>pol3</i>.
398      !% For more information see MJT Oliveira
399      !% <i>et al.</i>, <i>J. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology</i> <b>8</b>,
400      !% 3392 (2008).
401      !%End
402      if(parse_block(namespace, 'TDPolarizationWprime', blk)==0) then
403        do idir = 1, 3
404          call parse_block_float(blk, 0, idir - 1, kick%wprime(idir))
405        end do
406        kick%wprime(1:3) = kick%wprime(1:3) / sqrt(sum(kick%wprime(1:3)**2))
407        call parse_block_end(blk)
408      else
409        kick%wprime(1:3) = (/ M_ZERO, M_ZERO, M_ONE /)
410      end if
411    end if
413    ! for non-dipole, it is more complicated to check whether it is actually in the periodic direction
414    if(periodic_dim > 0 .and. kick%delta_strength_mode /= KICK_MAGNON_MODE) then
415      message(1) = "Kicks cannot be applied correctly in periodic directions."
416      call messages_warning(1, namespace=namespace)
417    end if
419    !%Variable TDMomentumTransfer
420    !%Type block
421    !%Section Time-Dependent::Response
422    !%Description
423    !% Momentum-transfer vector for the calculation of the dynamic structure factor.
424    !% When this variable is set, a non-dipole field is applied, and an output file
425    !% <tt>ftchd</tt> is created (it contains the Fourier transform of the charge density
426    !% at each time). The type of the applied external field can be set by
427    !% an optional last number. Possible options are <tt>qexp</tt> (default), <tt>qcos</tt>,
428    !% <tt>qsin</tt>, or <tt>qcos+qsin</tt>. In the formulae below,
429    !% <math>\vec{q}</math> is the momentum-transfer vector.
430    !%Option qexp 1
431    !% External field is <math>e^{i \vec{q} \cdot \vec{r}}</math>.
432    !%Option qcos 2
433    !% External field is <math>\cos \left( i \vec{q} \cdot \vec{r} \right)</math>.
434    !%Option qsin 3
435    !% External field is <math>\sin \left( i \vec{q} \cdot \vec{r} \right)</math>.
436    !%Option qbessel 4
437    !% External field is <math>j_l \left( \vec{q} \cdot \vec{r} \right) Y_{lm} \left(\vec{r} \right)</math>.
438    !% In this case, the block has to include two extra values (<i>l</i> and <i>m</i>).
439    !%End
441    if(parse_block(namespace, 'TDMomentumTransfer', blk)==0) then
442      kick%nqvec = 1
443      SAFE_ALLOCATE(kick%qvector(1:MAX_DIM,1))
444      do idir = 1, MAX_DIM
445        call parse_block_float(blk, 0, idir - 1, kick%qvector(idir,1))
446        kick%qvector(idir,1) = units_to_atomic(unit_one / units_inp%length, kick%qvector(idir,1))
447      end do
449      ! Read the calculation mode (exp, cos, sin, or bessel)
450      if(parse_block_cols(blk, 0) > MAX_DIM) then
452        call parse_block_integer(blk, 0, idir - 1, kick%qkick_mode)
454        ! Read l and m if bessel mode (j_l*Y_lm) is used
455        if(kick%qkick_mode == QKICKMODE_BESSEL .and. parse_block_cols(blk, 0) == MAX_DIM+3) then
456          call parse_block_integer(blk, 0, idir + 0, kick%qbessel_l)
457          call parse_block_integer(blk, 0, idir + 1, kick%qbessel_m)
458        else
459          kick%qbessel_l = 0
460          kick%qbessel_m = 0
461        end if
463      else
464        kick%qkick_mode = QKICKMODE_EXP
465      end if
467      call parse_block_end(blk)
469      if(sb%kpoints%use_symmetries) then
470        do iop = 1, symmetries_number(sb%symm)
471          if(iop == symmetries_identity_index(sb%symm)) cycle
472          if(.not. symm_op_invariant_cart(sb%symm%ops(iop), kick%qvector(:,1), CNST(1e-5))) then
473            message(1) = "The TDMomentumTransfer breaks (at least) one of the symmetries used to reduce the k-points."
474            message(2) = "Set SymmetryBreakDir equal to TDMomemtumTransfer."
475            call messages_fatal(2, namespace=namespace)
476          end if
477        end do
478      end if
480    else
481      kick%qkick_mode = QKICKMODE_NONE
482      kick%nqvec = 1
483      SAFE_ALLOCATE(kick%qvector(1:MAX_DIM,1))
484      kick%qvector(:,1) = M_ZERO
485    end if
487    kick%qlength = sqrt(sum(kick%qvector(:,1)**2))
489    if(kick%delta_strength_mode == KICK_MAGNON_MODE) then
490      !%Variable TDEasyAxis
491      !%Type block
492      !%Section Time-Dependent::Response::Dipole
493      !%Description
494      !% For magnon kicks only.
495      !% This variable defines the direction of the easy axis of the crystal.
496      !% The magnetization is kicked in the plane transverse to this vector
497      !%End
498      if(parse_block(namespace, 'TDEasyAxis', blk)==0) then
499        n_rows = parse_block_n(blk)
501        do idir = 1, 3
502          call parse_block_float(blk, 0, idir - 1, kick%easy_axis(idir))
503        end do
504        norm = sqrt(sum(kick%easy_axis(1:3)**2))
505        if(norm < CNST(1e-9)) then
506          message(1) = "TDEasyAxis norm is too small."
507          call messages_fatal(1, namespace=namespace)
508        end if
509        kick%easy_axis(1:3) = kick%easy_axis(1:3)/norm
510        call parse_block_end(blk)
511      else
512        message(1) = "For magnons, the variable TDEasyAxis must be defined."
513        call messages_fatal(1, namespace=namespace)
514      end if
516      !We first two vectors defining a basis in the transverse plane
517      !For this we take two vectors not align with the first one
518      !and we perform a Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization
519      kick%trans_vec(1,1) = -kick%easy_axis(2)
520      kick%trans_vec(2,1) = M_TWO*kick%easy_axis(3)
521      kick%trans_vec(3,1) = M_THREE*kick%easy_axis(1)
523      dot = sum(kick%easy_axis(1:3)*kick%trans_vec(1:3,1))
524      kick%trans_vec(1:3,1) = kick%trans_vec(1:3,1) - dot*kick%easy_axis(1:3)
525      norm = sum(kick%trans_vec(1:3,1)**2)
526      kick%trans_vec(1:3,1) = kick%trans_vec(1:3,1)/sqrt(norm)
528      !To get a direct basis, the last vector is obtained by the cross product
529      kick%trans_vec(1,2) = kick%easy_axis(2) * kick%trans_vec(3,1) - kick%easy_axis(3) * kick%trans_vec(2,1)
530      kick%trans_vec(2,2) = kick%easy_axis(3) * kick%trans_vec(1,1) - kick%easy_axis(1) * kick%trans_vec(3,1)
531      kick%trans_vec(3,2) = kick%easy_axis(1) * kick%trans_vec(2,1) - kick%easy_axis(2) * kick%trans_vec(1,1)
533      !The perturbation direction is defined as
534      !cos(q.r)*uvec + sin(q.r)*vvec
537      if(parse_is_defined(namespace, 'TDMomentumTransfer') &
538            .and. parse_is_defined(namespace, 'TDMultipleMomentumTransfer')) then
539        message(1) = "TDMomentumTransfer and TDMultipleMomentumTransfer cannot be defined at the same time."
540        call messages_fatal(1, namespace=namespace)
541      end if
543      if(parse_is_defined(namespace, 'TDMultipleMomentumTransfer')) then
545        kick%qkick_mode = QKICKMODE_EXP
547        !%Variable TDMultipleMomentumTransfer
548        !%Type block
549        !%Section Time-Dependent::Response
550        !%Description
551        !% For magnon kicks only.
552        !% A simple way to specify momentum-transfer vectors for the calculation of
553        !% the magnetization dynamics. This variable should be used for a supercell.
554        !% For each reciprocal lattice vectors, the code will kick the original magnetization
555        !% using all the multiples of it.
556        !% The syntax reads:
557        !%
558        !% <tt>%TDMultipleMomentumTransfer
559        !% <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;N_x | N_y | N_z
560        !% <br>%</tt>
561        !%
562        !% and will include the (2N_x+1)*(2N_y+1)*(2N_z+1) multiples vectors of the reciprocal
563        !% lattice vectors of the current cell.
564        !%End
565        if(parse_block(namespace, 'TDMultipleMomentumTransfer', blk) /= 0) then
566          write(message(1),'(a)') 'Internal error while reading TDMultipleMomentumTransfer.'
567          call messages_fatal(1, namespace=namespace)
568        end if
570        do idir = 1, 3
571          call parse_block_integer(blk, 0, idir-1, kick%nqmult(idir))
572        end do
574        call parse_block_end(blk)
577        kick%nqvec = (2*kick%nqmult(1)+1)*(2*kick%nqmult(2)+1)*(2*kick%nqmult(3)+1)
578        !qvector has been allocated by default to a null vector before
579        SAFE_DEALLOCATE_A(kick%qvector)
580        SAFE_ALLOCATE(kick%qvector(1:MAX_DIM, 1:kick%nqvec))
581        iq = 0
582        do iqx = -kick%nqmult(1), kick%nqmult(1)
583          do iqy = -kick%nqmult(2), kick%nqmult(2)
584            do iqz = -kick%nqmult(3), kick%nqmult(3)
585              iq = iq + 1
586              qtemp(1:3) = (/iqx, iqy, iqz/)
587              call kpoints_to_absolute(sb%klattice, qtemp, kick%qvector(1:3, iq), 3)
589              !Checking symmetries for all G vectors
590              if(sb%kpoints%use_symmetries) then
591                do iop = 1, symmetries_number(sb%symm)
592                  if(iop == symmetries_identity_index(sb%symm)) cycle
593                  if(.not. symm_op_invariant_cart(sb%symm%ops(iop), kick%qvector(:,iq), CNST(1e-5))) then
594                    message(1) = "The TDMultipleMomentumTransfer breaks (at least) one " &
595                                      // "of the symmetries used to reduce the k-points."
596                    message(2) = "Set SymmetryBreakDir accordingly."
597                    call messages_fatal(2, namespace=namespace)
598                  end if
599                end do
600              end if
601            end do
602          end do
603        end do
605      end if
607    else
608      kick%easy_axis(1:MAX_DIM) = M_ZERO
609    end if
611    if(kick%delta_strength_mode == KICK_MAGNON_MODE .and. kick%qkick_mode /= QKICKMODE_EXP) then
612      message(1) = "For magnons, the kick mode must be exponential."
613      call messages_fatal(1, namespace=namespace)
614    end if
616    POP_SUB(kick_init)
617  end subroutine kick_init
620  ! ---------------------------------------------------------
621  subroutine kick_copy(kick_out, kick_in)
622    type(kick_t), intent(inout) :: kick_out
623    type(kick_t), intent(in)    :: kick_in
625    PUSH_SUB(kick_copy)
627    kick_out%time = kick_in%time
629    kick_out%delta_strength_mode = kick_in%delta_strength_mode
630    kick_out%delta_strength = kick_in%delta_strength
632    !> In case we use a normal dipole kick:
633    kick_out%pol(1:MAX_DIM, 1:MAX_DIM) = kick_in%pol(1:MAX_DIM, 1:MAX_DIM)
634    kick_out%pol_dir = kick_in%pol_dir
635    kick_out%pol_equiv_axes = kick_in%pol_equiv_axes
636    kick_out%wprime(1:MAX_DIM) = kick_in%wprime(1:MAX_DIM)
638    !> In case we have a general multipolar kick,
639    kick_out%n_multipoles = kick_in%n_multipoles
640    if (kick_out%n_multipoles > 0) then
641      SAFE_ALLOCATE(kick_out%l(1:kick_out%n_multipoles))
642      SAFE_ALLOCATE(kick_out%m(1:kick_out%n_multipoles))
643      SAFE_ALLOCATE(kick_out%weight(1:kick_out%n_multipoles))
644      kick_out%l = kick_in%l
645      kick_out%m = kick_in%m
646      kick_out%weight = kick_in%weight
647    end if
648    kick_out%nqvec = kick_in%nqvec
649    SAFE_ALLOCATE(kick_out%qvector(1:MAX_DIM, 1:kick_in%nqvec))
650    kick_out%qvector(1:MAX_DIM, 1:kick_in%nqvec) = kick_in%qvector(1:MAX_DIM, 1:kick_in%nqvec)
651    kick_out%qlength = kick_in%qlength
652    kick_out%qkick_mode = kick_in%qkick_mode
653    kick_out%qbessel_l = kick_in%qbessel_l
654    kick_out%qbessel_m = kick_in%qbessel_m
656    !> In case we use a general function
657    kick_out%function_mode = kick_in%function_mode
658    kick_out%user_defined_function = kick_in%user_defined_function
660    kick_out%easy_axis(1:MAX_DIM) = kick_in%easy_axis(1:MAX_DIM)
662    POP_SUB(kick_copy)
663  end subroutine kick_copy
665  ! ---------------------------------------------------------
666  subroutine kick_end(kick)
667    type(kick_t), intent(inout) :: kick
669    PUSH_SUB(kick_end)
671    kick%delta_strength_mode = 0
672    kick%pol_equiv_axes = 0
673    kick%pol = M_ZERO
674    kick%pol_dir = 0
675    kick%wprime = M_ZERO
676    if (kick%n_multipoles > 0) then
677      SAFE_DEALLOCATE_P(kick%l)
678      SAFE_DEALLOCATE_P(kick%m)
679      SAFE_DEALLOCATE_P(kick%weight)
680    end if
681    kick%n_multipoles = 0
682    kick%qkick_mode = QKICKMODE_NONE
683    SAFE_DEALLOCATE_A(kick%qvector)
684    kick%easy_axis(1:MAX_DIM) = M_ZERO
686    POP_SUB(kick_end)
687  end subroutine kick_end
689  ! ---------------------------------------------------------
690  subroutine kick_read(kick, iunit, namespace)
691    type(kick_t),      intent(inout) :: kick
692    integer,           intent(in)    :: iunit
693    type(namespace_t), intent(in)    :: namespace
695    integer :: im, ierr
696    character(len=100) :: line
698    PUSH_SUB(kick_read)
700    kick%function_mode = -1
702    read(iunit, '(15x,i2)')     kick%delta_strength_mode
703    read(iunit, '(15x,f18.12)') kick%delta_strength
704    read(iunit, '(a)') line
705    if(index(line,'defined') /= 0) then
706      kick%function_mode = KICK_FUNCTION_USER_DEFINED
707      ! "# User defined: "
708      read(line,'(16x,a)') kick%user_defined_function
709    elseif(index(line,'multipole') /= 0) then
710      kick%function_mode = KICK_FUNCTION_MULTIPOLE
711      ! "# N multipoles "
712      read(line, '(15x,i3)') kick%n_multipoles
713      SAFE_ALLOCATE(     kick%l(1:kick%n_multipoles))
714      SAFE_ALLOCATE(     kick%m(1:kick%n_multipoles))
715      SAFE_ALLOCATE(kick%weight(1:kick%n_multipoles))
716      do im = 1, kick%n_multipoles
717        ! "# multipole    "
718        read(iunit, '(15x,2i3,f18.12)') kick%l(im), kick%m(im), kick%weight(im)
719      end do
720    else
721      kick%function_mode = KICK_FUNCTION_DIPOLE
722      kick%n_multipoles = 0
723      nullify(kick%l)
724      nullify(kick%m)
725      backspace(iunit)
727      read(iunit, '(15x,3f18.12)') kick%pol(1:3, 1)
728      read(iunit, '(15x,3f18.12)') kick%pol(1:3, 2)
729      read(iunit, '(15x,3f18.12)') kick%pol(1:3, 3)
730      read(iunit, '(15x,i2)')      kick%pol_dir
731      read(iunit, '(15x,i2)')      kick%pol_equiv_axes
732      read(iunit, '(15x,3f18.12)') kick%wprime(1:3)
733    end if
734    if(kick%delta_strength_mode == KICK_MAGNON_MODE) then
735      read(iunit, '(15x,i3)') kick%nqvec
736      SAFE_ALLOCATE(kick%qvector(1:MAX_DIM, 1:kick%nqvec))
737      do im = 1, kick%nqvec
738        read(iunit, '(15x,3f18.12)') kick%qvector(1:3, im)
739      end do
740      read(iunit, '(15x,3f18.12)')   kick%easy_axis(1:3)
741      read(iunit, '(15x,3f18.12)')   kick%trans_vec(1:3,1)
742      read(iunit, '(15x,3f18.12)')   kick%trans_vec(1:3,2)
743    end if
744    read(iunit, '(15x,f18.12)', iostat = ierr) kick%time
746    if(ierr /= 0) then
747      kick%time = M_ZERO
748      backspace(iunit)
749    end if
751    if (kick%function_mode < 0) then
752      message(1) = "No kick could be read from file."
753      call messages_fatal(1, namespace=namespace)
754    end if
756    POP_SUB(kick_read)
757  end subroutine kick_read
760  ! ---------------------------------------------------------
761  subroutine kick_write(kick, iunit, out)
762    type(kick_t),          intent(in)    :: kick
763    integer,    optional,  intent(in)    :: iunit
764    type(c_ptr), optional, intent(inout) :: out
766    integer :: im
767    character(len=120) :: aux
769    PUSH_SUB(kick_write)
771    if(present(iunit)) then
772      write(iunit, '(a15,i1)')      '# kick mode    ', kick%delta_strength_mode
773      write(iunit, '(a15,f18.12)')  '# kick strength', kick%delta_strength
774       ! if this were to be read by humans, we would want units_from_atomic(units_out%length**(-1))
775      if(kick%function_mode  ==  KICK_FUNCTION_USER_DEFINED) then
776        write(iunit,'(a15,1x,a)')     '# User defined:', trim(kick%user_defined_function)
777      elseif(kick%n_multipoles > 0) then
778        write(iunit, '(a15,i3)')    '# N multipoles ', kick%n_multipoles
779        do im = 1, kick%n_multipoles
780          write(iunit, '(a15,2i3,f18.12)') '# multipole    ', kick%l(im), kick%m(im), kick%weight(im)
781        end do
782      else
783        write(iunit, '(a15,3f18.12)') '# pol(1)       ', kick%pol(1:3, 1)
784        write(iunit, '(a15,3f18.12)') '# pol(2)       ', kick%pol(1:3, 2)
785        write(iunit, '(a15,3f18.12)') '# pol(3)       ', kick%pol(1:3, 3)
786        write(iunit, '(a15,i1)')      '# direction    ', kick%pol_dir
787        write(iunit, '(a15,i1)')      '# Equiv. axes  ', kick%pol_equiv_axes
788        write(iunit, '(a15,3f18.12)') '# wprime       ', kick%wprime(1:3)
789      end if
790      write(iunit, '(a15,f18.12)') "# kick time    ", kick%time
792    else if(present(out)) then
793      write(aux, '(a15,i2)')      '# kick mode    ', kick%delta_strength_mode
794      call write_iter_string(out, aux)
795      call write_iter_nl(out)
796      write(aux, '(a15,f18.12)')  '# kick strength', kick%delta_strength
797      call write_iter_string(out, aux)
798      call write_iter_nl(out)
799      if(kick%function_mode  ==  KICK_FUNCTION_USER_DEFINED) then
800        write(aux,'(a15,1x,a)')     '# User defined:', trim(kick%user_defined_function)
801        call write_iter_string(out, aux)
802        call write_iter_nl(out)
803      elseif(kick%n_multipoles > 0) then
804        write(aux, '(a15,i3)')      '# N multipoles ', kick%n_multipoles
805        call write_iter_string(out, aux)
806        call write_iter_nl(out)
807        do im = 1, kick%n_multipoles
808          write(aux, '(a15,2i3,f18.12)') '# multipole    ', kick%l(im), kick%m(im), kick%weight(im)
809          call write_iter_string(out, aux)
810          call write_iter_nl(out)
811        end do
812      else
813        write(aux, '(a15,3f18.12)') '# pol(1)       ', kick%pol(1:3, 1)
814        call write_iter_string(out, aux)
815        call write_iter_nl(out)
816        write(aux, '(a15,3f18.12)') '# pol(2)       ', kick%pol(1:3, 2)
817        call write_iter_string(out, aux)
818        call write_iter_nl(out)
819        write(aux, '(a15,3f18.12)') '# pol(3)       ', kick%pol(1:3, 3)
820        call write_iter_string(out, aux)
821        call write_iter_nl(out)
822        write(aux, '(a15,i2)')      '# direction    ', kick%pol_dir
823        call write_iter_string(out, aux)
824        call write_iter_nl(out)
825        write(aux, '(a15,i2)')      '# Equiv. axes  ', kick%pol_equiv_axes
826        call write_iter_string(out, aux)
827        call write_iter_nl(out)
828        write(aux, '(a15,3f18.12)') '# wprime       ', kick%wprime(1:3)
829        call write_iter_string(out, aux)
830        call write_iter_nl(out)
831      end if
832      if(present(out) .and. kick%delta_strength_mode == KICK_MAGNON_MODE) then
833        write(aux, '(a15,i3)')      '# N q-vectors  ', kick%nqvec
834        call write_iter_string(out, aux)
835        call write_iter_nl(out)
836        do im = 1, kick%nqvec
837          write(aux, '(a15,3f18.12)') '# q-vector     ', kick%qvector(1:3, im)
838          call write_iter_string(out, aux)
839          call write_iter_nl(out)
840        end do
841        write(aux, '(a15,3f18.12)')   '# Easy axis    ', kick%easy_axis(1:3)
842        call write_iter_string(out, aux)
843        call write_iter_nl(out)
844        write(aux, '(a15,3f18.12)')   '# Trans. dir 1 ', kick%trans_vec(1:3,1)
845        call write_iter_string(out, aux)
846        call write_iter_nl(out)
847        write(aux, '(a15,3f18.12)')   '# Trans. dir 2 ', kick%trans_vec(1:3,2)
848        call write_iter_string(out, aux)
849        call write_iter_nl(out)
850      end if
851      write(aux, '(a15,f18.12)') "# kick time    ", kick%time
852      call write_iter_string(out, aux)
853      call write_iter_nl(out)
855    end if
857    POP_SUB(kick_write)
858  end subroutine kick_write
861  ! ---------------------------------------------------------
862  !
863  subroutine kick_function_get(mesh, kick, kick_function, iq, to_interpolate)
864    type(mesh_t),         intent(in)    :: mesh
865    type(kick_t),         intent(in)    :: kick
866    CMPLX,                intent(out)   :: kick_function(:)
867    integer,              intent(in)    :: iq
868    logical, optional,    intent(in)    :: to_interpolate
870    integer :: ip, im
871    FLOAT   :: xx(MAX_DIM)
872    FLOAT   :: rkick, ikick, rr, ylm
874    integer :: np
876    PUSH_SUB(kick_function_get)
878    np = mesh%np
879    if(present(to_interpolate)) then
880      if(to_interpolate) np = mesh%np_part
881    end if
883    if(abs(kick%qlength) > M_EPSILON .or. kick%delta_strength_mode == KICK_MAGNON_MODE) then ! q-vector is set
885      select case (kick%qkick_mode)
886        case (QKICKMODE_COS)
887          write(message(1), '(a,3F9.5,a)') 'Info: Using cos(q.r) field with q = (', kick%qvector(1:3, iq), ')'
888        case (QKICKMODE_SIN)
889          write(message(1), '(a,3F9.5,a)') 'Info: Using sin(q.r) field with q = (', kick%qvector(1:3, iq), ')'
891          write(message(1), '(a,3F9.5,a)') 'Info: Using sin(q.r)+cos(q.r) field with q = (', kick%qvector(1:3, iq), ')'
892        case (QKICKMODE_EXP)
893          write(message(1), '(a,3F9.5,a)') 'Info: Using exp(iq.r) field with q = (', kick%qvector(1:3, iq), ')'
894        case (QKICKMODE_BESSEL)
895          write(message(1), '(a,I2,a,I2,a,F9.5)') 'Info: Using j_l(qr)*Y_lm(r) field with (l,m)= (', &
896            kick%qbessel_l, ",", kick%qbessel_m,') and q = ', kick%qlength
897        case default
898           write(message(1), '(a,3F9.6,a)') 'Info: Unknown field type!'
899      end select
900      call messages_info(1)
902      kick_function = M_z0
903      do ip = 1, np
904        call mesh_r(mesh, ip, rr, coords = xx)
905        select case (kick%qkick_mode)
906          case (QKICKMODE_COS)
907            kick_function(ip) = kick_function(ip) + cos(sum(kick%qvector(:, iq) * xx(:)))
908          case (QKICKMODE_SIN)
909            kick_function(ip) = kick_function(ip) + sin(sum(kick%qvector(:, iq) * xx(:)))
911            kick_function(ip) = kick_function(ip) + sin(sum(kick%qvector(:, iq) * xx(:)))
912          case (QKICKMODE_EXP)
913            kick_function(ip) = kick_function(ip) + exp(M_zI * sum(kick%qvector(:, iq) * xx(:)))
914          case (QKICKMODE_BESSEL)
915            call grylmr(mesh%x(ip, 1), mesh%x(ip, 2), mesh%x(ip, 3), kick%qbessel_l, kick%qbessel_m, ylm)
916              kick_function(ip) = kick_function(ip) + loct_sph_bessel(kick%qbessel_l, kick%qlength*sqrt(sum(xx(:)**2)))*ylm
917        end select
918      end do
920    else
921      if(kick%function_mode  ==  KICK_FUNCTION_USER_DEFINED) then
923        kick_function = M_z0
924        do ip = 1, np
925          call mesh_r(mesh, ip, rr, coords = xx)
926            rkick = M_ZERO; ikick = M_ZERO
927          call parse_expression(rkick, ikick, mesh%sb%dim, xx, rr, M_ZERO, trim(kick%user_defined_function))
928            kick_function(ip) = rkick
929        end do
931      elseif(kick%n_multipoles > 0) then
933        kick_function = M_z0
934        do im = 1, kick%n_multipoles
935          do ip = 1, np
936            call mesh_r(mesh, ip, rr, coords = xx)
937            call loct_ylm(1, xx(1), xx(2), xx(3), kick%l(im), kick%m(im), ylm)
938              kick_function(ip) = kick_function(ip) + kick%weight(im) * (rr**kick%l(im)) * ylm
939          end do
940        end do
941      else
942        do ip = 1, np
943          kick_function(ip) = sum(mesh%x(ip, 1:mesh%sb%dim) * &
944            kick%pol(1:mesh%sb%dim, kick%pol_dir))
945        end do
946      end if
947    end if
949    POP_SUB(kick_function_get)
950  end subroutine kick_function_get
953  ! ---------------------------------------------------------
954  !
955  subroutine kick_pcm_function_get(mesh, kick, psolver, pcm, kick_pcm_function)
956    type(mesh_t),         intent(in)    :: mesh
957    type(kick_t),         intent(in)    :: kick
958    type(poisson_t),      intent(in)    :: psolver
959    type(pcm_t),          intent(inout) :: pcm
960    CMPLX,                intent(out)   :: kick_pcm_function(:)
962    CMPLX, allocatable :: kick_function_interpolate(:)
963    FLOAT, allocatable :: kick_function_real(:)
965    PUSH_SUB(kick_pcm_function_get)
967    kick_pcm_function = M_ZERO
968    if ( pcm%localf ) then
969      SAFE_ALLOCATE(kick_function_interpolate(1:mesh%np_part))
970      kick_function_interpolate = M_ZERO
971      call kick_function_get(mesh, kick, kick_function_interpolate, 1, to_interpolate = .true.)
972      SAFE_ALLOCATE(kick_function_real(1:mesh%np_part))
973      kick_function_real = DREAL(kick_function_interpolate)
974      if ( pcm%kick_like ) then
975        ! computing kick-like polarization due to kick
976        call pcm_calc_pot_rs(pcm, mesh, psolver, kick = kick%delta_strength * kick_function_real, kick_time = .true.)
977      else if ( .not.pcm%kick_like .and. pcm%which_eps == PCM_DEBYE_MODEL) then
978        ! computing the kick-like part of polarization due to kick for Debye dielectric model
979        pcm%kick_like = .true.
980        call pcm_calc_pot_rs(pcm, mesh, psolver, kick = kick%delta_strength * kick_function_real, kick_time = .true.)
981        pcm%kick_like = .false.
982      else if ( .not.pcm%kick_like .and. pcm%which_eps == PCM_DRUDE_MODEL ) then
983        POP_SUB(kick_pcm_function_get)
984        return
985      end if
986      kick_pcm_function = pcm%v_kick_rs / kick%delta_strength
987    end if
989    POP_SUB(kick_pcm_function_get)
990  end subroutine kick_pcm_function_get
993  ! ---------------------------------------------------------
994  !> Applies the delta-function electric field \f$ E(t) = E_0 \Delta(t) \f$
995  !! where \f$ E_0 = \frac{- k \hbar}{e} \f$ k = kick\%delta_strength.
996  subroutine kick_apply(mesh, st, ions, geo, kick, psolver, pcm)
997    type(mesh_t),          intent(in)    :: mesh
998    type(states_elec_t),   intent(inout) :: st
999    type(ion_dynamics_t),  intent(in)    :: ions
1000    type(geometry_t),      intent(inout) :: geo
1001    type(kick_t),          intent(in)    :: kick
1002    type(poisson_t),       intent(in)    :: psolver
1003    type(pcm_t), optional, intent(inout) :: pcm
1005    integer :: iqn, ist, idim, ip, ispin, iatom
1006    CMPLX   :: cc(2), kick_value
1007    CMPLX, allocatable :: kick_function(:), psi(:, :)
1009    CMPLX, allocatable :: kick_pcm_function(:)
1010    integer :: ns, iq
1011    FLOAT :: uvec(MAX_DIM), vvec(MAX_DIM), Gvec(MAX_DIM,MAX_DIM)
1012    FLOAT :: xx(MAX_DIM), rr
1014    PUSH_SUB(kick_apply)
1016    ! The wavefunctions at time delta t read
1017    ! psi(delta t) = psi(t) exp(i k x)
1018    delta_strength: if(kick%delta_strength /= M_ZERO) then
1020      SAFE_ALLOCATE(kick_function(1:mesh%np))
1021      if(kick%delta_strength_mode /= KICK_MAGNON_MODE .or. kick%nqvec == 1) then
1022        call kick_function_get(mesh, kick, kick_function, 1)
1023      end if
1025      ! PCM - computing polarization due to kick
1026      if( present(pcm) ) then
1027        SAFE_ALLOCATE(kick_pcm_function(1:mesh%np))
1028        call kick_pcm_function_get(mesh, kick, psolver, pcm, kick_pcm_function)
1029        kick_function = kick_function + kick_pcm_function
1030      end if
1032      write(message(1),'(a,f11.6)') 'Info: Applying delta kick: k = ', kick%delta_strength
1033      select case (kick%function_mode)
1034      case (KICK_FUNCTION_DIPOLE)
1035        message(2) = "Info: kick function: dipole."
1037        message(2) = "Info: kick function: multipoles."
1039        message(2) = "Info: kick function: user defined function."
1040      end select
1041      select case (kick%delta_strength_mode)
1042      case (KICK_DENSITY_MODE)
1043        message(3) = "Info: Delta kick mode: Density mode"
1044      case (KICK_SPIN_MODE)
1045        message(3) = "Info: Delta kick mode: Spin mode"
1046      case (KICK_SPIN_DENSITY_MODE)
1047        message(3) = "Info: Delta kick mode: Density + Spin modes"
1048      end select
1049      call messages_info(3)
1051      ns = 1
1052      if(st%d%nspin == 2) ns = 2
1054      SAFE_ALLOCATE(psi(1:mesh%np, 1:st%d%dim))
1056      if(kick%delta_strength_mode /= KICK_MAGNON_MODE) then
1058        do iqn = st%d%kpt%start, st%d%kpt%end
1059          do ist = st%st_start, st%st_end
1060            call states_elec_get_state(st, mesh, ist, iqn, psi)
1062            select case (kick%delta_strength_mode)
1063            case (KICK_DENSITY_MODE)
1064              do idim = 1, st%d%dim
1065                do ip = 1, mesh%np
1066                  psi(ip, idim) = exp(M_zI*kick%delta_strength*kick_function(ip))*psi(ip, idim)
1067                end do
1068              end do
1070            case (KICK_SPIN_MODE)
1071              ispin = states_elec_dim_get_spin_index(st%d, iqn)
1072              do ip = 1, mesh%np
1073                kick_value = M_zI*kick%delta_strength*kick_function(ip)
1075                cc(1) = exp(kick_value)
1076                cc(2) = exp(-kick_value)
1078                select case (st%d%ispin)
1079                case (SPIN_POLARIZED)
1080                  psi(ip, 1) = cc(ispin)*psi(ip, 1)
1081                case (SPINORS)
1082                  psi(ip, 1) = cc(1)*psi(ip, 1)
1083                  psi(ip, 2) = cc(2)*psi(ip, 2)
1084                end select
1085              end do
1087            case (KICK_SPIN_DENSITY_MODE)
1088              do ip = 1, mesh%np
1089                kick_value = M_zI*kick%delta_strength*kick_function(ip)
1090                cc(1) = exp(M_TWO*kick_value)
1092                select case (st%d%ispin)
1093                case (SPIN_POLARIZED)
1094                  if(is_spin_up(iqn)) then
1095                    psi(ip, 1) = cc(1)*psi(ip, 1)
1096                  end if
1097                case (SPINORS)
1098                  psi(ip, 1) = cc(1)*psi(ip, 1)
1099                end select
1100              end do
1101            end select
1103            call states_elec_set_state(st, mesh, ist, iqn, psi)
1105          end do
1106        end do
1108      else
1109        ASSERT(st%d%ispin==SPINORS)
1111        if(kick%nqvec == 1) then
1112          !The perturbation direction is defined as
1113          !cos(q.r)*uvec + sin(q.r)*vvec
1114          uvec(1:3) = kick%trans_vec(1:3,1)
1115          vvec(1:3) = kick%trans_vec(1:3,2)
1117          do iqn = st%d%kpt%start, st%d%kpt%end, ns
1118            do ist = st%st_start, st%st_end
1120              call states_elec_get_state(st, mesh, ist, iqn, psi)
1122              do ip = 1, mesh%np
1124                cc(1) = psi(ip, 1)
1125                cc(2) = psi(ip, 2)
1127                !First part: 1I*cos(\lambda)
1128                psi(ip, 1) = cos(kick%delta_strength)* cc(1)
1129                psi(ip, 2) = cos(kick%delta_strength)* cc(2)
1131                !We now add -i sin(\lambda) u.\sigma
1132                !           (u_z      u_x-i*u_y)            (v_z         v_x-i*v_y)
1133                ! =cos(q.r) (                  )  + sin(q.r)(                     )
1134                !           (u_x+i*u_y  -u_z   )            (v_x+i*v_y   -v_z     )
1135                psi(ip, 1) = psi(ip, 1) -M_zI*sin(kick%delta_strength)*( TOFLOAT(kick_function(ip)) &
1136                                  * (uvec(3)*cc(1) + (uvec(1)-M_zI*uvec(2))*cc(2)) &
1137                       + aimag(kick_function(ip)) * (vvec(3)*cc(1) + (vvec(1)-M_zI*vvec(2))*cc(2)))
1138                psi(ip, 2) = psi(ip, 2) -M_zI*sin(kick%delta_strength)*( TOFLOAT(kick_function(ip)) &
1139                                  * (-uvec(3)*cc(2) + (uvec(1)+M_zI*uvec(2))*cc(1)) &
1140                       + aimag(kick_function(ip)) * (-vvec(3)*cc(2) + (vvec(1)+M_zI*vvec(2))*cc(1)))
1142              end do
1144              call states_elec_set_state(st, mesh, ist, iqn, psi)
1146            end do
1147          end do
1149        else ! Multi-q kick
1151           call kpoints_to_absolute(mesh%sb%klattice, (/M_ONE,M_ZERO,M_ZERO/), Gvec(1:3, 1), 3)
1152           call kpoints_to_absolute(mesh%sb%klattice, (/M_ZERO,M_ONE,M_ZERO/), Gvec(1:3, 2), 3)
1153           call kpoints_to_absolute(mesh%sb%klattice, (/M_ZERO,M_ZERO,M_ONE/), Gvec(1:3, 3), 3)
1155           kick_function = M_ONE
1156           do ip = 1, mesh%np
1157             call mesh_r(mesh, ip, rr, coords = xx)
1158             do iq = 1, 3
1159               if(kick%nqmult(iq) == 0) cycle
1160               if(abs(sin(M_HALF*sum(Gvec(1:3, iq) * xx(1:3)))) <= M_EPSILON) cycle
1162               kick_function(ip) = kick_function(ip)*sin(M_HALF*(2*kick%nqmult(iq)+1) &
1163                     *sum(Gvec(1:3, iq) * xx(1:3)))/sin(M_HALF*sum(Gvec(1:3, iq) * xx(1:3)))
1164             end do
1165             kick_function(ip) = kick_function(ip)*kick%delta_strength
1166           end do
1168           do iqn = st%d%kpt%start, st%d%kpt%end, ns
1169            do ist = st%st_start, st%st_end
1171              call states_elec_get_state(st, mesh, ist, iqn, psi)
1173              do ip = 1, mesh%np
1175                cc(1) = psi(ip, 1)
1176                cc(2) = psi(ip, 2)
1178                !   (cos(F) + in_x sin(F)                   sin(F)(u_y (u_x-iu_y)/(1+u_z) - iu_z))
1179                ! = (                                                                            )
1180                !   (-sin(F)(u_y (u_x+iu_y)/(1+u_z)+iu_z)   cos(F) - in_x sin(F)                 )
1182                psi(ip, 1) = (cos(kick_function(ip))+M_zI*kick%easy_axis(1)*sin(kick_function(ip)))*cc(1) &
1183                        +sin(kick_function(ip))*(kick%easy_axis(2)*(kick%easy_axis(1) &
1184                        -M_zI*kick%easy_axis(2))/(1+kick%easy_axis(3))-M_zI*kick%easy_axis(3))*cc(2)
1185                psi(ip, 2) =-sin(kick_function(ip))*(kick%easy_axis(2)*(kick%easy_axis(1) &
1186                        +M_zI*kick%easy_axis(2))/(1+kick%easy_axis(3))+M_zI*kick%easy_axis(3))*cc(1) &
1187                        + (cos(kick_function(ip))-m_zI*kick%easy_axis(1)*sin(kick_function(ip)))*cc(2)
1189              end do
1191              call states_elec_set_state(st, mesh, ist, iqn, psi)
1193            end do
1194          end do
1196        end if
1197      end if
1199      SAFE_DEALLOCATE_A(psi)
1201      ! The nuclear velocities will be changed by
1202      ! Delta v_z = ( Z*e*E_0 / M) = - ( Z*k*\hbar / M)
1203      ! where M and Z are the ionic mass and charge, respectively.
1204      if(ion_dynamics_ions_move(ions)  .and. kick%delta_strength /= M_ZERO) then
1205        if(kick%delta_strength_mode /= KICK_MAGNON_MODE) then
1206          do iatom = 1, geo%natoms
1207            geo%atom(iatom)%v(1:mesh%sb%dim) = geo%atom(iatom)%v(1:mesh%sb%dim) + &
1208                 kick%delta_strength * kick%pol(1:mesh%sb%dim, kick%pol_dir) * &
1209                 P_PROTON_CHARGE * species_zval(geo%atom(iatom)%species) / &
1210                 species_mass(geo%atom(iatom)%species)
1211          end do
1212        end if
1213      end if
1215      SAFE_DEALLOCATE_A(kick_function)
1216    end if delta_strength
1218    POP_SUB(kick_apply)
1219  end subroutine kick_apply
1221  pure integer function kick_get_type(kick) result(kick_type)
1222    type(kick_t),    intent(in) :: kick
1224    kick_type = kick%delta_strength_mode
1226  end function kick_get_type
1228end module kick_oct_m
1230!! Local Variables:
1231!! mode: f90
1232!! coding: utf-8
1233!! End: