1 /**********************************************************************
2 Copyright (C) 2004 by Chris Morley for template
3 Copyright (C) 2009 by David C. Lonie for VASP
5 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License.
9 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 GNU General Public License for more details.
13 ***********************************************************************/
15 #include <openbabel/babelconfig.h>
16 #include <openbabel/obmolecformat.h>
17 #include <openbabel/mol.h>
18 #include <openbabel/atom.h>
19 #include <openbabel/bond.h>
20 #include <openbabel/obiter.h>
21 #include <openbabel/elements.h>
22 #include <openbabel/generic.h>
25 #include <limits>
26 #include <locale> // For isalpha(int)
27 #include <functional>
28 #include <iostream>
29 #include <algorithm>
30 #include <cstdlib>
32 #define EV_TO_KCAL_PER_MOL 23.060538
34 using namespace std;
35 namespace OpenBabel {
36   class VASPFormat : public OBMoleculeFormat
37   {
38   protected:
39     class compare_sort_items
40     {
41       std::vector<int> csm;
42       bool num_sort;
43     public:
compare_sort_items(const std::vector<int> & _custom_sort_nums,bool _num_sort)44       compare_sort_items(const std::vector<int> &_custom_sort_nums, bool _num_sort):
45                          csm(_custom_sort_nums), num_sort(_num_sort) {};
operator ()(const OBAtom * a,const OBAtom * b)46       bool operator()(const OBAtom *a, const OBAtom *b)
47       {
48         int a_num = a->GetAtomicNum();
49         int b_num = b->GetAtomicNum();
50         int dist = std::distance(std::find(csm.begin(), csm.end(), b_num),
51                                  std::find(csm.begin(), csm.end(), a_num));
53         if ( dist != 0)
54           return dist < 0;
56         if( (num_sort) && ( a_num - b_num != 0 ) )
57           return a_num < b_num;
59         return false;
60       }
61     };
62   public:
VASPFormat()64     VASPFormat()
65     {
66       // This will actually read the CONTCAR file:
67       OBConversion::RegisterFormat("CONTCAR",this);
68       OBConversion::RegisterFormat("POSCAR",this);
69       OBConversion::RegisterFormat("VASP",this);
70       OBConversion::RegisterOptionParam("s", this, 0, OBConversion::INOPTIONS);
71       OBConversion::RegisterOptionParam("b", this, 0, OBConversion::INOPTIONS);
72       OBConversion::RegisterOptionParam("w", this, 0, OBConversion::OUTOPTIONS);
73       OBConversion::RegisterOptionParam("z", this, 0, OBConversion::OUTOPTIONS);
74       OBConversion::RegisterOptionParam("4", this, 0, OBConversion::OUTOPTIONS);
75     }
Description()77     virtual const char* Description()
78     {
79       return
80         "VASP format\n"
81         "Reads in data from POSCAR and CONTCAR to obtain information from "
82         "VASP calculations.\n\n"
84         "Due to limitations in Open Babel's file handling, reading in VASP\n"
85         "files can be a bit tricky; the client that is using Open Babel must\n"
86         "use OBConversion::ReadFile() to begin the conversion. This change is\n"
87         "usually trivial. Also, the complete path to the CONTCAR/POSCAR file\n"
88         "must be provided, otherwise the other files needed will not be\n"
89         "found.\n\n"
91         "Both VASP 4.x and 5.x POSCAR formats are supported.\n\n"
93 	"By default, atoms are written out in the order they are present in the input\n"
94 	"molecule. To sort by atomic number specify ``-xw``. To specify the sort\n"
95 	"order, use the ``-xz`` option.\n\n"
97         "Read Options e.g. -as\n"
98         "  s Output single bonds only\n"
99         "  b Disable bonding entirely\n\n"
101         "Write Options e.g. -x4\n"
102         " w  Sort atoms by atomic number\n"
103         " z <list of atoms>  Specify the order to write out atoms\n"
104 	"       'atom1 atom2 ...': atom1 first, atom2 second, etc. The remaining\n"
105 	"       atoms are written in the default order or (if ``-xw`` is specified)\n"
106 	"       in order of atomic number.\n"
107         "  4 Write a POSCAR using the VASP 4.x specification.\n"
108         "    The default is to use the VASP 5.x specification.\n\n"
109         ;
111     };
SpecificationURL()113     virtual const char* SpecificationURL(){return "http://cms.mpi.univie.ac.at/vasp/vasp/vasp.html";};
115     /* Flags() can return be any of the following combined by |
116        or be omitted if none apply
Flags()119     virtual unsigned int Flags()
120     {
121       return READONEONLY;
122     };
SkipObjects(int n,OBConversion * pConv)124     virtual int SkipObjects(int n, OBConversion* pConv)
125     {
126       return 0;
127     };
129     ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
130     /// Declarations for the "API" interface functions. Definitions are below
131     virtual bool ReadMolecule(OBBase* pOb, OBConversion* pConv);
132     virtual bool WriteMolecule(OBBase* pOb, OBConversion* pConv);
134   private:
135     /* Add declarations for any local function or member variables used.
136        Generally only a single instance of a format class is used. Keep this in
137        mind if you employ member variables. */
138   };
139   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
141   //Make an instance of the format class
142   VASPFormat theVASPFormat;
144   /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
ReadMolecule(OBBase * pOb,OBConversion * pConv)146   bool VASPFormat::ReadMolecule(OBBase* pOb, OBConversion* pConv)
147   {
148     OBMol* pmol = pOb->CastAndClear<OBMol>();
149     if (pmol == nullptr)
150       return false;
152     // Move stream to EOF, some apps check ifs position to check for multimolecule files.
153     // VASP does not support this, and this parser makes its own streams.
154     istream &ifs = *pConv->GetInStream();
155     ifs.seekg (0, ios::end);
157     char buffer[BUFF_SIZE], tag[BUFF_SIZE];
158     double x,y,z, scale;
159     unsigned int totalAtoms=0, atomIndex=0, atomCount=0;
160     OBAtom *atom;
161     bool cartesian;
162     string str, path;
163     vector<string> vs;
164     vector<unsigned int> numAtoms, atomTypes;
165     bool selective;    // is selective dynamics used?
166     string key, value; // store the info about constraints
167     OBPairData *cp;    // in this PairData
168     bool hasEnthalpy=false;
169     bool hasVibrations=false;
170     bool needSymbolsInGeometryFile = false;
171     double enthalpy_eV, pv_eV;
172     vector<vector <vector3> > Lx;
173     vector<double> Frequencies;
174     vector<matrix3x3> dipGrad;
176     // Get path of CONTCAR/POSCAR:
177     //    ifs_path.getline(buffer,BUFF_SIZE);
178     //    path = buffer;
179     path = pConv->GetInFilename();
180     if (path.empty()) return false; // Should be using ReadFile, not Read!
181     size_t found;
182     found = path.rfind("/");
183     path = path.substr(0, found);
184     if (found == string::npos) path = "./"; // No "/" in path?
186     // Open files
187     string potcar_filename = path + "/POTCAR";
188     string outcar_filename = path + "/OUTCAR";
189     string doscar_filename = path + "/DOSCAR";
190     string contcar_filename = pConv->GetInFilename(); // POSCAR _OR_ CONTCAR
191     ifstream ifs_pot (potcar_filename.c_str());
192     ifstream ifs_out (outcar_filename.c_str());
193     ifstream ifs_dos (doscar_filename.c_str());
194     ifstream ifs_cont (contcar_filename.c_str());
195     if (!ifs_pot) {
196       needSymbolsInGeometryFile = true;
197     }
198     if (!ifs_cont) {
199       return false; // No geometry file?
200     }
202     pmol->BeginModify();
204     // Start working on CONTCAR:
205     ifs_cont.getline(buffer,BUFF_SIZE); // Comment line
206     pmol->SetTitle(buffer);
207     ifs_cont.getline(buffer,BUFF_SIZE); // Scale
208     scale = atof(buffer);
210     ifs_cont.getline(buffer,BUFF_SIZE); // X_Vec vector
211     tokenize(vs, buffer);
212     x = atof(vs.at(0).c_str()) * scale;
213     y = atof(vs.at(1).c_str()) * scale;
214     z = atof(vs.at(2).c_str()) * scale;
215     vector3 x_vec (x,y,z);
217     ifs_cont.getline(buffer,BUFF_SIZE); // Y_Vec vector
218     tokenize(vs, buffer);
219     x = atof(vs.at(0).c_str()) * scale;
220     y = atof(vs.at(1).c_str()) * scale;
221     z = atof(vs.at(2).c_str()) * scale;
222     vector3 y_vec (x,y,z);
224     ifs_cont.getline(buffer,BUFF_SIZE); // Z_Vec vector
225     tokenize(vs, buffer);
226     x = atof(vs.at(0).c_str()) * scale;
227     y = atof(vs.at(1).c_str()) * scale;
228     z = atof(vs.at(2).c_str()) * scale;
229     vector3 z_vec (x,y,z);
231     // Build unit cell
232     OBUnitCell *cell = new OBUnitCell;
233     cell->SetData(x_vec, y_vec, z_vec);
234     cell->SetSpaceGroup(1);
235     pmol->SetData(cell);
237     // Next comes either a list of numbers that represent the stoichiometry of
238     // the cell. The numbers are the atom counts for each type, in the order
239     // listed in the POTCAR file. Since VASP 5.2, a line with a list of atomic
240     // element symbols may precede the atom counts. This will be used if the
241     // POTCAR file is not present. If both are present, the data in the POSCAR
242     // or CONTCAR file will be used.
243     ifs_cont.getline(buffer,BUFF_SIZE);
244     tokenize(vs, buffer);
245     bool symbolsInGeometryFile = false;
246     if (vs.size() != 0) {
247       if (vs.at(0).size() != 0) {
248         if (isalpha(static_cast<int>(vs.at(0).at(0))) != 0) {
249           symbolsInGeometryFile = true;
250         }
251       }
252     }
254     // If no element data is present anywhere
255     if (needSymbolsInGeometryFile && !symbolsInGeometryFile &&
256         // and there are atoms specified
257         vs.size() != 0) {
258       // Abort read
259       pmol->EndModify();
260       return false;
261     }
263     if (symbolsInGeometryFile) {
264       atomTypes.clear();
265       for (size_t i = 0; i < vs.size(); ++i) {
266         atomTypes.push_back(OpenBabel::OBElements::GetAtomicNum(vs.at(i).c_str()));
267       }
268       // Fetch next line to get stoichiometry
269       ifs_cont.getline(buffer,BUFF_SIZE);
270       tokenize(vs, buffer);
271     }
272     else if (ifs_pot) {
273       // Get atom types from POTCAR
274       while (ifs_pot.getline(buffer,BUFF_SIZE)) {
275         if (strstr(buffer,"VRHFIN")) {
276           str = buffer;
277           size_t start = str.find("=") + 1;
278           size_t end = str.find(":");
279           str = str.substr(start, end - start);
280           // Clean up whitespace:
281           for (unsigned int i = 0; i < str.size(); i++)
282             if (str.at(i) == ' ') {
283               str.erase(i,1);
284               --i;
285             }
286           atomTypes.push_back(OpenBabel::OBElements::GetAtomicNum(str.c_str()));
287         }
288       }
289       ifs_pot.close();
290     }
292     // Extract and sum the atom counts. The sum is used to parse the atomic
293     // coordinates
294     totalAtoms = 0;
295     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vs.size(); i++) {
296       int currentCount = atoi(vs.at(i).c_str());
297       numAtoms.push_back(currentCount);
298       totalAtoms += currentCount;
299     }
301     // Do the number of atom types match the number of atom counts?
302     if (numAtoms.size() != atomTypes.size()) {
303       // If not, abort read
304       pmol->EndModify();
305       return false;
306     }
308     // Cartesian or fractional?
309     ifs_cont.getline(buffer,BUFF_SIZE);
310     selective = false;
311     // Set the variable selective accordingly
312     if (buffer[0] == 'S' || buffer[0] == 's') {
313       selective = true;
314       ifs_cont.getline(buffer,BUFF_SIZE);
315     }
316     // [C|c|K|k] indicates cartesian coordinates, anything else (including
317     // an empty string, buffer[0] == 0) indicates fractional coordinates
318     if ( buffer[0] == 'C' || buffer[0] == 'c' ||
319          buffer[0] == 'K' || buffer[0] == 'k' ) {
320       cartesian = true;
321     }
322     else {
323       cartesian = false;
324     }
326     atomCount = 0;
327     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < totalAtoms; i++) {
328       // Things get a little nasty here. VASP just prints all the coordinates with no
329       // identifying information one after another here. So in the above sections we've
330       // parsed out which atom types and how many of each are present in atomTypes and
331       // numAtoms, respectively. The counters atomIndex and atomCount have the following
332       // roles: atomIndex keeps track of where we are in atomTypes so that we know the
333       // atomic species we're inserting. atomCount tracks how many of the current
334       // atomTypes.at(atomIndex) species have been inserted, so that when we reach
335       // (atomCount >= numAtoms.at(atomIndex) ) we should stop. Phew.
336       ifs_cont.getline(buffer,BUFF_SIZE); // atom location
338       // Let's first figure out the atomic number we are dealing with:
339       while (atomCount >= numAtoms.at(atomIndex)) {
340         atomIndex++;
341         atomCount = 0;
342       }
344       // If we made it past that check, we have atomic number = atomTypes.at(atomIndex)
345       // Parse the buffer now.
346       tokenize(vs, buffer);
347       atom = pmol->NewAtom();
348       atom->SetAtomicNum(atomTypes.at(atomIndex));
349       x = atof((char*)vs[0].c_str());
350       y = atof((char*)vs[1].c_str());
351       z = atof((char*)vs[2].c_str());
352       vector3 coords (x,y,z);
353       if (!cartesian)
354         coords = cell->FractionalToCartesian( coords );
355       // If we have Cartesian coordinates, we need to apply the scaling factor
356       else coords *= scale;
357       atom->SetVector(coords);
358       //if the selective dynamics info is present then read it into OBPairData
359       //this needs to be kept somehow to be able to write out the same as input
360       //it's string so it wastes memory :(
361       if (selective && vs.size() >= 6) {
362         key = "move";
363         value  = " "; value += vs[3].c_str();
364         value += " "; value += vs[4].c_str();
365         value += " "; value += vs[5].c_str();
366         cp = new OBPairData;
367         cp->SetAttribute(key);
368         cp->SetValue(value);
369         cp->SetOrigin(fileformatInput);
370         atom->SetData(cp);
371       }
373       atomCount++;
374     };
376     // There is some trailing garbage, but AFAIK it's not useful for anything.
377     ifs_cont.close();
379     // Read density of states info from DOSCAR, if available
380     if (ifs_dos) {
381       // Create DOS object
382       OBDOSData *dos = new OBDOSData();
384       // skip header
385       ifs_dos.getline(buffer,BUFF_SIZE); // Junk
386       ifs_dos.getline(buffer,BUFF_SIZE); // Junk
387       ifs_dos.getline(buffer,BUFF_SIZE); // Junk
388       ifs_dos.getline(buffer,BUFF_SIZE); // Junk
389       ifs_dos.getline(buffer,BUFF_SIZE); // Junk
391       // Get fermi level
392       double fermi;
393       if (ifs_dos.getline(buffer,BUFF_SIZE)) { // startE endE res fermi ???
394         tokenize(vs, buffer);
395         fermi = atof(vs[3].c_str());
396       }
398       // Start pulling out energies and densities
399       std::vector<double> energies;
400       std::vector<double> densities;
401       std::vector<double> integration;
402       while (ifs_dos.getline(buffer,BUFF_SIZE)) {
403         tokenize(vs, buffer);
404         energies.push_back(atof(vs[0].c_str()));
405         densities.push_back(atof(vs[1].c_str()));
406         integration.push_back(atof(vs[2].c_str()));
407       }
409       if (energies.size() != 0) {
410         dos->SetData(fermi, energies, densities, integration);
411         pmol->SetData(dos);
412       }
413     }
415     ifs_dos.close();
417     // Vibration intensities
418     vector3 prevDm;
419     vector<vector3> prevXyz;
420     vector3 currDm;
421     vector<vector3> currXyz;
423     // Read in optional information from outcar
424     if (ifs_out) {
425       while (ifs_out.getline(buffer,BUFF_SIZE)) {
426         // Enthalphy
427         if (strstr(buffer, "enthalpy is")) {
428           hasEnthalpy = true;
429           tokenize(vs, buffer);
430           enthalpy_eV = atof(vs[4].c_str());
431           pv_eV = atof(vs[8].c_str());
432         }
434         // Free energy
435         if (strstr(buffer, "free  energy")) {
436           tokenize(vs, buffer);
437           pmol->SetEnergy(atof(vs[4].c_str()) * EV_TO_KCAL_PER_MOL);
438         }
440         // Frequencies
441         if (strstr(buffer, "Eigenvectors") && Frequencies.size() == 0) {
442           hasVibrations = true;
443           double x, y, z;
444           ifs_out.getline(buffer,BUFF_SIZE);  // dash line
445           ifs_out.getline(buffer,BUFF_SIZE);  // blank line
446           ifs_out.getline(buffer,BUFF_SIZE);  // blank line
447           ifs_out.getline(buffer,BUFF_SIZE);  // first frequency line
448           while (!strstr(buffer, "Eigenvectors")) {
449             vector<vector3> vib;
450             tokenize(vs, buffer);
451             int freqnum = atoi(vs[0].c_str());
452             if (vs[1].size() == 1 and vs[1].compare("f") == 0) {
453               // Real frequency
454               Frequencies.push_back(atof(vs[7].c_str()));
455             } else if (strstr(vs[1].c_str(), "f/i=")) {
456               // Imaginary frequency
457               Frequencies.push_back(-atof(vs[6].c_str()));
458             } else {
459               // No more frequencies
460               break;
461             }
462             ifs_out.getline(buffer,BUFF_SIZE);  // header line
463             ifs_out.getline(buffer,BUFF_SIZE);  // first displacement line
464             tokenize(vs, buffer);
465             // normal modes
466             while (vs.size() == 6) {
467               x = atof(vs[3].c_str());
468               y = atof(vs[4].c_str());
469               z = atof(vs[5].c_str());
470               vib.push_back(vector3(x, y, z));
471               ifs_out.getline(buffer,BUFF_SIZE);  // next displacement line
472               tokenize(vs, buffer);
473             }
474             Lx.push_back(vib);
475             ifs_out.getline(buffer,BUFF_SIZE);  // next frequency line
476           }
477         }
479         if (strstr(buffer, "dipolmoment")) {
480           tokenize(vs, buffer);
481           x = atof(vs[1].c_str());
482           y = atof(vs[2].c_str());
483           z = atof(vs[3].c_str());
484           currDm.Set(x, y, z);
485         }
486         if (strstr(buffer, "TOTAL-FORCE")) {
487           currXyz.clear();
488           ifs_out.getline(buffer, BUFF_SIZE);  // header line
489           ifs_out.getline(buffer, BUFF_SIZE);
490           tokenize(vs, buffer);
491           while (vs.size() == 6) {
492             x = atof(vs[0].c_str());
493             y = atof(vs[1].c_str());
494             z = atof(vs[2].c_str());
495             currXyz.push_back(vector3(x, y, z));
496             ifs_out.getline(buffer, BUFF_SIZE);  // next line
497             tokenize(vs, buffer);
498           }
499         }
500         if (strstr(buffer, "BORN EFFECTIVE CHARGES")) {
501           // IBRION = 7; IBRION = 8
502           dipGrad.clear();
503           ifs_out.getline(buffer, BUFF_SIZE);  // header line
504           ifs_out.getline(buffer, BUFF_SIZE);  // `ion    #`
505           tokenize(vs, buffer);
506           while (vs.size() == 2) {
507             matrix3x3 dmudq;
508             for (int row = 0; row < 3; ++row) {
509               ifs_out.getline(buffer, BUFF_SIZE);
510               tokenize(vs, buffer);
511               x = atof(vs[1].c_str());
512               y = atof(vs[2].c_str());
513               z = atof(vs[3].c_str());
514               dmudq.SetRow(row, vector3(x, y, z));
515             }
516             dipGrad.push_back(dmudq);
517             ifs_out.getline(buffer, BUFF_SIZE);  // next line
518             tokenize(vs, buffer);
519           }
520         } else if (strstr(buffer, "free  energy")) {
521           // IBRION = 5
522           // reached the end of an iteration, use the values
523           if (dipGrad.empty()) {
524             // first iteration: nondisplaced ions
525             dipGrad.resize(pmol->NumAtoms());
526           } else if (prevXyz.empty()) {
527             // even iteration: store values
528             prevXyz = currXyz;
529             prevDm = currDm;
530           } else {
531             // odd iteration: compute dipGrad = dmu / dxyz for moved ion
532             for (size_t natom = 0; natom < pmol->NumAtoms(); ++natom) {
533               const vector3 dxyz = currXyz[natom] - prevXyz[natom];
534               vector3::const_iterator iter = std::find_if(dxyz.begin(), dxyz.end(),
535                       std::bind2nd(std::not_equal_to<double>(), 0.0));
536               if (iter != dxyz.end()) dipGrad[natom].SetRow(iter - dxyz.begin(),
537                                                             (currDm - prevDm) / *iter);
538             }
539             prevXyz.clear();
540           }
541         }
542       }
543     }
544     ifs_out.close();
546     // Set enthalpy
547     if (hasEnthalpy) {
548       OBPairData *enthalpyPD = new OBPairData();
549       OBPairData *enthalpyPD_pv = new OBPairData();
550       OBPairData *enthalpyPD_eV = new OBPairData();
551       OBPairData *enthalpyPD_pv_eV = new OBPairData();
552       enthalpyPD->SetAttribute("Enthalpy (kcal/mol)");
553       enthalpyPD_pv->SetAttribute("Enthalpy PV term (kcal/mol)");
554       enthalpyPD_eV->SetAttribute("Enthalpy (eV)");
555       enthalpyPD_pv_eV->SetAttribute("Enthalpy PV term (eV)");
556       double en_kcal_per_mole = enthalpy_eV * EV_TO_KCAL_PER_MOL;
557       double pv_kcal_per_mole = pv_eV * EV_TO_KCAL_PER_MOL;
558       snprintf(tag, BUFF_SIZE, "%f", en_kcal_per_mole);
559       enthalpyPD->SetValue(tag);
560       snprintf(tag, BUFF_SIZE, "%f", pv_kcal_per_mole);
561       enthalpyPD_pv->SetValue(tag);
562       snprintf(tag, BUFF_SIZE, "%f", enthalpy_eV);
563       enthalpyPD_eV->SetValue(tag);
564       snprintf(tag, BUFF_SIZE, "%f", pv_eV);
565       enthalpyPD_pv_eV->SetValue(tag);
566       pmol->SetData(enthalpyPD);
567       pmol->SetData(enthalpyPD_pv);
568       pmol->SetData(enthalpyPD_eV);
569       pmol->SetData(enthalpyPD_pv_eV);
570     }
572     // Set vibrations
573     if (hasVibrations) {
574       // compute dDip/dQ
575       vector<double> Intensities;
576       for (vector<vector<vector3> >::const_iterator
577            lxIter = Lx.begin(); lxIter != Lx.end(); ++lxIter) {
578         vector3 intensity;
579         for (size_t natom = 0; natom < dipGrad.size(); ++natom) {
580           intensity += dipGrad[natom].transpose() * lxIter->at(natom)
581               / sqrt(pmol->GetAtomById(natom)->GetAtomicMass());
582         }
583         Intensities.push_back(dot(intensity, intensity));
584       }
585       const double max = *max_element(Intensities.begin(), Intensities.end());
586       if (max != 0.0) {
587         // Normalize
588         std::transform(Intensities.begin(), Intensities.end(), Intensities.begin(),
589                        std::bind2nd(std::divides<double>(), max / 100.0));
590       } else {
591         Intensities.clear();
592       }
593       OBVibrationData* vd = new OBVibrationData;
594       vd->SetData(Lx, Frequencies, Intensities);
595       pmol->SetData(vd);
596     }
598     pmol->EndModify();
600     const char *noBonding  = pConv->IsOption("b", OBConversion::INOPTIONS);
601     const char *singleOnly = pConv->IsOption("s", OBConversion::INOPTIONS);
603     if (noBonding == nullptr) {
604       pmol->ConnectTheDots();
605       if (singleOnly == nullptr) {
606         pmol->PerceiveBondOrders();
607       }
608     }
610     return true;
611   }
WriteMolecule(OBBase * pOb,OBConversion * pConv)613   bool VASPFormat::WriteMolecule(OBBase* pOb, OBConversion* pConv)
614   {
615     //No surprises in this routine, cartesian coordinates are written out
616     //and if at least a single atom has information about constraints,
617     //then selective dynamics is used and the info is written out.
618     //The atoms are ordered according to their atomic number so that the
619     //output looks nice, this can be reversed by using command line flag "-xw".
620     //
621     OBMol* pmol = dynamic_cast<OBMol*>(pOb);
622     if (pmol == nullptr) {
623       return false;
624     }
626     ostream& ofs = *pConv->GetOutStream();
627     OBMol &mol = *pmol;
629     char buffer[BUFF_SIZE];
630     OBUnitCell *uc = nullptr;
631     vector<vector3> cell;
633     const char * sortAtomsNum = pConv->IsOption("w", OBConversion::OUTOPTIONS);
634     const char * sortAtomsCustom = pConv->IsOption("z", OBConversion::OUTOPTIONS);
636     // Create a list of ids. These may be sorted by atomic number depending
637     // on the value of keepOrder.
638     std::vector<OBAtom *> atoms_sorted;
639     atoms_sorted.reserve(mol.NumAtoms());
641     FOR_ATOMS_OF_MOL(atom, mol) {
642       atoms_sorted.push_back(&(*atom));
643     }
645     std::vector<int> custom_sort_nums;
647     if (sortAtomsCustom != nullptr)
648     {
649       vector<string> vs;
650       tokenize(vs, sortAtomsCustom);
651       for(size_t i = 0; i < vs.size(); ++i)
652         custom_sort_nums.push_back(OBElements::GetAtomicNum(vs[i].c_str()));
653     }
655     compare_sort_items csi(custom_sort_nums, sortAtomsNum != nullptr);
656     std::stable_sort(atoms_sorted.begin(), atoms_sorted.end(), csi);
658     // Use the atomicNums vector to determine the composition line.
659     // atomicNumsCondensed and atomCounts contain the same data as atomicNums:
660     // if:
661     //   atoms_sorted[i]->GetAtomicNum() = [ 3 3 3 2 2 8 2 6 6 ]
662     // then:
663     //   atomicNums =  [(3 3) (2 2) (8 1) (2 1) (6 2)]
665     std::vector<std::pair<int, int> > atomicNums;
667     int prev_anum = -20; //not a periodic table number
668     for(int i = 0; i < atoms_sorted.size(); i++)
669     {
670       const int anum = atoms_sorted[i]->GetAtomicNum();
672       if( prev_anum != anum )
673       {
674         std::pair<int, int> x(anum, 1);
675         atomicNums.push_back(x);
676       }
677       else
678       {
679         if(atomicNums.size() > 0)
680           atomicNums.rbegin()->second++;
681       }
683       prev_anum = anum;
684     }
686     // write title
687     ofs << mol.GetTitle() << endl;
688     // write the multiplication factor, set this to one
689     // and write the cell using the 3x3 cell matrix
690     ofs << "1.000 " << endl;
692     if (!mol.HasData(OBGenericDataType::UnitCell)) {
693       // the unit cell has not been defined. Leave as all zeros so the user
694       // can fill it in themselves
695       for (int ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++) {
696         snprintf(buffer, BUFF_SIZE, "0.0  0.0  0.0");
697         ofs << buffer << endl;
698       }
699     }
700     else
701     {
702       // there is a unit cell, write it out
703       uc = static_cast<OBUnitCell*>(mol.GetData(OBGenericDataType::UnitCell));
704       cell = uc->GetCellVectors();
705       for (vector<vector3>::const_iterator i = cell.begin();
706            i != cell.end(); ++i) {
707         snprintf(buffer, BUFF_SIZE, "%20.15f%20.15f%20.15f",
708                  i->x(), i->y(), i->z());
709         ofs << buffer << endl;
710       }
711     }
713     // go through the atoms first to write out the element names if using
714     // VASP 5 format
715     const char *vasp4Format = pConv->IsOption("4", OBConversion::OUTOPTIONS);
716     if (!vasp4Format) {
717       for (vector< std::pair<int, int> >::const_iterator
718            it = atomicNums.begin(),
719            it_end = atomicNums.end(); it != it_end; ++it) {
720         snprintf(buffer, BUFF_SIZE, "%-3s ", OBElements::GetSymbol(it->first));
721         ofs << buffer ;
722       }
723       ofs << endl;
724     }
726     // then do the same to write out the number of ions of each element
727     for (vector< std::pair<int, int> >::const_iterator
728            it = atomicNums.begin(),
729            it_end = atomicNums.end(); it != it_end; ++it) {
730       snprintf(buffer, BUFF_SIZE, "%-3u ", it->second);
731       ofs << buffer ;
732     }
733     ofs << endl;
735     // assume that there are no constraints on the atoms
736     bool selective = false;
737     // and test if any of the atoms has constraints
738     FOR_ATOMS_OF_MOL(atom, mol) {
739       if (atom->HasData("move")){
740         selective = true;
741         break;
742       }
743     }
744     if (selective) {
745       ofs << "SelectiveDyn" << endl;
746     }
748     // print the atomic coordinates in \AA
749     ofs << "Cartesian" << endl;
751     for (std::vector<OBAtom *>::const_iterator it = atoms_sorted.begin();
752          it != atoms_sorted.end(); ++it)
753     {
754       // Print coordinates
755       snprintf(buffer,BUFF_SIZE, "%26.19f %26.19f %26.19f",
756                (*it)->GetX(), (*it)->GetY(), (*it)->GetZ());
757       ofs << buffer;
759       // if at least one atom has info about constraints
760       if (selective) {
761         // if this guy has, write it out
762         if ((*it)->HasData("move")) {
763           OBPairData *cp = (OBPairData*)(*it)->GetData("move");
764           // seemingly ridiculous number of digits is written out
765           // but sometimes you just don't want to change them
766           ofs << " " << cp->GetValue().c_str();
767         }
768         else {
769           // the atom has been created and the info has not been copied
770           ofs << "  T T T";
771         }
772       }
773       ofs << endl;
774     }
776     return true;
777   }
779 } //namespace OpenBabel