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24# Contributors:
25#    Ryan S. Elliott
26#    Ellad B. Tadmor
27#    Valeriu Smirichinski
31# Release: This file is part of the openkim-api-v1.1.1 package.
35This file contains a table of information about the example Models included with
36this release of the openkim-api package.
38***  List of the example Models  ***
40Model name                         Language  NBC             Loca/Iter  Half/Full   Published
41                                                                                    parameters
44ex_model_Al_PF_ErcolessiAdams      F90       NEIGH_PURE_H    Iterator   Full        NO
45                                             NEIGH_PURE_F    Locator    Half
46                                             NEIGH_RVEC_F
47                                             MI_OPBC_H
48                                             MI_OPBC_F
49                                             CLUSTER
51ex_model_ArNe_P_MLJ_NEIGH_RVEC_F   F90       NEIGH_RVEC_F    Locator    Full        YES
53ex_model_Ar_P_LJ                   F90       NEIGH_PURE_H    Iterator   Full        YES
54 - based on model_driver_P_LJ                NEIGH_PURE_F    Locator    Half
55                                             NEIGH_RVEC_F
56                                             MI_OPBC_H
57                                             MI_OPBC_F
58                                             CLUSTER
60ex_model_Ar_P_MLJ_C                C         NEIGH_PURE_H    Iterator   Full        NO
61                                             NEIGH_PURE_F    Locator    Half
62                                             NEIGH_RVEC_F
63                                             MI_OPBC_H
64                                             MI_OPBC_F
65                                             CLUSTER
67ex_model_Ar_P_MLJ_CLUSTER_C        C         CLUSTER         N/A        N/A         YES
69ex_model_Ar_P_MLJ_CLUSTER_F90      F90       CLUSTER         N/A        N/A         YES
71ex_model_Ar_P_MLJ_F90              F90       NEIGH_PURE_H    Iterator   Full        NO
72                                             NEIGH_PURE_F    Locator    Half
73                                             NEIGH_RVEC_F
74                                             MI_OPBC_H
75                                             MI_OPBC_F
76                                             CLUSTER
78ex_model_Ar_P_MLJ_MI_OPBC_H_F      F90       MI_OPBC_H       Locator    Half        YES
79                                             MI_OPBC_F                  Full
81ex_model_Ar_P_MLJ_NEIGH_PURE_H_F   F90       NEIGH_PURE_H    Locator    Half        YES
82                                             NEIGH_PURE_F               Full
84ex_model_Ar_P_MLJ_NEIGH_RVEC_F     F90       NEIGH_RVEC-F    Locator    Full        YES
86ex_model_Ar_P_Morse                C         NEIGH_PURE_H    Iterator   Full        YES
87 - based on model_driver_P_Morse             NEIGH_PURE_F    Locator    Half
88                                             NEIGH_RVEC_F
89                                             MI_OPBC_H
90                                             MI_OPBC_F
91                                             CLUSTER
93ex_model_Ne_P_fastLJ               C         NEIGH_PURE_H    Iterator   Full        YES
94                                             NEIGH_PURE_F               Half
95                                             NEIGH_RVEC_F
96                                             MI_OPBC_H
97                                             MI_OPBC_F
98                                             CLUSTER
100ex_model_Ne_P_LJ                   F90       NEIGH_PURE_H    Iterator   Full        YES
101 - based on model_driver_P_LJ                NEIGH_PURE_F    Locator    Half
102                                             NEIGH_RVEC_F
103                                             MI_OPBC_H
104                                             MI_OPBC_F
105                                             CLUSTER
107ex_model_Ne_P_LJ_NEIGH_PURE_H      F77       NEIGH_PURE_H    Iterator   Half        NO
109ex_model_Ne_P_MLJ_NEIGH_RVEC_F     C         NEIGH_RVEC_F    Iterator   Full        YES
111ex_model_Ne_P_Morse                C         NEIGH_PURE_H    Iterator   Full        YES
112 - based on model_driver_P_Morse             NEIGH_PURE_F    Locator    Half
113                                             NEIGH_RVEC_F
114                                             MI_OPBC_H
115                                             MI_OPBC_F
116                                             CLUSTER
119***  Description of the example Models  ***
121A description of the provided example Models is given below.  The Models are,
122roughly, listed in order of increasing complexity.  It is suggested that
123examining the example Models in this order will provide a gradual introduction
124to the various components of a KIM-compliant Model. (See the README file in the
125DOCs directory for guidelines on how to study the Models distributed with this
128ex_model_Ar_P_MLJ_CLUSTER_C   (C)
129ex_model_Ar_P_MLJ_CLUSTER_F90 (Fortran 90)
130     These Models implement the CLUSTER neighbor list and boundary condition
131     (NBC) method, which is the simplest computation to understand.  For this
132     reason, looking at the compute() or Compute_Energy_Forces() subroutines,
133     respectively, for this Model is a good place to get started when first
134     trying to understand how a KIM compliant Model works.  Note that these
135     Models publish their parameters. This means that they must also provide
136     reinitialization and destroy routines in addition to the required
137     initialization routine. Examples of Models that do not publish parameters
138     (which makes the initialization routine simpler) are described below.
140ex_model_Ne_P_LJ_NEIGH_PURE_H (FORTRAN 77)
141     This Model implements the NEIGH_PURE_H NBC method, which is slightly more
142     complicated than the CLUSTER method.  The Model uses only Iterator mode
143     for neighbor list access, which makes this Model a good place to study the
144     details of the NEIGH_PURE_H method and Iterator mode.  This Model does not
145     publish its parameters, which makes it easy to focus on the details of the
146     calculate subroutine.
148ex_model_Ar_P_MLJ_NEIGH_PURE_H_F (Fortran 90)
149     This Model implements both the NEIGH_PURE_H and NEIGH_PURE_F NBC methods,
150     and supports both Iterator mode and Locator mode.  Thus, this Model makes
151     it easy to identify the differences required for a computation when one
152     uses half or full neighbor lists, as well as, Iterator or Locator neighbor
153     list access modes.
155ex_model_Ar_P_MLJ_NEIGH_RVEC_F (Fortran 90)
156ex_model_Ne_P_MLJ_NEIGH_RVEC_F (C)
157     These two Models (the first written in F90, the second written in C)
158     provide parallel examples of an implementation of the NEIGH_RVEC_F NBC
159     method.  This NBC method includes relative position vectors (Rij's) as
160     well as the usual neighbor list of atom Id's.
162ex_model_Ar_P_MLJ_MI_OPBC_H_F (Fortran 90)
163     This Model implements the MI_OPBC_H and MI_OPBC_F NBC methods.  This is,
164     arguably, the most complex method and requires that both the Test and
165     Model apply the "minimum image" convention (using the `boxSideLengths'
166     argument) to determine an atom's neighbors and the corresponding relative
167     position vectors.
169ex_model_ArNe_P_MLJ_NEIGH_RVEC_F (Fortran 90)
170     This Model is the same as ex_model_Ar_P_MLJ_NEIGH_RVEC_F except that it
171     supports interactions between argon and neon atoms.  Thus, it is useful to
172     compare these two Models in order to see what changes are required for a
173     KIM Model to support multiple species interactions.
175ex_model_Ar_P_MLJ_C (C)
176     This Model is based on the template file
177     $KIM_DIR/DOCs/TEMPLATEs/model_El_P_Template.c.  Thus, it is useful to
178     compare the file ex_model_Ar_P_MLJ_C.c with
179     $KIM_DIR/DOCs/TEMPLATEs/model_El_P_Template.c to see the relatively few
180     changes required to implement the modified Lennard-Jones model.  The
181     template implements all NBCs and Iterator and Locator modes in a way that
182     results in a very compact compute() function.
184ex_model_Ar_P_MLJ_F90 (Fortran 90)
185     This Model is based on the template file
186     $KIM_DIR/DOCs/TEMPLATEs/model_El_P_Template.F90.  Thus, it is useful to
187     compare the file ex_model_Ar_P_MLJ_F90.F90 with
188     $KIM_DIR/DOCs/TEMPLATEs/model_El_P_Template.F90 to see the relatively few
189     changes required to implement the modified Lennard-Jones model.  The
190     template implements all NBCs and Iterator and Locator modes in a way that
191     results in a very compact Compute_Energy_Forces() subroutine.
193ex_model_Al_PF_ErcolessiAdams (Fortran 90)
194     This Model is based on the template file
195     $KIM_DIR/DOCs/TEMPLATEs/model_El_PF_Template.F90.  Thus, it is useful to
196     compare the file ex_model_Al_PF_ErcolessiAdams.F90 with
197     $KIM_DIRDOCs/TEMPLATEs/model_El_PF_Template.F90 to see the relatively
198     simple changes required to implement a pair functional Model.
200ex_model_Ar_P_LJ (F90)
201ex_model_Ne_P_LJ (F90)
202     These Models are based on the KIM Model Driver model_driver_P_LJ.  They
203     only consist of a simple Makefile and a parameters file.  Everything else
204     is handled by the KIM Model Driver.  See the directory
205     $KIM_DIR/MODEL_DRIVERs/model_driver_P_LJ/ for more details on how KIM
206     Model Drivers are handled.
208ex_model_Ar_P_Morse (C)
209ex_model_Ne_P_Morse (C)
210     These Models are based on the KIM Model Driver model_driver_P_Morse.  They
211     only consist of a simple Makefile and a parameters file.  Everything else
212     is handled by the KIM Model Driver.  See the directory
213     $KIM_DIR/MODEL_DRIVERs/model_driver_P_Morse/ for more details on how KIM
214     Model Drivers are handled.
216ex_model_Ne_P_fastLJ (C)
217     This Model implements the shifted Lennard-Jones Model in an attempt to be
218     as efficient as possible.  The code can be compared to that of
219     ex_model_Ar_P_MLJ_C.c or ex_model_driver_P_Morse.c.  This is a good
220     example of how significant performance gains can be made, but only at the
221     expense of source code readability.