1from itertools import chain
2from numbers import Integral, Real
3import string
5import numpy as np
7import openmc.checkvalue as cv
8import openmc.data
10# Supported keywords for continuous-energy cross section plotting
11PLOT_TYPES = ['total', 'scatter', 'elastic', 'inelastic', 'fission',
12              'absorption', 'capture', 'nu-fission', 'nu-scatter', 'unity',
13              'slowing-down power', 'damage']
15# Supported keywords for multi-group cross section plotting
16PLOT_TYPES_MGXS = ['total', 'absorption', 'scatter', 'fission',
17                   'kappa-fission', 'nu-fission', 'prompt-nu-fission',
18                   'deleyed-nu-fission', 'chi', 'chi-prompt', 'chi-delayed',
19                   'inverse-velocity', 'beta', 'decay-rate', 'unity']
20# Create a dictionary which can be used to convert PLOT_TYPES_MGXS to the
21# openmc.XSdata attribute name needed to access the data
22_PLOT_MGXS_ATTR = {line: line.replace(' ', '_').replace('-', '_')
23                   for line in PLOT_TYPES_MGXS}
24_PLOT_MGXS_ATTR['scatter'] = 'scatter_matrix'
26# Special MT values
27UNITY_MT = -1
28XI_MT = -2
30# MTs to combine to generate associated plot_types
31_INELASTIC = [mt for mt in openmc.data.SUM_RULES[3] if mt != 27]
33    'total': openmc.data.SUM_RULES[1],
34    'scatter': [2] + _INELASTIC,
35    'elastic': [2],
36    'inelastic': _INELASTIC,
37    'fission': [18],
38    'absorption': [27],
39    'capture': [101],
40    'nu-fission': [18],
41    'nu-scatter': [2] + _INELASTIC,
42    'unity': [UNITY_MT],
43    'slowing-down power': [2] + [XI_MT],
44    'damage': [444]
47# Types of plots to plot linearly in y
48PLOT_TYPES_LINEAR = {'nu-fission / fission', 'nu-scatter / scatter',
49                     'nu-fission / absorption', 'fission / absorption'}
51# Minimum and maximum energies for plotting (units of eV)
52_MIN_E = 1.e-5
53_MAX_E = 20.e6
56def plot_xs(this, types, divisor_types=None, temperature=294., data_type=None,
57            axis=None, sab_name=None, ce_cross_sections=None,
58            mg_cross_sections=None, enrichment=None, plot_CE=True, orders=None,
59            divisor_orders=None, **kwargs):
60    """Creates a figure of continuous-energy cross sections for this item.
62    Parameters
63    ----------
64    this : str or openmc.Material
65        Object to source data from
66    types : Iterable of values of PLOT_TYPES
67        The type of cross sections to include in the plot.
68    divisor_types : Iterable of values of PLOT_TYPES, optional
69        Cross section types which will divide those produced by types
70        before plotting. A type of 'unity' can be used to effectively not
71        divide some types.
72    temperature : float, optional
73        Temperature in Kelvin to plot. If not specified, a default
74        temperature of 294K will be plotted. Note that the nearest
75        temperature in the library for each nuclide will be used as opposed
76        to using any interpolation.
77    data_type : {'nuclide', 'element', 'material', 'macroscopic'}, optional
78        Type of object to plot. If not specified, a guess is made based on the
79        `this` argument.
80    axis : matplotlib.axes, optional
81        A previously generated axis to use for plotting. If not specified,
82        a new axis and figure will be generated.
83    sab_name : str, optional
84        Name of S(a,b) library to apply to MT=2 data when applicable; only used
85        for items which are instances of openmc.Element or openmc.Nuclide
86    ce_cross_sections : str, optional
87        Location of cross_sections.xml file. Default is None.
88    mg_cross_sections : str, optional
89        Location of MGXS HDF5 Library file. Default is None.
90    enrichment : float, optional
91        Enrichment for U235 in weight percent. For example, input 4.95 for
92        4.95 weight percent enriched U. Default is None. This is only used for
93        items which are instances of openmc.Element
94    plot_CE : bool, optional
95        Denotes whether or not continuous-energy will be plotted. Defaults to
96        plotting the continuous-energy data.
97    orders : Iterable of Integral, optional
98        The scattering order or delayed group index to use for the
99        corresponding entry in types. Defaults to the 0th order for scattering
100        and the total delayed neutron data. This only applies to plots of
101        multi-group data.
102    divisor_orders : Iterable of Integral, optional
103        Same as orders, but for divisor_types
104    **kwargs
105        All keyword arguments are passed to
106        :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.figure`.
108    Returns
109    -------
110    fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure
111        If axis is None, then a Matplotlib Figure of the generated
112        cross section will be returned. Otherwise, a value of
113        None will be returned as the figure and axes have already been
114        generated.
116    """
117    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
119    cv.check_type("plot_CE", plot_CE, bool)
121    if data_type is None:
122        if isinstance(this, openmc.Nuclide):
123            data_type = 'nuclide'
124        elif isinstance(this, openmc.Element):
125            data_type = 'element'
126        elif isinstance(this, openmc.Material):
127            data_type = 'material'
128        elif isinstance(this, openmc.Macroscopic):
129            data_type = 'macroscopic'
130        elif isinstance(this, str):
131            if this[-1] in string.digits:
132                data_type = 'nuclide'
133            else:
134                data_type = 'element'
135        else:
136            raise TypeError("Invalid type for plotting")
138    if plot_CE:
139        # Calculate for the CE cross sections
140        E, data = calculate_cexs(this, data_type, types, temperature, sab_name,
141                                 ce_cross_sections, enrichment)
142        if divisor_types:
143            cv.check_length('divisor types', divisor_types, len(types))
144            Ediv, data_div = calculate_cexs(this, divisor_types, temperature,
145                                            sab_name, ce_cross_sections,
146                                            enrichment)
148            # Create a new union grid, interpolate data and data_div on to that
149            # grid, and then do the actual division
150            Enum = E[:]
151            E = np.union1d(Enum, Ediv)
152            data_new = np.zeros((len(types), len(E)))
154            for line in range(len(types)):
155                data_new[line, :] = \
156                    np.divide(np.interp(E, Enum, data[line, :]),
157                              np.interp(E, Ediv, data_div[line, :]))
158                if divisor_types[line] != 'unity':
159                    types[line] = types[line] + ' / ' + divisor_types[line]
160            data = data_new
161    else:
162        # Calculate for MG cross sections
163        E, data = calculate_mgxs(this, data_type, types, orders, temperature,
164                                 mg_cross_sections, ce_cross_sections,
165                                 enrichment)
167        if divisor_types:
168            cv.check_length('divisor types', divisor_types, len(types))
169            Ediv, data_div = calculate_mgxs(this, data_type, divisor_types,
170                                            divisor_orders, temperature,
171                                            mg_cross_sections,
172                                            ce_cross_sections, enrichment)
174            # Perform the division
175            for line in range(len(types)):
176                data[line, :] /= data_div[line, :]
177                if divisor_types[line] != 'unity':
178                    types[line] += ' / ' + divisor_types[line]
180    # Generate the plot
181    if axis is None:
182        fig, ax = plt.subplots()
183    else:
184        fig = None
185        ax = axis
186    # Set to loglog or semilogx depending on if we are plotting a data
187    # type which we expect to vary linearly
188    if set(types).issubset(PLOT_TYPES_LINEAR):
189        plot_func = ax.semilogx
190    else:
191        plot_func = ax.loglog
193    # Plot the data
194    for i in range(len(data)):
195        data[i, :] = np.nan_to_num(data[i, :])
196        if np.sum(data[i, :]) > 0.:
197            plot_func(E, data[i, :], label=types[i])
199    ax.set_xlabel('Energy [eV]')
200    if plot_CE:
201        ax.set_xlim(_MIN_E, _MAX_E)
202    else:
203        ax.set_xlim(E[-1], E[0])
204    if divisor_types:
205        if data_type == 'nuclide':
206            ylabel = 'Nuclidic Microscopic Data'
207        elif data_type == 'element':
208            ylabel = 'Elemental Microscopic Data'
209        elif data_type == 'material' or data_type == 'macroscopic':
210            ylabel = 'Macroscopic Data'
211    else:
212        if data_type == 'nuclide':
213            ylabel = 'Microscopic Cross Section [b]'
214        elif data_type == 'element':
215            ylabel = 'Elemental Cross Section [b]'
216        elif data_type == 'material' or data_type == 'macroscopic':
217            ylabel = 'Macroscopic Cross Section [1/cm]'
218    ax.set_ylabel(ylabel)
219    ax.legend(loc='best')
220    name = this.name if data_type == 'material' else this
221    if len(types) > 1:
222        ax.set_title('Cross Sections for ' + name)
223    else:
224        ax.set_title('Cross Section for ' + name)
226    return fig
229def calculate_cexs(this, data_type, types, temperature=294., sab_name=None,
230                   cross_sections=None, enrichment=None):
231    """Calculates continuous-energy cross sections of a requested type.
233    Parameters
234    ----------
235    this : {str, openmc.Nuclide, openmc.Element, openmc.Material}
236        Object to source data from
237    data_type : {'nuclide', 'element', 'material'}
238        Type of object to plot
239    types : Iterable of values of PLOT_TYPES
240        The type of cross sections to calculate
241    temperature : float, optional
242        Temperature in Kelvin to plot. If not specified, a default
243        temperature of 294K will be plotted. Note that the nearest
244        temperature in the library for each nuclide will be used as opposed
245        to using any interpolation.
246    sab_name : str, optional
247        Name of S(a,b) library to apply to MT=2 data when applicable.
248    cross_sections : str, optional
249        Location of cross_sections.xml file. Default is None.
250    enrichment : float, optional
251        Enrichment for U235 in weight percent. For example, input 4.95 for
252        4.95 weight percent enriched U. Default is None
253        (natural composition).
255    Returns
256    -------
257    energy_grid : numpy.ndarray
258        Energies at which cross sections are calculated, in units of eV
259    data : numpy.ndarray
260        Cross sections calculated at the energy grid described by energy_grid
262    """
264    # Check types
265    cv.check_type('temperature', temperature, Real)
266    if sab_name:
267        cv.check_type('sab_name', sab_name, str)
268    if enrichment:
269        cv.check_type('enrichment', enrichment, Real)
271    if data_type == 'nuclide':
272        if isinstance(this, str):
273            nuc = openmc.Nuclide(this)
274        else:
275            nuc = this
276        energy_grid, xs = _calculate_cexs_nuclide(nuc, types, temperature,
277                                                  sab_name, cross_sections)
278        # Convert xs (Iterable of Callable) to a grid of cross section values
279        # calculated on the points in energy_grid for consistency with the
280        # element and material functions.
281        data = np.zeros((len(types), len(energy_grid)))
282        for line in range(len(types)):
283            data[line, :] = xs[line](energy_grid)
284    elif data_type == 'element':
285        if isinstance(this, str):
286            elem = openmc.Element(this)
287        else:
288            elem = this
289        energy_grid, data = _calculate_cexs_elem_mat(elem, types, temperature,
290                                                     cross_sections, sab_name,
291                                                     enrichment)
292    elif data_type == 'material':
293        cv.check_type('this', this, openmc.Material)
294        energy_grid, data = _calculate_cexs_elem_mat(this, types, temperature,
295                                                     cross_sections)
296    else:
297        raise TypeError("Invalid type")
299    return energy_grid, data
302def _calculate_cexs_nuclide(this, types, temperature=294., sab_name=None,
303                            cross_sections=None):
304    """Calculates continuous-energy cross sections of a requested type.
306    Parameters
307    ----------
308    this : openmc.Nuclide
309        Nuclide object to source data from
310    types : Iterable of str or Integral
311        The type of cross sections to calculate; values can either be those
312        in openmc.PLOT_TYPES or keys from openmc.data.REACTION_MT which
313        correspond to a reaction description e.g '(n,2n)' or integers which
314        correspond to reaction channel (MT) numbers.
315    temperature : float, optional
316        Temperature in Kelvin to plot. If not specified, a default
317        temperature of 294K will be plotted. Note that the nearest
318        temperature in the library for each nuclide will be used as opposed
319        to using any interpolation.
320    sab_name : str, optional
321        Name of S(a,b) library to apply to MT=2 data when applicable.
322    cross_sections : str, optional
323        Location of cross_sections.xml file. Default is None.
325    Returns
326    -------
327    energy_grid : numpy.ndarray
328        Energies at which cross sections are calculated, in units of eV
329    data : Iterable of Callable
330        Requested cross section functions
332    """
334    # Load the library
335    library = openmc.data.DataLibrary.from_xml(cross_sections)
337    # Convert temperature to format needed for access in the library
338    strT = "{}K".format(int(round(temperature)))
339    T = temperature
341    # Now we can create the data sets to be plotted
342    energy_grid = []
343    xs = []
344    lib = library.get_by_material(this)
345    if lib is not None:
346        nuc = openmc.data.IncidentNeutron.from_hdf5(lib['path'])
347        # Obtain the nearest temperature
348        if strT in nuc.temperatures:
349            nucT = strT
350        else:
351            delta_T = np.array(nuc.kTs) - T * openmc.data.K_BOLTZMANN
352            closest_index = np.argmin(np.abs(delta_T))
353            nucT = nuc.temperatures[closest_index]
355        # Prep S(a,b) data if needed
356        if sab_name:
357            sab = openmc.data.ThermalScattering.from_hdf5(sab_name)
358            # Obtain the nearest temperature
359            if strT in sab.temperatures:
360                sabT = strT
361            else:
362                delta_T = np.array(sab.kTs) - T * openmc.data.K_BOLTZMANN
363                closest_index = np.argmin(np.abs(delta_T))
364                sabT = sab.temperatures[closest_index]
366            # Create an energy grid composed the S(a,b) and the nuclide's grid
367            grid = nuc.energy[nucT]
368            sab_Emax = 0.
369            sab_funcs = []
370            if sab.elastic is not None:
371                elastic = sab.elastic.xs[sabT]
372                if isinstance(elastic, openmc.data.CoherentElastic):
373                    grid = np.union1d(grid, elastic.bragg_edges)
374                    if elastic.bragg_edges[-1] > sab_Emax:
375                        sab_Emax = elastic.bragg_edges[-1]
376                elif isinstance(elastic, openmc.data.Tabulated1D):
377                    grid = np.union1d(grid, elastic.x)
378                    if elastic.x[-1] > sab_Emax:
379                        sab_Emax = elastic.x[-1]
380                sab_funcs.append(elastic)
381            if sab.inelastic is not None:
382                inelastic = sab.inelastic.xs[sabT]
383                grid = np.union1d(grid, inelastic.x)
384                if inelastic.x[-1] > sab_Emax:
385                        sab_Emax = inelastic.x[-1]
386                sab_funcs.append(inelastic)
387            energy_grid = grid
388        else:
389            energy_grid = nuc.energy[nucT]
391        # Parse the types
392        mts = []
393        ops = []
394        yields = []
395        for line in types:
396            if line in PLOT_TYPES:
397                tmp_mts = [mtj for mti in PLOT_TYPES_MT[line] for mtj in
398                           nuc.get_reaction_components(mti)]
399                mts.append(tmp_mts)
400                if line.startswith('nu'):
401                    yields.append(True)
402                else:
403                    yields.append(False)
404                if XI_MT in tmp_mts:
405                    ops.append((np.add,) * (len(tmp_mts) - 2) + (np.multiply,))
406                else:
407                    ops.append((np.add,) * (len(tmp_mts) - 1))
408            elif line in openmc.data.REACTION_MT:
409                mt_number = openmc.data.REACTION_MT[line]
410                cv.check_type('MT in types', mt_number, Integral)
411                cv.check_greater_than('MT in types', mt_number, 0)
412                tmp_mts = nuc.get_reaction_components(mt_number)
413                mts.append(tmp_mts)
414                ops.append((np.add,) * (len(tmp_mts) - 1))
415                yields.append(False)
416            elif isinstance(line, int):
417                # Not a built-in type, we have to parse it ourselves
418                cv.check_type('MT in types', line, Integral)
419                cv.check_greater_than('MT in types', line, 0)
420                tmp_mts = nuc.get_reaction_components(line)
421                mts.append(tmp_mts)
422                ops.append((np.add,) * (len(tmp_mts) - 1))
423                yields.append(False)
424            else:
425                raise TypeError("Invalid type", line)
427        for i, mt_set in enumerate(mts):
428            # Get the reaction xs data from the nuclide
429            funcs = []
430            op = ops[i]
431            for mt in mt_set:
432                if mt == 2:
433                    if sab_name:
434                        # Then we need to do a piece-wise function of
435                        # The S(a,b) and non-thermal data
436                        sab_sum = openmc.data.Sum(sab_funcs)
437                        pw_funcs = openmc.data.Regions1D(
438                            [sab_sum, nuc[mt].xs[nucT]],
439                            [sab_Emax])
440                        funcs.append(pw_funcs)
441                    else:
442                        funcs.append(nuc[mt].xs[nucT])
443                elif mt in nuc:
444                    if yields[i]:
445                        # Get the total yield first if available. This will be
446                        # used primarily for fission.
447                        for prod in chain(nuc[mt].products,
448                                          nuc[mt].derived_products):
449                            if prod.particle == 'neutron' and \
450                                prod.emission_mode == 'total':
451                                func = openmc.data.Combination(
452                                    [nuc[mt].xs[nucT], prod.yield_],
453                                    [np.multiply])
454                                funcs.append(func)
455                                break
456                        else:
457                            # Total doesn't exist so we have to create from
458                            # prompt and delayed. This is used for scatter
459                            # multiplication.
460                            func = None
461                            for prod in chain(nuc[mt].products,
462                                              nuc[mt].derived_products):
463                                if prod.particle == 'neutron' and \
464                                    prod.emission_mode != 'total':
465                                    if func:
466                                        func = openmc.data.Combination(
467                                            [prod.yield_, func], [np.add])
468                                    else:
469                                        func = prod.yield_
470                            if func:
471                                funcs.append(openmc.data.Combination(
472                                    [func, nuc[mt].xs[nucT]], [np.multiply]))
473                            else:
474                                # If func is still None, then there were no
475                                # products. In that case, assume the yield is
476                                # one as its not provided for some summed
477                                # reactions like MT=4
478                                funcs.append(nuc[mt].xs[nucT])
479                    else:
480                        funcs.append(nuc[mt].xs[nucT])
481                elif mt == UNITY_MT:
482                    funcs.append(lambda x: 1.)
483                elif mt == XI_MT:
484                    awr = nuc.atomic_weight_ratio
485                    alpha = ((awr - 1.) / (awr + 1.))**2
486                    xi = 1. + alpha * np.log(alpha) / (1. - alpha)
487                    funcs.append(lambda x: xi)
488                else:
489                    funcs.append(lambda x: 0.)
490            funcs = funcs if funcs else [lambda x: 0.]
491            xs.append(openmc.data.Combination(funcs, op))
492    else:
493        raise ValueError(this + " not in library")
495    return energy_grid, xs
498def _calculate_cexs_elem_mat(this, types, temperature=294.,
499                             cross_sections=None, sab_name=None,
500                             enrichment=None):
501    """Calculates continuous-energy cross sections of a requested type.
503    Parameters
504    ----------
505    this : openmc.Material or openmc.Element
506        Object to source data from
507    types : Iterable of values of PLOT_TYPES
508        The type of cross sections to calculate
509    temperature : float, optional
510        Temperature in Kelvin to plot. If not specified, a default
511        temperature of 294K will be plotted. Note that the nearest
512        temperature in the library for each nuclide will be used as opposed
513        to using any interpolation.
514    cross_sections : str, optional
515        Location of cross_sections.xml file. Default is None.
516    sab_name : str, optional
517        Name of S(a,b) library to apply to MT=2 data when applicable.
518    enrichment : float, optional
519        Enrichment for U235 in weight percent. For example, input 4.95 for
520        4.95 weight percent enriched U. Default is None
521        (natural composition).
523    Returns
524    -------
525    energy_grid : numpy.ndarray
526        Energies at which cross sections are calculated, in units of eV
527    data : numpy.ndarray
528        Cross sections calculated at the energy grid described by energy_grid
530    """
532    if isinstance(this, openmc.Material):
533        if this.temperature is not None:
534            T = this.temperature
535        else:
536            T = temperature
537    else:
538        T = temperature
540    # Load the library
541    library = openmc.data.DataLibrary.from_xml(cross_sections)
543    if isinstance(this, openmc.Material):
544        # Expand elements in to nuclides with atomic densities
545        nuclides = this.get_nuclide_atom_densities()
546        # For ease of processing split out the nuclide and its fraction
547        nuc_fractions = {nuclide[1][0]: nuclide[1][1]
548                         for nuclide in nuclides.items()}
549        # Create a dict of [nuclide name] = nuclide object to carry forward
550        # with a common nuclides format between openmc.Material and
551        # openmc.Element objects
552        nuclides = {nuclide[1][0]: nuclide[1][0]
553                    for nuclide in nuclides.items()}
554    else:
555        # Expand elements in to nuclides with atomic densities
556        nuclides = this.expand(1., 'ao', enrichment=enrichment,
557                               cross_sections=cross_sections)
558        # For ease of processing split out the nuclide and its fraction
559        nuc_fractions = {nuclide[0]: nuclide[1] for nuclide in nuclides}
560        # Create a dict of [nuclide name] = nuclide object to carry forward
561        # with a common nuclides format between openmc.Material and
562        # openmc.Element objects
563        nuclides = {nuclide[0]: nuclide[0] for nuclide in nuclides}
565    # Identify the nuclides which have S(a,b) data
566    sabs = {}
567    for nuclide in nuclides.items():
568        sabs[nuclide[0]] = None
569    if isinstance(this, openmc.Material):
570        for sab_name in this._sab:
571            sab = openmc.data.ThermalScattering.from_hdf5(
572                library.get_by_material(sab_name, data_type='thermal')['path'])
573            for nuc in sab.nuclides:
574                sabs[nuc] = library.get_by_material(sab_name,
575                        data_type='thermal')['path']
576    else:
577        if sab_name:
578            sab = openmc.data.ThermalScattering.from_hdf5(sab_name)
579            for nuc in sab.nuclides:
580                sabs[nuc] = library.get_by_material(sab_name,
581                        data_type='thermal')['path']
583    # Now we can create the data sets to be plotted
584    xs = {}
585    E = []
586    for nuclide in nuclides.items():
587        name = nuclide[0]
588        nuc = nuclide[1]
589        sab_tab = sabs[name]
590        temp_E, temp_xs = calculate_cexs(nuc, 'nuclide', types, T, sab_tab,
591                                         cross_sections)
592        E.append(temp_E)
593        # Since the energy grids are different, store the cross sections as
594        # a tabulated function so they can be calculated on any grid needed.
595        xs[name] = [openmc.data.Tabulated1D(temp_E, temp_xs[line])
596                    for line in range(len(types))]
598    # Condense the data for every nuclide
599    # First create a union energy grid
600    energy_grid = E[0]
601    for grid in E[1:]:
602        energy_grid = np.union1d(energy_grid, grid)
604    # Now we can combine all the nuclidic data
605    data = np.zeros((len(types), len(energy_grid)))
606    for line in range(len(types)):
607        if types[line] == 'unity':
608            data[line, :] = 1.
609        else:
610            for nuclide in nuclides.items():
611                name = nuclide[0]
612                data[line, :] += (nuc_fractions[name] *
613                                  xs[name][line](energy_grid))
615    return energy_grid, data
618def calculate_mgxs(this, data_type, types, orders=None, temperature=294.,
619                   cross_sections=None, ce_cross_sections=None,
620                   enrichment=None):
621    """Calculates multi-group cross sections of a requested type.
623    If the data for the nuclide or macroscopic object in the library is
624    represented as angle-dependent data then this method will return the
625    geometric average cross section over all angles.
627    Parameters
628    ----------
629    this : str or openmc.Material
630        Object to source data from
631    data_type : {'nuclide', 'element', 'material', 'macroscopic'}
632        Type of object to plot
633    types : Iterable of values of PLOT_TYPES_MGXS
634        The type of cross sections to calculate
635    orders : Iterable of Integral, optional
636        The scattering order or delayed group index to use for the
637        corresponding entry in types. Defaults to the 0th order for scattering
638        and the total delayed neutron data.
639    temperature : float, optional
640        Temperature in Kelvin to plot. If not specified, a default
641        temperature of 294K will be plotted. Note that the nearest
642        temperature in the library for each nuclide will be used as opposed
643        to using any interpolation.
644    cross_sections : str, optional
645        Location of MGXS HDF5 Library file. Default is None.
646    ce_cross_sections : str, optional
647        Location of continuous-energy cross_sections.xml file. Default is None.
648        This is used only for expanding an openmc.Element object passed as this
649    enrichment : float, optional
650        Enrichment for U235 in weight percent. For example, input 4.95 for
651        4.95 weight percent enriched U. Default is None
652        (natural composition).
654    Returns
655    -------
656    energy_grid : numpy.ndarray
657        Energies at which cross sections are calculated, in units of eV
658    data : numpy.ndarray
659        Cross sections calculated at the energy grid described by energy_grid
661    """
663    # Check types
664    cv.check_type('temperature', temperature, Real)
665    if enrichment:
666        cv.check_type('enrichment', enrichment, Real)
667    cv.check_iterable_type('types', types, str)
669    cv.check_type("cross_sections", cross_sections, str)
670    library = openmc.MGXSLibrary.from_hdf5(cross_sections)
672    if data_type in ('nuclide', 'macroscopic'):
673        mgxs = _calculate_mgxs_nuc_macro(this, types, library, orders,
674                                         temperature)
675    elif data_type in ('element', 'material'):
676        mgxs = _calculate_mgxs_elem_mat(this, types, library, orders,
677                                        temperature, ce_cross_sections,
678                                        enrichment)
679    else:
680        raise TypeError("Invalid type")
682    # Convert the data to the format needed
683    data = np.zeros((len(types), 2 * library.energy_groups.num_groups))
684    energy_grid = np.zeros(2 * library.energy_groups.num_groups)
685    for g in range(library.energy_groups.num_groups):
686        energy_grid[g * 2: g * 2 + 2] = \
687            library.energy_groups.group_edges[g: g + 2]
688    # Ensure the energy will show on a log-axis by replacing 0s with a
689    # sufficiently small number
690    energy_grid[0] = max(energy_grid[0], _MIN_E)
692    for line in range(len(types)):
693        for g in range(library.energy_groups.num_groups):
694            data[line, g * 2: g * 2 + 2] = mgxs[line, g]
696    return energy_grid[::-1], data
699def _calculate_mgxs_nuc_macro(this, types, library, orders=None,
700                              temperature=294.):
701    """Determines the multi-group cross sections of a nuclide or macroscopic
702    object.
704    If the data for the nuclide or macroscopic object in the library is
705    represented as angle-dependent data then this method will return the
706    geometric average cross section over all angles.
708    Parameters
709    ----------
710    this : openmc.Nuclide or openmc.Macroscopic
711        Object to source data from
712    types : Iterable of str
713        The type of cross sections to calculate; values can either be those
714        in openmc.PLOT_TYPES_MGXS
715    library : openmc.MGXSLibrary
716        MGXS Library containing the data of interest
717    orders : Iterable of Integral, optional
718        The scattering order or delayed group index to use for the
719        corresponding entry in types. Defaults to the 0th order for scattering
720        and the total delayed neutron data.
721    temperature : float, optional
722        Temperature in Kelvin to plot. If not specified, a default
723        temperature of 294K will be plotted. Note that the nearest
724        temperature in the library for each nuclide will be used as opposed
725        to using any interpolation.
727    Returns
728    -------
729    data : numpy.ndarray
730        Cross sections calculated at the energy grid described by energy_grid
732    """
734    # Check the parameters and grab order/delayed groups
735    if orders:
736        cv.check_iterable_type('orders', orders, Integral,
737                               min_depth=len(types), max_depth=len(types))
738    else:
739        orders = [None] * len(types)
740    for i, line in enumerate(types):
741        cv.check_type("line", line, str)
742        cv.check_value("line", line, PLOT_TYPES_MGXS)
743        if orders[i]:
744            cv.check_greater_than("order value", orders[i], 0, equality=True)
746    xsdata = library.get_by_name(this)
748    if xsdata is not None:
749        # Obtain the nearest temperature
750        t = np.abs(xsdata.temperatures - temperature).argmin()
752        # Get the data
753        data = np.zeros((len(types), library.energy_groups.num_groups))
754        for i, line in enumerate(types):
755            if 'fission' in line and not xsdata.fissionable:
756                continue
757            elif line == 'unity':
758                data[i, :] = 1.
759            else:
760                # Now we have to get the cross section data and properly
761                # treat it depending on the requested type.
762                # First get the data in a generic fashion
763                temp_data = getattr(xsdata, _PLOT_MGXS_ATTR[line])[t]
764                shape = temp_data.shape[:]
765                # If we have angular data, then want the geometric
766                # average over all provided angles.  Since the angles are
767                # equi-distant, un-weighted averaging will suffice
768                if xsdata.representation == 'angle':
769                    temp_data = np.mean(temp_data, axis=(0, 1))
771                # Now we can look at the shape of the data to identify how
772                # it should be modified to produce an array of values
773                # with groups.
774                if shape in (xsdata.xs_shapes["[G']"],
775                             xsdata.xs_shapes["[G]"]):
776                    # Then the data is already an array vs groups so copy
777                    # and move along
778                    data[i, :] = temp_data
779                elif shape == xsdata.xs_shapes["[G][G']"]:
780                    # Sum the data over outgoing groups to create our array vs
781                    # groups
782                    data[i, :] = np.sum(temp_data, axis=1)
783                elif shape == xsdata.xs_shapes["[DG]"]:
784                    # Then we have a constant vs groups with a value for each
785                    # delayed group. The user-provided value of orders tells us
786                    # which delayed group we want. If none are provided, then
787                    # we sum all the delayed groups together.
788                    if orders[i]:
789                        if orders[i] < len(shape[0]):
790                            data[i, :] = temp_data[orders[i]]
791                    else:
792                        data[i, :] = np.sum(temp_data[:])
793                elif shape in (xsdata.xs_shapes["[DG][G']"],
794                               xsdata.xs_shapes["[DG][G]"]):
795                    # Then we have an array vs groups with values for each
796                    # delayed group. The user-provided value of orders tells us
797                    # which delayed group we want. If none are provided, then
798                    # we sum all the delayed groups together.
799                    if orders[i]:
800                        if orders[i] < len(shape[0]):
801                            data[i, :] = temp_data[orders[i], :]
802                    else:
803                        data[i, :] = np.sum(temp_data[:, :], axis=0)
804                elif shape == xsdata.xs_shapes["[DG][G][G']"]:
805                    # Then we have a delayed group matrix. We will first
806                    # remove the outgoing group dependency
807                    temp_data = np.sum(temp_data, axis=-1)
808                    # And then proceed in exactly the same manner as the
809                    # "[DG][G']" or "[DG][G]" shapes in the previous block.
810                    if orders[i]:
811                        if orders[i] < len(shape[0]):
812                            data[i, :] = temp_data[orders[i], :]
813                    else:
814                        data[i, :] = np.sum(temp_data[:, :], axis=0)
815                elif shape == xsdata.xs_shapes["[G][G'][Order]"]:
816                    # This is a scattering matrix with angular data
817                    # First remove the outgoing group dependence
818                    temp_data = np.sum(temp_data, axis=1)
819                    # The user either provided a specific order or we resort
820                    # to the default 0th order
821                    if orders[i]:
822                        order = orders[i]
823                    else:
824                        order = 0
825                    # If the order is available, store the data for that order
826                    # if it is not available, then the expansion coefficient
827                    # is zero and thus we already have the correct value.
828                    if order < shape[1]:
829                        data[i, :] = temp_data[:, order]
830    else:
831        raise ValueError("{} not present in provided MGXS "
832                         "library".format(this))
834    return data
837def _calculate_mgxs_elem_mat(this, types, library, orders=None,
838                             temperature=294., ce_cross_sections=None,
839                             enrichment=None):
840    """Determines the multi-group cross sections of an element or material
841    object.
843    If the data for the nuclide or macroscopic object in the library is
844    represented as angle-dependent data then this method will return the
845    geometric average cross section over all angles.
847    Parameters
848    ----------
849    this : openmc.Element or openmc.Material
850        Object to source data from
851    types : Iterable of str
852        The type of cross sections to calculate; values can either be those
853        in openmc.PLOT_TYPES_MGXS
854    library : openmc.MGXSLibrary
855        MGXS Library containing the data of interest
856    orders : Iterable of Integral, optional
857        The scattering order or delayed group index to use for the
858        corresponding entry in types. Defaults to the 0th order for scattering
859        and the total delayed neutron data.
860    temperature : float, optional
861        Temperature in Kelvin to plot. If not specified, a default
862        temperature of 294K will be plotted. Note that the nearest
863        temperature in the library for each nuclide will be used as opposed
864        to using any interpolation.
865    ce_cross_sections : str, optional
866        Location of continuous-energy cross_sections.xml file. Default is None.
867        This is used only for expanding the elements
868    enrichment : float, optional
869        Enrichment for U235 in weight percent. For example, input 4.95 for
870        4.95 weight percent enriched U. Default is None
871        (natural composition).
873    Returns
874    -------
875    data : numpy.ndarray
876        Cross sections calculated at the energy grid described by energy_grid
878    """
880    if isinstance(this, openmc.Material):
881        if this.temperature is not None:
882            T = this.temperature
883        else:
884            T = temperature
886        # Check to see if we have nuclides/elements or a macrocopic object
887        if this._macroscopic is not None:
888            # We have macroscopics
889            nuclides = {this._macroscopic: (this._macroscopic, this.density)}
890        else:
891            # Expand elements in to nuclides with atomic densities
892            nuclides = this.get_nuclide_atom_densities()
894        # For ease of processing split out nuc and nuc_density
895        nuc_fraction = [nuclide[1][1] for nuclide in nuclides.items()]
896    else:
897        T = temperature
898        # Expand elements in to nuclides with atomic densities
899        nuclides = this.expand(100., 'ao', enrichment=enrichment,
900                               cross_sections=ce_cross_sections)
902        # For ease of processing split out nuc and nuc_fractions
903        nuc_fraction = [nuclide[1] for nuclide in nuclides]
905    nuc_data = []
906    for nuclide in nuclides.items():
907        nuc_data.append(_calculate_mgxs_nuc_macro(nuclide[0], types, library,
908                                                  orders, T))
910    # Combine across the nuclides
911    data = np.zeros((len(types), library.energy_groups.num_groups))
912    for line in range(len(types)):
913        if types[line] == 'unity':
914            data[line, :] = 1.
915        else:
916            for n in range(len(nuclides)):
917                data[line, :] += nuc_fraction[n] * nuc_data[n][line, :]
919    return data