1 #include "sph/kernel/GravityKernel.h"
2 #include "catch.hpp"
3 #include "math/Functional.h"
4 #include "tests/Approx.h"
5 #include "utils/SequenceTest.h"
7 using namespace Sph;
9 static_assert(IsGravityKernel<GravityKernel<CubicSpline<3>>>::value, "GravityKernel test failed");
10 static_assert(IsGravityKernel<GravityKernel<ThomasCouchmanKernel<3>>>::value, "GravityKernel test failed");
11 static_assert(IsGravityKernel<SolidSphereKernel>::value, "GravityKernel test failed");
12 static_assert(!IsGravityKernel<GravityLutKernel>::value, "GravityKernel test failed");
13 static_assert(!IsGravityKernel<CubicSpline<3>>::value, "GravityKernel test failed");
14 static_assert(!IsGravityKernel<LutKernel<3>>::value, "GravityKernel test failed");
16 using KernelImpl = decltype(getAssociatedGravityKernel(std::declval<CubicSpline<3>>(), std::declval<Size>()));
17 static_assert(IsGravityKernel<KernelImpl>::value, "GravityKernel test failed");
19 TEST_CASE("Default kernel", "[kernel]") {
20     GravityLutKernel kernel;
21     REQUIRE(kernel.radius() == 0._f);
22     REQUIRE(kernel.value(Vector(2._f, 0._f, 0._f), 1._f) == -0.5_f);
23     REQUIRE(kernel.grad(Vector(2._f, 0._f, 0._f), 1._f) == Vector(0.25_f, 0._f, 0._f));
24 }
26 TEST_CASE("M4 gravity kernel", "[kernel]") {
27     GravityLutKernel kernel = GravityKernel<CubicSpline<3>>();
28     REQUIRE(kernel.value(Vector(1._f, 0._f, 0._f), 0.1_f) < 0._f);
29     REQUIRE(kernel.value(Vector(3._f, 0._f, 0._f), 5._f) < 0._f);
30     REQUIRE(kernel.value(Vector(0._f, 5._f, 0._f), 1._f) == -0.2_f);
31     REQUIRE(kernel.value(Vector(0._f, 5._f, 0._f), EPS) == -0.2_f);
33     REQUIRE_NOTHROW(kernel.grad(Vector(1._f, 0._f, 0._f), 1._f));
34     REQUIRE(kernel.grad(Vector(0._f), 1._f) == Vector(0._f));
35     REQUIRE(kernel.grad(Vector(0._f, 0._f, 5._f), 1._f) == approx(Vector(0._f, 0._f, 0.04_f)));
36     REQUIRE(kernel.grad(Vector(0._f, 0._f, 5._f), EPS) == approx(Vector(0._f, 0._f, 0.04_f)));
38     // check that value = int grad dx
__anon758436a00102(const Float x1, const Float x2, const Float h) 40     auto test = [&](const Float x1, const Float x2, const Float h) {
41         const Float lhs = integrate(Interval(x1, x2), [&](const Float r) { //
42             return kernel.grad(Vector(0._f, r, 0._f), h)[Y];
43         });
44         const Float rhs = kernel.value(Vector(0._f, x2, 0._f), h) - kernel.value(Vector(0._f, x1, 0._f), h);
45         REQUIRE(lhs == approx(rhs, 1.e-6_f));
46     };
47     test(0._f, 3._f, 1._f);
48     test(0.2_f, 0.25_f, 0.1_f);
49     test(0.2_f, 5._f, 0.5_f);
50     test(1._f, 6._f, 2._f);
51 }
53 TEST_CASE("M4 gravity kernel consistency", "[kernel]") {
54     GravityLutKernel kernel = GravityKernel<CubicSpline<3>>();
55     CubicSpline<3> m4;
56     // check consistency of kernels; gravity kernel g must satisfy:
57     // W = 1/(4 pi r^2)*d/dr(r^2 dg/dr)
58     const Float x1 = 0.3_f;
59     const Float x2 = 2.5_f;
60     for (Float h : { 0.25_f, 0.5_f, 1._f, 2.3_f }) {
__anon758436a00302(const Float r) 61         const Float lhs = integrate(Interval(x1, x2), [&](const Float r) { //
62             return 4._f * PI * sqr(r) * m4.value(Vector(r, 0._f, 0._f), h);
63         });
64         const Float rhs = sqr(x2) * kernel.grad(Vector(x2, 0._f, 0._f), h)[X] -
65                           sqr(x1) * kernel.grad(Vector(x1, 0._f, 0._f), h)[X];
66         REQUIRE(lhs == approx(rhs, 1.e-6_f));
67     }
68 }
70 TEST_CASE("Check getAssociatedGravityKernel", "[kernel]") {
71     GravityLutKernel kernel1 = GravityKernel<CubicSpline<3>>();
72     GravityLutKernel kernel2 = getAssociatedGravityKernel(CubicSpline<3>());
74     REQUIRE(kernel1.radius() == kernel2.radius());
75     for (Float h : { 0.25_f, 0.5_f, 1._f, 2.3_f }) {
76         bool valueMatches = true;
77         bool gradientMatches = true;
78         for (Float x = 0; x < 3._f; x += 0.01_f) {
79             const Float w1 = kernel1.value(Vector(x, 0, 0), h);
80             const Float w2 = kernel2.value(Vector(x, 0, 0), h);
81             valueMatches &= w1 == approx(w2, 1.e-5_f);
83             const Float dw1 = kernel1.grad(Vector(x, 0, 0), h)[0];
84             const Float dw2 = kernel2.grad(Vector(x, 0, 0), h)[0];
85             gradientMatches &= dw1 == approx(dw2, 1.e-4_f);
86         }
87         REQUIRE(valueMatches);
88         REQUIRE(gradientMatches);
89     }
90 }