1 /*
2  * PCMSolver, an API for the Polarizable Continuum Model
3  * Copyright (C) 2020 Roberto Di Remigio, Luca Frediani and contributors.
4  *
5  * This file is part of PCMSolver.
6  *
7  * PCMSolver is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8  * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
9  * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
10  * (at your option) any later version.
11  *
12  * PCMSolver is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15  * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
16  *
17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18  * along with PCMSolver.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19  *
20  * For information on the complete list of contributors to the
21  * PCMSolver API, see: <http://pcmsolver.readthedocs.io/>
22  */
24 #pragma once
26 #include <iosfwd>
27 #include <string>
28 #include <vector>
30 #include "Config.hpp"
31 #include "PCMSolverExport.h"
33 #include <Eigen/Core>
35 /*! \file Molecule.hpp */
37 namespace pcm {
38 namespace cavity {
39 class Element;
40 } // namespace cavity
41 } // namespace pcm
43 #include "Atom.hpp"
44 #include "Sphere.hpp"
45 #include "Symmetry.hpp"
47 namespace pcm {
48 using utils::Atom;
49 using utils::Sphere;
51 enum rotorType { rtAsymmetric, rtSymmetric, rtSpherical, rtLinear, rtAtom };
52 const std::string rotorTypeList[] = {"Asymmetric",
53                                      "Symmetric",
54                                      "Spherical",
55                                      "Linear",
56                                      "Atom"};
58 /*! \class Molecule
59  *  \brief Class representing a molecule or general aggregate of atoms.
60  *  \author Roberto Di Remigio
61  *  \date 2014
62  *
63  *  This class is based on the similar class available in the Mints library
64  *  of Psi4
65  */
67 class Molecule {
68 private:
69   /// The number of atoms in the molecule
70   size_t nAtoms_;
71   /// A vector of dimension (# atoms) containing the charges
72   Eigen::VectorXd charges_;
73   /// A vector of dimension (# atoms) containing the masses
74   Eigen::VectorXd masses_;
75   /// Molecular geometry, in cartesian coordinates. The dimensions are (# atoms * 3)
76   /// Units are Bohr.
77   Eigen::Matrix3Xd geometry_;
78   /// A container for all the atoms composing the molecule
79   std::vector<Atom> atoms_;
80   /// A container for the spheres composing the molecule
81   std::vector<Sphere> spheres_;
82   /// The molecular rotor type
83   rotorType rotor_;
84   /// The molecular point group
85   Symmetry pointGroup_;
87 public:
88   /*! \brief Default constructor
89    *  Initialize a dummy molecule, e.g. as placeholder, see ICavity.cpp loadCavity
90    * method
91    */
Molecule()92   Molecule() : rotor_(rtAsymmetric) {}
93   /*! \brief Constructor from full molecular data
94    *  \param[in] nat number of atoms
95    *  \param[in] chg vector of atomic charges
96    *  \param[in] masses vector of atomic masses
97    *  \param[in] geo molecular geometry (format nat*3)
98    *  \param[in] at vector of Atom objects
99    *  \param[in] sph vector of Sphere objects
100    *
101    *  This initializes the molecule in C1 symmetry
102    */
103   Molecule(int nat,
104            const Eigen::VectorXd & chg,
105            const Eigen::VectorXd & masses,
106            const Eigen::Matrix3Xd & geo,
107            const std::vector<Atom> & at,
108            const std::vector<Sphere> & sph);
109   /*! \brief Constructor from full molecular data, plus number of generators and
110    *generators
111    *  \param[in] nat number of atoms
112    *  \param[in] chg vector of atomic charges
113    *  \param[in] masses vector of atomic masses
114    *  \param[in] geo molecular geometry (format nat*3)
115    *  \param[in] at vector of Atom objects
116    *  \param[in] sph vector of Sphere objects
117    *  \param[in] nr_gen number of molecular point group generators
118    *  \param[in] gen molecular point group generators
119    *
120    *  This initializes the molecule in the symmetry prescribed by nr_gen and gen.
121    *  See documentation of the Symmetry object for the conventions.
122    */
123   Molecule(int nat,
124            const Eigen::VectorXd & chg,
125            const Eigen::VectorXd & masses,
126            const Eigen::Matrix3Xd & geo,
127            const std::vector<Atom> & at,
128            const std::vector<Sphere> & sph,
129            int nr_gen,
130            std::array<int, 3> gens);
131   /*! \brief Constructor from full molecular data and point group
132    *  \param[in] nat number of atoms
133    *  \param[in] chg vector of atomic charges
134    *  \param[in] masses vector of atomic masses
135    *  \param[in] geo molecular geometry (format nat*3)
136    *  \param[in] at vector of Atom objects
137    *  \param[in] sph vector of Sphere objects
138    *  \param[in] pg the molecular point group (a Symmetry object)
139    *
140    *  This initializes the molecule in the symmetry prescribed by pg.
141    */
142   Molecule(int nat,
143            const Eigen::VectorXd & chg,
144            const Eigen::VectorXd & masses,
145            const Eigen::Matrix3Xd & geo,
146            const std::vector<Atom> & at,
147            const std::vector<Sphere> & sph,
148            const Symmetry & pg);
149   /*! \brief Constructor from list of spheres
150    *  \param[in] sph  list of spheres
151    *
152    *  \warning This constructor is to be used **exclusively** when initializing the
153    *Molecule
154    *  in EXPLICIT mode, i.e. when the user specifies explicitly spheres centers and
155    *radii.
156    *
157    *  Molecule is treated as an aggregate of spheres. We do not have information on
158    *the atomic
159    *  species involved in the aggregate.
160    *  Charges are set to 1.0; masses are set based on the radii; geometry is set from
161    *the list of spheres.
162    *  All the atoms are dummy atoms. The point group is C1.
163    */
164   Molecule(const std::vector<Sphere> & sph);
165   /// Copy constructor.
166   Molecule(const Molecule & other);
~Molecule()167   ~Molecule() {}
nAtoms() const169   size_t nAtoms() const { return nAtoms_; }
charges() const170   Eigen::VectorXd charges() const { return charges_; }
charges(int i) const171   double charges(int i) const { return charges_(i); }
masses() const172   Eigen::VectorXd masses() const { return masses_; }
masses(int i) const173   double masses(int i) const { return masses_(i); }
geometry() const174   Eigen::Matrix3Xd geometry() const { return geometry_; }
geometry(int i,int j) const175   double geometry(int i, int j) const { return geometry_(i, j); }
atoms() const176   std::vector<Atom> atoms() const { return atoms_; }
atoms(int i) const177   Atom atoms(int i) const { return atoms_[i]; }
spheres() const178   std::vector<Sphere> spheres() const { return spheres_; }
spheres(int i) const179   Sphere spheres(int i) const { return spheres_[i]; }
181   rotorType rotor();
182   rotorType findRotorType();
pointGroup() const184   Symmetry pointGroup() const { return pointGroup_; }
pointGroup(const Symmetry & pg)185   void pointGroup(const Symmetry & pg) { pointGroup_ = pg; }
187   Eigen::Vector3d centerOfMass();
188   Eigen::Matrix3d inertiaTensor();
190   /*!
191    * Given a vector, carries out translation of the molecule.
192    * \param translationVector The translation vector.
193    */
194   void translate(const Eigen::Vector3d & translationVector);
195   /// Performs translation to the Center of Mass Frame.
196   void moveToCOM();
198   /*!
199    * Given a matrix, carries out rotation of the molecule.
200    * \param rotationMatrix The matrix representing the rotation.
201    */
202   void rotate(const Eigen::Matrix3d & rotationMatrix);
203   /// Performs rotation to the Principal Axes Frame.
204   void moveToPAF();
206   /// @{
207   /// Operators
208   /// Assignment operator.
209   Molecule & operator=(const Molecule & other);
210   friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os, const Molecule & molecule);
211   /// @}
213 };
215 /*! \brief Compute MEP from molecule object and list of finite elements
216  *  \param[in] mol molecule object
217  *  \param[in] el  list of finite elements
218  *  \return MEP at finite elements center
219  */
220 Eigen::VectorXd computeMEP(const Molecule & mol,
221                            const std::vector<cavity::Element> & el);
223 /*! \brief Compute MEP from molecule object and a grid of points
224  *  \param[in] mol  molecule object
225  *  \param[in] grid grid points coordinates
226  *  \return MEP at grid points
227  */
228 PCMSolver_EXPORT Eigen::VectorXd computeMEP(const Molecule & mol,
229                                             const Eigen::Matrix3Xd & grid);
231 /*! \brief Compute MEP for a single point charge
232  *  \param[in] el  list of finite elements
233  *  \param[in] charge value of the charge
234  *  \param[in] origin location of the point charge
235  *  \return MEP at finite elements center
236  */
237 Eigen::VectorXd computeMEP(const std::vector<cavity::Element> & el,
238                            double charge = 1.0,
239                            const Eigen::Vector3d & origin = Eigen::Vector3d::Zero());
241 /*! Gauss' theorem estimate of the total ASC for a set of point charges
242  * \param[in] charges Vector of point charges
243  * \param[in] permittivity Solvent permittivity
244  * \param[in] correction The CPCM correction factor
245  */
246 PCMSolver_EXPORT double GaussEstimate(const Eigen::VectorXd & charges,
247                                       double permittivity,
248                                       double correction = 0.0);
249 } // namespace pcm