1 /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2    Copyright (c) 2012-2021 The plumed team
3    (see the PEOPLE file at the root of the distribution for a list of names)
5    See http://www.plumed.org for more information.
7    This file is part of plumed, version 2.
9    plumed is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
11    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
12    (at your option) any later version.
14    plumed is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
19    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
20    along with plumed.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
21 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
22 #include "KernelFunctions.h"
23 #include "IFile.h"
24 #include <iostream>
25 #include <cmath>
27 namespace PLMD {
29 //+PLUMEDOC INTERNAL kernelfunctions
30 /*
31 Functions that are used to construct histograms
33 Constructing histograms is something you learned to do relatively early in life. You perform an experiment a number of times,
34 count the number of times each result comes up and then draw a bar graph that describes how often each of the results came up.
35 This only works when there are a finite number of possible results.  If the result a number between 0 and 1 the bar chart is
36 less easy to draw as there are as many possible results as there are numbers between zero and one - an infinite number.
37 To resolve this problem we replace probability, \f$P\f$ with probability density, \f$\pi\f$, and write the probability of getting
38 a number between \f$a\f$ and \f$b\f$ as:
40 \f[
41 P = \int_{a}^b \textrm{d}x \pi(x)
42 \f]
44 To calculate probability densities from a set of results we use a process called kernel density estimation.
45 Histograms are accumulated by adding up kernel functions, \f$K\f$, with finite spatial extent, that integrate to one.
46 These functions are centered on each of the \f$n\f$-dimensional data points, \f$\mathbf{x}_i\f$. The overall effect of this
47 is that each result we obtain in our experiments contributes to the probability density in a finite sized region of the space.
49 Expressing all this mathematically in kernel density estimation we write the probability density as:
51 \f[
52 \pi(\mathbf{x}) =  \sum_i K\left[ (\mathbf{x} - \mathbf{x}_i)^T \Sigma (\mathbf{x} - \mathbf{x}_i) \right]
53 \f]
55 where \f$\Sigma\f$ is an \f$n \times n\f$ matrix called the bandwidth that controls the spatial extent of
56 the kernel. Whenever we accumulate a histogram (e.g. in \ref HISTOGRAM or in \ref METAD) we use this
57 technique.
59 There is thus some flexibility in the particular function we use for \f$K[\mathbf{r}]\f$ in the above.
60 The following variants are available.
62 <table align=center frame=void width=95%% cellpadding=5%%>
63 <tr>
64 <td> TYPE </td> <td> FUNCTION </td>
65 </tr> <tr>
66 <td> gaussian </td> <td> \f$f(r) = \frac{1}{(2 \pi)^{n} \sqrt{|\Sigma^{-1}|}} \exp\left(-0.5 r^2 \right)\f$ </td>
67 </tr> <tr>
68 <td> truncated-gaussian </td> <td> \f$f(r) = \frac{1}{(2 \pi)^{n} \sqrt{|\Sigma^{-1}|} \left(\frac{\mathrm{erf}(-6.25/sqrt{2}) - \mathrm{erf}(-6.25/sqrt{2})}{2}\right)^n} \exp\left(-0.5 r^2 \right)\f$ </td>
69 </tr> <tr>
70 <td> triangular </td> <td> \f$f(r) = \frac{3}{V} ( 1 - | r | )H(1-|r|) \f$ </td>
71 </tr> <tr>
72 <td> uniform </td> <td> \f$f(r) = \frac{1}{V}H(1-|r|)\f$ </td>
73 </tr>
74 </table>
76 In the above \f$H(y)\f$ is a function that is equal to one when \f$y>0\f$ and zero when \f$y \le 0\f$. \f$n\f$ is
77 the dimensionality of the vector \f$\mathbf{x}\f$ and \f$V\f$ is the volume of an ellipse in an \f$n\f$ dimensional
78 space which is given by:
80 \f{eqnarray*}{
81 V &=& | \Sigma^{-1} | \frac{ \pi^{\frac{n}{2}} }{\left( \frac{n}{2} \right)! } \qquad \textrm{for even} \quad n \\
82 V &=& | \Sigma^{-1} | \frac{ 2^{\frac{n+1}{2}} \pi^{\frac{n-1}{2}} }{ n!! }
83 \f}
85 In \ref METAD the normalization constants are ignored so that the value of the function at \f$r=0\f$ is equal
86 to one.  In addition in \ref METAD we must be able to differentiate the bias in order to get forces.  This limits
87 the kernels we can use in this method.  Notice also that Gaussian kernels should have infinite support.  When used
88 with grids, however, they are assumed to only be non-zero over a finite range.  The difference between the
89 truncated-gaussian and regular gaussian is that the truncated gaussian is scaled so that its integral over the grid
90 is equal to one when it is normalized.  The integral of a regular gaussian when it is evaluated on a grid will be
91 slightly less that one because of the truncation of a function that should have infinite support.
92 */
KernelFunctions(const std::string & input)95 KernelFunctions::KernelFunctions( const std::string& input ) {
96   std::vector<std::string> data=Tools::getWords(input);
97   std::string name=data[0];
98   data.erase(data.begin());
100   std::vector<double> at;
101   bool foundc = Tools::parseVector(data,"CENTER",at);
102   if(!foundc) plumed_merror("failed to find center keyword in definition of kernel");
103   std::vector<double> sig;
104   bool founds = Tools::parseVector(data,"SIGMA",sig);
105   if(!founds) plumed_merror("failed to find sigma keyword in definition of kernel");
107   bool multi=false; Tools::parseFlag(data,"MULTIVARIATE",multi);
108   bool vonmises=false; Tools::parseFlag(data,"VON-MISSES",vonmises);
109   if( center.size()==1 && multi ) plumed_merror("one dimensional kernel cannot be multivariate");
110   if( center.size()==1 && vonmises ) plumed_merror("one dimensional kernal cannot be von-misses");
111   if( center.size()==1 && sig.size()!=1 ) plumed_merror("size mismatch between center size and sigma size");
112   if( multi && center.size()>1 && sig.size()!=0.5*center.size()*(center.size()-1) ) plumed_merror("size mismatch between center size and sigma size");
113   if( !multi && center.size()>1 && sig.size()!=center.size() ) plumed_merror("size mismatch between center size and sigma size");
115   double h;
116   bool foundh = Tools::parse(data,"HEIGHT",h);
117   if( !foundh) h=1.0;
119   if( multi ) setData( at, sig, name, "MULTIVARIATE", h );
120   else if( vonmises ) setData( at, sig, name, "VON-MISSES", h );
121   else setData( at, sig, name, "DIAGONAL", h );
122 }
KernelFunctions(const std::vector<double> & at,const std::vector<double> & sig,const std::string & type,const std::string & mtype,const double & w)124 KernelFunctions::KernelFunctions( const std::vector<double>& at, const std::vector<double>& sig, const std::string& type, const std::string& mtype, const double& w ) {
125   setData( at, sig, type, mtype, w );
126 }
KernelFunctions(const KernelFunctions * in)128 KernelFunctions::KernelFunctions( const KernelFunctions* in ):
129   dtype(in->dtype),
130   ktype(in->ktype),
131   center(in->center),
132   width(in->width),
133   height(in->height)
134 {
135 }
setData(const std::vector<double> & at,const std::vector<double> & sig,const std::string & type,const std::string & mtype,const double & w)137 void KernelFunctions::setData( const std::vector<double>& at, const std::vector<double>& sig, const std::string& type, const std::string& mtype, const double& w ) {
139   height=w;
140   center.resize( at.size() ); for(unsigned i=0; i<at.size(); ++i) center[i]=at[i];
141   width.resize( sig.size() ); for(unsigned i=0; i<sig.size(); ++i) width[i]=sig[i];
142   if( mtype=="MULTIVARIATE" ) dtype=multi;
143   else if( mtype=="VON-MISSES" ) dtype=vonmises;
144   else if( mtype=="DIAGONAL" ) dtype=diagonal;
145   else plumed_merror(mtype + " is not a valid metric type");
147   // Setup the kernel type
148   if(type=="GAUSSIAN" || type=="gaussian" ) {
149     ktype=gaussian;
150   } else if(type=="TRUNCATED-GAUSSIAN" || type=="truncated-gaussian" ) {
151     ktype=truncatedgaussian;
152   } else if(type=="UNIFORM" || type=="uniform") {
153     ktype=uniform;
154   } else if(type=="TRIANGULAR" || type=="triangular") {
155     ktype=triangular;
156   } else {
157     plumed_merror(type+" is an invalid kernel type\n");
158   }
159 }
normalize(const std::vector<Value * > & myvals)161 void KernelFunctions::normalize( const std::vector<Value*>& myvals ) {
163   double det=1.;
164   unsigned ncv=ndim();
165   if(dtype==diagonal) {
166     for(unsigned i=0; i<width.size(); ++i) det*=width[i]*width[i];
167   } else if(dtype==multi) {
168     Matrix<double> mymatrix( getMatrix() ), myinv( ncv, ncv );
169     Invert(mymatrix,myinv); double logd;
170     logdet( myinv, logd );
171     det=std::exp(logd);
172   }
173   if( dtype==diagonal || dtype==multi ) {
174     double volume;
175     if( ktype==gaussian ) {
176       volume=pow( 2*pi, 0.5*ncv ) * pow( det, 0.5 );
177     } else if( ktype==truncatedgaussian ) {
178       // This makes it so the gaussian integrates to one over the range over which it has support
179       const double DP2CUTOFF=sqrt(6.25);
180       volume=pow( 2*pi, 0.5*ncv ) * pow( det, 0.5 ) * pow( 0.5 * ( erf(DP2CUTOFF) - erf(-DP2CUTOFF) ), ncv);
181     } else if( ktype==uniform || ktype==triangular ) {
182       if( ncv%2==1 ) {
183         double dfact=1;
184         for(unsigned i=1; i<ncv; i+=2) dfact*=static_cast<double>(i);
185         volume=( pow( pi, (ncv-1)/2 ) ) * ( pow( 2., (ncv+1)/2 ) ) / dfact;
186       } else {
187         double fact=1.;
188         for(unsigned i=1; i<ncv/2; ++i) fact*=static_cast<double>(i);
189         volume=pow( pi,ncv/2 ) / fact;
190       }
191       if(ktype==uniform) volume*=det;
192       else if(ktype==triangular) volume*=det / 3.;
193     } else {
194       plumed_merror("not a valid kernel type");
195     }
196     height /= volume;
197     return;
198   }
199   plumed_assert( dtype==vonmises && ktype==gaussian );
200   // Now calculate determinant for aperiodic variables
201   unsigned naper=0;
202   for(unsigned i=0; i<ncv; ++i) {
203     if( !myvals[i]->isPeriodic() ) naper++;
204   }
205   // Now construct sub matrix
206   double volume=1;
207   if( naper>0 ) {
208     unsigned isub=0;
209     Matrix<double> mymatrix( getMatrix() ), mysub( naper, naper );
210     for(unsigned i=0; i<ncv; ++i) {
211       if( myvals[i]->isPeriodic() ) continue;
212       unsigned jsub=0;
213       for(unsigned j=0; j<ncv; ++j) {
214         if( myvals[j]->isPeriodic() ) continue;
215         mysub( isub, jsub ) = mymatrix( i, j ); jsub++;
216       }
217       isub++;
218     }
219     Matrix<double> myisub( naper, naper ); double logd;
220     Invert( mysub, myisub ); logdet( myisub, logd );
221     det=std::exp(logd);
222     volume=pow( 2*pi, 0.5*ncv ) * pow( det, 0.5 );
223   }
225   // Calculate volume of periodic variables
226   unsigned nper=0;
227   for(unsigned i=0; i<ncv; ++i) {
228     if( myvals[i]->isPeriodic() ) nper++;
229   }
231   // Now construct sub matrix
232   if( nper>0 ) {
233     unsigned isub=0;
234     Matrix<double> mymatrix( getMatrix() ),  mysub( nper, nper );
235     for(unsigned i=0; i<ncv; ++i) {
236       if( !myvals[i]->isPeriodic() ) continue;
237       unsigned jsub=0;
238       for(unsigned j=0; j<ncv; ++j) {
239         if( !myvals[j]->isPeriodic() ) continue;
240         mysub( isub, jsub ) = mymatrix( i, j ); jsub++;
241       }
242       isub++;
243     }
244     Matrix<double>  eigvec( nper, nper );
245     std::vector<double> eigval( nper );
246     diagMat( mysub, eigval, eigvec );
247     unsigned iper=0; volume=1;
248     for(unsigned i=0; i<ncv; ++i) {
249       if( myvals[i]->isPeriodic() ) {
250         volume *= myvals[i]->getMaxMinusMin()*Tools::bessel0(eigval[iper])*std::exp(-eigval[iper]);
251         iper++;
252       }
253     }
254   }
255   height /= volume;
256 }
getCutoff(const double & width) const258 double KernelFunctions::getCutoff( const double& width ) const {
259   const double DP2CUTOFF=6.25;
260   if( ktype==gaussian || ktype==truncatedgaussian ) return sqrt(2.0*DP2CUTOFF)*width;
261   else if(ktype==triangular ) return width;
262   else if(ktype==uniform) return width;
263   else plumed_merror("No valid kernel type");
264   return 0.0;
265 }
getContinuousSupport() const267 std::vector<double> KernelFunctions::getContinuousSupport( ) const {
268   unsigned ncv=ndim();
269   std::vector<double> support( ncv );
270   if(dtype==diagonal) {
271     for(unsigned i=0; i<ncv; ++i) support[i]=getCutoff(width[i]);
272   } else if(dtype==multi) {
273     Matrix<double> mymatrix( getMatrix() ), myinv( ncv,ncv );
274     Invert(mymatrix,myinv);
275     Matrix<double> myautovec(ncv,ncv); std::vector<double> myautoval(ncv);
276     diagMat(myinv,myautoval,myautovec);
277     double maxautoval=0.;
278     unsigned ind_maxautoval=0;
279     for (unsigned i=0; i<ncv; i++) {
280       if(myautoval[i]>maxautoval) {maxautoval=myautoval[i]; ind_maxautoval=i;}
281     }
282     for(unsigned i=0; i<ncv; ++i) {
283       double extent=fabs(sqrt(maxautoval)*myautovec(i,ind_maxautoval));
284       support[i]=getCutoff( extent );
285     }
286   } else {
287     plumed_merror("cannot find support if metric is not multi or diagonal type");
288   }
289   return support;
290 }
getSupport(const std::vector<double> & dx) const292 std::vector<unsigned> KernelFunctions::getSupport( const std::vector<double>& dx ) const {
293   plumed_assert( ndim()==dx.size() );
294   std::vector<unsigned> support( dx.size() );
295   std::vector<double> vv=getContinuousSupport( );
296   for(unsigned i=0; i<dx.size(); ++i) support[i]=static_cast<unsigned>(ceil( vv[i]/dx[i] ));
297   return support;
298 }
evaluate(const std::vector<Value * > & pos,std::vector<double> & derivatives,bool usederiv,bool doInt,double lowI_,double uppI_) const300 double KernelFunctions::evaluate( const std::vector<Value*>& pos, std::vector<double>& derivatives, bool usederiv, bool doInt, double lowI_, double uppI_) const {
301   plumed_dbg_assert( pos.size()==ndim() && derivatives.size()==ndim() );
302 #ifndef NDEBUG
303   if( usederiv ) plumed_massert( ktype!=uniform, "step function can not be differentiated" );
304 #endif
305   if(doInt) {
306     plumed_dbg_assert(center.size()==1);
307     if(pos[0]->get()<lowI_) pos[0]->set(lowI_);
308     if(pos[0]->get()>uppI_) pos[0]->set(uppI_);
309   }
310   double r2=0;
311   if(dtype==diagonal) {
312     for(unsigned i=0; i<ndim(); ++i) {
313       derivatives[i]=-pos[i]->difference( center[i] ) / width[i];
314       r2+=derivatives[i]*derivatives[i];
315       derivatives[i] /= width[i];
316     }
317   } else if(dtype==multi) {
318     Matrix<double> mymatrix( getMatrix() );
319     for(unsigned i=0; i<mymatrix.nrows(); ++i) {
320       double dp_i, dp_j; derivatives[i]=0;
321       dp_i=-pos[i]->difference( center[i] );
322       for(unsigned j=0; j<mymatrix.ncols(); ++j) {
323         if(i==j) dp_j=dp_i;
324         else dp_j=-pos[j]->difference( center[j] );
326         derivatives[i]+=mymatrix(i,j)*dp_j;
327         r2+=dp_i*dp_j*mymatrix(i,j);
328       }
329     }
330   } else if(dtype==vonmises) {
331     std::vector<double> costmp( ndim() ), sintmp( ndim() ), sinout( ndim(), 0.0 );
332     for(unsigned i=0; i<ndim(); ++i) {
333       if( pos[i]->isPeriodic() ) {
334         sintmp[i]=sin( 2.*pi*(pos[i]->get() - center[i])/pos[i]->getMaxMinusMin() );
335         costmp[i]=cos( 2.*pi*(pos[i]->get() - center[i])/pos[i]->getMaxMinusMin() );
336       } else {
337         sintmp[i]=pos[i]->get() - center[i];
338         costmp[i]=1.0;
339       }
340     }
342     Matrix<double> mymatrix( getMatrix() );
343     for(unsigned i=0; i<mymatrix.nrows(); ++i) {
344       derivatives[i]=0;
345       if( pos[i]->isPeriodic() ) {
346         r2+=2*( 1 - costmp[i] )*mymatrix(i,i);
347       } else {
348         r2+=sintmp[i]*sintmp[i]*mymatrix(i,i);
349       }
350       for(unsigned j=0; j<mymatrix.ncols(); ++j) {
351         if( i!=j ) sinout[i]+=mymatrix(i,j)*sintmp[j];
352       }
353       derivatives[i] = mymatrix(i,i)*sintmp[i] + sinout[i]*costmp[i];
354       if( pos[i]->isPeriodic() ) derivatives[i] *= (2*pi/pos[i]->getMaxMinusMin());
355     }
356     for(unsigned i=0; i<sinout.size(); ++i) r2+=sintmp[i]*sinout[i];
357   }
358   double kderiv, kval;
359   if(ktype==gaussian || ktype==truncatedgaussian) {
360     kval=height*std::exp(-0.5*r2); kderiv=-kval;
361   } else {
362     double r=sqrt(r2);
363     if(ktype==triangular) {
364       if( r<1.0 ) {
365         if(r==0) kderiv=0;
366         kderiv=-1; kval=height*( 1. - fabs(r) );
367       } else {
368         kval=0.; kderiv=0.;
369       }
370     } else if(ktype==uniform) {
371       kderiv=0.;
372       if(r<1.0) kval=height;
373       else kval=0;
374     } else {
375       plumed_merror("Not a valid kernel type");
376     }
377     kderiv*=height / r ;
378   }
379   for(unsigned i=0; i<ndim(); ++i) derivatives[i]*=kderiv;
380   if(doInt) {
381     if((pos[0]->get() <= lowI_ || pos[0]->get() >= uppI_) && usederiv ) for(unsigned i=0; i<ndim(); ++i)derivatives[i]=0;
382   }
383   return kval;
384 }
read(IFile * ifile,const bool & cholesky,const std::vector<std::string> & valnames)386 std::unique_ptr<KernelFunctions> KernelFunctions::read( IFile* ifile, const bool& cholesky, const std::vector<std::string>& valnames ) {
387   double h;
388   if( !ifile->scanField("height",h) ) return NULL;;
390   std::string sss; ifile->scanField("multivariate",sss);
391   std::string ktype="gaussian"; if( ifile->FieldExist("kerneltype") ) ifile->scanField("kerneltype",ktype);
392   plumed_massert( sss=="false" || sss=="true" || sss=="von-misses", "multivariate flag must be either false, true or von-misses");
394   // Read the position of the center
395   std::vector<double> cc( valnames.size() );
396   for(unsigned i=0; i<valnames.size(); ++i) ifile->scanField(valnames[i],cc[i]);
398   std::vector<double> sig;
399   if( sss=="false" ) {
400     sig.resize( valnames.size() );
401     for(unsigned i=0; i<valnames.size(); ++i) {
402       ifile->scanField("sigma_"+valnames[i],sig[i]);
403       if( !cholesky ) sig[i]=sqrt(sig[i]);
404     }
405     return std::unique_ptr<KernelFunctions>(new KernelFunctions( cc, sig, ktype, "DIAGONAL", h ) );
406   }
408   unsigned ncv=valnames.size();
409   sig.resize( (ncv*(ncv+1))/2 );
410   Matrix<double> upper(ncv,ncv), lower(ncv,ncv), mymult( ncv, ncv ), invmatrix(ncv,ncv);
411   for(unsigned i=0; i<ncv; ++i) {
412     for(unsigned j=0; j<ncv-i; j++) {
413       ifile->scanField("sigma_" +valnames[j+i] + "_" + valnames[j], lower(j+i,j) );
414       upper(j,j+i)=lower(j+i,j); mymult(j+i,j)=mymult(j,j+i)=lower(j+i,j);
415     }
416   }
417   if( cholesky ) mult(lower,upper,mymult);
418   Invert( mymult, invmatrix );
419   unsigned k=0;
420   for(unsigned i=0; i<ncv; i++) {
421     for(unsigned j=i; j<ncv; j++) { sig[k]=invmatrix(i,j); k++; }
422   }
423   if( sss=="true" ) return std::unique_ptr<KernelFunctions>(new KernelFunctions( cc, sig, ktype, "MULTIVARIATE", h ) );
424   return std::unique_ptr<KernelFunctions>(new KernelFunctions( cc, sig, ktype, "VON-MISSES", h ) );
425 }
427 }