2!  Copyright (C) 2012, Northwestern University and Argonne National Laboratory
3!  See COPYRIGHT notice in top-level directory.
5! $Id: put_varn_real.f90 2476 2016-09-06 01:05:33Z wkliao $
8! This example shows how to use a single call of nf90mpi_put_varn_all()
9! to write a sequence of one-element requests with arbitrary array indices.
11! The compile and run commands are given below, together with an ncmpidump of
12! the output file.
14!    % mpif90 -O2 -o put_varn_real put_varn_real.f90 -lpnetcdf
15!    % mpiexec -n 4 ./put_varn_real /pvfs2/wkliao/testfile.nc
16!    % ncmpidump /pvfs2/wkliao/testfile.nc
17!    netcdf testfile {
18!    // file format: CDF-5 (big variables)
19!    dimensions:
20!             Y = 4 ;
21!             X = 10 ;
22!    variables:
23!             int var(Y, X) ;
24!    data:
26!     var =
27!       3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1,
28!       0, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2,
29!       1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 0, 0, 1, 1,
30!       0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3 ;
31!    }
34      subroutine check(err, message)
35          use mpi
36          use pnetcdf
37          implicit none
38          integer err
39          character(len=*) message
41          ! It is a good idea to check returned value for possible error
42          if (err .NE. NF90_NOERR) then
43              write(6,*) trim(message), trim(nf90mpi_strerror(err))
44              call MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1, err)
45          end if
46      end subroutine check
48      program main
49          use mpi
50          use pnetcdf
51          implicit none
53          integer NDIMS
54          PARAMETER(NDIMS=2)
56          character(LEN=256) filename, cmd
57          integer rank, nprocs, err, num_reqs, ierr, get_args, dummy
58          integer ncid, cmode, varid, dimid(2), y, x
59          real buffer(13)
60          integer(kind=MPI_OFFSET_KIND) NY, NX
61          integer(kind=MPI_OFFSET_KIND) starts(NDIMS, 13)
62          integer(kind=MPI_OFFSET_KIND) counts(NDIMS, 13)
63          integer(kind=MPI_OFFSET_KIND) malloc_size, sum_size
64          logical verbose
66          NY = 4
67          NX = 10
69          call MPI_Init(err)
70          call MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, rank, err)
71          call MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, nprocs, err)
73          ! take filename from command-line argument if there is any
74          if (rank .EQ. 0) then
75              verbose = .TRUE.
76              filename = "testfile.nc"
77              ierr = get_args(2, cmd, filename, verbose, dummy)
78          endif
79          call MPI_Bcast(ierr, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, err)
80          if (ierr .EQ. 0) goto 999
82          call MPI_Bcast(verbose, 1, MPI_LOGICAL, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, err)
83          call MPI_Bcast(filename, 256, MPI_CHARACTER, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, err)
85          if (nprocs .NE. 4 .AND. rank .EQ. 0 .AND. verbose) &
86              print*,'Warning: ',trim(cmd),' is intended to run on ', &
87                     '4 processes'
89          ! create file, truncate it if exists
90          cmode = IOR(NF90_CLOBBER, NF90_64BIT_DATA)
91          err = nf90mpi_create(MPI_COMM_WORLD, filename, cmode, &
92                             MPI_INFO_NULL, ncid)
93          call check(err, 'In nf90mpi_create: ')
95          ! create a global array of size NY * NX */
96          err = nf90mpi_def_dim(ncid, "Y", NY, dimid(2))
97          call check(err, 'In nf90mpi_def_dim Y: ')
98          err = nf90mpi_def_dim(ncid, "X", NX, dimid(1))
99          call check(err, 'In nf90mpi_def_dim X: ')
100          err = nf90mpi_def_var(ncid, "var", NF90_FLOAT, dimid, varid)
101          call check(err, 'In nf90mpi_def_var var: ')
102          err = nf90mpi_enddef(ncid)
103          call check(err, 'In nf90mpi_enddef: ')
105          ! pick arbitrary numbers of requests for 4 processes
106          num_reqs = 0
107          if (rank .EQ.  0) then
108              num_reqs = 8
109          elseif (rank .EQ. 1) then
110              num_reqs = 13
111          elseif (rank .EQ. 2) then
112              num_reqs = 9
113          elseif (rank .EQ. 3) then
114              num_reqs = 10
115          endif
117          ! assign arbitrary starts
118          y=2
119          x=1
120          if (rank .EQ. 0) then
121              starts(y, 1) = 1
122              starts(x, 1) = 6
123              starts(y, 2) = 2
124              starts(x, 2) = 1
125              starts(y, 3) = 3
126              starts(x, 3) = 7
127              starts(y, 4) = 4
128              starts(x, 4) = 1
129              starts(y, 5) = 1
130              starts(x, 5) = 7
131              starts(y, 6) = 3
132              starts(x, 6) = 8
133              starts(y, 7) = 4
134              starts(x, 7) = 2
135              starts(y, 8) = 4
136              starts(x, 8) = 3
137              ! rank 0 is writing the following locations: ("-" means skip)
138              !   -  -  -  -  -  0  0  -  -  -
139              !   0  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
140              !   -  -  -  -  -  -  0  0  -  -
141              !   0  0  0  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
142          elseif (rank .EQ. 1) then
143              starts(y,  1) = 1
144              starts(x,  1) = 4
145              starts(y,  2) = 1
146              starts(x,  2) = 9
147              starts(y,  3) = 2
148              starts(x,  3) = 6
149              starts(y,  4) = 3
150              starts(x,  4) = 1
151              starts(y,  5) = 3
152              starts(x,  5) = 9
153              starts(y,  6) = 4
154              starts(x,  6) = 5
155              starts(y,  7) = 1
156              starts(x,  7) = 5
157              starts(y,  8) = 1
158              starts(x,  8) = 10
159              starts(y,  9) = 2
160              starts(x,  9) = 7
161              starts(y, 10) = 3
162              starts(x, 10) = 2
163              starts(y, 11) = 3
164              starts(x, 11) = 10
165              starts(y, 12) = 4
166              starts(x, 12) = 6
167              starts(y, 13) = 4
168              starts(x, 13) = 7
169              ! rank 1 is writing the following locations: ("-" means skip)
170              !   -  -  -  1  1  -  -  -  1  1
171              !   -  -  -  -  -  1  1  -  -  -
172              !   1  1  -  -  -  -  -  -  1  1
173              !   -  -  -  -  1  1  1  -  -  -
174          elseif (rank .EQ. 2) then
175              starts(y, 1) = 1
176              starts(x, 1) = 8
177              starts(y, 2) = 2
178              starts(x, 2) = 2
179              starts(y, 3) = 2
180              starts(x, 3) = 8
181              starts(y, 4) = 3
182              starts(x, 4) = 3
183              starts(y, 5) = 4
184              starts(x, 5) = 4
185              starts(y, 6) = 2
186              starts(x, 6) = 3
187              starts(y, 7) = 2
188              starts(x, 7) = 9
189              starts(y, 8) = 2
190              starts(x, 8) = 4
191              starts(y, 9) = 2
192              starts(x, 9) = 10
193              ! rank 2 is writing the following locations: ("-" means skip)
194              !   -  -  -  -  -  -  -  2  -  -
195              !   -  2  2  2  -  -  -  2  2  2
196              !   -  -  2  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
197              !   -  -  -  2  -  -  -  -  -  -
198          elseif (rank .EQ. 3) then
199              starts(y,  1) = 1
200              starts(x,  1) = 1
201              starts(y,  2) = 2
202              starts(x,  2) = 5
203              starts(y,  3) = 3
204              starts(x,  3) = 4
205              starts(y,  4) = 4
206              starts(x,  4) = 8
207              starts(y,  5) = 1
208              starts(x,  5) = 2
209              starts(y,  6) = 3
210              starts(x,  6) = 5
211              starts(y,  7) = 4
212              starts(x,  7) = 9
213              starts(y,  8) = 1
214              starts(x,  8) = 3
215              starts(y,  9) = 3
216              starts(x,  9) = 6
217              starts(y, 10) = 4
218              starts(x, 10) = 10
219              ! rank 3 is writing the following locations: ("-" means skip)
220              !   3  3  3  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
221              !   -  -  -  -  3  -  -  -  -  -
222              !   -  -  -  3  3  3  -  -  -  -
223              !   -  -  -  -  -  -  -  3  3  3
224          endif
225          counts = 1
227          ! allocate I/O buffer and initialize its contents
228          buffer = rank
230          ! set the buffer pointers to different offsets to the I/O buffer
231          err = nf90mpi_put_varn_all(ncid, varid, buffer, num_reqs, &
232                                     starts, counts)
233          call check(err, 'In nf90mpi_put_varn_all: ')
235          err = nf90mpi_close(ncid);
236          call check(err, 'In nf90mpi_close: ')
238          ! check if there is any PnetCDF internal malloc residue
239 998      format(A,I13,A)
240          err = nf90mpi_inq_malloc_size(malloc_size)
241          if (err == NF90_NOERR) then
242              call MPI_Reduce(malloc_size, sum_size, 1, MPI_INTEGER8, &
243                              MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, err)
244              if (rank .EQ. 0 .AND. sum_size .GT. 0_MPI_OFFSET_KIND) print 998, &
245                  'heap memory allocated by PnetCDF internally has ',  &
246                  sum_size/1048576, ' MiB yet to be freed'
247          endif
249 999      call MPI_Finalize(err)
250          ! call EXIT(0) ! EXIT() is a GNU extension
252      end program