2!  Copyright (C) 2013, Northwestern University and Argonne National Laboratory
3!  See COPYRIGHT notice in top-level directory.
5!     This is part of the PnetCDF package.
7!     $Id: f90tst_parallel3.f90 2512 2016-09-29 01:29:37Z wkliao $
9!     This program tests PnetCDF parallel I/O from
10!     fortran. It creates a file like this:
12! netcdf f90tst_parallel3 {
13! dimensions:
14! 	x = 16 ;
15! 	y = 16 ;
16! variables:
17! 	byte byte__(x, y) ;
18! 	short short_(x, y) ;
19! 	int int__(x, y) ;
20! 	float float_(x, y) ;
21! 	double double(x, y) ;
22! 	int64 int64_(x, y) ;
25program f90tst_parallel3
26  use mpi
27  use pnetcdf
28  implicit none
30  integer, parameter ::   OneByteInt = selected_int_kind(2), &
31                          TwoByteInt = selected_int_kind(4), &
32                         FourByteInt = selected_int_kind(9), &
33                        EightByteInt = selected_int_kind(18)
35  ! This is the name of the data file we will create.
36  character (len = *), parameter :: FILE_NAME = "f90tst_parallel3.nc"
37  integer, parameter :: MAX_DIMS = 2
38  integer, parameter :: NX = 16, NY = 16
39  integer, parameter :: HALF_NX = NX/2, HALF_NY = NY/2
40  integer, parameter :: NUM_PROC = 4
41  integer, parameter :: NUM_VARS = 6
42  integer, parameter :: CACHE_SIZE = 4194304, CACHE_NELEMS = 1013
43  integer, parameter :: CACHE_PREEMPTION = 79
44  character (len = *), parameter :: var_name(NUM_VARS) = &
45       (/ 'byte__', 'short_', 'int___', 'float_', 'double', 'int64_' /)
46  integer :: ncid, varid(NUM_VARS), dimids(MAX_DIMS)
47  integer :: var_type(NUM_VARS) = (/ nf90_byte, nf90_short, nf90_int, &
48       nf90_float, nf90_double, nf90_int64 /)
49  integer :: x_dimid, y_dimid
50  integer(kind=OneByteInt) :: byte_out(HALF_NY, HALF_NX), byte_in(HALF_NY, HALF_NX)
51  integer(kind=TwoByteInt) :: short_out(HALF_NY, HALF_NX), short_in(HALF_NY, HALF_NX)
52  integer :: int_out(HALF_NY, HALF_NX), int_in(HALF_NY, HALF_NX)
53  real :: areal_out(HALF_NY, HALF_NX), areal_in(HALF_NY, HALF_NX)
54  double precision :: double_out(HALF_NY, HALF_NX), double_in(HALF_NY, HALF_NX)
55  integer (kind=EightByteInt) :: int64_out(HALF_NY, HALF_NX), int64_in(HALF_NY, HALF_NX)
56  integer :: nvars, ngatts, ndims, unlimdimid, file_format
57  integer :: x, y, v
58  integer :: p, my_rank, err, ierr, get_args
59  integer(KIND=MPI_OFFSET_KIND) :: start(MAX_DIMS), count(MAX_DIMS)
60  integer :: cmode
61  integer(KIND=MPI_OFFSET_KIND) :: nx_ll, ny_ll
62  character(LEN=256) filename, cmd, msg
64  call MPI_Init(ierr)
65  call MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, my_rank, ierr)
66  call MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, p, ierr)
68  ! take filename from command-line argument if there is any
69  if (my_rank .EQ. 0) then
70      filename = FILE_NAME
71      err = get_args(cmd, filename)
72  endif
73  call MPI_Bcast(err, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
74  if (err .EQ. 0) goto 999
76  call MPI_Bcast(filename, 256, MPI_CHARACTER, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
78!  if (p .ne. 4 .AND. my_rank .eq. 0) then
79!     print *, 'Warning: ',trim(cmd),' is design to run on 4 processes.'
80!  endif
82  ! Create some pretend data.
83  do x = 1, HALF_NX
84     do y = 1, HALF_NY
85        byte_out(y, x) = INT(my_rank,1) * (-1_1)
86        short_out(y, x) = INT(my_rank, TwoByteInt) * (-2_2)
87        int_out(y, x) = my_rank * (-4)
88        areal_out(y, x) = my_rank * 2.5
89        double_out(y, x) = my_rank * (-4.5)
90        int64_out(y, x) = my_rank * 4
91     end do
92  end do
94  ! Create the netCDF file.
95  cmode = IOR(NF90_CLOBBER, NF90_64BIT_DATA)
96  call check(nf90mpi_create(MPI_COMM_WORLD, filename, cmode, MPI_INFO_NULL, ncid))
98  ! Define the dimensions.
99  nx_ll = NX
100  ny_ll = NY
101  call check(nf90mpi_def_dim(ncid, "x", nx_ll, x_dimid))
102  call check(nf90mpi_def_dim(ncid, "y", ny_ll, y_dimid))
103  dimids =  (/ y_dimid, x_dimid /)
105  ! Define the variables.
106  do v = 1, NUM_VARS
107     call check(nf90mpi_def_var(ncid, var_name(v), var_type(v), dimids, varid(v)))
108  end do
110  ! This will be the last collective operation.
111  call check(nf90mpi_enddef(ncid))
113  ! Determine what part of the variable will be written/read for this
114  ! processor. It's a checkerboard decomposition.
115  count = (/ HALF_NX, HALF_NY /)
116  if (my_rank .eq. 0) then
117     start = (/ 1, 1 /)
118  else if (my_rank .eq. 1) then
119     start = (/ HALF_NX + 1, 1 /)
120  else if (my_rank .eq. 2) then
121     start = (/ 1, HALF_NY + 1 /)
122  else if (my_rank .eq. 3) then
123     start = (/ HALF_NX + 1, HALF_NY + 1 /)
124  else
125     start = (/ 1, 1 /)
126     count = 0
127  endif
129  ! Write this processor's data, except for processor zero.
130  if (my_rank .EQ. 0) count = (/ 0, 0 /)
131  call check(nf90mpi_put_var_all(ncid, varid(1), byte_out, start = start, count = count))
132  call check(nf90mpi_put_var_all(ncid, varid(2), short_out, start = start, count = count))
133  call check(nf90mpi_put_var_all(ncid, varid(3), int_out, start = start, count = count))
134  call check(nf90mpi_put_var_all(ncid, varid(4), areal_out, start = start, count = count))
135  call check(nf90mpi_put_var_all(ncid, varid(5), double_out, start = start, count = count))
136  call check(nf90mpi_put_var_all(ncid, varid(6), int64_out, start = start, count = count))
138  ! Close the file.
139  call check(nf90mpi_close(ncid))
141  ! Reopen the file.
142  call check(nf90mpi_open(MPI_COMM_WORLD, filename, nf90_nowrite, MPI_INFO_NULL, ncid))
144  ! Check some stuff out.
145  call check(nf90mpi_inquire(ncid, ndims, nvars, ngatts, unlimdimid, file_format))
146  if (ndims /= 2 .or. nvars /= NUM_VARS .or. ngatts /= 0 .or. unlimdimid /= -1 .or. &
147       file_format /= nf90_format_cdf5) stop 2
149  ! Read this processor's data.
150  if (my_rank .EQ. 0) count = (/ HALF_NX, HALF_NY /)
151  call check(nf90mpi_get_var_all(ncid, varid(1), byte_in, start = start, count = count))
152  call check(nf90mpi_get_var_all(ncid, varid(2), short_in, start = start, count = count))
153  call check(nf90mpi_get_var_all(ncid, varid(3), int_in, start = start, count = count))
154  call check(nf90mpi_get_var_all(ncid, varid(4), areal_in, start = start, count = count))
155  call check(nf90mpi_get_var_all(ncid, varid(5), double_in, start = start, count = count))
156  call check(nf90mpi_get_var_all(ncid, varid(6), int64_in, start = start, count = count))
158  ! Check the data. All the data from the processor zero are fill
159  ! value.
160  if (my_rank .LT. 4) then
161     do x = 1, HALF_NX
162        do y = 1, HALF_NY
163           if (my_rank .NE. 0) then
164              if (byte_in(y, x) .ne. (my_rank * (-1))) stop 13
165              if (short_in(y, x) .ne. (my_rank * (-2))) stop 14
166              if (int_in(y, x) .ne. (my_rank * (-4))) stop 15
167              if (areal_in(y, x) .ne. (my_rank * (2.5))) stop 16
168              if (double_in(y, x) .ne. (my_rank * (-4.5))) stop 17
169              if (int64_in(y, x) .ne. (my_rank * (4))) stop 20
170           endif
171        end do
172     end do
173  endif
175  ! Close the file.
176  call check(nf90mpi_close(ncid))
178   if (my_rank .eq. 0) then
179       msg = '*** TESTING F90 '//trim(cmd)
180       call pass_fail(0, msg)
181   endif
183 999 call MPI_Finalize(ierr)
186!     This subroutine handles errors by printing an error message and
187!     exiting with a non-zero status.
188  subroutine check(errcode)
189    implicit none
190    integer, intent(in) :: errcode
192    if(errcode /= nf90_noerr) then
193       print *, 'Error: ', trim(nf90mpi_strerror(errcode))
194       stop 99
195    endif
196  end subroutine check
197end program f90tst_parallel3