1from collections.abc import Iterable, Mapping
2from numbers import Real, Integral
3from pathlib import Path
4import subprocess
5from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
7import numpy as np
9import openmc
10import openmc.checkvalue as cv
11from ._xml import clean_indentation, reorder_attributes
12from .mixin import IDManagerMixin
15_BASES = ['xy', 'xz', 'yz']
18    'aliceblue': (240, 248, 255),
19    'antiquewhite': (250, 235, 215),
20    'aqua': (0, 255, 255),
21    'aquamarine': (127, 255, 212),
22    'azure': (240, 255, 255),
23    'beige': (245, 245, 220),
24    'bisque': (255, 228, 196),
25    'black': (0, 0, 0),
26    'blanchedalmond': (255, 235, 205),
27    'blue': (0, 0, 255),
28    'blueviolet': (138, 43, 226),
29    'brown': (165, 42, 42),
30    'burlywood': (222, 184, 135),
31    'cadetblue': (95, 158, 160),
32    'chartreuse': (127, 255, 0),
33    'chocolate': (210, 105, 30),
34    'coral': (255, 127, 80),
35    'cornflowerblue': (100, 149, 237),
36    'cornsilk': (255, 248, 220),
37    'crimson': (220, 20, 60),
38    'cyan': (0, 255, 255),
39    'darkblue': (0, 0, 139),
40    'darkcyan': (0, 139, 139),
41    'darkgoldenrod': (184, 134, 11),
42    'darkgray': (169, 169, 169),
43    'darkgreen': (0, 100, 0),
44    'darkgrey': (169, 169, 169),
45    'darkkhaki': (189, 183, 107),
46    'darkmagenta': (139, 0, 139),
47    'darkolivegreen': (85, 107, 47),
48    'darkorange': (255, 140, 0),
49    'darkorchid': (153, 50, 204),
50    'darkred': (139, 0, 0),
51    'darksalmon': (233, 150, 122),
52    'darkseagreen': (143, 188, 143),
53    'darkslateblue': (72, 61, 139),
54    'darkslategray': (47, 79, 79),
55    'darkslategrey': (47, 79, 79),
56    'darkturquoise': (0, 206, 209),
57    'darkviolet': (148, 0, 211),
58    'deeppink': (255, 20, 147),
59    'deepskyblue': (0, 191, 255),
60    'dimgray': (105, 105, 105),
61    'dimgrey': (105, 105, 105),
62    'dodgerblue': (30, 144, 255),
63    'firebrick': (178, 34, 34),
64    'floralwhite': (255, 250, 240),
65    'forestgreen': (34, 139, 34),
66    'fuchsia': (255, 0, 255),
67    'gainsboro': (220, 220, 220),
68    'ghostwhite': (248, 248, 255),
69    'gold': (255, 215, 0),
70    'goldenrod': (218, 165, 32),
71    'gray': (128, 128, 128),
72    'green': (0, 128, 0),
73    'greenyellow': (173, 255, 47),
74    'grey': (128, 128, 128),
75    'honeydew': (240, 255, 240),
76    'hotpink': (255, 105, 180),
77    'indianred': (205, 92, 92),
78    'indigo': (75, 0, 130),
79    'ivory': (255, 255, 240),
80    'khaki': (240, 230, 140),
81    'lavender': (230, 230, 250),
82    'lavenderblush': (255, 240, 245),
83    'lawngreen': (124, 252, 0),
84    'lemonchiffon': (255, 250, 205),
85    'lightblue': (173, 216, 230),
86    'lightcoral': (240, 128, 128),
87    'lightcyan': (224, 255, 255),
88    'lightgoldenrodyellow': (250, 250, 210),
89    'lightgray': (211, 211, 211),
90    'lightgreen': (144, 238, 144),
91    'lightgrey': (211, 211, 211),
92    'lightpink': (255, 182, 193),
93    'lightsalmon': (255, 160, 122),
94    'lightseagreen': (32, 178, 170),
95    'lightskyblue': (135, 206, 250),
96    'lightslategray': (119, 136, 153),
97    'lightslategrey': (119, 136, 153),
98    'lightsteelblue': (176, 196, 222),
99    'lightyellow': (255, 255, 224),
100    'lime': (0, 255, 0),
101    'limegreen': (50, 205, 50),
102    'linen': (250, 240, 230),
103    'magenta': (255, 0, 255),
104    'maroon': (128, 0, 0),
105    'mediumaquamarine': (102, 205, 170),
106    'mediumblue': (0, 0, 205),
107    'mediumorchid': (186, 85, 211),
108    'mediumpurple': (147, 112, 219),
109    'mediumseagreen': (60, 179, 113),
110    'mediumslateblue': (123, 104, 238),
111    'mediumspringgreen': (0, 250, 154),
112    'mediumturquoise': (72, 209, 204),
113    'mediumvioletred': (199, 21, 133),
114    'midnightblue': (25, 25, 112),
115    'mintcream': (245, 255, 250),
116    'mistyrose': (255, 228, 225),
117    'moccasin': (255, 228, 181),
118    'navajowhite': (255, 222, 173),
119    'navy': (0, 0, 128),
120    'oldlace': (253, 245, 230),
121    'olive': (128, 128, 0),
122    'olivedrab': (107, 142, 35),
123    'orange': (255, 165, 0),
124    'orangered': (255, 69, 0),
125    'orchid': (218, 112, 214),
126    'palegoldenrod': (238, 232, 170),
127    'palegreen': (152, 251, 152),
128    'paleturquoise': (175, 238, 238),
129    'palevioletred': (219, 112, 147),
130    'papayawhip': (255, 239, 213),
131    'peachpuff': (255, 218, 185),
132    'peru': (205, 133, 63),
133    'pink': (255, 192, 203),
134    'plum': (221, 160, 221),
135    'powderblue': (176, 224, 230),
136    'purple': (128, 0, 128),
137    'red': (255, 0, 0),
138    'rosybrown': (188, 143, 143),
139    'royalblue': (65, 105, 225),
140    'saddlebrown': (139, 69, 19),
141    'salmon': (250, 128, 114),
142    'sandybrown': (244, 164, 96),
143    'seagreen': (46, 139, 87),
144    'seashell': (255, 245, 238),
145    'sienna': (160, 82, 45),
146    'silver': (192, 192, 192),
147    'skyblue': (135, 206, 235),
148    'slateblue': (106, 90, 205),
149    'slategray': (112, 128, 144),
150    'slategrey': (112, 128, 144),
151    'snow': (255, 250, 250),
152    'springgreen': (0, 255, 127),
153    'steelblue': (70, 130, 180),
154    'tan': (210, 180, 140),
155    'teal': (0, 128, 128),
156    'thistle': (216, 191, 216),
157    'tomato': (255, 99, 71),
158    'turquoise': (64, 224, 208),
159    'violet': (238, 130, 238),
160    'wheat': (245, 222, 179),
161    'white': (255, 255, 255),
162    'whitesmoke': (245, 245, 245),
163    'yellow': (255, 255, 0),
164    'yellowgreen': (154, 205, 50)
168class Plot(IDManagerMixin):
169    """Definition of a finite region of space to be plotted.
171    OpenMC is capable of generating two-dimensional slice plots and
172    three-dimensional voxel plots. Colors that are used in plots can be given as
173    RGB tuples, e.g. (255, 255, 255) would be white, or by a string indicating a
174    valid `SVG color <https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/types.html#ColorKeywords>`_.
176    Parameters
177    ----------
178    plot_id : int
179        Unique identifier for the plot
180    name : str
181        Name of the plot
183    Attributes
184    ----------
185    id : int
186        Unique identifier
187    name : str
188        Name of the plot
189    width : Iterable of float
190        Width of the plot in each basis direction
191    pixels : Iterable of int
192        Number of pixels to use in each basis direction
193    origin : tuple or list of ndarray
194        Origin (center) of the plot
195    filename :
196        Path to write the plot to
197    color_by : {'cell', 'material'}
198        Indicate whether the plot should be colored by cell or by material
199    type : {'slice', 'voxel'}
200        The type of the plot
201    basis : {'xy', 'xz', 'yz'}
202        The basis directions for the plot
203    background : Iterable of int or str
204        Color of the background
205    mask_components : Iterable of openmc.Cell or openmc.Material
206        The cells or materials to plot
207    mask_background : Iterable of int or str
208        Color to apply to all cells/materials not listed in mask_components
209    show_overlaps : bool
210        Inidicate whether or not overlapping regions are shown
211    overlap_color : Iterable of int or str
212        Color to apply to overlapping regions
213    colors : dict
214        Dictionary indicating that certain cells/materials (keys) should be
215        displayed with a particular color.
216    level : int
217        Universe depth to plot at
218    meshlines : dict
219        Dictionary defining type, id, linewidth and color of a mesh to be
220        plotted on top of a plot
222    """
224    next_id = 1
225    used_ids = set()
227    def __init__(self, plot_id=None, name=''):
228        # Initialize Plot class attributes
229        self.id = plot_id
230        self.name = name
231        self._width = [4.0, 4.0]
232        self._pixels = [400, 400]
233        self._origin = [0., 0., 0.]
234        self._filename = None
235        self._color_by = 'cell'
236        self._type = 'slice'
237        self._basis = 'xy'
238        self._background = None
239        self._mask_components = None
240        self._mask_background = None
241        self._show_overlaps = False
242        self._overlap_color = None
243        self._colors = {}
244        self._level = None
245        self._meshlines = None
247    @property
248    def name(self):
249        return self._name
251    @property
252    def width(self):
253        return self._width
255    @property
256    def pixels(self):
257        return self._pixels
259    @property
260    def origin(self):
261        return self._origin
263    @property
264    def filename(self):
265        return self._filename
267    @property
268    def color_by(self):
269        return self._color_by
271    @property
272    def type(self):
273        return self._type
275    @property
276    def basis(self):
277        return self._basis
279    @property
280    def background(self):
281        return self._background
283    @property
284    def mask_components(self):
285        return self._mask_components
287    @property
288    def mask_background(self):
289        return self._mask_background
291    @property
292    def show_overlaps(self):
293        return self._show_overlaps
295    @property
296    def overlap_color(self):
297        return self._overlap_color
299    @property
300    def colors(self):
301        return self._colors
303    @property
304    def level(self):
305        return self._level
307    @property
308    def meshlines(self):
309        return self._meshlines
311    @name.setter
312    def name(self, name):
313        cv.check_type('plot name', name, str)
314        self._name = name
316    @width.setter
317    def width(self, width):
318        cv.check_type('plot width', width, Iterable, Real)
319        cv.check_length('plot width', width, 2, 3)
320        self._width = width
322    @origin.setter
323    def origin(self, origin):
324        cv.check_type('plot origin', origin, Iterable, Real)
325        cv.check_length('plot origin', origin, 3)
326        self._origin = origin
328    @pixels.setter
329    def pixels(self, pixels):
330        cv.check_type('plot pixels', pixels, Iterable, Integral)
331        cv.check_length('plot pixels', pixels, 2, 3)
332        for dim in pixels:
333            cv.check_greater_than('plot pixels', dim, 0)
334        self._pixels = pixels
336    @filename.setter
337    def filename(self, filename):
338        cv.check_type('filename', filename, str)
339        self._filename = filename
341    @color_by.setter
342    def color_by(self, color_by):
343        cv.check_value('plot color_by', color_by, ['cell', 'material'])
344        self._color_by = color_by
346    @type.setter
347    def type(self, plottype):
348        cv.check_value('plot type', plottype, ['slice', 'voxel'])
349        self._type = plottype
351    @basis.setter
352    def basis(self, basis):
353        cv.check_value('plot basis', basis, _BASES)
354        self._basis = basis
356    @background.setter
357    def background(self, background):
358        self._check_color('plot background', background)
359        self._background = background
361    @colors.setter
362    def colors(self, colors):
363        cv.check_type('plot colors', colors, Mapping)
364        for key, value in colors.items():
365            cv.check_type('plot color key', key, (openmc.Cell, openmc.Material))
366            self._check_color('plot color value', value)
367        self._colors = colors
369    @mask_components.setter
370    def mask_components(self, mask_components):
371        cv.check_type('plot mask components', mask_components, Iterable,
372                      (openmc.Cell, openmc.Material))
373        self._mask_components = mask_components
375    @mask_background.setter
376    def mask_background(self, mask_background):
377        self._check_color('plot mask background', mask_background)
378        self._mask_background = mask_background
380    @show_overlaps.setter
381    def show_overlaps(self, show_overlaps):
382        cv.check_type('Show overlaps flag for Plot ID="{}"'.format(self.id),
383                      show_overlaps, bool)
384        self._show_overlaps = show_overlaps
386    @overlap_color.setter
387    def overlap_color(self, overlap_color):
388        self._check_color('plot overlap color', overlap_color)
389        self._overlap_color = overlap_color
391    @level.setter
392    def level(self, plot_level):
393        cv.check_type('plot level', plot_level, Integral)
394        cv.check_greater_than('plot level', plot_level, 0, equality=True)
395        self._level = plot_level
397    @meshlines.setter
398    def meshlines(self, meshlines):
399        cv.check_type('plot meshlines', meshlines, dict)
400        if 'type' not in meshlines:
401            msg = 'Unable to set the meshlines to "{}" which ' \
402                  'does not have a "type" key'.format(meshlines)
403            raise ValueError(msg)
405        elif meshlines['type'] not in ['tally', 'entropy', 'ufs', 'cmfd']:
406            msg = 'Unable to set the meshlines with ' \
407                  'type "{}"'.format(meshlines['type'])
408            raise ValueError(msg)
410        if 'id' in meshlines:
411            cv.check_type('plot meshlines id', meshlines['id'], Integral)
412            cv.check_greater_than('plot meshlines id', meshlines['id'], 0,
413                                  equality=True)
415        if 'linewidth' in meshlines:
416            cv.check_type('plot mesh linewidth', meshlines['linewidth'], Integral)
417            cv.check_greater_than('plot mesh linewidth', meshlines['linewidth'],
418                                  0, equality=True)
420        if 'color' in meshlines:
421            self._check_color('plot meshlines color', meshlines['color'])
423        self._meshlines = meshlines
425    @staticmethod
426    def _check_color(err_string, color):
427        cv.check_type(err_string, color, Iterable)
428        if isinstance(color, str):
429            if color.lower() not in _SVG_COLORS:
430                raise ValueError("'{}' is not a valid color.".format(color))
431        else:
432            cv.check_length(err_string, color, 3)
433            for rgb in color:
434                cv.check_type(err_string, rgb, Real)
435                cv.check_greater_than('RGB component', rgb, 0, True)
436                cv.check_less_than('RGB component', rgb, 256)
438    def __repr__(self):
439        string = 'Plot\n'
440        string += '{: <16}=\t{}\n'.format('\tID', self._id)
441        string += '{: <16}=\t{}\n'.format('\tName', self._name)
442        string += '{: <16}=\t{}\n'.format('\tFilename', self._filename)
443        string += '{: <16}=\t{}\n'.format('\tType', self._type)
444        string += '{: <16}=\t{}\n'.format('\tBasis', self._basis)
445        string += '{: <16}=\t{}\n'.format('\tWidth', self._width)
446        string += '{: <16}=\t{}\n'.format('\tOrigin', self._origin)
447        string += '{: <16}=\t{}\n'.format('\tPixels', self._pixels)
448        string += '{: <16}=\t{}\n'.format('\tColor by', self._color_by)
449        string += '{: <16}=\t{}\n'.format('\tBackground', self._background)
450        string += '{: <16}=\t{}\n'.format('\tMask components',
451                                          self._mask_components)
452        string += '{: <16}=\t{}\n'.format('\tMask background',
453                                          self._mask_background)
454        string += '{: <16}=\t{}\n'.format('\tOverlap Color',
455                                          self._overlap_color)
456        string += '{: <16}=\t{}\n'.format('\tColors', self._colors)
457        string += '{: <16}=\t{}\n'.format('\tLevel', self._level)
458        string += '{: <16}=\t{}\n'.format('\tMeshlines', self._meshlines)
459        return string
461    @classmethod
462    def from_geometry(cls, geometry, basis='xy', slice_coord=0.):
463        """Return plot that encompasses a geometry.
465        Parameters
466        ----------
467        geometry : openmc.Geometry
468            The geometry to base the plot off of
469        basis : {'xy', 'xz', 'yz'}
470            The basis directions for the plot
471        slice_coord : float
472            The level at which the slice plot should be plotted. For example, if
473            the basis is 'xy', this would indicate the z value used in the
474            origin.
476        """
477        cv.check_type('geometry', geometry, openmc.Geometry)
478        cv.check_value('basis', basis, _BASES)
480        # Decide which axes to keep
481        if basis == 'xy':
482            pick_index = (0, 1)
483            slice_index = 2
484        elif basis == 'yz':
485            pick_index = (1, 2)
486            slice_index = 0
487        elif basis == 'xz':
488            pick_index = (0, 2)
489            slice_index = 1
491        # Get lower-left and upper-right coordinates for desired axes
492        lower_left, upper_right = geometry.bounding_box
493        lower_left = lower_left[np.array(pick_index)]
494        upper_right = upper_right[np.array(pick_index)]
496        if np.any(np.isinf((lower_left, upper_right))):
497            raise ValueError('The geometry does not appear to be bounded '
498                             'in the {} plane.'.format(basis))
500        plot = cls()
501        plot.origin = np.insert((lower_left + upper_right)/2,
502                                slice_index, slice_coord)
503        plot.width = upper_right - lower_left
504        return plot
506    def colorize(self, geometry, seed=1):
507        """Generate a color scheme for each domain in the plot.
509        This routine may be used to generate random, reproducible color schemes.
510        The colors generated are based upon cell/material IDs in the geometry.
512        Parameters
513        ----------
514        geometry : openmc.Geometry
515            The geometry for which the plot is defined
516        seed : Integral
517            The random number seed used to generate the color scheme
519        """
521        cv.check_type('geometry', geometry, openmc.Geometry)
522        cv.check_type('seed', seed, Integral)
523        cv.check_greater_than('seed', seed, 1, equality=True)
525        # Get collections of the domains which will be plotted
526        if self.color_by == 'material':
527            domains = geometry.get_all_materials().values()
528        else:
529            domains = geometry.get_all_cells().values()
531        # Set the seed for the random number generator
532        np.random.seed(seed)
534        # Generate random colors for each feature
535        for domain in domains:
536            self.colors[domain] = np.random.randint(0, 256, (3,))
538    def highlight_domains(self, geometry, domains, seed=1,
539                          alpha=0.5, background='gray'):
540        """Use alpha compositing to highlight one or more domains in the plot.
542        This routine generates a color scheme and applies alpha compositing to
543        make all domains except the highlighted ones appear partially
544        transparent.
546        Parameters
547        ----------
548        geometry : openmc.Geometry
549            The geometry for which the plot is defined
550        domains : Iterable of openmc.Cell or openmc.Material
551            A collection of the domain IDs to highlight in the plot
552        seed : int
553            The random number seed used to generate the color scheme
554        alpha : float
555            The value between 0 and 1 to apply in alpha compisiting
556        background : 3-tuple of int or str
557            The background color to apply in alpha compisiting
559        """
561        cv.check_type('domains', domains, Iterable,
562                      (openmc.Cell, openmc.Material))
563        cv.check_type('alpha', alpha, Real)
564        cv.check_greater_than('alpha', alpha, 0., equality=True)
565        cv.check_less_than('alpha', alpha, 1., equality=True)
566        cv.check_type('background', background, Iterable)
568        # Get a background (R,G,B) tuple to apply in alpha compositing
569        if isinstance(background, str):
570            if background.lower() not in _SVG_COLORS:
571                raise ValueError("'{}' is not a valid color.".format(background))
572            background = _SVG_COLORS[background.lower()]
574        # Generate a color scheme
575        self.colorize(geometry, seed)
577        # Apply alpha compositing to the colors for all domains
578        # other than those the user wishes to highlight
579        for domain, color in self.colors.items():
580            if domain not in domains:
581                if isinstance(color, str):
582                    color = _SVG_COLORS[color.lower()]
583                r, g, b = color
584                r = int(((1-alpha) * background[0]) + (alpha * r))
585                g = int(((1-alpha) * background[1]) + (alpha * g))
586                b = int(((1-alpha) * background[2]) + (alpha * b))
587                self._colors[domain] = (r, g, b)
589    def to_xml_element(self):
590        """Return XML representation of the plot
592        Returns
593        -------
594        element : xml.etree.ElementTree.Element
595            XML element containing plot data
597        """
599        element = ET.Element("plot")
600        element.set("id", str(self._id))
601        if self._filename is not None:
602            element.set("filename", self._filename)
603        element.set("color_by", self._color_by)
604        element.set("type", self._type)
606        if self._type == 'slice':
607            element.set("basis", self._basis)
609        subelement = ET.SubElement(element, "origin")
610        subelement.text = ' '.join(map(str, self._origin))
612        subelement = ET.SubElement(element, "width")
613        subelement.text = ' '.join(map(str, self._width))
615        subelement = ET.SubElement(element, "pixels")
616        subelement.text = ' '.join(map(str, self._pixels))
618        if self._background is not None:
619            subelement = ET.SubElement(element, "background")
620            color = self._background
621            if isinstance(color, str):
622                color = _SVG_COLORS[color.lower()]
623            subelement.text = ' '.join(str(x) for x in color)
625        if self._colors:
626            for domain, color in sorted(self._colors.items(),
627                                        key=lambda x: x[0].id):
628                subelement = ET.SubElement(element, "color")
629                subelement.set("id", str(domain.id))
630                if isinstance(color, str):
631                    color = _SVG_COLORS[color.lower()]
632                subelement.set("rgb", ' '.join(str(x) for x in color))
634        if self._mask_components is not None:
635            subelement = ET.SubElement(element, "mask")
636            subelement.set("components", ' '.join(
637                str(d.id) for d in self._mask_components))
638            color = self._mask_background
639            if color is not None:
640                if isinstance(color, str):
641                    color = _SVG_COLORS[color.lower()]
642                subelement.set("background", ' '.join(
643                    str(x) for x in color))
645        if self._show_overlaps:
646            subelement = ET.SubElement(element, "show_overlaps")
647            subelement.text = "true"
649            if self._overlap_color is not None:
650                color = self._overlap_color
651                if isinstance(color, str):
652                    color = _SVG_COLORS[color.lower()]
653                subelement = ET.SubElement(element, "overlap_color")
654                subelement.text = ' '.join(str(x) for x in color)
657        if self._level is not None:
658            subelement = ET.SubElement(element, "level")
659            subelement.text = str(self._level)
661        if self._meshlines is not None:
662            subelement = ET.SubElement(element, "meshlines")
663            subelement.set("meshtype", self._meshlines['type'])
664            if self._meshlines['id'] is not None:
665                subelement.set("id", str(self._meshlines['id']))
666            if self._meshlines['linewidth'] is not None:
667                subelement.set("linewidth", str(self._meshlines['linewidth']))
668            if self._meshlines['color'] is not None:
669                subelement.set("color", ' '.join(map(
670                    str, self._meshlines['color'])))
672        return element
674    def to_ipython_image(self, openmc_exec='openmc', cwd='.',
675                         convert_exec='convert'):
676        """Render plot as an image
678        This method runs OpenMC in plotting mode to produce a bitmap image which
679        is then converted to a .png file and loaded in as an
680        :class:`IPython.display.Image` object. As such, it requires that your
681        model geometry, materials, and settings have already been exported to
682        XML.
684        Parameters
685        ----------
686        openmc_exec : str
687            Path to OpenMC executable
688        cwd : str, optional
689            Path to working directory to run in
690        convert_exec : str, optional
691            Command that can convert PPM files into PNG files
693        Returns
694        -------
695        IPython.display.Image
696            Image generated
698        """
699        from IPython.display import Image
701        # Create plots.xml
702        Plots([self]).export_to_xml()
704        # Run OpenMC in geometry plotting mode
705        openmc.plot_geometry(False, openmc_exec, cwd)
707        # Convert to .png
708        if self.filename is not None:
709            ppm_file = '{}.ppm'.format(self.filename)
710        else:
711            ppm_file = 'plot_{}.ppm'.format(self.id)
712        png_file = ppm_file.replace('.ppm', '.png')
713        subprocess.check_call([convert_exec, ppm_file, png_file])
715        return Image(png_file)
718class Plots(cv.CheckedList):
719    """Collection of Plots used for an OpenMC simulation.
721    This class corresponds directly to the plots.xml input file. It can be
722    thought of as a normal Python list where each member is a :class:`Plot`. It
723    behaves like a list as the following example demonstrates:
725    >>> xz_plot = openmc.Plot()
726    >>> big_plot = openmc.Plot()
727    >>> small_plot = openmc.Plot()
728    >>> p = openmc.Plots((xz_plot, big_plot))
729    >>> p.append(small_plot)
730    >>> small_plot = p.pop()
732    Parameters
733    ----------
734    plots : Iterable of openmc.Plot
735        Plots to add to the collection
737    """
739    def __init__(self, plots=None):
740        super().__init__(Plot, 'plots collection')
741        self._plots_file = ET.Element("plots")
742        if plots is not None:
743            self += plots
745    def append(self, plot):
746        """Append plot to collection
748        Parameters
749        ----------
750        plot : openmc.Plot
751            Plot to append
753        """
754        super().append(plot)
756    def insert(self, index, plot):
757        """Insert plot before index
759        Parameters
760        ----------
761        index : int
762            Index in list
763        plot : openmc.Plot
764            Plot to insert
766        """
767        super().insert(index, plot)
769    def colorize(self, geometry, seed=1):
770        """Generate a consistent color scheme for each domain in each plot.
772        This routine may be used to generate random, reproducible color schemes.
773        The colors generated are based upon cell/material IDs in the geometry.
774        The color schemes will be consistent for all plots in "plots.xml".
776        Parameters
777        ----------
778        geometry : openmc.Geometry
779            The geometry for which the plots are defined
780        seed : Integral
781            The random number seed used to generate the color scheme
783        """
785        for plot in self:
786            plot.colorize(geometry, seed)
789    def highlight_domains(self, geometry, domains, seed=1,
790                          alpha=0.5, background='gray'):
791        """Use alpha compositing to highlight one or more domains in the plot.
793        This routine generates a color scheme and applies alpha compositing to
794        make all domains except the highlighted ones appear partially
795        transparent.
797        Parameters
798        ----------
799        geometry : openmc.Geometry
800            The geometry for which the plot is defined
801        domains : Iterable of openmc.Cell or openmc.Material
802            A collection of the domain IDs to highlight in the plot
803        seed : int
804            The random number seed used to generate the color scheme
805        alpha : float
806            The value between 0 and 1 to apply in alpha compisiting
807        background : 3-tuple of int or str
808            The background color to apply in alpha compisiting
810        """
812        for plot in self:
813            plot.highlight_domains(geometry, domains, seed, alpha, background)
815    def _create_plot_subelements(self):
816        for plot in self:
817            xml_element = plot.to_xml_element()
819            if len(plot.name) > 0:
820                self._plots_file.append(ET.Comment(plot.name))
822            self._plots_file.append(xml_element)
824    def export_to_xml(self, path='plots.xml'):
825        """Export plot specifications to an XML file.
827        Parameters
828        ----------
829        path : str
830            Path to file to write. Defaults to 'plots.xml'.
832        """
833        # Reset xml element tree
834        self._plots_file.clear()
836        self._create_plot_subelements()
838        # Clean the indentation in the file to be user-readable
839        clean_indentation(self._plots_file)
841        # Check if path is a directory
842        p = Path(path)
843        if p.is_dir():
844            p /= 'plots.xml'
846        # Write the XML Tree to the plots.xml file
847        reorder_attributes(self._plots_file)  # TODO: Remove when support is Python 3.8+
848        tree = ET.ElementTree(self._plots_file)
849        tree.write(str(p), xml_declaration=True, encoding='utf-8')