1 #include "openmc/settings.h"
3 #include <cmath> // for ceil, pow
4 #include <limits> // for numeric_limits
5 #include <string>
7 #include <fmt/core.h>
8 #ifdef _OPENMP
9 #include <omp.h>
10 #endif
12 #include "openmc/capi.h"
13 #include "openmc/constants.h"
14 #include "openmc/container_util.h"
15 #include "openmc/distribution.h"
16 #include "openmc/distribution_multi.h"
17 #include "openmc/distribution_spatial.h"
18 #include "openmc/eigenvalue.h"
19 #include "openmc/error.h"
20 #include "openmc/file_utils.h"
21 #include "openmc/mesh.h"
22 #include "openmc/message_passing.h"
23 #include "openmc/output.h"
24 #include "openmc/random_lcg.h"
25 #include "openmc/simulation.h"
26 #include "openmc/source.h"
27 #include "openmc/string_utils.h"
28 #include "openmc/tallies/trigger.h"
29 #include "openmc/volume_calc.h"
30 #include "openmc/xml_interface.h"
32 namespace openmc {
34 //==============================================================================
35 // Global variables
36 //==============================================================================
38 namespace settings {
40 // Default values for boolean flags
41 bool assume_separate         {false};
42 bool check_overlaps          {false};
43 bool cmfd_run                {false};
44 bool confidence_intervals    {false};
45 bool create_fission_neutrons {true};
46 bool dagmc                   {false};
47 bool delayed_photon_scaling  {true};
48 bool entropy_on              {false};
49 bool event_based             {false};
50 bool legendre_to_tabular     {true};
51 bool material_cell_offsets   {true};
52 bool output_summary          {true};
53 bool output_tallies          {true};
54 bool particle_restart_run    {false};
55 bool photon_transport        {false};
56 bool reduce_tallies          {true};
57 bool res_scat_on             {false};
58 bool restart_run             {false};
59 bool run_CE                  {true};
60 bool source_latest           {false};
61 bool source_separate         {false};
62 bool source_write            {true};
63 bool surf_source_write       {false};
64 bool surf_source_read        {false};
65 bool survival_biasing        {false};
66 bool temperature_multipole   {false};
67 bool trigger_on              {false};
68 bool trigger_predict         {false};
69 bool ufs_on                  {false};
70 bool urr_ptables_on          {true};
71 bool write_all_tracks        {false};
72 bool write_initial_source    {false};
74 std::string path_cross_sections;
75 std::string path_input;
76 std::string path_output;
77 std::string path_particle_restart;
78 std::string path_sourcepoint;
79 std::string path_statepoint;
81 int32_t n_inactive {0};
82 int32_t max_lost_particles {10};
83 double rel_max_lost_particles {1.0e-6};
84 int32_t gen_per_batch {1};
85 int64_t n_particles {-1};
87 int64_t max_particles_in_flight {100000};
89 ElectronTreatment electron_treatment {ElectronTreatment::TTB};
90 array<double, 4> energy_cutoff {0.0, 1000.0, 0.0, 0.0};
91 int legendre_to_tabular_points {C_NONE};
92 int max_order {0};
93 int n_log_bins {8000};
94 int n_batches;
95 int n_max_batches;
96 ResScatMethod res_scat_method {ResScatMethod::rvs};
97 double res_scat_energy_min {0.01};
98 double res_scat_energy_max {1000.0};
99 vector<std::string> res_scat_nuclides;
100 RunMode run_mode {RunMode::UNSET};
101 std::unordered_set<int> sourcepoint_batch;
102 std::unordered_set<int> statepoint_batch;
103 std::unordered_set<int> source_write_surf_id;
104 int64_t max_surface_particles;
105 TemperatureMethod temperature_method {TemperatureMethod::NEAREST};
106 double temperature_tolerance {10.0};
107 double temperature_default {293.6};
108 array<double, 2> temperature_range {0.0, 0.0};
109 int trace_batch;
110 int trace_gen;
111 int64_t trace_particle;
112 vector<array<int, 3>> track_identifiers;
113 int trigger_batch_interval {1};
114 int verbosity {7};
115 double weight_cutoff {0.25};
116 double weight_survive {1.0};
118 } // namespace settings
120 //==============================================================================
121 // Functions
122 //==============================================================================
get_run_parameters(pugi::xml_node node_base)124 void get_run_parameters(pugi::xml_node node_base)
125 {
126   using namespace settings;
127   using namespace pugi;
129   // Check number of particles
130   if (!check_for_node(node_base, "particles")) {
131     fatal_error("Need to specify number of particles.");
132   }
134   // Get number of particles if it wasn't specified as a command-line argument
135   if (n_particles == -1) {
136     n_particles = std::stoll(get_node_value(node_base, "particles"));
137   }
139   // Get maximum number of in flight particles for event-based mode
140   if (check_for_node(node_base, "max_particles_in_flight")) {
141     max_particles_in_flight = std::stoll(get_node_value(node_base,
142       "max_particles_in_flight"));
143   }
145   // Get number of basic batches
146   if (check_for_node(node_base, "batches")) {
147     n_batches = std::stoi(get_node_value(node_base, "batches"));
148   }
149   if (!trigger_on) n_max_batches = n_batches;
151   // Get max number of lost particles
152   if (check_for_node(node_base, "max_lost_particles")) {
153     max_lost_particles = std::stoi(get_node_value(node_base, "max_lost_particles"));
154   }
156   // Get relative number of lost particles
157   if (check_for_node(node_base, "rel_max_lost_particles")) {
158     rel_max_lost_particles = std::stod(get_node_value(node_base, "rel_max_lost_particles"));
159   }
161   // Get number of inactive batches
162   if (run_mode == RunMode::EIGENVALUE) {
163     if (check_for_node(node_base, "inactive")) {
164       n_inactive = std::stoi(get_node_value(node_base, "inactive"));
165     }
166     if (check_for_node(node_base, "generations_per_batch")) {
167       gen_per_batch = std::stoi(get_node_value(node_base, "generations_per_batch"));
168     }
170     // Preallocate space for keff and entropy by generation
171     int m = settings::n_max_batches * settings::gen_per_batch;
172     simulation::k_generation.reserve(m);
173     simulation::entropy.reserve(m);
175     // Get the trigger information for keff
176     if (check_for_node(node_base, "keff_trigger")) {
177       xml_node node_keff_trigger = node_base.child("keff_trigger");
179       if (check_for_node(node_keff_trigger, "type")) {
180         auto temp = get_node_value(node_keff_trigger, "type", true, true);
181         if (temp == "std_dev") {
182           keff_trigger.metric = TriggerMetric::standard_deviation;
183         } else if (temp == "variance") {
184           keff_trigger.metric = TriggerMetric::variance;
185         } else if (temp == "rel_err") {
186           keff_trigger.metric = TriggerMetric::relative_error;
187         } else {
188           fatal_error("Unrecognized keff trigger type " + temp);
189         }
190       } else {
191         fatal_error("Specify keff trigger type in settings XML");
192       }
194       if (check_for_node(node_keff_trigger, "threshold")) {
195         keff_trigger.threshold = std::stod(get_node_value(
196           node_keff_trigger, "threshold"));
197         if (keff_trigger.threshold <= 0) {
198           fatal_error("keff trigger threshold must be positive");
199         }
200       } else {
201         fatal_error("Specify keff trigger threshold in settings XML");
202       }
203     }
204   }
205 }
read_settings_xml()207 void read_settings_xml()
208 {
209   using namespace settings;
210   using namespace pugi;
212   // Check if settings.xml exists
213   std::string filename = path_input + "settings.xml";
214   if (!file_exists(filename)) {
215     if (run_mode != RunMode::PLOTTING) {
216       fatal_error(fmt::format(
217         "Settings XML file '{}' does not exist! In order "
218         "to run OpenMC, you first need a set of input files; at a minimum, this "
219         "includes settings.xml, geometry.xml, and materials.xml. Please consult "
220         "the user's guide at https://docs.openmc.org for further "
221         "information.", filename
222       ));
223     } else {
224       // The settings.xml file is optional if we just want to make a plot.
225       return;
226     }
227   }
229   // Parse settings.xml file
230   xml_document doc;
231   auto result = doc.load_file(filename.c_str());
232   if (!result) {
233     fatal_error("Error processing settings.xml file.");
234   }
236   // Get root element
237   xml_node root = doc.document_element();
239   // Verbosity
240   if (check_for_node(root, "verbosity")) {
241     verbosity = std::stoi(get_node_value(root, "verbosity"));
242   }
244   // DAGMC geometry check
245   if (check_for_node(root, "dagmc")) {
246     dagmc = get_node_value_bool(root, "dagmc");
247   }
249 #ifndef DAGMC
250   if (dagmc) {
251     fatal_error("DAGMC mode unsupported for this build of OpenMC");
252   }
253 #endif
255   // To this point, we haven't displayed any output since we didn't know what
256   // the verbosity is. Now that we checked for it, show the title if necessary
257   if (mpi::master) {
258     if (verbosity >= 2) title();
259   }
260   write_message("Reading settings XML file...", 5);
262   // Find if a multi-group or continuous-energy simulation is desired
263   if (check_for_node(root, "energy_mode")) {
264     std::string temp_str = get_node_value(root, "energy_mode", true, true);
265     if (temp_str == "mg" || temp_str == "multi-group") {
266       run_CE = false;
267     } else if (temp_str == "ce" || temp_str == "continuous-energy") {
268       run_CE = true;
269     }
270   }
272   // Look for deprecated cross_sections.xml file in settings.xml
273   if (check_for_node(root, "cross_sections")) {
274     warning("Setting cross_sections in settings.xml has been deprecated."
275         " The cross_sections are now set in materials.xml and the "
276         "cross_sections input to materials.xml and the OPENMC_CROSS_SECTIONS"
277         " environment variable will take precendent over setting "
278         "cross_sections in settings.xml.");
279     path_cross_sections = get_node_value(root, "cross_sections");
280   }
282   if (!run_CE) {
283     // Scattering Treatments
284     if (check_for_node(root, "max_order")) {
285       max_order = std::stoi(get_node_value(root, "max_order"));
286     } else {
287       // Set to default of largest int - 1, which means to use whatever is
288       // contained in library. This is largest int - 1 because for legendre
289       // scattering, a value of 1 is added to the order; adding 1 to the largest
290       // int gets you the largest negative integer, which is not what we want.
291       max_order = std::numeric_limits<int>::max() - 1;
292     }
293   }
295   // Check for a trigger node and get trigger information
296   if (check_for_node(root, "trigger")) {
297     xml_node node_trigger = root.child("trigger");
299     // Check if trigger(s) are to be turned on
300     trigger_on = get_node_value_bool(node_trigger, "active");
302     if (trigger_on) {
303       if (check_for_node(node_trigger, "max_batches") ){
304         n_max_batches = std::stoi(get_node_value(node_trigger, "max_batches"));
305       } else {
306         fatal_error("<max_batches> must be specified with triggers");
307       }
309       // Get the batch interval to check triggers
310       if (!check_for_node(node_trigger, "batch_interval")){
311         trigger_predict = true;
312       } else {
313         trigger_batch_interval = std::stoi(get_node_value(node_trigger, "batch_interval"));
314         if (trigger_batch_interval <= 0) {
315           fatal_error("Trigger batch interval must be greater than zero");
316         }
317       }
318     }
319   }
321   // Check run mode if it hasn't been set from the command line
322   xml_node node_mode;
323   if (run_mode == RunMode::UNSET) {
324     if (check_for_node(root, "run_mode")) {
325       std::string temp_str = get_node_value(root, "run_mode", true, true);
326       if (temp_str == "eigenvalue") {
327         run_mode = RunMode::EIGENVALUE;
328       } else if (temp_str == "fixed source") {
329         run_mode = RunMode::FIXED_SOURCE;
330       } else if (temp_str == "plot") {
331         run_mode = RunMode::PLOTTING;
332       } else if (temp_str == "particle restart") {
333         run_mode = RunMode::PARTICLE;
334       } else if (temp_str == "volume") {
335         run_mode = RunMode::VOLUME;
336       } else {
337         fatal_error("Unrecognized run mode: " + temp_str);
338       }
340       // Assume XML specifies <particles>, <batches>, etc. directly
341       node_mode = root;
342     } else {
343       warning("<run_mode> should be specified.");
345       // Make sure that either eigenvalue or fixed source was specified
346       node_mode = root.child("eigenvalue");
347       if (node_mode) {
348         run_mode = RunMode::EIGENVALUE;
349       } else {
350         node_mode = root.child("fixed_source");
351         if (node_mode) {
352           run_mode = RunMode::FIXED_SOURCE;
353         } else {
354           fatal_error("<eigenvalue> or <fixed_source> not specified.");
355         }
356       }
357     }
358   }
360   if (run_mode == RunMode::EIGENVALUE || run_mode == RunMode::FIXED_SOURCE) {
361     // Read run parameters
362     get_run_parameters(node_mode);
364     // Check number of active batches, inactive batches, max lost particles and particles
365     if (n_batches <= n_inactive) {
366       fatal_error("Number of active batches must be greater than zero.");
367     } else if (n_inactive < 0) {
368       fatal_error("Number of inactive batches must be non-negative.");
369     } else if (n_particles <= 0) {
370       fatal_error("Number of particles must be greater than zero.");
371     } else if (max_lost_particles <= 0) {
372       fatal_error("Number of max lost particles must be greater than zero.");
373     } else if (rel_max_lost_particles <= 0.0 || rel_max_lost_particles >= 1.0) {
374       fatal_error("Relative max lost particles must be between zero and one.");
375     }
376   }
378   // Copy random number seed if specified
379   if (check_for_node(root, "seed")) {
380     auto seed = std::stoll(get_node_value(root, "seed"));
381     openmc_set_seed(seed);
382   }
384   // Check for electron treatment
385   if (check_for_node(root, "electron_treatment")) {
386     auto temp_str = get_node_value(root, "electron_treatment", true, true);
387     if (temp_str == "led") {
388       electron_treatment = ElectronTreatment::LED;
389     } else if (temp_str == "ttb") {
390       electron_treatment = ElectronTreatment::TTB;
391     } else {
392       fatal_error("Unrecognized electron treatment: " + temp_str + ".");
393     }
394   }
396   // Check for photon transport
397   if (check_for_node(root, "photon_transport")) {
398     photon_transport = get_node_value_bool(root, "photon_transport");
400     if (!run_CE && photon_transport) {
401       fatal_error("Photon transport is not currently supported in "
402         "multigroup mode");
403     }
404   }
406   // Number of bins for logarithmic grid
407   if (check_for_node(root, "log_grid_bins")) {
408     n_log_bins = std::stoi(get_node_value(root, "log_grid_bins"));
409     if (n_log_bins < 1) {
410       fatal_error("Number of bins for logarithmic grid must be greater "
411         "than zero.");
412     }
413   }
415   // Number of OpenMP threads
416   if (check_for_node(root, "threads")) {
417     if (mpi::master) warning("The <threads> element has been deprecated. Use "
418       "the OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable to set the number of threads.");
419   }
421   // ==========================================================================
424   // Get point to list of <source> elements and make sure there is at least one
425   for (pugi::xml_node node : root.children("source")) {
426     if (check_for_node(node, "file")) {
427       auto path = get_node_value(node, "file", false, true);
428       model::external_sources.push_back(make_unique<FileSource>(path));
429     } else if (check_for_node(node, "library")) {
430       // Get shared library path and parameters
431       auto path = get_node_value(node, "library", false, true);
432       std::string parameters;
433       if (check_for_node(node, "parameters")) {
434         parameters = get_node_value(node, "parameters", false, true);
435       }
437       // Create custom source
438       model::external_sources.push_back(
439         make_unique<CustomSourceWrapper>(path, parameters));
440     } else {
441       model::external_sources.push_back(make_unique<IndependentSource>(node));
442     }
443   }
445   // Check if the user has specified to read surface source
446   if (check_for_node(root, "surf_source_read")) {
447     surf_source_read = true;
448     // Get surface source read node
449     xml_node node_ssr = root.child("surf_source_read");
451     std::string path = "surface_source.h5";
452     // Check if the user has specified different file for surface source reading
453     if (check_for_node(node_ssr, "path")) {
454       path = get_node_value(node_ssr, "path", false, true);
455     }
456     model::external_sources.push_back(make_unique<FileSource>(path));
457   }
459   // If no source specified, default to isotropic point source at origin with Watt spectrum
460   if (model::external_sources.empty()) {
461     model::external_sources.push_back(make_unique<IndependentSource>(
462       UPtrSpace {new SpatialPoint({0.0, 0.0, 0.0})},
463       UPtrAngle {new Isotropic()}, UPtrDist {new Watt(0.988e6, 2.249e-6)}));
464   }
466   // Check if we want to write out source
467   if (check_for_node(root, "write_initial_source")) {
468     write_initial_source = get_node_value_bool(root, "write_initial_source");
469   }
471   // Survival biasing
472   if (check_for_node(root, "survival_biasing")) {
473     survival_biasing = get_node_value_bool(root, "survival_biasing");
474   }
476   // Probability tables
477   if (check_for_node(root, "ptables")) {
478     urr_ptables_on = get_node_value_bool(root, "ptables");
479   }
481   // Cutoffs
482   if (check_for_node(root, "cutoff")) {
483     xml_node node_cutoff = root.child("cutoff");
484     if (check_for_node(node_cutoff, "weight")) {
485       weight_cutoff = std::stod(get_node_value(node_cutoff, "weight"));
486     }
487     if (check_for_node(node_cutoff, "weight_avg")) {
488       weight_survive = std::stod(get_node_value(node_cutoff, "weight_avg"));
489     }
490     if (check_for_node(node_cutoff, "energy_neutron")) {
491       energy_cutoff[0] = std::stod(get_node_value(node_cutoff, "energy_neutron"));
492     } else if (check_for_node(node_cutoff, "energy")) {
493       warning("The use of an <energy> cutoff is deprecated and should "
494         "be replaced by <energy_neutron>.");
495       energy_cutoff[0] = std::stod(get_node_value(node_cutoff, "energy"));
496     }
497     if (check_for_node(node_cutoff, "energy_photon")) {
498       energy_cutoff[1] = std::stod(get_node_value(node_cutoff, "energy_photon"));
499     }
500     if (check_for_node(node_cutoff, "energy_electron")) {
501       energy_cutoff[2] = std::stof(get_node_value(node_cutoff, "energy_electron"));
502     }
503     if (check_for_node(node_cutoff, "energy_positron")) {
504       energy_cutoff[3] = std::stod(get_node_value(node_cutoff, "energy_positron"));
505     }
506   }
508   // Particle trace
509   if (check_for_node(root, "trace")) {
510     auto temp = get_node_array<int64_t>(root, "trace");
511     if (temp.size() != 3) {
512       fatal_error("Must provide 3 integers for <trace> that specify the "
513         "batch, generation, and particle number.");
514     }
515     trace_batch    = temp.at(0);
516     trace_gen      = temp.at(1);
517     trace_particle = temp.at(2);
518   }
520   // Particle tracks
521   if (check_for_node(root, "track")) {
522     // Get values and make sure there are three per particle
523     auto temp = get_node_array<int>(root, "track");
524     if (temp.size() % 3 != 0) {
525       fatal_error("Number of integers specified in 'track' is not "
526         "divisible by 3.  Please provide 3 integers per particle to be "
527         "tracked.");
528     }
530     // Reshape into track_identifiers
531     int n_tracks = temp.size() / 3;
532     for (int i = 0; i < n_tracks; ++i) {
533       track_identifiers.push_back({temp[3*i], temp[3*i + 1],
534         temp[3*i + 2]});
535     }
536   }
538   // Read meshes
539   read_meshes(root);
541   // Shannon Entropy mesh
542   if (check_for_node(root, "entropy_mesh")) {
543     int temp = std::stoi(get_node_value(root, "entropy_mesh"));
544     if (model::mesh_map.find(temp) == model::mesh_map.end()) {
545       fatal_error(fmt::format(
546         "Mesh {} specified for Shannon entropy does not exist.", temp));
547     }
549     auto* m = dynamic_cast<RegularMesh*>(
550       model::meshes[model::mesh_map.at(temp)].get());
551     if (!m) fatal_error("Only regular meshes can be used as an entropy mesh");
552     simulation::entropy_mesh = m;
554     // Turn on Shannon entropy calculation
555     entropy_on = true;
557   } else if (check_for_node(root, "entropy")) {
558     fatal_error("Specifying a Shannon entropy mesh via the <entropy> element "
559       "is deprecated. Please create a mesh using <mesh> and then reference "
560       "it by specifying its ID in an <entropy_mesh> element.");
561   }
563   // Uniform fission source weighting mesh
564   if (check_for_node(root, "ufs_mesh")) {
565     auto temp = std::stoi(get_node_value(root, "ufs_mesh"));
566     if (model::mesh_map.find(temp) == model::mesh_map.end()) {
567       fatal_error(fmt::format("Mesh {} specified for uniform fission site "
568         "method does not exist.", temp));
569     }
571     auto* m = dynamic_cast<RegularMesh*>(model::meshes[model::mesh_map.at(temp)].get());
572     if (!m) fatal_error("Only regular meshes can be used as a UFS mesh");
573     simulation::ufs_mesh = m;
575     // Turn on uniform fission source weighting
576     ufs_on = true;
578   } else if (check_for_node(root, "uniform_fs")) {
579     fatal_error("Specifying a UFS mesh via the <uniform_fs> element "
580       "is deprecated. Please create a mesh using <mesh> and then reference "
581       "it by specifying its ID in a <ufs_mesh> element.");
582   }
584   // Check if the user has specified to write state points
585   if (check_for_node(root, "state_point")) {
587     // Get pointer to state_point node
588     auto node_sp = root.child("state_point");
590     // Determine number of batches at which to store state points
591     if (check_for_node(node_sp, "batches")) {
592       // User gave specific batches to write state points
593       auto temp = get_node_array<int>(node_sp, "batches");
594       for (const auto& b : temp) {
595         statepoint_batch.insert(b);
596       }
597     } else {
598       // If neither were specified, write state point at last batch
599       statepoint_batch.insert(n_batches);
600     }
601   } else {
602     // If no <state_point> tag was present, by default write state point at
603     // last batch only
604     statepoint_batch.insert(n_batches);
605   }
607   // Check if the user has specified to write source points
608   if (check_for_node(root, "source_point")) {
609     // Get source_point node
610     xml_node node_sp = root.child("source_point");
612     // Determine batches at which to store source points
613     if (check_for_node(node_sp, "batches")) {
614       // User gave specific batches to write source points
615       auto temp = get_node_array<int>(node_sp, "batches");
616       for (const auto& b : temp) {
617         sourcepoint_batch.insert(b);
618       }
619     } else {
620       // If neither were specified, write source points with state points
621       sourcepoint_batch = statepoint_batch;
622     }
624     // Check if the user has specified to write binary source file
625     if (check_for_node(node_sp, "separate")) {
626       source_separate = get_node_value_bool(node_sp, "separate");
627     }
628     if (check_for_node(node_sp, "write")) {
629       source_write = get_node_value_bool(node_sp, "write");
630     }
631     if (check_for_node(node_sp, "overwrite_latest")) {
632       source_latest = get_node_value_bool(node_sp, "overwrite_latest");
633       source_separate = source_latest;
634     }
635   } else {
636     // If no <source_point> tag was present, by default we keep source bank in
637     // statepoint file and write it out at statepoints intervals
638     source_separate = false;
639     sourcepoint_batch = statepoint_batch;
640   }
642   // Check if the user has specified to write surface source
643   if (check_for_node(root, "surf_source_write")) {
644     surf_source_write = true;
645     // Get surface source write node
646     xml_node node_ssw = root.child("surf_source_write");
648     // Determine surface ids at which crossing particles are to be banked
649     if (check_for_node(node_ssw, "surface_ids")) {
650       auto temp = get_node_array<int>(node_ssw, "surface_ids");
651       for (const auto& b : temp) {
652         source_write_surf_id.insert(b);
653       }
654     }
656     // Get maximum number of particles to be banked per surface
657     if (check_for_node(node_ssw, "max_particles")) {
658       max_surface_particles = std::stoll(get_node_value(node_ssw, "max_particles"));
659     }
660   }
662   // If source is not seperate and is to be written out in the statepoint file,
663   // make sure that the sourcepoint batch numbers are contained in the
664   // statepoint list
665   if (!source_separate) {
666     for (const auto& b : sourcepoint_batch) {
667       if (!contains(statepoint_batch, b)) {
668         fatal_error("Sourcepoint batches are not a subset of statepoint batches.");
669       }
670     }
671   }
673   // Check if the user has specified to not reduce tallies at the end of every
674   // batch
675   if (check_for_node(root, "no_reduce")) {
676     reduce_tallies = !get_node_value_bool(root, "no_reduce");
677   }
679   // Check if the user has specified to use confidence intervals for
680   // uncertainties rather than standard deviations
681   if (check_for_node(root, "confidence_intervals")) {
682     confidence_intervals = get_node_value_bool(root, "confidence_intervals");
683   }
685   // Check for output options
686   if (check_for_node(root, "output")) {
687     // Get pointer to output node
688     pugi::xml_node node_output = root.child("output");
690     // Check for summary option
691     if (check_for_node(node_output, "summary")) {
692       output_summary = get_node_value_bool(node_output, "summary");
693     }
695     // Check for ASCII tallies output option
696     if (check_for_node(node_output, "tallies")) {
697       output_tallies = get_node_value_bool(node_output, "tallies");
698     }
700     // Set output directory if a path has been specified
701     if (check_for_node(node_output, "path")) {
702       path_output = get_node_value(node_output, "path");
703       if (!ends_with(path_output, "/")) {
704         path_output += "/";
705       }
706     }
707   }
709   // Resonance scattering parameters
710   if (check_for_node(root, "resonance_scattering")) {
711     xml_node node_res_scat = root.child("resonance_scattering");
713     // See if resonance scattering is enabled
714     if (check_for_node(node_res_scat, "enable")) {
715       res_scat_on = get_node_value_bool(node_res_scat, "enable");
716     } else {
717       res_scat_on = true;
718     }
720     // Determine what method is used
721     if (check_for_node(node_res_scat, "method")) {
722       auto temp = get_node_value(node_res_scat, "method", true, true);
723       if (temp == "rvs") {
724         res_scat_method = ResScatMethod::rvs;
725       } else if (temp == "dbrc") {
726         res_scat_method = ResScatMethod::dbrc;
727       } else {
728         fatal_error("Unrecognized resonance elastic scattering method: "
729           + temp + ".");
730       }
731     }
733     // Minimum energy for resonance scattering
734     if (check_for_node(node_res_scat, "energy_min")) {
735       res_scat_energy_min = std::stod(get_node_value(node_res_scat, "energy_min"));
736     }
737     if (res_scat_energy_min < 0.0) {
738       fatal_error("Lower resonance scattering energy bound is negative");
739     }
741     // Maximum energy for resonance scattering
742     if (check_for_node(node_res_scat, "energy_max")) {
743       res_scat_energy_max = std::stod(get_node_value(node_res_scat, "energy_max"));
744     }
745     if (res_scat_energy_max < res_scat_energy_min) {
746       fatal_error("Upper resonance scattering energy bound is below the "
747         "lower resonance scattering energy bound.");
748     }
750     // Get resonance scattering nuclides
751     if (check_for_node(node_res_scat, "nuclides")) {
752       res_scat_nuclides = get_node_array<std::string>(node_res_scat, "nuclides");
753     }
754   }
756   // Get volume calculations
757   for (pugi::xml_node node_vol : root.children("volume_calc")) {
758     model::volume_calcs.emplace_back(node_vol);
759   }
761   // Get temperature settings
762   if (check_for_node(root, "temperature_default")) {
763     temperature_default = std::stod(get_node_value(root, "temperature_default"));
764   }
765   if (check_for_node(root, "temperature_method")) {
766     auto temp = get_node_value(root, "temperature_method", true, true);
767     if (temp == "nearest") {
768       temperature_method = TemperatureMethod::NEAREST;
769     } else if (temp == "interpolation") {
770       temperature_method = TemperatureMethod::INTERPOLATION;
771     } else {
772       fatal_error("Unknown temperature method: " + temp);
773     }
774   }
775   if (check_for_node(root, "temperature_tolerance")) {
776     temperature_tolerance = std::stod(get_node_value(root, "temperature_tolerance"));
777   }
778   if (check_for_node(root, "temperature_multipole")) {
779     temperature_multipole = get_node_value_bool(root, "temperature_multipole");
780   }
781   if (check_for_node(root, "temperature_range")) {
782     auto range = get_node_array<double>(root, "temperature_range");
783     temperature_range[0] = range.at(0);
784     temperature_range[1] = range.at(1);
785   }
787   // Check for tabular_legendre options
788   if (check_for_node(root, "tabular_legendre")) {
789     // Get pointer to tabular_legendre node
790     xml_node node_tab_leg = root.child("tabular_legendre");
792     // Check for enable option
793     if (check_for_node(node_tab_leg, "enable")) {
794       legendre_to_tabular = get_node_value_bool(node_tab_leg, "enable");
795     }
797     // Check for the number of points
798     if (check_for_node(node_tab_leg, "num_points")) {
799       legendre_to_tabular_points = std::stoi(get_node_value(
800         node_tab_leg, "num_points"));
801       if (legendre_to_tabular_points <= 1 && !run_CE) {
802         fatal_error("The 'num_points' subelement/attribute of the "
803           "<tabular_legendre> element must contain a value greater than 1");
804       }
805     }
806   }
808   // Check whether create fission sites
809   if (run_mode == RunMode::FIXED_SOURCE) {
810     if (check_for_node(root, "create_fission_neutrons")) {
811       create_fission_neutrons = get_node_value_bool(root, "create_fission_neutrons");
812     }
813   }
815   // Check whether to scale fission photon yields
816   if (check_for_node(root, "delayed_photon_scaling")) {
817     delayed_photon_scaling = get_node_value_bool(root, "delayed_photon_scaling");
818   }
820   // Check whether to use event-based parallelism
821   if (check_for_node(root, "event_based")) {
822     event_based = get_node_value_bool(root, "event_based");
823   }
825   // Check whether material cell offsets should be generated
826   if (check_for_node(root, "material_cell_offsets")) {
827     material_cell_offsets = get_node_value_bool(root, "material_cell_offsets");
828   }
829 }
free_memory_settings()831 void free_memory_settings() {
832   settings::statepoint_batch.clear();
833   settings::sourcepoint_batch.clear();
834   settings::source_write_surf_id.clear();
835   settings::res_scat_nuclides.clear();
836 }
838 //==============================================================================
839 // C API functions
840 //==============================================================================
842 extern "C" int
openmc_set_n_batches(int32_t n_batches,bool set_max_batches,bool add_statepoint_batch)843 openmc_set_n_batches(int32_t n_batches, bool set_max_batches,
844                      bool add_statepoint_batch)
845 {
846   if (settings::n_inactive >= n_batches) {
847     set_errmsg("Number of active batches must be greater than zero.");
849   }
851   if (simulation::current_batch >= n_batches) {
852     set_errmsg("Number of batches must be greater than current batch.");
854   }
856   if (!settings::trigger_on) {
857     // Set n_batches and n_max_batches to same value
858     settings::n_batches = n_batches;
859     settings::n_max_batches = n_batches;
860   } else {
861     // Set n_batches and n_max_batches based on value of set_max_batches
862     if (set_max_batches) {
863       settings::n_max_batches = n_batches;
864     } else {
865       settings::n_batches = n_batches;
866     }
867   }
869   // Update size of k_generation and entropy
870   int m = settings::n_max_batches * settings::gen_per_batch;
871   simulation::k_generation.reserve(m);
872   simulation::entropy.reserve(m);
874   // Add value of n_batches to statepoint_batch
875   if (add_statepoint_batch &&
876       !(contains(settings::statepoint_batch, n_batches)))
877     settings::statepoint_batch.insert(n_batches);
879   return 0;
880 }
882 extern "C" int
openmc_get_n_batches(int * n_batches,bool get_max_batches)883 openmc_get_n_batches(int* n_batches, bool get_max_batches)
884 {
885   *n_batches = get_max_batches ? settings::n_max_batches : settings::n_batches;
887   return 0;
888 }
890 } // namespace openmc