2Converters between abinit/abipy format and other external tools.
3Some portions of the code have been imported from the ConvertDDB.py script
4developed by Hu Xe, Eric Bousquet and Aldo Romero.
7import os
8import itertools
9import warnings
10import numpy as np
11from monty.dev import requires
13from pymatgen.io.phonopy import get_phonopy_structure, get_pmg_structure
14from pymatgen.io.vasp.inputs import Poscar
15import abipy.core.abinit_units as abu
16from abipy.dfpt.ddb import DdbFile
17from abipy.abio.factories import minimal_scf_input
18from abipy.electrons.gsr import GsrFile
19from monty.os import makedirs_p
21    from phonopy import Phonopy
22    from phonopy.file_IO import write_FORCE_CONSTANTS, parse_FORCE_CONSTANTS, parse_BORN, parse_FORCE_SETS
23    #from phonopy.interface.phonopy_yaml import PhonopyYaml
24    from phonopy.interface.calculator import get_default_physical_units, get_force_constant_conversion_factor
25except ImportError:
26    Phonopy = None
29@requires(Phonopy, "phonopy not installed!")
30def abinit_to_phonopy(anaddbnc, supercell_matrix, symmetrize_tensors=False, output_dir_path=None,
31                      prefix_outfiles="", symprec=1e-5, set_masses=False):
32    """
33    Converts the interatomic force constants(IFC), born effective charges(BEC) and dielectric
34    tensor obtained from anaddb to the phonopy format. Optionally writes the
35    standard phonopy files to a selected directory: FORCE_CONSTANTS, BORN (if BECs are available)
36    POSCAR of the unit cell, POSCAR of the supercell.
38    The conversion is performed taking the IFC in the Wigner–Seitz supercell with weights
39    as produced by anaddb and reorganizes them in a standard supercell multiple of the
40    unit cell. Operations are vectorized using numpy. This may lead to the allocation of
41    large arrays in case of very large supercells.
43    Performs a check to verify if the two codes identify the same symmetries and it gives a
44    warning in case of failure. Mismatching symmetries may lead to incorrect conversions.
46    Args:
47        anaddbnc: an instance of AnaddbNcFile. Should contain the output of the IFC analysis,
48            the BEC and the dielectric tensor.
49        supercell_matrix: the supercell matrix used for phonopy. Any choice is acceptable, however
50            the best agreement between the abinit and phonopy results is obtained if this is set to
51            a diagonal matrix with on the diagonal the ngqpt used to generate the anaddb.nc.
52        symmetrize_tensors: if True the tensors will be symmetrized in the Phonopy object and
53            in the output files. This will apply to IFC, BEC and dielectric tensor.
54        output_dir_path: a path to a directory where the phonopy files will be created
55        prefix_outfiles: a string that will be added as a prefix to the name of the written files
56        symprec: distance tolerance in Cartesian coordinates to find crystal symmetry in phonopy.
57            It might be that the value should be tuned so that it leads to the the same symmetries
58            as in the abinit calculation.
59        set_masses: if True the atomic masses used by abinit will be added to the PhonopyAtoms
60            and will be present in the returned Phonopy object. This should improve compatibility
61            among abinit and phonopy results if frequencies needs to be calculated.
63    Returns:
64        An instance of a Phonopy object that contains the IFC, BEC and dieletric tensor data.
65    """
67    ifc = anaddbnc.ifc
68    nac_params = None
69    becs = None
70    epsinf = None
71    if anaddbnc.becs is not None and anaddbnc.epsinf is not None:
72        becs = anaddbnc.becs.values
73        epsinf = anaddbnc.epsinf
75        # according to the phonopy website 14.399652 is not the coefficient for abinit
76        # probably it relies on the other conventions in the output.
77        nac_params = {"born": becs, "dielectric": epsinf, "factor": 14.399652}
79    s = anaddbnc.structure
81    phon_at = get_phonopy_structure(s)
82    if set_masses:
83        phon_at.masses = [anaddbnc.amu[n] for n in phon_at.numbers]
85    # use phonopy to get the proper supercell given by the primitive and the matrix
86    # and convert it to pymatgen
87    phonon = Phonopy(phon_at, supercell_matrix, primitive_matrix=np.eye(3), nac_params=nac_params,
88                     symprec=symprec)
89    phon_supercell = phonon.get_supercell()
90    supercell = get_pmg_structure(phon_supercell)
92    abi_hall_num = s.abi_spacegroup.get_spglib_hall_number()
93    spglib_hall_num = phonon.symmetry.dataset["hall_number"]
94    if abi_hall_num != spglib_hall_num:
95        warnings.warn("The hall number obtained based on the DDB symmetries differs "
96                      f"from the one calculated with spglib: {abi_hall_num} versus "
97                      f"{spglib_hall_num}. The conversion may be incorrect. Try changing symprec.")
99    # convert to phonopy units
100    at_cart = ifc.atoms_cart_coord * abu.Bohr_Ang
101    ifccc = ifc.ifc_cart_coord * abu.Ha_eV / abu.Bohr_Ang ** 2
102    weights = ifc.ifc_weights
103    latt = supercell.lattice
105    ifcph = np.zeros((len(s), len(supercell), 3, 3))
107    # loop over the atoms in the primitive cell
108    # other operations are vectorized using numpy arrays. Some array may require large allocations
109    for i, (site, c_list, w_list) in enumerate(zip(s, at_cart, weights)):
111        ind_w = np.where(w_list > 0)
112        ifccc_loc = ifccc[i, ind_w[0]]
114        w_list = w_list[ind_w]
115        c_list = c_list[ind_w]
117        # align the coordinates of the first atom in the list (the site under consideration)
118        # with the site in the primitive cell.
119        c_list = c_list - c_list[0] + site.coords
121        # convert to fractional coordinates as needed by the Lattice to get the distances
122        f_list = latt.get_fractional_coords(c_list)
123        sc_fcoords = supercell.frac_coords
125        # construct the list of sites of the supercell that are closer to sites in
126        # the primitive cell
127        dist_and_img = [latt.get_distance_and_image(f_list[0], fc) for fc in sc_fcoords]
128        # the function gives the translation of the image, but it should be applied to the coordinates.
129        # Only the positions are needed
130        nearest_sc_fcoords = [fc + trasl for (_, trasl), fc in zip(dist_and_img, sc_fcoords)]
132        # divide by the corresponding weights. Elements with weights 0 were discarded above
133        ifccc_loc = np.transpose(ifccc_loc, (0, 2, 1)) / w_list[:, None, None]
135        # create an array with all the possible pairs
136        # instantiating this array seems slow but seems still faster than the required loops
137        coord_pairs = np.array(list(itertools.product(nearest_sc_fcoords, f_list)))
139        # find the pairs that match between the coordinates of the modified supercell and the f_list
140        ind_match = np.where(np.abs(coord_pairs[:, 0] - coord_pairs[:, 1]).sum(axis=1) < 1e-6)[0]
141        # set the ifc for phonopy in the final array corresponding to the matching indices.
142        n_points_f_list = len(f_list)
143        ifcph[i, ind_match // n_points_f_list] = ifccc_loc[ind_match % n_points_f_list]
145    phonon.set_force_constants(ifcph)
146    if symmetrize_tensors:
147        phonon.symmetrize_force_constants()
149    if output_dir_path:
150        makedirs_p(output_dir_path)
152        fc_filepath = os.path.join(output_dir_path, prefix_outfiles+"FORCE_CONSTANTS")
153        write_FORCE_CONSTANTS(phonon.get_force_constants(), fc_filepath)
155        if becs is not None and epsinf is not None:
156            born_filepath = os.path.join(output_dir_path, prefix_outfiles+"BORN")
157            write_BORN(phon_at, borns=becs, epsilon=epsinf, filename=born_filepath,
158                       symmetrize_tensors=symmetrize_tensors)
160        poscar_filepath = os.path.join(output_dir_path, prefix_outfiles+"POSCAR")
161        poscar = Poscar(s)
162        poscar.write_file(poscar_filepath, significant_figures=15)
164        supercell_filepath = os.path.join(output_dir_path, prefix_outfiles+"supercell_POSCAR")
165        superce_poscar = Poscar(supercell)
166        superce_poscar.write_file(supercell_filepath, significant_figures=15)
168    return phonon
171@requires(Phonopy, "phonopy not installed!")
172def phonopy_to_abinit(unit_cell, supercell_matrix, out_ddb_path, ngqpt=None, qpt_list=None,
173                      force_constants=None, force_sets=None, born=None,
174                      primitive_matrix="auto", symprec=1e-5, tolsym=None, supercell=None,
175                      calculator=None, manager=None, workdir=None, pseudos=None, verbose=False):
176    """
177    Converts the data from phonopy to an abinit DDB file. The data can be provided
178    in form of arrays or paths to the phonopy files that should be parsed.
179    The minimal input should contains the FORCE_CONSTANTS or FORCE_SETS.
180    If BORN is present the Born effective charges (BEC) and dielectric
181    tensor will also be added to the DDB.
183    The best agreement is obtained with supercell_matrix and ngqpt being
184    equivalent (i.e. supercell_matrix a diagonal matrix with ngqpt as diagonal
185    elements). Non diagonal supercell_matrix are allowed as well, but the information
186    encoded in the DDB will be the result of an interpolation done through phonopy.
188    Phonopy is used to convert the IFC to the dynamical matrix. However, in order to
189    determine the list of q-points in the irreducible Brillouin zone and to prepare the
190    base for the final DDB file, abinit will be called for a very short and inexpensive run.
192    Performs a check to verify if the two codes identify the same symmetries and it gives a
193    warning in case of failure. Mismatching symmetries may lead to incorrect conversions.
195    Args:
196        unit_cell: a |Structure| object that identifies the unit cell used for the phonopy
197            calculation.
198        supercell_matrix: a 3x3 array representing the supercell matrix used to generated the
199            forces with phonopy.
200        out_ddb_path: a full path to the file where the new DDB will be written
201        ngqpt: a list of 3 elements indicating the grid of q points that will be used in the DDB.
202        qpt_list: alternatively to ngqpt an explicit list of q-points can be provided here.
203            At least one among ngqpt and qpt_list should be defined.
204        force_constants: an array with shape (num atoms unit cell, num atoms supercell, 3, 3)
205            containing the force constants. Alternatively a string with the path to the
206            FORCE_CONSTANTS file. This or force_set should be defined. If both given this
207            has precedence.
208        force_sets: a dictionary obtained from the force sets generated with phonopy.
209            Alternatively a string with the path to the FORCE_SETS file. This or force_constants
210            should be defined.
211        born: a dictionary with "dielectric" and "born" keywords as obtained from the nac_params
212            in phonopy. Alternatively a string with the path to the BORN file. Notice that
213            the "factor" attribute is not taken into account, so the values should be in
214            default phonopy units.
215        primitive_matrix: a 3x3 array with the primitive matrix passed to Phonopy. "auto" will
216            use spglib to try to determine it automatically. If the DDB file should contain the
217            actual unit cell this should be the identity matrix.
218        symprec: distance tolerance in Cartesian coordinates to find crystal symmetry in phonopy.
219            It might be that the value should be tuned so that it leads to the the same symmetries
220            as in the abinit calculation.
221        tolsym: Gives the tolerance to identify symmetries in abinit. See abinit documentation for
222            more details.
223        supercell: if given it should represent the supercell used to get the force constants,
224            without any perturbation. It will be used to match it to the phonopy supercell
225            and sort the IFC in the correct order.
226        calculator: a string with the name of the calculator. Will be used to set the conversion
227            factor for the force constants coming from phonopy.
228        manager: |TaskManager| object. If None, the object is initialized from the configuration file
229        pseudos: List of filenames or list of |Pseudo| objects or |PseudoTable| object. It will be
230            used by abinit to generate the base DDB file. If None the abipy.data.hgh_pseudos.HGH_TABLE
231            table will be used.
232        verbose: verbosity level. Set it to a value > 0 to get more information
233        workdir: path to the directory where the abinit calculation will be executed.
235    Returns:
236        a DdbFile instance of the file written in out_ddb_path.
237    """
239    if ngqpt is None and qpt_list is None:
240        raise ValueError("at least one among nqgpt and qpt_list should be defined")
242    if force_sets is None and force_constants is None:
243        raise ValueError("at least one of force_sets and force_constants should be provided")
245    phon_at = get_phonopy_structure(unit_cell)
247    if isinstance(force_constants, str):
248        force_constants = parse_FORCE_CONSTANTS(filename=force_constants)
249    elif force_constants is not None:
250        force_constants = np.array(force_constants)
251        force_sets = None
253    if isinstance(force_sets, str):
254        force_sets = parse_FORCE_SETS(filename=force_sets)
256    # no nac_params here, otherwise they will be used for the interpolation
257    phonon = Phonopy(phon_at, supercell_matrix, primitive_matrix=primitive_matrix, nac_params=None,
258                     symprec=symprec, calculator=calculator)
260    primitive = get_pmg_structure(phonon.primitive)
262    if isinstance(born, str):
263        born = parse_BORN(phonon.primitive, filename=born)
265    if supercell is not None:
266        ph_supercell = get_pmg_structure(phonon.supercell)
267        if not np.allclose(supercell.lattice.matrix, ph_supercell.lattice.matrix):
268            raise RuntimeError("The lattice of the supercells do not match")
269        sc_mapping = []
270        for i, site_orig in enumerate(supercell):
271            for j, site_ph in enumerate(ph_supercell):
272                d = supercell.lattice.get_distance_and_image(site_orig.frac_coords, site_ph.frac_coords)[0]
273                if d < 1e-5:
274                    sc_mapping.append(j)
275                    break
276            else:
277                raise RuntimeError(f"Could not find a match for site {i} with coords "
278                                   f"{site_orig.cart_coords} in the supercell.")
280        # cross check that the same atom was not matched twice
281        n_matches = len(set(sc_mapping))
282        if n_matches < len(supercell):
283            raise RuntimeError(f"Found matches for {n_matches} different atoms in the supercell: {sc_mapping}")
285        force_constants = force_constants[:, sc_mapping]
287    if force_constants is not None:
288        phonon.set_force_constants(force_constants)
289    else:
290        phonon.dataset = force_sets
291        phonon.produce_force_constants()
293    if calculator:
294        units = get_default_physical_units(calculator)
295        fc_factor = get_force_constant_conversion_factor(units["force_constants_unit"], None)
296        phonon.set_force_constants(phonon.force_constants * fc_factor)
298    if pseudos is None:
299        from abipy.data.hgh_pseudos import HGH_TABLE
300        pseudos = HGH_TABLE
302    inp = minimal_scf_input(primitive, pseudos)
304    # get the qpoints list if not defined
305    if qpt_list is None:
306        inp["ngkpt"] = ngqpt
307        qpt_list = inp.abiget_ibz(verbose=verbose)[0]
309    dm_list = get_dm(phonon, qpt_list, primitive)
311    if born is not None:
312        # for the conversion of the BEC the zion (i.e. the ionic charge of the pseudo)
313        # it is an additive factor and should be the same that goes in the header of the DDB,
314        # so take it from the pseudos used to generate it.
315        zion = inp.valence_electrons_per_atom
316        born_data = generate_born_deriv(born, zion, primitive)
317    else:
318        born_data = None
320    inp = minimal_scf_input(primitive, pseudos)
321    if tolsym is not None:
322        inp["tolsym"] = tolsym
323    task = inp.run_in_shell(workdir=workdir, manager=manager, verbose=verbose)
325    # use the output of abinit to check that the spacegroup identified by
326    # phonopy and abinit are the same.
327    with GsrFile(task.opath_from_ext("GSR.nc")) as gsr:
328        abi_spg = gsr.structure.abi_spacegroup.spgid
329    spglib_spg = phonon.symmetry.dataset["number"]
330    if abi_spg != spglib_spg:
331        warnings.warn("The space group number obtained based on the DDB symmetries differs "
332                      f"from the one calculated with spglib: {abi_spg} versus "
333                      f"{spglib_spg}. The convertion may be incorrect. Try changing symprec or tolsym.")
335    tmp_ddb_path = task.opath_from_ext("DDB")
337    ddb = DdbFile(tmp_ddb_path)
338    # remove the blocks generated by the calculation and that are meaningless
339    ddb.remove_block(dord=0)
340    ddb.remove_block(dord=1)
342    add_data_ddb(ddb, dm_list, qpt_list, born_data)
344    ddb.write(out_ddb_path)
346    new_ddb = DdbFile(out_ddb_path)
347    return new_ddb
350def generate_born_deriv(born, zion, structure):
351    """
352    Helper function to generate the portion of the derivatives in the DDB
353    that are related to the Born effective charges and dielectric tensor,
354    starting from the data available in phonopy format.
356    Args:
357        born: a dictionary with "dielectric" and "born" keywords as obtained from the nac_params
358            in phonopy.
359        zion: the ionic charge of each atom in the system. It should be in the same order
360            as the one present in the header of the DDB.
361        structure: a pymatgen |Structure| of the unit cell.
363    Returns:
364        a complex numpy array with shape (len(structure)+2, 3, len(structure)+2, 3). Only the
365        parts relative to the BECs and dielectric tensors will be filled.
366    """
367    natoms = len(structure)
368    mpert = natoms + 2 # only these perturbations are needed here
369    born_data = np.zeros((3, mpert, 3, mpert), dtype=complex)
371    eps_e = born["dielectric"]
372    bec = np.array(born["born"]).transpose((0, 2, 1))
374    # Assume that for the generated DDB acell = [1,1,1] and rprimd = rprim. Should be in Bohr.
375    rprim = structure.lattice.matrix * abu.Ang_Bohr
376    rprimd = rprim
378    volume_bohr = np.dot(rprimd[:, 0], np.cross(rprimd[:, 1], rprimd[:, 2]))
379    gprimd = np.linalg.inv(rprimd)
380    dij = np.identity(3)
381    # BEC
382    for ipert1 in range(natoms):  # ipert1 is atom position deriv
383        ipert2 = natoms + 1  # E field deriv
384        dm1 = np.matmul(rprimd,
385                        np.matmul(bec[ipert1, :, :] - dij[:, :] * zion[ipert1], gprimd))
386        for idir1 in range(3):
387            for idir2 in range(3):
388                born_data[idir1, ipert1, idir2, ipert2] = dm1[idir1, idir2] * 2 * np.pi + 0.0j
389                born_data[idir2, ipert2, idir1, ipert1] = dm1[idir1, idir2] * 2 * np.pi + 0.0j
390    # epsinf
391    ipert1 = natoms + 1
392    ipert2 = natoms + 1
393    dm1 = np.matmul(gprimd.transpose(),
394                    np.matmul(dij[:, :] - eps_e[:, :], gprimd))
395    for idir1 in range(3):
396        for idir2 in range(3):
397            born_data[idir1, ipert1, idir2, ipert2] = dm1[idir1, idir2] * np.pi * volume_bohr + 0.0j
398    born_data = born_data.transpose((1, 0, 3, 2))
399    return born_data
402@requires(Phonopy, "phonopy not installed!")
403def get_dm(phonon, qpt_list, structure):
404    """
405    Helper function to generate the dynamical matrix in the abinit conventions
406    for a list of q-points from a Phonopy object.
408    Args:
409        phonon: a Phonopy object with force constants.
410        qpt_list: a list of fractional coordinates of q-points for which the
411            dynamical matrix should be generated.
412        structure: a pymatgen |Structure| of the primitive cell.
414    Returns:
415        a list of arrays with the dynamical matrices of the selected q-points.
416    """
417    natom = len(structure)
418    rprim = structure.lattice.matrix * abu.Ang_Bohr
419    # assume acell is [1., 1., 1.]
420    rprimd = rprim
421    masses = phonon.masses
422    dm_list = []
423    mass_tile = np.tile(masses, (3, 1)).T
424    mass_matrix = np.sqrt(np.einsum("ij,kl", mass_tile, mass_tile))
425    # get the difference in coordinates for each pair of atoms
426    # diff_coords[i,j] is equivalent to structure[i].coords - structure[j].coords
427    coord_matrix = np.repeat(structure.cart_coords[np.newaxis, :, :], natom, axis=0)
428    diff_coords = np.transpose(coord_matrix, (1, 0, 2)) - coord_matrix
429    rlatt = structure.lattice.reciprocal_lattice
430    for q in qpt_list:
431        q_cart = rlatt.get_cartesian_coords(q)
432        # the phase exp(-i * q.r)
433        phase = np.exp(-1j * np.einsum("ijk,k", diff_coords, q_cart))
434        dm = phonon.get_dynamical_matrix_at_q(q).reshape(natom, 3, natom, 3)
435        # the following is rprim * dm[ipert1,:,ipert2,:] * rprim.T
436        dm = np.einsum("ij,kjlm,nm->kiln", rprimd, dm, rprimd)
437        dm = dm * mass_matrix / phase[:, None, :, None]
438        dm *= abu.eV_Ha / abu.Ang_Bohr**2
440        dm_list.append(dm)
442    return dm_list
445def add_data_ddb(ddb, dm_list, qpt_list, born_data):
446    """
447    Helper function to add the blocks for the dynamical matrix and BECs to a DdbFile object.
449    Args:
450        ddb: a DdbFile object to be modified.
451        dm_list: the list of dynamical matrices to be added.
452        qpt_list: the list of q-points corresponding to dm_list.
453        born_data: the data corresponding to BECs and dielectric tensor. If None
454            these part will not be set in the DDB.
455    """
456    dm_data = {}
457    natom = len(ddb.structure)
458    for q, dm in zip(qpt_list, dm_list):
459        q_data = {}
460        for ipert1 in range(natom):
461            for idir1 in range(3):
462                for ipert2 in range(natom):
463                    for idir2 in range(3):
464                        q_data[(idir1+1, ipert1+1, idir2+1, ipert2+1)] = dm[ipert1, idir1, ipert2, idir2]
466        # for gamma set also the born data if present
467        if np.allclose(q, (0, 0, 0)) and born_data is not None:
468            ipert2 = natom + 1
469            for ipert1 in range(natom):
470                for idir1 in range(3):
471                    for idir2 in range(3):
472                        q_data[(idir1+1, ipert1+1, idir2+1, ipert2+1)] = born_data[ipert1, idir1, ipert2, idir2]
473                        q_data[(idir2+1, ipert2+1, idir1+1, ipert1+1)] = born_data[ipert2, idir2, ipert1, idir1]
475            for idir1 in range(3):
476                for idir2 in range(3):
477                    q_data[(idir1+1, ipert2+1, idir2+1, ipert2+1)] = born_data[ipert2, idir1, ipert2, idir2]
479        dm_data[tuple(q)] = q_data
481    ddb.set_2nd_ord_data(dm_data, replace=True)
484@requires(Phonopy, "phonopy not installed!")
485def tdep_to_abinit(unit_cell, fc_path, supercell_matrix, supercell, out_ddb_path, ngqpt=None,
486                   qpt_list=None, primitive_matrix="auto", lotosplitting_path=None, symprec=1e-5,
487                   tolsym=None, manager=None, workdir=None, pseudos=None, verbose=False):
488    """
489    Converts the files produced by TDEP to an abinit DDB file. If the lotosplitting
490    file is provided the BEC and dielectric tensor will also be added to the DDB.
492    The conversion is performed by first extracting the force constants in phonopy format
493    and then using phonopy_to_abinit_py to generate the DDB file. See the phonopy_to_abinit_py
494    docstring for further details about the second step of the conversion.
495    Notice that the supercell used by TDEP should be provided in order to properly
496    sort the IFC to match the order required by phonopy.
498    Args:
499        unit_cell: a |Structure| object that identifies the unit cell used for the TDEP
500            calculation.
501        fc_path: the path to the forceconstants file produced by TDEP.
502        supercell_matrix: a 3x3 array representing the supercell matrix used to generated the
503            forces with TDEP.
504        supercell: the supercell used by TDEP to get the force constants, without any
505            perturbation (usually named with extension ssposcar). It will be used to match it to
506            the phonopy supercell and sort the IFC in the correct order.
507        out_ddb_path: a full path to the file where the new DDB will be written
508        ngqpt: a list of 3 elements indicating the grid of q points that will be used in the DDB.
509        qpt_list: alternatively to ngqpt an explicit list of q-points can be provided here.
510            At least one among ngqpt and qpt_list should be defined.
511        primitive_matrix: a 3x3 array with the primitive matrix passed to Phonopy. "auto" will
512            use spglib to try to determine it automatically. If the DDB file should contain the
513            actual unit cell this should be the identity matrix.
514        lotosplitting_path: path to the lotosplitting file produced by TDEP. If None no BEC
515            contribution will be set to the DDB.
516        symprec: distance tolerance in Cartesian coordinates to find crystal symmetry in phonopy.
517            It might be that the value should be tuned so that it leads to the the same symmetries
518            as in the abinit calculation.
519        tolsym: Gives the tolerance to identify symmetries in abinit. See abinit documentation for
520            more details.
521        manager: |TaskManager| object. If None, the object is initialized from the configuration file
522        pseudos: List of filenames or list of |Pseudo| objects or |PseudoTable| object. It will be
523            used by abinit to generate the base DDB file. If None the abipy.data.hgh_pseudos.HGH_TABLE
524            table will be used.
525        verbose: verbosity level. Set it to a value > 0 to get more information
526        workdir: path to the directory where the abinit calculation will be executed.
528    Returns:
529        a DdbFile instance of the file written in out_ddb_path.
530    """
532    fc = parse_tdep_fc(fc_path, unit_cell, supercell)
534    born = None
535    if lotosplitting_path:
536        eps, becs = parse_tdep_lotosplitting(lotosplitting_path)
537        born = {"dielectric": eps, "born": becs, "factor": 1}
539    ddb = phonopy_to_abinit(unit_cell=unit_cell, force_constants=fc, supercell_matrix=supercell_matrix, ngqpt=ngqpt,
540                            qpt_list=qpt_list, out_ddb_path=out_ddb_path, born=born, pseudos=pseudos,
541                            primitive_matrix=primitive_matrix, supercell=supercell, manager=manager,
542                            workdir=workdir, symprec=symprec, verbose=verbose, tolsym=tolsym)
544    return ddb
547def parse_tdep_fc(fc_path, unit_cell, supercell):
548    """
549    Parses a forceconstants file produced by TDEP an converts it to an array in the
550    phonopy format.
552    Args:
553        fc_path: path to the forceconstants file
554        unit_cell: a |Structure| object with the unit cell used for the calculation
555            in TDEP.
556        supercell: the supercell used for the calculation in TDEP.
558    Returns:
559        a comple numpy array with shape (len(unit_cell), len(supercell), 3, 3)
560    """
561    natoms = len(unit_cell)
562    fc = np.zeros((natoms, len(supercell), 3, 3))
563    # parse the fc file and put it in the format required for phonopy
564    # this will be sorted according to the tdep supercell atoms order, not the phonopy supercell.
565    with open(fc_path, "rt") as f:
566        lines = f.readlines()
567    u_latt = unit_cell.lattice
568    sc_latt = supercell.lattice
569    iline = 2
570    for iat in range(natoms):
571        n_neighbours = int(lines[iline].split()[0])
572        iline += 1
573        for jn in range(n_neighbours):
574            iprim = int(lines[iline].split()[0]) - 1
575            r = [float(sp) for sp in lines[iline + 1].split()]
576            # find matching atom in the supercell
577            fcoords = sc_latt.get_fractional_coords(u_latt.get_cartesian_coords(r) + unit_cell[iprim].coords)
578            for isc, site_sc in enumerate(supercell):
579                d = supercell.lattice.get_distance_and_image(fcoords, site_sc.frac_coords)[0]
580                if d < 1e-5:
581                    break
582            else:
583                raise RuntimeError(f"could not find a match for: {lines[iline]}")
585            for k in range(3):
586                fc[iat, isc, k] = [float(sp) for sp in lines[iline + 2 + k].split()]
587            iline += 5
588    return fc
591def parse_tdep_lotosplitting(filepath):
592    """
593    Parses the lotosplitting file produced by TDEP and transforms them in
594    the phonopy format for Born effective charges and dielectric tensor.
596    Args:
597        filepath: path to the lotosplitting file.
599    Returns:
600        a tuple with dielectric tensor and Born effective charges.
601    """
602    with open(filepath) as f:
603        lines = f.readlines()
605    values = []
606    for l in lines:
607        if not l.strip():
608            continue
609        values.append([float(v) for v in l.split()[:3]])
611    if len(values) % 3 != 0:
612        raise RuntimeError(f"The data parsed has an unexpected shape: {np.shape(values)}")
614    eps = np.array(values[:3])
615    natoms = len(values) // 3 - 1
616    born = np.reshape(values[3:], (natoms, 3, 3))
618    return eps, born
621def write_tdep_lotosplitting(eps, born, filepath="infile.lotosplitting", fmt="%14.10f"):
622    """
623    Writes an lotosplitting file starting from arrays containing dielectric tensor and
624    Born effective charges.
626    Args:
627        eps: a 3x3 array with the dielectric tensor.
628        born: an array with the Born effective charges.
629        filepath: the path where the lotosplitting file should be written.
630        fmt: the format for the float numbers.
631    """
632    values = np.concatenate((eps[None, :, :], born), axis=0)
633    values = values.reshape((3 * len(values), 3))
634    np.savetxt(filepath, values, fmt=fmt)
637def born_to_lotosplitting(born, lotosplitting_path="infile.lotosplitting"):
638    """
639    Converted of a file from the BORN file produced from phonopy to the lotosplitting
640    file used by TDEP.
642    Args:
643        born: a dictionary with "dielectric" and "born" keywords as obtained from the nac_params
644            in phonopy. Notice that the "factor" attribute is not taken into account, so the
645            values should be in default phonopy units.
646        lotosplitting_path: the path where the lotosplitting file should be written.
647    """
649    eps = born["dielectric"]
650    becs = born["born"]
651    write_tdep_lotosplitting(eps, becs, lotosplitting_path)
654@requires(Phonopy, "phonopy not installed!")
655def write_BORN(primitive, borns, epsilon, filename="BORN", symmetrize_tensors=False):
656    """
657    Helper function imported from phonopy.file_IO.
658    Contrarily to the original, it does not symmetrize the tensor.
659    """
660    lines = get_BORN_lines(primitive, borns, epsilon, symmetrize_tensors=symmetrize_tensors)
661    with open(filename, 'w') as w:
662        w.write('\n'.join(lines))
665@requires(Phonopy, "phonopy not installed!")
666def get_BORN_lines(unitcell, borns, epsilon,
667                   factor=None,
668                   primitive_matrix=None,
669                   supercell_matrix=None,
670                   symprec=1e-5, symmetrize_tensors=False):
671    """
672    Helper function imported from phonopy.file_IO that exposes the
673    option of not symmetrizing the tensor.
674    """
675    from phonopy.structure.symmetry import elaborate_borns_and_epsilon
676    borns, epsilon, atom_indices = elaborate_borns_and_epsilon(
677        unitcell, borns, epsilon, symmetrize_tensors=symmetrize_tensors,
678        primitive_matrix=primitive_matrix,
679        supercell_matrix=supercell_matrix,
680        symprec=symprec)
682    text = "# epsilon and Z* of atoms "
683    text += ' '.join(["%d" % n for n in atom_indices + 1])
684    lines = [text, ]
685    lines.append(("%13.8f " * 9) % tuple(epsilon.flatten()))
686    for z in borns:
687        lines.append(("%13.8f " * 9) % tuple(z.flatten()))
688    return lines