1# Copyright 2020 The Cirq Developers
3# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5# You may obtain a copy of the License at
7#     https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13# limitations under the License.
15import datetime
16import sys
17import time
18from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Set, TypeVar, Tuple, Union
19import warnings
21from google.api_core.exceptions import GoogleAPICallError, NotFound
22from google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2 import Timestamp
24from cirq_google.engine.client import quantum
25from cirq_google.engine.client.quantum import types as qtypes
27_R = TypeVar('_R')
30class EngineException(Exception):
31    def __init__(self, message):
32        # Call the base class constructor with the parameters it needs
33        super().__init__(message)
39class EngineClient:
40    """Client for the Quantum Engine API that deals with the engine protos and
41    the gRPC client but not cirq protos or objects. All users are likely better
42    served by using the Engine, EngineProgram, EngineJob, EngineProcessor, and
43    Calibration objects instead of using this directly.
44    """
46    def __init__(
47        self,
48        service_args: Optional[Dict] = None,
49        verbose: Optional[bool] = None,
50        max_retry_delay_seconds: int = 3600,  # 1 hour
51    ) -> None:
52        """Engine service client.
54        Args:
55            service_args: A dictionary of arguments that can be used to
56                configure options on the underlying gRPC client.
57            verbose: Suppresses stderr messages when set to False. Default is
58                true.
59            max_retry_delay_seconds: The maximum number of seconds to retry when
60                a retryable error code is returned.
61        """
62        self.max_retry_delay_seconds = max_retry_delay_seconds
63        if verbose is None:
64            verbose = True
65        self.verbose = verbose
67        if not service_args:
68            service_args = {}
70        # Suppress warnings about using Application Default Credentials.
71        with warnings.catch_warnings():
72            warnings.simplefilter('ignore')
73            self.grpc_client = quantum.QuantumEngineServiceClient(**service_args)
75    def _make_request(self, request: Callable[[], _R]) -> _R:
76        # Start with a 100ms retry delay with exponential backoff to
77        # max_retry_delay_seconds
78        current_delay = 0.1
80        while True:
81            try:
82                return request()
83            except GoogleAPICallError as err:
84                message = err.message
85                # Raise RuntimeError for exceptions that are not retryable.
86                # Otherwise, pass through to retry.
87                if err.code.value not in RETRYABLE_ERROR_CODES:
88                    raise EngineException(message) from err
90            if current_delay > self.max_retry_delay_seconds:
91                raise TimeoutError(f'Reached max retry attempts for error: {message}')
92            if self.verbose:
93                print(message, file=sys.stderr)
94                print('Waiting ', current_delay, 'seconds before retrying.', file=sys.stderr)
95            time.sleep(current_delay)
96            current_delay *= 2
98    def create_program(
99        self,
100        project_id: str,
101        program_id: Optional[str],
102        code: qtypes.any_pb2.Any,
103        description: Optional[str] = None,
104        labels: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
105    ) -> Tuple[str, qtypes.QuantumProgram]:
106        """Creates a Quantum Engine program.
108        Args:
109            project_id: A project_id of the parent Google Cloud Project.
110            program_id: Unique ID of the program within the parent project.
111            code: Properly serialized program code.
112            description: An optional description to set on the program.
113            labels: Optional set of labels to set on the program.
115        Returns:
116            Tuple of created program id and program
117        """
119        parent_name = _project_name(project_id)
120        program_name = _program_name_from_ids(project_id, program_id) if program_id else ''
121        request = qtypes.QuantumProgram(name=program_name, code=code)
122        if description:
123            request.description = description
124        if labels:
125            request.labels.update(labels)
127        program = self._make_request(
128            lambda: self.grpc_client.create_quantum_program(parent_name, request, False)
129        )
130        return _ids_from_program_name(program.name)[1], program
132    def get_program(
133        self, project_id: str, program_id: str, return_code: bool
134    ) -> qtypes.QuantumProgram:
135        """Returns a previously created quantum program.
137        Args:
138            project_id: A project_id of the parent Google Cloud Project.
139            program_id: Unique ID of the program within the parent project.
140            return_code: If True returns the serialized program code.
141        """
142        return self._make_request(
143            lambda: self.grpc_client.get_quantum_program(
144                _program_name_from_ids(project_id, program_id), return_code
145            )
146        )
148    def list_programs(
149        self,
150        project_id: str,
151        created_before: Optional[Union[datetime.datetime, datetime.date]] = None,
152        created_after: Optional[Union[datetime.datetime, datetime.date]] = None,
153        has_labels: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
154    ):
155        """Returns a list of previously executed quantum programs.
157        Args:
158            project_id: the id of the project
159            created_after: retrieve programs that were created after this date
160                or time.
161            created_before: retrieve programs that were created after this date
162                or time.
163            has_labels: retrieve programs that have labels on them specified by
164                this dict. If the value is set to `*`, filters having the label
165                egardless of the label value will be filtered. For example, to
166                uery programs that have the shape label and have the color
167                label with value red can be queried using
169                {'color': 'red', 'shape':'*'}
170        """
171        filters = []
173        if created_after is not None:
174            val = _date_or_time_to_filter_expr('created_after', created_after)
175            filters.append(f"create_time >= {val}")
176        if created_before is not None:
177            val = _date_or_time_to_filter_expr('created_before', created_before)
178            filters.append(f"create_time <= {val}")
179        if has_labels is not None:
180            for (k, v) in has_labels.items():
181                filters.append(f"labels.{k}:{v}")
182        return self._make_request(
183            lambda: self.grpc_client.list_quantum_programs(
184                _project_name(project_id), filter_=" AND ".join(filters)
185            )
186        )
188    def set_program_description(
189        self, project_id: str, program_id: str, description: str
190    ) -> qtypes.QuantumProgram:
191        """Sets the description for a previously created quantum program.
193        Args:
194            project_id: A project_id of the parent Google Cloud Project.
195            program_id: Unique ID of the program within the parent project.
196            description: The new program description.
198        Returns:
199            The updated quantum program.
200        """
201        program_resource_name = _program_name_from_ids(project_id, program_id)
202        return self._make_request(
203            lambda: self.grpc_client.update_quantum_program(
204                program_resource_name,
205                qtypes.QuantumProgram(name=program_resource_name, description=description),
206                qtypes.field_mask_pb2.FieldMask(paths=['description']),
207            )
208        )
210    def _set_program_labels(
211        self, project_id: str, program_id: str, labels: Dict[str, str], fingerprint: str
212    ) -> qtypes.QuantumProgram:
213        program_resource_name = _program_name_from_ids(project_id, program_id)
214        return self._make_request(
215            lambda: self.grpc_client.update_quantum_program(
216                program_resource_name,
217                qtypes.QuantumProgram(
218                    name=program_resource_name, labels=labels, label_fingerprint=fingerprint
219                ),
220                qtypes.field_mask_pb2.FieldMask(paths=['labels']),
221            )
222        )
224    def set_program_labels(
225        self, project_id: str, program_id: str, labels: Dict[str, str]
226    ) -> qtypes.QuantumProgram:
227        """Sets (overwriting) the labels for a previously created quantum
228        program.
230        Args:
231            project_id: A project_id of the parent Google Cloud Project.
232            program_id: Unique ID of the program within the parent project.
233            labels: The entire set of new program labels.
235        Returns:
236            The updated quantum program.
237        """
238        program = self.get_program(project_id, program_id, False)
239        return self._set_program_labels(project_id, program_id, labels, program.label_fingerprint)
241    def add_program_labels(
242        self, project_id: str, program_id: str, labels: Dict[str, str]
243    ) -> qtypes.QuantumProgram:
244        """Adds new labels to a previously created quantum program.
246        Args:
247            project_id: A project_id of the parent Google Cloud Project.
248            program_id: Unique ID of the program within the parent project.
249            labels: New labels to add to the existing program labels.
251        Returns:
252            The updated quantum program.
253        """
254        program = self.get_program(project_id, program_id, False)
255        old_labels = program.labels
256        new_labels = dict(old_labels)
257        new_labels.update(labels)
258        if new_labels != old_labels:
259            fingerprint = program.label_fingerprint
260            return self._set_program_labels(project_id, program_id, new_labels, fingerprint)
261        return program
263    def remove_program_labels(
264        self, project_id: str, program_id: str, label_keys: List[str]
265    ) -> qtypes.QuantumProgram:
266        """Removes labels with given keys from the labels of a previously
267        created quantum program.
269        Args:
270            project_id: A project_id of the parent Google Cloud Project.
271            program_id: Unique ID of the program within the parent project.
272            label_keys: Label keys to remove from the existing program labels.
274        Returns:
275            The updated quantum program.
276        """
277        program = self.get_program(project_id, program_id, False)
278        old_labels = program.labels
279        new_labels = dict(old_labels)
280        for key in label_keys:
281            new_labels.pop(key, None)
282        if new_labels != old_labels:
283            fingerprint = program.label_fingerprint
284            return self._set_program_labels(project_id, program_id, new_labels, fingerprint)
285        return program
287    def delete_program(self, project_id: str, program_id: str, delete_jobs: bool = False) -> None:
288        """Deletes a previously created quantum program.
290        Args:
291            project_id: A project_id of the parent Google Cloud Project.
292            program_id: Unique ID of the program within the parent project.
293            delete_jobs: If True will delete all the program's jobs, other this
294                will fail if the program contains any jobs.
295        """
296        self._make_request(
297            lambda: self.grpc_client.delete_quantum_program(
298                _program_name_from_ids(project_id, program_id), delete_jobs
299            )
300        )
302    # TODO(#3388) Add documentation for Raises.
303    # pylint: disable=missing-raises-doc
304    def create_job(
305        self,
306        project_id: str,
307        program_id: str,
308        job_id: Optional[str],
309        processor_ids: Sequence[str],
310        run_context: qtypes.any_pb2.Any,
311        priority: Optional[int] = None,
312        description: Optional[str] = None,
313        labels: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
314    ) -> Tuple[str, qtypes.QuantumJob]:
315        """Creates and runs a job on Quantum Engine.
317        Args:
318            project_id: A project_id of the parent Google Cloud Project.
319            program_id: Unique ID of the program within the parent project.
320            job_id: Unique ID of the job within the parent program.
321            run_context: Properly serialized run context.
322            processor_ids: List of processor id for running the program.
323            priority: Optional priority to run at, 0-1000.
324            description: Optional description to set on the job.
325            labels: Optional set of labels to set on the job.
327        Returns:
328            Tuple of created job id and job
329        """
330        # Check program to run and program parameters.
331        if priority and not 0 <= priority < 1000:
332            raise ValueError('priority must be between 0 and 1000')
334        # Create job.
335        job_name = _job_name_from_ids(project_id, program_id, job_id) if job_id else ''
336        request = qtypes.QuantumJob(
337            name=job_name,
338            scheduling_config=qtypes.SchedulingConfig(
339                processor_selector=qtypes.SchedulingConfig.ProcessorSelector(
340                    processor_names=[
341                        _processor_name_from_ids(project_id, processor_id)
342                        for processor_id in processor_ids
343                    ]
344                )
345            ),
346            run_context=run_context,
347        )
348        if priority:
349            request.scheduling_config.priority = priority
350        if description:
351            request.description = description
352        if labels:
353            request.labels.update(labels)
354        job = self._make_request(
355            lambda: self.grpc_client.create_quantum_job(
356                _program_name_from_ids(project_id, program_id), request, False
357            )
358        )
359        return _ids_from_job_name(job.name)[2], job
361    # pylint: enable=missing-raises-doc
362    def list_jobs(
363        self,
364        project_id: str,
365        program_id: Optional[str] = None,
366        created_before: Optional[Union[datetime.datetime, datetime.date]] = None,
367        created_after: Optional[Union[datetime.datetime, datetime.date]] = None,
368        has_labels: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
369        execution_states: Optional[Set[quantum.enums.ExecutionStatus.State]] = None,
370    ):
371        """Returns the list of jobs for a given program.
373        Args:
374            project_id: A project_id of the parent Google Cloud Project.
375            program_id: Optional, a unique ID of the program within the parent
376                project. If None, jobs will be listed across all programs within
377                the project.
378            created_after: retrieve jobs that were created after this date
379                or time.
380            created_before: retrieve jobs that were created after this date
381                or time.
382            has_labels: retrieve jobs that have labels on them specified by
383                this dict. If the value is set to `*`, filters having the label
384                regardless of the label value will be filtered. For example, to
385                query programs that have the shape label and have the color
386                label with value red can be queried using
388                {'color': 'red', 'shape':'*'}
390            execution_states: retrieve jobs that have an execution state that
391                is contained in `execution_states`. See
392                `quantum.enums.ExecutionStatus.State` enum for accepted values.
393        """
394        filters = []
396        if created_after is not None:
397            val = _date_or_time_to_filter_expr('created_after', created_after)
398            filters.append(f"create_time >= {val}")
399        if created_before is not None:
400            val = _date_or_time_to_filter_expr('created_before', created_before)
401            filters.append(f"create_time <= {val}")
402        if has_labels is not None:
403            for (k, v) in has_labels.items():
404                filters.append(f"labels.{k}:{v}")
405        if execution_states is not None:
406            state_filter = []
407            for execution_state in execution_states:
408                state_filter.append(f"execution_status.state = {execution_state.name}")
409            filters.append(f"({' OR '.join(state_filter)})")
411        if program_id is None:
412            program_id = "-"
413        parent = _program_name_from_ids(project_id, program_id)
414        return self._make_request(
415            lambda: self.grpc_client.list_quantum_jobs(parent, filter_=" AND ".join(filters))
416        )
418    def get_job(
419        self, project_id: str, program_id: str, job_id: str, return_run_context: bool
420    ) -> qtypes.QuantumJob:
421        """Returns a previously created job.
423        Args:
424            project_id: A project_id of the parent Google Cloud Project.
425            program_id: Unique ID of the program within the parent project.
426            job_id: Unique ID of the job within the parent program.
427            return_run_context: If true then the run context will be loaded
428                from the job's run_context_location and set on the returned
429                QuantumJob.
430        """
431        return self._make_request(
432            lambda: self.grpc_client.get_quantum_job(
433                _job_name_from_ids(project_id, program_id, job_id), return_run_context
434            )
435        )
437    def set_job_description(
438        self, project_id: str, program_id: str, job_id: str, description: str
439    ) -> qtypes.QuantumJob:
440        """Sets the description for a previously created quantum job.
442        Args:
443            project_id: A project_id of the parent Google Cloud Project.
444            program_id: Unique ID of the program within the parent project.
445            job_id: Unique ID of the job within the parent program.
446            description: The new job description.
448        Returns:
449            The updated quantum job.
450        """
451        job_resource_name = _job_name_from_ids(project_id, program_id, job_id)
452        return self._make_request(
453            lambda: self.grpc_client.update_quantum_job(
454                job_resource_name,
455                qtypes.QuantumJob(name=job_resource_name, description=description),
456                qtypes.field_mask_pb2.FieldMask(paths=['description']),
457            )
458        )
460    def _set_job_labels(
461        self,
462        project_id: str,
463        program_id: str,
464        job_id: str,
465        labels: Dict[str, str],
466        fingerprint: str,
467    ) -> qtypes.QuantumJob:
468        job_resource_name = _job_name_from_ids(project_id, program_id, job_id)
469        return self._make_request(
470            lambda: self.grpc_client.update_quantum_job(
471                job_resource_name,
472                qtypes.QuantumJob(
473                    name=job_resource_name, labels=labels, label_fingerprint=fingerprint
474                ),
475                qtypes.field_mask_pb2.FieldMask(paths=['labels']),
476            )
477        )
479    def set_job_labels(
480        self, project_id: str, program_id: str, job_id: str, labels: Dict[str, str]
481    ) -> qtypes.QuantumJob:
482        """Sets (overwriting) the labels for a previously created quantum job.
484        Args:
485            project_id: A project_id of the parent Google Cloud Project.
486            program_id: Unique ID of the program within the parent project.
487            job_id: Unique ID of the job within the parent program.
488            labels: The entire set of new job labels.
490        Returns:
491            The updated quantum job.
492        """
493        job = self.get_job(project_id, program_id, job_id, False)
494        return self._set_job_labels(project_id, program_id, job_id, labels, job.label_fingerprint)
496    def add_job_labels(
497        self, project_id: str, program_id: str, job_id: str, labels: Dict[str, str]
498    ) -> qtypes.QuantumJob:
499        """Adds new labels to a previously created quantum job.
501        Args:
502            project_id: A project_id of the parent Google Cloud Project.
503            program_id: Unique ID of the program within the parent project.
504            job_id: Unique ID of the job within the parent program.
505            labels: New labels to add to the existing job labels.
507        Returns:
508            The updated quantum job.
509        """
510        job = self.get_job(project_id, program_id, job_id, False)
511        old_labels = job.labels
512        new_labels = dict(old_labels)
513        new_labels.update(labels)
514        if new_labels != old_labels:
515            fingerprint = job.label_fingerprint
516            return self._set_job_labels(project_id, program_id, job_id, new_labels, fingerprint)
517        return job
519    def remove_job_labels(
520        self, project_id: str, program_id: str, job_id: str, label_keys: List[str]
521    ) -> qtypes.QuantumJob:
522        """Removes labels with given keys from the labels of a previously
523        created quantum job.
525        Args:
526            project_id: A project_id of the parent Google Cloud Project.
527            program_id: Unique ID of the program within the parent project.
528            job_id: Unique ID of the job within the parent program.
529            label_keys: Label keys to remove from the existing job labels.
531        Returns:
532            The updated quantum job.
533        """
534        job = self.get_job(project_id, program_id, job_id, False)
535        old_labels = job.labels
536        new_labels = dict(old_labels)
537        for key in label_keys:
538            new_labels.pop(key, None)
539        if new_labels != old_labels:
540            fingerprint = job.label_fingerprint
541            return self._set_job_labels(project_id, program_id, job_id, new_labels, fingerprint)
542        return job
544    def delete_job(self, project_id: str, program_id: str, job_id: str) -> None:
545        """Deletes a previously created quantum job.
547        Args:
548            project_id: A project_id of the parent Google Cloud Project.
549            program_id: Unique ID of the program within the parent project.
550            job_id: Unique ID of the job within the parent program.
551        """
552        self._make_request(
553            lambda: self.grpc_client.delete_quantum_job(
554                _job_name_from_ids(project_id, program_id, job_id)
555            )
556        )
558    def cancel_job(self, project_id: str, program_id: str, job_id: str) -> None:
559        """Cancels the given job.
561        Args:
562            project_id: A project_id of the parent Google Cloud Project.
563            program_id: Unique ID of the program within the parent project.
564            job_id: Unique ID of the job within the parent program.
565        """
566        self._make_request(
567            lambda: self.grpc_client.cancel_quantum_job(
568                _job_name_from_ids(project_id, program_id, job_id)
569            )
570        )
572    def get_job_results(
573        self, project_id: str, program_id: str, job_id: str
574    ) -> qtypes.QuantumResult:
575        """Returns the results of a completed job.
577        Args:
578            project_id: A project_id of the parent Google Cloud Project.
579            program_id: Unique ID of the program within the parent project.
580            job_id: Unique ID of the job within the parent program.
582        Returns:
583            The quantum result.
584        """
585        return self._make_request(
586            lambda: self.grpc_client.get_quantum_result(
587                _job_name_from_ids(project_id, program_id, job_id)
588            )
589        )
591    def list_processors(self, project_id: str) -> List[qtypes.QuantumProcessor]:
592        """Returns a list of Processors that the user has visibility to in the
593        current Engine project. The names of these processors are used to
594        identify devices when scheduling jobs and gathering calibration metrics.
596        Args:
597            project_id: A project_id of the parent Google Cloud Project.
599        Returns:
600            A list of metadata of each processor.
601        """
602        response = self._make_request(
603            lambda: self.grpc_client.list_quantum_processors(_project_name(project_id), filter_='')
604        )
605        return list(response)
607    def get_processor(self, project_id: str, processor_id: str) -> qtypes.QuantumProcessor:
608        """Returns a quantum processor.
610        Args:
611            project_id: A project_id of the parent Google Cloud Project.
612            processor_id: The processor unique identifier.
614        Returns:
615            The quantum processor.
616        """
617        return self._make_request(
618            lambda: self.grpc_client.get_quantum_processor(
619                _processor_name_from_ids(project_id, processor_id)
620            )
621        )
623    def list_calibrations(
624        self, project_id: str, processor_id: str, filter_str: str = ''
625    ) -> List[qtypes.QuantumCalibration]:
626        """Returns a list of quantum calibrations.
628        Args:
629            project_id: A project_id of the parent Google Cloud Project.
630            processor_id: The processor unique identifier.
631            filter_str: Filter string current only supports 'timestamp' with values
632            of epoch time in seconds or short string 'yyyy-MM-dd'. For example:
633                'timestamp > 1577960125 AND timestamp <= 1578241810'
634                'timestamp > 2020-01-02 AND timestamp <= 2020-01-05'
636        Returns:
637            A list of calibrations.
638        """
639        response = self._make_request(
640            lambda: self.grpc_client.list_quantum_calibrations(
641                _processor_name_from_ids(project_id, processor_id), filter_=filter_str
642            )
643        )
644        return list(response)
646    def get_calibration(
647        self, project_id: str, processor_id: str, calibration_timestamp_seconds: int
648    ) -> qtypes.QuantumCalibration:
649        """Returns a quantum calibration.
651        Args:
652            project_id: A project_id of the parent Google Cloud Project.
653            processor_id: The processor unique identifier.
654            calibration_timestamp_seconds: The timestamp of the calibration in
655                seconds.
657        Returns:
658            The quantum calibration.
659        """
660        return self._make_request(
661            lambda: self.grpc_client.get_quantum_calibration(
662                _calibration_name_from_ids(project_id, processor_id, calibration_timestamp_seconds)
663            )
664        )
666    # TODO(#3388) Add documentation for Raises.
667    # pylint: disable=missing-raises-doc
668    def get_current_calibration(
669        self, project_id: str, processor_id: str
670    ) -> Optional[qtypes.QuantumCalibration]:
671        """Returns the current quantum calibration for a processor if it has one.
673        Args:
674            project_id: A project_id of the parent Google Cloud Project.
675            processor_id: The processor unique identifier.
677        Returns:
678            The quantum calibration or None if there is no current calibration.
679        """
680        try:
681            return self._make_request(
682                lambda: self.grpc_client.get_quantum_calibration(
683                    _processor_name_from_ids(project_id, processor_id) + '/calibrations/current'
684                )
685            )
686        except EngineException as err:
687            if isinstance(err.__cause__, NotFound):
688                return None
689            raise
691    # pylint: enable=missing-raises-doc
692    def create_reservation(
693        self,
694        project_id: str,
695        processor_id: str,
696        start: datetime.datetime,
697        end: datetime.datetime,
698        whitelisted_users: Optional[List[str]] = None,
699    ):
700        """Creates a quantum reservation and returns the created object.
702        Args:
703            project_id: A project_id of the parent Google Cloud Project.
704            processor_id: The processor unique identifier.
705            reservation_id: Unique ID of the reservation in the parent project,
706                or None if the engine should generate an id
707            start: the starting time of the reservation as a datetime object
708            end: the ending time of the reservation as a datetime object
709            whitelisted_users: a list of emails that can use the reservation.
710        """
711        parent = _processor_name_from_ids(project_id, processor_id)
712        reservation = qtypes.QuantumReservation(
713            name='',
714            start_time=Timestamp(seconds=int(start.timestamp())),
715            end_time=Timestamp(seconds=int(end.timestamp())),
716        )
717        if whitelisted_users:
718            reservation.whitelisted_users.extend(whitelisted_users)
719        return self._make_request(
720            lambda: self.grpc_client.create_quantum_reservation(
721                parent=parent, quantum_reservation=reservation
722            )
723        )
725    def cancel_reservation(self, project_id: str, processor_id: str, reservation_id: str):
726        """Cancels a quantum reservation.
728        This action is only valid if the associated [QuantumProcessor]
729        schedule not been frozen. Otherwise, delete_reservation should
730        be used.
732        The reservation will be truncated to end at the time when the request is
733        serviced and any remaining time will be made available as an open swim
734        period. This action will only succeed if the reservation has not yet
735        ended and is within the processor's freeze window. If the reservation
736        has already ended or is beyond the processor's freeze window, then the
737        call will return an error.
739        Args:
740            project_id: A project_id of the parent Google Cloud Project.
741            processor_id: The processor unique identifier.
742            reservation_id: Unique ID of the reservation in the parent project,
743        """
744        name = _reservation_name_from_ids(project_id, processor_id, reservation_id)
745        return self._make_request(lambda: self.grpc_client.cancel_quantum_reservation(name=name))
747    def delete_reservation(self, project_id: str, processor_id: str, reservation_id: str):
748        """Deletes a quantum reservation.
750        This action is only valid if the associated [QuantumProcessor]
751        schedule has not been frozen.  Otherwise, cancel_reservation
752        should be used.
754        If the reservation has already ended or is within the processor's
755        freeze window, then the call will return a `FAILED_PRECONDITION` error.
757        Args:
758            project_id: A project_id of the parent Google Cloud Project.
759            processor_id: The processor unique identifier.
760            reservation_id: Unique ID of the reservation in the parent project,
761        """
762        name = _reservation_name_from_ids(project_id, processor_id, reservation_id)
763        return self._make_request(lambda: self.grpc_client.delete_quantum_reservation(name=name))
765    # TODO(#3388) Add documentation for Raises.
766    # pylint: disable=missing-raises-doc
767    def get_reservation(self, project_id: str, processor_id: str, reservation_id: str):
768        """Gets a quantum reservation from the engine.
770        Args:
771            project_id: A project_id of the parent Google Cloud Project.
772            processor_id: The processor unique identifier.
773            reservation_id: Unique ID of the reservation in the parent project,
774        """
775        try:
776            name = _reservation_name_from_ids(project_id, processor_id, reservation_id)
777            return self._make_request(lambda: self.grpc_client.get_quantum_reservation(name=name))
778        except EngineException as err:
779            if isinstance(err.__cause__, NotFound):
780                return None
781            raise
783    # pylint: enable=missing-raises-doc
784    def list_reservations(
785        self, project_id: str, processor_id: str, filter_str: str = ''
786    ) -> List[qtypes.QuantumReservation]:
787        """Returns a list of quantum reservations.
789        Only reservations owned by this project will be returned.
791        Args:
792            project_id: A project_id of the parent Google Cloud Project.
793            processor_id: The processor unique identifier.
794            filter_str: A string for filtering quantum reservations.
795                The fields eligible for filtering are start_time and end_time
796                Examples:
797                    `start_time >= 1584385200`: Reservation began on or after
798                        the epoch time Mar 16th, 7pm GMT.
799                    `end_time >= 1483370475`: Reservation ends on
800                        or after Jan 2nd 2017 15:21:15
802        Returns:
803            A list of QuantumReservation objects.
804        """
805        response = self._make_request(
806            lambda: self.grpc_client.list_quantum_reservations(
807                _processor_name_from_ids(project_id, processor_id), filter_=filter_str
808            )
809        )
811        return list(response)
813    def update_reservation(
814        self,
815        project_id: str,
816        processor_id: str,
817        reservation_id: str,
818        start: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None,
819        end: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None,
820        whitelisted_users: Optional[List[str]] = None,
821    ):
822        """Updates a quantum reservation.
824        This will update a quantum reservation's starting time, ending time,
825        and list of whitelisted users.  If any field is not filled, it will
826        not be updated.
828        Args:
829            project_id: A project_id of the parent Google Cloud Project.
830            processor_id: The processor unique identifier.
831            reservation_id: Unique ID of the reservation in the parent project,
832            start: the new starting time of the reservation as a datetime object
833            end: the new ending time of the reservation as a datetime object
834            whitelisted_users: a list of emails that can use the reservation.
835                The empty list, [], will clear the whitelisted_users while None
836                will leave the value unchanged.
837        """
838        name = (
839            _reservation_name_from_ids(project_id, processor_id, reservation_id)
840            if reservation_id
841            else ''
842        )
844        reservation = qtypes.QuantumReservation(
845            name=name,
846        )
847        paths = []
848        if start:
849            reservation.start_time.seconds = int(start.timestamp())
850            paths.append('start_time')
851        if end:
852            reservation.end_time.seconds = int(end.timestamp())
853            paths.append('end_time')
854        if whitelisted_users != None:
855            reservation.whitelisted_users.extend(whitelisted_users)
856            paths.append('whitelisted_users')
858        return self._make_request(
859            lambda: self.grpc_client.update_quantum_reservation(
860                name=name,
861                quantum_reservation=reservation,
862                update_mask=qtypes.field_mask_pb2.FieldMask(paths=paths),
863            )
864        )
866    def list_time_slots(
867        self, project_id: str, processor_id: str, filter_str: str = ''
868    ) -> List[qtypes.QuantumTimeSlot]:
869        """Returns a list of quantum time slots on a processor.
871        Args:
872            project_id: A project_id of the parent Google Cloud Project.
873            processor_id: The processor unique identifier.
874            filter_str:  A string expression for filtering the quantum
875                time slots returned by the list command. The fields
876                eligible for filtering are `start_time`, `end_time`.
878        Returns:
879            A list of QuantumTimeSlot objects.
880        """
881        response = self._make_request(
882            lambda: self.grpc_client.list_quantum_time_slots(
883                _processor_name_from_ids(project_id, processor_id), filter_=filter_str
884            )
885        )
886        return list(response)
889def _project_name(project_id: str) -> str:
890    return f'projects/{project_id}'
893def _program_name_from_ids(project_id: str, program_id: str) -> str:
894    return f'projects/{project_id}/programs/{program_id}'
897def _job_name_from_ids(project_id: str, program_id: str, job_id: str) -> str:
898    return f'projects/{project_id}/programs/{program_id}/jobs/{job_id}'
901def _processor_name_from_ids(project_id: str, processor_id: str) -> str:
902    return f'projects/{project_id}/processors/{processor_id}'
905def _calibration_name_from_ids(
906    project_id: str, processor_id: str, calibration_time_seconds: int
907) -> str:
908    return 'projects/%s/processors/%s/calibrations/%d' % (
909        project_id,
910        processor_id,
911        calibration_time_seconds,
912    )
915def _reservation_name_from_ids(project_id: str, processor_id: str, reservation_id: str) -> str:
916    return 'projects/%s/processors/%s/reservations/%s' % (
917        project_id,
918        processor_id,
919        reservation_id,
920    )
923def _ids_from_program_name(program_name: str) -> Tuple[str, str]:
924    parts = program_name.split('/')
925    return parts[1], parts[3]
928def _ids_from_job_name(job_name: str) -> Tuple[str, str, str]:
929    parts = job_name.split('/')
930    return parts[1], parts[3], parts[5]
933def _ids_from_processor_name(processor_name: str) -> Tuple[str, str]:
934    parts = processor_name.split('/')
935    return parts[1], parts[3]
938def _ids_from_calibration_name(calibration_name: str) -> Tuple[str, str, int]:
939    parts = calibration_name.split('/')
940    return parts[1], parts[3], int(parts[5])
943# TODO(#3388) Add documentation for Raises.
944# pylint: disable=missing-raises-doc
945def _date_or_time_to_filter_expr(param_name: str, param: Union[datetime.datetime, datetime.date]):
946    """Formats datetime or date to filter expressions.
948    Args:
949        param_name: the name of the filter parameter (for error messaging)
950        param: the value of the paramter
951    """
952    if isinstance(param, datetime.datetime):
953        return f"{int(param.timestamp())}"
954    elif isinstance(param, datetime.date):
955        return f"{param.isoformat()}"
957    raise ValueError(
958        f"Unsupported date/time type for {param_name}: got {param} of "
959        f"type {type(param)}. Supported types: datetime.datetime and"
960        f"datetime.date"
961    )
964# pylint: enable=missing-raises-doc