2#cython: boundscheck=False
3#cython: wraparound=False
4#cython: cdivision=True
7import numpy as np
8cimport cython
9cimport numpy as cnp
10from dipy.align.fused_types cimport floating, number
11cdef extern from "dpy_math.h" nogil:
12    int dpy_isinf(double)
13    double floor(double)
15cdef inline int ifloor(double x) nogil:
16    return int(floor(x))
18def quantize_positive_2d(floating[:, :] v, int num_levels):
19    r"""Quantizes a 2D image to num_levels quantization levels
21    Quantizes the input image at num_levels intensity levels considering <=0
22    as a special value. Those input pixels <=0, and only those, will be
23    assigned a quantization level of 0. The positive values are divided into
24    the remaining num_levels-1 uniform quantization levels.
26    The following are undefined, and raise a ValueError:
27    * Quantizing at zero levels because at least one level must be assigned
28    * Quantizing at one level because positive values should be assigned a
29      level different from the secial level 0 (at least 2 levels are needed)
31    Parameters
32    ----------
33    v : array, shape (R, C)
34        the image to be quantized
35    num_levels : int
36        the number of levels
38    Returns
39    -------
40    out : array, shape (R, C), same shape as v
41        the quantized image
42    levels: array, shape (num_levels,)
43        the quantization values: levels[0]=0, and levels[i] is the mid-point
44        of the interval of intensities that are assigned to quantization
45        level i, i=1, ..., num_levels-1.
46    hist: array, shape (num_levels,)
47        histogram: the number of pixels that were assigned to each quantization
48        level
49    """
50    ftype = np.asarray(v).dtype
51    cdef:
52        cnp.npy_intp nrows = v.shape[0]
53        cnp.npy_intp ncols = v.shape[1]
54        cnp.npy_intp npix = nrows * ncols
55        cnp.npy_intp i, j, l
56        double epsilon, delta
57        double min_val = -1
58        double max_val = -1
59        cnp.npy_int32[:] hist = np.zeros(shape=(num_levels,), dtype=np.int32)
60        cnp.npy_int32[:, :] out = np.zeros(shape=(nrows, ncols,), dtype=np.int32)
61        floating[:] levels = np.zeros(shape=(num_levels,), dtype=ftype)
63    #Quantizing at zero levels is undefined
64    #Quantizing at one level is not supported because we want to make sure the
65    #maximum level in the quantization is never greater than num_levels-1
66    if(num_levels < 2):
67        raise ValueError('Quantization levels must be at least 2')
68    if (num_levels >= 2**31):
69        raise ValueError('Quantization levels must be < 2**31')
71    num_levels -= 1  # zero is one of the levels
73    with nogil:
75        for i in range(nrows):
76            for j in range(ncols):
77                if(v[i, j] > 0):
78                    if((min_val < 0) or (v[i, j] < min_val)):
79                        min_val = v[i, j]
80                    if(v[i, j] > max_val):
81                        max_val = v[i, j]
82        epsilon = 1e-8
83        delta = (max_val - min_val + epsilon) / num_levels
84        # notice that we decreased num_levels, so levels[0..num_levels] are well
85        # defined
86        if((num_levels < 2) or (delta < epsilon)):
87            for i in range(nrows):
88                for j in range(ncols):
89                    if(v[i, j] > 0):
90                        out[i, j] = 1
91                    else:
92                        out[i, j] = 0
93                        hist[0] += 1
94            levels[0] = 0
95            levels[1] = 0.5 * (min_val + max_val)
96            hist[1] = npix - hist[0]
97            with gil:
98                return out, levels, hist
100        levels[0] = 0
101        levels[1] = min_val + delta * 0.5
102        for i in range(2, 1 + num_levels):
103            levels[i] = levels[i - 1] + delta
104        for i in range(nrows):
105            for j in range(ncols):
106                if(v[i, j] > 0):
107                    l = ifloor((v[i, j] - min_val) / delta)
108                    out[i, j] = l + 1
109                    hist[l + 1] += 1
110                else:
111                    out[i, j] = 0
112                    hist[0] += 1
114    return np.asarray(out), np.array(levels), np.array(hist)
117def quantize_positive_3d(floating[:, :, :] v, int num_levels):
118    r"""Quantizes a 3D volume to num_levels quantization levels
120    Quantizes the input volume at num_levels intensity levels considering <=0
121    as a special value. Those input voxels <=0, and only those, will be
122    assigned a quantization level of 0. The positive values are divided into
123    the remaining num_levels-1 uniform quantization levels.
125    The following are undefined, and raise a ValueError:
126    * Quantizing at zero levels because at least one level must be assigned
127    * Quantizing at one level because positive values should be assigned a
128      level different from the secial level 0 (at least 2 levels are needed)
130    Parameters
131    ----------
132    v : array, shape (S, R, C)
133        the volume to be quantized
134    num_levels : int
135        the number of levels
137    Returns
138    -------
139    out : array, shape (S, R, C), same shape as v
140        the quantized volume
141    levels: array, shape (num_levels,)
142        the quantization values: levels[0]=0, and levels[i] is the mid-point
143        of the interval of intensities that are assigned to quantization
144        level i, i=1, ..., num_levels-1.
145    hist: array, shape (num_levels,)
146        histogram: the number of voxels that were assigned to each quantization
147        level
148    """
149    ftype = np.asarray(v).dtype
150    cdef:
151        cnp.npy_intp nslices = v.shape[0]
152        cnp.npy_intp nrows = v.shape[1]
153        cnp.npy_intp ncols = v.shape[2]
154        cnp.npy_intp nvox = nrows * ncols * nslices
155        cnp.npy_intp i, j, k, l
156        double epsilon, delta
157        double min_val = -1
158        double max_val = -1
159        int[:] hist = np.zeros(shape=(num_levels,), dtype=np.int32)
160        int[:, :, :] out = np.zeros(shape=(nslices, nrows, ncols),
161                                    dtype=np.int32)
162        floating[:] levels = np.zeros(shape=(num_levels,), dtype=ftype)
164    #Quantizing at zero levels is undefined
165    #Quantizing at one level is not supported because we want to make sure the
166    #maximum level in the quantization is never greater than num_levels-1
167    if(num_levels < 2):
168        raise ValueError('Quantization levels must be at least 2')
170    num_levels -= 1  # zero is one of the levels
172    with nogil:
174        for k in range(nslices):
175            for i in range(nrows):
176                for j in range(ncols):
177                    if(v[k, i, j] > 0):
178                        if((min_val < 0) or (v[k, i, j] < min_val)):
179                            min_val = v[k, i, j]
180                        if(v[k, i, j] > max_val):
181                            max_val = v[k, i, j]
182        epsilon = 1e-8
183        delta = (max_val - min_val + epsilon) / num_levels
184        # notice that we decreased num_levels, so levels[0..num_levels] are well
185        # defined
186        if((num_levels < 2) or (delta < epsilon)):
187            for k in range(nslices):
188                for i in range(nrows):
189                    for j in range(ncols):
190                        if(v[k, i, j] > 0):
191                            out[k, i, j] = 1
192                        else:
193                            out[k, i, j] = 0
194                            hist[0] += 1
195            levels[0] = 0
196            levels[1] = 0.5 * (min_val + max_val)
197            hist[1] = nvox - hist[0]
198            with gil:
199                return out, levels, hist
200        levels[0] = 0
201        levels[1] = min_val + delta * 0.5
202        for i in range(2, 1 + num_levels):
203            levels[i] = levels[i - 1] + delta
204        for k in range(nslices):
205            for i in range(nrows):
206                for j in range(ncols):
207                    if(v[k, i, j] > 0):
208                        l = ifloor((v[k, i, j] - min_val) / delta)
209                        out[k, i, j] = l + 1
210                        hist[l + 1] += 1
211                    else:
212                        out[k, i, j] = 0
213                        hist[0] += 1
214    return np.asarray(out), np.asarray(levels), np.asarray(hist)
217def compute_masked_class_stats_2d(int[:, :] mask, floating[:, :] v,
218                                     int num_labels, int[:, :] labels):
219    r"""Computes the mean and std. for each quantization level.
221    Computes the mean and standard deviation of the intensities in 'v' for
222    each corresponding label in 'labels'. In other words, for each label
223    L, it computes the mean and standard deviation of the intensities in 'v'
224    at pixels whose label in 'labels' is L. This is used by the EM metric
225    to compute statistics for each hidden variable represented by the labels.
227    Parameters
228    ----------
229    mask : array, shape (R, C)
230        the mask of pixels that will be taken into account for computing the
231        statistics. All zero pixels in mask will be ignored
232    v : array, shape (R, C)
233        the image which the statistics will be computed from
234    num_labels : int
235        the number of different labels in 'labels' (equal to the
236        number of hidden variables in the EM metric)
237    labels : array, shape (R, C)
238        the label assigned to each pixel
240    Returns
241    -------
242    means : array, shape (num_labels,)
243        means[i], 0<=i<num_labels will be the mean intensity in v of all
244        voxels labeled i, or 0 if no voxels are labeled i
245    variances : array, shape (num_labels,)
246        variances[i], 0<=i<num_labels will be the standard deviation of the
247        intensities in v of all voxels labeled i, or infinite if less than 2
248        voxels are labeled i.
249    """
250    ftype=np.asarray(v).dtype
251    cdef:
252        cnp.npy_intp nrows = v.shape[0]
253        cnp.npy_intp ncols = v.shape[1]
254        cnp.npy_intp i, j
255        double INF64 = np.inf
256        int[:] counts = np.zeros(shape=(num_labels,), dtype=np.int32)
257        floating diff
258        floating[:] means = np.zeros(shape=(num_labels,), dtype=ftype)
259        floating[:] variances = np.zeros(shape=(num_labels, ), dtype=ftype)
261    with nogil:
262        for i in range(nrows):
263            for j in range(ncols):
264                if(mask[i, j] != 0):
265                    means[labels[i, j]] += v[i, j]
266                    counts[labels[i, j]] += 1
267        for i in range(num_labels):
268            if(counts[i] > 0):
269                means[i] /= counts[i]
270        for i in range(nrows):
271            for j in range(ncols):
272                if(mask[i, j] != 0):
273                    diff = v[i, j] - means[labels[i, j]]
274                    variances[labels[i, j]] += diff ** 2
276        for i in range(num_labels):
277            if(counts[i] > 1):
278                variances[i] /= counts[i]
279            else:
280                variances[i] = INF64
281    return np.asarray(means), np.asarray(variances)
284def compute_masked_class_stats_3d(int[:, :, :] mask, floating[:, :, :] v,
285                                      int num_labels, int[:, :, :] labels):
286    r"""Computes the mean and std. for each quantization level.
288    Computes the mean and standard deviation of the intensities in 'v' for
289    each corresponding label in 'labels'. In other words, for each label
290    L, it computes the mean and standard deviation of the intensities in 'v'
291    at voxels whose label in 'labels' is L. This is used by the EM metric
292    to compute statistics for each hidden variable represented by the labels.
294    Parameters
295    ----------
296    mask : array, shape (S, R, C)
297        the mask of voxels that will be taken into account for computing the
298        statistics. All zero voxels in mask will be ignored
299    v : array, shape (S, R, C)
300        the volume which the statistics will be computed from
301    num_labels : int
302        the number of different labels in 'labels' (equal to the
303        number of hidden variables in the EM metric)
304    labels : array, shape (S, R, C)
305        the label assigned to each pixel
307    Returns
308    -------
309    means : array, shape (num_labels,)
310        means[i], 0<=i<num_labels will be the mean intensity in v of all
311        voxels labeled i, or 0 if no voxels are labeled i
312    variances : array, shape (num_labels,)
313        variances[i], 0<=i<num_labels will be the standard deviation of the
314        intensities in v of all voxels labeled i, or infinite if less than 2
315        voxels are labeled i.
316    """
317    ftype=np.asarray(v).dtype
318    cdef:
319        cnp.npy_intp nslices = v.shape[0]
320        cnp.npy_intp nrows = v.shape[1]
321        cnp.npy_intp ncols = v.shape[2]
322        cnp.npy_intp i, j, k
323        double INF64 = np.inf
324        floating diff
325        int[:] counts = np.zeros(shape=(num_labels,), dtype=np.int32)
326        floating[:] means = np.zeros(shape=(num_labels,), dtype=ftype)
327        floating[:] variances = np.zeros(shape=(num_labels, ), dtype=ftype)
329    with nogil:
330        for k in range(nslices):
331            for i in range(nrows):
332                for j in range(ncols):
333                    if(mask[k, i, j] != 0):
334                        means[labels[k, i, j]] += v[k, i, j]
335                        counts[labels[k, i, j]] += 1
336        for i in range(num_labels):
337            if(counts[i] > 0):
338                means[i] /= counts[i]
339        for k in range(nslices):
340            for i in range(nrows):
341                for j in range(ncols):
342                    if(mask[k, i, j] != 0):
343                        diff = means[labels[k, i, j]] - v[k, i, j]
344                        variances[labels[k, i, j]] += diff ** 2
345        for i in range(num_labels):
346            if(counts[i] > 1):
347                variances[i] /= counts[i]
348            else:
349                variances[i] = INF64
350    return np.asarray(means), np.asarray(variances)
355def compute_em_demons_step_2d(floating[:,:] delta_field,
356                              floating[:,:] sigma_sq_field,
357                              floating[:,:,:] gradient_moving,
358                              double sigma_sq_x,
359                              floating[:,:,:] out):
360    r"""Demons step for EM metric in 2D
362    Computes the demons step [Vercauteren09] for SSD-driven registration
363    ( eq. 4 in [Vercauteren09] ) using the EM algorithm [Arce14] to handle
364    multi-modality images.
366    In this case, $\sigma_i$ in eq. 4 of [Vercauteren] is estimated using the EM
367    algorithm, while in the original version of diffeomorphic demons it is
368    estimated by the difference between the image values at each pixel.
370    Parameters
371    ----------
372    delta_field : array, shape (R, C)
373        contains, at each pixel, the difference between the moving image (warped
374        under the current deformation s(. , .) ) J and the static image I:
375        delta_field[i,j] = J(s(i,j)) - I(i,j). The order is important, changing
376        to delta_field[i,j] = I(i,j) - J(s(i,j)) yields the backward demons step
377        warping the static image towards the moving, which may not be the
378        intended behavior unless the 'gradient_moving' passed corresponds to
379        the gradient of the static image
380    sigma_sq_field : array, shape (R, C)
381        contains, at each pixel (i, j), the estimated variance (not std) of the
382        hidden variable associated to the intensity at static[i,j] (which must
383        have been previously quantized)
384    gradient_moving : array, shape (R, C, 2)
385        the gradient of the moving image
386    sigma_sq_x : float
387        parameter controlling the amount of regularization. It corresponds to
388        $\sigma_x^2$ in algorithm 1 of Vercauteren et al.[2]
389    out : array, shape (R, C, 2)
390        the resulting demons step will be written to this array
392    Returns
393    -------
394    demons_step : array, shape (R, C, 2)
395        the demons step to be applied for updating the current displacement
396        field
397    energy : float
398        the current em energy (before applying the returned demons_step)
400    References
401    ----------
402    [Arce14] Arce-santana, E., Campos-delgado, D. U., & Vigueras-g, F. (2014).
403             Non-rigid Multimodal Image Registration Based on the
404             Expectation-Maximization Algorithm, (168140), 36-47.
406    [Vercauteren09] Vercauteren, T., Pennec, X., Perchant, A., & Ayache, N.
407                    (2009). Diffeomorphic demons: efficient non-parametric
408                    image registration. NeuroImage, 45(1 Suppl), S61-72.
409                    doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2008.10.040
410    """
411    cdef:
412        cnp.npy_intp nr = delta_field.shape[0]
413        cnp.npy_intp nc = delta_field.shape[1]
414        cnp.npy_intp i, j
415        double delta, sigma_sq_i, nrm2, energy, den, prod
417    if out is None:
418        out = np.zeros((nr, nc, 2), dtype=np.asarray(delta_field).dtype)
420    with nogil:
422        energy = 0
423        for i in range(nr):
424            for j in range(nc):
425                sigma_sq_i = sigma_sq_field[i,j]
426                delta = delta_field[i,j]
427                energy += (delta**2)
428                if dpy_isinf(sigma_sq_i) != 0:
429                    out[i, j, 0], out[i, j, 1] = 0, 0
430                else:
431                    nrm2 = (gradient_moving[i, j, 0]**2 +
432                            gradient_moving[i, j, 1]**2)
433                    if(sigma_sq_i == 0):
434                        if nrm2 == 0:
435                            out[i, j, 0], out[i, j, 1] = 0, 0
436                        else:
437                            out[i, j, 0] = (delta *
438                                            gradient_moving[i, j, 0] / nrm2)
439                            out[i, j, 1] = (delta *
440                                            gradient_moving[i, j, 1] / nrm2)
441                    else:
442                        den = (sigma_sq_x * nrm2 + sigma_sq_i)
443                        prod = sigma_sq_x * delta
444                        out[i, j, 0] = prod * gradient_moving[i, j, 0] / den
445                        out[i, j, 1] = prod * gradient_moving[i, j, 1] / den
446    return np.asarray(out), energy
451def compute_em_demons_step_3d(floating[:,:,:] delta_field,
452                              floating[:,:,:] sigma_sq_field,
453                              floating[:,:,:,:] gradient_moving,
454                              double sigma_sq_x,
455                              floating[:,:,:,:] out):
456    r"""Demons step for EM metric in 3D
458    Computes the demons step [Vercauteren09] for SSD-driven registration
459    ( eq. 4 in [Vercauteren09] ) using the EM algorithm [Arce14] to handle
460    multi-modality images.
462    In this case, $\sigma_i$ in eq. 4 of [Vercauteren09] is estimated using
463    the EM algorithm, while in the original version of diffeomorphic demons
464    it is estimated by the difference between the image values at each pixel.
466    Parameters
467    ----------
468    delta_field : array, shape (S, R, C)
469        contains, at each pixel, the difference between the moving image (warped
470        under the current deformation s ) J and the static image I:
471        delta_field[k,i,j] = J(s(k,i,j)) - I(k,i,j). The order is important,
472        changing to delta_field[k,i,j] = I(k,i,j) - J(s(k,i,j)) yields the
473        backward demons step warping the static image towards the moving, which
474        may not be the intended behavior unless the 'gradient_moving' passed
475        corresponds to the gradient of the static image
476    sigma_sq_field : array, shape (S, R, C)
477        contains, at each pixel (k, i, j), the estimated variance (not std) of
478        the hidden variable associated to the intensity at static[k,i,j] (which
479        must have been previously quantized)
480    gradient_moving : array, shape (S, R, C, 2)
481        the gradient of the moving image
482    sigma_sq_x : float
483        parameter controlling the amount of regularization. It corresponds to
484        $\sigma_x^2$ in algorithm 1 of Vercauteren et al.[2].
485    out : array, shape (S, R, C, 2)
486        the resulting demons step will be written to this array
488    Returns
489    -------
490    demons_step : array, shape (S, R, C, 3)
491        the demons step to be applied for updating the current displacement
492        field
493    energy : float
494        the current em energy (before applying the returned demons_step)
496    References
497    ----------
498    [Arce14] Arce-santana, E., Campos-delgado, D. U., & Vigueras-g, F. (2014).
499             Non-rigid Multimodal Image Registration Based on the
500             Expectation-Maximization Algorithm, (168140), 36-47.
502    [Vercauteren09] Vercauteren, T., Pennec, X., Perchant, A., & Ayache, N.
503                    (2009). Diffeomorphic demons: efficient non-parametric
504                    image registration. NeuroImage, 45(1 Suppl), S61-72.
505                    doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2008.10.040
506    """
507    cdef:
508        cnp.npy_intp ns = delta_field.shape[0]
509        cnp.npy_intp nr = delta_field.shape[1]
510        cnp.npy_intp nc = delta_field.shape[2]
511        cnp.npy_intp i, j, k
512        double delta, sigma_sq_i, nrm2, energy, den
514    if out is None:
515        out = np.zeros((ns, nr, nc, 3), dtype=np.asarray(delta_field).dtype)
517    with nogil:
519        energy = 0
520        for k in range(ns):
521            for i in range(nr):
522                for j in range(nc):
523                    sigma_sq_i = sigma_sq_field[k,i,j]
524                    delta = delta_field[k,i,j]
525                    energy += (delta**2)
526                    if dpy_isinf(sigma_sq_i) != 0:
527                        out[k, i, j, 0] = 0
528                        out[k, i, j, 1] = 0
529                        out[k, i, j, 2] = 0
530                    else:
531                        nrm2 = (gradient_moving[k, i, j, 0]**2 +
532                                gradient_moving[k, i, j, 1]**2 +
533                                gradient_moving[k, i, j, 2]**2)
534                        if(sigma_sq_i == 0):
535                            if nrm2 == 0:
536                                out[k, i, j, 0] = 0
537                                out[k, i, j, 1] = 0
538                                out[k, i, j, 2] = 0
539                            else:
540                                out[k, i, j, 0] = (delta *
541                                    gradient_moving[k, i, j, 0] / nrm2)
542                                out[k, i, j, 1] = (delta *
543                                    gradient_moving[k, i, j, 1] / nrm2)
544                                out[k, i, j, 2] = (delta *
545                                    gradient_moving[k, i, j, 2] / nrm2)
546                        else:
547                            den = (sigma_sq_x * nrm2 + sigma_sq_i)
548                            out[k, i, j, 0] = (sigma_sq_x * delta *
549                                gradient_moving[k, i, j, 0] / den)
550                            out[k, i, j, 1] = (sigma_sq_x * delta *
551                                gradient_moving[k, i, j, 1] / den)
552                            out[k, i, j, 2] = (sigma_sq_x * delta *
553                                gradient_moving[k, i, j, 2] / den)
554    return np.asarray(out), energy