1 // Copyright (C) 2012  Emanuele Cesena (emanuele.cesena@gmail.com), Davis E. King
2 // License: Boost Software License   See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
3 #ifndef DLIB_SAMMoN_Hh_
4 #define DLIB_SAMMoN_Hh_
6 #include "sammon_abstract.h"
7 #include "../matrix.h"
8 #include "../algs.h"
9 #include "dpca.h"
10 #include <vector>
12 namespace dlib
13 {
15     class sammon_projection
16     {
18     public:
20     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
22         template <typename matrix_type>
operator()23         std::vector<matrix<double,0,1> > operator() (
24             const std::vector<matrix_type>& data,
25             const long num_dims
26         )
27         {
28             // make sure requires clause is not broken
29             DLIB_ASSERT(num_dims > 0,
30                 "\t std::vector<matrix<double,0,1> > sammon_projection::operator()"
31                 << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function."
32                 << "\n\t num_dims:    " << num_dims
33                 );
34             std::vector<matrix<double,0,1> > result;    // projections
35             if (data.size() == 0)
36             {
37                 return result;
38             }
41             DLIB_ASSERT(0 < num_dims && num_dims <= data[0].size(),
42                 "\t std::vector<matrix<double,0,1> > sammon_projection::operator()"
43                 << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function."
44                 << "\n\t data.size():    " << data.size()
45                 << "\n\t num_dims:       " << num_dims
46                 << "\n\t data[0].size(): " << data[0].size()
47                 );
48             for (unsigned long i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i)
49             {
50                 DLIB_ASSERT(is_col_vector(data[i]) && data[i].size() == data[0].size(),
51                         "\t std::vector<matrix<double,0,1> > sammon_projection::operator()"
52                         << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function."
53                         << "\n\t data["<<i<<"].size():    " << data[i].size()
54                         << "\n\t data[0].size(): " << data[0].size()
55                         << "\n\t is_col_vector(data["<<i<<"]): " << is_col_vector(data[i])
56                 );
57             }
58 #endif
60             double err;                                 // error (discarded)
61             do_sammon_projection(data, num_dims, result, err);
62             return result;
63         }
65     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
67         template <typename matrix_type>
operator()68         void operator() (
69             const std::vector<matrix_type>& data,
70             const long num_dims,
71             std::vector<matrix<double,0,1> >& result,
72             double &err,
73             const unsigned long num_iters = 1000,
74             const double err_delta = 1.0e-9
75         )
76         {
77             // make sure requires clause is not broken
78             DLIB_ASSERT(num_dims > 0 && num_iters > 0 && err_delta > 0.0,
79                 "\t std::vector<matrix<double,0,1> > sammon_projection::operator()"
80                 << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function."
81                 << "\n\t data.size(): " << data.size()
82                 << "\n\t num_dims:    " << num_dims
83                 << "\n\t num_iters:   " << num_iters
84                 << "\n\t err_delta:   " << err_delta
85                 );
86             if (data.size() == 0)
87             {
88                 result.clear();
89                 err = 0;
90                 return;
91             }
94             DLIB_ASSERT(0 < num_dims && num_dims <= data[0].size(),
95                 "\t std::vector<matrix<double,0,1> > sammon_projection::operator()"
96                 << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function."
97                 << "\n\t data.size():    " << data.size()
98                 << "\n\t num_dims:       " << num_dims
99                 << "\n\t data[0].size(): " << data[0].size()
100                 );
101             for (unsigned long i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i)
102             {
103                 DLIB_ASSERT(is_col_vector(data[i]) && data[i].size() == data[0].size(),
104                         "\t std::vector<matrix<double,0,1> > sammon_projection::operator()"
105                         << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function."
106                         << "\n\t data["<<i<<"].size():    " << data[i].size()
107                         << "\n\t data[0].size(): " << data[0].size()
108                         << "\n\t is_col_vector(data["<<i<<"]): " << is_col_vector(data[i])
109                 );
110             }
111 #endif
113             do_sammon_projection(data, num_dims, result, err, num_iters, err_delta);
114         }
116         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
117         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
119     private:
121         void compute_relative_distances(
122             matrix<double,0,1>& dist,                   // relative distances (output)
123             matrix<double,0,0>& data,                   // input data (matrix whose columns are the input vectors)
124             double eps_ratio = 1.0e-7                   // to compute the minimum distance eps
125         )
126         /*!
127             requires
128                 - dist.nc() == comb( data.nc(), 2 ), preallocated
129                 - eps_ratio > 0
130             ensures
131                 - dist[k] == lenght(data[i] - data[j]) for k = j(j-1)/2 + i
132         !*/
133         {
134             const long N = data.nc();                   // num of points
135             double eps;                                 // minimum distance, forced to avoid vectors collision
136                                                         // computed at runtime as eps_ration * mean(vectors distances)
137             for (int k = 0, i = 1; i < N; ++i)
138                 for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j)
139                     dist(k++) = length(colm(data, i) - colm(data, j));
141             eps = eps_ratio * mean(dist);
142             dist = lowerbound(dist, eps);
143         }
145         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
147         template <typename matrix_type>
148         void do_sammon_projection(
149             const std::vector<matrix_type>& data,       // input data
150             unsigned long num_dims,                     // dimension of the reduced space
151             std::vector<matrix<double,0,1> >& result,   // projections (output)
152             double &err,                                // error (output)
153             unsigned long num_iters = 1000,             // max num of iterations: stop condition
154             const double err_delta = 1.0e-9             // delta error: stop condition
155         )
156         /*!
157             requires
158                 - matrix_type should be a kind of dlib::matrix<double,N,1>
159                 - num_dims > 0
160                 - num_iters > 0
161                 - err_delta > 0
162             ensures
163                 - result == a set of matrix<double,num_dims,1> objects that represent
164                   the Sammon's projections of data vectors.
165                 - err == the estimated error done in the projection, with the extra
166                   property that err(at previous iteration) - err < err_delta
167         !*/
168         {
169             // other params
170             const double mf = 0.3;                      // magic factor
172             matrix<double> mdata;                // input data as matrix
173             matrix<double> projs;                // projected vectors, i.e. output data as matrix
175             // std::vector<matrix> -> matrix
176             mdata.set_size(data[0].size(), data.size());
177             for (unsigned int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++)
178                 set_colm(mdata, i) = data[i];
180             const long N = mdata.nc();           // num of points
181             const long d = num_dims;             // size of the reduced space
182             const long nd = N * (N - 1) / 2;     // num of pairs of points = size of the distances vectors
184             matrix<double, 0, 1> dsij, inv_dsij; // d*_ij: pair-wise distances in the input space (and inverses)
185             dsij.set_size(nd, 1);
186             inv_dsij.set_size(nd, 1);
187             double ic; // 1.0 / sum of dsij
189             matrix<double, 0, 1> dij;            // d_ij: pair-wise distances in the reduced space
190             dij.set_size(nd, 1);
192             matrix<double, 0, 0> dE, dE2, dtemp; // matrices representing error partial derivatives
193             dE.set_size(d, N);
194             dE2.set_size(d, N);
195             dtemp.set_size(d, N);
197             matrix<double, 0, 1> inv_dij, alpha; // utility vectors used to compute the partial derivatives
198             inv_dij.set_size(N, 1);              // inv_dij is 1.0/dij, but we only need it column-wise
199             alpha.set_size(N, 1);                // (slightly wasting a bit of computation)
200             // alpha = 1.0/dij - 1.0/dsij, again column-wise
203             // initialize projs with PCA
204             discriminant_pca<matrix<double> > dpca;
205             for (int i = 0; i < mdata.nc(); ++i)
206             {
207                 dpca.add_to_total_variance(colm(mdata, i));
208             }
209             matrix<double> mat = dpca.dpca_matrix_of_size(num_dims);
210             projs = mat * mdata;
212             // compute dsij, inv_dsij and ic
213             compute_relative_distances(dsij, mdata);
214             inv_dsij = 1.0 / dsij;
215             ic = 1.0 / sum(dsij);
217             // compute dij and err
218             compute_relative_distances(dij, projs);
219             err = ic * sum(pointwise_multiply(squared(dij - dsij), inv_dsij));
221             // start iterating
222             while (num_iters--)
223             {
224                 // compute dE, dE2 progressively column by column
225                 for (int p = 0; p < N; ++p)
226                 {
227                     // compute
228                     // - alpha_p, the column vector with 1/d_pj - 1/d*_pj
229                     // - dtemp, the matrix with the p-th column repeated all along
230                     //TODO: optimize constructions
231                     for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
232                     {
233                         int pos = (i < p) ? p * (p - 1) / 2 + i : i * (i - 1) / 2 + p;
234                         inv_dij(i) = (i == p) ? 0.0 : 1.0 / dij(pos);
235                         alpha(i) = (i == p) ? 0.0 : inv_dij(i) - inv_dsij(pos);
236                         set_colm(dtemp, i) = colm(projs, p);
237                     }
239                     dtemp -= projs;
240                     set_colm(dE, p) = dtemp * alpha;
242                     double sum_alpha = sum(alpha);
243                     set_colm(dE2, p) = abs( sum_alpha + squared(dtemp) * cubed(inv_dij) );
244                 }
247                 // compute the update projections
248                 projs += pointwise_multiply(dE, mf * reciprocal(dE2));
250                 // compute new dij and error
251                 compute_relative_distances(dij, projs);
252                 double err_new = ic * sum( pointwise_multiply(squared(dij - dsij), inv_dsij) );
253                 if (err - err_new < err_delta)
254                     break;
255                 err = err_new;
256             }
258             // matrix -> std::vector<matrix>
259             result.clear();
260             for (int i = 0; i < projs.nc(); ++i)
261                 result.push_back(colm(projs, i));
262         }
264     };
266 } // namespace dlib
268 #endif // DLIB_SAMMoN_Hh_