1import numbers
2import sys
3from functools import partial
4from time import ctime
6import gpaw
7import gpaw.mpi as mpi
8import numpy as np
9from ase.units import Ha
10from ase.utils.timing import Timer, timer
11from gpaw.blacs import BlacsDescriptor, BlacsGrid, Redistributor
12from gpaw.bztools import convex_hull_volume
13from gpaw.kpt_descriptor import KPointDescriptor
14from gpaw.response.integrators import PointIntegrator, TetrahedronIntegrator
15from gpaw.response.pair import PairDensity, PWSymmetryAnalyzer
16from gpaw.utilities import devnull
17from gpaw.utilities.blas import gemm
18from gpaw.utilities.memory import maxrss
19from gpaw.wavefunctions.pw import PWDescriptor
22class ArrayDescriptor:
23    """Describes a single dimensional array."""
25    def __init__(self, data_x):
26        self.data_x = np.array(np.sort(data_x))
27        self._data_len = len(data_x)
29    def __len__(self):
30        return self._data_len
32    def get_data(self):
33        return self.data_x
35    def get_closest_index(self, scalars_w):
36        """Get closest index.
38        Get closest index approximating scalars from below."""
39        diff_xw = self.data_x[:, np.newaxis] - scalars_w[np.newaxis]
40        return np.argmin(diff_xw, axis=0)
42    def get_index_range(self, lim1_m, lim2_m):
43        """Get index range. """
45        i0_m = np.zeros(len(lim1_m), int)
46        i1_m = np.zeros(len(lim2_m), int)
48        for m, (lim1, lim2) in enumerate(zip(lim1_m, lim2_m)):
49            i_x = np.logical_and(lim1 <= self.data_x,
50                                 lim2 >= self.data_x)
51            if i_x.any():
52                inds = np.argwhere(i_x)
53                i0_m[m] = inds.min()
54                i1_m[m] = inds.max() + 1
56        return i0_m, i1_m
59class FrequencyDescriptor(ArrayDescriptor):
61    def __init__(self, domega0, omega2, omegamax):
62        beta = (2**0.5 - 1) * domega0 / omega2
63        wmax = int(omegamax / (domega0 + beta * omegamax))
64        w = np.arange(wmax + 2)  # + 2 is for buffer
65        omega_w = w * domega0 / (1 - beta * w)
67        ArrayDescriptor.__init__(self, omega_w)
69        self.domega0 = domega0
70        self.omega2 = omega2
71        self.omegamax = omegamax
72        self.omegamin = 0
74        self.beta = beta
75        self.wmax = wmax
76        self.omega_w = omega_w
77        self.wmax = wmax
78        self.nw = len(omega_w)
80    def get_closest_index(self, o_m):
81        beta = self.beta
82        w_m = (o_m / (self.domega0 + beta * o_m)).astype(int)
83        if isinstance(w_m, np.ndarray):
84            w_m[w_m >= self.wmax] = self.wmax - 1
85        elif isinstance(w_m, numbers.Integral):
86            if w_m >= self.wmax:
87                w_m = self.wmax - 1
88        else:
89            raise TypeError
90        return w_m
92    def get_index_range(self, omega1_m, omega2_m):
93        omega1_m = omega1_m.copy()
94        omega2_m = omega2_m.copy()
95        omega1_m[omega1_m < 0] = 0
96        omega2_m[omega2_m < 0] = 0
97        w1_m = self.get_closest_index(omega1_m)
98        w2_m = self.get_closest_index(omega2_m)
99        o1_m = self.omega_w[w1_m]
100        o2_m = self.omega_w[w2_m]
101        w1_m[o1_m < omega1_m] += 1
102        w2_m[o2_m < omega2_m] += 1
103        return w1_m, w2_m
106def frequency_grid(domega0, omega2, omegamax):
107    beta = (2**0.5 - 1) * domega0 / omega2
108    wmax = int(omegamax / (domega0 + beta * omegamax)) + 2
109    w = np.arange(wmax)
110    omega_w = w * domega0 / (1 - beta * w)
111    return omega_w
114class Chi0:
115    """Class for calculating non-interacting response functions."""
117    def __init__(self, calc, response='density',
118                 frequencies=None, domega0=0.1, omega2=10.0, omegamax=None,
119                 ecut=50, gammacentered=False, hilbert=True, nbands=None,
120                 timeordered=False, eta=0.2, ftol=1e-6, threshold=1,
121                 real_space_derivatives=False, intraband=True,
122                 world=mpi.world, txt='-', timer=None,
123                 nblocks=1, gate_voltage=None,
124                 disable_point_group=False, disable_time_reversal=False,
125                 disable_non_symmorphic=True,
126                 integrationmode=None,
127                 pbc=None, rate=0.0, eshift=0.0,
128                 paw_correction='brute-force'):
129        """Construct Chi0 object.
131        Parameters
132        ----------
133        calc : str
134            The groundstate calculation file that the linear response
135            calculation is based on.
136        response : str
137            Type of response function. Currently collinear, scalar options
138            'density', '+-' and '-+' are implemented.
139        frequencies : ndarray or None
140            Array of frequencies to evaluate the response function at. If None,
141            frequencies are determined using the frequency_grid function in
142            gpaw.response.chi0.
143        domega0, omega2, omegamax : float
144            Input parameters for frequency_grid.
145        ecut : float
146            Energy cutoff.
147        gammacentered : bool
148            Center the grid of plane waves around the gamma point or q-vector
149        hilbert : bool
150            Switch for hilbert transform. If True, the full density response
151            is determined from a hilbert transform of its spectral function.
152            This is typically much faster, but does not work for imaginary
153            frequencies.
154        nbands : int
155            Maximum band index to include.
156        timeordered : bool
157            Switch for calculating the time ordered density response function.
158            In this case the hilbert transform cannot be used.
159        eta : float
160            Artificial broadening of spectra.
161        ftol : float
162            Threshold determining whether a band is completely filled
163            (f > 1 - ftol) or completely empty (f < ftol).
164        threshold : float
165            Numerical threshold for the optical limit k dot p perturbation
166            theory expansion (used in gpaw/response/pair.py).
167        real_space_derivatives : bool
168            Switch for calculating nabla matrix elements (in the optical limit)
169            using a real space finite difference approximation.
170        intraband : bool
171            Switch for including the intraband contribution to the density
172            response function.
173        world : MPI comm instance
174            MPI communicator.
175        txt : str
176            Output file.
177        timer : gpaw.utilities.timing.timer instance
178        nblocks : int
179            Divide the response function into nblocks. Useful when the response
180            function is large.
181        gate_voltage : float
182            Shift the fermi level by gate_voltage [Hartree].
183        disable_point_group : bool
184            Do not use the point group symmetry operators.
185        disable_time_reversal : bool
186            Do not use time reversal symmetry.
187        disable_non_symmorphic : bool
188            Do no use non symmorphic symmetry operators.
189        integrationmode : str
190            Integrator for the kpoint integration.
191            If == 'tetrahedron integration' then the kpoint integral is
192            performed using the linear tetrahedron method.
193        pbc : list
194            Periodic directions of the system. Defaults to [True, True, True].
195        eshift : float
196            Shift unoccupied bands
197        rate : float,str
198            Phenomenological scattering rate to use in optical limit Drude term
199            (in eV). If rate='eta', then use input artificial broadening eta as
200            rate. Note, for consistency with the formalism the rate is
201            implemented as omegap^2 / (omega + 1j * rate)^2 which differ from
202            some literature by a factor of 2.
205        Attributes
206        ----------
207        pair : gpaw.response.pair.PairDensity instance
208            Class for calculating matrix elements of pairs of wavefunctions.
210        """
212        self.response = response
214        self.timer = timer or Timer()
216        self.pair = PairDensity(calc, ecut, self.response,
217                                ftol, threshold,
218                                real_space_derivatives, world, txt,
219                                self.timer,
220                                nblocks=nblocks,
221                                gate_voltage=gate_voltage,
222                                paw_correction=paw_correction)
224        self.disable_point_group = disable_point_group
225        self.disable_time_reversal = disable_time_reversal
226        self.disable_non_symmorphic = disable_non_symmorphic
227        self.integrationmode = integrationmode
228        self.eshift = eshift / Ha
230        calc = self.pair.calc
231        self.calc = calc
233        if world.rank != 0:
234            txt = devnull
235        elif txt == '-':
236            txt = sys.stdout
237        elif isinstance(txt, str):
238            txt = open(txt, 'w')
239        self.fd = txt
241        self.vol = abs(np.linalg.det(calc.wfs.gd.cell_cv))
243        self.world = world
245        if nblocks == 1:
246            self.blockcomm = self.world.new_communicator([world.rank])
247            self.kncomm = world
248        else:
249            assert world.size % nblocks == 0, world.size
250            rank1 = world.rank // nblocks * nblocks
251            rank2 = rank1 + nblocks
252            self.blockcomm = self.world.new_communicator(range(rank1, rank2))
253            ranks = range(world.rank % nblocks, world.size, nblocks)
254            self.kncomm = self.world.new_communicator(ranks)
256        self.nblocks = nblocks
258        if ecut is not None:
259            ecut /= Ha
261        self.ecut = ecut
262        self.gammacentered = gammacentered
264        self.eta = eta / Ha
265        if rate == 'eta':
266            self.rate = self.eta
267        else:
268            self.rate = rate / Ha
269        self.domega0 = domega0 / Ha
270        self.omega2 = omega2 / Ha
271        self.omegamax = None if omegamax is None else omegamax / Ha
272        self.nbands = nbands or self.calc.wfs.bd.nbands
273        self.include_intraband = intraband
275        omax = self.find_maximum_frequency()
277        if frequencies is None:
278            if self.omegamax is None:
279                self.omegamax = omax
280            print('Using nonlinear frequency grid from 0 to %.3f eV' %
281                  (self.omegamax * Ha), file=self.fd)
282            self.wd = FrequencyDescriptor(self.domega0, self.omega2,
283                                          self.omegamax)
284        else:
285            self.wd = ArrayDescriptor(np.asarray(frequencies) / Ha)
286            assert not hilbert
288        self.omega_w = self.wd.get_data()
289        self.hilbert = hilbert
290        self.timeordered = bool(timeordered)
292        if self.eta == 0.0:
293            assert not hilbert
294            assert not timeordered
295            assert not self.omega_w.real.any()
297        self.nocc1 = self.pair.nocc1  # number of completely filled bands
298        self.nocc2 = self.pair.nocc2  # number of non-empty bands
300        self.Q_aGii = None
302        if pbc is not None:
303            self.pbc = np.array(pbc)
304        else:
305            self.pbc = np.array([True, True, True])
307        if self.pbc is not None and (~self.pbc).any():
308            assert np.sum((~self.pbc).astype(int)) == 1, \
309                print('Only one non-periodic direction supported atm.')
310            print('Nonperiodic BC\'s: ', (~self.pbc),
311                  file=self.fd)
313        if integrationmode is not None:
314            print('Using integration method: ' + self.integrationmode,
315                  file=self.fd)
316        else:
317            print('Using integration method: PointIntegrator', file=self.fd)
319    def find_maximum_frequency(self):
320        """Determine the maximum electron-hole pair transition energy."""
321        self.epsmin = 10000.0
322        self.epsmax = -10000.0
323        for kpt in self.calc.wfs.kpt_u:
324            self.epsmin = min(self.epsmin, kpt.eps_n[0])
325            self.epsmax = max(self.epsmax, kpt.eps_n[self.nbands - 1])
327        print('Minimum eigenvalue: %10.3f eV' % (self.epsmin * Ha),
328              file=self.fd)
329        print('Maximum eigenvalue: %10.3f eV' % (self.epsmax * Ha),
330              file=self.fd)
332        return self.epsmax - self.epsmin
334    def calculate(self, q_c, spin='all', A_x=None):
335        """Calculate response function.
337        Parameters
338        ----------
339        q_c : list or ndarray
340            Momentum vector.
341        spin : str or int
342            If 'all' then include all spins.
343            If 0 or 1, only include this specific spin.
344            (not used in transverse response functions)
345        A_x : ndarray
346            Output array. If None, the output array is created.
348        Returns
349        -------
350        pd : Planewave descriptor
351            Planewave descriptor for q_c.
352        chi0_wGG : ndarray
353            The response function.
354        chi0_wxvG : ndarray or None
355            (Only in optical limit) Wings of the density response function.
356        chi0_wvv : ndarray or None
357            (Only in optical limit) Head of the density response function.
359        """
360        wfs = self.calc.wfs
362        if self.response == 'density':
363            if spin == 'all':
364                spins = range(wfs.nspins)
365            else:
366                assert spin in range(wfs.nspins)
367                spins = [spin]
368        else:
369            if self.response == '+-':
370                spins = [0]
371            elif self.response == '-+':
372                spins = [1]
373            else:
374                raise ValueError('Invalid response %s' % self.response)
376        q_c = np.asarray(q_c, dtype=float)
377        optical_limit = np.allclose(q_c, 0.0) and self.response == 'density'
379        pd = self.get_PWDescriptor(q_c, self.gammacentered)
381        self.print_chi(pd)
383        if gpaw.dry_run:
384            print('    Dry run exit', file=self.fd)
385            raise SystemExit
387        nG = pd.ngmax + 2 * optical_limit
388        nw = len(self.omega_w)
389        mynG = (nG + self.blockcomm.size - 1) // self.blockcomm.size
390        self.Ga = min(self.blockcomm.rank * mynG, nG)
391        self.Gb = min(self.Ga + mynG, nG)
392        # if self.blockcomm.rank == 0:
393        #     assert self.Gb - self.Ga >= 3
394        # assert mynG * (self.blockcomm.size - 1) < nG
395        if A_x is not None:
396            nx = nw * (self.Gb - self.Ga) * nG
397            chi0_wGG = A_x[:nx].reshape((nw, self.Gb - self.Ga, nG))
398            chi0_wGG[:] = 0.0
399        else:
400            chi0_wGG = np.zeros((nw, self.Gb - self.Ga, nG), complex)
402        if optical_limit:
403            chi0_wxvG = np.zeros((len(self.omega_w), 2, 3, nG), complex)
404            chi0_wvv = np.zeros((len(self.omega_w), 3, 3), complex)
405            self.plasmafreq_vv = np.zeros((3, 3), complex)
406        else:
407            chi0_wxvG = None
408            chi0_wvv = None
409            self.plasmafreq_vv = None
411        if self.response in ['+-', '-+']:
412            # Do all bands
413            m1 = 0
414        else:
415            # Do all empty bands:
416            m1 = self.nocc1
417        m2 = self.nbands
419        pd, chi0_wGG, chi0_wxvG, chi0_wvv = self._calculate(pd,
420                                                            chi0_wGG,
421                                                            chi0_wxvG,
422                                                            chi0_wvv,
423                                                            m1, m2, spins)
425        return pd, chi0_wGG, chi0_wxvG, chi0_wvv
427    @timer('Calculate CHI_0')
428    def _calculate(self, pd, chi0_wGG, chi0_wxvG, chi0_wvv, m1, m2, spins,
429                   extend_head=True):
430        """In-place calculation of the response function.
432        Parameters
433        ----------
434        q_c : list or ndarray
435            Momentum vector..
436        pd : Planewave descriptor
437            Planewave descriptor for q_c.
438        chi0_wGG : ndarray
439            The response function.
440        chi0_wxvG : ndarray or None
441            Wings of the density response function.
442        chi0_wvv : ndarray or None
443            Head of the density response function.
444        m1 : int
445            Lower band cutoff for band summation
446        m2 : int
447            Upper band cutoff for band summation
448        spins : str or list(ints)
449            If 'all' then include all spins.
450            If [0] or [1], only include this specific spin.
451        extend_head : bool
452            If True: Extend the wings and head of chi in the optical limit to
453            take into account the non-analytic nature of chi. Effectively
454            means that chi has dimension (nw, nG + 2, nG + 2) in the optical
455            limit. This simplifies the code and should only be switched off
456            for parts of the code that do not support this feature i.e., GW
457            RPA total energy and RALDA.
458        """
460        # Parse spins
461        wfs = self.calc.wfs
462        if spins == 'all':
463            spins = range(wfs.nspins)
464        else:
465            for spin in spins:
466                assert spin in range(wfs.nspins)
468        # Are we calculating the optical limit.
469        optical_limit = np.allclose(pd.kd.bzk_kc[0], 0.0) and \
470            self.response == 'density'
472        # Use wings in optical limit, if head cannot be extended
473        if optical_limit and not extend_head:
474            wings = True
475        else:
476            wings = False
478        # Reset PAW correction in case momentum has change
479        self.Q_aGii = self.pair.initialize_paw_corrections(pd)
480        A_wxx = chi0_wGG  # Change notation
482        # Initialize integrator. The integrator class is a general class
483        # for brillouin zone integration that can integrate user defined
484        # functions over user defined domains and sum over bands.
485        if self.integrationmode is None or \
486           self.integrationmode == 'point integration':
487            integrator = PointIntegrator(self.pair.calc.wfs.gd.cell_cv,
488                                         response=self.response,
489                                         comm=self.world,
490                                         timer=self.timer,
491                                         txt=self.fd,
492                                         eshift=self.eshift,
493                                         nblocks=self.nblocks)
494            intnoblock = PointIntegrator(self.pair.calc.wfs.gd.cell_cv,
495                                         response=self.response,
496                                         comm=self.world,
497                                         timer=self.timer,
498                                         eshift=self.eshift,
499                                         txt=self.fd)
500        elif self.integrationmode == 'tetrahedron integration':
501            integrator = TetrahedronIntegrator(self.pair.calc.wfs.gd.cell_cv,
502                                               response=self.response,
503                                               comm=self.world,
504                                               timer=self.timer,
505                                               eshift=self.eshift,
506                                               txt=self.fd,
507                                               nblocks=self.nblocks)
508            intnoblock = TetrahedronIntegrator(self.pair.calc.wfs.gd.cell_cv,
509                                               response=self.response,
510                                               comm=self.world,
511                                               timer=self.timer,
512                                               eshift=self.eshift,
513                                               txt=self.fd)
514        else:
515            print('Integration mode ' + self.integrationmode +
516                  ' not implemented.', file=self.fd)
517            raise NotImplementedError
519        # The integration domain is determined by the following function
520        # that reduces the integration domain to the irreducible zone
521        # of the little group of q.
522        bzk_kv, PWSA = self.get_kpoints(pd,
523                                        integrationmode=self.integrationmode)
524        domain = (bzk_kv, spins)
526        if self.integrationmode == 'tetrahedron integration':
527            # If there are non-periodic directions it is possible that the
528            # integration domain is not compatible with the symmetry operations
529            # which essentially means that too large domains will be
530            # integrated. We normalize by vol(BZ) / vol(domain) to make
531            # sure that to fix this.
532            domainvol = convex_hull_volume(bzk_kv) * PWSA.how_many_symmetries()
533            bzvol = (2 * np.pi)**3 / self.vol
534            factor = bzvol / domainvol
535        else:
536            factor = 1
538        prefactor = (2 * factor * PWSA.how_many_symmetries() /
539                     (wfs.nspins * (2 * np.pi)**3))  # Remember prefactor
541        if self.integrationmode is None:
542            if self.calc.wfs.kd.refine_info is not None:
543                nbzkpts = self.calc.wfs.kd.refine_info.mhnbzkpts
544            else:
545                nbzkpts = self.calc.wfs.kd.nbzkpts
546            prefactor *= len(bzk_kv) / nbzkpts
548        A_wxx /= prefactor
549        if wings:
550            chi0_wxvG /= prefactor
551            chi0_wvv /= prefactor
553        # The functions that are integrated are defined in the bottom
554        # of this file and take a number of constant keyword arguments
555        # which the integrator class accepts through the use of the
556        # kwargs keyword.
557        kd = self.calc.wfs.kd
558        mat_kwargs = {'kd': kd, 'pd': pd,
559                      'symmetry': PWSA,
560                      'integrationmode': self.integrationmode}
561        eig_kwargs = {'kd': kd, 'pd': pd}
563        if not extend_head:
564            mat_kwargs['extend_head'] = False
566        # Determine what "kind" of integral to make.
567        extraargs = {}  # Initialize extra arguments to integration method.
568        if self.eta == 0:
569            # If eta is 0 then we must be working with imaginary frequencies.
570            # In this case chi is hermitian and it is therefore possible to
571            # reduce the computational costs by a only computing half of the
572            # response function.
573            kind = 'hermitian response function'
574        elif self.hilbert:
575            # The spectral function integrator assumes that the form of the
576            # integrand is a function (a matrix element) multiplied by
577            # a delta function and should return a function of at user defined
578            # x's (frequencies). Thus the integrand is tuple of two functions
579            # and takes an additional argument (x).
580            kind = 'spectral function'
581        else:
582            # Otherwise, we can make no simplifying assumptions of the
583            # form of the response function and we simply perform a brute
584            # force calculation of the response function.
585            kind = 'response function'
586            extraargs['eta'] = self.eta
587            extraargs['timeordered'] = self.timeordered
589        # Integrate response function
590        print('Integrating response function.', file=self.fd)
591        # Define band summation
592        if self.response == 'density':
593            bandsum = {'n1': 0, 'n2': self.nocc2, 'm1': m1, 'm2': m2}
594            mat_kwargs.update(bandsum)
595            eig_kwargs.update(bandsum)
596        else:
597            bandsum = {'n1': 0, 'n2': self.nbands, 'm1': m1, 'm2': m2}
598            mat_kwargs.update(bandsum)
599            eig_kwargs.update(bandsum)
601        integrator.integrate(kind=kind,  # Kind of integral
602                             domain=domain,  # Integration domain
603                             integrand=(self.get_matrix_element,  # Integrand
604                                        self.get_eigenvalues),  # Integrand
605                             x=self.wd,  # Frequency Descriptor
606                             kwargs=(mat_kwargs, eig_kwargs),
607                             # Arguments for integrand functions
608                             out_wxx=A_wxx,  # Output array
609                             **extraargs)
610        # extraargs: Extra arguments to integration method
611        if wings:
612            mat_kwargs['extend_head'] = True
613            mat_kwargs['block'] = False
614            if self.eta == 0:
615                extraargs['eta'] = self.eta
616            # This is horrible but we need to update the wings manually
617            # in order to make them work with ralda, RPA and GW. This entire
618            # section can be deleted in the future if the ralda and RPA code is
619            # made compatible with the head and wing extension that other parts
620            # of the code is using.
621            chi0_wxvx = np.zeros(np.array(chi0_wxvG.shape) +
622                                 [0, 0, 0, 2],
623                                 complex)  # Notice the wxv"x" for head extend
624            intnoblock.integrate(kind=kind + ' wings',  # kind'o int.
625                                 domain=domain,  # Integration domain
626                                 integrand=(self.get_matrix_element,  # Intgrnd
627                                            self.get_eigenvalues),  # Integrand
628                                 x=self.wd,  # Frequency Descriptor
629                                 kwargs=(mat_kwargs, eig_kwargs),
630                                 # Arguments for integrand functions
631                                 out_wxx=chi0_wxvx,  # Output array
632                                 **extraargs)
634        if self.hilbert:
635            # The integrator only returns the spectral function and a Hilbert
636            # transform is performed to return the real part of the density
637            # response function.
638            with self.timer('Hilbert transform'):
639                omega_w = self.wd.get_data()  # Get frequencies
640                # Make Hilbert transform
641                ht = HilbertTransform(np.array(omega_w), self.eta,
642                                      timeordered=self.timeordered)
643                ht(A_wxx)
644                if wings:
645                    ht(chi0_wxvx)
647        # In the optical limit additional work must be performed
648        # for the intraband response.
649        # Only compute the intraband response if there are partially
650        # unoccupied bands and only if the user has not disabled its
651        # calculation using the include_intraband keyword.
652        if optical_limit and self.nocc1 != self.nocc2:
653            # The intraband response is essentially just the calculation
654            # of the free space Drude plasma frequency. The calculation is
655            # similarly to the interband transitions documented above.
656            mat_kwargs = {'kd': kd, 'symmetry': PWSA,
657                          'n1': self.nocc1, 'n2': self.nocc2,
658                          'pd': pd}  # Integrand arguments
659            eig_kwargs = {'kd': kd,
660                          'n1': self.nocc1, 'n2': self.nocc2,
661                          'pd': pd}  # Integrand arguments
662            domain = (bzk_kv, spins)  # Integration domain
663            fermi_level = self.pair.fermi_level  # Fermi level
665            # Not so elegant solution but it works
666            plasmafreq_wvv = np.zeros((1, 3, 3), complex)  # Output array
667            print('Integrating intraband density response.', file=self.fd)
669            # Depending on which integration method is used we
670            # have to pass different arguments
671            extraargs = {}
672            if self.integrationmode is None:
673                # Calculate intraband transitions at finite fermi smearing
674                extraargs['intraband'] = True  # Calculate intraband
675            elif self.integrationmode == 'tetrahedron integration':
676                # Calculate intraband transitions at T=0
677                extraargs['x'] = ArrayDescriptor([-fermi_level])
679            intnoblock.integrate(kind='spectral function',  # Kind of integral
680                                 domain=domain,  # Integration domain
681                                 # Integrands
682                                 integrand=(self.get_intraband_response,
683                                            self.get_intraband_eigenvalue),
684                                 # Integrand arguments
685                                 kwargs=(mat_kwargs, eig_kwargs),
686                                 out_wxx=plasmafreq_wvv,  # Output array
687                                 **extraargs)  # Extra args for int. method
689            # Again, not so pretty but that's how it is
690            plasmafreq_vv = plasmafreq_wvv[0].copy()
691            if self.include_intraband:
692                if extend_head:
693                    va = min(self.Ga, 3)
694                    vb = min(self.Gb, 3)
695                    A_wxx[:, :vb - va, :3] += (plasmafreq_vv[va:vb] /
696                                               (self.omega_w[:, np.newaxis,
697                                                             np.newaxis] +
698                                                1e-10 + self.rate * 1j)**2)
699                elif self.blockcomm.rank == 0:
700                    A_wxx[:, 0, 0] += (plasmafreq_vv[2, 2] /
701                                       (self.omega_w + 1e-10 +
702                                        self.rate * 1j)**2)
704            # Save the plasmafrequency
705            try:
706                self.plasmafreq_vv += 4 * np.pi * plasmafreq_vv * prefactor
707            except AttributeError:
708                self.plasmafreq_vv = 4 * np.pi * plasmafreq_vv * prefactor
710            PWSA.symmetrize_wvv(self.plasmafreq_vv[np.newaxis])
711            print('Plasma frequency:', file=self.fd)
712            print((self.plasmafreq_vv**0.5 * Ha).round(2),
713                  file=self.fd)
715        # The response function is integrated only over the IBZ. The
716        # chi calculated above must therefore be extended to include the
717        # response from the full BZ. This extension can be performed as a
718        # simple post processing of the response function that makes
719        # sure that the response function fulfills the symmetries of the little
720        # group of q. Due to the specific details of the implementation the chi
721        # calculated above is normalized by the number of symmetries (as seen
722        # below) and then symmetrized.
723        A_wxx *= prefactor
725        tmpA_wxx = self.redistribute(A_wxx)
726        if extend_head:
727            PWSA.symmetrize_wxx(tmpA_wxx,
728                                optical_limit=optical_limit)
729        else:
730            PWSA.symmetrize_wGG(tmpA_wxx)
731            if wings:
732                chi0_wxvG += chi0_wxvx[..., 2:]
733                chi0_wvv += chi0_wxvx[:, 0, :3, :3]
734                PWSA.symmetrize_wxvG(chi0_wxvG)
735                PWSA.symmetrize_wvv(chi0_wvv)
736        self.redistribute(tmpA_wxx, A_wxx)
738        # If point summation was used then the normalization of the
739        # response function is not right and we have to make up for this
740        # fact.
742        if wings:
743            chi0_wxvG *= prefactor
744            chi0_wvv *= prefactor
746        # In the optical limit, we have extended the wings and the head to
747        # account for their nonanalytic behaviour which means that the size of
748        # the chi0_wGG matrix is nw * (nG + 2)**2. Below we extract these
749        # parameters.
751        if optical_limit and extend_head:
752            # The wings are extracted
753            chi0_wxvG[:, 1, :, self.Ga:self.Gb] = np.transpose(A_wxx[..., 0:3],
754                                                               (0, 2, 1))
755            va = min(self.Ga, 3)
756            vb = min(self.Gb, 3)
757            # print(self.world.rank, va, vb, chi0_wxvG[:, 0, va:vb].shape,
758            #       A_wxx[:, va:vb].shape, A_wxx.shape)
759            chi0_wxvG[:, 0, va:vb] = A_wxx[:, :vb - va]
761            # Add contributions on different ranks
762            self.blockcomm.sum(chi0_wxvG)
763            chi0_wvv[:] = chi0_wxvG[:, 0, :3, :3]
764            chi0_wxvG = chi0_wxvG[..., 2:]  # Jesus, this is complicated
766            # The head is extracted
767            # if self.blockcomm.rank == 0:
768            #     chi0_wvv[:] = A_wxx[:, :3, :3]
769            # self.blockcomm.broadcast(chi0_wvv, 0)
771            # It is easiest to redistribute over freqs to pick body
772            tmpA_wxx = self.redistribute(A_wxx)
773            chi0_wGG = tmpA_wxx[:, 2:, 2:]
774            chi0_wGG = self.redistribute(chi0_wGG)
776        elif optical_limit:
777            # Since chi_wGG is nonanalytic in the head
778            # and wings we have to take care that
779            # these are handled correctly. Note that
780            # it is important that the wings are overwritten first.
781            chi0_wGG[:, :, 0] = chi0_wxvG[:, 1, 2, self.Ga:self.Gb]
783            if self.blockcomm.rank == 0:
784                chi0_wGG[:, 0, :] = chi0_wxvG[:, 0, 2, :]
785                chi0_wGG[:, 0, 0] = chi0_wvv[:, 2, 2]
786        else:
787            chi0_wGG = A_wxx
789        return pd, chi0_wGG, chi0_wxvG, chi0_wvv
791    def get_PWDescriptor(self, q_c, gammacentered=False):
792        """Get the planewave descriptor of q_c."""
793        qd = KPointDescriptor([q_c])
794        pd = PWDescriptor(self.ecut, self.calc.wfs.gd,
795                          complex, qd, gammacentered=gammacentered)
796        return pd
798    @timer('Get kpoints')
799    def get_kpoints(self, pd, integrationmode=None):
800        """Get the integration domain."""
801        # Use symmetries
802        PWSA = PWSymmetryAnalyzer
803        PWSA = PWSA(self.calc.wfs.kd, pd,
804                    timer=self.timer, txt=self.fd,
805                    disable_point_group=self.disable_point_group,
806                    disable_time_reversal=self.disable_time_reversal,
807                    disable_non_symmorphic=self.disable_non_symmorphic)
809        if integrationmode is None:
810            K_gK = PWSA.group_kpoints()
811            bzk_kc = np.array([self.calc.wfs.kd.bzk_kc[K_K[0]] for
812                               K_K in K_gK])
813        elif integrationmode == 'tetrahedron integration':
814            bzk_kc = PWSA.get_reduced_kd(pbc_c=self.pbc).bzk_kc
815            if (~self.pbc).any():
816                bzk_kc = np.append(bzk_kc,
817                                   bzk_kc + (~self.pbc).astype(int),
818                                   axis=0)
820        bzk_kv = np.dot(bzk_kc, pd.gd.icell_cv) * 2 * np.pi
822        return bzk_kv, PWSA
824    @timer('Get matrix element')
825    def get_matrix_element(self, k_v, s, n1=None, n2=None,
826                           m1=None, m2=None,
827                           pd=None, kd=None,
828                           symmetry=None, integrationmode=None,
829                           extend_head=True, block=True):
830        """A function that returns pair-densities.
832        A pair density is defined as::
834         <snk| e^(-i (q + G) r) |s'mk+q>,
836        where s and s' are spins, n and m are band indices, k is
837        the kpoint and q is the momentum transfer. For dielectric
838        response s'=s, for the transverse magnetic response
839        s' is flipped with respect to s.
841        Parameters
842        ----------
843        k_v : ndarray
844            Kpoint coordinate in cartesian coordinates.
845        s : int
846            Spin index.
847        n1 : int
848            Lower occupied band index.
849        n2 : int
850            Upper occupied band index.
851        m1 : int
852            Lower unoccupied band index.
853        m2 : int
854            Upper unoccupied band index.
855        pd : PlanewaveDescriptor instance
856        kd : KpointDescriptor instance
857            Calculator kpoint descriptor.
858        symmetry: gpaw.response.pair.PWSymmetryAnalyzer instance
859            PWSA object for handling symmetries of the kpoints.
860        integrationmode : str
861            The integration mode employed.
862        extend_head: Bool
863            Extend the head to include non-analytic behaviour
865        Return
866        ------
867        n_nmG : ndarray
868            Pair densities.
869        """
870        k_c = np.dot(pd.gd.cell_cv, k_v) / (2 * np.pi)
872        q_c = pd.kd.bzk_kc[0]
874        optical_limit = np.allclose(q_c, 0.0) and self.response == 'density'
876        extrapolate_q = False
877        if self.calc.wfs.kd.refine_info is not None:
878            K1 = self.pair.find_kpoint(k_c)
879            label = kd.refine_info.label_k[K1]
880            if label == 'zero':
881                return None
882            elif (kd.refine_info.almostoptical and label == 'mh'):
883                if not hasattr(self, 'pd0'):
884                    self.pd0 = self.get_PWDescriptor([0, ] * 3)
885                pd = self.pd0
886                extrapolate_q = True
888        nG = pd.ngmax
889        weight = np.sqrt(symmetry.get_kpoint_weight(k_c) /
890                         symmetry.how_many_symmetries())
891        if self.Q_aGii is None:
892            self.Q_aGii = self.pair.initialize_paw_corrections(pd)
894        kptpair = self.pair.get_kpoint_pair(pd, s, k_c, n1, n2,
895                                            m1, m2, block=block)
897        m_m = np.arange(m1, m2)
898        n_n = np.arange(n1, n2)
900        n_nmG = self.pair.get_pair_density(pd, kptpair, n_n, m_m,
901                                           Q_aGii=self.Q_aGii, block=block)
903        if integrationmode is None:
904            n_nmG *= weight
906        df_nm = kptpair.get_occupation_differences(n_n, m_m)
907        if not self.response == 'density':
908            df_nm = np.abs(df_nm)
909        df_nm[df_nm <= 1e-20] = 0.0
910        n_nmG *= df_nm[..., np.newaxis]**0.5
912        if extrapolate_q:
913            q_v = np.dot(q_c, pd.gd.icell_cv) * (2 * np.pi)
914            nq_nm = np.dot(n_nmG[:, :, :3], q_v)
915            n_nmG = n_nmG[:, :, 2:]
916            n_nmG[:, :, 0] = nq_nm
918        if not extend_head and optical_limit:
919            n_nmG = np.copy(n_nmG[:, :, 2:])
920            optical_limit = False
922        if extend_head and optical_limit:
923            return n_nmG.reshape(-1, nG + 2 * optical_limit)
924        else:
925            return n_nmG.reshape(-1, nG)
927    @timer('Get eigenvalues')
928    def get_eigenvalues(self, k_v, s, n1=None, n2=None,
929                        m1=None, m2=None,
930                        kd=None, pd=None, wfs=None,
931                        filter=False):
932        """A function that can return the eigenvalues.
934        A simple function describing the integrand of
935        the response function which gives an output that
936        is compatible with the gpaw k-point integration
937        routines."""
938        if wfs is None:
939            wfs = self.calc.wfs
941        kd = wfs.kd
942        k_c = np.dot(pd.gd.cell_cv, k_v) / (2 * np.pi)
943        q_c = pd.kd.bzk_kc[0]
944        K1 = self.pair.find_kpoint(k_c)
945        K2 = self.pair.find_kpoint(k_c + q_c)
947        ik1 = kd.bz2ibz_k[K1]
948        ik2 = kd.bz2ibz_k[K2]
949        kpt1 = wfs.kpt_qs[ik1][s]
950        assert wfs.kd.comm.size == 1
951        if self.response in ['+-', '-+']:
952            s2 = 1 - s
953        else:
954            s2 = s
955        kpt2 = wfs.kpt_qs[ik2][s2]
956        deps_nm = np.subtract(kpt1.eps_n[n1:n2][:, np.newaxis],
957                              kpt2.eps_n[m1:m2])
959        if filter:
960            fermi_level = self.pair.fermi_level
961            deps_nm[kpt1.eps_n[n1:n2] > fermi_level, :] = np.nan
962            deps_nm[:, kpt2.eps_n[m1:m2] < fermi_level] = np.nan
964        return deps_nm.reshape(-1)
966    def get_intraband_response(self, k_v, s, n1=None, n2=None,
967                               kd=None, symmetry=None, pd=None,
968                               integrationmode=None):
969        k_c = np.dot(pd.gd.cell_cv, k_v) / (2 * np.pi)
970        kpt1 = self.pair.get_k_point(s, k_c, n1, n2)
971        n_n = range(n1, n2)
973        vel_nv = self.pair.intraband_pair_density(kpt1, n_n)
975        if self.integrationmode is None:
976            f_n = kpt1.f_n
977            assert self.calc.wfs.occupations.name in ['fermi-dirac',
978                                                      'zero-width']
979            width = getattr(self.calc.wfs.occupations, '_width', 0.0) / Ha
980            if width > 1e-15:
981                dfde_n = - 1. / width * (f_n - f_n**2.0)
982            else:
983                dfde_n = np.zeros_like(f_n)
984            vel_nv *= np.sqrt(-dfde_n[:, np.newaxis])
985            weight = np.sqrt(symmetry.get_kpoint_weight(k_c) /
986                             symmetry.how_many_symmetries())
987            vel_nv *= weight
989        return vel_nv
991    @timer('Intraband eigenvalue')
992    def get_intraband_eigenvalue(self, k_v, s,
993                                 n1=None, n2=None, kd=None, pd=None):
994        """A function that can return the eigenvalues.
996        A simple function describing the integrand of
997        the response function which gives an output that
998        is compatible with the gpaw k-point integration
999        routines."""
1000        wfs = self.calc.wfs
1001        kd = wfs.kd
1002        k_c = np.dot(pd.gd.cell_cv, k_v) / (2 * np.pi)
1003        K1 = self.pair.find_kpoint(k_c)
1004        ik = kd.bz2ibz_k[K1]
1005        kpt1 = wfs.kpt_qs[ik][s]
1006        assert wfs.kd.comm.size == 1
1008        return kpt1.eps_n[n1:n2]
1010    @timer('redist')
1011    def redistribute(self, in_wGG, out_x=None):
1012        """Redistribute array.
1014        Switch between two kinds of parallel distributions:
1016        1) parallel over G-vectors (second dimension of in_wGG)
1017        2) parallel over frequency (first dimension of in_wGG)
1019        Returns new array using the memory in the 1-d array out_x.
1020        """
1022        comm = self.blockcomm
1024        if comm.size == 1:
1025            return in_wGG
1027        nw = len(self.omega_w)
1028        nG = in_wGG.shape[2]
1029        mynw = (nw + comm.size - 1) // comm.size
1030        mynG = (nG + comm.size - 1) // comm.size
1032        bg1 = BlacsGrid(comm, comm.size, 1)
1033        bg2 = BlacsGrid(comm, 1, comm.size)
1034        md1 = BlacsDescriptor(bg1, nw, nG**2, mynw, nG**2)
1035        md2 = BlacsDescriptor(bg2, nw, nG**2, nw, mynG * nG)
1037        if len(in_wGG) == nw:
1038            mdin = md2
1039            mdout = md1
1040        else:
1041            mdin = md1
1042            mdout = md2
1044        r = Redistributor(comm, mdin, mdout)
1046        outshape = (mdout.shape[0], mdout.shape[1] // nG, nG)
1047        if out_x is None:
1048            out_wGG = np.empty(outshape, complex)
1049        else:
1050            out_wGG = out_x[:np.product(outshape)].reshape(outshape)
1052        r.redistribute(in_wGG.reshape(mdin.shape),
1053                       out_wGG.reshape(mdout.shape))
1055        return out_wGG
1057    @timer('dist freq')
1058    def distribute_frequencies(self, chi0_wGG):
1059        """Distribute frequencies to all cores."""
1061        world = self.world
1062        comm = self.blockcomm
1064        if world.size == 1:
1065            return chi0_wGG
1067        nw = len(self.omega_w)
1068        nG = chi0_wGG.shape[2]
1069        mynw = (nw + world.size - 1) // world.size
1070        mynG = (nG + comm.size - 1) // comm.size
1072        wa = min(world.rank * mynw, nw)
1073        wb = min(wa + mynw, nw)
1075        if self.blockcomm.size == 1:
1076            return chi0_wGG[wa:wb].copy()
1078        if self.kncomm.rank == 0:
1079            bg1 = BlacsGrid(comm, 1, comm.size)
1080            in_wGG = chi0_wGG.reshape((nw, -1))
1081        else:
1082            bg1 = BlacsGrid(None, 1, 1)
1083            # bg1 = DryRunBlacsGrid(mpi.serial_comm, 1, 1)
1084            in_wGG = np.zeros((0, 0), complex)
1085        md1 = BlacsDescriptor(bg1, nw, nG**2, nw, mynG * nG)
1087        bg2 = BlacsGrid(world, world.size, 1)
1088        md2 = BlacsDescriptor(bg2, nw, nG**2, mynw, nG**2)
1090        r = Redistributor(world, md1, md2)
1091        shape = (wb - wa, nG, nG)
1092        out_wGG = np.empty(shape, complex)
1093        r.redistribute(in_wGG, out_wGG.reshape((wb - wa, nG**2)))
1095        return out_wGG
1097    def print_chi(self, pd):
1098        calc = self.calc
1099        gd = calc.wfs.gd
1101        if gpaw.dry_run:
1102            from gpaw.mpi import SerialCommunicator
1103            size = gpaw.dry_run
1104            world = SerialCommunicator()
1105            world.size = size
1106        else:
1107            world = self.world
1109        q_c = pd.kd.bzk_kc[0]
1110        nw = len(self.omega_w)
1111        ecut = self.ecut * Ha
1112        ns = calc.wfs.nspins
1113        nbands = self.nbands
1114        nk = calc.wfs.kd.nbzkpts
1115        nik = calc.wfs.kd.nibzkpts
1116        ngmax = pd.ngmax
1117        eta = self.eta * Ha
1118        wsize = world.size
1119        knsize = self.kncomm.size
1120        nocc = self.nocc1
1121        npocc = self.nocc2
1122        ngridpoints = gd.N_c[0] * gd.N_c[1] * gd.N_c[2]
1123        nstat = (ns * npocc + world.size - 1) // world.size
1124        occsize = nstat * ngridpoints * 16. / 1024**2
1125        bsize = self.blockcomm.size
1126        chisize = nw * pd.ngmax**2 * 16. / 1024**2 / bsize
1128        p = partial(print, file=self.fd)
1130        p('%s' % ctime())
1131        p('Called response.chi0.calculate with')
1132        p('    q_c: [%f, %f, %f]' % (q_c[0], q_c[1], q_c[2]))
1133        p('    Number of frequency points: %d' % nw)
1134        p('    Planewave cutoff: %f' % ecut)
1135        p('    Number of spins: %d' % ns)
1136        p('    Number of bands: %d' % nbands)
1137        p('    Number of kpoints: %d' % nk)
1138        p('    Number of irredicible kpoints: %d' % nik)
1139        p('    Number of planewaves: %d' % ngmax)
1140        p('    Broadening (eta): %f' % eta)
1141        p('    world.size: %d' % wsize)
1142        p('    kncomm.size: %d' % knsize)
1143        p('    blockcomm.size: %d' % bsize)
1144        p('    Number of completely occupied states: %d' % nocc)
1145        p('    Number of partially occupied states: %d' % npocc)
1146        p()
1147        p('    Memory estimate of potentially large arrays:')
1148        p('        chi0_wGG: %f M / cpu' % chisize)
1149        p('        Occupied states: %f M / cpu' % occsize)
1150        p('        Memory usage before allocation: %f M / cpu' % (maxrss() /
1151                                                                  1024**2))
1152        p()
1155class HilbertTransform:
1157    def __init__(self, omega_w, eta, timeordered=False, gw=False,
1158                 blocksize=500):
1159        """Analytic Hilbert transformation using linear interpolation.
1161        Hilbert transform::
1163           oo
1164          /           1                1
1165          |dw' (-------------- - --------------) S(w').
1166          /     w - w' + i eta   w + w' + i eta
1167          0
1169        With timeordered=True, you get::
1171           oo
1172          /           1                1
1173          |dw' (-------------- - --------------) S(w').
1174          /     w - w' - i eta   w + w' + i eta
1175          0
1177        With gw=True, you get::
1179           oo
1180          /           1                1
1181          |dw' (-------------- + --------------) S(w').
1182          /     w - w' + i eta   w + w' + i eta
1183          0
1185        """
1187        self.blocksize = blocksize
1189        if timeordered:
1190            self.H_ww = self.H(omega_w, -eta) + self.H(omega_w, -eta, -1)
1191        elif gw:
1192            self.H_ww = self.H(omega_w, eta) - self.H(omega_w, -eta, -1)
1193        else:
1194            self.H_ww = self.H(omega_w, eta) + self.H(omega_w, -eta, -1)
1196    def H(self, o_w, eta, sign=1):
1197        """Calculate transformation matrix.
1199        With s=sign (+1 or -1)::
1201                        oo
1202                       /       dw'
1203          X (w, eta) = | ---------------- S(w').
1204           s           / s w - w' + i eta
1205                       0
1207        Returns H_ij so that X_i = np.dot(H_ij, S_j), where::
1209            X_i = X (omega_w[i]) and S_j = S(omega_w[j])
1210                   s
1211        """
1213        nw = len(o_w)
1214        H_ij = np.zeros((nw, nw), complex)
1215        do_j = o_w[1:] - o_w[:-1]
1216        for i, o in enumerate(o_w):
1217            d_j = o_w - o * sign
1218            y_j = 1j * np.arctan(d_j / eta) + 0.5 * np.log(d_j**2 + eta**2)
1219            y_j = (y_j[1:] - y_j[:-1]) / do_j
1220            H_ij[i, :-1] = 1 - (d_j[1:] - 1j * eta) * y_j
1221            H_ij[i, 1:] -= 1 - (d_j[:-1] - 1j * eta) * y_j
1222        return H_ij
1224    def __call__(self, S_wx):
1225        """Inplace transform"""
1226        B_wx = S_wx.reshape((len(S_wx), -1))
1227        nw, nx = B_wx.shape
1228        tmp_wx = np.zeros((nw, min(nx, self.blocksize)), complex)
1229        for x in range(0, nx, self.blocksize):
1230            b_wx = B_wx[:, x:x + self.blocksize]
1231            c_wx = tmp_wx[:, :b_wx.shape[1]]
1232            gemm(1.0, b_wx, self.H_ww, 0.0, c_wx)
1233            b_wx[:] = c_wx
1236if __name__ == '__main__':
1237    do = 0.025
1238    eta = 0.1
1239    omega_w = frequency_grid(do, 10.0, 3)
1240    print(len(omega_w))
1241    X_w = omega_w * 0j
1242    Xt_w = omega_w * 0j
1243    Xh_w = omega_w * 0j
1244    for o in -np.linspace(2.5, 2.9, 10):
1245        X_w += (1 / (omega_w + o + 1j * eta) -
1246                1 / (omega_w - o + 1j * eta)) / o**2
1247        Xt_w += (1 / (omega_w + o - 1j * eta) -
1248                 1 / (omega_w - o + 1j * eta)) / o**2
1249        w = int(-o / do / (1 + 3 * -o / 10))
1250        o1, o2 = omega_w[w:w + 2]
1251        assert o1 - 1e-12 <= -o <= o2 + 1e-12, (o1, -o, o2)
1252        p = 1 / (o2 - o1)**2 / o**2
1253        Xh_w[w] += p * (o2 - -o)
1254        Xh_w[w + 1] += p * (-o - o1)
1256    ht = HilbertTransform(omega_w, eta, 1)
1257    ht(Xh_w)
1259    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
1260    plt.plot(omega_w, X_w.imag, label='ImX')
1261    plt.plot(omega_w, X_w.real, label='ReX')
1262    plt.plot(omega_w, Xt_w.imag, label='ImXt')
1263    plt.plot(omega_w, Xt_w.real, label='ReXt')
1264    plt.plot(omega_w, Xh_w.imag, label='ImXh')
1265    plt.plot(omega_w, Xh_w.real, label='ReXh')
1266    plt.legend()
1267    plt.show()