2from os.path import join as pjoin
3import glob
5import numpy as np
7from .. import Nifti1Image
8from .dicomwrappers import (wrapper_from_data, wrapper_from_file)
11class DicomReadError(Exception):
12    pass
15DPCS_TO_TAL = np.diag([-1, -1, 1, 1])
18def mosaic_to_nii(dcm_data):
19    """ Get Nifti file from Siemens
21    Parameters
22    ----------
23    dcm_data : ``dicom.DataSet``
24       DICOM header / image as read by ``dicom`` package
26    Returns
27    -------
28    img : ``Nifti1Image``
29       Nifti image object
30    """
31    dcm_w = wrapper_from_data(dcm_data)
32    if not dcm_w.is_mosaic:
33        raise DicomReadError('data does not appear to be in mosaic format')
34    data = dcm_w.get_data()
35    aff = np.dot(DPCS_TO_TAL, dcm_w.affine)
36    return Nifti1Image(data, aff)
39def read_mosaic_dwi_dir(dicom_path, globber='*.dcm', dicom_kwargs=None):
40    return read_mosaic_dir(dicom_path,
41                           globber,
42                           check_is_dwi=True,
43                           dicom_kwargs=dicom_kwargs)
46def read_mosaic_dir(dicom_path,
47                    globber='*.dcm', check_is_dwi=False, dicom_kwargs=None):
48    """ Read all Siemens mosaic DICOMs in directory, return arrays, params
50    Parameters
51    ----------
52    dicom_path : str
53       path containing mosaic DICOM images
54    globber : str, optional
55       glob to apply within `dicom_path` to select DICOM files.  Default
56       is ``*.dcm``
57    check_is_dwi : bool, optional
58       If True, raises an error if we don't find DWI information in the
59       DICOM headers.
60    dicom_kwargs : None or dict
61       Extra keyword arguments to pass to the pydicom ``read_file`` function.
63    Returns
64    -------
65    data : 4D array
66       data array with last dimension being acquisition. If there were N
67       acquisitions, each of shape (X, Y, Z), `data` will be shape (X,
68       Y, Z, N)
69    affine : (4,4) array
70       affine relating 3D voxel space in data to RAS world space
71    b_values : (N,) array
72       b values for each acquisition.  nan if we did not find diffusion
73       information for these images.
74    unit_gradients : (N, 3) array
75       gradient directions of unit length for each acquisition.  (nan,
76       nan, nan) if we did not find diffusion information.
77    """
78    if dicom_kwargs is None:
79        dicom_kwargs = {}
80    full_globber = pjoin(dicom_path, globber)
81    filenames = sorted(glob.glob(full_globber))
82    b_values = []
83    gradients = []
84    arrays = []
85    if len(filenames) == 0:
86        raise IOError(f'Found no files with "{full_globber}"')
87    for fname in filenames:
88        dcm_w = wrapper_from_file(fname, **dicom_kwargs)
89        # Because the routine sorts by filename, it only makes sense to use
90        # this order for mosaic images.  Slice by slice dicoms need more
91        # sensible sorting
92        if not dcm_w.is_mosaic:
93            raise DicomReadError('data does not appear to be in mosaic format')
94        arrays.append(dcm_w.get_data()[..., None])
95        q = dcm_w.q_vector
96        if q is None:  # probably not diffusion
97            if check_is_dwi:
98                raise DicomReadError(
99                    f'Could not find diffusion information reading file "{fname}";  '
100                    'is it possible this is not a _raw_ diffusion directory? '
101                    'Could it be a processed dataset like ADC etc?')
102            b = np.nan
103            g = np.ones((3,)) + np.nan
104        else:
105            b = dcm_w.b_value
106            g = dcm_w.b_vector
107        b_values.append(b)
108        gradients.append(g)
109    affine = np.dot(DPCS_TO_TAL, dcm_w.affine)
110    return (np.concatenate(arrays, -1),
111            affine,
112            np.array(b_values),
113            np.array(gradients))
116def slices_to_series(wrappers):
117    """ Sort sequence of slice wrappers into series
119    This follows the SPM model fairly closely
121    Parameters
122    ----------
123    wrappers : sequence
124       sequence of ``Wrapper`` objects for sorting into volumes
126    Returns
127    -------
128    series : sequence
129       sequence of sequences of wrapper objects, where each sequence is
130       wrapper objects comprising a series, sorted into slice order
131    """
132    # first pass
133    volume_lists = [wrappers[0:1]]
134    for dw in wrappers[1:]:
135        for vol_list in volume_lists:
136            if dw.is_same_series(vol_list[0]):
137                vol_list.append(dw)
138                break
139        else:  # no match in current volume lists
140            volume_lists.append([dw])
141    print('We appear to have %d Series' % len(volume_lists))
142    # second pass
143    out_vol_lists = []
144    for vol_list in volume_lists:
145        if len(vol_list) > 1:
146            vol_list.sort(key=_slice_sorter)
147            zs = [s.slice_indicator for s in vol_list]
148            if len(set(zs)) < len(zs):  # not unique zs
149                # third pass
150                out_vol_lists += _third_pass(vol_list)
151                continue
152        out_vol_lists.append(vol_list)
153    print('We have %d volumes after second pass' % len(out_vol_lists))
154    # final pass check
155    for vol_list in out_vol_lists:
156        zs = [s.slice_indicator for s in vol_list]
157        diffs = np.diff(zs)
158        if not np.allclose(diffs, np.mean(diffs)):
159            raise DicomReadError('Largeish slice gaps - missing DICOMs?')
160    return out_vol_lists
163def _slice_sorter(s):
164    return s.slice_indicator
167def _instance_sorter(s):
168    return s.instance_number
171def _third_pass(wrappers):
172    """ What we do when there are not unique zs in a slice set """
173    inos = [s.instance_number for s in wrappers]
174    msg_fmt = ('Plausibly matching slices, but where some have '
175               'the same apparent slice location, and %s; '
176               '- slices are probably unsortable')
177    if None in inos:
178        raise DicomReadError(msg_fmt % 'some or all slices with '
179                             'missing InstanceNumber')
180    if len(set(inos)) < len(inos):
181        raise DicomReadError(msg_fmt % 'some or all slices with '
182                             'the same InstanceNumber')
183    # sort by instance number
184    wrappers.sort(key=_instance_sorter)
185    # start loop, in which we start a new volume, each time we see a z
186    # we've seen already in the current volume
187    dw = wrappers[0]
188    these_zs = [dw.slice_indicator]
189    vol_list = [dw]
190    out_vol_lists = [vol_list]
191    for dw in wrappers[1:]:
192        z = dw.slice_indicator
193        if z not in these_zs:
194            # same volume
195            vol_list.append(dw)
196            these_zs.append(z)
197            continue
198        # new volumne
199        vol_list.sort(_slice_sorter)
200        vol_list = [dw]
201        these_zs = [z]
202        out_vol_lists.append(vol_list)
203    vol_list.sort(_slice_sorter)
204    return out_vol_lists