1# Unfortunately setuptools and numpy.distutils do not like each other and lot's
2# of small incompatibilities are around. One manifestation of this is that the
3# source code and data files included in the setup.py are included in binary
4# distributions but not in source distributions...
5# Therefore the MANIFEST.in files appears to be necessary.
6# See http://scipy-user.10969.n7.nabble.com/SciPy-User-setuptools-messing-with-sdists-using-numpy-distutils-and-Fortran-libraries-td19023.html
7# for more details.
9# Include all files in top-level and obspy-top-level directories (e.g. CHANGELOG, RELEASE-VERSION, ...)
10include *  # seem to catch only files, so ./misc and ./debian are not catched.. good!
11recursive-include obspy *  # includes all files in any subdirs, so it also catches *all* subdirs
13# exclude rules
14global-exclude *.pyc
15exclude .* appveyor.yml
16prune obspy/*/docs  # manual pdfs amount to approx. 10MB, leave them out
17prune obspy/*/*/docs  # manual pdfs amount to approx. 10MB, leave them out
18# Exclude the misc directory (not necessary it seems, seems directories in top-level gett left out on default)
19#prune misc
20recursive-include misc/docs *  # inclusion of docs source has been requested for packaging reasons