1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2# -------------------------------------------------------------------
3# Filename: beachball.py
4#  Purpose: Draws a beach ball diagram of an earthquake focal mechanism.
5#   Author: Robert Barsch
6#    Email: barsch@egu.eu
8# Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Robert Barsch
9# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
12Draws a beachball diagram of an earthquake focal mechanism
14Most source code provided here are adopted from
161. MatLab script `bb.m`_ written by Andy Michael, Chen Ji and Oliver Boyd.
172. ps_meca program from the `Generic Mapping Tools (GMT)`_.
20    The ObsPy Development Team (devs@obspy.org)
22    GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
23    (https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html)
25.. _`Generic Mapping Tools (GMT)`: https://gmt.soest.hawaii.edu
26.. _`bb.m`: http://www.ceri.memphis.edu/people/olboyd/Software/Software.html
28from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
29                        unicode_literals)
30from future.builtins import *  # NOQA @UnusedWildImport
32import io
33import warnings
35import numpy as np
36from matplotlib import path as mplpath
37from matplotlib import collections, patches, transforms
38from decorator import decorator
41D2R = np.pi / 180
42R2D = 180 / np.pi
43EPSILON = 0.00001
47def mopad_fallback(func, *args, **kwargs):
48    try:
49        result = func(*args, **kwargs)
50    except IndexError:
51        msg = "Encountered an exception while plotting the beachball. " \
52              "Falling back to the mopad wrapper which is slower but more " \
53              "stable."
54        warnings.warn(msg)
56        # Could be done with the inspect module but this wrapper is only a
57        # single purpose wrapper and thus KISS.
58        arguments = ["fm", "linewidth", "facecolor", "bgcolor", "edgecolor",
59                     "alpha", "xy", "width", "size", "nofill", "zorder",
60                     "axes"]
62        final_kwargs = {}
63        for _i, arg in enumerate(args):
64            final_kwargs[arguments[_i]] = arg
66        final_kwargs.update(kwargs)
68        from .mopad_wrapper import beach as _mopad_beach
70        result = _mopad_beach(**final_kwargs)
72    return result
76def beach(fm, linewidth=2, facecolor='b', bgcolor='w', edgecolor='k',
77          alpha=1.0, xy=(0, 0), width=200, size=100, nofill=False,
78          zorder=100, axes=None):
79    """
80    Return a beach ball as a collection which can be connected to an
81    current matplotlib axes instance (ax.add_collection).
83    S1, D1, and R1, the strike, dip and rake of one of the focal planes, can
84    be vectors of multiple focal mechanisms.
86    :param fm: Focal mechanism that is either number of mechanisms (NM) by 3
87        (strike, dip, and rake) or NM x 6 (M11, M22, M33, M12, M13, M23 - the
88        six independent components of the moment tensor, where the coordinate
89        system is 1,2,3 = Up,South,East which equals r,theta,phi -
90        Harvard/Global CMT convention). The relation to Aki and Richards
91        x,y,z equals North,East,Down convention is as follows: Mrr=Mzz,
92        Mtt=Mxx, Mpp=Myy, Mrt=Mxz, Mrp=-Myz, Mtp=-Mxy.
93        The strike is of the first plane, clockwise relative to north.
94        The dip is of the first plane, defined clockwise and perpendicular to
95        strike, relative to horizontal such that 0 is horizontal and 90 is
96        vertical. The rake is of the first focal plane solution. 90 moves the
97        hanging wall up-dip (thrust), 0 moves it in the strike direction
98        (left-lateral), -90 moves it down-dip (normal), and 180 moves it
99        opposite to strike (right-lateral).
100    :param facecolor: Color to use for quadrants of tension; can be a string,
101        e.g. ``'r'``, ``'b'`` or three component color vector, [R G B].
102        Defaults to ``'b'`` (blue).
103    :param bgcolor: The background color. Defaults to ``'w'`` (white).
104    :param edgecolor: Color of the edges. Defaults to ``'k'`` (black).
105    :param alpha: The alpha level of the beach ball. Defaults to ``1.0``
106        (opaque).
107    :param xy: Origin position of the beach ball as tuple. Defaults to
108        ``(0, 0)``.
109    :type width: int or tuple
110    :param width: Symbol size of beach ball, or tuple for elliptically
111        shaped patches. Defaults to size ``200``.
112    :param size: Controls the number of interpolation points for the
113        curves. Minimum is automatically set to ``100``.
114    :param nofill: Do not fill the beach ball, but only plot the planes.
115    :param zorder: Set zorder. Artists with lower zorder values are drawn
116        first.
117    :type axes: :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`
118    :param axes: Used to make beach balls circular on non-scaled axes. Also
119        maintains the aspect ratio when resizing the figure. Will not add
120        the returned collection to the axes instance.
121    """
122    # check if one or two widths are specified (Circle or Ellipse)
123    try:
124        assert(len(width) == 2)
125    except TypeError:
126        width = (width, width)
127    mt = None
128    np1 = None
129    if isinstance(fm, MomentTensor):
130        mt = fm
131        np1 = mt2plane(mt)
132    elif isinstance(fm, NodalPlane):
133        np1 = fm
134    elif len(fm) == 6:
135        mt = MomentTensor(fm[0], fm[1], fm[2], fm[3], fm[4], fm[5], 0)
136        np1 = mt2plane(mt)
137    elif len(fm) == 3:
138        np1 = NodalPlane(fm[0], fm[1], fm[2])
139    else:
140        raise TypeError("Wrong input value for 'fm'.")
142    # Only at least size 100, i.e. 100 points in the matrix are allowed
143    if size < 100:
144        size = 100
146    # Return as collection
147    plot_dc_used = True
148    if mt:
149        (t, n, p) = mt2axes(mt.normalized)
150        if np.fabs(n.val) < EPSILON and np.fabs(t.val + p.val) < EPSILON:
151            colors, p = plot_dc(np1, size, xy=xy, width=width)
152        else:
153            colors, p = plot_mt(t, n, p, size,
154                                plot_zerotrace=True, xy=xy, width=width)
155            plot_dc_used = False
156    else:
157        colors, p = plot_dc(np1, size=size, xy=xy, width=width)
159    col = collections.PatchCollection(p, match_original=False)
160    if nofill:
161        col.set_facecolor('none')
162    else:
163        # Replace color dummies 'b' and 'w' by face and bgcolor
164        fc = [facecolor if c == 'b' else bgcolor for c in colors]
165        col.set_facecolors(fc)
167    # Use the given axes to maintain the aspect ratio of beachballs on figure
168    # resize.
169    if axes is not None:
170        # This is what holds the aspect ratio (but breaks the positioning)
171        col.set_transform(transforms.IdentityTransform())
172        # Next is a dirty hack to fix the positioning:
173        # 1. Need to bring the all patches to the origin (0, 0).
174        for p in col._paths:
175            p.vertices -= xy
176        # 2. Then use the offset property of the collection to position the
177        #    patches
178        col.set_offsets(xy)
179        col._transOffset = axes.transData
181    col.set_edgecolor(edgecolor)
182    col.set_alpha(alpha)
183    col.set_linewidth(linewidth)
184    col.set_zorder(zorder)
186    # warn about color blending bug, see #1464
187    if alpha != 1 and not nofill and not plot_dc_used:
188        msg = ("There is a known bug when plotting semi-transparent patches "
189               "for non-DC sources, which leads to blending of pressure and "
190               "tension color, see issue #1464.")
191        warnings.warn(msg)
193    return col
196def beachball(fm, linewidth=2, facecolor='b', bgcolor='w', edgecolor='k',
197              alpha=1.0, xy=(0, 0), width=200, size=100, nofill=False,
198              zorder=100, outfile=None, format=None, fig=None):
199    """
200    Draws a beach ball diagram of an earthquake focal mechanism.
202    S1, D1, and R1, the strike, dip and rake of one of the focal planes, can
203    be vectors of multiple focal mechanisms.
205    :param fm: Focal mechanism that is either number of mechanisms (NM) by 3
206        (strike, dip, and rake) or NM x 6 (M11, M22, M33, M12, M13, M23 - the
207        six independent components of the moment tensor, where the coordinate
208        system is 1,2,3 = Up,South,East which equals r,theta,phi). The strike
209        is of the first plane, clockwise relative to north.
210        The dip is of the first plane, defined clockwise and perpendicular to
211        strike, relative to horizontal such that 0 is horizontal and 90 is
212        vertical. The rake is of the first focal plane solution. 90 moves the
213        hanging wall up-dip (thrust), 0 moves it in the strike direction
214        (left-lateral), -90 moves it down-dip (normal), and 180 moves it
215        opposite to strike (right-lateral).
216    :param facecolor: Color to use for quadrants of tension; can be a string,
217        e.g. ``'r'``, ``'b'`` or three component color vector, [R G B].
218        Defaults to ``'b'`` (blue).
219    :param bgcolor: The background color. Defaults to ``'w'`` (white).
220    :param edgecolor: Color of the edges. Defaults to ``'k'`` (black).
221    :param alpha: The alpha level of the beach ball. Defaults to ``1.0``
222        (opaque).
223    :param xy: Origin position of the beach ball as tuple. Defaults to
224        ``(0, 0)``.
225    :type width: int
226    :param width: Symbol size of beach ball. Defaults to ``200``.
227    :param size: Controls the number of interpolation points for the
228        curves. Minimum is automatically set to ``100``.
229    :param nofill: Do not fill the beach ball, but only plot the planes.
230    :param zorder: Set zorder. Artists with lower zorder values are drawn
231        first.
232    :param outfile: Output file string. Also used to automatically
233        determine the output format. Supported file formats depend on your
234        matplotlib backend. Most backends support png, pdf, ps, eps and
235        svg. Defaults to ``None``.
236    :param format: Format of the graph picture. If no format is given the
237        outfile parameter will be used to try to automatically determine
238        the output format. If no format is found it defaults to png output.
239        If no outfile is specified but a format is, than a binary
240        imagestring will be returned.
241        Defaults to ``None``.
242    :param fig: Give an existing figure instance to plot into. New Figure if
243        set to ``None``.
244    """
245    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
246    plot_width = width * 0.95
248    # plot the figure
249    if not fig:
250        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(3, 3), dpi=100)
251        fig.subplots_adjust(left=0, bottom=0, right=1, top=1)
252        fig.set_figheight(width // 100)
253        fig.set_figwidth(width // 100)
254    ax = fig.add_subplot(111, aspect='equal')
256    # hide axes + ticks
257    ax.axison = False
259    # plot the collection
260    collection = beach(fm, linewidth=linewidth, facecolor=facecolor,
261                       edgecolor=edgecolor, bgcolor=bgcolor,
262                       alpha=alpha, nofill=nofill, xy=xy,
263                       width=plot_width, size=size, zorder=zorder)
264    ax.add_collection(collection)
266    ax.autoscale_view(tight=False, scalex=True, scaley=True)
267    # export
268    if outfile:
269        if format:
270            fig.savefig(outfile, dpi=100, transparent=True, format=format)
271        else:
272            fig.savefig(outfile, dpi=100, transparent=True)
273    elif format and not outfile:
274        imgdata = io.BytesIO()
275        fig.savefig(imgdata, format=format, dpi=100, transparent=True)
276        imgdata.seek(0)
277        return imgdata.read()
278    else:
279        plt.show()
280        return fig
283def plot_mt(T, N, P, size=200, plot_zerotrace=True,  # noqa
284            x0=0, y0=0, xy=(0, 0), width=200):
285    """
286    Uses a principal axis T, N and P to draw a beach ball plot.
288    :param ax: axis object of a matplotlib figure
289    :param T: :class:`~PrincipalAxis`
290    :param N: :class:`~PrincipalAxis`
291    :param P: :class:`~PrincipalAxis`
293    Adapted from ps_tensor / utilmeca.c / `Generic Mapping Tools (GMT)`_.
295    .. _`Generic Mapping Tools (GMT)`: https://gmt.soest.hawaii.edu
296    """
297    # check if one or two widths are specified (Circle or Ellipse)
298    try:
299        assert(len(width) == 2)
300    except TypeError:
301        width = (width, width)
302    collect = []
303    colors = []
304    res = [value / float(size) for value in width]
305    b = 1
306    big_iso = 0
307    j = 1
308    j2 = 0
309    j3 = 0
310    n = 0
311    azi = np.zeros((3, 2))
312    x = np.zeros(400)
313    y = np.zeros(400)
314    x2 = np.zeros(400)
315    y2 = np.zeros(400)
316    x3 = np.zeros(400)
317    y3 = np.zeros(400)
318    xp1 = np.zeros(800)
319    yp1 = np.zeros(800)
320    xp2 = np.zeros(400)
321    yp2 = np.zeros(400)
323    a = np.zeros(3)
324    p = np.zeros(3)
325    v = np.zeros(3)
326    a[0] = T.strike
327    a[1] = N.strike
328    a[2] = P.strike
329    p[0] = T.dip
330    p[1] = N.dip
331    p[2] = P.dip
332    v[0] = T.val
333    v[1] = N.val
334    v[2] = P.val
336    vi = (v[0] + v[1] + v[2]) / 3.
337    for i in range(0, 3):
338        v[i] = v[i] - vi
340    radius_size = size * 0.5
342    if np.fabs(v[0] * v[0] + v[1] * v[1] + v[2] * v[2]) < EPSILON:
343        # pure implosion-explosion
344        if vi > 0.:
345            cir = patches.Ellipse(xy, width=width[0], height=width[1])
346            collect.append(cir)
347            colors.append('b')
348        if vi < 0.:
349            cir = patches.Ellipse(xy, width=width[0], height=width[1])
350            collect.append(cir)
351            colors.append('w')
352        return colors, collect
354    if np.fabs(v[0]) >= np.fabs(v[2]):
355        d = 0
356        m = 2
357    else:
358        d = 2
359        m = 0
361    if (plot_zerotrace):
362        vi = 0.
364    f = -v[1] / float(v[d])
365    iso = vi / float(v[d])
367    # Cliff Frohlich, Seismological Research letters,
368    # Vol 7, Number 1, January-February, 1996
369    # Unless the isotropic parameter lies in the range
370    # between -1 and 1 - f there will be no nodes whatsoever
372    if iso < -1:
373        cir = patches.Ellipse(xy, width=width[0], height=width[1])
374        collect.append(cir)
375        colors.append('w')
376        return colors, collect
377    elif iso > 1 - f:
378        cir = patches.Ellipse(xy, width=width[0], height=width[1])
379        collect.append(cir)
380        colors.append('b')
381        return colors, collect
383    spd = np.sin(p[d] * D2R)
384    cpd = np.cos(p[d] * D2R)
385    spb = np.sin(p[b] * D2R)
386    cpb = np.cos(p[b] * D2R)
387    spm = np.sin(p[m] * D2R)
388    cpm = np.cos(p[m] * D2R)
389    sad = np.sin(a[d] * D2R)
390    cad = np.cos(a[d] * D2R)
391    sab = np.sin(a[b] * D2R)
392    cab = np.cos(a[b] * D2R)
393    sam = np.sin(a[m] * D2R)
394    cam = np.cos(a[m] * D2R)
396    for i in range(0, 360):
397        fir = i * D2R
398        s2alphan = (2. + 2. * iso) / \
399            float(3. + (1. - 2. * f) * np.cos(2. * fir))
400        if s2alphan > 1.:
401            big_iso += 1
402        else:
403            alphan = np.arcsin(np.sqrt(s2alphan))
404            sfi = np.sin(fir)
405            cfi = np.cos(fir)
406            san = np.sin(alphan)
407            can = np.cos(alphan)
409            xz = can * spd + san * sfi * spb + san * cfi * spm
410            xn = can * cpd * cad + san * sfi * cpb * cab + \
411                san * cfi * cpm * cam
412            xe = can * cpd * sad + san * sfi * cpb * sab + \
413                san * cfi * cpm * sam
415            if np.fabs(xn) < EPSILON and np.fabs(xe) < EPSILON:
416                takeoff = 0.
417                az = 0.
418            else:
419                az = np.arctan2(xe, xn)
420                if az < 0.:
421                    az += np.pi * 2.
422                takeoff = np.arccos(xz / float(np.sqrt(xz * xz + xn * xn +
423                                                       xe * xe)))
424            if takeoff > np.pi / 2.:
425                takeoff = np.pi - takeoff
426                az += np.pi
427                if az > np.pi * 2.:
428                    az -= np.pi * 2.
429            r = np.sqrt(2) * np.sin(takeoff / 2.)
430            si = np.sin(az)
431            co = np.cos(az)
432            if i == 0:
433                azi[i][0] = az
434                x[i] = x0 + radius_size * r * si
435                y[i] = y0 + radius_size * r * co
436                azp = az
437            else:
438                if np.fabs(np.fabs(az - azp) - np.pi) < D2R * 10.:
439                    azi[n][1] = azp
440                    n += 1
441                    azi[n][0] = az
442                if np.fabs(np.fabs(az - azp) - np.pi * 2.) < D2R * 2.:
443                    if azp < az:
444                        azi[n][0] += np.pi * 2.
445                    else:
446                        azi[n][0] -= np.pi * 2.
447                if n == 0:
448                    x[j] = x0 + radius_size * r * si
449                    y[j] = y0 + radius_size * r * co
450                    j += 1
451                elif n == 1:
452                    x2[j2] = x0 + radius_size * r * si
453                    y2[j2] = y0 + radius_size * r * co
454                    j2 += 1
455                elif n == 2:
456                    x3[j3] = x0 + radius_size * r * si
457                    y3[j3] = y0 + radius_size * r * co
458                    j3 += 1
459                azp = az
460    azi[n][1] = az
462    if v[1] < 0.:
463        rgb1 = 'b'
464        rgb2 = 'w'
465    else:
466        rgb1 = 'w'
467        rgb2 = 'b'
469    cir = patches.Ellipse(xy, width=width[0], height=width[1])
470    collect.append(cir)
471    colors.append(rgb2)
472    if n == 0:
473        collect.append(xy2patch(x[0:360], y[0:360], res, xy))
474        colors.append(rgb1)
475        return colors, collect
476    elif n == 1:
477        for i in range(0, j):
478            xp1[i] = x[i]
479            yp1[i] = y[i]
480        if azi[0][0] - azi[0][1] > np.pi:
481            azi[0][0] -= np.pi * 2.
482        elif azi[0][1] - azi[0][0] > np.pi:
483            azi[0][0] += np.pi * 2.
484        if azi[0][0] < azi[0][1]:
485            az = azi[0][1] - D2R
486            while az > azi[0][0]:
487                si = np.sin(az)
488                co = np.cos(az)
489                xp1[i] = x0 + radius_size * si
490                yp1[i] = y0 + radius_size * co
491                i += 1
492                az -= D2R
493        else:
494            az = azi[0][1] + D2R
495            while az < azi[0][0]:
496                si = np.sin(az)
497                co = np.cos(az)
498                xp1[i] = x0 + radius_size * si
499                yp1[i] = y0 + radius_size * co
500                i += 1
501                az += D2R
502        collect.append(xy2patch(xp1[0:i], yp1[0:i], res, xy))
503        colors.append(rgb1)
504        for i in range(0, j2):
505            xp2[i] = x2[i]
506            yp2[i] = y2[i]
507        if azi[1][0] - azi[1][1] > np.pi:
508            azi[1][0] -= np.pi * 2.
509        elif azi[1][1] - azi[1][0] > np.pi:
510            azi[1][0] += np.pi * 2.
511        if azi[1][0] < azi[1][1]:
512            az = azi[1][1] - D2R
513            while az > azi[1][0]:
514                si = np.sin(az)
515                co = np.cos(az)
516                xp2[i] = x0 + radius_size * si
517                i += 1
518                yp2[i] = y0 + radius_size * co
519                az -= D2R
520        else:
521            az = azi[1][1] + D2R
522            while az < azi[1][0]:
523                si = np.sin(az)
524                co = np.cos(az)
525                xp2[i] = x0 + radius_size * si
526                i += 1
527                yp2[i] = y0 + radius_size * co
528                az += D2R
529        collect.append(xy2patch(xp2[0:i], yp2[0:i], res, xy))
530        colors.append(rgb1)
531        return colors, collect
532    elif n == 2:
533        for i in range(0, j3):
534            xp1[i] = x3[i]
535            yp1[i] = y3[i]
536        for ii in range(0, j):
537            xp1[i] = x[ii]
538            i += 1
539            yp1[i] = y[ii]
540        if big_iso:
541            ii = j2 - 1
542            while ii >= 0:
543                xp1[i] = x2[ii]
544                i += 1
545                yp1[i] = y2[ii]
546                ii -= 1
547            collect.append(xy2patch(xp1[0:i], yp1[0:i], res, xy))
548            colors.append(rgb1)
549            return colors, collect
551        if azi[2][0] - azi[0][1] > np.pi:
552            azi[2][0] -= np.pi * 2.
553        elif azi[0][1] - azi[2][0] > np.pi:
554            azi[2][0] += np.pi * 2.
555        if azi[2][0] < azi[0][1]:
556            az = azi[0][1] - D2R
557            while az > azi[2][0]:
558                si = np.sin(az)
559                co = np.cos(az)
560                xp1[i] = x0 + radius_size * si
561                i += 1
562                yp1[i] = y0 + radius_size * co
563                az -= D2R
564        else:
565            az = azi[0][1] + D2R
566            while az < azi[2][0]:
567                si = np.sin(az)
568                co = np.cos(az)
569                xp1[i] = x0 + radius_size * si
570                i += 1
571                yp1[i] = y0 + radius_size * co
572                az += D2R
573        collect.append(xy2patch(xp1[0:i], yp1[0:i], res, xy))
574        colors.append(rgb1)
576        for i in range(0, j2):
577            xp2[i] = x2[i]
578            yp2[i] = y2[i]
579        if azi[1][0] - azi[1][1] > np.pi:
580            azi[1][0] -= np.pi * 2.
581        elif azi[1][1] - azi[1][0] > np.pi:
582            azi[1][0] += np.pi * 2.
583        if azi[1][0] < azi[1][1]:
584            az = azi[1][1] - D2R
585            while az > azi[1][0]:
586                si = np.sin(az)
587                co = np.cos(az)
588                xp2[i] = x0 + radius_size * si
589                i += 1
590                yp2[i] = y0 + radius_size * co
591                az -= D2R
592        else:
593            az = azi[1][1] + D2R
594            while az < azi[1][0]:
595                si = np.sin(az)
596                co = np.cos(az)
597                xp2[i] = x0 + radius_size * si
598                i += 1
599                yp2[i] = y0 + radius_size * co
600                az += D2R
601        collect.append(xy2patch(xp2[0:i], yp2[0:i], res, xy))
602        colors.append(rgb1)
603        return colors, collect
606def plot_dc(np1, size=200, xy=(0, 0), width=200):
607    """
608    Uses one nodal plane of a double couple to draw a beach ball plot.
610    :param ax: axis object of a matplotlib figure
611    :param np1: :class:`~NodalPlane`
613    Adapted from MATLAB script
614    `bb.m <http://www.ceri.memphis.edu/people/olboyd/Software/Software.html>`_
615    written by Andy Michael, Chen Ji and Oliver Boyd.
616    """
617    # check if one or two widths are specified (Circle or Ellipse)
618    try:
619        assert(len(width) == 2)
620    except TypeError:
621        width = (width, width)
622    s_1 = np1.strike
623    d_1 = np1.dip
624    r_1 = np1.rake
626    m = 0
627    if r_1 > 180:
628        r_1 -= 180
629        m = 1
630    if r_1 < 0:
631        r_1 += 180
632        m = 1
634    # Get azimuth and dip of second plane
635    (s_2, d_2, _r_2) = aux_plane(s_1, d_1, r_1)
637    d = size / 2
639    if d_1 >= 90:
640        d_1 = 89.9999
641    if d_2 >= 90:
642        d_2 = 89.9999
644    # arange checked for numerical stability, np.pi is not multiple of 0.1
645    phi = np.arange(0, np.pi, .01)
646    l1 = np.sqrt(
647        np.power(90 - d_1, 2) / (
648            np.power(np.sin(phi), 2) +
649            np.power(np.cos(phi), 2) *
650            np.power(90 - d_1, 2) / np.power(90, 2)))
651    l2 = np.sqrt(
652        np.power(90 - d_2, 2) / (
653            np.power(np.sin(phi), 2) + np.power(np.cos(phi), 2) *
654            np.power(90 - d_2, 2) / np.power(90, 2)))
656    collect = []
657    # plot paths, once for tension areas and once for pressure areas
658    for m_ in ((m + 1) % 2, m):
659        inc = 1
660        (x_1, y_1) = pol2cart(phi + s_1 * D2R, l1)
662        if m_ == 1:
663            lo = s_1 - 180
664            hi = s_2
665            if lo > hi:
666                inc = -1
667            th1 = np.arange(s_1 - 180, s_2, inc)
668            (xs_1, ys_1) = pol2cart(th1 * D2R, 90 * np.ones((1, len(th1))))
669            (x_2, y_2) = pol2cart(phi + s_2 * D2R, l2)
670            th2 = np.arange(s_2 + 180, s_1, -inc)
671        else:
672            hi = s_1 - 180
673            lo = s_2 - 180
674            if lo > hi:
675                inc = -1
676            th1 = np.arange(hi, lo, -inc)
677            (xs_1, ys_1) = pol2cart(th1 * D2R, 90 * np.ones((1, len(th1))))
678            (x_2, y_2) = pol2cart(phi + s_2 * D2R, l2)
679            x_2 = x_2[::-1]
680            y_2 = y_2[::-1]
681            th2 = np.arange(s_2, s_1, inc)
682        (xs_2, ys_2) = pol2cart(th2 * D2R, 90 * np.ones((1, len(th2))))
683        x = np.concatenate((x_1, xs_1[0], x_2, xs_2[0]))
684        y = np.concatenate((y_1, ys_1[0], y_2, ys_2[0]))
686        x = x * d / 90
687        y = y * d / 90
689        # calculate resolution
690        res = [value / float(size) for value in width]
692        # construct the patch
693        collect.append(xy2patch(y, x, res, xy))
694    return ['b', 'w'], collect
697def xy2patch(x, y, res, xy):
698    # check if one or two resolutions are specified (Circle or Ellipse)
699    try:
700        assert(len(res) == 2)
701    except TypeError:
702        res = (res, res)
703    # transform into the Path coordinate system
704    x = x * res[0] + xy[0]
705    y = y * res[1] + xy[1]
706    verts = list(zip(x.tolist(), y.tolist()))
707    codes = [mplpath.Path.MOVETO]
708    codes.extend([mplpath.Path.LINETO] * (len(x) - 2))
709    codes.append(mplpath.Path.CLOSEPOLY)
710    path = mplpath.Path(verts, codes)
711    return patches.PathPatch(path)
714def pol2cart(th, r):
715    """
716    """
717    x = r * np.cos(th)
718    y = r * np.sin(th)
719    return (x, y)
722def strike_dip(n, e, u):
723    """
724    Finds strike and dip of plane given normal vector having components n, e,
725    and u.
727    Adapted from MATLAB script
728    `bb.m <http://www.ceri.memphis.edu/people/olboyd/Software/Software.html>`_
729    written by Andy Michael, Chen Ji and Oliver Boyd.
730    """
731    r2d = 180 / np.pi
732    if u < 0:
733        n = -n
734        e = -e
735        u = -u
737    strike = np.arctan2(e, n) * r2d
738    strike = strike - 90
739    while strike >= 360:
740        strike = strike - 360
741    while strike < 0:
742        strike = strike + 360
743    x = np.sqrt(np.power(n, 2) + np.power(e, 2))
744    dip = np.arctan2(x, u) * r2d
745    return (strike, dip)
748def aux_plane(s1, d1, r1):
749    """
750    Get Strike and dip of second plane.
752    Adapted from MATLAB script
753    `bb.m <http://www.ceri.memphis.edu/people/olboyd/Software/Software.html>`_
754    written by Andy Michael, Chen Ji and Oliver Boyd.
755    """
756    r2d = 180 / np.pi
758    z = (s1 + 90) / r2d
759    z2 = d1 / r2d
760    z3 = r1 / r2d
761    # slick vector in plane 1
762    sl1 = -np.cos(z3) * np.cos(z) - np.sin(z3) * np.sin(z) * np.cos(z2)
763    sl2 = np.cos(z3) * np.sin(z) - np.sin(z3) * np.cos(z) * np.cos(z2)
764    sl3 = np.sin(z3) * np.sin(z2)
765    (strike, dip) = strike_dip(sl2, sl1, sl3)
767    n1 = np.sin(z) * np.sin(z2)  # normal vector to plane 1
768    n2 = np.cos(z) * np.sin(z2)
769    h1 = -sl2  # strike vector of plane 2
770    h2 = sl1
771    # note h3=0 always so we leave it out
772    # n3 = np.cos(z2)
774    z = h1 * n1 + h2 * n2
775    z = z / np.sqrt(h1 * h1 + h2 * h2)
776    # we might get above 1.0 only due to floating point
777    # precision. Clip for those cases.
778    float64epsilon = 2.2204460492503131e-16
779    if 1.0 < abs(z) < 1.0 + 100 * float64epsilon:
780        z = np.copysign(1.0, z)
781    z = np.arccos(z)
782    rake = 0
783    if sl3 > 0:
784        rake = z * r2d
785    if sl3 <= 0:
786        rake = -z * r2d
787    return (strike, dip, rake)
790def mt2plane(mt):
791    """
792    Calculates a nodal plane of a given moment tensor.
794    :param mt: :class:`~MomentTensor`
795    :return: :class:`~NodalPlane`
797    Adapted from MATLAB script
798    `bb.m <http://www.ceri.memphis.edu/people/olboyd/Software/Software.html>`_
799    written by Andy Michael, Chen Ji and Oliver Boyd.
800    """
801    (d, v) = np.linalg.eig(mt.mt)
802    d = np.array([d[1], d[0], d[2]])
803    v = np.array([[v[1, 1], -v[1, 0], -v[1, 2]],
804                 [v[2, 1], -v[2, 0], -v[2, 2]],
805                 [-v[0, 1], v[0, 0], v[0, 2]]])
806    imax = d.argmax()
807    imin = d.argmin()
808    ae = (v[:, imax] + v[:, imin]) / np.sqrt(2.0)
809    an = (v[:, imax] - v[:, imin]) / np.sqrt(2.0)
810    aer = np.sqrt(np.power(ae[0], 2) + np.power(ae[1], 2) + np.power(ae[2], 2))
811    anr = np.sqrt(np.power(an[0], 2) + np.power(an[1], 2) + np.power(an[2], 2))
812    ae = ae / aer
813    if not anr:
814        an = np.array([np.nan, np.nan, np.nan])
815    else:
816        an = an / anr
817    if an[2] <= 0.:
818        an1 = an
819        ae1 = ae
820    else:
821        an1 = -an
822        ae1 = -ae
823    (ft, fd, fl) = tdl(an1, ae1)
824    return NodalPlane(360 - ft, fd, 180 - fl)
827def tdl(an, bn):
828    """
829    Helper function for mt2plane.
831    Adapted from MATLAB script
832    `bb.m <http://www.ceri.memphis.edu/people/olboyd/Software/Software.html>`_
833    written by Andy Michael, Chen Ji and Oliver Boyd.
834    """
835    xn = an[0]
836    yn = an[1]
837    zn = an[2]
838    xe = bn[0]
839    ye = bn[1]
840    ze = bn[2]
841    aaa = 1.0 / (1000000)
842    con = 57.2957795
843    if np.fabs(zn) < aaa:
844        fd = 90.
845        axn = np.fabs(xn)
846        if axn > 1.0:
847            axn = 1.0
848        ft = np.arcsin(axn) * con
849        st = -xn
850        ct = yn
851        if st >= 0. and ct < 0:
852            ft = 180. - ft
853        if st < 0. and ct <= 0:
854            ft = 180. + ft
855        if st < 0. and ct > 0:
856            ft = 360. - ft
857        fl = np.arcsin(abs(ze)) * con
858        sl = -ze
859        if np.fabs(xn) < aaa:
860            cl = xe / yn
861        else:
862            cl = -ye / xn
863        if sl >= 0. and cl < 0:
864            fl = 180. - fl
865        if sl < 0. and cl <= 0:
866            fl = fl - 180.
867        if sl < 0. and cl > 0:
868            fl = -fl
869    else:
870        if -zn > 1.0:
871            zn = -1.0
872        fdh = np.arccos(-zn)
873        fd = fdh * con
874        sd = np.sin(fdh)
875        if sd == 0:
876            return
877        st = -xn / sd
878        ct = yn / sd
879        sx = np.fabs(st)
880        if sx > 1.0:
881            sx = 1.0
882        ft = np.arcsin(sx) * con
883        if st >= 0. and ct < 0:
884            ft = 180. - ft
885        if st < 0. and ct <= 0:
886            ft = 180. + ft
887        if st < 0. and ct > 0:
888            ft = 360. - ft
889        sl = -ze / sd
890        sx = np.fabs(sl)
891        if sx > 1.0:
892            sx = 1.0
893        fl = np.arcsin(sx) * con
894        if st == 0:
895            cl = xe / ct
896        else:
897            xxx = yn * zn * ze / sd / sd + ye
898            cl = -sd * xxx / xn
899            if ct == 0:
900                cl = ye / st
901        if sl >= 0. and cl < 0:
902            fl = 180. - fl
903        if sl < 0. and cl <= 0:
904            fl = fl - 180.
905        if sl < 0. and cl > 0:
906            fl = -fl
907    return (ft, fd, fl)
910def mt2axes(mt):
911    """
912    Calculates the principal axes of a given moment tensor.
914    :param mt: :class:`~MomentTensor`
915    :return: tuple of :class:`~PrincipalAxis` T, N and P
917    Adapted from ps_tensor / utilmeca.c /
918    `Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) <https://gmt.soest.hawaii.edu>`_.
919    """
920    (d, v) = np.linalg.eigh(mt.mt)
921    pl = np.arcsin(-v[0])
922    az = np.arctan2(v[2], -v[1])
923    for i in range(0, 3):
924        if pl[i] <= 0:
925            pl[i] = -pl[i]
926            az[i] += np.pi
927        if az[i] < 0:
928            az[i] += 2 * np.pi
929        if az[i] > 2 * np.pi:
930            az[i] -= 2 * np.pi
931    pl *= R2D
932    az *= R2D
934    t = PrincipalAxis(d[2], az[2], pl[2])
935    n = PrincipalAxis(d[1], az[1], pl[1])
936    p = PrincipalAxis(d[0], az[0], pl[0])
937    return (t, n, p)
940class PrincipalAxis(object):
941    """
942    A principal axis.
944    Strike and dip values are in degrees.
946    >>> a = PrincipalAxis(1.3, 20, 50)
947    >>> a.dip
948    50
949    >>> a.strike
950    20
951    >>> a.val
952    1.3
953    """
954    def __init__(self, val=0, strike=0, dip=0):
955        self.val = val
956        self.strike = strike
957        self.dip = dip
960class NodalPlane(object):
961    """
962    A nodal plane.
964    All values are in degrees.
966    >>> a = NodalPlane(13, 20, 50)
967    >>> a.strike
968    13
969    >>> a.dip
970    20
971    >>> a.rake
972    50
973    """
974    def __init__(self, strike=0, dip=0, rake=0):
975        self.strike = strike
976        self.dip = dip
977        self.rake = rake
980class MomentTensor(object):
981    """
982    A moment tensor.
984    >>> a = MomentTensor(1, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 26)
985    >>> b = MomentTensor(np.array([1, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1]), 26)
986    >>> c = MomentTensor(np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, -1], [0, -1, 0]]), 26)
987    >>> a.mt
988    array([[ 1,  0,  0],
989           [ 0,  1, -1],
990           [ 0, -1,  0]])
991    >>> b.yz
992    -1
993    >>> a.expo
994    26
995    """
996    def __init__(self, *args):
997        if len(args) == 2:
998            a = args[0]
999            self.expo = args[1]
1000            if len(a) == 6:
1001                # six independent components
1002                self.mt = np.array([[a[0], a[3], a[4]],
1003                                    [a[3], a[1], a[5]],
1004                                    [a[4], a[5], a[2]]])
1005            elif isinstance(a, np.ndarray) and a.shape == (3, 3):
1006                # full matrix
1007                self.mt = a
1008            else:
1009                raise TypeError("Wrong size of input parameter.")
1010        elif len(args) == 7:
1011            # six independent components
1012            self.mt = np.array([[args[0], args[3], args[4]],
1013                                [args[3], args[1], args[5]],
1014                                [args[4], args[5], args[2]]])
1015            self.expo = args[6]
1016        else:
1017            raise TypeError("Wrong size of input parameter.")
1019    @property
1020    def normalized(self):
1021        return MomentTensor(self.mt_normalized, self.expo)
1023    @property
1024    def mt_normalized(self):
1025        return self.mt / np.linalg.norm(self.mt)
1027    @property
1028    def xx(self):
1029        return self.mt[0][0]
1031    @property
1032    def xy(self):
1033        return self.mt[0][1]
1035    @property
1036    def xz(self):
1037        return self.mt[0][2]
1039    @property
1040    def yz(self):
1041        return self.mt[1][2]
1043    @property
1044    def yy(self):
1045        return self.mt[1][1]
1047    @property
1048    def zz(self):
1049        return self.mt[2][2]
1052if __name__ == '__main__':
1053    import doctest
1054    doctest.testmod()