1#!/usr/bin/env python
2# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3# ------------------------------------------------------------------
4# Filename: mopad.py
5#  Purpose: Moment tensor Plotting and Decomposition tool
6#   Author: Lars Krieger, Sebastian Heimann
7#    Email: lars.krieger@zmaw.de, sebastian.heimann@zmaw.de
9# Copyright (C) 2010 Lars Krieger, Sebastian Heimann
10# --------------------------------------------------------------------
12# Completely skip this file for flake8 testing - it is not our code.
14# flake8: noqa
16MoPaD command line utility.
18USAGE: obspy-mopad [plot,decompose,gmt,convert] SOURCE_MECHANISM [OPTIONS]
22    #######################################################################
23    #########################   MoPaD  ####################################
24    ######### Moment tensor Plotting and Decomposition tool ###############
25    #######################################################################
27    Multi method tool for:
29    - Plotting and saving of focal sphere diagrams ('Beachballs').
31    - Decomposition and Conversion of seismic moment tensors.
33    - Generating coordinates, describing a focal sphere diagram, to be
34      piped into GMT's psxy (Useful where psmeca or pscoupe fail.)
36    For more help, please run ``python mopad.py --help``.
39    #######################################################################
41    Version  0.7
43    #######################################################################
45    Copyright (C) 2010
46    Lars Krieger & Sebastian Heimann
48    Contact
49    lars.krieger@zmaw.de  &  sebastian.heimann@zmaw.de
51    #######################################################################
53    License:
55    GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
57    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
58    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
59    as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
60    of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
62    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
63    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
65    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
67    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
68    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
69    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
70    02110-1301, USA.
72from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
73                        unicode_literals)
74from future.builtins import *  # NOQA
76import io
77import math
78import os
79import os.path
80import sys
82import numpy as np
84from obspy import __version__
90# constants:
91dynecm = 1e-7
92pi = np.pi
94epsilon = 1e-13
96rad2deg = 180. / pi
99class MTError(Exception):
100    pass
103class MomentTensor:
104    """
105    """
106    def __init__(self, M=None, system='NED', debug=0):
107        """
108        Creates a moment tensor object on the basis of a provided mechanism M.
110        If M is a non symmetric 3x3-matrix, the upper right triangle
111        of the matrix is taken as reference. M is symmetrisised
112        w.r.t. these entries. If M is provided as a 3-,4-,6-,7-tuple
113        or array, it is converted into a matrix internally according
114        to standard conventions (Aki & Richards).
116        'system' may be chosen as 'NED','USE','NWU', or 'XYZ'.
118        'debug' enables output on the shell at the intermediate steps.
119        """
121        source_mechanism = M
122        self._original_M = M[:]
124        # basis system:
125        self._input_basis = 'NED'
126        self._list_of_possible_input_bases = ['NED', 'USE', 'XYZ', 'NWU']
127        self._list_of_possible_output_bases = ['NED', 'USE', 'XYZ', 'NWU']
129        self._input_basis = system.upper()
131        # bring M to symmetric matrix form
132        self._M = self._setup_M(source_mechanism)
134        # transform M into NED system for internal calculations
135        self._rotate_2_NED()
137        #
138        # set attributes list
139        #
141        # decomposition:
142        self._decomposition_key = 20
144        # eigenvector / principal-axes system:
145        self._eigenvalues = None
146        self._eigenvectors = None
147        self._null_axis = None
148        self._t_axis = None
149        self._p_axis = None
150        self._rotation_matrix = None
152        # optional - maybe set afterwards by external application - for later
153        # plotting:
154        self._best_faultplane = None
155        self._auxiliary_plane = None
157        #
158        # RUN:
159        #
161        # carry out the MT decomposition - results are in basis NED
162        self._decompose_M()
164        # set the appropriate principal axis system:
165        self._M_to_principal_axis_system()
167    def _setup_M(self, mech):
168        """
169        Brings the provided mechanism into symmetric 3x3 matrix form.
171        The source mechanism may be provided in different forms:
173        * as 3x3 matrix - symmetry is checked - one basis system has to be
174           chosen, or NED as default is taken
175        * as 3-element tuple or array - interpreted as strike, dip, slip-rake
176           angles in degree
177        * as 4-element tuple or array - interpreted as strike, dip, slip-rake
178          angles in degree + seismic scalar moment in Nm
179        * as 6-element tuple or array - interpreted as the 6 independent
180          entries of the moment tensor
181        * as 7-element tuple or array - interpreted as the 6 independent
182          entries of the moment tensor + seismic scalar moment in Nm
183        * as 9-element tuple or array - interpreted as the 9 entries of the
184          moment tensor - checked for symmetry
185        * as a nesting of one of the upper types (e.g. a list of n-tuples);
186          first element of outer nesting is taken
187        """
188        # set source mechanism to matrix form
190        if mech is None:
191            print('\n ERROR !! - Please provide a mechanism !!\n')
192            raise MTError(' !! ')
194        # if some stupid nesting occurs
195        if len(mech) == 1:
196            mech = mech[0]
198        # all 9 elements are given
199        if np.prod(np.shape(mech)) == 9:
200            if np.shape(mech)[0] == 3:
201                # assure symmetry:
202                mech[1, 0] = mech[0, 1]
203                mech[2, 0] = mech[0, 2]
204                mech[2, 1] = mech[1, 2]
205                new_M = mech
206            else:
207                new_M = np.array(mech).reshape(3, 3).copy()
208                new_M[1, 0] = new_M[0, 1]
209                new_M[2, 0] = new_M[0, 2]
210                new_M[2, 1] = new_M[1, 2]
212        # mechanism given as 6- or 7-tuple, list or array
213        if len(mech) == 6 or len(mech) == 7:
214            M = mech
215            new_M = np.matrix([M[0], M[3], M[4],
216                              M[3], M[1], M[5],
217                              M[4], M[5], M[2]]).reshape(3, 3)
219            if len(mech) == 7:
220                new_M *= M[6]
222        # if given as strike, dip, rake, conventions from Jost & Herrmann hold
223        # resulting matrix is in NED-basis:
224        if len(mech) == 3 or len(mech) == 4:
225            try:
226                [float(val) for val in mech]
227            except Exception:
228                msg = "angles must be given as floats, separated by commas"
229                sys.exit('\n  ERROR -  %s\n  ' % msg)
231            strike = mech[0]
232            if not 0 <= strike <= 360:
233                msg = "strike angle must be between 0° and 360°"
234                sys.exit('\n  ERROR -  %s\n  ' % msg)
235            dip = mech[1]
236            if not -90 <= dip <= 90:
237                msg = "dip angle must be between -90° and 90°"
238                sys.exit('\n  ERROR -  %s\n  ' % msg)
239            rake = mech[2]
240            if not -180 <= rake <= 180:
241                msg = "slip-rake angle must be between -180° and 180°"
242                sys.exit('\n  ERROR -  %s\n  ' % msg)
244            moms = strikediprake_2_moments(strike, dip, rake)
246            new_M = np.matrix([moms[0], moms[3], moms[4],
247                              moms[3], moms[1], moms[5],
248                              moms[4], moms[5], moms[2]]).reshape(3, 3)
250            if len(mech) == 4:
251                new_M *= mech[3]
253            # to assure right basis system - others are meaningless, provided
254            # these angles
255            self._input_basis = 'NED'
257        return np.asmatrix(new_M)
259    def _rotate_2_NED(self):
260        """
261        Rotates the mechanism to the basis NED.
263        All internal calculations are carried out within the NED space.
264        """
265        if self._input_basis not in self._list_of_possible_input_bases:
266            print('provided input basis not implemented - please specify one',
267                  end=' ')
268            print('of the following bases:',
269                  self._list_of_possible_input_bases)
270            raise MTError(' !! ')
272        NED_2_NED = np.asmatrix(np.diag([1, 1, 1]))
274        rotmat_USE_2_NED = NED_2_NED.copy()
275        rotmat_USE_2_NED[:] = 0
276        rotmat_USE_2_NED[0, 1] = -1
277        rotmat_USE_2_NED[1, 2] = 1
278        rotmat_USE_2_NED[2, 0] = -1
280        rotmat_XYZ_2_NED = NED_2_NED.copy()
281        rotmat_XYZ_2_NED[:] = 0
282        rotmat_XYZ_2_NED[0, 1] = 1
283        rotmat_XYZ_2_NED[1, 0] = 1
284        rotmat_XYZ_2_NED[2, 2] = -1
286        rotmat_NWU_2_NED = NED_2_NED.copy()
287        rotmat_NWU_2_NED[1, 1] = -1
288        rotmat_NWU_2_NED[2, 2] = -1
290        if self._input_basis == 'NED':
291            pass
292        elif self._input_basis == 'USE':
293            self._M = np.dot(rotmat_USE_2_NED,
294                             np.dot(self._M, rotmat_USE_2_NED.T))
295        elif self._input_basis == 'XYZ':
296            self._M = np.dot(rotmat_XYZ_2_NED,
297                             np.dot(self._M, rotmat_XYZ_2_NED.T))
298        elif self._input_basis == 'NWU':
299            self._M = np.dot(rotmat_NWU_2_NED,
300                             np.dot(self._M, rotmat_NWU_2_NED.T))
302    def _decompose_M(self):
303        """
304        Running the decomposition of the moment tensor object.
306        the standard decompositions M = Isotropic + DC + (CLVD or 2nd DC) are
307        supported (C.f. Jost & Herrmann, Aki & Richards)
308        """
309        if self._decomposition_key == 20:
310            self._standard_decomposition()
311        elif self._decomposition_key == 21:
312            self._decomposition_w_2DC()
313        elif self._decomposition_key == 31:
314            self._decomposition_w_3DC()
315        else:
316            raise MTError(' only standard decompositions supported ')
318    def _standard_decomposition(self):
319        """
320        Decomposition according Aki & Richards and Jost & Herrmann into
322        isotropic + deviatoric
323        = isotropic + DC + CLVD
325        parts of the input moment tensor.
327        results are given as attributes, callable via the get_* function:
329        DC, CLVD, DC_percentage, seismic_moment, moment_magnitude
330        """
331        M = self._M
333        # isotropic part
334        M_iso = np.diag(np.array([1. / 3 * np.trace(M),
335                                 1. / 3 * np.trace(M),
336                                 1. / 3 * np.trace(M)]))
337        M0_iso = abs(1. / 3 * np.trace(M))
339        # deviatoric part
340        M_devi = M - M_iso
342        self._isotropic = M_iso
343        self._deviatoric = M_devi
345        # eigenvalues and -vectors
346        eigenwtot, eigenvtot = np.linalg.eig(M)
348        # eigenvalues and -vectors of the deviatoric part
349        eigenw1, eigenv1 = np.linalg.eig(M_devi)
351        # eigenvalues in ascending order:
352        eigenw = np.real(np.take(eigenw1, np.argsort(abs(eigenwtot))))
353        eigenv = np.real(np.take(eigenv1, np.argsort(abs(eigenwtot)), 1))
355        # eigenvalues in ascending order in absolute value!!:
356        eigenw_devi = np.real(np.take(eigenw1, np.argsort(abs(eigenw1))))
358        M0_devi = max(abs(eigenw_devi))
360        # named according to Jost & Herrmann:
361        a1 = eigenv[:, 0]
362        a2 = eigenv[:, 1]
363        a3 = eigenv[:, 2]
365        # eigen values can be zero in some cases. this is handled in the
366        # following try/except.
367        with np.errstate(all='ignore'):
368            F = -eigenw_devi[0] / eigenw_devi[2]
370            M_DC = \
371                eigenw[2] * (1 - 2 * F) * (np.outer(a3, a3) - np.outer(a2, a2))
372            M_CLVD = eigenw[2] * F * (2 * np.outer(a3, a3) - np.outer(a2, a2) -
373                                      np.outer(a1, a1))
375        try:
376            M_DC_percentage = int(round((1 - 2 * abs(F)) * 100, 6))
377        except ValueError:
378            # this should only occur in the pure isotropic case
379            M_DC_percentage = 0.
381        # according to Bowers & Hudson:
382        M0 = M0_iso + M0_devi
384        M_iso_percentage = int(round(M0_iso / M0 * 100, 6))
385        self._iso_percentage = M_iso_percentage
387        self._DC = M_DC
388        self._CLVD = M_CLVD
389        self._DC_percentage = int(round((100 - M_iso_percentage) *
390                                        M_DC_percentage / 100.))
392        self._seismic_moment = M0
393        self._moment_magnitude = \
394            np.log10(self._seismic_moment * 1.0e7) / 1.5 - 10.7
396    def _decomposition_w_2DC(self):
397        """
398        Decomposition according Aki & Richards and Jost & Herrmann into
400        isotropic + deviatoric
401        = isotropic + DC + DC2
403        parts of the input moment tensor.
405        results are given as attributes, callable via the get_* function:
407        DC1, DC2, DC_percentage, seismic_moment, moment_magnitude
408        """
409        M = self._M
411        # isotropic part
412        M_iso = np.diag(np.array([1. / 3 * np.trace(M),
413                                 1. / 3 * np.trace(M),
414                                 1. / 3 * np.trace(M)]))
415        M0_iso = abs(1. / 3 * np.trace(M))
417        # deviatoric part
418        M_devi = M - M_iso
420        self._isotropic = M_iso
421        self._deviatoric = M_devi
423        # eigenvalues and -vectors of the deviatoric part
424        eigenw1, eigenv1 = np.linalg.eig(M_devi)
426        # eigenvalues in ascending order of their absolute values:
427        eigenw = np.real(np.take(eigenw1, np.argsort(abs(eigenw1))))
428        eigenv = np.real(np.take(eigenv1, np.argsort(abs(eigenw1)), 1))
430        M0_devi = max(abs(eigenw))
432        # named according to Jost & Herrmann:
433        a1 = eigenv[:, 0]
434        a2 = eigenv[:, 1]
435        a3 = eigenv[:, 2]
437        M_DC = eigenw[2] * (np.outer(a3, a3) - np.outer(a2, a2))
438        M_DC2 = eigenw[0] * (np.outer(a1, a1) - np.outer(a2, a2))
440        M_DC_percentage = int(round(abs(eigenw[2] / (abs(eigenw[2]) +
441                                                     abs(eigenw[0]))) * 100.))
443        # according to Bowers & Hudson:
444        M0 = M0_iso + M0_devi
446        M_iso_percentage = int(round(M0_iso / M0 * 100))
447        self._iso_percentage = M_iso_percentage
449        self._DC = M_DC
450        self._DC2 = M_DC2
451        # self._DC_percentage =  M_DC_percentage
452        self._DC_percentage = int(round((100 - M_iso_percentage) *
453                                        M_DC_percentage / 100.))
454        # and M_DC2_percentage?
456        self._seismic_moment = M0
457        self._moment_magnitude = \
458            np.log10(self._seismic_moment * 1.0e7) / 1.5 - 10.7
460    def _decomposition_w_3DC(self):
461        """
462        Decomposition according Aki & Richards and Jost & Herrmann into
464        - isotropic
465        - deviatoric
466        - 3 DC
468        parts of the input moment tensor.
470        results are given as attributes, callable via the get_* function:
472        DC1, DC2, DC3, DC_percentage, seismic_moment, moment_magnitude
473        """
474        M = self._M
476        # isotropic part
477        M_iso = np.diag(np.array([1. / 3 * np.trace(M),
478                                 1. / 3 * np.trace(M),
479                                 1. / 3 * np.trace(M)]))
480        M0_iso = abs(1. / 3 * np.trace(M))
482        # deviatoric part
483        M_devi = M - M_iso
485        self._isotropic = M_iso
486        self._deviatoric = M_devi
488        # eigenvalues and -vectors of the deviatoric part
489        eigenw1, eigenv1 = np.linalg.eig(M_devi)
490        M0_devi = max(abs(eigenw1))
492        # eigenvalues and -vectors of the full M !!!!!!!!
493        eigenw1, eigenv1 = np.linalg.eig(M)
495        # eigenvalues in ascending order of their absolute values:
496        eigenw = np.real(np.take(eigenw1, np.argsort(abs(eigenw1))))
497        eigenv = np.real(np.take(eigenv1, np.argsort(abs(eigenw1)), 1))
499        # named according to Jost & Herrmann:
500        a1 = eigenv[:, 0]
501        a2 = eigenv[:, 1]
502        a3 = eigenv[:, 2]
504        M_DC1 = 1. / 3. * (eigenw[0] - eigenw[1]) * (np.outer(a1, a1) -
505                                                     np.outer(a2, a2))
506        M_DC2 = 1. / 3. * (eigenw[1] - eigenw[2]) * (np.outer(a2, a2) -
507                                                     np.outer(a3, a3))
508        M_DC3 = 1. / 3. * (eigenw[2] - eigenw[0]) * (np.outer(a3, a3) -
509                                                     np.outer(a1, a1))
511        M_DC1_perc = int(100 * abs((eigenw[0] - eigenw[1])) /
512                         (abs((eigenw[1] - eigenw[2])) +
513                          abs((eigenw[1] - eigenw[2])) +
514                          abs((eigenw[2] - eigenw[0]))))
515        M_DC2_perc = int(100 * abs((eigenw[1] - eigenw[2])) /
516                         (abs((eigenw[1] - eigenw[2])) +
517                          abs((eigenw[1] - eigenw[2])) +
518                          abs((eigenw[2] - eigenw[0]))))
520        self._DC = M_DC1
521        self._DC2 = M_DC2
522        self._DC3 = M_DC3
524        self._DC_percentage = M_DC1_perc
525        self._DC2_percentage = M_DC2_perc
527        # according to Bowers & Hudson:
528        M0 = M0_iso + M0_devi
530        M_iso_percentage = int(M0_iso / M0 * 100)
531        self._iso_percentage = M_iso_percentage
533        # self._seismic_moment   = np.sqrt(1./2*nnp.sum(eigenw**2) )
534        self._seismic_moment = M0
535        self._moment_magnitude = \
536            np.log10(self._seismic_moment * 1.0e7) / 1.5 - 10.7
538    def _M_to_principal_axis_system(self):
539        """
540        Read in Matrix M and set up eigenvalues (EW) and eigenvectors
541        (EV) for setting up the principal axis system.
543        The internal convention is the 'HNS'-system: H is the
544        eigenvector for the smallest absolute eigenvalue, S is the
545        eigenvector for the largest absolute eigenvalue, N is the null
546        axis.
548        Naming due to the geometry: a CLVD is
549        Symmetric to the S-axis,
550        Null-axis is common sense, and the third (auxiliary) axis
551        Helps to construct the R³.
553        Additionally builds matrix for basis transformation back to NED system.
555        The eigensystem setup defines the colouring order for a later
556        plotting in the BeachBall class. This order is set by the
557        '_plot_clr_order' attribute.
558        """
559        M = self._M
560        M_devi = self._deviatoric
562        # working in framework of 3 principal axes:
563        # eigenvalues (EW) are in order from high to low
564        # - neutral axis N, belongs to middle EW
565        # - symmetry axis S ('sigma') belongs to EW with largest absolute value
566        #   (P- or T-axis)
567        # - auxiliary axis H ('help') belongs to remaining EW (T- or P-axis)
568        # EW sorting from lowest to highest value
569        EW_devi, EV_devi = np.linalg.eigh(M_devi)
570        EW_order = np.argsort(EW_devi)
572        # print('order', EW_order)
574        if 1:  # self._plot_isotropic_part:
575            trace_M = np.trace(M)
576            if abs(trace_M) < epsilon:
577                trace_M = 0
578            EW, EV = np.linalg.eigh(M)
579            for i, ew in enumerate(EW):
580                if abs(EW[i]) < epsilon:
581                    EW[i] = 0
582        else:
583            trace_M = np.trace(M_devi)
584            if abs(trace_M) < epsilon:
585                trace_M = 0
587            EW, EV = np.linalg.eigh(M_devi)
588            for i, ew in enumerate(EW):
589                if abs(EW[i]) < epsilon:
590                    EW[i] = 0
592        EW1_devi = EW_devi[EW_order[0]]
593        EW2_devi = EW_devi[EW_order[1]]
594        EW3_devi = EW_devi[EW_order[2]]
595        EV1_devi = EV_devi[:, EW_order[0]]
596        EV2_devi = EV_devi[:, EW_order[1]]
597        EV3_devi = EV_devi[:, EW_order[2]]
599        EW1 = EW[EW_order[0]]
600        EW2 = EW[EW_order[1]]
601        EW3 = EW[EW_order[2]]
602        EV1 = EV[:, EW_order[0]]
603        EV2 = EV[:, EW_order[1]]
604        EV3 = EV[:, EW_order[2]]
606        chng_basis_tmp = np.asmatrix(np.zeros((3, 3)))
607        chng_basis_tmp[:, 0] = EV1_devi
608        chng_basis_tmp[:, 1] = EV2_devi
609        chng_basis_tmp[:, 2] = EV3_devi
611        symmetry_around_tension = 1
612        clr = 1
614        if abs(EW2_devi) < epsilon:
615            EW2_devi = 0
617        # implosion
618        if EW1 < 0 and EW2 < 0 and EW3 < 0:
619            symmetry_around_tension = 0
620            # logger.debug( 'IMPLOSION - symmetry around pressure axis \n\n')
621            clr = 1
622        # explosion
623        elif EW1 > 0 and EW2 > 0 and EW3 > 0:
624            symmetry_around_tension = 1
625            if abs(EW1_devi) > abs(EW3_devi):
626                symmetry_around_tension = 0
627            # logger.debug( 'EXPLOSION - symmetry around tension axis \n\n')
628            clr = -1
629        # net-implosion
630        elif EW2 < 0 and sum([EW1, EW2, EW3]) < 0:
631            if abs(EW1_devi) < abs(EW3_devi):
632                symmetry_around_tension = 1
633                clr = 1
634            else:
635                symmetry_around_tension = 1
636                clr = 1
637        # net-implosion
638        elif EW2_devi >= 0 and sum([EW1, EW2, EW3]) < 0:
639            symmetry_around_tension = 0
640            clr = -1
641            if abs(EW1_devi) < abs(EW3_devi):
642                symmetry_around_tension = 1
643                clr = 1
644        # net-explosion
645        elif EW2_devi < 0 and sum([EW1, EW2, EW3]) > 0:
646            symmetry_around_tension = 1
647            clr = 1
648            if abs(EW1_devi) > abs(EW3_devi):
649                symmetry_around_tension = 0
650                clr = -1
651        # net-explosion
652        elif EW2_devi >= 0 and sum([EW1, EW2, EW3]) > 0:
653            symmetry_around_tension = 0
654            clr = -1
655        else:
656            pass
657        if abs(EW1_devi) < abs(EW3_devi):
658            symmetry_around_tension = 1
659            clr = 1
660            if 0:  # EW2 > 0 :#or (EW2 > 0 and EW2_devi > 0) :
661                symmetry_around_tension = 0
662                clr = -1
664        if abs(EW1_devi) >= abs(EW3_devi):
665            symmetry_around_tension = 0
666            clr = -1
667            if 0:  # EW2 < 0 :
668                symmetry_around_tension = 1
669                clr = 1
670        if (EW3 < 0 and np.trace(self._M) >= 0):
671            print('Houston, we have had a problem  - check M !!!!!!')
672            raise MTError(' !! ')
674        if trace_M == 0:
675            if EW2 == 0:
676                symmetry_around_tension = 1
677                clr = 1
678            elif 2 * abs(EW2) == abs(EW1) or 2 * abs(EW2) == abs(EW3):
679                if abs(EW1) < EW3:
680                    symmetry_around_tension = 1
681                    clr = 1
682                else:
683                    symmetry_around_tension = 0
684                    clr = -1
685            else:
686                if abs(EW1) < EW3:
687                    symmetry_around_tension = 1
688                    clr = 1
689                else:
690                    symmetry_around_tension = 0
691                    clr = -1
693        if symmetry_around_tension == 1:
694            EWs = EW3.copy()
695            EVs = EV3.copy()
696            EWh = EW1.copy()
697            EVh = EV1.copy()
699        else:
700            EWs = EW1.copy()
701            EVs = EV1.copy()
702            EWh = EW3.copy()
703            EVh = EV3.copy()
705        EWn = EW2
706        EVn = EV2
708        # build the basis system change matrix:
709        chng_basis = np.asmatrix(np.zeros((3, 3)))
711        # order of eigenvector's basis: (H,N,S)
712        chng_basis[:, 0] = EVh
713        chng_basis[:, 1] = EVn
714        chng_basis[:, 2] = EVs
716        # matrix for basis transformation
717        self._rotation_matrix = chng_basis
719        # collections of eigenvectors and eigenvalues
720        self._eigenvectors = [EVh, EVn, EVs]
721        self._eigenvalues = [EWh, EWn, EWs]
723        # principal axes
724        self._null_axis = EVn
725        self._t_axis = EV1
726        self._p_axis = EV3
728        # plotting order flag - important for plot in BeachBall class
729        self._plot_clr_order = clr
731        # collection of the faultplanes, given in strike, dip, slip-rake
732        self._faultplanes = self._find_faultplanes()
734    def _find_faultplanes(self):
735        """
736        Sets the two angle-triples, describing the faultplanes of the
737        Double Couple, defined by the eigenvectors P and T of the
738        moment tensor object.
740        Defining a reference Double Couple with strike = dip =
741        slip-rake = 0, the moment tensor object's DC is transformed
742        (rotated) w.r.t. this orientation. The respective rotation
743        matrix yields the first fault plane angles as the Euler
744        angles. After flipping the first reference plane by
745        multiplying the appropriate flip-matrix, one gets the second fault
746        plane's geometry.
748        All output angles are in degree
750        (
751        to check:
752        mit Sebastians Konventionen:
754        rotationsmatrix1 = EV Matrix von M, allerdings in der Reihenfolge TNP
755            (nicht, wie hier PNT!!!)
757        referenz-DC mit strike, dip, rake = 0,0,0  in NED - Darstellung:
758            M = 0,0,0,0,-1,0
760        davon die EV ebenfalls in eine Matrix:
762        trafo-matrix2 = EV Matrix von Referenz-DC in der REihenfolge TNP
764        effektive Rotationsmatrix = (rotationsmatrix1  * trafo-matrix2.T).T
766        durch check, ob det <0, schauen, ob die Matrix mit -1 multipliziert
767            werden muss
769        flip_matrix = 0,0,-1,0,-1,0,-1,0,0
771        andere DC Orientierung wird durch flip * effektive Rotationsmatrix
772            erhalten
774        beide Rotataionmatrizen in matrix_2_euler
775        )
776        """
777        # reference Double Couple (in NED basis)
778        # it has strike, dip, slip-rake = 0,0,0
779        refDC = np.matrix([[0., 0., -1.], [0., 0., 0.], [-1., 0., 0.]],
780                          dtype=np.float)
781        refDC_evals, refDC_evecs = np.linalg.eigh(refDC)
783        # matrix which is turning from one fault plane to the other
784        flip_dc = np.matrix([[0., 0., -1.], [0., -1., 0.], [-1., 0., 0.]],
785                            dtype=np.float)
787        # euler-tools need matrices of EV sorted in PNT:
788        pnt_sorted_EV_matrix = self._rotation_matrix.copy()
790        # resort only necessary, if abs(p) <= abs(t)
791        # print(self._plot_clr_order)
792        if self._plot_clr_order < 0:
793            pnt_sorted_EV_matrix[:, 0] = self._rotation_matrix[:, 2]
794            pnt_sorted_EV_matrix[:, 2] = self._rotation_matrix[:, 0]
796        # rotation matrix, describing the rotation of the eigenvector
797        # system of the input moment tensor into the eigenvector
798        # system of the reference Double Couple
799        rot_matrix_fp1 = (np.dot(pnt_sorted_EV_matrix, refDC_evecs.T)).T
801        # check, if rotation has right orientation
802        if np.linalg.det(rot_matrix_fp1) < 0.:
803            rot_matrix_fp1 *= -1.
805        # adding a rotation into the ambiguous system of the second fault plane
806        rot_matrix_fp2 = np.dot(flip_dc, rot_matrix_fp1)
808        fp1 = self._find_strike_dip_rake(rot_matrix_fp1)
809        fp2 = self._find_strike_dip_rake(rot_matrix_fp2)
811        return [fp1, fp2]
813    def _find_strike_dip_rake(self, rotation_matrix):
814        """
815        Returns angles strike, dip, slip-rake in degrees, describing the fault
816        plane.
817        """
818        (alpha, beta, gamma) = self._matrix_to_euler(rotation_matrix)
819        return (beta * rad2deg, alpha * rad2deg, -gamma * rad2deg)
821    def _cvec(self, x, y, z):
822        """
823        Builds a column vector (matrix type) from a 3 tuple.
824        """
825        return np.matrix([[x, y, z]], dtype=np.float).T
827    def _matrix_to_euler(self, rotmat):
828        """
829        Returns three Euler angles alpha, beta, gamma (in radians) from a
830        rotation matrix.
831        """
832        ex = self._cvec(1., 0., 0.)
833        ez = self._cvec(0., 0., 1.)
834        exs = rotmat.T * ex
835        ezs = rotmat.T * ez
836        enodes = np.cross(ez.T, ezs.T).T
837        if np.linalg.norm(enodes) < 1e-10:
838            enodes = exs
839        enodess = rotmat * enodes
840        cos_alpha = float((ez.T * ezs))
841        if cos_alpha > 1.:
842            cos_alpha = 1.
843        if cos_alpha < -1.:
844            cos_alpha = -1.
845        alpha = np.arccos(cos_alpha)
846        beta = np.mod(np.arctan2(enodes[1, 0], enodes[0, 0]), np.pi * 2.)
847        gamma = np.mod(-np.arctan2(enodess[1, 0], enodess[0, 0]), np.pi * 2.)
848        return self._unique_euler(alpha, beta, gamma)
850    def _unique_euler(self, alpha, beta, gamma):
851        """
852        Uniquify euler angle triplet.
854        Puts euler angles into ranges compatible with (dip,strike,-rake) in
855        seismology:
857            alpha (dip)   : [0, pi/2]
858            beta (strike) : [0, 2*pi)
859            gamma (-rake) : [-pi, pi)
861        If alpha is near to zero, beta is replaced by beta+gamma and gamma is
862        set to zero, to prevent that additional ambiguity.
864        If alpha is near to pi/2, beta is put into the range [0,pi).
865        """
866        alpha = np.mod(alpha, 2.0 * pi)
868        if 0.5 * pi < alpha and alpha <= pi:
869            alpha = pi - alpha
870            beta = beta + pi
871            gamma = 2.0 * pi - gamma
872        elif pi < alpha and alpha <= 1.5 * pi:
873            alpha = alpha - pi
874            gamma = pi - gamma
875        elif 1.5 * pi < alpha and alpha <= 2.0 * pi:
876            alpha = 2.0 * pi - alpha
877            beta = beta + pi
878            gamma = pi + gamma
880        alpha = np.mod(alpha, 2.0 * pi)
881        beta = np.mod(beta, 2.0 * pi)
882        gamma = np.mod(gamma + pi, 2.0 * pi) - pi
884        # If dip is exactly 90 degrees, one is still
885        # free to choose between looking at the plane from either side.
886        # Choose to look at such that beta is in the range [0,180)
888        # This should prevent some problems, when dip is close to 90 degrees:
889        if abs(alpha - 0.5 * pi) < 1e-10:
890            alpha = 0.5 * pi
891        if abs(beta - pi) < 1e-10:
892            beta = pi
893        if abs(beta - 2. * pi) < 1e-10:
894            beta = 0.
895        if abs(beta) < 1e-10:
896            beta = 0.
898        if alpha == 0.5 * pi and beta >= pi:
899            gamma = -gamma
900            beta = np.mod(beta - pi, 2.0 * pi)
901            gamma = np.mod(gamma + pi, 2.0 * pi) - pi
902            assert 0. <= beta < pi
903            assert -pi <= gamma < pi
905        if alpha < 1e-7:
906            beta = np.mod(beta + gamma, 2.0 * pi)
907            gamma = 0.
909        return (alpha, beta, gamma)
911    def _matrix_w_style_and_system(self, M2return, system, style):
912        """
913        Gives the provided matrix in the desired basis system.
915        If the argument 'style' is set to 'fancy', a 'print' of the return
916        value yields a nice shell output of the matrix for better
917        visual control.
918        """
919        if not system.upper() in self._list_of_possible_output_bases:
920            print('\nprovided output basis not supported - please specify',
921                  end=' ')
922            print('one of the following bases: (default=NED)\n', end=' ')
923            print(self._list_of_possible_input_bases, '\n')
924            raise MTError(' !! ')
926        fancy = 0
927        if style.lower() in ['f', 'fan', 'fancy']:
928            fancy = 1
930        if system.upper() == 'NED':
931            if fancy:
932                return fancy_matrix(M2return)
933            else:
934                return M2return
936        elif system.upper() == 'USE':
937            if fancy:
938                return fancy_matrix(NED2USE(M2return))
939            else:
940                return NED2USE(M2return)
942        elif system.upper() == 'XYZ':
943            if fancy:
944                return fancy_matrix(NED2XYZ(M2return))
945            else:
946                return NED2XYZ(M2return)
948        elif system.upper() == 'NWU':
949            if fancy:
950                return fancy_matrix(NED2NWU(M2return))
951            else:
952                return NED2NWU(M2return)
954    def _vector_w_style_and_system(self, vectors, system, style):
955        """
956        Gives the provided vector(s) in the desired basis system.
958        If the argument 'style' is set to 'fancy', a 'print' of the return
959        value yields a nice shell output of the vector(s) for better
960        visual control.
962        'vectors' can be either a single array, tuple, matrix or a collection
963        in form of a list, array or matrix.
964        If it's a list, each entry will be checked, if it's 3D - if not, an
965        exception is raised.
966        If it's a matrix or array with column-length 3, the columns are
967        interpreted as vectors, otherwise, its transposed is used.
968        """
969        if not system.upper() in self._list_of_possible_output_bases:
970            print('\n provided output basis not supported - please specify',
971                  end=' ')
972            print('one of the following bases: (default=NED)\n', end=' ')
973            print(self._list_of_possible_input_bases, '\n')
974            raise MTError(' !! ')
976        fancy = 0
977        if style.lower() in ['f', 'fan', 'fancy']:
978            fancy = 1
980        lo_vectors = []
982        # if list of vectors
983        if isinstance(vectors, list):
984            for vec in vectors:
985                if np.prod(np.shape(vec)) != 3:
986                    print('\n please provide vector(s) from R³ \n ')
987                    raise MTError(' !! ')
988            lo_vectors = vectors
989        else:
990            if np.prod(np.shape(vectors)) % 3 != 0:
991                print('\n please provide vector(s) from R³ \n ')
992                raise MTError(' !! ')
994            if np.shape(vectors)[0] == 3:
995                for ii in range(np.shape(vectors)[1]):
996                    lo_vectors.append(vectors[:, ii])
997            else:
998                for ii in range(np.shape(vectors)[0]):
999                    lo_vectors.append(vectors[:, ii].transpose())
1001        lo_vecs_to_show = []
1003        for vec in lo_vectors:
1004            if system.upper() == 'NED':
1005                if fancy:
1006                    lo_vecs_to_show.append(fancy_vector(vec))
1007                else:
1008                    lo_vecs_to_show.append(vec)
1009            elif system.upper() == 'USE':
1010                if fancy:
1011                    lo_vecs_to_show.append(fancy_vector(NED2USE(vec)))
1012                else:
1013                    lo_vecs_to_show.append(NED2USE(vec))
1014            elif system.upper() == 'XYZ':
1015                if fancy:
1016                    lo_vecs_to_show.append(fancy_vector(NED2XYZ(vec)))
1017                else:
1018                    lo_vecs_to_show.append(NED2XYZ(vec))
1019            elif system.upper() == 'NWU':
1020                if fancy:
1021                    lo_vecs_to_show.append(fancy_vector(NED2NWU(vec)))
1022                else:
1023                    lo_vecs_to_show.append(NED2NWU(vec))
1025        if len(lo_vecs_to_show) == 1:
1026            return lo_vecs_to_show[0]
1027        else:
1028            if fancy:
1029                return ''.join(lo_vecs_to_show)
1030            else:
1031                return lo_vecs_to_show
1033    def get_M(self, system='NED', style='n'):
1034        """
1035        Returns the moment tensor in matrix representation.
1037        Call with arguments to set ouput in other basis system or in fancy
1038        style (to be viewed with 'print')
1039        """
1040        if style == 'f':
1041            print('\n   Full moment tensor in %s-coordinates:' % (system))
1042            return self._matrix_w_style_and_system(self._M, system, style)
1043        else:
1044            return self._matrix_w_style_and_system(self._M, system, style)
1046    def get_decomposition(self, in_system='NED', out_system='NED', style='n'):
1047        """
1048        Returns a tuple of the decomposition results.
1050        Order:
1051        - 1 - basis of the provided input     (string)
1052        - 2 - basis of  the representation    (string)
1053        - 3 - chosen decomposition type      (integer)
1055        - 4 - full moment tensor              (matrix)
1057        - 5 - isotropic part                  (matrix)
1058        - 6 - isotropic percentage             (float)
1059        - 7 - deviatoric part                 (matrix)
1060        - 8 - deviatoric percentage            (float)
1062        - 9 - DC part                         (matrix)
1063        -10 - DC percentage                    (float)
1064        -11 - DC2 part                        (matrix)
1065        -12 - DC2 percentage                   (float)
1066        -13 - DC3 part                        (matrix)
1067        -14 - DC3 percentage                   (float)
1069        -15 - CLVD part                       (matrix)
1070        -16 - CLVD percentage                 (matrix)
1072        -17 - seismic moment                   (float)
1073        -18 - moment magnitude                 (float)
1075        -19 - eigenvectors                   (3-array)
1076        -20 - eigenvalues                       (list)
1077        -21 - p-axis                         (3-array)
1078        -22 - neutral axis                   (3-array)
1079        -23 - t-axis                         (3-array)
1080        -24 - faultplanes       (list of two 3-arrays)
1081        """
1082        return [in_system, out_system, self.get_decomp_type(),
1083                self.get_M(system=out_system),
1084                self.get_iso(system=out_system), self.get_iso_percentage(),
1085                self.get_devi(system=out_system), self.get_devi_percentage(),
1086                self.get_DC(system=out_system), self.get_DC_percentage(),
1087                self.get_DC2(system=out_system), self.get_DC2_percentage(),
1088                self.get_DC3(system=out_system), self.get_DC3_percentage(),
1089                self.get_CLVD(system=out_system), self.get_CLVD_percentage(),
1090                self.get_moment(), self.get_mag(),
1091                self.get_eigvecs(system=out_system),
1092                self.get_eigvals(system=out_system),
1093                self.get_p_axis(system=out_system),
1094                self.get_null_axis(system=out_system),
1095                self.get_t_axis(system=out_system),
1096                self.get_fps()]
1098    def get_full_decomposition(self):
1099        """
1100        Nice compilation of decomposition result to be viewed in the shell
1101        (call with 'print').
1102        """
1103        mexp = pow(10, np.ceil(np.log10(np.max(np.abs(self._M)))))
1104        m = self._M / mexp
1105        s = '\nScalar Moment: M0 = %g Nm (Mw = %3.1f)\n'
1106        s += 'Moment Tensor: Mnn = %6.3f,  Mee = %6.3f, Mdd = %6.3f,\n'
1107        s += '               Mne = %6.3f,  Mnd = %6.3f, Med = %6.3f    '
1108        s += '[ x %g ]\n\n'
1109        s = s % (self._seismic_moment, self._moment_magnitude, m[0, 0],
1110                 m[1, 1], m[2, 2], m[0, 1], m[0, 2], m[1, 2], mexp)
1111        s += self._fault_planes_as_str()
1112        return s
1114    def _fault_planes_as_str(self):
1115        """
1116        Internal setup of a nice string, containing information about the fault
1117        planes.
1118        """
1119        s = '\n'
1120        for i, sdr in enumerate(self.get_fps()):
1121            s += 'Fault plane %i: ' % (i + 1)
1122            s += 'strike = %3.0f°, dip = %3.0f°, slip-rake = %4.0f°\n' % \
1123                 (sdr[0], sdr[1], sdr[2])
1124        return s
1126    def get_input_system(self, style='n', **kwargs):
1127        """
1128        Returns the basis system of the input.
1129        """
1130        if style == 'f':
1131            print('\n Basis system of the input:\n   ')
1132        return self._input_basis
1134    def get_output_system(self, style='n', **kwargs):
1135        """
1136        Returns the basis system of the input.
1137        """
1138        if style == 'f':
1139            print('\n Basis system of the output: \n  ')
1140        return self._output_basis
1142    def get_decomp_type(self, style='n', **kwargs):
1143        """
1144        Returns the decomposition type.
1145        """
1146        decomp_dict = dict(zip(('20', '21', '31'),
1147                               ('ISO + DC + CLVD',
1148                                'ISO + major DC + minor DC',
1149                                'ISO + DC1 + DC2 + DC3')))
1150        if style == 'f':
1151            print('\n Decomposition type: \n  ')
1152            return decomp_dict[str(self._decomposition_key)]
1154        return self._decomposition_key
1156    def get_iso(self, system='NED', style='n'):
1157        """
1158        Returns the isotropic part of the moment tensor in matrix
1159        representation.
1161        Call with arguments to set ouput in other basis system or in fancy
1162        style (to be viewed with 'print')
1163        """
1164        if style == 'f':
1165            print('\n Isotropic part in %s-coordinates: ' % (system))
1166        return self._matrix_w_style_and_system(self._isotropic, system, style)
1168    def get_devi(self, system='NED', style='n'):
1169        """
1170        Returns the deviatoric part of the moment tensor in matrix
1171        representation.
1173        Call with arguments to set ouput in other basis system or in fancy
1174        style (to be viewed with 'print')
1175        """
1176        if style == 'f':
1177            print('\n Deviatoric part in %s-coordinates: ' % (system))
1178        return self._matrix_w_style_and_system(self._deviatoric, system, style)
1180    def get_DC(self, system='NED', style='n'):
1181        """
1182        Returns the Double Couple part of the moment tensor in matrix
1183        representation.
1185        Call with arguments to set ouput in other basis system or in fancy
1186        style (to be viewed with 'print')
1187        """
1188        if style == 'f':
1189            print('\n Double Couple part in %s-coordinates:' % (system))
1190        return self._matrix_w_style_and_system(self._DC, system, style)
1192    def get_DC2(self, system='NED', style='n'):
1193        """
1194        Returns the second Double Couple part of the moment tensor in matrix
1195        representation.
1197        Call with arguments to set ouput in other basis system or in fancy
1198        style (to be viewed with 'print')
1199        """
1200        if style == 'f':
1201            print('\n second Double Couple part in %s-coordinates:' % (system))
1202        if self._DC2 is None:
1203            if style == 'f':
1204                print(' not available in this decomposition type ')
1205            return ''
1207        return self._matrix_w_style_and_system(self._DC2, system, style)
1209    def get_DC3(self, system='NED', style='n'):
1210        """
1211        Returns the third Double Couple part of the moment tensor in matrix
1212        representation.
1214        Call with arguments to set ouput in other basis system or in fancy
1215        style (to be viewed with 'print')
1216        """
1217        if style == 'f':
1218            print('\n third Double Couple part in %s-coordinates:' % (system))
1220        if self._DC3 is None:
1221            if style == 'f':
1222                print(' not available in this decomposition type ')
1223            return ''
1224        return self._matrix_w_style_and_system(self._DC3, system, style)
1226    def get_CLVD(self, system='NED', style='n'):
1227        """
1228        Returns the CLVD part of the moment tensor in matrix representation.
1230        Call with arguments to set ouput in other basis system or in fancy
1231        style (to be viewed with 'print')
1232        """
1233        if style == 'f':
1234            print('\n CLVD part in %s-coordinates: \n' % (system))
1235        if self._CLVD is None:
1236            if style == 'f':
1237                print(' not available in this decomposition type ')
1238            return ''
1240        return self._matrix_w_style_and_system(self._CLVD, system, style)
1242    def get_DC_percentage(self, system='NED', style='n'):
1243        """
1244        Returns the percentage of the DC part of the moment tensor in matrix
1245        representation.
1246        """
1247        if style == 'f':
1248            print('\n Double Couple percentage: \n')
1249        return self._DC_percentage
1251    def get_CLVD_percentage(self, system='NED', style='n'):
1252        """
1253        Returns the percentage of the DC part of the moment tensor in matrix
1254        representation.
1255        """
1256        if style == 'f':
1257            print('\n CLVD percentage: \n')
1258        if self._CLVD is None:
1259            if style == 'f':
1260                print(' not available in this decomposition type ')
1261            return ''
1262        return int(100 - self._DC_percentage - self._iso_percentage)
1264    def get_DC2_percentage(self, system='NED', style='n'):
1265        """
1266        Returns the percentage of the second DC part of the moment tensor in
1267        matrix representation.
1268        """
1269        if style == 'f':
1270            print("\n second Double Couple's percentage: \n")
1271        if self._DC2 is None:
1272            if style == 'f':
1273                print(' not available in this decomposition type ')
1274            return ''
1275        return self._DC2_percentage
1277    def get_DC3_percentage(self, system='NED', style='n'):
1278        """
1279        Returns the percentage of the third DC part of the moment tensor in
1280        matrix representation.
1281        """
1282        if style == 'f':
1283            print("\n third Double Couple percentage: \n")
1284        if self._DC3 is None:
1285            if style == 'f':
1286                print(' not available in this decomposition type ')
1287            return ''
1288        return int(100 - self._DC2_percentage - self._DC_percentage)
1290    def get_iso_percentage(self, system='NED', style='n'):
1291        """
1292        Returns the percentage of the isotropic part of the moment tensor in
1293        matrix representation.
1294        """
1295        if style == 'f':
1296            print('\n Isotropic percentage: \n')
1297        return self._iso_percentage
1299    def get_devi_percentage(self, system='NED', style='n'):
1300        """
1301        Returns the percentage of the deviatoric part of the moment tensor in
1302        matrix representation.
1303        """
1304        if style == 'f':
1305            print('\n Deviatoric percentage: \n')
1306        return int(100 - self._iso_percentage)
1308    def get_moment(self, system='NED', style='n'):
1309        """
1310        Returns the seismic moment (in Nm) of the moment tensor.
1311        """
1312        if style == 'f':
1313            print('\n Seismic moment (in Nm) : \n ')
1314        return self._seismic_moment
1316    def get_mag(self, system='NED', style='n'):
1317        """
1318        Returns the  moment magnitude M_w of the moment tensor.
1319        """
1320        if style == 'f':
1321            print('\n Moment magnitude Mw: \n ')
1322        return self._moment_magnitude
1324    def get_decomposition_key(self, system='NED', style='n'):
1325        """
1326        10 = standard decomposition (Jost & Herrmann)
1327        """
1328        if style == 'f':
1329            print('\n Decomposition key (standard = 10): \n ')
1330        return self._decomposition_key
1332    def get_eigvals(self, system='NED', style='n', **kwargs):
1333        """
1334        Returns a list of the eigenvalues of the moment tensor.
1335        """
1336        if style == 'f':
1337            if self._plot_clr_order < 0:
1338                print('\n    Eigenvalues T N P :\n')
1339            else:
1340                print('\n    Eigenvalues P N T :\n')
1341        # in the order HNS:
1342        return self._eigenvalues
1344    def get_eigvecs(self, system='NED', style='n'):
1345        """
1346        Returns the eigenvectors  of the moment tensor.
1348        Call with arguments to set ouput in other basis system or in fancy
1349        style (to be viewed with 'print')
1350        """
1351        if style == 'f':
1353            if self._plot_clr_order < 0:
1354                print('\n    Eigenvectors T N P (in basis system %s): ' %
1355                      (system))
1356            else:
1357                print('\n    Eigenvectors P N T (in basis system %s): ' %
1358                      (system))
1360        return self._vector_w_style_and_system(self._eigenvectors, system,
1361                                               style)
1363    def get_null_axis(self, system='NED', style='n'):
1364        """
1365        Returns the neutral axis of the moment tensor.
1367        Call with arguments to set ouput in other basis system or in fancy
1368        style (to be viewed with 'print')
1369        """
1370        if style == 'f':
1371            print('\n Null-axis in %s -coordinates: ' % (system))
1372        return self._vector_w_style_and_system(self._null_axis, system, style)
1374    def get_t_axis(self, system='NED', style='n'):
1375        """
1376        Returns the tension axis of the moment tensor.
1378        Call with arguments to set ouput in other basis system or in fancy
1379        style (to be viewed with 'print')
1380        """
1381        if style == 'f':
1382            print('\n Tension-axis in %s -coordinates: ' % (system))
1383        return self._vector_w_style_and_system(self._t_axis, system, style)
1385    def get_p_axis(self, system='NED', style='n'):
1386        """
1387        Returns the pressure axis of the moment tensor.
1389        Call with arguments to set ouput in other basis system or in fancy
1390        style (to be viewed with 'print')
1391        """
1392        if style == 'f':
1393            print('\n Pressure-axis in %s -coordinates: ' % (system))
1394        return self._vector_w_style_and_system(self._p_axis, system, style)
1396    def get_transform_matrix(self, system='NED', style='n'):
1397        """
1398        Returns the transformation matrix (input system to principal axis
1399        system.
1401        Call with arguments to set ouput in other basis system or in fancy
1402        style (to be viewed with 'print')
1403        """
1404        if style == 'f':
1405            print('\n rotation matrix in %s -coordinates: ' % (system))
1406        return self._matrix_w_style_and_system(self._rotation_matrix, system,
1407                                               style)
1409    def get_fps(self, **kwargs):
1410        """
1411        Returns a list of the two faultplane 3-tuples, each showing strike,
1412        dip, slip-rake.
1413        """
1414        fancy_key = kwargs.get('style', '0')
1415        if fancy_key[0].lower() == 'f':
1416            return self._fault_planes_as_str()
1417        else:
1418            return self._faultplanes
1420    def get_colour_order(self, **kwargs):
1421        """
1422        Returns the value of the plotting order (only important in BeachBall
1423        instances).
1424        """
1425        style = kwargs.get('style', '0')[0].lower()
1426        if style == 'f':
1427            print('\n Colour order key: ')
1428        return self._plot_clr_order
1431# ---------------------------------------------------------------
1433#   external functions:
1435# ---------------------------------------------------------------
1437def _puzzle_basis_transformation(mat_tup_arr_vec, in_basis, out_basis):
1438    lo_bases = ['NED', 'USE', 'XYZ', 'NWU']
1439    if (in_basis not in lo_bases) and (out_basis in lo_bases):
1440        sys.exit('wrong basis chosen')
1442    if in_basis == out_basis:
1443        transformed_in = mat_tup_arr_vec
1444    elif in_basis == 'NED':
1445        if out_basis == 'USE':
1446            transformed_in = NED2USE(mat_tup_arr_vec)
1447        if out_basis == 'XYZ':
1448            transformed_in = NED2XYZ(mat_tup_arr_vec)
1449        if out_basis == 'NWU':
1450            transformed_in = NED2NWU(mat_tup_arr_vec)
1451    elif in_basis == 'USE':
1452        if out_basis == 'NED':
1453            transformed_in = USE2NED(mat_tup_arr_vec)
1454        if out_basis == 'XYZ':
1455            transformed_in = USE2XYZ(mat_tup_arr_vec)
1456        if out_basis == 'NWU':
1457            transformed_in = USE2NWU(mat_tup_arr_vec)
1458    elif in_basis == 'XYZ':
1459        if out_basis == 'NED':
1460            transformed_in = XYZ2NED(mat_tup_arr_vec)
1461        if out_basis == 'USE':
1462            transformed_in = XYZ2USE(mat_tup_arr_vec)
1463        if out_basis == 'NWU':
1464            transformed_in = XYZ2NWU(mat_tup_arr_vec)
1465    elif in_basis == 'NWU':
1466        if out_basis == 'NED':
1467            transformed_in = NWU2NED(mat_tup_arr_vec)
1468        if out_basis == 'USE':
1469            transformed_in = NWU2USE(mat_tup_arr_vec)
1470        if out_basis == 'XYZ':
1471            transformed_in = NWU2XYZ(mat_tup_arr_vec)
1473    if len(mat_tup_arr_vec) == 3 and np.prod(np.shape(mat_tup_arr_vec)) != 9:
1474        tmp_array = np.array([0, 0, 0])
1475        tmp_array[:] = transformed_in
1476        return tmp_array
1477    else:
1478        return transformed_in
1481def _return_matrix_vector_array(ma_ve_ar, basis_change_matrix):
1482    """
1483    Generates the output for the functions, yielding matrices, vectors, and
1484    arrays in new basis systems.
1486    Allowed input are 3x3 matrices, 3-vectors, 3-vector collections,
1487    3-arrays, and 6-tuples.  Matrices are transformed directly,
1488    3-vectors the same.
1490    6-arrays are interpreted as 6 independent components of a moment
1491    tensor, so they are brought into symmetric 3x3 matrix form. This
1492    is transformed, and the 6 standard components 11,22,33,12,13,23
1493    are returned.
1494    """
1495    if (not np.prod(np.shape(ma_ve_ar)) in [3, 6, 9]) or \
1496       (not len(np.shape(ma_ve_ar)) in [1, 2]):
1497        print('\n wrong input - ', end=' ')
1498        print('provide either 3x3 matrix or 3-element vector \n')
1499        raise MTError(' !! ')
1501    if np.prod(np.shape(ma_ve_ar)) == 9:
1502        return np.dot(basis_change_matrix,
1503                      np.dot(ma_ve_ar, basis_change_matrix.T))
1504    elif np.prod(np.shape(ma_ve_ar)) == 6:
1505        m_in = ma_ve_ar
1506        orig_matrix = np.matrix([[m_in[0], m_in[3], m_in[4]],
1507                                [m_in[3], m_in[1], m_in[5]],
1508                                [m_in[4], m_in[5], m_in[2]]], dtype=np.float)
1509        m_out_mat = np.dot(basis_change_matrix,
1510                           np.dot(orig_matrix, basis_change_matrix.T))
1512        return m_out_mat[0, 0], m_out_mat[1, 1], m_out_mat[2, 2], \
1513            m_out_mat[0, 1], m_out_mat[0, 2], m_out_mat[1, 2]
1514    else:
1515        if np.shape(ma_ve_ar)[0] == 1:
1516            return np.dot(basis_change_matrix, ma_ve_ar.transpose())
1517        else:
1518            return np.dot(basis_change_matrix, ma_ve_ar)
1521def USE2NED(some_matrix_or_vector):
1522    """
1523    Function for basis transform from basis USE to NED.
1525    Input:
1526    3x3 matrix or 3-element vector or 6-element array in USE basis
1527    representation
1529    Output:
1530    3x3 matrix or 3-element vector or 6-element array in NED basis
1531    representation
1532    """
1533    basis_change_matrix = np.matrix([[0., -1., 0.],
1534                                    [0., 0., 1.],
1535                                    [-1., 0., 0.]], dtype=np.float)
1536    return _return_matrix_vector_array(some_matrix_or_vector,
1537                                       basis_change_matrix)
1540def XYZ2NED(some_matrix_or_vector):
1541    """
1542    Function for basis transform from basis XYZ to NED.
1544    Input:
1545    3x3 matrix or 3-element vector or 6-element array in XYZ basis
1546    representation
1548    Output:
1549    3x3 matrix or 3-element vector or 6-element array in NED basis
1550    representation
1551    """
1552    basis_change_matrix = np.matrix([[0., 1., 0.],
1553                                    [1., 0., 0.],
1554                                    [0., 0., -1.]], dtype=np.float)
1555    return _return_matrix_vector_array(some_matrix_or_vector,
1556                                       basis_change_matrix)
1559def NWU2NED(some_matrix_or_vector):
1560    """
1561    Function for basis transform from basis NWU to NED.
1563    Input:
1564    3x3 matrix or 3-element vector or 6-element array in NWU basis
1565    representation
1567    Output:
1568    3x3 matrix or 3-element vector or 6-element array in NED basis
1569    representation
1570    """
1571    basis_change_matrix = np.matrix([[1., 0., 0.],
1572                                    [0., -1., 0.],
1573                                    [0., 0., -1.]], dtype=np.float)
1574    return _return_matrix_vector_array(some_matrix_or_vector,
1575                                       basis_change_matrix)
1578def NED2USE(some_matrix_or_vector):
1579    """
1580    Function for basis transform from basis  NED to USE.
1582    Input:
1583    3x3 matrix or 3-element vector or 6-element array in NED basis
1584    representation
1586    Output:
1587    3x3 matrix or 3-element vector or 6-element array in USE basis
1588    representation
1589    """
1590    basis_change_matrix = np.matrix([[0., -1., 0.],
1591                                    [0., 0., 1.],
1592                                    [-1., 0., 0.]], dtype=np.float).I
1593    return _return_matrix_vector_array(some_matrix_or_vector,
1594                                       basis_change_matrix)
1597def XYZ2USE(some_matrix_or_vector):
1598    """
1599    Function for basis transform from basis XYZ to USE.
1601    Input:
1602    3x3 matrix or 3-element vector or 6-element array in XYZ basis
1603    representation
1605    Output:
1606    3x3 matrix or 3-element vector or 6-element array in USE basis
1607    representation
1608    """
1609    basis_change_matrix = np.matrix([[0., 0., 1.],
1610                                    [0., -1., 0.],
1611                                    [1., 0., 0.]], dtype=np.float)
1612    return _return_matrix_vector_array(some_matrix_or_vector,
1613                                       basis_change_matrix)
1616def NED2XYZ(some_matrix_or_vector):
1617    """
1618    Function for basis transform from basis NED to XYZ.
1620    Input:
1621    3x3 matrix or 3-element vector or 6-element array in NED basis
1622    representation
1624    Output:
1625    3x3 matrix or 3-element vector or 6-element array in XYZ basis
1626    representation
1627    """
1628    basis_change_matrix = np.matrix([[0., 1., 0.],
1629                                    [1., 0., 0.],
1630                                    [0., 0., -1.]], dtype=np.float).I
1631    return _return_matrix_vector_array(some_matrix_or_vector,
1632                                       basis_change_matrix)
1635def NED2NWU(some_matrix_or_vector):
1636    """
1637    Function for basis transform from basis NED to NWU.
1639    Input:
1640    3x3 matrix or 3-element vector or 6-element array in NED basis
1641    representation
1643    Output:
1644    3x3 matrix or 3-element vector or 6-element array in NWU basis
1645    representation
1646    """
1647    basis_change_matrix = np.matrix([[1., 0., 0.],
1648                                    [0., -1., 0.],
1649                                    [0., 0., -1.]], dtype=np.float).I
1650    return _return_matrix_vector_array(some_matrix_or_vector,
1651                                       basis_change_matrix)
1654def USE2XYZ(some_matrix_or_vector):
1656    """
1657    Function for basis transform from basis USE to XYZ.
1659    Input:
1660    3x3 matrix or 3-element vector or 6-element array in USE basis
1661    representation
1663    Output:
1664    3x3 matrix or 3-element vector or 6-element array in XYZ basis
1665    representation
1666    """
1667    basis_change_matrix = np.matrix([[0., 0., 1.],
1668                                    [0., -1., 0.],
1669                                    [1., 0., 0.]], dtype=np.float).I
1670    return _return_matrix_vector_array(some_matrix_or_vector,
1671                                       basis_change_matrix)
1674def NWU2XYZ(some_matrix_or_vector):
1676    """
1677    Function for basis transform from basis USE to XYZ.
1679    Input:
1680    3x3 matrix or 3-element vector or 6-element array in USE basis
1681    representation
1683    Output:
1684    3x3 matrix or 3-element vector or 6-element array in XYZ basis
1685    representation
1686    """
1687    basis_change_matrix = np.matrix([[0., -1., 0.],
1688                                    [1., 0., 0.],
1689                                    [0., 0., 1.]], dtype=np.float)
1690    return _return_matrix_vector_array(some_matrix_or_vector,
1691                                       basis_change_matrix)
1694def NWU2USE(some_matrix_or_vector):
1696    """
1697    Function for basis transform from basis USE to XYZ.
1699    Input:
1700    3x3 matrix or 3-element vector or 6-element array in USE basis
1701    representation
1703    Output:
1704    3x3 matrix or 3-element vector or 6-element array in XYZ basis
1705    representation
1706    """
1707    basis_change_matrix = np.matrix([[0., 0., 1.],
1708                                    [-1., 0., 0.],
1709                                    [0., -1., 0.]], dtype=np.float)
1710    return _return_matrix_vector_array(some_matrix_or_vector,
1711                                       basis_change_matrix)
1714def XYZ2NWU(some_matrix_or_vector):
1715    """
1716    Function for basis transform from basis USE to XYZ.
1718    Input:
1719    3x3 matrix or 3-element vector or 6-element array in USE basis
1720    representation
1722    Output:
1723    3x3 matrix or 3-element vector or 6-element array in XYZ basis
1724    representation
1725    """
1726    basis_change_matrix = np.matrix([[0., -1., 0.],
1727                                    [1., 0., 0.],
1728                                    [0., 0., 1.]], dtype=np.float).I
1729    return _return_matrix_vector_array(some_matrix_or_vector,
1730                                       basis_change_matrix)
1733def USE2NWU(some_matrix_or_vector):
1734    """
1735    Function for basis transform from basis USE to XYZ.
1737    Input:
1738    3x3 matrix or 3-element vector or 6-element array in USE basis
1739    representation
1741    Output:
1742    3x3 matrix or 3-element vector or 6-element array in XYZ basis
1743    representation
1744    """
1745    basis_change_matrix = np.matrix([[0., 0., 1.],
1746                                    [-1., 0., 0.],
1747                                    [0., -1., 0.]], dtype=np.float).I
1748    return _return_matrix_vector_array(some_matrix_or_vector,
1749                                       basis_change_matrix)
1752def strikediprake_2_moments(strike, dip, rake):
1753    """
1754    angles are defined as in Jost&Herman (given in degrees)
1756    strike
1757        angle clockwise between north and plane ( in [0,360] )
1758    dip
1759        angle between surface and dipping plane ( in [0,90] ), 0 = horizontal,
1760        90 = vertical
1761    rake
1762        angle on the rupture plane between strike vector and actual movement
1763        (defined mathematically positive: ccw rotation is positive)
1765    basis for output is NED (= X,Y,Z)
1767    output:
1768    M = M_nn, M_ee, M_dd, M_ne, M_nd, M_ed
1769    """
1770    S_rad = strike / rad2deg
1771    D_rad = dip / rad2deg
1772    R_rad = rake / rad2deg
1774    for ang in S_rad, D_rad, R_rad:
1775        if abs(ang) < epsilon:
1776            ang = 0.
1778    M1 = -(np.sin(D_rad) * np.cos(R_rad) * np.sin(2 * S_rad) +
1779           np.sin(2 * D_rad) * np.sin(R_rad) * np.sin(S_rad) ** 2)
1780    M2 = (np.sin(D_rad) * np.cos(R_rad) * np.sin(2 * S_rad) -
1781          np.sin(2 * D_rad) * np.sin(R_rad) * np.cos(S_rad) ** 2)
1782    M3 = (np.sin(2 * D_rad) * np.sin(R_rad))
1783    M4 = (np.sin(D_rad) * np.cos(R_rad) * np.cos(2 * S_rad) +
1784          0.5 * np.sin(2 * D_rad) * np.sin(R_rad) * np.sin(2 * S_rad))
1785    M5 = -(np.cos(D_rad) * np.cos(R_rad) * np.cos(S_rad) +
1786           np.cos(2 * D_rad) * np.sin(R_rad) * np.sin(S_rad))
1787    M6 = -(np.cos(D_rad) * np.cos(R_rad) * np.sin(S_rad) -
1788           np.cos(2 * D_rad) * np.sin(R_rad) * np.cos(S_rad))
1790    Moments = [M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6]
1792    return tuple(Moments)
1795def fancy_matrix(m_in):
1796    """
1797    Returns a given 3x3 matrix or array in a cute way on the shell, if you
1798    use 'print' on the return value.
1799    """
1800    m = m_in.copy()
1802    norm_factor = round(np.max(np.abs(m.flatten())), 5)
1804    try:
1805        if (norm_factor < 0.1) or (norm_factor >= 10):
1806            if not abs(norm_factor) == 0:
1807                m = m / norm_factor
1808                out = "\n  / %5.2F %5.2F %5.2F \\\n" % \
1809                    (m[0, 0], m[0, 1], m[0, 2])
1810                out += "  | %5.2F %5.2F %5.2F  |   x  %F\n" % \
1811                    (m[1, 0], m[1, 1], m[1, 2], norm_factor)
1812                out += "  \\ %5.2F %5.2F %5.2F /\n" % \
1813                    (m[2, 0], m[2, 1], m[2, 2])
1814                return out
1815    except Exception:
1816        pass
1818    return "\n  / %5.2F %5.2F %5.2F \\\n" % (m[0, 0], m[0, 1], m[0, 2]) + \
1819           "  | %5.2F %5.2F %5.2F  |\n" % (m[1, 0], m[1, 1], m[1, 2]) + \
1820           "  \\ %5.2F %5.2F %5.2F /\n" % (m[2, 0], m[2, 1], m[2, 2])
1823def fancy_vector(v):
1824    """
1825    Returns a given 3-vector or array in a cute way on the shell, if you
1826    use 'print' on the return value.
1827    """
1828    return "\n  / %5.2F \\\n" % (v[0]) + \
1829        "  | %5.2F  |\n" % (v[1]) + \
1830        "  \\ %5.2F /\n" % (v[2])
1833# ---------------------------------------------------------------
1835#   Class for plotting:
1837# ---------------------------------------------------------------
1839class BeachBall:
1840    """
1841    Class for generating a beachball projection for a provided moment tensor
1842    object.
1844    Input: a MomentTensor object
1846    Output can be plots of
1847    - the eigensystem
1848    - the complete sphere
1849    - the projection to a unit sphere
1850      .. either lower (standard) or upper half
1852    Beside the plots, the unit sphere projection may be saved in a given file.
1854    Alternatively, only the file can be provided without showing anything
1855    directly.
1856    """
1857    def __init__(self, MT=MomentTensor, kwargs_dict={}, npoints=360):
1858        self.MT = MT
1859        self._M = MT._M
1860        self._set_standard_attributes()
1861        self._update_attributes(kwargs_dict)
1862        self._plot_n_points = npoints
1863        self._nodallines_in_NED_system()
1864        self.arange_1 = np.arange(3 * npoints) - 1
1865        # self._identify_faultplanes()
1867    def ploBB(self, kwargs, ax=None):
1868        """
1869        Plots the projection of the beachball onto a unit sphere.
1870        """
1871        self._update_attributes(kwargs)
1872        self._setup_BB()
1873        self._plot_US(ax=ax)
1875    def save_BB(self, kwargs):
1876        """
1877        Saves the 2D projection of the beachball without plotting.
1879        :param outfile: name of outfile, addressing w.r.t. current directory
1880        :param format: if no implicit valid format is provided within the
1881            filename, add file format
1882        """
1883        self._update_attributes(kwargs)
1884        self._setup_BB()
1885        self._just_save_bb()
1887    def _just_save_bb(self):
1888        """
1889        Saves the beachball unit sphere plot into a given  file.
1890        """
1891        import matplotlib
1893        if self._plot_outfile_format == 'svg':
1894            try:
1895                matplotlib.use('SVG')
1896            except Exception:
1897                matplotlib.use('Agg')
1898        elif self._plot_outfile_format == 'pdf':
1899            try:
1900                matplotlib.use('PDF')
1901            except Exception:
1902                matplotlib.use('Agg')
1903                pass
1904        elif self._plot_outfile_format == 'ps':
1905            try:
1906                matplotlib.use('PS')
1907            except Exception:
1908                matplotlib.use('Agg')
1909                pass
1910        elif self._plot_outfile_format == 'eps':
1911            try:
1912                matplotlib.use('Agg')
1913            except Exception:
1914                matplotlib.use('PS')
1915                pass
1916        elif self._plot_outfile_format == 'png':
1917            try:
1918                matplotlib.use('AGG')
1919            except Exception:
1920                mp_out = matplotlib.use('GTKCairo')
1921                if mp_out:
1922                    mp_out2 = matplotlib.use('Cairo')
1923                    if mp_out2:
1924                        matplotlib.use('GDK')
1926        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
1928        plotfig = self._setup_plot_US(plt)
1930        outfile_format = self._plot_outfile_format
1931        outfile_name = self._plot_outfile
1933        outfile_abs_name = os.path.realpath(
1934            os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.curdir, outfile_name)))
1936        try:
1937            plotfig.savefig(outfile_abs_name, dpi=self._plot_dpi,
1938                            transparent=True, facecolor='k',
1939                            format=outfile_format)
1940        except Exception:
1941            print('ERROR!! -- Saving of plot not possible')
1942            return
1943        plt.close(667)
1944        del plt
1946    def get_psxy(self, kwargs):
1947        """
1948        Returns one string, to be piped into psxy of GMT.
1950        :param GMT_type: fill/lines/EVs (select type of string),
1951            default is 'fill'
1952        :param GMT_scaling: scale the beachball - default radius is 1.0
1953        :param GMT_tension_colour: tension area of BB - colour flag for -Z in
1954            psxy, default is 1
1955        :param GMT_pressure_colour: pressure area of BB - colour flag for -Z in
1956            psxy, default is 0
1957        :param GMT_show_2FPs: flag, if both faultplanes are to be shown,
1958            default is 0
1959        :param GMT_show_1FP: flag, if one faultplane is to be shown, default
1960            is 1
1961        :param GMT_FP_index: 1 or 2, default is 2
1962        """
1963        self._GMT_type = 'fill'
1964        self._GMT_2fps = False
1965        self._GMT_1fp = 0
1967        self._GMT_psxy_fill = None
1968        self._GMT_psxy_nodals = None
1969        self._GMT_psxy_EVs = None
1970        self._GMT_scaling = 1.
1972        self._GMT_tension_colour = 1
1973        self._GMT_pressure_colour = 0
1975        self._update_attributes(kwargs)
1977        self._setup_BB()
1979        self._set_GMT_attributes()
1981        if self._GMT_type == 'fill':
1982            self._GMT_psxy_fill.seek(0)
1983            GMT_string = self._GMT_psxy_fill.getvalue()
1984        elif self._GMT_type == 'lines':
1985            self._GMT_psxy_nodals.seek(0)
1986            GMT_string = self._GMT_psxy_nodals.getvalue()
1987        else:
1988            GMT_string = self._GMT_psxy_EVs.getvalue()
1990        return GMT_string
1992    def _add_2_GMT_string(self, FH_string, curve, colour):
1993        """
1994        Writes coordinate pair list of given curve  as string into temporal
1995        file handler.
1996        """
1997        colour_Z = colour
1998        wstring = bytes('> -Z%i\n' % (colour_Z), encoding='utf-8')
1999        FH_string.write(wstring)
2000        np.savetxt(FH_string, self._GMT_scaling * curve.transpose())
2002    def _set_GMT_attributes(self):
2003        """
2004        Set the beachball lines and nodals as strings into a file handler.
2005        """
2006        neg_nodalline = self._nodalline_negative_final_US
2007        pos_nodalline = self._nodalline_positive_final_US
2008        FP1_2_plot = self._FP1_final_US
2009        FP2_2_plot = self._FP2_final_US
2010        EV_2_plot = self._all_EV_2D_US[:, :2].transpose()
2011        US = self._unit_sphere
2013        tension_colour = self._GMT_tension_colour
2014        pressure_colour = self._GMT_pressure_colour
2016        # build strings for possible GMT-output, used by 'psxy'
2017        GMT_string_FH = io.BytesIO()
2018        GMT_linestring_FH = io.BytesIO()
2019        GMT_EVs_FH = io.BytesIO()
2021        self._add_2_GMT_string(GMT_EVs_FH, EV_2_plot, tension_colour)
2022        GMT_EVs_FH.flush()
2024        if self._plot_clr_order > 0:
2025            self._add_2_GMT_string(GMT_string_FH, US, pressure_colour)
2026            self._add_2_GMT_string(GMT_string_FH, neg_nodalline,
2027                                   tension_colour)
2028            self._add_2_GMT_string(GMT_string_FH, pos_nodalline,
2029                                   tension_colour)
2030            GMT_string_FH.flush()
2032            if self._plot_curve_in_curve != 0:
2033                self._add_2_GMT_string(GMT_string_FH, US, tension_colour)
2035                if self._plot_curve_in_curve < 1:
2036                    self._add_2_GMT_string(GMT_string_FH, neg_nodalline,
2037                                           pressure_colour)
2038                    self._add_2_GMT_string(GMT_string_FH, pos_nodalline,
2039                                           tension_colour)
2040                    GMT_string_FH.flush()
2041                else:
2042                    self._add_2_GMT_string(GMT_string_FH, pos_nodalline,
2043                                           pressure_colour)
2044                    self._add_2_GMT_string(GMT_string_FH, neg_nodalline,
2045                                           tension_colour)
2046                    GMT_string_FH.flush()
2047        else:
2048            self._add_2_GMT_string(GMT_string_FH, US, tension_colour)
2049            self._add_2_GMT_string(GMT_string_FH, neg_nodalline,
2050                                   pressure_colour)
2051            self._add_2_GMT_string(GMT_string_FH, pos_nodalline,
2052                                   pressure_colour)
2053            GMT_string_FH.flush()
2055            if self._plot_curve_in_curve != 0:
2056                self._add_2_GMT_string(GMT_string_FH, US, pressure_colour)
2057                if self._plot_curve_in_curve < 1:
2058                    self._add_2_GMT_string(GMT_string_FH, neg_nodalline,
2059                                           tension_colour)
2060                    self._add_2_GMT_string(GMT_string_FH, pos_nodalline,
2061                                           pressure_colour)
2062                    GMT_string_FH.flush()
2063                else:
2064                    self._add_2_GMT_string(GMT_string_FH, pos_nodalline,
2065                                           tension_colour)
2066                    self._add_2_GMT_string(GMT_string_FH, neg_nodalline,
2067                                           pressure_colour)
2069                    GMT_string_FH.flush()
2071        # set all nodallines and faultplanes for plotting:
2072        self._add_2_GMT_string(GMT_linestring_FH, neg_nodalline,
2073                               tension_colour)
2074        self._add_2_GMT_string(GMT_linestring_FH, pos_nodalline,
2075                               tension_colour)
2077        if self._GMT_2fps:
2078            self._add_2_GMT_string(GMT_linestring_FH, FP1_2_plot,
2079                                   tension_colour)
2080            self._add_2_GMT_string(GMT_linestring_FH, FP2_2_plot,
2081                                   tension_colour)
2083        elif self._GMT_1fp:
2084            if not int(self._GMT_1fp) in [1, 2]:
2085                print('no fault plane specified for being plotted...continue',
2086                      end=' ')
2087                print('without fault plane(s)')
2088                pass
2089            else:
2090                if int(self._GMT_1fp) == 1:
2091                    self._add_2_GMT_string(GMT_linestring_FH, FP1_2_plot,
2092                                           tension_colour)
2093                else:
2094                    self._add_2_GMT_string(GMT_linestring_FH, FP2_2_plot,
2095                                           tension_colour)
2097        self._add_2_GMT_string(GMT_linestring_FH, US, tension_colour)
2099        GMT_linestring_FH.flush()
2101        setattr(self, '_GMT_psxy_nodals', GMT_linestring_FH)
2102        setattr(self, '_GMT_psxy_fill', GMT_string_FH)
2103        setattr(self, '_GMT_psxy_EVs', GMT_EVs_FH)
2105    def get_MT(self):
2106        """
2107        Returns the original moment tensor object, handed over to the class at
2108        generating this instance.
2109        """
2110        return self.MT
2112    def full_sphere_plot(self, kwargs):
2113        """
2114        Plot of the full beachball, projected on a circle with a radius 2.
2115        """
2116        self._update_attributes(kwargs)
2117        self._setup_BB()
2118        self._aux_plot()
2120    def _aux_plot(self):
2121        """
2122        Generates the final plot of the total sphere (according to the chosen
2123        2D-projection.
2124        """
2125        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
2127        plt.close('all')
2128        plotfig = plt.figure(665, figsize=(self._plot_aux_plot_size,
2129                                           self._plot_aux_plot_size))
2131        plotfig.subplots_adjust(left=0, bottom=0, right=1, top=1)
2132        ax = plotfig.add_subplot(111, aspect='equal')
2133        # plt.axis([-1.1, 1.1, -1.1, 1.1], 'equal')
2134        ax.axison = False
2136        EV_2_plot = getattr(self, '_all_EV' + '_final')
2137        BV_2_plot = getattr(self, '_all_BV' + '_final').transpose()
2138        curve_pos_2_plot = getattr(self, '_nodalline_positive' + '_final')
2139        curve_neg_2_plot = getattr(self, '_nodalline_negative' + '_final')
2140        FP1_2_plot = getattr(self, '_FP1' + '_final')
2141        FP2_2_plot = getattr(self, '_FP2' + '_final')
2143        tension_colour = self._plot_tension_colour
2144        pressure_colour = self._plot_pressure_colour
2146        if self._plot_clr_order > 0:
2147            if self._plot_fill_flag:
2149                alpha = self._plot_fill_alpha * self._plot_total_alpha
2150                ax.fill(self._outer_circle[0, :], self._outer_circle[1, :],
2151                        fc=pressure_colour, alpha=alpha)
2152                ax.fill(curve_pos_2_plot[0, :], curve_pos_2_plot[1, :],
2153                        fc=tension_colour, alpha=alpha)
2154                ax.fill(curve_neg_2_plot[0, :], curve_neg_2_plot[1, :],
2155                        fc=tension_colour, alpha=alpha)
2157                if self._plot_curve_in_curve != 0:
2158                    ax.fill(self._outer_circle[0, :], self._outer_circle[1, :],
2159                            fc=tension_colour, alpha=alpha)
2160                    if self._plot_curve_in_curve < 1:
2161                        ax.fill(curve_neg_2_plot[0, :], curve_neg_2_plot[1, :],
2162                                fc=pressure_colour, alpha=alpha)
2163                        ax.fill(curve_pos_2_plot[0, :], curve_pos_2_plot[1, :],
2164                                fc=tension_colour, alpha=alpha)
2165                    else:
2166                        ax.fill(curve_pos_2_plot[0, :], curve_pos_2_plot[1, :],
2167                                fc=pressure_colour, alpha=alpha)
2168                        ax.fill(curve_neg_2_plot[0, :], curve_neg_2_plot[1, :],
2169                                fc=tension_colour, alpha=alpha)
2171            if self._plot_show_princ_axes:
2172                alpha = self._plot_princ_axes_alpha * self._plot_total_alpha
2173                ax.plot([EV_2_plot[0, 0]], [EV_2_plot[1, 0]], 'm^',
2174                        ms=self._plot_princ_axes_symsize,
2175                        lw=self._plot_princ_axes_lw, alpha=alpha)
2176                ax.plot([EV_2_plot[0, 3]], [EV_2_plot[1, 3]], 'mv',
2177                        ms=self._plot_princ_axes_symsize,
2178                        lw=self._plot_princ_axes_lw, alpha=alpha)
2179                ax.plot([EV_2_plot[0, 1]], [EV_2_plot[1, 1]], 'b^',
2180                        ms=self._plot_princ_axes_symsize,
2181                        lw=self._plot_princ_axes_lw, alpha=alpha)
2182                ax.plot([EV_2_plot[0, 4]], [EV_2_plot[1, 4]], 'bv',
2183                        ms=self._plot_princ_axes_symsize,
2184                        lw=self._plot_princ_axes_lw, alpha=alpha)
2185                ax.plot([EV_2_plot[0, 2]], [EV_2_plot[1, 2]], 'g^',
2186                        ms=self._plot_princ_axes_symsize,
2187                        lw=self._plot_princ_axes_lw, alpha=alpha)
2188                ax.plot([EV_2_plot[0, 5]], [EV_2_plot[1, 5]], 'gv',
2189                        ms=self._plot_princ_axes_symsize,
2190                        lw=self._plot_princ_axes_lw, alpha=alpha)
2191        else:
2192            if self._plot_fill_flag:
2193                alpha = self._plot_fill_alpha * self._plot_total_alpha
2194                ax.fill(self._outer_circle[0, :], self._outer_circle[1, :],
2195                        fc=tension_colour, alpha=alpha)
2196                ax.fill(curve_pos_2_plot[0, :], curve_pos_2_plot[1, :],
2197                        fc=pressure_colour, alpha=alpha)
2198                ax.fill(curve_neg_2_plot[0, :], curve_neg_2_plot[1, :],
2199                        fc=pressure_colour, alpha=alpha)
2201                if self._plot_curve_in_curve != 0:
2202                    ax.fill(self._outer_circle[0, :], self._outer_circle[1, :],
2203                            fc=pressure_colour, alpha=alpha)
2204                    if self._plot_curve_in_curve < 0:
2205                        ax.fill(curve_neg_2_plot[0, :], curve_neg_2_plot[1, :],
2206                                fc=tension_colour, alpha=alpha)
2207                        ax.fill(curve_pos_2_plot[0, :], curve_pos_2_plot[1, :],
2208                                fc=pressure_colour, alpha=alpha)
2209                        pass
2210                    else:
2211                        ax.fill(curve_pos_2_plot[0, :], curve_pos_2_plot[1, :],
2212                                fc=tension_colour, alpha=alpha)
2213                        ax.fill(curve_neg_2_plot[0, :], curve_neg_2_plot[1, :],
2214                                fc=pressure_colour, alpha=alpha)
2215                        pass
2217            if self._plot_show_princ_axes:
2218                alpha = self._plot_princ_axes_alpha * self._plot_total_alpha
2219                ax.plot([EV_2_plot[0, 0]], [EV_2_plot[1, 0]], 'g^',
2220                        ms=self._plot_princ_axes_symsize,
2221                        lw=self._plot_princ_axes_lw, alpha=alpha)
2222                ax.plot([EV_2_plot[0, 3]], [EV_2_plot[1, 3]], 'gv',
2223                        ms=self._plot_princ_axes_symsize,
2224                        lw=self._plot_princ_axes_lw, alpha=alpha)
2225                ax.plot([EV_2_plot[0, 1]], [EV_2_plot[1, 1]], 'b^',
2226                        ms=self._plot_princ_axes_symsize,
2227                        lw=self._plot_princ_axes_lw, alpha=alpha)
2228                ax.plot([EV_2_plot[0, 4]], [EV_2_plot[1, 4]], 'bv',
2229                        ms=self._plot_princ_axes_symsize,
2230                        lw=self._plot_princ_axes_lw, alpha=alpha)
2231                ax.plot([EV_2_plot[0, 2]], [EV_2_plot[1, 2]], 'm^',
2232                        ms=self._plot_princ_axes_symsize,
2233                        lw=self._plot_princ_axes_lw, alpha=alpha)
2234                ax.plot([EV_2_plot[0, 5]], [EV_2_plot[1, 5]], 'mv',
2235                        ms=self._plot_princ_axes_symsize,
2236                        lw=self._plot_princ_axes_lw, alpha=alpha)
2238        self._plot_nodalline_colour = 'y'
2240        ax.plot(curve_neg_2_plot[0, :], curve_neg_2_plot[1, :], 'o',
2241                c=self._plot_nodalline_colour, lw=self._plot_nodalline_width,
2242                alpha=self._plot_nodalline_alpha * self._plot_total_alpha,
2243                ms=3)
2245        self._plot_nodalline_colour = 'b'
2247        ax.plot(curve_pos_2_plot[0, :], curve_pos_2_plot[1, :], 'D',
2248                c=self._plot_nodalline_colour, lw=self._plot_nodalline_width,
2249                alpha=self._plot_nodalline_alpha * self._plot_total_alpha,
2250                ms=3)
2252        if self._plot_show_1faultplane:
2253            if self._plot_show_FP_index == 1:
2254                ax.plot(FP1_2_plot[0, :], FP1_2_plot[1, :], '+',
2255                        c=self._plot_faultplane_colour,
2256                        lw=self._plot_faultplane_width,
2257                        alpha=self._plot_faultplane_alpha *
2258                        self._plot_total_alpha, ms=5)
2259            elif self._plot_show_FP_index == 2:
2260                ax.plot(FP2_2_plot[0, :], FP2_2_plot[1, :], '+',
2261                        c=self._plot_faultplane_colour,
2262                        lw=self._plot_faultplane_width,
2263                        alpha=self._plot_faultplane_alpha *
2264                        self._plot_total_alpha, ms=5)
2266        elif self._plot_show_faultplanes:
2267            ax.plot(FP1_2_plot[0, :], FP1_2_plot[1, :], '+',
2268                    c=self._plot_faultplane_colour,
2269                    lw=self._plot_faultplane_width,
2270                    alpha=self._plot_faultplane_alpha * self._plot_total_alpha,
2271                    ms=4)
2272            ax.plot(FP2_2_plot[0, :], FP2_2_plot[1, :], '+',
2273                    c=self._plot_faultplane_colour,
2274                    lw=self._plot_faultplane_width,
2275                    alpha=self._plot_faultplane_alpha * self._plot_total_alpha,
2276                    ms=4)
2277        else:
2278            pass
2280        # if isotropic part shall be displayed, fill the circle completely with
2281        # the appropriate colour
2282        if self._pure_isotropic:
2283            if abs(np.trace(self._M)) > epsilon:
2284                if self._plot_clr_order < 0:
2285                    ax.fill(self._outer_circle[0, :], self._outer_circle[1, :],
2286                            fc=tension_colour, alpha=1, zorder=100)
2287                else:
2288                    ax.fill(self._outer_circle[0, :], self._outer_circle[1, :],
2289                            fc=pressure_colour, alpha=1, zorder=100)
2291        # plot NED basis vectors
2292        if self._plot_show_basis_axes:
2293            plot_size_in_points = self._plot_size * 2.54 * 72
2294            points_per_unit = plot_size_in_points / 2.
2296            fontsize = plot_size_in_points / 66.
2297            symsize = plot_size_in_points / 77.
2299            direction_letters = 'NSEWDU'
2300            for idx, val in enumerate(BV_2_plot):
2301                x_coord = val[0]
2302                y_coord = val[1]
2303                np_letter = direction_letters[idx]
2305                rot_angle = -np.arctan2(y_coord, x_coord) + pi / 2.
2306                original_rho = np.sqrt(x_coord ** 2 + y_coord ** 2)
2308                marker_x = (original_rho - (3 * symsize / points_per_unit)) * \
2309                    np.sin(rot_angle)
2310                marker_y = (original_rho - (3 * symsize / points_per_unit)) * \
2311                    np.cos(rot_angle)
2312                annot_x = (original_rho - (8.5 * fontsize / points_per_unit)) \
2313                    * np.sin(rot_angle)
2314                annot_y = (original_rho - (8.5 * fontsize / points_per_unit)) \
2315                    * np.cos(rot_angle)
2317                ax.text(annot_x, annot_y, np_letter,
2318                        horizontalalignment='center', size=fontsize,
2319                        weight='bold', verticalalignment='center',
2320                        bbox=dict(edgecolor='white', facecolor='white',
2321                                  alpha=1))
2323                if original_rho > epsilon:
2324                    ax.scatter([marker_x], [marker_y],
2325                               marker=(3, 0, rot_angle), s=symsize ** 2, c='k',
2326                               facecolor='k', zorder=300)
2327                else:
2328                    ax.scatter([x_coord], [y_coord], marker=(4, 1, rot_angle),
2329                               s=symsize ** 2, c='k', facecolor='k',
2330                               zorder=300)
2332        # plot both circle lines (radius 1 and 2)
2333        ax.plot(self._unit_sphere[0, :], self._unit_sphere[1, :],
2334                c=self._plot_outerline_colour, lw=self._plot_outerline_width,
2335                alpha=self._plot_outerline_alpha * self._plot_total_alpha)
2336        ax.plot(self._outer_circle[0, :], self._outer_circle[1, :],
2337                c=self._plot_outerline_colour, lw=self._plot_outerline_width,
2338                alpha=self._plot_outerline_alpha * self._plot_total_alpha)
2340        # dummy points for setting plot plot size more accurately
2341        ax.plot([0, 2.1, 0, -2.1], [2.1, 0, -2.1, 0], ',', alpha=0.)
2343        ax.autoscale_view(tight=True, scalex=True, scaley=True)
2345        if self._plot_save_plot:
2346            try:
2347                plotfig.savefig(self._plot_outfile + '.' +
2348                                self._plot_outfile_format, dpi=self._plot_dpi,
2349                                transparent=True,
2350                                format=self._plot_outfile_format)
2351            except Exception:
2352                print('saving of plot not possible')
2354        plt.show()
2356    def pa_plot(self, kwargs):
2357        """
2358        Plot of the solution in the principal axes system.
2359        """
2360        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
2362        self._update_attributes(kwargs)
2364        r_hor = self._r_hor_for_pa_plot
2365        r_hor_FP = self._r_hor_FP_for_pa_plot
2367        plt.rc('grid', color='#316931', linewidth=0.5, linestyle='-.')
2368        plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=12)
2369        plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=10)
2371        width, height = plt.rcParams['figure.figsize']
2372        size = min(width, height)
2374        fig = plt.figure(34, figsize=(size, size))
2375        # TODO remove once minimum required matplotlib version reaches 2.0
2376        # see matplotlib/matplotlib#5501
2377        if MATPLOTLIB_VERSION < [2, 0]:
2378            axis_facecolor_kwargs = dict(axisbg='#d5de9c')
2379        else:
2380            axis_facecolor_kwargs = dict(facecolor='#d5de9c')
2381        ax = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8], polar=True,
2382                          **axis_facecolor_kwargs)
2384        r_steps = [0.000001]
2385        for i in (np.arange(4) + 1) * 0.2:
2386            r_steps.append(i)
2387        r_labels = ['S']
2388        for ii in range(len(r_steps)):
2389            if (ii + 1) % 2 == 0:
2390                r_labels.append(str(r_steps[ii]))
2391            else:
2392                r_labels.append(' ')
2394        t_angles = np.arange(0., 360., 90)
2395        t_labels = [' N ', ' H ', ' - N', ' - H']
2397        plt.thetagrids(t_angles, labels=t_labels)
2399        ax.plot(self._phi_curve, r_hor, color='r', lw=3)
2400        ax.plot(self._phi_curve, r_hor_FP, color='b', lw=1.5)
2401        ax.set_rmax(1.0)
2402        plt.grid(True)
2404        plt.rgrids((r_steps), labels=r_labels)
2406        ax.set_title("beachball in eigenvector system", fontsize=15)
2408        if self._plot_save_plot:
2409            try:
2410                fig.savefig(self._plot_outfile + '.' +
2411                            self._plot_outfile_format, dpi=self._plot_dpi,
2412                            transparent=True,
2413                            format=self._plot_outfile_format)
2414            except Exception:
2415                print('saving of plot not possible')
2416        plt.show()
2418    def _set_standard_attributes(self):
2419        """
2420        Sets default values of mandatory arguments.
2421        """
2422        # plot basis system and view point:
2423        self._plot_basis = 'NED'
2424        self._plot_projection = 'stereo'
2425        self._plot_viewpoint = [0., 0., 0.]
2426        self._plot_basis_change = None
2428        # flag, if upper hemisphere is seen instead
2429        self._plot_show_upper_hemis = False
2431        # flag, if isotropic part shall be considered
2432        self._plot_isotropic_part = False
2433        self._pure_isotropic = False
2435        # number of minimum points per line and full circle (number/360 is
2436        # minimum of points per degree at rounded lines)
2437        self._plot_n_points = 360
2439        # nodal line of pressure and tension regimes:
2440        self._plot_nodalline_width = 2
2441        self._plot_nodalline_colour = 'k'
2442        self._plot_nodalline_alpha = 1.
2444        # outer circle line
2445        self._plot_outerline_width = 2
2446        self._plot_outerline_colour = 'k'
2447        self._plot_outerline_alpha = 1.
2449        # faultplane(s)
2450        self._plot_faultplane_width = 4
2451        self._plot_faultplane_colour = 'b'
2452        self._plot_faultplane_alpha = 1.
2454        self._plot_show_faultplanes = False
2455        self._plot_show_1faultplane = False
2456        self._plot_show_FP_index = 1
2458        # principal  axes:
2459        self._plot_show_princ_axes = False
2460        self._plot_princ_axes_symsize = 10
2461        self._plot_princ_axes_lw = 3
2462        self._plot_princ_axes_alpha = 0.5
2464        # NED basis:
2465        self._plot_show_basis_axes = False
2467        # filling of the area:
2468        self._plot_clr_order = self.MT.get_colour_order()
2469        self._plot_curve_in_curve = 0
2470        self._plot_fill_flag = True
2471        self._plot_tension_colour = 'r'
2472        self._plot_pressure_colour = 'w'
2473        self._plot_fill_alpha = 1.
2475        # general plot options
2476        self._plot_size = 5
2477        self._plot_aux_plot_size = 5
2478        self._plot_dpi = 200
2480        self._plot_total_alpha = 1.
2482        # possibility to add external data (e.g. measured polarizations)
2483        self._plot_external_data = False
2484        self._external_data = None
2486        # if, howto, whereto save the plot
2487        self._plot_save_plot = False
2488        self._plot_outfile = './BB_plot_example'
2489        self._plot_outfile_format = 'svg'
2491    def _update_attributes(self, kwargs):
2492        """
2493        Makes an internal update of the object's attributes with the
2494        provided list of keyword arguments.
2496        If the keyword (extended by a leading _ ) is in the dict of
2497        the object, the value is updated. Otherwise, the keyword is
2498        ignored.
2499        """
2500        for key in kwargs.keys():
2501            if key[0] == '_':
2502                kw = key[1:]
2503            else:
2504                kw = key
2505            if '_' + kw in dir(self):
2506                setattr(self, '_' + kw, kwargs[key])
2507        if kwargs.get('plot_only_lines', False):
2508            setattr(self, '_plot_fill_flag', False)
2510    def _setup_BB(self, unit_circle=True):
2511        """
2512        Setup of the beachball, when a plotting method is evoked.
2514        Contains all the technical stuff for generating the final view of the
2515        beachball:
2517        - Finding a rotation matrix, describing the given viewpoint onto the
2518          beachball projection
2519        - Rotating all elements (lines, points) w.r.t. the given viewpoint
2520        - Projecting the 3D sphere into the 2D plane
2521        - Building circle lines in radius r=1 and r=2
2522        - Correct the order of line points, yielding a consecutive set of
2523          points for drawing lines
2524        - Smoothing of all curves, avoiding nasty sectioning connection lines
2525        - Checking, if the two nodalline curves are laying completely within
2526          each other ( cahnges plotting order of overlay plot construction)
2527        - Projection of final smooth solution onto the standard unit sphere
2528        """
2529        self._find_basis_change_2_new_viewpoint()
2530        self._rotate_all_objects_2_new_view()
2531        self._vertical_2D_projection()
2533        if unit_circle:
2534            self._build_circles()
2536        if not self.MT._iso_percentage == 100:
2537            self._correct_curves()
2538            self._smooth_curves()
2539            self._check_curve_in_curve()
2541        self._projection_2_unit_sphere()
2543        if self.MT._iso_percentage == 100:
2544            if np.trace(self.MT.get_M()) < 0:
2545                self._plot_clr_order = 1
2546            else:
2547                self._plot_clr_order = -1
2549    def _correct_curves(self):
2550        """
2551        Correcting potentially wrong curves.
2553        Checks, if the order of the given coordinates of the lines must be
2554        re-arranged, allowing for an automatical line plotting.
2555        """
2556        list_of_curves_2_correct = ['nodalline_negative', 'nodalline_positive',
2557                                    'FP1', 'FP2']
2558        n_curve_points = self._plot_n_points
2560        for obj in list_of_curves_2_correct:
2561            obj2cor_name = '_' + obj + '_2D'
2562            obj2cor = getattr(self, obj2cor_name)
2564            obj2cor_in_right_order = self._sort_curve_points(obj2cor)
2566            # logger.debug( 'curve: ', str(obj))
2567            # check, if curve closed !!!!!!
2568            start_r = np.sqrt(obj2cor_in_right_order[0, 0] ** 2 +
2569                              obj2cor_in_right_order[1, 0] ** 2)
2570            r_last_point = np.sqrt(obj2cor_in_right_order[0, -1] ** 2 +
2571                                   obj2cor_in_right_order[1, -1] ** 2)
2572            dist_last_first_point = \
2573                np.sqrt((obj2cor_in_right_order[0, -1] -
2574                         obj2cor_in_right_order[0, 0]) ** 2 +
2575                        (obj2cor_in_right_order[1, -1] -
2576                         obj2cor_in_right_order[1, 0]) ** 2)
2578            # check, if distance between last and first point is smaller than
2579            # the distance between last point and the edge (at radius=2)
2580            if dist_last_first_point > (2 - r_last_point):
2581                # add points on edge to polygon, if it is an open curve
2582                # logger.debug( str(obj)+' not closed - closing over edge... ')
2583                phi_end = np.arctan2(obj2cor_in_right_order[0, -1],
2584                                     obj2cor_in_right_order[1, -1]) % (2 * pi)
2585                R_end = r_last_point
2586                phi_start = np.arctan2(obj2cor_in_right_order[0, 0],
2587                                       obj2cor_in_right_order[1, 0]) % (2 * pi)
2588                R_start = start_r
2590                # add one point on the edge every fraction of degree given by
2591                # input parameter, increase the radius linearly
2592                phi_end_larger = np.sign(phi_end - phi_start)
2593                angle_smaller_pi = np.sign(pi - np.abs(phi_end - phi_start))
2595                if phi_end_larger * angle_smaller_pi > 0:
2596                    go_ccw = True
2597                    openangle = (phi_end - phi_start) % (2 * pi)
2598                else:
2599                    go_ccw = False
2600                    openangle = (phi_start - phi_end) % (2 * pi)
2602                radius_interval = R_start - R_end  # closing from end to start
2604                n_edgepoints = int(openangle * rad2deg *
2605                                   n_curve_points / 360.) - 1
2606                # logger.debug( 'open angle %.2f degrees - filling with %i
2607                # points on the edge\n'%(openangle/pi*180,n_edgepoints))
2608                if go_ccw:
2609                    obj2cor_in_right_order = \
2610                        list(obj2cor_in_right_order.transpose())
2611                    for kk in range(n_edgepoints + 1):
2612                        current_phi = phi_end - kk * openangle / \
2613                            (n_edgepoints + 1)
2614                        current_radius = R_end + kk * radius_interval / \
2615                            (n_edgepoints + 1)
2616                        temp = [current_radius * math.sin(current_phi),
2617                                current_radius * np.cos(current_phi)]
2618                        obj2cor_in_right_order.append(temp)
2619                    obj2cor_in_right_order = \
2620                        np.array(obj2cor_in_right_order).transpose()
2621                else:
2622                    obj2cor_in_right_order = \
2623                        list(obj2cor_in_right_order.transpose())
2624                    for kk in range(n_edgepoints + 1):
2625                        current_phi = phi_end + kk * openangle / \
2626                            (n_edgepoints + 1)
2627                        current_radius = R_end + kk * radius_interval / \
2628                            (n_edgepoints + 1)
2629                        temp = [current_radius * math.sin(current_phi),
2630                                current_radius * np.cos(current_phi)]
2631                        obj2cor_in_right_order.append(temp)
2632                    obj2cor_in_right_order = \
2633                        np.array(obj2cor_in_right_order).transpose()
2634            setattr(self, '_' + obj + '_in_order', obj2cor_in_right_order)
2635        return 1
2637    def _nodallines_in_NED_system(self):
2638        """
2639        The two nodal lines between the areas on a beachball are given by the
2640        points, where tan²(alpha) = (-EWs/(EWN*cos(phi)**2 + EWh*sin(phi)**2))
2641        is fulfilled.
2643        This solution is gained in the principal axes system and then expressed
2644        in terms of the NED basis system
2646        output:
2647        - set of points, building the first nodal line,  coordinates in the
2648          input basis system (standard NED)
2649        - set of points, building the second nodal line,  coordinates in the
2650          input basis system (standard NED)
2651        - array with 6 points, describing positive and negative part of 3
2652          principal axes
2653        - array with partition of full circle (angle values in degrees)
2654          fraction is given by parameter n_curve_points
2655        """
2656        # build the nodallines of positive/negative areas in the principal axes
2657        # system
2658        n_curve_points = self._plot_n_points
2660        # phi is the angle between neutral axis and horizontal projection
2661        # of the curve point to the surface, spanned by H- and
2662        # N-axis. Running mathematically negative (clockwise) around the
2663        # SIGMA-axis. Stepsize is given by the parameter for number of
2664        # curve points
2665        phi = (np.arange(n_curve_points) / float(n_curve_points) +
2666               1. / n_curve_points) * 2 * pi
2667        self._phi_curve = phi
2669        # analytical/geometrical solution for separatrix curve - alpha is
2670        # opening angle between principal axis SIGMA and point of curve. (alpha
2671        # is 0, if curve lies directly on the SIGMA axis)
2673        # CASE: including isotropic part
2674        # sigma axis flips, if EWn flips sign
2676        EWh_devi = self.MT.get_eigvals()[0] - 1. / 3 * np.trace(self._M)
2677        EWn_devi = self.MT.get_eigvals()[1] - 1. / 3 * np.trace(self._M)
2678        EWs_devi = self.MT.get_eigvals()[2] - 1. / 3 * np.trace(self._M)
2680        if not self._plot_isotropic_part:
2681            EWh = EWh_devi
2682            EWn = EWn_devi
2683            EWs = EWs_devi
2684        else:
2685            EWh_tmp = self.MT.get_eigvals()[0]
2686            EWn_tmp = self.MT.get_eigvals()[1]
2687            EWs_tmp = self.MT.get_eigvals()[2]
2689            trace_m = np.sum(self.MT.get_eigvals())
2690            EWh = EWh_tmp.copy()
2691            EWs = EWs_tmp.copy()
2693            if trace_m != 0:
2694                if (self._plot_clr_order > 0 and EWn_tmp >= 0 and
2695                        abs(EWs_tmp) > abs(EWh_tmp)) or \
2696                        (self._plot_clr_order < 0 and
2697                         EWn_tmp <= 0 and abs(EWs_tmp) > abs(EWh_tmp)):
2699                    EWs = EWh_tmp.copy()
2700                    EWh = EWs_tmp.copy()
2701                    print('changed order!!\n')
2702                    EVs_tmp = self.MT._rotation_matrix[:, 2].copy()
2703                    EVh_tmp = self.MT._rotation_matrix[:, 0].copy()
2705                    self.MT._rotation_matrix[:, 0] = EVs_tmp
2706                    self.MT._rotation_matrix[:, 2] = EVh_tmp
2707                    self._plot_clr_order *= -1
2709            EWn = EWn_tmp.copy()
2711        if abs(EWn) < epsilon:
2712            EWn = 0
2713        norm_factor = max(np.abs([EWh, EWn, EWs]))
2715        # norm_factor is be zero in some cases
2716        with np.errstate(all='ignore'):
2717            [EWh, EWn, EWs] = [xx / norm_factor for xx in [EWh, EWn, EWs]]
2719        RHS = -EWs / (EWn * np.cos(phi) ** 2 + EWh * np.sin(phi) ** 2)
2721        if np.all([np.sign(xx) >= 0 for xx in RHS]):
2722            alpha = np.arctan(np.sqrt(RHS)) * rad2deg
2723        else:
2724            alpha = phi.copy()
2725            alpha[:] = 90
2726            self._pure_isotropic = 1
2728        # fault planes:
2729        RHS_FP = 1. / (np.sin(phi) ** 2)
2730        alpha_FP = np.arctan(np.sqrt(RHS_FP)) * rad2deg
2732        # horizontal coordinates of curves
2733        r_hor = np.sin(alpha / rad2deg)
2734        r_hor_FP = np.sin(alpha_FP / rad2deg)
2736        self._r_hor_for_pa_plot = r_hor
2737        self._r_hor_FP_for_pa_plot = r_hor_FP
2739        H_values = np.sin(phi) * r_hor
2740        N_values = np.cos(phi) * r_hor
2741        H_values_FP = np.sin(phi) * r_hor_FP
2742        N_values_FP = np.cos(phi) * r_hor_FP
2744        # set vertical value of curve point coordinates - two symmetric curves
2745        # exist
2746        S_values_positive = np.cos(alpha / rad2deg)
2747        S_values_negative = -np.cos(alpha / rad2deg)
2748        S_values_positive_FP = np.cos(alpha_FP / rad2deg)
2749        S_values_negative_FP = -np.cos(alpha_FP / rad2deg)
2751        #############
2752        # change basis back to original input reference system
2753        #########
2755        chng_basis = self.MT._rotation_matrix
2757        line_tuple_pos = np.zeros((3, n_curve_points))
2758        line_tuple_neg = np.zeros((3, n_curve_points))
2760        for ii in range(n_curve_points):
2761            pos_vec_in_EV_basis = np.array([H_values[ii], N_values[ii],
2762                                           S_values_positive[ii]]).transpose()
2763            neg_vec_in_EV_basis = np.array([H_values[ii], N_values[ii],
2764                                           S_values_negative[ii]]).transpose()
2765            line_tuple_pos[:, ii] = np.dot(chng_basis, pos_vec_in_EV_basis)
2766            line_tuple_neg[:, ii] = np.dot(chng_basis, neg_vec_in_EV_basis)
2768        EVh = self.MT.get_eigvecs()[0]
2769        EVn = self.MT.get_eigvecs()[1]
2770        EVs = self.MT.get_eigvecs()[2]
2772        all_EV = np.zeros((3, 6))
2774        all_EV[:, 0] = EVh.transpose()
2775        all_EV[:, 1] = EVn.transpose()
2776        all_EV[:, 2] = EVs.transpose()
2777        all_EV[:, 3] = -EVh.transpose()
2778        all_EV[:, 4] = -EVn.transpose()
2779        all_EV[:, 5] = -EVs.transpose()
2781        # basis vectors:
2782        all_BV = np.zeros((3, 6))
2783        all_BV[:, 0] = np.array((1, 0, 0))
2784        all_BV[:, 1] = np.array((-1, 0, 0))
2785        all_BV[:, 2] = np.array((0, 1, 0))
2786        all_BV[:, 3] = np.array((0, -1, 0))
2787        all_BV[:, 4] = np.array((0, 0, 1))
2788        all_BV[:, 5] = np.array((0, 0, -1))
2790        # re-sort the two 90 degree nodal lines to 2 fault planes - cut each at
2791        # halves and merge pairs
2792        # additionally change basis system to NED reference system
2794        midpoint_idx = int(n_curve_points / 2.)
2796        FP1 = np.zeros((3, n_curve_points))
2797        FP2 = np.zeros((3, n_curve_points))
2799        for ii in range(midpoint_idx):
2800            FP1_vec = np.array([H_values_FP[ii], N_values_FP[ii],
2801                               S_values_positive_FP[ii]]).transpose()
2802            FP2_vec = np.array([H_values_FP[ii], N_values_FP[ii],
2803                               S_values_negative_FP[ii]]).transpose()
2804            FP1[:, ii] = np.dot(chng_basis, FP1_vec)
2805            FP2[:, ii] = np.dot(chng_basis, FP2_vec)
2807        for jj in range(midpoint_idx):
2808            ii = n_curve_points - jj - 1
2810            FP1_vec = np.array([H_values_FP[ii], N_values_FP[ii],
2811                               S_values_negative_FP[ii]]).transpose()
2812            FP2_vec = np.array([H_values_FP[ii], N_values_FP[ii],
2813                               S_values_positive_FP[ii]]).transpose()
2814            FP1[:, ii] = np.dot(chng_basis, FP1_vec)
2815            FP2[:, ii] = np.dot(chng_basis, FP2_vec)
2817        # identify with faultplane index, gotten from 'get_fps':
2818        self._FP1 = FP1
2819        self._FP2 = FP2
2821        self._all_EV = all_EV
2822        self._all_BV = all_BV
2823        self._nodalline_negative = line_tuple_neg
2824        self._nodalline_positive = line_tuple_pos
2826    def _identify_faultplanes(self):
2827        """
2828        See, if the 2 faultplanes, given as attribute of the moment
2829        tensor object, handed to this instance, are consistent with
2830        the faultplane lines, obtained from the basis solution. If
2831        not, interchange the indices of the newly found ones.
2832        """
2833        # TODO !!!!!!
2834        pass
2836    def _find_basis_change_2_new_viewpoint(self):
2837        """
2838        Finding the Eulerian angles, if you want to rotate an object.
2840        Your original view point is the position (0,0,0). Input are the
2841        coordinates of the new point of view, equivalent to geographical
2842        coordinates.
2844        Example:
2846        Original view onto the Earth is from right above lat=0, lon=0 with
2847        north=upper edge, south=lower edge. Now you want to see the Earth
2848        from a position somewhere near Baku. So lat=45,
2849        lon=45, azimuth=0.
2851        The Earth must be rotated around some axis, not to be determined.
2852        The rotation matrixx is the matrix for the change of basis to the
2853        new local orthonormal system.
2855        input:
2856        - latitude in degrees from -90 (south) to 90 (north)
2857        - longitude in degrees from -180 (west) to 180 (east)
2858        - azimuth in degrees from 0 (heading north) to 360 (north again)
2859        """
2860        new_latitude = self._plot_viewpoint[0]
2861        new_longitude = self._plot_viewpoint[1]
2862        new_azimuth = self._plot_viewpoint[2]
2864        s_lat = np.sin(new_latitude / rad2deg)
2865        if abs(s_lat) < epsilon:
2866            s_lat = 0
2867        c_lat = np.cos(new_latitude / rad2deg)
2868        if abs(c_lat) < epsilon:
2869            c_lat = 0
2870        s_lon = np.sin(new_longitude / rad2deg)
2871        if abs(s_lon) < epsilon:
2872            s_lon = 0
2873        c_lon = np.cos(new_longitude / rad2deg)
2874        if abs(c_lon) < epsilon:
2875            c_lon = 0
2876        # assume input basis as NED!!!
2878        # original point of view therein is (0,0,-1)
2879        # new point at lat=latitude, lon=longitude, az=0, given in old
2880        # NED-coordinates:
2881        # (cos(latitude), sin(latitude)*sin(longitude),
2882        # sin(latitude)*cos(longitude) )
2883        #
2884        # new " down' " is given by the negative position vector, so pointing
2885        # inwards to the centre point
2886        # down_prime = - ( np.array( ( s_lat, c_lat*c_lon, -c_lat*s_lon ) ) )
2887        down_prime = -(np.array((s_lat, c_lat * s_lon, -c_lat * c_lon)))
2889        # normalise:
2890        down_prime /= np.sqrt(np.dot(down_prime, down_prime))
2892        # get second local basis vector " north' " by orthogonalising
2893        # (Gram-Schmidt method) the original north w.r.t. the new " down' "
2894        north_prime_not_normalised = np.array((1., 0., 0.)) - \
2895            (np.dot(down_prime, np.array((1., 0., 0.))) /
2896             (np.dot(down_prime, down_prime)) * down_prime)
2898        len_north_prime_not_normalised = \
2899            np.sqrt(np.dot(north_prime_not_normalised,
2900                           north_prime_not_normalised))
2901        # check for poles:
2902        if np.abs(len_north_prime_not_normalised) < epsilon:
2903            # case: north pole
2904            if s_lat > 0:
2905                north_prime = np.array((0., 0., 1.))
2906            # case: south pole
2907            else:
2908                north_prime = np.array((0., 0., -1.))
2909        else:
2910            north_prime = \
2911                north_prime_not_normalised / len_north_prime_not_normalised
2913        # third basis vector is obtained by a cross product of the first two
2914        east_prime = np.cross(down_prime, north_prime)
2916        # normalise:
2917        east_prime /= np.sqrt(np.dot(east_prime, east_prime))
2919        rotmat_pos_raw = np.zeros((3, 3))
2920        rotmat_pos_raw[:, 0] = north_prime
2921        rotmat_pos_raw[:, 1] = east_prime
2922        rotmat_pos_raw[:, 2] = down_prime
2924        rotmat_pos = np.asmatrix(rotmat_pos_raw).T
2925        # this matrix gives the coordinates of a given point in the old
2926        # coordinates w.r.t. the new system
2928        # up to here, only the position has changed, the angle of view
2929        # (azimuth) has to be added by an additional rotation around the
2930        # down'-axis (in the frame of the new coordinates)
2931        # set up the local rotation around the new down'-axis by the given
2932        # angle 'azimuth'. Positive values turn view counterclockwise from the
2933        # new north'
2934        only_rotation = np.zeros((3, 3))
2935        s_az = np.sin(new_azimuth / rad2deg)
2936        if abs(s_az) < epsilon:
2937            s_az = 0.
2938        c_az = np.cos(new_azimuth / rad2deg)
2939        if abs(c_az) < epsilon:
2940            c_az = 0.
2942        only_rotation[2, 2] = 1
2943        only_rotation[0, 0] = c_az
2944        only_rotation[1, 1] = c_az
2945        only_rotation[0, 1] = -s_az
2946        only_rotation[1, 0] = s_az
2948        local_rotation = np.asmatrix(only_rotation)
2950        # apply rotation from left!!
2951        total_rotation_matrix = np.dot(local_rotation, rotmat_pos)
2953        # yields the complete matrix for representing the old coordinates in
2954        # the new (rotated) frame:
2955        self._plot_basis_change = total_rotation_matrix
2957    def _rotate_all_objects_2_new_view(self):
2958        """
2959        Rotate all relevant parts of the solution - namely the
2960        eigenvector-projections, the 2 nodallines, and the faultplanes
2961        - so that they are seen from the new viewpoint.
2962        """
2963        objects_2_rotate = ['all_EV', 'all_BV', 'nodalline_negative',
2964                            'nodalline_positive', 'FP1', 'FP2']
2966        for obj in objects_2_rotate:
2967            object2rotate = getattr(self, '_' + obj).transpose()
2969            rotated_thing = object2rotate.copy()
2970            for i in range(len(object2rotate)):
2971                rotated_thing[i] = np.dot(self._plot_basis_change,
2972                                          object2rotate[i])
2974            rotated_object = rotated_thing.copy()
2975            setattr(self, '_' + obj + '_rotated', rotated_object.transpose())
2977    # ---------------------------------------------------------------
2979    def _vertical_2D_projection(self):
2980        """
2981        Start the vertical projection of the 3D beachball onto the 2D plane.
2983        The projection is chosen according to the attribute '_plot_projection'
2984        """
2985        list_of_possible_projections = ['stereo', 'ortho', 'lambert', 'gnom']
2987        if self._plot_projection not in list_of_possible_projections:
2988            print('desired projection not possible - choose from:\n ', end=' ')
2989            print(list_of_possible_projections)
2990            raise MTError(' !! ')
2992        if self._plot_projection == 'stereo':
2993            if not self._stereo_vertical():
2994                print('ERROR in stereo_vertical')
2995                raise MTError(' !! ')
2996        elif self._plot_projection == 'ortho':
2997            if not self._orthographic_vertical():
2998                print('ERROR in stereo_vertical')
2999                raise MTError(' !! ')
3000        elif self._plot_projection == 'lambert':
3001            if not self._lambert_vertical():
3002                print('ERROR in stereo_vertical')
3003                raise MTError(' !! ')
3004        elif self._plot_projection == 'gnom':
3005            if not self._gnomonic_vertical():
3006                print('ERROR in stereo_vertical')
3007                raise MTError(' !! ')
3009    def _stereo_vertical(self):
3010        """
3011        Stereographic/azimuthal conformal 2D projection onto a plane, tangent
3012        to the lowest point (0,0,1).
3014        Keeps the angles constant!
3016        The parts in the lower hemisphere are projected to the unit
3017        sphere, the upper half to an annular region between radii r=1
3018        and r=2. If the attribute '_show_upper_hemis' is set, the
3019        projection is reversed.
3020        """
3021        objects_2_project = ['all_EV', 'all_BV', 'nodalline_negative',
3022                             'nodalline_positive', 'FP1', 'FP2']
3024        available_coord_systems = ['NED']
3026        if self._plot_basis not in available_coord_systems:
3027            print('desired plotting projection not possible - choose from :\n',
3028                  end=' ')
3029            print(available_coord_systems)
3030            raise MTError(' !! ')
3032        plot_upper_hem = self._plot_show_upper_hemis
3034        for obj in objects_2_project:
3035            obj_name = '_' + obj + '_rotated'
3036            o2proj = getattr(self, obj_name)
3037            coords = o2proj.copy()
3039            n_points = len(o2proj[0, :])
3040            stereo_coords = np.zeros((2, n_points))
3042            for ll in range(n_points):
3043                # second component is EAST
3044                co_x = coords[1, ll]
3045                # first component is NORTH
3046                co_y = coords[0, ll]
3047                # z given in DOWN
3048                co_z = -coords[2, ll]
3050                rho_hor = np.sqrt(co_x ** 2 + co_y ** 2)
3052                if rho_hor == 0:
3053                    new_y = 0
3054                    new_x = 0
3055                    if plot_upper_hem:
3056                        if co_z < 0:
3057                            new_x = 2
3058                    else:
3059                        if co_z > 0:
3060                            new_x = 2
3061                else:
3062                    if co_z < 0:
3063                        new_rho = rho_hor / (1. - co_z)
3064                        if plot_upper_hem:
3065                            new_rho = 2 - (rho_hor / (1. - co_z))
3067                        new_x = co_x / rho_hor * new_rho
3068                        new_y = co_y / rho_hor * new_rho
3069                    else:
3070                        new_rho = 2 - (rho_hor / (1. + co_z))
3071                        if plot_upper_hem:
3072                            new_rho = rho_hor / (1. + co_z)
3074                        new_x = co_x / rho_hor * new_rho
3075                        new_y = co_y / rho_hor * new_rho
3077                stereo_coords[0, ll] = new_x
3078                stereo_coords[1, ll] = new_y
3080            setattr(self, '_' + obj + '_2D', stereo_coords)
3081            setattr(self, '_' + obj + '_final', stereo_coords)
3083        return 1
3085    def _orthographic_vertical(self):
3086        """
3087        Orthographic 2D projection onto a plane, tangent to the lowest
3088        point (0,0,1).
3090        Shows the natural view on a 2D sphere from large distances (assuming
3091        parallel projection)
3093        The parts in the lower hemisphere are projected to the unit
3094        sphere, the upper half to an annular region between radii r=1
3095        and r=2. If the attribute '_show_upper_hemis' is set, the
3096        projection is reversed.
3097        """
3099        objects_2_project = ['all_EV', 'all_BV', 'nodalline_negative',
3100                             'nodalline_positive', 'FP1', 'FP2']
3102        available_coord_systems = ['NED']
3104        if self._plot_basis not in available_coord_systems:
3105            print('desired plotting projection not possible - choose from :\n',
3106                  end=' ')
3107            print(available_coord_systems)
3108            raise MTError(' !! ')
3110        plot_upper_hem = self._plot_show_upper_hemis
3112        for obj in objects_2_project:
3113            obj_name = '_' + obj + '_rotated'
3114            o2proj = getattr(self, obj_name)
3115            coords = o2proj.copy()
3117            n_points = len(o2proj[0, :])
3118            coords2D = np.zeros((2, n_points))
3120            for ll in range(n_points):
3121                # second component is EAST
3122                co_x = coords[1, ll]
3123                # first component is NORTH
3124                co_y = coords[0, ll]
3125                # z given in DOWN
3126                co_z = -coords[2, ll]
3128                rho_hor = np.sqrt(co_x ** 2 + co_y ** 2)
3130                if rho_hor == 0:
3131                    new_y = 0
3132                    new_x = 0
3133                    if plot_upper_hem:
3134                        if co_z < 0:
3135                            new_x = 2
3136                    else:
3137                        if co_z > 0:
3138                            new_x = 2
3139                else:
3140                    if co_z < 0:
3141                        new_rho = rho_hor
3142                        if plot_upper_hem:
3143                            new_rho = 2 - rho_hor
3145                        new_x = co_x / rho_hor * new_rho
3146                        new_y = co_y / rho_hor * new_rho
3147                    else:
3148                        new_rho = 2 - rho_hor
3149                        if plot_upper_hem:
3150                            new_rho = rho_hor
3152                        new_x = co_x / rho_hor * new_rho
3153                        new_y = co_y / rho_hor * new_rho
3155                coords2D[0, ll] = new_x
3156                coords2D[1, ll] = new_y
3158            setattr(self, '_' + obj + '_2D', coords2D)
3159            setattr(self, '_' + obj + '_final', coords2D)
3161        return 1
3163    def _lambert_vertical(self):
3164        """
3165        Lambert azimuthal equal-area 2D projection onto a plane, tangent to the
3166        lowest point (0,0,1).
3168        Keeps the area constant!
3170        The parts in the lower hemisphere are projected to the unit
3171        sphere (only here the area is kept constant), the upper half to an
3172        annular region between radii r=1 and r=2. If the attribute
3173        '_show_upper_hemis' is set, the projection is reversed.
3174        """
3175        objects_2_project = ['all_EV', 'all_BV', 'nodalline_negative',
3176                             'nodalline_positive', 'FP1', 'FP2']
3178        available_coord_systems = ['NED']
3180        if self._plot_basis not in available_coord_systems:
3181            print('desired plotting projection not possible - choose from :\n',
3182                  end=' ')
3183            print(available_coord_systems)
3184            raise MTError(' !! ')
3186        plot_upper_hem = self._plot_show_upper_hemis
3188        for obj in objects_2_project:
3189            obj_name = '_' + obj + '_rotated'
3190            o2proj = getattr(self, obj_name)
3191            coords = o2proj.copy()
3193            n_points = len(o2proj[0, :])
3194            coords2D = np.zeros((2, n_points))
3196            for ll in range(n_points):
3197                # second component is EAST
3198                co_x = coords[1, ll]
3199                # first component is NORTH
3200                co_y = coords[0, ll]
3201                # z given in DOWN
3202                co_z = -coords[2, ll]
3204                rho_hor = np.sqrt(co_x ** 2 + co_y ** 2)
3206                if rho_hor == 0:
3207                    new_y = 0
3208                    new_x = 0
3209                    if plot_upper_hem:
3210                        if co_z < 0:
3211                            new_x = 2
3212                    else:
3213                        if co_z > 0:
3214                            new_x = 2
3215                else:
3216                    if co_z < 0:
3217                        new_rho = rho_hor / np.sqrt(1. - co_z)
3219                        if plot_upper_hem:
3220                            new_rho = 2 - (rho_hor / np.sqrt(1. - co_z))
3222                        new_x = co_x / rho_hor * new_rho
3223                        new_y = co_y / rho_hor * new_rho
3225                    else:
3226                        new_rho = 2 - (rho_hor / np.sqrt(1. + co_z))
3228                        if plot_upper_hem:
3229                            new_rho = rho_hor / np.sqrt(1. + co_z)
3231                        new_x = co_x / rho_hor * new_rho
3232                        new_y = co_y / rho_hor * new_rho
3234                coords2D[0, ll] = new_x
3235                coords2D[1, ll] = new_y
3237            setattr(self, '_' + obj + '_2D', coords2D)
3238            setattr(self, '_' + obj + '_final', coords2D)
3240        return 1
3242    def _gnomonic_vertical(self):
3243        """
3244        Gnomonic 2D projection onto a plane, tangent to the lowest
3245        point (0,0,1).
3247        Keeps the great circles as straight lines (geodetics constant) !
3249        The parts in the lower hemisphere are projected to the unit
3250        sphere, the upper half to an annular region between radii r=1
3251        and r=2. If the attribute '_show_upper_hemis' is set, the
3252        projection is reversed.
3253        """
3255        objects_2_project = ['all_EV', 'all_BV', 'nodalline_negative',
3256                             'nodalline_positive', 'FP1', 'FP2']
3258        available_coord_systems = ['NED']
3260        if self._plot_basis not in available_coord_systems:
3261            print('desired plotting projection not possible - choose from :\n',
3262                  end=' ')
3263            print(available_coord_systems)
3264            raise MTError(' !! ')
3266        plot_upper_hem = self._plot_show_upper_hemis
3268        for obj in objects_2_project:
3269            obj_name = '_' + obj + '_rotated'
3270            o2proj = getattr(self, obj_name)
3271            coords = o2proj.copy()
3273            n_points = len(o2proj[0, :])
3274            coords2D = np.zeros((2, n_points))
3276            for ll in range(n_points):
3277                # second component is EAST
3278                co_x = coords[1, ll]
3279                # first component is NORTH
3280                co_y = coords[0, ll]
3281                # z given in DOWN
3282                co_z = -coords[2, ll]
3284                rho_hor = np.sqrt(co_x ** 2 + co_y ** 2)
3286                if rho_hor == 0:
3287                    new_y = 0
3288                    new_x = 0
3289                    if co_z > 0:
3290                        new_x = 2
3291                        if plot_upper_hem:
3292                            new_x = 0
3293                else:
3294                    if co_z < 0:
3295                        new_rho = np.cos(np.arcsin(rho_hor)) * \
3296                            np.tan(np.arcsin(rho_hor))
3298                        if plot_upper_hem:
3299                            new_rho = 2 - (np.cos(np.arcsin(rho_hor)) *
3300                                           np.tan(np.arcsin(rho_hor)))
3302                        new_x = co_x / rho_hor * new_rho
3303                        new_y = co_y / rho_hor * new_rho
3305                    else:
3306                        new_rho = 2 - (np.cos(np.arcsin(rho_hor)) *
3307                                       np.tan(np.arcsin(rho_hor)))
3309                        if plot_upper_hem:
3310                            new_rho = np.cos(np.arcsin(rho_hor)) * \
3311                                np.tan(np.arcsin(rho_hor))
3313                        new_x = co_x / rho_hor * new_rho
3314                        new_y = co_y / rho_hor * new_rho
3316                coords2D[0, ll] = new_x
3317                coords2D[1, ll] = new_y
3319            setattr(self, '_' + obj + '_2D', coords2D)
3320            setattr(self, '_' + obj + '_final', coords2D)
3322        return 1
3324    def _build_circles(self):
3325        """
3326        Sets two sets of points, describing the unit sphere and the outer
3327        circle with r=2.
3329        Added as attributes '_unit_sphere' and '_outer_circle'.
3330        """
3331        phi = self._phi_curve
3333        UnitSphere = np.zeros((2, len(phi)))
3334        UnitSphere[0, :] = np.cos(phi)
3335        UnitSphere[1, :] = np.sin(phi)
3337        # outer circle ( radius for stereographic projection is set to 2 )
3338        outer_circle_points = 2 * UnitSphere
3340        self._unit_sphere = UnitSphere
3341        self._outer_circle = outer_circle_points
3343    def _sort_curve_points(self, curve):
3344        """
3345        Checks, if curve points are in right order for line plotting.
3347        If not, a re-arranging is carried out.
3348        """
3349        sorted_curve = np.zeros((2, len(curve[0, :])))
3350        # in polar coordinates
3351        r_phi_curve = np.zeros((len(curve[0, :]), 2))
3352        for ii in range(curve.shape[1]):
3353            r_phi_curve[ii, 0] = \
3354                math.sqrt(curve[0, ii] ** 2 + curve[1, ii] ** 2)
3355            r_phi_curve[ii, 1] = \
3356                math.atan2(curve[0, ii], curve[1, ii]) % (2 * pi)
3357        # find index with highest r
3358        largest_r_idx = np.argmax(r_phi_curve[:, 0])
3360        # check, if perhaps more values with same r - if so, take point with
3361        # lowest phi
3362        other_idces = \
3363            np.where(r_phi_curve[:, 0] == r_phi_curve[largest_r_idx, 0])
3364        if len(other_idces) > 1:
3365            best_idx = np.argmin(r_phi_curve[other_idces, 1])
3366            start_idx_curve = other_idces[best_idx]
3367        else:
3368            start_idx_curve = largest_r_idx
3370        if not start_idx_curve == 0:
3371            pass
3373        # check orientation - want to go inwards
3374        start_r = r_phi_curve[start_idx_curve, 0]
3375        next_idx = (start_idx_curve + 1) % len(r_phi_curve[:, 0])
3376        prep_idx = (start_idx_curve - 1) % len(r_phi_curve[:, 0])
3377        next_r = r_phi_curve[next_idx, 0]
3379        keep_direction = True
3380        if next_r <= start_r:
3381            # check, if next R is on other side of area - look at total
3382            # distance - if yes, reverse direction
3383            dist_first_next = \
3384                (curve[0, next_idx] - curve[0, start_idx_curve]) ** 2 + \
3385                (curve[1, next_idx] - curve[1, start_idx_curve]) ** 2
3386            dist_first_other = \
3387                (curve[0, prep_idx] - curve[0, start_idx_curve]) ** 2 + \
3388                (curve[1, prep_idx] - curve[1, start_idx_curve]) ** 2
3390            if dist_first_next > dist_first_other:
3391                keep_direction = False
3393        if keep_direction:
3394            # direction is kept
3395            for jj in range(curve.shape[1]):
3396                running_idx = (start_idx_curve + jj) % len(curve[0, :])
3397                sorted_curve[0, jj] = curve[0, running_idx]
3398                sorted_curve[1, jj] = curve[1, running_idx]
3399        else:
3400            # direction  is reversed
3401            for jj in range(curve.shape[1]):
3402                running_idx = (start_idx_curve - jj) % len(curve[0, :])
3403                sorted_curve[0, jj] = curve[0, running_idx]
3404                sorted_curve[1, jj] = curve[1, running_idx]
3406        # check if step of first to second point does not have large angle
3407        # step (problem caused by projection of point (pole) onto whole
3408        # edge - if this first angle step is larger than the one between
3409        # points 2 and three, correct position of first point: keep R, but
3410        # take angle with same difference as point 2 to point 3
3412        angle_point_1 = (math.atan2(sorted_curve[0, 0],
3413                                    sorted_curve[1, 0]) % (2 * pi))
3414        angle_point_2 = (math.atan2(sorted_curve[0, 1],
3415                                    sorted_curve[1, 1]) % (2 * pi))
3416        angle_point_3 = (math.atan2(sorted_curve[0, 2],
3417                                    sorted_curve[1, 2]) % (2 * pi))
3419        angle_diff_23 = (angle_point_3 - angle_point_2)
3420        if angle_diff_23 > pi:
3421            angle_diff_23 = (-angle_diff_23) % (2 * pi)
3423        angle_diff_12 = (angle_point_2 - angle_point_1)
3424        if angle_diff_12 > pi:
3425            angle_diff_12 = (-angle_diff_12) % (2 * pi)
3427        if abs(angle_diff_12) > abs(angle_diff_23):
3428            r_old = \
3429                math.sqrt(sorted_curve[0, 0] ** 2 + sorted_curve[1, 0] ** 2)
3430            new_angle = (angle_point_2 - angle_diff_23) % (2 * pi)
3431            sorted_curve[0, 0] = r_old * math.sin(new_angle)
3432            sorted_curve[1, 0] = r_old * math.cos(new_angle)
3434        return sorted_curve
3436    def _smooth_curves(self):
3437        """
3438        Corrects curves for potential large gaps, resulting in strange
3439        intersection lines on nodals of round and irreagularly shaped
3440        areas.
3442        At least one coordinte point on each degree on the circle is assured.
3443        """
3444        list_of_curves_2_smooth = ['nodalline_negative', 'nodalline_positive',
3445                                   'FP1', 'FP2']
3447        points_per_degree = self._plot_n_points / 360.
3449        for curve2smooth in list_of_curves_2_smooth:
3450            obj_name = curve2smooth + '_in_order'
3451            obj = getattr(self, '_' + obj_name).transpose()
3453            smoothed_array = np.zeros((1, 2))
3454            smoothed_array[0, :] = obj[0]
3455            smoothed_list = [smoothed_array]
3457            # now in shape (n_points,2)
3458            for idx, val in enumerate(obj[:-1]):
3459                r1 = math.sqrt(val[0] ** 2 + val[1] ** 2)
3460                r2 = math.sqrt(obj[idx + 1][0] ** 2 + obj[idx + 1][1] ** 2)
3461                phi1 = math.atan2(val[0], val[1])
3462                phi2 = math.atan2(obj[idx + 1][0], obj[idx + 1][1])
3464                phi2_larger = np.sign(phi2 - phi1)
3465                angle_smaller_pi = np.sign(pi - abs(phi2 - phi1))
3467                if phi2_larger * angle_smaller_pi > 0:
3468                    go_cw = True
3469                    openangle = (phi2 - phi1) % (2 * pi)
3470                else:
3471                    go_cw = False
3472                    openangle = (phi1 - phi2) % (2 * pi)
3474                openangle_deg = openangle * rad2deg
3475                radius_diff = r2 - r1
3477                if openangle_deg > 1. / points_per_degree:
3479                    n_fillpoints = int(openangle_deg * points_per_degree)
3480                    fill_array = np.zeros((n_fillpoints, 2))
3481                    if go_cw:
3482                        angles = ((np.arange(n_fillpoints) + 1) * openangle /
3483                                  (n_fillpoints + 1) + phi1) % (2 * pi)
3484                    else:
3485                        angles = (phi1 - (np.arange(n_fillpoints) + 1) *
3486                                  openangle / (n_fillpoints + 1)) % (2 * pi)
3488                    radii = (np.arange(n_fillpoints) + 1) * \
3489                        radius_diff / (n_fillpoints + 1) + r1
3491                    fill_array[:, 0] = radii * np.sin(angles)
3492                    fill_array[:, 1] = radii * np.cos(angles)
3494                    smoothed_list.append(fill_array)
3496                smoothed_list.append([obj[idx + 1]])
3498            smoothed_array = np.vstack(smoothed_list)
3499            setattr(self, '_' + curve2smooth + '_final',
3500                    smoothed_array.transpose())
3502    def _check_curve_in_curve(self):
3503        """
3504        Checks, if one of the two nodallines contains the other one
3505        completely. If so, the order of colours is re-adapted,
3506        assuring the correct order when doing the overlay plotting.
3507        """
3508        lo_points_in_pos_curve = \
3509            list(self._nodalline_positive_final.transpose())
3510        lo_points_in_pos_curve_array = \
3511            self._nodalline_positive_final.transpose()
3512        lo_points_in_neg_curve = \
3513            list(self._nodalline_negative_final.transpose())
3514        lo_points_in_neg_curve_array = \
3515            self._nodalline_negative_final.transpose()
3517        # check, if negative curve completely within positive curve
3518        mask_neg_in_pos = 0
3519        for neg_point in lo_points_in_neg_curve:
3520            mask_neg_in_pos += self._pnpoly(lo_points_in_pos_curve_array,
3521                                            neg_point[:2])
3522        if mask_neg_in_pos > len(lo_points_in_neg_curve) - 3:
3523            self._plot_curve_in_curve = 1
3525        # check, if positive curve completely within negative curve
3526        mask_pos_in_neg = 0
3527        for pos_point in lo_points_in_pos_curve:
3528            mask_pos_in_neg += self._pnpoly(lo_points_in_neg_curve_array,
3529                                            pos_point[:2])
3530        if mask_pos_in_neg > len(lo_points_in_pos_curve) - 3:
3531            self._plot_curve_in_curve = -1
3533        # correct for ONE special case: double couple with its
3534        # eigensystem = NED basis system:
3535        testarray = [1., 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1]
3536        if np.prod(self.MT._rotation_matrix.A1 == testarray) and \
3537           (self.MT._eigenvalues[1] == 0):
3538            self._plot_curve_in_curve = -1
3539            self._plot_clr_order = 1
3541    def _point_inside_polygon(self, x, y, poly):
3542        """
3543        Determine if a point is inside a given polygon or not.
3545        Polygon is a list of (x,y) pairs.
3546        """
3547        n = len(poly)
3548        inside = False
3550        p1x, p1y = poly[0]
3551        for i in range(n + 1):
3552            p2x, p2y = poly[i % n]
3553            if y > min(p1y, p2y):
3554                if y <= max(p1y, p2y):
3555                    if x <= max(p1x, p2x):
3556                        if p1y != p2y:
3557                            xinters = \
3558                                (y - p1y) * (p2x - p1x) / (p2y - p1y) + p1x
3559                        if p1x == p2x or x <= xinters:
3560                            inside = not inside
3561            p1x, p1y = p2x, p2y
3563        return inside
3565    def _pnpoly(self, verts, point):
3566        """
3567        Check whether point is in the polygon defined by verts.
3569        verts - 2xN array
3570        point - (2,) array
3572        See
3573        https://www.ecse.rpi.edu/Homepages/wrf/Research/Short_Notes/pnpoly.html
3574        """
3575        # using take instead of getitem, about ten times faster, see
3576        # http://wesmckinney.com/blog/?p=215
3577        verts = np.require(verts, dtype=np.float64)
3578        x, y = point
3580        xpi = verts[:, 0]
3581        ypi = verts[:, 1]
3582        # shift
3583        xpj = xpi.take(self.arange_1[:xpi.size])
3584        ypj = ypi.take(self.arange_1[:ypi.size])
3586        possible_crossings = \
3587            ((ypi <= y) & (y < ypj)) | ((ypj <= y) & (y < ypi))
3589        xpi = xpi[possible_crossings]
3590        ypi = ypi[possible_crossings]
3591        xpj = xpj[possible_crossings]
3592        ypj = ypj[possible_crossings]
3594        crossings = x < (xpj - xpi) * (y - ypi) / (ypj - ypi) + xpi
3596        return crossings.sum() % 2
3598    def _projection_2_unit_sphere(self):
3599        """
3600        Brings the complete solution (from stereographic projection)
3601        onto the unit sphere by just shrinking the maximum radius of
3602        all points to 1.
3604        This keeps the area definitions, so the colouring is not affected.
3605        """
3606        list_of_objects_2_project = ['nodalline_positive_final',
3607                                     'nodalline_negative_final']
3608        lo_fps = ['FP1_final', 'FP2_final']
3610        for obj2proj in list_of_objects_2_project:
3611            obj = getattr(self, '_' + obj2proj).transpose().copy()
3612            for idx, val in enumerate(obj):
3613                old_radius = np.sqrt(val[0] ** 2 + val[1] ** 2)
3614                if old_radius > 1:
3615                    obj[idx, 0] = val[0] / old_radius
3616                    obj[idx, 1] = val[1] / old_radius
3618            setattr(self, '_' + obj2proj + '_US', obj.transpose())
3620        for fp in lo_fps:
3621            obj = getattr(self, '_' + fp).transpose().copy()
3623            tmp_obj = []
3624            for idx, val in enumerate(obj):
3625                old_radius = np.sqrt(val[0] ** 2 + val[1] ** 2)
3626                if old_radius <= 1 + epsilon:
3627                    tmp_obj.append(val)
3628            tmp_obj2 = np.array(tmp_obj).transpose()
3629            tmp_obj3 = self._sort_curve_points(tmp_obj2)
3631            setattr(self, '_' + fp + '_US', tmp_obj3)
3633        lo_visible_EV = []
3635        for idx, val in enumerate(self._all_EV_2D.transpose()):
3636            r_ev = np.sqrt(val[0] ** 2 + val[1] ** 2)
3637            if r_ev <= 1:
3638                lo_visible_EV.append([val[0], val[1], idx])
3639        visible_EVs = np.array(lo_visible_EV)
3641        self._all_EV_2D_US = visible_EVs
3643        lo_visible_BV = []
3644        dummy_list1 = []
3645        direction_letters = 'NSEWDU'
3647        for idx, val in enumerate(self._all_BV_2D.transpose()):
3648            r_bv = math.sqrt(val[0] ** 2 + val[1] ** 2)
3649            if r_bv <= 1:
3650                if idx == 1 and 'N' in dummy_list1:
3651                    continue
3652                elif idx == 3 and 'E' in dummy_list1:
3653                    continue
3654                elif idx == 5 and 'D' in dummy_list1:
3655                    continue
3656                else:
3657                    lo_visible_BV.append([val[0], val[1], idx])
3658                    dummy_list1.append(direction_letters[idx])
3660        visible_BVs = np.array(lo_visible_BV)
3662        self._all_BV_2D_US = visible_BVs
3664    def _plot_US(self, ax=None):
3665        """
3666        Generates the final plot of the beachball projection on the unit
3667        sphere.
3669        Additionally, the plot can be saved in a file on the fly.
3670        """
3671        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
3673        plotfig = self._setup_plot_US(plt, ax=ax)
3675        if self._plot_save_plot:
3676            try:
3677                plotfig.savefig(self._plot_outfile + '.' +
3678                                self._plot_outfile_format, dpi=self._plot_dpi,
3679                                transparent=True,
3680                                format=self._plot_outfile_format)
3681            except Exception:
3682                print('saving of plot not possible')
3683        plt.show()
3684        plt.close('all')
3686    def _setup_plot_US(self, plt, ax=None):
3687        """
3688        Setting up the figure with the final plot of the unit sphere.
3690        Either called by _plot_US or by _just_save_bb
3691        """
3692        plt.close(667)
3693        if ax is None:
3694            plotfig = plt.figure(667,
3695                                 figsize=(self._plot_size, self._plot_size))
3696            plotfig.subplots_adjust(left=0, bottom=0, right=1, top=1)
3697            ax = plotfig.add_subplot(111, aspect='equal')
3699        ax.axison = False
3701        neg_nodalline = self._nodalline_negative_final_US
3702        pos_nodalline = self._nodalline_positive_final_US
3703        FP1_2_plot = self._FP1_final_US
3704        FP2_2_plot = self._FP2_final_US
3706        US = self._unit_sphere
3708        tension_colour = self._plot_tension_colour
3709        pressure_colour = self._plot_pressure_colour
3711        if self._plot_fill_flag:
3712            if self._plot_clr_order > 0:
3713                alpha = self._plot_fill_alpha * self._plot_total_alpha
3715                ax.fill(US[0, :], US[1, :], fc=pressure_colour, alpha=alpha)
3716                ax.fill(neg_nodalline[0, :], neg_nodalline[1, :],
3717                        fc=tension_colour, alpha=alpha)
3718                ax.fill(pos_nodalline[0, :], pos_nodalline[1, :],
3719                        fc=tension_colour, alpha=alpha)
3721                if self._plot_curve_in_curve != 0:
3722                    ax.fill(US[0, :], US[1, :], fc=tension_colour,
3723                            alpha=alpha)
3725                    if self._plot_curve_in_curve < 1:
3726                        ax.fill(neg_nodalline[0, :], neg_nodalline[1, :],
3727                                fc=pressure_colour, alpha=alpha)
3728                        ax.fill(pos_nodalline[0, :], pos_nodalline[1, :],
3729                                fc=tension_colour, alpha=alpha)
3730                        pass
3731                    else:
3732                        ax.fill(pos_nodalline[0, :], pos_nodalline[1, :],
3733                                fc=pressure_colour, alpha=alpha)
3734                        ax.fill(neg_nodalline[0, :], neg_nodalline[1, :],
3735                                fc=tension_colour, alpha=alpha)
3736                        pass
3738                EV_sym = ['m^', 'b^', 'g^', 'mv', 'bv', 'gv']
3740                if self._plot_show_princ_axes:
3741                    alpha = \
3742                        self._plot_princ_axes_alpha * self._plot_total_alpha
3744                    for val in self._all_EV_2D_US:
3745                        ax.plot([val[0]], [val[1]], EV_sym[int(val[2])],
3746                                ms=self._plot_princ_axes_symsize,
3747                                lw=self._plot_princ_axes_lw, alpha=alpha)
3749            else:
3750                alpha = self._plot_fill_alpha * self._plot_total_alpha
3752                ax.fill(US[0, :], US[1, :], fc=tension_colour, alpha=alpha)
3753                ax.fill(neg_nodalline[0, :], neg_nodalline[1, :],
3754                        fc=pressure_colour, alpha=alpha)
3755                ax.fill(pos_nodalline[0, :], pos_nodalline[1, :],
3756                        fc=pressure_colour, alpha=alpha)
3758                if self._plot_curve_in_curve != 0:
3759                    ax.fill(US[0, :], US[1, :], fc=pressure_colour,
3760                            alpha=alpha)
3762                    if self._plot_curve_in_curve < 1:
3763                        ax.fill(neg_nodalline[0, :], neg_nodalline[1, :],
3764                                fc=tension_colour, alpha=alpha)
3765                        ax.fill(pos_nodalline[0, :], pos_nodalline[1, :],
3766                                fc=pressure_colour, alpha=alpha)
3767                        pass
3768                    else:
3769                        ax.fill(pos_nodalline[0, :], pos_nodalline[1, :],
3770                                fc=tension_colour, alpha=alpha)
3771                        ax.fill(neg_nodalline[0, :], neg_nodalline[1, :],
3772                                fc=pressure_colour, alpha=alpha)
3773                        pass
3775        EV_sym = ['g^', 'b^', 'm^', 'gv', 'bv', 'mv']
3776        if self._plot_show_princ_axes:
3777            alpha = self._plot_princ_axes_alpha * self._plot_total_alpha
3779            for val in self._all_EV_2D_US:
3780                ax.plot([val[0]], [val[1]], EV_sym[int(val[2])],
3781                        ms=self._plot_princ_axes_symsize,
3782                        lw=self._plot_princ_axes_lw, alpha=alpha)
3784        #
3785        # set all nodallines and faultplanes for plotting:
3786        #
3788        ax.plot(neg_nodalline[0, :], neg_nodalline[1, :],
3789                c=self._plot_nodalline_colour, ls='-',
3790                lw=self._plot_nodalline_width,
3791                alpha=self._plot_nodalline_alpha * self._plot_total_alpha)
3792        # ax.plot( neg_nodalline[0,:] ,neg_nodalline[1,:],'go')
3794        ax.plot(pos_nodalline[0, :], pos_nodalline[1, :],
3795                c=self._plot_nodalline_colour, ls='-',
3796                lw=self._plot_nodalline_width,
3797                alpha=self._plot_nodalline_alpha * self._plot_total_alpha)
3799        if self._plot_show_faultplanes:
3800            ax.plot(FP1_2_plot[0, :], FP1_2_plot[1, :],
3801                    c=self._plot_faultplane_colour, ls='-',
3802                    lw=self._plot_faultplane_width,
3803                    alpha=self._plot_faultplane_alpha * self._plot_total_alpha)
3804            ax.plot(FP2_2_plot[0, :], FP2_2_plot[1, :],
3805                    c=self._plot_faultplane_colour, ls='-',
3806                    lw=self._plot_faultplane_width,
3807                    alpha=self._plot_faultplane_alpha * self._plot_total_alpha)
3809        elif self._plot_show_1faultplane:
3810            if self._plot_show_FP_index not in [1, 2]:
3811                print('no fault plane specified for being plotted... ',
3812                      end=' ')
3813                print('continue without faultplane')
3814                pass
3815            else:
3816                alpha = self._plot_faultplane_alpha * self._plot_total_alpha
3817                if self._plot_show_FP_index == 1:
3818                    ax.plot(FP1_2_plot[0, :], FP1_2_plot[1, :],
3819                            c=self._plot_faultplane_colour, ls='-',
3820                            lw=self._plot_faultplane_width, alpha=alpha)
3821                else:
3822                    ax.plot(FP2_2_plot[0, :], FP2_2_plot[1, :],
3823                            c=self._plot_faultplane_colour, ls='-',
3824                            lw=self._plot_faultplane_width, alpha=alpha)
3826        # if isotropic part shall be displayed, fill the circle completely with
3827        # the appropriate colour
3829        if self._pure_isotropic:
3830            # f abs( np.trace( self._M )) > epsilon:
3831            if self._plot_clr_order < 0:
3832                ax.fill(US[0, :], US[1, :], fc=tension_colour, alpha=1,
3833                        zorder=100)
3834            else:
3835                ax.fill(US[0, :], US[1, :], fc=pressure_colour, alpha=1,
3836                        zorder=100)
3838        # plot outer circle line of US
3839        ax.plot(US[0, :], US[1, :], c=self._plot_outerline_colour, ls='-',
3840                lw=self._plot_outerline_width,
3841                alpha=self._plot_outerline_alpha * self._plot_total_alpha)
3843        # plot NED basis vectors
3844        if self._plot_show_basis_axes:
3845            plot_size_in_points = self._plot_size * 2.54 * 72
3846            points_per_unit = plot_size_in_points / 2.
3848            fontsize = plot_size_in_points / 40.
3849            symsize = plot_size_in_points / 61.
3851            direction_letters = 'NSEWDU'
3853            for val in self._all_BV_2D_US:
3854                x_coord = val[0]
3855                y_coord = val[1]
3856                np_letter = direction_letters[int(val[2])]
3858                rot_angle = -np.arctan2(y_coord, x_coord) + pi / 2.
3859                original_rho = np.sqrt(x_coord ** 2 + y_coord ** 2)
3861                marker_x = (original_rho - (1.5 * symsize / points_per_unit)) \
3862                    * np.sin(rot_angle)
3863                marker_y = (original_rho - (1.5 * symsize / points_per_unit)) \
3864                    * np.cos(rot_angle)
3865                annot_x = (original_rho - (4.5 * fontsize / points_per_unit)) \
3866                    * np.sin(rot_angle)
3867                annot_y = (original_rho - (4.5 * fontsize / points_per_unit)) \
3868                    * np.cos(rot_angle)
3870                ax.text(annot_x, annot_y, np_letter,
3871                        horizontalalignment='center', size=fontsize,
3872                        weight='bold', verticalalignment='center',
3873                        bbox=dict(edgecolor='white', facecolor='white',
3874                                  alpha=1))
3876                if original_rho > epsilon:
3877                    ax.scatter([marker_x], [marker_y],
3878                               marker=(3, 0, rot_angle), s=symsize ** 2,
3879                               c='k', facecolor='k', zorder=300)
3880                else:
3881                    ax.scatter([x_coord], [y_coord], marker=(4, 1, rot_angle),
3882                               s=symsize ** 2, c='k', facecolor='k',
3883                               zorder=300)
3885        # plot 4 fake points, guaranteeing full visibility of the sphere
3886        ax.plot([0, 1.05, 0, -1.05], [1.05, 0, -1.05, 0], ',', alpha=0.)
3887        # scaling behavior
3888        ax.autoscale_view(tight=True, scalex=True, scaley=True)
3890        return plotfig
3893# -------------------------------------------------------------------
3895#  input and call management
3897# -------------------------------------------------------------------
3899def main(argv=None):
3900    """
3901    Usage
3903    obspy-mopad plot M
3904    obspy-mopad save M
3905    obspy-mopad gmt  M
3906    obspy-mopad convert M
3907    obspy-mopad decompose M
3908    """
3909    def _handle_input(M_in, args):
3910        """
3911        take the original method and its arguments, the source mechanism,
3912        and the dictionary with proper parsers for each call,
3913        """
3914        # construct a dict with consistent keyword args suited for the current
3915        # call
3916        kwargs = args.build(args)
3917        # set the fitting input basis system
3918        in_system = kwargs.get('in_system', 'NED')
3919        # build the moment tensor object
3920        mt = MomentTensor(M=M_in, system=in_system)
3921        # call the main routine to handle the moment tensor
3922        return args.call(mt, kwargs)
3924    def _call_plot(MT, kwargs_dict):
3925        """
3926        """
3927        bb2plot = BeachBall(MT, kwargs_dict)
3929        if kwargs_dict['plot_save_plot']:
3930            bb2plot.save_BB(kwargs_dict)
3931            return
3933        if kwargs_dict['plot_pa_plot']:
3934            bb2plot.pa_plot(kwargs_dict)
3935            return
3937        if kwargs_dict['plot_full_sphere']:
3938            bb2plot.full_sphere_plot(kwargs_dict)
3939            return
3941        bb2plot.ploBB(kwargs_dict)
3943        return
3945    def _call_convert(MT, kwargs_dict):
3946        """
3947        """
3948        if kwargs_dict['type_conversion']:
3950            if kwargs_dict['type_conversion'] == 'SDR':
3951                if kwargs_dict['fancy_conversion']:
3952                    return MT.get_fps(style='f')
3953                else:
3954                    return MT.get_fps(style='n')
3955            elif kwargs_dict['type_conversion'] == 'T':
3956                if kwargs_dict['basis_conversion']:
3957                    out_system = kwargs_dict['out_system']
3958                    if kwargs_dict['fancy_conversion']:
3959                        return MT.get_M(system=out_system, style='f')
3960                    else:
3961                        return MT.get_M(system=out_system, style='n')
3962                else:
3963                    if kwargs_dict['fancy_conversion']:
3964                        return MT.get_M(style='f')
3965                    else:
3966                        return MT.get_M(style='n')
3968        if kwargs_dict['basis_conversion']:
3969            if len(MT._original_M) in [6, 7]:
3970                if len(MT._original_M) == 6:
3971                    M_converted = _puzzle_basis_transformation(
3972                        MT.get_M(),
3973                        'NED', kwargs_dict['out_system'])
3974                    if kwargs_dict['fancy_conversion']:
3975                        print('\n  Moment tensor in basis  %s:\n ' %
3976                              (kwargs_dict['in_system']))
3977                        print(fancy_matrix(MT.get_M(
3978                              system=kwargs_dict['in_system'])))
3979                        print()
3980                        print('\n Moment tensor in basis  %s:\n ' %
3981                              (kwargs_dict['out_system']))
3982                        return fancy_matrix(M_converted)
3983                    else:
3984                        return M_converted[0, 0], M_converted[1, 1], \
3985                            M_converted[2, 2], M_converted[0, 1], \
3986                            M_converted[0, 2], M_converted[1, 2]
3987                else:
3988                    M_converted = _puzzle_basis_transformation(
3989                        MT.get_M(), 'NED', kwargs_dict['out_system'])
3990                    if kwargs_dict['fancy_conversion']:
3991                        print('\n  Moment tensor in basis  %s:\n ' %
3992                              (kwargs_dict['in_system']))
3993                        print(fancy_matrix(MT.get_M(
3994                              system=kwargs_dict['in_system'])))
3995                        print()
3996                        print('\n Moment tensor in basis  %s:\n ' %
3997                              (kwargs_dict['out_system']))
3998                        return fancy_matrix(M_converted)
3999                    else:
4000                        return M_converted[0, 0], M_converted[1, 1], \
4001                            M_converted[2, 2], M_converted[0, 1], \
4002                            M_converted[0, 2], M_converted[1, 2], \
4003                            MT._original_M[6]
4004            elif len(MT._original_M) == 9:
4005                new_M = np.asarray(MT._original_M).reshape(3, 3).copy()
4006                if kwargs_dict['fancy_conversion']:
4007                    return fancy_matrix(_puzzle_basis_transformation(
4008                        new_M, kwargs_dict['in_system'],
4009                        kwargs_dict['out_system']))
4010                else:
4011                    return _puzzle_basis_transformation(
4012                        new_M, kwargs_dict['in_system'],
4013                        kwargs_dict['out_system'])
4014            elif len(MT._original_M) == 3:
4015                M_converted = _puzzle_basis_transformation(
4016                    MT.get_M(), 'NED', kwargs_dict['out_system'])
4017                if kwargs_dict['fancy_conversion']:
4018                    print('\n  Moment tensor in basis  %s: ' %
4019                          (kwargs_dict['out_system']))
4020                    return fancy_matrix(M_converted)
4021                else:
4022                    return M_converted[0, 0], M_converted[1, 1], \
4023                        M_converted[2, 2], M_converted[0, 1], \
4024                        M_converted[0, 2], M_converted[1, 2]
4025            elif len(MT._original_M) == 4:
4026                M_converted = MT._original_M[3] * \
4027                    _puzzle_basis_transformation(MT.get_M(), 'NED',
4028                                                 kwargs_dict['out_system'])
4029                if kwargs_dict['fancy_conversion']:
4030                    print('\n  Momemnt tensor in basis  %s: ' %
4031                          (kwargs_dict['out_system']))
4032                    return fancy_matrix(M_converted)
4033                else:
4034                    return M_converted[0, 0], M_converted[1, 1], \
4035                        M_converted[2, 2], M_converted[0, 1], \
4036                        M_converted[0, 2], M_converted[1, 2]
4037            else:
4038                print('this try is meaningless - read the possible', end=' ')
4039                print('choices!\n(perhaps you want option "-v"(convert a',
4040                      end=' ')
4041                print('vector) or "-t"(convert strike, dip, rake to a matrix',
4042                      end=' ')
4043                print('and show THAT matrix in another basis system)', end=' ')
4044                print('instead!?!?)\n')
4045                sys.exit(-1)
4047        if kwargs_dict['vector_conversion']:
4048            if kwargs_dict['fancy_conversion']:
4049                print('\n  Vector in basis  %s:\n ' %
4050                      (kwargs_dict['vector_in_system']))
4051                print(fancy_vector(MT._original_M))
4052                print()
4053                print('\n  Vector in basis  %s:\n ' %
4054                      (kwargs_dict['vector_out_system']))
4055                return fancy_vector(_puzzle_basis_transformation(
4056                    MT._original_M, kwargs_dict['vector_in_system'],
4057                    kwargs_dict['vector_out_system']))
4058            else:
4059                return _puzzle_basis_transformation(
4060                    MT._original_M,
4061                    kwargs_dict['vector_in_system'],
4062                    kwargs_dict['vector_out_system'])
4063        else:
4064            msg = 'provide either option -t with one argument, or -b with '
4065            msg += 'two arguments, or -v with 2 arguments'
4066            sys.exit(msg)
4068    def _call_gmt(MT, kwargs_dict):
4069        """
4070        """
4071        bb = BeachBall(MT, kwargs_dict)
4072        return bb.get_psxy(kwargs_dict).decode('utf-8')
4074    def _call_decompose(MT, kwargs_dict):
4075        """
4076        """
4077        MT._isotropic = None
4078        MT._deviatoric = None
4079        MT._DC = None
4080        MT._iso_percentage = None
4081        MT._DC_percentage = None
4082        MT._DC2 = None
4083        MT._DC3 = None
4084        MT._DC2_percentage = None
4085        MT._CLVD = None
4086        MT._seismic_moment = None
4087        MT._moment_magnitude = None
4089        out_system = kwargs_dict['decomp_out_system']
4090        MT._output_basis = out_system
4091        MT._decomposition_key = kwargs_dict['decomposition_key']
4093        MT._decompose_M()
4095        # if total decomposition:
4096        if kwargs_dict['decomp_out_complete']:
4097            if kwargs_dict['decomp_out_fancy']:
4098                decomp = MT.get_full_decomposition()
4099                try:
4100                    print(decomp)
4101                except Exception:
4102                    print(decomp.replace('°', ' deg'))
4103                return
4104            else:
4105                return MT.get_decomposition(in_system=kwargs_dict['in_system'],
4106                                            out_system=out_system)
4107        # otherwise:
4108        else:
4109            # argument dictionary - setting the appropriate calls
4110            do_calls = dict(zip(('in', 'out',
4111                                 'type',
4112                                 'full', 'm',
4113                                 'iso', 'iso_perc',
4114                                 'dev', 'devi', 'devi_perc',
4115                                 'dc', 'dc_perc',
4116                                 'dc2', 'dc2_perc',
4117                                 'dc3', 'dc3_perc',
4118                                 'clvd', 'clvd_perc',
4119                                 'mom', 'mag',
4120                                 'eigvals', 'eigvecs',
4121                                 't', 'n', 'p',
4122                                 'fps', 'faultplanes', 'fp',
4123                                 'decomp_key'),
4124                                ('input_system', 'output_system',
4125                                 'decomp_type',
4126                                 'M', 'M',
4127                                 'iso', 'iso_percentage',
4128                                 'devi', 'devi', 'devi_percentage',
4129                                 'DC', 'DC_percentage',
4130                                 'DC2', 'DC2_percentage',
4131                                 'DC3', 'DC3_percentage',
4132                                 'CLVD', 'CLVD_percentage',
4133                                 'moment', 'mag',
4134                                 'eigvals', 'eigvecs',
4135                                 't_axis', 'null_axis', 'p_axis',
4136                                 'fps', 'fps', 'fps',
4137                                 'decomp_type')
4138                                ))
4140            # build argument for local call within MT object:
4141            lo_args = kwargs_dict['decomp_out_part']
4143            # for single element output:
4144            if len(lo_args) == 1:
4145                if kwargs_dict['decomp_out_fancy']:
4146                    print(getattr(MT, 'get_' + do_calls[lo_args[0]])(
4147                        style='f', system=out_system))
4148                    return
4149                else:
4150                    return getattr(MT, 'get_' + do_calls[lo_args[0]])(
4151                        style='n', system=out_system)
4152            # for list of elements:
4153            else:
4154                outlist = []
4155                for arg in lo_args:
4156                    if kwargs_dict['decomp_out_fancy']:
4157                        print(getattr(MT, 'get_' + do_calls[arg])(
4158                            style='f', system=out_system))
4159                    else:
4160                        outlist.append(getattr(MT, 'get_' + do_calls[arg])(
4161                            style='n', system=out_system))
4162                if kwargs_dict['decomp_out_fancy']:
4163                    return
4164                else:
4165                    return outlist
4167    def _build_gmt_dict(args):
4168        """
4169        """
4170        consistent_kwargs_dict = {}
4172        if args.GMT_show_1FP:
4173            consistent_kwargs_dict['_GMT_1fp'] = args.GMT_show_1FP
4175        if args.GMT_show_2FP2:
4176            args.GMT_show_1FP = 0
4178            consistent_kwargs_dict['_GMT_2fps'] = True
4179            consistent_kwargs_dict['_GMT_1fp'] = 0
4181        if args.GMT_string_type[0] not in ['F', 'L', 'E']:
4182            print('type of desired string not known - taking "fill" instead')
4183            consistent_kwargs_dict['_GMT_type'] = 'fill'
4185        else:
4186            if args.GMT_string_type[0] == 'F':
4187                consistent_kwargs_dict['_GMT_type'] = 'fill'
4188            elif args.GMT_string_type[0] == 'L':
4189                consistent_kwargs_dict['_GMT_type'] = 'lines'
4190            else:
4191                consistent_kwargs_dict['_GMT_type'] = 'EVs'
4193        if args.GMT_scaling < epsilon:
4194            print('GMT scaling factor must be a factor larger than')
4195            print('%f - set to 1, due to obviously stupid input value' %
4196                  (epsilon))
4197            args.GMT_scaling = 1.0
4199        if args.plot_viewpoint:
4200            try:
4201                vp = args.plot_viewpoint.split(',')
4202                if not len(vp) == 3:
4203                    raise
4204                if not -90 <= float(vp[0]) <= 90:
4205                    raise
4206                if not -180 <= float(vp[1]) <= 180:
4207                    raise
4208                if not 0 <= float(vp[2]) % 360 <= 360:
4209                    raise
4210                consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_viewpoint'] = \
4211                    [float(vp[0]), float(vp[1]), float(vp[2])]
4212            except Exception:
4213                pass
4215        if args.GMT_projection:
4216            lo_allowed_projections = ['STEREO', 'ORTHO', 'LAMBERT']  # ,'GNOM']
4217            do_allowed_projections = {x[0]: x.lower()
4218                                      for x in lo_allowed_projections}
4219            try:
4220                gmtp = args.GMT_projection
4221                if gmtp in lo_allowed_projections:
4222                    consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_projection'] = gmtp.lower()
4223                elif gmtp in do_allowed_projections.keys():
4224                    consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_projection'] = \
4225                        do_allowed_projections[gmtp]
4226                else:
4227                    consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_projection'] = 'stereo'
4228            except Exception:
4229                pass
4231        consistent_kwargs_dict['_GMT_scaling'] = args.GMT_scaling
4232        consistent_kwargs_dict['_GMT_tension_colour'] = args.GMT_tension_colour
4233        consistent_kwargs_dict['_GMT_pressure_colour'] = \
4234            args.GMT_pressure_colour
4235        consistent_kwargs_dict['_plot_isotropic_part'] = \
4236            args.GMT_plot_isotropic_part
4238        return consistent_kwargs_dict
4240    def _build_decompose_dict(args):
4241        """
4242        """
4243        consistent_kwargs_dict = {}
4245        consistent_kwargs_dict['in_system'] = args.decomp_in_system
4247        consistent_kwargs_dict['decomp_out_system'] = args.decomp_out_system
4249        consistent_kwargs_dict['decomposition_key'] = args.decomp_key
4251        # if option 'partial' is not chosen, take complete decomposition:
4252        if not args.decomp_out_part:
4253            consistent_kwargs_dict['decomp_out_complete'] = 1
4254            consistent_kwargs_dict['decomp_out_part'] = 0
4256            if args.decomp_out_fancy:
4257                consistent_kwargs_dict['decomp_out_fancy'] = 1
4258            else:
4259                consistent_kwargs_dict['decomp_out_fancy'] = 0
4260        # otherwise take only partial  decomposition:
4261        else:
4262            lo_allowed_attribs = ['in', 'out', 'type',
4263                                  'full', 'm',
4264                                  'iso', 'iso_perc',
4265                                  'dev', 'devi', 'devi_perc',
4266                                  'dc', 'dc_perc',
4267                                  'dc2', 'dc2_perc',
4268                                  'dc3', 'dc3_perc',
4269                                  'clvd', 'clvd_perc',
4270                                  'mom', 'mag',
4271                                  'eigvals', 'eigvecs',
4272                                  't', 'n', 'p',
4273                                  'fps', 'faultplanes', 'fp',
4274                                  'decomp_key']
4275            lo_desired_attribs = args.decomp_out_part.split(',')
4276            lo_correct_attribs = []
4278            # check for allowed parts of decomposition:
4279            for da in lo_desired_attribs:
4280                if da.lower() in lo_allowed_attribs:
4281                    lo_correct_attribs.append(da.lower())
4283            # if only wrong or no arguments are handed over, change to complete
4284            # decomposition:
4285            if len(lo_correct_attribs) == 0:
4286                print(' no correct attributes for partial decomposition - '
4287                      'returning complete decomposition')
4288                consistent_kwargs_dict['decomp_out_complete'] = 1
4289                consistent_kwargs_dict['decomp_out_part'] = 0
4290                if args.decomp_out_fancy:
4291                    consistent_kwargs_dict['decomp_out_fancy'] = 1
4292                else:
4293                    consistent_kwargs_dict['decomp_out_fancy'] = 0
4295            # if only one part is desired to be shown, fancy style is possible
4296            elif len(lo_correct_attribs) == 1:
4297                consistent_kwargs_dict['decomp_out_complete'] = 0
4298                consistent_kwargs_dict['decomp_out_part'] = lo_correct_attribs
4299                if args.decomp_out_fancy:
4300                    consistent_kwargs_dict['decomp_out_fancy'] = 1
4301                else:
4302                    consistent_kwargs_dict['decomp_out_fancy'] = 0
4304            # if several parts are desired to be shown, fancy style is
4305            # NOT possible:
4306            else:
4307                consistent_kwargs_dict['decomp_out_complete'] = 0
4308                consistent_kwargs_dict['decomp_out_part'] = lo_correct_attribs
4309                if args.decomp_out_fancy:
4310                    consistent_kwargs_dict['decomp_out_fancy'] = 1
4311                else:
4312                    consistent_kwargs_dict['decomp_out_fancy'] = 0
4314        consistent_kwargs_dict['style'] = 'n'
4315        if consistent_kwargs_dict['decomp_out_fancy']:
4316            consistent_kwargs_dict['style'] = 'f'
4318        return consistent_kwargs_dict
4320    def _build_convert_dict(args):
4321        """
4322        """
4323        consistent_kwargs_dict = {}
4324        lo_allowed_options = ['type_conversion', 'basis_conversion',
4325                              'vector_conversion', 'fancy_conversion']
4326        # check for allowed options:
4327        for ao in lo_allowed_options:
4328            if hasattr(args, ao):
4329                consistent_kwargs_dict[ao] = getattr(args, ao)
4331        consistent_kwargs_dict['in_system'] = 'NED'
4332        if 'out_system' not in consistent_kwargs_dict:
4333            consistent_kwargs_dict['out_system'] = 'NED'
4335        if args.type_conversion and args.vector_conversion:
4336            print('decide for ONE option of "-t" OR "-v"')
4337            sys.exit(-1)
4339        if args.basis_conversion:
4340            consistent_kwargs_dict['in_system'] = args.basis_conversion[0]
4341            consistent_kwargs_dict['out_system'] = args.basis_conversion[1]
4343        if args.type_conversion and args.type_conversion == 'SDR':
4344            if args.basis_conversion:
4345                if args.basis_conversion[1] != 'NED':
4346                    print('output "sdr" from type conversion cannot be '
4347                          'displayed in another basis system!')
4348                    consistent_kwargs_dict['out_system'] = 'NED'
4350        if args.vector_conversion:
4351            consistent_kwargs_dict['vector_in_system'] = \
4352                args.vector_conversion[0]
4353            consistent_kwargs_dict['vector_out_system'] = \
4354                args.vector_conversion[1]
4356        return consistent_kwargs_dict
4358    def _build_plot_dict(args):
4359        """
4360        """
4361        consistent_kwargs_dict = {}
4363        consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_save_plot'] = False
4364        if args.plot_outfile:
4365            consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_save_plot'] = True
4366            lo_possible_formats = ['svg', 'png', 'eps', 'pdf', 'ps']
4368            try:
4369                (filepath, filename) = os.path.split(args.plot_outfile)
4370                if not filename:
4371                    filename = 'dummy_filename.svg'
4372                (shortname, extension) = os.path.splitext(filename)
4373                if not shortname:
4374                    shortname = 'dummy_shortname'
4376                if extension[1:].lower() in lo_possible_formats:
4377                    consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_outfile_format'] = \
4378                        extension[1:].lower()
4380                    if shortname.endswith('.'):
4381                        consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_outfile'] = \
4382                            os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
4383                                os.curdir, filepath,
4384                                shortname + extension[1:].lower())))
4385                    else:
4386                        consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_outfile'] = \
4387                            os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
4388                                os.curdir, filepath, shortname + '.' +
4389                                extension[1:].lower())))
4390                else:
4391                    if filename.endswith('.'):
4392                        consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_outfile'] = \
4393                            os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
4394                                os.curdir, filepath,
4395                                filename + lo_possible_formats[0])))
4396                    else:
4397                        consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_outfile'] = \
4398                            os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
4399                                os.curdir, filepath, filename + '.' +
4400                                lo_possible_formats[0])))
4401                    consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_outfile_format'] = \
4402                        lo_possible_formats[0]
4404            except Exception:
4405                msg = 'please provide valid filename: <name>.<format>  !!\n'
4406                msg += ' <format> must be svg, png, eps, pdf, or ps '
4407                exit(msg)
4409        if args.plot_pa_plot:
4410            consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_pa_plot'] = True
4411        else:
4412            consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_pa_plot'] = False
4414        if args.plot_full_sphere:
4415            consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_full_sphere'] = True
4416            consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_pa_plot'] = False
4417        else:
4418            consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_full_sphere'] = False
4420        if args.plot_viewpoint:
4421            try:
4422                vp = args.plot_viewpoint.split(',')
4423                if not len(vp) == 3:
4424                    raise
4425                if not -90 <= float(vp[0]) <= 90:
4426                    raise
4427                if not -180 <= float(vp[1]) <= 180:
4428                    raise
4429                if not 0 <= float(vp[2]) % 360 <= 360:
4430                    raise
4431                consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_viewpoint'] = \
4432                    [float(vp[0]), float(vp[1]), float(vp[2])]
4433            except Exception:
4434                pass
4436        if args.plot_projection:
4437            lo_allowed_projections = ['STEREO', 'ORTHO', 'LAMBERT']  # ,'GNOM']
4438            do_allowed_projections = {x[0]: x.lower()
4439                                      for x in lo_allowed_projections}
4440            try:
4441                ppl = args.plot_projection
4442                if ppl in lo_allowed_projections:
4443                    consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_projection'] = ppl.lower()
4444                elif ppl in do_allowed_projections.keys():
4445                    consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_projection'] = \
4446                        do_allowed_projections[ppl]
4447                else:
4448                    consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_projection'] = 'stereo'
4449            except Exception:
4450                pass
4452        if args.plot_show_upper_hemis:
4453            consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_show_upper_hemis'] = True
4455        if args.plot_n_points and args.plot_n_points > 360:
4456            consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_n_points'] = args.plot_n_points
4458        if args.plot_size:
4459            try:
4460                if 0.01 < args.plot_size <= 1:
4461                    consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_size'] = \
4462                        args.plot_size * 10 / 2.54
4463                elif 1 < args.plot_size < 45:
4464                    consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_size'] = \
4465                        args.plot_size / 2.54
4466                else:
4467                    consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_size'] = 5
4468                consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_aux_plot_size'] = \
4469                    consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_size']
4470            except Exception:
4471                pass
4473        if args.plot_pressure_colour:
4474            try:
4475                sec_colour_raw = args.plot_pressure_colour.split(',')
4476                if len(sec_colour_raw) == 1:
4477                    if sec_colour_raw[0].lower()[0] in 'bgrcmykw':
4478                        consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_pressure_colour'] = \
4479                            sec_colour_raw[0].lower()[0]
4480                    else:
4481                        raise
4482                elif len(sec_colour_raw) == 3:
4483                    for sc in sec_colour_raw:
4484                        if not 0 <= (int(sc)) <= 255:
4485                            raise
4486                    consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_pressure_colour'] = \
4487                        (float(sec_colour_raw[0]) / 255.,
4488                         float(sec_colour_raw[1]) / 255.,
4489                         float(sec_colour_raw[2]) / 255.)
4490                else:
4491                    raise
4492            except Exception:
4493                pass
4495        if args.plot_tension_colour:
4496            try:
4497                sec_colour_raw = args.plot_tension_colour.split(',')
4498                if len(sec_colour_raw) == 1:
4499                    if sec_colour_raw[0].lower()[0] in 'bgrcmykw':
4500                        consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_tension_colour'] = \
4501                            sec_colour_raw[0].lower()[0]
4502                    else:
4503                        raise
4504                elif len(sec_colour_raw) == 3:
4505                    for sc in sec_colour_raw:
4506                        if not 0 <= (int(float(sc))) <= 255:
4507                            raise
4508                    consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_tension_colour'] = \
4509                        (float(sec_colour_raw[0]) / 255.,
4510                         float(sec_colour_raw[1]) / 255.,
4511                         float(sec_colour_raw[2]) / 255.)
4512                else:
4513                    raise
4514            except Exception:
4515                pass
4517        if args.plot_total_alpha:
4518            if not 0 <= args.plot_total_alpha <= 1:
4519                consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_total_alpha'] = 1
4520            else:
4521                consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_total_alpha'] = \
4522                    args.plot_total_alpha
4524        if args.plot_show_1faultplane:
4525            consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_show_1faultplane'] = True
4526            try:
4527                fp_args = args.plot_show_1faultplane
4529                if not int(fp_args[0]) in [1, 2]:
4530                    consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_show_FP_index'] = 1
4531                else:
4532                    consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_show_FP_index'] = \
4533                        int(fp_args[0])
4535                if not 0 < float(fp_args[1]) <= 20:
4536                    consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_faultplane_width'] = 2
4537                else:
4538                    consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_faultplane_width'] = \
4539                        float(fp_args[1])
4541                try:
4542                    sec_colour_raw = fp_args[2].split(',')
4543                    if len(sec_colour_raw) == 1:
4544                        sc = sec_colour_raw[0].lower()[0]
4545                        if sc not in 'bgrcmykw':
4546                            raise
4547                        consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_faultplane_colour'] = \
4548                            sec_colour_raw[0].lower()[0]
4549                    elif len(sec_colour_raw) == 3:
4550                        for sc in sec_colour_raw:
4551                            if not 0 <= (int(sc)) <= 255:
4552                                raise
4553                        consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_faultplane_colour'] = \
4554                            (float(sec_colour_raw[0]) / 255.,
4555                             float(sec_colour_raw[1]) / 255.,
4556                             float(sec_colour_raw[2]) / 255.)
4557                    else:
4558                        raise
4559                except Exception:
4560                    consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_faultplane_colour'] = 'k'
4562                try:
4563                    if 0 <= float(fp_args[3]) <= 1:
4564                        consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_faultplane_alpha'] = \
4565                            float(fp_args[3])
4566                except Exception:
4567                    consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_faultplane_alpha'] = 1
4568            except Exception:
4569                pass
4571        if args.plot_show_faultplanes:
4572            consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_show_faultplanes'] = True
4573            consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_show_1faultplane'] = False
4575        if args.plot_dpi:
4576            if 200 <= args.plot_dpi <= 2000:
4577                consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_dpi'] = args.plot_dpi
4579        if args.plot_only_lines:
4580            consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_fill_flag'] = False
4582        if args.plot_outerline:
4583            consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_outerline'] = True
4584            try:
4585                fp_args = args.plot_outerline
4586                if not 0 < float(fp_args[0]) <= 20:
4587                    consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_outerline_width'] = 2
4588                else:
4589                    consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_outerline_width'] = \
4590                        float(fp_args[0])
4591                try:
4592                    sec_colour_raw = fp_args[1].split(',')
4593                    if len(sec_colour_raw) == 1:
4594                        if sec_colour_raw[0].lower()[0] in 'bgrcmykw':
4595                            consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_outerline_colour'] = \
4596                                sec_colour_raw[0].lower()[0]
4597                        else:
4598                            raise
4599                    elif len(sec_colour_raw) == 3:
4600                        for sc in sec_colour_raw:
4601                            if not 0 <= (int(sc)) <= 255:
4602                                raise
4603                        consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_outerline_colour'] = \
4604                            (float(sec_colour_raw[0]) / 255.,
4605                             float(sec_colour_raw[1]) / 255.,
4606                             float(sec_colour_raw[2]) / 255.)
4607                    else:
4608                        raise
4609                except Exception:
4610                    consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_outerline_colour'] = 'k'
4612                try:
4613                    if 0 <= float(fp_args[2]) <= 1:
4614                        consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_outerline_alpha'] = \
4615                            float(fp_args[2])
4616                except Exception:
4617                    consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_outerline_alpha'] = 1
4618            except Exception:
4619                pass
4621        if args.plot_nodalline:
4622            consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_nodalline'] = True
4623            try:
4624                fp_args = args.plot_nodalline
4626                if not 0 < float(fp_args[0]) <= 20:
4627                    consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_nodalline_width'] = 2
4628                else:
4629                    consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_nodalline_width'] = \
4630                        float(fp_args[0])
4631                try:
4632                    sec_colour_raw = fp_args[1].split(',')
4633                    if len(sec_colour_raw) == 1:
4634                        if sec_colour_raw[0].lower()[0] in 'bgrcmykw':
4635                            consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_nodalline_colour'] = \
4636                                sec_colour_raw[0].lower()[0]
4637                        else:
4638                            raise
4639                    elif len(sec_colour_raw) == 3:
4640                        for sc in sec_colour_raw:
4641                            if not 0 <= (int(sc)) <= 255:
4642                                raise
4643                        consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_nodalline_colour'] = \
4644                            (float(sec_colour_raw[0]) / 255.,
4645                             float(sec_colour_raw[1]) / 255.,
4646                             float(sec_colour_raw[2]) / 255.)
4647                    else:
4648                        raise
4649                except Exception:
4650                    consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_nodalline_colour'] = 'k'
4651                try:
4652                    if 0 <= float(fp_args[2]) <= 1:
4653                        consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_nodalline_alpha'] = \
4654                            float(fp_args[2])
4655                except Exception:
4656                    consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_nodalline_alpha'] = 1
4657            except Exception:
4658                pass
4660        if args.plot_show_princ_axes:
4661            consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_show_princ_axes'] = True
4662            try:
4663                fp_args = args.plot_show_princ_axes
4665                if not 0 < float(fp_args[0]) <= 40:
4666                    consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_princ_axes_symsize'] = 10
4667                else:
4668                    consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_princ_axes_symsize'] = \
4669                        float(fp_args[0])
4671                if not 0 < float(fp_args[1]) <= 20:
4672                    consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_princ_axes_lw '] = 3
4673                else:
4674                    consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_princ_axes_lw '] = \
4675                        float(fp_args[1])
4676                try:
4677                    if 0 <= float(fp_args[2]) <= 1:
4678                        consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_princ_axes_alpha'] = \
4679                            float(fp_args[2])
4680                except Exception:
4681                    consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_princ_axes_alpha'] = 1
4682            except Exception:
4683                pass
4685        if args.plot_show_basis_axes:
4686            consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_show_basis_axes'] = True
4688        consistent_kwargs_dict['in_system'] = args.plot_input_system
4690        if args.plot_isotropic_part:
4691            consistent_kwargs_dict['plot_isotropic_part'] = \
4692                args.plot_isotropic_part
4694        return consistent_kwargs_dict
4696    def _build_parsers():
4697        """
4698        build dictionary with 4 (5 incl. 'save') sets of options, belonging to
4699        the 4 (5) possible calls
4700        """
4701        from argparse import (ArgumentParser,
4702                              RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
4703                              RawTextHelpFormatter,
4704                              SUPPRESS)
4706        parser = ArgumentParser(prog='obspy-mopad',
4707                                formatter_class=RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
4708                                description="""
4710################################     MoPaD     ################################
4711################ Moment tensor Plotting and Decomposition tool ################
4714Multi method tool for:
4716- Plotting and saving of focal sphere diagrams ('Beachballs').
4718- Decomposition and Conversion of seismic moment tensors.
4720- Generating coordinates, describing a focal sphere diagram, to be
4721  piped into GMT's psxy (Useful where psmeca or pscoupe fail.)
4723For more help, please run ``%(prog)s {command} --help''.
4729To generate a beachball for a normal faulting mechanism (a snake's eye type):
4731    %(prog)s plot 0,45,-90   or   %(prog)s plot p 0,1,-1,0,0,0
4732            """)
4734        parser.add_argument('-V', '--version', action='version',
4735                            version='%(prog)s ' + __version__)
4737        mechanism = ArgumentParser(add_help=False,
4738                                   formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter)
4739        mechanism.add_argument('mechanism', metavar='source-mechanism',
4740                               help="""
4741The 'source mechanism' as a comma-separated list of length:
4744    strike, dip, rake;
4746    strike, dip, rake, moment;
4748    M11, M22, M33, M12, M13, M23;
4750    M11, M22, M33, M12, M13, M23, moment;
4752    full moment tensor
4754(With all angles to be given in degrees)
4755                            """)
4757        subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title='commands')
4759        # Case-insensitive typing
4760        class caps(str):
4761            def __new__(self, content):
4762                return str.__new__(self, content.upper())
4764        # Possible basis systems
4765        ALLOWED_BASES = ['NED', 'USE', 'XYZ', 'NWU']
4767        # gmt
4768        help = "return the beachball as a string, to be piped into GMT's psxy"
4769        desc = """Tool providing strings to be piped into the 'psxy' from GMT.
4771        Either a string describing the fillable area (to be used with option
4772        '-L' within psxy) or the nodallines or the coordinates of the principle
4773        axes are given.
4774        """
4776        parser_gmt = subparsers.add_parser('gmt', help=help, description=desc,
4777                                           parents=[mechanism])
4779        group_type = parser_gmt.add_argument_group('Output')
4780        group_show = parser_gmt.add_argument_group('Appearance')
4781        group_geo = parser_gmt.add_argument_group('Geometry')
4783        group_type.add_argument(
4784            '-t', '--type', dest='GMT_string_type', metavar='<type>',
4785            type=caps, default='FILL',
4786            help='choice of psxy data: area to fill (fill), nodal lines '
4787                 '(lines), or eigenvector positions (ev)')
4788        group_show.add_argument(
4789            '-s', '--scaling', dest='GMT_scaling', metavar='<scaling factor>',
4790            type=float, default=1.0,
4791            help='spatial scaling of the beachball')
4792        group_show.add_argument(
4793            '-r', '--color1', '--colour1', dest='GMT_tension_colour',
4794            metavar='<tension colour>', type=int, default=1,
4795            help="-Z option's key for the tension colour of the beachball - "
4796                 'type: integer')
4797        group_show.add_argument(
4798            '-w', '--color2', '--colour2', dest='GMT_pressure_colour',
4799            metavar='<pressure colour>', type=int, default=0,
4800            help="-Z option's key for the pressure colour of the beachball - "
4801                 'type: integer')
4802        group_show.add_argument(
4803            '-D', '--faultplanes', dest='GMT_show_2FP2', action='store_true',
4804            help='boolean key, if 2 faultplanes shall be shown')
4805        group_show.add_argument(
4806            '-d', '--show-1fp', dest='GMT_show_1FP', metavar='<FP index>',
4807            type=int, choices=[1, 2], default=False,
4808            help='integer key (1,2), what faultplane shall be shown '
4809                 '[%(default)s]')
4810        group_geo.add_argument(
4811            '-V', '--viewpoint', dest='plot_viewpoint',
4812            metavar='<lat,lon,azi>',
4813            help='coordinates of the viewpoint - 3-tuple of angles in degree')
4814        group_geo.add_argument(
4815            '-p', '--projection', dest='GMT_projection',
4816            metavar='<projection>', type=caps,
4817            help='projection of the sphere')
4818        group_show.add_argument(
4819            '-I', '--show-isotropic-part', dest='GMT_plot_isotropic_part',
4820            action='store_true',
4821            help='if isotropic part shall be considered for plotting '
4822                 '[%(default)s]')
4824        parser_gmt.set_defaults(call=_call_gmt, build=_build_gmt_dict)
4826        # convert
4827        help = 'convert a mechanism to/in (strike,dip,slip-rake) from/to ' \
4828               'matrix form *or* convert a matrix, vector, tuple into ' \
4829               'different basis representations'
4830        desc = """Tool providing converted input.
4832        Choose between the conversion from/to matrix-moment-tensor
4833        form (-t), the change of the output basis system for a given
4834        moment tensor (-b), or the change of basis for a 3D vector
4835        (-v).
4836        """
4837        parser_convert = subparsers.add_parser('convert', help=help,
4838                                               description=desc,
4839                                               parents=[mechanism])
4841        group_type = parser_convert.add_argument_group('Type conversion')
4842        group_basis = parser_convert.add_argument_group('M conversion')
4843        group_vector = parser_convert.add_argument_group('Vector conversion')
4844#        group_show = parser_convert.add_argument_group('Appearance')
4846        group_type.add_argument(
4847            '-t', '--type', dest='type_conversion',
4848            type=caps, choices=['SDR', 'T'],
4849            help='type conversion - convert to: strike,dip,rake (sdr) or '
4850                 'Tensor (T)')
4851        group_basis.add_argument(
4852            '-b', '--basis', dest='basis_conversion',
4853            type=caps, choices=ALLOWED_BASES, nargs=2,
4854            help='basis conversion for M - provide 2 arguments: input and '
4855                 'output bases')
4856        group_vector.add_argument(
4857            '-v', '--vector', dest='vector_conversion',
4858            type=caps, choices=ALLOWED_BASES, nargs=2,
4859            help='basis conversion for a vector - provide M as a 3Dvector '
4860                 'and 2 option-arguments of -v: input and output bases')
4861        parser_convert.add_argument(
4862            '-y', '--fancy', dest='fancy_conversion', action='store_true',
4863            help='output in a stylish way')
4865        parser_convert.set_defaults(call=_call_convert,
4866                                    build=_build_convert_dict)
4868        # plot
4869        help = 'plot a beachball projection of the provided mechanism'
4870        desc = """Plots a beachball diagram of the provided mechanism.
4872        Several styles and configurations are available. Also saving
4873        on the fly can be enabled.
4874        """
4875        parser_plot = subparsers.add_parser('plot', help=help,
4876                                            description=desc,
4877                                            parents=[mechanism])
4879        group_save = parser_plot.add_argument_group('Saving')
4880        group_type = parser_plot.add_argument_group('Type of plot')
4881        group_quality = parser_plot.add_argument_group('Quality')
4882        group_colours = parser_plot.add_argument_group('Colours')
4883        group_misc = parser_plot.add_argument_group('Miscellaneous')
4884        group_dc = parser_plot.add_argument_group('Fault planes')
4885        group_geo = parser_plot.add_argument_group('Geometry')
4886        group_app = parser_plot.add_argument_group('Appearance')
4888        group_save.add_argument(
4889            '-f', '--output-file', dest='plot_outfile', metavar='<filename>',
4890            help='filename for saving')
4891        group_type.add_argument(
4892            '-P', '--pa-system', dest='plot_pa_plot', action='store_true',
4893            help='if principal axis system shall be plotted instead')
4894        group_type.add_argument(
4895            '-O', '--full-sphere', dest='plot_full_sphere',
4896            action='store_true',
4897            help='if full sphere shall be plotted instead')
4898        group_geo.add_argument(
4899            '-V', '--viewpoint', dest='plot_viewpoint',
4900            metavar='<lat,lon,azi>',
4901            help='coordinates of the viewpoint - 3-tuple')
4902        group_geo.add_argument(
4903            '-p', '--projection', dest='plot_projection',
4904            metavar='<projection>', type=caps,
4905            help='projection of the sphere')
4906        group_type.add_argument(
4907            '-U', '--upper', dest='plot_show_upper_hemis', action='store_true',
4908            help='if upper hemisphere shall be shown ')
4909        group_quality.add_argument(
4910            '-N', '--points', dest='plot_n_points', metavar='<no. of points>',
4911            type=int,
4912            help='minimum number of points, used for nodallines')
4913        group_app.add_argument(
4914            '-s', '--size', dest='plot_size', metavar='<size in cm>',
4915            type=float,
4916            help='size of plot in cm')
4917        group_colours.add_argument(
4918            '-w', '--pressure-color', '--pressure-colour',
4919            dest='plot_pressure_colour', metavar='<colour>',
4920            help='colour of the tension area')
4921        group_colours.add_argument(
4922            '-r', '--tension-color', '--tension-colour',
4923            dest='plot_tension_colour', metavar='<colour>',
4924            help='colour of the pressure area ')
4925        group_app.add_argument(
4926            '-a', '--alpha', dest='plot_total_alpha', metavar='<alpha>',
4927            type=float,
4928            help='alpha value for the plot - float from 1=opaque to '
4929                 '0=transparent')
4930        group_dc.add_argument(
4931            '-D', '--dc', dest='plot_show_faultplanes', action='store_true',
4932            help='if double couple faultplanes shall be plotted ')
4933        group_dc.add_argument(
4934            '-d', '--show-1fp', dest='plot_show_1faultplane', nargs=4,
4935            metavar=('<index>', '<linewidth>', '<colour>', '<alpha>'),
4936            help='plot 1 faultplane - arguments are: index [1,2] of the '
4937                 'resp. FP, linewidth (float), line colour (string or '
4938                 'rgb-tuple), and alpha value (float between 0 and 1)')
4939        group_misc.add_argument(
4940            '-e', '--eigenvectors', dest='plot_show_princ_axes',
4941            metavar=('<size>', '<linewidth>', '<alpha>'), nargs=3,
4942            help='show eigenvectors - if used, provide 3 arguments: symbol '
4943                 'size, symbol linewidth, and symbol alpha value')
4944        group_misc.add_argument(
4945            '-b', '--basis-vectors', dest='plot_show_basis_axes',
4946            action='store_true',
4947            help='show NED basis in plot')
4948        group_app.add_argument(
4949            '-l', '--lines', dest='plot_outerline',
4950            metavar=('<linewidth>', '<colour>', '<alpha>'), nargs=3,
4951            help='gives the style of the outer line - 3 arguments needed: '
4952                 'linewidth (float), line colour (string or RGB-tuple), and '
4953                 'alpha value (float between 0 and 1)')
4954        group_app.add_argument(
4955            '-n', '--nodals', dest='plot_nodalline',
4956            metavar=('<linewidth>', '<colour>', '<alpha>'), nargs=3,
4957            help='gives the style of the nodal lines - 3 arguments needed: '
4958                 'linewidth (float), line colour (string or RGB-tuple), and '
4959                 'alpha value (float between 0 and 1)')
4960        group_quality.add_argument(
4961            '-q', '--quality', dest='plot_dpi', metavar='<dpi>', type=int,
4962            help='changes the quality for the plot in terms of dpi '
4963                 '(minimum=200)')
4964        group_type.add_argument(
4965            '-L', '--lines-only', dest='plot_only_lines', action='store_true',
4966            help='if only lines are shown (no fill - so overwrites '
4967                 '"fill"-related options)')
4968        group_misc.add_argument(
4969            '-i', '--input-system', dest='plot_input_system',
4970            type=caps, choices=ALLOWED_BASES, default='NED',
4971            help='if source mechanism is given as tensor in a system other '
4972                 'than NED')
4973        group_type.add_argument(
4974            '-I', '--show-isotropic-part', dest='plot_isotropic_part',
4975            action='store_true',
4976            help='if isotropic part shall be considered for plotting '
4977                 '[%(default)s]')
4979        parser_plot.set_defaults(call=_call_plot, build=_build_plot_dict)
4981        # decompose
4982        help = 'decompose a given mechanism into its components'
4983        desc = """Returns a decomposition of the input moment tensor.\n
4985                    Different decompositions are available (following Jost &
4986        Herrmann). Either the complete decomposition or only parts are
4987        returned; in- and output basis systema can be chosen. The
4988        'fancy' option is available for better human reading.
4989        """
4991        parser_decompose = subparsers.add_parser('decompose', help=help,
4992                                                 description=desc,
4993                                                 parents=[mechanism])
4995        group_type = parser_decompose.add_argument_group(
4996            'Type of decomposition')
4997        group_part = parser_decompose.add_argument_group(
4998            'Partial decomposition')
4999        group_system = parser_decompose.add_argument_group(
5000            'Basis systems')
5002        helpstring11 = """
5003        Returns a list of the decomposition results.
5005        Order:
5006        1:
5007            basis of the provided input     (string);
5008        2:
5009            basis of  the representation    (string);
5010        3:
5011            chosen decomposition type      (integer);
5013        4:
5014            full moment tensor              (matrix);
5016        5:
5017            isotropic part                  (matrix);
5018        6:
5019            isotropic percentage             (float);
5020        7:
5021            deviatoric part                 (matrix);
5022        8:
5023            deviatoric percentage            (float);
5025        9:
5026            DC part                         (matrix);
5027        10:
5028            DC percentage                    (float);
5029        11:
5030            DC2 part                        (matrix);
5031        12:
5032            DC2 percentage                   (float);
5033        13:
5034            DC3 part                        (matrix);
5035        14:
5036            DC3 percentage                   (float);
5038        15:
5039            CLVD part                       (matrix);
5040        16:
5041            CLVD percentage                 (matrix);
5043        17:
5044            seismic moment                   (float);
5045        18:
5046            moment magnitude                 (float);
5048        19:
5049            eigenvectors                   (3-array);
5050        20:
5051            eigenvalues                       (list);
5052        21:
5053            p-axis                         (3-array);
5054        22:
5055            neutral axis                   (3-array);
5056        23:
5057            t-axis                         (3-array);
5058        24:
5059            faultplanes       (list of two 3-arrays).
5062        If option 'fancy' is set, only a small overview about geometry and
5063        strength is provided instead.
5064        """
5065        group_part.add_argument(
5066            '-c', '--complete', dest='decomp_out_complete',
5067            action='store_true', help=helpstring11)
5068        parser_decompose.add_argument(
5069            '-y', '--fancy', dest='decomp_out_fancy', action='store_true',
5070            help='key for a stylish output')
5071        group_part.add_argument(
5072            '-p', '--partial', dest='decomp_out_part',
5073            metavar='<part1,part2,... >',
5074            help='provide an argument, what part(s) shall be displayed (if '
5075                 'multiple, separate by commas): in, out, type, full, iso, '
5076                 'iso_perc, devi, devi_perc, dc, dc_perc, dc2, dc2_perc, dc3, '
5077                 'dc3_perc, clvd, clvd_perc, mom, mag, eigvals, eigvecs, t, '
5078                 'n, p, faultplanes')
5079        group_system.add_argument(
5080            '-i', '--input-system', dest='decomp_in_system',
5081            type=caps, choices=ALLOWED_BASES, default='NED',
5082            help='set to provide input in a system other than NED')
5083        group_system.add_argument(
5084            '-o', '--output-system', dest='decomp_out_system',
5085            type=caps, choices=ALLOWED_BASES, default='NED',
5086            help='set to return output in a system other than NED')
5087        group_type.add_argument(
5088            '-t', '--type', dest='decomp_key', metavar='<decomposition key>',
5089            type=int, choices=[20, 21, 31], default=20,
5090            help='integer key to choose the type of decomposition - 20: '
5091                 'ISO+DC+CLVD ; 21: ISO+major DC+ minor DC ; 31: ISO + 3 DCs')
5093        parser_decompose.set_defaults(call=_call_decompose,
5094                                      build=_build_decompose_dict)
5096        return parser
5098    parser = _build_parsers()
5099    args = parser.parse_args(argv)
5101    try:
5102        M_raw = [float(xx) for xx in args.mechanism.split(',')]
5103    except Exception:
5104        parser.error('invalid source mechanism')
5106    if not len(M_raw) in [3, 4, 6, 7, 9]:
5107        parser.error('invalid source mechanism')
5108    if len(M_raw) in [4, 6, 7, 9] and len(np.array(M_raw).nonzero()[0]) == 0:
5109        parser.error('invalid source mechanism')
5111    aa = _handle_input(M_raw, args)
5112    if aa is not None:
5113        try:
5114            print(aa)
5115        except Exception:
5116            print(str(aa).replace('°', ' deg'))
5119if __name__ == '__main__':
5120    main()