1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3Python interface to the Seismic Analysis Code (SAC) file format.
6    The Los Alamos National Security, LLC, Yannik Behr, C. J. Ammon,
7    C. Satriano, L. Krischer, and J. MacCarthy
9    GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
10    (https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html)
13The SACTrace object maintains consistency between SAC headers and manages
14header values in a user-friendly way. This includes some value-checking, native
15Python logicals (True, False) and nulls (None) instead of SAC's 0, 1, or
18SAC headers are implemented as properties, with appropriate getters and
251. **Read and write SAC binary or ASCII**
27   -  autodetect or specify expected byteorder
28   -  optional file size checking and/or header consistency checks
29   -  header-only reading and writing
30   -  "overwrite OK" checking ('lovrok' header)
322. **Convenient access and manipulation of relative and absolute time
33   headers**
343. **User-friendly header printing/viewing**
354. **Fast access to header values from attributes**
37   -  With type checking, null handling, and enumerated value checking
395. **Convert to/from ObsPy Traces**
41   -  Conversion from ObsPy Trace to SAC trace retains detected previous
42      SAC header values.
43   -  Conversion to ObsPy Trace retains the *complete* SAC header.
46Usage examples
49Read/write SAC files
52.. code:: python
54    # read from a binary file
55    sac = SACTrace.read(filename)
57    # read header only
58    sac = SACTrace.read(filename, headonly=True)
60    # write header-only, file must exist
61    sac.write(filename, headonly=True)
63    # read from an ASCII file
64    sac = SACTrace.read(filename, ascii=True)
66    # write a binary SAC file for a Sun machine
67    sac.write(filename, byteorder='big')
69Build a SACTrace from a header dictionary and data array
72.. rubric:: Example
74>>> header = {'kstnm': 'ANMO', 'kcmpnm': 'BHZ', 'stla': 40.5, 'stlo': -108.23,
75...           'evla': -15.123, 'evlo': 123, 'evdp': 50, 'nzyear': 2012,
76...           'nzjday': 123, 'nzhour': 13, 'nzmin': 43, 'nzsec': 17,
77...           'nzmsec': 100, 'delta': 1.0/40}
78>>> sac = SACTrace(data=np.random.random(100), **header)
79>>> print(sac)  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE +ELLIPSIS
80Reference Time = 05/02/2012 (123) 13:43:17.100000
81   iztype IB: begin time
82b          = 0.0
83delta      = 0.0250000...
84e          = 2.4750000...
85evdp       = 50.0
86evla       = -15.123000...
87evlo       = 123.0
88iftype     = itime
89internal0  = 2.0
90iztype     = ib
91kcmpnm     = BHZ
92kstnm      = ANMO
93lcalda     = False
94leven      = True
95lovrok     = True
96lpspol     = True
97npts       = 100
98nvhdr      = 6
99nzhour     = 13
100nzjday     = 123
101nzmin      = 43
102nzmsec     = 100
103nzsec      = 17
104nzyear     = 2012
105stla       = 40.5
106stlo       = -108.23000...
108Reference-time and relative time headers
111.. rubric:: Example
113>>> sac = SACTrace(nzyear=2000, nzjday=1, nzhour=0, nzmin=0, nzsec=0,
114...                nzmsec=0, t1=23.5, data=np.arange(100))
115>>> print(sac.reftime)
117>>> sac.b, sac.e, sac.t1
118(0.0, 99.0, 23.5)
120Move reference time by relative seconds, relative time headers are
123.. rubric:: Example
125>>> sac = SACTrace(nzyear=2000, nzjday=1, nzhour=0, nzmin=0, nzsec=0,
126...                nzmsec=0, t1=23.5, data=np.arange(100))
127>>> sac.reftime -= 2.5
128>>> sac.b, sac.e, sac.t1
129(2.5, 101.5, 26.0)
131Set reference time to new absolute time, relative time headers are
134.. rubric:: Example
136>>> sac = SACTrace(nzyear=2000, nzjday=1, nzhour=0, nzmin=0, nzsec=0,
137...                nzmsec=0, t1=23.5, data=np.arange(100))
138>>> # set the reftime two minutes later
139>>> sac.reftime = UTCDateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 0)
140>>> sac.b, sac.e, sac.t1
141(-120.0, -21.0, -96.5)
143Quick header viewing
146Print non-null header values.
148.. rubric:: Example
150>>> sac = SACTrace()
151>>> print(sac)  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
152Reference Time = 01/01/1970 (001) 00:00:00.000000
153   iztype IB: begin time
154b          = 0.0
155delta      = 1.0
156e          = 0.0
157iftype     = itime
158internal0  = 2.0
159iztype     = ib
160lcalda     = False
161leven      = True
162lovrok     = True
163lpspol     = True
164npts       = 0
165nvhdr      = 6
166nzhour     = 0
167nzjday     = 1
168nzmin      = 0
169nzmsec     = 0
170nzsec      = 0
171nzyear     = 1970
173Print relative time header values.
175.. rubric:: Example
177>>> sac = SACTrace()
178>>> sac.lh('picks')  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
179Reference Time = 01/01/1970 (001) 00:00:00.000000
180   iztype IB: begin time
181a          = None
182b          = 0.0
183e          = 0.0
184f          = None
185o          = None
186t0         = None
187t1         = None
188t2         = None
189t3         = None
190t4         = None
191t5         = None
192t6         = None
193t7         = None
194t8         = None
195t9         = None
197Header values as attributes
200Great for interactive use, with (ipython) tab-completion...
202.. code:: python
204    sac.<tab>
208    sac.a                 sac.kevnm             sac.nzsec
209    sac.az                sac.kf                sac.nzyear
210    sac.b                 sac.khole             sac.o
211    sac.baz               sac.kinst             sac.odelta
212    sac.byteorder         sac.knetwk            sac.read
213    sac.cmpaz             sac.ko                sac.reftime
214    sac.cmpinc            sac.kstnm             sac.scale
215    sac.copy              sac.kt0               sac.stdp
216    sac.data              sac.kt1               sac.stel
217    sac.delta             sac.kt2               sac.stla
218    sac.depmax            sac.kt3               sac.stlo
219    sac.depmen            sac.kt4               sac.t0
220    sac.depmin            sac.kt5               sac.t1
221    sac.dist              sac.kt6               sac.t2
222    sac.e                 sac.kt7               sac.t3
223    sac.evdp              sac.kt8               sac.t4
224    sac.evla              sac.kt9               sac.t5
225    sac.evlo              sac.kuser0            sac.t6
226    sac.f                 sac.kuser1            sac.t7
227    sac.from_obspy_trace  sac.kuser2            sac.t8
228    sac.gcarc             sac.lcalda            sac.t9
229    sac.idep              sac.leven             sac.to_obspy_trace
230    sac.ievreg            sac.lh                sac.unused23
231    sac.ievtyp            sac.listhdr           sac.user0
232    sac.iftype            sac.lovrok            sac.user1
233    sac.iinst             sac.lpspol            sac.user2
234    sac.imagsrc           sac.mag               sac.user3
235    sac.imagtyp           sac.nevid             sac.user4
236    sac.internal0         sac.norid             sac.user5
237    sac.iqual             sac.npts              sac.user6
238    sac.istreg            sac.nvhdr             sac.user7
239    sac.isynth            sac.nwfid             sac.user8
240    sac.iztype            sac.nzhour            sac.user9
241    sac.ka                sac.nzjday            sac.validate
242    sac.kcmpnm            sac.nzmin             sac.write
243    sac.kdatrd            sac.nzmsec
245...and documentation (in IPython)!
247.. code:: python
249    sac.iztype?
253    Type:        property
254    String form: <property object at 0x106404940>
255    Docstring:
256    I    Reference time equivalence:
258    * IUNKN (5): Unknown
259    * IB (9): Begin time
260    * IDAY (10): Midnight of reference GMT day
261    * IO (11): Event origin time
262    * IA (12): First arrival time
263    * ITn (13-22): User defined time pick n, n=0,9
265Convert to/from ObsPy Traces
268.. rubric:: Example
270>>> from obspy import read
271>>> tr = read()[0]
272>>> print(tr.stats)  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
273         network: BW
274         station: RJOB
275        location:
276         channel: EHZ
277       starttime: 2009-08-24T00:20:03.000000Z
278         endtime: 2009-08-24T00:20:32.990000Z
279   sampling_rate: 100.0
280           delta: 0.01
281            npts: 3000
282           calib: 1.0
283    back_azimuth: 100.0
284     inclination: 30.0
285        response: Channel Response
286            ...
289>>> sac = SACTrace.from_obspy_trace(tr)
290>>> print(sac)  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE +ELLIPSIS
291Reference Time = 08/24/2009 (236) 00:20:03.000000
292   iztype IB: begin time
293b          = 0.0
294delta      = 0.009999999...
295e          = 29.989999...
296iftype     = itime
297iztype     = ib
298kcmpnm     = EHZ
299knetwk     = BW
300kstnm      = RJOB
301lcalda     = False
302leven      = True
303lovrok     = True
304lpspol     = True
305npts       = 3000
306nvhdr      = 6
307nzhour     = 0
308nzjday     = 236
309nzmin      = 20
310nzmsec     = 0
311nzsec      = 3
312nzyear     = 2009
313scale      = 1.0
315>>> tr2 = sac.to_obspy_trace()
316>>> print(tr2.stats)  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE +ELLIPSIS
317         network: BW
318         station: RJOB
319        location:
320         channel: EHZ
321       starttime: 2009-08-24T00:20:03.000000Z
322         endtime: 2009-08-24T00:20:32.990000Z
323   sampling_rate: 100.0
324           delta: 0.01
325            npts: 3000
326           calib: 1.0
327             sac: AttribDict(...)
330from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
331                        unicode_literals)
332from future.builtins import *  # NOQA
333from future.utils import native_str
335import sys
336import warnings
337from copy import deepcopy
338from itertools import chain
340import numpy as np
341from obspy import Trace, UTCDateTime
342from obspy.geodetics import gps2dist_azimuth, kilometer2degrees
344from . import header as HD  # noqa
345from .util import SacError, SacHeaderError
346from . import util as _ut
347from . import arrayio as _io
350# ------------- HEADER DESCRIPTORS --------------------------------------------
352# A descriptor is a class that manages an object attribute, using the
353# descriptor protocol.  A single instance of a descriptor class (FloatHeader,
354# for example) will exist for both the host class and all instances of that
355# host class (i.e. SACTrace and all its instances).  As a result, we must
356# implement logic that can tell if the methods are being called on the host
357# class or on an instance.  This looks like "if instance is None" on methods.
359# See:
360# https://docs.python.org/3.5/howto/descriptor.html
361# https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/urls/gist.github.com/ChrisBeaumont/
362#   5758381/raw/descriptor_writeup.ipynb
364class SACHeader(object):
365    def __init__(self, name):
366        try:
367            self.__doc__ = HD.DOC[name]
368        except KeyError:
369            # header doesn't have a docstring entry in HD.DOC
370            pass
371        self.name = name
374class FloatHeader(SACHeader):
375    def __get__(self, instance, instance_type):
376        if instance is None:
377            # a FloatHeader on the owner class was requested.
378            # return the descriptor itself.
379            value = self
380        else:
381            # a FloatHeader on an instance was requested.
382            # return the descriptor value.
383            value = float(instance._hf[HD.FLOATHDRS.index(self.name)])
384            if value == HD.FNULL:
385                value = None
386        return value
388    def __set__(self, instance, value):
389        if value is None:
390            value = HD.FNULL
391        instance._hf[HD.FLOATHDRS.index(self.name)] = value
394# Descriptor for setting relative time headers with either a relative
395# time float or an absolute UTCDateTime
396# used for: b, o, a, f, t0-t9
397class RelativeTimeHeader(FloatHeader):
398    def __set__(self, instance, value):
399        """
400        Intercept the set value to make sure it is an offset from the SAC
401        reference time.
403        """
404        if isinstance(value, UTCDateTime):
405            offset = value - instance.reftime
406        else:
407            offset = value
408        # reuse the normal floatheader setter.
409        super(RelativeTimeHeader, self).__set__(instance, offset)
412# Factory function for setting geographic header values
413#   (evlo, evla, stalo, stalat)
414# that will check lcalda and calculate and set dist, az, baz, gcarc
415class GeographicHeader(FloatHeader):
416    def __set__(self, instance, value):
417        super(GeographicHeader, self).__set__(instance, value)
418        if instance.lcalda:
419            try:
420                instance._set_distances()
421            except SacHeaderError:
422                pass
425class IntHeader(SACHeader):
426    def __get__(self, instance, instance_type):
427        if instance is None:
428            value = self
429        else:
430            value = int(instance._hi[HD.INTHDRS.index(self.name)])
431            if value == HD.INULL:
432                value = None
433        return value
435    def __set__(self, instance, value):
436        if value is None:
437            value = HD.INULL
438        if value % 1:
439            warnings.warn("Non-integers may be truncated. ({}: {})".format(
440                self.name, value))
441        instance._hi[HD.INTHDRS.index(self.name)] = value
444class BoolHeader(IntHeader):
445    def __get__(self, instance, instance_type):
446        # value can be an int or None
447        value = super(BoolHeader, self).__get__(instance, instance_type)
448        return bool(value) if value in (0, 1) else value
450    def __set__(self, instance, value):
451        if value not in (True, False, 1, 0):
452            msg = "Logical header values must be {True, False, 1, 0}"
453            raise ValueError(msg)
454        # booleans are subclasses of integers.  They will be set (cast)
455        # directly into an integer array as 0 or 1.
456        super(BoolHeader, self).__set__(instance, value)
457        if self.name == 'lcalda':
458            if value:
459                try:
460                    instance._set_distances()
461                except SacHeaderError:
462                    pass
465class EnumHeader(IntHeader):
466    def __get__(self, instance, instance_type):
467        value = super(EnumHeader, self).__get__(instance, instance_type)
468        # value is int or None
469        if value is None:
470            name = None
471        elif _ut.is_valid_enum_int(self.name, value):
472            name = HD.ENUM_NAMES[value]
473        else:
474            msg = """Unrecognized enumerated value {} for header "{}".
475                     See .header for allowed values.""".format(value,
476                                                               self.name)
477            warnings.warn(msg)
478            name = None
479        return name
481    def __set__(self, instance, value):
482        if value is None:
483            value = HD.INULL
484        elif _ut.is_valid_enum_str(self.name, value):
485            if self.name == 'iztype':
486                reftime = _iztype_reftime(instance, value)
487                instance.reftime = reftime
488                # this also shifts all non-null relative times (instance._allt)
489            value = HD.ENUM_VALS[value]
490        else:
491            msg = 'Unrecognized enumerated value "{}" for header "{}"'
492            raise ValueError(msg.format(value, self.name))
493        super(EnumHeader, self).__set__(instance, value)
496class StringHeader(SACHeader):
497    def __get__(self, instance, instance_type):
498        if instance is None:
499            value = self
500        else:
501            value = instance._hs[HD.STRHDRS.index(self.name)]
502            try:
503                # value is a bytes
504                value = value.decode()
505            except AttributeError:
506                # value is a str
507                pass
509            if value == HD.SNULL:
510                value = None
512            try:
513                value = value.strip()
514            except AttributeError:
515                # it's None.  no .strip method
516                pass
517        return value
519    def __set__(self, instance, value):
520        if value is None:
521            value = HD.SNULL
522        elif len(value) > 8:
523            msg = ("Alphanumeric headers longer than 8 characters are "
524                   "right-truncated.")
525            warnings.warn(msg)
526        # values will truncate themselves, since _hs is dtype '|S8'
527        try:
528            instance._hs[HD.STRHDRS.index(self.name)] = value.encode('ascii',
529                                                                     'strict')
530        except AttributeError:
531            instance._hs[HD.STRHDRS.index(self.name)] = value
534# Headers for functions of .data (min, max, mean, len)
535class DataHeader(SACHeader):
536    def __init__(self, name, func):
537        self.func = func
538        super(DataHeader, self).__init__(name)
540    def __get__(self, instance, instance_type):
541        if instance is None:
542            value = self
543        else:
544            try:
545                value = self.func(instance.data)
546                # convert to native Python types
547                if self.name in HD.FLOATHDRS:
548                    value = float(value)
549                elif self.name in HD.INTHDRS:
550                    value = int(value)
551            except TypeError:
552                # instance.data is None, get value from header
553                if self.name in HD.FLOATHDRS:
554                    value = instance._hf[HD.FLOATHDRS.index(self.name)].item()
555                    value = None if value == HD.FNULL else value
556                elif self.name in HD.INTHDRS:
557                    value = instance._hi[HD.INTHDRS.index(self.name)].item()
558                    value = None if value == HD.INULL else value
559        return value
561    def __set__(self, instance, value):
562        msg = "{} is read-only".format(self.name)
563        raise AttributeError(msg)
567def _get_e(self):
568    try:
569        if self.npts:
570            e = self.b + (self.npts - 1) * self.delta
571        else:
572            e = self.b
573    except TypeError:
574        # b, npts, and/or delta are None/null
575        # TODO: assume "b" is 0.0?
576        e = None
577    return e
580def _iztype_reftime(sactrace, iztype):
581    """
582    Get the new reftime for a given iztype.
584    Setting the iztype will shift the relative time headers, such that the
585    header that iztype points to is (near) zero, and all others are shifted
586    together by the difference.
588    Affected headers: b, o, a, f, t0-t9
590    :param sactrace:
591    :type sactrace: SACTrace
592    :param iztype: One of the following strings:
593        'iunkn'
594        'ib', begin time
595        'iday', midnight of reference GMT day
596        'io', event origin time
597        'ia', first arrival time
598        'it0'-'it9', user defined pick t0-t9.
599    :type iztype: str
600    :rtype reftime: UTCDateTime
601    :return: The new SAC reference time.
603    """
604    # The Plan:
605    # 1. find the seconds needed to shift the old reftime to the new one.
606    # 2. shift reference time onto the iztype header using that shift value.
607    # 3. this triggers an _allt shift of all relative times by the same amount.
608    # 4. If all goes well, actually set the iztype in the header.
610    # 1.
611    if iztype == 'iunkn':
612        # no shift
613        ref_val = 0.0
614    elif iztype == 'iday':
615        # seconds since midnight of reference day
616        reftime = sactrace.reftime
617        ref_val = reftime - UTCDateTime(year=reftime.year,
618                                        julday=reftime.julday)
619    else:
620        # a relative time header.
621        # remove the 'i' (first character) in the iztype to get the header name
622        ref_val = getattr(sactrace, iztype[1:])
623        if ref_val is None:
624            msg = "Reference header for iztype '{}' is not set".format(iztype)
625            raise SacError(msg)
627    # 2. set a new reference time,
628    # 3. which also shifts all non-null relative times (sactrace._allt).
629    #    remainder microseconds may be in the reference header value, because
630    #    nzmsec can't hold them.
631    new_reftime = sactrace.reftime + ref_val
633    return new_reftime
636# kevnm is 16 characters, split into two 8-character fields
637# intercept and handle in while getting and setting
638def _get_kevnm(self):
639    kevnm = self._hs[HD.STRHDRS.index('kevnm')]
640    kevnm2 = self._hs[HD.STRHDRS.index('kevnm2')]
641    try:
642        kevnm = kevnm.decode()
643        kevnm2 = kevnm2.decode()
644    except AttributeError:
645        # kevnm is a str
646        pass
648    if kevnm == HD.SNULL:
649        kevnm = ''
650    if kevnm2 == HD.SNULL:
651        kevnm2 = ''
653    value = (kevnm + kevnm2).strip()
655    if not value:
656        value = None
658    return value
661def _set_kevnm(self, value):
662    if value is None:
663        value = HD.SNULL + HD.SNULL
664    elif len(value) > 16:
665        msg = "kevnm over 16 characters.  Truncated to {}.".format(value[:16])
666        warnings.warn(msg)
667    kevnm = '{:<8s}'.format(value[0:8])
668    kevnm2 = '{:<8s}'.format(value[8:16])
669    self._hs[HD.STRHDRS.index('kevnm')] = kevnm
670    self._hs[HD.STRHDRS.index('kevnm2')] = kevnm2
672# TODO: move get/set reftime up here, make it a property
675# -------------------------- SAC OBJECT INTERFACE -----------------------------
676class SACTrace(object):
677    __doc__ = """
678    Convenient and consistent in-memory representation of Seismic Analysis Code
679    (SAC) files.
681    This is the human-facing interface for making a valid instance.  For
682    file-based or other constructors, see class methods .read and
683    .from_obspy_trace.  SACTrace instances preserve relationships between
684    header values.
686    :param data: Associated time-series data vector. Optional. If omitted, None
687        is set as the instance data attribute.
688    :type data: :class:`numpy.ndarray` of float32
690    Any valid header key/value pair is also an optional input keyword argument.
691    If not provided, minimum required headers are set to valid default values.
692    The default instance is an evenly-space trace, with a sample rate of 1.0,
693    and len(data) or 0 npts, starting at 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000.
695    :var reftime: Read-only reference time.  Calculated from nzyear, nzjday,
696        nzhour, nzmin, nzsec, nzmsec.
697    :var byteorder: The byte order of the underlying header/data arrays.
698        Raises :class:`SacError` if array byte orders are inconsistent, even in
699        the case where '<' is your native order and byteorders look like '<',
700        '=', '='.
702    Any valid header name is also an attribute. See below, :mod:`header`,
703    or individial attribution docstrings for more header information.
705                                 THE SAC HEADER
707    NOTE: All header names and string values are lowercase. Header value
708    access should be through instance attributes.
712    # ------------------------------- SAC HEADERS -----------------------------
713    # SAC header values are defined as managed attributes, either as
714    # descriptors or as properties, with getters and setters.
715    #
716    # Managed attributes are defined at the class leval, and therefore shared
717    # across all instances, not attribute data themselves.
718    #
719    # This section looks ugly, but it allows for the following:
720    # 1. Relationships/checks between header variables can be done in setters
721    # 2. The underlying header array structure is retained, for quick writing.
722    # 3. Header access looks like simple attribute-access syntax.
723    #    Looks funny to read here, but natural to use.
724    #
725    # FLOATS
726    delta = FloatHeader('delta')
727    depmin = DataHeader('depmin', min)
728    depmax = DataHeader('depmax', max)
729    scale = FloatHeader('scale')
730    odelta = FloatHeader('odelta')
731    b = RelativeTimeHeader('b')
732    e = property(_get_e, doc=HD.DOC['e'])
733    o = RelativeTimeHeader('o')
734    a = RelativeTimeHeader('a')
735    internal0 = FloatHeader('internal0')
736    t0 = RelativeTimeHeader('t0')
737    t1 = RelativeTimeHeader('t1')
738    t2 = RelativeTimeHeader('t2')
739    t3 = RelativeTimeHeader('t3')
740    t4 = RelativeTimeHeader('t4')
741    t5 = RelativeTimeHeader('t5')
742    t6 = RelativeTimeHeader('t6')
743    t7 = RelativeTimeHeader('t7')
744    t8 = RelativeTimeHeader('t8')
745    t9 = RelativeTimeHeader('t9')
746    f = RelativeTimeHeader('f')
747    stla = GeographicHeader('stla')
748    stlo = GeographicHeader('stlo')
749    stel = FloatHeader('stel')
750    stdp = FloatHeader('stdp')
751    evla = GeographicHeader('evla')
752    evlo = GeographicHeader('evlo')
753    evdp = FloatHeader('evdp')
754    mag = FloatHeader('mag')
755    user0 = FloatHeader('user0')
756    user1 = FloatHeader('user1')
757    user2 = FloatHeader('user2')
758    user3 = FloatHeader('user3')
759    user4 = FloatHeader('user4')
760    user5 = FloatHeader('user5')
761    user6 = FloatHeader('user6')
762    user7 = FloatHeader('user7')
763    user8 = FloatHeader('user8')
764    user9 = FloatHeader('user9')
765    dist = FloatHeader('dist')
766    az = FloatHeader('az')
767    baz = FloatHeader('baz')
768    gcarc = FloatHeader('gcarc')
769    depmen = DataHeader('depmen', np.mean)
770    cmpaz = FloatHeader('cmpaz')
771    cmpinc = FloatHeader('cmpinc')
772    #
773    # INTS
774    nzyear = IntHeader('nzyear')
775    nzjday = IntHeader('nzjday')
776    nzhour = IntHeader('nzhour')
777    nzmin = IntHeader('nzmin')
778    nzsec = IntHeader('nzsec')
779    nzmsec = IntHeader('nzmsec')
780    nvhdr = IntHeader('nvhdr')
781    norid = IntHeader('norid')
782    nevid = IntHeader('nevid')
783    npts = DataHeader('npts', len)
784    nwfid = IntHeader('nwfid')
785    iftype = EnumHeader('iftype')
786    idep = EnumHeader('idep')
787    iztype = EnumHeader('iztype')
788    iinst = IntHeader('iinst')
789    istreg = IntHeader('istreg')
790    ievreg = IntHeader('ievreg')
791    ievtyp = EnumHeader('ievtyp')
792    iqual = IntHeader('iqual')
793    isynth = EnumHeader('isynth')
794    imagtyp = EnumHeader('imagtyp')
795    imagsrc = EnumHeader('imagsrc')
796    leven = BoolHeader('leven')
797    lpspol = BoolHeader('lpspol')
798    lovrok = BoolHeader('lovrok')
799    lcalda = BoolHeader('lcalda')
800    unused23 = IntHeader('unused23')
801    #
802    # STRINGS
803    kstnm = StringHeader('kstnm')
804    kevnm = property(_get_kevnm, _set_kevnm, doc=HD.DOC['kevnm'])
805    khole = StringHeader('khole')
806    ko = StringHeader('ko')
807    ka = StringHeader('ka')
808    kt0 = StringHeader('kt0')
809    kt1 = StringHeader('kt1')
810    kt2 = StringHeader('kt2')
811    kt3 = StringHeader('kt3')
812    kt4 = StringHeader('kt4')
813    kt5 = StringHeader('kt5')
814    kt6 = StringHeader('kt6')
815    kt7 = StringHeader('kt7')
816    kt8 = StringHeader('kt8')
817    kt9 = StringHeader('kt9')
818    kf = StringHeader('kf')
819    kuser0 = StringHeader('kuser0')
820    kuser1 = StringHeader('kuser1')
821    kuser2 = StringHeader('kuser2')
822    kcmpnm = StringHeader('kcmpnm')
823    knetwk = StringHeader('knetwk')
824    kdatrd = StringHeader('kdatrd')
825    kinst = StringHeader('kinst')
827    def __init__(self, leven=True, delta=1.0, b=0.0, e=0.0, iztype='ib',
828                 nvhdr=6, npts=0, iftype='itime', nzyear=1970, nzjday=1,
829                 nzhour=0, nzmin=0, nzsec=0, nzmsec=0, lcalda=False,
830                 lpspol=True, lovrok=True, internal0=2.0, data=None, **kwargs):
831        """
832        Initialize a SACTrace object using header key-value pairs and a
833        numpy.ndarray for the data, both optional.
835        ..rubric:: Example
837        >>> sac = SACTrace(nzyear=1995, nzmsec=50, data=np.arange(100))
838        >>> print(sac)  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
839        Reference Time = 01/01/1995 (001) 00:00:00.050000
840           iztype IB: begin time
841        b          = 0.0
842        delta      = 1.0
843        e          = 99.0
844        iftype     = itime
845        internal0  = 2.0
846        iztype     = ib
847        lcalda     = False
848        leven      = True
849        lovrok     = True
850        lpspol     = True
851        npts       = 100
852        nvhdr      = 6
853        nzhour     = 0
854        nzjday     = 1
855        nzmin      = 0
856        nzmsec     = 50
857        nzsec      = 0
858        nzyear     = 1995
860        """
861        # The Plan:
862        # 1. Build the default header dictionary and update with provided
863        #    values.
864        # 2. Convert header dict to arrays (util.dict_to_header_arrays
865        #    initializes the arrays and fills in without checking.
866        # 3. set the _h[fis] and data arrays on self.
868        # 1.
869        # build the required header from provided or default values
870        header = {'leven': leven, 'npts': npts, 'delta': delta, 'b': b, 'e': e,
871                  'iztype': iztype, 'nvhdr': nvhdr, 'iftype': iftype,
872                  'nzyear': nzyear, 'nzjday': nzjday, 'nzhour': nzhour,
873                  'nzmin': nzmin, 'nzsec': nzsec, 'nzmsec': nzmsec,
874                  'lcalda': lcalda, 'lpspol': lpspol, 'lovrok': lovrok,
875                  'internal0': internal0}
877        # combine header with remaining non-required args.
878        # user can put non-SAC key:value pairs into the header, but they're
879        # ignored on write.
880        header.update(kwargs)
882        # -------------------------- DATA ARRAY -------------------------------
883        if data is None:
884            # this is like "headonly=True"
885            pass
886        else:
887            if not isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
888                raise TypeError("data needs to be a numpy.ndarray")
889            else:
890                # Only copy the data if they are not of the required type
891                # XXX: why require little endian instead of native byte order?
892                # data = np.require(data, native_str('<f4'))
893                pass
895        # --------------------------- HEADER ARRAYS ---------------------------
896        # 2.
897        # TODO: this is done even when we're reading a file.
898        #   if it's too much overhead, it may need to change
900        # swap enum names for integer values in the header dictionary
901        header = _ut.enum_string_to_int(header)
903        # XXX: will these always be little endian?
904        hf, hi, hs = _io.dict_to_header_arrays(header)
906        # we now have data and headers, either default or provided.
908        # 3.
909        # this completely sidesteps any checks provided by class properties
910        self._hf = hf
911        self._hi = hi
912        self._hs = hs
913        self.data = data
915        self._set_distances()
917    @property
918    def _header(self):
919        """
920        Convenient read-only dictionary of non-null header array values.
922        Header value access should be through instance attributes. All header
923        names and string values are lowercase. Computed every time, so use
924        frugally. See class docstring for header descriptions.
926        """
927        out = _io.header_arrays_to_dict(self._hf, self._hi, self._hs,
928                                        nulls=False)
929        return out
931    @property
932    def byteorder(self):
933        """
934        The byte order of the underlying header/data arrays.
936        Raises SacError if array byte orders are inconsistent, even in the
937        case where '<' is your native order and byteorders look like
938        '<', '=', '='.
940        """
941        try:
942            if self.data is None:
943                assert self._hf.dtype.byteorder == self._hi.dtype.byteorder
944            else:
945                assert self._hf.dtype.byteorder == self._hi.dtype.byteorder ==\
946                    self.data.dtype.byteorder
947        except AssertionError:
948            msg = 'Inconsistent header/data byteorders.'
949            raise SacError(msg)
951        bo = self._hf.dtype.byteorder
953        if bo == '=':
954            byteorder = sys.byteorder
955        elif bo == '<':
956            byteorder = 'little'
957        elif bo == '>':
958            byteorder = 'big'
960        return byteorder
962    # TODO: make a byteorder setter?
963    def _byteswap(self):
964        """
965        Change the underlying byte order and dtype interpretation of the float,
966        int, and (if present) data arrays.
968        """
969        try:
970            self._hf = self._hf.byteswap(True).newbyteorder('S')
971            self._hi = self._hi.byteswap(True).newbyteorder('S')
972            if self.data is not None:
973                self.data = self.data.byteswap(True).newbyteorder('S')
974        except Exception as e:
975            # if this fails, roll it back?
976            raise e
978    @property
979    def reftime(self):
980        """
981        Get or set the SAC header reference time as a UTCDateTime instance.
983        reftime is not an attribute, but is constructed and dismantled each
984        time directly to/from the SAC "nz"-time fields.
986        Setting a new reftime shifts all non-null relative time headers
987        accordingly.  It accepts a UTCDateTime object, from which time shifts
988        are calculated.
990        ..rubric:: notes
992        The reftime you supply will be robbed of its remainder microseconds,
993        which are then pushed into the relative time header shifts.  This means
994        that the reftime you observe after you set it here may not exactly
995        match the reftime you supplied; it may be `remainder microseconds`
996        earlier. Nor will the iztype reference header value be exactly zero;
997        it will be equal to `remainder microseconds` (as seconds).
999        """
1000        return _ut.get_sac_reftime(self._header)
1002    @reftime.setter
1003    def reftime(self, new_reftime):
1004        try:
1005            old_reftime = self.reftime
1007            # snap the new reftime to the most recent milliseconds
1008            # (subtract the leftover microseconds)
1009            ns = new_reftime.ns
1010            utc = UTCDateTime(ns=(ns - ns % 1000000))
1012            self.nzyear = utc.year
1013            self.nzjday = utc.julday
1014            self.nzhour = utc.hour
1015            self.nzmin = utc.minute
1016            self.nzsec = utc.second
1017            self.nzmsec = utc.microsecond / 1000
1019            # get the float seconds between the old and new reftimes
1020            shift = old_reftime - utc
1022            # shift the relative time headers
1023            self._allt(np.float32(shift))
1025        except AttributeError:
1026            msg = "New reference time must be an obspy.UTCDateTime instance."
1027            raise TypeError(msg)
1029    # --------------------------- I/O METHODS ---------------------------------
1030    @classmethod
1031    def read(cls, source, headonly=False, ascii=False, byteorder=None,
1032             checksize=False, debug_strings=False, encoding='ASCII'):
1033        """
1034        Construct an instance from a binary or ASCII file on disk.
1036        :param source: Full path string for File-like object from a SAC binary
1037            file on disk.  If it is an open File object, open 'rb'.
1038        :type source: str or file
1039        :param headonly: If headonly is True, only read the header arrays not
1040            the data array.
1041        :type headonly: bool
1042        :param ascii: If True, file is a SAC ASCII/Alphanumeric file.
1043        :type ascii: bool
1044        :param byteorder: If omitted or None, automatic byte-order checking is
1045            done, starting with native order. If byteorder is specified and
1046            incorrect, a :class:`SacIOError` is raised. Only valid for binary
1047            files.
1048        :type byteorder: str {'little', 'big'}, optional
1049        :param checksize: If True, check that the theoretical file size from
1050            the header matches the size on disk. Only valid for binary files.
1051        :type checksize: bool
1052        :param debug_strings: By default, non-ASCII and null-termination
1053            characters are removed from character header fields, and those
1054            beginning with '-12345' are considered unset. If True, they
1055            are instead passed without modification.  Good for debugging.
1056        :type debug_strings: bool
1057        :param encoding: Encoding string that passes the user specified
1058        encoding scheme.
1059        :type encoding: str
1061        :raises: :class:`SacIOError` if checksize failed, byteorder was wrong,
1062            or header arrays are wrong size.
1064        .. rubric:: Example
1066        >>> from obspy.core.util import get_example_file
1067        >>> from obspy.io.sac.util import SacInvalidContentError
1068        >>> file_ = get_example_file("test.sac")
1069        >>> sac = SACTrace.read(file_, headonly=True)
1070        >>> sac.data is None
1071        True
1072        >>> sac = SACTrace.read(file_, headonly=False)
1073        >>> sac.data  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
1074        array([ -8.74227766e-08,  -3.09016973e-01,  -5.87785363e-01,
1075                -8.09017122e-01,  -9.51056600e-01,  -1.00000000e+00,
1076                -9.51056302e-01,  -8.09016585e-01,  -5.87784529e-01,
1077                ...
1078                 8.09022486e-01,   9.51059461e-01,   1.00000000e+00,
1079                 9.51053500e-01,   8.09011161e-01,   5.87777138e-01,
1080                 3.09007347e-01], dtype=float32)
1082        See also: :meth:`SACTrace.validate`
1084        """
1085        if ascii:
1086            hf, hi, hs, data = _io.read_sac_ascii(source, headonly=headonly)
1087        else:
1088            hf, hi, hs, data = _io.read_sac(source, headonly=headonly,
1089                                            byteorder=byteorder,
1090                                            checksize=checksize)
1091        if not debug_strings:
1092            for i, val in enumerate(hs):
1093                val = _ut._clean_str(val.decode(encoding, 'replace'),
1094                                     strip_whitespace=False)
1095                if val.startswith(native_str('-12345')):
1096                    val = HD.SNULL
1097                hs[i] = val.encode(encoding, 'replace')
1099        sac = cls._from_arrays(hf, hi, hs, data)
1100        if sac.dist is None:
1101            sac._set_distances()
1103        return sac
1105    def write(self, dest, headonly=False, ascii=False, byteorder=None,
1106              flush_headers=True):
1107        """
1108        Write the header and (optionally) data arrays to a SAC binary file.
1110        :param dest: Full path or File-like object to SAC binary file on disk.
1111        :type dest: str or file
1112        :param headonly: If headonly is True, only read the header arrays not
1113            the data array.
1114        :type headonly: bool
1115        :param ascii: If True, file is a SAC ASCII/Alphanumeric file.
1116        :type ascii: bool
1117        :param byteorder: If omitted or None, automatic byte-order checking is
1118            done, starting with native order. If byteorder is specified and
1119            incorrect, a :class:`SacIOError` is raised. Only valid for binary
1120            files.
1121        :type byteorder: str {'little', 'big'}, optional
1122        :param flush_headers: If True, update data headers like 'depmin' and
1123            'depmax' with values from the data array.
1124        :type flush_headers: bool
1126        """
1127        if headonly:
1128            data = None
1129        else:
1130            # do a check for float32 data here instead of arrayio.write_sac?
1131            data = self.data
1132            if flush_headers:
1133                self._flush_headers()
1135        if ascii:
1136            _io.write_sac_ascii(dest, self._hf, self._hi, self._hs, data)
1137        else:
1138            byteorder = byteorder or self.byteorder
1139            _io.write_sac(dest, self._hf, self._hi, self._hs, data,
1140                          byteorder=byteorder)
1142    @classmethod
1143    def _from_arrays(cls, hf=None, hi=None, hs=None, data=None):
1144        """
1145        Low-level array-based constructor.
1147        This constructor is good for getting a "blank" SAC object, and is used
1148        in other, perhaps more useful, alternate constructors ("See Also").
1149        No value checking is done and header values are completely overwritten
1150        with the provided arrays, which is why this is a hidden constructor.
1152        :param hf: SAC float header array
1153        :type hf: :class:`numpy.ndarray` of floats
1154        :param hi: SAC int header array
1155        :type hi: :class:`numpy.ndarray` of ints
1156        :param hs: SAC string header array
1157        :type hs: :class:`numpy.ndarray` of str
1158        :param data: SAC data array, optional.
1160        If omitted or None, the header arrays are intialized according to
1161        :func:`arrayio.init_header_arrays`.  If data is omitted, it is
1162        simply set to None on the corresponding :class:`SACTrace`.
1164        .. rubric:: Example
1166        >>> sac = SACTrace._from_arrays()
1167        >>> print(sac)  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE +SKIP
1168        Reference Time = XX/XX/XX (XXX) XX:XX:XX.XXXXXX
1169            iztype not set
1170        lcalda     = True
1171        leven      = False
1172        lovrok     = False
1173        lpspol     = False
1175        """
1176        # use the first byteorder we find, or system byteorder if we
1177        # never find any
1178        bo = '='
1179        for arr in (hf, hi, hs, data):
1180            try:
1181                bo = arr.dtype.byteorder
1182                break
1183            except AttributeError:
1184                # arr is None (not supplied)
1185                pass
1186        hf0, hi0, hs0 = _io.init_header_arrays(byteorder=bo)
1187        # TODO: hf0, hi0, hs0 = _io.init_header_array_values(hf0, hi0, hs0)
1189        if hf is None:
1190            hf = hf0
1191        if hi is None:
1192            hi = hi0
1193        if hs is None:
1194            hs = hs0
1196        # get the default instance, but completely replace the arrays
1197        # initializes arrays twice, but it beats converting empty arrays to a
1198        # dict and then passing it to __init__, i think...maybe...
1199        sac = cls()
1200        sac._hf = hf
1201        sac._hi = hi
1202        sac._hs = hs
1203        sac.data = data
1205        return sac
1208    @classmethod
1209    def from_obspy_trace(cls, trace, keep_sac_header=True):
1210        """
1211        Construct an instance from an ObsPy Trace.
1213        :param trace: Source Trace object
1214        :type trace: :class:`~obspy.core.Trace` instance
1215        :param keep_sac_header: If True, any old stats.sac header values are
1216            kept as is, and only a minimal set of values are updated from the
1217            stats dictionary: npts, e, and data.  If an old iztype and a valid
1218            reftime are present, b and e will be properly referenced to it.  If
1219            False, a new SAC header is constructed from only information found
1220            in the stats dictionary, with some other default values introduced.
1221        :type keep_sac_header: bool
1223        """
1224        header = _ut.obspy_to_sac_header(trace.stats, keep_sac_header)
1226        # handle the data headers
1227        data = trace.data
1228        try:
1229            if len(data) == 0:
1230                # data is a empty numpy.array
1231                data = None
1232        except TypeError:
1233            # data is None
1234            data = None
1236        try:
1237            byteorder = data.dtype.byteorder
1238        except AttributeError:
1239            # data is None
1240            byteorder = '='
1242        hf, hi, hs = _io.dict_to_header_arrays(header, byteorder=byteorder)
1243        sac = cls._from_arrays(hf, hi, hs, data)
1244        # sac._flush_headers()
1246        return sac
1248    def to_obspy_trace(self, debug_headers=False, encoding='ASCII'):
1249        """
1250        Return an ObsPy Trace instance.
1252        Required headers: nz-time fields, npts, delta, calib, kcmpnm, kstnm,
1253        ...?
1255        :param debug_headers: Include _all_ SAC headers into the
1256            Trace.stats.sac dictionary.
1257        :type debug_headers: bool
1258        :param encoding: Encoding string that passes the user specified
1259        encoding scheme.
1260        :type encoding: str
1262        .. rubric:: Example
1264        >>> from obspy.core.util import get_example_file
1265        >>> file_ = get_example_file("test.sac")
1266        >>> sac = SACTrace.read(file_, headonly=True)
1267        >>> tr = sac.to_obspy_trace()
1268        >>> print(tr)  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
1269        .STA..Q | 1978-07-18T08:00:10.000000Z - ... | 1.0 Hz, 100 samples
1271        """
1272        # make the obspy test for tests/data/testxy.sac pass
1273        # ObsPy does not require a valid reftime
1274        # try:
1275        #     self.validate('reftime')
1276        # except SacInvalidContentError:
1277        #     if not self.nzyear:
1278        #         self.nzyear = 1970
1279        #     if not self.nzjday:
1280        #         self.nzjday = 1
1281        #     for hdr in ['nzhour', 'nzmin', 'nzsec', 'nzmsec']:
1282        #         if not getattr(self, hdr):
1283        #             setattr(self, hdr, 0)
1284        self.validate('delta')
1285        if self.data is None:
1286            # headonly is True
1287            # Make it something palatable to ObsPy
1288            data = np.array([], dtype=self._hf.dtype.byteorder + 'f4')
1289        else:
1290            data = self.data
1292        sachdr = _io.header_arrays_to_dict(self._hf, self._hi, self._hs,
1293                                           nulls=debug_headers,
1294                                           encoding=encoding)
1295        # TODO: logic to use debug_headers for real
1297        stats = _ut.sac_to_obspy_header(sachdr)
1299        return Trace(data=data, header=stats)
1301    # ---------------------- other properties/methods -------------------------
1302    def validate(self, *tests):
1303        """
1304        Check validity of loaded SAC file content, such as header/data
1305        consistency.
1307        :param tests: One or more of the following validity tests:
1308            'delta' : Time step "delta" is positive.
1309            'logicals' : Logical values are 0, 1, or null
1310            'data_hdrs' : Length, min, mean, max of data array match header
1311                values.
1312            'enums' : Check validity of enumerated values.
1313            'reftime' : Reference time values in header are all set.
1314            'reltime' : Relative time values in header are absolutely
1315                referenced.
1316            'all' : Do all tests.
1317        :type tests: str
1319        :raises: :class:`SacInvalidContentError` if any of the specified tests
1320            fail. :class:`ValueError` if 'data_hdrs' is specified and data is
1321            None, empty array, or no tests specified.
1323        .. rubric:: Example
1325        >>> from obspy.core.util import get_example_file
1326        >>> from obspy.io.sac.util import SacInvalidContentError
1327        >>> file_ = get_example_file("LMOW.BHE.SAC")
1328        >>> sac = SACTrace.read(file_)
1329        >>> # make the time step invalid, catch it, and fix it
1330        >>> sac.delta *= -1.0
1331        >>> try:
1332        ...     sac.validate('delta')
1333        ... except SacInvalidContentError as e:
1334        ...     sac.delta *= -1.0
1335        ...     sac.validate('delta')
1336        >>> # make the data and depmin/men/max not match, catch the validation
1337        >>> # error, then fix (flush) the headers so that they validate
1338        >>> sac.data += 5.0
1339        >>> try:
1340        ...     sac.validate('data_hdrs')
1341        ... except SacInvalidContentError:
1342        ...     sac._flush_headers()
1343        ...     sac.validate('data_hdrs')
1345        """
1346        _io.validate_sac_content(self._hf, self._hi, self._hs, self.data,
1347                                 *tests)
1349    def _format_header_str(self, hdrlist='all'):
1350        """
1351        Produce a print-friendly string of header values for __repr__ ,
1352        .listhdr(), and .lh()
1354        """
1355        # interpret hdrlist
1356        if hdrlist == 'all':
1357            hdrlist = sorted(self._header.keys())
1358        elif hdrlist == 'picks':
1359            hdrlist = ('a', 'b', 'e', 'f', 'o', 't0', 't1', 't2', 't3', 't4',
1360                       't5', 't6', 't7', 't8', 't9')
1361        else:
1362            msg = "Unrecognized hdrlist '{}'".format(hdrlist)
1363            raise ValueError(msg)
1365        # start building header string
1366        #
1367        # reference time
1368        header_str = []
1369        try:
1370            timefmt = "Reference Time = %m/%d/%Y (%j) %H:%M:%S.%f"
1371            header_str.append(self.reftime.strftime(timefmt))
1372        except (ValueError, SacError):
1373            msg = "Reference time information incomplete."
1374            warnings.warn(msg)
1375            notime_str = "Reference Time = XX/XX/XX (XXX) XX:XX:XX.XXXXXX"
1376            header_str.append(notime_str)
1377        #
1378        # reftime type
1379        # TODO: use enumerated value dict here?
1380        iztype = self.iztype
1381        if iztype is None:
1382            header_str.append("\tiztype not set")
1383        elif iztype == 'ib':
1384            header_str.append("\tiztype IB: begin time")
1385        elif iztype == 'io':
1386            header_str.append("\tiztype IO: origin time")
1387        elif iztype == 'ia':
1388            header_str.append("\tiztype IA: first arrival time")
1389        elif iztype[1] == 't':
1390            vals = (iztype.upper(), iztype[1:])
1391            izfmt = "\tiztype {}: user-defined time {}"
1392            header_str.append(izfmt.format(*vals))
1393        elif iztype == 'iunkn':
1394            header_str.append("\tiztype IUNKN (Unknown)")
1395        else:
1396            header_str.append("\tunrecognized iztype: {}".format(iztype))
1397        #
1398        # non-null headers
1399        hdrfmt = "{:10.10s} = {}"
1400        for hdr in hdrlist:
1401            # XXX: non-null header values might have no property for getattr
1402            try:
1403                header_str.append(hdrfmt.format(hdr, getattr(self, hdr)))
1404            except AttributeError:
1405                header_str.append(hdrfmt.format(hdr, self._header[hdr]))
1407        return '\n'.join(header_str)
1409    def listhdr(self, hdrlist='all'):
1410        """
1411        Print header values.
1413        Default is all non-null values.
1415        :param hdrlist: Which header fields to you want to list. Choose one of
1416            {'all', 'picks'} or iterable of header fields.  An iterable of
1417            header fields can look like 'bea' or ('b', 'e', 'a').
1419            'all' (default) prints all non-null values.
1420            'picks' prints fields which are used to define time picks.
1422        An iterable of header fields can look like 'bea' or ('b', 'e', 'a').
1424        .. rubric:: Example
1426        >>> from obspy.core.util import get_example_file
1427        >>> file_ = get_example_file("LMOW.BHE.SAC")
1428        >>> sac = SACTrace.read(file_)
1429        >>> sac.lh()  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE +ELLIPSIS
1430        Reference Time = 04/10/2001 (100) 00:23:00.465000
1431           iztype IB: begin time
1432        a          = 0.0
1433        b          = 0.0
1434        delta      = 0.009999999...
1435        depmax     = 0.003305610...
1436        depmen     = 0.00243799...
1437        depmin     = 0.00148824...
1438        e          = 0.98999997...
1439        iftype     = itime
1440        iztype     = ib
1441        kcmpnm     = BHE
1442        kevnm      = None
1443        kstnm      = LMOW
1444        lcalda     = True
1445        leven      = True
1446        lpspol     = False
1447        nevid      = 0
1448        norid      = 0
1449        npts       = 100
1450        nvhdr      = 6
1451        nzhour     = 0
1452        nzjday     = 100
1453        nzmin      = 23
1454        nzmsec     = 465
1455        nzsec      = 0
1456        nzyear     = 2001
1457        stla       = -39.409999...
1458        stlo       = 175.75
1459        unused23   = 0
1460        """
1461        # https://ds.iris.edu/files/sac-manual/commands/listhdr.html
1462        print(self._format_header_str(hdrlist))
1464    def lh(self, *args, **kwargs):
1465        """Alias of listhdr method."""
1466        self.listhdr(*args, **kwargs)
1468    def __str__(self):
1469        return self._format_header_str()
1471    def __repr__(self):
1472        # XXX: run self._flush_headers first?
1473        # TODO: make this somehow more readable.
1474        h = sorted(self._header.items())
1475        fmt = ", {}={!r}" * len(h)
1476        argstr = fmt.format(*chain.from_iterable(h))[2:]
1477        return self.__class__.__name__ + "(" + argstr + ")"
1479    def copy(self):
1480        return deepcopy(self)
1482    def _flush_headers(self):
1483        """
1484        Flush to the header arrays any header property values that may not be
1485        reflected there, such as data min/max/mean, npts, e.
1487        """
1488        # XXX: do I really care which byte order it is?
1489        # self.data = np.require(self.data, native_str('<f4'))
1490        self._hi[HD.INTHDRS.index('npts')] = self.npts
1491        self._hf[HD.FLOATHDRS.index('e')] = self.e
1492        self._hf[HD.FLOATHDRS.index('depmin')] = self.depmin
1493        self._hf[HD.FLOATHDRS.index('depmax')] = self.depmax
1494        self._hf[HD.FLOATHDRS.index('depmen')] = self.depmen
1496    def _allt(self, shift):
1497        """
1498        Shift all relative time headers by some value (addition).
1500        Similar to SAC's "chnhdr allt".
1502        Note
1503        ----
1504        This method is triggered by setting an instance's iztype or changing
1505        its reference time, which is the most likely use case for this
1506        functionality.  If what you're trying to do is set an origin time and
1507        make a file origin-based:
1509        SAC> CHNHDR O GMT 1982 123 13 37 10 103
1510        SAC>  LISTHDR O
1511        O 123.103
1512        SAC>  CHNHDR ALLT -123.103 IZTYPE IO
1514        ...it is recommended to just make sure your target reference header is
1515        set and correct, and set the iztype:
1517        >>> from obspy import UTCDateTime
1518        >>> from obspy.core.util import get_example_file
1519        >>> file_ = get_example_file("test.sac")
1520        >>> sac = SACTrace.read(file_)
1521        >>> sac.o = UTCDateTime(year=1982, julday=123,
1522        ...                     hour=13, minute=37,
1523        ...                     second=10, microsecond=103)
1524        >>> sac.iztype = 'io'
1526        The iztype setter will deal with shifting the time values.
1528        """
1529        for hdr in ['b', 'o', 'a', 'f'] + ['t' + str(i) for i in range(10)]:
1530            val = getattr(self, hdr)
1531            if val is not None:
1532                setattr(self, hdr, val + shift)
1534    def _set_distances(self, force=False):
1535        """
1536        Calculate dist, az, baz, gcarc.  If force=True, ignore lcalda.
1537        Raises SacHeaderError if force=True and geographic headers are unset.
1539        """
1540        if self.lcalda or force:
1541            try:
1542                m, az, baz = gps2dist_azimuth(self.evla, self.evlo, self.stla,
1543                                              self.stlo)
1544                dist = m / 1000.0
1545                gcarc = kilometer2degrees(dist)
1546                self._hf[HD.FLOATHDRS.index('az')] = az
1547                self._hf[HD.FLOATHDRS.index('baz')] = baz
1548                self._hf[HD.FLOATHDRS.index('dist')] = dist
1549                self._hf[HD.FLOATHDRS.index('gcarc')] = gcarc
1550            except (ValueError, TypeError):
1551                # one or more of the geographic values is None
1552                if force:
1553                    msg = ("Not enough information to calculate distance, "
1554                           "azimuth.")
1555                    raise SacHeaderError(msg)