1 /* calc_fctns.c */
3 /*
4     08/28/2008 -- [IGD] Fixed a bug which used calucalated delay instead of estimated in
5                           computation of phase
6     11/3/2005 -- [ET]  Added 'wrap_phase()' function; moved 'use_delay()'
7                        function from 'calc_fctns.c' to 'evalresp.c'.
8 */
10 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
11 #include <config.h>
12 #endif
15 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
16 /* LOG:                                                                               */
17 /* Version 3.2.20:  iir_pz_trans()   modified IGD 09/20/01                            */
18 /* Starting with version 3.2.17, evalresp supports IIR type blockettes 54             */
19 /* Starting with version 3.2.17, evalresp supports blockette 55 of SEED               */
20 /* which is Response List Blockette (LIST). List contains the frequency,              */
21 /* amplitude and phase of the filter for a selected set of frequencies ONLY           */
22 /* The current suggestion of DMC IRIS is not to do any interpolation of the           */
23 /* and just leave as many frequencies in the output file as it used to be in          */
24 /* the blockette 55. This suggestion leads to the obvious fact that the               */
25 /* frequencies sampling requested by the user cannot be served if bl. 55 is used      */
26 /* and the frequency vector should be overritten by what we actually do have in       */
27 /* the blockette 55. Below we check if we use blockette 55 and if we do, we change    */
28 /* the frequency vector                                                               */
29 /* Note that we assume that blockette 55 can occur only as a single filtering stage   */
30 /* in the filter, cannot be mixed with the other types of the filters, therefore,     */
31 /* blockette 55 should be the first stage only                                        */
32 /* I. Dricker, ISTI, 06/22/00 for version 2.3.17 of evalresp                          */
33 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
35 /* Notice: this version is modified by I.Dricker, ISTI i.dricker@isti.com 06/22/00 */
36 #include "./evresp.h"
38 #include <stdlib.h>
39 #include <string.h>
41 /*=================================================================
42 *                   Calculate response
43 *=================================================================*/
calc_resp(struct channel * chan,double * freq,int nfreqs,struct complex * output,char * out_units,int start_stage,int stop_stage,int useTotalSensitivityFlag)44 void calc_resp(struct channel *chan, double *freq, int nfreqs, struct complex *output,
45           char *out_units, int start_stage, int stop_stage, int useTotalSensitivityFlag) {
46   struct blkt *blkt_ptr;
47   struct stage *stage_ptr;
48   int i, j, units_code, eval_flag = 0, nc = 0, sym_fir = 0;
49   double w;
50   int matching_stages = 0, has_stage0 = 0;
51   struct complex of, val;
52   double corr_applied, estim_delay, delay;
54 /*  if(start_stage && start_stage > chan->nstages) {
55     error_return(NO_STAGE_MATCHED, "calc_resp: %s start_stage=%d, highest stage found=%d)",
56                  "No Matching Stages Found (requested",start_stage, chan->nstages);
57   } */
59   /* for each frequency */
61   for(i = 0; i < nfreqs; i++) {
62     w = twoPi * freq[i];
63     val.real = 1.0; val.imag =  0.0;
65     /* loop through the stages and filters for each stage, calculating
66        the response for each frequency for all stages */
68     stage_ptr = chan->first_stage;
69     units_code = stage_ptr->input_units;
70     for(j = 0; j < chan->nstages; j++) {
71       nc = 0;
72       sym_fir = 0;
73       if(!stage_ptr->sequence_no)
74         has_stage0 = 1;
75       if(start_stage >= 0 && stop_stage && (stage_ptr->sequence_no < start_stage ||
76          stage_ptr->sequence_no > stop_stage)) {
77         stage_ptr = stage_ptr->next_stage;
78         continue;
79       }
80       else if(start_stage >= 0 && !stop_stage && stage_ptr->sequence_no != start_stage) {
81         stage_ptr = stage_ptr->next_stage;
82         continue;
83       }
84       matching_stages++;
85       blkt_ptr = stage_ptr->first_blkt;
86       while(blkt_ptr) {
87         eval_flag = 0;
88         switch(blkt_ptr->type) {
89         case ANALOG_PZ:
90         case LAPLACE_PZ:
91           analog_trans(blkt_ptr, freq[i], &of);
92           eval_flag = 1;
93           break;
94         case IIR_PZ:
95           if(blkt_ptr->blkt_info.pole_zero.nzeros || blkt_ptr->blkt_info.pole_zero.npoles) {
96             iir_pz_trans(blkt_ptr, w, &of);
97             eval_flag = 1;
98           }
99           break;
100         case FIR_SYM_1:
101         case FIR_SYM_2:
102 	  if(blkt_ptr->type == FIR_SYM_1)
103 	    nc = (double) blkt_ptr->blkt_info.fir.ncoeffs*2 - 1;
104 	  else if(blkt_ptr->type == FIR_SYM_2)
105 	    nc = (double) blkt_ptr->blkt_info.fir.ncoeffs*2;
106           if(blkt_ptr->blkt_info.fir.ncoeffs) {
107             fir_sym_trans(blkt_ptr, w, &of);
108 	    sym_fir = 1;
109             eval_flag = 1;
110           }
111           break;
112         case FIR_ASYM:
113 	  nc = (double) blkt_ptr->blkt_info.fir.ncoeffs;
114           if(blkt_ptr->blkt_info.fir.ncoeffs) {
115             fir_asym_trans(blkt_ptr, w, &of);
116 	    sym_fir = -1;
117             eval_flag = 1;
118           }
119           break;
120         case DECIMATION:
121 	  if(nc != 0) {
122 	    /* IGD 08/27/08 Use estimated delay instead of calculated */
123 	    estim_delay = (double) blkt_ptr->blkt_info.decimation.estim_delay;
124 	    corr_applied = blkt_ptr->blkt_info.decimation.applied_corr;
126 	    /* Asymmetric FIR coefficients require a delay correction */
127 	    if ( sym_fir == -1 ) {
128 	      if (TRUE == use_delay(QUERY_DELAY))
129 		delay = estim_delay;
130 	      else
131 		delay = corr_applied;
132 	    }
133 	    /* Otherwise delay has already been handled in fir_sym_trans() */
134 	    else {
135 	      delay = 0;
136 	    }
138 	    calc_time_shift (delay, w, &of);
140 	    eval_flag = 1;
141 	  }
142           break;
143 	case LIST: /* This option is added in version 2.3.17 I.Dricker*/
144 		calc_list (blkt_ptr, i, &of); /*compute real and imag parts for the i-th ampl and phase */
145 		eval_flag = 1;
146 		break;
147 	case IIR_COEFFS: /* This option is added in version 2.3.17 I.Dricker*/
148 		iir_trans(blkt_ptr, w, &of);
149 		eval_flag = 1;
150 		break;
151         default:
152           break;
153         }
154         if(eval_flag)
155           zmul(&val, &of);
156         blkt_ptr = blkt_ptr->next_blkt;
157       }
158       stage_ptr = stage_ptr->next_stage;
159     }
161     /* if no matching stages were found, then report the error */
163     if(!matching_stages && !has_stage0) {
164       error_return(NO_STAGE_MATCHED, "calc_resp: %s start_stage=%d, highest stage found=%d)",
165                    "No Matching Stages Found (requested",start_stage, chan->nstages);
166     }
167     else if(!matching_stages) {
168       error_return(NO_STAGE_MATCHED, "calc_resp: %s start_stage=%d, highest stage found=%d)",
169                    "No Matching Stages Found (requested",start_stage, chan->nstages-1);
170     }
172     /*  Write output for freq[i] in output[i] (note: unitScaleFact is a global variable
173         set by the 'check_units' function that is used to convert to 'MKS' units when the
174         the response was given as a displacement, velocity, or acceleration in units other
175         than meters) */
176     if (0 == useTotalSensitivityFlag) {
177       output[i].real = val.real * chan->calc_sensit * unitScaleFact;
178       output[i].imag = val.imag * chan->calc_sensit * unitScaleFact;
179     }
180     else  {
181       output[i].real = val.real * chan->sensit * unitScaleFact;
182       output[i].imag = val.imag * chan->sensit * unitScaleFact;
183     }
185     convert_to_units(units_code, out_units, &output[i], w);
186   }
188 }
190 /*==================================================================
191  * Convert response to velocity first, then to specified units
192  *=================================================================*/
convert_to_units(int inp,char * out_units,struct complex * data,double w)193 void convert_to_units(int inp, char *out_units, struct complex *data, double w) {
194   int out = VEL, l;
195   struct complex scale_val;
197   /* if default units were specified by the user, no conversion is made,
198      otherwise convert to unit the user specified. */
200   if (out_units != NULL && (l=strlen(out_units)) > 0) {
201     curr_seq_no = -1;
202     if(!strncmp(out_units, "DEF", 3))
203       return;
204     else if(!strncmp(out_units, "DIS", 3)) out = DIS;
205     else if(!strncmp(out_units, "VEL", 3)) out = VEL;
206     else if(!strncmp(out_units, "ACC", 3)) out = ACC;
207     else {
208       error_return(BAD_OUT_UNITS, "convert_to_units: bad output units");
209     }
210   }
211   else out = VEL;
213   if (inp == DIS) {
214     if (out == DIS) return;
215     if (w != 0.0) {
216       scale_val.real = 0.0; scale_val.imag = -1.0/w;
217       zmul(data, &scale_val);
218     }
219     else data->real = data->imag = 0.0;
220   }
221   else if (inp == ACC) {
222     if (out == ACC) return;
223     scale_val.real = 0.0; scale_val.imag = w;
224     zmul(data, &scale_val);
225   }
227   if (out == DIS) {
228     scale_val.real = 0.0; scale_val.imag = w;
229     zmul(data, &scale_val);
230   }
231   else if (out == ACC) {
232     if (w != 0.0) {
233       scale_val.real = 0.0; scale_val.imag = -1.0/w;
234       zmul(data, &scale_val);
235     }
236     else data->real = data->imag = 0.0;
237   }
239 }
242 /*==================================================================
243  *                Response of a digital IIR filter
244  * This code is modified fom the FORTRAN subroutine written and tested by
245  * Bob Hutt (ASL USGS). Evaluates phase directly from imaginary and real
246  *    parts of IIR filter coefficients.
247  * C translation from FORTRAN function: Ilya Dricker (ISTI), i.dricker@isti.com
248  * Version 0.2 07/12/00
249  *================================================================*/
iir_trans(struct blkt * blkt_ptr,double wint,struct complex * out)250 void iir_trans(struct blkt *blkt_ptr, double wint, struct complex *out) {
253 	 double h0;
254          double  xre, xim, phase;
255          double  amp;
256 	 double t, w;
257 	 double *cn, *cd; /* numerators and denominators */
258 	 int nn, nd, in, id;
260    	  struct blkt *next_ptr;
263   h0 = blkt_ptr->blkt_info.coeff.h0;  /* set a sensitivity */
264   next_ptr = blkt_ptr->next_blkt;
266 	/* Sample interaval = 1/sample rate */
267   t = next_ptr->blkt_info.decimation.sample_int;
269 	/* Numerator coeffs number */
270   nn = blkt_ptr->blkt_info.coeff.nnumer;
271 	/* Denominator coeffs number */
272   nd = blkt_ptr->blkt_info.coeff.ndenom;
274 	/* Numerators */
275   cn = blkt_ptr->blkt_info.coeff.numer;
276         /* Denominators */
277   cd = blkt_ptr->blkt_info.coeff.denom;
279 /* Calculate radial freq. time sample interval */
280   w = wint * t;
282 /* Handle numerator */
283   xre= cn[0];
284   xim = 0.0;
286   if (nn != 1)	{
287 	 for (in=1; in<nn; in++)	{
288 		xre+=cn[in]*cos(-(in*w));
289 		xim+=cn[in]*sin(-(in*w));
290  	}
291  }
292   amp=sqrt(xre*xre + xim*xim);
293   phase=atan2(xim,xre);
297 /* handle denominator */
299   xre= cd[0];
300   xim = 0.0;
302   if(nd !=1 )	{
303          for (id = 1; id < nd; id ++)	{
304          xre+=cd[id]*cos(-(id*w));
305          xim+=cd[id]*sin(-(id*w));
306 	}
307  }
309    amp /= (sqrt(xre*xre+xim*xim));
310    phase = (phase - atan2(xim,xre)) ;
315   out->real = amp * cos(phase) * h0;
316   out->imag = amp * sin(phase) * h0;
318  }
321 /*================================================================
322  *	Response of blockette 55 (Response List Blockette)
323  * Function introduced in version 3.2.17 of evalresp
324  * Ilya Dricker ISTI (.dricker@isti.com) 06/22/00
325  *===============================================================*/
calc_list(struct blkt * blkt_ptr,int i,struct complex * out)326 void calc_list (struct blkt *blkt_ptr, int i, struct complex *out)	{
327   double  amp, phase;
328   double halfcirc = 180;
330   amp = blkt_ptr->blkt_info.list.amp[i];
331   phase = blkt_ptr->blkt_info.list.phase[i];
332   phase = phase/halfcirc * (double) Pi; /*convert the phase to radians from the default degrees */
333   out->real = amp * cos(phase);
334   out->imag = amp * sin(phase);
336 }
338 /*==================================================================
339  *                Response of analog filter
340  *=================================================================*/
analog_trans(struct blkt * blkt_ptr,double freq,struct complex * out)341 void analog_trans(struct blkt *blkt_ptr, double freq, struct complex *out) {
342   int nz, np, i;
343   struct complex *ze, *po, denom, num, omega, temp;
344   double h0, mod_squared;
346   if (blkt_ptr->type == LAPLACE_PZ) freq = twoPi * freq;
347   omega.imag = freq;
348   omega.real = 0.0;
349   denom.real = denom.imag = num.real = num.imag = 1.0;
351   ze = blkt_ptr->blkt_info.pole_zero.zeros;
352   nz = blkt_ptr->blkt_info.pole_zero.nzeros;
353   po = blkt_ptr->blkt_info.pole_zero.poles;
354   np = blkt_ptr->blkt_info.pole_zero.npoles;
355   h0 = blkt_ptr->blkt_info.pole_zero.a0;
357   for (i = 0; i < nz; i++) {
358 	/* num=num*(omega-zero[i]) */
359 	temp.real = omega.real - ze[i].real;
360 	temp.imag = omega.imag - ze[i].imag;
361     zmul(&num, &temp);
362   }
363   for (i = 0; i < np; i++) {
364 	/* denom=denom*(omega-pole[i]) */
365 	temp.real = omega.real - po[i].real;
366 	temp.imag = omega.imag - po[i].imag;
367     zmul(&denom, &temp);
368   }
370   /* gain*num/denum */
372   temp.real = denom.real;
373   temp.imag = -denom.imag;
374   zmul(&temp, &num);
375   mod_squared = denom.real*denom.real + denom.imag*denom.imag;
377   if (mod_squared != 0.) {
378       temp.real /= mod_squared;
379       temp.imag /= mod_squared;
380   }
381   else if (temp.real != 0.0 || temp.imag != 0.0) {
382       fprintf(stderr,"%s WARNING (analog_trans): Numerical problem detected. Result might be wrong.", myLabel);
383       fprintf(stderr,"%s\t Execution continuing.\n", myLabel);
384   }
386   out->real = h0 * temp.real;
387   out->imag = h0 * temp.imag;
388 }
390 /*==================================================================
391  *                Response of symetrical FIR filters
392  *=================================================================*/
fir_sym_trans(struct blkt * blkt_ptr,double w,struct complex * out)393 void fir_sym_trans(struct blkt *blkt_ptr, double w, struct complex *out) {
394   double *a, h0, wsint;
395   struct blkt *next_ptr;
396   int na;
397   int k, fact;
398   double R = 0.0, sint;
400   a = blkt_ptr->blkt_info.fir.coeffs;
401   na = blkt_ptr->blkt_info.fir.ncoeffs;
402   next_ptr = blkt_ptr->next_blkt;
403   h0 = blkt_ptr->blkt_info.fir.h0;
404   sint = next_ptr->blkt_info.decimation.sample_int;
405   wsint = w * sint;
407   if (blkt_ptr->type == FIR_SYM_1) {
408     for (k=0; k<(na-1); k++) {
409       fact = na-(k+1);
410       R += a[k] * cos(wsint * fact);
411     }
412     out->real = (a[k] + 2.0*R) * h0;
413     out->imag = 0.;
414   }
415   else if (blkt_ptr->type == FIR_SYM_2) {
416     for (k=0; k<na; k++) {
417       fact = na-(k+1);
418       R += a[k] * cos(wsint * (fact+0.5));
419     }
420     out->real = 2.0*R * h0;
421     out->imag = 0.;
422   }
423 }
425 /*==================================================================
426  *                Response of asymetrical FIR filters
427  *=================================================================*/
fir_asym_trans(struct blkt * blkt_ptr,double w,struct complex * out)428 void fir_asym_trans(struct blkt *blkt_ptr, double w, struct complex *out) {
429   double *a, h0, sint;
430   struct blkt *next_ptr;
431   int na;
432   int k;
433   double R = 0.0, I = 0.0;
434   double wsint, y;
435   double mod, pha;
437   a = blkt_ptr->blkt_info.fir.coeffs;
438   na = blkt_ptr->blkt_info.fir.ncoeffs;
439   next_ptr = blkt_ptr->next_blkt;
440   h0 = blkt_ptr->blkt_info.fir.h0;
441   sint = next_ptr->blkt_info.decimation.sample_int;
442   wsint = w * sint;
444   for (k = 1; k < na; k++) {
445     if (a[k] != a[0]) break;
446   }
447   if (k == na) {
448     if (wsint == 0.0) out->real = 1.;
449     else out->real = (sin(wsint/2.*na) / sin(wsint/2.)) * a[0];
450     out->imag = 0;
451     return;
452   }
454   for (k = 0; k < na; k++) {
455     y = wsint * k;
456     R += a[k] * cos(y);
457     I += a[k] * -sin(y);
458   }
460   mod = sqrt(R*R + I*I);
461   pha = atan2(I,R);
462   R = mod * cos(pha);
463   I = mod * sin(pha);
464   out->real = R * h0;
465   out->imag = I * h0;
466 }
468 /*==================================================================
469  *                Response of IIR filters
470  *=================================================================*/
iir_pz_trans(struct blkt * blkt_ptr,double w,struct complex * out)471 void iir_pz_trans(struct blkt *blkt_ptr, double w, struct complex *out) {
472   struct complex *ze, *po;
473   double h0, sint, wsint;
474   struct blkt *next_ptr;
475   int nz, np;
476   int i;
477   double mod = 1.0, pha = 0.0;
478   double R, I;
479   double c, s;
481   ze = blkt_ptr->blkt_info.pole_zero.zeros;
482   nz = blkt_ptr->blkt_info.pole_zero.nzeros;
483   po = blkt_ptr->blkt_info.pole_zero.poles;
484   np = blkt_ptr->blkt_info.pole_zero.npoles;
485   h0 = blkt_ptr->blkt_info.pole_zero.a0;
486   next_ptr = blkt_ptr->next_blkt;
487   sint = next_ptr->blkt_info.decimation.sample_int;
488   wsint = w * sint;
490   c = cos(wsint);
491   s = sin(wsint);  /* IGD 10/21/02 instead of -: pointed by Sleeman */
492   for (i = 0; i < nz; i++) {
493     R = c - ze[i].real;    /* IGD 09/20/01 instead of + */
494     I = s - ze[i].imag;    /* IGD 09/20/01 instead of + */
495     mod *= sqrt(R*R + I*I);
496     if (R == 0.0 && I == 0.0) pha += 0.0;
497     else                      pha += atan2(I, R);
498   }
499   for (i = 0; i < np; i++) {
500     R = c - po[i].real;    /* IGD 09/20/01 instead of + */
501     I = s - po[i].imag;    /* IGD 09/20/01 instead of + */
502     mod /= sqrt(R*R +I*I);
503     if (R == 0.0 && I == 0.0) pha += 0.0;
504     else                      pha -= atan2(I, R);
505   }
506   out->real = mod * cos(pha) * h0;
507   out->imag = mod * sin(pha) * h0;
508  }
510 /*==================================================================
511  *      calculate the phase shift equivalent to the time shift
512  *      delta at the frequence w (rads/sec)
513  *=================================================================*/
calc_time_shift(double delta,double w,struct complex * out)514 void calc_time_shift(double delta, double w, struct complex *out) {
515   out->real = cos(w*delta);
516   out->imag = sin(w*delta);
517 }
521 /*==================================================================
522  *    Complex multiplication:  complex version of val1 *= val2;
523  *=================================================================*/
zmul(struct complex * val1,struct complex * val2)524 void zmul(struct complex *val1, struct complex *val2) {
525 double r, i;
526     r = val1->real*val2->real - val1->imag*val2->imag;
527     i = val1->imag*val2->real + val1->real*val2->imag;
528     val1->real = r;
529     val1->imag = i;
530 }
532 /*=================================================================
533 *                   Normalize response
534 *=================================================================*/
norm_resp(struct channel * chan,int start_stage,int stop_stage,int hide_sensitivity_mismatch_warning)535 void norm_resp(struct channel *chan, int start_stage, int stop_stage,
536                int hide_sensitivity_mismatch_warning) {
537   // TODO - NULL assignments below made blindly to fix compiler warning.  bug?
538   struct stage *stage_ptr;
539   struct blkt *fil, *last_fil = NULL, *main_filt = NULL;
540   int i, main_type, reset_gain, skipped_stages = 0;
541   double w,  f;
542   double  percent_diff;
543   struct complex of, df;
545   /* -------- TEST 1 -------- */
546   /*
547       A single stage response must specify a stage gain, a stage zero
548       sensitivity, or both.  If the gain has been set, simply drop through
549       to the next test. If the gain is zero, set the gain equal to the
550       sensitivity and then go to the next test. */
552   if (chan->nstages == 1 ) {			/* has no stage 0, does it have a gain??? */
553     stage_ptr = chan->first_stage;
554     fil = stage_ptr->first_blkt;
555     while(fil != (struct blkt *)NULL && fil->type != GAIN) {
556       last_fil = fil;
557       fil = last_fil->next_blkt;
558     }
559     if (fil == (struct blkt *)NULL) {
560       error_return(ILLEGAL_RESP_FORMAT, "norm_resp; no stage gain defined, zero sensitivity");
561     }
562   }
563   else if (chan->nstages == 2 ) {		/* has a stage 0??? */
564     stage_ptr = chan->first_stage;
565     fil = stage_ptr->first_blkt;
566     while(fil != (struct blkt *)NULL && fil->type != GAIN) {
567       last_fil = fil;
568       fil = last_fil->next_blkt;
569     }
570     if (fil == (struct blkt *)NULL) {
571       if (chan->sensit == 0.0) {
572         error_return(ILLEGAL_RESP_FORMAT, "norm_resp; no stage gain defined, zero sensitivity");
573       }
574       else {
575         fil = alloc_gain();
576         fil->blkt_info.gain.gain      = chan->sensit;
577         fil->blkt_info.gain.gain_freq = chan->sensfreq;
578         last_fil->next_blkt = fil;
579       }
580     }
581   }
583   /* -------- TEST 2 -------- */
584   /*
586      Compute the variable chan->calc_sensit.  This value would normally be the
587      same as chan->sensit (the stage zero sensitivity) if the sensitivity
588      has been given and all the channel gains are at the sensitivity frequency.
590      Note that we must verify that each filter gain and normalization is
591      at the sensitivity frequency, before we can compute the overall
592      channel sensitivity.  If the frequencies are different, calculate the
593      gain for the stage at the same frequency as the channel sensitivity
594      frequency.
596      Note on terminology:
598      chan->sensit      = stage zero sensitivity read from input file
599      (i.e. the total sensitivity for a given channel).
600      chan->sensfreq    = frequency at which chan-sensit is reported.
601      chan->calc_sensit = product of the individual stage gains. This is computed
602      below. The computation is done at the frequency
603      chan->sensfreq. */
605   /* Loop thru stages, checking for stage gains of zero */
607   stage_ptr = chan->first_stage;
608   for(i = 0; i < chan->nstages; i++) {
609     fil = stage_ptr->first_blkt;
610     curr_seq_no = stage_ptr->sequence_no;
611     while(fil) {
612       if (fil->type == GAIN && fil->blkt_info.gain.gain == 0.0 ) {
613         error_return(ILLEGAL_RESP_FORMAT, "norm_resp; zero stage gain");
614       }
615       fil = fil->next_blkt;
616     }
617     stage_ptr = stage_ptr->next_stage;
618   }
620   /*
621      If necessary, loop thru filters, looking for a non-zero frequency to
622      use for chan->sensfreq. If the channel sensitivity is defined, then
623      we will use chan->sensfreq, regardless of whether it is zero or not.
624      Otherwise, we use the last non-zero filter gain frequency. Since
625      filters are  typically for low pass purposes, the last non-zero
626      frequency is likely the best choice, as its pass band is the
627      narrowest. If all the frequencies are zero, then use zero! */
629   if ( chan->sensit == 0.0 ) {
630     stage_ptr = chan->first_stage;
631     for(i = 0; i < chan->nstages; i++) {
632       fil = stage_ptr->first_blkt;
633       while(fil) {
634         if (fil->type == GAIN && fil->blkt_info.gain.gain_freq != 0.0 )
635           chan->sensfreq = fil->blkt_info.gain.gain_freq;
636         fil = fil->next_blkt;
637       }
638       stage_ptr = stage_ptr->next_stage;
639     }
640   }
642   /*
643      Loop thru filters, evaluate the filter gains and normalizations at
644      the single frequency,  chan->sensfreq. Use the stage gains to
645      calculate a total channel sensitivity. */
647   chan->calc_sensit = 1.0;
648   f = chan->sensfreq;
649   w = twoPi * f;
651   stage_ptr = chan->first_stage;
652   for(i = 0; i < chan->nstages; i++) {
653     if(start_stage >= 0 && stop_stage && (stage_ptr->sequence_no < start_stage ||
654 					  stage_ptr->sequence_no > stop_stage)) {
655       if(stage_ptr->sequence_no)
656 	skipped_stages = 1;
657       stage_ptr = stage_ptr->next_stage;
658       continue;
659     }
660     else if(start_stage >= 0 && !stop_stage && stage_ptr->sequence_no != start_stage) {
661       if(stage_ptr->sequence_no)
662 	skipped_stages = 1;
663       stage_ptr = stage_ptr->next_stage;
664       continue;
665     }
666     fil = stage_ptr->first_blkt;
667     curr_seq_no = stage_ptr->sequence_no;
668     main_type = 0;
669     while(fil) {
670       switch(fil->type) {
671       case DECIMATION:
672       case REFERENCE:
673         break;
674       case ANALOG_PZ:
675       case LAPLACE_PZ:
676       case IIR_PZ:
677       case FIR_SYM_1:
678       case FIR_SYM_2:
679       case FIR_ASYM:
680       case IIR_COEFFS:   /* IGD New type from v 3.2.17 */
681         main_filt = fil;
682         main_type = fil->type;
683         break;
684       case GAIN:
685         if(curr_seq_no) {
686           if((fil->blkt_info.gain.gain_freq != chan->sensfreq) ||
687 	     ((main_type == ANALOG_PZ ||
688 	       main_type == LAPLACE_PZ ||
689 	       main_type == IIR_PZ) &&
690 	      (main_filt->blkt_info.pole_zero.a0_freq != chan->sensfreq))) {
692             reset_gain = 1;
693             if(main_type == ANALOG_PZ || main_type == LAPLACE_PZ) {
694               main_filt->blkt_info.pole_zero.a0 = 1.0;
695               analog_trans(main_filt, fil->blkt_info.gain.gain_freq, &df);
696               if(df.real == 0.0 && df.imag == 0.0) {
697                 error_return(ILLEGAL_FILT_SPEC,
698                              "norm_resp: Gain frequency of zero found in bandpass analog filter");
699               }
700               analog_trans(main_filt, f, &of);
701               if(of.real == 0.0 && of.imag == 0.0) {
702                 error_return(ILLEGAL_FILT_SPEC,
703                              "norm_resp: Chan. Sens. frequency found with bandpass analog filter");
704               }
705             }
706             else if(main_type == IIR_PZ) {
707               main_filt->blkt_info.pole_zero.a0 = 1.0;
708               iir_pz_trans(main_filt, twoPi * fil->blkt_info.gain.gain_freq, &df);
709               iir_pz_trans(main_filt, w, &of);
710             }
711             else if((main_type == FIR_SYM_1 || main_type == FIR_SYM_2) &&
712                      main_filt->blkt_info.fir.ncoeffs) {
713               main_filt->blkt_info.fir.h0 = 1.0;
714               fir_sym_trans(main_filt, twoPi * fil->blkt_info.gain.gain_freq, &df);
715               fir_sym_trans(main_filt, w, &of);
716             }
717             else if(main_type == FIR_ASYM && main_filt->blkt_info.fir.ncoeffs) {
718               main_filt->blkt_info.fir.h0 = 1.0;
719               fir_asym_trans(main_filt, twoPi * fil->blkt_info.gain.gain_freq, &df);
720               fir_asym_trans(main_filt, w, &of);
721             }
722             else if(main_type == IIR_COEFFS) {   /*IGD - new case for 3.2.17 */
723               main_filt->blkt_info.coeff.h0 = 1.0;
724               iir_trans(main_filt, twoPi * fil->blkt_info.gain.gain_freq, &df);
725               iir_trans(main_filt, w, &of);
726             }
728             else
729               reset_gain = 0;
731             if(reset_gain) {
732               fil->blkt_info.gain.gain /= sqrt(df.real*df.real + df.imag*df.imag);
733               fil->blkt_info.gain.gain *= sqrt(of.real*of.real + of.imag*of.imag);
734               fil->blkt_info.gain.gain_freq = f;
735               if(main_type == ANALOG_PZ || main_type == LAPLACE_PZ ||
736                  main_type == IIR_PZ) {
737                 main_filt->blkt_info.pole_zero.a0 = 1.0 / sqrt(of.real*of.real + of.imag*of.imag);
738                 main_filt->blkt_info.pole_zero.a0_freq = f;
739               }
740               else if(main_type == FIR_SYM_1 || main_type == FIR_SYM_2 || main_type == FIR_ASYM) {
741                 main_filt->blkt_info.fir.h0 = 1.0 / sqrt(of.real*of.real + of.imag*of.imag);
742               }
743               else if(main_type == IIR_COEFFS) {
744                 main_filt->blkt_info.coeff.h0 = 1.0 / sqrt(of.real*of.real + of.imag*of.imag);
745               }
746             }
747           }
748           /* compute new overall sensitivity. */
749           chan->calc_sensit *= fil->blkt_info.gain.gain;
750           if(chan->nstages == 1) {
751             chan->sensit = chan->calc_sensit;
752           }
753         }
754         break;
755       default:
756         break;
757       }
758       fil = fil->next_blkt;
759     }
760     stage_ptr = stage_ptr->next_stage;
761   }
763   /* -------- TEST 3 -------- */
764   /* Finally, print a warning, if necessary */
766   if(!hide_sensitivity_mismatch_warning && !skipped_stages && chan->sensit != 0.0) {
767     percent_diff = fabs((chan->sensit - chan->calc_sensit) / chan->sensit);
769     if (percent_diff >= 0.05) {
770       fprintf(stderr,"%s WARNING (norm_resp): computed and reported sensitivities", myLabel);
771       fprintf(stderr,"%s differ by more than 5 percent. \n", myLabel);
772       fprintf(stderr,"%s\t Execution continuing.\n", myLabel);
773       fflush(stderr);
774     }
775   }
776 }
778 /* IGD 04/05/04 Phase unwrapping function
779  * It works only inside a loop over phases.
780  *
781  */
782 double
unwrap_phase(double phase,double prev_phase,double range,double * added_value)783         unwrap_phase(double phase, double prev_phase, double range, double *added_value)
784 	{
785 		phase += *added_value;
786 		if (fabs(phase - prev_phase) > range/2)
787 		{
788 			if (phase - prev_phase > 0)
789 			{
790 				*added_value -= range;
791 				phase -= range;
792 			}
793 			else
794 			{
795 				*added_value += range;
796 				phase += range;
797 			}
798 		}
799 		return phase;
800 	}
802 /*
803  * wrap_phase:  Wraps a set of phase values so that all of the values are
804  *      between "-range" and "+range" (inclusive).  This function is called
805  *      iteratively, once for each phase value.
806  *   phase - phase value to process.
807  *   range - range value to use.
808  *   added_value - pointer to offset value used for each call.
809  * Returns:  The "wrapped" version of the given phase value.
810  */
wrap_phase(double phase,double range,double * added_value)811 double wrap_phase(double phase, double range, double *added_value)
812 {
813   phase += *added_value;
814   if(phase > range/2)
815   {
816     *added_value -= range;
817     phase -= range;
818   }
819   else if(phase < -range/2)
820   {
821     *added_value += range;
822     phase += range;
823   }
824   return phase;
825 }