1"""Iterative methods for solving linear systems"""
3__all__ = ['bicg','bicgstab','cg','cgs','gmres','qmr']
5import warnings
6import numpy as np
8from . import _iterative
10from scipy.sparse.linalg.interface import LinearOperator
11from .utils import make_system
12from scipy._lib._util import _aligned_zeros
13from scipy._lib._threadsafety import non_reentrant
15_type_conv = {'f':'s', 'd':'d', 'F':'c', 'D':'z'}
18# Part of the docstring common to all iterative solvers
19common_doc1 = \
23A : {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}"""
25common_doc2 = \
26"""b : {array, matrix}
27    Right hand side of the linear system. Has shape (N,) or (N,1).
31x : {array, matrix}
32    The converged solution.
33info : integer
34    Provides convergence information:
35        0  : successful exit
36        >0 : convergence to tolerance not achieved, number of iterations
37        <0 : illegal input or breakdown
39Other Parameters
41x0  : {array, matrix}
42    Starting guess for the solution.
43tol, atol : float, optional
44    Tolerances for convergence, ``norm(residual) <= max(tol*norm(b), atol)``.
45    The default for ``atol`` is ``'legacy'``, which emulates
46    a different legacy behavior.
48    .. warning::
50       The default value for `atol` will be changed in a future release.
51       For future compatibility, specify `atol` explicitly.
52maxiter : integer
53    Maximum number of iterations.  Iteration will stop after maxiter
54    steps even if the specified tolerance has not been achieved.
55M : {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}
56    Preconditioner for A.  The preconditioner should approximate the
57    inverse of A.  Effective preconditioning dramatically improves the
58    rate of convergence, which implies that fewer iterations are needed
59    to reach a given error tolerance.
60callback : function
61    User-supplied function to call after each iteration.  It is called
62    as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector.
67def _stoptest(residual, atol):
68    """
69    Successful termination condition for the solvers.
70    """
71    resid = np.linalg.norm(residual)
72    if resid <= atol:
73        return resid, 1
74    else:
75        return resid, 0
78def _get_atol(tol, atol, bnrm2, get_residual, routine_name):
79    """
80    Parse arguments for absolute tolerance in termination condition.
82    Parameters
83    ----------
84    tol, atol : object
85        The arguments passed into the solver routine by user.
86    bnrm2 : float
87        2-norm of the rhs vector.
88    get_residual : callable
89        Callable ``get_residual()`` that returns the initial value of
90        the residual.
91    routine_name : str
92        Name of the routine.
93    """
95    if atol is None:
96        warnings.warn("scipy.sparse.linalg.{name} called without specifying `atol`. "
97                      "The default value will be changed in a future release. "
98                      "For compatibility, specify a value for `atol` explicitly, e.g., "
99                      "``{name}(..., atol=0)``, or to retain the old behavior "
100                      "``{name}(..., atol='legacy')``".format(name=routine_name),
101                      category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=4)
102        atol = 'legacy'
104    tol = float(tol)
106    if atol == 'legacy':
107        # emulate old legacy behavior
108        resid = get_residual()
109        if resid <= tol:
110            return 'exit'
111        if bnrm2 == 0:
112            return tol
113        else:
114            return tol * float(bnrm2)
115    else:
116        return max(float(atol), tol * float(bnrm2))
119def set_docstring(header, Ainfo, footer='', atol_default='0'):
120    def combine(fn):
121        fn.__doc__ = '\n'.join((header, common_doc1,
122                                '    ' + Ainfo.replace('\n', '\n    '),
123                                common_doc2, footer))
124        return fn
125    return combine
128@set_docstring('Use BIConjugate Gradient iteration to solve ``Ax = b``.',
129               'The real or complex N-by-N matrix of the linear system.\n'
130               'Alternatively, ``A`` can be a linear operator which can\n'
131               'produce ``Ax`` and ``A^T x`` using, e.g.,\n'
132               '``scipy.sparse.linalg.LinearOperator``.',
133               footer="""
135               Examples
136               --------
137               >>> from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix
138               >>> from scipy.sparse.linalg import bicg
139               >>> A = csc_matrix([[3, 2, 0], [1, -1, 0], [0, 5, 1]], dtype=float)
140               >>> b = np.array([2, 4, -1], dtype=float)
141               >>> x, exitCode = bicg(A, b)
142               >>> print(exitCode)            # 0 indicates successful convergence
143               0
144               >>> np.allclose(A.dot(x), b)
145               True
147               """
148               )
150def bicg(A, b, x0=None, tol=1e-5, maxiter=None, M=None, callback=None, atol=None):
151    A,M,x,b,postprocess = make_system(A, M, x0, b)
153    n = len(b)
154    if maxiter is None:
155        maxiter = n*10
157    matvec, rmatvec = A.matvec, A.rmatvec
158    psolve, rpsolve = M.matvec, M.rmatvec
159    ltr = _type_conv[x.dtype.char]
160    revcom = getattr(_iterative, ltr + 'bicgrevcom')
162    get_residual = lambda: np.linalg.norm(matvec(x) - b)
163    atol = _get_atol(tol, atol, np.linalg.norm(b), get_residual, 'bicg')
164    if atol == 'exit':
165        return postprocess(x), 0
167    resid = atol
168    ndx1 = 1
169    ndx2 = -1
170    # Use _aligned_zeros to work around a f2py bug in Numpy 1.9.1
171    work = _aligned_zeros(6*n,dtype=x.dtype)
172    ijob = 1
173    info = 0
174    ftflag = True
175    iter_ = maxiter
176    while True:
177        olditer = iter_
178        x, iter_, resid, info, ndx1, ndx2, sclr1, sclr2, ijob = \
179           revcom(b, x, work, iter_, resid, info, ndx1, ndx2, ijob)
180        if callback is not None and iter_ > olditer:
181            callback(x)
182        slice1 = slice(ndx1-1, ndx1-1+n)
183        slice2 = slice(ndx2-1, ndx2-1+n)
184        if (ijob == -1):
185            if callback is not None:
186                callback(x)
187            break
188        elif (ijob == 1):
189            work[slice2] *= sclr2
190            work[slice2] += sclr1*matvec(work[slice1])
191        elif (ijob == 2):
192            work[slice2] *= sclr2
193            work[slice2] += sclr1*rmatvec(work[slice1])
194        elif (ijob == 3):
195            work[slice1] = psolve(work[slice2])
196        elif (ijob == 4):
197            work[slice1] = rpsolve(work[slice2])
198        elif (ijob == 5):
199            work[slice2] *= sclr2
200            work[slice2] += sclr1*matvec(x)
201        elif (ijob == 6):
202            if ftflag:
203                info = -1
204                ftflag = False
205            resid, info = _stoptest(work[slice1], atol)
206        ijob = 2
208    if info > 0 and iter_ == maxiter and not (resid <= atol):
209        # info isn't set appropriately otherwise
210        info = iter_
212    return postprocess(x), info
215@set_docstring('Use BIConjugate Gradient STABilized iteration to solve '
216               '``Ax = b``.',
217               'The real or complex N-by-N matrix of the linear system.\n'
218               'Alternatively, ``A`` can be a linear operator which can\n'
219               'produce ``Ax`` using, e.g.,\n'
220               '``scipy.sparse.linalg.LinearOperator``.')
222def bicgstab(A, b, x0=None, tol=1e-5, maxiter=None, M=None, callback=None, atol=None):
223    A, M, x, b, postprocess = make_system(A, M, x0, b)
225    n = len(b)
226    if maxiter is None:
227        maxiter = n*10
229    matvec = A.matvec
230    psolve = M.matvec
231    ltr = _type_conv[x.dtype.char]
232    revcom = getattr(_iterative, ltr + 'bicgstabrevcom')
234    get_residual = lambda: np.linalg.norm(matvec(x) - b)
235    atol = _get_atol(tol, atol, np.linalg.norm(b), get_residual, 'bicgstab')
236    if atol == 'exit':
237        return postprocess(x), 0
239    resid = atol
240    ndx1 = 1
241    ndx2 = -1
242    # Use _aligned_zeros to work around a f2py bug in Numpy 1.9.1
243    work = _aligned_zeros(7*n,dtype=x.dtype)
244    ijob = 1
245    info = 0
246    ftflag = True
247    iter_ = maxiter
248    while True:
249        olditer = iter_
250        x, iter_, resid, info, ndx1, ndx2, sclr1, sclr2, ijob = \
251           revcom(b, x, work, iter_, resid, info, ndx1, ndx2, ijob)
252        if callback is not None and iter_ > olditer:
253            callback(x)
254        slice1 = slice(ndx1-1, ndx1-1+n)
255        slice2 = slice(ndx2-1, ndx2-1+n)
256        if (ijob == -1):
257            if callback is not None:
258                callback(x)
259            break
260        elif (ijob == 1):
261            work[slice2] *= sclr2
262            work[slice2] += sclr1*matvec(work[slice1])
263        elif (ijob == 2):
264            work[slice1] = psolve(work[slice2])
265        elif (ijob == 3):
266            work[slice2] *= sclr2
267            work[slice2] += sclr1*matvec(x)
268        elif (ijob == 4):
269            if ftflag:
270                info = -1
271                ftflag = False
272            resid, info = _stoptest(work[slice1], atol)
273        ijob = 2
275    if info > 0 and iter_ == maxiter and not (resid <= atol):
276        # info isn't set appropriately otherwise
277        info = iter_
279    return postprocess(x), info
282@set_docstring('Use Conjugate Gradient iteration to solve ``Ax = b``.',
283               'The real or complex N-by-N matrix of the linear system.\n'
284               '``A`` must represent a hermitian, positive definite matrix.\n'
285               'Alternatively, ``A`` can be a linear operator which can\n'
286               'produce ``Ax`` using, e.g.,\n'
287               '``scipy.sparse.linalg.LinearOperator``.')
289def cg(A, b, x0=None, tol=1e-5, maxiter=None, M=None, callback=None, atol=None):
290    A, M, x, b, postprocess = make_system(A, M, x0, b)
292    n = len(b)
293    if maxiter is None:
294        maxiter = n*10
296    matvec = A.matvec
297    psolve = M.matvec
298    ltr = _type_conv[x.dtype.char]
299    revcom = getattr(_iterative, ltr + 'cgrevcom')
301    get_residual = lambda: np.linalg.norm(matvec(x) - b)
302    atol = _get_atol(tol, atol, np.linalg.norm(b), get_residual, 'cg')
303    if atol == 'exit':
304        return postprocess(x), 0
306    resid = atol
307    ndx1 = 1
308    ndx2 = -1
309    # Use _aligned_zeros to work around a f2py bug in Numpy 1.9.1
310    work = _aligned_zeros(4*n,dtype=x.dtype)
311    ijob = 1
312    info = 0
313    ftflag = True
314    iter_ = maxiter
315    while True:
316        olditer = iter_
317        x, iter_, resid, info, ndx1, ndx2, sclr1, sclr2, ijob = \
318           revcom(b, x, work, iter_, resid, info, ndx1, ndx2, ijob)
319        if callback is not None and iter_ > olditer:
320            callback(x)
321        slice1 = slice(ndx1-1, ndx1-1+n)
322        slice2 = slice(ndx2-1, ndx2-1+n)
323        if (ijob == -1):
324            if callback is not None:
325                callback(x)
326            break
327        elif (ijob == 1):
328            work[slice2] *= sclr2
329            work[slice2] += sclr1*matvec(work[slice1])
330        elif (ijob == 2):
331            work[slice1] = psolve(work[slice2])
332        elif (ijob == 3):
333            work[slice2] *= sclr2
334            work[slice2] += sclr1*matvec(x)
335        elif (ijob == 4):
336            if ftflag:
337                info = -1
338                ftflag = False
339            resid, info = _stoptest(work[slice1], atol)
340            if info == 1 and iter_ > 1:
341                # recompute residual and recheck, to avoid
342                # accumulating rounding error
343                work[slice1] = b - matvec(x)
344                resid, info = _stoptest(work[slice1], atol)
345        ijob = 2
347    if info > 0 and iter_ == maxiter and not (resid <= atol):
348        # info isn't set appropriately otherwise
349        info = iter_
351    return postprocess(x), info
354@set_docstring('Use Conjugate Gradient Squared iteration to solve ``Ax = b``.',
355               'The real-valued N-by-N matrix of the linear system.\n'
356               'Alternatively, ``A`` can be a linear operator which can\n'
357               'produce ``Ax`` using, e.g.,\n'
358               '``scipy.sparse.linalg.LinearOperator``.')
360def cgs(A, b, x0=None, tol=1e-5, maxiter=None, M=None, callback=None, atol=None):
361    A, M, x, b, postprocess = make_system(A, M, x0, b)
363    n = len(b)
364    if maxiter is None:
365        maxiter = n*10
367    matvec = A.matvec
368    psolve = M.matvec
369    ltr = _type_conv[x.dtype.char]
370    revcom = getattr(_iterative, ltr + 'cgsrevcom')
372    get_residual = lambda: np.linalg.norm(matvec(x) - b)
373    atol = _get_atol(tol, atol, np.linalg.norm(b), get_residual, 'cgs')
374    if atol == 'exit':
375        return postprocess(x), 0
377    resid = atol
378    ndx1 = 1
379    ndx2 = -1
380    # Use _aligned_zeros to work around a f2py bug in Numpy 1.9.1
381    work = _aligned_zeros(7*n,dtype=x.dtype)
382    ijob = 1
383    info = 0
384    ftflag = True
385    iter_ = maxiter
386    while True:
387        olditer = iter_
388        x, iter_, resid, info, ndx1, ndx2, sclr1, sclr2, ijob = \
389           revcom(b, x, work, iter_, resid, info, ndx1, ndx2, ijob)
390        if callback is not None and iter_ > olditer:
391            callback(x)
392        slice1 = slice(ndx1-1, ndx1-1+n)
393        slice2 = slice(ndx2-1, ndx2-1+n)
394        if (ijob == -1):
395            if callback is not None:
396                callback(x)
397            break
398        elif (ijob == 1):
399            work[slice2] *= sclr2
400            work[slice2] += sclr1*matvec(work[slice1])
401        elif (ijob == 2):
402            work[slice1] = psolve(work[slice2])
403        elif (ijob == 3):
404            work[slice2] *= sclr2
405            work[slice2] += sclr1*matvec(x)
406        elif (ijob == 4):
407            if ftflag:
408                info = -1
409                ftflag = False
410            resid, info = _stoptest(work[slice1], atol)
411            if info == 1 and iter_ > 1:
412                # recompute residual and recheck, to avoid
413                # accumulating rounding error
414                work[slice1] = b - matvec(x)
415                resid, info = _stoptest(work[slice1], atol)
416        ijob = 2
418    if info == -10:
419        # termination due to breakdown: check for convergence
420        resid, ok = _stoptest(b - matvec(x), atol)
421        if ok:
422            info = 0
424    if info > 0 and iter_ == maxiter and not (resid <= atol):
425        # info isn't set appropriately otherwise
426        info = iter_
428    return postprocess(x), info
432def gmres(A, b, x0=None, tol=1e-5, restart=None, maxiter=None, M=None, callback=None,
433          restrt=None, atol=None, callback_type=None):
434    """
435    Use Generalized Minimal RESidual iteration to solve ``Ax = b``.
437    Parameters
438    ----------
439    A : {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}
440        The real or complex N-by-N matrix of the linear system.
441        Alternatively, ``A`` can be a linear operator which can
442        produce ``Ax`` using, e.g.,
443        ``scipy.sparse.linalg.LinearOperator``.
444    b : {array, matrix}
445        Right hand side of the linear system. Has shape (N,) or (N,1).
447    Returns
448    -------
449    x : {array, matrix}
450        The converged solution.
451    info : int
452        Provides convergence information:
453          * 0  : successful exit
454          * >0 : convergence to tolerance not achieved, number of iterations
455          * <0 : illegal input or breakdown
457    Other parameters
458    ----------------
459    x0 : {array, matrix}
460        Starting guess for the solution (a vector of zeros by default).
461    tol, atol : float, optional
462        Tolerances for convergence, ``norm(residual) <= max(tol*norm(b), atol)``.
463        The default for ``atol`` is ``'legacy'``, which emulates
464        a different legacy behavior.
466        .. warning::
468           The default value for `atol` will be changed in a future release.
469           For future compatibility, specify `atol` explicitly.
470    restart : int, optional
471        Number of iterations between restarts. Larger values increase
472        iteration cost, but may be necessary for convergence.
473        Default is 20.
474    maxiter : int, optional
475        Maximum number of iterations (restart cycles).  Iteration will stop
476        after maxiter steps even if the specified tolerance has not been
477        achieved.
478    M : {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}
479        Inverse of the preconditioner of A.  M should approximate the
480        inverse of A and be easy to solve for (see Notes).  Effective
481        preconditioning dramatically improves the rate of convergence,
482        which implies that fewer iterations are needed to reach a given
483        error tolerance.  By default, no preconditioner is used.
484    callback : function
485        User-supplied function to call after each iteration.  It is called
486        as `callback(args)`, where `args` are selected by `callback_type`.
487    callback_type : {'x', 'pr_norm', 'legacy'}, optional
488        Callback function argument requested:
489          - ``x``: current iterate (ndarray), called on every restart
490          - ``pr_norm``: relative (preconditioned) residual norm (float),
491            called on every inner iteration
492          - ``legacy`` (default): same as ``pr_norm``, but also changes the
493            meaning of 'maxiter' to count inner iterations instead of restart
494            cycles.
495    restrt : int, optional
496        DEPRECATED - use `restart` instead.
498    See Also
499    --------
500    LinearOperator
502    Notes
503    -----
504    A preconditioner, P, is chosen such that P is close to A but easy to solve
505    for. The preconditioner parameter required by this routine is
506    ``M = P^-1``. The inverse should preferably not be calculated
507    explicitly.  Rather, use the following template to produce M::
509      # Construct a linear operator that computes P^-1 * x.
510      import scipy.sparse.linalg as spla
511      M_x = lambda x: spla.spsolve(P, x)
512      M = spla.LinearOperator((n, n), M_x)
514    Examples
515    --------
516    >>> from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix
517    >>> from scipy.sparse.linalg import gmres
518    >>> A = csc_matrix([[3, 2, 0], [1, -1, 0], [0, 5, 1]], dtype=float)
519    >>> b = np.array([2, 4, -1], dtype=float)
520    >>> x, exitCode = gmres(A, b)
521    >>> print(exitCode)            # 0 indicates successful convergence
522    0
523    >>> np.allclose(A.dot(x), b)
524    True
525    """
527    # Change 'restrt' keyword to 'restart'
528    if restrt is None:
529        restrt = restart
530    elif restart is not None:
531        raise ValueError("Cannot specify both restart and restrt keywords. "
532                         "Preferably use 'restart' only.")
534    if callback is not None and callback_type is None:
535        # Warn about 'callback_type' semantic changes.
536        # Probably should be removed only in far future, Scipy 2.0 or so.
537        warnings.warn("scipy.sparse.linalg.gmres called without specifying `callback_type`. "
538                      "The default value will be changed in a future release. "
539                      "For compatibility, specify a value for `callback_type` explicitly, e.g., "
540                      "``{name}(..., callback_type='pr_norm')``, or to retain the old behavior "
541                      "``{name}(..., callback_type='legacy')``",
542                      category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=3)
544    if callback_type is None:
545        callback_type = 'legacy'
547    if callback_type not in ('x', 'pr_norm', 'legacy'):
548        raise ValueError("Unknown callback_type: {!r}".format(callback_type))
550    if callback is None:
551        callback_type = 'none'
553    A, M, x, b,postprocess = make_system(A, M, x0, b)
555    n = len(b)
556    if maxiter is None:
557        maxiter = n*10
559    if restrt is None:
560        restrt = 20
561    restrt = min(restrt, n)
563    matvec = A.matvec
564    psolve = M.matvec
565    ltr = _type_conv[x.dtype.char]
566    revcom = getattr(_iterative, ltr + 'gmresrevcom')
568    bnrm2 = np.linalg.norm(b)
569    Mb_nrm2 = np.linalg.norm(psolve(b))
570    get_residual = lambda: np.linalg.norm(matvec(x) - b)
571    atol = _get_atol(tol, atol, bnrm2, get_residual, 'gmres')
572    if atol == 'exit':
573        return postprocess(x), 0
575    if bnrm2 == 0:
576        return postprocess(b), 0
578    # Tolerance passed to GMRESREVCOM applies to the inner iteration
579    # and deals with the left-preconditioned residual.
580    ptol_max_factor = 1.0
581    ptol = Mb_nrm2 * min(ptol_max_factor, atol / bnrm2)
582    resid = np.nan
583    presid = np.nan
584    ndx1 = 1
585    ndx2 = -1
586    # Use _aligned_zeros to work around a f2py bug in Numpy 1.9.1
587    work = _aligned_zeros((6+restrt)*n,dtype=x.dtype)
588    work2 = _aligned_zeros((restrt+1)*(2*restrt+2),dtype=x.dtype)
589    ijob = 1
590    info = 0
591    ftflag = True
592    iter_ = maxiter
593    old_ijob = ijob
594    first_pass = True
595    resid_ready = False
596    iter_num = 1
597    while True:
598        olditer = iter_
599        x, iter_, presid, info, ndx1, ndx2, sclr1, sclr2, ijob = \
600           revcom(b, x, restrt, work, work2, iter_, presid, info, ndx1, ndx2, ijob, ptol)
601        if callback_type == 'x' and iter_ != olditer:
602            callback(x)
603        slice1 = slice(ndx1-1, ndx1-1+n)
604        slice2 = slice(ndx2-1, ndx2-1+n)
605        if (ijob == -1):  # gmres success, update last residual
606            if callback_type in ('pr_norm', 'legacy'):
607                if resid_ready:
608                    callback(presid / bnrm2)
609            elif callback_type == 'x':
610                callback(x)
611            break
612        elif (ijob == 1):
613            work[slice2] *= sclr2
614            work[slice2] += sclr1*matvec(x)
615        elif (ijob == 2):
616            work[slice1] = psolve(work[slice2])
617            if not first_pass and old_ijob == 3:
618                resid_ready = True
620            first_pass = False
621        elif (ijob == 3):
622            work[slice2] *= sclr2
623            work[slice2] += sclr1*matvec(work[slice1])
624            if resid_ready:
625                if callback_type in ('pr_norm', 'legacy'):
626                    callback(presid / bnrm2)
627                resid_ready = False
628                iter_num = iter_num+1
630        elif (ijob == 4):
631            if ftflag:
632                info = -1
633                ftflag = False
634            resid, info = _stoptest(work[slice1], atol)
636            # Inner loop tolerance control
637            if info or presid > ptol:
638                ptol_max_factor = min(1.0, 1.5 * ptol_max_factor)
639            else:
640                # Inner loop tolerance OK, but outer loop not.
641                ptol_max_factor = max(1e-16, 0.25 * ptol_max_factor)
643            if resid != 0:
644                ptol = presid * min(ptol_max_factor, atol / resid)
645            else:
646                ptol = presid * ptol_max_factor
648        old_ijob = ijob
649        ijob = 2
651        if callback_type == 'legacy':
652            # Legacy behavior
653            if iter_num > maxiter:
654                info = maxiter
655                break
657    if info >= 0 and not (resid <= atol):
658        # info isn't set appropriately otherwise
659        info = maxiter
661    return postprocess(x), info
665def qmr(A, b, x0=None, tol=1e-5, maxiter=None, M1=None, M2=None, callback=None,
666        atol=None):
667    """Use Quasi-Minimal Residual iteration to solve ``Ax = b``.
669    Parameters
670    ----------
671    A : {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}
672        The real-valued N-by-N matrix of the linear system.
673        Alternatively, ``A`` can be a linear operator which can
674        produce ``Ax`` and ``A^T x`` using, e.g.,
675        ``scipy.sparse.linalg.LinearOperator``.
676    b : {array, matrix}
677        Right hand side of the linear system. Has shape (N,) or (N,1).
679    Returns
680    -------
681    x : {array, matrix}
682        The converged solution.
683    info : integer
684        Provides convergence information:
685            0  : successful exit
686            >0 : convergence to tolerance not achieved, number of iterations
687            <0 : illegal input or breakdown
689    Other Parameters
690    ----------------
691    x0  : {array, matrix}
692        Starting guess for the solution.
693    tol, atol : float, optional
694        Tolerances for convergence, ``norm(residual) <= max(tol*norm(b), atol)``.
695        The default for ``atol`` is ``'legacy'``, which emulates
696        a different legacy behavior.
698        .. warning::
700           The default value for `atol` will be changed in a future release.
701           For future compatibility, specify `atol` explicitly.
702    maxiter : integer
703        Maximum number of iterations.  Iteration will stop after maxiter
704        steps even if the specified tolerance has not been achieved.
705    M1 : {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}
706        Left preconditioner for A.
707    M2 : {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}
708        Right preconditioner for A. Used together with the left
709        preconditioner M1.  The matrix M1*A*M2 should have better
710        conditioned than A alone.
711    callback : function
712        User-supplied function to call after each iteration.  It is called
713        as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector.
715    See Also
716    --------
717    LinearOperator
719    Examples
720    --------
721    >>> from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix
722    >>> from scipy.sparse.linalg import qmr
723    >>> A = csc_matrix([[3, 2, 0], [1, -1, 0], [0, 5, 1]], dtype=float)
724    >>> b = np.array([2, 4, -1], dtype=float)
725    >>> x, exitCode = qmr(A, b)
726    >>> print(exitCode)            # 0 indicates successful convergence
727    0
728    >>> np.allclose(A.dot(x), b)
729    True
730    """
731    A_ = A
732    A, M, x, b, postprocess = make_system(A, None, x0, b)
734    if M1 is None and M2 is None:
735        if hasattr(A_,'psolve'):
736            def left_psolve(b):
737                return A_.psolve(b,'left')
739            def right_psolve(b):
740                return A_.psolve(b,'right')
742            def left_rpsolve(b):
743                return A_.rpsolve(b,'left')
745            def right_rpsolve(b):
746                return A_.rpsolve(b,'right')
747            M1 = LinearOperator(A.shape, matvec=left_psolve, rmatvec=left_rpsolve)
748            M2 = LinearOperator(A.shape, matvec=right_psolve, rmatvec=right_rpsolve)
749        else:
750            def id(b):
751                return b
752            M1 = LinearOperator(A.shape, matvec=id, rmatvec=id)
753            M2 = LinearOperator(A.shape, matvec=id, rmatvec=id)
755    n = len(b)
756    if maxiter is None:
757        maxiter = n*10
759    ltr = _type_conv[x.dtype.char]
760    revcom = getattr(_iterative, ltr + 'qmrrevcom')
762    get_residual = lambda: np.linalg.norm(A.matvec(x) - b)
763    atol = _get_atol(tol, atol, np.linalg.norm(b), get_residual, 'qmr')
764    if atol == 'exit':
765        return postprocess(x), 0
767    resid = atol
768    ndx1 = 1
769    ndx2 = -1
770    # Use _aligned_zeros to work around a f2py bug in Numpy 1.9.1
771    work = _aligned_zeros(11*n,x.dtype)
772    ijob = 1
773    info = 0
774    ftflag = True
775    iter_ = maxiter
776    while True:
777        olditer = iter_
778        x, iter_, resid, info, ndx1, ndx2, sclr1, sclr2, ijob = \
779           revcom(b, x, work, iter_, resid, info, ndx1, ndx2, ijob)
780        if callback is not None and iter_ > olditer:
781            callback(x)
782        slice1 = slice(ndx1-1, ndx1-1+n)
783        slice2 = slice(ndx2-1, ndx2-1+n)
784        if (ijob == -1):
785            if callback is not None:
786                callback(x)
787            break
788        elif (ijob == 1):
789            work[slice2] *= sclr2
790            work[slice2] += sclr1*A.matvec(work[slice1])
791        elif (ijob == 2):
792            work[slice2] *= sclr2
793            work[slice2] += sclr1*A.rmatvec(work[slice1])
794        elif (ijob == 3):
795            work[slice1] = M1.matvec(work[slice2])
796        elif (ijob == 4):
797            work[slice1] = M2.matvec(work[slice2])
798        elif (ijob == 5):
799            work[slice1] = M1.rmatvec(work[slice2])
800        elif (ijob == 6):
801            work[slice1] = M2.rmatvec(work[slice2])
802        elif (ijob == 7):
803            work[slice2] *= sclr2
804            work[slice2] += sclr1*A.matvec(x)
805        elif (ijob == 8):
806            if ftflag:
807                info = -1
808                ftflag = False
809            resid, info = _stoptest(work[slice1], atol)
810        ijob = 2
812    if info > 0 and iter_ == maxiter and not (resid <= atol):
813        # info isn't set appropriately otherwise
814        info = iter_
816    return postprocess(x), info