1 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 //
3 // Copyright (c) 2008 The Regents of the University of California
4 //
5 // This file is part of Qbox
6 //
7 // Qbox is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
8 // as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of
9 // the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10 // See the file COPYING in the root directory of this distribution
11 // or <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
12 //
13 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
14 //
15 // ChargeDensity.cpp
16 //
17 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
19 #include "MPIdata.h"
20 #include "ChargeDensity.h"
21 #include "Basis.h"
22 #include "Wavefunction.h"
23 #include "FourierTransform.h"
24 #include "SlaterDet.h"
25 #include "blas.h" // dasum
27 #include <iomanip>
28 #include <algorithm> // fill
29 #include <functional>
30 #include <fstream>
31 using namespace std;
33 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
ChargeDensity(const Wavefunction & wf)34 ChargeDensity::ChargeDensity(const Wavefunction& wf) : wf_(wf)
35 {
36   vbasis_ = new Basis(MPIdata::g_comm(), D3vector(0,0,0));
37   vbasis_->resize(wf.cell(),wf.refcell(),4.0*wf.ecut());
38   const Basis& vb = *vbasis_;
40   // define vft_, FT on vbasis context for transforming the density
42   // add 2 to grid size to avoid aliasing when using non-zero k-points
43   // adding 1 would suffice, but add 2 to keep even numbers
44   int np0v = vb.np(0)+2;
45   int np1v = vb.np(1)+2;
46   int np2v = vb.np(2)+2;
47   while (!vb.factorizable(np0v)) np0v += 2;
48   while (!vb.factorizable(np1v)) np1v += 2;
49   while (!vb.factorizable(np2v)) np2v += 2;
50 #ifdef DEBUG
51   cout << MPIdata::rank() << ": ChargeDensity: vbasis: " << endl;
52   cout << MPIdata::rank() << ": idxmin: "
53        << vb.idxmin(0) << "/" << vb.idxmin(1) << "/" << vb.idxmin(2) << endl;
54   cout << MPIdata::rank() << ": idxmax: "
55        << vb.idxmax(0) << "/" << vb.idxmax(1) << "/" << vb.idxmax(2) << endl;
56   cout << MPIdata::rank() << ": vft grid: "
57        << np0v << "/" << np1v << "/" << np2v << endl;
58 #endif
59   vft_ = new FourierTransform(vb,np0v,np1v,np2v);
60   total_charge_.resize(wf.nspin());
61   rhor.resize(wf.nspin());
62   rhog.resize(wf.nspin());
63   for ( int ispin = 0; ispin < wf.nspin(); ispin++ )
64   {
65     rhor[ispin].resize(vft_->np012loc());
66     rhog[ispin].resize(vb.localsize());
67   }
68   rhotmp.resize(vft_->np012loc());
70 #ifdef DEBUG
71   cout << MPIdata::rank() << ": ChargeDensity::ctor: wf.nsp_loc()="
72        << wf.nsp_loc() << " wf.nkp_loc()=" << wf.nkp_loc() << endl;
73 #endif
75   // FT for interpolation of wavefunctions on the fine grid
76   if ( wf.nsp_loc() > 0 )
77   {
78     for ( int ikp_loc = 0; ikp_loc < wf.nkp_loc(); ++ikp_loc )
79     {
80       // use basis of isp_loc==0
81       const Basis& wb = wf.sd(0,ikp_loc)->basis();
82 #ifdef DEBUG
83       cout << MPIdata::rank() << ": ChargeDensity::ctor: ikp_loc="
84            << ikp_loc << " wbasis: " << endl;
85       cout << MPIdata::rank() << ": idxmin: " << wb.idxmin(0)
86            << "/" << wb.idxmin(1) << "/" << wb.idxmin(2) << endl;
87       cout << MPIdata::rank() << ": idxmax: " << wb.idxmax(0)
88            << "/" << wb.idxmax(1) << "/" << wb.idxmax(2) << endl;
89 #endif
90       // check that no aliasing error can occur
91       assert(2*np0v > 2*wb.idxmax(0)+vb.idxmax(0));
92       assert(2*np1v > 2*wb.idxmax(1)+vb.idxmax(1));
93       assert(2*np2v > 2*wb.idxmax(2)+vb.idxmax(2));
94       assert(2*np0v > -2*wb.idxmin(0)-vb.idxmin(0));
95       assert(2*np1v > -2*wb.idxmin(1)-vb.idxmin(1));
96       assert(2*np2v > -2*wb.idxmin(2)-vb.idxmin(2));
98       ft_.push_back(new FourierTransform(wb,np0v,np1v,np2v));
99     }
100   }
101   // perform reset operation on timers to introduce them in tmap
102   // this is necessary to have a tmap entry even if nsp_loc or nkp_loc == 0
103   tmap["charge_compute"].reset();
104   tmap["charge_rowsum"].reset();
105   tmap["charge_integral"].reset();
106   tmap["charge_vft"].reset();
107   tmap["update_taur"].reset();
108 }
110 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
~ChargeDensity(void)111 ChargeDensity::~ChargeDensity(void)
112 {
113   delete vbasis_;
114   delete vft_;
115   for ( int ikp_loc = 0; ikp_loc < ft_.size(); ++ikp_loc )
116     delete ft_[ikp_loc];
118   for ( TimerMap::iterator i = tmap.begin(); i != tmap.end(); i++ )
119   {
120     double time = i->second.real();
121     double tmin, tmax;
122     MPI_Reduce(&time,&tmin,1,MPI_DOUBLE,MPI_MIN,0,MPIdata::comm());
123     MPI_Reduce(&time,&tmax,1,MPI_DOUBLE,MPI_MAX,0,MPIdata::comm());
124     if ( MPIdata::onpe0() && (tmax > 0.0) )
125     {
126       string s = "name=\"" + (*i).first + "\"";
127       cout << "<timing " << left << setw(22) << s
128            << " min=\"" << setprecision(3) << tmin << "\""
129            << " max=\"" << setprecision(3) << tmax << "\"/>"
130            << endl;
131     }
132   }
133 }
135 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
update_density(void)136 void ChargeDensity::update_density(void)
137 {
138   assert(rhor.size() == wf_.nspin());
139   for ( int ispin = 0; ispin < wf_.nspin(); ++ispin )
140     fill(rhor[ispin].begin(),rhor[ispin].end(),0.0);
142   for ( int isp_loc = 0; isp_loc < wf_.nsp_loc(); ++isp_loc )
143   {
144     const int ispg = wf_.isp_global(isp_loc);
145     assert(rhor[ispg].size() == vft_->np012loc() );
146     assert(rhotmp.size() == vft_->np012loc() );
148     tmap["charge_compute"].start();
149     for ( int ikp_loc = 0; ikp_loc < wf_.nkp_loc(); ++ikp_loc )
150     {
151       assert(ft_[ikp_loc]);
152       const int ikpg = wf_.ikp_global(ikp_loc);
153       assert(rhor[ispg].size()==ft_[ikp_loc]->np012loc());
154       wf_.sd(isp_loc,ikp_loc)->compute_density(*ft_[ikp_loc],
155           wf_.weight(ikpg), &rhor[ispg][0]);
156     }
157     tmap["charge_compute"].stop();
158   }
159   // rhor now contains local contributions from this task
161   for ( int ispin = 0; ispin < wf_.nspin(); ++ispin )
162   {
163     // sum over kpoints, states and spins
164     tmap["charge_rowsum"].start();
165     vector<double> tmpr(vft_->np012loc());
166     MPI_Allreduce(&rhor[ispin][0],&tmpr[0],vft_->np012loc(),
167                   MPI_DOUBLE,MPI_SUM,MPIdata::st_kp_sp_comm());
168     rhor[ispin] = tmpr;
169     tmap["charge_rowsum"].stop();
171     // check integral of charge density
172     // compute Fourier coefficients of the charge density
173     double sum = 0.0;
174     const double *const prhor = &rhor[ispin][0];
175     tmap["charge_integral"].start();
176     const int rhor_size = rhor[ispin].size();
177     const double omega = vbasis_->cell().volume();
178     #pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:sum)
179     for ( int i = 0; i < rhor_size; i++ )
180     {
181       const double prh = prhor[i];
182       sum += prh;
183       rhotmp[i] = complex<double>(omega * prh, 0.0);
184     }
185     sum *= omega / vft_->np012();
186     double tsum = 0.0;
187     // sum over g_comm and sp_comm
188     MPI_Allreduce(&sum,&tsum,1,MPI_DOUBLE,MPI_SUM,MPIdata::g_comm());
189     sum = tsum;
190     tmap["charge_integral"].stop();
191     total_charge_[ispin] = sum;
193     // compute rhog from rhotmp
194     tmap["charge_vft"].start();
195     vft_->forward(&rhotmp[0],&rhog[ispin][0]);
196     tmap["charge_vft"].stop();
197   }
198 }
200 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
update_rhor(void)201 void ChargeDensity::update_rhor(void)
202 {
203   // recalculate rhor from rhog
204   assert(rhor.size() == wf_.nspin());
205   const double omega = vbasis_->cell().volume();
206   assert(omega!=0.0);
207   const double omega_inv = 1.0 / omega;
209   for ( int ispin = 0; ispin < wf_.nspin(); ++ispin )
210   {
211     assert(rhor[ispin].size() == vft_->np012loc() );
212     assert(rhotmp.size() == vft_->np012loc() );
214     vft_->backward(&rhog[ispin][0],&rhotmp[0]);
216     const int rhor_size = rhor[ispin].size();
217     double *const prhor = &rhor[ispin][0];
218     #pragma omp parallel for
219     for ( int i = 0; i < rhor_size; i++ )
220       prhor[i] = rhotmp[i].real() * omega_inv;
222     // integral of the charge density
223     tmap["charge_integral"].start();
224     int ione=1;
225     int n = rhor_size;
226     double sum = dasum(&n,prhor,&ione);
227     sum *= omega / vft_->np012();
229     // sum over g_comm
230     double tsum = 0.0;
231     MPI_Allreduce(&sum,&tsum,1,MPI_DOUBLE,MPI_SUM,MPIdata::g_comm());
232     tmap["charge_integral"].stop();
233     total_charge_[ispin] = tsum;
234   }
235 }
237 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
update_taur(double * taur) const238 void ChargeDensity::update_taur(double* taur) const
239 {
240   vector<double> tmpr(vft_->np012loc(),0.0);
241   tmap["update_taur"].start();
242   for ( int isp_loc = 0; isp_loc < wf_.nsp_loc(); ++isp_loc )
243   {
244     for ( int ikp_loc = 0; ikp_loc < wf_.nkp_loc(); ++ikp_loc )
245     {
246       assert(ft_[ikp_loc]);
247       const int ikpg = wf_.ikp_global(ikp_loc);
248       wf_.sd(isp_loc,ikp_loc)->compute_tau(*ft_[ikp_loc],
249         wf_.weight(ikpg), &tmpr[0]);
250     }
251   }
252   MPI_Allreduce(&tmpr[0],taur,vft_->np012loc(),
253                 MPI_DOUBLE,MPI_SUM,MPIdata::st_kp_sp_comm());
254   tmap["update_taur"].stop();
256   // stop if computing taur with NLCCs
257   if ( !rhocore_r.empty() )
258     assert(!"ChargeDensity: Cannot compute taur with NLCCs");
259 }
261 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
update_taur(double * taur_up,double * taur_dn) const262 void ChargeDensity::update_taur(double* taur_up, double* taur_dn) const
263 {
264   assert(wf_.nspin()==2);
265   vector<double> tmpr(vft_->np012loc());
266   tmap["update_taur"].start();
267   for ( int ispin = 0; ispin < wf_.nspin(); ++ispin )
268   {
269     memset( (void*)&tmpr[0], 0, vft_->np012loc()*sizeof(double) );
270     const int isp_loc = wf_.isp_local(ispin);
271     if ( isp_loc >= 0 )
272     {
273       for ( int ikp_loc = 0; ikp_loc < wf_.nkp_loc(); ++ikp_loc )
274       {
275         assert(ft_[ikp_loc]);
276         const int ikpg = wf_.ikp_global(ikp_loc);
277         wf_.sd(isp_loc,ikp_loc)->compute_tau(*ft_[ikp_loc],
278           wf_.weight(ikpg), &tmpr[0]);
279       }
280     }
281     // tmpr now contains local taur contrib
282     // reduce to have both taur_up and taur_dn on all tasks
283     if ( ispin == 0 )
284     {
285       MPI_Allreduce(&tmpr[0],&taur_up[0],vft_->np012loc(),
286                     MPI_DOUBLE,MPI_SUM,MPIdata::st_kp_sp_comm());
287     }
288     else
289     {
290       MPI_Allreduce(&tmpr[0],&taur_dn[0],vft_->np012loc(),
291                     MPI_DOUBLE,MPI_SUM,MPIdata::st_kp_sp_comm());
292     }
293   }
294   tmap["update_taur"].stop();
296   // stop if computing taur with NLCCs
297   if ( !rhocore_r.empty() )
298     assert(!"ChargeDensity: Cannot compute taur with NLCCs");
299 }
301 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
total_charge(void) const302 double ChargeDensity::total_charge(void) const
303 {
304   assert((wf_.nspin()==1)||(wf_.nspin()==2));
305   if ( wf_.nspin() == 1 )
306     return total_charge_[0];
307   else
308     return total_charge_[0] + total_charge_[1];
309 }
311 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
print(ostream & os) const312 void ChargeDensity::print(ostream& os) const
313 {
314   os.setf(ios::fixed,ios::floatfield);
315   os.setf(ios::right,ios::adjustfield);
316   for ( int ispin = 0; ispin < wf_.nspin(); ispin++ )
317     os << "  <electronic_charge ispin=\"" << ispin << "\"> "
318        << setprecision(8) << total_charge(ispin)
319        << " </electronic_charge>\n";
320 }
322 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
operator <<(ostream & os,const ChargeDensity & cd)323 ostream& operator<< ( ostream& os, const ChargeDensity& cd )
324 {
325   cd.print(os);
326   return os;
327 }
329 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
update_rhog(void)330 void ChargeDensity::update_rhog(void)
331 {
332   // recalculate rhog from rhor
333   assert(rhor.size() == wf_.nspin());
334   const double omega = vbasis_->cell().volume();
335   assert(omega!=0.0);
337   for ( int isp_loc = 0; isp_loc < wf_.nsp_loc(); ++isp_loc )
338   {
339     const int ispg = wf_.isp_global(isp_loc);
340     const int rhor_size = rhor[ispg].size();
341     double *const prhor = &rhor[ispg][0];
342     #pragma omp parallel for
343     for ( int i = 0; i < rhor_size; i++ )
344       rhotmp[i] = complex<double> ( omega * prhor[i], 0);
346     assert(rhotmp.size() == vft_->np012loc() );
348     vft_->forward(&rhotmp[0],&rhog[ispg][0]);
349   }
350 }