1  Input file(s): opt.in.xml
4                    QMCPACK 1.0.0
6  (c) Copyright 2003-  QMCPACK developers
8  Subversion branch 6936
9  Last modified     2016-05-23 14:12:59 +0000 (Mon, 23 May 2016)
11  Global options
12  async_swap=0 : using blocking send/recv for walker swaps
14  MPI Nodes            = 32
15  MPI Nodes per group  = 32
16  MPI Group ID         = 0
17  OMP_NUM_THREADS      = 16
19  Input XML = opt.in.xml
21  Project = opt
22  date    = 2016-06-06 19:26:19 UTC
23  host    = Q02-I2-J01.vesta.itd
24  user    = krogel
27  Offset for the random number seeds based on time 603
28  Random number offset = 603  seeds = 4451-8999
29  Create Global SuperCell
30  Simulation cell radius = 9.448631
31  Wigner-Seitz    radius = 9.448631
33<parameter name="lattice">
34     18.8972613300      0.0000000000      0.0000000000
35      0.0000000000     18.8972613300      0.0000000000
36      0.0000000000      0.0000000000     18.8972613300
38<parameter name="bconds">  n  n  n </parameter>
40Volume (A^3) = 6748.3345843151
41Reciprocal vectors without 2*pi.
42g_1 =       0.0529177209      0.0000000000      0.0000000000
43g_2 =       0.0000000000      0.0529177209      0.0000000000
44g_3 =       0.0000000000      0.0000000000      0.0529177209
45Metric tensor in real-space.
46h_1 = 357.1064857743 0.0000000000 0.0000000000
47h_2 = 0.0000000000 357.1064857743 0.0000000000
48h_3 = 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 357.1064857743
49Metric tensor in g-space.
50h_1 = 0.1105508278 0.0000000000 0.0000000000
51h_2 = 0.0000000000 0.1105508278 0.0000000000
52h_3 = 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.1105508278
55	Long-range breakup parameters:
56	rc*kc = 15.0000000000; rc = 1000000.0000000000; kc = 0.0000000000
60  Creating e particleset
61  Initializing the lattice of e by the global supercell
62  All the species have the same mass 1.0000000000
63Particles are grouped. Safe to use groups
65  Creating ion0 particleset
66  Initializing the lattice of ion0 by the global supercell
67  All the species have the same mass 29164.3928678000
68Particles are grouped. Safe to use groups
70 Adding WavefunctionFactory for psi0
71building sposet collection of type bspline
72EinsplineSetBuilder:  using libeinspline for B-spline orbitals.
73Built BasisSetBuilder "bspline" of type bspline
74  Building SPOSet "spo_u" with bspline BasisSetBuilder
75TOKEN=0 createSPOSetFromXML /soft/applications/qmcpack/src/QMCWaveFunctions/EinsplineSetBuilder_createSPOs.cpp 42
76  Distance table for AA: source/target = e
77    PBC=open Orthorhombic=NA
78 using Cartesian coordinates with
79  ... ParticleSet::addTable Create Table #0 e_e
80  Distance table for AB: source = ion0 target = e
81    PBC=open Orthorhombic=NA
82 using Cartesian coordinates
83  ... ParticleSet::addTable Create Table #1 ion0_e
84  TileMatrix =
85 [  1  0  0
86    0  1  0
87    0  0  1 ]
88  Reading 7 orbitals from HDF5 file.
89TOKEN=1 ReadOrbitalInfo /soft/applications/qmcpack/src/QMCWaveFunctions/EinsplineSetBuilderOld.cpp 34
90  HDF5 orbital file version 2.1.0
91TOKEN=2 ReadOrbitalInfo_ESHDF /soft/applications/qmcpack/src/QMCWaveFunctions/EinsplineSetBuilderESHDF.fft.cpp 47
92  Reading orbital file in ESHDF format.
93  ESHDF orbital file version 2.1.0
94  Lattice =
95    [ 18.897261 -0.000000 -0.000000
96      -0.000000 18.897261 -0.000000
97      -0.000000 -0.000000 18.897261 ]
98TOKEN=3 CheckLattice /soft/applications/qmcpack/src/QMCWaveFunctions/EinsplineSetBuilderCommon.cpp 99
99  SuperLattice =
100    [ 18.897261  0.000000  0.000000
101       0.000000 18.897261  0.000000
102       0.000000  0.000000 18.897261 ]
103bands=11, elecs=12, spins=2, twists=1, muffin tins=0, core states=0
104atomic orbital=0
105Atom type(0) = 8
106Atom type(1) = 8
107   Skip initialization of the density
108TIMER  EinsplineSetBuilder::ReadOrbitalInfo 0.1281932662
109TIMER  EinsplineSetBuilder::BroadcastOrbitalInfo 0.0001085200
110Found 1 distinct supercell twists.
111number of things
114Super twist #0:  [   0.00000   0.00000   0.00000 ]
115  Using supercell twist 0:  [   0.00000   0.00000   0.00000]
116Using 1 copies of twist angle [-0.000, -0.000, -0.000]
117Using real orbitals.
118TOKEN=4 OccupyBands /soft/applications/qmcpack/src/QMCWaveFunctions/EinsplineSetBuilderCommon.cpp 763
119TOKEN=5 OccupyBands_ESHDF /soft/applications/qmcpack/src/QMCWaveFunctions/EinsplineSetBuilderESHDF.fft.cpp 307
120Sorting the bands now:
121We will read 7 distinct orbitals.
122There are 0 core states and 7 valence states.
123TOKEN=6 TileIons /soft/applications/qmcpack/src/QMCWaveFunctions/EinsplineSetBuilderCommon.cpp 291
124Rcut = 0.0000000000
125dilation = 1
126TOKEN=7 bcastSortBands /soft/applications/qmcpack/src/QMCWaveFunctions/einspline_helper.hpp 409
127BandInfoGroup::selectBands bigspace has 11 distinct orbitals
128BandInfoGroup::selectBands using distinct orbitals [0,7)
129  Number of distinct bands 7
130  First Band index 0
131  First SPO index 0
132  Size of SPOs 7
133  AdoptorName = SplineR2RAdoptor
134  Using real einspline table
135NumDistinctOrbitals 7 numOrbs = 7
136  TwistIndex = 0 TwistAngle      -0.0000000000     -0.0000000000     -0.0000000000
137   HalfG =                  0                 0                 0
138TOKEN=8 ReadGvectors_ESHDF /soft/applications/qmcpack/src/QMCWaveFunctions/EinsplineSetBuilderReadBands_ESHDF.cpp 669
139B-spline mesh factor is 1.0000000000
140B-spline mesh size is (216, 216, 216)
141Maxmimum number of Gvecs 591889
142  Using meshsize=               216               216               216
143  vs input meshsize=               216               216               216
144  Time to read the table in einspline.tile_100010001.spin_0.tw_0.l0u7.g216x216x216.h5 = 0.0014569694
145  SplineAdoptorReader initialize_spline_pio 6.4785860400 sec
146MEMORY increase 320 MB BsplineSetReader
147  MEMORY allocated SplineAdoptorReader 320 MB
148TIMER  EinsplineSetBuilder::ReadBands 6.8252877800
149   Using Identity for the LCOrbitalSet
150  Building SPOSet "spo_d" with bspline BasisSetBuilder
151TOKEN=9 createSPOSetFromXML /soft/applications/qmcpack/src/QMCWaveFunctions/EinsplineSetBuilder_createSPOs.cpp 42
152  ... ParticleSet::addTable Reuse Table #1 ion0_e
153TOKEN=10 OccupyBands /soft/applications/qmcpack/src/QMCWaveFunctions/EinsplineSetBuilderCommon.cpp 763
154TOKEN=11 OccupyBands_ESHDF /soft/applications/qmcpack/src/QMCWaveFunctions/EinsplineSetBuilderESHDF.fft.cpp 307
155Sorting the bands now:
156We will read 5 distinct orbitals.
157There are 0 core states and 5 valence states.
158Rcut = 0.0000000000
159dilation = 1
160TOKEN=12 bcastSortBands /soft/applications/qmcpack/src/QMCWaveFunctions/einspline_helper.hpp 409
161BandInfoGroup::selectBands bigspace has 11 distinct orbitals
162BandInfoGroup::selectBands using distinct orbitals [0,5)
163  Number of distinct bands 5
164  First Band index 0
165  First SPO index 0
166  Size of SPOs 5
167  AdoptorName = SplineR2RAdoptor
168  Using real einspline table
169NumDistinctOrbitals 5 numOrbs = 5
170  TwistIndex = 0 TwistAngle      -0.0000000000     -0.0000000000     -0.0000000000
171   HalfG =                  0                 0                 0
172TOKEN=13 ReadGvectors_ESHDF /soft/applications/qmcpack/src/QMCWaveFunctions/EinsplineSetBuilderReadBands_ESHDF.cpp 669
173B-spline mesh factor is 1.0000000000
174B-spline mesh size is (216, 216, 216)
175Maxmimum number of Gvecs 591889
176  Using meshsize=               216               216               216
177  vs input meshsize=               216               216               216
178  Time to read the table in einspline.tile_100010001.spin_1.tw_0.l0u5.g216x216x216.h5 = 0.0014734713
179  SplineAdoptorReader initialize_spline_pio 6.2542370625 sec
180MEMORY increase 320 MB BsplineSetReader
181  MEMORY allocated SplineAdoptorReader 320 MB
182TIMER  EinsplineSetBuilder::ReadBands 6.4009975250
183   Using Identity for the LCOrbitalSet
184  Creating a determinant updet group=0 sposet=spo_u
185  Reusing a SPO set spo_u
187  Creating a determinant downdet group=1 sposet=spo_d
188  Reusing a SPO set spo_d
190  FermionWF=SlaterDet
192  Using BsplineBuilder for one-body jastrow with B-spline functions
193  ... ParticleSet::addTable Reuse Table #1 ion0_e
194  ... ParticleSet::addTable Reuse Table #1 ion0_e
195 size = 8 parameters
196 cusp = 0.0000000000
197 rcut = 5.0000000000
198Parameter     Name      Value
199eO_0 0.0000000000 1 1  ON 0
200eO_1 0.0000000000 1 1  ON 1
201eO_2 0.0000000000 1 1  ON 2
202eO_3 0.0000000000 1 1  ON 3
203eO_4 0.0000000000 1 1  ON 4
204eO_5 0.0000000000 1 1  ON 5
205eO_6 0.0000000000 1 1  ON 6
206eO_7 0.0000000000 1 1  ON 7
207  BsplineJastrowBuilder adds a functor with cusp = -0.2500000000
208 size = 8 parameters
209 cusp = -0.2500000000
210 rcut = 10.0000000000
211Parameter     Name      Value
212uu_0 0.0000000000 1 1  ON 0
213uu_1 0.0000000000 1 1  ON 1
214uu_2 0.0000000000 1 1  ON 2
215uu_3 0.0000000000 1 1  ON 3
216uu_4 0.0000000000 1 1  ON 4
217uu_5 0.0000000000 1 1  ON 5
218uu_6 0.0000000000 1 1  ON 6
219uu_7 0.0000000000 1 1  ON 7
220  BsplineJastrowBuilder adds a functor with cusp = -0.5000000000
221 size = 8 parameters
222 cusp = -0.5000000000
223 rcut = 10.0000000000
224Parameter     Name      Value
225ud_0 0.0000000000 1 1  ON 0
226ud_1 0.0000000000 1 1  ON 1
227ud_2 0.0000000000 1 1  ON 2
228ud_3 0.0000000000 1 1  ON 3
229ud_4 0.0000000000 1 1  ON 4
230ud_5 0.0000000000 1 1  ON 5
231ud_6 0.0000000000 1 1  ON 6
232ud_7 0.0000000000 1 1  ON 7
233  QMCHamiltonian::addOperator Kinetic to H, physical Hamiltonian
234  ... ParticleSet::addTable Reuse Table #0 e_e
235  QMCHamiltonian::addOperator ElecElec to H, physical Hamiltonian
236QMCHamiltonian::addOperatorType added type coulomb named ElecElec
237  Distance table for AA: source/target = ion0
238    PBC=open Orthorhombic=NA
239 using Cartesian coordinates with
240  ... ParticleSet::addTable Create Table #0 ion0_ion0
241  QMCHamiltonian::addOperator IonIon to H, physical Hamiltonian
242QMCHamiltonian::addOperatorType added type coulomb named IonIon
244  ECPotential builder for pseudopotential
246  Adding pseudopotential for O
247   Linear grid  ri=0.0000000000 rf=10.0000000000 npts = 10001
248    ECPComponentBuilder::buildSemiLocalAndLocal
249    Assuming Hartree unit
250   Number of angular momentum channels 2
251   Maximum angular momentum channel 1
252   Creating a Linear Grid Rmax=1.3100000000
253  Using global grid with delta = 0.0010000000
254   Making L=1 a local potential with a radial cutoff of 9.9980000000
255  NonLocalECPComponent::resize_warrays
256    Non-local pseudopotential parameters
257    Maximum angular mementum = 0
258    Number of non-local channels = 1
259       l(0)=0
260    Cutoff radius = 1.3100000000
261    Spherical grids and weights:
262             1.0000000000      0.0000000000      0.0000000000        0.0833333333
263            -1.0000000000      0.0000000000      0.0000000000        0.0833333333
264             0.4472135955      0.8944271910      0.0000000000        0.0833333333
265            -0.4472135955      0.7236067977      0.5257311121        0.0833333333
266             0.4472135955      0.2763932023      0.8506508084        0.0833333333
267            -0.4472135955     -0.2763932023      0.8506508084        0.0833333333
268             0.4472135955     -0.7236067977      0.5257311121        0.0833333333
269            -0.4472135955     -0.8944271910      0.0000000000        0.0833333333
270             0.4472135955     -0.7236067977     -0.5257311121        0.0833333333
271            -0.4472135955     -0.2763932023     -0.8506508084        0.0833333333
272             0.4472135955      0.2763932023     -0.8506508084        0.0833333333
273            -0.4472135955      0.7236067977     -0.5257311121        0.0833333333
274    Maximum cutoff radius 1.3100000000
275  ... ParticleSet::addTable Reuse Table #1 ion0_e
276  QMCHamiltonian::addOperator LocalECP to H, physical Hamiltonian
277  ... ParticleSet::addTable Reuse Table #1 ion0_e
278  ... ParticleSet::addTable Reuse Table #1 ion0_e
280  Using NonLocalECP potential
281    Maximum grid on a sphere for NonLocalECPotential: 12
282  QMCHamiltonian::addOperator NonLocalECP to H, physical Hamiltonian
283QMCHamiltonian::addOperatorType added type pseudo named PseudoPot
285  QMCHamiltonian::add2WalkerProperty added
286    5 to P::PropertyList
287    0 to P::Collectables
288    starting Index of the observables in P::PropertyList = 9
289  Hamiltonian disables VirtualMoves
291<init source="ion0" target="e">
292  ... ParticleSet::addTable Reuse Table #0 ion0_ion0
295 Summary of QMC systems
297ParticleSetPool has:
299  ParticleSet e : 0 7 12
301    12
303    u  9.1252449782e+00  9.1208791019e+00  9.6880459804e+00
304    u  8.8734782472e+00  1.0087596878e+01  9.7721825933e+00
305    u  8.3258635918e+00  8.5378421160e+00  9.3930409991e+00
306    u  1.0760988443e+01  1.0275700659e+01  9.1029649199e+00
307    u  1.0066187610e+01  9.1504869651e+00  8.7628827048e+00
308    u  1.1411521846e+01  9.8244071389e+00  9.5749468557e+00
309    u  1.3535840556e+01  7.8098728694e+00  1.0645707262e+01
310    d  8.9612992542e+00  9.7280778310e+00  8.8760888785e+00
311    d  8.3427590357e+00  8.7418929579e+00  8.8722175589e+00
312    d  8.2177928481e+00  1.0039478366e+01  8.7588848167e+00
313    d  1.0842142645e+01  1.0137698087e+01  8.9061466644e+00
314    d  1.0410223643e+01  8.6478392229e+00  9.8480804922e+00
316  ParticleSet ion0 : 0 2
318    2
320    O  8.3078030000e+00  9.4486306600e+00  9.4486306600e+00
321    O  1.0589458330e+01  9.4486306600e+00  9.4486306600e+00
323  Hamiltonian h0
324  Kinetic         Kinetic energy
325  ElecElec        CoulombAA source/target e
327  IonIon          CoulombAA source/target ion0
329  LocalECP        LocalECPotential: ion0
330  NonLocalECP     NonLocalECPotential: ion0
331Loop execution max-interations = 12
334  Start QMCFixedSampleLinearOptimize
335  File Root opt.s000 append = no
337  Skip QMCDriver::putQMCInfo
338  Resetting Properties of the walkers 1 x 14
339  Adding 16 walkers to 0 existing sets
340  Total number of walkers: 5.1200000000e+02
341  Total weight: 5.1200000000e+02
344  Start VMCSingleOMP
345  File Root opt.s000 append = no
347  Using the current 16 walkers.
348  Total number of walkers: 5.1200000000e+02
349  Total weight: 5.1200000000e+02
350  Resetting Properties of the walkers 1 x 14
352<vmc function="put">
353  qmc_counter=0  my_counter=0
354  time step      = 3.0000000000e-01
355  blocks         = 200
356  steps          = 1
357  substeps       = 1
358  current        = 0
359  target samples = 6.1440000000e+04
360  walkers/mpi    = 16
362  stepsbetweensamples = 1
363<parameter name="blocks" condition="int">200</parameter>
364<parameter name="check_properties" condition="int">100</parameter>
365<parameter name="checkproperties" condition="int">100</parameter>
366<parameter name="current" condition="int">0</parameter>
367<parameter name="dmcwalkersperthread" condition="real">1.2000000000e+02</parameter>
368<parameter name="maxcpusecs" condition="real">3.6000000000e+05</parameter>
369<parameter name="record_configs" condition="int">0</parameter>
370<parameter name="record_walkers" condition="int">1</parameter>
371<parameter name="recordconfigs" condition="int">0</parameter>
372<parameter name="recordwalkers" condition="int">1</parameter>
373<parameter name="rewind" condition="int">0</parameter>
374<parameter name="samples" condition="real">6.1440000000e+04</parameter>
375<parameter name="samplesperthread" condition="real">1.2000000000e+02</parameter>
376<parameter name="steps" condition="int">1</parameter>
377<parameter name="stepsbetweensamples" condition="int">1</parameter>
378<parameter name="store_configs" condition="int">0</parameter>
379<parameter name="storeconfigs" condition="int">0</parameter>
380<parameter name="sub_steps" condition="int">1</parameter>
381<parameter name="substeps" condition="int">1</parameter>
382<parameter name="tau" condition="au">3.0000000000e-01</parameter>
383<parameter name="time_step" condition="au">3.0000000000e-01</parameter>
384<parameter name="timestep" condition="au">3.0000000000e-01</parameter>
385<parameter name="use_drift" condition="string">no</parameter>
386<parameter name="usedrift" condition="string">no</parameter>
387<parameter name="walkers" condition="int">16</parameter>
388<parameter name="warmup_steps" condition="int">50</parameter>
389<parameter name="warmupsteps" condition="int">50</parameter>
390  DumpConfig==false Nothing (configurations, state) will be saved.
391  Walker Samples are dumped every 1 steps.
393  Adding a default LocalEnergyEstimator for the MainEstimator
394 Using QMCCostFunctionOMP::QMCCostFunctionOMP
395  Adding a default LocalEnergyEstimator for the MainEstimator
397<vmc stage="main" blocks="200">
398  CloneManager::makeClones makes 16 clones for W/Psi/H.
399  Cloning methods for both Psi and H are used
400  Initial partition of walkers 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
401  PbyP moves with |psi^2|, using VMCUpdatePbyP
403  Total Sample Size   =61440
404  Walker distribution on root = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
405  Anonymous Buffer size per walker 1301
406MEMORY increase 0 MB VMCSingleOMP::resetRun
408  SimpleFixedNodeBranch::finalize after a VMC block
409    QMC counter        = 0
410    time step          = 0.3
411    reference energy   = -31.6785
412    reference variance = 1.44527
414  Execution time = 6.5986457262e+00
416<opt stage="setup">
417  <log>
418   Reading configurations from h5FileRoot opt.s000
419  QMCCostFunctionOMP is created with 16
420   Loading configuration from MCWalkerConfiguration::SampleStack
421    number of walkers before load 16
422  Using Nonlocal PP in Opt: NonLocalECP
423    number of walkers after load: 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120
424Using buffers for temporary storage in QMCCostFunction.
426Memory usage:
427Linear method (approx matrix usage: 4*N^2): 1.8432000000e-02 MB
428Deriv,HDerivRecord:      1.1059200000e+00 MB
429Buffer memory cost:     MB/walker       MB/total
430Orbitals only:           5.9200000000e-04      1.1366400000e+00
431Orbitals + dervs:        1.3920000000e-03      2.6726400000e+00
432Inverse:                 0.0000000000e+00      0.0000000000e+00
433Determinants:            0.0000000000e+00      0.0000000000e+00
434  VMC Eavg = -3.1585532246e+01
435  VMC Evar = 2.3555581446e+00
436  Total weights = 6.1440000000e+04
437  Execution time = 3.5383799125e-01
438  </log>
440<opt stage="main" walkers="61440">
441  <log>
442Iteration: 1/1
443od_largest 0.0000000000e+00
444  stabilityBase -1.6000000000e+01
445  stabilizerScale 1.0000000000e+00
446  Using XS:-1.6000000000e+01 0 0
447  Good Step. Largest LM parameter change:4.9398769624e-01
448 OldCost: 2.3555581446e+00 NewCost: 1.0705267588e+00 Delta Cost:-1.2850313858e+00
449      Current ene:     -3.1846046736e+01
450      Current var:     9.0079417754e-01
451      Current ene_urw:     -3.1711541928e+01
452      Current var_urw: 1.0705267588e+00
453Setting new Parameters
454ERROR   Execution time = 8.3952339750e+00
455  </log>
456  <optVariables href="opt.s000.opt.xml">
457eO_0 -4.9398769624e-01 1 1  ON 0
458eO_1 -4.0643760813e-01 1 1  ON 1
459eO_2 -2.8548151602e-01 1 1  ON 2
460eO_3 -1.8097865326e-01 1 1  ON 3
461eO_4 -1.0873406835e-01 1 1  ON 4
462eO_5 -6.0787631048e-02 1 1  ON 5
463eO_6 -2.5989162528e-02 1 1  ON 6
464eO_7 -8.2944646161e-03 1 1  ON 7
465uu_0 2.6518035359e-01 1 1  ON 8
466uu_1 5.4977148651e-02 1 1  ON 9
467uu_2 3.2779248125e-02 1 1  ON 10
468uu_3 1.2423257281e-02 1 1  ON 11
469uu_4 9.5738876167e-03 1 1  ON 12
470uu_5 2.9207881517e-03 1 1  ON 13
471uu_6 9.6694759216e-03 1 1  ON 14
472uu_7 1.4204034903e-02 1 1  ON 15
473ud_0 2.2810669607e-01 1 1  ON 16
474ud_1 -2.1671577192e-02 1 1  ON 17
475ud_2 -3.6680562364e-02 1 1  ON 18
476ud_3 -5.9714463289e-02 1 1  ON 19
477ud_4 -5.7378956370e-02 1 1  ON 20
478ud_5 -6.6098220398e-02 1 1  ON 21
479ud_6 -4.9585164064e-02 1 1  ON 22
480ud_7 -8.7372605072e-02 1 1  ON 23
481  </optVariables>
482   Restore the number of walkers to 16, removing 104 walkers.
485  QMC Execution time = 8.4165220287e+00 secs
486  Reusing QMCFixedSampleLinearOptimize
487 Using QMCCostFunctionOMP::QMCCostFunctionOMP
490  Start QMCFixedSampleLinearOptimize
491  File Root opt.s001 append = no
493  Skip QMCDriver::putQMCInfo
494  Resetting Properties of the walkers 1 x 14
497  Start VMCSingleOMP
498  File Root opt.s001 append = no
500Using existing walkers
501  Resetting Properties of the walkers 1 x 14
503<vmc function="put">
504  qmc_counter=1  my_counter=1
505  time step      = 3.0000000000e-01
506  blocks         = 200
507  steps          = 1
508  substeps       = 1
509  current        = 0
510  target samples = 6.1440000000e+04
511  walkers/mpi    = 16
513  stepsbetweensamples = 1
514<parameter name="blocks" condition="int">200</parameter>
515<parameter name="check_properties" condition="int">100</parameter>
516<parameter name="checkproperties" condition="int">100</parameter>
517<parameter name="current" condition="int">0</parameter>
518<parameter name="dmcwalkersperthread" condition="real">1.2000000000e+02</parameter>
519<parameter name="maxcpusecs" condition="real">3.6000000000e+05</parameter>
520<parameter name="record_configs" condition="int">0</parameter>
521<parameter name="record_walkers" condition="int">1</parameter>
522<parameter name="recordconfigs" condition="int">0</parameter>
523<parameter name="recordwalkers" condition="int">1</parameter>
524<parameter name="rewind" condition="int">0</parameter>
525<parameter name="samples" condition="real">6.1440000000e+04</parameter>
526<parameter name="samplesperthread" condition="real">1.2000000000e+02</parameter>
527<parameter name="steps" condition="int">1</parameter>
528<parameter name="stepsbetweensamples" condition="int">1</parameter>
529<parameter name="store_configs" condition="int">0</parameter>
530<parameter name="storeconfigs" condition="int">0</parameter>
531<parameter name="sub_steps" condition="int">1</parameter>
532<parameter name="substeps" condition="int">1</parameter>
533<parameter name="tau" condition="au">3.0000000000e-01</parameter>
534<parameter name="time_step" condition="au">3.0000000000e-01</parameter>
535<parameter name="timestep" condition="au">3.0000000000e-01</parameter>
536<parameter name="use_drift" condition="string">no</parameter>
537<parameter name="usedrift" condition="string">no</parameter>
538<parameter name="walkers" condition="int">1</parameter>
539<parameter name="warmup_steps" condition="int">50</parameter>
540<parameter name="warmupsteps" condition="int">50</parameter>
541  DumpConfig==false Nothing (configurations, state) will be saved.
542  Walker Samples are dumped every 1 steps.
545<vmc stage="main" blocks="200">
546  Cannot make clones again. Use existing 16 clones
547  Initial partition of walkers 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
548  Total Sample Size   =61440
549  Walker distribution on root = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
551  SimpleFixedNodeBranch::finalize after a VMC block
552    QMC counter        = 1
553    time step          = 0.3
554    reference energy   = -31.7588
555    reference variance = 0.885496
557  Execution time = 6.5858117138e+00
559<opt stage="setup">
560  <log>
561   Reading configurations from h5FileRoot opt.s001
562  QMCCostFunctionOMP is created with 16
563   Loading configuration from MCWalkerConfiguration::SampleStack
564    number of walkers before load 16
565  Using Nonlocal PP in Opt: NonLocalECP
566    number of walkers after load: 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120
567Using buffers for temporary storage in QMCCostFunction.
569Memory usage:
570Linear method (approx matrix usage: 4*N^2): 1.8432000000e-02 MB
571Deriv,HDerivRecord:      1.1059200000e+00 MB
572Buffer memory cost:     MB/walker       MB/total
573Orbitals only:           5.9200000000e-04      1.1366400000e+00
574Orbitals + dervs:        1.3920000000e-03      2.6726400000e+00
575Inverse:                 0.0000000000e+00      0.0000000000e+00
576Determinants:            0.0000000000e+00      0.0000000000e+00
577  VMC Eavg = -3.1835027687e+01
578  VMC Evar = 9.1682591379e-01
579  Total weights = 6.1440000000e+04
580  Execution time = 3.4777277375e-01
581  </log>
583<opt stage="main" walkers="61440">
584  <log>
585Iteration: 1/1
586od_largest 0.0000000000e+00
587  stabilityBase -1.6000000000e+01
588  stabilizerScale 1.0000000000e+00
589  Using XS:-1.6000000000e+01 0 0
590  Good Step. Largest LM parameter change:3.0237255554e-01
591 OldCost: 9.1682591379e-01 NewCost: 7.9730331990e-01 Delta Cost:-1.1952259390e-01
592      Current ene:     -3.1890351973e+01
593      Current var:     7.5784242638e-01
594      Current ene_urw:     -3.1855007126e+01
595      Current var_urw: 7.9730331990e-01
596Setting new Parameters
597ERROR   Execution time = 8.3334020712e+00
598  </log>
599  <optVariables href="opt.s001.opt.xml">
600eO_0 -7.9636025178e-01 1 1  ON 0
601eO_1 -6.9413482196e-01 1 1  ON 1
602eO_2 -5.1742371631e-01 1 1  ON 2
603eO_3 -3.4155334588e-01 1 1  ON 3
604eO_4 -2.0463368785e-01 1 1  ON 4
605eO_5 -1.1677428239e-01 1 1  ON 5
606eO_6 -5.4135029203e-02 1 1  ON 6
607eO_7 -1.9379092382e-02 1 1  ON 7
608uu_0 2.8322924900e-01 1 1  ON 8
609uu_1 9.3760282845e-02 1 1  ON 9
610uu_2 1.2335784566e-02 1 1  ON 10
611uu_3 -5.8454533653e-03 1 1  ON 11
612uu_4 -2.4139409363e-02 1 1  ON 12
613uu_5 -2.1160697384e-02 1 1  ON 13
614uu_6 -2.6009633426e-02 1 1  ON 14
615uu_7 -1.6011237949e-02 1 1  ON 15
616ud_0 3.1961949822e-01 1 1  ON 16
617ud_1 5.2297871111e-02 1 1  ON 17
618ud_2 -2.6377664282e-02 1 1  ON 18
619ud_3 -4.6072137861e-02 1 1  ON 19
620ud_4 -6.0464190078e-02 1 1  ON 20
621ud_5 -5.6514934903e-02 1 1  ON 21
622ud_6 -5.9203375978e-02 1 1  ON 22
623ud_7 -5.6870160928e-02 1 1  ON 23
624  </optVariables>
625   Restore the number of walkers to 16, removing 104 walkers.
628  QMC Execution time = 8.3545113275e+00 secs
629  Reusing QMCFixedSampleLinearOptimize
630 Using QMCCostFunctionOMP::QMCCostFunctionOMP
633  Start QMCFixedSampleLinearOptimize
634  File Root opt.s002 append = no
636  Skip QMCDriver::putQMCInfo
637  Resetting Properties of the walkers 1 x 14
640  Start VMCSingleOMP
641  File Root opt.s002 append = no
643Using existing walkers
644  Resetting Properties of the walkers 1 x 14
646<vmc function="put">
647  qmc_counter=2  my_counter=2
648  time step      = 3.0000000000e-01
649  blocks         = 200
650  steps          = 1
651  substeps       = 1
652  current        = 0
653  target samples = 6.1440000000e+04
654  walkers/mpi    = 16
656  stepsbetweensamples = 1
657<parameter name="blocks" condition="int">200</parameter>
658<parameter name="check_properties" condition="int">100</parameter>
659<parameter name="checkproperties" condition="int">100</parameter>
660<parameter name="current" condition="int">0</parameter>
661<parameter name="dmcwalkersperthread" condition="real">1.2000000000e+02</parameter>
662<parameter name="maxcpusecs" condition="real">3.6000000000e+05</parameter>
663<parameter name="record_configs" condition="int">0</parameter>
664<parameter name="record_walkers" condition="int">1</parameter>
665<parameter name="recordconfigs" condition="int">0</parameter>
666<parameter name="recordwalkers" condition="int">1</parameter>
667<parameter name="rewind" condition="int">0</parameter>
668<parameter name="samples" condition="real">6.1440000000e+04</parameter>
669<parameter name="samplesperthread" condition="real">1.2000000000e+02</parameter>
670<parameter name="steps" condition="int">1</parameter>
671<parameter name="stepsbetweensamples" condition="int">1</parameter>
672<parameter name="store_configs" condition="int">0</parameter>
673<parameter name="storeconfigs" condition="int">0</parameter>
674<parameter name="sub_steps" condition="int">1</parameter>
675<parameter name="substeps" condition="int">1</parameter>
676<parameter name="tau" condition="au">3.0000000000e-01</parameter>
677<parameter name="time_step" condition="au">3.0000000000e-01</parameter>
678<parameter name="timestep" condition="au">3.0000000000e-01</parameter>
679<parameter name="use_drift" condition="string">no</parameter>
680<parameter name="usedrift" condition="string">no</parameter>
681<parameter name="walkers" condition="int">1</parameter>
682<parameter name="warmup_steps" condition="int">50</parameter>
683<parameter name="warmupsteps" condition="int">50</parameter>
684  DumpConfig==false Nothing (configurations, state) will be saved.
685  Walker Samples are dumped every 1 steps.
688<vmc stage="main" blocks="200">
689  Cannot make clones again. Use existing 16 clones
690  Initial partition of walkers 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
691  Total Sample Size   =61440
692  Walker distribution on root = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
694  SimpleFixedNodeBranch::finalize after a VMC block
695    QMC counter        = 2
696    time step          = 0.3
697    reference energy   = -31.8519
698    reference variance = 0.788554
700  Execution time = 6.5922744525e+00
702<opt stage="setup">
703  <log>
704   Reading configurations from h5FileRoot opt.s002
705  QMCCostFunctionOMP is created with 16
706   Loading configuration from MCWalkerConfiguration::SampleStack
707    number of walkers before load 16
708  Using Nonlocal PP in Opt: NonLocalECP
709    number of walkers after load: 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120
710Using buffers for temporary storage in QMCCostFunction.
712Memory usage:
713Linear method (approx matrix usage: 4*N^2): 1.8432000000e-02 MB
714Deriv,HDerivRecord:      1.1059200000e+00 MB
715Buffer memory cost:     MB/walker       MB/total
716Orbitals only:           5.9200000000e-04      1.1366400000e+00
717Orbitals + dervs:        1.3920000000e-03      2.6726400000e+00
718Inverse:                 0.0000000000e+00      0.0000000000e+00
719Determinants:            0.0000000000e+00      0.0000000000e+00
720  VMC Eavg = -3.1880354205e+01
721  VMC Evar = 7.1939273398e-01
722  Total weights = 6.1440000000e+04
723  Execution time = 3.5311755000e-01
724  </log>
726<opt stage="main" walkers="61440">
727  <log>
728Iteration: 1/1
729od_largest 0.0000000000e+00
730  stabilityBase -1.6000000000e+01
731  stabilizerScale 1.0000000000e+00
732  Using XS:-1.6000000000e+01 0 0
733  Good Step. Largest LM parameter change:1.0599885405e-02
734 OldCost: 7.1939273397e-01 NewCost: 7.1932649479e-01 Delta Cost:-6.6239183487e-05
735      Current ene:     -3.1879306461e+01
736      Current var:     7.2035893932e-01
737      Current ene_urw:     -3.1880375493e+01
738      Current var_urw: 7.1932649479e-01
739Setting new Parameters
740ERROR   Execution time = 8.3893681888e+00
741  </log>
742  <optVariables href="opt.s002.opt.xml">
743eO_0 -7.8576036637e-01 1 1  ON 0
744eO_1 -6.8433468106e-01 1 1  ON 1
745eO_2 -5.0914445424e-01 1 1  ON 2
746eO_3 -3.3536016010e-01 1 1  ON 3
747eO_4 -2.0044749187e-01 1 1  ON 4
748eO_5 -1.1443694701e-01 1 1  ON 5
749eO_6 -5.2875755385e-02 1 1  ON 6
750eO_7 -1.8909098711e-02 1 1  ON 7
751uu_0 2.8218590192e-01 1 1  ON 8
752uu_1 9.3890353459e-02 1 1  ON 9
753uu_2 1.3165172705e-02 1 1  ON 10
754uu_3 -4.0584926586e-03 1 1  ON 11
755uu_4 -2.2458072456e-02 1 1  ON 12
756uu_5 -1.8972778941e-02 1 1  ON 13
757uu_6 -2.4620263087e-02 1 1  ON 14
758uu_7 -1.3899034011e-02 1 1  ON 15
759ud_0 3.1770925876e-01 1 1  ON 16
760ud_1 5.1441205053e-02 1 1  ON 17
761ud_2 -2.5984296198e-02 1 1  ON 18
762ud_3 -4.4914779922e-02 1 1  ON 19
763ud_4 -5.9508713165e-02 1 1  ON 20
764ud_5 -5.5106826043e-02 1 1  ON 21
765ud_6 -5.8336043991e-02 1 1  ON 22
766ud_7 -5.5197708509e-02 1 1  ON 23
767  </optVariables>
768   Restore the number of walkers to 16, removing 104 walkers.
771  QMC Execution time = 8.4107839012e+00 secs
772  Reusing QMCFixedSampleLinearOptimize
773 Using QMCCostFunctionOMP::QMCCostFunctionOMP
776  Start QMCFixedSampleLinearOptimize
777  File Root opt.s003 append = no
779  Skip QMCDriver::putQMCInfo
780  Resetting Properties of the walkers 1 x 14
783  Start VMCSingleOMP
784  File Root opt.s003 append = no
786Using existing walkers
787  Resetting Properties of the walkers 1 x 14
789<vmc function="put">
790  qmc_counter=3  my_counter=3
791  time step      = 3.0000000000e-01
792  blocks         = 200
793  steps          = 1
794  substeps       = 1
795  current        = 0
796  target samples = 6.1440000000e+04
797  walkers/mpi    = 16
799  stepsbetweensamples = 1
800<parameter name="blocks" condition="int">200</parameter>
801<parameter name="check_properties" condition="int">100</parameter>
802<parameter name="checkproperties" condition="int">100</parameter>
803<parameter name="current" condition="int">0</parameter>
804<parameter name="dmcwalkersperthread" condition="real">1.2000000000e+02</parameter>
805<parameter name="maxcpusecs" condition="real">3.6000000000e+05</parameter>
806<parameter name="record_configs" condition="int">0</parameter>
807<parameter name="record_walkers" condition="int">1</parameter>
808<parameter name="recordconfigs" condition="int">0</parameter>
809<parameter name="recordwalkers" condition="int">1</parameter>
810<parameter name="rewind" condition="int">0</parameter>
811<parameter name="samples" condition="real">6.1440000000e+04</parameter>
812<parameter name="samplesperthread" condition="real">1.2000000000e+02</parameter>
813<parameter name="steps" condition="int">1</parameter>
814<parameter name="stepsbetweensamples" condition="int">1</parameter>
815<parameter name="store_configs" condition="int">0</parameter>
816<parameter name="storeconfigs" condition="int">0</parameter>
817<parameter name="sub_steps" condition="int">1</parameter>
818<parameter name="substeps" condition="int">1</parameter>
819<parameter name="tau" condition="au">3.0000000000e-01</parameter>
820<parameter name="time_step" condition="au">3.0000000000e-01</parameter>
821<parameter name="timestep" condition="au">3.0000000000e-01</parameter>
822<parameter name="use_drift" condition="string">no</parameter>
823<parameter name="usedrift" condition="string">no</parameter>
824<parameter name="walkers" condition="int">1</parameter>
825<parameter name="warmup_steps" condition="int">50</parameter>
826<parameter name="warmupsteps" condition="int">50</parameter>
827  DumpConfig==false Nothing (configurations, state) will be saved.
828  Walker Samples are dumped every 1 steps.
831<vmc stage="main" blocks="200">
832  Cannot make clones again. Use existing 16 clones
833  Initial partition of walkers 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
834  Total Sample Size   =61440
835  Walker distribution on root = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
837  SimpleFixedNodeBranch::finalize after a VMC block
838    QMC counter        = 3
839    time step          = 0.3
840    reference energy   = -31.8461
841    reference variance = 0.817479
843  Execution time = 6.5926522212e+00
845<opt stage="setup">
846  <log>
847   Reading configurations from h5FileRoot opt.s003
848  QMCCostFunctionOMP is created with 16
849   Loading configuration from MCWalkerConfiguration::SampleStack
850    number of walkers before load 16
851  Using Nonlocal PP in Opt: NonLocalECP
852    number of walkers after load: 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120
853Using buffers for temporary storage in QMCCostFunction.
855Memory usage:
856Linear method (approx matrix usage: 4*N^2): 1.8432000000e-02 MB
857Deriv,HDerivRecord:      1.1059200000e+00 MB
858Buffer memory cost:     MB/walker       MB/total
859Orbitals only:           5.9200000000e-04      1.1366400000e+00
860Orbitals + dervs:        1.3920000000e-03      2.6726400000e+00
861Inverse:                 0.0000000000e+00      0.0000000000e+00
862Determinants:            0.0000000000e+00      0.0000000000e+00
863  VMC Eavg = -3.1896540386e+01
864  VMC Evar = 7.2273843035e-01
865  Total weights = 6.1440000000e+04
866  Execution time = 3.5818716750e-01
867  </log>
869<opt stage="main" walkers="61440">
870  <log>
871Iteration: 1/1
872od_largest 0.0000000000e+00
873  stabilityBase -1.6000000000e+01
874  stabilizerScale 1.0000000000e+00
875  Using XS:-1.6000000000e+01 0 0
876  Good Step. Largest LM parameter change:1.3731071727e-03
877 OldCost: 7.2273843035e-01 NewCost: 7.2273742300e-01 Delta Cost:-1.0073520950e-06
878      Current ene:     -3.1896423472e+01
879      Current var:     7.2286042836e-01
880      Current ene_urw:     -3.1896554366e+01
881      Current var_urw: 7.2273742300e-01
882Setting new Parameters
883ERROR   Execution time = 8.4115520625e+00
884  </log>
885  <optVariables href="opt.s003.opt.xml">
886eO_0 -7.8438725920e-01 1 1  ON 0
887eO_1 -6.8309440312e-01 1 1  ON 1
888eO_2 -5.0808018514e-01 1 1  ON 2
889eO_3 -3.3455036761e-01 1 1  ON 3
890eO_4 -1.9989718771e-01 1 1  ON 4
891eO_5 -1.1411528063e-01 1 1  ON 5
892eO_6 -5.2713925464e-02 1 1  ON 6
893eO_7 -1.8835856797e-02 1 1  ON 7
894uu_0 2.8196604217e-01 1 1  ON 8
895uu_1 9.3785552578e-02 1 1  ON 9
896uu_2 1.3158045982e-02 1 1  ON 10
897uu_3 -3.9420598262e-03 1 1  ON 11
898uu_4 -2.2363196433e-02 1 1  ON 12
899uu_5 -1.8819360034e-02 1 1  ON 13
900uu_6 -2.4535870999e-02 1 1  ON 14
901uu_7 -1.3742131141e-02 1 1  ON 15
902ud_0 3.1752218760e-01 1 1  ON 16
903ud_1 5.1389022990e-02 1 1  ON 17
904ud_2 -2.5884851557e-02 1 1  ON 18
905ud_3 -4.4720970125e-02 1 1  ON 19
906ud_4 -5.9314052973e-02 1 1  ON 20
907ud_5 -5.4879037197e-02 1 1  ON 21
908ud_6 -5.8174367605e-02 1 1  ON 22
909ud_7 -5.4945980520e-02 1 1  ON 23
910  </optVariables>
911   Restore the number of walkers to 16, removing 104 walkers.
914  QMC Execution time = 8.4327608338e+00 secs
915  Reusing QMCFixedSampleLinearOptimize
916 Using QMCCostFunctionOMP::QMCCostFunctionOMP
919  Start QMCFixedSampleLinearOptimize
920  File Root opt.s004 append = no
922  Skip QMCDriver::putQMCInfo
923  Resetting Properties of the walkers 1 x 14
926  Start VMCSingleOMP
927  File Root opt.s004 append = no
929Using existing walkers
930  Resetting Properties of the walkers 1 x 14
932<vmc function="put">
933  qmc_counter=4  my_counter=4
934  time step      = 3.0000000000e-01
935  blocks         = 200
936  steps          = 1
937  substeps       = 1
938  current        = 0
939  target samples = 6.1440000000e+04
940  walkers/mpi    = 16
942  stepsbetweensamples = 1
943<parameter name="blocks" condition="int">200</parameter>
944<parameter name="check_properties" condition="int">100</parameter>
945<parameter name="checkproperties" condition="int">100</parameter>
946<parameter name="current" condition="int">0</parameter>
947<parameter name="dmcwalkersperthread" condition="real">1.2000000000e+02</parameter>
948<parameter name="maxcpusecs" condition="real">3.6000000000e+05</parameter>
949<parameter name="record_configs" condition="int">0</parameter>
950<parameter name="record_walkers" condition="int">1</parameter>
951<parameter name="recordconfigs" condition="int">0</parameter>
952<parameter name="recordwalkers" condition="int">1</parameter>
953<parameter name="rewind" condition="int">0</parameter>
954<parameter name="samples" condition="real">6.1440000000e+04</parameter>
955<parameter name="samplesperthread" condition="real">1.2000000000e+02</parameter>
956<parameter name="steps" condition="int">1</parameter>
957<parameter name="stepsbetweensamples" condition="int">1</parameter>
958<parameter name="store_configs" condition="int">0</parameter>
959<parameter name="storeconfigs" condition="int">0</parameter>
960<parameter name="sub_steps" condition="int">1</parameter>
961<parameter name="substeps" condition="int">1</parameter>
962<parameter name="tau" condition="au">3.0000000000e-01</parameter>
963<parameter name="time_step" condition="au">3.0000000000e-01</parameter>
964<parameter name="timestep" condition="au">3.0000000000e-01</parameter>
965<parameter name="use_drift" condition="string">no</parameter>
966<parameter name="usedrift" condition="string">no</parameter>
967<parameter name="walkers" condition="int">1</parameter>
968<parameter name="warmup_steps" condition="int">50</parameter>
969<parameter name="warmupsteps" condition="int">50</parameter>
970  DumpConfig==false Nothing (configurations, state) will be saved.
971  Walker Samples are dumped every 1 steps.
974<vmc stage="main" blocks="200">
975  Cannot make clones again. Use existing 16 clones
976  Initial partition of walkers 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
977  Total Sample Size   =61440
978  Walker distribution on root = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
980  SimpleFixedNodeBranch::finalize after a VMC block
981    QMC counter        = 4
982    time step          = 0.3
983    reference energy   = -31.9057
984    reference variance = 0.805537
986  Execution time = 6.5959880762e+00
988<opt stage="setup">
989  <log>
990   Reading configurations from h5FileRoot opt.s004
991  QMCCostFunctionOMP is created with 16
992   Loading configuration from MCWalkerConfiguration::SampleStack
993    number of walkers before load 16
994  Using Nonlocal PP in Opt: NonLocalECP
995    number of walkers after load: 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120
996Using buffers for temporary storage in QMCCostFunction.
998Memory usage:
999Linear method (approx matrix usage: 4*N^2): 1.8432000000e-02 MB
1000Deriv,HDerivRecord:      1.1059200000e+00 MB
1001Buffer memory cost:     MB/walker       MB/total
1002Orbitals only:           5.9200000000e-04      1.1366400000e+00
1003Orbitals + dervs:        1.3920000000e-03      2.6726400000e+00
1004Inverse:                 0.0000000000e+00      0.0000000000e+00
1005Determinants:            0.0000000000e+00      0.0000000000e+00
1006  VMC Eavg = -3.1886643367e+01
1007  VMC Evar = 7.9335858708e-01
1008  Total weights = 6.1440000000e+04
1009  Execution time = 3.4783918000e-01
1010  </log>
1012<opt stage="main" walkers="61440">
1013  <log>
1014Iteration: 1/1
1015od_largest 0.0000000000e+00
1016  stabilityBase -1.6000000000e+01
1017  stabilizerScale 1.0000000000e+00
1018  Using XS:-1.6000000000e+01 0 0
1019  Good Step. Largest LM parameter change:1.3202591927e-02
1020 OldCost: 7.9335858708e-01 NewCost: 7.9325202985e-01 Delta Cost:-1.0655723196e-04
1021      Current ene:     -3.1885127280e+01
1022      Current var:     7.9470094017e-01
1023      Current ene_urw:     -3.1886554870e+01
1024      Current var_urw: 7.9325202985e-01
1025Setting new Parameters
1026ERROR   Execution time = 8.3798137763e+00
1027  </log>
1028  <optVariables href="opt.s004.opt.xml">
1029eO_0 -7.7118466727e-01 1 1  ON 0
1030eO_1 -6.7107472641e-01 1 1  ON 1
1031eO_2 -4.9778454747e-01 1 1  ON 2
1032eO_3 -3.2686875905e-01 1 1  ON 3
1033eO_4 -1.9473893413e-01 1 1  ON 4
1034eO_5 -1.1117607017e-01 1 1  ON 5
1035eO_6 -5.1293357854e-02 1 1  ON 6
1036eO_7 -1.8205176039e-02 1 1  ON 7
1037uu_0 2.7943956172e-01 1 1  ON 8
1038uu_1 9.2610377306e-02 1 1  ON 9
1039uu_2 1.2925537956e-02 1 1  ON 10
1040uu_3 -3.0300122595e-03 1 1  ON 11
1041uu_4 -2.1616532810e-02 1 1  ON 12
1042uu_5 -1.7444914942e-02 1 1  ON 13
1043uu_6 -2.4111006811e-02 1 1  ON 14
1044uu_7 -1.3441425036e-02 1 1  ON 15
1045ud_0 3.1412531175e-01 1 1  ON 16
1046ud_1 4.9331116462e-02 1 1  ON 17
1047ud_2 -2.6416153264e-02 1 1  ON 18
1048ud_3 -4.4296302570e-02 1 1  ON 19
1049ud_4 -5.9070803092e-02 1 1  ON 20
1050ud_5 -5.3866132335e-02 1 1  ON 21
1051ud_6 -5.8437864988e-02 1 1  ON 22
1052ud_7 -5.3288317066e-02 1 1  ON 23
1053  </optVariables>
1054   Restore the number of walkers to 16, removing 104 walkers.
1057  QMC Execution time = 8.4008429925e+00 secs
1058  Reusing QMCFixedSampleLinearOptimize
1059 Using QMCCostFunctionOMP::QMCCostFunctionOMP
1062  Start QMCFixedSampleLinearOptimize
1063  File Root opt.s005 append = no
1065  Skip QMCDriver::putQMCInfo
1066  Resetting Properties of the walkers 1 x 14
1069  Start VMCSingleOMP
1070  File Root opt.s005 append = no
1072Using existing walkers
1073  Resetting Properties of the walkers 1 x 14
1075<vmc function="put">
1076  qmc_counter=5  my_counter=5
1077  time step      = 3.0000000000e-01
1078  blocks         = 200
1079  steps          = 1
1080  substeps       = 1
1081  current        = 0
1082  target samples = 6.1440000000e+04
1083  walkers/mpi    = 16
1085  stepsbetweensamples = 1
1086<parameter name="blocks" condition="int">200</parameter>
1087<parameter name="check_properties" condition="int">100</parameter>
1088<parameter name="checkproperties" condition="int">100</parameter>
1089<parameter name="current" condition="int">0</parameter>
1090<parameter name="dmcwalkersperthread" condition="real">1.2000000000e+02</parameter>
1091<parameter name="maxcpusecs" condition="real">3.6000000000e+05</parameter>
1092<parameter name="record_configs" condition="int">0</parameter>
1093<parameter name="record_walkers" condition="int">1</parameter>
1094<parameter name="recordconfigs" condition="int">0</parameter>
1095<parameter name="recordwalkers" condition="int">1</parameter>
1096<parameter name="rewind" condition="int">0</parameter>
1097<parameter name="samples" condition="real">6.1440000000e+04</parameter>
1098<parameter name="samplesperthread" condition="real">1.2000000000e+02</parameter>
1099<parameter name="steps" condition="int">1</parameter>
1100<parameter name="stepsbetweensamples" condition="int">1</parameter>
1101<parameter name="store_configs" condition="int">0</parameter>
1102<parameter name="storeconfigs" condition="int">0</parameter>
1103<parameter name="sub_steps" condition="int">1</parameter>
1104<parameter name="substeps" condition="int">1</parameter>
1105<parameter name="tau" condition="au">3.0000000000e-01</parameter>
1106<parameter name="time_step" condition="au">3.0000000000e-01</parameter>
1107<parameter name="timestep" condition="au">3.0000000000e-01</parameter>
1108<parameter name="use_drift" condition="string">no</parameter>
1109<parameter name="usedrift" condition="string">no</parameter>
1110<parameter name="walkers" condition="int">1</parameter>
1111<parameter name="warmup_steps" condition="int">50</parameter>
1112<parameter name="warmupsteps" condition="int">50</parameter>
1113  DumpConfig==false Nothing (configurations, state) will be saved.
1114  Walker Samples are dumped every 1 steps.
1117<vmc stage="main" blocks="200">
1118  Cannot make clones again. Use existing 16 clones
1119  Initial partition of walkers 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1120  Total Sample Size   =61440
1121  Walker distribution on root = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1123  SimpleFixedNodeBranch::finalize after a VMC block
1124    QMC counter        = 5
1125    time step          = 0.3
1126    reference energy   = -31.9939
1127    reference variance = 0.891359
1129  Execution time = 6.5923636788e+00
1131<opt stage="setup">
1132  <log>
1133   Reading configurations from h5FileRoot opt.s005
1134  QMCCostFunctionOMP is created with 16
1135   Loading configuration from MCWalkerConfiguration::SampleStack
1136    number of walkers before load 16
1137  Using Nonlocal PP in Opt: NonLocalECP
1138    number of walkers after load: 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120
1139Using buffers for temporary storage in QMCCostFunction.
1141Memory usage:
1142Linear method (approx matrix usage: 4*N^2): 1.8432000000e-02 MB
1143Deriv,HDerivRecord:      1.1059200000e+00 MB
1144Buffer memory cost:     MB/walker       MB/total
1145Orbitals only:           5.9200000000e-04      1.1366400000e+00
1146Orbitals + dervs:        1.3920000000e-03      2.6726400000e+00
1147Inverse:                 0.0000000000e+00      0.0000000000e+00
1148Determinants:            0.0000000000e+00      0.0000000000e+00
1149  VMC Eavg = -3.1907153803e+01
1150  VMC Evar = 7.4872651271e-01
1151  Total weights = 6.1440000000e+04
1152  Execution time = 3.5177615875e-01
1153  </log>
1155<opt stage="main" walkers="61440">
1156  <log>
1157Iteration: 1/1
1158od_largest 0.0000000000e+00
1159  stabilityBase -1.6000000000e+01
1160  stabilizerScale 1.0000000000e+00
1161  Using XS:-1.6000000000e+01 0 0
1162  Good Step. Largest LM parameter change:2.8024827054e-02
1163 OldCost: 7.4872651271e-01 NewCost: 7.4824509214e-01 Delta Cost:-4.8142056938e-04
1164      Current ene:     -3.1909446673e+01
1165      Current var:     7.4586977182e-01
1166      Current ene_urw:     -3.1906987652e+01
1167      Current var_urw: 7.4824509214e-01
1168Setting new Parameters
1169ERROR   Execution time = 8.3894747175e+00
1170  </log>
1171  <optVariables href="opt.s005.opt.xml">
1172eO_0 -7.9920949432e-01 1 1  ON 0
1173eO_1 -6.9598690508e-01 1 1  ON 1
1174eO_2 -5.1908933874e-01 1 1  ON 2
1175eO_3 -3.4286591502e-01 1 1  ON 3
1176eO_4 -2.0564062119e-01 1 1  ON 4
1177eO_5 -1.1673453458e-01 1 1  ON 5
1178eO_6 -5.4185068157e-02 1 1  ON 6
1179eO_7 -1.8692309536e-02 1 1  ON 7
1180uu_0 2.8628102792e-01 1 1  ON 8
1181uu_1 9.6443181119e-02 1 1  ON 9
1182uu_2 1.5294096752e-02 1 1  ON 10
1183uu_3 -3.4221175396e-03 1 1  ON 11
1184uu_4 -2.1632984765e-02 1 1  ON 12
1185uu_5 -1.8424443716e-02 1 1  ON 13
1186uu_6 -2.3517269816e-02 1 1  ON 14
1187uu_7 -1.7618480713e-02 1 1  ON 15
1188ud_0 3.2139325910e-01 1 1  ON 16
1189ud_1 5.4472892157e-02 1 1  ON 17
1190ud_2 -2.4834141859e-02 1 1  ON 18
1191ud_3 -4.4627619592e-02 1 1  ON 19
1192ud_4 -5.9306244580e-02 1 1  ON 20
1193ud_5 -5.4641576700e-02 1 1  ON 21
1194ud_6 -5.8165495586e-02 1 1  ON 22
1195ud_7 -5.3676081240e-02 1 1  ON 23
1196  </optVariables>
1197   Restore the number of walkers to 16, removing 104 walkers.
1200  QMC Execution time = 8.4110194287e+00 secs
1201  Reusing QMCFixedSampleLinearOptimize
1202 Using QMCCostFunctionOMP::QMCCostFunctionOMP
1205  Start QMCFixedSampleLinearOptimize
1206  File Root opt.s006 append = no
1208  Skip QMCDriver::putQMCInfo
1209  Resetting Properties of the walkers 1 x 14
1212  Start VMCSingleOMP
1213  File Root opt.s006 append = no
1215Using existing walkers
1216  Resetting Properties of the walkers 1 x 14
1218<vmc function="put">
1219  qmc_counter=6  my_counter=6
1220  time step      = 3.0000000000e-01
1221  blocks         = 200
1222  steps          = 1
1223  substeps       = 1
1224  current        = 0
1225  target samples = 6.1440000000e+04
1226  walkers/mpi    = 16
1228  stepsbetweensamples = 1
1229<parameter name="blocks" condition="int">200</parameter>
1230<parameter name="check_properties" condition="int">100</parameter>
1231<parameter name="checkproperties" condition="int">100</parameter>
1232<parameter name="current" condition="int">0</parameter>
1233<parameter name="dmcwalkersperthread" condition="real">1.2000000000e+02</parameter>
1234<parameter name="maxcpusecs" condition="real">3.6000000000e+05</parameter>
1235<parameter name="record_configs" condition="int">0</parameter>
1236<parameter name="record_walkers" condition="int">1</parameter>
1237<parameter name="recordconfigs" condition="int">0</parameter>
1238<parameter name="recordwalkers" condition="int">1</parameter>
1239<parameter name="rewind" condition="int">0</parameter>
1240<parameter name="samples" condition="real">6.1440000000e+04</parameter>
1241<parameter name="samplesperthread" condition="real">1.2000000000e+02</parameter>
1242<parameter name="steps" condition="int">1</parameter>
1243<parameter name="stepsbetweensamples" condition="int">1</parameter>
1244<parameter name="store_configs" condition="int">0</parameter>
1245<parameter name="storeconfigs" condition="int">0</parameter>
1246<parameter name="sub_steps" condition="int">1</parameter>
1247<parameter name="substeps" condition="int">1</parameter>
1248<parameter name="tau" condition="au">3.0000000000e-01</parameter>
1249<parameter name="time_step" condition="au">3.0000000000e-01</parameter>
1250<parameter name="timestep" condition="au">3.0000000000e-01</parameter>
1251<parameter name="use_drift" condition="string">no</parameter>
1252<parameter name="usedrift" condition="string">no</parameter>
1253<parameter name="walkers" condition="int">1</parameter>
1254<parameter name="warmup_steps" condition="int">50</parameter>
1255<parameter name="warmupsteps" condition="int">50</parameter>
1256  DumpConfig==false Nothing (configurations, state) will be saved.
1257  Walker Samples are dumped every 1 steps.
1260<vmc stage="main" blocks="200">
1261  Cannot make clones again. Use existing 16 clones
1262  Initial partition of walkers 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1263  Total Sample Size   =61440
1264  Walker distribution on root = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1266  SimpleFixedNodeBranch::finalize after a VMC block
1267    QMC counter        = 6
1268    time step          = 0.3
1269    reference energy   = -31.8964
1270    reference variance = 0.826674
1272  Execution time = 6.6033798238e+00
1274<opt stage="setup">
1275  <log>
1276   Reading configurations from h5FileRoot opt.s006
1277  QMCCostFunctionOMP is created with 16
1278   Loading configuration from MCWalkerConfiguration::SampleStack
1279    number of walkers before load 16
1280  Using Nonlocal PP in Opt: NonLocalECP
1281    number of walkers after load: 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120
1282Using buffers for temporary storage in QMCCostFunction.
1284Memory usage:
1285Linear method (approx matrix usage: 4*N^2): 1.8432000000e-02 MB
1286Deriv,HDerivRecord:      1.1059200000e+00 MB
1287Buffer memory cost:     MB/walker       MB/total
1288Orbitals only:           5.9200000000e-04      1.1366400000e+00
1289Orbitals + dervs:        1.3920000000e-03      2.6726400000e+00
1290Inverse:                 0.0000000000e+00      0.0000000000e+00
1291Determinants:            0.0000000000e+00      0.0000000000e+00
1292  VMC Eavg = -3.1894816126e+01
1293  VMC Evar = 7.2913252704e-01
1294  Total weights = 6.1440000000e+04
1295  Execution time = 3.4906185750e-01
1296  </log>
1298<opt stage="main" walkers="61440">
1299  <log>
1300Iteration: 1/1
1301od_largest 0.0000000000e+00
1302  stabilityBase -1.6000000000e+01
1303  stabilizerScale 1.0000000000e+00
1304  Using XS:-1.6000000000e+01 0 0
1305  Good Step. Largest LM parameter change:2.9799606740e-02
1306 OldCost: 7.2913252704e-01 NewCost: 7.2865849478e-01 Delta Cost:-4.7403226601e-04
1307      Current ene:     -3.1897478922e+01
1308      Current var:     7.2627253393e-01
1309      Current ene_urw:     -3.1894851559e+01
1310      Current var_urw: 7.2865849478e-01
1311Setting new Parameters
1312ERROR   Execution time = 8.3813280575e+00
1313  </log>
1314  <optVariables href="opt.s006.opt.xml">
1315eO_0 -8.2900910106e-01 1 1  ON 0
1316eO_1 -7.2300856395e-01 1 1  ON 1
1317eO_2 -5.4207869611e-01 1 1  ON 2
1318eO_3 -3.6012112524e-01 1 1  ON 3
1319eO_4 -2.1704585419e-01 1 1  ON 4
1320eO_5 -1.2313452288e-01 1 1  ON 5
1321eO_6 -5.6928870312e-02 1 1  ON 6
1322eO_7 -1.9371201503e-02 1 1  ON 7
1323uu_0 2.9037559962e-01 1 1  ON 8
1324uu_1 9.7461612823e-02 1 1  ON 9
1325uu_2 1.4276056610e-02 1 1  ON 10
1326uu_3 -7.0453429492e-03 1 1  ON 11
1327uu_4 -2.5200108525e-02 1 1  ON 12
1328uu_5 -2.2713572615e-02 1 1  ON 13
1329uu_6 -2.6147135381e-02 1 1  ON 14
1330uu_7 -2.3430002024e-02 1 1  ON 15
1331ud_0 3.3082793117e-01 1 1  ON 16
1332ud_1 6.1428220145e-02 1 1  ON 17
1333ud_2 -2.1255300346e-02 1 1  ON 18
1334ud_3 -4.3383711921e-02 1 1  ON 19
1335ud_4 -5.7931945832e-02 1 1  ON 20
1336ud_5 -5.4152184835e-02 1 1  ON 21
1337ud_6 -5.6164935951e-02 1 1  ON 22
1338ud_7 -5.2689862958e-02 1 1  ON 23
1339  </optVariables>
1340   Restore the number of walkers to 16, removing 104 walkers.
1343  QMC Execution time = 8.4083831488e+00 secs
1344  Reusing QMCFixedSampleLinearOptimize
1345 Using QMCCostFunctionOMP::QMCCostFunctionOMP
1348  Start QMCFixedSampleLinearOptimize
1349  File Root opt.s007 append = no
1351  Skip QMCDriver::putQMCInfo
1352  Resetting Properties of the walkers 1 x 14
1355  Start VMCSingleOMP
1356  File Root opt.s007 append = no
1358Using existing walkers
1359  Resetting Properties of the walkers 1 x 14
1361<vmc function="put">
1362  qmc_counter=7  my_counter=7
1363  time step      = 3.0000000000e-01
1364  blocks         = 200
1365  steps          = 1
1366  substeps       = 1
1367  current        = 0
1368  target samples = 6.1440000000e+04
1369  walkers/mpi    = 16
1371  stepsbetweensamples = 1
1372<parameter name="blocks" condition="int">200</parameter>
1373<parameter name="check_properties" condition="int">100</parameter>
1374<parameter name="checkproperties" condition="int">100</parameter>
1375<parameter name="current" condition="int">0</parameter>
1376<parameter name="dmcwalkersperthread" condition="real">1.2000000000e+02</parameter>
1377<parameter name="maxcpusecs" condition="real">3.6000000000e+05</parameter>
1378<parameter name="record_configs" condition="int">0</parameter>
1379<parameter name="record_walkers" condition="int">1</parameter>
1380<parameter name="recordconfigs" condition="int">0</parameter>
1381<parameter name="recordwalkers" condition="int">1</parameter>
1382<parameter name="rewind" condition="int">0</parameter>
1383<parameter name="samples" condition="real">6.1440000000e+04</parameter>
1384<parameter name="samplesperthread" condition="real">1.2000000000e+02</parameter>
1385<parameter name="steps" condition="int">1</parameter>
1386<parameter name="stepsbetweensamples" condition="int">1</parameter>
1387<parameter name="store_configs" condition="int">0</parameter>
1388<parameter name="storeconfigs" condition="int">0</parameter>
1389<parameter name="sub_steps" condition="int">1</parameter>
1390<parameter name="substeps" condition="int">1</parameter>
1391<parameter name="tau" condition="au">3.0000000000e-01</parameter>
1392<parameter name="time_step" condition="au">3.0000000000e-01</parameter>
1393<parameter name="timestep" condition="au">3.0000000000e-01</parameter>
1394<parameter name="use_drift" condition="string">no</parameter>
1395<parameter name="usedrift" condition="string">no</parameter>
1396<parameter name="walkers" condition="int">1</parameter>
1397<parameter name="warmup_steps" condition="int">50</parameter>
1398<parameter name="warmupsteps" condition="int">50</parameter>
1399  DumpConfig==false Nothing (configurations, state) will be saved.
1400  Walker Samples are dumped every 1 steps.
1403<vmc stage="main" blocks="200">
1404  Cannot make clones again. Use existing 16 clones
1405  Initial partition of walkers 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1406  Total Sample Size   =61440
1407  Walker distribution on root = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1409  SimpleFixedNodeBranch::finalize after a VMC block
1410    QMC counter        = 7
1411    time step          = 0.3
1412    reference energy   = -31.8934
1413    reference variance = 0.850528
1415  Execution time = 6.6065301875e+00
1417<opt stage="setup">
1418  <log>
1419   Reading configurations from h5FileRoot opt.s007
1420  QMCCostFunctionOMP is created with 16
1421   Loading configuration from MCWalkerConfiguration::SampleStack
1422    number of walkers before load 16
1423  Using Nonlocal PP in Opt: NonLocalECP
1424    number of walkers after load: 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120
1425Using buffers for temporary storage in QMCCostFunction.
1427Memory usage:
1428Linear method (approx matrix usage: 4*N^2): 1.8432000000e-02 MB
1429Deriv,HDerivRecord:      1.1059200000e+00 MB
1430Buffer memory cost:     MB/walker       MB/total
1431Orbitals only:           5.9200000000e-04      1.1366400000e+00
1432Orbitals + dervs:        1.3920000000e-03      2.6726400000e+00
1433Inverse:                 0.0000000000e+00      0.0000000000e+00
1434Determinants:            0.0000000000e+00      0.0000000000e+00
1435  VMC Eavg = -3.1894774888e+01
1436  VMC Evar = 7.2002421043e-01
1437  Total weights = 6.1440000000e+04
1438  Execution time = 3.4876662750e-01
1439  </log>
1441<opt stage="main" walkers="61440">
1442  <log>
1443Iteration: 1/1
1444od_largest 0.0000000000e+00
1445  stabilityBase -1.6000000000e+01
1446  stabilizerScale 1.0000000000e+00
1447  Using XS:-1.6000000000e+01 0 0
1448  Good Step. Largest LM parameter change:4.5936964024e-02
1449 OldCost: 7.2002421043e-01 NewCost: 7.1892139660e-01 Delta Cost:-1.1028138369e-03
1450      Current ene:     -3.1891228954e+01
1451      Current var:     7.2423750278e-01
1452      Current ene_urw:     -3.1895662508e+01
1453      Current var_urw: 7.1892139660e-01
1454Setting new Parameters
1455ERROR   Execution time = 8.3899919225e+00
1456  </log>
1457  <optVariables href="opt.s007.opt.xml">
1458eO_0 -7.8307213704e-01 1 1  ON 0
1459eO_1 -6.8050345360e-01 1 1  ON 1
1460eO_2 -5.0600776151e-01 1 1  ON 2
1461eO_3 -3.3261950177e-01 1 1  ON 3
1462eO_4 -1.9844944654e-01 1 1  ON 4
1463eO_5 -1.1215203737e-01 1 1  ON 5
1464eO_6 -5.1643519368e-02 1 1  ON 6
1465eO_7 -1.7618651983e-02 1 1  ON 7
1466uu_0 2.9640295177e-01 1 1  ON 8
1467uu_1 1.0794138884e-01 1 1  ON 9
1468uu_2 2.7617476736e-02 1 1  ON 10
1469uu_3 1.0409447064e-02 1 1  ON 11
1470uu_4 -8.0553438403e-03 1 1  ON 12
1471uu_5 -3.7011714613e-03 1 1  ON 13
1472uu_6 -1.1765323411e-02 1 1  ON 14
1473uu_7 -1.8452243505e-03 1 1  ON 15
1474ud_0 3.1657010043e-01 1 1  ON 16
1475ud_1 5.1252502016e-02 1 1  ON 17
1476ud_2 -2.5755383742e-02 1 1  ON 18
1477ud_3 -4.5110059431e-02 1 1  ON 19
1478ud_4 -5.8602396371e-02 1 1  ON 20
1479ud_5 -5.5256908001e-02 1 1  ON 21
1480ud_6 -5.7123945431e-02 1 1  ON 22
1481ud_7 -5.6364620346e-02 1 1  ON 23
1482  </optVariables>
1483   Restore the number of walkers to 16, removing 104 walkers.
1486  QMC Execution time = 8.4112474100e+00 secs
1487  Reusing QMCFixedSampleLinearOptimize
1488 Using QMCCostFunctionOMP::QMCCostFunctionOMP
1491  Start QMCFixedSampleLinearOptimize
1492  File Root opt.s008 append = no
1494  Skip QMCDriver::putQMCInfo
1495  Resetting Properties of the walkers 1 x 14
1498  Start VMCSingleOMP
1499  File Root opt.s008 append = no
1501Using existing walkers
1502  Resetting Properties of the walkers 1 x 14
1504<vmc function="put">
1505  qmc_counter=8  my_counter=8
1506  time step      = 3.0000000000e-01
1507  blocks         = 200
1508  steps          = 1
1509  substeps       = 1
1510  current        = 0
1511  target samples = 6.1440000000e+04
1512  walkers/mpi    = 16
1514  stepsbetweensamples = 1
1515<parameter name="blocks" condition="int">200</parameter>
1516<parameter name="check_properties" condition="int">100</parameter>
1517<parameter name="checkproperties" condition="int">100</parameter>
1518<parameter name="current" condition="int">0</parameter>
1519<parameter name="dmcwalkersperthread" condition="real">1.2000000000e+02</parameter>
1520<parameter name="maxcpusecs" condition="real">3.6000000000e+05</parameter>
1521<parameter name="record_configs" condition="int">0</parameter>
1522<parameter name="record_walkers" condition="int">1</parameter>
1523<parameter name="recordconfigs" condition="int">0</parameter>
1524<parameter name="recordwalkers" condition="int">1</parameter>
1525<parameter name="rewind" condition="int">0</parameter>
1526<parameter name="samples" condition="real">6.1440000000e+04</parameter>
1527<parameter name="samplesperthread" condition="real">1.2000000000e+02</parameter>
1528<parameter name="steps" condition="int">1</parameter>
1529<parameter name="stepsbetweensamples" condition="int">1</parameter>
1530<parameter name="store_configs" condition="int">0</parameter>
1531<parameter name="storeconfigs" condition="int">0</parameter>
1532<parameter name="sub_steps" condition="int">1</parameter>
1533<parameter name="substeps" condition="int">1</parameter>
1534<parameter name="tau" condition="au">3.0000000000e-01</parameter>
1535<parameter name="time_step" condition="au">3.0000000000e-01</parameter>
1536<parameter name="timestep" condition="au">3.0000000000e-01</parameter>
1537<parameter name="use_drift" condition="string">no</parameter>
1538<parameter name="usedrift" condition="string">no</parameter>
1539<parameter name="walkers" condition="int">1</parameter>
1540<parameter name="warmup_steps" condition="int">50</parameter>
1541<parameter name="warmupsteps" condition="int">50</parameter>
1542  DumpConfig==false Nothing (configurations, state) will be saved.
1543  Walker Samples are dumped every 1 steps.
1546<vmc stage="main" blocks="200">
1547  Cannot make clones again. Use existing 16 clones
1548  Initial partition of walkers 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1549  Total Sample Size   =61440
1550  Walker distribution on root = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1552  SimpleFixedNodeBranch::finalize after a VMC block
1553    QMC counter        = 8
1554    time step          = 0.3
1555    reference energy   = -31.8572
1556    reference variance = 0.767692
1558  Execution time = 6.6124157700e+00
1560<opt stage="setup">
1561  <log>
1562   Reading configurations from h5FileRoot opt.s008
1563  QMCCostFunctionOMP is created with 16
1564   Loading configuration from MCWalkerConfiguration::SampleStack
1565    number of walkers before load 16
1566  Using Nonlocal PP in Opt: NonLocalECP
1567    number of walkers after load: 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120
1568Using buffers for temporary storage in QMCCostFunction.
1570Memory usage:
1571Linear method (approx matrix usage: 4*N^2): 1.8432000000e-02 MB
1572Deriv,HDerivRecord:      1.1059200000e+00 MB
1573Buffer memory cost:     MB/walker       MB/total
1574Orbitals only:           5.9200000000e-04      1.1366400000e+00
1575Orbitals + dervs:        1.3920000000e-03      2.6726400000e+00
1576Inverse:                 0.0000000000e+00      0.0000000000e+00
1577Determinants:            0.0000000000e+00      0.0000000000e+00
1578  VMC Eavg = -3.1875265816e+01
1579  VMC Evar = 7.3456705014e-01
1580  Total weights = 6.1440000000e+04
1581  Execution time = 3.5569007250e-01
1582  </log>
1584<opt stage="main" walkers="61440">
1585  <log>
1586Iteration: 1/1
1587od_largest 0.0000000000e+00
1588  stabilityBase -1.6000000000e+01
1589  stabilizerScale 1.0000000000e+00
1590  Using XS:-1.6000000000e+01 0 0
1591  Good Step. Largest LM parameter change:3.6921604753e-02
1592 OldCost: 7.3456705014e-01 NewCost: 7.3380791391e-01 Delta Cost:-7.5913622711e-04
1593      Current ene:     -3.1879492926e+01
1594      Current var:     7.3029094870e-01
1595      Current ene_urw:     -3.1875738959e+01
1596      Current var_urw: 7.3380791391e-01
1597Setting new Parameters
1598ERROR   Execution time = 8.4385144163e+00
1599  </log>
1600  <optVariables href="opt.s008.opt.xml">
1601eO_0 -8.1999374179e-01 1 1  ON 0
1602eO_1 -7.1475713870e-01 1 1  ON 1
1603eO_2 -5.3519731144e-01 1 1  ON 2
1604eO_3 -3.5455417994e-01 1 1  ON 3
1605eO_4 -2.1334147990e-01 1 1  ON 4
1606eO_5 -1.2081429864e-01 1 1  ON 5
1607eO_6 -5.5891051340e-02 1 1  ON 6
1608eO_7 -1.9400142321e-02 1 1  ON 7
1609uu_0 2.9220099480e-01 1 1  ON 8
1610uu_1 1.0046717451e-01 1 1  ON 9
1611uu_2 1.7622940673e-02 1 1  ON 10
1612uu_3 -2.9206759015e-03 1 1  ON 11
1613uu_4 -2.0939424541e-02 1 1  ON 12
1614uu_5 -1.8102939840e-02 1 1  ON 13
1615uu_6 -2.3369087664e-02 1 1  ON 14
1616uu_7 -1.9797330242e-02 1 1  ON 15
1617ud_0 3.3489653809e-01 1 1  ON 16
1618ud_1 6.6103161710e-02 1 1  ON 17
1619ud_2 -1.5323158880e-02 1 1  ON 18
1620ud_3 -3.7273987209e-02 1 1  ON 19
1621ud_4 -5.0724763405e-02 1 1  ON 20
1622ud_5 -4.8370372344e-02 1 1  ON 21
1623ud_6 -4.8797882950e-02 1 1  ON 22
1624ud_7 -4.7602729436e-02 1 1  ON 23
1625  </optVariables>
1626   Restore the number of walkers to 16, removing 104 walkers.
1629  QMC Execution time = 8.4608278563e+00 secs
1630  Reusing QMCFixedSampleLinearOptimize
1631 Using QMCCostFunctionOMP::QMCCostFunctionOMP
1634  Start QMCFixedSampleLinearOptimize
1635  File Root opt.s009 append = no
1637  Skip QMCDriver::putQMCInfo
1638  Resetting Properties of the walkers 1 x 14
1641  Start VMCSingleOMP
1642  File Root opt.s009 append = no
1644Using existing walkers
1645  Resetting Properties of the walkers 1 x 14
1647<vmc function="put">
1648  qmc_counter=9  my_counter=9
1649  time step      = 3.0000000000e-01
1650  blocks         = 200
1651  steps          = 1
1652  substeps       = 1
1653  current        = 0
1654  target samples = 6.1440000000e+04
1655  walkers/mpi    = 16
1657  stepsbetweensamples = 1
1658<parameter name="blocks" condition="int">200</parameter>
1659<parameter name="check_properties" condition="int">100</parameter>
1660<parameter name="checkproperties" condition="int">100</parameter>
1661<parameter name="current" condition="int">0</parameter>
1662<parameter name="dmcwalkersperthread" condition="real">1.2000000000e+02</parameter>
1663<parameter name="maxcpusecs" condition="real">3.6000000000e+05</parameter>
1664<parameter name="record_configs" condition="int">0</parameter>
1665<parameter name="record_walkers" condition="int">1</parameter>
1666<parameter name="recordconfigs" condition="int">0</parameter>
1667<parameter name="recordwalkers" condition="int">1</parameter>
1668<parameter name="rewind" condition="int">0</parameter>
1669<parameter name="samples" condition="real">6.1440000000e+04</parameter>
1670<parameter name="samplesperthread" condition="real">1.2000000000e+02</parameter>
1671<parameter name="steps" condition="int">1</parameter>
1672<parameter name="stepsbetweensamples" condition="int">1</parameter>
1673<parameter name="store_configs" condition="int">0</parameter>
1674<parameter name="storeconfigs" condition="int">0</parameter>
1675<parameter name="sub_steps" condition="int">1</parameter>
1676<parameter name="substeps" condition="int">1</parameter>
1677<parameter name="tau" condition="au">3.0000000000e-01</parameter>
1678<parameter name="time_step" condition="au">3.0000000000e-01</parameter>
1679<parameter name="timestep" condition="au">3.0000000000e-01</parameter>
1680<parameter name="use_drift" condition="string">no</parameter>
1681<parameter name="usedrift" condition="string">no</parameter>
1682<parameter name="walkers" condition="int">1</parameter>
1683<parameter name="warmup_steps" condition="int">50</parameter>
1684<parameter name="warmupsteps" condition="int">50</parameter>
1685  DumpConfig==false Nothing (configurations, state) will be saved.
1686  Walker Samples are dumped every 1 steps.
1689<vmc stage="main" blocks="200">
1690  Cannot make clones again. Use existing 16 clones
1691  Initial partition of walkers 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1692  Total Sample Size   =61440
1693  Walker distribution on root = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1695  SimpleFixedNodeBranch::finalize after a VMC block
1696    QMC counter        = 9
1697    time step          = 0.3
1698    reference energy   = -31.8977
1699    reference variance = 0.789328
1701  Execution time = 6.6169812475e+00
1703<opt stage="setup">
1704  <log>
1705   Reading configurations from h5FileRoot opt.s009
1706  QMCCostFunctionOMP is created with 16
1707   Loading configuration from MCWalkerConfiguration::SampleStack
1708    number of walkers before load 16
1709  Using Nonlocal PP in Opt: NonLocalECP
1710    number of walkers after load: 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120
1711Using buffers for temporary storage in QMCCostFunction.
1713Memory usage:
1714Linear method (approx matrix usage: 4*N^2): 1.8432000000e-02 MB
1715Deriv,HDerivRecord:      1.1059200000e+00 MB
1716Buffer memory cost:     MB/walker       MB/total
1717Orbitals only:           5.9200000000e-04      1.1366400000e+00
1718Orbitals + dervs:        1.3920000000e-03      2.6726400000e+00
1719Inverse:                 0.0000000000e+00      0.0000000000e+00
1720Determinants:            0.0000000000e+00      0.0000000000e+00
1721  VMC Eavg = -3.1893122265e+01
1722  VMC Evar = 7.4635443103e-01
1723  Total weights = 6.1440000000e+04
1724  Execution time = 3.5088501625e-01
1725  </log>
1727<opt stage="main" walkers="61440">
1728  <log>
1729Iteration: 1/1
1730od_largest 0.0000000000e+00
1731  stabilityBase -1.6000000000e+01
1732  stabilizerScale 1.0000000000e+00
1733  Using XS:-1.6000000000e+01 0 0
1734  Good Step. Largest LM parameter change:4.5646960827e-02
1735 OldCost: 7.4635443103e-01 NewCost: 7.4518817109e-01 Delta Cost:-1.1662599457e-03
1736      Current ene:     -3.1888335243e+01
1737      Current var:     7.4969225888e-01
1738      Current ene_urw:     -3.1892744079e+01
1739      Current var_urw: 7.4518817109e-01
1740Setting new Parameters
1741ERROR   Execution time = 8.4009512850e+00
1742  </log>
1743  <optVariables href="opt.s009.opt.xml">
1744eO_0 -7.7434678097e-01 1 1  ON 0
1745eO_1 -6.7303931326e-01 1 1  ON 1
1746eO_2 -4.9962857992e-01 1 1  ON 2
1747eO_3 -3.2708648706e-01 1 1  ON 3
1748eO_4 -1.9466464206e-01 1 1  ON 4
1749eO_5 -1.0986885097e-01 1 1  ON 5
1750eO_6 -5.0634982835e-02 1 1  ON 6
1751eO_7 -1.6851721247e-02 1 1  ON 7
1752uu_0 2.7353539522e-01 1 1  ON 8
1753uu_1 8.5781604545e-02 1 1  ON 9
1754uu_2 5.6280739869e-03 1 1  ON 10
1755uu_3 -1.0540260595e-02 1 1  ON 11
1756uu_4 -2.9298218882e-02 1 1  ON 12
1757uu_5 -2.4320656355e-02 1 1  ON 13
1758uu_6 -3.1938084525e-02 1 1  ON 14
1759uu_7 -2.6644394954e-02 1 1  ON 15
1760ud_0 3.2534631224e-01 1 1  ON 16
1761ud_1 6.1255964447e-02 1 1  ON 17
1762ud_2 -1.5060967427e-02 1 1  ON 18
1763ud_3 -3.3677609672e-02 1 1  ON 19
1764ud_4 -4.7139502526e-02 1 1  ON 20
1765ud_5 -4.4051583385e-02 1 1  ON 21
1766ud_6 -4.5660777025e-02 1 1  ON 22
1767ud_7 -4.3941338693e-02 1 1  ON 23
1768  </optVariables>
1769   Restore the number of walkers to 16, removing 104 walkers.
1772  QMC Execution time = 8.4225777612e+00 secs
1773  Reusing QMCFixedSampleLinearOptimize
1774 Using QMCCostFunctionOMP::QMCCostFunctionOMP
1777  Start QMCFixedSampleLinearOptimize
1778  File Root opt.s010 append = no
1780  Skip QMCDriver::putQMCInfo
1781  Resetting Properties of the walkers 1 x 14
1784  Start VMCSingleOMP
1785  File Root opt.s010 append = no
1787Using existing walkers
1788  Resetting Properties of the walkers 1 x 14
1790<vmc function="put">
1791  qmc_counter=10  my_counter=10
1792  time step      = 3.0000000000e-01
1793  blocks         = 200
1794  steps          = 1
1795  substeps       = 1
1796  current        = 0
1797  target samples = 6.1440000000e+04
1798  walkers/mpi    = 16
1800  stepsbetweensamples = 1
1801<parameter name="blocks" condition="int">200</parameter>
1802<parameter name="check_properties" condition="int">100</parameter>
1803<parameter name="checkproperties" condition="int">100</parameter>
1804<parameter name="current" condition="int">0</parameter>
1805<parameter name="dmcwalkersperthread" condition="real">1.2000000000e+02</parameter>
1806<parameter name="maxcpusecs" condition="real">3.6000000000e+05</parameter>
1807<parameter name="record_configs" condition="int">0</parameter>
1808<parameter name="record_walkers" condition="int">1</parameter>
1809<parameter name="recordconfigs" condition="int">0</parameter>
1810<parameter name="recordwalkers" condition="int">1</parameter>
1811<parameter name="rewind" condition="int">0</parameter>
1812<parameter name="samples" condition="real">6.1440000000e+04</parameter>
1813<parameter name="samplesperthread" condition="real">1.2000000000e+02</parameter>
1814<parameter name="steps" condition="int">1</parameter>
1815<parameter name="stepsbetweensamples" condition="int">1</parameter>
1816<parameter name="store_configs" condition="int">0</parameter>
1817<parameter name="storeconfigs" condition="int">0</parameter>
1818<parameter name="sub_steps" condition="int">1</parameter>
1819<parameter name="substeps" condition="int">1</parameter>
1820<parameter name="tau" condition="au">3.0000000000e-01</parameter>
1821<parameter name="time_step" condition="au">3.0000000000e-01</parameter>
1822<parameter name="timestep" condition="au">3.0000000000e-01</parameter>
1823<parameter name="use_drift" condition="string">no</parameter>
1824<parameter name="usedrift" condition="string">no</parameter>
1825<parameter name="walkers" condition="int">1</parameter>
1826<parameter name="warmup_steps" condition="int">50</parameter>
1827<parameter name="warmupsteps" condition="int">50</parameter>
1828  DumpConfig==false Nothing (configurations, state) will be saved.
1829  Walker Samples are dumped every 1 steps.
1832<vmc stage="main" blocks="200">
1833  Cannot make clones again. Use existing 16 clones
1834  Initial partition of walkers 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1835  Total Sample Size   =61440
1836  Walker distribution on root = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1838  SimpleFixedNodeBranch::finalize after a VMC block
1839    QMC counter        = 10
1840    time step          = 0.3
1841    reference energy   = -31.9061
1842    reference variance = 0.870256
1844  Execution time = 6.6853023900e+00
1846<opt stage="setup">
1847  <log>
1848   Reading configurations from h5FileRoot opt.s010
1849  QMCCostFunctionOMP is created with 16
1850   Loading configuration from MCWalkerConfiguration::SampleStack
1851    number of walkers before load 16
1852  Using Nonlocal PP in Opt: NonLocalECP
1853    number of walkers after load: 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120
1854Using buffers for temporary storage in QMCCostFunction.
1856Memory usage:
1857Linear method (approx matrix usage: 4*N^2): 1.8432000000e-02 MB
1858Deriv,HDerivRecord:      1.1059200000e+00 MB
1859Buffer memory cost:     MB/walker       MB/total
1860Orbitals only:           5.9200000000e-04      1.1366400000e+00
1861Orbitals + dervs:        1.3920000000e-03      2.6726400000e+00
1862Inverse:                 0.0000000000e+00      0.0000000000e+00
1863Determinants:            0.0000000000e+00      0.0000000000e+00
1864  VMC Eavg = -3.1901707982e+01
1865  VMC Evar = 7.5793333521e-01
1866  Total weights = 6.1440000000e+04
1867  Execution time = 3.4676251375e-01
1868  </log>
1870<opt stage="main" walkers="61440">
1871  <log>
1872Iteration: 1/1
1873od_largest 0.0000000000e+00
1874  stabilityBase -1.6000000000e+01
1875  stabilizerScale 1.0000000000e+00
1876  Using XS:-1.6000000000e+01 0 0
1877  Good Step. Largest LM parameter change:2.0720762915e-02
1878 OldCost: 7.5793333521e-01 NewCost: 7.5766204769e-01 Delta Cost:-2.7128751593e-04
1879      Current ene:     -3.1903531588e+01
1880      Current var:     7.5555259654e-01
1881      Current ene_urw:     -3.1901441162e+01
1882      Current var_urw: 7.5766204769e-01
1883Setting new Parameters
1884ERROR   Execution time = 8.4625656462e+00
1885  </log>
1886  <optVariables href="opt.s010.opt.xml">
1887eO_0 -7.9506754388e-01 1 1  ON 0
1888eO_1 -6.9205817607e-01 1 1  ON 1
1889eO_2 -5.1567372963e-01 1 1  ON 2
1890eO_3 -3.3913405808e-01 1 1  ON 3
1891eO_4 -2.0267718107e-01 1 1  ON 4
1892eO_5 -1.1439704614e-01 1 1  ON 5
1893eO_6 -5.2704474361e-02 1 1  ON 6
1894eO_7 -1.7697460553e-02 1 1  ON 7
1895uu_0 2.8011058931e-01 1 1  ON 8
1896uu_1 8.9914172322e-02 1 1  ON 9
1897uu_2 8.6344400387e-03 1 1  ON 10
1898uu_3 -9.6266282526e-03 1 1  ON 11
1899uu_4 -2.8016924835e-02 1 1  ON 12
1900uu_5 -2.4012359884e-02 1 1  ON 13
1901uu_6 -3.0552930137e-02 1 1  ON 14
1902uu_7 -2.5449777272e-02 1 1  ON 15
1903ud_0 3.2255401027e-01 1 1  ON 16
1904ud_1 5.6424381279e-02 1 1  ON 17
1905ud_2 -2.2435029564e-02 1 1  ON 18
1906ud_3 -4.2522241707e-02 1 1  ON 19
1907ud_4 -5.5797687483e-02 1 1  ON 20
1908ud_5 -5.3306359615e-02 1 1  ON 21
1909ud_6 -5.3537548164e-02 1 1  ON 22
1910ud_7 -5.3746563805e-02 1 1  ON 23
1911  </optVariables>
1912   Restore the number of walkers to 16, removing 104 walkers.
1915  QMC Execution time = 8.4838503300e+00 secs
1916  Reusing QMCFixedSampleLinearOptimize
1917 Using QMCCostFunctionOMP::QMCCostFunctionOMP
1920  Start QMCFixedSampleLinearOptimize
1921  File Root opt.s011 append = no
1923  Skip QMCDriver::putQMCInfo
1924  Resetting Properties of the walkers 1 x 14
1927  Start VMCSingleOMP
1928  File Root opt.s011 append = no
1930Using existing walkers
1931  Resetting Properties of the walkers 1 x 14
1933<vmc function="put">
1934  qmc_counter=11  my_counter=11
1935  time step      = 3.0000000000e-01
1936  blocks         = 200
1937  steps          = 1
1938  substeps       = 1
1939  current        = 0
1940  target samples = 6.1440000000e+04
1941  walkers/mpi    = 16
1943  stepsbetweensamples = 1
1944<parameter name="blocks" condition="int">200</parameter>
1945<parameter name="check_properties" condition="int">100</parameter>
1946<parameter name="checkproperties" condition="int">100</parameter>
1947<parameter name="current" condition="int">0</parameter>
1948<parameter name="dmcwalkersperthread" condition="real">1.2000000000e+02</parameter>
1949<parameter name="maxcpusecs" condition="real">3.6000000000e+05</parameter>
1950<parameter name="record_configs" condition="int">0</parameter>
1951<parameter name="record_walkers" condition="int">1</parameter>
1952<parameter name="recordconfigs" condition="int">0</parameter>
1953<parameter name="recordwalkers" condition="int">1</parameter>
1954<parameter name="rewind" condition="int">0</parameter>
1955<parameter name="samples" condition="real">6.1440000000e+04</parameter>
1956<parameter name="samplesperthread" condition="real">1.2000000000e+02</parameter>
1957<parameter name="steps" condition="int">1</parameter>
1958<parameter name="stepsbetweensamples" condition="int">1</parameter>
1959<parameter name="store_configs" condition="int">0</parameter>
1960<parameter name="storeconfigs" condition="int">0</parameter>
1961<parameter name="sub_steps" condition="int">1</parameter>
1962<parameter name="substeps" condition="int">1</parameter>
1963<parameter name="tau" condition="au">3.0000000000e-01</parameter>
1964<parameter name="time_step" condition="au">3.0000000000e-01</parameter>
1965<parameter name="timestep" condition="au">3.0000000000e-01</parameter>
1966<parameter name="use_drift" condition="string">no</parameter>
1967<parameter name="usedrift" condition="string">no</parameter>
1968<parameter name="walkers" condition="int">1</parameter>
1969<parameter name="warmup_steps" condition="int">50</parameter>
1970<parameter name="warmupsteps" condition="int">50</parameter>
1971  DumpConfig==false Nothing (configurations, state) will be saved.
1972  Walker Samples are dumped every 1 steps.
1975<vmc stage="main" blocks="200">
1976  Cannot make clones again. Use existing 16 clones
1977  Initial partition of walkers 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1978  Total Sample Size   =61440
1979  Walker distribution on root = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1981  SimpleFixedNodeBranch::finalize after a VMC block
1982    QMC counter        = 11
1983    time step          = 0.3
1984    reference energy   = -31.8457
1985    reference variance = 0.77806
1987  Execution time = 6.6119754663e+00
1989<opt stage="setup">
1990  <log>
1991   Reading configurations from h5FileRoot opt.s011
1992  QMCCostFunctionOMP is created with 16
1993   Loading configuration from MCWalkerConfiguration::SampleStack
1994    number of walkers before load 16
1995  Using Nonlocal PP in Opt: NonLocalECP
1996    number of walkers after load: 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120
1997Using buffers for temporary storage in QMCCostFunction.
1999Memory usage:
2000Linear method (approx matrix usage: 4*N^2): 1.8432000000e-02 MB
2001Deriv,HDerivRecord:      1.1059200000e+00 MB
2002Buffer memory cost:     MB/walker       MB/total
2003Orbitals only:           5.9200000000e-04      1.1366400000e+00
2004Orbitals + dervs:        1.3920000000e-03      2.6726400000e+00
2005Inverse:                 0.0000000000e+00      0.0000000000e+00
2006Determinants:            0.0000000000e+00      0.0000000000e+00
2007  VMC Eavg = -3.1903271379e+01
2008  VMC Evar = 7.4586875755e-01
2009  Total weights = 6.1440000000e+04
2010  Execution time = 3.5231102875e-01
2011  </log>
2013<opt stage="main" walkers="61440">
2014  <log>
2015Iteration: 1/1
2016od_largest 0.0000000000e+00
2017  stabilityBase -1.6000000000e+01
2018  stabilizerScale 1.0000000000e+00
2019  Using XS:-1.6000000000e+01 0 0
2020  Good Step. Largest LM parameter change:4.9412182656e-02
2021 OldCost: 7.4586875755e-01 NewCost: 7.4456775822e-01 Delta Cost:-1.3009993313e-03
2022      Current ene:     -3.1899104466e+01
2023      Current var:     7.4854620023e-01
2024      Current ene_urw:     -3.1903947358e+01
2025      Current var_urw: 7.4456775822e-01
2026Setting new Parameters
2027ERROR   Execution time = 8.4468718850e+00
2028  </log>
2029  <optVariables href="opt.s011.opt.xml">
2030eO_0 -7.4565536122e-01 1 1  ON 0
2031eO_1 -6.4726805439e-01 1 1  ON 1
2032eO_2 -4.7712814501e-01 1 1  ON 2
2033eO_3 -3.1013795925e-01 1 1  ON 3
2034eO_4 -1.8286903655e-01 1 1  ON 4
2035eO_5 -1.0386383265e-01 1 1  ON 5
2036eO_6 -4.7590667558e-02 1 1  ON 6
2037eO_7 -1.6917014136e-02 1 1  ON 7
2038uu_0 2.6185606452e-01 1 1  ON 8
2039uu_1 7.6643732799e-02 1 1  ON 9
2040uu_2 -1.6609818767e-03 1 1  ON 10
2041uu_3 -1.5369340318e-02 1 1  ON 11
2042uu_4 -3.3739411692e-02 1 1  ON 12
2043uu_5 -2.9209006329e-02 1 1  ON 13
2044uu_6 -3.5621146291e-02 1 1  ON 14
2045uu_7 -3.1914965841e-02 1 1  ON 15
2046ud_0 3.1158870264e-01 1 1  ON 16
2047ud_1 4.9686117641e-02 1 1  ON 17
2048ud_2 -2.3443913399e-02 1 1  ON 18
2049ud_3 -3.9993782235e-02 1 1  ON 19
2050ud_4 -5.2845162228e-02 1 1  ON 20
2051ud_5 -4.9412488924e-02 1 1  ON 21
2052ud_6 -5.3887884796e-02 1 1  ON 22
2053ud_7 -5.0114303423e-02 1 1  ON 23
2054  </optVariables>
2055   Restore the number of walkers to 16, removing 104 walkers.
2058  QMC Execution time = 8.4684382638e+00 secs
2059  Total Execution time = 1.0174577612e+02 secs
2062  A new xml input file : opt.s011.cont.xml