1 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License.
3 // See LICENSE file in top directory for details.
4 //
5 // Copyright (c) 2016 Jeongnim Kim and QMCPACK developers.
6 //
7 // File developed by: Miguel Morales, moralessilva2@llnl.gov, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
8 //
9 // File created by: Fionn Malone, malone14@llnl.gov, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
10 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
12 #include "catch.hpp"
14 #include "Configuration.h"
16 #include "OhmmsData/Libxml2Doc.h"
17 #include "OhmmsApp/ProjectData.h"
18 #include "Utilities/TimerManager.h"
19 #include "hdf/hdf_archive.h"
21 #undef APP_ABORT
22 #define APP_ABORT(x)             \
23   {                              \
24     std::cout << x << std::endl; \
25     throw;                       \
26   }
28 #include <stdio.h>
29 #include <string>
31 #include "AFQMC/config.h"
32 #include "AFQMC/Matrix/tests/matrix_helpers.h"
33 #include "AFQMC/Hamiltonians/HamiltonianFactory.h"
34 #include "AFQMC/Hamiltonians/Hamiltonian.hpp"
35 #include "AFQMC/Wavefunctions/WavefunctionFactory.h"
36 #include "AFQMC/Wavefunctions/Wavefunction.hpp"
37 #include "AFQMC/Walkers/WalkerSet.hpp"
38 #include "AFQMC/Estimators/EstimatorBase.h"
39 #include "AFQMC/Propagators/PropagatorFactory.h"
40 #include "AFQMC/Propagators/Propagator.hpp"
41 #include "AFQMC/Estimators/BackPropagatedEstimator.hpp"
42 #include "AFQMC/Utilities/test_utils.hpp"
43 #include "AFQMC/Memory/buffer_managers.h"
45 using std::cerr;
46 using std::complex;
47 using std::cout;
48 using std::endl;
49 using std::ifstream;
50 using std::setprecision;
51 using std::string;
53 extern std::string UTEST_HAMIL, UTEST_WFN;
55 namespace qmcplusplus
56 {
57 using namespace afqmc;
59 template<class Allocator>
reduced_density_matrix(boost::mpi3::communicator & world)60 void reduced_density_matrix(boost::mpi3::communicator& world)
61 {
62   using pointer = typename Allocator::pointer;
64   if (check_hamil_wfn_for_utest("reduced_density_matrix", UTEST_WFN, UTEST_HAMIL))
65   {
66     timer_manager.set_timer_threshold(timer_level_coarse);
67     setup_timers(AFQMCTimers, AFQMCTimerNames, timer_level_coarse);
69     // Global Task Group
70     afqmc::GlobalTaskGroup gTG(world);
72     int NMO, NAEA, NAEB;
73     std::tie(NMO, NAEA, NAEB) = read_info_from_hdf(UTEST_HAMIL);
75     std::map<std::string, AFQMCInfo> InfoMap;
76     InfoMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, AFQMCInfo>("info0", AFQMCInfo{"info0", NMO, NAEA, NAEB}));
77     HamiltonianFactory HamFac(InfoMap);
78     std::string hamil_xml = "<Hamiltonian name=\"ham0\" info=\"info0\"> \
79 <parameter name=\"filetype\">hdf5</parameter> \
80 <parameter name=\"filename\">" +
81         UTEST_HAMIL + "</parameter> \
82 <parameter name=\"cutoff_decomposition\">1e-5</parameter> \
83 </Hamiltonian> \
84 ";
85     const char* ham_xml_block = hamil_xml.c_str();
86     Libxml2Document doc;
87     bool okay = doc.parseFromString(ham_xml_block);
88     REQUIRE(okay);
89     std::string ham_name("ham0");
90     HamFac.push(ham_name, doc.getRoot());
91     Hamiltonian& ham = HamFac.getHamiltonian(gTG, ham_name);
93     WALKER_TYPES type                = afqmc::getWalkerType(UTEST_WFN);
94     const char* wlk_xml_block_closed = "<WalkerSet name=\"wset0\">  \
95       <parameter name=\"walker_type\">closed</parameter>  \
96       <parameter name=\"back_propagation_steps\">10</parameter>  \
97     </WalkerSet> \
98     ";
99     const char* wlk_xml_block_coll   = "<WalkerSet name=\"wset0\">  \
100       <parameter name=\"walker_type\">collinear</parameter>  \
101       <parameter name=\"back_propagation_steps\">10</parameter>  \
102     </WalkerSet> \
103     ";
104     const char* wlk_xml_block_noncol = "<WalkerSet name=\"wset0\">  \
105       <parameter name=\"walker_type\">noncollinear</parameter>  \
106       <parameter name=\"back_propagation_steps\">10</parameter>  \
107     </WalkerSet> \
108     ";
110     const char* wlk_xml_block =
111         ((type == CLOSED) ? (wlk_xml_block_closed) : (type == COLLINEAR ? wlk_xml_block_coll : wlk_xml_block_noncol));
112     Libxml2Document doc3;
113     okay = doc3.parseFromString(wlk_xml_block);
114     REQUIRE(okay);
116     std::string wfn_xml = "<Wavefunction name=\"wfn0\" info=\"info0\"> \
117       <parameter name=\"filetype\">ascii</parameter> \
118       <parameter name=\"filename\">" +
119         UTEST_WFN + "</parameter> \
120       <parameter name=\"cutoff\">1e-6</parameter> \
121   </Wavefunction> \
122 ";
123     const char* wfn_xml_block = wfn_xml.c_str();
124     auto TG                   = TaskGroup_(gTG, std::string("WfnTG"), 1, gTG.getTotalCores());
125     Allocator alloc_(make_localTG_allocator<ComplexType>(TG));
126     int nwalk = 1; // choose prime number to force non-trivial splits in shared routines
127     RandomGenerator_t rng;
128     Libxml2Document doc2;
129     okay = doc2.parseFromString(wfn_xml_block);
130     REQUIRE(okay);
131     std::string wfn_name("wfn0");
132     WavefunctionFactory WfnFac(InfoMap);
133     WfnFac.push(wfn_name, doc2.getRoot());
134     Wavefunction& wfn = WfnFac.getWavefunction(TG, TG, wfn_name, type, &ham, 1e-6, nwalk);
136     const char* propg_xml_block = "<Propagator name=\"prop0\">  \
137 </Propagator> \
138 ";
139     Libxml2Document doc5;
140     okay = doc5.parseFromString(propg_xml_block);
141     REQUIRE(okay);
142     std::string prop_name("prop0");
143     PropagatorFactory PropgFac(InfoMap);
144     PropgFac.push(prop_name, doc5.getRoot());
145     Propagator& prop = PropgFac.getPropagator(TG, prop_name, wfn, &rng);
147     WalkerSet wset(TG, doc3.getRoot(), InfoMap["info0"], &rng);
148     auto initial_guess = WfnFac.getInitialGuess(wfn_name);
149     REQUIRE(initial_guess.size(0) == 2);
150     REQUIRE(initial_guess.size(1) == NMO);
151     REQUIRE(initial_guess.size(2) == NAEA);
152     wset.resize(nwalk, initial_guess[0], initial_guess[0]);
153     using EstimPtr = std::shared_ptr<EstimatorBase>;
154     std::vector<EstimPtr> estimators;
155     const char* est_xml_block = "<Estimator name=\"back_propagation\"> \
156       <parameter name=\"nsteps\">1</parameter> \
157       <parameter name=\"block_size\">2</parameter> \
158       <OneRDM> </OneRDM>  \
159       <parameter name=\"path_restoration\">false</parameter> \
160   </Estimator> \
161 ";
162     Libxml2Document doc4;
163     okay = doc4.parseFromString(est_xml_block);
164     REQUIRE(okay);
165     bool impsamp = true;
166     estimators.emplace_back(
167         static_cast<EstimPtr>(std::make_shared<BackPropagatedEstimator>(TG, InfoMap["info0"], "none", doc4.getRoot(),
168                                                                         type, wset, wfn, prop, impsamp)));
170     // generate P1 with dt=0
171     prop.generateP1(0.0, wset.getWalkerType());
173     std::string file = create_test_hdf(UTEST_WFN, UTEST_HAMIL);
174     hdf_archive dump;
175     std::ofstream out;
176     dump.create(file);
177     dump.open(file);
178     for (int iblock = 0; iblock < 10; iblock++)
179     {
180       wset.advanceBPPos();
181       estimators[0]->accumulate_block(wset);
182       estimators[0]->print(out, dump, wset);
183     }
184     dump.close();
185     boost::multi::array<ComplexType, 1> read_data(boost::multi::iextensions<1u>{2 * NMO * NMO});
187     ComplexType denom;
188     hdf_archive reader;
189     // Read from a particular block.
190     if (!reader.open(file, H5F_ACC_RDONLY))
191     {
192       app_error() << " Error opening estimates.h5. \n";
193       APP_ABORT("");
194     }
195     reader.read(read_data, "Observables/BackPropagated/FullOneRDM/Average_0/one_rdm_000000004");
196     reader.read(denom, "Observables/BackPropagated/FullOneRDM/Average_0/denominator_000000004");
197     // Test EstimatorHandler eventually.
199     //reader.read(NAEA_READ, "Metadata/NAEA");
201     //reader.read(NAEB_READ, "Metadata/NAEB");
203     //reader.read(NMO_READ, "Metadata/NMO");
205     //reader.read(WALKER_TYPE_READ, "Metadata/WALKER_TYPE");
206     //REQUIRE(WALKER_TYPE_READ==type);
207     reader.close();
208     // Test the RDM. Since no back propagation has been performed the RDM should be
209     // identical to the mixed estimate.
210     if (type == CLOSED)
211     {
212       REQUIRE(read_data.num_elements() >= NMO * NMO);
213       boost::multi::array_ref<ComplexType, 2> BPRDM(read_data.origin(), {NMO, NMO});
214       ma::scal(1.0 / denom, BPRDM);
215       ComplexType trace = ComplexType(0.0);
216       for (int i = 0; i < NMO; i++)
217         trace += BPRDM[i][i];
218       REQUIRE(trace.real() == Approx(NAEA));
219       boost::multi::array<ComplexType, 2, Allocator> Gw({1, NMO * NMO}, alloc_);
220       wfn.MixedDensityMatrix(wset, Gw, false, true);
221       boost::multi::array_ref<ComplexType, 2, pointer> G(Gw.origin(), {NMO, NMO});
222       verify_approx(G, BPRDM);
223     }
224     else if (type == COLLINEAR)
225     {
226       REQUIRE(read_data.num_elements() >= 2 * NMO * NMO);
227       boost::multi::array_ref<ComplexType, 3> BPRDM(read_data.origin(), {2, NMO, NMO});
228       ma::scal(1.0 / denom, BPRDM[0]);
229       ma::scal(1.0 / denom, BPRDM[1]);
230       ComplexType trace = ComplexType(0.0);
231       for (int i = 0; i < NMO; i++)
232         trace += BPRDM[0][i][i] + BPRDM[1][i][i];
233       REQUIRE(trace.real() == Approx(NAEA + NAEB));
234       boost::multi::array<ComplexType, 2, Allocator> Gw({1, 2 * NMO * NMO}, alloc_);
235       wfn.MixedDensityMatrix(wset, Gw, false, true);
236       boost::multi::array_ref<ComplexType, 3, pointer> G(Gw.origin(), {2, NMO, NMO});
237       verify_approx(G, BPRDM);
238     }
239     else
240     {
241       APP_ABORT(" NONCOLLINEAR Wavefunction found.\n");
242     }
243   }
244 }
246 TEST_CASE("reduced_density_matrix", "[estimators]")
247 {
248   auto world = boost::mpi3::environment::get_world_instance();
249   if (not world.root())
250     infoLog.pause();
251   auto node = world.split_shared(world.rank());
253 #if defined(ENABLE_CUDA) || defined(ENABLE_HIP)
254   arch::INIT(node);
255   using Alloc = device::device_allocator<ComplexType>;
256 #else
257   using Alloc = shared_allocator<ComplexType>;
258 #endif
259   setup_memory_managers(node, 10uL * 1024uL * 1024uL);
260   reduced_density_matrix<Alloc>(world);
261   release_memory_managers();
262 }
264 } // namespace qmcplusplus