1 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License.
3 // See LICENSE file in top directory for details.
4 //
5 // Copyright (c) 2016 Jeongnim Kim and QMCPACK developers.
6 //
7 // File developed by: Ken Esler, kpesler@gmail.com, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
8 //                    Miguel Morales, moralessilva2@llnl.gov, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
9 //                    Raymond Clay III, j.k.rofling@gmail.com, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
10 //                    Jeremy McMinnis, jmcminis@gmail.com, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
11 //                    Jaron T. Krogel, krogeljt@ornl.gov, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
12 //                    Jeongnim Kim, jeongnim.kim@gmail.com, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
13 //                    Ying Wai Li, yingwaili@ornl.gov, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
14 //                    Mark A. Berrill, berrillma@ornl.gov, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
15 //
16 // File created by: Jeongnim Kim, jeongnim.kim@gmail.com, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
17 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
23 #include "OhmmsPETE/OhmmsArray.h"
24 #include "Particle/ParticleSet.h"
25 #include "Particle/VirtualParticleSet.h"
26 #include "QMCWaveFunctions/OrbitalSetTraits.h"
27 #ifdef QMC_CUDA
28 #include "type_traits/CUDATypes.h"
29 #endif
31 namespace qmcplusplus
32 {
34 class ResourceCollection;
36 /** base class for Single-particle orbital sets
37  *
38  * SPOSet stands for S(ingle)P(article)O(rbital)Set which contains
39  * a number of single-particle orbitals with capabilities of evaluating \f$ \psi_j({\bf r}_i)\f$
40  */
41 class SPOSet : public QMCTraits
42 {
43 public:
44   typedef OrbitalSetTraits<ValueType>::IndexVector_t IndexVector_t;
45   typedef OrbitalSetTraits<ValueType>::ValueVector_t ValueVector_t;
46   typedef OrbitalSetTraits<ValueType>::ValueMatrix_t ValueMatrix_t;
47   typedef OrbitalSetTraits<ValueType>::GradVector_t GradVector_t;
48   typedef OrbitalSetTraits<ValueType>::GradMatrix_t GradMatrix_t;
49   typedef OrbitalSetTraits<ValueType>::HessVector_t HessVector_t;
50   typedef OrbitalSetTraits<ValueType>::HessMatrix_t HessMatrix_t;
51   typedef OrbitalSetTraits<ValueType>::HessType HessType;
52   typedef Array<HessType, OHMMS_DIM> HessArray_t;
53   typedef OrbitalSetTraits<ValueType>::GradHessType GGGType;
54   typedef OrbitalSetTraits<ValueType>::GradHessVector_t GGGVector_t;
55   typedef OrbitalSetTraits<ValueType>::GradHessMatrix_t GGGMatrix_t;
56   typedef OrbitalSetTraits<ValueType>::VGLVector_t VGLVector_t;
57   typedef ParticleSet::Walker_t Walker_t;
58   typedef std::map<std::string, SPOSet*> SPOPool_t;
60   /** constructor */
61   SPOSet(bool use_OMP_offload = false, bool ion_deriv = false, bool optimizable = false);
63   /** destructor
64    *
65    * Derived class destructor needs to pay extra attention to freeing memory shared among clones of SPOSet.
66    */
~SPOSet()67   virtual ~SPOSet() {}
69   // accessor function to Optimizable
isOptimizable()70   inline bool isOptimizable() const { return Optimizable; }
72   /** return the size of the orbital set
73    * Ye: this needs to be replaced by getOrbitalSetSize();
74    */
size()75   inline int size() const { return OrbitalSetSize; }
getClassName()77   inline const std::string& getClassName() const { return className; }
79   /** print basic SPOSet information
80    */
81   void basic_report(const std::string& pad = "") const;
83   /** print SPOSet information
84    */
85   virtual void report(const std::string& pad = "") const { basic_report(pad); }
88   /** return the size of the orbitals
89    */
getOrbitalSetSize()90   inline int getOrbitalSetSize() const { return OrbitalSetSize; }
92   /** Query if this SPOSet uses OpenMP offload
93   */
isOMPoffload()94   inline bool isOMPoffload() const { return useOMPoffload; }
96   /** Query if this SPOSet has an explicit ion dependence. returns true if it does.
97   */
hasIonDerivs()98   inline bool hasIonDerivs() const { return ionDerivs; }
100   /// return the size of the basis set if there is any
getBasisSetSize()101   virtual int getBasisSetSize() const { return 0; }
103   /// check a few key parameters before putting the SPO into a determinant
checkObject()104   virtual void checkObject() const {}
106   /// create optimizable orbital rotation parameters
107   // Single Slater creation
buildOptVariables(const size_t nel)108   virtual void buildOptVariables(const size_t nel) {}
109   // For the MSD case rotations must be created in MultiSlaterFast class
buildOptVariables(const std::vector<std::pair<int,int>> & rotations)110   virtual void buildOptVariables(const std::vector<std::pair<int, int>>& rotations) {}
111   // store parameters before getting destroyed by rotation.
storeParamsBeforeRotation()112   virtual void storeParamsBeforeRotation() {}
113   // apply rotation to all the orbitals
114   virtual void applyRotation(const ValueMatrix_t& rot_mat, bool use_stored_copy = false)
115   {
116     std::ostringstream o;
117     o << "SPOSet::applyRotation is not implemented by " << className << std::endl;
118     APP_ABORT(o.str());
119   }
120   /// reset parameters to the values from optimizer
121   virtual void resetParameters(const opt_variables_type& optVariables) = 0;
123   /// check in/out parameters to the global list of parameters used by the optimizer
checkInVariables(opt_variables_type & active)124   virtual void checkInVariables(opt_variables_type& active) {}
checkOutVariables(const opt_variables_type & active)125   virtual void checkOutVariables(const opt_variables_type& active) {}
evaluateDerivatives(ParticleSet & P,const opt_variables_type & optvars,std::vector<ValueType> & dlogpsi,std::vector<ValueType> & dhpsioverpsi,const int & FirstIndex,const int & LastIndex)127   virtual void evaluateDerivatives(ParticleSet& P,
128                                    const opt_variables_type& optvars,
129                                    std::vector<ValueType>& dlogpsi,
130                                    std::vector<ValueType>& dhpsioverpsi,
131                                    const int& FirstIndex,
132                                    const int& LastIndex)
133   {}
134   /** Evaluate the derivative of the optimized orbitals with respect to the parameters
135    *  this is used only for MSD, to be refined for better serving both single and multi SD
136    */
evaluateDerivatives(ParticleSet & P,const opt_variables_type & optvars,std::vector<ValueType> & dlogpsi,std::vector<ValueType> & dhpsioverpsi,const ValueType & psiCurrent,const std::vector<ValueType> & Coeff,const std::vector<size_t> & C2node_up,const std::vector<size_t> & C2node_dn,const ValueVector_t & detValues_up,const ValueVector_t & detValues_dn,const GradMatrix_t & grads_up,const GradMatrix_t & grads_dn,const ValueMatrix_t & lapls_up,const ValueMatrix_t & lapls_dn,const ValueMatrix_t & M_up,const ValueMatrix_t & M_dn,const ValueMatrix_t & Minv_up,const ValueMatrix_t & Minv_dn,const GradMatrix_t & B_grad,const ValueMatrix_t & B_lapl,const std::vector<int> & detData_up,const size_t N1,const size_t N2,const size_t NP1,const size_t NP2,const std::vector<std::vector<int>> & lookup_tbl)137   virtual void evaluateDerivatives(ParticleSet& P,
138                                    const opt_variables_type& optvars,
139                                    std::vector<ValueType>& dlogpsi,
140                                    std::vector<ValueType>& dhpsioverpsi,
141                                    const ValueType& psiCurrent,
142                                    const std::vector<ValueType>& Coeff,
143                                    const std::vector<size_t>& C2node_up,
144                                    const std::vector<size_t>& C2node_dn,
145                                    const ValueVector_t& detValues_up,
146                                    const ValueVector_t& detValues_dn,
147                                    const GradMatrix_t& grads_up,
148                                    const GradMatrix_t& grads_dn,
149                                    const ValueMatrix_t& lapls_up,
150                                    const ValueMatrix_t& lapls_dn,
151                                    const ValueMatrix_t& M_up,
152                                    const ValueMatrix_t& M_dn,
153                                    const ValueMatrix_t& Minv_up,
154                                    const ValueMatrix_t& Minv_dn,
155                                    const GradMatrix_t& B_grad,
156                                    const ValueMatrix_t& B_lapl,
157                                    const std::vector<int>& detData_up,
158                                    const size_t N1,
159                                    const size_t N2,
160                                    const size_t NP1,
161                                    const size_t NP2,
162                                    const std::vector<std::vector<int>>& lookup_tbl)
163   {}
165   /** Evaluate the derivative of the optimized orbitals with respect to the parameters
166    *  this is used only for MSD, to be refined for better serving both single and multi SD
167    */
evaluateDerivativesWF(ParticleSet & P,const opt_variables_type & optvars,std::vector<ValueType> & dlogpsi,const QTFull::ValueType & psiCurrent,const std::vector<ValueType> & Coeff,const std::vector<size_t> & C2node_up,const std::vector<size_t> & C2node_dn,const ValueVector_t & detValues_up,const ValueVector_t & detValues_dn,const ValueMatrix_t & M_up,const ValueMatrix_t & M_dn,const ValueMatrix_t & Minv_up,const ValueMatrix_t & Minv_dn,const std::vector<int> & detData_up,const std::vector<std::vector<int>> & lookup_tbl)168   virtual void evaluateDerivativesWF(ParticleSet& P,
169                                      const opt_variables_type& optvars,
170                                      std::vector<ValueType>& dlogpsi,
171                                      const QTFull::ValueType& psiCurrent,
172                                      const std::vector<ValueType>& Coeff,
173                                      const std::vector<size_t>& C2node_up,
174                                      const std::vector<size_t>& C2node_dn,
175                                      const ValueVector_t& detValues_up,
176                                      const ValueVector_t& detValues_dn,
177                                      const ValueMatrix_t& M_up,
178                                      const ValueMatrix_t& M_dn,
179                                      const ValueMatrix_t& Minv_up,
180                                      const ValueMatrix_t& Minv_dn,
181                                      const std::vector<int>& detData_up,
182                                      const std::vector<std::vector<int>>& lookup_tbl)
183   {}
185   /** set the OrbitalSetSize
186    * @param norbs number of single-particle orbitals
187    * Ye: I prefer to remove this interface in the future. SPOSet builders need to handle the size correctly.
188    * It doesn't make sense allowing to set the value at any place in the code.
189    */
190   virtual void setOrbitalSetSize(int norbs) = 0;
192   /** evaluate the values of this single-particle orbital set
193    * @param P current ParticleSet
194    * @param iat active particle
195    * @param psi values of the SPO
196    */
197   virtual void evaluateValue(const ParticleSet& P, int iat, ValueVector_t& psi) = 0;
199   /** evaluate determinant ratios for virtual moves, e.g., sphere move for nonlocalPP
200    * @param VP virtual particle set
201    * @param psi values of the SPO, used as a scratch space if needed
202    * @param psiinv the row of inverse slater matrix corresponding to the particle moved virtually
203    * @param ratios return determinant ratios
204    */
205   virtual void evaluateDetRatios(const VirtualParticleSet& VP,
206                                  ValueVector_t& psi,
207                                  const ValueVector_t& psiinv,
208                                  std::vector<ValueType>& ratios);
210   /** evaluate determinant ratios for virtual moves, e.g., sphere move for nonlocalPP, of multiple walkers
211    * @param spo_list the list of SPOSet pointers in a walker batch
212    * @param vp_list a list of virtual particle sets in a walker batch
213    * @param psi_list a list of values of the SPO, used as a scratch space if needed
214    * @param invRow_ptr_list a list of pointers to the rows of inverse slater matrix corresponding to the particles moved virtually
215    * @param ratios_list a list of returning determinant ratios
216    */
217   virtual void mw_evaluateDetRatios(const RefVectorWithLeader<SPOSet>& spo_list,
218                                     const RefVector<const VirtualParticleSet>& vp_list,
219                                     const RefVector<ValueVector_t>& psi_list,
220                                     const std::vector<const ValueType*>& invRow_ptr_list,
221                                     std::vector<std::vector<ValueType>>& ratios_list) const;
223   /** evaluate the values, gradients and laplacians of this single-particle orbital set
224    * @param P current ParticleSet
225    * @param iat active particle
226    * @param psi values of the SPO
227    * @param dpsi gradients of the SPO
228    * @param d2psi laplacians of the SPO
229    */
230   virtual void evaluateVGL(const ParticleSet& P,
231                            int iat,
232                            ValueVector_t& psi,
233                            GradVector_t& dpsi,
234                            ValueVector_t& d2psi) = 0;
236   /** evaluate the values, gradients and laplacians and spin gradient of this single-particle orbital set
237    * @param P current ParticleSet
238    * @param iat active particle
239    * @param psi values of the SPO
240    * @param dpsi gradients of the SPO
241    * @param d2psi laplacians of the SPO
242    * @param dspin spin gradients of the SPO
243    */
244   virtual void evaluateVGL_spin(const ParticleSet& P,
245                                 int iat,
246                                 ValueVector_t& psi,
247                                 GradVector_t& dpsi,
248                                 ValueVector_t& d2psi,
249                                 ValueVector_t& dspin
250                                 );
252   /** evaluate the values, gradients and laplacians of this single-particle orbital sets of multiple walkers
253    * @param spo_list the list of SPOSet pointers in a walker batch
254    * @param P_list the list of ParticleSet pointers in a walker batch
255    * @param iat active particle
256    * @param psi_v_list the list of value vector pointers in a walker batch
257    * @param dpsi_v_list the list of gradient vector pointers in a walker batch
258    * @param d2psi_v_list the list of laplacian vector pointers in a walker batch
259    */
260   virtual void mw_evaluateVGL(const RefVectorWithLeader<SPOSet>& spo_list,
261                               const RefVectorWithLeader<ParticleSet>& P_list,
262                               int iat,
263                               const RefVector<ValueVector_t>& psi_v_list,
264                               const RefVector<GradVector_t>& dpsi_v_list,
265                               const RefVector<ValueVector_t>& d2psi_v_list) const;
267   /** evaluate the values, gradients and laplacians of this single-particle orbital sets
268    *  and determinant ratio and grads of multiple walkers
269    * @param spo_list the list of SPOSet pointers in a walker batch
270    * @param P_list the list of ParticleSet pointers in a walker batch
271    * @param iat active particle
272    * @param phi_vgl_v orbital values, gradients and laplacians of all the walkers
273    * @param psi_ratio_grads_v determinant ratio and grads of all the walkers
274    */
275   virtual void mw_evaluateVGLandDetRatioGrads(const RefVectorWithLeader<SPOSet>& spo_list,
276                                               const RefVectorWithLeader<ParticleSet>& P_list,
277                                               int iat,
278                                               const std::vector<const ValueType*>& invRow_ptr_list,
279                                               VGLVector_t& phi_vgl_v,
280                                               std::vector<ValueType>& ratios,
281                                               std::vector<GradType>& grads) const;
283   /** evaluate the values, gradients and hessians of this single-particle orbital set
284    * @param P current ParticleSet
285    * @param iat active particle
286    * @param psi values of the SPO
287    * @param dpsi gradients of the SPO
288    * @param grad_grad_psi hessians of the SPO
289    */
290   virtual void evaluateVGH(const ParticleSet& P,
291                            int iat,
292                            ValueVector_t& psi,
293                            GradVector_t& dpsi,
294                            HessVector_t& grad_grad_psi);
296   /** evaluate the values, gradients, hessians, and grad hessians of this single-particle orbital set
297    * @param P current ParticleSet
298    * @param iat active particle
299    * @param psi values of the SPO
300    * @param dpsi gradients of the SPO
301    * @param grad_grad_psi hessians of the SPO
302    * @param grad_grad_grad_psi grad hessians of the SPO
303    */
304   virtual void evaluateVGHGH(const ParticleSet& P,
305                              int iat,
306                              ValueVector_t& psi,
307                              GradVector_t& dpsi,
308                              HessVector_t& grad_grad_psi,
309                              GGGVector_t& grad_grad_grad_psi);
311   /** evaluate the values of this single-particle orbital set
312    * @param P current ParticleSet
313    * @param iat active particle
314    * @param psi values of the SPO
315    */
316   virtual void evaluate_spin(const ParticleSet& P, int iat, ValueVector_t& psi, ValueVector_t& dpsi);
318   /** evaluate the third derivatives of this single-particle orbital set
319    * @param P current ParticleSet
320    * @param first first particle
321    * @param last last particle
322    * @param grad_grad_grad_logdet third derivatives of the SPO
323    */
324   virtual void evaluateThirdDeriv(const ParticleSet& P, int first, int last, GGGMatrix_t& grad_grad_grad_logdet);
326   /** evaluate the values, gradients and laplacians of this single-particle orbital for [first,last) particles
327    * @param P current ParticleSet
328    * @param first starting index of the particles
329    * @param last ending index of the particles
330    * @param logdet determinant matrix to be inverted
331    * @param dlogdet gradients
332    * @param d2logdet laplacians
333    *
334    */
335   virtual void evaluate_notranspose(const ParticleSet& P,
336                                     int first,
337                                     int last,
338                                     ValueMatrix_t& logdet,
339                                     GradMatrix_t& dlogdet,
340                                     ValueMatrix_t& d2logdet) = 0;
342   virtual void mw_evaluate_notranspose(const RefVectorWithLeader<SPOSet>& spo_list,
343                                        const RefVectorWithLeader<ParticleSet>& P_list,
344                                        int first,
345                                        int last,
346                                        const RefVector<ValueMatrix_t>& logdet_list,
347                                        const RefVector<GradMatrix_t>& dlogdet_list,
348                                        const RefVector<ValueMatrix_t>& d2logdet_list) const;
350   /** evaluate the values, gradients and hessians of this single-particle orbital for [first,last) particles
351    * @param P current ParticleSet
352    * @param first starting index of the particles
353    * @param last ending index of the particles
354    * @param logdet determinant matrix to be inverted
355    * @param dlogdet gradients
356    * @param grad_grad_logdet hessians
357    *
358    */
359   virtual void evaluate_notranspose(const ParticleSet& P,
360                                     int first,
361                                     int last,
362                                     ValueMatrix_t& logdet,
363                                     GradMatrix_t& dlogdet,
364                                     HessMatrix_t& grad_grad_logdet);
366   /** evaluate the values, gradients, hessians and third derivatives of this single-particle orbital for [first,last) particles
367    * @param P current ParticleSet
368    * @param first starting index of the particles
369    * @param last ending index of the particles
370    * @param logdet determinant matrix to be inverted
371    * @param dlogdet gradients
372    * @param grad_grad_logdet hessians
373    * @param grad_grad_grad_logdet third derivatives
374    *
375    */
376   virtual void evaluate_notranspose(const ParticleSet& P,
377                                     int first,
378                                     int last,
379                                     ValueMatrix_t& logdet,
380                                     GradMatrix_t& dlogdet,
381                                     HessMatrix_t& grad_grad_logdet,
382                                     GGGMatrix_t& grad_grad_grad_logdet);
384   /** evaluate the gradients of this single-particle orbital
385    *  for [first,last) target particles with respect to the given source particle
386    * @param P current ParticleSet
387    * @param first starting index of the particles
388    * @param last ending index of the particles
389    * @param iat_src source particle index
390    * @param gradphi gradients
391    *
392    */
393   virtual void evaluateGradSource(const ParticleSet& P,
394                                   int first,
395                                   int last,
396                                   const ParticleSet& source,
397                                   int iat_src,
398                                   GradMatrix_t& gradphi);
400   /** evaluate the gradients of values, gradients, laplacians of this single-particle orbital
401    *  for [first,last) target particles with respect to the given source particle
402    * @param P current ParticleSet
403    * @param first starting index of the particles
404    * @param last ending index of the particles
405    * @param iat_src source particle index
406    * @param gradphi gradients of values
407    * @param grad_grad_phi gradients of gradients
408    * @param grad_lapl_phi gradients of laplacians
409    *
410    */
411   virtual void evaluateGradSource(const ParticleSet& P,
412                                   int first,
413                                   int last,
414                                   const ParticleSet& source,
415                                   int iat_src,
416                                   GradMatrix_t& grad_phi,
417                                   HessMatrix_t& grad_grad_phi,
418                                   GradMatrix_t& grad_lapl_phi);
420   /** access the k point related to the given orbital */
get_k(int orb)421   virtual PosType get_k(int orb) { return PosType(); }
423   /** initialize a shared resource and hand it to collection
424    */
createResource(ResourceCollection & collection)425   virtual void createResource(ResourceCollection& collection) const {}
427   /** acquire a shared resource from collection
428    */
acquireResource(ResourceCollection & collection)429   virtual void acquireResource(ResourceCollection& collection) {}
431   /** return a shared resource to collection
432    */
releaseResource(ResourceCollection & collection)433   virtual void releaseResource(ResourceCollection& collection) {}
435   /** make a clone of itself
436    * every derived class must implement this to have threading working correctly.
437    */
438   virtual SPOSet* makeClone() const;
440   /** Used only by cusp correction in AOS LCAO.
441    * Ye: the SoA LCAO moves all this responsibility to the builder.
442    * This interface should be removed with AoS.
443    */
transformSPOSet()444   virtual bool transformSPOSet() { return true; }
446   /** finalize the construction of SPOSet
447    *
448    * for example, classes serving accelerators may need to transfer data from host to device
449    * after the host side objects are built.
450    */
finalizeConstruction()451   virtual void finalizeConstruction() {}
453   /// set object name
setName(const std::string & name)454   void setName(const std::string& name) { myName = name; }
455   /// return object name
getName()456   const std::string& getName() const { return myName; }
458 #ifdef QMC_CUDA
459   /** Evaluate the SPO value at an explicit position.
460    * Ye: This is used only for debugging the CUDA code and should be removed.
461    */
462   virtual void evaluate(const ParticleSet& P, PosType& r, ValueVector_t& psi);
464   using CTS = CUDAGlobalTypes;
466   //////////////////////////////////////////
467   // Walker-parallel vectorized functions //
468   //////////////////////////////////////////
reserve(PointerPool<gpu::device_vector<CTS::ValueType>> & pool)469   virtual void reserve(PointerPool<gpu::device_vector<CTS::ValueType>>& pool) {}
471   virtual void evaluate(std::vector<Walker_t*>& walkers, int iat, gpu::device_vector<CTS::ValueType*>& phi);
473   virtual void evaluate(std::vector<Walker_t*>& walkers,
474                         std::vector<PosType>& new_pos,
475                         gpu::device_vector<CTS::ValueType*>& phi);
477   virtual void evaluate(std::vector<Walker_t*>& walkers,
478                         std::vector<PosType>& new_pos,
479                         gpu::device_vector<CTS::ValueType*>& phi,
480                         gpu::device_vector<CTS::ValueType*>& grad_lapl_list,
481                         int row_stride);
483   virtual void evaluate(std::vector<Walker_t*>& walkers,
484                         std::vector<PosType>& new_pos,
485                         gpu::device_vector<CTS::ValueType*>& phi,
486                         gpu::device_vector<CTS::ValueType*>& grad_lapl_list,
487                         int row_stride,
488                         int k,
489                         bool klinear);
491   virtual void evaluate(std::vector<PosType>& pos, gpu::device_vector<CTS::RealType*>& phi);
492   virtual void evaluate(std::vector<PosType>& pos, gpu::device_vector<CTS::ComplexType*>& phi);
493 #endif
495 protected:
496   ///true, if the derived class uses OpenMP offload and statisfies a few assumptions
497   const bool useOMPoffload;
498   ///true, if the derived class has non-zero ionic derivatives.
499   const bool ionDerivs;
500   ///true if SPO is optimizable
501   const bool Optimizable;
502   ///number of Single-particle orbitals
503   IndexType OrbitalSetSize;
504   /// Optimizable variables
505   opt_variables_type myVars;
506   ///name of the class
507   std::string className;
508   /// name of the object, unique identifier
509   std::string myName;
510 };
512 typedef SPOSet* SPOSetPtr;
514 } // namespace qmcplusplus
515 #endif