2! Copyright (C) 2002-2008 Quantum ESPRESSO group
3! This file is distributed under the terms of the
4! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
5! in the root directory of the present distribution,
6! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
9! ... Gradient Correction & exchange and correlation
12   subroutine exch_corr_h( nspin, rhog, rhor, rhoc, sfac, exc, dxc, self_exc )
14! calculate exch-corr potential, energy, and derivatives dxc(i,j)
15! of e(xc) with respect to to cell parameter h(i,j)
17      use funct,           only : dft_is_gradient, dft_is_meta
18      use fft_base,        only : dfftp, dffts
19      use cell_base,       only : ainv, omega, h
20      use ions_base,       only : nsp
21      use control_flags,   only : tpre, iverbosity
22      use core,            only : drhocg
23      use gvect,           only : g
24      use uspp,            only : nlcc_any
25      use mp,              only : mp_sum
26      use metagga_cp,      ONLY : kedtaur
27      USE io_global,       ONLY : stdout
28      USE mp_global,       ONLY : intra_bgrp_comm
29      use kinds,           ONLY : DP
30      use constants,       ONLY : au_gpa
31      USE sic_module,      ONLY : self_interaction, sic_alpha
32      USE cp_interfaces,   ONLY : denlcc
33      use cp_main_variables,    only : drhor
35      implicit none
37      ! input
38      !
39      integer nspin
40      !
41      ! rhog contains the charge density in G space
42      ! rhor contains the charge density in R space
43      !
44      complex(DP) :: rhog( dfftp%ngm, nspin )
45      complex(DP) :: sfac( dffts%ngm, nsp )
46      !
47      ! output
48      ! rhor contains the exchange-correlation potential
49      !
50      real(DP) :: rhor( dfftp%nnr, nspin ), rhoc( dfftp%nnr )
51      real(DP) :: dxc( 3, 3 ), exc
52      real(DP) :: dcc( 3, 3 ), drc( 3, 3 )
53      !
54      ! local
55      !
56      integer :: i, j, ir, iss
57      real(DP) :: dexc(3,3)
58      real(DP), allocatable :: gradr(:,:,:)
59      !
60      !sic
61      REAL(DP) :: self_exc
62      REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: self_rho( :,: ), self_gradr(:,:,:)
63      complex(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: self_rhog( :,: )
64      LOGICAL  :: ttsic
65      real(DP) :: detmp(3,3)
66      !
67      !     filling of gradr with the gradient of rho using fft's
68      !
69      if ( dft_is_gradient() ) then
70         !
71         allocate( gradr( 3, dfftp%nnr, nspin ) )
72         do iss = 1, nspin
73            CALL fft_gradient_g2r ( dfftp, rhog(1,iss), g, gradr(1,1,iss) )
74         end do
75         !
76      else
77         !
78         allocate( gradr( 3, 1, 2 ) )
79         !
80      end if
83      ttsic = (self_interaction /= 0 )
84      !
85      IF ( ttsic ) THEN
86         !
87         IF ( dft_is_meta() ) CALL errore ('exch_corr_h', &
88                               'SIC and meta-GGA not together', 1)
89         IF ( tpre ) CALL errore( 'exch_corr_h', 'SIC and stress not implemented', 1)
91         !  allocate the sic_arrays
92         !
93         ALLOCATE( self_rho( dfftp%nnr, nspin ) )
94         ALLOCATE( self_rhog(dfftp%ngm, nspin ) )
96         self_rho(:, :) = rhor( :, :)
97         IF( dft_is_gradient() ) THEN
98            ALLOCATE( self_gradr( 3, dfftp%nnr, nspin ) )
99            self_gradr(:, :, :) = gradr(:, :, :)
100         ENDIF
101         self_rhog(:, :) = rhog( :, :)
102         !
103      END IF
105      self_exc = 0.d0
107      if( dft_is_meta() ) then
108         !
109         call tpssmeta( dfftp%nnr, nspin, gradr, rhor, kedtaur, exc )
110         !
111      else
112         !
113         CALL exch_corr_cp(dfftp%nnr, nspin, gradr, rhor, exc)
114         !
115         IF ( ttsic ) THEN
116            CALL exch_corr_cp(dfftp%nnr, nspin, self_gradr, self_rho, self_exc)
117            self_exc = sic_alpha * (exc - self_exc)
118            exc = exc - self_exc
119         END IF
121      end if
123      call mp_sum( exc, intra_bgrp_comm )
124      IF ( ttsic ) call mp_sum( self_exc, intra_bgrp_comm )
126      exc = exc * omega / DBLE( dfftp%nr1 * dfftp%nr2 * dfftp%nr3 )
127      IF ( ttsic ) self_exc = self_exc * omega/DBLE(dfftp%nr1 * dfftp%nr2 *dfftp%nr3 )
129      !     WRITE(*,*) 'Debug: calcolo exc', exc, 'eself', self_exc
130      !
131      ! exchange-correlation contribution to pressure
132      !
133      dxc = 0.0d0
134      !
135      if ( tpre ) then
136         !
137         !  Add term: Vxc( r ) * Drhovan( r )_ij - Vxc( r ) * rho( r ) * ((H^-1)^t)_ij
138         !
139         do iss = 1, nspin
140            do j=1,3
141               do i=1,3
142                  do ir=1,dfftp%nnr
143                     dxc(i,j) = dxc(i,j) + rhor( ir, iss ) * drhor( ir, iss, i, j )
144                  end do
145               end do
146            end do
147         end do
148         !
149         dxc = dxc * omega / DBLE( dfftp%nr1*dfftp%nr2*dfftp%nr3 )
150         !
151         call mp_sum ( dxc, intra_bgrp_comm )
152         !
153         do j = 1, 3
154            do i = 1, 3
155               dxc( i, j ) = dxc( i, j ) + exc * ainv( j, i )
156            end do
157         end do
158         !
159         ! DEBUG
160         !
161         ! write (stdout,*) "derivative of e(xc)"
162         ! write (stdout,5555) ((dxc(i,j),j=1,3),i=1,3)
163         !
164         IF( iverbosity > 1 ) THEN
165            DO i=1,3
166               DO j=1,3
167                  detmp(i,j)=exc*ainv(j,i)
168               END DO
169            END DO
170            WRITE( stdout,*) "derivative of e(xc) - diag - kbar"
171            detmp = -1.0d0 * MATMUL( detmp, TRANSPOSE( h ) ) / omega * au_gpa * 10.0d0
172            WRITE( stdout,5555) ((detmp(i,j),j=1,3),i=1,3)
173         END IF
174         !
175      end if
176      !
177      if (dft_is_gradient()) then
178         !
179         !  Add second part of the xc-potential to rhor
180         !  Compute contribution to the stress dexc
181         !
182         call gradh( nspin, gradr, rhog, rhor, dexc)
183         !
184         if (tpre) then
185            !
186            call mp_sum ( dexc, intra_bgrp_comm )
187            !
188            dxc = dxc + dexc
189            !
190         end if
191         !
192      end if
193      !
195      IF( ttsic ) THEN
197         IF (dft_is_gradient()) then
199            call gradh( nspin, self_gradr, self_rhog, self_rho, dexc)
201            gradr(:,:, 1) = (1.d0 - sic_alpha ) * gradr(:,:, 1)
202            gradr(:,:, 2) = (1.d0 - sic_alpha ) * gradr(:,:, 2) + &
203                          &  sic_alpha * ( self_gradr(:,:,1) + self_gradr(:,:,2) )
204         ENDIF
206         rhor(:, 1) = (1.d0 - sic_alpha ) * rhor(:, 1)
207         rhor(:, 2) = (1.d0 - sic_alpha ) * rhor(:, 2) + &
208                    &  sic_alpha * ( self_rho(:,1) + self_rho(:,2) )
210         IF(ALLOCATED(self_gradr)) DEALLOCATE(self_gradr)
211         IF(ALLOCATED(self_rhog)) DEALLOCATE(self_rhog)
212         IF(ALLOCATED(self_rho)) DEALLOCATE(self_rho)
214      ENDIF
216      IF( tpre ) THEN
217         !
218         dcc = 0.0d0
219         !
220         IF( nlcc_any ) CALL  denlcc( dfftp%nnr, nspin, rhor, sfac, drhocg, dcc )
221         !
222         ! DEBUG
223         !
224         !  write (stdout,*) "derivative of e(xc) - nlcc part"
225         !  write (stdout,5555) ((dcc(i,j),j=1,3),i=1,3)
226         !
227         dxc = dxc + dcc
228         !
229         do iss = 1, nspin
230            drc = 0.0d0
231            IF( nlcc_any ) THEN
232               do j=1,3
233                  do i=1,3
234                     do ir=1,dfftp%nnr
235                        drc(i,j) = drc(i,j) + rhor( ir, iss ) * rhoc( ir ) * ainv(j,i)
236                     end do
237                  end do
238               end do
239               call mp_sum ( drc, intra_bgrp_comm )
240            END IF
241            dxc = dxc - drc * ( 1.0d0 / nspin ) * omega / ( dfftp%nr1*dfftp%nr2*dfftp%nr3 )
242         end do
243         !
244      END IF
245      !
247      IF( ALLOCATED( gradr ) ) DEALLOCATE( gradr )
2495555  format(1x,f12.5,1x,f12.5,1x,f12.5/                                &
250     &       1x,f12.5,1x,f12.5,1x,f12.5/                                &
251     &       1x,f12.5,1x,f12.5,1x,f12.5//)
252      !
253      return
254   end subroutine exch_corr_h
259   subroutine gradh( nspin, gradr, rhog, rhor, dexc )
260!     _________________________________________________________________
262!     calculate the second part of gradient corrected xc potential
263!     plus the gradient-correction contribution to pressure
265      USE kinds,              ONLY: DP
266      use control_flags, only: iprint, tpre
267      use gvect, only: g
268      use cell_base, only: ainv, tpiba, omega
269      use cp_main_variables, only: drhog
270      USE fft_interfaces, ONLY: fwfft, invfft
271      USE fft_base,       ONLY: dfftp
272      USE fft_helper_subroutines, ONLY: fftx_threed2oned, fftx_oned2threed
274      implicit none
275! input
276      integer nspin
277      real(DP)    :: gradr( 3, dfftp%nnr, nspin ), rhor( dfftp%nnr, nspin ), dexc( 3, 3 )
278      complex(DP) :: rhog( dfftp%ngm, nspin )
280      complex(DP), allocatable:: v(:), vp(:), vm(:)
281      complex(DP), allocatable:: x(:), vtemp(:)
282      complex(DP) ::  ci, fp, fm
283      integer :: iss, ig, ir, i,j
285      allocate(v(dfftp%nnr))
286      allocate(x(dfftp%ngm))
287      allocate(vp(dfftp%ngm))
288      allocate(vm(dfftp%ngm))
289      allocate(vtemp(dfftp%ngm))
290      !
291      ci=(0.0d0,1.0d0)
292      !
293      dexc = 0.0d0
294      !
295      do iss=1, nspin
296!     _________________________________________________________________
297!     second part xc-potential: 3 forward ffts
299         do ir=1,dfftp%nnr
300            v(ir)=CMPLX(gradr(1,ir,iss),0.d0,kind=DP)
301         end do
302         call fwfft('Rho',v, dfftp )
303         CALL fftx_threed2oned( dfftp, v, vp )
304         do ig=1,dfftp%ngm
305            x(ig)=ci*tpiba*g(1,ig)*vp(ig)
306         end do
308         if(tpre) then
309            do i=1,3
310               do j=1,3
311                  do ig=1,dfftp%ngm
312                     vtemp(ig) = omega*ci*CONJG(vp(ig))*             &
313     &                    tpiba*(-rhog(ig,iss)*g(i,ig)*ainv(j,1)+      &
314     &                    g(1,ig)*drhog(ig,iss,i,j))
315                  end do
316                  dexc(i,j) = dexc(i,j) + DBLE(SUM(vtemp))*2.0d0
317               end do
318            end do
319         endif
321         do ir=1,dfftp%nnr
322            v(ir)=CMPLX(gradr(2,ir,iss),gradr(3,ir,iss),kind=DP)
323         end do
324         call fwfft('Rho',v, dfftp )
325         CALL fftx_threed2oned( dfftp, v, vp, vm )
327         do ig=1,dfftp%ngm
328            x(ig) = x(ig) + ci*tpiba*g(2,ig)*vp(ig)
329            x(ig) = x(ig) + ci*tpiba*g(3,ig)*vm(ig)
330         end do
332         if(tpre) then
333            do i=1,3
334               do j=1,3
335                  do ig=1,dfftp%ngm
336                     vtemp(ig) = omega*ci*( &
337     &                    CONJG(vp(ig))*tpiba*(-rhog(ig,iss)*g(i,ig)*ainv(j,2)+g(2,ig)*drhog(ig,iss,i,j))+ &
338     &                    CONJG(vm(ig))*tpiba*(-rhog(ig,iss)*g(i,ig)*ainv(j,3)+g(3,ig)*drhog(ig,iss,i,j))  )
339                  end do
340                  dexc(i,j) = dexc(i,j) + 2.0d0*DBLE(SUM(vtemp))
341               end do
342            end do
343         endif
344!     _________________________________________________________________
345!     second part xc-potential: 1 inverse fft
347         CALL fftx_oned2threed( dfftp, v, x )
348         call invfft('Rho',v, dfftp )
349         do ir=1,dfftp%nnr
350            rhor(ir,iss)=rhor(ir,iss)-DBLE(v(ir))
351         end do
352      end do
354      deallocate(vtemp)
355      deallocate(x)
356      deallocate(v)
357      deallocate(vp)
358      deallocate(vm)
360      return
361   end subroutine gradh
365!  For CP we need a further small interface subroutine
369subroutine exch_corr_cp(nnr,nspin,grhor,rhor,etxc)
370  use kinds,       only: DP
371  use funct,       only: dft_is_gradient, get_igcc
372  use xc_lda_lsda, only: xc
373  use xc_gga,      only: xc_gcx, change_threshold_gga
374  implicit none
375  integer, intent(in) :: nnr
376  integer, intent(in) :: nspin
377  real(DP) :: grhor( 3, nnr, nspin )
378  real(DP) :: rhor( nnr, nspin )
379  real(DP) :: etxc
381  real(DP), parameter :: epsr = 1.0d-10
382  real(DP), parameter :: e2=1.0_dp
383  integer :: ir, is, k, ipol, neg(3)
384  real(DP) ::  grup, grdw
385  real(DP), allocatable :: v(:,:)
386  real(DP), allocatable :: h(:,:,:)
387  real(DP), allocatable :: rhox (:,:)!^
388  real(DP), allocatable :: ex(:), ec(:)
389  real(DP), allocatable :: vx(:,:), vc(:,:)
390  REAL(DP), allocatable :: sx(:), sc(:)
391  REAL(DP), allocatable :: v1x(:,:), v2x(:,:), v1c(:,:), v2c(:,:)
392  real(dp), allocatable :: v2c_ud(:)
393  real(dp) :: zetas
394  !
395  logical :: debug_xc = .false.
396  logical :: igcc_is_lyp
397  !
398  allocate( v( nnr, nspin ) )
399  if( dft_is_gradient() ) then
400    allocate( h( nnr, nspin, nspin ) )
401  else
402    allocate( h( 1, 1, 1 ) )
403  endif
404  !
405  igcc_is_lyp = (get_igcc() == 3)
406  !
407  etxc = 0.0d0
408  !
409  allocate ( ex(nnr), ec(nnr), vx(nnr,nspin), vc(nnr,nspin) )
410  IF ( nspin == 1 ) THEN
411     !
412     ! spin-unpolarized case
413     !
414     CALL xc( nnr, nspin, nspin, rhor, ex, ec, vx, vc )
415     !
416     v(:,nspin) = e2 * (vx(:,1) + vc(:,1) )
417     etxc = e2 * SUM( (ex + ec)*rhor(:,nspin) )
418     !
419  ELSE
420     !
421     ! spin-polarized case
422     !
423     neg(1) = 0
424     neg(2) = 0
425     neg(3) = 0
426     !
427     allocate ( rhox(nnr,2) ) !^
428     rhox(:,1) = rhor(:,1) + rhor(:,2)
429     rhox(:,2) = rhor(:,1) - rhor(:,2)
430     !
431     CALL xc( nnr, 2, 2, rhox, ex, ec, vx, vc )
432     !
433     DO ir = 1, nnr
434        !
435        DO is = 1, nspin
436           v(ir,is) = e2 * (vx(ir,is) + vc(ir,is))
437        ENDDO
438        etxc = etxc + e2 * (ex(ir) + ec(ir)) * rhox(ir,1)
439        !
440        zetas =  rhox(ir,2) / rhox(ir,1)
441        IF (rhor(ir,1) < 0.d0) neg(1) = neg(1) + 1
442        IF (rhor(ir,2) < 0.d0) neg(2) = neg(2) + 1
443        IF (ABS(zetas) > 1.d0) neg(3) = neg(3) + 1
444        !
445     ENDDO
446     !
447     deallocate ( rhox ) !^
448     !
449  ENDIF
450  deallocate ( vc, vx, ec, ex )
451  !
452  if( debug_xc ) then
453    open(unit=17,form='unformatted')
454    write(17) nnr, nspin
455    write(17) rhor
456    write(17) grhor
457    close(17)
458    debug_xc = .false.
459  end if
460  !
461  ! gradient corrections
462  !
463  if ( dft_is_gradient() ) then
464    !
465    call change_threshold_gga( epsr )
466    !
467    allocate ( sx(nnr), sc(nnr), v1x(nnr,nspin), v1c(nnr,nspin), &
468               v2x(nnr,nspin), v2c(nnr,nspin) )
469    if (nspin == 1) then
470       !
471       ! ... This is the spin-unpolarised case
472       !
473       call xc_gcx( nnr, nspin, rhor, grhor, sx, sc, v1x, v2x, v1c, v2c )
474       !
475       do k = 1, nnr
476          ! first term of the gradient correction: D(rho*Exc)/D(rho)
477          v(k,1) = v(k,1) + e2 * (v1x(k,1) + v1c(k,1))
478          ! HERE h contains D(rho*Exc)/D(|grad rho|) / |grad rho|
479          h(k, 1, 1) = e2 * (v2x(k,1) + v2c(k,1))
480          etxc = etxc + e2 * (sx(k) + sc(k))
481       enddo
482       !
483    else
484       !
485       ! ... Spin-polarised case
486       !
487       allocate (v2c_ud(nnr))
488       call xc_gcx( nnr, 2, rhor, grhor, sx, sc, v1x, v2x, v1c, v2c, v2c_ud )
489       !
490       ! first term of the gradient correction : D(rho*Exc)/D(rho)
491       !
492       v = v + e2*( v1x + v1c )
493       !
494       ! HERE h contains D(rho*Exc)/D(|grad rho|) / |grad rho|
495       !
496       h(:,1,1) = e2 * (v2x(:,1) + v2c(:,1))  ! Spin UP-UP
497       h(:,1,2) = e2 * v2c_ud(:)              ! Spin UP-DW
498       h(:,2,1) = e2 * v2c_ud(:)              ! Spin DW-UP
499       h(:,2,2) = e2 * (v2x(:,2) + v2c(:,2))  ! Spin DW-DW
500       !
501       etxc = etxc + e2 * SUM( sx(:)+sc(:) )
502       !
503       deallocate (v2c_ud)
504    endif
505    !
506    deallocate ( v2c, v2x, v1c, v1x, sc, sx )
507  end if
509  if( dft_is_gradient() ) then
510     !
511     if( nspin == 1 ) then
512        !
513        ! h contains D(rho*Exc)/D(|grad rho|) * (grad rho) / |grad rho|
514        !
515!$omp parallel default(none), shared(nnr,grhor,h), private(ipol,k)
516        do ipol = 1, 3
517!$omp do
518           do k = 1, nnr
519              grhor (ipol, k, 1) = h (k, 1, 1) * grhor (ipol, k, 1)
520           enddo
521!$omp end do
522        end do
523!$omp end parallel
524        !
525        !
526     else
527        !
528!$omp parallel default(none), shared(nnr,grhor,h), private(ipol,k,grup,grdw)
529        do ipol = 1, 3
530!$omp do
531           do k = 1, nnr
532             grup = grhor (ipol, k, 1)
533             grdw = grhor (ipol, k, 2)
534             grhor (ipol, k, 1) = h (k, 1, 1) * grup + h (k, 1, 2) * grdw
535             grhor (ipol, k, 2) = h (k, 2, 2) * grdw + h (k, 2, 1) * grup
536           enddo
537!$omp end do
538        enddo
539!$omp end parallel
540        !
541     end if
542     !
543  end if
545  rhor = v
547  deallocate( v )
548  deallocate( h )
550  return
551end subroutine exch_corr_cp