2! Copyright (C) 2002-2007 Quantum ESPRESSO group
3! This file is distributed under the terms of the
4! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
5! in the root directory of the present distribution,
6! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
9SUBROUTINE vofrho_x( nfi, rhor, drhor, rhog, drhog, rhos, rhoc, tfirst, &
10                     tlast, ei1, ei2, ei3, irb, eigrb, sfac, tau0, fion )
12!     computes: the one-particle potential v in real space,
13!               the total energy etot,
14!               the forces fion acting on the ions,
15!               the derivative of total energy to cell parameters h
16!     rhor input : electronic charge on dense real space grid
17!                  (plus core charge if present)
18!     rhog input : electronic charge in g space (up to density cutoff)
19!     rhos input : electronic charge on smooth real space grid
20!     rhor output: total potential on dense real space grid
21!     rhos output: total potential on smooth real space grid
23      USE kinds,            ONLY: dp
24      USE control_flags,    ONLY: iprint, iverbosity, thdyn, tpre, tfor, &
25                                  tprnfor, iesr, textfor
26      USE io_global,        ONLY: stdout
27      USE ions_base,        ONLY: nsp, na, nat, rcmax, compute_eextfor
28      USE cell_base,        ONLY: omega, r_to_s
29      USE cell_base,        ONLY: alat, at, tpiba2, h, ainv
30      USE cell_base,        ONLY: ibrav, isotropic  !True if volume option is chosen for cell_dofree
31      USE cp_main_variables, ONLY: iprint_stdout    !print control
32      USE gvect,            ONLY: gstart, gg, g
33      USE electrons_base,   ONLY: nspin
34      USE constants,        ONLY: pi, fpi, au_gpa, e2
35      USE energies,         ONLY: etot, eself, enl, ekin, epseu, esr, eht, &
36                                  exc, eextfor, exx
37      USE local_pseudo,     ONLY: vps, dvps, rhops
38      USE uspp,             ONLY: nlcc_any
39      USE smallbox_gvec
40      USE dener,            ONLY: detot, dekin, dps, dh, dsr, dxc, denl, denlc,&
41                                  detot6, dekin6, dps6, dh6, dsr6, dxc6, denl6
42      USE mp,               ONLY: mp_sum
43      USE mp_global,        ONLY: intra_bgrp_comm
44      USE funct,            ONLY: dft_is_meta, dft_is_nonlocc, nlc, get_inlc,&
45                                  dft_is_hybrid, exx_is_active
46      USE vdW_DF,           ONLY: vdW_DF_stress
47      use rVV10,            ONLY: rVV10_stress
48      USE pres_ai_mod,      ONLY: abivol, abisur, v_vol, P_ext, volclu,  &
49                                  Surf_t, surfclu
50      USE fft_interfaces,   ONLY: fwfft, invfft
51      USE sic_module,       ONLY: self_interaction, sic_alpha
52      USE energies,         ONLY: self_exc, self_ehte
53      USE cp_interfaces,    ONLY: pseudo_stress, compute_gagb, stress_hartree, &
54                                  add_drhoph, stress_local, force_loc, self_vofhar
55      USE fft_base,         ONLY: dfftp, dffts
56      USE ldaU_cp,          ONLY: e_hubbard
57      USE control_flags,    ONLY: ts_vdw
58      USE tsvdw_module,     ONLY: tsvdw_calculate
59      USE tsvdw_module,     ONLY: EtsvdW,UtsvdW,FtsvdW,HtsvdW
60      USE mp_global,        ONLY: me_image
61      USE exx_module,       ONLY: dexx_dh, exxalfa  ! exx_wf related
62      USE fft_rho
63      USE fft_helper_subroutines
65      USE plugin_variables, ONLY: plugin_etot
69      LOGICAL     :: tlast, tfirst
70      INTEGER     :: nfi
71      REAL(DP)    :: rhor(:,:), drhor(:,:,:,:), rhos(:,:), fion(:,:)
72      REAL(DP)    :: rhoc(:), tau0(:,:)
73      ! COMPLEX(DP) ei1(-nr1:nr1,nat), ei2(-nr2:nr2,nat), ei3(-nr3:nr3,nat)
74      COMPLEX(DP) :: ei1(:,:), ei2(:,:), ei3(:,:)
75      COMPLEX(DP) :: eigrb(:,:)
76      COMPLEX(DP) :: rhog(:,:), drhog(:,:,:,:)
77      COMPLEX(DP) :: sfac(:,:)
78      INTEGER     :: irb(:,:)
79      !
80      INTEGER iss, isup, isdw, ig, ir, i, j, k, ij, is, ia, inlc
81      REAL(DP) :: vtxc, vave, ebac, wz, eh, ehpre, enlc
82      COMPLEX(DP)  fp, fm, ci, drhop, zpseu, zh
83      COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: rhotmp(:), vtemp(:)
84      COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: drhot(:,:)
85      REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE    :: gagb(:,:), rhosave(:,:), newrhosave(:,:), rhocsave(:)
86      !
87      REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: fion1( :, : )
88      REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: stmp( :, : )
89      !
90      COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: self_vloc(:)
91      COMPLEX(DP)              :: self_rhoeg
92      REAL(DP)                 :: self_ehtet, fpibg
93      LOGICAL                  :: ttsic
94      REAL(DP)                 :: detmp( 3, 3 ), desr( 6 ), deps( 6 )
95      REAL(DP)                 :: detmp2( 3, 3 )
96      REAL(DP)                 :: ht( 3, 3 )
97      REAL(DP)                 :: deht( 6 )
98      COMPLEX(DP)              :: screen_coul( 1 )
99      REAL(DP)                 :: dexx(3,3) ! stress tensor from exact exchange exx_wf related
101      INTEGER, DIMENSION(6), PARAMETER :: alpha = (/ 1,2,3,2,3,3 /)
102      INTEGER, DIMENSION(6), PARAMETER :: beta  = (/ 1,1,1,2,2,3 /)
104      ! ...  dalbe(:) = delta( alpha(:), beta(:) )
105      REAL(DP),  DIMENSION(6), PARAMETER :: dalbe = &
106         (/ 1.0_DP, 0.0_DP, 0.0_DP, 1.0_DP, 0.0_DP, 1.0_DP /)
109      CALL start_clock( 'vofrho' )
111      !
112      !     TS-vdW calculation (RAD)
113      !
114      IF (ts_vdw) THEN
115        !
116        CALL start_clock( 'ts_vdw' )
117        ALLOCATE (stmp(3,nat), rhocsave(dfftp%nnr) )
118        stmp(:,:) = tau0(:,:)
119        !
120        IF ( nspin==2 ) THEN
121           rhocsave(:) = rhor(:,1) + rhor(:,2)
122        ELSE
123           rhocsave(:) = rhor(:,1)
124        ENDIF
125        !
126        CALL tsvdw_calculate(stmp,rhocsave)
127        !
128        DEALLOCATE (rhocsave,stmp)
129        CALL stop_clock( 'ts_vdw' )
130        !
131      END IF
132      !
133      ci = ( 0.0d0, 1.0d0 )
134      !
135      !     wz = factor for g.neq.0 because of c*(g)=c(-g)
136      !
137      wz = 2.0d0
138      !
139      ht = TRANSPOSE( h )
140      !
141      ALLOCATE( vtemp( dfftp%ngm ) )
142      ALLOCATE( rhotmp( dfftp%ngm ) )
143      !
144      IF ( tpre ) THEN
145         ALLOCATE( drhot( dfftp%ngm, 6 ) )
146         ALLOCATE( gagb( 6, dfftp%ngm ) )
147         CALL compute_gagb( gagb, g, dfftp%ngm, tpiba2 )
148      END IF
150!     ab-initio pressure and surface tension contributions to the potential
152      if (abivol.or.abisur) call vol_clu(rhor,rhog,nfi)
153      !
154      !     compute plugin contributions to the potential, add it later
155      !
156      CALL plugin_get_potential(rhor,nfi)
157      !
158      !     compute plugin contributions to the energy
159      !
160      plugin_etot = 0.0_dp
161      !
162      CALL plugin_energy(rhor,plugin_etot)
163      !
164      ttsic = ( ABS( self_interaction ) /= 0 )
165      !
166      IF( ttsic ) ALLOCATE( self_vloc( dfftp%ngm ) )
167      !
168      !     first routine in which fion is calculated: annihilation
169      !
170      fion  = 0.d0
171      !
172      !     forces on ions, ionic term in real space
173      !
174      IF( tprnfor .OR. tfor .OR. tfirst .OR. tpre ) THEN
175         !
176         ALLOCATE( stmp( 3, nat ) )
177         !
178         CALL r_to_s( tau0, stmp, nat, ainv )
179         !
180         CALL vofesr( iesr, esr, dsr6, fion, stmp, tpre, h )
181         !
182         call mp_sum( fion, intra_bgrp_comm )
183         !
184         DEALLOCATE( stmp )
185         !
186      END IF
188!$omp parallel default(shared), private(ig,is,ij,i,j,k)
189!$omp workshare
190      rhotmp( 1:dfftp%ngm ) = rhog( 1:dfftp%ngm, 1 )
191!$omp end workshare
192      IF( nspin == 2 ) THEN
193!$omp workshare
194         rhotmp( 1:dfftp%ngm ) = rhotmp( 1:dfftp%ngm ) + rhog( 1:dfftp%ngm, 2 )
195!$omp end workshare
196      END IF
197      !
198      IF( tpre ) THEN
199!$omp do
200         DO ij = 1, 6
201            i = alpha( ij )
202            j = beta( ij )
203            drhot( :, ij ) = 0.0d0
204            DO k = 1, 3
205               drhot( :, ij ) = drhot( :, ij ) +  drhog( :, 1, i, k ) * ht( k, j )
206            END DO
207         END DO
208!$omp end do
209         IF( nspin == 2 ) THEN
210!$omp do
211            DO ij = 1, 6
212               i = alpha( ij )
213               j = beta( ij )
214               DO k = 1, 3
215                  drhot( :, ij ) = drhot( :, ij ) +  drhog( :, 2, i, k ) * ht( k, j )
216               END DO
217            END DO
218!$omp end do
219         ENDIF
220      END IF
221      !
222      !     calculation local potential energy
223      !
224!$omp master
225      zpseu = 0.0d0
226!$omp end master
227      !
228!$omp do
229      DO ig = 1, SIZE(vtemp)
230         vtemp(ig)=(0.d0,0.d0)
231      END DO
232      DO is=1,nsp
233!$omp do
234         DO ig=1,dffts%ngm
235            vtemp(ig)=vtemp(ig)+CONJG(rhotmp(ig))*sfac(ig,is)*vps(ig,is)
236         END DO
237      END DO
238!$omp do reduction(+:zpseu)
239      DO ig=1,dffts%ngm
240         zpseu = zpseu + vtemp(ig)
241      END DO
242!$omp end parallel
244      epseu = wz * DBLE(zpseu)
245      !
246      IF (gstart == 2) epseu = epseu - DBLE( vtemp(1) )
247      !
248      CALL mp_sum( epseu, intra_bgrp_comm )
249      epseu = epseu * omega
250      !
251      IF( tpre ) THEN
252         !
253         CALL stress_local( dps6, epseu, gagb, sfac, rhotmp, drhot, omega )
254         !
255      END IF
256      !
257      !
258      !     calculation hartree energy
259      !
260      !
261      self_ehtet = 0.d0
262      !
263      IF( ttsic ) self_vloc = 0.d0
265      zh = 0.0d0
267!$omp parallel default(shared), private(ig,is)
269      DO is=1,nsp
270!$omp do
271         DO ig=1,dffts%ngm
272            rhotmp(ig)=rhotmp(ig)+sfac(ig,is)*rhops(ig,is)
273         END DO
274      END DO
275      !
276!$omp do
277      DO ig = gstart, dfftp%ngm
278         vtemp(ig) = CONJG( rhotmp( ig ) ) * rhotmp( ig ) / gg( ig )
279      END DO
281!$omp do reduction(+:zh)
282      DO ig = gstart, dfftp%ngm
283         zh = zh + vtemp(ig)
284      END DO
286!$omp end parallel
288      eh = DBLE( zh ) * wz * 0.5d0 * fpi / tpiba2
290      CALL mp_sum( eh, intra_bgrp_comm )
291      !
292      IF ( ttsic ) THEN
293         !
294         CALL self_vofhar( .false., self_ehte, self_vloc, rhog, omega, h )
295         !
296         eh = eh - self_ehte / omega
297         !
298      END IF
299      !
300      IF(tpre) THEN
301         !
302         CALL add_drhoph( drhot, sfac, gagb )
303         CALL stress_hartree(dh6, eh*omega, sfac, rhotmp, drhot, gagb, omega )
304         !
305         DEALLOCATE( gagb )
306         DEALLOCATE( drhot )
307         !
308      END IF
309      !
310      !     forces on ions, ionic term in reciprocal space
311      !
312      ALLOCATE( fion1( 3, nat ) )
313      !
314      fion1 = 0.d0
315      !
316      IF( tprnfor .OR. tfor .OR. tpre) THEN
317          vtemp( 1:dfftp%ngm ) = rhog( 1:dfftp%ngm, 1 )
318          IF( nspin == 2 ) THEN
319             vtemp( 1:dfftp%ngm ) = vtemp(1:dfftp%ngm) + rhog( 1:dfftp%ngm, 2 )
320          END IF
321          CALL force_loc( .false., vtemp, fion1, rhops, vps, ei1, ei2, ei3, sfac, omega, screen_coul )
322      END IF
323      !
324      !     calculation hartree + local pseudo potential
325      !
326      !
327      IF (gstart == 2) vtemp(1)=(0.d0,0.d0)
329!$omp parallel default(shared), private(ig,is)
330!$omp do
331      DO ig=gstart,dfftp%ngm
332         vtemp(ig)=rhotmp(ig)*fpi/(tpiba2*gg(ig))
333      END DO
334      !
335      DO is=1,nsp
336!$omp do
337         DO ig=1,dffts%ngm
338            vtemp(ig)=vtemp(ig)+sfac(ig,is)*vps(ig,is)
339         END DO
340      END DO
341!$omp end parallel
343      DEALLOCATE (rhotmp)
345!     vtemp = v_loc(g) + v_h(g)
347!     ===================================================================
348!      calculation exchange and correlation energy and potential
349!     -------------------------------------------------------------------
350      !
351      ! ... UGLY HACK WARNING: rhor must be saved before exch_corr_h
352      ! ... overwrites it and before add_cc adds to it the core charge
353      ! ... We also need an allocated rhoc array even in absence of core charge
354      !
355      IF ( dft_is_nonlocc() ) THEN
356         ALLOCATE ( rhosave(dfftp%nnr,nspin),  rhocsave(dfftp%nnr) )
357         ALLOCATE ( newrhosave(dfftp%nnr,nspin) )
358         rhosave(:,:) = rhor(:,:)
359         IF ( SIZE(rhoc) == dfftp%nnr ) THEN
360            rhocsave(:)= rhoc(:)
361         ELSE
362            rhocsave(:)= 0.0_dp
363         ENDIF
364      END IF
365      !
366      IF ( nlcc_any ) CALL add_cc( rhoc, rhog, rhor )
367      CALL exch_corr_h( nspin, rhog, rhor, rhoc, sfac, exc, dxc, self_exc )
368      !
369      ! ... add non local corrections (if any)
370      !
371      IF ( dft_is_nonlocc() ) THEN
372         !
373         ! ... UGLY HACK WARNING: nlc adds nonlocal term IN RYDBERG A.U.
374         ! ... to input energy and potential (potential is stored in rhor)
375         !
376         enlc = 0.0_dp
377         vtxc = 0.0_dp
378         rhor = rhor*e2
379         CALL nlc( rhosave, rhocsave, nspin, enlc, vtxc, rhor )
380         rhor = rhor/e2
381         CALL mp_sum( enlc, intra_bgrp_comm )
382         exc = exc + enlc / e2
383         !
384         ! ... non-local XC contribution to stress brought to crystal axis,
385         ! ... transformed into energy derivative (Ha), added to dxc
386         !
387         IF ( tpre ) THEN
388             CALL mp_sum( vtxc, intra_bgrp_comm )
389             DO i=1,3
390                DO j=1,3
391                   dxc( i, j ) = dxc( i, j ) + (enlc - vtxc)/e2*ainv( j, i )
392                END DO
393             END DO
394             denlc(:,:) = 0.0_dp
395             !
396             !^^ ... TEMPORARY FIX (newlsda) ...
397             IF ( nspin==2 ) THEN ! PH adjusted 05/2020
398               rhosave(:,1) = rhosave(:,1) + rhosave(:,2)
399               newrhosave(:,1) = rhosave(:,1) + rhosave(:,2)
400               newrhosave(:,2) = rhosave(:,1) - rhosave(:,2)
401               ! CALL errore('stres_vdW', 'LSDA+stress+vdW-DF not implemented',1)
402             END IF
403             !^^.......................
404             !
405             inlc = get_inlc()
406             IF ( inlc > 0 .AND. inlc < 26 ) THEN
407               CALL vdW_DF_stress ( newrhosave, rhocsave, nspin, denlc )
408             ELSEIF ( inlc == 26 ) then
409               CALL rVV10_stress  ( rhosave(:,1), rhocsave, nspin, denlc )
410             END IF
411             !
412             dxc(:,:) = dxc(:,:) - omega/e2 * MATMUL(denlc,TRANSPOSE(ainv))
413         END IF
414         DEALLOCATE ( rhocsave, rhosave, newrhosave )
415      ELSE
416         denlc(:,:) = 0.0_dp
417      END IF
418      !
419      !     Add TS-vdW wavefunction forces to rhor here... (RAD)
420      !
421      IF (ts_vdw) THEN
422        !
423        CALL fftx_add_field( rhor, UtsvdW, dfftp )
424        !
425      END IF
426      !
427      !     add plugin contributions to potential here...
428      !
429      CALL plugin_add_potential( rhor )
430      !
432!     rhor contains the xc potential in r-space
434!     ===================================================================
435!     fourier transform of xc potential to g-space (dense grid)
436!     -------------------------------------------------------------------
438      IF( abivol .or. abisur ) THEN
439         CALL rho_r2g ( dfftp, rhor, rhog, v_vol )
440      ELSE
441         CALL rho_r2g ( dfftp, rhor, rhog )
442      END IF
444      IF( nspin == 1 ) THEN
445         rhog( 1:dfftp%ngm, 1 ) = rhog( 1:dfftp%ngm, 1 ) + vtemp(1:dfftp%ngm)
446      ELSE
447         isup=1
448         isdw=2
449         rhog( 1:dfftp%ngm, isup ) = rhog( 1:dfftp%ngm, isup ) + vtemp(1:dfftp%ngm)
450         rhog( 1:dfftp%ngm, isdw ) = rhog( 1:dfftp%ngm, isdw ) + vtemp(1:dfftp%ngm)
451         IF( ttsic ) THEN
452            rhog( 1:dfftp%ngm, isup ) = rhog( 1:dfftp%ngm, isup ) - self_vloc(1:dfftp%ngm)
453            rhog( 1:dfftp%ngm, isdw ) = rhog( 1:dfftp%ngm, isdw ) - self_vloc(1:dfftp%ngm)
454         END IF
455      END IF
457      DEALLOCATE (vtemp)
458      IF( ttsic ) DEALLOCATE( self_vloc )
460!     rhog contains now the total (local+Hartree+xc) potential in g-space
462      IF( tprnfor .OR. tfor ) THEN
464         IF ( nlcc_any ) CALL force_cc( irb, eigrb, rhor, fion1 )
466         CALL mp_sum( fion1, intra_bgrp_comm )
467         !
468         !    add g-space ionic and core correction contributions to fion
469         !
470         fion = fion + fion1
471         !
472         !    Add TS-vdW ion forces to fion here... (RAD)
473         !
474         IF (ts_vdw) THEN
475            fion1(:,:) = FtsvdW(:,:)
476            fion = fion + fion1
477            !fion=fion+FtsvdW
478         END IF
479         !
480         !     plugin patches on internal forces
481         !
482         CALL plugin_int_forces(fion)
484      END IF
486      DEALLOCATE( fion1 )
489!     ===================================================================
490!     fourier transform of total potential to r-space (dense grid)
491!     -------------------------------------------------------------------
493      CALL rho_g2r( dfftp, rhog, rhor )
495      IF(nspin.EQ.1) THEN
496         vave=SUM(rhor(:,1))/DBLE( dfftp%nr1* dfftp%nr2* dfftp%nr3)
497      ELSE
498         isup=1
499         isdw=2
500         vave=(SUM(rhor(:,isup))+SUM(rhor(:,isdw))) / 2.0d0 / DBLE(  dfftp%nr1 *  dfftp%nr2 *  dfftp%nr3 )
501      END IF
503      CALL mp_sum( vave, intra_bgrp_comm )
505      !
506      !     fourier transform of total potential to r-space (smooth grid)
507      !
508      CALL rho_g2r ( dffts, rhog, rhos )
510      IF( dft_is_meta() ) CALL vofrho_meta( )
512      ebac = 0.0d0
513      !
514      eht = eh * omega + esr - eself
515      !
516      eextfor = 0.0_DP
517      IF( textfor ) eextfor = compute_eextfor( tau0 )
518      !
519      !     etot is the total energy ; ekin, enl were calculated in rhoofr
520      !
521      etot = ekin + eht + epseu + enl + exc + ebac +e_hubbard + eextfor
522      !
523      !     Add EXX energy to etot here. exx_wf related
524      !
525      IF(dft_is_hybrid().AND.exx_is_active()) THEN
526        !
527        etot = etot - exxalfa*exx
528        !
529      END IF
530      !
531      !     Add TS-vdW energy to etot here... (RAD)
532      !
533      IF (ts_vdw)  etot=etot+EtsvdW
534      !
535      if (abivol) etot = etot + P_ext*volclu
536      if (abisur) etot = etot + Surf_t*surfclu
537      !
538      !     Add possible external contribution from plugins to the energy
539      !
540      etot = etot + plugin_etot
541      !
542      IF( tpre ) THEN
543         !
544         detot6 = dekin6 + dh6 + dps6 + dsr6
545         !
546         call mp_sum( detot6, intra_bgrp_comm )
547         !
548         DO k = 1, 6
549            detmp( alpha(k), beta(k) ) = detot6(k)
550            detmp( beta(k), alpha(k) ) = detmp( alpha(k), beta(k) )
551         END DO
552         !
553         detot = MATMUL( detmp(:,:), TRANSPOSE( ainv(:,:) ) )
554         !
555         detot = detot + denl + dxc
556         !
557         !     Add TS-vdW cell derivatives to detot here... (RAD)
558         !
559         IF (ts_vdw) THEN
560           !
561           detot = detot + HtsvdW
562           !
563           ! BS / RAD start print ts_vdW pressure -------------
564           !
565           IF(MOD(nfi,iprint_stdout).EQ.0)  THEN
566             detmp = HtsvdW
567             detmp = -1.d0 * (MATMUL( detmp(:,:), TRANSPOSE(h) )) / omega
568             detmp = detmp * au_gpa   ! GPa
569             WRITE( stdout,9013) (detmp(1,1)+detmp(2,2)+detmp(3,3))/3.0_DP , nfi
570             9013  FORMAT (/,5X,'TS-vdW Pressure (GPa)',F15.5,I7)
571           END IF
572           !
573         END IF
574         !
575         ! BS / RAD / HK
576         ! Adding the stress tensor from exact exchange here. exx_wf related
577         !
578         IF(dft_is_hybrid().AND.exx_is_active()) THEN
579           !
580           IF (isotropic .and. (ibrav.eq.1)) THEN
581             !
582             ! BS / RAD
583             ! This part is dE/dV; so works only for cubic cells and isotropic change
584             ! in simulation cell while doing variable cell calculation ..
585             ! dE/dV = -(1/3) * (-exx * 0.25_DP) / V
586             ! dexx(3,3) = dE/dh = (dE/dV) * (dV/dh) = (dE/dV) * V * (Transpose h)^-1
587             !
588             DO k = 1, 6
589               IF(alpha(k) .EQ. beta(k)) THEN
590                 detmp( alpha(k), beta(k) ) = - (1.0_DP/3.0_DP) * (-exx * exxalfa)
591               ELSE
592                 detmp( alpha(k), beta(k) ) = 0.0_DP
593               END IF
594               detmp( beta(k), alpha(k) ) = detmp( alpha(k), beta(k) )
595             END DO
596             !
597             dexx = MATMUL( detmp(:,:), TRANSPOSE( ainv(:,:) ) )
598             !
599           ELSE
600             !
601             ! HK: general case is computed in exx_gs.f90
602             !    (notice that the negative sign comes from the definition of
603             !     exchange energy being as positive value)
604             !
605             dexx = -dexx_dh*exxalfa
606             !
607           END IF
608           !
609           detot = detot + dexx
610           !
611           IF(MOD(nfi,iprint_stdout).EQ.0) WRITE( stdout,9014) (-1.0_DP/3.0_DP)*&
612               (dexx(1,1)+dexx(2,2)+dexx(3,3))*au_gpa , nfi
613           9014  FORMAT (5X,'EXX Pressure (GPa)',F15.5,I7)
614           !
615         END IF
616         ! BS / RAD : stress tensor from exx ends here ...
617         !
618         ! BS / RAD start print total electronic pressure -------------
619         !
620         IF(MOD(nfi,iprint_stdout).EQ.0)  THEN
621           detmp = detot
622           detmp = -1.d0 * (MATMUL( detmp(:,:), TRANSPOSE(h) )) / omega
623           detmp = detmp * au_gpa   ! GPa
624           WRITE( stdout,9015) (detmp(1,1)+detmp(2,2)+detmp(3,3))/3.0_DP , nfi
625           9015  FORMAT (5X,'Total Electronic Pressure (GPa)',F15.5,I7)
626         END IF
627         !
628      END IF
629      !
630      CALL stop_clock( 'vofrho' )
631      !
632      IF ( tpre ) THEN
633         !
634         IF( ( iverbosity > 1 ) .AND. ( MOD( nfi - 1, iprint) == 0 ) ) THEN
635            !
636            WRITE( stdout,*)
637            WRITE( stdout,*) "From vofrho:"
638            WRITE( stdout,*) "cell parameters h"
639            WRITE( stdout,5555) (at(i,1)*alat, at(i,2)*alat, at(i,3)*alat,i=1,3)
640            !
641            WRITE( stdout,*)
642            WRITE( stdout,*) "derivative of e(tot)"
643            WRITE( stdout,5555) ((detot(i,j),j=1,3),i=1,3)
644            WRITE( stdout,*) "kbar"
645            detmp = -1.0d0 * MATMUL( detot, TRANSPOSE( h ) ) / omega * au_gpa * 10.0d0
646            WRITE( stdout,5555) ((detmp(i,j),j=1,3),i=1,3)
647            !
648            WRITE( stdout,*)
649            WRITE( stdout,*) "derivative of e(kin)"
650            WRITE( stdout,5555) ((dekin(i,j),j=1,3),i=1,3)
651            WRITE( stdout,*) "kbar"
652            detmp = -1.0d0 * MATMUL( dekin, TRANSPOSE( h ) ) / omega * au_gpa * 10.0d0
653            WRITE( stdout,5555) ((detmp(i,j),j=1,3),i=1,3)
654            !
655            WRITE( stdout,*) "derivative of e(h)"
656            WRITE( stdout,5555) ((dh(i,j),j=1,3),i=1,3)
657            WRITE( stdout,*) "kbar"
658            detmp = -1.0d0 * MATMUL( dh, TRANSPOSE( h ) ) / omega * au_gpa * 10.0d0
659            WRITE( stdout,5555) ((detmp(i,j),j=1,3),i=1,3)
660             !
661            WRITE( stdout,*) "derivative of e(sr)"
662            WRITE( stdout,5555) ((dsr(i,j),j=1,3),i=1,3)
663            WRITE( stdout,*) "kbar"
664            detmp = -1.0d0 * MATMUL( dsr, TRANSPOSE( h ) ) / omega * au_gpa * 10.0d0
665            WRITE( stdout,5555) ((detmp(i,j),j=1,3),i=1,3)
666            !
667            WRITE( stdout,*) "derivative of e(ps)"
668            WRITE( stdout,5555) ((dps(i,j),j=1,3),i=1,3)
669            WRITE( stdout,*) "kbar"
670            detmp = -1.0d0 * MATMUL( dps, TRANSPOSE( h ) ) / omega * au_gpa * 10.0d0
671            WRITE( stdout,5555) ((detmp(i,j),j=1,3),i=1,3)
672            !
673            WRITE( stdout,*) "derivative of e(nl)"
674            WRITE( stdout,5555) ((denl(i,j),j=1,3),i=1,3)
675            WRITE( stdout,*) "kbar"
676            detmp = -1.0d0 * MATMUL( denl, TRANSPOSE( h ) ) / omega * au_gpa * 10.0d0
677            WRITE( stdout,5555) ((detmp(i,j),j=1,3),i=1,3)
678            !
679            WRITE( stdout,*) "derivative of e(xc)"
680            WRITE( stdout,5555) ((dxc(i,j),j=1,3),i=1,3)
681            WRITE( stdout,*) "kbar"
682            detmp = -1.0d0 * MATMUL( dxc, TRANSPOSE( h ) ) / omega * au_gpa * 10.0d0
683            WRITE( stdout,5555) ((detmp(i,j),j=1,3),i=1,3)
684            !
685            IF (ts_vdw) THEN
686               WRITE( stdout,*) "derivative of e(TS-vdW)"
687               WRITE( stdout,5555) ((HtsvdW(i,j),j=1,3),i=1,3)
688               WRITE( stdout,*) "kbar"
689               detmp = -1.0d0 * MATMUL( HtsvdW, TRANSPOSE( h ) ) / omega * au_gpa * 10.0d0
690               WRITE( stdout,5555) ((detmp(i,j),j=1,3),i=1,3)
691            END IF
692         ENDIF
693      ENDIF
695      RETURN
6975555  FORMAT(1x,f12.5,1x,f12.5,1x,f12.5/                                &
698     &       1x,f12.5,1x,f12.5,1x,f12.5/                                &
699     &       1x,f12.5,1x,f12.5,1x,f12.5//)
702END SUBROUTINE vofrho_x