1  !
2  ! Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Samuel Ponce', Roxana Margine, Carla Verdi, Feliciano Giustino
3  !
4  ! This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
5  ! License. See the file `LICENSE' in the root directory of the
6  ! present distribution, or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft.gpl.txt .
7  !
8  !
9  !----------------------------------------------------------------------
10  MODULE io_epw
11  !----------------------------------------------------------------------
12  !!
13  !! This module contains various writing or reading routines to files.
14  !! Most of them are for restart purposes.
15  !!
17  !
19    !
20    !-----------------------------------------------------------------
21    SUBROUTINE rwepmatw(epmatw, nbnd, np, nmodes, nrec, iun, iop)
22    !-----------------------------------------------------------------
23    !!
24    !! A simple wrapper to the davcio routine to read/write arrays
25    !! instead of vectors
26    !!
27    !-----------------------------------------------------------------
28    USE kinds, ONLY : DP
29    USE mp,    ONLY : mp_barrier
30    !
32    !
33    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nbnd
34    !! Total number of bands
35    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: np
36    !! np is either nrr_k or nq (epmatwe and epmatwp have the same structure)
37    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nmodes
38    !! Number of modes
39    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nrec
40    !! Place where to start reading/writing
41    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: iun
42    !! Record number
43    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: iop
44    !! If -1, read and if +1 write the matrix
45    COMPLEX(KIND = DP), INTENT(inout) :: epmatw(nbnd, nbnd, np, nmodes)
46    !! El-ph matrix to read or write
47    !
48    ! Local variables
49    INTEGER :: lrec
50    !! Record length
51    INTEGER :: i
52    !! Index number
53    INTEGER :: ibnd
54    !! Band index
55    INTEGER :: jbnd
56    !! Band index
57    INTEGER :: imode
58    !! Mode index
59    INTEGER :: ip
60    !! REal space index (either nrr_k or nq)
61    COMPLEX(KIND = DP):: aux(nbnd * nbnd * np * nmodes)
62    !! 1-D vector to store the matrix elements.
63    !
64    lrec = 2 * nbnd * nbnd * np * nmodes
65    !
66    IF (iop == -1) then
67      !
68      !  read matrix
69      !
70      CALL davcio(aux, lrec, iun, nrec, -1)
71      !
72      i = 0
73      DO imode = 1, nmodes
74        DO ip = 1, np
75          DO jbnd = 1, nbnd
76            DO ibnd = 1, nbnd
77              i = i + 1
78              epmatw(ibnd, jbnd, ip, imode) = aux(i)
79              !
80            ENDDO
81          ENDDO
82        ENDDO
83      ENDDO
84      !
85    ELSEIF (iop == 1) THEN
86      !
87      !  write matrix
88      !
89      i = 0
90      DO imode = 1, nmodes
91        DO ip = 1, np
92          DO jbnd = 1, nbnd
93            DO ibnd = 1, nbnd
94              i = i + 1
95              aux(i) = epmatw(ibnd, jbnd, ip, imode)
96            ENDDO
97          ENDDO
98        ENDDO
99      ENDDO
100      !
101      CALL davcio(aux, lrec, iun, nrec, +1)
102      !
103    ELSE
104      !
105      CALL errore('rwepmatw', 'iop not permitted', 1)
106      !
107    ENDIF
108    !
109    !----------------------------------------------------------------------
110    END SUBROUTINE rwepmatw
111    !----------------------------------------------------------------------
112    !
113    !----------------------------------------------------------------------
114    SUBROUTINE epw_write(nrr_k, nrr_q, nrr_g, w_centers)
115    !----------------------------------------------------------------------
116    !!
117    !! Routine to write files on real-space grid for fine grid interpolation
118    !!
119    USE kinds,     ONLY : DP
120    USE epwcom,    ONLY : nbndsub, vme, eig_read, etf_mem
121    USE pwcom,     ONLY : ef, nelec
122    USE elph2,     ONLY : chw, rdw, cdmew, cvmew, chw_ks, &
123                          zstar, epsi, epmatwp
124    USE ions_base, ONLY : amass, ityp, nat, tau
125    USE cell_base, ONLY : at, bg, omega, alat
126    USE modes,     ONLY : nmodes
127    USE io_var,    ONLY : epwdata, iundmedata, iunvmedata, iunksdata, iunepmatwp, &
128                          crystal
129    USE noncollin_module, ONLY : noncolin
130    USE io_files,  ONLY : prefix, diropn, tmp_dir
131    USE mp,        ONLY : mp_barrier
132    USE mp_world,  ONLY : mpime
133    USE io_global, ONLY : ionode_id, stdout
134    !
136    !
137    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nrr_k
138    !! Number of WS vectors for the electrons
139    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nrr_q
140    !! Number of WS vectors for the phonons
141    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nrr_g
142    !! Number of WS vectors for the electron-phonons
143    REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(in) :: w_centers(3, nbndsub)
144    !! Wannier center
145    !
146    ! Local variables
147    CHARACTER(LEN = 256) :: filint
148    !! Name of the file
149    LOGICAL             :: exst
150    !! The file exists
151    INTEGER :: ibnd, jbnd
152    !! Band index
153    INTEGER :: jmode, imode
154    !! Mode index
155    INTEGER :: irk, irq, irg
156    !! WS vector looping index on electron, phonons and el-ph
157    INTEGER :: ipol
158    !! Cartesian direction (polarison direction)
159    INTEGER :: lrepmatw
160    !! Record length
161    INTEGER*8 :: unf_recl
162    !! Record length
163    INTEGER :: direct_io_factor
164    !! Type of IOlength
165    INTEGER :: ierr
166    !! Error index
167    REAL(KIND = DP) :: dummy
168    !! Dummy variable
169    !
170    WRITE(stdout,'(/5x,"Writing Hamiltonian, Dynamical matrix and EP vertex in Wann rep to file"/)')
171    !
172    IF (mpime == ionode_id) THEN
173      !
174      OPEN(UNIT = epwdata, FILE = 'epwdata.fmt')
175      OPEN(UNIT = crystal, FILE = 'crystal.fmt')
176      IF (vme) THEN
177        OPEN(UNIT = iunvmedata, FILE = 'vmedata.fmt')
178      ELSE
179        OPEN(UNIT = iundmedata, FILE = 'dmedata.fmt')
180      ENDIF
181      IF (eig_read) OPEN(UNIT = iunksdata, FILE = 'ksdata.fmt')
182      WRITE(crystal,*) nat
183      WRITE(crystal,*) nmodes
184      WRITE(crystal,*) nelec
185      WRITE(crystal,*) at
186      WRITE(crystal,*) bg
187      WRITE(crystal,*) omega
188      WRITE(crystal,*) alat
189      WRITE(crystal,*) tau
190      WRITE(crystal,*) amass
191      WRITE(crystal,*) ityp
192      WRITE(crystal,*) noncolin
193      WRITE(crystal,*) w_centers
194      !
195      WRITE(epwdata,*) ef
196      WRITE(epwdata,*) nbndsub, nrr_k, nmodes, nrr_q, nrr_g
197      WRITE(epwdata,*) zstar, epsi
198      !
199      DO ibnd = 1, nbndsub
200        DO jbnd = 1, nbndsub
201          DO irk = 1, nrr_k
202            WRITE (epwdata,*) chw(ibnd, jbnd, irk)
203            IF (eig_read) WRITE (iunksdata,*) chw_ks(ibnd, jbnd, irk)
204            DO ipol = 1, 3
205              IF (vme) THEN
206                WRITE(iunvmedata,*) cvmew(ipol, ibnd, jbnd, irk)
207              ELSE
208                WRITE(iundmedata,*) cdmew(ipol, ibnd, jbnd, irk)
209              ENDIF
210            ENDDO
211          ENDDO
212        ENDDO
213      ENDDO
214      !
215      DO imode = 1, nmodes
216        DO jmode = 1, nmodes
217          DO irq = 1, nrr_q
218            WRITE(epwdata,*) rdw(imode, jmode, irq)
219          ENDDO
220        ENDDO
221      ENDDO
222      !
223      IF (etf_mem == 0) THEN
224        ! SP: The call to epmatwp is now inside the loop
225        !     This is important as otherwise the lrepmatw INTEGER
226        !     could become too large for integer(kind=4).
227        !     Note that in Fortran the record length has to be a integer
228        !     of kind 4.
229        lrepmatw = 2 * nbndsub * nbndsub * nrr_k * nmodes
230        filint   = TRIM(tmp_dir) // TRIM(prefix)//'.epmatwp'
231        INQUIRE(IOLENGTH = direct_io_factor) dummy
232        unf_recl = direct_io_factor * INT(lrepmatw, KIND = KIND(unf_recl))
233        IF (unf_recl <= 0) CALL errore('epw_write', 'wrong record length', 3)
234        OPEN(iunepmatwp, FILE = TRIM(ADJUSTL(filint)), IOSTAT = ierr, form='unformatted', &
235             STATUS = 'unknown', ACCESS = 'direct', RECL = unf_recl)
236        IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('epw_write', 'error opening ' // TRIM(filint), 1)
237        !
238        !CALL diropn(iunepmatwp, 'epmatwp', lrepmatw, exst)
239        DO irg = 1, nrr_g
240          CALL davcio(epmatwp(:, :, :, :, irg), lrepmatw, iunepmatwp, irg, +1)
241        ENDDO
242        !
243        CLOSE(iunepmatwp)
244      ENDIF
245      !
246      CLOSE(epwdata)
247      CLOSE(crystal)
248      IF (vme) THEN
249        CLOSE(iunvmedata)
250      ELSE
251        CLOSE(iundmedata)
252      ENDIF
253      IF (eig_read) CLOSE(iunksdata)
254      !
255    ENDIF
256    !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
257    END SUBROUTINE epw_write
258    !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
259    !
260    !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
261    SUBROUTINE epw_read(nrr_k, nrr_q, nrr_g)
262    !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
263    !!
264    !! Routine to read the real space quantities for fine grid interpolation
265    !!
266    USE kinds,     ONLY : DP
267    USE epwcom,    ONLY : nbndsub, vme, eig_read, etf_mem, lifc
268    USE pwcom,     ONLY : ef
269    USE elph2,     ONLY : chw, rdw, epmatwp, cdmew, cvmew, chw_ks, zstar, epsi
270    USE ions_base, ONLY : nat
271    USE modes,     ONLY : nmodes
272    USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
273    USE io_files,  ONLY : prefix, diropn, tmp_dir
274    USE io_var,    ONLY : epwdata, iundmedata, iunvmedata, iunksdata, iunepmatwp
275    USE constants_epw, ONLY : czero, zero
276#if defined(__NAG)
277    USE f90_unix_io,ONLY : flush
279    USE io_global, ONLY : ionode_id
280    USE mp,        ONLY : mp_barrier, mp_bcast
281    USE mp_global, ONLY : world_comm
282    USE mp_world,  ONLY : mpime
283    !
285    !
286    INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: nrr_k
287    !! Number of WS vectors for the electrons
288    INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: nrr_q
289    !! Number of WS vectors for the phonons
290    INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: nrr_g
291    !! Number of WS vectors for the electron-phonons
292    !
293    ! Local variables
294    !
295    CHARACTER(LEN = 256) :: filint
296    !! Name of the file
297    LOGICAL :: exst
298    !! The file exists
299    INTEGER :: ibnd, jbnd
300    !! Band index
301    INTEGER :: jmode, imode
302    !! Mode index
303    INTEGER :: irk, irq, irg
304    !! WS vector looping index on electron, phonons and el-ph
305    INTEGER :: ipol
306    !! Cartesian direction (polarison direction)
307    INTEGER :: lrepmatw
308    !! Record length
309    INTEGER :: ios
310    !! Status of files
311    INTEGER :: ierr
312    !! Error status
313    INTEGER*8 :: unf_recl
314    !! Record length
315    INTEGER :: direct_io_factor
316    !! Type of IOlength
317    REAL(KIND = DP) :: dummy
318    !! Dummy variable
320    !
321    WRITE(stdout,'(/5x,"Reading Hamiltonian, Dynamical matrix and EP vertex in Wann rep from file"/)')
322    FLUSH(stdout)
323    !
324    ! This is important in restart mode as zstar etc has not been allocated
325    ALLOCATE(zstar(3, 3, nat), STAT = ierr)
326    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('epw_read', 'Error allocating zstar', 1)
327    ALLOCATE(epsi(3, 3), STAT = ierr)
328    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('epw_read', 'Error allocating epsi', 1)
329    !
330    IF (mpime == ionode_id) THEN
331      !
332      OPEN(UNIT = epwdata, FILE = 'epwdata.fmt', STATUS = 'old', IOSTAT = ios)
333      IF (ios /= 0) CALL errore ('epw_read', 'error opening epwdata.fmt', epwdata)
334      IF (eig_read) OPEN(UNIT = iunksdata, FILE = 'ksdata.fmt', STATUS = 'old', IOSTAT = ios)
335      IF (eig_read .AND. ios /= 0) CALL errore ('epw_read', 'error opening ksdata.fmt', iunksdata)
336      IF (vme) THEN
337        OPEN(UNIT = iunvmedata, FILE = 'vmedata.fmt', STATUS = 'old', IOSTAT = ios)
338        IF (ios /= 0) CALL errore ('epw_read', 'error opening vmedata.fmt', iunvmedata)
339      ELSE
340        OPEN(UNIT = iundmedata, FILE = 'dmedata.fmt', STATUS = 'old', IOSTAT = ios)
341        IF (ios /= 0) CALL errore ('epw_read', 'error opening dmedata.fmt', iundmedata)
342      ENDIF
343      READ(epwdata,*) ef
344      READ(epwdata,*) nbndsub, nrr_k, nmodes, nrr_q, nrr_g
345      READ(epwdata,*) zstar, epsi
346      !
347    ENDIF
348    CALL mp_bcast(ef,      ionode_id, world_comm)
349    CALL mp_bcast(nbndsub, ionode_id, world_comm)
350    CALL mp_bcast(nrr_k,   ionode_id, world_comm)
351    CALL mp_bcast(nmodes,  ionode_id, world_comm)
352    CALL mp_bcast(nrr_q,   ionode_id, world_comm)
353    CALL mp_bcast(nrr_g,   ionode_id, world_comm)
354    CALL mp_bcast(zstar,   ionode_id, world_comm)
355    CALL mp_bcast(epsi,    ionode_id, world_comm)
356    !
357    ALLOCATE(chw(nbndsub, nbndsub, nrr_k), STAT = ierr)
358    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('epw_read', 'Error allocating chw', 1)
359    ALLOCATE(chw_ks(nbndsub, nbndsub, nrr_k), STAT = ierr)
360    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('epw_read', 'Error allocating chw_ks', 1)
361    ALLOCATE(rdw(nmodes, nmodes,  nrr_q), STAT = ierr)
362    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('epw_read', 'Error allocating rdw', 1)
363    IF (vme) THEN
364      ALLOCATE(cvmew(3, nbndsub, nbndsub, nrr_k), STAT = ierr)
365      IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('epw_read', 'Error allocating cvmew', 1)
366    ELSE
367      ALLOCATE(cdmew(3, nbndsub, nbndsub, nrr_k), STAT = ierr)
368      IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('epw_read', 'Error allocating cdmew', 1)
369    ENDIF
370    !
371    IF (mpime == ionode_id) THEN
372     !
373     DO ibnd = 1, nbndsub
374       DO jbnd = 1, nbndsub
375         DO irk = 1, nrr_k
376           READ(epwdata,*) chw(ibnd, jbnd, irk)
377           IF (eig_read) READ(iunksdata,*) chw_ks(ibnd, jbnd, irk)
378           DO ipol = 1,3
379             IF (vme) THEN
380               READ(iunvmedata,*) cvmew(ipol, ibnd, jbnd, irk)
381             ELSE
382               READ(iundmedata,*) cdmew(ipol, ibnd, jbnd, irk)
383             ENDIF
384           ENDDO
385         ENDDO
386       ENDDO
387     ENDDO
388     !
389     IF (.NOT. lifc) THEN
390       DO imode = 1, nmodes
391         DO jmode = 1, nmodes
392           DO irq = 1, nrr_q
393             READ(epwdata,*) rdw(imode, jmode, irq)
394           ENDDO
395         ENDDO
396       ENDDO
397     ENDIF
398     !
399    ENDIF
400    !
401    CALL mp_bcast(chw, ionode_id, world_comm)
402    !
403    IF (eig_read) CALL mp_bcast(chw_ks, ionode_id, world_comm)
404    IF (.NOT. lifc) CALL mp_bcast(rdw, ionode_id, world_comm)
405    !
406    IF (vme) THEN
407      CALL mp_bcast(cvmew, ionode_id, world_comm)
408    ELSE
409      CALL mp_bcast(cdmew, ionode_id, world_comm)
410    ENDIF
411    !
412    IF (lifc) THEN
413      CALL read_ifc_epw
414    ENDIF
415    !
416    IF (etf_mem == 0) THEN
417      ALLOCATE(epmatwp(nbndsub, nbndsub, nrr_k, nmodes, nrr_g), STAT = ierr)
418      IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('epw_read', 'Error allocating epmatwp', 1)
419      epmatwp = czero
420      IF (mpime == ionode_id) THEN
421        ! SP: The call to epmatwp is now inside the loop
422        !     This is important as otherwise the lrepmatw INTEGER
423        !     could become too large for integer(kind=4).
424        !     Note that in Fortran the record length has to be a integer
425        !     of kind 4.
426        lrepmatw = 2 * nbndsub * nbndsub * nrr_k * nmodes
427        filint   = TRIM(tmp_dir) // TRIM(prefix)//'.epmatwp'
428        !
429        INQUIRE(IOLENGTH = direct_io_factor) dummy
430        unf_recl = direct_io_factor * INT(lrepmatw, KIND = KIND(unf_recl))
431        IF (unf_recl <= 0) CALL errore('epw_read', 'wrong record length', 3)
432        OPEN(iunepmatwp, FILE = TRIM(ADJUSTL(filint)), IOSTAT = ierr, FORM = 'unformatted', &
433             STATUS = 'unknown', ACCESS = 'direct', RECL = unf_recl)
434        IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('epw_read', 'error opening ' // TRIM(filint), 1)
435        !
436        DO irg = 1, nrr_g
437          CALL davcio(epmatwp(:, :, :, :, irg), lrepmatw, iunepmatwp, irg, -1)
438        ENDDO
439        !
440        CLOSE(iunepmatwp)
441      ENDIF
442      !
443      CALL mp_bcast(epmatwp, ionode_id, world_comm)
444      !
445    ENDIF
446    !
447    !CALL mp_barrier(inter_pool_comm)
448    IF (mpime == ionode_id) THEN
449      CLOSE(epwdata)
450      IF (vme) THEN
451        CLOSE(iunvmedata)
452      ELSE
453        CLOSE(iundmedata)
454      ENDIF
455    ENDIF
456    !
457    WRITE(stdout, '(/5x,"Finished reading Wann rep data from file"/)')
458    !
459    !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
460    END SUBROUTINE epw_read
461    !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
462    !
463    !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
464    SUBROUTINE read_ifc_epw()
465    !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
466    !!
467    !! Read IFC in real space from the file generated by q2r.
468    !! Adapted from PH/matdyn.x by C. Verdi and S. Ponce
469    !!
470    !
471    USE kinds,     ONLY : DP
472    USE elph2,     ONLY : ifc, zstar, epsi
473    USE epwcom,    ONLY : asr_typ, dvscf_dir, nqc1, nqc2, nqc3
474    USE ions_base, ONLY : nat
475    USE cell_base, ONLY : ibrav, omega, at, bg, celldm, alat
476    USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
477    USE io_var,    ONLY : iunifc
478    USE noncollin_module, ONLY : nspin_mag
479    USE io_global, ONLY : ionode_id, ionode
480    USE mp,        ONLY : mp_barrier, mp_bcast
481    USE mp_global, ONLY : intra_pool_comm, inter_pool_comm, root_pool
482    USE mp_world,  ONLY : mpime, world_comm
483    USE io_dyn_mat,ONLY : read_dyn_mat_param, read_dyn_mat_header, &
484                          read_ifc_param, read_ifc
485#if defined(__NAG)
486    USE f90_unix_io, ONLY : flush
488    !
490    !
491    ! Local variables
492    LOGICAL :: lpolar_
493    !! Polar flag
494    LOGICAL :: has_zstar
495    !! Does it has Born effective charges
496    LOGICAL :: is_xml_file
497    !! Is the file XML
498    CHARACTER(LEN = 80) :: line
499    !!
500    CHARACTER(LEN = 256) :: tempfile
501    !!
502    CHARACTER(LEN = 3), ALLOCATABLE :: atm(:)
503    !!
504    INTEGER :: ios
505    !!
506    INTEGER :: i, j
507    !!
508    INTEGER :: m1, m2, m3
509    !!
510    INTEGER :: na, nb
511    !!
512    INTEGER :: idum
513    !!
514    INTEGER :: ibid, jbid
515    !!
516    INTEGER :: nabid
517    !!
518    INTEGER :: nbbid
519    !!
520    INTEGER :: m1bid, m2bid, m3bid
521    !!
522    INTEGER :: ntyp_
523    !!
524    INTEGER :: nat_
525    !!
526    INTEGER :: ibrav_
527    !!
528    INTEGER :: ityp_(nat)
529    !!
530    INTEGER :: nqs
531    !!
532    INTEGER :: ierr
533    !! Error status
534    INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ntypx = 10
535    !!
536    REAL(KIND = DP):: tau_(3, nat)
537    !!
538    REAL(KIND = DP):: amass2(ntypx)
539    !!
540    REAL(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: m_loc(:, :)
541    !!
542    !
543    WRITE(stdout, '(/5x,"Reading interatomic force constants"/)')
544    FLUSH(stdout)
545    !
546    ! Generic name for the ifc.q2r file. If it is xml, the file will be named ifc.q2r.xml instead
547    tempfile = TRIM(dvscf_dir) // 'ifc.q2r'
548    ! The following function will check if the file exists in xml format
549    CALL check_is_xml_file(tempfile, is_xml_file)
550    !
551    IF (is_xml_file) THEN
552      !IF (mpime == 0) THEN
553      !  ionode = .TRUE.
554      !ELSE
555      !  ionode = .FALSE.
556      !ENDIF
557      !
558      ! pass the 'tempfile' as the '.xml' extension is added in the next routine
559      CALL read_dyn_mat_param(tempfile, ntyp_, nat_)
560      ALLOCATE(m_loc(3, nat_), STAT = ierr)
561      IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('read_ifc_epw', 'Error allocating m_loc', 1)
562      ALLOCATE(atm(ntyp_), STAT = ierr)
563      IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('read_ifc_epw', 'Error allocating atm', 1)
564      CALL read_dyn_mat_header(ntyp_, nat_, ibrav, nspin_mag, &
565               celldm, at, bg, omega, atm, amass2, &
566               tau_, ityp_,  m_loc, nqs, has_zstar, epsi, zstar)
567      CALL volume(alat, at(1, 1), at(1, 2), at(1, 3), omega)
568      CALL read_ifc_param(nqc1, nqc2, nqc3)
569      CALL read_ifc(nqc1, nqc2, nqc3, nat_, ifc)
570      DEALLOCATE(m_loc, STAT = ierr)
571      IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('read_ifc_epw', 'Error deallocating m_loc', 1)
572      DEALLOCATE(atm, STAT = ierr)
573      IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('read_ifc_epw', 'Error deallocating atm', 1)
574      !
575    ELSE ! is_xml_file
576      IF (mpime == ionode_id) THEN
577        !
578        OPEN(UNIT = iunifc, FILE = tempfile, STATUS = 'old', IOSTAT = ios)
579        IF (ios /= 0) call errore ('read_ifc_epw', 'error opening ifc.q2r', iunifc)
580        !
581        !  read real-space interatomic force constants
582        !
583        READ(iunifc,'(3i4)') ntyp_ , nat_ , ibrav_
584        IF (ibrav_ == 0) THEN
585          DO i = 1, 3
586            READ(iunifc, *) line
587          ENDDO
588        ENDIF
589        DO i = 1, ntyp_
590          READ(iunifc, '(a)') line
591        ENDDO
592        DO na = 1, nat
593          READ(iunifc, *) idum, idum, (tau_(j, na), j = 1, 3)
594        ENDDO
595        READ(iunifc, *) lpolar_
596        !
597        IF (lpolar_) THEN
598          READ (iunifc,*) ((epsi(i, j), j = 1, 3), i = 1, 3)
599          DO na = 1, nat
600             READ(iunifc, *) idum
601             READ(iunifc, *) ((zstar(i, j, na), j = 1, 3), i = 1, 3)
602          ENDDO
603          WRITE(stdout, '(5x,a)') "Read Z* and epsilon"
604        ENDIF
605        !
606        READ (iunifc,*) idum
607        !
608        ifc = 0.d0
609        DO i = 1, 3
610          DO j = 1, 3
611            DO na = 1, nat
612              DO nb = 1, nat
613                READ(iunifc, *) ibid, jbid, nabid, nbbid
614                IF (i /= ibid .OR. j /= jbid .OR. na /= nabid .OR. nb /= nbbid)  &
615                  CALL errore('read_epw', 'error in reading ifc', 1)
616                READ(iunifc, *) (((m1bid, m2bid, m3bid, ifc(m1, m2, m3, i, j, na, nb), &
617                           m1 = 1, nqc1), m2 = 1, nqc2), m3 = 1, nqc3)
618              ENDDO
619            ENDDO
620          ENDDO
621        ENDDO
622        CLOSE(iunifc)
623      ENDIF ! mpime
624      ! It has to be casted like this because mpi cannot cast 7 indices
625      DO i = 1, 3
626        DO j = 1, 3
627          DO na = 1, nat
628            DO nb = 1, nat
629              CALL mp_bcast(ifc(:, :, :, i, j, na, nb), ionode_id, inter_pool_comm)
630              CALL mp_bcast(ifc(:, :, :, i, j, na, nb), root_pool, intra_pool_comm)
631            ENDDO
632          ENDDO
633        ENDDO
634      ENDDO
635      CALL mp_bcast(zstar, ionode_id, world_comm)
636      CALL mp_bcast(epsi, ionode_id, world_comm)
637      CALL mp_bcast(tau_, ionode_id, world_comm)
638      CALL mp_bcast(ibrav_, ionode_id, world_comm)
639    ENDIF ! has_xml
640    !
641    WRITE(stdout,'(5x,"IFC last ", 1f12.7)') ifc(nqc1, nqc2, nqc3, 3, 3, nat, nat)
642    !
643    CALL set_asr2(asr_typ, nqc1, nqc2, nqc3, ifc, zstar, nat, ibrav_, tau_)
644    !
645    WRITE(stdout, '(/5x,"Finished reading ifcs"/)')
646    !
647    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
648    END SUBROUTINE read_ifc_epw
649    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
650    !
651    !----------------------------------------------------------------------
652    SUBROUTINE set_asr2(asr, nr1, nr2, nr3, frc, zeu, nat, ibrav, tau)
653    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
654    !!
655    !! Set the acoustic sum rule.
656    !! Taken directly from PHonon/PH/q2trans.f90
657    !! It would be better to take the set_asr for /Modules/.
658    !! However they are different (frc) and to be consitent with q2r.x we take this one.
659    !
660    USE kinds,      ONLY : DP
661    USE io_global,  ONLY : stdout
662    !
664    !
665    CHARACTER(LEN = 10), INTENT(in) :: asr
666    !! Acoustic sum rule
667    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nr1, nr2, nr3
668    !!
669    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nat
670    !! Number of atoms
671    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ibrav
672    !! Bravais lattice
673    REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(in) :: tau(3, nat)
674    !! Atomic position
675    REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(inout) :: frc(nr1, nr2, nr3, 3, 3, nat, nat)
676    !! Real-space IFC
677    REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(inout) :: zeu(3, 3, nat)
678    !! Z*
679    !
680    ! Local variables
681    TYPE vector
682      REAL(KIND = DP), pointer :: vec(:, :, :, :, :, :, :)
683    END TYPE vector
684    !
685    TYPE (vector) u(6 * 3 * nat)
686    ! These are the "vectors" associated with the sum rules on force-constants
687    INTEGER :: axis
688    !!
689    INTEGER :: n
690    !!
691    INTEGER :: i, j
692    !!
693    INTEGER :: na, nb
694    !!
695    INTEGER :: n1, n2, n3
696    !!
697    INTEGER :: m, p, k, l, q, r
698    !!
699    INTEGER :: i1, j1
700    !!
701    INTEGER :: na1
702    !!
703    INTEGER :: ierr
704    !! Error status
705    INTEGER :: u_less(6 * 3 * nat)
706    !! indices of the vectors u that are not independent to the preceding ones
707    INTEGER :: n_less
708    !! Number of index that are no independent
709    INTEGER :: i_less
710    !! temporary parameter
711    INTEGER :: zeu_less(6 * 3)
712    !! indices of the vectors zeu_u that are not independent to the preceding ones,
713    INTEGER :: nzeu_less
714    !! number of such vectors
715    INTEGER :: izeu_less
716    !!  temporary parameter
717    INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: ind_v(:, :, :)
718    !!
719    REAL(KIND = DP) :: zeu_new(3, 3, nat)
720    !!
721    REAL(KIND = DP) :: scal
722    !!
723    REAL(KIND = DP) :: norm2
724    !!
725    REAL(KIND = DP) :: sum
726    !!
727    REAL(KIND = DP) :: zeu_u(6 * 3, 3, 3, nat)
728    !! These are the "vectors" associated with the sum rules on effective charges
729    REAL(KIND = DP) :: zeu_w(3, 3, nat)
730    !!
731    REAL(KIND = DP) :: zeu_x(3, 3, nat)
732    !!
733    REAL(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: w(:, :, :, :, :, :, :)
734    !! temporary vectors and parameters
735    REAL(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: x(:, :, :, :, :, :, :)
736    !! temporary vectors and parameters
737    REAL(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: frc_new(:,:,:,:,:,:,:)
738    !
739    REAL(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: v(:, :)
740    !! These are the "vectors" associated with symmetry conditions, coded by
741    !! indicating the positions (i.e. the seven indices) of the non-zero elements (there
742    !! should be only 2 of them) and the value of that element. We do so in order
743    !! to limit the amount of memory used.
744    !
745    ! Initialization. n is the number of sum rules to be considered (if
746    ! asr/='simple')
747    ! and 'axis' is the rotation axis in the case of a 1D system
748    ! (i.e. the rotation axis is (Ox) if axis='1', (Oy) if axis='2' and (Oz) if
749    ! axis='3')
750    !
751    IF ((asr /= 'simple') .AND. (asr /= 'crystal') .AND. (asr /= 'one-dim') .AND. (asr /= 'zero-dim')) THEN
752      CALL errore('set_asr','invalid Acoustic Sum Rule:' // asr, 1)
753    ENDIF
754    !
755    IF (asr == 'simple') THEN
756      !
757      ! Simple Acoustic Sum Rule on effective charges
758      !
759      DO i = 1, 3
760        DO j = 1, 3
761          sum = 0.0d0
762          DO na = 1, nat
763            sum = sum + zeu(i, j, na)
764          ENDDO
765          DO na = 1, nat
766            zeu(i, j, na) = zeu(i, j, na) - sum / nat
767          ENDDO
768        ENDDO
769      ENDDO
770      !
771      ! Simple Acoustic Sum Rule on force constants in real space
772      !
773      DO i = 1, 3
774        DO j = 1, 3
775          DO na = 1, nat
776            sum = 0.0d0
777            DO nb = 1, nat
778              DO n1 = 1, nr1
779                DO n2 = 1, nr2
780                  DO n3 = 1, nr3
781                    sum = sum + frc(n1, n2, n3, i, j, na, nb)
782                  ENDDO
783                ENDDO
784              ENDDO
785            ENDDO
786            frc(1, 1, 1, i, j, na, na) = frc(1, 1, 1, i, j, na, na) - sum
787          ENDDO
788        ENDDO
789      ENDDO
790      WRITE (stdout,'(5x,a)') " Imposed simple ASR"
791      RETURN
792      !
793    ENDIF ! simple
794    !
795    IF (asr == 'crystal') n = 3
796    IF (asr == 'one-dim') THEN
797      ! the direction of periodicity is the rotation axis
798      ! It will work only if the crystal axis considered is one of
799      ! the cartesian axis (typically, ibrav = 1, 6 or 8, or 4 along the z-direction)
800      IF (nr1 * nr2 * nr3 == 1) axis = 3
801      IF ((nr1 /= 1) .AND. (nr2 * nr3 == 1)) axis = 1
802      IF ((nr2 /= 1) .AND. (nr1 * nr3 == 1)) axis = 2
803      IF ((nr3 /= 1) .AND. (nr1 * nr2 == 1)) axis = 3
804      IF (((nr1 /= 1) .AND. (nr2 /=1 )) .OR. ((nr2 /= 1) .AND. (nr3 /= 1)) .OR. ((nr1 /= 1) .AND. (nr3 /=1 ))) THEN
805        CALL errore('set_asr', 'too many directions of periodicity in 1D system', axis)
806      ENDIF
807      IF ((ibrav /= 1) .AND. (ibrav /= 6) .AND. (ibrav /= 8) .AND. ((ibrav /= 4) .OR. (axis /= 3))) THEN
808        WRITE(stdout, *) 'asr: rotational axis may be wrong'
809      ENDIF
810      WRITE(stdout, '("asr rotation axis in 1D system= ", I4)') axis
811      n = 4
812    ENDIF
813    IF(asr == 'zero-dim') n = 6
814    !
815    ! Acoustic Sum Rule on effective charges
816    !
817    ! generating the vectors of the orthogonal of the subspace to project the effective charges matrix on
818    !
819    zeu_u(:, :, :, :) = 0.0d0
820    DO i = 1, 3
821      DO j = 1, 3
822        DO na = 1, nat
823          zeu_new(i, j, na) = zeu(i, j, na)
824        ENDDO
825      ENDDO
826    ENDDO
827    !
828    p = 0
829    DO i = 1, 3
830      DO j = 1, 3
831         ! These are the 3*3 vectors associated with the
832         ! translational acoustic sum rules
833         p = p + 1
834         zeu_u(p, i, j, :) = 1.0d0
835         !
836      ENDDO
837    ENDDO
838    !
839    IF (n == 4) THEN
840      DO i = 1, 3
841        ! These are the 3 vectors associated with the
842        ! single rotational sum rule (1D system)
843        p = p + 1
844        DO na = 1, nat
845          zeu_u(p, i, MOD(axis, 3) + 1, na) = -tau(MOD(axis + 1, 3) + 1,na)
846          zeu_u(p, i, MOD(axis + 1, 3) + 1, na) = tau(MOD(axis, 3) + 1, na)
847        ENDDO
848      ENDDO
849    ENDIF
850    !
851    IF (n == 6) THEN
852      DO i = 1, 3
853        DO j = 1, 3
854          ! These are the 3*3 vectors associated with the
855          ! three rotational sum rules (0D system - typ. molecule)
856          p = p + 1
857          DO na = 1, nat
858            zeu_u(p, i, MOD(j, 3) + 1, na) = -tau(MOD(j + 1, 3) + 1, na)
859            zeu_u(p, i, MOD(j + 1, 3) + 1, na) = tau(MOD(j, 3) + 1, na)
860          ENDDO
861        ENDDO
862      ENDDO
863    ENDIF
864    !
865    ! Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization of the set of vectors created.
866    !
867    nzeu_less = 0
868    DO k = 1, p
869      zeu_w(:, :, :) = zeu_u(k, :, :, :)
870      zeu_x(:, :, :) = zeu_u(k, :, :, :)
871      DO q = 1, k - 1
872        r = 1
873        DO izeu_less = 1, nzeu_less
874          IF (zeu_less(izeu_less) == q) r = 0
875        ENDDO
876        IF (r /= 0) THEN
877          CALL sp_zeu(zeu_x, zeu_u(q, :, :, :), nat,scal)
878          zeu_w(:, :, :) = zeu_w(:, :, :) - scal * zeu_u(q, :, :, :)
879        ENDIF
880      ENDDO
881      CALL sp_zeu(zeu_w, zeu_w, nat, norm2)
882      IF (norm2 > 1.0d-16) THEN
883        zeu_u(k,:,:,:) = zeu_w(:, :, :) / DSQRT(norm2)
884      ELSE
885        nzeu_less = nzeu_less + 1
886        zeu_less(nzeu_less) = k
887      ENDIF
888    ENDDO
889    !
890    ! Projection of the effective charge "vector" on the orthogonal of the
891    ! subspace of the vectors verifying the sum rules
892    !
893    zeu_w(:, :, :) = 0.0d0
894    DO k = 1, p
895      r = 1
896      DO izeu_less = 1,nzeu_less
897        IF (zeu_less(izeu_less) == k) r = 0
898      ENDDO
899      IF (r /= 0) THEN
900        zeu_x(:, :, :) = zeu_u(k, :, :, :)
901        CALL sp_zeu(zeu_x, zeu_new, nat, scal)
902        zeu_w(:, :, :) = zeu_w(:, :, :) + scal * zeu_u(k, :, :, :)
903      ENDIF
904    ENDDO
905    !
906    ! Final substraction of the former projection to the initial zeu, to get
907    ! the new "projected" zeu
908    !
909    zeu_new(:, :, :) = zeu_new(:, :, :) - zeu_w(:, :, :)
910    CALL sp_zeu(zeu_w, zeu_w, nat, norm2)
911    WRITE(stdout, '(5x,"Norm of the difference between old and new effective charges: ", 1f12.7)') DSQRT(norm2)
912    !
913    DO i = 1, 3
914      DO j = 1, 3
915        DO na = 1, nat
916          zeu(i, j, na) = zeu_new(i, j, na)
917        ENDDO
918      ENDDO
919    ENDDO
920    !
921    ! Acoustic Sum Rule on force constants
922    !
923    ! generating the vectors of the orthogonal of the subspace to project
924    ! the force-constants matrix on
925    !
926    DO k = 1, 18 * nat
927      ALLOCATE(u(k) % vec(nr1, nr2, nr3, 3, 3, nat, nat), STAT = ierr)
928      IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('set_asr2', 'Error allocating u(k) % vec', 1)
929      u(k) % vec (:, :, :, :, :, :, :) = 0.0d0
930    ENDDO
931    ALLOCATE(frc_new(nr1, nr2, nr3, 3, 3, nat, nat), STAT = ierr)
932    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('set_asr2', 'Error allocating frc_new', 1)
933    DO i = 1, 3
934      DO j = 1, 3
935        DO na = 1, nat
936          DO nb = 1, nat
937            DO n1 = 1, nr1
938              DO n2 = 1, nr2
939                DO n3 = 1, nr3
940                  frc_new(n1, n2, n3, i, j, na, nb) = frc(n1, n2, n3, i, j, na, nb)
941                ENDDO
942              ENDDO
943            ENDDO
944          ENDDO
945        ENDDO
946      ENDDO
947    ENDDO
948    !
949    p = 0
950    DO i = 1, 3
951      DO j = 1, 3
952        DO na = 1, nat
953          ! These are the 3*3*nat vectors associated with the
954          ! translational acoustic sum rules
955          p = p + 1
956          u(p) % vec(:, :, :, i, j, na, :) = 1.0d0
957          !
958        ENDDO
959      ENDDO
960    ENDDO
961    !
962    IF (n == 4) THEN
963      DO i = 1, 3
964        DO na = 1, nat
965          ! These are the 3*nat vectors associated with the
966          ! single rotational sum rule (1D system)
967          p = p + 1
968          DO nb = 1, nat
969            u(p) % vec(: ,:, :, i, MOD(axis, 3) + 1, na, nb) = -tau(MOD(axis + 1, 3) + 1, nb)
970            u(p) % vec(:, :, :, i, MOD(axis + 1, 3) + 1, na, nb) = tau(MOD(axis, 3) + 1, nb)
971          ENDDO
972        ENDDO
973      ENDDO
974    ENDIF
975    !
976    IF (n == 6) THEN
977      DO i = 1, 3
978        DO j = 1, 3
979          DO na = 1, nat
980            ! These are the 3*3*nat vectors associated with the
981            ! three rotational sum rules (0D system - typ. molecule)
982            p = p + 1
983            DO nb = 1, nat
984              u(p) % vec(:, :, :, i, MOD(j, 3) + 1, na, nb) = -tau(MOD(j + 1, 3) + 1, nb)
985              u(p) % vec(:, :, :, i, MOD(j + 1, 3) + 1, na, nb) = tau(MOD(j, 3) + 1, nb)
986            ENDDO
987          ENDDO
988        ENDDO
989      ENDDO
990    ENDIF
991    !
992    ALLOCATE(ind_v(9 * nat * nat * nr1 * nr2 * nr3, 2, 7), STAT = ierr)
993    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('set_asr2', 'Error allocating ind_v', 1)
994    ALLOCATE(v(9 * nat * nat * nr1 * nr2 * nr3, 2), STAT = ierr)
995    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('set_asr2', 'Error allocating v', 1)
996    m = 0
997    DO i = 1, 3
998      DO j = 1, 3
999        DO na = 1, nat
1000          DO nb = 1, nat
1001            DO n1 = 1, nr1
1002              DO n2 = 1, nr2
1003                DO n3 = 1, nr3
1004                  ! These are the vectors associated with the symmetry
1005                  ! constraints
1006                  q = 1
1007                  l = 1
1008                  DO WHILE((l <= m) .AND. (q /= 0))
1009                    IF ((ind_v(l, 1, 1) == n1) .AND. (ind_v(l, 1, 2) == n2) .AND. &
1010                        (ind_v(l, 1, 3) == n3) .AND. (ind_v(l, 1, 4) == i) .AND. &
1011                        (ind_v(l, 1, 5) == j) .AND. (ind_v(l, 1, 6) == na) .AND. &
1012                        (ind_v(l, 1, 7) == nb)) q = 0
1013                    IF ((ind_v(l, 2, 1) == n1) .AND. (ind_v(l, 2, 2) == n2) .AND. &
1014                        (ind_v(l, 2, 3) == n3) .AND. (ind_v(l, 2, 4) == i) .AND. &
1015                        (ind_v(l, 2, 5) == j) .AND. (ind_v(l, 2, 6) == na) .AND. &
1016                        (ind_v(l, 2, 7) == nb)) q = 0
1017                    l = l + 1
1018                  ENDDO
1019                  IF ((n1 == MOD(nr1 + 1 - n1, nr1) + 1) .AND. (n2 == MOD(nr2 + 1 - n2, nr2) + 1) &
1020                       .AND. (n3 == MOD(nr3 + 1 - n3, nr3) + 1) .AND. (i == j) .AND. (na == nb)) q = 0
1021                  IF (q /= 0) THEN
1022                    m = m + 1
1023                    ind_v(m, 1, 1) = n1
1024                    ind_v(m, 1, 2) = n2
1025                    ind_v(m, 1, 3) = n3
1026                    ind_v(m, 1, 4) = i
1027                    ind_v(m, 1, 5) = j
1028                    ind_v(m, 1, 6) = na
1029                    ind_v(m, 1, 7) = nb
1030                    v(m, 1) = 1.0d0 / DSQRT(2.0d0)
1031                    ind_v(m, 2, 1) = MOD(nr1 + 1 - n1, nr1) + 1
1032                    ind_v(m, 2, 2) = MOD(nr2 + 1 - n2, nr2) + 1
1033                    ind_v(m, 2, 3) = MOD(nr3 + 1 - n3, nr3) + 1
1034                    ind_v(m, 2, 4) = j
1035                    ind_v(m, 2, 5) = i
1036                    ind_v(m, 2, 6) = nb
1037                    ind_v(m, 2, 7) = na
1038                    v(m, 2) = -1.0d0 / DSQRT(2.0d0)
1039                  ENDIF
1040                ENDDO
1041              ENDDO
1042            ENDDO
1043          ENDDO
1044        ENDDO
1045      ENDDO
1046    ENDDO
1047    !
1048    ! Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization of the set of vectors created.
1049    ! Note that the vectors corresponding to symmetry constraints are already
1050    ! orthonormalized by construction.
1051    !
1052    n_less = 0
1053    ALLOCATE(w(nr1, nr2, nr3, 3, 3, nat, nat), STAT = ierr)
1054    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('set_asr2', 'Error allocating w', 1)
1055    ALLOCATE(x(nr1, nr2, nr3, 3, 3, nat, nat), STAT = ierr)
1056    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('set_asr2', 'Error allocating x', 1)
1057    DO k = 1, p
1058      w(:, :, :, :, :, :, :) = u(k) % vec(:, :, :, :, :, :, :)
1059      x(:, :, :, :, :, :, :) = u(k) % vec(:, :, :, :, :, :, :)
1060      DO l = 1, m
1061        !
1062        CALL sp2(x, v(l, :), ind_v(l, :, :), nr1, nr2, nr3, nat, scal)
1063        DO r = 1, 2
1064          n1 = ind_v(l, r, 1)
1065          n2 = ind_v(l, r, 2)
1066          n3 = ind_v(l, r, 3)
1067          i = ind_v(l, r, 4)
1068          j = ind_v(l, r, 5)
1069          na = ind_v(l, r, 6)
1070          nb = ind_v(l, r, 7)
1071          w(n1, n2, n3, i, j, na, nb) = w(n1, n2, n3, i, j, na, nb) - scal * v(l, r)
1072        ENDDO
1073      ENDDO
1074      IF (k <= (9 * nat)) THEN
1075        na1 = MOD(k, nat)
1076        IF (na1 == 0) na1 = nat
1077        j1 = MOD((k - na1) / nat, 3) + 1
1078        i1 = MOD((((k - na1) / nat) - j1 + 1) / 3, 3) + 1
1079      ELSE
1080        q = k - 9 * nat
1081        IF (n == 4) THEN
1082          na1 = MOD(q, nat)
1083          IF (na1 == 0) na1 = nat
1084          i1 = MOD((q - na1) / nat, 3) + 1
1085        ELSE
1086          na1 = MOD(q, nat)
1087          IF (na1 == 0) na1 = nat
1088          j1 = MOD((q - na1) / nat, 3) + 1
1089          i1 = MOD((((q - na1) / nat) - j1 + 1) / 3, 3) + 1
1090        ENDIF
1091      ENDIF
1092      DO q = 1, k - 1
1093        r = 1
1094        DO i_less = 1, n_less
1095          IF (u_less(i_less) == q) r = 0
1096        ENDDO
1097        IF (r /= 0) THEN
1098          CALL sp3(x, u(q) % vec(:, :, :, :, :, :, :), i1, na1, nr1, nr2, nr3, nat, scal)
1099          w(:, :, :, :, :, :, :) = w(:, :, :, :, :, :, :) - scal * u(q) % vec(:, :, :, :, :, :, :)
1100        ENDIF
1101      ENDDO
1102      CALL sp1(w, w, nr1, nr2, nr3, nat, norm2)
1103      IF (norm2 > 1.0d-16) THEN
1104        u(k) % vec(:, :, :, :, :, :, :) = w(:, :, :, :, :, :, :) / DSQRT(norm2)
1105      ELSE
1106        n_less = n_less + 1
1107        u_less(n_less) = k
1108      ENDIF
1109    ENDDO
1110    !
1111    ! Projection of the force-constants "vector" on the orthogonal of the
1112    ! subspace of the vectors verifying the sum rules and symmetry contraints
1113    !
1114    w(:, :, :, :, :, :, :) = 0.0d0
1115    DO l = 1, m
1116      CALL sp2(frc_new, v(l, :), ind_v(l, :, :), nr1, nr2, nr3, nat, scal)
1117      DO r = 1, 2
1118        n1 = ind_v(l, r, 1)
1119        n2 = ind_v(l, r, 2)
1120        n3 = ind_v(l, r, 3)
1121        i = ind_v(l, r, 4)
1122        j = ind_v(l, r, 5)
1123        na = ind_v(l, r, 6)
1124        nb = ind_v(l, r, 7)
1125        w(n1, n2, n3, i, j, na, nb) = w(n1, n2, n3, i, j, na, nb) + scal * v(l, r)
1126      ENDDO
1127    ENDDO
1128    DO k = 1, p
1129      r = 1
1130      DO i_less = 1,n_less
1131        IF (u_less(i_less) == k) r = 0
1132      ENDDO
1133      IF (r /= 0) THEN
1134        x(:, :, :, :, :, :, :) = u(k) % vec(:, :, :, :, :, :, :)
1135        call sp1(x, frc_new, nr1, nr2, nr3, nat, scal)
1136        w(:, :, :, :, :, :, :) = w(:, :, :, :, :, :, :) + scal * u(k)%vec(:, :, :, :, :, :, :)
1137      ENDIF
1138      DEALLOCATE(u(k)%vec, STAT = ierr)
1139      IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('set_asr2', 'Error deallocating u(k)%vec', 1)
1140    ENDDO
1141    !
1142    ! Final substraction of the former projection to the initial frc, to get
1143    ! the new "projected" frc
1144    !
1145    frc_new(:, :, :, :, :, :, :) = frc_new(:, :, :, :, :, :, :) - w(:, :, :, :, :, :, :)
1146    CALL sp1(w, w, nr1, nr2, nr3, nat, norm2)
1147    !
1148    WRITE(stdout, '(5x,"Norm of the difference between old and new force-constants: ", 1f12.7)') DSQRT(norm2)
1149    !
1150    DO i = 1, 3
1151      DO j = 1, 3
1152        DO na = 1, nat
1153          DO nb = 1, nat
1154            DO n1 = 1, nr1
1155              DO n2 = 1, nr2
1156                DO n3 = 1, nr3
1157                  frc(n1, n2, n3, i, j, na, nb) = frc_new(n1, n2, n3, i, j, na, nb)
1158                ENDDO
1159              ENDDO
1160            ENDDO
1161          ENDDO
1162        ENDDO
1163      ENDDO
1164    ENDDO
1165    DEALLOCATE(x, STAT = ierr)
1166    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('set_asr2', 'Error deallocating x', 1)
1167    DEALLOCATE(w, STAT = ierr)
1168    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('set_asr2', 'Error deallocating w', 1)
1169    DEALLOCATE(v, STAT = ierr)
1170    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('set_asr2', 'Error deallocating v', 1)
1171    DEALLOCATE(ind_v, STAT = ierr)
1172    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('set_asr2', 'Error deallocating ind_v', 1)
1173    DEALLOCATE(frc_new, STAT = ierr)
1174    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('set_asr2', 'Error deallocating frc_new', 1)
1175    WRITE(stdout, '(5x,a)') "Imposed crystal ASR"
1176    !
1177    RETURN
1178    !----------------------------------------------------------------------
1179    END SUBROUTINE set_asr2
1180    !----------------------------------------------------------------------
1181    !
1182    !----------------------------------------------------------------------
1183    SUBROUTINE sp_zeu(zeu_u, zeu_v, nat, scal)
1184    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1185    !!
1186    !! Does the scalar product of two effective charges matrices zeu_u and zeu_v
1187    !! (considered as vectors in the R^(3*3*nat) space, and coded in the usual way)
1188    !!
1189    USE kinds, ONLY: DP
1190    !
1192    !
1193    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nat
1194    !!
1195    REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(in) :: zeu_u(3, 3, nat)
1196    !!
1197    REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(in) :: zeu_v(3, 3, nat)
1198    !!
1199    REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(inout) :: scal
1200    !!
1201    ! Local variables
1202    INTEGER :: i
1203    !!
1204    INTEGER :: j
1205    !!
1206    INTEGER :: na
1207    !!
1208    !
1209    scal = 0.0d0
1210    DO i = 1, 3
1211      DO j = 1, 3
1212        DO na = 1, nat
1213          scal = scal + zeu_u(i, j, na) * zeu_v(i, j, na)
1214        ENDDO
1215      ENDDO
1216    ENDDO
1217    !
1218    RETURN
1219    !
1220    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1221    END SUBROUTINE sp_zeu
1222    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1223    !
1224    !----------------------------------------------------------------------
1225    SUBROUTINE sp1(u, v, nr1, nr2, nr3, nat, scal)
1226    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1227    !!
1228    !! Does the scalar product of two force-constants matrices u and v (considered as
1229    !! vectors in the R^(3*3*nat*nat*nr1*nr2*nr3) space, and coded in the usual way)
1230    !!
1231    USE kinds, ONLY: DP
1232    !
1234    !
1235    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nr1, nr2, nr3
1236    !! Supercell dims
1237    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nat
1238    !! Number of atoms
1239    REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(in) :: u(nr1, nr2, nr3, 3, 3, nat, nat)
1240    !! First force-constent matrix
1241    REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(in) :: v(nr1, nr2, nr3, 3, 3, nat, nat)
1242    !! Second force-constent matrix
1243    REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(out) :: scal
1244    !! Scalar product
1245    !
1246    ! Local variables
1247    INTEGER ::  i, j
1248    !! Cartesian direction
1249    INTEGER :: na, nb
1250    !! Atoms index
1251    INTEGER :: n1, n2, n3
1252    !! Supercell index
1253    !
1254    scal = 0.0d0
1255    DO i = 1, 3
1256      DO j = 1, 3
1257        DO na = 1, nat
1258          DO nb = 1, nat
1259            DO n1 = 1, nr1
1260              DO n2 = 1, nr2
1261                DO n3 = 1, nr3
1262                  scal = scal + u(n1, n2, n3, i, j, na, nb) * v(n1, n2, n3, i, j, na, nb)
1263                ENDDO
1264              ENDDO
1265            ENDDO
1266          ENDDO
1267        ENDDO
1268      ENDDO
1269    ENDDO
1270    !
1271    RETURN
1272    !
1273    !----------------------------------------------------------------------
1274    END SUBROUTINE sp1
1275    !----------------------------------------------------------------------
1276    !
1277    !----------------------------------------------------------------------
1278    SUBROUTINE sp2(u, v, ind_v, nr1, nr2, nr3, nat, scal)
1279    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1280    !!
1281    !! Does the scalar product of two force-constants matrices u and v (considered as
1282    !! vectors in the R^(3*3*nat*nat*nr1*nr2*nr3) space). u is coded in the usual way
1283    !! but v is coded as explained when defining the vectors corresponding to the symmetry constraints
1284    !!
1285    USE kinds, ONLY: DP
1286    !
1288    !
1289    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nr1, nr2, nr3
1290    !! Supercell dims
1291    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nat
1292    !! Number of atoms
1293    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ind_v(2, 7)
1294    !! Index vector
1295    REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(in) :: u(nr1, nr2, nr3, 3, 3, nat, nat)
1296    !! Input vector
1297    REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(in) :: v(2)
1298    !! input vector
1299    REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(out) :: scal
1300    !! Output vector
1301    !
1302    ! Local variables
1303    INTEGER ::  i
1304    !! Index
1305    !
1306    scal = 0.0d0
1307    DO i = 1, 2
1308      scal = scal + u(ind_v(i, 1), ind_v(i, 2), ind_v(i, 3), ind_v(i, 4), ind_v(i, 5), ind_v(i, 6), &
1309           ind_v(i, 7)) * v(i)
1310    ENDDO
1311    !
1312    RETURN
1313    !
1314    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1315    END SUBROUTINE sp2
1316    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1317    !
1318    !----------------------------------------------------------------------
1319    SUBROUTINE sp3(u, v, i, na, nr1, nr2, nr3, nat, scal)
1320    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1321    !
1322    ! like sp1, but in the particular case when u is one of the u(k)%vec
1323    ! defined in set_asr (before orthonormalization). In this case most of the
1324    ! terms are zero (the ones that are not are characterized by i and na), so
1325    ! that a lot of computer time can be saved (during Gram-Schmidt).
1326    !
1327    USE kinds, ONLY: DP
1328    !
1330    !
1331    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nr1, nr2, nr3
1332    !! Supercell dims
1333    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nat
1334    !! Number of atoms
1335    REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(in) :: u(nr1, nr2, nr3, 3, 3, nat, nat)
1336    !! First force-constent matrix
1337    REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(in) :: v(nr1, nr2, nr3, 3, 3, nat, nat)
1338    !! Second force-constent matrix
1339    REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(out) :: scal
1340    !! Scalar product
1341    !
1342    ! Local variables
1343    INTEGER ::  i, j
1344    !! Cartesian direction
1345    INTEGER :: na, nb
1346    !! Atoms index
1347    INTEGER :: n1, n2, n3
1348    !! Supercell index
1349    !
1350    scal = 0.0d0
1351    DO j = 1,3
1352      DO nb = 1, nat
1353        DO n1 = 1, nr1
1354          DO n2 = 1, nr2
1355            DO n3 = 1, nr3
1356              scal = scal + u(n1, n2, n3, i, j, na, nb) * v(n1, n2, n3, i, j, na, nb)
1357            ENDDO
1358          ENDDO
1359        ENDDO
1360      ENDDO
1361    ENDDO
1362    !
1363    RETURN
1364    !
1365    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1366    END SUBROUTINE sp3
1367    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1368    !
1369    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1370    SUBROUTINE check_is_xml_file(filename, is_xml_file)
1371    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1372    !!
1373    !! This routine checks if a file is formatted in XML. It does so by
1374    !! checking if the file exists and if the file + '.xml' in its name exists.
1375    !! If both of them or none of them exists, an error is raised. If only one of
1376    !! them exists, it sets the 'is_xml_file' to .TRUE. of .FALSE. depending of
1377    !! the file found.
1378    !!
1380    !
1381    CHARACTER(LEN = 256), INTENT(in) :: filename
1382    !! The name of the file to check if formatted in XML format
1383    !! This string is assumed to be trimmed
1384    LOGICAL, INTENT(out) :: is_xml_file
1385    !! Is .TRUE. if the file is in xml format. .FALSE. otherwise.
1386    !
1387    ! Local variables
1388    CHARACTER(LEN = 256) :: filename_xml
1389    !! File name
1390    CHARACTER(LEN = 1024) :: errmsg
1391    !! Error message
1392    LOGICAL :: is_plain_text_file
1393    !! Plain tex
1394    !
1395    filename_xml = TRIM(filename) // '.xml'
1396    filename_xml = TRIM(filename_xml)
1397    INQUIRE(FILE = filename, EXIST = is_plain_text_file)
1398    INQUIRE(FILE = filename_xml, EXIST = is_xml_file)
1399    ! Tell user if any inconsistencies
1400    IF (is_xml_file .AND. is_plain_text_file) THEN
1401      ! 2 different type of files exist => warn user
1402      errmsg = "Detected both: '" // filename // "' and '" // filename_xml // &
1403              &"' which one to choose?"
1404      CALL errore('check_is_xml_file', errmsg, 1)
1405    ELSEIF (.NOT. is_xml_file .AND. .NOT. is_plain_text_file) THEN
1406      errmsg = "Expected a file named either '" // filename //"' or '"&
1407              &// filename_xml // "' but none was found."
1408      CALL errore('check_is_xml_file', errmsg, 1)
1409    ENDIF
1410    ! else one of the file in exists
1411    !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1412    END SUBROUTINE check_is_xml_file
1413    !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1414    !
1415    !-------------------------------------------------------------
1416    SUBROUTINE readdvscf(dvscf, recn, iq, nqc)
1417    !-------------------------------------------------------------
1418    !!
1419    !! Open dvscf files as direct access, read, and close again
1420    !!
1421    !! SP - Nov 2017
1422    !! Replaced fstat by Fortran instric function inquire.
1423    !!
1424    !! RM - Nov/Dec 2014
1425    !! Imported the noncolinear case implemented by xlzhang
1426    !!
1427    !-------------------------------------------------------------
1428    USE kinds,     ONLY : DP
1429    USE io_files,  ONLY : prefix
1430    USE units_ph,  ONLY : lrdrho
1431    USE fft_base,  ONLY : dfftp
1432    USE epwcom,    ONLY : dvscf_dir
1433    USE io_var,    ONLY : iudvscf
1434    USE low_lvl,   ONLY : set_ndnmbr
1435    USE noncollin_module, ONLY : nspin_mag
1436    !
1438    !
1439    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: recn
1440    !! perturbation number
1441    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: iq
1442    !! the current q-point
1443    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nqc
1444    !! the total number of q-points in the list
1445    COMPLEX(KIND = DP), INTENT(inout) :: dvscf(dfftp%nnr, nspin_mag)
1446    !! dVscf potential is read from file
1447    !
1448    ! Local variables
1449    !
1450    CHARACTER(LEN = 256) :: tempfile
1451    !! Temp file
1452    CHARACTER(LEN = 4) :: filelab
1453    !! File number
1454    INTEGER :: unf_recl
1455    !! Rcl unit
1456    INTEGER :: ios
1457    !! Error number
1458    INTEGER(KIND = 8) :: mult_unit
1459    !! Record length
1460    INTEGER(KIND = 8) :: file_size
1461    !! File size
1462    REAL(KIND = DP) :: dummy
1463    !! Dummy variable
1464    !
1465    !  the call to set_ndnmbr is just a trick to get quickly
1466    !  a file label by exploiting an existing subroutine
1467    !  (if you look at the sub you will find that the original
1468    !  purpose was for pools and nodes)
1469    !
1470    CALL set_ndnmbr(0, iq, 1, nqc, filelab)
1471    tempfile = TRIM(dvscf_dir) // TRIM(prefix) // '.dvscf_q' // filelab
1472    INQUIRE(IOLENGTH = unf_recl) dummy
1473    unf_recl = unf_recl  * lrdrho
1474    mult_unit = unf_recl
1475    mult_unit = recn * mult_unit
1476    !
1477    !  open the dvscf file, read and close
1478    !
1479    OPEN(iudvscf, FILE = tempfile, FORM = 'unformatted', &
1480         ACCESS = 'direct', IOSTAT = ios, RECL = unf_recl, STATUS = 'old')
1481    IF (ios /= 0) CALL errore('readdvscf', 'error opening ' // tempfile, iudvscf)
1482    !
1483    ! check that the binary file is long enough
1484    INQUIRE(FILE = tempfile, SIZE = file_size)
1485    IF (mult_unit > file_size) CALL errore('readdvscf', &
1486         TRIM(tempfile) //' too short, check ecut', iudvscf)
1487    !
1488    READ(iudvscf, REC = recn) dvscf
1489    CLOSE(iudvscf, STATUS = 'keep')
1490    !
1491    RETURN
1492    !
1493    !-------------------------------------------------------------
1494    END SUBROUTINE readdvscf
1495    !-------------------------------------------------------------
1496    !
1497    !-------------------------------------------------------------
1498    SUBROUTINE readint3paw(int3paw, recn, iq, nqc)
1499    !-------------------------------------------------------------
1500    !!
1501    !! Open int3paw files as direct access, read, and close again
1502    !!
1503    !! HL - Mar 2020 based on the subroutine of readdvscf
1504    !!
1505    !-------------------------------------------------------------
1506    USE kinds,            ONLY : DP
1507    USE io_files,         ONLY : prefix
1508    USE units_ph,         ONLY : lint3paw
1509    USE epwcom,           ONLY : dvscf_dir
1510    USE io_var,           ONLY : iuint3paw
1511    USE low_lvl,          ONLY : set_ndnmbr
1512    USE uspp_param,       ONLY : nhm
1513    USE ions_base,        ONLY : nat
1514    USE noncollin_module, ONLY : nspin_mag
1515    !
1517    !
1518    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: recn
1519    !! perturbation number
1520    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: iq
1521    !! the current q-point
1522    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nqc
1523    !! the total number of q-points in the list
1524    COMPLEX(KIND = DP), INTENT(inout) :: int3paw(nhm, nhm, nat, nspin_mag)
1525    !! int3paw is read from file
1526    !
1527    ! Local variables
1528    !
1529    CHARACTER(LEN = 256) :: tempfile
1530    !! Temp file
1531    CHARACTER(LEN = 4) :: filelab
1532    !! File number
1533    INTEGER :: unf_recl
1534    !! Rcl unit
1535    INTEGER :: ios
1536    !! Error number
1537    INTEGER(KIND = 8) :: mult_unit
1538    !! Record length
1539    INTEGER(KIND = 8) :: file_size
1540    !! File size
1541    REAL(KIND = DP) :: dummy
1542    !! Dummy variable
1543    !
1544    !  the call to set_ndnmbr is just a trick to get quickly
1545    !  a file label by exploiting an existing subroutine
1546    !  (if you look at the sub you will find that the original
1547    !  purpose was for pools and nodes)
1548    !
1549    CALL set_ndnmbr(0, iq, 1, nqc, filelab)
1550    tempfile = TRIM(dvscf_dir) // TRIM(prefix) // '.dvscf_paw_q' // filelab
1551    INQUIRE(IOLENGTH = unf_recl) dummy
1552    unf_recl = unf_recl  * lint3paw
1553    mult_unit = unf_recl
1554    mult_unit = recn * mult_unit
1555    !
1556    !  open the dvscf_paw file, read and close
1557    !
1558    OPEN(iuint3paw, FILE = tempfile, FORM = 'unformatted', &
1559         ACCESS = 'direct', IOSTAT = ios, RECL = unf_recl, STATUS = 'old')
1560    IF (ios /= 0) CALL errore('readint3paw', 'error opening ' // tempfile, iuint3paw)
1561    !
1562    ! check that the binary file is long enough
1563    INQUIRE(FILE = tempfile, SIZE = file_size)
1564    IF (mult_unit > file_size) CALL errore('readint3paw', &
1565         TRIM(tempfile) //' too short', iuint3paw)
1566    !
1567    READ(iuint3paw, REC = recn) int3paw
1568    CLOSE(iuint3paw, STATUS = 'keep')
1569    !
1570    RETURN
1571    !
1572    !-------------------------------------------------------------
1573    END SUBROUTINE readint3paw
1574    !-------------------------------------------------------------
1575    !
1576    !------------------------------------------------------------
1577    SUBROUTINE readwfc(ipool, recn, evc0)
1578    !------------------------------------------------------------
1579    !!
1580    !! Open wfc files as direct access, read, and close again
1581    !!
1582    !! RM - Nov/Dec 2014
1583    !! Imported the noncolinear case implemented by xlzhang
1584    !!
1585    !
1586    USE kinds,    ONLY : DP
1587    USE io_files, ONLY : prefix, tmp_dir
1588    USE units_lr, ONLY : lrwfc, iuwfc
1589    USE wvfct,    ONLY : npwx
1590    USE pwcom,    ONLY : nbnd
1591    USE low_lvl,  ONLY : set_ndnmbr
1592    USE noncollin_module, ONLY : npol
1593    USE mp_global,        ONLY : nproc_pool, me_pool, npool
1594    !
1596    !
1597    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: recn
1598    !! kpoint number
1599    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ipool
1600    !! poolfile number to be read (not used in serial case)
1601    COMPLEX(KIND = DP), INTENT(out) :: evc0(npwx * npol, nbnd)
1602    !! wavefunction is read from file
1603    !
1604    ! Local variables
1605    CHARACTER(LEN = 256) :: tempfile
1606    !! Temp file
1607    CHARACTER(LEN = 4) :: nd_nmbr0
1608    !! File number
1609    INTEGER :: unf_recl
1610    !! Rcl unit
1611    INTEGER :: ios
1612    !! Error number
1613    REAL(KIND = DP) :: dummy
1614    !! Dummy variable
1615    !
1616    ! Open the wfc file, read and close
1617    CALL set_ndnmbr(ipool, me_pool, nproc_pool, npool, nd_nmbr0)
1618    !print*,'nd_nmbr0 ',nd_nmbr0
1619    !
1620#if defined(__MPI)
1621    tempfile = TRIM(tmp_dir) // TRIM(prefix) // '.wfc' // nd_nmbr0
1622# else
1623    tempfile = TRIM(tmp_dir) // TRIM(prefix) // '.wfc'
1625    INQUIRE(IOLENGTH = unf_recl) dummy
1626    unf_recl = unf_recl * lrwfc
1627    !
1628    OPEN(iuwfc, FILE = tempfile, FORM = 'unformatted', ACCESS = 'direct', IOSTAT = ios, RECL = unf_recl)
1629    IF (ios /= 0) CALL errore('readwfc', 'error opening wfc file', iuwfc)
1630    READ(iuwfc, REC = recn) evc0
1631    CLOSE(iuwfc, STATUS = 'keep')
1632    !
1633    RETURN
1634    !
1635    !------------------------------------------------------------
1636    END SUBROUTINE readwfc
1637    !------------------------------------------------------------
1638    !
1639    !--------------------------------------------------------------
1640    SUBROUTINE readgmap(nkstot)
1641    !--------------------------------------------------------------
1642    !!
1643    !! read the map of G vectors G -> G-G_0 for a given q point
1644    !! (this is used for the folding of k+q into the first BZ)
1645    !!
1646    !
1647    USE kinds,    ONLY : DP
1648    USE mp_global,ONLY : world_comm
1649    USE mp,       ONLY : mp_bcast, mp_max
1650    USE io_global,ONLY : meta_ionode, meta_ionode_id
1651    USE io_var,   ONLY : iukgmap
1652    USE elph2,    ONLY : ngxxf, ngxx, ng0vec, shift, gmap, g0vec_all_r
1653    USE io_files, ONLY : prefix
1654    !
1656    !
1657    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nkstot
1658    !! Total number of k-points
1659    !
1660    ! Lork variables
1661    INTEGER :: ik
1662    !! Counter on k-points
1663    INTEGER :: ik1
1664    !! Temporary indices when reading kgmap files
1665    INTEGER :: ig0
1666    !! Counter on G_0 vectors
1667    INTEGER :: ishift
1668    !! Counter on G_0 vectors
1669    INTEGER :: ig
1670    !! Counter on G vectors
1671    INTEGER :: ios
1672    !! Integer variable for I/O control
1673    INTEGER :: ierr
1674    !! Error status
1675    !
1676    IF (meta_ionode) THEN
1677      !
1678      OPEN(iukgmap, FILE = TRIM(prefix)//'.kgmap', FORM = 'formatted', STATUS = 'old', IOSTAT = ios)
1679      IF (ios /=0) CALL errore('readgmap', 'error opening kgmap file', iukgmap)
1680      !
1681      READ(iukgmap, *) ngxxf
1682      !
1683      !! HL: The part below should be removed later since it is useless.
1684      !
1685      DO ik = 1, nkstot
1686        READ(iukgmap, *) ik1, shift(ik1)
1687      ENDDO
1688      !
1689      READ(iukgmap, *) ng0vec
1690      !
1691    ENDIF
1692    !
1693    ! first node broadcasts ng0vec to all nodes for allocation of gmap
1694    !
1695    CALL mp_bcast(ngxxf, meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
1696    CALL mp_bcast(ng0vec, meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
1697    !
1698    ALLOCATE(gmap(ngxx * ng0vec), STAT = ierr)
1699    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('readgmap', 'Error allocating gmap', 1)
1700    gmap(:) = 0
1701    !
1702    IF (meta_ionode) THEN
1703       !
1704      DO ig0 = 1, ng0vec
1705        READ(iukgmap,*) g0vec_all_r(:,ig0)
1706      ENDDO
1707      DO ig = 1, ngxx
1708        !
1709        ! at variance with the nscf calculation, here gmap is read as a vector,
1710        !
1711        READ(iukgmap,*) (gmap(ng0vec * (ig - 1) + ishift), ishift = 1, ng0vec)
1712      ENDDO
1713      !
1714      CLOSE(iukgmap)
1715      !
1716    ENDIF
1717    !
1718    ! first node broadcasts arrays to all nodes
1719    !
1720    CALL mp_bcast(g0vec_all_r, meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
1721    CALL mp_bcast(gmap, meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
1722    !
1723    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1724    END SUBROUTINE readgmap
1725    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1726    !
1727    !--------------------------------------------------------------
1728    SUBROUTINE readkmap(nkstot)
1729    !--------------------------------------------------------------
1730    !!
1731    !! Read the index of G_0 such that k+q+G_0 belongs to the 1st BZ
1732    !!
1733    !
1734    USE kinds,    ONLY : DP
1735    USE mp_global,ONLY : world_comm
1736    USE mp,       ONLY : mp_bcast
1737    USE io_global,ONLY : meta_ionode, meta_ionode_id
1738    USE io_var,   ONLY : iukmap
1739    USE io_files, ONLY : prefix
1740    USE elph2,    ONLY : shift
1741    !
1743    !
1744    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nkstot
1745    !! Total number of k-points
1746    !
1747    ! Local variables
1748    INTEGER :: ik
1749    !! Counter on k-points
1750    INTEGER :: ik1
1751    !! Temporary indices when reading kmap files
1752    INTEGER :: itmp
1753    !! Temporary indices when reading kmap files
1754    INTEGER :: ios
1755    !! Integer variable for I/O control
1756    !
1757    IF (meta_ionode) THEN
1758      !
1759      OPEN(iukmap, FILE = TRIM(prefix)//'.kmap', FORM = 'formatted', STATUS = 'old', IOSTAT = ios)
1760      IF (ios /= 0) CALL errore('readkmap', 'error opening kmap file', iukmap)
1761      DO ik = 1, nkstot
1762        READ(iukmap,*) ik1, itmp, shift(ik1)
1763      ENDDO
1764      CLOSE(iukmap)
1765      !
1766    ENDIF
1767    !
1768    ! first node broadcasts shift to all nodes
1769    !
1770    CALL mp_bcast(shift, meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
1771    !
1772    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1773    END SUBROUTINE readkmap
1774    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1775    !
1776    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1777    SUBROUTINE openfilepw()
1778    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1779    !!
1780    !! Adapted from the code PH/openfilq - Quantum-ESPRESSO group
1781    !! This routine opens the WF files necessary for the EPW
1782    !! calculation.
1783    !!
1784    !! RM - Nov/Dec 2014
1785    !! Imported the noncolinear case implemented by xlzhang
1786    !!
1787    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1788    USE io_files,         ONLY : prefix, diropn, seqopn
1789    USE units_lr,         ONLY : iuwfc, lrwfc
1790    USE wvfct,            ONLY : nbnd, npwx
1791    USE noncollin_module, ONLY : npol, nspin_mag
1792    USE units_ph,         ONLY : lrdrho, lint3paw
1793    USE fft_base,         ONLY : dfftp
1794    USE uspp_param,       ONLY : nhm
1795    USE ions_base,        ONLY : nat
1796    !
1798    !
1799    ! Local variables
1800    LOGICAL :: exst
1801    !! logical variable to check file existe
1802    !
1803    IF (len_TRIM(prefix) == 0) CALL errore('openfilepw', 'wrong prefix', 1)
1804    !
1805    ! The file with the wavefunctions
1806    !
1807    iuwfc = 20
1808    lrwfc = 2 * nbnd * npwx * npol
1809    CALL diropn(iuwfc, 'wfc', lrwfc, exst)
1810    IF (.NOT. exst) CALL errore ('openfilepw', 'file ' // TRIM(prefix) // '.wfc' // ' not found', 1)
1811    !
1812    ! file for setting unitary gauges of eigenstates
1813    !
1814    lrdrho = 2 * dfftp%nr1x * dfftp%nr2x * dfftp%nr3x * nspin_mag
1815    lint3paw = 2 * nhm * nhm * nat * nspin_mag
1816    !
1817    RETURN
1818    !
1819    !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1820    END SUBROUTINE openfilepw
1821    !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1822    !
1823    !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1824    SUBROUTINE param_get_range_vector(field, length, lcount, i_value)
1825    !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1826    !!
1827    !!   Read a range vector eg. 1,2,3,4-10  or 1 3 400:100
1828    !!   if(lcount) we return the number of states in length
1829    !!
1830    !!   HL - April 2020
1831    !!   Imported and adapted from the same name of subroutine in parameters.F90
1832    !!   in the directory of src in Wannier90
1833    !!
1834    !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1835    !
1837    !
1838    CHARACTER(*), INTENT(in)         :: field
1839    !! Field read for parsing
1840    INTEGER, INTENT(inout)           :: length
1841    !! Number of states
1842    LOGICAL, INTENT(in)              :: lcount
1843    !! If T only count states
1844    INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(out)   :: i_value(length)
1845    !! States specified in range vector
1846    !
1847    INTEGER :: loop
1848    !! Loop index
1849    INTEGER :: num1
1850    !! Integer number read
1851    INTEGER :: num2
1852    !! Integer number read
1853    INTEGER :: i_punc
1854    !! Position returned after scanning punctuation marks
1855    INTEGER :: counter
1856    !! Counter index
1857    INTEGER :: i_digit
1858    !! Position returned after scanning numbers
1859    INTEGER :: loop_r
1860    !! Loop index
1861    INTEGER :: range_size
1862    !! Size of range
1863    CHARACTER(LEN = 255) :: dummy
1864    !! Copy of field read for parsing
1865    CHARACTER(LEN = 10), PARAMETER :: c_digit = "0123456789"
1866    CHARACTER(LEN = 2), PARAMETER :: c_range = "-:"
1867    CHARACTER(LEN = 3), PARAMETER :: c_sep = " ,;"
1868    CHARACTER(LEN = 5), PARAMETER :: c_punc = " ,;-:"
1869    CHARACTER(LEN = 5) :: c_num1
1870    !! Number read
1871    CHARACTER(LEN = 5) :: c_num2
1872    !! Number read
1873    !
1874    IF (lcount .AND. PRESENT(i_value)) &
1875      CALL errore('param_get_range_vector', 'incorrect call', 1)
1876    !
1877    dummy = field
1878    dummy = ADJUSTL(dummy)
1879    !
1880    counter = 0
1881    IF (LEN_TRIM(dummy) == 0) THEN
1882      length = counter
1883      RETURN
1884    ENDIF
1885    !
1886    DO
1887      i_punc = SCAN(dummy, c_punc)
1888      IF (i_punc == 0) &
1889        CALL errore('param_get_range_vector', 'Error parsing field', 1)
1890      c_num1 = dummy(1:i_punc - 1)
1891      READ(c_num1, *, ERR = 101, END = 101) num1
1892      dummy = ADJUSTL(dummy(i_punc:))
1893      !look for range
1894      IF (SCAN(dummy, c_range) == 1) THEN
1895        i_digit = SCAN(dummy, c_digit)
1896        dummy = ADJUSTL(dummy(i_digit:))
1897        i_punc = SCAN(dummy, c_punc)
1898        c_num2 = dummy(1:i_punc - 1)
1899        READ(c_num2, *, ERR = 101, END = 101) num2
1900        dummy = ADJUSTL(dummy(i_punc:))
1901        range_size = ABS(num2 - num1) + 1
1902        DO loop_r = 1, range_size
1903          counter = counter + 1
1904          IF (.NOT. lcount) i_value(counter) = MIN(num1, num2) + loop_r - 1
1905        ENDDO
1906      ELSE
1907        counter = counter + 1
1908        IF (.NOT. lcount) i_value(counter) = num1
1909      ENDIF
1910      IF (SCAN(dummy, c_sep) == 1) dummy = ADJUSTL(dummy(2:))
1911      IF (SCAN(dummy, c_range) == 1) &
1912        CALL errore('param_get_range_vector', 'Error parsing field: incorrect range', 1)
1913      IF (INDEX(dummy, ' ') == 1) EXIT
1914    ENDDO
1915    !
1916    IF (lcount) length = counter
1917    IF (.NOT. lcount) THEN
1918      DO loop = 1, counter - 1
1919        DO loop_r = loop + 1, counter
1920          IF (i_value(loop) == i_value(loop_r)) &
1921            CALL errore('param_get_range_vector', 'Error parsing field: duplicate values', 1)
1922        ENDDO
1923      ENDDO
1924    ENDIF
1925    !
1926    RETURN
1927    !
1928101 CALL errore('param_get_range_vector', 'Error parsing field', 1)
1929    !
1930    !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1931    END SUBROUTINE param_get_range_vector
1932    !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1933  !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1934  END MODULE io_epw
1935  !------------------------------------------------------------------------------