1  !
2  ! Copyright (C) 2016-2019 Samuel Ponce', Roxana Margine, Feliciano Giustino
3  ! Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Samuel Ponce', Roxana Margine, Carla Verdi, Feliciano Giustino
4  ! Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Jesse Noffsinger, Brad Malone, Feliciano Giustino
5  !
6  ! This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
7  ! License. See the file `LICENSE' in the root directory of the
8  ! present distribution, or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft.gpl.txt .
9  !
10  !----------------------------------------------------------------------
11  MODULE pw2wan2epw
12  !----------------------------------------------------------------------
13  !!
14  !! This module contains routine to go from PW results to Wannier90 to EPW
15  !!
17  !
19    !
20    !------------------------------------------------------------------------
21    SUBROUTINE pw2wan90epw
22    !------------------------------------------------------------------------
23    !!
24    !! This is the interface to the Wannier90 code: see http://www.wannier.org
25    !! Adapted from the code PP/pw2wannier - Quantum-ESPRESSO group
26    !!
27    !! 10/2008  Parellel computation of Amn and Mmn
28    !! 12/2008  Added phase setting of overlap matrix elements
29    !! 02/2009  works with standard nkc1*nkc2*nkc3 grids
30    !! 12/2009  works with USPP
31    !! 12/2014  RM: Imported the noncolinear case implemented by xlzhang
32    !! 06/2016  SP: Debug of SOC + print/reading of nnkp file
33    !! 11/2019  RM: Imported and adapted the SCDM method from pw2wannier
34    !!
35    !------------------------------------------------------------------------
36    USE io_global,        ONLY : stdout
37    USE klist,            ONLY : nkstot
38    USE io_files,         ONLY : prefix
39    USE epwcom,           ONLY : write_wfn, scdm_proj, scdm_entanglement, &
40                                 scdm_sigma, wannier_plot
41    USE wannierEPW,       ONLY : seedname2, ispinw, ikstart, ikstop, iknum
42    USE constants_epw,    ONLY : zero, one
43    USE noncollin_module, ONLY : noncolin
44    !
46    !
47    CHARACTER(LEN = 4) :: spin_component
48    !! Determine the spin case
49    CHARACTER(LEN = 256) :: outdir
50    !! Name of the output directory
51    !
52    outdir = './'
53    seedname2 = prefix
54    spin_component = 'none'
55    !
56    IF (scdm_proj) THEN
57      IF ((TRIM(scdm_entanglement) /= 'isolated') .AND. &
58          (TRIM(scdm_entanglement) /= 'erfc')     .AND. &
59          (TRIM(scdm_entanglement) /= 'gaussian')) THEN
60          CALL errore('pw2wan90epw', &
61               'Can not recognize the choice for scdm_entanglement. ' &
62                //'Valid options are: isolated, erfc and gaussian')
63      ENDIF
64    ENDIF
65    IF (scdm_sigma <= zero) &
66      CALL errore('pw2wan90epw', 'Sigma in the SCDM method must be positive.')
67    !
68    WRITE(stdout, *)
69    SELECT CASE(TRIM(spin_component))
70    CASE ('up')
71      WRITE(stdout, *) '    Spin CASE ( up )'
72      ispinw  = 1
73      ikstart = 1
74      ikstop  = nkstot / 2
75      iknum   = nkstot / 2
76    CASE ('down')
77      WRITE(stdout, *) '    Spin CASE ( down )'
78      ispinw  = 2
79      ikstart = nkstot / 2 + 1
80      ikstop  = nkstot
81      iknum   = nkstot / 2
83      IF (noncolin) THEN
84        WRITE(stdout, *) '    Spin CASE ( non-collinear )'
85      ELSE
86        WRITE(stdout, *) '    Spin CASE ( default = unpolarized )'
87      ENDIF
88      ispinw  = 0
89      ikstart = 1
90      ikstop  = nkstot
91      iknum   = nkstot
93    !
94    WRITE(stdout, *)
95    WRITE(stdout, *) '    Initializing Wannier90'
96    WRITE(stdout, *)
97    !
98    CALL setup_nnkp()
99    CALL ylm_expansion()
100    IF (scdm_proj) THEN
101      CALL compute_amn_with_scdm()
102    ELSE
103      CALL compute_amn_para()
104    ENDIF
105    CALL compute_mmn_para()
106    ! calling of phases_a_m removed because now we don't call setphases_wrap.
107!    CALL phases_a_m()
108    CALL write_band()
109    !
110    WRITE(stdout, *)
111    WRITE(stdout, *) '    Running Wannier90'
112    !
113    CALL run_wannier()
114    !
115    IF (wannier_plot) CALL write_plot()
116    !
117    CALL lib_dealloc()
118    !
119    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
120    END SUBROUTINE pw2wan90epw
121    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
122    !
123    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
124    SUBROUTINE lib_dealloc()
125    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
126    !!
127    !! Routine to de-allocate Wannier related matrices.
128    !!
129    USE wannierEPW, ONLY : atcart, atsym, kpb, g_kpb, center_w, alpha_w, &
130                           l_w, mr_w, r_w, zaxis, xaxis, excluded_band,  &
131                           m_mat, u_mat, u_mat_opt, a_mat, eigval,       &
132                           lwindow, gf, ig_, zerophase, wann_centers,    &
133                           wann_spreads
134    !
136    !
137    ! Local variables
138    INTEGER :: ierr
139    !! Error status
140    !
141    DEALLOCATE(atcart, STAT = ierr)
142    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('lib_dealloc', 'Error deallocating atcart', 1)
143    DEALLOCATE(atsym, STAT = ierr)
144    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('lib_dealloc', 'Error deallocating atsym', 1)
145    DEALLOCATE(kpb, STAT = ierr)
146    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('lib_dealloc', 'Error deallocating kpb', 1)
147    DEALLOCATE(g_kpb, STAT = ierr)
148    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('lib_dealloc', 'Error deallocating g_kpb', 1)
149    DEALLOCATE(center_w, STAT = ierr)
150    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('lib_dealloc', 'Error deallocating center_w', 1)
151    DEALLOCATE(alpha_w, STAT = ierr)
152    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('lib_dealloc', 'Error deallocating alpha_w', 1)
153    DEALLOCATE(l_w, STAT = ierr)
154    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('lib_dealloc', 'Error deallocating l_w', 1)
155    DEALLOCATE(mr_w, STAT = ierr)
156    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('lib_dealloc', 'Error deallocating mr_w', 1)
157    DEALLOCATE(r_w, STAT = ierr)
158    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('lib_dealloc', 'Error deallocating r_w', 1)
159    DEALLOCATE(zaxis, STAT = ierr)
160    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('lib_dealloc', 'Error deallocating zaxis', 1)
161    DEALLOCATE(xaxis, STAT = ierr)
162    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('lib_dealloc', 'Error deallocating xaxis', 1)
163    DEALLOCATE(excluded_band, STAT = ierr)
164    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('lib_dealloc', 'Error deallocating excluded_band', 1)
165    DEALLOCATE(m_mat, STAT = ierr)
166    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('lib_dealloc', 'Error deallocating m_mat', 1)
167    DEALLOCATE(u_mat, STAT = ierr)
168    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('lib_dealloc', 'Error deallocating u_mat', 1)
169    DEALLOCATE(u_mat_opt, STAT = ierr)
170    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('lib_dealloc', 'Error deallocating u_mat_opt', 1)
171    DEALLOCATE(a_mat, STAT = ierr)
172    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('lib_dealloc', 'Error deallocating a_mat', 1)
173    DEALLOCATE(eigval, STAT = ierr)
174    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('lib_dealloc', 'Error deallocating eigval', 1)
175    DEALLOCATE(lwindow, STAT = ierr)
176    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('lib_dealloc', 'Error deallocating lwindow', 1)
177    DEALLOCATE(gf, STAT = ierr)
178    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('lib_dealloc', 'Error deallocating gf', 1)
179    DEALLOCATE(ig_, STAT = ierr)
180    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('lib_dealloc', 'Error deallocating ig_', 1)
181    DEALLOCATE(zerophase, STAT = ierr)
182    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('lib_dealloc', 'Error deallocating zerophase', 1)
183    DEALLOCATE(wann_centers, STAT = ierr)
184    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('lib_dealloc', 'Error deallocating wann_centers', 1)
185    DEALLOCATE(wann_spreads, STAT = ierr)
186    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('lib_dealloc', 'Error deallocating wann_spreads', 1)
187    !
188    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
189    END SUBROUTINE lib_dealloc
190    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
191    !
192    !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
193    SUBROUTINE setup_nnkp()
194    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
195    !!
196    !! This routine writes and reads the .nnkp file.
197    !! The file specifies
198    !! 1) The initial projections functions in the format
199    !! num_proj
200    !! proj_site(1,i), proj_site(2,i), proj_site(3,i), proj_l(i), proj_m(i), proj_radial(i)
201    !! proj_z(1,i), proj_z(2,i), proj_z(3,i),proj_x(1,i), proj_x(2,i), proj_x(3,i), proj_zona(i)
202    !! proj_s(i), proj_s_qaxis(1,i), proj_s_qaxis(2,i), proj_s_qaxis(3,i)
203    !!
204    !! 2) begin nnkpts: the nearest neighbours of each k-point,
205    !! and therefore provides the information required to
206    !! calculate the M_mn(k,b) matrix elements
207    !!
208    ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
209    USE kinds,     ONLY : DP
210    USE io_global, ONLY : meta_ionode, stdout, meta_ionode_id
211    USE mp_world,  ONLY : world_comm
212    USE cell_base, ONLY : at, bg, alat
213    USE gvect,     ONLY : g, gg
214    USE ions_base, ONLY : nat, tau, ityp, atm
215    USE mp,        ONLY : mp_bcast, mp_sum
216    USE wvfct,     ONLY : nbnd, npwx
217    USE wannierEPW, ONLY : num_nnmax, mp_grid, atcart, atsym, kpb, g_kpb, &
218                           center_w, alpha_w, l_w, mr_w, r_w, zaxis,      &
219                           xaxis, excluded_band, rlatt, glatt, gf,        &
220                           csph, ig_, iknum, seedname2, kpt_latt, nnb,    &
221                           num_bands, n_wannier, nexband, nnbx, n_proj,   &
222                           spin_eig, spin_qaxis, zerophase
223    USE noncollin_module, ONLY : noncolin
224    USE constants_epw,    ONLY : bohr, eps6, twopi
225    USE mp_pools,         ONLY : intra_pool_comm
226    USE epwcom,           ONLY : scdm_proj
227    USE w90_io,           ONLY : post_proc_flag
228    USE io_var,           ONLY : iunnkp
229    USE elph2,            ONLY : ibndstart, ibndend, nbndep, nbndskip
230    !
232    !
233    LOGICAL  :: have_nnkp
234    !! Check if the .nnkp file exists.
235    LOGICAL  :: found
236    !! Check if the section in the .nnkp file is found.
237    !
238    INTEGER :: ik
239    !! Counter on k-points
240    INTEGER :: ib
241    !! Counter on b-vectors
242    INTEGER :: ig
243    !! Index on G_k+b vectors
244    INTEGER :: iw
245    !! Counter on number of projections
246    INTEGER :: ia
247    !! Counter on number of atoms
248    INTEGER  :: type
249    !! Type of atom
250    INTEGER :: ibnd
251    !! Counter on band index
252    INTEGER  :: indexb
253    !! Index of exclude_bands
254    INTEGER  :: ipol
255    !! Counter on polarizations
256    INTEGER  :: idum
257    !! Dummy index for reading nnkp file
258    INTEGER :: tmp_auto
259    !! Needed for the selection of projections with SCDM
260    INTEGER :: ierr
261    !! Error status
262    INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: ig_check(:, :)
263    !! Temporary index on G_k+b vectors
264    INTEGER  :: exclude_bands(nbnd)
265    !! Bands excluded from the calcultion of WFs
266    REAL(KIND = DP) :: xnorm
267    !! Norm of xaxis
268    REAL(KIND = DP) :: znorm
269    !! Norm of zaxis
270    REAL(KIND = DP) :: coseno
271    !! Cosine between xaxis and zaxis
272    REAL(KIND = DP) :: gg_
273    !! Square of g_(3)
274    REAL(KIND = DP) :: g_(3)
275    !! Temporary vector G_k+b, g_(:) = g_kpb(:,ik,ib)
276    !
278      !!
279      !! SP: An interface is required because the Wannier routine has optional arguments
280      !!
281      !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
282      SUBROUTINE wannier_setup(seed__name, mp_grid_loc, num_kpts_loc, &
283        real_lattice_loc, recip_lattice_loc, kpt_latt_loc, num_bands_tot, &
284        num_atoms_loc, atom_symbols_loc, atoms_cart_loc, gamma_only_loc, spinors_loc, &
285        nntot_loc, nnlist_loc, nncell_loc, num_bands_loc, num_wann_loc, &
286        proj_site_loc, proj_l_loc, proj_m_loc, proj_radial_loc, proj_z_loc, &
287        proj_x_loc, proj_zona_loc, exclude_bands_loc, proj_s_loc, proj_s_qaxis_loc)
288      !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
289      !
290      USE kinds,       ONLY : DP
291      USE wannierEPW,  ONLY : num_nnmax
292      !
294      !
295      CHARACTER(LEN = *), INTENT(in) :: seed__name
296      !! Name
297      CHARACTER(LEN = *), INTENT(in) :: atom_symbols_loc(num_atoms_loc)
298      !! Symbol for atoms
299      LOGICAL, INTENT(in) :: gamma_only_loc
300      !! Gamma point only
301      LOGICAL, INTENT(in) :: spinors_loc
302      !! Local spinor
303      INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: mp_grid_loc(3)
304      !! MP grid
305      INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: num_kpts_loc
306      !! Local number of k-points
307      INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: num_bands_tot
308      !! Number of bands
309      INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: num_atoms_loc
310      !! Number of atoms
311      INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: nntot_loc
312      !! Local nntot
313      INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: nnlist_loc(num_kpts_loc, num_nnmax)
314      !! Local nnlist
315      INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: nncell_loc(3, num_kpts_loc, num_nnmax)
316      !! Local ncell
317      INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: num_bands_loc
318      !! Number of bands
319      INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: num_wann_loc
320      !! Number of Wannier functions
321      INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: proj_l_loc(num_bands_tot)
322      !! Projection of l local momentum
323      INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: proj_m_loc(num_bands_tot)
324      !! Local projection
325      INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: proj_radial_loc(num_bands_tot)
326      !! Radial projection
327      INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: exclude_bands_loc(num_bands_tot)
328      !! Exclude bands
329      INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(out) :: proj_s_loc(num_bands_tot)
330      !! Projection on s
331      REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(in) :: REAL_lattice_loc(3, 3)
332      !! Lattice
333      REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(in) :: recip_lattice_loc(3, 3)
334      !! Reciprocal lattice
335      REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(in) :: kpt_latt_loc(3, num_kpts_loc)
336      !! kpt grid
337      REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(in) :: atoms_cart_loc(3, num_atoms_loc)
338      !! Cartesian location of atoms
339      REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(out) :: proj_site_loc(3, num_bands_tot)
340      !! Site projection
341      REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(out) :: proj_z_loc(3, num_bands_tot)
342      !! Projection on z
343      REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(out) :: proj_x_loc(3, num_bands_tot)
344      !! Projection on x
345      REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(out) :: proj_zona_loc(num_bands_tot)
346      !! Projection on z
347      REAL(KIND = DP), OPTIONAL, INTENT(out) :: proj_s_qaxis_loc(3, num_bands_tot)
348      !! Projection s q-axis
349      !
350      !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
351      END SUBROUTINE wannier_setup
352      !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
354    !
355    num_nnmax = 32
356    !
357    ! aam: translations between PW2Wannier90 and Wannier90
358    ! pw2wannier90   <==>   Wannier90
359    !    nbnd                num_bands_tot
360    !    n_wannier           num_wann
361    !    num_bands           num_bands
362    !    nat                 num_atoms
363    !    iknum               num_kpts
364    !    rlatt               TRANSPOSE(real_lattice)
365    !    glatt               TRANSPOSE(recip_lattice)
366    !    kpt_latt            kpt_latt
367    !    nnb                 nntot
368    !    kpb                 nnlist
369    !    g_kpb               nncell
370    !    mp_grid             mp_grid
371    !    center_w            proj_site
372    !    l_w,mr_w,r_w        proj_l,proj_m,proj_radial
373    !    xaxis,zaxis         proj_x,proj_z
374    !    alpha_w             proj_zona
375    !    exclude_bands       exclude_bands
376    !    atcart              atoms_cart
377    !    atsym               atom_symbols
378    !
379    ALLOCATE(atcart(3, nat), STAT = ierr)
380    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('setup_nnkp', 'Error allocating atcart', 1)
381    ALLOCATE(atsym(nat), STAT = ierr)
382    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('setup_nnkp', 'Error allocating atsym', 1)
383    ALLOCATE(kpb(iknum, num_nnmax), STAT = ierr)
384    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('setup_nnkp', 'Error allocating kpb', 1)
385    ALLOCATE(g_kpb(3, iknum, num_nnmax), STAT = ierr)
386    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('setup_nnkp', 'Error allocating b_kpb', 1)
387    ALLOCATE(center_w(3, nbnd), STAT = ierr)
388    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('setup_nnkp', 'Error allocating center_w', 1)
389    ALLOCATE(alpha_w(nbnd), STAT = ierr)
390    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('setup_nnkp', 'Error allocating alpha_w', 1)
391    ALLOCATE(l_w(nbnd), STAT = ierr)
392    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('setup_nnkp', 'Error allocating l_w', 1)
393    ALLOCATE(mr_w(nbnd), STAT = ierr)
394    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('setup_nnkp', 'Error allocating mr_w', 1)
395    ALLOCATE(r_w(nbnd), STAT = ierr)
396    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('setup_nnkp', 'Error allocating r_w', 1)
397    ALLOCATE(zaxis(3, nbnd), STAT = ierr)
398    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('setup_nnkp', 'Error allocating zaxis', 1)
399    ALLOCATE(xaxis(3, nbnd), STAT = ierr)
400    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('setup_nnkp', 'Error allocating xaxis', 1)
401    ALLOCATE(excluded_band(nbnd), STAT = ierr)
402    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('setup_nnkp', 'Error allocating excluded_band', 1)
403    !
404    ! real lattice (Cartesians, Angstrom)
405    rlatt(:, :) = TRANSPOSE(at(:, :)) * alat * bohr
406    ! reciprocal lattice (Cartesians, Angstrom)
407    glatt(:, :) = TRANSPOSE(bg(:, :)) * twopi / ( alat * bohr )
408    ! atom coordinates in Cartesian coords and Angstrom units
409    atcart(:, :) = tau(:, :) * bohr * alat
410    ! atom symbols
411    DO ia = 1, nat
412      type = ityp(ia)
413      atsym(ia) = atm(type)
414    ENDDO
415    !
416    IF (meta_ionode) THEN
417      !postproc_setup = .TRUE.
418      post_proc_flag = .TRUE.
419      CALL wannier_setup(seedname2, mp_grid, iknum,        &  ! input
420             rlatt, glatt, kpt_latt, nbnd,                 &  ! input
421             nat, atsym, atcart, .FALSE., noncolin,        &  ! input
422             nnb, kpb, g_kpb, num_bands, n_wannier,        &  ! output
423             center_w, l_w, mr_w, r_w, zaxis,              &  ! output
424             xaxis, alpha_w, exclude_bands)                   ! output
425     ! SP: In wannier_setup, the .nnkp file is produced.
426    ENDIF
427    !
428    CALL mp_bcast(nnb,           meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
429    CALL mp_bcast(kpb,           meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
430    CALL mp_bcast(g_kpb,         meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
431    CALL mp_bcast(num_bands,     meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
432    CALL mp_bcast(n_wannier,     meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
433    CALL mp_bcast(center_w,      meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
434    CALL mp_bcast(l_w,           meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
435    CALL mp_bcast(mr_w,          meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
436    CALL mp_bcast(r_w,           meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
437    CALL mp_bcast(zaxis,         meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
438    CALL mp_bcast(xaxis,         meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
439    CALL mp_bcast(alpha_w,       meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
440    CALL mp_bcast(exclude_bands, meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
441    CALL mp_bcast(noncolin,      meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
442    !
443    ! SP: Commented because we now write on file the .nnkp file and read from it.
444    !
445    ! n_proj = nr. of projections (=#WF unless spinors then =#WF/2)
446    !IF (noncolin) THEN
447    !   n_proj = n_wannier/2
448    !ELSE
449       n_proj = n_wannier
450    !ENDIF
451    !
452    IF (scdm_proj) THEN
453      WRITE(stdout, *)
454      WRITE(stdout, *) '    Initial Wannier auto_projections'
455      WRITE(stdout, *)
456    ELSE
457      WRITE(stdout, *)
458      WRITE(stdout, *) '    Initial Wannier projections'
459      WRITE(stdout, *)
460      !
461      DO iw = 1, n_proj
462        WRITE(stdout, '(5x, "(", 3f10.5, ") :  l = ", i3, " mr = ", i3)') &
463                       center_w(:, iw), l_w(iw), mr_w(iw)
464      ENDDO
465    ENDIF
466    !
467    excluded_band(1:nbnd) = .FALSE.
468    nexband = 0
469    band_loop: DO ibnd = 1, nbnd
470      indexb = exclude_bands(ibnd)
471      IF (indexb > nbnd .OR. indexb < 0) THEN
472        CALL errore('setup_nnkp', 'wrong excluded band index ', 1)
473      ELSEIF (indexb == 0) THEN
474        EXIT band_loop
475      ELSE
476        nexband = nexband + 1
477        excluded_band(indexb) = .TRUE.
478      ENDIF
479    ENDDO band_loop
480    !
481    ibndstart = 1
482    DO ibnd = 1, nbnd
483      IF (excluded_band(ibnd) .eqv. .FALSE.) THEN
484        ibndstart = ibnd
485        EXIT
486      ENDIF
487    ENDDO
488    ibndend= nbnd
489    DO ibnd = nbnd, 1, -1
490      IF (excluded_band(ibnd) .eqv. .FALSE.) THEN
491        ibndend = ibnd
492        EXIT
493      ENDIF
494    ENDDO
495    nbndep = ibndend - ibndstart + 1
496    nbndskip = ibndstart - 1
497    !
498    WRITE(stdout, '(/, "      - Number of bands is (", i3, ")")') num_bands
499    WRITE(stdout, '("      - Number of total bands is (", i3, ")")') nbnd
500    WRITE(stdout, '("      - Number of excluded bands is (", i3, ")")') nexband
501    WRITE(stdout, '("      - Number of wannier functions is (", i3, ")")') n_wannier
502    !
503    IF ((nbnd - nexband) /= num_bands ) &
504      CALL errore('setup_nnkp', ' something wrong with num_bands', 1)
505    !
506    ! Now we read the .nnkp file
507    !
508    IF (meta_ionode) THEN  ! Read nnkp file on ionode only
509      INQUIRE(FILE = TRIM(seedname2)//".nnkp", EXIST = have_nnkp)
510      IF (.NOT. have_nnkp) THEN
511         CALL errore('setup_nnkp', 'Could not find the file ' &
512                      //TRIM(seedname2)//'.nnkp', 1 )
513      ENDIF
514      OPEN(UNIT = iunnkp, FILE = TRIM(seedname2)//".nnkp", FORM = 'formatted')
515    ENDIF
516    !
517    IF (meta_ionode) THEN   ! read from ionode only
518      IF (noncolin) THEN
519        CALL scan_file_to(iunnkp, 'spinor_projections', found)
520        IF (.NOT. found) THEN
521          CALL errore('setup_nnkp', 'Could not find projections block in ' &
522                      //TRIM(seedname2)//'.nnkp', 1)
523        ENDIF
524      ELSE
525        CALL scan_file_to(iunnkp, 'projections', found)
526        IF (.NOT. found) THEN
527          CALL errore('setup_nnkp', 'Could not find projections block in ' &
528                      //TRIM(seedname2)//'.nnkp', 1)
529        ENDIF
530      ENDIF
531      READ(iunnkp, *) n_proj
532    ENDIF
533    CALL mp_bcast(n_proj, meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
534    !
535    ALLOCATE(gf(npwx, n_proj), STAT = ierr)
536    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('setup_nnkp', 'Error allocating gf', 1)
537    ALLOCATE(csph(16, n_proj), STAT = ierr)
538    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('setup_nnkp', 'Error allocating csph', 1)
539    IF (noncolin) THEN
540      ALLOCATE(spin_eig(n_proj), STAT = ierr)
541      IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('setup_nnkp', 'Error allocating spin_eig', 1)
542      ALLOCATE(spin_qaxis(3, n_proj), STAT = ierr)
543      IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('setup_nnkp', 'Error allocating spin_qaxis', 1)
544    ENDIF
545    !
546    IF (meta_ionode) THEN   ! read from ionode only
547      DO iw = 1, n_proj
548        READ(iunnkp, *) (center_w(ipol, iw), ipol = 1, 3), l_w(iw), mr_w(iw), r_w(iw)
549        READ(iunnkp, *) (zaxis(ipol, iw), ipol = 1, 3), (xaxis(ipol, iw), ipol = 1, 3), alpha_w(iw)
550        xnorm = DSQRT(SUM(xaxis(:, iw) * xaxis(:, iw)))
551        IF (xnorm < eps6) CALL errore('setup_nnkp', '|xaxis| < eps', 1)
552        znorm = DSQRT(SUM(zaxis(:, iw) * zaxis(:, iw)))
553        IF (znorm < eps6) CALL errore('setup_nnkp', '|zaxis| < eps', 1)
554        coseno = SUM(xaxis(:, iw) * zaxis(:, iw)) / xnorm / znorm
555        IF (ABS(coseno) > eps6) CALL errore('setup_nnkp', 'xaxis and zaxis are not orthogonal!', 1)
556        IF (alpha_w(iw) < eps6) CALL errore('setup_nnkp', 'zona value must be positive', 1)
557        ! convert wannier center in cartesian coordinates (in unit of alat)
558        CALL cryst_to_cart(1, center_w(:, iw), at, 1)
559        IF (noncolin) THEN
560          READ(iunnkp, *) spin_eig(iw), (spin_qaxis(ipol, iw), ipol = 1, 3)
561          xnorm = DSQRT(SUM(spin_qaxis(:, iw) * spin_qaxis(:, iw)))
562          IF (xnorm < eps6) CALL errore('setup_nnkp', '|xaxis| < eps', 1)
563          spin_qaxis(:, iw) = spin_qaxis(:, iw) / xnorm
564        ENDIF
565      ENDDO
566    ENDIF
567    !
568    ! automatic projections
569    IF (meta_ionode) THEN
570      CALL scan_file_to(iunnkp, 'auto_projections', found)
571      IF (found) THEN
572        READ(iunnkp, *) n_wannier
573        READ(iunnkp, *) tmp_auto
574        !
575        IF (scdm_proj) THEN
576          IF (n_proj > 0) THEN
577            WRITE(stdout, '(//, " ****** begin Error message ******",/)')
578            WRITE(stdout, '(/, " Found a projection block, an auto_projections block", /)')
579            WRITE(stdout, '(/, " and scdm_proj = T in the input file. These three options are inconsistent.", /)')
580            WRITE(stdout, '(/, " Please refer to the Wannier90 User guide for correct use of these flags.",/)')
581            WRITE(stdout, '(/, " ****** end Error message ******",//)')
582            CALL errore('setup_nnkp', 'Inconsistent options for projections.', 1)
583          ELSE
584            IF (tmp_auto /= 0) &
585              CALL errore('setup_nnkp', 'Second entry in auto_projections block is not 0. ' // &
586                          'See Wannier90 User Guide in the auto_projections section for clarifications.', 1)
587          ENDIF
588        ELSE
589          ! Fire an error whether or not a projections block is found
590          CALL errore('setup_nnkp', 'scdm_proj = F but found an auto_projections block in ' &
591                      //TRIM(seedname2)//'.nnkp', 1)
592        ENDIF
593      ELSE
594        IF (scdm_proj) THEN
595          ! Fire an error whether or not a projections block is found
596          CALL errore('setup_nnkp', 'scdm_proj = T but cannot find an auto_projections block in ' &
597                      //TRIM(seedname2)//'.nnkp', 1)
598        ENDIF
599      ENDIF
600    ENDIF
601    !
602    IF (.NOT. scdm_proj) WRITE(stdout, *) '     - All guiding functions are given '
603    !
604    ! Broadcast
605    CALL mp_bcast(center_w, meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
606    CALL mp_bcast(l_w,      meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
607    CALL mp_bcast(mr_w,     meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
608    CALL mp_bcast(r_w,      meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
609    CALL mp_bcast(zaxis,    meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
610    CALL mp_bcast(xaxis,    meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
611    CALL mp_bcast(alpha_w,  meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
612    IF (noncolin) THEN
613      CALL mp_bcast(spin_eig,   meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
614      CALL mp_bcast(spin_qaxis, meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
615    ENDIF
616    !
617    IF (meta_ionode) THEN   ! read from ionode only
618      CALL scan_file_to(iunnkp, 'nnkpts', found)
619      IF (.NOT. found) THEN
620         CALL errore('setup_nnkp', 'Could not find nnkpts block in ' &
621                     //TRIM(seedname2)//'.nnkp', 1)
622      ENDIF
623      READ(iunnkp, *) nnb
624    ENDIF
625    !
626    ! Broadcast
627    CALL mp_bcast(nnb, meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
628    !
629    nnbx = 0
630    nnbx = MAX(nnbx, nnb)
631    ALLOCATE(ig_(iknum, nnbx), STAT = ierr)
632    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('setup_nnkp', 'Error allocating ig_', 1)
633    ALLOCATE(ig_check(iknum, nnbx), STAT = ierr)
634    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('setup_nnkp', 'Error allocating ig_check', 1)
635    ALLOCATE(zerophase(iknum, nnb), STAT = ierr)
636    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('setup_nnkp', 'Error allocating zerophase', 1)
637    zerophase = .FALSE.
638    !
639    ! Read data about neighbours
640    WRITE(stdout, *)
641    WRITE(stdout, *) ' Reading data about k-point neighbours '
642    WRITE(stdout, *)
643    IF (meta_ionode) THEN
644      DO ik = 1, iknum
645        DO ib = 1, nnb
646          READ(iunnkp, *) idum, kpb(ik, ib), (g_kpb(ipol, ik, ib), ipol = 1, 3)
647        ENDDO
648      ENDDO
649    ENDIF
650    !
651    ! Broadcast
652    CALL mp_bcast(kpb,   meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
653    CALL mp_bcast(g_kpb, meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
654    !
655    DO ik  = 1, iknum
656      DO ib = 1, nnb
657        IF ((g_kpb(1, ik, ib) == 0) .AND.  &
658            (g_kpb(2, ik, ib) == 0) .AND.  &
659            (g_kpb(3, ik, ib) == 0) ) zerophase(ik, ib) = .TRUE.
660        g_(:) = REAL(g_kpb(:, ik, ib))
661        CALL cryst_to_cart(1, g_, bg, 1)
662        gg_ = g_(1) * g_(1) + g_(2) * g_(2) + g_(3) * g_(3)
663        ig_(ik, ib) = 0
664        ig = 1
665        DO WHILE (gg(ig) <= gg_ + eps6)
666          IF ((ABS(g(1, ig) - g_(1)) < eps6) .AND.  &
667              (ABS(g(2, ig) - g_(2)) < eps6) .AND.  &
668              (ABS(g(3, ig) - g_(3)) < eps6) ) ig_(ik, ib) = ig
669          ig = ig + 1
670        ENDDO
671      ENDDO
672    ENDDO
673    !
674    ig_check(:, :) = ig_(:, :)
675    CALL mp_sum(ig_check, intra_pool_comm)
676    DO ik = 1, iknum
677      DO ib = 1, nnb
678        IF (ig_check(ik, ib) == 0) &
679          CALL errore('setup_nnkp', 'g_kpb vector is not in the list of Gs', 100 * ik + ib)
680      ENDDO
681    ENDDO
682    DEALLOCATE(ig_check, STAT = ierr)
683    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('setup_nnkp', 'Error deallocating ig_check', 1)
684    !
685    WRITE(stdout, *) '     - All neighbours are found '
686    WRITE(stdout, *)
687    !
688    IF (meta_ionode) THEN
689      CALL scan_file_to(iunnkp, 'exclude_bands', found)
690      IF (.NOT. found) THEN
691        CALL errore('setup_nnkp', 'Could not find exclude_bands block in ' &
692                    //TRIM(seedname2)//'.nnkp', 1)
693      ENDIF
694      READ(iunnkp, *) nexband
695      excluded_band(1:nbnd) = .FALSE.
696      DO ibnd = 1, nexband
697        READ(iunnkp, *) indexb
698        IF (indexb < 1 .OR. indexb > nbnd) &
699          CALL errore('setup_nnkp', ' wrong excluded band index ', 1)
700        excluded_band(indexb) = .TRUE.
701      ENDDO
702      num_bands = nbnd - nexband
703    ENDIF
704    !
705    ! Broadcast
706    CALL mp_bcast(nexband,       meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
707    CALL mp_bcast(excluded_band, meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
708    CALL mp_bcast(num_bands,     meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
709    !
710    IF (meta_ionode) THEN
711      CLOSE(iunnkp)
712    ENDIF
713    !
714    RETURN
715    !
716    !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
717    END SUBROUTINE setup_nnkp
718    !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
719    !
720    !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
721    SUBROUTINE scan_file_to(iunr, keyword, found)
722    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
723    !
725    !
726    CHARACTER(LEN = *), INTENT(in) :: keyword
727    !! Keyword searched for
728    LOGICAL, INTENT(out)         :: found
729    !! Check if the section in the .nnkp file is found.
730    INTEGER, INTENT(in)          :: iunr
731    !! Unit number for file
732    !
733    ! Local variables
734    CHARACTER(LEN = 80) :: line1, line2
735    !!
736    !
737    ! Uncommenting the following line the file scan restarts every time
738    ! from the beginning thus making the reading independent on the order
739    ! of data-blocks
740    ! REWIND(iunr)
741    !
742    10 CONTINUE
743    READ(iunr, *, END = 20) line1, line2
744    IF (line1 /= 'begin') GOTO 10
745    IF (line2 /= keyword) GOTO 10
746    found = .TRUE.
747    RETURN
748    20 found = .FALSE.
749    REWIND(iunr)
750    !
751    !------------------------------------------------------------------------
752    END SUBROUTINE scan_file_to
753    !------------------------------------------------------------------------
754    !
755    !------------------------------------------------------------------------
756    SUBROUTINE run_wannier()
757    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
758    !
759    USE kinds,     ONLY : DP
760    USE io_global, ONLY : stdout, meta_ionode_id, meta_ionode
761    USE ions_base, ONLY : nat
762    USE mp,        ONLY : mp_bcast
763    USE mp_world,  ONLY : world_comm
764    USE cell_base, ONLY : alat
765    USE io_files,  ONLY : prefix
766    USE io_var,    ONLY : iuqpeig
767    USE pwcom,     ONLY : nkstot
768    USE wannierEPW,ONLY : u_mat, lwindow, wann_centers, wann_spreads, eigval,  &
769                          n_wannier, spreads, nnb, rlatt, glatt, kpt_latt,     &
770                          iknum, seedname2, num_bands, u_mat_opt, atsym, a_mat,&
771                          atcart, m_mat, mp_grid, excluded_band
772    USE epwcom,    ONLY : eig_read
773    USE wvfct,     ONLY : nbnd
774    USE constants_epw, ONLY : zero, czero, bohr
775    !
777    !
778    CHARACTER(LEN = 256) :: tempfile
779    !! Temporary file
780    CHARACTER (LEN = 80) :: line
781    !! Temporary character
782    INTEGER :: iw
783    !! Counter on wannier functions
784    INTEGER :: ik
785    !! Counter of k-point index
786    INTEGER :: ibnd
787    !! Counter on bands
788    INTEGER :: ibnd1
789    !! Band index
790    INTEGER :: ios
791    !! Integer variable for I/O control
792    INTEGER :: ierr
793    !! Error status
794    REAL(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: eigvaltmp(:, :)
795    !! Temporary array containing the eigenvalues (KS or GW) when read from files
796    !
797    ALLOCATE(u_mat(n_wannier, n_wannier, iknum), STAT = ierr)
798    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('run_wannier', 'Error allocating u_mat', 1)
799    ALLOCATE(u_mat_opt(num_bands, n_wannier, iknum), STAT = ierr)
800    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('run_wannier', 'Error allocating u_mat_opt', 1)
801    ALLOCATE(lwindow(num_bands, iknum), STAT = ierr)
802    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('run_wannier', 'Error allocating lwindow', 1)
803    ALLOCATE(wann_centers(3, n_wannier), STAT = ierr)
804    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('run_wannier', 'Error allocating wann_centers', 1)
805    ALLOCATE(wann_spreads(n_wannier), STAT = ierr)
806    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('run_wannier', 'Error allocating wann_spreads', 1)
807    !
808    u_mat(:, :, :) = czero
809    u_mat_opt(:, :, :) = czero
810    wann_centers(:, :) = zero
811    wann_spreads(:) = zero
812    !
813    IF (meta_ionode) THEN
814      ! read in external eigenvalues, e.g.  GW
815      IF (eig_read) THEN
816        ALLOCATE(eigvaltmp(nbnd, iknum), STAT = ierr)
817        IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('run_wannier', 'Error allocating eigvaltmp', 1)
818        eigvaltmp(:, :) = zero
819        eigval(:, :) = zero
820        WRITE (stdout, '(5x, a, i5, a, i5, a)') "Reading external electronic eigenvalues (", &
821             nbnd, ",", nkstot,")"
822        tempfile = TRIM(prefix)//'.eig'
823        OPEN(iuqpeig, FILE = tempfile, FORM = 'formatted', ACTION = 'read', IOSTAT = ios)
824        IF (ios /= 0) CALL errore('run_wannier', 'error opening'//tempfile, 1)
825        READ(iuqpeig, '(a)') line
826        DO ik = 1, nkstot
827          ! We do not save the k-point for the moment ==> should be read and
828          ! tested against the current one
829          READ(iuqpeig, '(a)') line
830          READ(iuqpeig, *) eigvaltmp(:, ik)
831        ENDDO
832        DO ik = 1, nkstot
833          ibnd1 = 0
834          DO ibnd = 1, nbnd
835            IF (excluded_band(ibnd)) CYCLE
836            ibnd1 = ibnd1 + 1
837            eigval(ibnd1, ik) = eigvaltmp(ibnd, ik)
838          ENDDO
839        ENDDO
840        CLOSE(iuqpeig)
841        DEALLOCATE(eigvaltmp, STAT = ierr)
842        IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('run_wannier', 'Error deallocating eigvaltmp', 1)
843      ENDIF
845  ! SP : This file is not used for now. Only required to build the UNK file
846  !      tempfile = TRIM(prefix)//'.mmn'
847  !      OPEN(iummn, FILE = tempfile, IOSTAT = ios, FORM = 'unformatted')
848  !      WRITE(iummn) m_mat
849  !      CLOSE(iummn)
851      CALL wannier_run(seedname2, mp_grid, iknum,   &              ! input
852                       rlatt, glatt, kpt_latt, num_bands,       &  ! input
853                       n_wannier, nnb, nat, atsym,              &  ! input
854                       atcart, .FALSE., m_mat, a_mat, eigval,   &  ! input
855                       u_mat, u_mat_opt, lwindow, wann_centers, &  ! output
856                       wann_spreads, spreads)                      ! output
857    ENDIF
858    !
859    CALL mp_bcast(u_mat,        meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
860    CALL mp_bcast(u_mat_opt,    meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
861    CALL mp_bcast(lwindow,      meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
862    CALL mp_bcast(wann_centers, meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
863    CALL mp_bcast(wann_spreads, meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
864    CALL mp_bcast(spreads,      meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
865    !
866    !
867    ! output the results of the wannierization
868    !
869    WRITE(stdout, *)
870    WRITE(stdout, *) '    Wannier Function centers (cartesian, alat) and spreads (ang):'
871    WRITE(stdout, *)
872    DO iw = 1, n_wannier
873      WRITE(stdout, '(5x, "(", 3f10.5, ") :  ",f8.5)') &
874           wann_centers(:, iw) / alat / bohr, wann_spreads(iw)
875    ENDDO
876    WRITE(stdout, *)
877    !
878    ! store the final minimisation matrix on disk for later use
879    !
880    CALL write_filukk
881    !
882    RETURN
883    !
884    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
885    END SUBROUTINE run_wannier
886    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
887    !
888    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
889    SUBROUTINE compute_amn_para()
890    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
891    !!  adapted from compute_amn in pw2wannier90.f90
892    !!  parallelization on k-points has been added
893    !!  10/2008 Jesse Noffsinger UC Berkeley
894    !!  01/2018 Roxana Margine updated
895    !!
896    USE kinds,           ONLY : DP
897    USE io_global,       ONLY : stdout, meta_ionode
898    USE klist,           ONLY : nks, igk_k
899    USE klist_epw,       ONLY : xk_loc
900    USE wvfct,           ONLY : nbnd, npw, npwx, g2kin
901    USE wavefunctions,   ONLY : evc
902    USE gvect,           ONLY : g, ngm
903    USE gvecw,           ONLY : gcutw
904    USE uspp,            ONLY : nkb, vkb
905    USE becmod,          ONLY : becp, calbec, deallocate_bec_type, &
906                                allocate_bec_type
907    USE wannierEPW,      ONLY : csph, excluded_band, gf, num_bands, &
908                                n_wannier, iknum, n_proj, a_mat, &
909                                spin_qaxis, spin_eig, gf_spinor, sgf_spinor
910    USE uspp_param,      ONLY : upf
911    USE noncollin_module,ONLY : noncolin, npol
912    USE constants_epw,   ONLY : czero, cone, zero, eps6
913    USE mp_global,       ONLY : my_pool_id, npool, intra_pool_comm, inter_pool_comm
914    USE mp,              ONLY : mp_sum
915    USE kfold,           ONLY : ktokpmq
916    USE io_epw,          ONLY : readwfc
917    !
919    !
920    LOGICAL :: any_uspp
921    !! Check if uspp are used
922    LOGICAL :: spin_z_pos
923    !! Detect if spin quantisation axis is along +z
924    LOGICAL :: spin_z_neg
925    !! Detect if spin quantisation axis is along -z
926    INTEGER :: iw
927    !! Counter on number of projections
928    INTEGER :: ik
929    !! Counter of k-point index
930    INTEGER :: ibnd
931    !! Counter on band index
932    INTEGER :: ibnd1
933    !! Band index
934    INTEGER :: ipool
935    !! Index of current pool
936    INTEGER ::  nkq
937    !! Index of k-point in the pool
938    INTEGER ::  nkq_abs
939    !! Absolute index of k-point
940    INTEGER ::  ik_g
941    !! Temporary index of k-point, ik_g = nkq_abs
942    INTEGER  :: ipol
943    !! Index of spin-up/spin-down polarizations
944    INTEGER ::  istart
945    !! Starting index on plane waves
946    INTEGER :: ierr
947    !! Error status
948    REAL(KIND = DP) :: zero_vect(3)
949    !! Temporary zero vector
950    COMPLEX(KIND = DP) :: amn
951    !! Element of A_mn matrix
953    !! <psi_mk|g_n>
954    COMPLEX(KIND = DP) :: amn_tmp
955    !! Element of A_mn matrix
956    COMPLEX(KIND = DP) :: fac(2)
957    !! Factor for spin quantization axis
958    COMPLEX(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: sgf(:, :)
959    !! Guiding functions
960    !
961    !nocolin: we have half as many projections g(r) defined as wannier
962    !         functions. We project onto (1,0) (ie up spin) and then onto
963    !         (0,1) to obtain num_wann projections. jry
964    !
965    any_uspp = ANY(upf(:)%tvanp)
966    !
967    ALLOCATE(a_mat(num_bands, n_wannier, iknum), STAT = ierr)
968    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_para', 'Error allocating a_mat', 1)
969    ALLOCATE(sgf(npwx, n_proj), STAT = ierr)
970    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_para', 'Error allocating sgf', 1)
971    a_mat(:, :, :) = czero
972    sgf(:, :)      = czero
973    zero_vect(:)   = zero
974    !
975    IF (noncolin) THEN
976      ALLOCATE( gf_spinor(2 * npwx, n_proj), STAT = ierr)
977      IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_para', 'Error allocating gf_spinor', 1)
978      ALLOCATE(sgf_spinor(2 * npwx, n_proj), STAT = ierr)
979      IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_para', 'Error allocating sgf_spinor', 1)
980      gf_spinor(:, :)  = czero
981      sgf_spinor(:, :) = czero
982    ENDIF
983    !
984    WRITE(stdout, '(5x, a)') 'AMN'
985    !
986    IF (any_uspp) THEN
987      CALL allocate_bec_type(nkb, n_wannier, becp)
988    ENDIF
989    !
990#if defined(__MPI)
991    WRITE(stdout, '(6x, a, i5, a, i4, a)') 'k points = ', iknum, ' in ', npool, ' pools'
993    !
994    DO ik = 1, nks
995      !
996      ! returns in-pool index nkq and absolute index nkq_abs of xk
997      CALL ktokpmq(xk_loc(:, ik), zero_vect, +1, ipool, nkq, nkq_abs)
998      ik_g = nkq_abs
999      !
1000      WRITE(stdout, '(5x, i8, " of ", i4, a)') ik , nks, ' on ionode'
1001      FLUSH(stdout)
1002      !
1003      ! read wfc at k
1004      CALL readwfc(my_pool_id + 1, ik, evc)
1005      !
1006      ! sorts k+G vectors in order of increasing magnitude, up to ecut
1007      CALL gk_sort(xk_loc(1, ik), ngm, g, gcutw, npw, igk_k(1, ik), g2kin)
1008      !
1009      CALL generate_guiding_functions(ik)   ! they are called gf(npw, n_proj)
1010      !
1011      IF (noncolin) THEN
1012        CALL orient_gf_spinor(npw)
1013      ENDIF
1014      !
1015      !  USPP
1016      !
1017      IF (any_uspp) THEN
1018        CALL init_us_2(npw, igk_k(1,ik), xk_loc(1,ik), vkb)
1019        ! below we compute the product of beta functions with trial func.
1020        IF (noncolin) THEN
1021          CALL calbec(npw, vkb, gf_spinor, becp, n_proj)
1022        ELSE
1023          CALL calbec(npw, vkb, gf, becp, n_proj)
1024        ENDIF
1025        ! and we use it for the product S|trial_func>
1026        IF (noncolin) THEN
1027          CALL s_psi(npwx, npw, n_proj, gf_spinor, sgf_spinor)
1028        ELSE
1029          CALL s_psi(npwx, npw, n_proj, gf, sgf)
1030        ENDIF
1031      ELSE
1032        sgf(:, :) = gf(:, :)
1033      ENDIF
1034      !
1035      IF (noncolin) THEN
1036        ! we do the projection as g(r)*a(r) and g(r)*b(r)
1037        DO iw = 1, n_proj
1038          !
1039          spin_z_pos = .FALSE.
1040          spin_z_neg = .FALSE.
1041          ! detect if spin quantisation axis is along z
1042          IF ((ABS(spin_qaxis(1, iw) - 0.0d0) < eps6) .AND. &
1043              (ABS(spin_qaxis(2, iw) - 0.0d0) < eps6) .AND. &
1044              (ABS(spin_qaxis(3, iw) - 1.0d0) < eps6)) THEN
1045            spin_z_pos = .TRUE.
1046          ELSEIF ((ABS(spin_qaxis(1, iw) - 0.0d0) < eps6) .AND. &
1047                  (ABS(spin_qaxis(2, iw) - 0.0d0) < eps6) .AND. &
1048                  (ABS(spin_qaxis(3, iw) + 1.0d0) < eps6)) THEN
1049            spin_z_neg = .TRUE.
1050          ENDIF
1051          !
1052          IF (spin_z_pos .OR. spin_z_neg) THEN
1053            !
1054            ibnd1 = 0
1055            DO ibnd = 1, nbnd
1056              IF (excluded_band(ibnd)) CYCLE
1057              ibnd1 = ibnd1 + 1
1058              !
1059              IF (spin_z_pos) THEN
1060                ipol = (3 - spin_eig(iw)) / 2
1061              ELSE
1062                ipol = (3 + spin_eig(iw)) / 2
1063              ENDIF
1064              istart = (ipol - 1) * npwx + 1
1065              !
1066              amn = czero
1067              IF (any_uspp) THEN
1068                amn = ZDOTC(npw, evc(1, ibnd), 1, sgf_spinor(1, iw), 1)
1069                amn = amn + ZDOTC(npw, evc(npwx + 1, ibnd), 1, sgf_spinor(npwx + 1, iw), 1)
1070              ELSE
1071                amn = ZDOTC(npw, evc(istart, ibnd), 1, sgf(1, iw), 1)
1072              ENDIF
1073              CALL mp_sum(amn, intra_pool_comm)
1074              !
1075              ! changed since n_proj is now read from .nnkp file (n_proj=n_wannier)
1076              ! a_mat(ibnd1, iw + n_proj * (ipol - 1), ik_g) = amn
1077              a_mat(ibnd1, iw, ik_g) = amn
1078            ENDDO ! ibnd
1079          ELSE
1080            ! general routine for quantisation axis (a,b,c)
1081            ! 'up'    eigenvector is 1/DSQRT(1+c) [c+1,a+ib]
1082            ! 'down'  eigenvector is 1/DSQRT(1-c) [c-1,a+ib]
1083            IF (spin_eig(iw) == 1) THEN
1084              fac(1) = (1.0d0 / DSQRT(1 + spin_qaxis(3, iw))) &
1085                     * (spin_qaxis(3, iw) + 1) * cone
1086              fac(2) = (1.0d0 / DSQRT(1 + spin_qaxis(3, iw))) &
1087                     * CMPLX(spin_qaxis(1, iw), spin_qaxis(2, iw), KIND = DP)
1088            ELSE
1089              fac(1) = (1.0d0 / DSQRT(1 + spin_qaxis(3, iw))) &
1090                     * (spin_qaxis(3, iw)) * cone
1091              fac(2) = (1.0d0 / DSQRT(1 - spin_qaxis(3, iw))) &
1092                     * CMPLX(spin_qaxis(1, iw), spin_qaxis(2, iw), KIND = DP)
1093            ENDIF
1094            !
1095            ibnd1 = 0
1096            DO ibnd = 1, nbnd
1097              IF (excluded_band(ibnd)) CYCLE
1098              ibnd1 = ibnd1 + 1
1099              !
1100              amn = czero
1101              DO ipol = 1, npol
1102                istart = (ipol - 1) * npwx + 1
1103                amn_tmp = czero
1104                IF (any_uspp) THEN
1105                  amn_tmp = ZDOTC(npw, evc(istart, ibnd), 1, sgf_spinor(istart, iw), 1)
1106                  CALL mp_sum(amn_tmp, intra_pool_comm)
1107                  amn = amn + amn_tmp
1108                ELSE
1109                  amn_tmp = ZDOTC(npw, evc(istart, ibnd), 1, sgf(1, iw), 1)
1110                  CALL mp_sum(amn_tmp, intra_pool_comm)
1111                  amn = amn + fac(ipol) * amn_tmp
1112                ENDIF
1113              ENDDO ! ipol
1114              !
1115              ! changed since n_proj is now read from .nnkp file (n_proj=n_wannier)
1116              !a_mat(ibnd1, iw + n_proj * (ipol - 1), ik_g) = amn
1117              a_mat(ibnd1, iw, ik_g) = amn
1118            ENDDO ! ibnd
1119          ENDIF ! spin_z_pos
1120        ENDDO ! iw (wannier fns)
1121      ELSE ! scalar wavefunction
1122        DO iw = 1, n_proj
1123          !
1124          ibnd1 = 0
1125          DO ibnd = 1, nbnd
1126            IF (excluded_band(ibnd)) CYCLE
1127            ibnd1 = ibnd1 + 1
1128            !
1129            amn = czero
1130            amn = ZDOTC(npw, evc(1, ibnd), 1, sgf(1, iw), 1)
1131            CALL mp_sum(amn, intra_pool_comm)
1132            !
1133            a_mat(ibnd1, iw, ik_g) = amn
1134          ENDDO ! ibnd
1135        ENDDO ! iw (wannier fns)
1136      ENDIF ! scalar wavefunction
1137    ENDDO  ! k-points
1138    !
1139    DEALLOCATE(csph, STAT = ierr)
1140    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_para', 'Error deallocating csph', 1)
1141    DEALLOCATE(sgf, STAT = ierr)
1142    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_para', 'Error deallocating sgf', 1)
1143    IF (noncolin) THEN
1144      DEALLOCATE(gf_spinor, STAT = ierr)
1145      IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_para', 'Error deallocating gf_spinor', 1)
1146      DEALLOCATE(sgf_spinor, STAT = ierr)
1147      IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_para', 'Error deallocating sgf_spinor', 1)
1148    ENDIF
1149    !
1150    IF (any_uspp) CALL deallocate_bec_type(becp)
1151    !
1152    CALL mp_sum(a_mat, inter_pool_comm)
1153    !
1154    ! RMDB
1155    !IF (meta_ionode) THEN
1156    !  ALLOCATE(a_mat_tmp(nbnd, n_wannier, iknum), STAT = ierr)
1157    !  IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_para', 'Error allocating a_mat_tmp', 1)
1158    !  a_mat_tmp(:, :, :) = czero
1159    !  !
1160    !  DO ik = 1, iknum
1161    !    DO iw = 1, n_proj
1162    !      !
1163    !      ibnd1 = 0
1164    !      DO ibnd = 1, nbnd
1165    !        IF (excluded_band(ibnd)) CYCLE
1166    !        ibnd1 = ibnd1 + 1
1167    !        !
1168    !        a_mat_tmp(ibnd, iw, ik) =  a_mat(ibnd1, iw, ik)
1169    !      ENDDO ! ibnd
1170    !      !
1171    !      DO ibnd = 1, nbnd
1172    !        WRITE(501, '(3i5, 2f18.12)') ibnd, iw, ik, a_mat_tmp(ibnd, iw, ik)
1173    !      ENDDO ! ibnd
1174    !    ENDDO ! iw
1175    !  ENDDO ! ik
1176    !  DEALLOCATE(a_mat_tmp, STAT = ierr)
1177    !  IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_with_scdm', 'Error deallocating a_mat_tmp', 1)
1178    !ENDIF
1179    !
1180    WRITE(stdout, *)
1181    WRITE(stdout, '(5x, a)') 'AMN calculated'
1182    !
1183    RETURN
1184    !
1185    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1186    END SUBROUTINE compute_amn_para
1187    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1188    !
1189    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1190    SUBROUTINE compute_amn_with_scdm()
1191    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1192    !
1193    !! This subroutine computes automatic Wannier functions using
1194    !! the selected columns of density matrix (SCDM) method.
1195    !! The subroutine is adapted from compute_amn_with_scdm and
1196    !! compute_amn_with_scdm_spinor subroutines in pw2wannier90.f90.
1197    !
1198    USE kinds,           ONLY : DP
1199    USE constants,       ONLY : rytoev
1200    USE io_global,       ONLY : stdout, meta_ionode, meta_ionode_id
1201    USE wvfct,           ONLY : nbnd, npw, npwx, et, g2kin
1202    USE gvecw,           ONLY : gcutw
1203    USE wavefunctions,   ONLY : evc, psic, psic_nc
1204    USE noncollin_module, ONLY : noncolin
1205    USE wannierEPW,      ONLY : n_wannier, iknum, num_bands, nexband, &
1206                                excluded_band, kpt_latt, a_mat
1207    USE klist,           ONLY : nks, igk_k
1208    USE klist_epw,       ONLY : xk_all, xk_loc
1209    USE gvect,           ONLY : g, ngm, mill
1210    USE fft_base,        ONLY : dffts
1211    USE scatter_mod,     ONLY : gather_grid
1212    USE fft_interfaces,  ONLY : invfft
1213    USE mp,              ONLY : mp_bcast, mp_sum
1214    USE mp_world,        ONLY : world_comm
1215    USE mp_global,       ONLY : my_pool_id, npool, intra_pool_comm, inter_pool_comm
1216    USE constants_epw,   ONLY : zero, czero, one, twopi
1217    USE kfold,           ONLY : ktokpmq
1218    USE epwcom,          ONLY : scdm_entanglement, scdm_mu, scdm_sigma
1219    USE io_epw,          ONLY : readwfc
1220    !
1222    !
1223    ! Local variables
1224    LOGICAL :: found_gamma
1225    !! find G-point index
1226    INTEGER :: ik
1227    !! Counter over k-points
1228    INTEGER :: ibnd
1229    !! Counter over bands
1230    INTEGER :: ibnd1
1231    !! Band index
1232    INTEGER :: iw
1233    !! Counter over the nr. of projections
1234    INTEGER :: nrtot
1235    !! Size of FFT grid
1236    INTEGER :: ierr
1237    !! Error status
1238    INTEGER :: info
1239    !! if info=0 succesful exit of QR factorization
1240    INTEGER :: lcwork
1241    !!
1242    INTEGER :: ipt, jpt, kpt, lpt
1243    !! Counter over FFT grid
1244    INTEGER :: count_piv_spin
1245    !!
1246    INTEGER :: minmn
1247    !!
1248    INTEGER :: minmn2
1249    !!
1250    INTEGER :: maxmn2
1251    !!
1252    INTEGER :: numbands
1253    !! Nr. of bands
1254    INTEGER :: nbtot
1255    !! Total nr. of bands
1256    INTEGER :: ig
1257    !! Counter on G vectors
1258    INTEGER :: ig_local
1259    !! Counter on G vectors
1260    INTEGER :: ipool
1261    !! Index of current pool
1262    INTEGER ::  nkq
1263    !! Index of k-point in the pool
1264    INTEGER ::  nkq_abs
1265    !! Absolute index of k-point
1266    INTEGER ::  ik_g
1267    !! Temporary index of k-point, ik_g = nkq_abs
1268    INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: piv(:)
1269    !! vv: Pivot array in the QR factorization
1270    INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: piv_pos(:)
1271    !! jml: Position of piv
1272    INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: piv_spin(:)
1273    !! jml: Spin index of piv
1274    REAL(KIND = DP):: pnorm
1275    !!
1276    REAL(KIND = DP):: norm_psi
1277    !! norm of wave function |Psi|
1278    REAL(KIND = DP):: f_gamma
1279    !! generalization of Fermi-Dirac probability for occupied states at G-point
1280    REAL(KIND = DP):: tpi_r_dot_k
1281    !! scalar product i*2*pi*k*r
1282    REAL(KIND = DP):: tpi_r_dot_g
1283    !! scalar prodoct i*2*pi*G*r
1285    !! Scalar product of two vectors
1286    REAL(KIND = DP) :: zero_vect(3)
1287    !! Temporary zero vector
1288    REAL(KIND = DP) :: g_(3)
1289    !! Temporary vector G
1290    REAL(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: focc(:)
1291    !! generalization of Fermi-Dirac probability for occupied states
1292    !
1293    ! vv: Real array for the QR factorization and SVD
1294    REAL(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: rwork(:)
1295    !!
1296    REAL(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: rwork2(:)
1297    !!
1298    REAL(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: singval(:)
1299    !!
1300    REAL(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: rpos(:, :)
1301    !! real space coords. of FFT grid
1302    REAL(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: cpos(:, :)
1303    !! real space coords. of FFT grid
1304    !
1305    COMPLEX(KIND = DP) :: nowfc_tmp
1306    !!
1307    COMPLEX(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: nowfc(:, :)
1308    !! sum_G (psi(G) * e^(i*G*r)) * focc  * phase / norm_psi
1309    COMPLEX(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: psi_gamma(:, :)
1310    !! psi * f_gamma / norm_psi
1311    COMPLEX(KIND = DP) :: tmp_cwork(2)
1312    !!
1313    COMPLEX(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: phase(:)
1314    !! exp(i*k*r)
1315    COMPLEX(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: phase_g(:, :)
1316    !! exp(i*G*r)
1317    !
1318    ! complex arrays in QR factorization
1319    COMPLEX(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: qr_tau(:)
1320    !!
1321    COMPLEX(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: cwork(:)
1322    !!
1323    COMPLEX(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: umat(:, :)
1324    !!
1325    COMPLEX(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: vtmat(:, :)
1326    !!
1327    COMPLEX(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: amat(:, :)
1328    !! Elements of A_mn matrix
1329    !COMPLEX(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: a_mat_tmp(:, :, :)
1330    !! Temprary variable to store a_mat (used for debugging)
1331    !
1332    ! vv: Write info about SCDM in output
1333    IF (TRIM(scdm_entanglement) == 'isolated') THEN
1334      WRITE(stdout, '(1x, a, a/)') 'Case  : ', TRIM(scdm_entanglement)
1335    ELSEIF ((TRIM(scdm_entanglement) == 'erfc') .OR. &
1336            (TRIM(scdm_entanglement) == 'gaussian')) THEN
1337      WRITE(stdout, '(1x, a, a)') 'Case  : ', TRIM(scdm_entanglement)
1338      WRITE(stdout, '(1x, a, f10.3, a/, 1x, a, f10.3, a/)') 'mu    = ', scdm_mu, ' eV', 'sigma =', scdm_sigma, ' eV'
1339    ENDIF
1340    !
1341    ! vv: Allocate all the variables for the SCDM method:
1342    !     1)For the QR decomposition
1343    !     2)For the unk's on the real grid
1344    !     3)For the SVD
1345    !
1346    IF (TRIM(scdm_entanglement) == 'isolated') THEN
1347      numbands = n_wannier
1348      nbtot = n_wannier + nexband
1349    ELSE
1350      numbands = nbnd - nexband
1351      nbtot = nbnd
1352    ENDIF
1353    !
1354    nrtot = dffts%nr1 * dffts%nr2 * dffts%nr3
1355    IF (noncolin) THEN
1356      minmn = MIN(numbands, 2 * nrtot)
1357      ALLOCATE(piv(2 * nrtot), STAT = ierr)
1358      IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_with_scdm', 'Error allocating piv', 1)
1359      ALLOCATE(piv_pos(n_wannier), STAT = ierr)
1360      IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_with_scdm', 'Error allocating piv_pos', 1)
1361      ALLOCATE(piv_spin(n_wannier), STAT = ierr)
1362      IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_with_scdm', 'Error allocating piv_spin', 1)
1363      IF (meta_ionode) THEN
1364        ALLOCATE(qr_tau(2 * minmn), STAT = ierr)
1365        IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_with_scdm', 'Error allocating qr_tau', 1)
1366        ALLOCATE(rwork(2 * 2 * nrtot), STAT = ierr)
1367        IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_with_scdm', 'Error allocating rwork', 1)
1368        ALLOCATE(psi_gamma(2 * nrtot, numbands), STAT = ierr)
1369        IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_with_scdm', 'Error allocating psi_gamma', 1)
1370      ENDIF
1371    ELSE
1372      minmn = MIN(numbands, nrtot)
1373      ALLOCATE(piv(nrtot), STAT = ierr)
1374      IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_with_scdm', 'Error allocating piv', 1)
1375      IF (meta_ionode) THEN
1376        ALLOCATE(qr_tau(2 * minmn), STAT = ierr)
1377        IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_with_scdm', 'Error allocating qr_tau', 1)
1378        ALLOCATE(rwork(2 * nrtot), STAT = ierr)
1379        IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_with_scdm', 'Error allocating rwork', 1)
1380        ALLOCATE(psi_gamma(nrtot, numbands), STAT = ierr)
1381        IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_with_scdm', 'Error allocating psi_gamma', 1)
1382      ENDIF
1383    ENDIF
1384    !
1385    ALLOCATE(nowfc(n_wannier, numbands), STAT = ierr)
1386    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_with_scdm', 'Error allocating nowfc', 1)
1387    ALLOCATE(focc(numbands), STAT = ierr)
1388    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_with_scdm', 'Error allocating focc', 1)
1389    minmn2 = MIN(numbands, n_wannier)
1390    maxmn2 = MAX(numbands, n_wannier)
1391    ALLOCATE(rwork2(5 * minmn2), STAT = ierr)
1392    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_with_scdm', 'Error allocating rwork2', 1)
1393    !
1394    ALLOCATE(rpos(nrtot, 3), STAT = ierr)
1395    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_with_scdm', 'Error allocating rpos', 1)
1396    ALLOCATE(cpos(n_wannier, 3), STAT = ierr)
1397    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_with_scdm', 'Error allocating cpos', 1)
1398    ALLOCATE(phase(n_wannier), STAT = ierr)
1399    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_with_scdm', 'Error allocating phase', 1)
1400    ALLOCATE(singval(n_wannier), STAT = ierr)
1401    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_with_scdm', 'Error allocating singval', 1)
1402    ALLOCATE(umat(numbands, n_wannier), STAT = ierr)
1403    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_with_scdm', 'Error allocating umat', 1)
1404    ALLOCATE(vtmat(n_wannier, n_wannier), STAT = ierr)
1405    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_with_scdm', 'Error allocating vtmat', 1)
1406    ALLOCATE(amat(numbands, n_wannier), STAT = ierr)
1407    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_with_scdm', 'Error allocating amat', 1)
1408    !
1409    ALLOCATE(a_mat(numbands, n_wannier, iknum), STAT = ierr)
1410    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_with_scdm', 'Error allocating a_mat', 1)
1411    a_mat(:, :, :) = czero
1412    zero_vect(:) = zero
1413    !
1414    WRITE(stdout, '(5x, a)') 'AMN with SCDM'
1415    !
1416    ! Check that Gamma-point is first in the list of k-vectors
1417    !
1418    found_gamma = .FALSE.
1419    found_gamma = kpt_latt(1, 1) == 0.0d0 .AND. &
1420                  kpt_latt(2, 1) == 0.0d0 .AND. &
1421                  kpt_latt(3, 1) == 0.0d0
1422    IF (.NOT. found_gamma) CALL errore('compute_amn_with_scdm', 'No Gamma point found.', 1)
1423    !
1424    IF (meta_ionode) THEN
1425      ! read wfc at G-point
1426      ik = 1
1427      CALL readwfc(my_pool_id + 1, ik, evc)
1428      !
1429      ! sorts k+G vectors in order of increasing magnitude, up to ecut
1430      CALL gk_sort(xk_all(1, ik), ngm, g, gcutw, npw, igk_k(1, ik), g2kin)
1431      !
1432      ibnd1 = 0
1433      f_gamma = zero
1434      psi_gamma(:, :) = czero
1435      IF (noncolin) THEN
1436        DO ibnd = 1, nbtot
1437          IF (excluded_band(ibnd)) CYCLE
1438          ibnd1 = ibnd1 + 1
1439          !
1440          ! check ibnd1 <= numbands
1441          IF (ibnd1 > numbands) &
1442            CALL errore('compute_amn_with_scdm', &
1443                        'Something wrong with the number of bands. Check exclude_bands.', 1)
1444          IF (TRIM(scdm_entanglement) == 'isolated') THEN
1445            f_gamma = 1.d0
1446          ELSEIF (TRIM(scdm_entanglement) == 'erfc') THEN
1447            f_gamma = 0.5d0 * ERFC((et(ibnd, ik) * rytoev - scdm_mu) / scdm_sigma)
1448          ELSEIF (TRIM(scdm_entanglement) == 'gaussian') THEN
1449            f_gamma = EXP(-1.d0 * ((et(ibnd, ik) * rytoev - scdm_mu)**2) / (scdm_sigma**2))
1450          ELSE
1451            CALL errore('compute_amn_with_scdm', 'scdm_entanglement value not recognized.', 1)
1452          ENDIF
1453          !
1454          ! vv: Compute unk's on a real grid (the fft grid)
1455          !
1456          psic_nc(:, :) = czero
1457          psic_nc(dffts%nl(igk_k(1:npw, ik)), 1) = evc(       1:npw,        ibnd)
1458          psic_nc(dffts%nl(igk_k(1:npw, ik)), 2) = evc(1 + npwx:npw + npwx, ibnd)
1459          CALL invfft('Wave', psic_nc(:, 1), dffts)
1460          CALL invfft('Wave', psic_nc(:, 2), dffts)
1461          !
1462          ! vv: Build Psi_k = Unk * focc at G-point only
1463          pnorm = REAL(SUM(psic_nc(1:nrtot, 1) * CONJG(psic_nc(1:nrtot, 1))), KIND = DP) + &
1464                  REAL(SUM(psic_nc(1:nrtot, 2) * CONJG(psic_nc(1:nrtot, 2))), KIND = DP)
1465          norm_psi = DSQRT(pnorm)
1466          psi_gamma(        1:nrtot,     ibnd1) = (psic_nc(1:nrtot, 1) / norm_psi) * f_gamma
1467          psi_gamma(1 + nrtot:2 * nrtot, ibnd1) = (psic_nc(1:nrtot, 2) / norm_psi) * f_gamma
1468        ENDDO ! ibnd
1469      ELSE ! scalar
1470        DO ibnd = 1, nbtot
1471          IF (excluded_band(ibnd)) CYCLE
1472          ibnd1 = ibnd1 + 1
1473          !
1474          ! check ibnd1 <= numbands
1475          IF (ibnd1 > numbands) &
1476            CALL errore('compute_amn_with_scdm', &
1477                        'Something wrong with the number of bands. Check exclude_bands.', 1)
1478          IF (TRIM(scdm_entanglement) == 'isolated') THEN
1479            f_gamma = 1.d0
1480          ELSEIF (TRIM(scdm_entanglement) == 'erfc') THEN
1481            f_gamma = 0.5d0 * ERFC((et(ibnd, ik) * rytoev - scdm_mu) / scdm_sigma)
1482          ELSEIF (TRIM(scdm_entanglement) == 'gaussian') THEN
1483            f_gamma = EXP(-1.d0 * ((et(ibnd, ik) * rytoev - scdm_mu)**2) / (scdm_sigma**2))
1484          ELSE
1485            CALL errore('compute_amn_with_scdm', 'scdm_entanglement value not recognized.', 1)
1486          ENDIF
1487          !
1488          ! vv: Compute unk's on a real grid (the fft grid)
1489          !
1490          psic(:) = czero
1491          psic(dffts%nl(igk_k(1:npw, ik))) = evc(1:npw, ibnd)
1492          CALL invfft('Wave', psic, dffts)
1493          !
1494          ! vv: Build Psi_k = Unk * focc at G-point only
1495          pnorm = REAL(SUM(psic(1:nrtot) * CONJG(psic(1:nrtot))), KIND = DP)
1496          norm_psi = DSQRT(pnorm)
1497          psi_gamma(1:nrtot, ibnd1) = (psic(1:nrtot) / norm_psi) * f_gamma
1498        ENDDO ! ibnd
1499      ENDIF ! noncolin
1500      !
1501      ! vv: Perform QR factorization with pivoting on Psi_Gamma
1502      ! vv: Preliminary call to define optimal values for lwork and cwork size
1503      !
1504      piv(:)       = 0
1505      qr_tau(:)    = czero
1506      tmp_cwork(:) = czero
1507      rwork(:)     = zero
1508      IF (noncolin) THEN
1509        CALL ZGEQP3(numbands, 2 * nrtot, TRANSPOSE(CONJG(psi_gamma)), numbands, &
1510                    piv, qr_tau, tmp_cwork, -1, rwork, info)
1511      ELSE
1512        CALL ZGEQP3(numbands, nrtot, TRANSPOSE(CONJG(psi_gamma)), numbands, &
1513                    piv, qr_tau, tmp_cwork, -1, rwork, info)
1514      ENDIF
1515      IF (info /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_with_scdm', 'Error in computing the QR factorization', 1)
1516      !
1517      lcwork = AINT(REAL(tmp_cwork(1)))
1518      ALLOCATE(cwork(lcwork), STAT = ierr)
1519      IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_with_scdm', 'Error allocating cwork', 1)
1520      piv(:)    = 0
1521      qr_tau(:) = czero
1522      cwork(:)  = czero
1523      rwork(:)  = zero
1524      !
1525      IF (noncolin) THEN
1526        CALL ZGEQP3(numbands, 2 * nrtot, TRANSPOSE(CONJG(psi_gamma)), numbands, &
1527                    piv, qr_tau, cwork, lcwork, rwork, info)
1528      ELSE
1529        CALL ZGEQP3(numbands, nrtot, TRANSPOSE(CONJG(psi_gamma)), numbands, &
1530                    piv, qr_tau, cwork, lcwork, rwork, info)
1531      ENDIF
1532      IF (info /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_with_scdm', 'Error in computing the QR factorization', 1)
1533      !
1534      DEALLOCATE(qr_tau, STAT = ierr)
1535      IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_with_scdm', 'Error deallocating qr_tau', 1)
1536      DEALLOCATE(rwork, STAT = ierr)
1537      IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_with_scdm', 'Error deallocating rwork', 1)
1538      DEALLOCATE(psi_gamma, STAT = ierr)
1539      IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_with_scdm', 'Error deallocating psi_gamma', 1)
1540      DEALLOCATE(cwork, STAT = ierr)
1541      IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_with_scdm', 'Error deallocating cwork', 1)
1542    ENDIF ! meta_ionode
1543    !
1544    CALL mp_bcast(piv, meta_ionode_id, world_comm)
1545    !
1546    ! jml: calculate position and spin part of piv
1547    IF (noncolin) THEN
1548      count_piv_spin = 0
1549      piv_pos(:) = 0
1550      piv_spin(:) = 0
1551      DO iw = 1, n_wannier
1552        IF (piv(iw) <= nrtot) THEN
1553          piv_pos(iw) = piv(iw)
1554          piv_spin(iw) = 1
1555          count_piv_spin = count_piv_spin + 1
1556        ELSE
1557          piv_pos(iw) = piv(iw) - nrtot
1558          piv_spin(iw) = 2
1559        ENDIF
1560      ENDDO
1561      WRITE(stdout, '(a, i5)') " Number of pivot points with spin up  : ", count_piv_spin
1562      WRITE(stdout, '(a, i5)') " Number of pivot points with spin down: ", n_wannier - count_piv_spin
1563    ENDIF
1564    !
1565    ! vv: Compute the points
1566    lpt = 0
1567    rpos(:, :) = zero
1568    DO kpt = 0, dffts%nr3 - 1
1569      DO jpt = 0, dffts%nr2 - 1
1570        DO ipt = 0, dffts%nr1 - 1
1571          lpt = lpt + 1
1572          rpos(lpt, 1) = REAL(ipt, KIND = DP) / REAL(dffts%nr1, KIND = DP)
1573          rpos(lpt, 2) = REAL(jpt, KIND = DP) / REAL(dffts%nr2, KIND = DP)
1574          rpos(lpt, 3) = REAL(kpt, KIND = DP) / REAL(dffts%nr3, KIND = DP)
1575        ENDDO
1576      ENDDO
1577    ENDDO
1578    !
1579    cpos(:, :) = zero
1580    IF (noncolin) THEN
1581      DO iw = 1, n_wannier
1582        cpos(iw, :) = rpos(piv_pos(iw), :)
1583        cpos(iw, :) = cpos(iw, :) - ANINT(cpos(iw, :))
1584      ENDDO
1585    ELSE
1586      DO iw = 1, n_wannier
1587        cpos(iw, :) = rpos(piv(iw), :)
1588        cpos(iw, :) = cpos(iw, :) - ANINT(cpos(iw, :))
1589      ENDDO
1590    ENDIF
1591    !
1592#if defined(__MPI)
1593    WRITE(stdout, '(6x, a, i5, a, i4, a)') 'k points = ', iknum, ' in ', npool, ' pools'
1595    !
1596    DO ik = 1, nks
1597      !
1598      ! returns in-pool index nkq and absolute index nkq_abs of xk
1599      CALL ktokpmq(xk_loc(:,ik), zero_vect, +1, ipool, nkq, nkq_abs)
1600      ik_g = nkq_abs
1601      !
1602      WRITE(stdout, '(5x, i8, " of ", i4, a)') ik , nks, ' on ionode'
1603      FLUSH(stdout)
1604      !
1605      ! read wfc at k
1606      CALL readwfc(my_pool_id + 1, ik, evc)
1607      !
1608      ! sorts k+G vectors in order of increasing magnitude, up to ecut
1609      CALL gk_sort(xk_loc(1, ik), ngm, g, gcutw, npw, igk_k(1, ik), g2kin)
1610      !
1611      ! vv: SCDM method for generating the Amn matrix
1612      ! jml: calculate of psi_nk at pivot points using slow FT
1613      !      This is faster than using invfft because the number of pivot
1614      !      points is much smaller than the number of FFT grid points.
1615      !
1616      ! jml: calculate phase factors before the loop over bands
1617      ALLOCATE(phase_g(npw, n_wannier), STAT = ierr)
1618      IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_with_scdm', 'Error allocating phase_g', 1)
1619      phase_g(:, :) = czero
1620      phase(:)      = czero
1621      !
1622      DO iw = 1, n_wannier
1623        !tpi_r_dot_k = twopi * DDOT(3, cpos(iw, :), 1, kpt_latt(:, ik_g), 1)
1624        tpi_r_dot_k = twopi * (cpos(iw, 1) * kpt_latt(1, ik_g) + &
1625                               cpos(iw, 2) * kpt_latt(2, ik_g) + &
1626                               cpos(iw, 3) * kpt_latt(3, ik_g))
1627        phase(iw) = CMPLX(COS(tpi_r_dot_k), SIN(tpi_r_dot_k), KIND = DP)
1628        DO ig_local = 1, npw
1629          ig = igk_k(ig_local, ik)
1630          g_(:) = REAL(mill(:, ig), KIND = DP)
1631          !tpi_r_dot_g = twopi * DDOT(3, cpos(iw, :), 1, g_(:), 1)
1632          tpi_r_dot_g = twopi * (cpos(iw, 1) * g_(1) + &
1633                                 cpos(iw, 2) * g_(2) + &
1634                                 cpos(iw, 3) * g_(3))
1635          phase_g(ig_local, iw) = CMPLX(COS(tpi_r_dot_g), SIN(tpi_r_dot_g), KIND = DP)
1636        ENDDO
1637      ENDDO
1638      !
1639      ! vv: Generate the occupation numbers matrix according to scdm_entanglement
1640      focc(:)     = zero
1641      nowfc(:, :) = czero
1642      ibnd1 = 0
1643      IF (noncolin) THEN
1644        DO ibnd = 1, nbtot
1645          IF (excluded_band(ibnd)) CYCLE
1646          ibnd1 = ibnd1 + 1
1647          !
1648          IF (TRIM(scdm_entanglement) == 'isolated') THEN
1649            focc(ibnd1) = 1.0d0
1650          ELSEIF (TRIM(scdm_entanglement) == 'erfc') THEN
1651            focc(ibnd1) = 0.5d0 * ERFC((et(ibnd, ik_g) * rytoev - scdm_mu) / scdm_sigma)
1652          ELSEIF (TRIM(scdm_entanglement) == 'gaussian') THEN
1653            focc(ibnd1) = EXP(-1.0d0 * ((et(ibnd, ik_g) * rytoev - scdm_mu)**2) / (scdm_sigma**2))
1654          ELSE
1655            CALL errore('compute_amn_with_scdm', 'scdm_entanglement value not recognized.', 1)
1656          ENDIF
1657          !
1658          norm_psi = REAL(SUM(evc(       1:npw,        ibnd) * CONJG(evc(       1:npw,        ibnd)))) + &
1659                     REAL(SUM(evc(1 + npwx:npw + npwx, ibnd) * CONJG(evc(1 + npwx:npw + npwx, ibnd)) ))
1660          CALL mp_sum(norm_psi, intra_pool_comm)
1661          norm_psi = DSQRT(norm_psi)
1662          !
1663          ! jml: nowfc = sum_G (psi(G) * exp(i*G*r)) * focc  * phase(iw) / norm_psi
1664          !
1665          DO iw = 1, n_wannier
1666            IF (piv_spin(iw) == 1) THEN ! spin up
1667              nowfc_tmp = SUM(evc(       1:npw,        ibnd) * phase_g(1:npw, iw))
1668            ELSE
1669              nowfc_tmp = SUM(evc(1 + npwx:npw + npwx, ibnd) * phase_g(1:npw, iw) )
1670            ENDIF
1671            nowfc(iw, ibnd1) = nowfc_tmp * phase(iw) * focc(ibnd1) / norm_psi
1672          ENDDO ! iw (wannier fns)
1673        ENDDO ! ibnd
1674      ELSE ! scalar wavefunction
1675        DO ibnd = 1, nbtot
1676          IF (excluded_band(ibnd)) CYCLE
1677          ibnd1 = ibnd1 + 1
1678          !
1679          IF (TRIM(scdm_entanglement) == 'isolated') THEN
1680            focc(ibnd1) = 1.0d0
1681          ELSEIF (TRIM(scdm_entanglement) == 'erfc') THEN
1682            focc(ibnd1) = 0.5d0 * ERFC((et(ibnd, ik_g) * rytoev - scdm_mu) / scdm_sigma)
1683          ELSEIF (TRIM(scdm_entanglement) == 'gaussian') THEN
1684            focc(ibnd1) = EXP(-1.0d0 * ((et(ibnd, ik_g) * rytoev - scdm_mu)**2) / (scdm_sigma**2))
1685          ELSE
1686            CALL errore('compute_amn_with_scdm', 'scdm_entanglement value not recognized.', 1)
1687          ENDIF
1688          !
1689          norm_psi = REAL(SUM(evc(1:npw, ibnd) * CONJG(evc(1:npw, ibnd))))
1690          CALL mp_sum(norm_psi, intra_pool_comm)
1691          norm_psi = DSQRT(norm_psi)
1692          !
1693          ! jml: nowfc = sum_G (psi(G) * exp(i*G*r)) * focc  * phase(iw) / norm_psi
1694          !
1695          DO iw = 1, n_wannier
1696            nowfc_tmp = SUM(evc(1:npw, ibnd) * phase_g(1:npw, iw))
1697            nowfc(iw, ibnd1) = nowfc_tmp * phase(iw) * focc(ibnd1) / norm_psi
1698          ENDDO ! iw (wannier fns)
1699        ENDDO ! ibnd
1700      ENDIF ! noncollinear
1701      CALL mp_sum(nowfc, intra_pool_comm)
1702      !
1703      DEALLOCATE(phase_g, STAT = ierr)
1704      IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_with_scdm', 'Error deallocating phase_g', 1)
1705      !
1706      singval(:)   = zero
1707      umat(:, :)   = czero
1708      vtmat(:, :)  = czero
1709      tmp_cwork(:) = czero
1710      rwork2(:)    = zero
1711      !
1712      CALL ZGESVD('s', 's', numbands, n_wannier, TRANSPOSE(CONJG(nowfc)), numbands, &
1713                  singval, umat, numbands, vtmat, n_wannier, tmp_cwork, -1, rwork2, info)
1714      !
1715      lcwork = AINT(REAL(tmp_cwork(1)))
1716      ALLOCATE(cwork(lcwork), STAT = ierr)
1717      IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_with_scdm', 'Error allocating cwork', 1)
1718      singval(:)  = zero
1719      umat(:, :)  = czero
1720      vtmat(:, :) = czero
1721      cwork(:)    = czero
1722      rwork2(:)   = zero
1723      !
1724      ! vv: SVD to generate orthogonal projections
1725      CALL ZGESVD('s', 's', numbands, n_wannier, TRANSPOSE(CONJG(nowfc)), numbands, &
1726                  singval, umat, numbands, vtmat, n_wannier, cwork, lcwork, rwork2, info)
1727      IF(info /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_with_scdm', 'Error in computing the SVD of the PSI matrix in the SCDM method', 1)
1728      DEALLOCATE(cwork, STAT = ierr)
1729      IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_with_scdm', 'Error deallocating cwork', 1)
1730      !
1731      amat(:, :) = czero
1732      amat = MATMUL(umat, vtmat)
1733      DO iw = 1, n_wannier
1734        ibnd1 = 0
1735        DO ibnd = 1, nbtot
1736          IF (excluded_band(ibnd)) CYCLE
1737          ibnd1 = ibnd1 + 1
1738          !
1739          a_mat(ibnd1, iw, ik_g) = amat(ibnd1, iw)
1740        ENDDO ! ibnd
1741      ENDDO ! iw (wannier fns)
1742      !
1743    ENDDO ! k-points
1744    !
1745    CALL mp_sum(a_mat, inter_pool_comm)
1746    !
1747    ! RMDB
1748    !IF (meta_ionode) THEN
1749    !  ALLOCATE(a_mat_tmp(nbtot, n_wannier, iknum), STAT = ierr)
1750    !  IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_with_scdm', 'Error allocating a_mat_tmp', 1)
1751    !  a_mat_tmp(:, :, :) = czero
1752    !  !
1753    !  DO ik = 1, iknum
1754    !    DO iw = 1, n_wannier
1755    !      !
1756    !      ibnd1 = 0
1757    !      DO ibnd = 1, nbtot
1758    !        IF (excluded_band(ibnd)) CYCLE
1759    !        ibnd1 = ibnd1 + 1
1760    !        !
1761    !        a_mat_tmp(ibnd, iw, ik) =  a_mat(ibnd1, iw, ik)
1762    !      ENDDO ! ibnd
1763    !      !
1764    !      DO ibnd = 1, nbtot
1765    !        WRITE(501, '(3i5, 2f18.12)') ibnd, iw, ik, a_mat_tmp(ibnd, iw, ik)
1766    !      ENDDO ! ibnd
1767    !    ENDDO ! iw
1768    !  ENDDO ! ik
1769    !  DEALLOCATE(a_mat_tmp, STAT = ierr)
1770    !  IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_with_scdm', 'Error deallocating a_mat_tmp', 1)
1771    !ENDIF
1772    ! RMDB
1773    !
1774    DEALLOCATE(piv, STAT = ierr)
1775    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_with_scdm', 'Error deallocating piv', 1)
1776    DEALLOCATE(nowfc, STAT = ierr)
1777    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_with_scdm', 'Error deallocating nowfc', 1)
1778    DEALLOCATE(focc, STAT = ierr)
1779    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_with_scdm', 'Error deallocating focc', 1)
1780    DEALLOCATE(rwork2, STAT = ierr)
1781    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_with_scdm', 'Error deallocating rwork2', 1)
1782    DEALLOCATE(rpos, STAT = ierr)
1783    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_with_scdm', 'Error deallocating rpos', 1)
1784    DEALLOCATE(cpos, STAT = ierr)
1785    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_with_scdm', 'Error deallocating cpos', 1)
1786    DEALLOCATE(phase, STAT = ierr)
1787    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_with_scdm', 'Error deallocating phase', 1)
1788    DEALLOCATE(singval, STAT = ierr)
1789    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_with_scdm', 'Error deallocating singval', 1)
1790    DEALLOCATE(umat, STAT = ierr)
1791    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_with_scdm', 'Error deallocating umat', 1)
1792    DEALLOCATE(vtmat, STAT = ierr)
1793    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_with_scdm', 'Error deallocating vtmat', 1)
1794    DEALLOCATE(amat, STAT = ierr)
1795    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_with_scdm', 'Error deallocating amat', 1)
1796    !
1797    IF (noncolin) THEN
1798      DEALLOCATE(piv_pos, STAT = ierr)
1799      IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_with_scdm', 'Error deallocating piv_pos', 1)
1800      DEALLOCATE(piv_spin, STAT = ierr)
1801      IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_amn_with_scdm', 'Error deallocating piv_spin', 1)
1802    ENDIF
1803    !
1804    WRITE(stdout, *)
1805    WRITE(stdout, '(5x, a)') 'AMN calculated with SCDM'
1806    !
1807    RETURN
1808    !
1809    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1810    END SUBROUTINE compute_amn_with_scdm
1811    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1812    !
1813    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1814    SUBROUTINE orient_gf_spinor(npw)
1815    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1816    !!
1817    !! FIXME
1818    !!
1819    USE kinds,            ONLY : DP
1820    USE constants_epw,    ONLY : czero, cone, eps6
1821    USE wvfct,            ONLY : npwx
1822    USE wannierEPW,       ONLY : gf, n_proj, spin_qaxis, spin_eig, gf_spinor
1823    !
1825    !
1826    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: npw
1827    !! Number of plane waves
1828    !
1829    ! Local variables
1830    LOGICAL :: spin_z_pos
1831    !! Detect if spin quantisation axis is along +z
1832    LOGICAL :: spin_z_neg
1833    !! Detect if spin quantisation axis is along -z
1834    INTEGER :: iw
1835    !! Counter on number of projections
1836    INTEGER  :: ipol
1837    !! Index of spin-up/spin-down polarizations
1838    INTEGER ::  istart, iend
1839    !! Starting/ending index on plane waves
1840    COMPLEX(KIND = DP) :: fac(2)
1841    !! Factor
1842    !
1843    gf_spinor(:, :) = czero
1844    DO iw = 1, n_proj
1845      spin_z_pos = .FALSE.
1846      spin_z_neg = .FALSE.
1847      ! detect if spin quantisation axis is along z
1848      IF ((ABS(spin_qaxis(1, iw) - 0.0d0) < eps6) .AND. &
1849          (ABS(spin_qaxis(2, iw) - 0.0d0) < eps6) .AND. &
1850          (ABS(spin_qaxis(3, iw) - 1.0d0) < eps6)) THEN
1851        spin_z_pos = .TRUE.
1852      ELSEIF ((ABS(spin_qaxis(1, iw) - 0.0d0) < eps6) .AND. &
1853              (ABS(spin_qaxis(2, iw) - 0.0d0) < eps6) .AND. &
1854              (ABS(spin_qaxis(3, iw) + 1.0d0) < eps6)) THEN
1855        spin_z_neg = .TRUE.
1856      ENDIF
1857      IF (spin_z_pos .OR. spin_z_neg) THEN
1858        IF (spin_z_pos) THEN
1859          ipol = (3 - spin_eig(iw)) / 2
1860        ELSE
1861          ipol = (3 + spin_eig(iw)) / 2
1862        ENDIF
1863        istart = (ipol - 1) * npwx + 1
1864        iend   = (ipol - 1) * npwx + npw
1865        gf_spinor(istart:iend, iw) = gf(1:npw, iw)
1866      ELSE
1867        IF (spin_eig(iw) == 1) THEN
1868          fac(1) = (1.0d0 / DSQRT(1 + spin_qaxis(3, iw))) &
1869                 * (spin_qaxis(3, iw) + 1 ) * cone
1870          fac(2) = (1.0d0 / DSQRT(1 + spin_qaxis(3, iw))) &
1871                 * CMPLX(spin_qaxis(1, iw), spin_qaxis(2, iw), KIND = DP)
1872        ELSE
1873          fac(1) = (1.0d0 / DSQRT(1 + spin_qaxis(3, iw))) &
1874                 * ( spin_qaxis(3, iw) ) * cone
1875          fac(2) = (1.0d0 / DSQRT(1 - spin_qaxis(3, iw))) &
1876                 * CMPLX(spin_qaxis(1, iw), spin_qaxis(2,iw), KIND = DP)
1877        ENDIF
1878        gf_spinor(1:npw, iw) = gf(1:npw, iw) * fac(1)
1879        gf_spinor(1 + npwx:npw + npwx, iw) = gf(1:npw, iw) * fac(2)
1880      ENDIF
1881    ENDDO
1882    !
1883    RETURN
1884    !
1885    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1886    END SUBROUTINE orient_gf_spinor
1887    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1888    !
1889    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1890    SUBROUTINE compute_mmn_para()
1891    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1892    !!
1893    !!  adapted from compute_mmn in pw2wannier90.f90
1894    !!  parallelization on k-points has been added
1895    !!  10/2008 Jesse Noffsinger UC Berkeley
1896    !!
1897    USE kinds,           ONLY : DP
1898    USE io_global,       ONLY : stdout, meta_ionode
1899    USE io_files,        ONLY : diropn, prefix
1900    USE wvfct,           ONLY : nbnd, npw, npwx, g2kin
1901    USE wavefunctions,   ONLY : evc, psic, psic_nc
1902    USE units_lr,        ONLY : lrwfc, iuwfc
1903    USE fft_base,        ONLY : dffts
1904    USE fft_interfaces,  ONLY : fwfft, invfft
1905    USE klist,           ONLY : nkstot, nks, igk_k
1906    USE klist_epw,       ONLY : xk_all, xk_loc
1907    USE gvect,           ONLY : g, ngm
1908    USE gvecw,           ONLY : gcutw
1909    USE cell_base,       ONLY : omega, tpiba, bg
1910    USE ions_base,       ONLY : nat, ntyp => nsp, ityp, tau
1911    USE uspp,            ONLY : nkb, vkb
1912    USE uspp_param,      ONLY : upf, lmaxq, nh, nhm
1913    USE becmod,          ONLY : becp, calbec, allocate_bec_type, &
1914                                deallocate_bec_type
1915    USE noncollin_module,ONLY : noncolin, npol
1916    USE spin_orb,        ONLY : lspinorb
1917    USE wannierEPW,      ONLY : m_mat, num_bands, nnb, iknum, g_kpb, kpb, ig_, &
1918                                excluded_band, write_mmn, zerophase
1919    USE constants_epw,   ONLY : czero, cone, twopi, zero
1920    USE io_var,          ONLY : iummn
1921#if defined(__NAG)
1922    USE f90_unix_io,     ONLY : flush
1924    USE mp,              ONLY : mp_sum
1925    USE mp_global,       ONLY : my_pool_id, npool, intra_pool_comm, inter_pool_comm
1926    USE kfold,           ONLY : ktokpmq
1927    USE io_epw,          ONLY : readwfc
1928    USE elph2,           ONLY : nbndep
1929    !
1931    !
1932    CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: filmmn
1933    !! file containing M_mn(k,b) matrix
1934    LOGICAL :: any_uspp
1935    !! Check if uspp are used
1936    LOGICAL :: exst
1937    !! Does the file exist
1938    !
1939    INTEGER :: ik
1940    !! Counter on k-points
1941    INTEGER :: ikp
1942    !! Index of k-point nearest neighbour
1943    INTEGER :: ib
1944    !! Counter on b-vectors
1945    INTEGER :: npwq
1946    !! Number of planes waves at k+b
1947    INTEGER :: m
1948    !! Counter over bands
1949    INTEGER :: n
1950    !! Counter over bands
1951    INTEGER :: ibnd_m
1952    !! Band index
1953    INTEGER :: ibnd_n
1954    !! Band index
1955    INTEGER :: ih, jh
1956    !! Counters over the beta functions per atomic type
1957    INTEGER :: ikb, jkb, ijkb0
1958    !! Indexes over beta functions
1959    INTEGER :: na
1960    !! Counter over atoms
1961    INTEGER :: nt
1962    !! Number of type of atoms
1963    INTEGER :: ind
1964    !! Counter over nearest neighbours of all k-points
1965    INTEGER :: nbt
1966    !!
1967    INTEGER :: ipool
1968    !! Index of current pool
1969    INTEGER ::  nkq
1970    !! Index of k-point in the pool
1971    INTEGER ::  nkq_abs
1972    !! Absolute index of k-point
1973    INTEGER  :: ipol
1974    !! Index of spin-up/spin-down polarizations
1975    INTEGER ::  istart, iend
1976    !! Starting/ending index on plane waves
1977    INTEGER ::  ik_g
1978    !! Temporary index of k-point, ik_g = nkq_abs
1979    INTEGER :: ind0
1980    !! Starting index for k-point nearest neighbours in each pool
1981    INTEGER :: ierr
1982    !! Error status
1983    INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE  :: igkq(:)
1984    !!
1985    REAL(KIND = DP) :: arg
1986    !! 2*pi*(k+b - k)*R
1987    COMPLEX(KIND = DP) :: mmn
1988    !! Element of M_mn matrix
1989    REAL(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: dxk(:, :)
1990    !! Temporary vector k+b - k
1991    REAL(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: qg(:)
1992    !!  Square of dxk
1993    REAL(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: ylm(:, :)
1994    !! Spherical harmonics
1995    REAL(KIND = DP) :: zero_vect(3)
1996    !! Temporary zero vector
1997    REAL(KIND = DP) :: g_(3)
1998    !! Temporary vector G_k+b, g_(:) = g_kpb(:,ik,ib)
2000    !! Scalar product of complex vectors
2001    COMPLEX(KIND = DP) :: phase1
2002    !! e^{i*2*pi*(k+b - k)*R}
2003    COMPLEX(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: phase(:)
2004    !! Phase
2005    COMPLEX(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: aux(:)
2006    !! Auxillary variable
2007    COMPLEX(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: aux_nc(:, :)
2008    !! NC auxillary variable
2009    COMPLEX(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: evcq(:, :)
2010    !! Wave functions psi_k+b
2011    COMPLEX(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: Mkb(:, :)
2012    !! Element of M_mn matrix
2013    COMPLEX(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: becp2(:, :)
2014    !! Beta functions
2015    COMPLEX(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: becp2_nc(:, :, :)
2016    !! Beta functions, noncolin
2017    COMPLEX(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: qb(:, :, :, :)
2018    !! Local variables for uspp
2019    COMPLEX(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: qgm(:)
2020    !! Local variables for uspp
2021    COMPLEX(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: qq_so(:, :, :, :)
2022    !! Local variables for uspp
2023    !
2024    any_uspp = ANY(upf(:)%tvanp)
2025    !
2026    ALLOCATE(phase(dffts%nnr), STAT = ierr)
2027    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_mmn_para', 'Error allocating phase', 1)
2028    ALLOCATE(igkq(npwx), STAT = ierr)
2029    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_mmn_para', 'Error allocating igkq', 1)
2030    ALLOCATE(evcq(npol * npwx, nbnd), STAT = ierr)
2031    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_mmn_para', 'Error allocating evcq', 1)
2032    !
2033    IF (noncolin) THEN
2034      ALLOCATE(aux_nc(npwx, npol), STAT = ierr)
2035      IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_mmn_para', 'Error allocating aux_nc', 1)
2036    ELSE
2037      ALLOCATE(aux(npwx), STAT = ierr)
2038      IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_mmn_para', 'Error allocating aux', 1)
2039    ENDIF
2040    !
2041    ALLOCATE(m_mat(num_bands, num_bands, nnb, iknum), STAT = ierr)
2042    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_mmn_para', 'Error allocating m_mat', 1)
2043    !
2044    ! close all the wfc files to allow access for each pool to all wfs
2045    CLOSE(UNIT = iuwfc, STATUS = 'keep')
2046    !
2047    WRITE(stdout, *)
2048    WRITE(stdout, '(5x, a)') 'MMN'
2049    !
2050    zero_vect(:) = zero
2051    m_mat(:, :, :, :) = czero
2052    !
2053    !   USPP
2054    !
2055    IF (any_uspp) THEN
2056      CALL allocate_bec_type(nkb, nbnd, becp)
2057      IF (noncolin) THEN
2058        ALLOCATE(becp2_nc(nkb, 2, nbnd), STAT = ierr)
2059        IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_mmn_para', 'Error allocating becp2_nc', 1)
2060      ELSE
2061        ALLOCATE(becp2(nkb, nbnd), STAT = ierr)
2062        IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_mmn_para', 'Error allocating becp2', 1)
2063      ENDIF
2064      !
2065      !     qb is  FT of Q(r)
2066      !
2067      nbt = nnb * iknum
2068      !
2069      ALLOCATE(qg(nbt), STAT = ierr)
2070      IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_mmn_para', 'Error allocating qg', 1)
2071      ALLOCATE(dxk(3, nbt), STAT = ierr)
2072      IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_mmn_para', 'Error allocating dxk', 1)
2073      !
2074      ind = 0
2075      DO ik = 1, iknum ! loop over k-points
2076        DO ib = 1, nnb ! loop over nearest neighbours for each k-point
2077          ind = ind + 1
2078          ikp = kpb(ik, ib)
2079          !
2080          g_(:) = REAL(g_kpb(:, ik, ib))
2081          ! bring g_ from crystal to cartesian
2082          CALL cryst_to_cart(1, g_, bg, 1)
2083          dxk(:, ind) = xk_all(:, ikp) + g_(:) - xk_all(:, ik)
2084          qg(ind) = SUM(dxk(:, ind) * dxk(:, ind))
2085        ENDDO
2086      ENDDO
2087      !
2088      ALLOCATE(ylm(nbt, lmaxq * lmaxq), STAT = ierr)
2089      IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_mmn_para', 'Error allocating ylm', 1)
2090      ALLOCATE(qgm(nbt), STAT = ierr)
2091      IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_mmn_para', 'Error allocating qgm', 1)
2092      ALLOCATE(qb(nhm, nhm, ntyp, nbt), STAT = ierr)
2093      IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_mmn_para', 'Error allocating qb', 1)
2094      ALLOCATE(qq_so(nhm, nhm, 4, ntyp), STAT = ierr)
2095      IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_mmn_para', 'Error allocating qq_so', 1)
2096      !
2097      ! get spherical harmonics ylm
2098      CALL ylmr2(lmaxq * lmaxq, nbt, dxk, qg, ylm)
2099      qg(:) = DSQRT(qg(:)) * tpiba
2100      !
2101      DO nt = 1, ntyp
2102        IF (upf(nt)%tvanp) THEN
2103          DO ih = 1, nh(nt)
2104            DO jh = 1, nh(nt)
2105              CALL qvan2(nbt, ih, jh, nt, qg, qgm, ylm)
2106              qb(ih, jh, nt, 1:nbt) = omega * qgm(1:nbt)
2107            ENDDO
2108          ENDDO
2109        ENDIF
2110      ENDDO
2111      !
2112      DEALLOCATE(qg, STAT = ierr)
2113      IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_mmn_para', 'Error deallocating qg', 1)
2114      DEALLOCATE(qgm, STAT = ierr)
2115      IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_mmn_para', 'Error deallocating qgm', 1)
2116      DEALLOCATE(ylm, STAT = ierr)
2117      IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_mmn_para', 'Error deallocating ylm', 1)
2118      !
2119    ENDIF
2120    !
2121    ALLOCATE(Mkb(nbnd, nbnd), STAT = ierr)
2122    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_mmn_para', 'Error allocating Mkb', 1)
2123    !
2124#if defined(__MPI)
2125    WRITE(stdout, '(6x, a, i5, a, i4, a)') 'k points = ', iknum, ' in ', npool, ' pools'
2127    !
2128    ! returns in-pool index nkq and absolute index nkq_abs of first k-point in this pool
2129    CALL ktokpmq( xk_loc(:,1), zero_vect, +1, ipool, nkq, nkq_abs )
2130    ind0 = (nkq_abs - 1) * nnb
2131    !
2132    ind = ind0
2133    DO ik = 1, nks
2134      !
2135      ! returns in-pool index nkq and absolute index nkq_abs of xk
2136      CALL ktokpmq(xk_loc(:, ik), zero_vect, +1, ipool, nkq, nkq_abs)
2137      ik_g = nkq_abs
2138      !
2139      WRITE(stdout, '(5x, i8, " of ", i4, a)') ik , nks, ' on ionode'
2140      FLUSH(stdout)
2141      !
2142      ! read wfc at k
2143      CALL readwfc(my_pool_id + 1, ik, evc)
2144      !
2145      ! sorts k+G vectors in order of increasing magnitude, up to ecut
2146      CALL gk_sort(xk_loc(1, ik), ngm, g, gcutw, npw, igk_k(1, ik), g2kin)
2147      !
2148      !  USPP
2149      !
2150      IF (any_uspp) THEN
2151        CALL init_us_2(npw, igk_k(1, ik), xk_loc(1, ik), vkb)
2152        ! below we compute the product of beta functions with |psi>
2153        CALL calbec(npw, vkb, evc, becp)
2154      ENDIF
2155      !
2156      !
2157      DO ib = 1, nnb  ! loop on finite diff b-vectors
2158        ind = ind + 1
2159        !
2160        ikp = kpb(ik_g, ib)
2161        !
2162        CALL ktokpmq(xk_all(:, ikp), zero_vect, +1, ipool, nkq, nkq_abs)
2163        !
2164        ! read wfc at k+b
2165        CALL readwfc(ipool, nkq, evcq)
2166        !
2167        ! sorts k+G vectors in order of increasing magnitude, up to ecut
2168        CALL gk_sort(xk_all(1, ikp), ngm, g, gcutw, npwq, igkq, g2kin)
2169        !
2170        ! compute the phase
2171        IF (.NOT. zerophase(ik_g, ib)) THEN
2172          phase(:) = czero
2173          IF (ig_(ik_g, ib) > 0) phase(dffts%nl(ig_(ik_g, ib))) = cone
2174          CALL invfft('Wave', phase, dffts)
2175        ENDIF
2176        !
2177        !  USPP
2178        !
2179        IF (any_uspp) THEN
2180          CALL init_us_2(npwq, igkq, xk_all(1, ikp), vkb)
2181          ! below we compute the product of beta functions with |psi>
2182          IF (noncolin) THEN
2183            CALL calbec(npwq, vkb, evcq, becp2_nc)
2184            !
2185            IF (lspinorb) THEN
2186              qq_so(:, :, :, :) = czero
2187              CALL transform_qq_so(qb(:, :, :, ind), qq_so)
2188            ENDIF
2189            !
2190          ELSE
2191            CALL calbec(npwq, vkb, evcq, becp2)
2192          ENDIF
2193        ENDIF
2194        !
2195        Mkb(:, :) = czero
2196        !
2197        IF (any_uspp) THEN
2198          ijkb0 = 0
2199          DO nt = 1, ntyp
2200            IF (upf(nt)%tvanp) THEN
2201              DO na = 1, nat
2202                !
2203                arg = twopi * DOT_PRODUCT(dxk(:, ind), tau(:, na))
2204                phase1 = CMPLX(COS(arg), -SIN(arg), KIND = DP)
2205                !
2206                IF (ityp(na) == nt) THEN
2207                  DO jh = 1, nh(nt)
2208                    jkb = ijkb0 + jh
2209                    DO ih = 1, nh(nt)
2210                      ikb = ijkb0 + ih
2211                      !
2212                      DO m = 1, nbnd
2213                        IF (excluded_band(m)) CYCLE
2214                        IF (noncolin) THEN
2215                          DO n = 1, nbnd
2216                            IF (excluded_band(n)) CYCLE
2217                            IF (lspinorb) THEN
2218                              Mkb(m, n) = Mkb(m, n) + phase1 * &
2219                                 (qq_so(ih, jh, 1, nt) * CONJG(becp%nc(ikb, 1, m)) * becp2_nc(jkb, 1, n) + &
2220                                  qq_so(ih, jh, 2, nt) * CONJG(becp%nc(ikb, 1, m)) * becp2_nc(jkb, 2, n) + &
2221                                  qq_so(ih, jh, 3, nt) * CONJG(becp%nc(ikb, 2, m)) * becp2_nc(jkb, 1, n) + &
2222                                  qq_so(ih, jh, 4, nt) * CONJG(becp%nc(ikb, 2, m)) * becp2_nc(jkb, 2, n))
2223                            ELSE
2224                              Mkb(m, n) = Mkb(m, n) + phase1 * qb(ih, jh, nt, ind) * &
2225                                 (CONJG(becp%nc(ikb, 1, m)) * becp2_nc(jkb, 1, n) + &
2226                                  CONJG(becp%nc(ikb, 2, m)) * becp2_nc(jkb, 2, n))
2227                            ENDIF
2228                          ENDDO
2229                        ELSE
2230                          DO n = 1, nbnd
2231                            IF (excluded_band(n)) CYCLE
2232                            Mkb(m, n) = Mkb(m, n) + phase1 * qb(ih, jh, nt, ind) * &
2233                                        CONJG(becp%k(ikb, m)) * becp2(jkb, n)
2234                          ENDDO
2235                        ENDIF
2236                      ENDDO ! m
2237                    ENDDO ! ih
2238                  ENDDO ! jh
2239                  ijkb0 = ijkb0 + nh(nt)
2240                ENDIF  ! ityp
2241              ENDDO  ! nat
2242            ELSE  ! tvanp
2243              DO na = 1, nat
2244                IF (ityp(na) == nt) ijkb0 = ijkb0 + nh(nt)
2245              ENDDO
2246            ENDIF ! tvanp
2247          ENDDO ! ntyp
2248        ENDIF ! any_uspp
2249        !
2250        DO m = 1, nbnd  ! loop on band m
2251          IF (excluded_band(m)) CYCLE
2252          !
2253          IF (noncolin) THEN
2254            psic_nc(:, :) = czero
2255            DO ipol = 1, 2 !npol
2256              istart = (ipol - 1) * npwx + 1
2257              iend   = (ipol - 1) * npwx + npw
2258              psic_nc(dffts%nl(igk_k(1:npw, ik)), ipol) = evc(istart:iend, m)
2259              IF (.NOT. zerophase(ik_g, ib)) THEN
2260                CALL invfft('Wave', psic_nc(:, ipol), dffts)
2261                psic_nc(1:dffts%nnr, ipol) = psic_nc(1:dffts%nnr, ipol) * &
2262                                             phase(1:dffts%nnr)
2263                CALL fwfft('Wave', psic_nc(:, ipol), dffts)
2264              ENDIF
2265              aux_nc(1:npwq, ipol) = psic_nc(dffts%nl(igkq(1:npwq)), ipol)
2266            ENDDO
2267          ELSE
2268            psic(:) = czero
2269            psic(dffts%nl(igk_k(1:npw, ik))) = evc(1:npw, m)
2270            IF (.NOT. zerophase(ik_g,ib)) THEN
2271              CALL invfft('Wave', psic, dffts)
2272              psic(1:dffts%nnr) = psic(1:dffts%nnr) * phase(1:dffts%nnr)
2273              CALL fwfft('Wave', psic, dffts)
2274            ENDIF
2275            aux(1:npwq) = psic(dffts%nl(igkq(1:npwq)))
2276          ENDIF
2277          !  aa = 0.d0
2278          !
2279          !  Mkb(m,n) = Mkb(m,n) + \sum_{ijI} qb_{ij}^I * e^-i(b*tau_I)
2280          !             <psi_m,k1| beta_i,k1 > < beta_j,k2 | psi_n,k2 >
2281          !
2282          IF (noncolin) THEN
2283            DO n = 1, nbnd
2284              IF (excluded_band(n)) CYCLE
2285              mmn = czero
2286              mmn = mmn + ZDOTC(npwq, aux_nc(1, 1), 1, evcq(       1, n), 1) &
2287                        + ZDOTC(npwq, aux_nc(1, 2), 1, evcq(1 + npwx, n), 1)
2288              CALL mp_sum(mmn, intra_pool_comm)
2289              Mkb(m, n) = mmn + Mkb(m, n)
2290              !  aa = aa + ABS(mmn)**2
2291            ENDDO ! n
2292          ELSE ! scalar wavefunction
2293            DO n = 1, nbnd
2294              IF (excluded_band(n)) CYCLE
2295              mmn = ZDOTC(npwq, aux, 1, evcq(1, n), 1)
2296              CALL mp_sum(mmn, intra_pool_comm)
2297              Mkb(m, n) = mmn + Mkb(m, n)
2298              !  aa = aa + ABS(mmn)**2
2299            ENDDO ! n
2300          ENDIF ! scalar wavefunction
2301        ENDDO   ! m
2302        !
2303        ibnd_n = 0
2304        DO n = 1, nbnd
2305          IF (excluded_band(n)) CYCLE
2306          ibnd_n = ibnd_n + 1
2307          !
2308          ibnd_m = 0
2309          DO m = 1, nbnd
2310            IF (excluded_band(m)) CYCLE
2311            ibnd_m = ibnd_m + 1
2312            !
2313            m_mat(ibnd_m, ibnd_n, ib, ik_g) = Mkb(m, n)
2314          ENDDO ! m
2315        ENDDO ! n
2316        !
2317      ENDDO ! ib
2318    ENDDO ! ik
2319    !
2320    CALL mp_sum(m_mat, inter_pool_comm)
2321    !
2322    ! RM - write mmn to file (file needed with vme = true)
2323    IF (meta_ionode) THEN
2324      write_mmn = .TRUE.
2325      IF (write_mmn) THEN
2326        !
2327        filmmn = TRIM(prefix)//'.mmn'
2328        OPEN(UNIT = iummn, FILE = filmmn, FORM = 'formatted')
2329        DO ik = 1, nkstot
2330          DO ib = 1, nnb
2331            !
2332            DO n = 1, nbndep
2333              DO m = 1, nbndep
2334                WRITE(iummn,*) m_mat(m, n, ib, ik)
2335              ENDDO ! m
2336            ENDDO ! n
2337            !
2338          ENDDO ! ib
2339        ENDDO ! ik
2340        !
2341        CLOSE(iummn)
2342      ENDIF !write_mmn
2343    ENDIF
2344    !
2345    DEALLOCATE(Mkb, STAT = ierr)
2346    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_mmn_para', 'Error deallocating Mkb', 1)
2347    DEALLOCATE(phase, STAT = ierr)
2348    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_mmn_para', 'Error deallocating phase', 1)
2349    DEALLOCATE(evcq, STAT = ierr)
2350    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_mmn_para', 'Error deallocating evcq', 1)
2351    DEALLOCATE(igkq, STAT = ierr)
2352    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_mmn_para', 'Error deallocating igkq', 1)
2353    IF (noncolin) THEN
2354      DEALLOCATE(aux_nc, STAT = ierr)
2355      IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_mmn_para', 'Error deallocating aux_nc', 1)
2356    ELSE
2357      DEALLOCATE(aux, STAT = ierr)
2358      IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_mmn_para', 'Error deallocating aux', 1)
2359    ENDIF
2360    !
2361    IF (any_uspp) THEN
2362      DEALLOCATE(dxk, STAT = ierr)
2363      IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_mmn_para', 'Error deallocating dxk', 1)
2364      DEALLOCATE(qb, STAT = ierr)
2365      IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_mmn_para', 'Error deallocating qb', 1)
2366      DEALLOCATE(qq_so, STAT = ierr)
2367      IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_mmn_para', 'Error deallocating qq_so', 1)
2368      CALL deallocate_bec_type(becp)
2369      IF (noncolin) THEN
2370        DEALLOCATE(becp2_nc, STAT = ierr)
2371        IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_mmn_para', 'Error deallocating becp2_nc', 1)
2372      ELSE
2373        DEALLOCATE(becp2, STAT = ierr)
2374        IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_mmn_para', 'Error deallocating becp2', 1)
2375      ENDIF
2376    ENDIF
2377    !
2378    WRITE(stdout, '(5x, a)') 'MMN calculated'
2379    !
2380    ! reopen wfc here, leaving UNIT = 20 in the same state
2381    iuwfc = 20
2382    CALL diropn(iuwfc, 'wfc', lrwfc, exst)
2383    !
2384    RETURN
2385    !
2386    !------------------------------------------------------------------------
2387    END SUBROUTINE compute_mmn_para
2388    !------------------------------------------------------------------------
2389    !
2390    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2391    SUBROUTINE compute_pmn_para()
2392    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2393    !
2394    !!
2395    !!  Computes dipole matrix elements.
2396    !!  This can be used to compute the velocity in the local approximation.
2397    !!  The commutator with the non-local pseudopotetial is neglected.
2398    !!
2399    !!  06/2010  Jesse Noffsinger: adapted from compute_amn_para
2400    !!  08/2016  Samuel Ponce: adapted to work with SOC
2401    !!
2402    !
2403    USE kinds,           ONLY : DP
2404    USE io_global,       ONLY : stdout
2405    USE mp,              ONLY : mp_sum
2406    USE mp_global,       ONLY : my_pool_id
2407    USE klist,           ONLY : nks, igk_k
2408    USE klist_epw,       ONLY : xk_loc
2409    USE wvfct,           ONLY : nbnd, npw, npwx, g2kin
2410    USE gvecw,           ONLY : gcutw
2411    USE wavefunctions,   ONLY : evc
2412    USE gvect,           ONLY : g, ngm
2413    USE cell_base,       ONLY : tpiba
2414    USE noncollin_module,ONLY : noncolin
2415    USE elph2,           ONLY : dmec, ibndstart, ibndend, nbndep
2416    USE constants_epw,   ONLY : czero
2417    USE uspp_param,      ONLY : upf
2418    USE becmod,          ONLY : becp, deallocate_bec_type, allocate_bec_type
2419    USE uspp,            ONLY : nkb
2420    USE wannierEPW,      ONLY : n_wannier
2421    USE kfold,           ONLY : ktokpmq
2422    USE io_epw,          ONLY : readwfc
2423    !
2425    !
2426    LOGICAL :: any_uspp
2427    !! Check if USPP is present
2428    !
2429    INTEGER :: ik
2430    !! Counter on k-point
2431    INTEGER :: ibnd, jbnd
2432    !! Counter on bands
2433    INTEGER :: ig
2434    !! Counter on G vector
2435    INTEGER :: ierr
2436    !! Error status
2437    !
2438    COMPLEX(KIND = DP) :: dipole_aux(3, nbnd, nbnd)
2439    !! Auxilary dipole
2440    COMPLEX(KIND = DP) :: caux
2441    !! Wavefunction squared
2442    !
2443    any_uspp = ANY(upf(:)%tvanp)
2444    !
2445    IF (any_uspp) CALL errore('pw2wan90epw', &
2446      'dipole matrix calculation not implimented with USPP - set vme=.TRUE.',1)
2447    !
2448    ALLOCATE(dmec(3, nbndep, nbndep, nks), STAT = ierr)
2449    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('compute_pmn_para', 'Error allocating dmec', 1)
2450    !
2451    ! initialize
2452    dmec(:, :, :, :) = czero
2453    dipole_aux(:, :, :) = czero
2454    !
2455    IF (any_uspp) THEN
2456      CALL allocate_bec_type(nkb, n_wannier, becp)
2457    ENDIF
2458    !
2459    ! computes velocity dmec = v_mn(\alpha,k) in the local approximation
2460    ! acording to [Eqn. 60 of Comp. Phys. Commun. 209, 116 (2016)]
2461    ! v_mn(\alpha,k) = k \delta_mn + \sum_G * CONJG(c_mk(G)) * c_nk(G) * G
2462    !
2463    DO ik = 1, nks
2464      !
2465      ! read wfc for the given kpt
2466      CALL readwfc(my_pool_id + 1, ik, evc)
2467      !
2468      ! sorts k+G vectors in order of increasing magnitude, up to ecut
2469      CALL gk_sort(xk_loc(:, ik), ngm, g, gcutw, npw, igk_k(:, ik), g2kin)
2470      !
2471      dipole_aux = czero
2472      DO jbnd = ibndstart, ibndend
2473        DO ibnd = ibndstart, ibndend
2474          !
2475          IF (ibnd == jbnd) CYCLE
2476          !
2477          ! taken from PP/epsilon.f90 subroutine dipole_calc
2478          DO ig = 1, npw
2479            IF (igk_k(ig, ik) > SIZE(g, 2) .OR. igk_k(ig, ik) < 1) CYCLE
2480            !
2481            caux = CONJG(evc(ig, ibnd)) * evc(ig, jbnd)
2482            !
2483            IF (noncolin) THEN
2484              !
2485              caux = caux + CONJG(evc(ig + npwx, ibnd)) * evc(ig + npwx, jbnd)
2486              !
2487            ENDIF
2488            !
2489            dipole_aux(:, ibnd, jbnd) = dipole_aux(:, ibnd, jbnd) + &
2490                                        (g(:, igk_k(ig, ik))) * caux
2491            !
2492          ENDDO
2493          !
2494        ENDDO !bands i
2495      ENDDO ! bands j
2496      !
2497      ! metal diagonal part
2498      DO ibnd = ibndstart, ibndend
2499        DO ig = 1, npw
2500          IF (igk_k(ig, ik) > SIZE(g, 2) .OR. igk_k(ig, ik) < 1) CYCLE
2501          !
2502          caux = CONJG(evc(ig, ibnd)) * evc(ig, ibnd)
2503          !
2504          IF (noncolin) THEN
2505            !
2506            caux = caux + CONJG(evc(ig + npwx, ibnd)) * evc(ig + npwx, ibnd)
2507            !
2508          ENDIF
2509          !
2510          dipole_aux(:, ibnd, ibnd) = dipole_aux(:, ibnd, ibnd) + &
2511                                      (g(:, igk_k(ig, ik)) + xk_loc(:, ik)) * caux
2512          !
2513        ENDDO
2514      ENDDO
2515      ! need to divide by 2pi/a to fix the units
2516      DO jbnd = ibndstart, ibndend
2517        DO ibnd = ibndstart, ibndend
2518          dmec(:, ibnd-ibndstart+1, jbnd-ibndstart+1, ik) = dipole_aux(:, ibnd, jbnd) * tpiba
2519        ENDDO
2520      ENDDO
2521      !
2522    ENDDO  ! k-points
2523    !
2524    IF (any_uspp) CALL deallocate_bec_type(becp)
2525    !
2526    WRITE(stdout, '(/5x, a)') 'Dipole matrix elements calculated'
2527    WRITE(stdout, *)
2528    !DBSP
2529    !WRITE(stdout, *) 'dmec ', SUM(dmec)
2530    !IF (meta_ionode) THEN
2531    !   WRITE(stdout, *) 'dmec(:, :, :, 1) ',sum(dmec(:, :, :, 1))
2532    !   WRITE(stdout, *) 'dmec(:, :, :, 2) ',sum(dmec(:, :, :, 2))
2533    !ENDIF
2534    !
2535    RETURN
2536    !
2537    !------------------------------------------------------------------------
2538    END SUBROUTINE compute_pmn_para
2539    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2540    !
2541    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2542    SUBROUTINE write_filukk
2543    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2544    !
2545    ! Here we compute and write out the final ukk matrix which is used by
2546    ! epw.x to localize the electron wavefuctions (and therefore the ep-matrix
2547    ! elements)
2548    ! 10/2008 Jesse Noffsinger UC Berkeley
2549    ! 07/2010 Fixed the rotation for ndimwin when lower bands are not included
2550    !
2551    USE kinds,        ONLY : DP
2552    USE io_var,       ONLY : iunukk
2553    USE wvfct,        ONLY : nbnd
2554    USE wannierEPW,   ONLY : n_wannier, iknum, u_mat, u_mat_opt, lwindow, &
2555                             excluded_band, num_bands, wann_centers
2556    USE epwcom,       ONLY : filukk
2557    USE constants_epw,ONLY : czero, bohr
2558    USE io_global,    ONLY : meta_ionode
2559    USE cell_base,    ONLY : alat
2560    USE elph2,        ONLY : nbndep, ibndstart, ibndend
2561    !
2563    !
2564    INTEGER :: ik
2565    !! Counter of k-point index
2566    INTEGER :: ibnd
2567    !! Counter on band index
2568    INTEGER :: ibnd1
2569    !! Band index
2570    INTEGER :: iw
2571    !! Counter on number of Wannier functions
2572    INTEGER :: ierr
2573    !! Error status
2574    INTEGER :: ndimwin(iknum)
2575    !! Number of bands within outer window at each k-point
2576    !
2577    COMPLEX(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: u_kc(:, :, :)
2578    !! Rotation matrix
2579    !
2580    IF (meta_ionode) THEN
2581      !
2582      ndimwin(:) = 0
2583      DO ik = 1, iknum
2584        DO ibnd = 1, num_bands
2585          IF (lwindow(ibnd, ik)) ndimwin(ik) = ndimwin(ik) + 1
2586        ENDDO
2587      ENDDO
2588      !
2589      ! get the final rotation matrix, which is the product of the optimal
2590      ! subspace and the rotation among the n_wannier wavefunctions
2591      !
2592      ALLOCATE(u_kc(nbndep, n_wannier, iknum), STAT = ierr)
2593      IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('write_filukk', 'Error allocating u_kc', 1)
2594      u_kc(:, :, :) = czero
2595      !
2596      DO ik = 1, iknum
2597        !
2598        u_kc(1:ndimwin(ik), 1:n_wannier, ik) = &
2599             MATMUL(u_mat_opt(1:ndimwin(ik), :, ik), u_mat(:, 1:n_wannier, ik))
2600        !
2601      ENDDO
2602      !
2603      OPEN(UNIT = iunukk, FILE = filukk, FORM = 'formatted')
2604      !
2605      WRITE(iunukk, *) ibndstart, ibndend
2606      !
2607      DO ik = 1, iknum
2608        DO ibnd = 1, nbndep
2609          DO iw = 1, n_wannier
2610            WRITE(iunukk, *) u_kc(ibnd, iw, ik)
2611          ENDDO
2612        ENDDO
2613      ENDDO
2614      !
2615      ! needs also lwindow when disentanglement is used
2616      !
2617      DO ik = 1, iknum
2618        DO ibnd = 1, nbndep
2619          WRITE(iunukk, *) lwindow(ibnd, ik)
2620        ENDDO
2621      ENDDO
2622      !
2623      DO ibnd = 1, nbnd
2624        WRITE(iunukk, *) excluded_band(ibnd)
2625      ENDDO
2626      !
2627      ! Now write the Wannier centers to files
2628      DO iw = 1, n_wannier
2629        ! SP : Need more precision other WS are not determined properly.
2630        !WRITE (iuukk, '(3f12.8)') wann_centers(:, iw) / alat / bohr
2631        WRITE (iunukk, '(3E22.12)') wann_centers(:, iw) / alat / bohr
2632      ENDDO
2633      !
2634      CLOSE(iunukk)
2635      !
2636      DEALLOCATE(u_kc, STAT = ierr)
2637      IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('write_filukk', 'Error deallocating u_kc', 1)
2638      !
2639    ENDIF
2640    !
2641    RETURN
2642    !
2643    !------------------------------------------------------------------------
2644    END SUBROUTINE write_filukk
2645    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2646    !
2647    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2648    SUBROUTINE phases_a_m
2649    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2650    !!
2651    !! We will set phases here on the matrices. It should not affect
2652    !! the spreads and centers found in w90, but it will leave
2653    !! u_mat_opt and u_mat to reflect the known phases.
2654    !!
2655    !
2656    USE kinds,           ONLY : DP
2657    USE mp_global,       ONLY : inter_pool_comm
2658    USE mp,              ONLY : mp_sum
2659    USE klist,           ONLY : nkstot, nks
2660    USE klist_epw,       ONLY : xk_loc
2661    USE wvfct,           ONLY : nbnd
2662    USE wannierEPW,      ONLY : a_mat, m_mat, n_wannier, n_proj, &
2663                                nnb, kpb, iknum, excluded_band
2664    USE elph2,           ONLY : umat, umat_all
2665    USE constants_epw,   ONLY : czero, cone, zero
2666    USE kfold,           ONLY : ktokpmq
2667    !
2669    !
2670    INTEGER :: ik
2671    !! Counter on k-points
2672    INTEGER :: ikb
2673    !! Index of k-point nearest neighbour
2674    INTEGER :: ib
2675    !! Counter on b-vectors
2676    INTEGER :: ipool
2677    !! Index of current pool
2678    INTEGER ::  nkq
2679    !! Index of k-point in the pool
2680    INTEGER ::  nkq_abs
2681    !! Absolute index of k-point
2682    INTEGER ::  ik_g
2683    !! Temporary index of k-point, ik_g = nkq_abs
2684    INTEGER :: m, n
2685    !! Counter over bands
2686    INTEGER :: ibnd_m, ibnd_n
2687    !! Band index
2688    INTEGER :: iw
2689    !! Counter on number of projections
2690    INTEGER :: ierr
2691    !! Error status
2692    !
2693    REAL(KIND = DP) :: zero_vect(3)
2694    !! Temporary zero vector
2695    !
2696    COMPLEX(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: a_mat_tmp(:, :, :)
2697    !! Temporary a_mat matrices
2698    COMPLEX(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: a_mat_tmp1(:, :, :)
2699    !! Temporary a_mat matrices
2700    COMPLEX(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: m_mn_tmp1(:, :)
2701    !! Temporary m_mat matrices
2702    COMPLEX(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: m_mn_tmp2(:, :)
2703    !! Temporary m_mat matrices
2704    COMPLEX(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: m_mn_tmp3(:, :, :, :)
2705    !! Temporary m_mat matrices
2706    COMPLEX(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: m_mat_tmp(:, :, :, :)
2707    !! Temporary m_mat matrices
2708    !
2709    ! RM: Band-dimension of a_mat and m_mat is num_bands while that of
2710    !     umat and umat_all is nbnd. This causes a problem if exclude_bands
2711    !     is used because num_bands = nbnd - nexband
2712    !     a_mat(num_bands,n_wannier,nkstot) in compute_amn_para
2713    !     m_mat(num_bands,n_wannier,nnb,nkstot) in compute_mmn_para
2714    !     umat(nbnd,nbnd,nks) and umat_mat(nbnd,nbnd,nkstot) in setphases_wrap
2715    !
2716    ALLOCATE(a_mat_tmp(nbnd, n_wannier, iknum), STAT = ierr)
2717    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('phases_a_m', 'Error allocating a_mat_tmp', 1)
2718    ALLOCATE(a_mat_tmp1(nbnd, n_wannier, iknum), STAT = ierr)
2719    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('phases_a_m', 'Error allocating a_mat_tmp1', 1)
2720    ALLOCATE(m_mat_tmp(nbnd, nbnd, nnb, iknum), STAT = ierr)
2721    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('phases_a_m', 'Error allocating m_mat_tmp', 1)
2722    ALLOCATE(m_mn_tmp1(nbnd, nbnd), STAT = ierr)
2723    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('phases_a_m', 'Error allocating m_mn_tmp1', 1)
2724    ALLOCATE(m_mn_tmp2(nbnd, nbnd), STAT = ierr)
2725    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('phases_a_m', 'Error allocating m_mn_tmp2', 1)
2726    ALLOCATE(m_mn_tmp3(nbnd, nbnd, nnb, iknum), STAT = ierr)
2727    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('phases_a_m', 'Error allocating m_mn_tmp3', 1)
2728    !
2729    ! zero all temporary/work quantities
2730    !
2731    zero_vect(:) = zero
2732    a_mat_tmp(:, :, :) = czero
2733    a_mat_tmp1(:, :, :) = czero
2734    m_mn_tmp1(:, :) = czero
2735    m_mn_tmp2(:, :) = czero
2736    m_mn_tmp3(:, :, :, :) = czero
2737    m_mat_tmp(:, :, :, :) = czero
2738    !
2739    ! full size a_mat_tmp1 and m_mat_tmp matrices to nbnd bands
2740    !
2741    DO ik = 1, nkstot
2742      DO iw = 1, n_proj
2743        ibnd_m = 0
2744        DO m = 1, nbnd
2745          IF (excluded_band(m)) CYCLE
2746          ibnd_m = ibnd_m + 1
2747          a_mat_tmp1(m, iw, ik) = a_mat(ibnd_m, iw, ik)
2748        ENDDO
2749      ENDDO
2750      !
2751      DO ib = 1, nnb
2752        ibnd_n = 0
2753        DO n = 1, nbnd
2754          IF (excluded_band(n)) CYCLE
2755          ibnd_n = ibnd_n + 1
2756          ibnd_m = 0
2757          DO m = 1, nbnd
2758            IF (excluded_band(m)) CYCLE
2759            ibnd_m = ibnd_m + 1
2760            m_mat_tmp(m, n, ib, ik) = m_mat(ibnd_m, ibnd_n, ib, ik)
2761          ENDDO
2762        ENDDO
2763      ENDDO
2764    ENDDO
2765    !
2766    DO ik = 1, nks
2767      !
2768      ! returns in-pool index nkq and absolute index nkq_abs of xk
2769      CALL ktokpmq(xk_loc(:, ik), zero_vect, +1, ipool, nkq, nkq_abs)
2770      ik_g = nkq_abs
2771      !
2772      !  GF_n are the guiding functions which are our initial guesses
2773      !  Amn(k) = <psi_k,m|GF_n>.
2774      !  We want U(k)^\dagger<psi_k,m|GF_m>
2775      !
2776      ! CALL ZGEMM('c', 'n', nbnd, n_wannier, nbnd, cone, umat(:, :, ik), &
2777      !      nbnd, a_mat(:, :, ik_g), nbnd, czero, a_mat_tmp(:, :, ik_g), nbnd)
2778      CALL ZGEMM('c', 'n', nbnd, n_wannier, nbnd, cone, umat(:, :, ik), &
2779           nbnd, a_mat_tmp1(:, :, ik_g), nbnd, czero, a_mat_tmp(:, :, ik_g), nbnd)
2780      !
2781      DO ib = 1,nnb
2782        ikb = kpb(ik_g, ib)
2783        !
2784        ! Mmn(k,k+b)  = <psi_k_m| psi_(k+b)_n> so we need
2785        !  (U(k)^\dagger <psi_k_m| ) * (|psi_k+b_n> U(k+b)
2786        ! = U(k)^\dagger (M_mn) = m_mat_tmp,
2787        ! Mmn(k,k+b)' = m_mat_tmp*U(k+b)
2788        !
2789        ! CALL ZGEMM('c', 'n', nbnd, nbnd, nbnd, cone, umat(:, :, ik), &
2790        !      nbnd, m_mat(:, :, ib, ik_g), nbnd, czero, m_mn_tmp1(:, :), nbnd)
2791        CALL ZGEMM('c', 'n', nbnd, nbnd, nbnd, cone, umat(:, :, ik), &
2792             nbnd, m_mat_tmp(:, :, ib, ik_g), nbnd, czero, m_mn_tmp1(:, :), nbnd)
2793        CALL ZGEMM('n', 'n', nbnd, nbnd, nbnd, cone, m_mn_tmp1(:, :), &
2794             nbnd, umat_all(:, :, ikb), nbnd, czero, m_mn_tmp2(:, :), nbnd)
2795        !
2796        ! m_mn_tmp1 = MATMUL(CONJG(TRANSPOSE(umat(:, :, ik))), m_mat(:, :, ib, ik_g))
2797        ! m_mn_tmp2 = MATMUL(m_mn_tmp1, umat_g(:, :, ikb))
2798        !
2799        m_mn_tmp3(:, :, ib, ik_g) = m_mn_tmp2(:, :)
2800      ENDDO
2801    ENDDO
2802    CALL mp_sum(a_mat_tmp, inter_pool_comm)
2803    CALL mp_sum(m_mn_tmp3, inter_pool_comm)
2804    !
2805    ! a_mat(:, :, :) = a_mat_tmp(:, :, :)
2806    ! m_mat(:, :, :, :) = m_mn_tmp3(:, :, :, :)
2807    !
2808    ! slim down a_mat and m_mat matrices to num_bands=nbnd-nexband bands
2809    !
2810    DO ik = 1, nkstot
2811      DO iw = 1, n_proj
2812        ibnd_m = 0
2813        DO m = 1, nbnd
2814          IF (excluded_band(m)) CYCLE
2815          ibnd_m = ibnd_m + 1
2816          a_mat(ibnd_m, iw, ik) = a_mat_tmp(m, iw, ik)
2817        ENDDO
2818      ENDDO
2819      !
2820      DO ib = 1, nnb
2821        ibnd_n = 0
2822        DO n = 1, nbnd
2823          IF (excluded_band(n)) CYCLE
2824          ibnd_n = ibnd_n + 1
2825          ibnd_m = 0
2826          DO m = 1, nbnd
2827            IF (excluded_band(m)) CYCLE
2828            ibnd_m = ibnd_m + 1
2829            m_mat(ibnd_m, ibnd_n, ib, ik) = m_mn_tmp3(m, n, ib, ik)
2830          ENDDO
2831        ENDDO
2832      ENDDO
2833    ENDDO
2834    !
2835    DEALLOCATE(a_mat_tmp, STAT = ierr)
2836    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('phases_a_m', 'Error deallocating a_mat_tmp', 1)
2837    DEALLOCATE(a_mat_tmp1, STAT = ierr)
2838    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('phases_a_m', 'Error deallocating a_mat_tmp1', 1)
2839    DEALLOCATE(m_mat_tmp, STAT = ierr)
2840    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('phases_a_m', 'Error deallocating m_mat_tmp', 1)
2841    DEALLOCATE(m_mn_tmp1, STAT = ierr)
2842    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('phases_a_m', 'Error deallocating m_mn_tmp1', 1)
2843    DEALLOCATE(m_mn_tmp2, STAT = ierr)
2844    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('phases_a_m', 'Error deallocating m_mn_tmp2', 1)
2845    DEALLOCATE(m_mn_tmp3, STAT = ierr)
2846    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('phases_a_m', 'Error deallocating m_mn_tmp3', 1)
2847    !
2848    RETURN
2849    !
2850    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2851    END SUBROUTINE phases_a_m
2852    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2853    !
2854    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2855    SUBROUTINE generate_guiding_functions(ik)
2856    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2857    !!
2858    !! Guiding functions
2859    !!
2860    !
2861    USE kinds,          ONLY : DP
2862    USE mp_global,      ONLY : intra_pool_comm
2863    USE mp,             ONLY : mp_sum
2864    USE wvfct,          ONLY : npw
2865    USE gvect,          ONLY : g
2866    USE cell_base,      ONLY : tpiba
2867    USE wannierEPW,     ONLY : n_proj, gf, center_w, csph, alpha_w, r_w
2868    USE klist,          ONLY : igk_k
2869    USE klist_epw,      ONLY : xk_loc
2870    USE constants_epw,  ONLY : zero, czero, ci, twopi, eps8
2871    !
2873    !
2874    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ik
2875    !! Index of k-point
2876    !
2877    ! Local variables
2878    INTEGER, PARAMETER :: lmax = 3
2879    !! Nr of spherical harmonics
2880    INTEGER, PARAMETER :: lmax2 = (lmax + 1)**2
2881    !! Total nr. of spherical harmonics
2882    INTEGER :: iw
2883    !! Counter on wannier projections
2884    INTEGER :: ig
2885    !! Counter on G-vectors
2886    INTEGER :: iig
2887    !! Index of G vector
2888    INTEGER :: lm
2889    !! Counter on spherical harmonics
2890    INTEGER :: l
2891    !! Momentum l
2892    INTEGER :: ierr
2893    !! Error status
2894    REAL(KIND = DP) :: arg
2895    !! 2*pi*(k+G)*r
2896    REAL(KIND = DP) :: anorm
2897    !! Anormal
2899    !! Scalar product of two vectors
2900    REAL(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: gk(:, :)
2901    !! k+G vectors
2902    REAL(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: qg(:)
2903    !! Norm of k+G
2904    REAL(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: ylm(:, :)
2905    !! Spherical harmonics
2906    REAL(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: radial(:, :)
2907    !! Radiam
2908    COMPLEX(KIND = DP) :: lphase
2909    !! (-i)^l
2911    !! Scalar product of two complex vectors
2912    COMPLEX(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: sk(:)
2913    !! e^{-i*2*pi*(k+G)*r}
2914    !
2915    ALLOCATE(gk(3, npw), STAT = ierr)
2916    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('generate_guiding_functions', 'Error allocating gk', 1)
2917    ALLOCATE(qg(npw), STAT = ierr)
2918    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('generate_guiding_functions', 'Error allocating qg', 1)
2919    ALLOCATE(ylm(npw, lmax2), STAT = ierr)
2920    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('generate_guiding_functions', 'Error allocating ylm', 1)
2921    ALLOCATE(sk(npw), STAT = ierr)
2922    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('generate_guiding_functions', 'Error allocating sk', 1)
2923    ALLOCATE(radial(npw, 0:lmax), STAT = ierr)
2924    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('generate_guiding_functions', 'Error allocating radial', 1)
2925    gk(:, :) = zero
2926    qg(:) = zero
2927    ylm(:, :) = zero
2928    sk(:) = czero
2929    radial(:, 0:lmax) = zero
2930    !
2931    DO ig = 1, npw
2932      gk(:, ig) = xk_loc(:, ik) + g(:, igk_k(ig, ik))
2933      qg(ig) = SUM(gk(:, ig) * gk(:, ig))
2934    ENDDO
2935    !
2936    ! get spherical harmonics ylm up to lmax
2937    CALL ylmr2(lmax2, npw, gk, qg, ylm)
2938    ! define qg as the norm of (k+g) in a.u.
2939    qg(:) = DSQRT(qg(:)) * tpiba
2940    !
2941    ! RM changed according to QE4.0.3/PP/pw2wannier90
2942    DO iw = 1, n_proj
2943      !
2944      gf(:, iw) = czero
2945      !
2946      CALL radialpart(npw, qg, alpha_w(iw), r_w(iw), lmax, radial)
2947      !
2948      DO lm = 1, lmax2
2949        IF (ABS(csph(lm, iw)) < eps8) CYCLE
2950        l = INT(DSQRT(lm - 1.d0))
2951        lphase = (- ci)**l
2952        !
2953        DO ig = 1, npw
2954          gf(ig, iw) = gf(ig, iw) + csph(lm, iw) * ylm(ig, lm) * radial(ig, l) * lphase
2955        ENDDO !ig
2956      ENDDO ! lm
2957      !
2958      DO ig = 1, npw
2959        iig = igk_k(ig, ik)
2960        arg = twopi * DDOT(3, gk(:, ig), 1, center_w(:, iw), 1)
2961        ! center_w are cartesian coordinates in units of alat
2962        sk(ig) = CMPLX(COS(arg), - SIN(arg), KIND = DP)
2963        gf(ig, iw) = gf(ig, iw) * sk(ig)
2964      ENDDO
2965      anorm = REAL(ZDOTC(npw, gf(1, iw), 1, gf(1, iw), 1))
2966      CALL mp_sum(anorm, intra_pool_comm)
2967      gf(:, iw) = gf(:, iw) / DSQRT(anorm)
2968    ENDDO
2969    !
2970    DEALLOCATE(gk, STAT = ierr)
2971    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('generate_guiding_functions', 'Error deallocating gk', 1)
2972    DEALLOCATE(qg, STAT = ierr)
2973    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('generate_guiding_functions', 'Error deallocating qg', 1)
2974    DEALLOCATE(ylm, STAT = ierr)
2975    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('generate_guiding_functions', 'Error deallocating ylm', 1)
2976    DEALLOCATE(sk, STAT = ierr)
2977    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('generate_guiding_functions', 'Error deallocating sk', 1)
2978    DEALLOCATE(radial, STAT = ierr)
2979    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('generate_guiding_functions', 'Error deallocating radial', 1)
2980    !
2981    RETURN
2982    !
2983    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2984    END SUBROUTINE generate_guiding_functions
2985    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2986    !
2987    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2988    SUBROUTINE write_band()
2989    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2990    !!
2991    !! Write bands
2992    !!
2993    USE wvfct,         ONLY : nbnd, et
2994    USE constants,     ONLY : rytoev
2995    USE wannierEPW,    ONLY : ikstart, ikstop, iknum, num_bands, eigval, &
2996                              excluded_band
2997    USE constants_epw, ONLY : zero
2998    !
3000    !
3001    ! Local variables
3002    INTEGER :: ik
3003    !! Counter on k-point
3004    INTEGER ikevc
3005    !! k-point index
3006    INTEGER :: ibnd
3007    !! Counter on bands
3008    INTEGER :: ibnd1
3009    !! Band index
3010    INTEGER :: ierr
3011    !! Error status
3012    !
3013    ALLOCATE(eigval(num_bands, iknum), STAT = ierr)
3014    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('write_band', 'Error allocating eigval', 1)
3015    eigval(:, :) = zero
3016    !
3017    DO ik = ikstart, ikstop
3018      ikevc = ik - ikstart + 1
3019      ibnd1 = 0
3020      DO ibnd = 1, nbnd
3021        IF (excluded_band(ibnd)) CYCLE
3022        ibnd1 = ibnd1 + 1
3023        !
3024        ! RM - same value for rytoev as in wannier90
3025        ! eigval(ibnd1, ikevc) = et(ibnd, ik) * ryd2ev
3026        eigval(ibnd1, ikevc) = et(ibnd, ik) * rytoev
3027      ENDDO
3028    ENDDO
3029    !
3030    RETURN
3031    !
3032    !------------------------------------------------------------------------
3033    END SUBROUTINE write_band
3034    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3035    !
3036    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3037    SUBROUTINE write_plot()
3038    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3039    !!
3040    !! JN 06/2009:
3041    !! added a couple of calls -- now works with multiple
3042    !! pools/procs (but one proc per pool)
3043    !!
3044    !! HL 03/2020:
3045    !! New implementation based on some parts of
3046    !! QE (subroutine of write_plot in /PP/src/pw2wannier.f90)
3047    !! and Wannier90 (subroutine of plot_wannier in /src/plot.F90)
3048    !!
3049    USE kinds,           ONLY : DP
3050    USE io_global,       ONLY : stdout, meta_ionode, meta_ionode_id
3051    USE wvfct,           ONLY : nbnd, npw, npwx
3052    USE wavefunctions,   ONLY : evc, psic, psic_nc
3053    USE wannierEPW,      ONLY : excluded_band, u_mat, u_mat_opt, iknum, &
3054                                n_wannier, num_bands, lwindow
3055    USE epwcom,          ONLY : wannier_plot_supercell, reduce_unk
3056    USE klist,           ONLY : nks, igk_k, ngk
3057    USE klist_epw,       ONLY : xk_loc
3058    USE fft_base,        ONLY : dffts
3059    USE fft_interfaces,  ONLY : invfft
3060    USE noncollin_module,ONLY : noncolin, npol
3061    USE constants_epw,   ONLY : czero, zero, twopi, ci
3062    USE mp_pools,        ONLY : my_pool_id
3063    USE kfold,           ONLY : ktokpmq
3064    USE io_epw,          ONLY : readwfc
3065    USE mp_world,        ONLY : world_comm
3066    USE elph2,           ONLY : nbndep, wanplotlist, num_wannier_plot
3067    USE cell_base,       ONLY : at, bg, alat, tpiba
3068    USE constants_epw,   ONLY : bohr
3069    USE wannierEPW,      ONLY : wann_centers
3070    USE epwcom,          ONLY : wannier_plot_radius, wannier_plot_scale
3071    USE control_flags,   ONLY : iverbosity
3072    USE mp,              ONLY : mp_barrier
3073    USE parallel_include
3074    !
3076    !
3077    ! Local variables
3078    INTEGER :: ik
3079    !! Counter on k-point
3080    INTEGER :: ibnd
3081    !! Counter on bands
3082    INTEGER :: ibnd0
3083    !! Band index
3084    INTEGER :: ibnd1
3085    !! Band index
3086    INTEGER :: ig
3087    !! Counter on G vectors
3088    INTEGER :: ipool
3089    !! Index of current pool
3090    INTEGER ::  nkq
3091    !! Index of k-point in the pool
3092    INTEGER ::  nkq_abs
3093    !! Absolute index of k-point
3094    INTEGER ::  ik_g
3095    !! Temporary index of k-point, ik_g = nkq_abs
3096    INTEGER :: ipol
3097    !! Counter on polarizations
3098    INTEGER :: ispw
3099    !! Starting index of plane waves
3100    INTEGER :: iepw
3101    !! Ending index of plane waves
3102    INTEGER :: ngx
3103    !! Number of soft grids
3104    INTEGER :: ngy
3105    !! Number of soft grids
3106    INTEGER :: ngz
3107    !! Number of soft grids
3108    INTEGER :: n1by2
3109    !! Number of reduced grids
3110    INTEGER :: n2by2
3111    !! Number of reduced grids
3112    INTEGER :: n3by2
3113    !! Number of reduced grids
3114    INTEGER :: nx
3115    !! Counter on primitive-cell grids
3116    INTEGER :: ny
3117    !! Counter on primitive-cell grids
3118    INTEGER :: nz
3119    !! Counter on primitive-cell grids
3120    INTEGER :: nxx
3121    !! Counter on super-cell grids
3122    INTEGER :: nyy
3123    !! Counter on super-cell grids
3124    INTEGER :: nzz
3125    !! Counter on super-cell grids
3126    INTEGER :: loop_w
3127    !! Counter on Wannier functions
3128    INTEGER :: wann_index
3129    !! Index of Wannier functions to plot
3130    INTEGER :: ngridwf
3131    !! Number of grids to describe real-space Wannier function
3132    INTEGER :: ngridwf_max
3133    !! Max. of number of grids to describe real-space Wannier function
3134    INTEGER :: ipoint
3135    !! Real-space grid index
3136    INTEGER :: idx
3137    !! Real-space grid index
3138    INTEGER :: qxx
3139    !! Temporary grid index
3140    INTEGER :: qyy
3141    !! Temporary grid index
3142    INTEGER :: qzz
3143    !! Temporary grid index
3144    INTEGER :: i
3145    !! Counter index
3146    INTEGER :: ierr
3147    !! Error status
3148    INTEGER :: ndimwin(nks)
3149    !! Number of bands within outer window at each k-point
3150    INTEGER :: ngs(3)
3151    !! Size of the supercell for Wannier function plot
3152    INTEGER :: istart(3)
3153    !! First grid to consider in cube files
3154    INTEGER :: iend(3)
3155    !! Last grid to consider in cube files
3156    INTEGER :: ilength(3)
3157    !! Length of grids in cube files
3158    REAL(KIND = DP) :: rstart(3)
3159    !! Start of cube wrt simulation (home) cell origin
3160    REAL(KIND = DP) :: rend(3)
3161    !! End of cube wrt simulation (home) cell origin
3162    REAL(KIND = DP) :: rlength(3)
3163    !! Length of region to consider in cube files
3164    REAL(KIND = DP) :: orig(3)
3165    !! Origin of cube wrt simulation (home) cell in Cart. coords.
3166    REAL(KIND = DP) :: dgrid(3)
3167    !! Grid spacing in each lattice direction
3168    REAL(KIND = DP) :: moda(3)
3169    !! Length of real lattice vectors
3170    REAL(KIND = DP) :: modb(3)
3171    !! Length of reciprocal lattice vectors
3172    REAL(KIND = DP) :: scalfac
3173    !! Scaling factor
3174    REAL(KIND = DP) :: tmax
3175    !! Temporary max. of wavefunction norm
3176    REAL(KIND = DP) :: tmaxx
3177    !! Temporary max. of wavefunction norm
3178    REAL(KIND = DP) :: ratio
3179    !! Im/Re Ratio
3180    REAL(KIND = DP) :: ratmax
3181    !! Max Im/Re Ratio
3182    REAL(KIND = DP) :: zero_vect(3)
3183    !! Temporary zero vector
3184    REAL(KIND = DP) :: xcrys(3)
3185    !! x in crystal coords.
3186    COMPLEX(KIND = DP) :: catmp
3187    !! Temporary complex number
3188    COMPLEX(KIND = DP) :: uptmp
3189    !! Temporary complex number
3190    COMPLEX(KIND = DP) :: dntmp
3191    !! Temporary complex number
3192    COMPLEX(KIND = DP) :: wmod
3193    !! Conversion factor for wavefunction
3194    COMPLEX(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: u_kc(:, :)
3195    !! Rotation matrix, U^dis*U
3196    COMPLEX(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: rotwf(:, :, :)
3197    !! Rotated wave function in reciprocal space
3198    COMPLEX(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: psic_small(:, :)
3199    !! Rotated wave function in reduced real space
3200    COMPLEX(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: wann_func(:, :, :, :)
3201    !! Real-space Wannier function
3202    !
3203    CALL start_clock('write_plot')
3204    !
3205    ngs(:) = wannier_plot_supercell(:)
3206    !
3207    zero_vect(:) = zero
3208    WRITE(stdout,'(a,/)') '    Writing out Wannier function cube files'
3209    !
3210    IF (iverbosity == 1) THEN
3211      WRITE(stdout,'(a,f6.3)') 'write_plot: wannier_plot_radius =', &
3212                               wannier_plot_radius
3213      WRITE(stdout,'(a,f6.3)') 'write_plot: wannier_plot_scale =', &
3214                               wannier_plot_scale
3215    ENDIF
3216    !
3217    ngx = dffts%nr1
3218    ngy = dffts%nr2
3219    ngz = dffts%nr3
3220    IF (reduce_unk) THEN
3221      ngx = (dffts%nr1 + 1) / 2
3222      ngy = (dffts%nr2 + 1) / 2
3223      ngz = (dffts%nr3 + 1) / 2
3224      ALLOCATE(psic_small(ngx*ngy*ngz, npol), STAT = ierr)
3225      IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('write_plot', 'Error allocating psic_small', 1)
3226      psic_small(:, :) = czero
3227      WRITE(stdout, '(a)') 'write_plot: Real-space grids for plotting Wannier functions are reduced'
3228    ENDIF
3229    WRITE(stdout, '(3(a, i5))') 'nr1s =', ngx, ', nr2s =', ngy, ', nr3s =', ngz
3230    WRITE(stdout, '(a, 3i5)') 'write_plot: wannier_plot_supercell =', &
3231                              (wannier_plot_supercell(i), i = 1, 3)
3232    !
3233    ndimwin(:) = 0
3234    ALLOCATE(u_kc(nbndep, n_wannier), STAT = ierr)
3235    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('write_plot', 'Error allocating u_kc', 1)
3236    u_kc(:, :) = czero
3237    ALLOCATE(rotwf(npwx*npol, num_wannier_plot, nks), STAT = ierr)
3238    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('write_plot', 'Error allocating rotwf', 1)
3239    rotwf(:, :, :) = czero
3240    !
3241    DO ik = 1, nks
3242      !
3243      npw = ngk(ik)
3244      !
3245      ! returns in-pool index nkq and absolute index nkq_abs of xk
3246      !
3247      CALL ktokpmq(xk_loc(:, ik), zero_vect, +1, ipool, nkq, nkq_abs)
3248      ik_g = nkq_abs
3249      !
3250      DO ibnd = 1, num_bands
3251        IF (lwindow(ibnd, ik_g)) ndimwin(ik) = ndimwin(ik) + 1
3252      ENDDO
3253      !
3254      ! get the final rotation matrix, which is the product of the optimal
3255      ! subspace and the rotation among the n_wannier wavefunctions
3256      !
3257      u_kc(1:ndimwin(ik), 1:n_wannier) = &
3258        MATMUL(u_mat_opt(1:ndimwin(ik), :, ik_g), u_mat(:, 1:n_wannier, ik_g))
3259      !
3260      ! read wfc at ik
3261      !
3262      CALL readwfc(my_pool_id + 1, ik, evc)
3263      !
3264      ibnd0 = 0
3265      ibnd1 = 0
3266      DO ibnd = 1, nbnd
3267        !
3268        IF (excluded_band(ibnd)) CYCLE
3269        ibnd0 = ibnd0 + 1
3270        IF (lwindow(ibnd0, ik_g)) THEN
3271          ibnd1 = ibnd1 + 1
3272          DO loop_w = 1, num_wannier_plot
3273            DO ig = 1, npw
3274              rotwf(ig, loop_w, ik) = rotwf(ig, loop_w, ik) + &
3275                u_kc(ibnd1, wanplotlist(loop_w)) * evc(ig, ibnd)
3276              IF (noncolin) THEN
3277                rotwf(ig + npwx, loop_w, ik) = rotwf(ig + npwx, loop_w, ik) + &
3278                  u_kc(ibnd1, wanplotlist(loop_w)) * evc(ig + npwx, ibnd)
3279              ENDIF
3280            ENDDO
3281          ENDDO
3282        ENDIF
3283        !
3284      ENDDO
3285      !
3286    ENDDO
3287    !
3288    CALL mp_barrier(world_comm)
3289    !
3290    ! Lengths of real and reciprocal lattice vectors
3291    !
3292    DO i = 1, 3
3293      moda(i) = DSQRT( at(1, i) * at(1, i) &
3294                     + at(2, i) * at(2, i) &
3295                     + at(3, i) * at(3, i) ) * alat
3296      modb(i) = DSQRT( bg(1, i) * bg(1, i) &
3297                     + bg(2, i) * bg(2, i) &
3298                     + bg(3, i) * bg(3, i) ) * tpiba
3299    ENDDO
3300    !
3301    ! Grid spacing in each lattice direction
3302    !
3303    dgrid(1) = moda(1) / ngx
3304    dgrid(2) = moda(2) / ngy
3305    dgrid(3) = moda(3) / ngz
3306    !
3307    DO loop_w = 1, num_wannier_plot
3308      wann_index = wanplotlist(loop_w)
3309      !
3310      ! Find start and end of cube wrt simulation (home) cell origin
3311      !
3312      DO i = 1, 3
3313        ! ... in terms of distance along each lattice vector direction i
3314        rstart(i) = (wann_centers(1, wann_index) / bohr / alat * bg(1, i) &
3315                   + wann_centers(2, wann_index) / bohr / alat * bg(2, i) &
3316                   + wann_centers(3, wann_index) / bohr / alat * bg(3, i)) * moda(i) &
3317                   - twopi * wannier_plot_radius / bohr / (moda(i) * modb(i))
3318        rend(i) = (wann_centers(1, wann_index) / bohr / alat * bg(1, i) &
3319                 + wann_centers(2, wann_index) / bohr / alat * bg(2, i) &
3320                 + wann_centers(3, wann_index) / bohr / alat * bg(3, i)) * moda(i) &
3321                 + twopi * wannier_plot_radius / bohr / (moda(i) * modb(i))
3322      ENDDO
3323      !
3324      rlength(:) = rend(:) - rstart(:)
3325      ilength(:) = CEILING(rlength(:) / dgrid(:))
3326      !
3327      ! ... in terms of integer gridpoints along each lattice vector direction i
3328      !
3329      istart(:) = FLOOR(rstart(:) / dgrid(:)) + 1
3330      iend(:) = istart(:) + ilength(:) - 1
3331      !
3332      ! Origin of cube wrt simulation (home) cell in Cartesian co-ordinates
3333      !
3334      DO i = 1, 3
3335        orig(i) = &
3336          REAL(istart(1) - 1, KIND = DP) * dgrid(1) * at(i, 1) * alat / moda(1) &
3337        + REAL(istart(2) - 1, KIND = DP) * dgrid(2) * at(i, 2) * alat / moda(2) &
3338        + REAL(istart(3) - 1, KIND = DP) * dgrid(3) * at(i, 3) * alat / moda(3)
3339      ENDDO
3340      !
3341      DO nzz = 1, ilength(3)
3342        qzz = nzz + istart(3) - 1
3343        IF ((qzz < (-((ngs(3))/2)*ngz)) .OR. &
3344            (qzz > ((ngs(3) + 1)/2)*ngz - 1)) THEN
3345          WRITE(stdout, *) 'Error plotting WF cube. Try one of the following:'
3346          WRITE(stdout, *) '   (1) increase wannier_plot_supercell;'
3347          WRITE(stdout, *) '   (2) decrease wannier_plot_radius;'
3348          CALL errore('write_plot', 'Wrong range in plotting WF cube.', 1)
3349        ENDIF
3350        DO nyy = 1, ilength(2)
3351          qyy = nyy + istart(2) - 1
3352          IF ((qyy < (-((ngs(2))/2)*ngy)) .OR. &
3353              (qyy > ((ngs(2) + 1)/2)*ngy - 1)) THEN
3354            WRITE(stdout, *) 'Error plotting WF cube. Try one of the following:'
3355            WRITE(stdout, *) '   (1) increase wannier_plot_supercell;'
3356            WRITE(stdout, *) '   (2) decrease wannier_plot_radius;'
3357            CALL errore('write_plot', 'Wrong range in plotting WF cube.', 1)
3358          ENDIF
3359          DO nxx = 1, ilength(1)
3360            qxx = nxx + istart(1) - 1
3361            IF ((qxx < (-((ngs(1))/2)*ngx)) .OR. &
3362                (qxx > ((ngs(1) + 1)/2)*ngx - 1)) THEN
3363              WRITE(stdout, *) 'Error plotting WF cube. Try one of the following:'
3364              WRITE(stdout, *) '   (1) increase wannier_plot_supercell;'
3365              WRITE(stdout, *) '   (2) decrease wannier_plot_radius;'
3366              CALL errore('write_plot', 'Wrong range in plotting WF cube.', 1)
3367            ENDIF
3368          ENDDO
3369        ENDDO
3370      ENDDO
3371      !
3372      ngridwf = ilength(1) * ilength(2) * ilength(3)
3373      IF (loop_w == 1) THEN
3374        ngridwf_max = ngridwf
3375        ALLOCATE(wann_func(ilength(1), ilength(2), ilength(3), npol), STAT = ierr)
3376        IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('write_plot', 'Error allocating wann_func', 1)
3377      ELSE
3378        IF (ngridwf > ngridwf_max) THEN
3379          DEALLOCATE(wann_func, STAT = ierr)
3380          IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('write_plot', 'Error deallocating wann_func', 1)
3381          ALLOCATE(wann_func(ilength(1), ilength(2), ilength(3), npol), STAT = ierr)
3382          IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('write_plot', 'Error allocating wann_func', 1)
3383          ngridwf_max = ngridwf
3384        ENDIF
3385      ENDIF
3386      wann_func(:, :, :, :) = czero
3387      !
3388      DO ik = 1, nks
3389        !
3390        npw = ngk(ik)
3391        xcrys = xk_loc(:, ik)
3392        CALL cryst_to_cart(1, xcrys, at, -1)
3393        IF (noncolin) THEN
3394          psic_nc(:, :) = czero
3395          DO ipol = 1, 2
3396            ispw = 1 + npwx * (ipol - 1)
3397            iepw = npw + npwx * (ipol - 1)
3398            psic_nc(dffts%nl(igk_k(1:npw, ik)), ipol) = rotwf(ispw:iepw, loop_w, ik)
3399            CALL invfft('Wave', psic_nc(:,ipol), dffts)
3400          ENDDO
3401        ELSE
3402          psic(:) = czero
3403          psic(dffts%nl(igk_k(1:npw, ik))) = rotwf(1:npw, loop_w, ik)
3404          CALL invfft('Wave', psic, dffts)
3405        ENDIF
3406        !
3407        IF (reduce_unk) THEN
3408          idx = 0
3409          DO nz = 1, dffts%nr3, 2
3410            DO ny = 1, dffts%nr2, 2
3411              DO nx = 1, dffts%nr1, 2
3412                ipoint = nx + (ny - 1)*dffts%nr1 + (nz - 1)*dffts%nr2*dffts%nr1
3413                idx = idx + 1
3414                IF (noncolin) THEN
3415                  psic_small(idx, 1) = psic_nc(ipoint, 1)
3416                  psic_small(idx, 2) = psic_nc(ipoint, 2)
3417                ELSE
3418                  psic_small(idx, 1) = psic(ipoint)
3419                ENDIF
3420              ENDDO
3421            ENDDO
3422          ENDDO
3423        ENDIF
3424        !
3425        DO nzz = istart(3), iend(3)
3426          nz = MOD(nzz, ngz)
3427          IF (nz < 1) nz = nz + ngz
3428          qzz = nzz - istart(3) + 1
3429          DO nyy = istart(2), iend(2)
3430            ny = MOD(nyy, ngy)
3431            IF (ny < 1) ny = ny + ngy
3432            qyy = nyy - istart(2) + 1
3433            DO nxx = istart(1), iend(1)
3434              nx = MOD(nxx, ngx)
3435              IF (nx < 1) nx = nx + ngx
3436              qxx = nxx - istart(1) + 1
3437              scalfac = xcrys(1) * DBLE(nxx - 1) / DBLE(ngx) + &
3438                        xcrys(2) * DBLE(nyy - 1) / DBLE(ngy) + &
3439                        xcrys(3) * DBLE(nzz - 1) / DBLE(ngz)
3440              ipoint = nx + (ny - 1) * ngx + (nz - 1) * ngy * ngx
3441              catmp = EXP(twopi * ci * scalfac)
3442              IF (.NOT. noncolin) THEN
3443                IF (reduce_unk) THEN
3444                  wann_func(qxx, qyy, qzz, 1) = wann_func(qxx, qyy, qzz, 1) + &
3445                                                psic_small(ipoint, 1) * catmp
3446                ELSE
3447                  wann_func(qxx, qyy, qzz, 1) = wann_func(qxx, qyy, qzz, 1) + &
3448                                                psic(ipoint) * catmp
3449                ENDIF
3450              ELSE
3451                IF (reduce_unk) THEN
3452                  wann_func(qxx, qyy, qzz, 1) = wann_func(qxx, qyy, qzz, 1) + &
3453                                                psic_small(ipoint, 1) * catmp
3454                  wann_func(qxx, qyy, qzz, 2) = wann_func(qxx, qyy, qzz, 2) + &
3455                                                psic_small(ipoint, 2) * catmp
3456                ELSE
3457                  wann_func(qxx, qyy, qzz, 1) = wann_func(qxx, qyy, qzz, 1) + &
3458                                                psic_nc(ipoint, 1) * catmp
3459                  wann_func(qxx, qyy, qzz, 2) = wann_func(qxx, qyy, qzz, 2) + &
3460                                                psic_nc(ipoint, 2) * catmp
3461                ENDIF
3462              ENDIF
3463            ENDDO ! nxx
3464          ENDDO ! nyy
3465        ENDDO ! nzz
3466      ENDDO ! ik
3467      !
3468#if defined(__MPI)
3469      IF (meta_ionode) THEN
3470        CALL MPI_REDUCE( MPI_IN_PLACE, wann_func, 2 * npol * ngridwf_max, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, &
3471                         MPI_SUM, meta_ionode_id, world_comm, ierr )
3472      ELSE
3473        CALL MPI_REDUCE( wann_func, wann_func, 2 * npol * ngridwf_max, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, &
3474                         MPI_SUM, meta_ionode_id, world_comm, ierr )
3475      ENDIF
3476      IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('write_plot', 'mpi_reduce', ierr)
3478      !
3479      IF (meta_ionode) THEN
3480        !
3481        !! [HL] For spinor Wannier functions, the step below is not necessary.
3482        !
3483        IF (.NOT. noncolin) THEN
3484          ! fix the global phase by setting the wannier to
3485          ! be real at the point where it has max. modulus
3486          tmaxx = 0.0d0
3487          wmod = CMPLX(1.0d0, 0.0d0, KIND = DP)
3488          DO nzz = 1, ilength(3)
3489            DO nyy = 1, ilength(2)
3490              DO nxx = 1, ilength(1)
3491                wann_func(nxx, nyy, nzz, 1) = wann_func(nxx, nyy, nzz, 1)/REAL(iknum, KIND = DP)
3492                tmax = REAL(wann_func(nxx, nyy, nzz, 1) * &
3493                            CONJG(wann_func(nxx, nyy, nzz, 1)), KIND = DP)
3494                IF (tmax > tmaxx) THEN
3495                  tmaxx = tmax
3496                  wmod = wann_func(nxx, nyy, nzz, 1)
3497                ENDIF
3498              ENDDO
3499            ENDDO
3500          ENDDO
3501          wmod = wmod / DSQRT(DBLE(wmod)**2 + AIMAG(wmod)**2)
3502          wann_func(:, :, :, :) = wann_func(:, :, :, :) / wmod
3503          !
3504          ! Check the 'reality' of the WF
3505          !
3506          ratmax = 0.0d0
3507          DO nzz = 1, ilength(3)
3508            DO nyy = 1, ilength(2)
3509              DO nxx = 1, ilength(1)
3510                IF (ABS(REAL(wann_func(nxx, nyy, nzz, 1), KIND = DP)) >= 0.01d0) THEN
3511                  ratio = ABS(AIMAG(wann_func(nxx, nyy, nzz, 1))) / &
3512                          ABS(REAL(wann_func(nxx, nyy, nzz, 1), KIND = DP))
3513                  ratmax = MAX(ratmax, ratio)
3514                ENDIF
3515              ENDDO
3516            ENDDO
3517          ENDDO
3518          WRITE (stdout, '(6x,a,i4,7x,a,f11.6)') 'Wannier Function Num: ', &
3519                 wanplotlist(loop_w), 'Maximum Im/Re Ratio = ', ratmax
3520        ELSE
3521          DO nzz = 1, ilength(3)
3522            DO nyy = 1, ilength(2)
3523              DO nxx = 1, ilength(1)
3524                wann_func(nxx, nyy, nzz, 1) = CMPLX(DSQRT( &
3525                  REAL(wann_func(nxx, nyy, nzz, 1) * CONJG(wann_func(nxx, nyy, nzz, 1)), KIND = DP) &
3526                + REAL(wann_func(nxx, nyy, nzz, 2) * CONJG(wann_func(nxx, nyy, nzz, 2)), KIND = DP)) &
3527                / DBLE(iknum), 0.0d0, KIND = DP)
3528              ENDDO
3529            ENDDO
3530          ENDDO
3531        ENDIF
3532        CALL internal_cube_format(loop_w)
3533      ENDIF
3534      CALL mp_barrier(world_comm)
3535    ENDDO ! loop_w
3536    !
3537    DEALLOCATE(wann_func, STAT = ierr)
3538    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('write_plot', 'Error deallocating wann_func', 1)
3539    !
3540    WRITE(stdout, '(/)')
3541    WRITE(stdout, *) ' cube files written'
3542    !
3543    IF (reduce_unk) THEN
3544      DEALLOCATE(psic_small, STAT = ierr)
3545      IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('write_plot', 'Error deallocating psic_small', 1)
3546    ENDIF
3547    DEALLOCATE(u_kc, STAT = ierr)
3548    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('write_plot', 'Error deallocating u_kc', 1)
3549    DEALLOCATE(rotwf, STAT = ierr)
3550    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('write_plot', 'Error deallocating rotwf', 1)
3551    DEALLOCATE(wanplotlist, STAT = ierr)
3552    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('write_plot', 'Error deallocating wanplotlist', 1)
3553    !
3554    CALL stop_clock('write_plot')
3555    !
3556    RETURN
3557    !
3558    CONTAINS
3559      !
3560      !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3561      SUBROUTINE internal_cube_format(loop_w)
3562      !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3563      !!
3564      !! Write WFs in Gaussian cube format.
3565      !!
3566      !! HL 03/2020:
3567      !! Imported and adapted from the same name of subroutine in plot.F90
3568      !! in the directory of src in Wannier90
3569      !!
3570      USE ions_base,        ONLY : nat, tau, ityp, atm, nsp
3571      USE io_var,           ONLY : iun_plot
3572      USE io_files,         ONLY : prefix
3573      !
3575      !
3576      INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: loop_w
3577      !! Index of Wannier functions to plot
3578      CHARACTER(LEN = 60) :: wancube
3579      !! Name of Wannier function cube files
3580      CHARACTER(LEN = 2), DIMENSION(109) :: periodic_table = (/ &
3581           & 'H ', 'He', &
3582           & 'Li', 'Be', 'B ', 'C ', 'N ', 'O ', 'F ', 'Ne', &
3583           & 'Na', 'Mg', 'Al', 'Si', 'P ', 'S ', 'Cl', 'Ar', &
3584           & 'K ', 'Ca', 'Sc', 'Ti', 'V ', 'Cr', 'Mn', 'Fe', 'Co', 'Ni', 'Cu', 'Zn', 'Ga', 'Ge', 'As', 'Se', 'Br', 'Kr', &
3585           & 'Rb', 'Sr', 'Y ', 'Zr', 'Nb', 'Mo', 'Tc', 'Ru', 'Rh', 'Pd', 'Ag', 'Cd', 'In', 'Sn', 'Sb', 'Te', 'I ', 'Xe', &
3586           & 'Cs', 'Ba', &
3587           & 'La', 'Ce', 'Pr', 'Nd', 'Pm', 'Sm', 'Eu', 'Gd', 'Tb', 'Dy', 'Ho', 'Er', 'Tm', 'Yb', 'Lu', &
3588           & 'Hf', 'Ta', 'W ', 'Re', 'Os', 'Ir', 'Pt', 'Au', 'Hg', 'Tl', 'Pb', 'Bi', 'Po', 'At', 'Rn', &
3589           & 'Fr', 'Ra', &
3590           & 'Ac', 'Th', 'Pa', 'U ', 'Np', 'Pu', 'Am', 'Cm', 'Bk', 'Cf', 'Es', 'Fm', 'Md', 'No', 'Lr', &
3591           & 'Rf', 'Db', 'Sg', 'Bh', 'Hs', 'Mt'/)
3592      CHARACTER(LEN = 9) :: cdate
3593      !! Current date
3594      CHARACTER(LEN = 9) :: ctime
3595      !! Current time
3596      INTEGER :: iname
3597      !! Counter on elements
3598      INTEGER :: max_elements
3599      !! Max. of atomic number
3600      INTEGER :: isp
3601      !! Counter on species
3602      INTEGER :: iat
3603      !! Counter on atoms
3604      INTEGER :: icount
3605      !! Counter on atoms within a given radius of Wannier centre
3606      INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: atomic_Z(:)
3607      !! Atomic number
3608      REAL(KIND = DP) :: val_Q
3609      !! Dummy value for cube file
3610      REAL(KIND = DP) :: dist
3611      !! Distance from Wannier centre to atoms
3612      REAL(KIND = DP) :: wcf(3)
3613      !! Wannier centre in fractional coords.
3614      REAL(KIND = DP) :: diff(3)
3615      !! Vector (in fractional coords.) from Wannier centre to "centre of mass"
3616      REAL(KIND = DP) :: difc(3)
3617      !! Temporary difference vector
3618      REAL(KIND = DP) :: xau(3, nat)
3619      !! Atomic positions (in fractional coords.)
3620      !
3621      ALLOCATE(atomic_Z(nsp), STAT = ierr)
3622      IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('internal_cube_format', 'Error allocating atomic_Z', 1)
3623      !
3624      val_Q = 1.0d0 ! dummy value for cube file
3625      !
3626      ! Assign atomic numbers to species
3627      !
3628      max_elements = SIZE(periodic_table)
3629      DO isp = 1, nsp
3630        DO iname = 1, max_elements
3631          IF (atm(isp) == periodic_table(iname)) THEN
3632            atomic_Z(isp) = iname
3633            EXIT
3634          ENDIF
3635        ENDDO
3636      ENDDO
3637      !
3638202   FORMAT(a, '_', i5.5, '.cube')
3639      !
3640      ! Compute the coordinates of each atom in the basis of the
3641      ! direct lattice vectors
3642      !
3643      DO iat = 1, nat
3644        DO ipol = 1, 3
3645          xau(ipol,iat) = bg(1,ipol)*tau(1,iat) + bg(2,ipol)*tau(2,iat) + &
3646                          bg(3,ipol)*tau(3,iat)
3647        ENDDO
3648      ENDDO
3649      !
3650      wann_index = wanplotlist(loop_w)
3651      WRITE(wancube, 202) TRIM(prefix), wann_index
3652      IF (iverbosity == 1) THEN
3653        WRITE(stdout, '(a,i12)') 'loop_w  =', loop_w
3654        WRITE(stdout, '(a,3i12)') 'ngi     =', ngx, ngy, ngz
3655        WRITE(stdout, '(a,3f12.6)') 'dgrid   =', (dgrid(i), i=1, 3)
3656        WRITE(stdout, '(a,3f12.6)') 'rstart  =', (rstart(i), i=1, 3)
3657        WRITE(stdout, '(a,3f12.6)') 'rend    =', (rend(i), i=1, 3)
3658        WRITE(stdout, '(a,3f12.6)') 'rlength =', (rlength(i), i=1, 3)
3659        WRITE(stdout, '(a,3i12)') 'istart  =', (istart(i), i=1, 3)
3660        WRITE(stdout, '(a,3i12)') 'iend    =', (iend(i), i=1, 3)
3661        WRITE(stdout, '(a,3i12)') 'ilength =', (ilength(i), i=1, 3)
3662        WRITE(stdout, '(a,3f12.6)') 'orig    =', (orig(i), i=1, 3)
3663        WRITE(stdout, '(a,3f12.6)') 'wann_cen=', (wann_centers(i, wann_index), i=1, 3)
3664      ENDIF
3665      !
3666      ! WF centre in fractional coordinates
3667      !
3668      wcf(:) = wann_centers(:, wann_index) / bohr / alat
3669      CALL cryst_to_cart(1, wcf(:), bg, -1)
3670      !
3671      IF (iverbosity == 1) THEN
3672        WRITE(stdout, '(a,3f12.6)') 'wcf     =', (wcf(i), i=1, 3)
3673      ENDIF
3674      !
3675      icount = 0
3676      DO iat = 1, nat
3677        DO nzz = -ngs(3)/2, (ngs(3) + 1)/2
3678          DO nyy = -ngs(2)/2, (ngs(2) + 1)/2
3679            DO nxx = -ngs(1)/2, (ngs(1) + 1)/2
3680              diff(:) = xau(:, iat) - wcf(:) &
3681                        + (/REAL(nxx, KIND = DP), REAL(nyy, KIND = DP), REAL(nzz, KIND = DP)/)
3682              difc(:) = diff(:)
3683              CALL cryst_to_cart(1, difc(:), at, 1)
3684              dist = DSQRT(difc(1)*difc(1) + difc(2)*difc(2) + difc(3)*difc(3)) * alat
3685              IF (dist < (wannier_plot_scale * wannier_plot_radius / bohr)) THEN
3686                icount = icount + 1
3687              ENDIF
3688            ENDDO
3689          ENDDO
3690        ENDDO
3691      ENDDO ! iat
3692      IF (iverbosity == 1) WRITE(stdout, '(a,i12)') 'icount  =', icount
3693      !
3694      ! Write cube file (everything in Bohr)
3695      !
3696      OPEN(UNIT = iun_plot, FILE=TRIM(wancube), FORM='formatted', STATUS='unknown')
3697      CALL date_and_tim(cdate, ctime )
3698      ! First two lines are comments
3699      WRITE(iun_plot, *) '     Generated by EPW code'
3700      WRITE(iun_plot, *) '     On ', cdate, ' at ', ctime
3701      ! Number of atoms, origin of cube (Cartesians) wrt simulation (home) cell
3702      WRITE(iun_plot, '(i4,3f13.5)') icount, orig(1), orig(2), orig(3)
3703      !
3704      ! Number of grid points in each direction, lattice vector
3705      !
3706      WRITE(iun_plot, '(i4,3f13.5)') ilength(1), &
3707                                     at(1, 1) * alat / (REAL(ngx, KIND = DP)), &
3708                                     at(2, 1) * alat / (REAL(ngx, KIND = DP)), &
3709                                     at(3, 1) * alat / (REAL(ngx, KIND = DP))
3710      WRITE(iun_plot, '(i4,3f13.5)') ilength(2), &
3711                                     at(1, 2) * alat / (REAL(ngy, KIND = DP)), &
3712                                     at(2, 2) * alat / (REAL(ngy, KIND = DP)), &
3713                                     at(3, 2) * alat / (REAL(ngy, KIND = DP))
3714      WRITE(iun_plot, '(i4,3f13.5)') ilength(3), &
3715                                     at(1, 3) * alat / (REAL(ngz, KIND = DP)), &
3716                                     at(2, 3) * alat / (REAL(ngz, KIND = DP)), &
3717                                     at(3, 3) * alat / (REAL(ngz, KIND = DP))
3718      !
3719      DO iat = 1, nat
3720        DO nzz = -ngs(3)/2, (ngs(3) + 1)/2
3721          DO nyy = -ngs(2)/2, (ngs(2) + 1)/2
3722            DO nxx = -ngs(1)/2, (ngs(1) + 1)/2
3723              diff(:) = xau(:, iat) - wcf(:) &
3724                        + (/REAL(nxx, KIND = DP), REAL(nyy, KIND = DP), REAL(nzz, KIND = DP)/)
3725              difc(:) = diff(:)
3726              CALL cryst_to_cart(1, difc(:), at, 1)
3727              dist = DSQRT(difc(1) * difc(1) + difc(2) * difc(2) + difc(3) * difc(3)) * alat
3728              IF (dist < (wannier_plot_scale * wannier_plot_radius / bohr)) THEN
3729                diff(:) = xau(:, iat) &
3730                          + (/REAL(nxx, KIND = DP), REAL(nyy, KIND = DP), REAL(nzz, KIND = DP)/)
3731                difc(:) = diff(:)
3732                CALL cryst_to_cart(1, difc(:), at, 1)
3733                difc(:) = difc(:) * alat
3734                WRITE(iun_plot, '(i4,4f13.5)') atomic_Z(ityp(iat)), val_Q, (difc(i), i=1, 3)
3735              ENDIF
3736            ENDDO
3737          ENDDO
3738        ENDDO
3739      ENDDO ! iat
3740      !
3741      ! Volumetric data in batches of 6 values per line, 'z'-direction first.
3742      !
3743      DO nxx = 1, ilength(1)
3744        DO nyy = 1, ilength(2)
3745          DO nzz = 1, ilength(3)
3746            WRITE(iun_plot, '(E13.5)', ADVANCE = 'no') REAL(wann_func(nxx,nyy,nzz,1), KIND = DP)
3747            IF ((MOD(nzz, 6) == 0) .OR. (nzz == ilength(3))) WRITE(iun_plot, '(a)') ''
3748          ENDDO
3749        ENDDO
3750      ENDDO
3751      !
3752      CLOSE(iun_plot)
3753      !
3754      DEALLOCATE(atomic_Z, STAT = ierr)
3755      IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('internal_cube_format', 'Error deallocating atomic_Z', 1)
3756      !
3757      RETURN
3758      !
3759      END SUBROUTINE internal_cube_format
3760      !
3761    !------------------------------------------------------------------------
3762    END SUBROUTINE write_plot
3763    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3764    !
3765    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3766    SUBROUTINE ylm_expansion()
3767    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3768    !!
3769    !! Expansion
3770    !!
3771    USE kinds,         ONLY : DP
3772    USE random_numbers,ONLY : randy
3773    USE wannierEPW,       ONLY : n_proj, xaxis, zaxis, csph, l_w, mr_w
3774    USE matrix_inversion, ONLY: invmat
3775    USE constants_epw, ONLY : zero
3776    !
3778    !
3779    ! local variables
3780    INTEGER, PARAMETER :: lmax2 = 16
3781    !!
3782    INTEGER ::  i
3783    !! Couter on polarizations
3784    INTEGER ::  ir
3785    !! Counter on spherical harmonics
3786    INTEGER :: iw
3787    !! Counter on wannier projections
3788    INTEGER :: ierr
3789    !! Error status
3790    !
3791    REAL(KIND = DP) :: u(3, 3)
3792    !!
3793    REAL(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: r(:, :)
3794    !!
3795    REAL(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: rr(:)
3796    !!
3797    REAL(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: rp(:, :)
3798    !!
3799    REAL(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: ylm_w(:)
3800    !!
3801    REAL(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: ylm(:, :)
3802    !!
3803    REAL(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: mly(:, :)
3804    !!
3805    !
3806    ALLOCATE(r(3, lmax2), STAT = ierr)
3807    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('ylm_expansion', 'Error allocating r', 1)
3808    ALLOCATE(rp(3, lmax2), STAT = ierr)
3809    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('ylm_expansion', 'Error allocating rp', 1)
3810    ALLOCATE(rr(lmax2), STAT = ierr)
3811    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('ylm_expansion', 'Error allocating rr', 1)
3812    ALLOCATE(ylm_w(lmax2), STAT = ierr)
3813    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('ylm_expansion', 'Error allocating ylm_w', 1)
3814    ALLOCATE(ylm(lmax2, lmax2), STAT = ierr)
3815    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('ylm_expansion', 'Error allocating ylm', 1)
3816    ALLOCATE(mly(lmax2, lmax2), STAT = ierr)
3817    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('ylm_expansion', 'Error allocating mly', 1)
3818    r(:, :) = zero
3819    rr(:) = zero
3820    rp(:, :) = zero
3821    ylm_w(:) = zero
3822    ylm(:, :) = zero
3823    mly(:, :) = zero
3824    !
3825    ! generate a set of nr=lmax2 random vectors
3826    DO ir = 1, lmax2
3827      DO i = 1, 3
3828        r(i, ir) = randy() - 0.5d0
3829      ENDDO
3830    ENDDO
3831    rr(:) = r(1, :) * r(1, :) + r(2, :) * r(2, :) + r(3, :) * r(3, :)
3832    !- compute ylm(ir,lm)
3833    CALL ylmr2(lmax2, lmax2, r, rr, ylm)
3834    !- store the inverse of ylm(ir,lm) in mly(lm,ir)
3835    CALL invmat(lmax2, ylm, mly)
3836    !- check that r points are independent
3837    CALL check_inverse(lmax2, ylm, mly)
3838    !
3839    DO iw = 1, n_proj
3840      !
3841      !- define the u matrix that rotate the reference frame
3842      CALL set_u_matrix(xaxis(:, iw), zaxis(:, iw), u)
3843      !- find rotated r-vectors
3844      rp(:, :) = MATMUL(u(:, :), r(:, :))
3845      !- set ylm funtion according to wannier90 (l,mr) indexing in the rotaterd points
3846      CALL ylm_wannier(ylm_w, l_w(iw), mr_w(iw), rp, lmax2)
3847      !
3848      csph(:, iw) = MATMUL(mly(:, :), ylm_w(:))
3849      !
3850      !
3851    ENDDO
3852    !
3853    DEALLOCATE(r, STAT = ierr)
3854    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('ylm_expansion', 'Error deallocating r', 1)
3855    DEALLOCATE(rp, STAT = ierr)
3856    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('ylm_expansion', 'Error deallocating rp', 1)
3857    DEALLOCATE(rr, STAT = ierr)
3858    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('ylm_expansion', 'Error deallocating rr', 1)
3859    DEALLOCATE(ylm_w, STAT = ierr)
3860    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('ylm_expansion', 'Error deallocating ylm_w', 1)
3861    DEALLOCATE(ylm, STAT = ierr)
3862    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('ylm_expansion', 'Error deallocating ylm', 1)
3863    DEALLOCATE(mly, STAT = ierr)
3864    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('ylm_expansion', 'Error deallocating mly', 1)
3865    !
3866    RETURN
3867    !
3868    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3869    END SUBROUTINE ylm_expansion
3870    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3871    !
3872    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3873    SUBROUTINE check_inverse(lmax2, ylm, mly)
3874    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3875    !!
3876    !! Check the inverse
3877    !!
3878    USE kinds,     ONLY : DP
3879    USE constants_epw, ONLY : zero, eps8
3880    !
3882    !
3883    ! I/O variables
3884    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: lmax2
3885    !!
3886    REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(in) :: ylm(lmax2, lmax2)
3887    !!
3888    REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(in) :: mly(lmax2, lmax2)
3889    !!
3890    !
3891    ! local variables
3892    INTEGER :: lm
3893    !! Counter on spherical harmonics
3894    INTEGER :: ierr
3895    !! Error status
3896    REAL(KIND = DP) :: capel
3897    !!
3898    REAL(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: uno(:, :)
3899    !!
3900    !
3901    ALLOCATE(uno(lmax2, lmax2), STAT = ierr)
3902    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('check_inverse', 'Error allocating uno', 1)
3903    uno(:, :) = zero
3904    !
3905    uno = MATMUL(mly, ylm)
3906    capel = zero
3907    DO lm = 1, lmax2
3908      uno(lm, lm) = uno(lm, lm) - 1.d0
3909    ENDDO
3910    capel = capel + SUM(ABS(uno(1:lmax2, 1:lmax2)))
3911    IF (capel > eps8) CALL errore('ylm_expansion', &
3912                     'Inversion failed: r(*, 1:nr) are not all independent!!', 1)
3913    DEALLOCATE(uno, STAT = ierr)
3914    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('check_inverse', 'Error deallocating uno', 1)
3915    !
3916    RETURN
3917    !
3918    !------------------------------------------------------------------------
3919    END SUBROUTINE check_inverse
3920    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3921    !
3922    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3923    SUBROUTINE set_u_matrix(x, z, u)
3924    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3925    !!
3926    !! Set the U matrix
3927    !!
3928    USE kinds,     ONLY : DP
3929    USE constants_epw, ONLY : eps8
3930    !
3932    !
3933    ! I/O variables
3934    REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(in) :: x(3)
3935    !!
3936    REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(in) :: z(3)
3937    !!
3938    REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(out) :: u(3, 3)
3939    !!
3940    ! local variables
3941    REAL(KIND = DP) :: coseno
3942    !! cosine between x(3) and z(3)
3943    REAL(KIND = DP) :: xx
3944    !! Norm of x(3)
3945    REAL(KIND = DP) :: zz
3946    !! Norm of z(3)
3947    REAL(KIND = DP) :: y(3)
3948    !!
3949    !
3950    xx = DSQRT(SUM(x(:) * x(:)))
3951    IF (xx < eps8) CALL errore('set_u_matrix', '|xaxis| < eps8', 1)
3952    !
3953    zz = DSQRT(SUM(z(:) * z(:)))
3954    IF (zz < eps8) CALL errore ('set_u_matrix', '|zaxis| < eps8', 1)
3955    !
3956    coseno = SUM(x(:) * z(:)) / xx / zz
3957    IF (ABS(coseno) > eps8) CALL errore('set_u_matrix', 'xaxis and zaxis are not orthogonal!', 1)
3958    !
3959    y(1) = (z(2) * x(3) - x(2) * z(3)) / xx / zz
3960    y(2) = (z(3) * x(1) - x(3) * z(1)) / xx / zz
3961    y(3) = (z(1) * x(2) - x(1) * z(2)) / xx / zz
3962    !
3963    u(1, :) = x(:) / xx
3964    u(2, :) = y(:)
3965    u(3, :) = z(:) / zz
3966    !
3967    !
3968    RETURN
3969    !
3970    !------------------------------------------------------------------------
3971    END SUBROUTINE set_u_matrix
3972    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3973    !
3974    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3975    SUBROUTINE ylm_wannier(ylm, l, mr, r, nr)
3976    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3977    !!
3978    !! This routine returns in ylm(r) the values at the nr points r(1:3,1:nr)
3979    !! of the spherical harmonic identified  by indices (l,mr)
3980    !! in table 3.1 of the wannierf90 specification.
3981    !!
3982    !! No reference to the particular ylm ordering internal to quantum-espresso
3983    !! is assumed.
3984    !!
3985    !! If ordering in wannier90 code is changed or extended this should be the
3986    !! only place to be modified accordingly
3987    !!
3988    USE kinds,         ONLY : DP
3989    USE constants_epw, ONLY : pibytwo, eps8
3990    USE constants,     ONLY : pi
3991    USE low_lvl,       ONLY : fy3x2my2, fxx2m3y2, fxx2m3y2, fxyz, fzx2my2, &
3992                              fyz2, fxz2, fz3, dxy, dx2my2, dyz, dxz, dz2, &
3993                              p_z, py, px, s
3994    !
3996    !
3997    ! I/O variables
3998    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: l, mr
3999    !! quantum numbers
4000    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nr
4001    !!
4002    !
4003    REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(in) :: r(3, nr)
4004    !!
4005    REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(out) :: ylm(nr)
4006    !! spherical harmonics
4007    !
4008    ! local variables
4009    INTEGER :: ir
4010    !!
4011    REAL(KIND = DP) :: rr
4012    !!
4013    REAL(KIND = DP) :: cost
4014    !!
4015    REAL(KIND = DP) :: phi
4016    !!
4017    REAL(KIND = DP) :: bs2, bs3, bs6, bs12
4018    !! Inverse DSQRT of 2, 3, 6, and 12
4019    !
4020    bs2  = 1.d0 / DSQRT(2.d0)
4021    bs3  = 1.d0 / DSQRT(3.d0)
4022    bs6  = 1.d0 / DSQRT(6.d0)
4023    bs12 = 1.d0 / DSQRT(12.d0)
4024    !
4025    IF (l > 3 .OR. l < -5) CALL errore('ylm_wannier', 'l out of range ', 1)
4026    IF (l >= 0) THEN
4027      IF (mr < 1 .OR. mr > 2 * l + 1) CALL errore('ylm_wannier', 'mr out of range' ,1)
4028    ELSE
4029      IF (mr < 1 .OR. mr > ABS(l) + 1 ) CALL errore('ylm_wannier', 'mr out of range', 1)
4030    ENDIF
4031    !
4032    DO ir  = 1, nr
4033      rr = DSQRT(SUM(r(:, ir) * r(:, ir)))
4034      IF (rr < eps8) CALL errore('ylm_wannier', 'rr too small', 1)
4035      !
4036      cost =  r(3, ir) / rr
4037      !
4038      !  beware the arc tan, it is defined modulo pi
4039      !
4040      IF (r(1, ir) > eps8) THEN
4041        phi = ATAN(r(2, ir) / r(1, ir))
4042      ELSEIF (r(1, ir) < -eps8) THEN
4043        phi = ATAN(r(2, ir) / r(1, ir)) + pi
4044      ELSE
4045        phi = SIGN(pibytwo, r(2, ir))
4046      ENDIF
4047      !
4048      IF (l == 0) THEN ! s orbital
4049        ylm(ir) = s()
4050      ENDIF
4051      IF (l == 1) THEN   ! p orbitals
4052        IF (mr == 1) ylm(ir) = p_z(cost)
4053        IF (mr == 2) ylm(ir) = px(cost, phi)
4054        IF (mr == 3) ylm(ir) = py(cost, phi)
4055      ENDIF
4056      IF (l == 2) THEN   ! d orbitals
4057        IF (mr == 1) ylm(ir) = dz2(cost)
4058        IF (mr == 2) ylm(ir) = dxz(cost, phi)
4059        IF (mr == 3) ylm(ir) = dyz(cost, phi)
4060        IF (mr == 4) ylm(ir) = dx2my2(cost, phi)
4061        IF (mr == 5) ylm(ir) = dxy(cost, phi)
4062      ENDIF
4063      IF (l == 3) THEN   ! f orbitals
4064        IF (mr == 1) ylm(ir) = fz3(cost)
4065        IF (mr == 2) ylm(ir) = fxz2(cost, phi)
4066        IF (mr == 3) ylm(ir) = fyz2(cost, phi)
4067        IF (mr == 4) ylm(ir) = fzx2my2(cost, phi)
4068        IF (mr == 5) ylm(ir) = fxyz(cost, phi)
4069        IF (mr == 6) ylm(ir) = fxx2m3y2(cost, phi)
4070        IF (mr == 7) ylm(ir) = fy3x2my2(cost, phi)
4071      ENDIF
4072      IF (l == -1) THEN  !  sp hybrids
4073        IF (mr == 1) ylm(ir) = bs2 * (s() + px(cost, phi))
4074        IF (mr == 2) ylm(ir) = bs2 * (s() - px(cost, phi))
4075      ENDIF
4076      IF (l == -2) THEN  !  sp2 hybrids
4077        IF (mr == 1) ylm(ir) = bs3 * s() - bs6 * px(cost, phi) + bs2 * py(cost, phi)
4078        IF (mr == 2) ylm(ir) = bs3 * s() - bs6 * px(cost, phi) - bs2 * py(cost, phi)
4079        IF (mr == 3) ylm(ir) = bs3 * s() + 2.d0 *bs6 * px(cost, phi)
4080      ENDIF
4081      IF (l == -3) THEN  !  sp3 hybrids
4082        IF (mr == 1) ylm(ir) = 0.5d0 *(s() + px(cost, phi) + py(cost, phi) + p_z(cost))
4083        IF (mr == 2) ylm(ir) = 0.5d0 *(s() + px(cost, phi) - py(cost, phi) - p_z(cost))
4084        IF (mr == 3) ylm(ir) = 0.5d0 *(s() - px(cost, phi) + py(cost, phi) - p_z(cost))
4085        IF (mr == 4) ylm(ir) = 0.5d0 *(s() - px(cost, phi) - py(cost, phi) + p_z(cost))
4086      ENDIF
4087      IF (l == -4) THEN  !  sp3d hybrids
4088        IF (mr == 1) ylm(ir) = bs3 * s() -bs6 * px(cost, phi) + bs2 * py(cost, phi)
4089        IF (mr == 2) ylm(ir) = bs3 * s() -bs6 * px(cost, phi) - bs2 * py(cost, phi)
4090        IF (mr == 3) ylm(ir) = bs3 * s() +2.d0 * bs6 * px(cost, phi)
4091        IF (mr == 4) ylm(ir) = bs2 * p_z(cost) + bs2 * dz2(cost)
4092        IF (mr == 5) ylm(ir) =-bs2 * p_z(cost) + bs2 * dz2(cost)
4093      ENDIF
4094      IF (l == -5) THEN  ! sp3d2 hybrids
4095        IF (mr == 1) ylm(ir) = bs6 *s() - bs2 * px(cost, phi) - bs12 * dz2(cost) + .5 * dx2my2(cost, phi)
4096        IF (mr == 2) ylm(ir) = bs6 *s() + bs2 * px(cost, phi) - bs12 * dz2(cost) + .5 * dx2my2(cost, phi)
4097        IF (mr == 3) ylm(ir) = bs6 *s() - bs2 * py(cost, phi) - bs12 * dz2(cost) - .5 * dx2my2(cost, phi)
4098        IF (mr == 4) ylm(ir) = bs6 *s() + bs2 * py(cost, phi) - bs12 * dz2(cost) - .5 * dx2my2(cost, phi)
4099        IF (mr == 5) ylm(ir) = bs6 *s() - bs2 * p_z(cost) + bs3 * dz2(cost)
4100        IF (mr == 6) ylm(ir) = bs6 *s() + bs2 * p_z(cost) + bs3 * dz2(cost)
4101      ENDIF
4102      !
4103    ENDDO
4104    !
4105    RETURN
4106    !
4107    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
4108    END SUBROUTINE ylm_wannier
4109    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
4110    !
4111    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
4112    SUBROUTINE radialpart(ng, q, alfa, rvalue, lmax, radial)
4113    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
4114    !!
4115    !! This routine computes a table with the radial Fourier transform
4116    !! of the radial functions.
4117    !!
4118    USE kinds,     ONLY : DP
4119    USE constants, ONLY : fpi
4120    USE cell_base, ONLY : omega
4121    USE constants_epw, ONLY : zero
4122    !
4124    !
4125    ! I/O
4126    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ng
4127    !! Number of plane waves
4128    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: rvalue
4129    !!
4130    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: lmax
4131    !! Maxium angular momentum
4132    !
4133    REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(in) :: alfa
4134    !!
4135    REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(in) :: q(ng)
4136    !!
4137    REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(out) :: radial(ng, 0:lmax)
4138    !!
4139    !
4140    ! local variables
4141    INTEGER :: l
4142    !! Counter on angular momentum
4143    INTEGER :: ig
4144    !! Counter on plane waves
4145    INTEGER :: ir
4146    !! Counter on mesh_r
4147    INTEGER :: mesh_r
4148    !! Size of the radial FFT mesh
4149    INTEGER :: ierr
4150    !! Error status
4151    !
4152    REAL(KIND = DP), PARAMETER :: xmin = -6.d0
4153    !!
4154    REAL(KIND = DP), PARAMETER :: dx = 0.025d0
4155    !!
4156    REAL(KIND = DP), PARAMETER :: rmax = 10.d0
4157    !!
4158    REAL(KIND = DP) :: rad_int
4159    !!
4160    REAL(KIND = DP) :: pref
4161    !!
4162    REAL(KIND = DP) :: x
4163    !!
4164    REAL(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: bes(:)
4165    !!
4166    REAL(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: func_r(:)
4167    !!
4168    REAL(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: r(:)
4169    !!
4170    REAL(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: rij(:)
4171    !!
4172    REAL(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE :: aux(:)
4173    !!
4174    !
4175    mesh_r = NINT((log(rmax) - xmin) / dx + 1)
4176    !
4177    ALLOCATE(bes(mesh_r), STAT = ierr)
4178    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('radialpart', 'Error allocating bes', 1)
4179    ALLOCATE(func_r(mesh_r), STAT = ierr)
4180    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('radialpart', 'Error allocating func_r', 1)
4181    ALLOCATE(r(mesh_r), STAT = ierr)
4182    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('radialpart', 'Error allocating r', 1)
4183    ALLOCATE(rij(mesh_r), STAT = ierr)
4184    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('radialpart', 'Error allocating rij', 1)
4185    ALLOCATE(aux(mesh_r), STAT = ierr)
4186    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('radialpart', 'Error allocating aux', 1)
4187    bes(:) = zero
4188    func_r(:) = zero
4189    r(:) = zero
4190    rij(:) = zero
4191    aux(:) = zero
4192    !
4193    ! compute the radial mesh
4194    !
4195    DO ir = 1, mesh_r
4196      x = xmin  + DBLE(ir - 1) * dx
4197      r(ir) = EXP(x) / alfa
4198      rij(ir) = dx  * r(ir)
4199    ENDDO
4200    !
4201    IF (rvalue == 1) func_r(:) = 2.d0 * alfa**(3.d0 / 2.d0) * EXP(-alfa * r(:))
4202    IF (rvalue == 2) func_r(:) = 1.d0 / DSQRT(8.d0) * alfa**(3.d0 / 2.d0) * &
4203                                (2.0d0 - alfa * r(:)) * EXP(-alfa * r(:) * 0.5d0)
4204    IF (rvalue == 3) func_r(:) = DSQRT(4.d0 / 27.d0) * alfa**(2.0d0 / 3.0d0) * &
4205                                (1.d0 - 1.5d0 * alfa * r(:) + &
4206                                2.d0 * (alfa * r(:))**2 / 27.d0) * &
4207                                EXP(-alfa * r(:) / 3.0d0)
4208    pref = fpi / DSQRT(omega)
4209    !
4210    DO l = 0, lmax
4211      DO ig = 1, ng
4212        CALL sph_bes(mesh_r, r(1), q(ig), l, bes)
4213        aux(:) = bes(:) * func_r(:) * r(:) * r(:)
4214        CALL simpson(mesh_r, aux, rij, rad_int)
4215        radial(ig, l) = rad_int * pref
4216      ENDDO
4217    ENDDO
4218    !
4219    DEALLOCATE(bes, STAT = ierr)
4220    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('radialpart', 'Error deallocating bes', 1)
4221    DEALLOCATE(func_r, STAT = ierr)
4222    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('radialpart', 'Error deallocating func_r', 1)
4223    DEALLOCATE(r, STAT = ierr)
4224    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('radialpart', 'Error deallocating r', 1)
4225    DEALLOCATE(rij, STAT = ierr)
4226    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('radialpart', 'Error deallocating rij', 1)
4227    DEALLOCATE(aux, STAT = ierr)
4228    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('radialpart', 'Error deallocating aux', 1)
4229    !
4230    RETURN
4231    !
4232    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
4233    END SUBROUTINE radialpart
4234    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
4235  !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4236  END MODULE pw2wan2epw
4237  !------------------------------------------------------------------------------