1  !
2  ! Copyright (C) 2010-2019 Samuel Ponce', Roxana Margine, Carla Verdi, Feliciano Giustino
3  ! Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Jesse Noffsinger, Brad Malone, Feliciano Giustino
4  !
5  ! This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
6  ! License. See the file `LICENSE' in the root directory of the
7  ! present distribution, or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft.gpl.txt .
8  !
9  !----------------------------------------------------------------------
10  MODULE wigner
11  !----------------------------------------------------------------------
12  !!
13  !! This module contains all the routines linked creation of Wigner-Seitz cell
14  !!
16  !
18    !-----------------------------------------------------------------
19    SUBROUTINE wigner_seitz_wrap(nkc1, nkc2, nkc3, nqc1, nqc2, nqc3, &
20                                 irvec_k,  irvec_q,  irvec_g,  &
21                                 ndegen_k, ndegen_q, ndegen_g, &
22                                 wslen_k,  wslen_q,  wslen_g,  &
23                                 w_centers, dims, tau, dims2)
24    !-----------------------------------------------------------------
25    !!
26    !! June 2018 - SP - CV
27    !!
28    !! This routine wrap the call to three Wigner-Seitz routines:
29    !!   wigner_seitzk : Contruct a grid of points that fall inside of (and eventually
30    !!                   on the surface of) the Wigner-Seitz supercell centered on the
31    !!                   origin of the Bravais lattice. Use for electronic properties.
32    !!   wigner_seitzq : Creates a set of WS vectors for each pair of atoms tau(nb)-tau(na)
33    !!                   On exiting, ndegen_q contains the degeneracies of each pairs
34    !!                   of atoms while irvec_q contains the minimal communal sets of WS vectors.
35    !!                   Used for phonon properties
36    !!   wigner_seitzg : Creates a set of WS vector for each atoms tau(na).
37    !!                   On exiting, ndegen_g contains the degeneracies of each atoms
38    !!                   while irvec_g contains the minimal communal sets of WS vectors.
39    !!                   Used for electron-phonon properties.
40    !!
41    !! Note 1: ndegen_k is always > 0 while ndegen_q and ndegen_g might contains 0 weigths.
42    !! Note 2: No sorting of vectors is needed anymore
43    !! Note 3: The dimension 20*nkc1*nkc2*nkc3 should be safe enough.
44    !! Note 4: The Wigner-Seitz construction in EPW was done by constructing a cell
45    !!         centred unit cell. This is fine for electronic properties (this is what is done in wannier90).
46    !!         However for phonon or electron-phonon properties, one can have issues when the cell
47    !!         is tilted for example.
48    !!         The proper way is to construct a set of WS vectors centred on pairs of atoms (phonons)
49    !!         or atoms (el-ph).
50    !!         In the matdyn code, a FT grid is constructed with weights centred on pairs of atoms
51    !!         and zeros everywhere else.
52    !!         EPW now reproduced exactly the results of matdyn for the interpolated phonons at a
53    !!         lower computation cost. Indeed we minimize the number of zeros by keeping the union
54    !!         of values between all the cells.
55    !!         In both cases this is very fast anyway but is important for el-ph properties.
56    !!
57    !-----------------------------------------------------------------
58    USE kinds,     ONLY : DP
59    !
61    !
62    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nkc1
63    !! size of the uniform k mesh
64    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nkc2
65    !! size of the uniform k mesh
66    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nkc3
67    !! size of the uniform k mesh
68    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nqc1
69    !! size of the uniform q mesh
70    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nqc2
71    !! size of the uniform q mesh
72    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nqc3
73    !! size of the uniform q mesh
74    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: dims
75    !! Number of bands in the Wannier space
76    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: dims2
77    !! Number of atoms
78    INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(out) :: irvec_k(:, :)
79    !! INTEGER components of the ir-th Wigner-Seitz grid point in the basis
80    !! of the lattice vectors for electrons
81    INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(out) :: irvec_q(:, :)
82    !! INTEGER components of the ir-th Wigner-Seitz grid point for phonons
83    INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(out) :: irvec_g(:, :)
84    !! INTEGER components of the ir-th Wigner-Seitz grid point for electron-phonon
85    INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(out) :: ndegen_k(:, :, :)
86    !! Wigner-Seitz number of degenerescence (weights) for the electrons grid
87    INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(out) :: ndegen_q(:, :, :)
88    !! Wigner-Seitz weights for the phonon grid that depend on
89    !! atomic positions $R + \tau(nb) - \tau(na)$
90    INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(out) :: ndegen_g(:, :, :, :)
91    !! Wigner-Seitz weights for the electron-phonon grid that depend on
92    !! atomic positions $R - \tau(na)$
93    REAL(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(out) :: wslen_k(:)
94    !! real-space length for electrons, in units of alat
95    REAL(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(out) :: wslen_q(:)
96    !! real-space length for phonons, in units of alat
97    REAL(KIND = DP), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(out) :: wslen_g(:)
98    !! real-space length for electron-phonons, in units of alat
99    REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(in) :: w_centers(3, dims)
100    !! Wannier centers used for the creation of electron and el-ph WS cells
101    REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(in) :: tau(3, dims2)
102    !! Atomic position in the unit cell.
103    !
104    ! Work Variables
105    INTEGER :: ir
106    !! Index for WS vectors
107    INTEGER :: nrr_k
108    !! maximum number of WS vectors for the electrons
109    INTEGER :: nrr_q
110    !! maximum number of WS vectors for the phonons
111    INTEGER :: nrr_g
112    !! maximum number of WS vectors for the electron-phonon
113    INTEGER :: ierr
114    !! Error status
115    INTEGER :: irvec_kk (3, 20 * nkc1 * nkc2 * nkc3)
116    !! local INTEGER components of the ir-th Wigner-Seitz grid point
117    !! in the basis of the lattice vectors for electrons
118    INTEGER :: irvec_qq(3, 20 * nqc1 * nqc2 * nqc3)
119    !! local INTEGER components of the ir-th Wigner-Seitz grid point for phonons
120    INTEGER :: irvec_gg(3, 20 * nqc1 * nqc2 * nqc3)
121    !! local INTEGER components of the ir-th Wigner-Seitz grid point for electron-phonons
122    !! We use nkc1 instead of nqc1 because the k-grid is always larger or equal to q-grid.
123    INTEGER :: ndegen_kk(20 * nkc1 * nkc2 * nkc3, dims, dims)
124    !! local Wigner-Seitz number of degenerescence (weights) for the electrons grid
125    INTEGER :: ndegen_qq(20 * nqc1 * nqc2 * nqc3, dims2, dims2)
126    !! local Wigner-Seitz number of degenerescence (weights) for the phonons grid
127    INTEGER :: ndegen_gg(20 * nqc1 * nqc2 * nqc3, dims2, dims, dims)
128    !! local Wigner-Seitz number of degenerescence (weights) for the electron-phonons grid
129    REAL(KIND = DP) :: wslen_kk(20 * nkc1 * nkc2 * nkc3)
130    !! local real-space length for electrons, in units of alat
131    REAL(KIND = DP) :: wslen_qq(20 * nqc1 * nqc2 * nqc3)
132    !! local real-space length for phonons, in units of alat
133    REAL(KIND = DP) :: wslen_gg(20 * nqc1 * nqc2 * nqc3)
134    !! local real-space length for electron-phonon, in units of alat
135    !
136    !  Check the bounds
137    IF (nqc1 > nkc1 .OR. nqc2 > nkc2 .OR. nqc3 > nkc3 ) call errore &
138       ('wigner_seitz_wrap', ' the phonon grid should be smaller than electron grid', 1)
139    !
140    ! Now generated the un-sorted points for the electrons, phonons and electron-phonon
141    !
142    ! If dims > 1, it includes the position of Wannier-Centers
143    CALL wigner_seitzkq(nkc1, nkc2, nkc3, irvec_kk, ndegen_kk, wslen_kk, nrr_k, w_centers, dims)
144    CALL wigner_seitzkq(nqc1, nqc2, nqc3, irvec_qq, ndegen_qq, wslen_qq, nrr_q, tau, dims2)
145    CALL wigner_seitzg(nqc1, nqc2, nqc3, irvec_gg, ndegen_gg, wslen_gg, nrr_g, w_centers, tau, dims, dims2)
146    !
147    ALLOCATE(irvec_k(3, nrr_k), STAT = ierr)
148    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('wigner_seitz_wrap', 'Error allocating irvec_k', 1)
149    ALLOCATE(irvec_q(3, nrr_q), STAT = ierr)
150    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('wigner_seitz_wrap', 'Error allocating irvec_q', 1)
151    ALLOCATE(irvec_g(3, nrr_g), STAT = ierr)
152    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('wigner_seitz_wrap', 'Error allocating irvec_g', 1)
153    ALLOCATE(ndegen_k(nrr_k, dims, dims), STAT = ierr)
154    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('wigner_seitz_wrap', 'Error allocating ndegen_k', 1)
155    ALLOCATE(ndegen_q(nrr_q, dims2, dims2), STAT = ierr)
156    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('wigner_seitz_wrap', 'Error allocating ndegen_q', 1)
157    ALLOCATE(ndegen_g(nrr_g, dims2, dims, dims), STAT = ierr)
158    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('wigner_seitz_wrap', 'Error allocating ndegen_g', 1)
159    ALLOCATE(wslen_k(nrr_k), STAT = ierr)
160    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('wigner_seitz_wrap', 'Error allocating wslen_k', 1)
161    ALLOCATE(wslen_q(nrr_q), STAT = ierr)
162    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('wigner_seitz_wrap', 'Error allocating wslen_q', 1)
163    ALLOCATE(wslen_g(nrr_g), STAT = ierr)
164    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('wigner_seitz_wrap', 'Error allocating wslen_g', 1)
165    !
166    ! Create vectors with correct size.
167    DO ir = 1, nrr_k
168      ndegen_k(ir, :, :) = ndegen_kk(ir, :, :)
169      irvec_k(:, ir)     = irvec_kk(:, ir)
170      wslen_k(ir)        = wslen_kk(ir)
171    ENDDO
172    DO ir = 1, nrr_q
173      ndegen_q(ir, :, :) = ndegen_qq(ir, :, :)
174      irvec_q(:, ir)     = irvec_qq(:, ir)
175      wslen_q(ir)        = wslen_qq(ir)
176    ENDDO
177    DO ir = 1, nrr_g
178      ndegen_g(ir, :, :, :) = ndegen_gg(ir, :, :, :)
179      irvec_g(:, ir)        = irvec_gg(:, ir)
180      wslen_g(ir)           = wslen_gg(ir)
181    ENDDO
182    !
183    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
184    END SUBROUTINE wigner_seitz_wrap
185    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
186    !
187    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
188    SUBROUTINE wigner_seitzkq(nc1, nc2, nc3, irvec, ndegen, wslen, nrr, shift, dims)
189    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
190    !!
191    !! Calculates a grid of points that fall inside of (and eventually
192    !! on the surface of) the Wigner-Seitz supercell centered on the
193    !! origin of the Bravais lattice with primitive translations
194    !! nkc1*a_1+nkc2*a_2+nkc3*a_3
195    !!
196    !-----------------------------------------------------------------
197    USE kinds,         ONLY : DP
198    USE cell_base,     ONLY : at, bg
199    USE constants_epw, ONLY : eps6
200    USE low_lvl,       ONLY : hpsort_eps_epw
201    !
203    !
204    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nc1
205    !! size of the uniform k mesh
206    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nc2
207    !! size of the uniform k mesh
208    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nc3
209    !! size of the uniform k mesh
210    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: dims
211    !! dim of shift(3,dims)
212    INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: irvec(3, 20 * nc1 * nc2 * nc3)
213    !! INTEGER components of the ir-th Wigner-Seitz grid point in the basis of the lattice vectors
214    INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: ndegen(20 * nc1 * nc2 * nc3, dims, dims)
215    !! Number of degeneracies
216    INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: nrr
217    !! number of Wigner-Seitz grid points
218    REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(out) :: wslen(20 * nc1 * nc2 * nc3)
219    !! real-space length, in units of alat
220    REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(in) :: shift(3, dims)
221    !! Wannier centers (electron WS cell) or atomic positions (lattice WS cell)
222    !
223    ! Local variables
224    LOGICAL :: found
225    !! True if the vector has been found
226    INTEGER :: n1, n2, n3
227    !! Index for the larger supercell
228    INTEGER :: i1, i2, i3
229    !! Index to compute |r-R| distance
230    INTEGER :: i, ir, irtot, iw, iw2
231    !! Iterative index
232    INTEGER :: ipol, jpol
233    !! Cartesian direction
234    INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: ind(:)
235    !! Index of sorting
236    INTEGER :: nind
237    !! The metric tensor
238    INTEGER :: ierr
239    !! Error status
240    INTEGER :: nrr_tmp(dims, dims)
241    !! Temporary WS matrix
242    INTEGER :: irvec_tmp(3, 20 * nc1 * nc2 * nc3, dims, dims)
243    !! Temp
244    INTEGER :: ndegen_tmp(20 * nc1 * nc2 * nc3, dims, dims)
245    !! Number of degenerate points
246    REAL(KIND = DP) :: adot(3, 3)
247    !! Dot product between lattice vector
248    REAL(KIND = DP) :: dist(125)
249    !! Contains the distance squared |r-R|^2
250    REAL(KIND = DP) :: mindist
251    !! Minimum distance
252    REAL(KIND = DP) :: tot, tot2
253    !! Sum of all the weigths
254    REAL(KIND = DP) :: ndiff(3)
255    !! Distances. Must be now real because of fractional atoms
256    !
257    nind = 20 * nc1 * nc2 * nc3
258    IF (nind < 125) THEN
259      nind = 125
260    ENDIF
261    ALLOCATE(ind(nind), STAT = ierr)
262    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('wigner_seitzkq', 'Error allocating ind', 1)
263    !
264    DO ipol = 1, 3
265     DO jpol = 1, 3
266       adot(ipol, jpol) = DOT_PRODUCT(at(:, ipol), at(:, jpol))
267     ENDDO
268    ENDDO
269    !
270    CALL cryst_to_cart(dims, shift(:, :), bg, -1)
271    !
272    ndegen_tmp(:, :, :) = 0
273    irvec_tmp(:, :, :, :) = 0
274    DO iw = 1, dims
275      DO iw2 = 1, dims
276        nrr_tmp(iw, iw2) = 0
277        DO n1 = -2 * nc1, 2 * nc1
278          DO n2 = -2 * nc2, 2 * nc2
279            DO n3 = -2 * nc3, 2 * nc3
280              ! Loop over the 5^3 = 125 points R. R=0 corresponds to i1=i2=i3=2, or icnt=63
281              i = 0
282              dist(:) = 0.d0
283              DO i1 = -2, 2
284                DO i2 = -2, 2
285                  DO i3 = -2, 2
286                    i = i + 1
287                    ! Calculate distance squared |r-R|^2
288                    ndiff(1) = n1 - i1 * nc1 + shift(1, iw2) - shift(1, iw)
289                    ndiff(2) = n2 - i2 * nc2 + shift(2, iw2) - shift(2, iw)
290                    ndiff(3) = n3 - i3 * nc3 + shift(3, iw2) - shift(3, iw)
291                    !ndiff(1) = n1 - i1*nc1 + (shift(1,iw2) + shift(1,iw)) / 2.d0
292                    !ndiff(2) = n2 - i2*nc2 + (shift(2,iw2) + shift(2,iw)) / 2.d0
293                    !ndiff(3) = n3 - i3*nc3 + (shift(3,iw2) + shift(3,iw)) / 2.d0
294                    DO ipol = 1, 3
295                      DO jpol = 1, 3
296                        dist(i) = dist(i) + DBLE(ndiff(ipol)) * adot(ipol, jpol) * DBLE(ndiff(jpol))
297                      ENDDO
298                    ENDDO
299                    !
300                  ENDDO ! i3
301                ENDDO ! i2
302              ENDDO ! i1
303              !IF(iw==iw2) print*,'iw dist ',iw,dist(63)
304              !
305              ! Sort the 125 vectors R by increasing value of |r-R|^2
306              ind(1) = 0 ! required for hpsort_eps (see the subroutine)
307              CALL hpsort_eps_epw(125, dist, ind, eps6)
308              !
309              ! Find all the vectors R with the (same) smallest |r-R|^2;
310              ! if R=0 is one of them, then the current point r belongs to
311              ! Wignez-Seitz cell => set found to true
312              !
313              found = .FALSE.
314              i = 1
315              mindist = dist(1)
316              DO WHILE (ABS(dist(i) - mindist) < eps6 .AND. i < 125)
317                IF (ind(i) == 63) found = .TRUE.
318                i = i + 1
319              ENDDO
320              !
321              IF (found) THEN
322                nrr_tmp(iw, iw2) = nrr_tmp(iw, iw2) + 1
323                ndegen_tmp(nrr_tmp(iw, iw2), iw, iw2) = i - 1
324                irvec_tmp(:, nrr_tmp(iw, iw2), iw, iw2) = (/n1, n2, n3/)
325              ENDIF
326            ENDDO ! n3
327          ENDDO ! n2
328        ENDDO ! n1
329      ENDDO ! iw2
330    ENDDO ! iw
331    !
332    nrr = nrr_tmp(1, 1)
333    irvec(:, :) = irvec_tmp(:, :, 1, 1)
334    DO iw = 1, dims
335      DO iw2 = 1, dims
336        DO ir = 1, nrr_tmp(iw, iw2)
337          found = .FALSE.
338          DO irtot = 1, nrr
339            IF (ALL(irvec_tmp(:, ir, iw, iw2) == irvec(:, irtot))) THEN
340              found = .TRUE.
341            ENDIF
342          ENDDO !nrr
343          IF (.NOT.  found) THEN
344            nrr = nrr + 1
345            irvec(:, nrr) = irvec_tmp(:, ir, iw, iw2)
346          ENDIF
347        ENDDO ! ir
348      ENDDO ! nb
349    ENDDO ! na
350    !
351    ! Creates a pair of atoms depended degeneracy array but with a number of WS
352    ! vectors per pair that is equal to the global set. Populate with zero weights
353    ! the one that are not part of that pair set.
354    ndegen(:, :, :) = 0
355    DO iw = 1, dims
356      DO iw2 = 1, dims
357        DO ir = 1, nrr_tmp(iw, iw2)
358          DO irtot = 1, nrr
359            IF (ALL(irvec(:, irtot) == irvec_tmp(:, ir, iw, iw2))) THEN
360              ndegen(irtot, iw, iw2) = ndegen_tmp(ir, iw, iw2)
361            ENDIF
362          ENDDO
363        ENDDO
364      ENDDO
365    ENDDO
366    !
367    DO iw = 1, dims
368      DO iw2 = 1, dims
369        tot = 0.d0
370        tot2 = 0.d0
371        DO i = 1, nrr
372          IF (ndegen(i, iw, iw2) > 0) THEN
373            tot2 = tot2 + 1.d0 / DBLE(ndegen(i, iw, iw2))
374          ENDIF
375        ENDDO
376        DO i = 1, nrr_tmp(iw, iw2)
377          tot = tot + 1.d0 / DBLE(ndegen_tmp(i, iw, iw2))
378        ENDDO
379        !
380        IF (ABS(tot - DBLE(nc1*nc2*nc3)) > eps6) CALL errore &
381         ('wigner_seitzkq',' weights do not add up to nc1*nc2*nc3', 1)
382        IF (ABS(tot - tot2) > eps6) CALL errore &
383         ('wigner_seitzkq', ' weigths of pair of atoms is not equal to global weights', 1)
384      ENDDO
385    ENDDO
386    !
387    IF (nrr > 20 * nc1 * nc2 * nc3) CALL errore &
388      ('wigner_seitzkq', 'too many WS points, try to increase the bound 20*nc1*nc2*nc3', 1)
389    !
390    wslen(:) = 0.d0
391    DO i = 1, nrr
392      DO ipol = 1, 3
393        DO jpol = 1, 3
394          wslen(i) = wslen(i) + DBLE(irvec(ipol, i)) * adot(ipol, jpol) * DBLE(irvec(jpol, i))
395        ENDDO
396      ENDDO
397      wslen(i) = DSQRT(wslen(i))
398    ENDDO
399    !
400    CALL cryst_to_cart(dims, shift(:, :), at, 1)
401    !
402    DEALLOCATE(ind, STAT = ierr)
403    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('wigner_seitzkq', 'Error deallocating ind', 1)
404    !
405    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
406    END SUBROUTINE wigner_seitzkq
407    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
408    !
409    !-----------------------------------------------------------------
410    SUBROUTINE wigner_seitzg(nc1, nc2, nc3, irvec, ndegen, wslen, nrr, w_centers, tau, dims, dims2)
411    !-----------------------------------------------------------------
412    !!
413    !! Calculates a grid of points that fall inside of (and eventually
414    !! on the surface of) the Wigner-Seitz supercell centered on
415    !! each atoms.
416    !! Follows Eq. 66 of PRB 55, 10355 (1997).
417    !! We are part of the WS if $R_b - \tau_{\kappa}$ is inside the
418    !! supercell.
419    !!
420    !-----------------------------------------------------------------
421    USE kinds,         ONLY : DP
422    USE cell_base,     ONLY : at, bg
423    USE constants_epw, ONLY : eps6
424    USE low_lvl,       ONLY : hpsort_eps_epw
425    !
427    !
428    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nc1
429    !! size of the uniform k mesh
430    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nc2
431    !! size of the uniform k mesh
432    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nc3
433    !! size of the uniform k mesh
434    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: dims
435    !! Dims is either nbndsub or 1 depending on use_ws
436    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: dims2
437    !! Number of atoms
438    INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: irvec(3, 20 * nc1 * nc2 * nc3)
439    !! INTEGER components of the ir-th Wigner-Seitz grid point in the basis of the lattice vectors
440    INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: ndegen(20 * nc1 * nc2 * nc3, dims2, dims, dims)
441    !! Number of degeneracies
442    INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: nrr
443    !! number of Wigner-Seitz grid points
444    REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(in) :: w_centers(3, dims)
445    !! Wannier centers
446    REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(in) :: tau(3, dims2)
447    !! Atomic positions
448    REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(out) :: wslen(20 * nc1 * nc2 * nc3)
449    !! real-space length, in units of alat
450    !
451    ! Local variables
452    LOGICAL :: found
453    !! True if the vector has been foun
454    INTEGER :: n1, n2, n3
455    !! Index for the larger supercell
456    INTEGER :: i1, i2, i3
457    !! Index to compute |r-R| distance
458    INTEGER :: na, iw, iw2
459    !! Atom index
460    INTEGER :: i
461    !! Iterative index
462    INTEGER :: ir
463    !! Iterative index on the pair of atoms
464    INTEGER :: irtot
465    !! Iterative index on the combined pair of atoms
466    INTEGER :: ipol, jpol
467    !! Cartesian direction
468    INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: ind(:)
469    !! Index of sorting
470    INTEGER :: nind
471    !! The metric tensor
472    INTEGER :: ierr
473    !! Error status
474    INTEGER :: nrr_tmp(dims2, dims, dims)
475    !! Temporary array that contains the max number of WS vectors
476    !! for a pair of atoms.
477    INTEGER :: irvec_tmp(3, 20 * nc1 * nc2 * nc3, dims2, dims, dims)
478    !! Temporary WS vectors for each atoms
479    INTEGER :: ndegen_tmp(20 * nc1 * nc2 * nc3, dims2, dims, dims)
480    !! Temporary WS vectors weigths for each atoms
481    REAL(KIND = DP) :: adot(3, 3)
482    !! Dot product between lattice vector
483    REAL(KIND = DP) :: dist(125)
484    !! Contains the distance squared |r-R|^2
485    REAL(KIND = DP) :: mindist
486    !! Minimum distance
487    REAL(KIND = DP) :: tot, tot2
488    !! Sum of all the weigths
489    REAL(KIND = DP) :: ndiff(3)
490    !! Distances. Must be now real because of fractional atoms
491    !
492    nind = 20 * nc1 * nc2 * nc3
493    IF (nind < 125) THEN
494      nind = 125
495    ENDIF
496    ALLOCATE(ind(nind), STAT = ierr)
497    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('wigner_seitzg', 'Error allocating ind', 1)
498    !
499    DO ipol = 1, 3
500      DO jpol = 1, 3
501        adot(ipol, jpol) = DOT_PRODUCT(at(:, ipol), at(:, jpol))
502      ENDDO
503    ENDDO
504    !
505    CALL cryst_to_cart(dims2, tau(:, :), bg, -1)
506    CALL cryst_to_cart(dims, w_centers(:, :), bg, -1)
507    !
508    ! Loop over grid points r on a unit cell that is 8 times larger than a
509    ! primitive supercell. In the end nrr contains the total number of grids
510    ! points that have been found in the Wigner-Seitz cell
511    !
512    nrr_tmp(:, :, :) = 0
513    DO iw = 1, dims
514      DO iw2 = 1, dims
515        DO na = 1, dims2
516          DO n1 = -2 * nc1, 2 * nc1
517            DO n2 = -2 * nc2, 2 * nc2
518              DO n3 = -2 * nc3, 2 * nc3
519                !
520                ! Loop over the 5^3 = 125 points R. R=0 corresponds to i1=i2=i3=2, or icnt=63
521                !
522                i = 0
523                dist(:) = 0.d0
524                DO i1 = -2, 2
525                  DO i2 = -2, 2
526                    DO i3 = -2, 2
527                      i = i + 1
528                      !
529                      ! Calculate distance squared |r-R|^2
530                      !
531                      !ndiff(1) = n1 - i1*nc1 + ( tau(1,na) + w_centers(1,iw2) + w_centers(1,iw) ) / 3.d0
532                      !ndiff(2) = n2 - i2*nc2 + ( tau(2,na) + w_centers(2,iw2) + w_centers(2,iw) ) / 3.d0
533                      !ndiff(3) = n3 - i3*nc3 + ( tau(3,na) + w_centers(3,iw2) + w_centers(3,iw) ) / 3.d0
534                      ndiff(1) = n1 - i1 * nc1 + tau(1, na) - (w_centers(1, iw2) + w_centers(1, iw)) / 2.d0
535                      ndiff(2) = n2 - i2 * nc2 + tau(2, na) - (w_centers(2, iw2) + w_centers(2, iw)) / 2.d0
536                      ndiff(3) = n3 - i3 * nc3 + tau(3, na) - (w_centers(3, iw2) + w_centers(3, iw)) / 2.d0
537                      DO ipol = 1, 3
538                        DO jpol = 1, 3
539                          dist(i) = dist(i) + DBLE(ndiff(ipol)) * adot(ipol, jpol) * DBLE(ndiff(jpol))
540                        ENDDO
541                      ENDDO
542                      !
543                    ENDDO
544                  ENDDO
545                ENDDO
546                !
547                ! Sort the 125 vectors R by increasing value of |r-R|^2
548                ind(1) = 0 ! required for hpsort_eps (see the subroutine)
549                CALL hpsort_eps_epw(125, dist, ind, eps6)
550                !
551                ! Find all the vectors R with the (same) smallest |r-R|^2;
552                ! if R=0 is one of them, then the current point r belongs to
553                ! Wignez-Seitz cell => set found to true
554                !
555                found = .FALSE.
556                i = 1
557                mindist = dist(1)
558                DO WHILE (ABS(dist(i) - mindist) < eps6 .AND. i < 125)
559                  IF (ind(i) == 63) found = .TRUE.
560                  i = i + 1
561                ENDDO
562                !
563                IF (found) THEN
564                  nrr_tmp(na, iw, iw2) = nrr_tmp(na, iw, iw2) + 1
565                  ndegen_tmp(nrr_tmp(na, iw, iw2), na, iw, iw2) = i - 1
566                  irvec_tmp (:, nrr_tmp(na, iw, iw2), na, iw, iw2) = (/n1, n2, n3/)
567                ENDIF
568              ENDDO ! n3
569            ENDDO ! n2
570          ENDDO ! n3
571        ENDDO ! na
572      ENDDO ! iw2
573    ENDDO ! iw
574    !
575    ! Now creates a global set of WS vectors from all the atoms pair.
576    ! Also remove the duplicated ones.
577    nrr = nrr_tmp(1, 1, 1)
578    irvec(:, :) = irvec_tmp(:, :, 1, 1, 1)
579    DO iw = 1, dims
580      DO iw2 = 1, dims
581        DO na = 1, dims2
582          DO ir = 1, nrr_tmp(na, iw, iw2)
583            found = .FALSE.
584            DO irtot = 1, nrr
585              IF (ALL(irvec_tmp(:, ir, na, iw, iw2) == irvec(:, irtot))) THEN
586                found = .TRUE.
587              ENDIF
588            ENDDO !nrr
589            IF (.NOT.  found) THEN
590              nrr = nrr + 1
591              irvec(:, nrr) = irvec_tmp(:, ir, na, iw, iw2)
592            ENDIF
593          ENDDO ! ir
594        ENDDO ! na
595      ENDDO ! iw2
596    ENDDO ! iw
597    !
598    ! Creates a pair of atoms-dependent degeneracy array but with a number of WS
599    ! vectors per pair that is equal to the global set. Populate with zero weights
600    ! the one that are not part of that pair set.
601    ndegen(:, :, :, :) = 0
602    DO iw = 1, dims
603      DO iw2 = 1, dims
604        DO na = 1, dims2
605          DO ir = 1, nrr_tmp(na, iw, iw2)
606            DO irtot = 1, nrr
607              IF (ALL(irvec(:, irtot) == irvec_tmp(:, ir, na, iw, iw2))) THEN
608                ndegen(irtot, na, iw, iw2) = ndegen_tmp(ir, na, iw, iw2)
609              ENDIF
610            ENDDO
611          ENDDO
612        ENDDO
613      ENDDO
614    ENDDO
615    !
616    DO iw = 1, dims
617      DO iw2 = 1, dims
618        DO na = 1, dims2
619          tot = 0.d0
620          tot2 = 0.d0
621          DO i = 1, nrr
622            IF (ndegen(i, na, iw, iw2) > 0) THEN
623              tot2 = tot2 + 1.d0 / DBLE(ndegen(i, na, iw, iw2))
624            ENDIF
625          ENDDO
626          DO i = 1, nrr_tmp(na, iw, iw2)
627            tot = tot + 1.d0 / DBLE(ndegen_tmp(i, na, iw, iw2))
628          ENDDO
629          !
630          IF (ABS(tot - DBLE(nc1 * nc2 * nc3)) > eps6) CALL errore &
631             ('wigner_seitzg', ' weights do not add up to nqc1*nqc2*nqc3', 1)
632          IF (ABS(tot - tot2) > eps6) CALL errore &
633             ('wigner_seitzg', ' weigths of pair of atoms is not equal to global weights', 1)
634        ENDDO
635      ENDDO
636    ENDDO
637    !
638    IF (nrr > 20 * nc1 * nc2 * nc3) CALL errore('wigner_seitzg', 'too many WS points, try to increase the bound 20*nc1*nc2*nc3', 1)
639    !
640    ! Now we compute the WS distances
641    wslen(:) = 0.d0
642    DO i = 1, nrr
643      DO ipol = 1, 3
644        DO jpol = 1, 3
645          wslen(i) = wslen(i) + DBLE(irvec(ipol, i)) * adot(ipol, jpol) * DBLE(irvec(jpol, i))
646        ENDDO
647      ENDDO
648      wslen(i) = DSQRT(wslen(i))
649    ENDDO
650    !
651    CALL cryst_to_cart(dims2, tau(:, :), at, 1)
652    CALL cryst_to_cart(dims, w_centers(:, :), at, 1)
653    !
654    DEALLOCATE(ind, STAT = ierr)
655    IF (ierr /= 0) CALL errore('wigner_seitzg', 'Error deallocating ind', 1)
656    !
657    !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
658    END SUBROUTINE wigner_seitzg
659    !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
660    !
661    ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
662    SUBROUTINE backtows(v, ws, rws, nrwsx, nrws)
663    ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
664    !! 03/2019 - F. Macheda and S. Ponce
665    !! This subroutines takes a vector "v" like a k-point and bring it back to the
666    !! first Wigner-Seitz cell.
667    ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
668    USE kinds,         ONLY : DP
669    USE cell_base,     ONLY : bg
670    USE constants_epw, ONLY : zero, eps8
671    USE low_lvl,       ONLY : find_minimum
672    !
674    !
675    REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(in) :: v(3)
676    !! Input vector
677    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nrws
678    !! Number of WS vectors
679    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nrwsx
680    !! Maximum number of WS vector
681    REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(in) :: rws(4, nrwsx)
682    !! List of WS vectors
683    REAL(KIND = DP), INTENT(out) :: ws(3)
684    !! Vector back into the first WS cell.
685    !
686    ! Local variables
687    INTEGER :: L, M, N
688    !! l,m,n directions
689    INTEGER :: i
690    !! Index on number of WS vector
691    INTEGER :: minpos
692    !! Minimum position
693    INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nn = 3
694    !! number of neighbours
695    REAL(KIND = DP) :: dist
696    !! Distance
697    REAL(KIND = DP) :: distances(nrws)
698    !! Dsitance array
699    !
700    ws(:) = zero
701    distances(:) = zero
702    !
703    alpha : DO L = -nn, nn
704      DO M = -nn, nn
705        DO N = -nn, nn
706          ws(:) = v(:) + L * bg(:, 1) + M * bg(:, 2) + N * bg(:, 3)
707          DO i = 1, nrws
708            distances(i) = DSQRT((ws(1) - rws(2, i))**2 + (ws(2) - rws(3, i))**2 + (ws(3) - rws(4, i))**2)
709          ENDDO
710          minpos = find_minimum(distances, nrws)
711          dist = DSQRT(ws(1)**2 + ws(2)**2 + ws(3)**2)
712          IF (dist < distances(minpos) + eps8) EXIT alpha
713        ENDDO ! N
714      ENDDO ! M
715    ENDDO alpha ! L
716    !
717    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
718    END SUBROUTINE backtoWS
719    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
720    !
721  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
722  END MODULE wigner
723  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------