2MODULE stick_base
5   USE fft_param
8   SAVE
10   PUBLIC :: sticks_map_set
11   PUBLIC :: sticks_map_index, sticks_sort_new, sticks_dist_new
12   PUBLIC :: sticks_map, sticks_map_allocate
13   PUBLIC :: sticks_map_deallocate, get_sticks
15   TYPE sticks_map
16      LOGICAL :: lgamma=.false. ! if .true. the map has gamma symmetry
17      LOGICAL :: lpara=.false.  ! if .true. the map is set for parallel and serial, if .false. only serial
18      INTEGER :: mype=0   ! my task id (starting from 0)
19      INTEGER :: nproc=1  ! number of task (as nproc in fft_type_descriptor)
20      INTEGER :: nyfft=1  ! number processors in y-direction (as nproc2 in fft_type_descriptor)
21      INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: iproc(:,:) ! the processor index (as in fft_type_descriptor)
22      INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: iproc2(:)  ! the Y group processor index (as in fft_type_descriptor)
23#if defined(__MPI)
24      INTEGER :: comm     = MPI_COMM_NULL
26      INTEGER :: comm     = 0          ! communicator of the fft gruop
28      INTEGER :: nstx=0   ! a safe maximum number of sticks on the map
29      INTEGER :: lb(3)=0  ! map's lower bounds
30      INTEGER :: ub(3)=0  ! map's upper bounds
31      INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: idx(:)   ! the index of each stick
32      INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: ist(:,:) ! the cartesian coordinates of each stick
33      INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: stown(:,:) ! the owner of each stick
34      INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: indmap(:,:) ! the index of each stick (represented on the map)
35      REAL(DP) :: bg(3,3) ! base vectors, the generators of the mapped space
41   SUBROUTINE sticks_map_deallocate( smap )
43      TYPE( sticks_map ) :: smap
44      !write (6,*) ' inside sticks_map_deallocate'; FLUSH(6)
45      IF( ALLOCATED( smap%iproc ) ) DEALLOCATE( smap%iproc )
46      IF( ALLOCATED( smap%iproc2 ) ) DEALLOCATE( smap%iproc2 )
47      IF( ALLOCATED( smap%idx ) ) DEALLOCATE( smap%idx )
48      IF( ALLOCATED( smap%ist ) ) DEALLOCATE( smap%ist )
49      IF( ALLOCATED( smap%stown ) ) DEALLOCATE( smap%stown )
50      IF( ALLOCATED( smap%indmap ) ) DEALLOCATE( smap%indmap )
51      smap%ub = 0
52      smap%lb = 0
53      smap%nstx = 0
54   END SUBROUTINE sticks_map_deallocate
56   SUBROUTINE sticks_map_allocate( smap, lgamma, lpara, nyfft, iproc, iproc2, nr1, nr2, nr3, bg, comm )
57   ! assign
59      TYPE( sticks_map ) :: smap
60      LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: lgamma
61      LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: lpara
62      INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nyfft
63      INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: iproc(:,:)
64      INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: iproc2(:)
65      INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nr1, nr2, nr3
66      INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: comm
67      REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: bg(3,3)
68      INTEGER :: lb(3), ub(3)
69      INTEGER :: nzfft, nstx, ierr
70      INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: indmap(:,:), stown(:,:), idx(:), ist(:,:)
71      !write (6,*) ' inside sticks_map_allocate'; FLUSH(6)
72      ub(1) = ( nr1 - 1 ) / 2
73      ub(2) = ( nr2 - 1 ) / 2
74      ub(3) = ( nr3 - 1 ) / 2
75      lb    = - ub
76      !write(*,*) 'ub,lb',ub,lb
77      nstx = (ub(1)-lb(1)+1)*(ub(2)-lb(2)+1) ! we stay very large indeed
78      !write(*,*) smap%nstx,nstx
79      IF( smap%nstx == 0 ) THEN
80         ! this map is clean, allocate
81         !write (*,*) ' ! this map is clean, allocate '
82         smap%mype = 0
83         smap%nproc = 1
84         smap%comm = comm
85#if defined(__MPI)
86         CALL MPI_COMM_RANK( smap%comm, smap%mype, ierr )
87         CALL MPI_COMM_SIZE( smap%comm, smap%nproc, ierr )
89         smap%lgamma = lgamma
90         smap%lpara = lpara
91         smap%comm = comm
92         smap%nstx = nstx
93         smap%ub = ub
94         smap%lb = lb
95         smap%bg = bg
96         smap%nyfft = nyfft
97         nzfft = smap%nproc / nyfft
98         ALLOCATE ( smap%iproc( nyfft, nzfft ), smap%iproc2 ( smap%nproc ) )
99         smap%iproc = iproc
100         smap%iproc2= iproc2
102         IF( ALLOCATED( smap%indmap ) ) THEN
103            CALL fftx_error__(' sticks_map_allocate ',' indmap already allocated ', 1 )
104         END IF
105         IF( ALLOCATED( smap%stown ) ) THEN
106            CALL fftx_error__(' sticks_map_allocate ',' stown already allocated ', 1 )
107         END IF
108         IF( ALLOCATED( smap%idx ) ) THEN
109            CALL fftx_error__(' sticks_map_allocate ',' idx already allocated ', 1 )
110         END IF
111         IF( ALLOCATED( smap%ist ) ) THEN
112            CALL fftx_error__(' sticks_map_allocate ',' ist already allocated ', 1 )
113         END IF
114         ALLOCATE( smap%indmap ( lb(1):ub(1), lb(2):ub(2) ) )
115         ALLOCATE( smap%stown ( lb(1):ub(1), lb(2):ub(2) ) )
116         ALLOCATE( smap%idx( nstx ) )
117         ALLOCATE( smap%ist( nstx , 2) )
118         smap%stown = 0
119         smap%indmap = 0
120         smap%idx = 0
121         smap%ist = 0
122      ELSE IF( smap%nstx < nstx .OR. smap%ub(3) < ub(3) ) THEN
123         !  change the size of the map, but keep the data already there
124         !write (*,*) ' !  change the size of the map, but keep the data already there '
125         IF( smap%lgamma .neqv.  lgamma ) THEN
126            CALL fftx_error__(' sticks_map_allocate ',' changing gamma symmetry not allowed ', 1 )
127         END IF
128         IF( smap%comm /= comm ) THEN
129            CALL fftx_error__(' sticks_map_allocate ',' changing communicator not allowed ', 1 )
130         END IF
131         ALLOCATE( indmap ( lb(1):ub(1), lb(2):ub(2) ) )
132         ALLOCATE( stown ( lb(1):ub(1), lb(2):ub(2) ) )
133         ALLOCATE( idx( nstx ) )
134         ALLOCATE( ist( nstx , 2) )
135         idx = 0
136         ist = 0
137         indmap = 0
138         stown  = 0
139         idx( 1:smap%nstx )      = smap%idx
140         ist( 1:smap%nstx, : ) = smap%ist
141         indmap( smap%lb(1):smap%ub(1), smap%lb(2):smap%ub(2) ) = smap%indmap( smap%lb(1):smap%ub(1), smap%lb(2):smap%ub(2) )
142         stown( smap%lb(1):smap%ub(1), smap%lb(2):smap%ub(2) ) = smap%stown( smap%lb(1):smap%ub(1), smap%lb(2):smap%ub(2) )
143         DEALLOCATE( smap%indmap )
144         DEALLOCATE( smap%stown )
145         DEALLOCATE( smap%idx )
146         DEALLOCATE( smap%ist )
147         ALLOCATE( smap%indmap ( lb(1):ub(1), lb(2):ub(2) ) )
148         ALLOCATE( smap%stown ( lb(1):ub(1), lb(2):ub(2) ) )
149         ALLOCATE( smap%idx( nstx ) )
150         ALLOCATE( smap%ist( nstx , 2) )
151         smap%indmap = indmap
152         smap%stown = stown
153         smap%idx = idx
154         smap%ist = ist
155         DEALLOCATE( indmap )
156         DEALLOCATE( stown )
157         DEALLOCATE( idx )
158         DEALLOCATE( ist )
159         smap%nstx = nstx
160         smap%ub = ub
161         smap%lb = lb
162         smap%bg = bg
163         smap%nyfft = nyfft
164         smap%iproc = iproc
165         smap%iproc2= iproc2
166      ELSE
167         !write(*,*) 'map is the same ... should we update ub,lb ?'
168         !write(*,*) smap%ub,smap%lb
169         IF( smap%lgamma .neqv. lgamma ) THEN
170            CALL fftx_error__(' sticks_map_allocate ',' changing gamma symmetry not allowed ', 2 )
171         END IF
172         IF( smap%comm /= comm ) THEN
173            CALL fftx_error__(' sticks_map_allocate ',' changing communicator not allowed ', 1 )
174         END IF
175      END IF
176      RETURN
177   END SUBROUTINE sticks_map_allocate
179   SUBROUTINE sticks_map_set( lgamma, ub, lb, bg, gcut, st, comm )
181      ! .. Compute the basic maps of sticks
182      ! .. st(i,j) will contain the number of G vectors of the stick whose indices are (i,j).
186      LOGICAL, INTENT(in) :: lgamma !  if true use gamma point simmetry
187      INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ub(:)  !  upper bounds for i-th grid dimension
188      INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: lb(:)  !  lower bounds for i-th grid dimension
189      REAL(DP) , INTENT(in) :: bg(:,:) ! reciprocal space base vectors
190      REAL(DP) , INTENT(in) :: gcut  ! cut-off for potentials
191      INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(in) :: comm ! communicator of the g-vec group
192      !
193      !     stick map for wave functions, note that map is taken in YZ plane
194      !
195      INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: st( lb(1) : ub(1), lb(2) : ub(2) )
196      REAL(DP) :: b1(3), b2(3), b3(3)
197      INTEGER :: i1, i2, i3, n1, n2, n3, mype, nproc, ierr
198      REAL(DP) :: amod
199      INTEGER :: ngm
200      !write (6,*) 'inside sticks_map_set gcut=',gcut; FLUSH(6)
201      !write (6,*) ub,lb
203      st = 0
204      b1(:) = bg(:,1)
205      b2(:) = bg(:,2)
206      b3(:) = bg(:,3)
208      n1 = max( abs( lb(1) ), abs( ub(1) ) )
209      n2 = max( abs( lb(2) ), abs( ub(2) ) )
210      n3 = max( abs( lb(3) ), abs( ub(3) ) )
212      mype = 0
213      nproc = 1
214#if defined(__MPI)
215      IF( PRESENT( comm ) ) THEN
216         CALL MPI_COMM_RANK( comm, mype, ierr )
217         CALL MPI_COMM_SIZE( comm, nproc, ierr )
218      END IF
220      !write (6,*) ' N1,N2,N3 ', n1,n2,n3
221      ngm=0
222      loop1: DO i1 = - n1, n1
223         !
224         ! Gamma-only: exclude space with x<0
225         !
226         IF ( (lgamma .and. i1 < 0) .OR. ( MOD( i1 + n1, nproc ) /= mype )) CYCLE loop1
227         !
228         loop2: DO i2 = - n2, n2
229            !
230            ! Gamma-only: exclude plane with x=0, y<0
231            !
232            IF(lgamma .and. i1 == 0.and. i2 < 0) CYCLE loop2
233            !
234            loop3: DO i3 = - n3, n3
235               !
236               ! Gamma-only: exclude line with x=0, y=0, z<0
237               !
238               IF(lgamma .and. i1 == 0 .and. i2 == 0 .and. i3 < 0) CYCLE loop3
239               !
240               amod = (i1 * b1 (1) + i2 * b2 (1) + i3 * b3 (1) ) **2 + &
241                      (i1 * b1 (2) + i2 * b2 (2) + i3 * b3 (2) ) **2 + &
242                      (i1 * b1 (3) + i2 * b2 (3) + i3 * b3 (3) ) **2
243               IF (amod <= gcut ) then
244                  st( i1, i2 ) = st( i1, i2 ) + 1
245                  ngm =ngm + 1
246               endif
247            ENDDO loop3
248         ENDDO loop2
249      ENDDO loop1
251#if defined(__MPI)
252      IF( PRESENT( comm ) ) THEN
253         CALL MPI_ALLREDUCE(MPI_IN_PLACE, st, size(st), MPI_INTEGER, MPI_SUM, comm, ierr)
254         CALL MPI_ALLREDUCE(MPI_IN_PLACE, ngm, 1, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_SUM, comm, ierr)
255      END IF
258      !write (6,*) ' NGM ', ngm
261      RETURN
262   END SUBROUTINE sticks_map_set
266   SUBROUTINE sticks_map_index( ub, lb, st, in1, in2, ngc, index_map )
270      INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ub(:), lb(:)
271      INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: st( lb(1): ub(1), lb(2):ub(2) ) ! stick map for potential
272      INTEGER, INTENT(inout) :: index_map( lb(1): ub(1), lb(2):ub(2) ) ! keep track of sticks index
274      INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: in1(:), in2(:)
275      INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: ngc(:)
277      INTEGER :: j1, j2, i1, i2, i3, nct, min_size, ind
278      LOGICAL :: ok
279      !write (6,*) ' inside sticks_map_index'; FLUSH(6)
282! ...     initialize the sticks indexes array ist
283! ...     nct counts columns containing G-vectors for the dense grid
284! ...     ncts counts columns contaning G-vectors for the smooth grid
286      nct   = MAXVAL( index_map )
287      ngc   = 0
289      min_size = min( size( in1 ), size( in2 ), size( ngc ) )
291      DO j2 = 0, ( ub(2) - lb(2) )
292        DO j1 = 0, ( ub(1) - lb(1) )
293          i1 = j1
294          IF( i1 > ub(1) ) i1 = lb(1) + ( i1 - ub(1) ) - 1
295          i2 = j2
296          IF( i2 > ub(2) ) i2 = lb(2) + ( i2 - ub(2) ) - 1
297          IF( st( i1, i2 ) > 0 ) THEN
298            IF( index_map( i1, i2 ) == 0 ) THEN
299              nct = nct + 1
300              index_map( i1, i2 ) = nct
301            END IF
302            ind = index_map( i1, i2 )
303            IF( nct > min_size ) &
304              CALL fftx_error__(' sticks_map_index ',' too many sticks ', nct )
305            in1(ind) = i1
306            in2(ind) = i2
307            ngc(ind) = st( i1 , i2)
308          ENDIF
309        ENDDO
310      ENDDO
312      RETURN
313   END SUBROUTINE sticks_map_index
317   SUBROUTINE sticks_sort_new( parallel, ng, nct, idx )
319! ...     This subroutine sorts the sticks indexes, according to
320! ...     the length and type of the sticks, wave functions sticks
321! ...     first, then smooth mesh sticks, and finally potential
322! ...     sticks
324      ! lengths of sticks, ngc for potential mesh, ngcw for wave functions mesh
325      ! and ngcs for smooth mesh
329      LOGICAL, INTENT(in) :: parallel
330      INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ng(:)
332      ! nct, total number of sticks
334      INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nct
336      ! index, on output, new sticks indexes
338      INTEGER, INTENT(inout) :: idx(:)
340      INTEGER  :: mc, ic, nc
341      INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: iaux(:)
342      INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: itmp(:)
343      REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: aux(:)
344      !write (6,*) ' inside sticks_map_sort_new'; FLUSH(6)
346      !  we need to avoid sorting elements already sorted previously
347      !  build inverse indexes
348      ALLOCATE( iaux( nct ) )
349      iaux = 0
350      DO mc = 1, nct
351         IF( idx( mc ) > 0 ) iaux( idx( mc ) ) = mc
352      END DO
353      !
354      !  check idx has no "hole"
355      !
356      IF( idx( 1 ) == 0 ) THEN
357         ic = 0
358         DO mc = 2, nct
359            IF( idx( mc ) /= 0 ) THEN
360               CALL fftx_error__(' sticks_sort ',' non contiguous indexes 1 ', nct )
361            END IF
362         END DO
363      ELSE
364         ic = 1
365         DO mc = 2, nct
366            IF( idx( mc ) == 0 ) EXIT
367            ic = ic + 1
368         END DO
369         DO mc = ic+1, nct
370            IF( idx( mc ) /= 0 ) THEN
371               CALL fftx_error__(' sticks_sort ',' non contiguous indexes 2 ', nct )
372            END IF
373         END DO
374      END IF
376      IF( parallel ) THEN
377         ALLOCATE( aux( nct ) )
378         ALLOCATE( itmp( nct ) )
379         itmp = 0
380         nc = 0
381         DO mc = 1, nct
382            IF( ng( mc ) > 0 .AND. iaux( mc ) == 0 ) THEN
383               nc = nc + 1
384               aux( nc ) = -ng(mc)
385               itmp( nc ) = mc
386            END IF
387         ENDDO
388         CALL hpsort( nc, aux, itmp)
389         DO mc = 1, nc
390            idx( ic + mc ) = itmp( mc )
391         END DO
392         DEALLOCATE( itmp )
393         DEALLOCATE( aux )
394      ELSE
395         DO mc = 1, nct
396            IF( ng(mc) > 0 .AND. iaux(mc) == 0 ) THEN
397               ic = ic + 1
398               idx(ic) = mc
399            ENDIF
400         ENDDO
401      ENDIF
403      DEALLOCATE( iaux )
405      RETURN
406   END SUBROUTINE sticks_sort_new
410   SUBROUTINE sticks_dist_new( lgamma, mype, nproc, nyfft, iproc, iproc2, ub, lb, idx, in1, in2, ngc, nct, ncp, ngp, stown, ng )
414      LOGICAL, INTENT(in) :: lgamma
415      INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: mype
416      INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nproc
417      INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nyfft
418      INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: iproc(:,:),iproc2(:)
420      INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ub(:), lb(:), idx(:) ! map's limits
421      INTEGER, INTENT(inout) :: stown(lb(1): ub(1), lb(2):ub(2) ) ! stick owner's map, including previously assigned ones
422      INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: in1(:), in2(:)   ! cartesian coordinate of each column, ordered according to idx index
423      INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ngc(:)           ! number of G-vector of each column, ordered according to idx index
424      INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nct              ! total number of relevant sticks
425      INTEGER, INTENT(out):: ncp(:)           ! number of sticks (columns) per processor
426      INTEGER, INTENT(out):: ngp(:)           ! number of G-vectors per processor
427      INTEGER, INTENT(out):: ng               ! number of G-vector of this processor. that is ng = ngp(mype+1)
429      INTEGER :: mc, i1, i2, j, jj, icnt, gr, j2, j3
430      INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: yc(:), yg(:) ! number of relevant columns and G-vectors in a given yz plane
431      INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: ygr(:) ! element in the nyfft group to which a YZ plane belong
432      INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: ygrp(:), ygrc(:), ygrg(:) ! number of yz planes, relevant columns and G-vectors belonging to a given element in the nyfft group
433      !write (6,*) ' inside sticks_map_dist_new'; FLUSH(6)
435      ! distribute X values first
436      !write (6,*) 'nyfft inside sticks_dist_new', nyfft
437      ALLOCATE ( yc(lb(1):ub(1)), yg(lb(1):ub(1)), ygr(lb(1):ub(1)) ) ; yc = 0; yg = 0 ; ygr = 0
438      ALLOCATE ( ygrp(nyfft), ygrc(nyfft), ygrg(nyfft) ) ; ygrp = 0; ygrc = 0; ygrg = 0
439      DO mc =1, nct
440         if( idx( mc ) < 1 ) CYCLE
441         i1 = in1( idx( mc ) )
442         i2 = in2( idx( mc ) )
443         IF ( ngc( idx(mc) ) > 0 ) THEN
444             yc(i1) = yc(i1) + 1
445             yg(i1) = yg(i1) + ngc(idx(mc))
446         END IF
447         IF (stown(i1,i2) > 0) THEN
448            gr = iproc2(stown(i1,i2))
449            IF (ygr(i1) == 0 ) ygr(i1) = gr
450            if (ygr(i1) .ne. gr ) CALL fftx_error__(' sticks_dist ',' ygroups are not compatible ', 1 )
451         END IF
452      END DO
453      do i1 = lb(1),ub(1)
454         if (ygr(i1) == 0 ) cycle
455         ygrp(ygr(i1)) = ygrp(ygr(i1)) + 1
456         ygrc(ygr(i1)) = ygrc(ygr(i1)) + yc(i1)
457         ygrg(ygr(i1)) = ygrg(ygr(i1)) + yg(i1)
458      end do
460      !write (6,*) 'inside sticks_dist_new', lb(1),ub(1)
461      !write (6,'(4i4)') (i1,yc(i1),yg(i1),ygr(i1),i1=lb(1),ub(1))
462      !write (6,*) 'initial nyfft distribution'
463      !write (6,'(4i5)') (i1,ygrp(i1),ygrc(i1),ygrg(i1),i1=1,nyfft)
465      ncp = 0
466      ngp = 0
467      icnt = 0
469      DO mc = 1, nct
471         IF( idx( mc ) < 1 ) CYCLE
473         i1 = in1( idx( mc ) )
474         i2 = in2( idx( mc ) )
476         IF ( lgamma .and. ( (i1 < 0) .or. ( (i1 == 0) .and. (i2 < 0) ) ) ) GOTO 30
478         IF (ygr(i1) == 0 ) THEN
479            j2=1
480            DO j=1,nyfft
481               IF ( ygrg(j) < ygrg(j2) ) THEN
482                  j2 = j
483               ELSEIF ( ( ygrg(j) == ygrg(j2) ) .and. ( ygrc(j) < ygrc(j2) ) ) THEN
484                  j2 = j
485               END IF
486            END DO
487            ygr(i1) = j2
488            ygrp(j2) = ygrp(j2) + 1
489            ygrc(j2) = ygrc(j2) + yc(i1)
490            ygrg(j2) = ygrg(j2) + yg(i1)
491         ELSE
492            j2=ygr(i1)
493         END IF
495         IF ( ngc( idx(mc) ) > 0 .AND. stown(i1,i2) == 0 ) THEN
496            jj = iproc(j2,1)
497            DO j3 = 1, nproc / nyfft
498               j = iproc(j2,j3)
499               IF ( ngp(j) < ngp(jj) ) THEN
500                  jj = j
501               ELSEIF ( ( ngp(j) == ngp(jj) ) .and. ( ncp(j) < ncp(jj) ) ) THEN
502                  jj = j
503               ENDIF
504            ENDDO
505            stown(i1,i2) = jj
506         END IF
507         IF ( ngc( idx(mc) ) > 0 ) THEN
508            ncp( stown(i1,i2) ) = ncp( stown(i1,i2) ) + 1
509            ngp( stown(i1,i2) ) = ngp( stown(i1,i2) ) + ngc( idx(mc) )
510         ENDIF
511 30      CONTINUE
512      ENDDO
513      !
514      ng = ngp( mype + 1 )
515      !
516      IF ( lgamma ) THEN
517         !  when gamma symmetry is used only the sticks of half reciprocal space
518         !  are generated, then here we pair-up the sticks with those of the other
519         !  half of the space, using the gamma symmetry relation
520         !  Note that the total numero of stick "nct" is not modified
521         DO mc = 1, nct
522            IF( idx( mc ) < 1 ) CYCLE
523            IF( ngc( idx(mc) ) < 1 ) CYCLE
524            i1 = in1( idx(mc) )
525            i2 = in2( idx(mc) )
526            IF( i1 == 0 .and. i2 == 0 ) THEN
527               jj = stown( i1, i2 )
528               IF( jj > 0 ) ngp( jj ) = ngp( jj ) + ngc( idx(mc) ) - 1
529            ELSE
530               jj = stown( i1, i2 )
531               IF( jj > 0 ) THEN
532                  stown( -i1, -i2 ) = jj
533                  ncp( jj ) = ncp( jj ) + 1
534                  ngp( jj ) = ngp( jj ) + ngc( idx(mc) )
535               ENDIF
536            ENDIF
537         ENDDO
538      ENDIF
540      !write (6,*) 'final nyfft distribution'
541      !write (6,'(4i5)') (i1,ygrp(i1),ygrc(i1),ygrg(i1),i1=1,nyfft)
542      DEALLOCATE ( ygrp, ygrc, ygrg )
543      DEALLOCATE ( yc, yg, ygr )
545      RETURN
546   END SUBROUTINE sticks_dist_new
550   SUBROUTINE get_sticks( smap, gcut, nstp, sstp, st, nst, ng )
554      TYPE( sticks_map ), INTENT(INOUT) :: smap
555      REAL(DP) , INTENT(in) :: gcut    ! kinetic energy cut-off for this stick distribution
557      INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: st(smap%lb(1): smap%ub(1), smap%lb(2):smap%ub(2) )
558                                       ! in output it contains (if>0) the processor_id+1 of the owner of a given stick
559                                       ! internally it's used to contain the number of G-vectors of a given stick
560      INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: nstp(:)  ! number of sticks per processor
561      INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: sstp(:)  ! number of G-vectors per processor
562      INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: nst      ! total number of sticks
563      INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: ng       ! number of G-vector of this processor. that is ng = sstp(mype+1)
565      INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: ngc(:)
566      INTEGER :: ic
567      !write (6,*) ' inside get_sticks gcut=',gcut; FLUSH(6)
568      !write (6,*) smap%lb, smap%ub
570      IF( .NOT. ALLOCATED( smap%stown ) ) THEN
571         CALL fftx_error__(' get_sticks ',' sticks map, not allocated ', 1 )
572      END IF
574      st = 0
575      CALL sticks_map_set( smap%lgamma, smap%ub, smap%lb, smap%bg, gcut, st, smap%comm )
577      ALLOCATE( ngc ( SIZE( smap%idx ) ) )
578      ngc = 0
579      CALL sticks_map_index( smap%ub, smap%lb, st, smap%ist(:,1), smap%ist(:,2), ngc, smap%indmap )
580      nst = count( st > 0 )
581      CALL sticks_sort_new( smap%nproc>1, ngc, SIZE(smap%idx), smap%idx )
583      CALL sticks_dist_new( smap%lgamma, smap%mype, smap%nproc, smap%nyfft, smap%iproc, smap%iproc2, &
584                            smap%ub, smap%lb, smap%idx, &
585                            smap%ist(:,1), smap%ist(:,2), ngc, SIZE(smap%idx), nstp, sstp, smap%stown, ng )
587      ! assign the owner of each (relavant) stick
588      st = 0
589      DO ic = 1, SIZE( smap%idx )
590         IF( smap%idx( ic ) > 0 ) THEN
591            IF( ngc( smap%idx( ic ) ) > 0 ) THEN
592                st( smap%ist(smap%idx( ic ),1), smap%ist(smap%idx( ic ),2) ) = &
593                    smap%stown( smap%ist(smap%idx( ic ),1),smap%ist(smap%idx( ic ),2))
594                IF(smap%lgamma) st(-smap%ist(smap%idx( ic),1),-smap%ist(smap%idx( ic ),2)) = &
595                   smap%stown( smap%ist(smap%idx( ic ),1),smap%ist(smap%idx( ic ),2))
596            END IF
597         END IF
598      END DO
599      DEALLOCATE( ngc )
600      RETURN
601   END SUBROUTINE get_sticks
604   SUBROUTINE hpsort (n, ra, ind)
605      !---------------------------------------------------------------------
606      ! sort an array ra(1:n) into ascending order using heapsort algorithm.
607      ! n is input, ra is replaced on output by its sorted rearrangement.
608      ! create an index table (ind) by making an exchange in the index array
609      ! whenever an exchange is made on the sorted data array (ra).
610      ! in case of equal values in the data array (ra) the values in the
611      ! index array (ind) are used to order the entries.
612      ! if on input ind(1)  = 0 then indices are initialized in the routine,
613      ! if on input ind(1) != 0 then indices are assumed to have been
614      !                initialized before entering the routine and these
615      !                indices are carried around during the sorting process
616      !
617      ! no work space needed !
618      ! free us from machine-dependent sorting-routines !
619      !
620      ! adapted from Numerical Recipes pg. 329 (new edition)
621      !
623      !-input/output variables
624      INTEGER :: n
625      INTEGER :: ind (n)
626      REAL(DP) :: ra (n)
627      !-local variables
628      INTEGER :: i, ir, j, l, iind
629      REAL(DP) :: rra
630      !
631      IF (n < 1 ) RETURN
632      ! initialize index array
633      IF (ind (1) ==0) THEN
634         DO i = 1, n
635            ind (i) = i
636         ENDDO
637      ENDIF
638      ! nothing to order
639      IF (n < 2) RETURN
640      ! initialize indices for hiring and retirement-promotion phase
641      l = n / 2 + 1
642      ir = n
64310    CONTINUE
644      ! still in hiring phase
645      IF (l>1) THEN
646         l = l - 1
647         rra = ra (l)
648         iind = ind (l)
649         ! in retirement-promotion phase.
650      ELSE
651         ! clear a space at the end of the array
652         rra = ra (ir)
653         !
654         iind = ind (ir)
655         ! retire the top of the heap into it
656         ra (ir) = ra (1)
657         !
658         ind (ir) = ind (1)
659         ! decrease the size of the corporation
660         ir = ir - 1
661         ! done with the last promotion
662         IF (ir==1) THEN
663            ! the least competent worker at all !
664            ra (1) = rra
665            !
666            ind (1) = iind
667            RETURN
668         ENDIF
669      ENDIF
670      ! wheter in hiring or promotion phase, we
671      i = l
672      ! set up to place rra in its proper level
673      j = l + l
674      !
675      DO WHILE (j<=ir)
676         IF (j<ir) THEN
677            ! compare to better underling
678            IF (ra (j) <ra (j + 1) ) THEN
679               j = j + 1
680            ELSEIF (ra (j) ==ra (j + 1) ) THEN
681               IF (ind (j) <ind (j + 1) ) j = j + 1
682            ENDIF
683         ENDIF
684         ! demote rra
685         IF (rra<ra (j) ) THEN
686            ra (i) = ra (j)
687            ind (i) = ind (j)
688            i = j
689            j = j + j
690         ELSEIF (rra==ra (j) ) THEN
691            ! demote rra
692            IF (iind<ind (j) ) THEN
693               ra (i) = ra (j)
694               ind (i) = ind (j)
695               i = j
696               j = j + j
697            ELSE
698               ! set j to terminate do-while loop
699               j = ir + 1
700            ENDIF
701            ! this is the right place for rra
702         ELSE
703            ! set j to terminate do-while loop
704            j = ir + 1
705         ENDIF
706      ENDDO
707      ra (i) = rra
708      ind (i) = iind
709      GOTO 10
710      !
711   END SUBROUTINE hpsort
714END MODULE stick_base