1      program fermi_int_1
2      !
3      ! Written by Burak Himmetoglu (burakhmmtgl@gmail.com)
4      ! Uses some parts of the PW distribution
5      !
6      ! This program computes the transport integrals at a given Fermi level using
7      ! constant scattering rate, and results in conductivity and Seebeck coefficients.
8      !
9      ! Integrals that are computed:
10      !
11      ! I0 = \sum_{n,k} (-df_nk/de)
12      ! I1(i,j) = \sum_{n,k} tau (-df_nk/de) v_nk,i v_nk,j
13      ! I2(i,j) = \sum_{n,k} tau (-df_nk/de) (e_nk - e_F) v_nk,i v_nk,j
14      !
15      ! The difference between fermi_int_0 is that the calculation proceeds in a reduced
16      ! grid such that |e_nk-Ef| <= cut*kT. This allows faster integration times for a
17      ! given Fermi level (Ef).
18      !
19      ! Description of the input card:
20      !
21      ! fil_a2F            : prefix.a2Fsave file
22      ! fil_info           : file containing direct and reciprocal lattice vectors
23      ! T                  : Temperature in K
24      ! alat               : lattice parameter in a.u. (Bohr)
25      ! vol                : volume of lattice in a.u.^3
26      ! cut                : Reduction parameter for integrals (i.e. Integration reduced to the region satisfying |e_nk-Ef| <= cut*kT)
27      ! invtau             : inverse tau in eV
28      ! phband_i, phband_f : starting and ending indices of bands of interest. The bands must lie between efmin & efmax
29      ! lsoc               : if .true. then the band structure is non-collinear
30      ! nthreads           : Number of threads for OpenMP parallelization
31      ! lscissors          : if .true. conduction bands are shifted by a constant energy up
32      ! shift              : value of the shift applied to conduction bands
33      ! cbm_i              : the initial conduction band for which the shift is applied ( all bands with index >= cbm_i are shifted up)
35!$    USE omp_lib
37      implicit none
39      integer :: i,j,k,nu,ik,ikk,nk1fit,nk2fit,nk3fit,nkfit,            &
40     &           nbnd, nksfit, npk, nsym, Nmu, imu,                     &
41     &           s(3,3,48),ns,nrot,ibnd,io,phband_i, phband_f,          &
42     &           nphband, n, nn, jbnd, ibnd_ph, ind_k, cbm_i
43      !
44      double precision :: wk, at(3,3), bg(3,3), efermi, alat,           &
45     &                    T, wo(3), al(3), invtau,aa,cut,deg,           &
46     &                    invT, fd, dfd, fac, vol, shift
47      !
48      logical :: lsoc, lscissors
49      !
50      double precision, allocatable :: xkfit(:,:),etfit(:,:),wkfit(:),  &
51     &                                 dfk(:,:,:),vk(:,:,:)
52      !
53      double precision :: I0,I1(3,3),I2(3,3),sig(3,3),Se(3,3),inv_I1(3,3)
54      !
55      integer, allocatable :: eqkfit(:), sfit(:), iflag(:,:),nkeff(:)
56      !
57      ! OMP variables
58      double precision :: t0
59      !
60      integer :: nthreads
61      !
62      character*20 :: fil_a2F, fil_info
63      !
64      double precision, PARAMETER :: Rytocm1 = 109737.57990d0,          &
65     &                               RytoGHz = 3.289828D6,              &
66     &                               RytoTHz = RytoGHz/1000.d0,         &
67     &                               RytoeV = 13.60569253d0,            &
68     &                               tpi = 6.283185307d0,               &
69     &                               convsig = 2.89d5,                  &
70     &                               KtoRy = 1.d0/38.681648/300/RytoeV
71                                     ! convsig: conversion factor for
72                                     ! conductivity. From au to (Ohm cm)-1
73      !
74      namelist /input/ fil_info, fil_a2F, T, phband_i, phband_f,cut,    &
75     &                 efermi, invtau, alat, vol, nthreads, lsoc,       &
76     &                 cbm_i, shift, lscissors
78      read(5,input)
80      !Set number of threads
81      !$ call omp_set_num_threads(nthreads)
83      t0 = 0.0
85      npk = 40000
86      !
87      ! Convert from eV to Ryd
88      T = T * KtoRy
89      invtau = invtau / RytoeV
90      efermi = efermi / RytoeV
91      !
92      ! Total number of bands of interest (usually the number of relevant conduction/valence bands)
93      nphband = phband_f - phband_i + 1
94      !
95      ! Read the a2Fsave file
96      open(11,file=fil_a2F,status='unknown')
97      !
98      read(11,*) nbnd, nksfit
99      !
100      allocate(etfit(nbnd,nksfit), xkfit(3,nksfit), wkfit(nksfit))
101      !
102      ! Read band structure and k-point data
103      read(11,*) etfit
104      read(11,*) ((xkfit(i,ik), i=1,3), ik=1,nksfit)
105      read(11,*) wkfit
106      read(11,*) nk1fit, nk2fit, nk3fit
107      read(11,* ) nsym
108      do ns=1,nsym
109         read(11,*)  ((s(i,j,ns),j=1,3),i=1,3)
110      enddo
111      !
112      close(11)
113      !
114      ! Regular grid size
115      nkfit=nk1fit*nk2fit*nk3fit
116      !
117      ! Read info file on k-points (and lattice)
118      open(11,file=fil_info,status='unknown')
119      !
120      read(11,*)
121      read(11,*) ((at(i,j),i=1,3),j=1,3)
122      !
123      read(11,*)
124      read(11,*)
125      !
126      read(11,*) ((bg(i,j),i=1,3),j=1,3)
127      !
128      close(11)
129      !
130      allocate (eqkfit(nkfit),sfit(nkfit))
131      allocate (iflag(nphband,nkfit),nkeff(nphband))
132      allocate (dfk(nphband,nkfit,3),vk(nphband,nkfit,3))
133      !
134      ! Find the map between IBZ and the full-grid
135      call lint ( nsym, s, .true., at, bg, npk, 0,0,0,                  &
136     &  nk1fit,nk2fit,nk3fit, nksfit, xkfit, 1, nkfit, eqkfit, sfit)
137      !
138      ! Deallocate unnecessary variables
139      deallocate(wkfit,sfit,xkfit)
140      !
141      ! Weights for regular grid
142      if ( lsoc .eqv. .true.) then
143         wk = 1.0/nkfit
144      else
145         wk = 2.0/nkfit
146      end if
147      !
148      ! If lscissors is true, then shift band energies (move conduction bands higher in energy)
149      if (lscissors) then
150        etfit(cbm_i:nbnd,:) = etfit(cbm_i:nbnd,:) + shift/RytoeV
151        !cbm = cbm + shift
152      end if
153      !
154      ! Call band velocities and forward derivatives
155      call vband_ibz( nk1fit,nk2fit,nk3fit,nphband,nksfit,etfit(phband_i:phband_f,:),eqkfit,at, vk, dfk)
156      !
157      ! Include the 2pi/a factor
158      vk = vk / tpi * alat
159      !
160      ! Determine the reduced grid for each band
161      call reducegrid(nkfit,nksfit,nphband,etfit(phband_i:phband_f,:),eqkfit,efermi, &
162     &                cut,T, nkeff,iflag)
163      !
164      ! Initiate Fermi integrals
165      I0 = 0.0
166      I1 = 0.0
167      I2 = 0.0
168      invT = 1.0/T
169      !
170      !$ t0 = omp_get_wtime()
171      ! Loop over bands and kpoints
172      !$omp parallel default(shared) &
173      !$omp private(ibnd,ibnd_ph,ik,ikk,ind_k,i,j,fd,dfd,fac)
174      do ibnd=phband_i,phband_f
175         !
176         ibnd_ph = ibnd - phband_i + 1
177         !
178         !$omp do reduction(+: I0, I1, I2)
179         do ik=1,nkeff(ibnd_ph)
180            !
181            ikk = iflag(ibnd_ph,ik)  ! ikk is in full-grid (just reduced)
182            ind_k = eqkfit(ikk)      ! ind_k is in IBZ
183            !
184            ! Fermi factors
185            fac = etfit(ibnd,ind_k) - efermi
186            fd = 1.0/( exp(fac*invT) + 1.0 )
187            dfd = invT * fd * (1.0 - fd)
188            !
189            ! Compute I0 (related to Thomas-Fermi screening)
190            I0 = I0 + wk * dfd
191            !
192            ! Compute I1, I2
193            do i=1,3
194               do j=1,3
195                  I1(i,j) = I1(i,j) + wk * dfd / invtau * vk(ibnd_ph,ikk,i) &
196     &                               * vk(ibnd_ph,ikk,j)
197                  !
198                  I2(i,j) = I2(i,j) + wk * dfd * fac / invtau * vk(ibnd_ph,ikk,i) &
199     &                               * vk(ibnd_ph,ikk,j)
200                  !
201               end do ! j
202            end do ! i
203            !
204         end do ! ik
205         !$omp end do
206         !
207      end do ! ibnd
208      !$omp end parallel
209      !
210      !Total integration time
211      !$ t0 = omp_get_wtime() - t0
212      !
213      ! Conductivity (convert to units of Ohm^-1 cm^-1)
214      sig = I1 * convsig / vol
215      !
216      !Compute Seebeck
217      Se = 0.0
218      call inv33(I1, inv_I1)
219      do i=1,3
220         do j=1,3
221            do k=1,3
222               Se(i,j) = Se(i,j) + I2(i,k)*inv_I1(k,j)
223            end do
224         end do
225      end do
226      ! Units (convert to units of V/K)
227      Se = Se * (-RytoeV * KtoRy / T)
228      !
229      ! Write D(Ef), Conductivity and Seebeck into file
230      open(11,file='sig_1.out',status='unknown')
231      open(12,file='Se_1.out',status='unknown')
232      open(13,file='Def_1.out',status='unknown')
233      write(11,"(10e14.6)") efermi * RytoeV, ((sig(i,j),i=1,3),j=1,3)
234      write(12,"(10e14.6)") efermi * RytoeV, ((Se(i,j),i=1,3),j=1,3)
235      write(13,"(2e14.6)") efermi * RytoeV, I0 / RytoeV
236      close(11)
237      close(12)
238      close(13)
239      !
240      !
241      open(11,file='report_1',status='unknown')
242      if ( t0 > 0 ) then
243         write(11,"(A,I2)") "Number of threads = ", nthreads
244         write(11,"(A,e14.6)") "Integration time(s) =", t0
245      end if
246      !
247      write(11,"(A,I5)") "Number of kpoints (regular grid) = ", nkfit
248      do ibnd=1,nphband
249         write(11,"(A,2I5)") "band, reduced grid size", ibnd, nkeff(ibnd)
250      end do
251      close(11)
252      ! Free memory
253      deallocate(etfit,eqkfit,dfk,vk,nkeff,iflag)
255      contains
256         !
257         ! Determinant of a 3x3 matrix
258         double precision function det33 (a)
260         implicit none
261         double precision, intent(in) :: a(3,3)
263         ! Determinant of a
264         det33 = a(1,1)*( a(2,2)*a(3,3)-a(2,3)*a(3,2) ) -               &
265     &           a(1,2)*( a(1,1)*a(3,3)-a(1,3)*a(3,1) ) +               &
266     &           a(1,3)*( a(2,1)*a(3,2)-a(2,2)*a(3,1) )
268         end function det33
269         !
270         !
271         ! Inverse of a 3x3 matrix (analytical)
272         subroutine inv33(a, inv_a)
274         implicit none
276         double precision, intent(in) :: a(3,3)
277         double precision, intent(out) :: inv_a(3,3)
279         double precision :: deta_inv
281         deta_inv = 1.0 / det33(a)
283         inv_a(1,1) = deta_inv * ( a(2,2)*a(3,3)-a(2,3)*a(3,2) )
284         inv_a(1,2) = deta_inv * ( a(1,3)*a(3,2)-a(1,2)*a(3,3) )
285         inv_a(1,3) = deta_inv * ( a(1,2)*a(2,3)-a(1,3)*a(2,2) )
287         inv_a(2,1) = deta_inv * ( a(2,3)*a(3,1)-a(2,1)*a(3,3) )
288         inv_a(2,2) = deta_inv * ( a(1,1)*a(3,3)-a(1,3)*a(3,1) )
289         inv_a(2,3) = deta_inv * ( a(1,3)*a(2,1)-a(1,1)*a(2,3) )
291         inv_a(3,1) = deta_inv * ( a(2,1)*a(3,2)-a(2,2)*a(3,1) )
292         inv_a(3,2) = deta_inv * ( a(1,2)*a(3,1)-a(1,1)*a(3,2) )
293         inv_a(3,3) = deta_inv * ( a(1,1)*a(2,2)-a(1,2)*a(2,1) )
295         end subroutine inv33
298      end program fermi_int_1