1! Copyright (C) 2002-2015 Quantum ESPRESSO group
2! This file is distributed under the terms of the
3! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
4! in the root directory of the present distribution,
5! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
8  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9  SUBROUTINE pw_init_qexsd_input(obj,obj_tagname)
10  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11  !  This routine builds an XML input file, taking the values from the variables
12  !  contained in input_parameters MODULE. To work correctly it must be called before
13  !  the iosys routine deallocates the input parameters. As the data contained
14  !  in XML input are organized differently from those in provided by namelist
15  !  input, for some values we need some information from other PW modules.
16  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
17  ! first version march 2016
18  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
19  USE input_parameters,  ONLY:  title, calculation, restart_mode, prefix, pseudo_dir, outdir, tstress, tprnfor,       &
20                                wf_collect, disk_io, max_seconds, conv_thr, etot_conv_thr, forc_conv_thr,             &
21                                press, press_conv_thr,verbosity, iprint, ntyp,                                        &
22                                atm => atom_label, psfile => atom_pfile, amass => atom_mass, starting_magnetization,  &
23                                angle1, angle2, ip_nat => nat, ip_nspin => nspin, ip_ityp => sp_pos, ip_tau => rd_pos,&
24                                ip_atomic_positions => atomic_positions, lspinorb, ip_nqx1 => nqx1, ip_nqx2 => nqx2,  &
25                                ip_nqx3 => nqx3, ip_ecutfock => ecutfock, ip_ecutvcut => ecutvcut, localization_thr,  &
26                                screening_parameter, exx_fraction, x_gamma_extrapolation, exxdiv_treatment,           &
27                                ip_lda_plus_u=>lda_plus_u, ip_lda_plus_u_kind => lda_plus_u_kind,                     &
28                                ip_hubbard_u => hubbard_u, ip_hubbard_u_back => hubbard_u_back, lback, l1back,        &
29                                ip_hubbard_j0 => hubbard_j0,  ip_hubbard_beta => hubbard_beta, ip_backall => backall, &
30                                ip_hubbard_alpha => hubbard_alpha, ip_Hubbard_alpha_back => hubbard_alpha_back,       &
31                                ip_hubbard_j => hubbard_j,  starting_ns_eigenvalue, u_projection_type,                &
32                                vdw_corr, london, london_s6, london_c6, london_rcut, london_c6, xdm_a1, xdm_a2,       &
33                                ts_vdw_econv_thr, ts_vdw_isolated, dftd3_threebody,dftd3_version,                     &
34                                ip_noncolin => noncolin, ip_spinorbit => lspinorb,                                    &
35                                nbnd, smearing, degauss, ip_occupations=>occupations, tot_charge, tot_magnetization,  &
36                                ip_k_points => k_points, ecutwfc, ip_ecutrho => ecutrho, ip_nr1 => nr1, ip_nr2=>nr2,  &
37                                ip_nr3 => nr3, ip_nr1s => nr1s, ip_nr2s => nr2s,ip_nr3s => nr3s, ip_nr1b=>nr1b,       &
38                                ip_nr2b=>nr2b, ip_nr3b => nr3b,                                                       &
39                                ip_diagonalization=>diagonalization, mixing_mode, mixing_beta,                        &
40                                mixing_ndim, tqr, tq_smoothing, tbeta_smoothing, electron_maxstep,                    &
41                                diago_thr_init, diago_full_acc,                                                       &
42                                diago_cg_maxiter, diago_ppcg_maxiter, diago_david_ndim,                               &
43                                nk1, nk2, nk3, k1, k2, k3, nkstot, ip_xk => xk, ip_wk => wk,                          &
44                                ion_dynamics, upscale, remove_rigid_rot, refold_pos, pot_extrapolation,               &
45                                wfc_extrapolation, ion_temperature, tempw, tolp, delta_t, nraise, ip_dt => dt,        &
46                                bfgs_ndim, trust_radius_min, trust_radius_max, trust_radius_ini, w_1, w_2,            &
47                                cell_dynamics, wmass, cell_dofree, cell_factor,                                       &
48                                ip_nosym => nosym, ip_noinv => noinv, ip_nosym_evc => nosym_evc,                      &
49                                ip_no_t_rev => no_t_rev, ip_force_symmorphic => force_symmorphic,                     &
50                                ip_use_all_frac=>use_all_frac, assume_isolated, esm_bc, esm_w, esm_nfit, esm_efield,  &
51                                ip_lfcpopt => lfcpopt, ip_fcp_mu => fcp_mu,                                           &
52                                ecfixed, qcutz, q2sigma,                                                              &
53                                tforces, rd_for,                                                                      &
54                                rd_if_pos,                                                                               &
55                                tionvel, rd_vel,                                                                      &
56                                tefield, lelfield, dipfield, edir, emaxpos, eamp, eopreg, efield, efield_cart,gdir,   &
57                                lberry,nppstr,nberrycyc,                                                              &
58                                nconstr_inp, nc_fields, constr_type_inp, constr_target_inp, constr_inp, tconstr,      &
59                                constr_tol_inp, constrained_magnetization, lambda, fixed_magnetization, input_dft,    &
60                                tf_inp, ip_ibrav => ibrav,                                                            &
61                                gate, zgate, relaxz, block, block_1, block_2, block_height, real_space
63  USE fixed_occ,         ONLY:  f_inp
65  USE kinds,             ONLY:   DP
66  USE parameters,        ONLY:   ntypx
67  USE constants,         ONLY:   e2,bohr_radius_angs
68  USE ions_base,         ONLY:   iob_tau=>tau
69  USE cell_base,         ONLY:   cb_at => at, cb_alat => alat, cb_iforceh => iforceh
70  USE funct,             ONLY:   get_dft_is_hybrid => dft_is_hybrid, &
71                                 get_dft_is_nonlocc => dft_is_nonlocc, get_nonlocc_name, get_dft_short
72  USE uspp_param,        ONLY:   upf
73  USE control_flags,     ONLY:   cf_nstep => nstep
74  USE qes_types_module
75  USE qes_libs_module
76  USE qexsd_init,        ONLY: qexsd_init_atomic_species, qexsd_init_atomic_structure, qexsd_init_dft, &
77                               qexsd_init_hybrid, qexsd_init_vdw, qexsd_init_dftU
78  USE qexsd_input
80  !
81  TYPE (input_type),INTENT(OUT)            ::   obj
82  CHARACTER(len=*),INTENT(IN)              ::   obj_tagname
83  !
84  CHARACTER(80)                            ::   dft_name, diagonalization
85  CHARACTER(256)                           ::   tagname
86  REAL(DP),ALLOCATABLE                     ::   tau(:,:)
87  REAL(DP)                                 ::   alat, a1(3), a2(3), a3(3), gamma_xk(3,1), gamma_wk(1)
88  INTEGER                                  ::   nt
89  LOGICAL                                  ::   lsda,dft_is_hybrid,  dft_is_nonlocc,  is_hubbard(ntypx)=.FALSE.,&
90                                                is_hubbard_back(ntypx) = .FALSE.,  ibrav_lattice
91  INTEGER                                  ::   Hubbard_l=0,hublmax=0
92  INTEGER                                  ::   iexch, icorr, igcx, igcc, imeta, my_vec(6)
93  INTEGER,EXTERNAL                         ::   set_hubbard_l, set_hubbard_l_back
94  INTEGER                                  ::   lung,l
95  CHARACTER(LEN=8),  EXTERNAL              ::   schema_smearing
96  CHARACTER(LEN=8)                         ::   smearing_loc
97  CHARACTER(len=20)                        ::   dft_shortname
98  CHARACTER(len=25)                        ::   dft_longname
99  CHARACTER(LEN=80),TARGET                 ::  vdw_corr_, vdw_nonlocc_
100  CHARACTER(LEN=80),POINTER                ::  vdw_corr_pointer => NULL(), vdw_nonlocc_pt=>NULL()
101  LOGICAL,TARGET                           ::  gate_tgt, block_tgt, relaxz_tgt
102  LOGICAL,POINTER                          ::  gate_ptr, block_ptr, relaxz_ptr
103  REAL(DP),TARGET                          ::  block_1_tgt, block_2_tgt, block_height_tgt, zgate_tgt
104  REAL(DP),POINTER                         ::  block_1_ptr, block_2_ptr, block_height_ptr, zgate_ptr
105  TYPE(hybrid_type),POINTER                ::  hybrid_
106  TYPE(dftU_type),POINTER                  ::  dftU_
107  TYPE(vdW_type),POINTER                   ::  vdW_
108  REAL(DP),TARGET                          ::  xdm_a1_, xdm_a2_, lond_s6_, lond_rcut_, ts_vdw_econv_thr_,&
109                                               scr_par_, exx_frc_, ecutvcut_, ecut_fock_, loc_thr_
110  REAL(DP),POINTER                         ::  xdm_a1_pt=>NULL(), xdm_a2_pt=>NULL(), lond_s6_pt=>NULL(), &
111                                               lond_rcut_pt=>NULL(), ts_vdw_econv_thr_pt=>NULL(),&
112                                               ecut_fock_opt=>NULL(), scr_par_opt=>NULL(), exx_frc_opt=>NULL(), &
113                                               ecutvcut_opt=>NULL(), loc_thr_p => NULL()
114  LOGICAL,TARGET                           ::  empirical_vdw, ts_vdw_isolated_, dftd3_threebody_
115  LOGICAL,POINTER                          ::  ts_vdw_isolated_pt=>NULL(), dftd3_threebody_pt=>NULL()
116  INTEGER,TARGET                           :: dftd3_version_, spin_ns, nbnd_tg, nq1_tg, nq2_tg, nq3_tg
117  INTEGER,POINTER                          :: dftd3_version_pt=>NULL(), nbnd_pt => NULL(), nq1_pt=>NULL(),&
118                                              nq2_pt=>NULL(), nq3_pt=>NULL()
119  REAL(DP),ALLOCATABLE                     :: london_c6_(:), hubbard_U_(:), hubbard_U_back_(:), hubbard_alpha_(:), &
120                                              hubbard_alpha_back_(:), hubbard_J_(:,:), hubbard_J0_(:), hubbard_beta_(:), &
121                                              starting_ns_(:,:,:)
122  LOGICAL, ALLOCATABLE                     :: backall_(:)
123  INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE                     :: Hubbard_l_back_(:), Hubbard_l1_back_(:)
124  CHARACTER(LEN=3),ALLOCATABLE             :: species_(:)
125  INTEGER, POINTER                         :: nr_1,nr_2, nr_3, nrs_1, nrs_2, nrs_3, nrb_1, nrb_2, nrb_3
126  INTEGER,ALLOCATABLE                      :: nr_(:), nrs_(:), nrb_(:)
127  CHARACTER,EXTERNAL                       :: capital
128  INTEGER                                  :: i
129  !
130  !
131  NULLIFY (gate_ptr, block_ptr, relaxz_ptr, block_1_ptr, block_2_ptr, block_height_ptr, zgate_ptr, dftU_, vdW_, hybrid_)
132  NULLIFY (nr_1,nr_2,nr_3, nrs_1, nrs_2, nrs_3, nrb_1, nrb_2, nrb_3)
134  obj%tagname=TRIM(obj_tagname)
135  IF ( ABS(ip_ibrav)  .GT. 0 ) THEN
136     ibrav_lattice = .TRUE.
137  ELSE
138     ibrav_lattice = .FALSE.
139  END IF
140  !
141  !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
142  !                                                 CONTROL VARIABLES ELEMENT
143  !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
144  CALL qexsd_init_control_variables(obj%control_variables,title=title,calculation=calculation,                         &
145                                    restart_mode=restart_mode,prefix=prefix,pseudo_dir=pseudo_dir,outdir=outdir,       &
146                                    stress=tstress,forces=tprnfor, wf_collect=wf_collect,disk_io=disk_io,              &
147                                    max_seconds=max_seconds,etot_conv_thr=etot_conv_thr/e2,forc_conv_thr=forc_conv_thr/e2,   &
148                                    press_conv_thr=press_conv_thr,verbosity=verbosity,iprint=iprint, NSTEP = cf_nstep )
149  !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
150  !                                                 ATOMIC SPECIES
151  !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
152  IF ( ip_noncolin ) THEN
153     CALL qexsd_init_atomic_species(obj%atomic_species, ntyp,atm, psfile, amass, starting_magnetization, angle1, angle2)
154  ELSE IF (ip_nspin == 1 ) THEN
155     CALL qexsd_init_atomic_species(obj%atomic_species, ntyp,atm, psfile, amass)
156  ELSE IF (ip_nspin == 2 ) THEN
157     CALL qexsd_init_atomic_species(obj%atomic_species, ntyp,atm, psfile, amass, starting_magnetization)
158  END IF
159  !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
160  !                                                 ATOMIC STRUCTURE
161  !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
162  ALLOCATE (tau(3, ip_nat))
163  alat = cb_alat                      !*bohr_radius_angs
164  a1 = cb_at(:,1)*alat
165  a2 = cb_at(:,2)*alat
166  a3 = cb_at(:,3)*alat
167  tau(1:3,1:ip_nat) = iob_tau(1:3,1:ip_nat)*alat
168  !
169  IF ( ibrav_lattice ) THEN
170     CALL qexsd_init_atomic_structure (obj%atomic_structure, ntyp, atm, ip_ityp, ip_nat, tau, &
171                                       ALAT = alat, a1 = a1, a2 = a2, a3 = a3 , ibrav = ip_ibrav )
172  ELSE
173     CALL qexsd_init_atomic_structure (obj%atomic_structure, ntyp, atm, ip_ityp, ip_nat, tau,     &
174                                    alat = sqrt(sum(a1(1:3)*a1(1:3))), A1 = a1, A2 = a2, A3 = a3 , IBRAV = 0 )
175  END IF
176  DEALLOCATE ( tau )
177  !
178  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
179  !                                                   DFT ELEMENT
180  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
181  IF ( TRIM(input_dft) .NE. "none" ) THEN
182     dft_name=TRIM(input_dft)
183     DO i=1, LEN(dft_name)
184        dft_name(i:i) = capital(dft_name(i:i))
185     END DO
186  ELSE
187     dft_shortname = get_dft_short()
188     dft_name=TRIM(dft_shortname)
189  END IF
191  dft_is_hybrid=get_dft_is_hybrid()
192  IF ( dft_is_hybrid) THEN
193     ALLOCATE(hybrid_)
194     IF (screening_parameter > 0.0_DP) THEN
195        scr_par_ = screening_parameter
196        scr_par_opt => scr_par_
197     END IF
198     IF ( exx_fraction > 0.0_DP) THEN
199        exx_frc_ = exx_fraction
200        exx_frc_opt => exx_frc_
201     END IF
202     IF ( ip_ecutfock > 0.0_DP) THEN
203        ecut_fock_ = ip_ecutvcut/e2
204        ecut_fock_opt => ecut_fock_
205     END IF
206     IF ( ip_ecutvcut > 0.0_DP) THEN
207        ecutvcut_ = ip_ecutvcut/e2
208        ecutvcut_opt => ecutvcut_
209     END IF
210     IF (ANY([ip_nqx1, ip_nqx2, ip_nqx3] /= 0)) THEN
211        nq1_tg = ip_nqx1
212        nq2_tg = ip_nqx2
213        nq3_tg = ip_nqx3
214        nq1_pt => nq1_tg
215        nq2_pt => nq2_tg
216        nq3_pt => nq3_tg
217     END IF
218     IF (localization_thr .GT. 0._DP) THEN
219        loc_thr_ = localization_thr
220        loc_thr_p => loc_thr_
221     END IF
222     CALL qexsd_init_hybrid(hybrid_, dft_is_hybrid, NQ1 = ip_nqx1, NQ2= ip_nqx2, NQ3=ip_nqx3,&
223                            ECUTFOCK = ecut_fock_opt, EXX_FRACTION = exx_frc_opt,          &
224                            SCREENING_PARAMETER = scr_par_opt,  EXXDIV_TREATMENT = exxdiv_treatment,&
225                            X_GAMMA_EXTRAPOLATION = x_gamma_extrapolation, ECUTVCUT = ecutvcut_opt, &
226                            LOCAL_THR = loc_thr_p )
227  END IF
228  dft_is_nonlocc=get_dft_is_nonlocc()
229  vdw_corr_ = vdw_corr
230  IF (london) vdw_corr_ = 'grimme-d2'
231  empirical_vdw = .NOT. ( TRIM(vdw_corr_)  == 'none')
232  IF (empirical_vdw .OR. dft_is_nonlocc) THEN
233    ALLOCATE (vdW_)
234    IF ( empirical_vdw ) THEN
235        vdw_corr_pointer => vdw_corr_
236        SELECT CASE ( TRIM(vdw_corr_))
237            CASE ('grimme-d2', 'Grimme-D2', 'DFT-D', 'dft-d')
238                IF ( london_s6 .NE. 0.75_DP .OR. london_rcut .NE. 200._DP ) THEN
239                    lond_s6_ = london_s6
240                    lond_s6_pt => lond_s6_
241                    lond_rcut_ = london_rcut
242                    lond_rcut_pt => lond_rcut_
243                END IF
244                IF (ANY( london_c6(1:ntyp) .NE. -1._DP )) THEN
245                    ALLOCATE (london_c6_(ntyp), species_(ntyp))
246                    london_c6_(1:ntyp) = london_c6(1:ntyp)
247                    species_(1:ntyp)  = atm(1:ntyp)
248                END IF
249            CASE ('TS', 'ts', 'ts-vdw', 'ts-vdW', 'tkatchenko-scheffler')
250                ts_vdw_isolated_ = ts_vdw_isolated
251                ts_vdw_isolated_pt => ts_vdw_isolated_
252                ts_vdw_econv_thr_ = ts_vdw_econv_thr
253                ts_vdw_econv_thr_pt => ts_vdw_econv_thr_
254            CASE ('XDM' , 'xdm')
255                xdm_a1_ = xdm_a1
256                xdm_a1_pt => xdm_a1_
257                xdm_a2_ = xdm_a2
258                xdm_a2_pt => xdm_a2_
259            CASE ('grimme-d3', 'Grimme-D3', 'DFT-D3', 'dft-d3')
260                dftd3_version_ = dftd3_version
261                dftd3_version_pt => dftd3_version_
262                dftd3_threebody_ = dftd3_threebody
263                dftd3_threebody_pt => dftd3_threebody_
264        END SELECT
265     ELSE
266        vdw_corr_ = 'none'
267        vdw_corr_pointer => vdw_corr_
268     END IF
269     IF (dft_is_nonlocc) THEN
270         vdw_nonlocc_ = TRIM(get_nonlocc_name())
271         vdw_nonlocc_pt => vdw_nonlocc_
272     END IF
273     CALL qexsd_init_vdw(vdW_, NON_LOCAL_TERM = vdw_nonlocc_pt, VDW_CORR = vdw_corr_pointer, &
274                             TS_THR = ts_vdw_econv_thr_pt, TS_ISOL = ts_vdw_isolated_pt, &
275                             LONDON_S6 = lond_s6_pt, LONDON_RCUT = lond_rcut_pt, SPECIES = species_, &
276                             XDM_A1 = xdm_a1_pt, XDM_A2 = xdm_a2_pt, DFTD3_VERSION = dftd3_version_pt, &
277                             DFTD3_THREEBODY = dftd3_threebody_pt)
278  END IF
279  !
280  IF (ip_lda_plus_u) THEN
281     ALLOCATE (dftU_)
282     !
283     DO nt = 1, ntyp
284       !
285       is_hubbard(nt) = ip_Hubbard_U(nt)/= 0.0_dp .OR. &
286                        ip_Hubbard_U_back(nt) /= 0.0_DP .OR. &
287                        ip_Hubbard_alpha(nt) /= 0.0_dp .OR. &
288                        ip_Hubbard_alpha_back(nt) /= 0.0_DP .OR. &
289                        ip_Hubbard_J0(nt) /= 0.0_dp .OR. &
290                        ip_Hubbard_beta(nt)/= 0.0_dp .OR. &
291                        ANY(ip_Hubbard_J(:,nt) /= 0.0_DP)
292       IF (is_hubbard(nt)) hublmax = MAX (hublmax, set_hubbard_l(upf(nt)%psd))
293       !
294       is_hubbard_back(nt) = ip_Hubbard_U_back(nt) /= 0.0_DP .OR. &
295                             ip_Hubbard_alpha_back(nt) /= 0.0_DP
296       !
297     END DO
298     IF ( ANY(ip_hubbard_u(1:ntyp) /=0.0_DP)) THEN
299        ALLOCATE(hubbard_U_(ntyp))
300        hubbard_U_(1:ntyp) = ip_hubbard_u(1:ntyp)
301     END IF
302     IF ( ANY(ip_hubbard_u_back(1:ntyp) /=0.0_DP)) THEN
303        ALLOCATE(hubbard_U_back_(ntyp))
304        hubbard_U_back_(1:ntyp) = ip_hubbard_u_back(1:ntyp)
305     END IF
306     IF (ANY (ip_hubbard_J0 /=0.0_DP)) THEN
307        ALLOCATE(hubbard_J0_(ntyp))
308        hubbard_J0_ (1:ntyp) = ip_hubbard_J0(1:ntyp)
309     END IF
310     IF (ANY (ip_hubbard_alpha /=0.0_DP)) THEN
311        ALLOCATE(hubbard_alpha_(ntyp))
312        hubbard_alpha_ (1:ntyp) = ip_hubbard_alpha(1:ntyp)
313     END IF
314     IF (ANY (ip_hubbard_alpha_back /=0.0_DP)) THEN
315        ALLOCATE(hubbard_alpha_back_(ntyp))
316        hubbard_alpha_back_ (1:ntyp) = ip_hubbard_alpha_back(1:ntyp)
317     END IF
318     IF (ANY (ip_hubbard_beta /=0.0_DP)) THEN
319        ALLOCATE(hubbard_beta_(ntyp))
320        hubbard_beta_ (1:ntyp) = ip_hubbard_beta(1:ntyp)
321     END IF
322     IF (ANY (ip_hubbard_J(:,1:ntyp) /=0.0_DP )) THEN
323        ALLOCATE(hubbard_J_(3,ntyp))
324        hubbard_J_(1:3,1:ntyp) = ip_hubbard_J(1:3,1:ntyp)
325     END IF
326     !
327     IF (ANY(starting_ns_eigenvalue /= -1.0_DP)) THEN
328         IF (lsda) THEN
329            spin_ns = 2
330         ELSE
331            spin_ns = 1
332         END IF
333         ALLOCATE (starting_ns_(2*hublmax+1, spin_ns, ntyp))
334         starting_ns_          (1:2*hublmax+1, 1:spin_ns, 1:ntyp) = &
335         starting_ns_eigenvalue(1:2*hublmax+1, 1:spin_ns, 1:ntyp)
336     END IF
337     !
338     IF (ANY(is_hubbard_back(1:ntyp))) THEN
339        ALLOCATE (Hubbard_l_back_(ntyp))
340        IF (ANY(lback>=0)) THEN
341          Hubbard_l_back_(1:ntyp) = lback(1:ntyp)
342        ELSE
343          DO nt = 1, ntyp
344             Hubbard_l_back_(nt) = set_hubbard_l_back(upf(nt)%psd)
345          END DO
346        END IF
347        IF (ANY(ip_backall) ) THEN
348           ALLOCATE(backall_(ntyp))
349           backall_ (1:ntyp) = ip_backall(1:ntyp)
350           IF (ANY(l1back >=0)) THEN
351              ALLOCATE(Hubbard_l1_back_(ntyp))
352              Hubbard_l1_back_ (1:ntyp) = l1back(1:ntyp)
353           ENDIF
354        END IF
355     END IF
356     !
357     CALL qexsd_init_dftU(dftU_, NSP = ntyp, PSD = upf(1:ntyp)%psd, SPECIES = atm(1:ntyp), ITYP = ip_ityp(1:ntyp), &
358                           IS_HUBBARD = is_hubbard(1:ntyp), IS_HUBBARD_BACK= is_hubbard_back(1:ntyp),               &
359                           NONCOLIN=ip_noncolin, LDA_PLUS_U_KIND = ip_lda_plus_u_kind, &
360                           U_PROJECTION_TYPE=u_projection_type, &
361                           U=hubbard_U_, U_back=hubbard_U_back_, HUBB_L_BACK = Hubbard_l_back_, &
362                           HUBB_L1_BACK= Hubbard_l1_back_, J0=hubbard_J0_, J = hubbard_J_, &
363                           ALPHA = hubbard_alpha_, BETA = hubbard_beta_, ALPHA_BACK = hubbard_alpha_back_, &
364                           STARTING_NS = starting_ns_, BACKALL = backall_ )
365  END IF
366  CALL qexsd_init_dft(obj%dft, TRIM(dft_name), hybrid_, vdW_, dftU_)
367  IF (ASSOCIATED(hybrid_)) THEN
368    CALL qes_reset(hybrid_)
369    DEALLOCATE(hybrid_)
370  END IF
372    CALL qes_reset(vdW_)
373    DEALLOCATE(vdW_)
374  END IF
376    CALL qes_reset(dftU_)
377    DEALLOCATE(dftU_)
378  END IF
380  !
381  !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
382  !                                                   SPIN ELEMENT
383  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
384  IF (ip_nspin == 2) THEN
385     lsda=.TRUE.
386  ELSE
387     lsda=.FALSE.
388  END IF
389  CALL qexsd_init_spin(obj%spin, lsda, ip_noncolin, ip_spinorbit)
390  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
391  !                                                    BANDS ELEMENT
392  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
393  IF (nbnd /= 0) THEN
394     nbnd_tg = nbnd
395     nbnd_pt => nbnd_tg
396  END IF
397  smearing_loc = schema_smearing(smearing)
398  IF (tf_inp) THEN
399     SELECT CASE (ip_nspin)
400        CASE (2)
401           CALL qexsd_init_bands(obj%bands, nbnd_pt, smearing_loc, degauss/e2, &
402                ip_occupations, tot_charge, ip_nspin, &
403                input_occupations=f_inp(:,1),input_occupations_minority=f_inp(:,2))
404        CASE default
405           CALL qexsd_init_bands(obj%bands, nbnd_pt, smearing_loc, degauss/e2, &
406                ip_occupations, tot_charge, ip_nspin, input_occupations=f_inp(:,1) )
407     END SELECT
408  ELSE
409     IF ( tot_magnetization .LT. 0 ) THEN
410        CALL qexsd_init_bands(obj%bands, nbnd_pt, smearing_loc, degauss/e2, ip_occupations, tot_charge, ip_nspin)
411     ELSE
412        CALL qexsd_init_bands(obj%bands, nbnd_pt, smearing_loc, degauss/e2, ip_occupations, tot_charge, ip_nspin, &
413                              TOT_MAG  = tot_magnetization)
414     END IF
415  END IF
416  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
417  !                                                    BASIS ELEMENT
418  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
419  IF (ANY([ip_nr1,ip_nr2,ip_nr3] /=0)) THEN
420     ALLOCATE (nr_(3))
421     nr_ = [ip_nr1,ip_nr2,ip_nr3]
422  END IF
423  IF (ANY([ip_nr1s,ip_nr2s,ip_nr3s] /=0)) THEN
424     ALLOCATE (nrs_(3))
425     nrs_ = [ip_nr1s,ip_nr2s,ip_nr3s]
426  END IF
427  IF (ANY([ip_nr1b,ip_nr2b,ip_nr3b] /=0)) THEN
428     ALLOCATE(nrb_(3))
429     nrb_ = [ip_nr1b,ip_nr2b,ip_nr3b]
430  END IF
432  CALL qexsd_init_basis(obj%basis, ip_k_points, ecutwfc/e2, ip_ecutrho/e2, nr_ , nrs_, nrb_ )
433  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
434  !                                                    ELECTRON CONTROL
435  !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
436  IF (TRIM(ip_diagonalization) == 'david') THEN
437     diagonalization = 'davidson'
438  ELSE
439    diagonalization = ip_diagonalization
440  END IF
441  CALL qexsd_init_electron_control(obj%electron_control, diagonalization, mixing_mode, mixing_beta, conv_thr/e2,         &
442                                   mixing_ndim, electron_maxstep, tqr, real_space, tq_smoothing, tbeta_smoothing, diago_thr_init, &
443                                   diago_full_acc, diago_cg_maxiter,  diago_ppcg_maxiter, diago_david_ndim )
444  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
445  !                                                   K POINTS IBZ ELEMENT
446  !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
447  IF (TRIM(ip_k_points) .EQ. 'gamma' ) THEN
448      gamma_xk(:,1)=[0._DP, 0._DP, 0._DP]
449      gamma_wk(1)=1._DP
450      CALL qexsd_init_k_points_ibz( obj%k_points_ibz, ip_k_points, calculation, nk1, nk2, nk3, k1, k2, k3, 1,         &
451                                    gamma_xk, gamma_wk ,alat,a1,ibrav_lattice)
453  ELSE
454     CALL qexsd_init_k_points_ibz(obj%k_points_ibz, ip_k_points, calculation, nk1, nk2, nk3, k1, k2, k3, nkstot,      &
455                                   ip_xk, ip_wk,alat,a1, ibrav_lattice)
457  END IF
458  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
459  !                                                       ION CONTROL ELEMENT
460  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
461  CALL qexsd_init_ion_control(obj%ion_control, ion_dynamics, upscale, remove_rigid_rot, refold_pos,                   &
462                              pot_extrapolation, wfc_extrapolation, ion_temperature, tempw, tolp, delta_t, nraise,    &
463                              ip_dt, bfgs_ndim, trust_radius_min, trust_radius_max, trust_radius_ini, w_1, w_2)
464  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
465  !                                                        CELL CONTROL ELEMENT
466  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
467  CALL qexsd_init_cell_control(obj%cell_control, cell_dynamics, press, wmass, cell_factor, cell_dofree, cb_iforceh)
468  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
469  !                                SYMMETRY FLAGS
470  !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
471  obj%symmetry_flags_ispresent = .TRUE.
472  CALL qexsd_init_symmetry_flags(obj%symmetry_flags, ip_nosym,ip_nosym_evc, ip_noinv, ip_no_t_rev,                    &
473                                 ip_force_symmorphic, ip_use_all_frac)
474  !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
475  !                              BOUNDARY CONDITIONS
476  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
477  IF (TRIM( assume_isolated ) .EQ. "none" ) THEN
478     obj%boundary_conditions_ispresent=.FALSE.
479  ELSE
480     obj%boundary_conditions_ispresent = .TRUE.
481     IF ( TRIM ( assume_isolated) .EQ. "esm") THEN
482        SELECT CASE (TRIM(esm_bc))
483          CASE ('pbc', 'bc1' )
484             CALL qexsd_init_boundary_conditions(obj%boundary_conditions, assume_isolated, esm_bc,&
485                                                 ESM_NFIT = esm_nfit, ESM_W = esm_w,ESM_EFIELD = esm_efield)
486          CASE ('bc2', 'bc3' )
487            CALL qexsd_init_boundary_conditions(obj%boundary_conditions, assume_isolated, esm_bc, &
488                                                 FCP_OPT = ip_lfcpopt, FCP_MU = ip_fcp_mu, &
489                                                 ESM_NFIT = esm_nfit, ESM_W = esm_w,ESM_EFIELD = esm_efield)
490        END SELECT
491     ELSE
492        CALL qexsd_init_boundary_conditions(obj%boundary_conditions, assume_isolated)
493     END IF
494  END IF
495  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
496  !                                                              EKIN FUNCTIONAL
497  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
498  IF (ecfixed .GT. 1.d-3) THEN
499     obj%ekin_functional_ispresent = .TRUE.
500     CALL qexsd_init_ekin_functional ( obj%ekin_functional, ecfixed, qcutz, q2sigma)
501  ELSE
502     obj%ekin_functional_ispresent = .FALSE.
503  END IF
504  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
505  !                                                         EXTERNAL FORCES
506  !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
507  IF ( tforces ) THEN
508      obj%external_atomic_forces_ispresent = .TRUE.
509      CALL qexsd_init_external_atomic_forces (obj%external_atomic_forces, rd_for,ip_nat)
510  ELSE
511      obj%external_atomic_forces_ispresent= .FALSE.
512  END IF
513  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
514  !                                            FREE POSITIONS
515  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
516  IF ( TRIM(calculation) .NE. "scf" .AND. TRIM(calculation) .NE. "nscf" .AND. &
517                                           TRIM(calculation) .NE. "bands") THEN
518      obj%free_positions_ispresent=.TRUE.
519      CALL qexsd_init_free_positions( obj%free_positions, rd_if_pos, ip_nat)
520  ELSE
521      obj%free_positions_ispresent = .FALSE.
522  END IF
523  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
524  !                                  STARTING IONIC VELOCITIES
525  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
526  IF (tionvel) THEN
527     obj%starting_atomic_velocities_ispresent=.TRUE.
528     CALL qexsd_init_starting_atomic_velocities(obj%starting_atomic_velocities,tionvel,rd_vel,ip_nat)
529  ELSE
530     obj%starting_atomic_velocities_ispresent=.FALSE.
531  END IF
532  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
533  !                                ELECTRIC FIELD
534  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
535  IF (tefield .OR. lelfield .OR. lberry .or. gate ) THEN
536     obj%electric_field_ispresent=.TRUE.
537     IF ( gate ) THEN
538         gate_tgt = gate
539         gate_ptr => gate_tgt
540         zgate_tgt = zgate
541         zgate_ptr => zgate_tgt
542         block_tgt = block
543         block_ptr => block_tgt
544         block_1_tgt = block_1
545         block_1_ptr => block_1_tgt
546         block_2_tgt = block_2
547         block_2_ptr => block_2_tgt
548         block_height_tgt = block_height
549         block_height_ptr => block_height_tgt
550         relaxz_tgt = relaxz
551         relaxz_ptr => relaxz_tgt
552     END IF
553     CALL qexsd_init_electric_field_input(obj%electric_field, tefield, dipfield, lelfield, lberry,       &
554                              edir, gdir, emaxpos, eopreg, eamp, efield, efield_cart, nberrycyc, nppstr, &
555                              GATE = gate_ptr, ZGATE = zgate_ptr, RELAXZ = relaxz_ptr, BLOCK = block_ptr,&
556                              BLOCK_1 = block_1_ptr, BLOCK_2 = block_2_ptr, BLOCK_HEIGHT = block_height_ptr)
557  ELSE
558     obj%electric_field_ispresent=.FALSE.
559  END IF
560  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
561  !                                     ATOMIC CONSTRAINTS
562  !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
563  IF (tconstr) THEN
564     obj%atomic_constraints_ispresent=.TRUE.
565     CALL qexsd_init_atomic_constraints( obj%atomic_constraints, ion_dynamics, tconstr, nconstr_inp,constr_type_inp,  &
566                                         constr_tol_inp, constr_target_inp, constr_inp)
567  ELSE
568     obj%atomic_constraints_ispresent=.FALSE.
569  END IF
570  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
571  !                                               SPIN CONSTRAINTS
572  !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
574  SELECT CASE (TRIM( constrained_magnetization ))
576     CASE ("total","total direction")
577          obj%spin_constraints_ispresent=.TRUE.
578          CALL qexsd_init_spin_constraints(obj%spin_constraints, constrained_magnetization,lambda,&
579                                          fixed_magnetization)
580     CASE ("atomic", "atomic direction")
581          obj%spin_constraints_ispresent=.TRUE.
582          CALL qexsd_init_spin_constraints(obj%spin_constraints, constrained_magnetization, lambda )
583     CASE default
584          obj%spin_constraints_ispresent=.FALSE.
588  obj%lread=.TRUE.
589  obj%lwrite=.TRUE.
590  !
591  !
592  END SUBROUTINE pw_init_qexsd_input
593  !