2! Copyright (C) 2001-2020 Quantum ESPRESSO group
3! This file is distributed under the terms of the
4! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
5! in the root directory of the present distribution,
6! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
10SUBROUTINE setup()
11  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
12  !! This routine is called at the beginning of the calculation and:
13  !
14  !! 1) determines various parameters of the calculation:
15  !
16  !!  * zv:        charge of each atomic type;
17  !!  * nelec:     total number of electrons (if not given in input);
18  !!  * nbnd:      total number of bands (if not given in input);
19  !!  * nbndx:     max number of bands used in iterative diagonalization;
20  !!  * tpiba:     2 pi / a (a = lattice parameter);
21  !!  * tpiba2:    square of tpiba;
22  !!  * gcutm:     cut-off in g space for charge/potentials;
23  !!  * gcutms:    cut-off in g space for smooth charge;
24  !!  * ethr:      convergence threshold for iterative diagonalization;
25  !
26  !! 2) finds actual crystal symmetry:
27  !
28  !!  * s:         symmetry matrices in the direct lattice vectors basis;
29  !!  * nsym:      number of crystal symmetry operations;
30  !!  * nrot:      number of lattice symmetry operations;
31  !!  * ft:        fractionary translations;
32  !!  * irt:       for each atom gives the corresponding symmetric;
33  !!  * invsym:    if true the system has inversion symmetry;
34  !
35  !! 3) generates k-points corresponding to the actual crystal symmetry;
36  !
37  !! 4) calculates various quantities used in magnetic, spin-orbit, PAW
38  !!    electric-field, DFT+U(+V) calculations, and for parallelism.
39  !
40  USE kinds,              ONLY : DP
41  USE constants,          ONLY : eps8, e2, fpi, pi, degspin
42  USE parameters,         ONLY : npk
43  USE io_global,          ONLY : stdout, ionode, ionode_id
44  USE io_files,           ONLY : xmlfile
45  USE cell_base,          ONLY : at, bg, alat, tpiba, tpiba2, ibrav
46  USE ions_base,          ONLY : nat, tau, ntyp => nsp, ityp, zv
47  USE basis,              ONLY : starting_pot, natomwfc
48  USE gvect,              ONLY : gcutm, ecutrho
49  USE gvecw,              ONLY : gcutw, ecutwfc
50  USE gvecs,              ONLY : doublegrid, gcutms, dual
51  USE klist,              ONLY : xk, wk, nks, nelec, degauss, lgauss, &
52                                 ltetra, lxkcry, nkstot, &
53                                 nelup, neldw, two_fermi_energies, &
54                                 tot_charge, tot_magnetization
55  USE ener,               ONLY : ef, ef_up, ef_dw
56  USE electrons_base,     ONLY : set_nelup_neldw
57  USE start_k,            ONLY : nks_start, xk_start, wk_start, &
58                                 nk1, nk2, nk3, k1, k2, k3
59  USE ktetra,             ONLY : tetra_type, opt_tetra_init, tetra_init
60  USE symm_base,          ONLY : s, t_rev, irt, nrot, nsym, invsym, nosym, &
61                                 d1,d2,d3, time_reversal, sname, set_sym_bl, &
62                                 find_sym, inverse_s, no_t_rev, fft_fact,  &
63                                 allfrac
64  USE wvfct,              ONLY : nbnd, nbndx
65  USE control_flags,      ONLY : tr2, ethr, lscf, lbfgs, lmd, david, lecrpa,  &
66                                 isolve, niter, noinv, ts_vdw, &
67                                 lbands, use_para_diag, gamma_only, &
68                                 restart
69  USE cellmd,             ONLY : calc
70  USE uspp_param,         ONLY : upf, n_atom_wfc
71  USE uspp,               ONLY : okvan
72  USE ldaU,               ONLY : lda_plus_u, init_lda_plus_u
73  USE bp,                 ONLY : gdir, lberry, nppstr, lelfield, lorbm, nx_el,&
74                                 nppstr_3d,l3dstring, efield
75  USE fixed_occ,          ONLY : f_inp, tfixed_occ, one_atom_occupations
76  USE mp_images,          ONLY : intra_image_comm
77  USE mp_pools,           ONLY : kunit
78  USE mp_bands,           ONLY : intra_bgrp_comm, nyfft
79  USE mp,                 ONLY : mp_bcast
80  USE lsda_mod,           ONLY : lsda, nspin, current_spin, isk, &
81                                 starting_magnetization
82  USE spin_orb,           ONLY : lspinorb, domag
83  USE noncollin_module,   ONLY : noncolin, npol, i_cons, m_loc, &
84                                 angle1, angle2, bfield, ux, nspin_lsda, &
85                                 nspin_gga, nspin_mag
86  USE qexsd_module,       ONLY : qexsd_readschema
87  USE qexsd_copy,         ONLY : qexsd_copy_efermi
88  USE qes_libs_module,    ONLY : qes_reset
89  USE qes_types_module,   ONLY : output_type
90  USE exx,                ONLY : ecutfock
91  USE exx_base,           ONLY : exx_grid_init, exx_mp_init, exx_div_check
92  USE funct,              ONLY : dft_is_meta, dft_is_hybrid, dft_is_gradient
93  USE paw_variables,      ONLY : okpaw
94  USE fcp_variables,      ONLY : lfcpopt, lfcpdyn
95  USE extfield,           ONLY : gate
96  USE additional_kpoints, ONLY : add_additional_kpoints
97  !
99  !
100  INTEGER  :: na, is, ierr, ibnd, ik, nrot_
101  LOGICAL  :: magnetic_sym, skip_equivalence=.FALSE.
102  REAL(DP) :: iocc, ionic_charge, one
103  !
104  LOGICAL, EXTERNAL  :: check_para_diag
105  !
106  TYPE(output_type)  :: output_obj
107  !
108#if defined(__MPI)
109  LOGICAL :: lpara = .true.
111  LOGICAL :: lpara = .false.
114  !
115  ! ... okvan/okpaw = .TRUE. : at least one pseudopotential is US/PAW
116  !
117  okvan = ANY( upf(1:ntyp)%tvanp )
118  okpaw = ANY( upf(1:ntyp)%tpawp )
119  !
120  ! ... check for features not implemented with US-PP or PAW
121  !
122  IF ( okvan .OR. okpaw ) THEN
123     IF ( dft_is_meta() ) CALL errore( 'setup', &
124                               'Meta-GGA not implemented with USPP/PAW', 1 )
125     IF ( noncolin .AND. lberry)  CALL errore( 'setup', &
126       'Noncolinear Berry Phase/electric not implemented with USPP/PAW', 1 )
127     IF  (ts_vdw ) CALL errore ('setup',&
128                   'Tkatchenko-Scheffler not implemented with USPP/PAW', 1 )
129     IF ( lorbm ) CALL errore( 'setup', &
130                  'Orbital Magnetization not implemented with USPP/PAW', 1 )
131  END IF
133  IF ( dft_is_hybrid() ) THEN
134     IF ( lberry ) CALL errore( 'setup ', &
135                         'hybrid XC not allowed in Berry-phase calculations',1 )
136     IF ( lelfield ) CALL errore( 'setup ', &
137                         'hybrid XC and electric fields untested',1 )
138     IF ( allfrac ) CALL errore( 'setup ', &
139                         'option use_all_frac incompatible with hybrid XC', 1 )
140     IF (.NOT. lscf) CALL errore( 'setup ', &
141                         'hybrid XC not allowed in non-scf calculations', 1 )
142     IF ( ANY (upf(1:ntyp)%nlcc) ) CALL infomsg( 'setup ', 'BEWARE:' // &
143               & ' nonlinear core correction is not consistent with hybrid XC')
144     IF (okvan) THEN
145        IF (ecutfock /= 4.0_dp*ecutwfc) THEN
146           ecutfock = MIN(4.0_dp*ecutwfc,ecutrho)
147           CALL infomsg ('setup', &
148                    'Warning: ecutfock not valid for US/PAW, ignored')
149        END IF
150        IF ( lmd .OR. lbfgs ) CALL errore &
151           ('setup','forces for hybrid functionals + US/PAW not implemented',1)
152        IF ( noncolin ) CALL errore &
153           ('setup','Noncolinear hybrid XC for USPP not implemented',1)
154     END IF
155     IF ( noncolin ) no_t_rev=.true.
156  END IF
157  !
158  IF ( dft_is_meta() .AND. noncolin )  CALL errore( 'setup', &
159                               'Non-collinear Meta-GGA not implemented', 1 )
160  !
161  ! ... Compute the ionic charge for each atom type and the total ionic charge
162  !
163  zv(1:ntyp) = upf(1:ntyp)%zp
164  !
165#if defined (__PGI)
166     ionic_charge = 0._DP
167     DO na = 1, nat
168        ionic_charge = ionic_charge + zv( ityp(na) )
169     END DO
171     ionic_charge = SUM( zv(ityp(1:nat)) )
173  !
174  ! ... set the number of electrons
175  !
176  nelec = ionic_charge - tot_charge
177  !
178  IF ( .NOT. lscf .OR. ( (lfcpopt .OR. lfcpdyn ) .AND. restart )) THEN
179     !
180     ! ... in these cases, we need (or it is useful) to read the Fermi energy
181     !
182     IF (ionode) CALL qexsd_readschema ( xmlfile(), ierr, output_obj )
183     CALL mp_bcast(ierr, ionode_id, intra_image_comm)
184     IF ( ierr > 0 ) CALL errore ( 'setup', 'problem reading ef from file ' //&
185          & TRIM(xmlfile()), ierr )
186     IF (ionode) CALL qexsd_copy_efermi ( output_obj%band_structure, &
187          nelec, ef, two_fermi_energies, ef_up, ef_dw )
188     ! convert to Ry a.u.
189     ef = ef*e2
190     ef_up = ef_up*e2
191     ef_dw = ef_dw*e2
192     CALL mp_bcast(nelec, ionode_id, intra_image_comm)
193     CALL mp_bcast(ef, ionode_id, intra_image_comm)
194     CALL mp_bcast(two_fermi_energies, ionode_id, intra_image_comm)
195     CALL mp_bcast(ef_up, ionode_id, intra_image_comm)
196     CALL mp_bcast(ef_dw, ionode_id, intra_image_comm)
197     CALL qes_reset  ( output_obj )
198     !
199  END IF
200  IF ( (lfcpopt .OR. lfcpdyn) .AND. restart ) THEN
201     tot_charge = ionic_charge - nelec
202  END IF
203  !
204  ! ... magnetism-related quantities
205  !
206  ! ... Set the domag variable to make a spin-orbit calculation with zero
207  ! ... magnetization
208  !
209  IF ( noncolin  ) THEN
210     domag = ANY ( ABS( starting_magnetization(1:ntyp) ) > 1.D-6 )
211  ELSE
212     domag = .false.
213  END IF
214  !
215  !  Set the different spin indices
216  !
217  CALL set_spin_vars( lsda, noncolin, lspinorb, domag, &
218         npol, nspin, nspin_lsda, nspin_mag, nspin_gga, current_spin )
219  !
220  ! time reversal operation is set up to 0 by default
221  t_rev = 0
222  !
223  ALLOCATE( m_loc( 3, nat ) )
224  IF ( noncolin ) THEN
225     !
226     ! gamma_only and noncollinear not allowed
227     !
228     if (gamma_only) call errore('setup', &
229                                 'gamma_only and noncolin not allowed',1)
230     !
231     DO na = 1, nat
232        !
233        m_loc(1,na) = starting_magnetization(ityp(na)) * &
234                      SIN( angle1(ityp(na)) ) * COS( angle2(ityp(na)) )
235        m_loc(2,na) = starting_magnetization(ityp(na)) * &
236                      SIN( angle1(ityp(na)) ) * SIN( angle2(ityp(na)) )
237        m_loc(3,na) = starting_magnetization(ityp(na)) * &
238                      COS( angle1(ityp(na)) )
239     END DO
240     !
241     !  initialize the quantization direction for gga
242     !
243     ux=0.0_DP
244     if (dft_is_gradient()) call compute_ux(m_loc,ux,nat)
245     !
246  ELSE
247     !
248     IF (lspinorb)  CALL errore( 'setup ',  &
249         'spin orbit requires a non collinear calculation', 1 )
250     !
251     IF ( i_cons == 1) then
252        do na=1,nat
253           m_loc(1,na) = starting_magnetization(ityp(na))
254        end do
255     end if
256     IF ( i_cons /= 0 .AND. nspin==1 ) &
257        CALL errore( 'setup', 'this i_cons requires a magnetic calculation ', 1 )
258     IF ( i_cons /= 0 .AND. i_cons /= 1 ) &
259          CALL errore( 'setup', 'this i_cons requires a non colinear run', 1 )
260     !
261  END IF
262  !
263  ! ... if this is not a spin-orbit calculation, all spin-orbit pseudopotentials
264  ! ... are transformed into standard pseudopotentials
265  !
266  IF ( lspinorb ) THEN
267     IF ( ALL ( .NOT. upf(:)%has_so ) ) &
268          CALL infomsg ('setup','At least one non s.o. pseudo')
269  ELSE
270     CALL average_pp ( ntyp )
271  END IF
272  !
273  ! ... If the occupations are from input, check the consistency with the
274  ! ... number of electrons
275  !
276  IF ( tfixed_occ ) THEN
277     !
278     iocc = 0
279     !
280     DO is = 1, nspin_lsda
281        !
282#if defined (__PGI)
283        DO ibnd = 1, nbnd
284           iocc = iocc + f_inp(ibnd,is)
285        END DO
287        iocc = iocc + SUM( f_inp(1:nbnd,is) )
289        !
290        DO ibnd = 1, nbnd
291           if (f_inp(ibnd,is) > 2.d0/nspin_lsda .or. f_inp(ibnd,is) < 0.d0) &
292              call errore('setup','wrong fixed occupations',is)
293        END DO
294     END DO
295     !
296     IF ( ABS( iocc - nelec ) > 1D-5 ) &
297        CALL errore( 'setup', 'strange occupations: '//&
298                     'number of electrons from occupations is wrong.', 1 )
299     !
300  END IF
301  !
302  ! ... Check: if there is an odd number of electrons, the crystal is a metal
303  !
304  IF ( lscf .AND. ABS( NINT( nelec / 2.D0 ) - nelec / 2.D0 ) > eps8 &
305            .AND. .NOT. lgauss .AND. .NOT. ltetra .AND. .NOT. tfixed_occ ) &
306      CALL infomsg( 'setup', 'the system is metallic, specify occupations' )
307  !
308  ! ... Check: spin-polarized calculations require either broadening or
309  !             fixed occupation
310  !
311  IF ( lscf .AND. lsda &
312            .AND. .NOT. lgauss .AND. .NOT. ltetra &
313            .AND. .NOT. tfixed_occ .AND. .NOT. two_fermi_energies ) &
314      CALL errore( 'setup', 'spin-polarized system, specify occupations', 1 )
315  !
316  ! ... setting the number of up and down electrons
317  !
318  call set_nelup_neldw ( tot_magnetization, nelec, nelup, neldw )
319  !
320  ! ... Set the number of occupied bands if not given in input
321  !
322  IF ( nbnd == 0 ) THEN
323     !
324     IF (nat==0) CALL errore('setup','free electrons: nbnd required in input',1)
325     !
326     nbnd = MAX ( NINT( nelec / degspin ), NINT(nelup), NINT(neldw) )
327     !
328     IF ( lgauss .OR. ltetra ) THEN
329        !
330        ! ... metallic case: add 20% more bands, with a minimum of 4
331        !
332        nbnd = MAX( NINT( 1.2D0 * nelec / degspin ), &
333                    NINT( 1.2D0 * nelup), NINT( 1.2d0 * neldw ), &
334                    ( nbnd + 4 ) )
335        !
336     END IF
337     !
338     ! ... In the case of noncollinear magnetism, bands are NOT
339     ! ... twofold degenerate :
340     !
341     IF ( noncolin ) nbnd = INT( degspin ) * nbnd
342     !
343  ELSE
344     !
345     IF ( nbnd < NINT( nelec / degspin ) .AND. lscf ) &
346        CALL errore( 'setup', 'too few bands', 1 )
347     !
348     IF ( nbnd < NINT( nelup ) .AND. lscf ) &
349        CALL errore( 'setup', 'too few spin up bands', 1 )
350     IF ( nbnd < NINT( neldw ) .AND. lscf ) &
351        CALL errore( 'setup', 'too few spin dw bands', 1 )
352     !
353     IF ( nbnd < NINT( nelec ) .AND. lscf .AND. noncolin ) &
354        CALL errore( 'setup', 'too few bands', 1 )
355     !
356  END IF
357  !
358  ! ... Here we  set the precision of the diagonalization for the first scf
359  ! ... iteration of for the first ionic step
360  ! ... for subsequent steps ethr is automatically updated in electrons
361  !
362  IF ( nat==0 ) THEN
363     !
364     ethr=1.0D-8
365     !
366  ELSE IF ( .NOT. lscf ) THEN
367     !
368     ! ... do not allow convergence threshold of scf and nscf to become too small
369     !
370     IF ( ethr == 0.D0 ) ethr = MAX(1.D-13, 0.1D0 * MIN( 1.D-2, tr2 / nelec ))
371     !
372  ELSE
373     !
374     IF ( ethr == 0.D0 ) THEN
375        !
376        IF ( starting_pot == 'file' ) THEN
377           !
378           ! ... if you think that the starting potential is good
379           ! ... do not spoil it with a lousy first diagonalization :
380           ! ... set a strict ethr in the input file (diago_thr_init)
381           !
382           ethr = 1.D-5
383           !
384        ELSE
385           !
386           ! ... starting atomic potential is probably far from scf
387           ! ... do not waste iterations in the first diagonalizations
388           !
389           ethr = 1.0D-2
390           !
391        END IF
392        !
393     END IF
394     !
395  END IF
396  !
397  IF ( .NOT. lscf ) niter = 1
398  !
399  ! ... set number of atomic wavefunctions
400  !
401  natomwfc = n_atom_wfc( nat, ityp, noncolin )
402  !
403  ! ... set the max number of bands used in iterative diagonalization
404  !
405  nbndx = nbnd
406  IF ( isolve == 0 ) nbndx = david * nbnd
407  !
408  use_para_diag = check_para_diag( nbnd )
409  !
410  ! ... Set the units in real and reciprocal space
411  !
412  tpiba  = 2.D0 * pi / alat
413  tpiba2 = tpiba**2
414  !
415  ! ... Compute the cut-off of the G vectors
416  !
417  doublegrid = ( dual > 4.0_dp + eps8 )
418  IF ( doublegrid .AND. ( .NOT.okvan .AND. .NOT.okpaw .AND. &
419                          .NOT. ANY (upf(1:ntyp)%nlcc)      ) ) &
420       CALL infomsg ( 'setup', 'no reason to have ecutrho>4*ecutwfc' )
421  gcutm = dual * ecutwfc / tpiba2
422  gcutw = ecutwfc / tpiba2
423  !
424  IF ( doublegrid ) THEN
425     !
426     gcutms = 4.D0 * ecutwfc / tpiba2
427     !
428  ELSE
429     !
430     gcutms = gcutm
431     !
432  END IF
433  !
434  ! ... Test that atoms do not overlap
435  !
436  call check_atoms ( nat, tau, bg )
437  !
438  !  ... generate transformation matrices for the crystal point group
439  !  ... First we generate all the symmetry matrices of the Bravais lattice
440  !
441  call set_sym_bl ( )
442  !
443  ! ... If lecrpa is true, nosym must be set to true also
444  !
445  IF ( lecrpa ) nosym = .TRUE.
446  IF ( lecrpa ) skip_equivalence=.TRUE.
447  !
448  ! ... if nosym is true: do not reduce automatic k-point grids to the IBZ
449  ! ... using the symmetries of the lattice (only k <-> -k symmetry is used)
450  ! ... Does not change the number "nrot" of symmetries of the lattice
451  !
452  IF ( nosym ) THEN
453     nrot_ = 1
454  ELSE
455     nrot_ = nrot
456  END IF
457  !
458  ! ... time_reversal = use q=>-q symmetry for k-point generation
459  !
460  magnetic_sym = noncolin .AND. domag
461  time_reversal = .NOT. noinv .AND. .NOT. magnetic_sym
462  !
463  ! ... Automatic generation of k-points (if required)
464  !
465  IF ( nks_start == 0 ) THEN
466     !
467     IF (lelfield .OR. lorbm) THEN
468         !
469        CALL kpoint_grid_efield (at,bg, npk, &
470             k1,k2,k3, nk1,nk2,nk3, nkstot, xk, wk, nspin)
471        nosym = .TRUE.
472        nrot_ = 1
473        !
474     ELSE IF (lberry ) THEN
475        !
476        CALL kp_strings( nppstr, gdir, nrot_, s, bg, npk, &
477                         k1, k2, k3, nk1, nk2, nk3, nkstot, xk, wk )
478        nosym = .TRUE.
479        nrot_ = 1
480        !
481     ELSE
482        !
483        CALL kpoint_grid ( nrot_,time_reversal, skip_equivalence, s, t_rev, bg,&
484                           npk, k1,k2,k3, nk1,nk2,nk3, nkstot, xk, wk)
485        !
486     END IF
487     !
488  ELSE
489     nkstot = nks_start
490     xk(:,1:nkstot) = xk_start(:,1:nks_start)
491     wk(1:nkstot) = wk_start(1:nks_start)
492     !
493     IF( lelfield) THEN
494        !
495        IF(noncolin) THEN
496           allocate(nx_el(nkstot,3))
497        ELSE
498           allocate(nx_el(nkstot*nspin,3))
499        END IF
501        IF ( gdir<1 .OR. gdir>3 ) CALL errore('setup','invalid gdir value'&
502                                  &' (valid values: 1=x, 2=y, 3=z)',10)
503        DO ik=1,nkstot
504           nx_el(ik,gdir)=ik
505        END DO
506        ! sanity check (when nkstot==1 we /could/ just set nppstr=1):
507        IF(nppstr==0) CALL errore('setup', 'When lefield is true and kpoint are '&
508                                 &'specified manually you MUST set nppstr',1)
509        if(nspin==2) nx_el(nkstot+1:2*nkstot,:) = nx_el(1:nkstot,:) + nkstot
510        nppstr_3d(gdir)=nppstr
511        l3dstring=.false.
512        nosym = .TRUE.
513        nrot_ = 1
514        !
515     END IF
516  END IF
517  !
518  CALL add_additional_kpoints(nkstot, xk, wk)
519  !
520  IF ( nat==0 ) THEN
521     !
522     nsym=nrot
523     invsym=.true.
524     CALL inverse_s ( )
525     !
526  ELSE
527     !
528     ! ... eliminate rotations that are not symmetry operations
529     !
530     CALL find_sym ( nat, tau, ityp, magnetic_sym, m_loc, gate )
531     !
532     ! ... do not force FFT grid to be commensurate with fractional translations
533     !
534     IF ( allfrac ) fft_fact(:) = 1
535     !
536  END IF
537  !
538  ! ... nosym: do not use any point-group symmetry (s(:,:,1) is the identity)
539  !
540  IF ( nosym ) THEN
541     nsym = 1
542     invsym = .FALSE.
543     fft_fact(:) = 1
544  END IF
545  !
546  IF ( nsym > 1 .AND. ibrav == 0 ) CALL infomsg('setup', &
547       'using ibrav=0 with symmetry is DISCOURAGED, use correct ibrav instead')
548  !
549  ! ... Input k-points are assumed to be  given in the IBZ of the Bravais
550  ! ... lattice, with the full point symmetry of the lattice.
551  ! ... If some symmetries of the lattice are missing in the crystal,
552  ! ... "irreducible_BZ" computes the missing k-points.
553  !
554  IF ( .NOT. lbands ) THEN
555     CALL irreducible_BZ (nrot_, s, nsym, time_reversal, &
556                          magnetic_sym, at, bg, npk, nkstot, xk, wk, t_rev)
557  ELSE
558     one = SUM (wk(1:nkstot))
559     IF ( one > 0.0_dp ) wk(1:nkstot) = wk(1:nkstot) / one
560  END IF
561  !
562  ! ... if dynamics is done the system should have no symmetries
563  ! ... (inversion symmetry alone is allowed)
564  !
565  IF ( lmd .AND. ( nsym == 2 .AND. .NOT. invsym .OR. nsym > 2 ) &
566           .AND. .NOT. ( calc == 'mm' .OR. calc == 'nm' ) ) &
567       CALL infomsg( 'setup', 'Dynamics, you should have no symmetries' )
568  !
569  IF ( ltetra ) THEN
570     !
571     ! ... Calculate quantities used in tetrahedra method
572     !
573     IF (nks_start /= 0) CALL errore( 'setup ', 'tetrahedra need automatic k-point grid',1)
574     !
575     IF (tetra_type == 0) then
576        CALL tetra_init( nsym, s, time_reversal, t_rev, at, bg, npk, k1,k2,k3, &
577             nk1, nk2, nk3, nkstot, xk )
578     ELSE
579        CALL opt_tetra_init(nsym, s, time_reversal, t_rev, at, bg, npk, &
580             k1, k2, k3, nk1, nk2, nk3, nkstot, xk, 1)
581     END IF
582     !
583  END IF
584  !
585  IF ( lsda ) THEN
586     !
587     ! ... LSDA case: two different spin polarizations,
588     ! ...            each with its own kpoints
589     !
590     if (nspin /= 2) call errore ('setup','nspin should be 2; check iosys',1)
591     !
592     CALL set_kup_and_kdw( xk, wk, isk, nkstot, npk )
593     !
594  ELSE IF ( noncolin ) THEN
595     !
596     ! ... noncolinear magnetism: potential and charge have dimension 4 (1+3)
597     !
598     if (nspin /= 4) call errore ('setup','nspin should be 4; check iosys',1)
599     current_spin = 1
600     isk(:) = 1
601     !
602  ELSE
603     !
604     ! ... LDA case: the two spin polarizations are identical
605     !
606     wk(1:nkstot)    = wk(1:nkstot) * degspin
607     current_spin = 1
608     isk(:) = 1
609     !
610     IF ( nspin /= 1 ) &
611        CALL errore( 'setup', 'nspin should be 1; check iosys', 1 )
612     !
613  END IF
614  !
615  IF ( nkstot > npk ) CALL errore( 'setup', 'too many k points', nkstot )
616  !
617  ! ... distribute k-points (and their weights and spin indices)
618  !
619  kunit = 1
620  CALL divide_et_impera ( nkstot, xk, wk, isk, nks )
621  !
622  IF ( dft_is_hybrid() ) THEN
623     IF ( nks == 0 ) CALL errore('setup','pools with no k-points not allowed for hybrid functionals',1)
624     CALL exx_grid_init()
625     CALL exx_mp_init()
626     CALL exx_div_check()
627  ENDIF
629  IF (one_atom_occupations) THEN
630     DO ik=1,nkstot
631        DO ibnd=natomwfc+1, nbnd
632           IF (f_inp(ibnd,ik)> 0.0_DP) CALL errore('setup', &
633               'no atomic wavefunction for some band',1)
634        ENDDO
635     ENDDO
636  ENDIF
637  !
638  ! ... Set up Hubbard parameters for DFT+U(+V) calculation
639  !
640  CALL init_lda_plus_u ( upf(1:ntyp)%psd, nspin, noncolin )
641  !
642  ! ... initialize d1 and d2 to rotate the spherical harmonics
643  !
644  IF (lda_plus_u .or. okpaw .or. (okvan.and.dft_is_hybrid()) ) CALL d_matrix( d1, d2, d3 )
645  !
647  !
651LOGICAL FUNCTION check_para_diag( nbnd )
652  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
653  !! Some checks for parallel diagonalization.
654  !
655  USE io_global,        ONLY : stdout, ionode, ionode_id
656  USE mp_bands,         ONLY : intra_bgrp_comm
657  USE mp_pools,         ONLY : intra_pool_comm
661  INCLUDE 'laxlib.fh'
663  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nbnd
664  !! number of bands
665  !
666  LOGICAL, SAVE :: first = .TRUE.
667  LOGICAL, SAVE :: saved_value = .FALSE.
668  INTEGER :: np_ortho(2), ortho_parent_comm
670#if defined(__MPI)
671  IF( .NOT. first ) THEN
672      check_para_diag = saved_value
673      RETURN
674  END IF
675  first = .FALSE.
676  !
677  CALL laxlib_getval( np_ortho = np_ortho, ortho_parent_comm = ortho_parent_comm )
678  !
679  IF( np_ortho(1) > nbnd ) &
680     CALL errore ('check_para_diag', 'Too few bands for required ndiag',nbnd)
681  !
682  check_para_diag = ( np_ortho( 1 ) > 1 .AND. np_ortho( 2 ) > 1 )
683  saved_value = check_para_diag
684  !
685  IF ( ionode ) THEN
686     !
687     WRITE( stdout, '(/,5X,"Subspace diagonalization in iterative solution ",&
688                     &     "of the eigenvalue problem:")' )
689     IF ( check_para_diag ) THEN
690        IF (ortho_parent_comm .EQ. intra_pool_comm) THEN
691           WRITE( stdout, '(5X,"one sub-group per k-point group (pool) will be used")' )
692        ELSE IF (ortho_parent_comm .EQ. intra_bgrp_comm) THEN
693           WRITE( stdout, '(5X,"one sub-group per band group will be used")' )
694        ELSE
695           CALL errore( 'setup','Unexpected sub-group communicator ', 1 )
696        END IF
697#if defined(__ELPA)  || defined(__ELPA_2015) || defined(__ELPA_2016) || defined(__ELPA_2017) || defined(__ELPA_2018) || defined(__ELPA_2019)
698        WRITE( stdout, '(5X,"ELPA distributed-memory algorithm ", &
699              & "(size of sub-group: ", I2, "*", I3, " procs)",/)') &
700               np_ortho(1), np_ortho(2)
701#elif defined(__SCALAPACK)
702        WRITE( stdout, '(5X,"scalapack distributed-memory algorithm ", &
703              & "(size of sub-group: ", I2, "*", I3, " procs)",/)') &
704               np_ortho(1), np_ortho(2)
706        WRITE( stdout, '(5X,"custom distributed-memory algorithm ", &
707              & "(size of sub-group: ", I2, "*", I3, " procs)",/)') &
708               np_ortho(1), np_ortho(2)
710     ELSE
711        WRITE( stdout, '(5X,"a serial algorithm will be used",/)' )
712     END IF
713     !
714  END IF
715  !
717  check_para_diag = .FALSE.
720END FUNCTION check_para_diag