2     Program POST-PROC v.4.1CVS starts ...
3     Today is 26Feb2009 at 17: 7:30
4     file Ni.pz-nd-rrkjus.UPF: wavefunction(s)  4S renormalized
6     Check: negative/imaginary core charge=   -0.000002    0.000000
8===== INPUT FILE containing the left lead =====
10     GEOMETRY:
12     lattice parameter (a_0)   =       4.5700  a.u.
13     the volume                =     134.9578 (a.u.)^3
14     the cross section         =      20.8849 (a.u.)^2
15     l of the unit cell        =       1.4140 (a_0)
16     number of atoms/cell      =            2
17     number of atomic types    =            1
19     crystal axes: (cart. coord. in units of a_0)
20               a(1) = (  1.0000  0.0000  0.0000 )
21               a(2) = (  0.0000  1.0000  0.0000 )
22               a(3) = (  0.0000  0.0000  1.4140 )
25   Cartesian axes
27     site n.     atom                  positions (a_0 units)
28          1           Ni  tau(  1)=(  0.0000  0.0000  1.4140  )
29          2           Ni  tau(  2)=(  0.5000  0.5000  0.7070  )
31     nr1s                      =           15
32     nr2s                      =           15
33     nr3s                      =           24
34     nrx1s                     =           15
35     nrx2s                     =           15
36     nrx3s                     =           24
37     nr1                       =           24
38     nr2                       =           24
39     nr3                       =           36
40     nrx1                      =           24
41     nrx2                      =           24
42     nrx3                      =           36
44 _______________________________
45  Radii of nonlocal spheres:
47     type       ibeta     ang. mom.          radius (a_0 units)
48          Ni      1         0                    0.6067
49          Ni      2         0                    0.6067
50          Ni      3         1                    0.6067
51          Ni      4         1                    0.6067
52          Ni      5         2                    0.6067
53          Ni      6         2                    0.6067
54----- General information -----
56----- Complex band structure calculation -----
58         LSDA calculations, spin index =     2
60     nrx                       =           15
61     nry                       =           15
62     nz1                       =            3
65     energy0               =         1.0E+00
66     denergy               =        -2.0E-01
67     nenergy               =         30
68     ecut2d                =         2.5E+01
69     ewind                 =         3.0E+00
70     epsproj               =         1.0E-04
73     number of k_|| points=    1
74                       cart. coord. in units 2pi/a_0
75        k(    1) = (   0.0000000   0.0000000), wk =   1.0000000
76----- Information about left lead -----
78     nocros                   =           18
79     noins                    =           18
80     norb                     =           54
81     norbf                    =           54
82     nrz                      =           24
84      iorb      type   ibeta   ang. mom.   m       position (a_0)
85        1        1       1        0        1   taunew(   1)=(  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000)
86        2        1       2        0        1   taunew(   2)=(  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000)
87        3        1       3        1        1   taunew(   3)=(  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000)
88        4        1       3        1        2   taunew(   4)=(  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000)
89        5        1       3        1        3   taunew(   5)=(  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000)
90        6        1       4        1        1   taunew(   6)=(  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000)
91        7        1       4        1        2   taunew(   7)=(  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000)
92        8        1       4        1        3   taunew(   8)=(  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000)
93        9        1       5        2        1   taunew(   9)=(  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000)
94       10        1       5        2        2   taunew(  10)=(  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000)
95       11        1       5        2        3   taunew(  11)=(  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000)
96       12        1       5        2        4   taunew(  12)=(  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000)
97       13        1       5        2        5   taunew(  13)=(  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000)
98       14        1       6        2        1   taunew(  14)=(  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000)
99       15        1       6        2        2   taunew(  15)=(  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000)
100       16        1       6        2        3   taunew(  16)=(  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000)
101       17        1       6        2        4   taunew(  17)=(  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000)
102       18        1       6        2        5   taunew(  18)=(  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000)
103       19        1       1        0        1   taunew(  19)=(  0.5000  0.5000  0.7070)
104       20        1       2        0        1   taunew(  20)=(  0.5000  0.5000  0.7070)
105       21        1       3        1        1   taunew(  21)=(  0.5000  0.5000  0.7070)
106       22        1       3        1        2   taunew(  22)=(  0.5000  0.5000  0.7070)
107       23        1       3        1        3   taunew(  23)=(  0.5000  0.5000  0.7070)
108       24        1       4        1        1   taunew(  24)=(  0.5000  0.5000  0.7070)
109       25        1       4        1        2   taunew(  25)=(  0.5000  0.5000  0.7070)
110       26        1       4        1        3   taunew(  26)=(  0.5000  0.5000  0.7070)
111       27        1       5        2        1   taunew(  27)=(  0.5000  0.5000  0.7070)
112       28        1       5        2        2   taunew(  28)=(  0.5000  0.5000  0.7070)
113       29        1       5        2        3   taunew(  29)=(  0.5000  0.5000  0.7070)
114       30        1       5        2        4   taunew(  30)=(  0.5000  0.5000  0.7070)
115       31        1       5        2        5   taunew(  31)=(  0.5000  0.5000  0.7070)
116       32        1       6        2        1   taunew(  32)=(  0.5000  0.5000  0.7070)
117       33        1       6        2        2   taunew(  33)=(  0.5000  0.5000  0.7070)
118       34        1       6        2        3   taunew(  34)=(  0.5000  0.5000  0.7070)
119       35        1       6        2        4   taunew(  35)=(  0.5000  0.5000  0.7070)
120       36        1       6        2        5   taunew(  36)=(  0.5000  0.5000  0.7070)
121       37        1       1        0        1   taunew(  37)=(  0.0000  0.0000  1.4140)
122       38        1       2        0        1   taunew(  38)=(  0.0000  0.0000  1.4140)
123       39        1       3        1        1   taunew(  39)=(  0.0000  0.0000  1.4140)
124       40        1       3        1        2   taunew(  40)=(  0.0000  0.0000  1.4140)
125       41        1       3        1        3   taunew(  41)=(  0.0000  0.0000  1.4140)
126       42        1       4        1        1   taunew(  42)=(  0.0000  0.0000  1.4140)
127       43        1       4        1        2   taunew(  43)=(  0.0000  0.0000  1.4140)
128       44        1       4        1        3   taunew(  44)=(  0.0000  0.0000  1.4140)
129       45        1       5        2        1   taunew(  45)=(  0.0000  0.0000  1.4140)
130       46        1       5        2        2   taunew(  46)=(  0.0000  0.0000  1.4140)
131       47        1       5        2        3   taunew(  47)=(  0.0000  0.0000  1.4140)
132       48        1       5        2        4   taunew(  48)=(  0.0000  0.0000  1.4140)
133       49        1       5        2        5   taunew(  49)=(  0.0000  0.0000  1.4140)
134       50        1       6        2        1   taunew(  50)=(  0.0000  0.0000  1.4140)
135       51        1       6        2        2   taunew(  51)=(  0.0000  0.0000  1.4140)
136       52        1       6        2        3   taunew(  52)=(  0.0000  0.0000  1.4140)
137       53        1       6        2        4   taunew(  53)=(  0.0000  0.0000  1.4140)
138       54        1       6        2        5   taunew(  54)=(  0.0000  0.0000  1.4140)
139    k slab    z(k)  z(k+1)     crossing(iorb=1,norb)
140    1   0.0000 0.0589 0.0589   111111111111111111000000000000000000000000000000000000
141    2   0.0589 0.1178 0.0589   111111111111111111111111111111111111000000000000000000
142    3   0.1178 0.1767 0.0589   111111111111111111111111111111111111000000000000000000
143    4   0.1767 0.2357 0.0589   111111111111111111111111111111111111000000000000000000
144    5   0.2357 0.2946 0.0589   111111111111111111111111111111111111000000000000000000
145    6   0.2946 0.3535 0.0589   111111111111111111111111111111111111000000000000000000
146    7   0.3535 0.4124 0.0589   111111111111111111111111111111111111000000000000000000
147    8   0.4124 0.4713 0.0589   111111111111111111111111111111111111000000000000000000
148    9   0.4713 0.5302 0.0589   111111111111111111111111111111111111000000000000000000
149   10   0.5302 0.5892 0.0589   111111111111111111111111111111111111000000000000000000
150   11   0.5892 0.6481 0.0589   111111111111111111111111111111111111000000000000000000
151   12   0.6481 0.7070 0.0589   000000000000000000111111111111111111000000000000000000
152   13   0.7070 0.7659 0.0589   000000000000000000111111111111111111000000000000000000
153   14   0.7659 0.8248 0.0589   000000000000000000111111111111111111111111111111111111
154   15   0.8248 0.8838 0.0589   000000000000000000111111111111111111111111111111111111
155   16   0.8838 0.9427 0.0589   000000000000000000111111111111111111111111111111111111
156   17   0.9427 1.0016 0.0589   000000000000000000111111111111111111111111111111111111
157   18   1.0016 1.0605 0.0589   000000000000000000111111111111111111111111111111111111
158   19   1.0605 1.1194 0.0589   000000000000000000111111111111111111111111111111111111
159   20   1.1194 1.1783 0.0589   000000000000000000111111111111111111111111111111111111
160   21   1.1783 1.2372 0.0589   000000000000000000111111111111111111111111111111111111
161   22   1.2372 1.2962 0.0589   000000000000000000111111111111111111111111111111111111
162   23   1.2962 1.3551 0.0589   000000000000000000111111111111111111111111111111111111
163   24   1.3551 1.4140 0.0589   000000000000000000000000000000000000111111111111111111
165        k(    1) = (   0.0000000   0.0000000), wk =   1.0000000
167 ngper, shell number =           45           9
168 ngper, n2d =           45          34
169 Nchannels of the left tip =            1
170 Right moving states:
171   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
172  -0.1758931   0.0000000   1.0000000
173 Left moving states:
174   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
175   0.1758931   0.0000000   1.0000000
177 Nchannels of the left tip =            1
178 Right moving states:
179   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
180  -0.1903496   0.0000000   0.8000000
181 Left moving states:
182   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
183   0.1903496   0.0000000   0.8000000
185 Nchannels of the left tip =            1
186 Right moving states:
187   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
188  -0.2048849   0.0000000   0.6000000
189 Left moving states:
190   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
191   0.2048849   0.0000000   0.6000000
193 Nchannels of the left tip =            3
194 Right moving states:
195   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
196  -0.0511158   0.0000000   0.4000000
197  -0.0511158   0.0000000   0.4000000
198  -0.2196327   0.0000000   0.4000000
199 Left moving states:
200   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
201   0.0511158   0.0000000   0.4000000
202   0.0511158   0.0000000   0.4000000
203   0.2196327   0.0000000   0.4000000
205 Nchannels of the left tip =            3
206 Right moving states:
207   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
208  -0.1686686   0.0000000   0.2000000
209  -0.1686686   0.0000000   0.2000000
210  -0.2347370   0.0000000   0.2000000
211 Left moving states:
212   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
213   0.1686686   0.0000000   0.2000000
214   0.1686686   0.0000000   0.2000000
215   0.2347370   0.0000000   0.2000000
217 Nchannels of the left tip =            4
218 Right moving states:
219   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
220  -0.2388525   0.0000000   0.0000000
221  -0.2388525   0.0000000   0.0000000
222  -0.2503674   0.0000000   0.0000000
223  -0.2860453   0.0000000   0.0000000
224 Left moving states:
225   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
226   0.2388525   0.0000000   0.0000000
227   0.2388525   0.0000000   0.0000000
228   0.2503674   0.0000000   0.0000000
229   0.2860453   0.0000000   0.0000000
231 Nchannels of the left tip =            4
232 Right moving states:
233   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
234  -0.2667416   0.0000000  -0.2000000
235  -0.2981377   0.0000000  -0.2000000
236  -0.2981377   0.0000000  -0.2000000
237  -0.4501801   0.0000000  -0.2000000
238 Left moving states:
239   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
240   0.2667416   0.0000000  -0.2000000
241   0.2981377   0.0000000  -0.2000000
242   0.2981377   0.0000000  -0.2000000
243   0.4501801   0.0000000  -0.2000000
245 Nchannels of the left tip =            4
246 Right moving states:
247   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
248  -0.2841604   0.0000000  -0.4000000
249  -0.3529412   0.0000000  -0.4000000
250  -0.3529412   0.0000000  -0.4000000
251   0.3969499   0.0000000  -0.4000000
252 Left moving states:
253   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
254   0.2841604   0.0000000  -0.4000000
255   0.3529412   0.0000000  -0.4000000
256   0.3529412   0.0000000  -0.4000000
257  -0.3969499   0.0000000  -0.4000000
259 Nchannels of the left tip =            4
260 Right moving states:
261   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
262   0.2042996   0.0000000  -0.6000000
263  -0.3030771   0.0000000  -0.6000000
264  -0.4060994   0.0000000  -0.6000000
265  -0.4060994   0.0000000  -0.6000000
266 Left moving states:
267   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
268  -0.2042996   0.0000000  -0.6000000
269   0.3030771   0.0000000  -0.6000000
270   0.4060994   0.0000000  -0.6000000
271   0.4060994   0.0000000  -0.6000000
273 Nchannels of the left tip =            4
274 Right moving states:
275   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
276  -0.1626876   0.0000000  -0.8000000
277  -0.3242436   0.0000000  -0.8000000
278  -0.4594399   0.0000000  -0.8000000
279  -0.4594399   0.0000000  -0.8000000
280 Left moving states:
281   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
282   0.1626876   0.0000000  -0.8000000
283   0.3242436   0.0000000  -0.8000000
284   0.4594399   0.0000000  -0.8000000
285   0.4594399   0.0000000  -0.8000000
287 Nchannels of the left tip =            4
288 Right moving states:
289   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
290  -0.2630352   0.0000000  -1.0000000
291  -0.3490934   0.0000000  -1.0000000
292   0.4855126   0.0000000  -1.0000000
293   0.4855126   0.0000000  -1.0000000
294 Left moving states:
295   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
296   0.2630352   0.0000000  -1.0000000
297   0.3490934   0.0000000  -1.0000000
298  -0.4855126   0.0000000  -1.0000000
299  -0.4855126   0.0000000  -1.0000000
301 Nchannels of the left tip =            4
302 Right moving states:
303   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
304  -0.3471796   0.0000000  -1.2000000
305  -0.3810826   0.0000000  -1.2000000
306   0.4268150   0.0000000  -1.2000000
307   0.4268150   0.0000000  -1.2000000
308 Left moving states:
309   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
310   0.3471796   0.0000000  -1.2000000
311   0.3810826   0.0000000  -1.2000000
312  -0.4268150   0.0000000  -1.2000000
313  -0.4268150   0.0000000  -1.2000000
315 Nchannels of the left tip =            4
316 Right moving states:
317   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
318   0.3619115   0.0000000  -1.4000000
319   0.3619115   0.0000000  -1.4000000
320  -0.4356520   0.0000000  -1.4000000
321  -0.4437524   0.0000000  -1.4000000
322 Left moving states:
323   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
324  -0.3619115   0.0000000  -1.4000000
325  -0.3619115   0.0000000  -1.4000000
326   0.4356520   0.0000000  -1.4000000
327   0.4437524   0.0000000  -1.4000000
329 Nchannels of the left tip =            2
330 Right moving states:
331   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
332   0.2857157   0.0000000  -1.6000000
333   0.2857157   0.0000000  -1.6000000
334 Left moving states:
335   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
336  -0.2857157   0.0000000  -1.6000000
337  -0.2857157   0.0000000  -1.6000000
339 Nchannels of the left tip =            2
340 Right moving states:
341   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
342   0.1837230   0.0000000  -1.8000000
343   0.1837230   0.0000000  -1.8000000
344 Left moving states:
345   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
346  -0.1837230   0.0000000  -1.8000000
347  -0.1837230   0.0000000  -1.8000000
349 Nchannels of the left tip =            1
350 Right moving states:
351   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
352  -0.1428707   0.0000000  -2.0000000
353 Left moving states:
354   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
355   0.1428707   0.0000000  -2.0000000
357 Nchannels of the left tip =            1
358 Right moving states:
359   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
360  -0.2398660   0.0000000  -2.2000000
361 Left moving states:
362   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
363   0.2398660   0.0000000  -2.2000000
365 Nchannels of the left tip =            1
366 Right moving states:
367   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
368  -0.3130270   0.0000000  -2.4000000
369 Left moving states:
370   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
371   0.3130270   0.0000000  -2.4000000
373 Nchannels of the left tip =            1
374 Right moving states:
375   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
376  -0.3774019   0.0000000  -2.6000000
377 Left moving states:
378   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
379   0.3774019   0.0000000  -2.6000000
381 Nchannels of the left tip =            1
382 Right moving states:
383   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
384  -0.4379434   0.0000000  -2.8000000
385 Left moving states:
386   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
387   0.4379434   0.0000000  -2.8000000
389 Nchannels of the left tip =            1
390 Right moving states:
391   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
392  -0.4973939   0.0000000  -3.0000000
393 Left moving states:
394   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
395   0.4973939   0.0000000  -3.0000000
397 Nchannels of the left tip =            1
398 Right moving states:
399   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
400   0.4420931   0.0000000  -3.2000000
401 Left moving states:
402   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
403  -0.4420931   0.0000000  -3.2000000
405 Nchannels of the left tip =            1
406 Right moving states:
407   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
408   0.3780878   0.0000000  -3.4000000
409 Left moving states:
410   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
411  -0.3780878   0.0000000  -3.4000000
413 Nchannels of the left tip =            1
414 Right moving states:
415   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
416   0.3068620   0.0000000  -3.6000000
417 Left moving states:
418   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
419  -0.3068620   0.0000000  -3.6000000
421 Nchannels of the left tip =            1
422 Right moving states:
423   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
424   0.2200080   0.0000000  -3.8000000
425 Left moving states:
426   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
427  -0.2200080   0.0000000  -3.8000000
429 Nchannels of the left tip =            1
430 Right moving states:
431   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
432   0.0718578   0.0000000  -4.0000000
433 Left moving states:
434   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
435  -0.0718578   0.0000000  -4.0000000
437 Nchannels of the left tip =            0
438 Right moving states:
439   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
440 Left moving states:
441   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
443 Nchannels of the left tip =            0
444 Right moving states:
445   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
446 Left moving states:
447   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
449 Nchannels of the left tip =            0
450 Right moving states:
451   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
452 Left moving states:
453   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
455 Nchannels of the left tip =            1
456 Right moving states:
457   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
458  -0.2223473   0.0000000  -4.8000000
459 Left moving states:
460   k1(2pi/a)   k2(2pi/a)   E-Ef (eV)
461   0.2223474   0.0000000  -4.8000000
464     PWCOND       :    29.97s CPU time,   30.15s wall time
466     init         :     2.00s CPU
467     poten        :     0.00s CPU
468     local        :     0.11s CPU
470     scatter_forw :    23.77s CPU (      30 calls,   0.792 s avg)
472     compbs       :     4.08s CPU (      30 calls,   0.136 s avg)
473     compbs_2     :     3.40s CPU (      30 calls,   0.113 s avg)