2! Copyright (C) 2003-2009 A. Smogunov
3! This file is distributed under the terms of the
4! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
5! in the root directory of the present distribution,
6! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
9SUBROUTINE do_cond(done)
11!   This is the main driver of the pwcond.x program.
12!   It calculates the complex band structure, solves the
13!   scattering problem and calculates the transmission coefficient.
15  USE constants,  ONLY : rytoev
16  USE ions_base,  ONLY : nat, ityp, ntyp => nsp, tau, atm
17  USE cell_base,  ONLY : at, bg, tpiba
18  USE klist,      ONLY : npk, xk, two_fermi_energies
19  USE ldaU,       ONLY : lda_plus_U, lda_plus_u_kind, U_projection, &
20                         Hubbard_lmax, Hubbard_l, Hubbard_U, Hubbard_alpha, &
21                         Hubbard_J0, Hubbard_beta
22  USE spin_orb,   ONLY : lspinorb, domag
23  USE uspp,       ONLY : okvan
24  USE gvect,      ONLY : ecutrho
25  USE gvecw,      ONLY : ecutwfc
26  USE symm_base,  ONLY: nsym, s, t_rev, time_reversal
27  USE cond
28  USE io_files,   ONLY: tmp_dir, prefix
29  !!! RECOVER
30  USE cond_restart, ONLY : cond_readfile, cond_writefile
31  USE check_stop, ONLY: max_seconds, check_stop_init, check_stop_now
32  !!!
33  USE noncollin_module, ONLY : noncolin, i_cons
34  USE io_global, ONLY : stdout, ionode, ionode_id
35  USE mp_global, ONLY : mp_startup
36  USE mp_pools,  ONLY : npool
37  USE mp_images, ONLY : intra_image_comm, nproc_image
38  USE paw_onecenter,      ONLY : PAW_potential
39  USE paw_variables,      ONLY : okpaw, ddd_PAW
40  USE mp
41  USE environment,   ONLY : environment_start
44  !
45  CHARACTER(LEN=256), EXTERNAL :: trimcheck
46  CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: outdir
47  !
48  LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT) :: done
49  !
50  REAL(DP) :: wtot, tk
51  INTEGER :: ik, ien, ipol, ios, nt
52  INTEGER :: loop1, loop2, loop1_in, loop1_fin, loop2_in, loop2_fin
53  LOGICAL :: lso_l, lso_s, lso_r, skip_equivalence = .FALSE.
54  REAL(DP) :: ecutwfc_l, ecutwfc_s, ecutwfc_r
55  REAL(DP) :: ecutrho_l, ecutrho_s, ecutrho_r
57  !!! RECOVER
58  LOGICAL :: tran_save
59  !!!
61  NAMELIST /inputcond/ outdir, prefixt, prefixl, prefixs, prefixr,     &
62                       band_file, tran_file, save_file, fil_loc,       &
63                       lwrite_loc, lread_loc, lwrite_cond, lread_cond, &
64                       tran_prefix, recover, max_seconds, loop_ek,     &
65                       orbj_in,orbj_fin,ikind,iofspin,llocal,          &
66                       bdl, bds, bdr, nz1, energy0, denergy, ecut2d,   &
67                       start_e, last_e, start_k, last_k,               &
68                       ewind, epsproj, delgep, cutplot,                &
69                       tk_plot, lorb, lorb3d, lcharge
70  !
71  ! initialise environment
72  !
73#if defined(__MPI)
74  CALL mp_startup ( )
76  CALL environment_start ( 'PWCOND' )
77  CALL start_clock('init')
79!   set default values for variables in namelist
81  CALL get_environment_variable( 'ESPRESSO_TMPDIR', outdir )
82  IF ( TRIM( outdir ) == ' ' ) outdir = './'
83  prefixt = ' '
84  prefixl = ' '
85  prefixs = ' '
86  prefixr = ' '
87  band_file = ' '
88  tran_file = ' '
89  save_file = ' '
90  fil_loc = ' '
91  loop_ek = .FALSE.
92  lwrite_loc = .FALSE.
93  lread_loc = .FALSE.
94  lwrite_cond = .FALSE.
95  lread_cond  = .FALSE.
96  !!! RECOVER
97  tran_prefix = ' '
98  recover = .FALSE.
99  !!!
100  orbj_in = 0
101  orbj_fin = 0
102  iofspin = 1
103  ikind = 0
104  bdl = 0.d0
105  bds = 0.d0
106  bdr = 0.d0
107  nz1 = 11
108  energy0 = 0.d0
109  denergy = 0.d0
110  ecut2d = 0.d0
111  start_e = 0
112  last_e = 0
113  start_k = 0
114  last_k = 0
115  ewind = 1.d0
116  llocal = .FALSE.
117  epsproj = 1.d-3
118  delgep = 5.d-10
119  cutplot = 2.d0
120  tk_plot = 0
121  lorb=.FALSE.
122  lorb3d=.FALSE.
123  lcharge=.FALSE.
125  IF ( ionode )  THEN
126     !
127     CALL input_from_file ( )
128     !
129     !     reading the namelist inputcond
130     !
131     READ (5, inputcond, err=200, iostat=ios )
132200  CALL errore ('do_cond','reading inputcond namelist',ABS(ios))
133     tmp_dir=trimcheck (outdir)
134     !
135     !     Reading 2D k-point
136     READ(5, *, err=250, iostat=ios ) nkpts
137250     CALL errore ('do_cond','reading number of kpoints',ABS(ios))
138     IF (nkpts>0) THEN
139        ALLOCATE( xyk(2,nkpts) )
140        ALLOCATE( wkpt(nkpts) )
141        wtot = 0.d0
142        DO ik = 1, nkpts
143           READ(5, *, err=300, iostat=ios) xyk(1,ik), xyk(2,ik), wkpt(ik)
144           wtot = wtot + wkpt(ik)
145        ENDDO
146        DO ik = 1, nkpts
147           wkpt(ik) = wkpt(ik)/wtot
148        ENDDO
149300     CALL errore ('do_cond','2D k-point',ABS(ios))
150     ELSE
151        ALLOCATE( xyk(2,npk) )
152        ALLOCATE( wkpt(npk) )
153        READ(5, *, err=350, iostat=ios) nk1ts, nk2ts, k1ts, k2ts
154350     CALL errore ('do_cond','2D k-point size or shift',ABS(ios))
155     ENDIF
157     !
158     !     To form the array of energies for calculation
159     !
160     READ(5, *, err=400, iostat=ios ) nenergy
161     ALLOCATE( earr(nenergy) )
162     ALLOCATE( tran_tot(nenergy) )
163     IF(ABS(denergy).LE.1.d-8) THEN
164        !   the list of energies is read
165        DO ien = 1, nenergy
166           READ(5, *, err=400, iostat=ios) earr(ien)
167           tran_tot(ien) = 0.d0
168        ENDDO
169     ELSE
170        !   the array of energies is automatically formed
171        DO ien = 1, nenergy
172           earr(ien) = energy0 + (ien-1)*denergy
173           tran_tot(ien) = 0.d0
174        ENDDO
175     ENDIF
177     IF (start_e .GT. 0) THEN
178        IF (start_e .GT. last_e .OR. start_e .GT. nenergy) &
179           CALL errore('do_cond','wrong value of start_e',1)
180        IF (last_e .GT. nenergy) last_e = nenergy
181     ELSE
182        start_e = 1
183        last_e = nenergy
184     ENDIF
186400  CALL errore ('do_cond','reading energy list',ABS(ios))
187     !
188  END IF
190#if defined(__MPI)
191   IF (npool > 1) CALL errore('pwcond','pools not implemented',npool)
192   ik = IAND ( nproc_image, nproc_image-1 )
193   IF ( nproc_image /= 1 .AND. ik /= 0 ) &
194       CALL errore('pwcond','you should use 2^N number of CPUs',1)
197!-- Some check and initialization for plotting the scattering states
198  IF ( lorb .AND. ikind == 2 ) &
199       CALL errore('do_cond','lorb not working with ikind = 2',1)
200  IF (lorb3d) lorb = .TRUE.
201  IF (lcharge) lorb = .TRUE.
205! ... Broadcast variables
207  CALL mp_bcast( tmp_dir, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
208  CALL mp_bcast( prefixt, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
209  CALL mp_bcast( prefixl, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
210  CALL mp_bcast( prefixs, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
211  CALL mp_bcast( prefixr, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
212  CALL mp_bcast( band_file, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
213  CALL mp_bcast( tran_file, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
214  CALL mp_bcast( fil_loc, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
215  CALL mp_bcast( save_file, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
216  CALL mp_bcast( loop_ek, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
217  CALL mp_bcast( lwrite_loc, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
218  CALL mp_bcast( lread_loc, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
219  CALL mp_bcast( lwrite_cond, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
220  CALL mp_bcast( lread_cond, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
221  !!! RECOVER
222  CALL mp_bcast( tran_prefix, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
223  CALL mp_bcast( max_seconds, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
224  CALL mp_bcast( recover, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
225  !!!
226  CALL mp_bcast( ikind, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
227  CALL mp_bcast( iofspin, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
228  CALL mp_bcast( orbj_in, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
229  CALL mp_bcast( orbj_fin, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
230  CALL mp_bcast( llocal, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
231  CALL mp_bcast( tk_plot, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
232  CALL mp_bcast( lorb, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
233  CALL mp_bcast( lorb3d, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
234  CALL mp_bcast( lcharge, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
235  CALL mp_bcast( bdl, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
236  CALL mp_bcast( bds, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
237  CALL mp_bcast( bdr, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
238  CALL mp_bcast( nz1, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
239  CALL mp_bcast( energy0, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
240  CALL mp_bcast( denergy, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
241  CALL mp_bcast( ecut2d, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
242  CALL mp_bcast( start_e, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
243  CALL mp_bcast( last_e, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
244  CALL mp_bcast( ewind, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
245  CALL mp_bcast( epsproj, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
246  CALL mp_bcast( delgep, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
247  CALL mp_bcast( cutplot, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
248  CALL mp_bcast( nkpts, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
249  CALL mp_bcast( nenergy, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
250  CALL mp_bcast( nk1ts, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
251  CALL mp_bcast( nk2ts, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
252  CALL mp_bcast( k1ts, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
253  CALL mp_bcast( k2ts, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
255  IF ( .NOT. ionode ) THEN
256     IF (nkpts>0) THEN
257        ALLOCATE( xyk(2,nkpts) )
258        ALLOCATE( wkpt(nkpts) )
259     ELSE
260        ALLOCATE( xyk(2,npk) )
261        ALLOCATE( wkpt(npk) )
262     ENDIF
263     ALLOCATE( earr(nenergy) )
264     ALLOCATE( tran_tot(nenergy) )
265  ENDIF
266  IF (nkpts>0) THEN
267     CALL mp_bcast( xyk, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
268     CALL mp_bcast( wkpt, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
269  ENDIF
270  CALL mp_bcast( earr, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
271  CALL mp_bcast( tran_tot, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
275! Now allocate space for pwscf variables, read and check them.
278IF (lread_cond) THEN
279  call save_cond (.false.,1,efl,nrzl,nocrosl,noinsl,   &
280                  norbl,rl,rabl,betarl)
281  if(ikind.eq.1) then
282    call save_cond (.false.,2,efs,nrzs,ik,      &
283                             noinss,norbs,rs,rabs,betars)
284    norbr = norbl
285    nocrosr = nocrosl
286    noinsr = noinsl
287  endif
288  if(ikind.eq.2) then
289    call save_cond (.false.,2,efs,nrzs,ik,      &
290                             noinss,norbs,rs,rabs,betars)
292    call save_cond (.false.,3,efr,nrzr,nocrosr,&
293                             noinsr,norbr,rr,rabr,betarr)
294  endif
296  lso_l=.false.
297  lso_s=.false.
298  lso_r=.false.
299  ecutwfc_l=0.0_DP
300  ecutwfc_s=0.0_DP
301  ecutwfc_r=0.0_DP
302  ecutrho_l=0.0_DP
303  ecutrho_s=0.0_DP
304  ecutrho_r=0.0_DP
305  IF (prefixt.ne.' ') then
306    prefix = prefixt
308    call read_file
309    IF (ikind.eq.0) then
310      CALL init_cond(1,'t')
311    ELSEIF (ikind.eq.1) then
312      CALL init_cond(2,'t')
313    ELSEIF (ikind.eq.2) then
314      CALL init_cond(3,'t')
315    ENDIF
316    CALL clean_pw(.true.)
317  ENDIF
318  IF (prefixl.ne.' ') then
319    prefix = prefixl
320    call read_file
321    lso_l=lspinorb
322    ecutwfc_l=ecutwfc
323    ecutrho_l=ecutrho
324    CALL init_cond(1,'l')
325  ENDIF
327  IF (prefixr.ne.' ') then
328    CALL clean_pw(.true.)
329    prefix = prefixr
330    call read_file
331    lso_r=lspinorb
332    ecutwfc_r=ecutwfc
333    ecutrho_r=ecutrho
334    CALL init_cond(1,'r')
335  ENDIF
336  IF (prefixs.ne.' ') then
337    call clean_pw(.true.)
338    prefix = prefixs
339    call read_file
340    lso_s=lspinorb
341    ecutwfc_s=ecutwfc
342    ecutrho_s=ecutrho
343    CALL init_cond(1,'s')
344  ENDIF
346  IF (two_fermi_energies.or.i_cons /= 0) &
347     CALL errore('pwcond',&
348     'The pwcond code with constrained magnetization is not yet available',1)
349  IF (ikind==1.and.(lso_l.neqv.lso_s)) &
350     CALL errore('pwcond',&
351     'Spin-orbit flag in left lead and scattering region do not match',1)
352  IF (ikind==2.and.((lso_l.neqv.lso_s).or.(lso_r.neqv.lso_s))) &
353     CALL errore('pwcond',&
354     'Spin-orbit flag in left, right lead and scattering region do not match',1)
355  IF (ikind>0.and.((ecutwfc_l.ne.ecutwfc_s).or.(ecutrho_l.ne.ecutrho_s)))  &
356     CALL errore('do_cond',&
357            'different cut-offs on left lead and scattering region',1)
358  IF ((ecutwfc_r>0.0_DP)) THEN
359     IF ((ecutwfc_r.ne.ecutwfc_s).or.(ecutrho_r.ne.ecutrho_s))  &
360     CALL errore('do_cond',&
361        'different cut-offs on right lead and scattering region',1)
362  ENDIF
365IF (lwrite_cond) then
366  call save_cond (.true.,1,efl,nrzl,nocrosl,noinsl,         &
367                  norbl,rl,rabl,betarl)
368  if(ikind.gt.0) call save_cond (.true.,2,efs,nrzs,-1,      &
369                             noinss,norbs,rs,rabs,betars)
370  if(ikind.gt.1) call save_cond (.true.,3,efr,nrzr,nocrosr,&
371                             noinsr,norbr,rr,rabr,betarr)
372  write(stdout,*) 'information needed for PWCOND has been written in file'
373  CALL stop_clock('init')
374  CALL stop_clock('PWCOND')
375  CALL print_clock_pwcond()
376  return
379IF (nkpts==0) THEN
380   time_reversal = .NOT. (noncolin .AND. domag)
381   IF (ionode) THEN
382      CALL kpoint_grid( nsym, time_reversal, skip_equivalence, s, t_rev, bg, &
383                        npk, k1ts, k2ts, 0, nk1ts, nk2ts, 1, nkpts, xk, wkpt )
384      call cryst_to_cart(nkpts,xk,at,-1)
385      DO ik=1,nkpts
386         xyk(1,ik)=xk(1,ik)
387         xyk(2,ik)=xk(2,ik)
388      ENDDO
389   ENDIF
390   CALL mp_bcast( nkpts, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
391   CALL mp_bcast( xyk, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
392   CALL mp_bcast( wkpt, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
394   tk_plot = 0
397if (tk_plot.lt.0) CALL errore('do_cond','tk_plot should be > 0',1)
398If (tk_plot.gt.0) loop_ek = .TRUE.
399IF (ikind.ne.0.and.tk_plot.gt.0) ALLOCATE( tran_k(npk) )
401IF (start_k .GT. 0) THEN
402   IF (start_k .GT. last_k .OR. start_k .GT. nkpts) &
403     CALL errore('do_cond','wrong value of start_k',1)
404   IF (last_k .GT. nkpts) last_k = nkpts
406   start_k = 1
407   last_k = nkpts
409CALL mp_bcast( start_k, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
410CALL mp_bcast( last_k, ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
412  !!! RECOVER
413  ! Simple restart mechanism for transmission calculations
414  ! (tran_prefix must be specified on input in order to enable restart)
415  !!!
416  ! Initialization of recover:
417  IF (ikind.NE.0 .AND. tran_prefix.NE.' ') THEN
418     !
419     tran_save = .TRUE.
420     CALL check_stop_init ()
421     ! if recover flag is set to true, then check info file
422     IF ( recover ) THEN
423        ! read and check info file
424        ! (lists of energies and k-points read from info file
425        ! must coindice with those built from input parameters)
426        CALL cond_readfile( 'init', ios )
427     ELSE
428        ! create restart directory and write info file
429        CALL cond_writefile( 'init' )
430     ENDIF
432  ELSE
433     !
434     tran_save = .FALSE.
435     IF (recover)  call errore('do_cond',&
436        'you must specify tran_prefix in order to restart',1)
437  ENDIF
438  !!!
440  CALL cond_out
442  CALL stop_clock('init')
444  IF (llocal) &
445  CALL local_set(nocrosl,noinsl,norbl,noinss,norbs,nocrosr,noinsr,norbr)
448! Set up 2 loops over energies and over k-points
449  if (loop_ek) then
450    loop1_in  = start_e
451    loop1_fin = last_e
452    loop2_in  = start_k
453    loop2_fin = last_k
454  else
455    loop1_in  = start_k
456    loop1_fin = last_k
457    loop2_in  = start_e
458    loop2_fin = last_e
459  endif
462  DO loop1 = loop1_in, loop1_fin
464    if (.not.loop_ek) then
465      CALL init_gper(loop1)
466      CALL local(1)
467    endif
469    DO loop2 = loop2_in, loop2_fin
471      if (loop_ek) then
472        ien = loop1
473        ik  = loop2
474      else
475        ik  = loop1
476        ien = loop2
477      endif
479!      write(6,*) loop1_in, loop1_fin, loop2_in, loop2_fin, loop1, loop2
480      WRITE(stdout,'("---  E-Ef = ",f12.7, "  k = ",2f12.7)') &
481            earr(ien), (xyk (ipol, ik) , ipol = 1, 2)
482      WRITE(stdout,'("---  ie = ",i10, "  ik = ",i10)') &
483            ien, ik
485      !!! RECOVER
486      ! if recover mechanism is enabled
487      IF (recover .AND. ikind.NE.0) THEN
488         !
489         WRITE(stdout,'(A)') 'Reading transmission from restart file:'
490         ! check if the transmission has already been calculated for
491         ! this specific k-point and energy value
492         CALL cond_readfile( 'tran', ios, ik, ien, tk )
493         ! if so, add it to the total transmission with the correct weight
494         ! and skip to the next energy in the list
495         IF ( ios .EQ. 0 ) THEN
496            WRITE(stdout,'(a24, 2f12.7,/)') 'E-Ef(ev), T = ',earr(ien),tk
497            tran_tot(ien) = tran_tot(ien) + wkpt(ik)*tk
498            !CALL mp_bcast( tran_tot(ien), ionode_id, intra_image_comm )
499            CYCLE
500         ! if not, do the actual calculation
501         ELSE
502            IF ( ios .EQ. 1 ) THEN
503               write(stdout,'(" File not found...")')
504            ELSE
505               write(stdout,'(" FAILED: could not read from file...")')
506            ENDIF
507            write(stdout,'(" ... computing transmission",/)')
508         ENDIF
509      ENDIF
510      !!!
512      if (loop_ek) then
513        CALL init_gper(ik)
514        CALL local(ien)
515      endif
517      eryd = earr(ien)/rytoev + efl
518      CALL form_zk(n2d, nrzpl, zkrl, zkl, eryd, tpiba)
519      CALL scatter_forw(nrzl, nrzpl, zl, psiperl, zkl, norbl,     &
520                        tblml, crosl, taunewl, rl, rabl, betarl)
521      CALL compbs(1, nocrosl, norbl, nchanl, kvall, kfunl, kfundl, &
522                  kintl, kcoefl, ik, ien)
524      IF (ikind.EQ.2) THEN
525        eryd = earr(ien)/rytoev + efr
526        CALL form_zk(n2d, nrzpr, zkrr, zkr, eryd, tpiba)
527        CALL scatter_forw(nrzr, nrzpr, zr, psiperr, zkr, norbr,    &
528                          tblmr, crosr, taunewr, rr, rabr, betarr)
529        CALL compbs(0, nocrosr, norbr, nchanr, kvalr, kfunr, kfundr,&
530                     kintr, kcoefr, ik, ien)
531      ENDIF
533      CALL summary_band(ik,ien)
535      IF (ikind.NE.0) THEN
536         eryd = earr(ien)/rytoev + efs
537         CALL form_zk(n2d, nrzps, zkrs, zks, eryd, tpiba)
538         CALL scatter_forw(nrzs, nrzps, zs, psipers, zks, norbs,    &
539                          tblms, cross, taunews, rs, rabs, betars)
541         WRITE(stdout,*) 'to transmit'
542         CALL transmit(ik, ien, tk, .true.)
543         !
544         ! To add T(k) to the total T
545         !
546         tran_tot(ien) = tran_tot(ien) + wkpt(ik)*tk
547         if (tk_plot.gt.0) tran_k(ik) = tk
548         if (lorb) CALL transmit(ik, ien, tk, .false.)
550         !
551         !!! RECOVER
552         ! if recover is enabled, save the partial transmission on file,
553         ! and then check for stopping condition
554         IF ( tran_save ) THEN
555            CALL cond_writefile( 'tran', ik, ien, tk )
556            IF ( check_stop_now() ) THEN
557               CALL free_mem
558               CALL stop_clock('PWCOND')
559               CALL print_clock_pwcond()
560               done = .FALSE.
561               RETURN
562            ENDIF
563         ENDIF
564         !!!
566      ENDIF
568      if (loop_ek) CALL free_mem
570    ENDDO
572    if (ikind.ne.0.and.tk_plot.gt.0.and.ionode) &
573             CALL summary_tran_k(ien,nk1ts,nk2ts,k1ts,k2ts)
575    if (.not.loop_ek) CALL free_mem
577  ENDDO
579  IF(ikind.ne.0.and.ionode) CALL summary_tran_tot()
581  CALL stop_clock('PWCOND')
582  CALL print_clock_pwcond()
584  done = .TRUE.
586  DEALLOCATE( xyk )
587  DEALLOCATE( wkpt )
588  DEALLOCATE( earr )
589  DEALLOCATE( tran_tot )
590  IF (ikind.ne.0.and.tk_plot.gt.0) DEALLOCATE( tran_k )