1!#define __DEBUG_V_H_vs_SPHEROPOLE
3! Copyright (C) 2004 PWSCF group
4! This file is distributed under the terms of the
5! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
6! in the root directory of the present distribution,
7! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
9MODULE atomic_paw
10  !
11  !============================================================================
12  !
13  !   Module for Projector Augmented Wave (PAW) calculations assuming
14  !   spherical symmetry. Kresse's notations are adopted.
15  !   Contains the type describing a PAW dataset, the routine for
16  !   generating it from the ld1 code, and the routines to compute
17  !   the hamiltonian and energy.
18  !   GGA and LSD are implemented, relativistic calculations are not.
19  !
20  !   References:
21  !   P.E.Blochl, Phys. Rev. B 50, 17953 (1994)
22  !   G.Kresse, D.Joubert, Phys. Rev. B 59, 1758 (1999)
23  !
24  !   WARNINGS:
25  !   Still work in progress on many aspects.
26  !   The PAW dataset is written in a temporary format which is not supposed
27  !   to be used any longer.
28  !   Consistency with the input of the ld1 code yet to be checked
29  !
30  !   Written by Guido Fratesi, february 2005
31  !   Modified by Riccardo Mazzarello, july 2006
32  !   Fully Relativistic generalization by Andrea Dal Corso, november 2009
33  !   Other people involved: Lorenzo Paulatto and Stefano de Gironcoli
34  !
35  !============================================================================
36  !
37  USE kinds,            ONLY: dp
38  USE ld1_parameters,   ONLY: nwfsx
39  USE upf_params,       ONLY: lmaxx
40  USE constants,        ONLY: pi, fpi, e2, eps8
41  USE radial_grids,     ONLY: ndmx, radial_grid_type
42  USE paw_type,         ONLY: paw_t, nullify_pseudo_paw, allocate_pseudo_paw
43  !
46  SAVE
47  !
48  REAL(dp), PARAMETER :: ZERO=0._dp, ONE=1._dp, TWO=2._dp, HALF=0.5_dp
49  !
50  ! TEMP, to be substituted by module constants
51!   REAL(dp), PARAMETER :: &
52!        PI=3.14159265358979323846_dp, FPI=4._dp*PI, E2=2._dp, EPS8=1.0e-8_dp
53  !
54  !============================================================================
55  !
56  PUBLIC :: paw_t
57  PUBLIC :: us2paw
58  PUBLIC :: paw2us
59  PUBLIC :: check_multipole
60  PUBLIC :: new_paw_hamiltonian
61  PUBLIC :: find_bes_qi
62  PUBLIC :: compute_nonlocal_coeff_ion
63  !
65  !
66  !============================================================================
67  !                          PUBLIC ROUTINES                                !!!
68  !============================================================================
69  !
70  ! Compute the values of the local pseudopotential and the NL coefficients
71  ! Compute also the total energy
72  !
73  SUBROUTINE new_paw_hamiltonian (veffps_, ddd_, etot_, &
74       pawset_, nwfc_, l_, j_, nspin_, spin_, oc_, pswfc_, eig_, paw_energy,dddion_)
76    REAL(dp), INTENT(OUT) :: veffps_(ndmx,2)
77    REAL(dp), INTENT(OUT) :: ddd_(nwfsx,nwfsx,2)
78    REAL(dp), INTENT(OUT) :: etot_
79    TYPE(paw_t),   INTENT(IN)  :: pawset_
80    INTEGER,       INTENT(IN)  :: nwfc_
81    INTEGER,       INTENT(IN)  :: l_(nwfsx)
82    INTEGER,       INTENT(IN)  :: nspin_
83    INTEGER,       INTENT(IN)  :: spin_(nwfsx)
84    REAL(dp), INTENT(IN)  :: j_(nwfsx)
85    REAL(dp), INTENT(IN)  :: oc_(nwfsx)
86    REAL(dp), INTENT(IN)  :: pswfc_(ndmx,nwfsx)
87    REAL(dp), INTENT(IN)  :: eig_(nwfsx)
88    REAL(dp), OPTIONAL :: dddion_(nwfsx,nwfsx)
89    REAL(dp), INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL :: paw_energy(5,3)
90    !
91    REAL(dp) :: &                                        ! one center:
92         eps,             e1,             e1ps,             & ! energies;
93                          veff1(ndmx,2),   veff1ps(ndmx,2),   & ! eff potentials;
94         chargeps(ndmx,2), charge1(ndmx,2), charge1ps(ndmx,2), & ! charges.
95         projsum(nwfsx,nwfsx,2), eigsum !  sum of projections, sum of eigenval.
96    !
97    INTEGER :: ns, is, n
98    REAL(dp) :: energy(5,3)
99    !
100    ! Compute the valence charges
101    CALL compute_charges(projsum, chargeps, charge1, charge1ps, &
102       pawset_, nwfc_, l_, j_, nspin_, spin_, oc_, pswfc_, 1 )
103 !
104 !  Check for negative charge
105 !
106     do is=1,nspin_
107        do n=2,pawset_%grid%mesh
108!           write(6,*) n, pawset_%grid%r(n), chargeps(n,is)
109           if (chargeps(n,is)<-1.d-12) &
110                   call  errore('new_paw_hamiltonian','negative rho',1)
111        enddo
112     enddo
114!     write(766,"(4f12.6)") (pawset_%grid%r(ns), chargeps(ns,1), charge1(ns,1), charge1ps(ns,1), ns=1,pawset_%grid%mesh)
115!     write(767,"(4f12.6)") (pawset_%grid%r(ns), chargeps(ns,2), charge1(ns,2), charge1ps(ns,2), ns=1,pawset_%grid%mesh)
116    !
117    ! Compute the one-center energy and effective potential:
118    ! E = Eh[n_v] + Exc[n_v+n_c] - Int[veff*n_v],
119    ! veff = vh[n_v] + v_xc[n_v+n_c],
120    ! where n_v can be n~+n^ or n1 or n1~+n^ and n_c can be nc or nc~
121    ! n~+n^ , nc~
122    CALL compute_onecenter_energy ( eps,  veffps_, &
123       pawset_, chargeps,  pawset_%nlcc, pawset_%psccharge, nspin_,&
124             pawset_%grid%mesh, pawset_%psloc, energy(1,1))
125    ! n1 , nc
126    CALL compute_onecenter_energy ( e1,   veff1, &
127       pawset_, charge1,  .TRUE.,        pawset_%aeccharge, nspin_,&
128            pawset_%irc, pawset_%aeloc, energy(1,2))
129    ! n1~+n^ , nc~
130    CALL compute_onecenter_energy ( e1ps, veff1ps, &
131       pawset_, charge1ps, pawset_%nlcc, pawset_%psccharge, nspin_,&
132            pawset_%irc, pawset_%psloc, energy(1,3))
133    ! Add the local part
134    DO is=1,nspin_
135       veffps_(1:pawset_%grid%mesh,is) = veffps_(1:pawset_%grid%mesh,is) +  &
136            pawset_%psloc(1:pawset_%grid%mesh)
137       veff1  (1:pawset_%grid%mesh,is) = veff1  (1:pawset_%grid%mesh,is) +  &
138            pawset_%aeloc(1:pawset_%grid%mesh)
139       veff1ps(1:pawset_%grid%mesh,is) = veff1ps(1:pawset_%grid%mesh,is) +  &
140            pawset_%psloc(1:pawset_%grid%mesh)
141    END DO
142    !
143    ! Compute the nonlocal D coefficients
144    CALL compute_nonlocal_coeff (ddd_,pawset_,nspin_,veffps_,veff1,veff1ps)
145    IF (PRESENT(dddion_)) THEN
146       CALL compute_nonlocal_coeff_ion (dddion_,pawset_)
147    END IF
148    !
149    ! Compute total energy
150    eigsum=ZERO
151    DO ns=1,nwfc_
152       IF (oc_(ns)>ZERO) eigsum = eigsum + oc_(ns)*eig_(ns)
153    END DO
154    etot_ = eigsum + eps + e1 - e1ps
156    if (PRESENT(paw_energy)) paw_energy=energy
157    !
158  END SUBROUTINE new_paw_hamiltonian
159  !
160  !============================================================================
161  !
162  ! Convert the USPP to a PAW dataset
163  !
164  SUBROUTINE us2paw (pawset_,                                        &
165       zval, grid, rmatch_augfun, ikk,                               &
166       nbeta, lls, jjs, ocs, enls, els, rcutus, psipaw, psipaw_rel,  &
167       phis, betas,  qvan, kindiff,                                  &
168       nlcc, aerhoc, psrhoc, aevtot, psvtot, which_paw_augfun,rel     )
170    USE funct,        ONLY : get_dft_long
171    USE ld1inc,       ONLY : zed, file_screen
172    USE paw_type,     ONLY : nullify_pseudo_paw, allocate_pseudo_paw
173    USE io_global,    ONLY : stdout, ionode, ionode_id
174    USE radial_grids, ONLY : allocate_radial_grid
175    USE mp,           only : mp_bcast
176    USE mp_world,     only : world_comm
178    TYPE(paw_t),      INTENT(OUT) :: pawset_
179    REAL(dp), INTENT(IN)  :: zval
180    type(radial_grid_type), INTENT(IN) :: grid
181    REAL(dp), INTENT(IN)  :: rmatch_augfun
182    INTEGER,  INTENT(IN)  :: ikk(nwfsx)
183    !
184    INTEGER,  INTENT(IN)  :: nbeta, rel
185    INTEGER,  INTENT(IN)  :: lls(nwfsx)
186    REAL(dp), INTENT(IN)  :: ocs(nwfsx)
187    CHARACTER(LEN=2), INTENT(IN)  :: els(nwfsx)
188    REAL(dp), INTENT(IN)  :: jjs(nwfsx)
189    REAL(dp), INTENT(IN)  :: rcutus(nwfsx)
190    REAL(dp), INTENT(IN)  :: enls(nwfsx)
191    REAL(dp), INTENT(IN)  :: psipaw(ndmx,nwfsx)
192    REAL(dp), INTENT(IN)  :: psipaw_rel(ndmx,nwfsx)
193    REAL(dp), INTENT(IN)  :: phis(ndmx,nwfsx)
194    REAL(dp), INTENT(IN)  :: betas(ndmx,nwfsx)
195    !
196    REAL(dp), INTENT(IN)  :: qvan(ndmx,nwfsx,nwfsx)
197    REAL(dp), INTENT(IN)  :: kindiff(nwfsx,nwfsx)
198    LOGICAL,  INTENT(IN)  :: nlcc
199    REAL(dp), INTENT(IN)  :: aerhoc(ndmx)
200    REAL(dp), INTENT(IN)  :: psrhoc(ndmx)
201    REAL(dp), INTENT(IN)  :: aevtot(ndmx)
202    REAL(dp), INTENT(IN)  :: psvtot(ndmx)
203    CHARACTER(20), INTENT(IN)  :: which_paw_augfun
204    !
205    REAL(DP),  EXTERNAL :: int_0_inf_dr
206    CHARACTER(len=2), EXTERNAL :: atom_name
207    REAL(dp) :: vps(ndmx,2), projsum(nwfsx,nwfsx,2), ddd(nwfsx,nwfsx,2), dddion(nwfsx,nwfsx)
208    INTEGER  :: irc, ns, ns1, n, leading_power, mesh, ios
209    REAL(dp) :: aux(ndmx), aux2(ndmx,2), raux
210    REAL(dp) :: aecharge(ndmx,2), pscharge(ndmx,2)
211    REAL(dp) :: etot
212    INTEGER  :: nspin=1, spin(nwfsx)=1 ! PAW generat. from spin-less calculation
213    !
214    ! variables for aug. functions generation
215    !
216    REAL(DP) :: energy(5,3), max_aug_cutoff = -1._dp
217    INTEGER  :: nc, iok          ! index Bessel function, ...
218    INTEGER :: l1,l2,l3, lll, ircm, ir, ir0
219    REAL(dp) :: twosigma2, rm                  ! needed for "gaussian" augfun
220    REAL(dp) :: zeta, resi,usigma=4._dp        ! needed for "Bloechl" augfun
221    REAL(DP),ALLOCATABLE :: gaussian(:)        ! needed for gaussian and Bloechl
222    REAL(DP),ALLOCATABLE :: aug_real(:,:,:)    ! needed for PSQ augfun
223    REAL(DP) :: qc(2), xc(2), b1(2), b2(2)     ! needed for BESSEL augfun
224    REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: j1(:,:)           ! needed for BESSEL augfun
225    !
226    mesh = grid%mesh
227    irc = maxval(ikk(1:nbeta))+8
228    CALL nullify_pseudo_paw(pawset_)
229    CALL allocate_pseudo_paw(pawset_,ndmx,nwfsx,lmaxx)
230    CALL allocate_radial_grid(pawset_%grid, mesh)
231    pawset_%symbol = atom_name(nint(zed))
232    pawset_%zval = zval
233    !
234    ! Copy the mesh
235    pawset_%grid%mesh  = grid%mesh
236    pawset_%grid%r(:)  = grid%r(:)
237    pawset_%grid%r2(:) = grid%r2(:)
238    pawset_%grid%rab(:)= grid%rab(:)
239    pawset_%grid%sqr(:)= grid%sqr(:)
240    pawset_%grid%xmin  = grid%xmin
241    pawset_%grid%rmax  = grid%rmax
242    pawset_%grid%zmesh = grid%zmesh
243    pawset_%grid%dx    = grid%dx
244    !
245    pawset_%rmatch_augfun = rmatch_augfun
246    !if (rmatch_augfun <= 0.0_dp) pawset_%rmatch_augfun = grid%r(irc)
247    if (rmatch_augfun <= 0.0_dp) pawset_%rmatch_augfun = MAXVAL(rcutus(1:nbeta))
248    pawset_%rel = rel
249    pawset_%irc = irc
250    pawset_%ikk(1:nbeta)=ikk(1:nbeta)
251    !
252    ! Copy the wavefunctions
253    pawset_%nwfc = nbeta
254    pawset_%l(1:nbeta) = lls(1:nbeta)
255    pawset_%lmax = MAXVAL(pawset_%l(1:nbeta))
256    pawset_%oc(1:nbeta) = ocs(1:nbeta)
257    pawset_%jj(1:nbeta) = jjs(1:nbeta)
258    pawset_%rcutus(1:nbeta) = rcutus(1:nbeta)
259    pawset_%els(1:nbeta)= els(1:nbeta)
260    pawset_%enl(1:nbeta)= enls(1:nbeta)
261    pawset_%aewfc(1:mesh,1:nbeta) = psipaw(1:mesh,1:nbeta)
262    pawset_%aewfc_rel(1:mesh,1:nbeta) = psipaw_rel(1:mesh,1:nbeta)
263    pawset_%pswfc(1:mesh,1:nbeta) = phis  (1:mesh,1:nbeta)
264    pawset_%proj (1:mesh,1:nbeta) = betas (1:mesh,1:nbeta)
265    !
266    pawset_%augfun = 0._dp
267    !
268    !
269    ! Augmentation functions:
270    ! The specific radial part is not important, as long as the
271    ! multipole moments of the exact augmentation functions are
272    ! reproduced. So we write on the file the exact augmentation
273    ! functions and their multipole moments, keeping in mind that
274    ! the PW program should not use the radial part as is but
275    ! substitute it with some smoothened analogue.
276    !
277    ! Sdg>> not quite sure this is correct because the shape of augfun,
278    ! arbitrary as it may be, determines the shape of vloc since this
279    ! is obtained by unscreening vscf with the GIVEN augfun...
280    !
281    ! moreover in order to give the right electrostatics in the solid the
282    ! augmentation functions should not overlap.
283    !
284    ! Compute the exact augmentation functions and their moments
285    !
286    write(stdout,'(//,4x,a)') 'multipoles (all-electron charge) - (pseudo charge)'
287    write(stdout,'(7x,2a,":",2a,2x,6a)') ' ns',' l1','ns1',' l2',&
288                 '  l=0   ','  l=1   ','  l=2   ','  l=3   ','  l=4   ', '  l=5  '
289    pawset_%augfun(:,:,:,:) = 0.0_dp
290    pawset_%augmom(:,:,:) = 0.0_dp
291    DO ns=1,nbeta
292       l1=pawset_%l(ns)
293       DO ns1=1,ns
294          l2=pawset_%l(ns1)
295          do l3 = max(l1-l2,l2-l1), l1+l2, 2
296             pawset_%augfun(1:mesh,ns,ns1,l3) = &
297                 pawset_%aewfc(1:mesh,ns) * pawset_%aewfc(1:mesh,ns1) - &
298                 pawset_%pswfc(1:mesh,ns) * pawset_%pswfc(1:mesh,ns1)
299             IF (pawset_%rel==2) &
300             pawset_%augfun(1:irc,ns,ns1,l3) =pawset_%augfun(1:irc,ns,ns1,l3)&
301                 +pawset_%aewfc_rel(1:irc,ns) * pawset_%aewfc_rel(1:irc,ns1)
302             pawset_%augfun(1:mesh,ns1,ns,l3) = pawset_%augfun(1:mesh,ns,ns1,l3)
303             aux(1:irc) = pawset_%augfun(1:irc,ns,ns1,l3) * pawset_%grid%r(1:irc)**l3
304             lll = l1 + l2 + 2 + l3
305             pawset_%augmom(ns,ns1,l3)=int_0_inf_dr(aux(1:irc),pawset_%grid,irc,lll)
306             pawset_%augmom(ns1,ns,l3)=pawset_%augmom(ns,ns1,l3)
307          end do
308          write (stdout,'(7x,2i3,a,2i3,10f8.4)') ns,l1,":",ns1,l2,&
309                              (pawset_%augmom(ns,ns1,l3), l3=0,l1+l2)
310       END DO
311    END DO
312    !
313    !
314    IF (which_paw_augfun/='AE') THEN
315       ! The following lines enables to test the idependence on the
316       ! specific shape of the radial part of the augmentation functions
317       ! in a spherically averager system (as is the case in atoms) only
318       ! the zero-th moment contribute to the scf charge
319       write(stdout, '(5x,3a,f12.6)') 'Required augmentation: ',TRIM(which_paw_augfun), "   radius:", pawset_%rmatch_augfun
320       !
321101    pawset_%augfun(:,:,:,:) = 0.0_dp
322       DO ns=1,nbeta
323          l1 = pawset_%l(ns)
324          DO ns1=1,ns
325             l2 = pawset_%l(ns1)
326             !
327             SELECT CASE (which_paw_augfun)
328             CASE ('PSQ')
329                continue ! the work is done at the end
330             CASE ('QVAN')
331                IF(ns==1 .and. ns1==1) &
332                CALL infomsg('us2paw', 'WARNING: QVAN augmentation function are for testing ONLY: '//&
333                                       'they will not work in pw!')
334                ! Choose the shape of the augmentation functions: NC Q ...
335                pawset_%augfun(1:mesh,ns,ns1,0) = qvan(1:mesh,ns,ns1)
336                ! Renormalize the aug. functions so that their integral is correct
337                leading_power = l1 + l2 + 2
338                raux=int_0_inf_dr(pawset_%augfun(1:irc,ns,ns1,0),pawset_%grid,irc,leading_power)
339                IF (ABS(raux) < eps8) CALL errore &
340                   ('ld1_to_paw','norm of augm.func. is too small',ns*100+ns1)
341                raux=pawset_%augmom(ns,ns1,0)/raux
342                pawset_%augfun(1:mesh,ns,ns1,0)=raux*pawset_%augfun(1:mesh,ns,ns1,0)
343                !
344             CASE ('BG')
345                IF(ns==1 .and. ns1==1) &
346                CALL infomsg('us2paw', 'WARNING: using Bloechl style augmentation functions '//&
347                                       'is not a good idea, as analytical overlap are not '//&
348                                       'implemented in pwscf: use BESSEL or GAUSS instead.')
349                IF(.not. allocated(gaussian)) ALLOCATE(gaussian(mesh))
350                ! use Bloechl style augmentation functions, as linear combinations of
351                ! gaussians functions (this is quite pointless if the the plane-wave
352                ! code doesn't use double-augmentation with analytical gaussian overlaps)
353                DO ir0 = 1,mesh
354                    IF(grid%r(ir0) > pawset_%rmatch_augfun) &
355                        exit
356                ENDDO
357                ! look for a sigma large enough to keep (almost) all the gaussian in the aug sphere
358                zeta = (usigma/pawset_%rmatch_augfun)**2
359                DO ir = 1,mesh
360                    gaussian(ir) = exp( - zeta*(grid%r(ir))**2 ) * grid%r2(ir)
361                ENDDO
362                DO l3 = max (l1-l2,l2-l1), l1+l2
363                    ! Functions has to be normalized later, so I can use a constant factor
364                    ! = rc**l3 to prevent very large numbers when integrating:
365                    aux(1:grid%mesh) = gaussian(1:grid%mesh) * grid%r(1:grid%mesh)**l3
366                    ! Normalization to have unitary multipole l3
367                    ! and check norm of augmentation functions.
368                    raux = int_0_inf_dr(aux,pawset_%grid,mesh,l3+2)
369                    IF (abs(raux) < eps8) CALL errore &
370                        ('ld1_to_paw','norm of augm. func. is too small',ns*100+ns1)
371                    ! Check if gaussians are localized enough into the augmentation sphere,
372                    ! otherwise try again with a larger sigma.
373                    resi = int_0_inf_dr(aux,pawset_%grid,ir0, l3+2)
374                    resi = (raux-resi)/raux
375                    IF (abs(resi) > 1.e-10_dp) THEN
376                        usigma = usigma + .0625_dp
377                        GOTO 101
378                    ENDIF
379                    raux=pawset_%augmom(ns,ns1,l3)/raux
381                    pawset_%augfun(1:mesh,ns,ns1,l3) = raux*gaussian(1:mesh)
382                    pawset_%augfun(1:mesh,ns1,ns,l3) = raux*gaussian(1:mesh)
383                ENDDO
384                DEALLOCATE(gaussian)
385                !
386             CASE ('GAUSS')
387                ! use linear combinations of gaussians functions, not the Bloechl style
388                ! but it looks a bit alike... (used for testing, now obsolete)
389                IF(ns==1 .and. ns1==1) &
390                CALL infomsg('us2paw', 'GAUSS augmentation functions are ususally '//&
391                                       'harder than BESSEL; use BESSEL instead unless'//&
392                                       ' you have discontinuity in local potential')
393                ALLOCATE(gaussian(mesh))
394                !
395                rm = pawset_%rmatch_augfun
396                twosigma2 = TWO*(rm/3.0_dp)**2
397                do ir=1,mesh
398                   if (grid%r(ir) <= rm) then
399                      gaussian(ir) = ( EXP(-grid%r(ir)**2/twosigma2) + &
400                                       EXP(-(grid%r(ir)-TWO*rm)**2/twosigma2 ) - &
401                                       TWO*EXP(-rm**2/twosigma2) ) * grid%r2(ir)
402                   else
403                      gaussian(ir) = 0.0_dp
404                   endif
405                end do
406                DO l3 = max (l1-l2,l2-l1), l1+l2
407                   !
408                   aux(1:irc) = gaussian(1:irc) * pawset_%grid%r(1:irc)**l3
409                   ! calculate the corresponding multipole
410                   raux=int_0_inf_dr(aux,pawset_%grid,irc,l3+2)
411                   IF (ABS(raux) < eps8) CALL errore &
412                      ('ld1_to_paw','norm of augm. func. is too small',ns*100+ns1)
413                   raux=pawset_%augmom(ns,ns1,l3)/raux
414                   pawset_%augfun(1:mesh,ns,ns1,l3) = raux*gaussian(1:mesh)
415                   pawset_%augfun(1:mesh,ns1,ns,l3) = raux*gaussian(1:mesh)
416                   !
417                END DO
418                DEALLOCATE(gaussian)
419                !
420             CASE ('BESSEL')
421                ! Use Kresse-Joubert style augmentation functions
422                ! Defined as linear combination of Bessel functions.
423                ALLOCATE (j1 (pawset_%grid%mesh,2))
424                do ir=1,irc
425                   !if (grid%r(ir)<pawset_%rmatch_augfun) ircm=ir
426                   if (grid%r(ir)<pawset_%rmatch_augfun) ircm=ir
427                end do
428                do l3 = max(l1-l2,l2-l1), l1+l2
429                   !
430                   CALL find_bes_qi(qc,pawset_%grid%r(ircm),l3,2,iok)
431                   IF (iok.ne.0) CALL errore('compute_augfun', &
432                         'problems with find_bes_qi',1)
433                   DO nc = 1, 2
434                      !
435                      CALL sph_bes(irc,grid%r(1),qc(nc),l3,j1(1,nc))
436                      aux(1:irc) = j1(1:irc,nc) * grid%r(1:irc)**(l3+2)
437                      b1(nc) = j1(ircm,nc)
438                      b2(nc) = int_0_inf_dr(aux,pawset_%grid,ircm,l3+2)
439                      !
440                   ENDDO
441                   xc(1) = b1(2) / (b1(2) * b2(1) - b1(1) * b2(2))
442                   xc(2) = - b1(1) * xc(1) / b1(2)
443                   pawset_%augfun(1:ircm,ns,ns1,l3) =                   &
444                          pawset_%augmom(ns,ns1,l3) * grid%r2(1:ircm) * &
445                          (xc(1) * j1(1:ircm,1) + xc(2) * j1(1:ircm,2))
446                   ! Symmetrize augmentation functions:
447                   pawset_%augfun(1:mesh,ns1,ns,l3)=pawset_%augfun(1:mesh,ns,ns1,l3)
448                   !
449                   ! Save higher bessel coefficient to compute suggested cutoff
450                   max_aug_cutoff=MAX( max_aug_cutoff, MAXVAL(qc(1:2))**2)
451                   !
452                end do
453                DEALLOCATE (j1)
454                !
455             CASE DEFAULT
456                !
457                CALL errore ('ld1_to_paw','Specified augmentation functions ('// &
458                             TRIM(which_paw_augfun)//') not allowed or coded',1)
459                !
460             END SELECT
461          END DO
462       END DO
463       IF ( which_paw_augfun == 'BG') &
464         write(stdout,"(5x,a,f12.6)") "Gaussians generated with zeta: ", zeta
465       IF ( which_paw_augfun == 'BESSEL') &
466         write(stdout,'(5x, "Suggested rho cutoff for augmentation:",f7.2," Ry")') max_aug_cutoff
467       !
468       IF ( which_paw_augfun == 'PSQ') THEN
469            ALLOCATE(aug_real(ndmx,nwfsx,nwfsx))
470            DO ns=1,nbeta
471            DO ns1=ns,nbeta
472               aug_real(1:mesh,ns,ns1) = &
473                     pawset_%aewfc(1:mesh,ns) * pawset_%aewfc(1:mesh,ns1) - &
474                     pawset_%pswfc(1:mesh,ns) * pawset_%pswfc(1:mesh,ns1)
475               IF (pawset_%rel==2) &
476               aug_real(1:irc,ns,ns1) = aug_real(1:irc,ns,ns1) + &
477                     pawset_%aewfc_rel(1:irc,ns)*pawset_%aewfc_rel(1:irc,ns1)
478               aug_real(1:mesh,ns1,ns) = aug_real(1:mesh,ns,ns1)
479            ENDDO
480            ENDDO
481            !
482            CALL pseudo_q(aug_real,pawset_%augfun)
483            !
484            DEALLOCATE(aug_real)
485       ENDIF
487    END IF
489!   Outside the PAW spheres augfun should be exactly 0. On some machine
490!   it is equal to zero to machine precision and sometimes it is negative,
491!   so as to confuse the check for negative charge. So we set it to zero
492!   explicitly.
494    DO ns = 1, nbeta
495       l1 = pawset_%l(ns)
496       DO ns1 = ns, nbeta
497          l2 = pawset_%l(ns1)
498          DO l3 = max (l1-l2,l2-l1), l1+l2
499             DO n = pawset_%irc+1, pawset_%grid%mesh
500                pawset_%augfun(n,ns,ns1,l3) = 0.0_DP
501                pawset_%augfun(n,ns1,ns,l3) = 0.0_DP
502             END DO
503          END DO
504       END DO
505    END DO
506    !
507    !
508    ! Copy kinetic energy differences
509    pawset_%kdiff(1:nbeta,1:nbeta)=kindiff(1:nbeta,1:nbeta)
510    !
511    ! Copy the core charge (if not NLCC copy only the AE one)
512    pawset_%nlcc=nlcc
513    IF (pawset_%nlcc) pawset_%psccharge(1:mesh)=psrhoc(1:mesh)
514    pawset_%aeccharge(1:mesh)=aerhoc(1:mesh)
515    !
516    ! Copy the local potentials
517    pawset_%psloc(1:mesh)=psvtot(1:mesh)
518    pawset_%aeloc(1:mesh)=aevtot(1:mesh)
519    ! and descreen them:
520    CALL compute_charges(projsum, pscharge, aecharge, aux2, &
521       pawset_, nbeta, lls, jjs, nspin, spin, ocs, phis )
522    pawset_%pscharge(1:mesh)=pscharge(1:mesh,1)
523    !
524    CALL compute_onecenter_energy ( raux,  aux2, &
525       pawset_, pscharge, pawset_%nlcc, pawset_%psccharge, nspin, &
526       pawset_%grid%mesh )
527    pawset_%psloc(1:mesh)=psvtot(1:mesh)-aux2(1:mesh,1)
528    !
529    CALL compute_onecenter_energy ( raux,  aux2, &
530       pawset_, aecharge, .TRUE.,       pawset_%aeccharge, nspin, &
531       pawset_%grid%mesh)
532    pawset_%aeloc(1:mesh)=aevtot(1:mesh)-aux2(1:mesh,1)
533    !
534    if (file_screen .ne.' ') then
535        if (ionode) &
536            open(unit=20,file=file_screen, status='unknown', iostat=ios, err=105 )
537105     call mp_bcast(ios, ionode_id, world_comm)
538        call errore('descreening','opening file'//file_screen,abs(ios))
539        if (ionode) then
540            write(20,'(a)') "#   n, r(n),       aeloc(n),   psloc(n),   pscharge(n)"
541            do n=1,grid%mesh
542            write(20,'(i5,7e12.4)') n,grid%r(n), pawset_%aeloc(n), &
543                    pawset_%psloc(n), pawset_%pscharge(n)
544            enddo
545            close(20)
546        endif
547    endif
548    !
549    write(pawset_%dft,'(80x)') !fill it with spaces
550    pawset_%dft = get_dft_long ( )
551    !
552    ! Generate the paw hamiltonian for test (should be equal to the US one)
553    CALL new_paw_hamiltonian (vps, ddd, etot, &
554       pawset_, pawset_%nwfc, pawset_%l, pawset_%jj, nspin, spin, pawset_%oc, &
555       pawset_%pswfc, pawset_%enl, energy, dddion)
556    pawset_%dion(1:nbeta,1:nbeta)=dddion(1:nbeta,1:nbeta)
557    WRITE(stdout,'(/5x,A,f12.6,A)') 'Estimated PAW energy =',etot,' Ryd'
558    WRITE(stdout,'(/5x,A)') 'The PAW screened D coefficients'
559    DO ns1=1,pawset_%nwfc
560       WRITE(stdout,'(6f12.5)') (ddd(ns1,ns,1),ns=1,pawset_%nwfc)
561    END DO
562    WRITE(stdout,'(/5x,A)') 'The PAW descreened D coefficients (US)'
563    DO ns1=1,pawset_%nwfc
564       WRITE(stdout,'(6f12.5)') (dddion(ns1,ns),ns=1,pawset_%nwfc)
565    END DO
566    !
567    !
568  END SUBROUTINE us2paw
569  !
570  !============================================================================
571  !
572  ! ...
573  !
574  SUBROUTINE paw2us (pawset_,zval,grid,nbeta,lls,jjs,ikk,betas,qq,qvan,&
575                     vpsloc, bmat, rhos, els, rcutus, pseudotype,psipaw_rel)
576    USE funct, ONLY : set_dft_from_name
577    use radial_grids, only: radial_grid_type, allocate_radial_grid
579    TYPE(radial_grid_type), INTENT(OUT) :: grid
580    TYPE(paw_t),   INTENT(IN)  :: pawset_
581    REAL(dp), INTENT(OUT) :: zval
582    INTEGER,       INTENT(OUT) :: nbeta
583    INTEGER,       INTENT(OUT) :: lls(nwfsx)
584    INTEGER,       INTENT(OUT) :: ikk(nwfsx)
585    INTEGER,       INTENT(OUT) :: pseudotype
586    CHARACTER(LEN=2), INTENT(OUT) :: els(nwfsx)
587    REAL(dp), INTENT(OUT) :: jjs(nwfsx)
588    REAL(dp), INTENT(OUT) :: rcutus(nwfsx)
589    REAL(dp), INTENT(OUT) :: betas(ndmx,nwfsx)
590    REAL(dp), INTENT(OUT) :: psipaw_rel(ndmx,nwfsx)
591    REAL(dp), INTENT(OUT) :: qq(nwfsx,nwfsx)
592    REAL(dp), INTENT(OUT) :: qvan(ndmx,nwfsx,nwfsx)
593    REAL(dp), INTENT(OUT) :: vpsloc(ndmx)     ! the local pseudopotential
594    REAL(dp), INTENT(OUT) :: bmat(nwfsx,nwfsx)! the pseudo coefficients (unscreened D)
595    REAL(dp), INTENT(OUT) :: rhos(ndmx)     ! the pseudo density
597    INTEGER :: ns, ns1, mesh
598    zval=pawset_%zval
599    !
600    mesh=pawset_%grid%mesh
601    ! Copy the mesh
602    call allocate_radial_grid(grid, mesh)
603    grid%mesh  = pawset_%grid%mesh
604    grid%r(1:mesh)  = pawset_%grid%r(1:mesh)
605    grid%r2(1:mesh) = pawset_%grid%r2(1:mesh)
606    grid%rab(1:mesh)= pawset_%grid%rab(1:mesh)
607    grid%sqr(1:mesh)= pawset_%grid%sqr(1:mesh)
608    grid%xmin  = pawset_%grid%xmin
609    grid%rmax  = pawset_%grid%rmax
610    grid%zmesh = pawset_%grid%zmesh
611    grid%dx    = pawset_%grid%dx
613    !
614    nbeta=pawset_%nwfc
615    lls(1:nbeta)=pawset_%l(1:nbeta)
616    jjs(1:nbeta)=pawset_%jj(1:nbeta)
617    els(1:nbeta)=pawset_%els(1:nbeta)
618    rcutus(1:nbeta)=pawset_%rcutus(1:nbeta)
619    ikk(1:nbeta)=pawset_%ikk(1:nbeta)
620    !
621    DO ns=1,nbeta
622       DO ns1=1,nbeta
623          qvan(1:mesh,ns,ns1)=pawset_%augfun(1:mesh,ns,ns1,0)
624          IF (lls(ns)==lls(ns1)) THEN
625             qq(ns,ns1)=pawset_%augmom(ns,ns1,0)
626          ELSE ! different spherical harmonic => 0
627             qq(ns,ns1)=ZERO
628          END IF
629       END DO
630    END DO
631    !
632    vpsloc(1:mesh)=pawset_%psloc(1:mesh)
633    bmat(1:nbeta,1:nbeta)=pawset_%dion(1:nbeta,1:nbeta)
634    !
635    rhos(1:mesh)=pawset_%pscharge(1:mesh)
636    !
637    psipaw_rel(1:mesh,1:nbeta)=pawset_%aewfc_rel(1:mesh,1:nbeta)
638    betas(1:mesh,1:nbeta)=pawset_%proj(1:mesh,1:nbeta)
639    pseudotype=3
640    !
641    CALL set_dft_from_name (pawset_%dft)
643  END SUBROUTINE paw2us
644  !
645  !============================================================================
646  !
647  ! ...
648  !
649  SUBROUTINE check_multipole (pawset_)
650    USE radial_grids, ONLY: hartree
651    USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
653    TYPE(paw_t), INTENT(IN)  :: pawset_
654    INTEGER:: mesh
655    REAL(dp) :: r(ndmx), r2(ndmx), sqr(ndmx), dx
656    INTEGER :: nbeta
657    INTEGER :: lls(nwfsx)
658    INTEGER :: ir, ns1, ns2, l1, l2, l3, irc, ir0
659    REAL(dp) :: auxpot(ndmx,0:2*lmaxx+2), auxrho(ndmx)
660    !
661    ! set a few internal variables
662    write (stdout,*) "check_multipole : lmaxx =",lmaxx
663    mesh=pawset_%grid%mesh
664    r(1:mesh)=pawset_%grid%r(1:mesh)
665    r2(1:mesh)=pawset_%grid%r2(1:mesh)
666    sqr(1:mesh)=pawset_%grid%sqr(1:mesh)
667    dx=pawset_%grid%dx
668    irc = pawset_%irc
669    !
670    nbeta=pawset_%nwfc
671    lls(1:nbeta)=pawset_%l(1:nbeta)
672    !
673    do ns1=1,nbeta
674       l1 = lls(ns1)
675       do ns2=1,nbeta
676          l2 = lls(ns2)
677          auxpot(:,:) = 0.0_dp
678          do l3 = max(l1-l2,l2-l1), l1+l2
679             auxrho(1:mesh) = &
680                pawset_%aewfc(1:mesh,ns1) * pawset_%aewfc(1:mesh,ns2) - &
681                pawset_%pswfc(1:mesh,ns1) * pawset_%pswfc(1:mesh,ns2) - &
682                pawset_%augfun(1:mesh,ns1,ns2,l3)
683             call hartree(l3,l1+l2+2,mesh,pawset_%grid,auxrho,auxpot(1,l3))
684          end do
685          write (stdout,'(a,2i3,a,2i3)') " MULTIPOLO DI ",ns1,l1,":",ns2, l2
686          do ir=1,irc
687             if (r(ir) < 1.0_dp) ir0 = ir
688          end do
689          do ir=ir0,irc+30, 3
690             write (stdout,'(10f8.4)') r(ir),(auxpot(ir,l3), l3=0,l1+l2)
691          end do
692       end do
693    end do
694    return
695  END SUBROUTINE check_multipole
696  !
697  !============================================================================
698  !                          PRIVATE ROUTINES                               !!!
699  !============================================================================
700  !
701  SUBROUTINE compute_charges (projsum_, chargeps_, charge1_, charge1ps_, &
702       pawset_, nwfc_, l_, j_, nspin_, spin_, oc_, pswfc_ , iflag, unit_)
703    USE io_global, ONLY : ionode
705    REAL(dp), INTENT(OUT) :: projsum_(nwfsx,nwfsx,2)
706    REAL(dp), INTENT(OUT) :: chargeps_(ndmx,2)
707    REAL(dp), INTENT(OUT) :: charge1_(ndmx,2)
708    REAL(dp), INTENT(OUT) :: charge1ps_(ndmx,2)
709    TYPE(paw_t),   INTENT(IN)  :: pawset_
710    INTEGER,       INTENT(IN)  :: nwfc_
711    INTEGER,       INTENT(IN)  :: l_(nwfsx)
712    INTEGER,       INTENT(IN)  :: nspin_
713    INTEGER,       INTENT(IN)  :: spin_(nwfsx)
714    REAL(dp), INTENT(IN)  :: j_(nwfsx)
715    REAL(dp), INTENT(IN)  :: oc_(nwfsx)
716    REAL(dp), INTENT(IN)  :: pswfc_(ndmx,nwfsx)
717    INTEGER, OPTIONAL :: unit_, iflag
718    REAL(dp) :: augcharge(ndmx,2), chargetot
719    INTEGER :: i, n, iflag0
721    iflag0=0
722    if (present(iflag)) iflag0=iflag
723    CALL compute_sumwfc2(chargeps_,pawset_,nwfc_,pswfc_,oc_,spin_)
724    CALL compute_projsum(projsum_,pawset_,nwfc_,l_,j_,spin_,pswfc_,oc_)
725!    WRITE (6200,'(20e20.10)') ((projsum_(ns,ns1,1),ns=1,ns1),ns1=1,pawset_%nwfc)
726    CALL compute_onecenter_charge(charge1ps_,pawset_,projsum_,nspin_,"PS")
727    CALL compute_onecenter_charge(charge1_  ,pawset_,projsum_,nspin_,"AE")
728    ! add augmentation charges
729    CALL compute_augcharge(augcharge,pawset_,projsum_,nspin_)
731    if (present(unit_).and.ionode) then
732       write(unit_,*)
733       write(unit_,*) "#"
734       do i=1,pawset_%grid%mesh
735          write (unit_,'(4f12.8)') pawset_%grid%r(i), augcharge(i,1), chargeps_(i,1), charge1ps_(i,1)
736       end do
737    end if
738    chargeps_ (1:pawset_%grid%mesh,1:nspin_) = chargeps_ (1:pawset_%grid%mesh,1:nspin_) &
739                                        + augcharge(1:pawset_%grid%mesh,1:nspin_)
740    charge1ps_(1:pawset_%grid%mesh,1:nspin_) = charge1ps_(1:pawset_%grid%mesh,1:nspin_) &
741                                        + augcharge(1:pawset_%grid%mesh,1:nspin_)
743!  If there are unbounded scattering states in the pseudopotential generation,
744!  n1 and n~1 separately diverge. This makes the hartree and exchange and
745!  correlation energies separately diverging. The cancellation becomes
746!  very difficult numerically. Outside the sphere however the two charges
747!  should be equal and opposite and we set them to zero.
748!  Is this the right solution?
750    do n=pawset_%irc+1,pawset_%grid%mesh
751       chargetot=chargeps_(n,1)
752       if (nspin_==2) chargetot=chargetot+chargeps_(n,2)
753       if (chargetot<1.d-11.or.iflag0==1) then
754          charge1_(n,1:nspin_)=0.0_DP
755          charge1ps_(n,1:nspin_)=0.0_DP
756       endif
757    enddo
758!    do n=1,pawset_%grid%mesh
759!       write(6,'(4f20.15)') pawset_%grid%r(n), chargeps_(n,1), charge1_(n,1),
760!                                               charge1ps_(n,1)
762  END SUBROUTINE compute_charges
763  !
764  !============================================================================
765  !
766  ! Compute the one-center energy and effective potential:
767  ! E = Eh[n_v] + Exc[n_v+n_c] - Int[veff*n_v],
768  ! veff = vh[n_v] + v_xc[n_v+n_c],
769  ! where n_v can be n~+n^ or n1 or n1~+n^ and n_c can be nc or n~c
770  !
771  SUBROUTINE compute_onecenter_energy ( totenergy_, veff_, &
772       pawset_, vcharge_, nlcc_, ccharge_, nspin_, iint, vloc, energies_ , unit_)
773    USE funct, ONLY: dft_is_gradient
774    USE radial_grids, ONLY: hartree
775    USE io_global, ONLY : stdout, ionode
777    REAL(dp), INTENT(OUT) :: totenergy_            ! H+XC+DC
778    REAL(dp), INTENT(OUT) :: veff_(ndmx,2)         ! effective potential
779    TYPE(paw_t),   INTENT(IN)  :: pawset_          ! the PAW dataset
780    REAL(dp), INTENT(IN)  :: vcharge_(ndmx,2)      ! valence charge
781    LOGICAL,       INTENT(IN)  :: nlcc_            ! non-linear core correction
782    REAL(dp), INTENT(IN)  :: ccharge_(ndmx)        ! core charge
783    INTEGER,       INTENT(IN)  :: nspin_           ! 1 for LDA, 2 for LSDA
784    INTEGER,       INTENT(IN)  :: iint             ! integrals up to iint
785    REAL(dp), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: vloc(ndmx)   !
786    REAL(dp), INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL :: energies_(5)! Etot,H,XC,DC terms
787    INTEGER, OPTIONAL :: unit_
788    !
789    REAL(dp), PARAMETER :: rho_eq_0(ndmx) = ZERO ! ccharge=0 when nlcc=.f.
790    !
791    REAL(dp) ::        &
792         eh, exc, edc, & ! hartree, xc and double counting energies
793         eloc,         & ! local energy
794         rhovtot(ndmx), & ! total valence charge
795         aux(ndmx),     & ! auxiliary to compute integrals
796         vh(ndmx),      & ! hartree potential
797         vxc(ndmx,2),   & ! exchange-correlation potential (LDA+GGA)
798         vgc(ndmx,2),   & ! exchange-correlation potential (GGA only)
799         egc(ndmx),     & ! exchange correlation energy density (GGA only)
800         rh(2),        & ! valence charge at a given point without 4 pi r^2
801         rhc,          & ! core    charge at a given point without 4 pi r^2
802         vxcr(2)         ! exchange-correlation potential at a given point
803    REAL(dp) :: & ! compatibility with metaGGA - not yet used
804         tau(ndmx) = ZERO, vtau(ndmx) = ZERO  !
805    !
806    INTEGER :: i, is
807    INTEGER :: lsd
808    REAL(DP), EXTERNAL :: int_0_inf_dr
809#if defined __DEBUG_V_H_vs_SPHEROPOLE
810    REAL(DP) :: dummy_charge,aux1(ndmx),aux2(ndmx),res1,res2
812    !
813    ! Set up total valence charge
814    rhovtot(1:pawset_%grid%mesh) = vcharge_(1:pawset_%grid%mesh,1)
815    IF (nspin_==2) rhovtot(1:pawset_%grid%mesh) = rhovtot(1:pawset_%grid%mesh) +   &
816         vcharge_(1:pawset_%grid%mesh,2)
817    !
818    ! Hartree
819    CALL hartree(0,2,pawset_%grid%mesh,pawset_%grid,rhovtot,vh)
820    if (PRESENT(unit_).and.ionode) then
821       write (unit_,*)  " "
822       write (unit_,*)  "#"
823       do i=1,pawset_%grid%mesh
824          write (unit_,'(3f12.7)') pawset_%grid%r(i),rhovtot(i),vh(i)
825       end do
826    end if
827#if defined __DEBUG_V_H_vs_SPHEROPOLE
828    dummy_charge=int_0_inf_dr(rhovtot,pawset_%grid,pawset_%grid%mesh,2)
829    aux1(1:pawset_%grid%mesh) = FPI*pawset_%grid%r2(1:pawset_%grid%mesh)*vh(1:pawset_%grid%mesh) - &
830         FPI*dummy_charge * pawset_%grid%r(1:pawset_%grid%mesh)
831    aux2(1:pawset_%grid%mesh) = rhovtot(1:pawset_%grid%mesh)*pawset_%grid%r2(1:pawset_%grid%mesh)
832    res1 = int_0_inf_dr(aux1,pawset_%grid,pawset_%grid%mesh,1)
833    res2 = int_0_inf_dr(aux2,pawset_%grid,pawset_%grid%mesh,4)
834    WRITE (stdout,'(4(A,1e15.7))') ' INT rho', dummy_charge,' INT V_H', &
835         res1, ' INT r^2*rho', res2, ' ERR:', (1.d0-  res1/ (-res2 * (2.d0*PI/3.d0)))
837    vh(1:pawset_%grid%mesh) = e2 * vh(1:pawset_%grid%mesh)
838    aux(1:pawset_%grid%mesh) = vh(1:pawset_%grid%mesh) * rhovtot(1:pawset_%grid%mesh)
839    eh = HALF * int_0_inf_dr(aux,pawset_%grid,iint,2)
840    !
841    ! Exhange-Correlation
842    rh=(/ZERO,ZERO/)
843    rhc=ZERO
844    lsd=nspin_-1
845    DO i=1,pawset_%grid%mesh
846       DO is=1,nspin_
847          rh(is) = vcharge_(i,is)/pawset_%grid%r2(i)/FPI
848       ENDDO
849       IF (nlcc_) rhc = ccharge_(i)/pawset_%grid%r2(i)/FPI
850       CALL vxc_t(lsd,rh,rhc,exc,vxcr)
851       vxc(i,1:nspin_)=vxcr(1:nspin_)
852       IF (nlcc_) THEN
853          aux(i)=exc * (rhovtot(i)+ccharge_(i))
854       ELSE
855          aux(i)=exc *  rhovtot(i)
856       END IF
857    END DO
858    IF (dft_is_gradient()) THEN
859       IF (nlcc_) THEN
860          CALL vxcgc(ndmx,pawset_%grid%mesh,nspin_,pawset_%grid%r,&
861                     pawset_%grid%r2,vcharge_,ccharge_,vgc,egc, &
862                     tau, vtau, 1)
863       ELSE
864          CALL vxcgc(ndmx,pawset_%grid%mesh,nspin_,pawset_%grid%r,&
865                     pawset_%grid%r2,vcharge_,rho_eq_0,vgc,egc, &
866                     tau, vtau, 1)
867       END IF
868       vxc(1:pawset_%grid%mesh,1:nspin_) = vxc(1:pawset_%grid%mesh,1:nspin_) + &
869                                      vgc(1:pawset_%grid%mesh,1:nspin_)
870       aux(1:pawset_%grid%mesh) = aux(1:pawset_%grid%mesh) + &
871           egc(1:pawset_%grid%mesh) * pawset_%grid%r2(1:pawset_%grid%mesh) * FPI
872    END IF
873    exc = int_0_inf_dr(aux,pawset_%grid,iint,2)
874    !
875    ! Double counting
876    edc=ZERO
877    DO is=1,nspin_
878       veff_(1:pawset_%grid%mesh,is)=vxc(1:pawset_%grid%mesh,is)+vh(1:pawset_%grid%mesh)
879       aux(1:pawset_%grid%mesh)=veff_(1:pawset_%grid%mesh,is)*vcharge_(1:pawset_%grid%mesh,is)
880       edc=edc+int_0_inf_dr(aux,pawset_%grid,iint,2)
881    END DO
882    !
883    eloc=ZERO
884    !
885    IF (present(vloc)) THEN
886       DO is=1,nspin_
887          aux(1:pawset_%grid%mesh)=vloc(1:pawset_%grid%mesh)        &
888                               *vcharge_(1:pawset_%grid%mesh,is)
889          eloc=eloc+int_0_inf_dr(aux,pawset_%grid,iint,2)
890       ENDDO
891    ENDIF
892    !
893    ! Total
894    totenergy_ = eh + exc - edc
895    !
896    IF (PRESENT(energies_)) THEN
897       energies_(1)=totenergy_
898       energies_(2)=eh
899       energies_(3)=exc
900       energies_(4)=edc
901       energies_(5)=eloc
902    END IF
903    !
904  END SUBROUTINE compute_onecenter_energy
905  !
906  !============================================================================
907  !
908  ! Compute NL 'D' coefficients = D^ + D1 - D1~
909  !
910  SUBROUTINE compute_nonlocal_coeff(ddd_, pawset_, nspin_, veffps_, veff1_, veff1ps_)
912    REAL(dp), INTENT(OUT) :: ddd_(nwfsx,nwfsx,2)
913    TYPE(paw_t),   INTENT(IN)  :: pawset_
914    INTEGER,       INTENT(IN)  :: nspin_
915    REAL(dp), INTENT(IN)  :: veffps_(ndmx,2)
916    REAL(dp), INTENT(IN)  :: veff1_(ndmx,2)
917    REAL(dp), INTENT(IN)  :: veff1ps_(ndmx,2)
918    INTEGER :: is, ns, ns1
919    REAL(dp) :: aux(ndmx), dd
920    REAL(DP), EXTERNAL :: int_0_inf_dr
921!     REAL(dp):: dddd(nwfsx,nwfsx,3) = 0.d0
923    !
924    ! D^ = Int Q*v~
925    ! D1-D1~ = kindiff + Int[ae*v1*ae - ps*v1~*ps - Q*v1~]
926    ddd_(:,:,:)=ZERO
927    DO is=1,nspin_
928       DO ns=1,pawset_%nwfc
929          DO ns1=1,ns
930             IF (pawset_%l(ns)==pawset_%l(ns1).and.&
931                       ABS(pawset_%jj(ns)-pawset_%jj(ns1))<1.d-8) THEN
932                ! Int[Q*v~]
933                aux(1:pawset_%grid%mesh) =                        &
934                   pawset_%augfun(1:pawset_%grid%mesh,ns,ns1,0) * &
935                   veffps_(1:pawset_%grid%mesh,is)
936                dd = int_0_inf_dr(aux,pawset_%grid,pawset_%irc,(pawset_%l(ns)+1)*2)
937!                 dddd(ns,ns1,1) = int_0_inf_dr(aux,pawset_%grid,pawset_%irc,(pawset_%l(ns)+1)*2)
938                ! Int[ae*v1*ae]
939                aux(1:pawset_%grid%mesh) =                        &
940                     pawset_%aewfc(1:pawset_%grid%mesh,ns ) *     &
941                     pawset_%aewfc(1:pawset_%grid%mesh,ns1) *     &
942                     veff1_(1:pawset_%grid%mesh,is)
943                IF (pawset_%rel==2) &
944                    aux(1:pawset_%irc) =  aux(1:pawset_%irc) +     &
945                     pawset_%aewfc_rel(1:pawset_%irc,ns ) *     &
946                     pawset_%aewfc_rel(1:pawset_%irc,ns1) *     &
947                     veff1_(1:pawset_%irc,is)
948                dd = dd +                                    &
949                     int_0_inf_dr(aux,pawset_%grid,pawset_%irc,(pawset_%l(ns)+1)*2)
950!                 dddd(ns,ns1,2) = int_0_inf_dr(aux,pawset_%grid,pawset_%irc,(pawset_%l(ns)+1)*2)
951                ! Int[ps*v1~*ps + aufun*v1~]
952                aux(1:pawset_%grid%mesh) =                        &
953                   ( pawset_%pswfc(1:pawset_%grid%mesh,ns ) *     &
954                     pawset_%pswfc(1:pawset_%grid%mesh,ns1) +     &
955                     pawset_%augfun(1:pawset_%grid%mesh,ns,ns1,0) ) * &
956                     veff1ps_(1:pawset_%grid%mesh,is)
957                dd = dd -                                    &
958                     int_0_inf_dr(aux,pawset_%grid,pawset_%irc,(pawset_%l(ns)+1)*2)
959!                 dddd(ns,ns1,3) = int_0_inf_dr(aux,pawset_%grid,pawset_%irc,(pawset_%l(ns)+1)*2)
960                ! collect
961                ddd_(ns,ns1,is) = pawset_%kdiff(ns,ns1) + dd
962                ddd_(ns1,ns,is) = ddd_(ns,ns1,is)
963             END IF
964          END DO
965       END DO
966    END DO
967!     write(*,*) 'deeq', pawset_%irc
968!     write(*,'(4f13.8)') dddd(1:4,1:4,1)
969!     write(*,*) 'ddd ae'
970!     write(*,'(4f13.8)') dddd(1:4,1:4,2)
971!     write(*,*) 'ddd ps'
972!     write(*,'(4f13.8)') dddd(1:4,1:4,3)
974  END SUBROUTINE compute_nonlocal_coeff
975  !
976  !============================================================================
977  !
978  ! 'D_ion' coefficients = D1 - D1~
979  !
980  SUBROUTINE compute_nonlocal_coeff_ion(ddd_, pawset_)
982    REAL(dp), INTENT(OUT) :: ddd_(nwfsx,nwfsx)
983    TYPE(paw_t),   INTENT(IN)  :: pawset_
984    INTEGER :: ns, ns1
985    REAL(dp) :: aux(ndmx), dd
986    REAL(DP), EXTERNAL :: int_0_inf_dr
987    !
988    ! D^ = Int Q*v~
989    ! D1-D1~ = kindiff + Int[ae*v1*ae - ps*v1~*ps - Q*v1~]
990!     write(666,"(4f12.6)") (pawset_%grid%r(ns), veffps_(ns,1), veff1_(ns,1), veff1ps_(ns,1), ns=1,pawset_%grid%mesh)
991!     write(667,"(4f12.6)") (pawset_%grid%r(ns), veffps_(ns,2), veff1_(ns,2), veff1ps_(ns,2), ns=1,pawset_%grid%mesh)
992    ddd_(:,:)=ZERO
993    DO ns=1,pawset_%nwfc
994       DO ns1=1,ns
995          IF (pawset_%l(ns)==pawset_%l(ns1).and. &
996                      ABS(pawset_%jj(ns)-pawset_%jj(ns1))<1.d-8 ) THEN
997             ! Int[ae*v1*ae]
998             aux(1:pawset_%grid%mesh) =                        &
999                  pawset_%aewfc(1:pawset_%grid%mesh,ns ) *     &
1000                  pawset_%aewfc(1:pawset_%grid%mesh,ns1) *     &
1001                  pawset_%aeloc(1:pawset_%grid%mesh)
1002             IF (pawset_%rel==2) &
1003             aux(1:pawset_%irc) = aux(1:pawset_%irc) +         &
1004                  pawset_%aewfc_rel(1:pawset_%irc,ns ) *     &
1005                  pawset_%aewfc_rel(1:pawset_%irc,ns1) *     &
1006                  pawset_%aeloc(1:pawset_%irc)
1007             dd = int_0_inf_dr(aux,pawset_%grid,pawset_%irc,(pawset_%l(ns)+1)*2)
1008             ! Int[ps*v1~*ps + Q*v1~]
1009             aux(1:pawset_%grid%mesh) =                        &
1010                ( pawset_%pswfc(1:pawset_%grid%mesh,ns ) *     &
1011                  pawset_%pswfc(1:pawset_%grid%mesh,ns1) +     &
1012                  pawset_%augfun(1:pawset_%grid%mesh,ns,ns1,0) ) * &
1013                  pawset_%psloc(1:pawset_%grid%mesh)
1014             dd = dd - &
1015                  int_0_inf_dr(aux,pawset_%grid,pawset_%irc,(pawset_%l(ns)+1)*2)
1016             !
1017             ddd_(ns,ns1) = pawset_%kdiff(ns,ns1) +  dd
1018             ddd_(ns1,ns)=ddd_(ns,ns1)
1019          END IF
1020       END DO
1021    END DO
1022  END SUBROUTINE compute_nonlocal_coeff_ion
1023  !
1024  !============================================================================
1025  !
1026  ! Write PAW dataset wfc and potentials on files
1027  !
1028  SUBROUTINE human_write_paw(pawset_)
1029    USE io_global, ONLY : ionode
1031    TYPE(paw_t), INTENT(In) :: pawset_
1032    INTEGER :: n,ns
1033    IF (.not.ionode) return
1034    DO ns=1,pawset_%nwfc
1035       WRITE (5000+ns,'(A)') "# r                 AEwfc               PSwfc               projector"
1036       DO n=1,pawset_%grid%mesh
1037          WRITE (5000+ns,'(4f20.12)') pawset_%grid%r(n), pawset_%aewfc(n,ns), pawset_%pswfc(n,ns),pawset_%proj(n,ns)
1038       END DO
1039    END DO
1040    !
1041    WRITE (6000,'(A)') "# r                 AEpot               PSpot"
1042    DO n=1,pawset_%grid%mesh
1043       WRITE (6000,'(3f20.8)') pawset_%grid%r(n), pawset_%aeloc(n), pawset_%psloc(n)
1044    END DO
1045  END SUBROUTINE human_write_paw
1046  !
1047  !============================================================================
1048  !                       LOWER-LEVEL ROUTINES                              !!!
1049  !============================================================================
1050  !
1051  ! Compute Sum_i oc_i * wfc_i^2
1052  !
1053  SUBROUTINE compute_sumwfc2(charge_, pawset_, nwfc_, wfc_, oc_, spin_)
1055    REAL(dp), INTENT(OUT) :: charge_(ndmx,2)
1056    TYPE(paw_t),   INTENT(IN)  :: pawset_
1057    INTEGER,       INTENT(IN)  :: nwfc_
1058    REAL(dp), INTENT(IN)  :: wfc_(ndmx,nwfsx)
1059    REAL(dp), INTENT(IN)  :: oc_(nwfsx)
1060    INTEGER,       INTENT(IN)  :: spin_(nwfsx)
1061    INTEGER :: nf
1062    charge_(1:pawset_%grid%mesh,:)=ZERO
1063    DO nf=1,nwfc_
1064       IF (oc_(nf)>ZERO) charge_(1:pawset_%grid%mesh,spin_(nf)) = &
1065                         charge_(1:pawset_%grid%mesh,spin_(nf)) + oc_(nf) * &
1066                         wfc_(1:pawset_%grid%mesh,nf) * wfc_(1:pawset_%grid%mesh,nf)
1067    END DO
1068  END SUBROUTINE compute_sumwfc2
1069  !
1070  !============================================================================
1071  !
1072  ! Compute Sum_n oc_n <pswfc_n|proj_i> <proj_j|pswfc_n>
1073  !
1074  SUBROUTINE compute_projsum (projsum_, pawset_, nwfc_, l_, j_, spin_, pswfc_, oc_)
1075    REAL(dp), INTENT(OUT) :: projsum_(nwfsx,nwfsx,2)
1076    TYPE(paw_t),   INTENT(IN)  :: pawset_
1077    INTEGER,       INTENT(IN)  :: nwfc_
1078    INTEGER,       INTENT(IN)  :: l_(nwfsx)
1079    INTEGER,       INTENT(IN)  :: spin_(nwfsx)
1080    REAL(dp),      INTENT(IN)  :: j_(nwfsx)
1081    REAL(dp), INTENT(IN)  :: pswfc_(ndmx,nwfsx)
1082    REAL(dp), INTENT(IN)  :: oc_(nwfsx)
1083    REAL(dp) :: proj_dot_wfc(nwfsx,nwfsx), aux(ndmx)
1084    INTEGER :: ns, ns1, nf, nr, is, nst
1085    REAL(DP), EXTERNAL :: int_0_inf_dr
1086    ! Compute <projector|wavefunction>
1087    DO ns=1,pawset_%nwfc
1088       DO nf=1,nwfc_
1089          IF (pawset_%l(ns)==l_(nf).AND.pawset_%jj(ns)==j_(nf)) THEN
1090             DO nr=1,pawset_%grid%mesh
1091                aux(nr)=pawset_%proj(nr,ns)*pswfc_(nr,nf)
1092             END DO
1093             nst=(l_(nf)+1)*2
1094             proj_dot_wfc(ns,nf)=int_0_inf_dr(aux,pawset_%grid,pawset_%ikk(ns),nst)
1095          ELSE
1096             proj_dot_wfc(ns,nf)=ZERO
1097          END IF
1098       END DO
1099    END DO
1100    ! Do the sum over the wavefunctions
1101    projsum_(:,:,:)=ZERO
1102    DO ns=1,pawset_%nwfc
1103       DO ns1=1,ns
1104          DO nf=1,nwfc_
1105             is=spin_(nf)
1106             IF (oc_(nf)>ZERO) THEN
1107                projsum_(ns,ns1,is) = projsum_(ns,ns1,is) + oc_(nf) * &
1108                     proj_dot_wfc(ns,nf) * proj_dot_wfc(ns1,nf)
1109             END IF
1110          END DO
1111          projsum_(ns1,ns,:)=projsum_(ns,ns1,:)
1112       END DO
1113    END DO
1114  END SUBROUTINE compute_projsum
1115  !
1116  !============================================================================
1117  !
1118  !
1119  ! Compute augmentation charge as Sum_ij W_ij * Q_ij
1120  !
1121  SUBROUTINE compute_augcharge(augcharge_, pawset_, projsum_, nspin_)
1123    REAL(dp), INTENT(OUT) :: augcharge_(ndmx,2)
1124    TYPE(paw_t),   INTENT(IN)  :: pawset_
1125    REAL(dp), INTENT(IN)  :: projsum_(nwfsx,nwfsx,2)
1126    INTEGER,       INTENT(IN)  :: nspin_
1127    INTEGER :: ns, ns1, is
1128    REAL(dp) :: factor
1129    augcharge_=ZERO
1130    DO is=1,nspin_
1131       DO ns=1,pawset_%nwfc
1132          DO ns1=1,ns
1133             ! multiply by TWO off-diagonal terms
1134             factor=TWO
1135             IF (ns1==ns) factor=ONE
1136             !
1137             ! NB: in a spherically averaged system only the l=0 component
1138             !     of the augmentation functions is present
1139             !
1140             augcharge_(1:pawset_%grid%mesh,is) = augcharge_(1:pawset_%grid%mesh,is) + &
1141                    factor * projsum_(ns,ns1,is) * &
1142                    pawset_%augfun(1:pawset_%grid%mesh,ns,ns1,0)
1143          END DO
1144       END DO
1145    END DO
1146  END SUBROUTINE compute_augcharge
1147  !
1148  !============================================================================
1149  !
1150  ! Compute n1 and n1~, as Sum_ij W_ij wfc_i(r)*wfc_j(r)
1151  !
1152  SUBROUTINE compute_onecenter_charge(charge1_, pawset_, projsum_, nspin_, which_wfc)
1154    REAL(dp),   INTENT(OUT) :: charge1_(ndmx,2)
1155    TYPE(paw_t),     INTENT(IN)  :: pawset_
1156    REAL(dp),   INTENT(IN)  :: projsum_(nwfsx,nwfsx,2)
1157    INTEGER,         INTENT(IN)  :: nspin_
1158    CHARACTER(LEN=2),INTENT(IN)  :: which_wfc
1159    INTEGER :: ns, ns1, is
1160    REAL(dp) :: factor
1161    charge1_=ZERO
1162    DO is=1,nspin_
1163       DO ns=1,pawset_%nwfc
1164          DO ns1=1,ns
1165             ! multiply times TWO off-diagonal terms
1166             IF (ns1==ns) THEN
1167                factor=ONE
1168             ELSE
1169                factor=TWO
1170             END IF
1171             SELECT CASE (which_wfc)
1172             CASE ("AE")
1173                charge1_(1:pawset_%grid%mesh,is) = charge1_(1:pawset_%grid%mesh,is) + factor * &
1174                     projsum_(ns,ns1,is) * pawset_%aewfc(1:pawset_%grid%mesh,ns) *     &
1175                     pawset_%aewfc(1:pawset_%grid%mesh,ns1)
1176                IF (pawset_%rel==2) &
1177                charge1_(1:pawset_%irc,is) = charge1_(1:pawset_%irc,is) + factor * &
1178                     projsum_(ns,ns1,is) * pawset_%aewfc_rel(1:pawset_%irc,ns) *     &
1179                     pawset_%aewfc_rel(1:pawset_%irc,ns1)
1180             CASE ("PS")
1181                charge1_(1:pawset_%grid%mesh,is) = charge1_(1:pawset_%grid%mesh,is) + factor * &
1182                     projsum_(ns,ns1,is) * pawset_%pswfc(1:pawset_%grid%mesh,ns) *     &
1183                     pawset_%pswfc(1:pawset_%grid%mesh,ns1)
1184             CASE DEFAULT
1185                call errore ('compute_onecenter_charge','specify AE or PS wavefunctions',1)
1186             END SELECT
1187          END DO
1188       END DO
1189    END DO
1190  END SUBROUTINE compute_onecenter_charge
1193SUBROUTINE find_bes_qi(qc,rmatch,lam,ncn,iok)
1194  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
1195  !
1196  !      This routine finds two values of q such that the
1197  !      functions f_l have a derivative equal to 0 at rmatch
1198  !
1201  INTEGER,     INTENT(IN)  ::      &
1202       lam,   & ! input: the angular momentum
1203       ncn      ! input: the number of qi to compute
1204  INTEGER,     INTENT(INOUT)  ::      &
1205       iok      ! output: if 0 the calculation in this routine is ok
1207  REAL (dp),   INTENT(OUT)   :: &
1208       qc(ncn)  ! output: the values of qi
1209  REAL (dp),   INTENT(IN)  :: rmatch
1211  REAL (dp) ::   &
1212       zeroderjl (2,7) ! first two zeros of the first derivative of
1213                       ! spherical Bessel function j_l for l = 0,...,6
1215  INTEGER ::    &
1216       nc       ! counter on the q found
1218  data zeroderjl / 0.0_dp,                 4.4934094579614_dp, &
1219                   2.0815759780862_dp,     5.9403699890844_dp, &
1220                   3.3420936578747_dp,     7.2899322987026_dp, &
1221                   4.5140996477983_dp,     8.5837549433127_dp, &
1222                   5.6467036213923_dp,     9.8404460168549_dp, &
1223                   6.7564563311363_dp,    11.0702068269176_dp, &
1224                   7.8510776799611_dp,    12.2793339053177_dp  /
1225  iok=0
1226  IF (ncn.gt.2) &
1227       CALL errore('find_aug_qi','ncn is too large',1)
1229  IF (lam.gt.6) &
1230       CALL errore('find_aug_qi','l not programmed',1)
1231  !
1232  !    fix deltaq and the maximum step number
1233  !
1234  DO nc = 1, ncn
1235     !
1236     qc(nc) = zeroderjl (nc, lam + 1) / rmatch
1237     !
1238  ENDDO
1239  RETURN
1240END SUBROUTINE find_bes_qi
1241  !
1242  !============================================================================
1243  !
1244END MODULE atomic_paw