1 /*
3    Copyright (C) 2007 Lucas K. Wagner
5    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8    (at your option) any later version.
10    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13    GNU General Public License for more details.
15    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
16    with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
17    51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
19 */
20 #include "converter.h"
21 #include "wf_writer.h"
22 #include "basis_writer.h"
23 #include "Pseudo_writer.h"
24 #include <algorithm>
25 #include <fstream>
26 #include <cstring>
27 #include "vecmath.h"
28 #include <string>
29 #include "elements.h"
30 #include <stdlib.h>
31 #include <stdio.h>
32 using namespace std;
34 void get_crystal_pseudo(istream & infile,
35     vector <Gaussian_pseudo_writer> & pseudo);
37 void get_crystal_latvec(istream & infile,
38     vector< vector < double > > & latvec);
40 void get_crystal_atoms(istream & infile,
41     vector < Atom > & atoms);
43 void get_crystal_basis(istream & infile,
44     vector <Gaussian_basis_set> & basis);
46 // for orbitals with real coefficients
47 void read_crystal_orbital(istream & is,
48     string & fort10file,
49     vector <Atom> & atoms,
50     Slat_wf_writer & slwriter,
51     vector <Gaussian_basis_set> & basis,
52     vector <double> & origin,
53     vector < vector <double> >& latvec,
54     vector < vector < double > > & moCoeff,
55     vector <double> & shift //amount to shift the atoms
56     );
57 void read_kpt_eigenpos(istream & is,
58     vector <string> & rkpoints,
59     vector <long int> & reigen_start,
60     vector <string> & ckpoints,
61     vector <long int> & ceigen_start);
62 // for orbitals with complex coefficients
63 void read_crystal_orbital(istream & is,
64     vector <Atom> & atoms,
65     Slat_wf_writer & slwriter,
66     vector <Gaussian_basis_set> & basis,
67     vector <double> & origin,
68     vector < vector <double> >& latvec,
69     vector < vector < dcomplex > > & moCoeff,
70     vector <double> & shift //amount to shift the atoms
71     );
73 void read_crystal_orbital_all(istream & is,
74     string & fort10file,
75     vector <Atom> &atoms,
76     Slat_wf_writer & slwriter,
77     vector <Gaussian_basis_set> & basis,
78     vector <double> & origin,
79     vector < vector <double> >& latvec,
80     vector < vector < vector < double > > > & moCoeff,
81     vector <string> &kpoints,
82     vector < long int > & eigen_start,
83     vector <vector <double> > &kptCoord,
84     vector <double> & shift,  //amount to shift the atoms
85     vector < int > shifted,
86     vector < vector <int> > nshift
87     );
89 // for orbitals with complex coefficients
90 void read_crystal_orbital_all(istream & is,
91     vector <Atom> &atoms,
92     Slat_wf_writer & slwriter,
93     vector <Gaussian_basis_set> & basis,
94     vector <double> & origin,
95     vector < vector <double> >& latvec,
96     vector < vector < vector < dcomplex > > > & moCoeff,
97     vector <string> &kpoints,
98     vector < long int > & eigen_start,
99     vector < vector <double> > &kptCoord,
100     vector <double> & shift, //amount to shift the atoms
101     vector < int > shifted,
102     vector < vector <int> > nshift
103     );
usage(const char * name)107 void usage(const char * name) {
108   cout << "usage: " << name <<   " <options> <crystal output> " << endl;
109   cout << "Where options can be: \n\n";
110   cout << "-c          Work with complex orbitals. Only real are searched by default.\n\n";
111   cout << "-fort10file Formatted fortran unit 10 from read10 utility.\n";
112   cout << "            try to match the vectors in fort.10 to the ones in the output.\n";
113   cout << "            It may or may not work correctly..\n\n";
114   cout << "-o          Base name for your run case\n";
115   exit(1);
116 }
main(int argc,char ** argv)118 int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
120   bool had_error=false;
121   bool cmplx=false;
122   string infilename;
123   string outputname, fort10file;
124   vector <double> shift(3);
125   for(int d=0; d< 3; d++) shift[d]=.125;
127   for(int i=1; i< argc-1; i++) {
128     if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-o") && argc > i+1) {
129       outputname=argv[++i];
130     }
131     else if(!strcmp(argv[i],"-fort10file")) {
132       if (i+1 < argc) {
133         fort10file=argv[i+1];
134         i++;
135       }
136       else {
137         cout << "-fort10file needs an argument" << endl;
138         exit(1);
139       }
140     }
141     else if(!strcmp(argv[i],"-shift")){
142       if(i+1 < argc) {
143         for(int d=0; d< 3; d++)  { shift[d]=atof(argv[i+1]);
144           i++;
145         }
146       }
147       else {
148         cout << "-shiftz needs an argument" << endl;
149         exit(1);
150       }
151     }
152     else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-noshift")) {
153       for(vector<double>::iterator i=shift.begin();
154           i!= shift.end(); i++) *i=0.0;
155     }
156     else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-c")) {
157       cmplx=true;
158     }
160     else {
161       cout << "Didn't understand option " << argv[i] << endl;
163       had_error=true;
164     }
165   }
167   if(argc >= 2) {
168     infilename=argv[argc-1];
169   }
170   else { had_error=true; }
172   if(outputname == "") {
173     outputname="qwalk";
174     //outputname=infilename;
175   }
177   if(had_error) usage(argv[0]);
179   if ( cmplx && ( fort10file != "" ) ) {
180     cout << "-fort10file is not supported for complex orbitals (-c)." << endl;
181     exit(1);
182   }
185   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
187   vector <Atom> atoms;
188   vector <Gaussian_pseudo_writer > pseudo;
189   vector <Gaussian_basis_set > basis;
191   Slat_wf_writer slwriter;
192   slwriter.use_global_centers=true;
193   slwriter.write_centers=false;
194   if ( cmplx ) {
195     slwriter.mo_matrix_type="CUTOFF_MO";
196     slwriter.orbtype="CORBITALS";
197   } else {
198     slwriter.mo_matrix_type="CUTOFF_MO";
199   }
201   vector < vector < double > > latvec;
204   ifstream infile(infilename.c_str());
205   if(!infile) {
206     cout << "couldn't open " << infilename << endl;
207     exit(1);
208   }
209   get_crystal_latvec(infile, latvec);
210   infile.close();
211   infile.clear();
213   infile.open(infilename.c_str());
214   get_crystal_atoms(infile, atoms);
215   infile.close();
216   infile.clear();
217   if(latvec.size() > 0) {
218     vector <double> atomshift;
219     for(int i=0; i< 3; i++) atomshift.push_back(0);
220     for(int i=0; i< 3; i++) {
221       for(int j=0; j< 3; j++) {
222         atomshift[j]+=shift[i]*latvec[i][j];
223       }
224     }
225     for(int i=0; i < atoms.size(); i++) {
226       atoms[i].pos=atoms[i].pos+atomshift;
227     }
228   }
229   Shifter shiftobj;
230   vector < vector <int> > nshift;
231   nshift.resize(atoms.size());
232   vector <int> shifted(atoms.size());
233   if(latvec.size() > 0) {
234     for (int at = 0; at<atoms.size(); at++)
235       shifted[at]=shiftobj.enforcepbc(atoms[at].pos, latvec, nshift[at]);
236   }
237   infile.open(infilename.c_str());
238   get_crystal_basis(infile, basis);
239   infile.close();
240   infile.clear();
241   infile.open(infilename.c_str());
242   get_crystal_pseudo(infile, pseudo);
243   infile.close();
244   infile.clear();
246   int nelectrons=-1;
247   double totspin=-1e8;
248   infile.open(infilename.c_str());
249   string calctype, testword;
250   int nelectrons_up=-1, nelectrons_down=-1;
251   string line, space=" ";
252   vector <string> spl;
253   while(true) {
254     spl.clear();
255     getline(infile,line);
256     split(line,space,spl);
257     if(spl.size() > 2 and spl[1]=="SCF" and spl[2]=="ENDED")  break;
258     if(spl.size() > 2 and spl[0]=="TOTAL" and spl[1]=="ATOMIC" and spl[2]=="SPINS") {
259       spl.clear();
260       while(true) {
261         getline(infile,line);
262         if(line[3]=='T') break;
263         split(line,space,spl);
264       }
265       totspin=0.0;
266       for(vector<string>::iterator i=spl.begin(); i!=spl.end(); i++) {
267         totspin+=atof(i->c_str());
268       }
269     }
270     if(spl.size() > 4 and spl[0]=="N." and spl[2]=="ELECTRONS" and spl[4]=="CELL") {
271       nelectrons=atof(spl[5].c_str());
272     }
273     if(spl.size() > 4 and spl[0]=="TYPE" and spl[2]=="CALCULATION") {
274       if(spl[4]=="RESTRICTED") {
275         if(spl[5]=="CLOSED") calctype="RHF";
276         else if(spl[5]=="OPEN") calctype="ROHF";
277       }
278       else if(spl[4]=="UNRESTRICTED") calctype="UHF";
279       else {
280         cout << "Didn't understand calctype " << spl[4] << endl;
281         exit(1);
282       }
283     }
284   }
285   slwriter.calctype=calctype;
286   infile.close();
288   if(atoms.size() == 0) {
289     cout << "I couldn't find any atoms!!" << endl;
290     exit(1);
291   }
293   //----------------------------------------------------------------------
294   //Done parsing, now organize and link.
296   //Figure out which atoms go with which basis sets.
297   int natoms=atoms.size();
298   int nbasis=basis.size();
299   for(int at=0; at<natoms; at++) {
300     int found_basis=0;
301     for(int bas=0; bas< nbasis; bas++) {
303       if(atoms[at].name == basis[bas].label) {
304         atoms[at].basis=bas;
305         found_basis=1;
306         break;
307       }
308     }
309     if(!found_basis) {
310       cout << "Couldn't find basis for atom " << atoms[at].name
311         << endl;
312       exit(1);
313     }
314   }
317   //We need to get the effective charges from the user, since
318   //Crystal isn't nice enough to output them in any consistent way.
319   int testelectrons=0;
321   testelectrons=0;
322   for(int at=0; at < natoms; at++) {
323     int isUnique=1;
324     for(unsigned int i=0; i< at; i++) {
325       if(atoms[at].name == atoms[i].name) {
326         isUnique=0;
327         atoms[at].charge=atoms[i].charge;
328         break;
329       }
330     }
331     if(isUnique) {
332       int npseudo=pseudo.size();
333       bool found_in_pseudo=false;
334       for(int j=0; j< npseudo; j++) {
335         if(atoms[at].name==pseudo[j].label) {
336           atoms[at].charge=pseudo[j].effcharge;
337           found_in_pseudo=true;
338           break;
339         }
340       }
341       if(!found_in_pseudo) {
342         cout << "Please enter the effective charge of " << atoms[at].name
343           << endl;
344         cin >> atoms[at].charge;
345         cout << "Thanks" << endl;
346       }
347     }
348     testelectrons+=(int) atoms[at].charge;
349   }
350   if(testelectrons != nelectrons) {
351     cout << "The total number of electrons should be " << nelectrons
352       << ", \nbut the sum due to the effective charge on the ion is "
353       << testelectrons << ".  This may be what you intended, but be careful!\n";
354   }
358   //Determine how many electrons are spin up or down if it's not RHF
359   if(calctype=="RHF" ) {
360     if(nelectrons % 2 != 0) {
361       cout << "It seems like you're doing RHF, but there is an odd number of"
362         << " electrons!  I'm confused." << endl;
363       exit(1);
364     }
365     slwriter.nup=nelectrons/2;
366     slwriter.ndown=nelectrons/2;
367   }
368   else if(calctype=="ROHF" || calctype=="UHF") {
369     cout << "Detected a ROHF or UHF calculation." << endl;
370     //    "  What is the spin state?(1=singlet, 2=doublet...)" << endl;
371     cout << "N_up-N_down is found to be " << totspin << endl;
372     int spin=totspin+0.1;
373     if( abs(totspin-spin) > 1e-4) {
374       cout << "WARNING: spin is not close to an integer!" << endl;
375     }
376     slwriter.nup=(nelectrons-spin)/2 + spin;
377     slwriter.ndown=(nelectrons-spin)/2;
378     if(slwriter.nup+slwriter.ndown != nelectrons) {
379       cout << "problem..  nup and ndown are calculated to be "
380         << slwriter.nup << "   " << slwriter.ndown
381         << " but they don't add up to be " << nelectrons << endl;
382       exit(1);
383     }
384   }
385   else {
386     cout << "Don't understand calculation type of "
387       << calctype << endl;
388     exit(1);
389   }
391   vector <double> origin(3);
392   for(int i=0; i< 3; i++) origin[i]=0;
394   vector <vector < vector < double > > > moCoeff;
395   vector < vector < vector < dcomplex > > > CmoCoeff;
396   infile.clear();
397   infile.open(infilename.c_str());
398   vector <string> rkpts;
399   vector <string> ckpts;
400   vector < vector <double> > ckptCoord;
401   vector < vector <double> > rkptCoord;
402   vector <long int > ceigen_start, reigen_start;
403   read_kpt_eigenpos(infile, rkpts, reigen_start, ckpts, ceigen_start);
404   if(cmplx)
405     read_crystal_orbital_all(infile, atoms, slwriter, basis,
406         origin, latvec, CmoCoeff, ckpts, ceigen_start, ckptCoord, shift, shifted, nshift);
407   infile.close();
408   infile.clear();
409   infile.open(infilename.c_str());
410   read_crystal_orbital_all(infile, fort10file, atoms, slwriter, basis,
411       origin, latvec, moCoeff, rkpts, reigen_start, rkptCoord, shift, shifted, nshift);
412   infile.close();
413   natoms=atoms.size();
416   vector <Center> centers;
417   centers.resize(atoms.size());
418   for(int at=0; at < natoms; at++) {
419     for(int i=0; i< 3; i++) centers[at].pos[i]=atoms[at].pos[i];
420     centers[at].equiv_atom=at;
421     centers[at].name=atoms[at].name;
422   }
424   //-------------------------------
425   //print out the qmc input file
427   string orboutname=outputname+".orb";
428   slwriter.orbname=orboutname;
429   string basisoutname=outputname+".basis";
430   slwriter.basisname=basisoutname;
432   vector <int> nbasis_list;
433   nbasis_list.resize(natoms);
434   for(int at=0; at < natoms; at++) {
435     nbasis_list[at]=basis[atoms[at].basis].nfunc();
436   }
438   ofstream basisout(basisoutname.c_str());
439   int nbas=basis.size();
440   for(int bas=0; bas < nbas; bas++) {
441     basisout << "BASIS { \n";
442     basis[bas].print_basis(basisout);
443     basisout << "}\n\n\n";
444   }
445   basisout.close();
449   //--------------------------Jastrow 2 output
451   double basis_cutoff;
452   if(latvec.size() >0)
453     basis_cutoff=find_basis_cutoff(latvec);
454   else basis_cutoff=7.5;
456   Jastrow2_wf_writer jast2writer;
457   jast2writer.set_atoms(atoms);
458   string jast2outname=outputname+".jast2";
459   ofstream jast2out(jast2outname.c_str());
460   print_std_jastrow2(jast2writer, jast2out, basis_cutoff);
461   jast2out.close();
463   // Jastrow 3 output
464   string jast3outname=outputname+".jast3";
465   ofstream jast3out(jast3outname.c_str());
466   vector<string> unique_atoms;
467   find_unique_atoms(atoms, unique_atoms);
468   print_3b_jastrow2(jast3out,unique_atoms,basis_cutoff);
469   jast3out.close();
471   //------------------------------------------System output
473   double min=1e8;
474   for(vector<Gaussian_basis_set>::iterator bas=basis.begin();
475       bas != basis.end(); bas++) {
476     for(vector <vector<double> >::iterator i=bas->exponents.begin();
477         i!=bas->exponents.end(); i++) {
478       for(vector<double>::iterator j=i->begin(); j!= i->end(); j++) {
479         if(*j < min) min=*j;
480       }
481     }
482   }
483   cout << "minimum exponent " << min << endl;
484   double cutoff_length= sqrt(-log(1e-8)/min);
485   cout << "cutoff length " << cutoff_length << endl;
487   cout << "Writing real orbitals ...  " << endl;
488   for (int kpt=0; kpt<rkpts.size(); kpt++) {
489     slwriter.orbtype="ORBITALS";
491     vector <string> words;
492     string space = " ";
493     split(rkpts[kpt], space, words);
494     stringstream lk;
495     lk << atoi(words[0].c_str())-1;
497     string lst = lk.str();
498     string forb=outputname+"_"+lst+".orb";
499     cout << "  " << forb + ": ";
500     ofstream orbout(forb.c_str());
501     print_orbitals(orbout, centers, nbasis_list, moCoeff[kpt]);
502     orbout.close();
503     string slateroutname=outputname+"_"+lst+".slater";
504     slwriter.orbname=forb;
505     ofstream slaterout(slateroutname.c_str());
506     slwriter.print_wavefunction(slaterout);
507     slaterout.close();
509     string sysoutname=outputname+"_"+lst+".sys";
510     ofstream sysout(sysoutname.c_str());
511     sysout.precision(12);
512     sysout << "SYSTEM { ";
513     if(latvec.size() > 0) sysout << " PERIODIC \n";
514     else sysout << " MOLECULE \n";
515     sysout << "  NSPIN { " << slwriter.nup << "  "
516       << slwriter.ndown << " } \n";
519     if(latvec.size() > 0) {
520       sysout << "LATTICEVEC { \n";
521       for(int i=0; i< 3; i++) {
522         for(int j=0; j< 3; j++) {
523           sysout << latvec[i][j] << "   ";
524         }
525         sysout << endl;
526       }
527       sysout << " } " << endl;
528       sysout << " origin { " << origin[0] << "   "
529         << origin[1] << "   " << origin[2] << "  } " << endl;
530       sysout << "  cutoff_divider "
531         << basis_cutoff*2.0/cutoff_length << endl;
532       sysout << "  kpoint { " << rkptCoord[kpt][0]
533         << "   " << rkptCoord[kpt][1]
534         << "   " << rkptCoord[kpt][2] << " } " << endl;
535     }
537     for(int at=0; at <natoms; at++) {
538       atoms[at].print_atom(sysout);
539     }
540     sysout << "}\n\n\n";
544     int npsp=pseudo.size();
545     for(int psp=0; psp < npsp; psp++) {
546       pseudo[psp].print_pseudo(sysout);
547     }
548     sysout.close();
550   }
551   //  cout << "Now writing complex orbitals" << endl;
552   if(cmplx)  {
553     cout << "Writing complex orbitals ...  " << endl;
554     for (int kpt=0; kpt<ckpts.size(); kpt++) {
555       slwriter.orbtype="CORBITALS";
556       vector <string> words;
557       string space = " ";
558       split(ckpts[kpt], space, words);
559       //    string lst=string(atoi(words[0].c_str())-1);
560       stringstream lk;
561       lk << atoi(words[0].c_str())-1;
562       string lst = lk.str();
563       string forb=outputname+"_"+lst+".orb";
564       cout << "  " << forb << ": ";
565       ofstream orbout(forb.c_str());
566       print_orbitals(orbout, centers, nbasis_list, CmoCoeff[kpt]);
567       orbout.close();
568       string slateroutname=outputname+"_"+lst+".slater";
569       slwriter.orbname=forb;
570       ofstream slaterout(slateroutname.c_str());
571       slwriter.print_wavefunction(slaterout);
572       slaterout.close();
574       string sysoutname=outputname+"_"+lst+".sys";
575       ofstream sysout(sysoutname.c_str());
576       sysout.precision(12);
577       sysout << "SYSTEM { ";
578       if(latvec.size() > 0) sysout << " PERIODIC \n";
579       else sysout << " MOLECULE \n";
580       sysout << "  NSPIN { " << slwriter.nup << "  "
581         << slwriter.ndown << " } \n";
584       if(latvec.size() > 0) {
585         sysout << "LATTICEVEC { \n";
586         for(int i=0; i< 3; i++) {
587           for(int j=0; j< 3; j++) {
588             sysout << latvec[i][j] << "   ";
589           }
590           sysout << endl;
591         }
592         sysout << " } " << endl;
593         sysout << " origin { " << origin[0] << "   "
594           << origin[1] << "   " << origin[2] << "  } " << endl;
595         sysout << "  cutoff_divider "
596           << basis_cutoff*2.0/cutoff_length << endl;
597         sysout << "  kpoint { " << ckptCoord[kpt][0]
598           << "   " << ckptCoord[kpt][1]
599           << "   " << ckptCoord[kpt][2] << " } " << endl;
600       }
602       for(int at=0; at <natoms; at++) {
603         atoms[at].print_atom(sysout);
604       }
605       sysout << "}\n\n\n";
609       int npsp=pseudo.size();
610       for(int psp=0; psp < npsp; psp++) {
611         pseudo[psp].print_pseudo(sysout);
612       }
613       sysout.close();
614     }
615   }
618 }
620 //######################################################################
get_crystal_latvec(istream & infile,vector<vector<double>> & latvec)622 void get_crystal_latvec(istream & infile,
623     vector< vector < double > > & latvec) {
624   string testword;
625   while(infile >> testword) {
626     //cheesy way to get the converter to work for a molecular case
627     //I don't know if it would work in general.
628     // if(testword == "MOLECULAR") {
630     //  vector <double> tmp;
631     //  for(int i=0; i< 3; i++) {
632     //tmp.push_back(100);
633     //  }
634     //  for(int i=0; i< 3; i++) latvec.push_back(tmp);
635     //  break;
636     //}
637     if(testword == "DIRECT") {
638       infile >> testword;  //LATTICE
639       infile >> testword;  //VECTORS
640       infile >> testword;  //COMPON.
641       infile >> testword;  //(A.U.)
642       if(testword=="(A.U.)") {
643         //cout << "found lattice parms" << endl;
644         infile.ignore(150, '\n');
645         infile >> testword;
646         //cout << testword << endl;
647         infile >> testword;
648         //cout << testword << endl;
649         infile.ignore(150,'\n');
650         latvec.reserve(3);
651         for(int i=0; i< 3; i++) {
652           latvec[i].reserve(3);
653           vector <double> tmp;
654           for(int j=0; j< 3; j++) {
655             double dummy;
656             infile >> dummy;
657             //here we try to avoid having issues with the Ewald summation
658             if(dummy > 100.) {
659               cout << "WARNING: rescaling lattice vector to " << 100 << " from " << dummy
660                 << ". This will probably not change your results, but if it does, change EWALD_GMAX in the system input to something higher." << endl;
661               dummy=100.;
662             }
663             tmp.push_back(dummy);
664           }
665           latvec.push_back(tmp);
666           //cout << endl;
667           infile.ignore(150, '\n');
668         }
669         break;
670       }
671     }
672   }
674   if(latvec.size() == 0) {
676     //cout << "Couldn't find lattice vector in output file." << endl;
677     //exit(1);
678   }
679 }
681 //######################################################################
erasetail(string s)683 string erasetail(string s) {
684   char ms[] = "1";
685   string ns="";
686   int i=0;
687   while (s[i]!='1' and i < s.length()) {
688     i++;
689   }
690   return s.substr(0, i);
691 }
get_crystal_atoms(istream & infile,vector<Atom> & atoms)694 void get_crystal_atoms(istream & infile,
695     vector < Atom > & atoms) {
696   string line;
697   string space=" ";
698   Atom temp_atom;
699   double bohr=0.5291772083;
701   while(getline(infile, line)) {
702     vector <string> words;
703     split(line, space, words);
705     //2003 detection
706     if( words.size() >= 5 &&
707         words[1]=="ATOM" && words[2]=="X(ANGSTROM)") {
711       //cout << "found atom section " << line << endl;
712       infile.ignore(150, '\n'); //ignore line of *'s
713       getline(infile, line);
714       const char endmatch='*';
715       while(true) {
716         vector < string> atomwords;
717         split(line, space, atomwords);
718         if(atomwords.size() > 4) {
719           //cout << "line " << line << endl;
720           temp_atom.name=erasetail(atomwords[2]);
721           temp_atom.pos[0]=atof(atomwords[3].c_str())/bohr;
722           temp_atom.pos[1]=atof(atomwords[4].c_str())/bohr;
723           temp_atom.pos[2]=atof(atomwords[5].c_str())/bohr;
724           atoms.push_back(temp_atom);
725           getline(infile, line);
726         }
727         else break;
728       }
729       break;
730     }
731     //crystal2003 molecules
732     else if(words.size() >=4 && words[0]=="ATOM"
733         && words[1]=="X(ANGSTROM)") {
734       //cout << "found atom section " << line << endl;
735       infile.ignore(150, '\n'); //ignore line of *'s
736       getline(infile, line);
737       const char endmatch='*';
738       while(true) {
739         vector < string> atomwords;
740         split(line, space, atomwords);
741         if(atomwords.size() > 4) {
742           //cout << "line " << line << endl;
743           temp_atom.name=atomwords[3];
744           temp_atom.pos[0]=atof(atomwords[4].c_str())/bohr;
745           temp_atom.pos[1]=atof(atomwords[5].c_str())/bohr;
746           temp_atom.pos[2]=atof(atomwords[6].c_str())/bohr;
747           atoms.push_back(temp_atom);
748           getline(infile, line);
749         }
750         else break;
751       }
752       break;
753     }
754     //crystal98 with COORPRT detection
755     else if(words.size() >= 5 &&
756         words[0]=="ATOM" && words[1]=="X" ) { //1998
758       //cout << "found atom section " << line << endl;
759       infile.ignore(150, '\n'); //ignore line of *'s
760       getline(infile, line);
761       const char endmatch='*';
762       while(true) {
763         vector < string> atomwords;
764         split(line, space, atomwords);
765         if(atomwords[0]!="INFORMATION") {
766           //cout << "line " << line << endl;
767           temp_atom.name=atomwords[1];
768           temp_atom.pos[0]=atof(atomwords[2].c_str())/bohr;
769           temp_atom.pos[1]=atof(atomwords[3].c_str())/bohr;
770           temp_atom.pos[2]=atof(atomwords[4].c_str())/bohr;
771           atoms.push_back(temp_atom);
772           getline(infile, line);
773         }
774         else break;
775       }
776       break;
777     }
780   }
782   //We truncate all atom names to two letters, since
783   //crystal does that wrt the basis set & psp
785   for(vector<Atom>::iterator at=atoms.begin();
786       at != atoms.end(); at++) {
787     if(at->name.size() > 2)
788       at->name.erase(at->name.begin()+2, at->name.end());
789   }
792 }
794 //##################################################################
get_crystal_basis(istream & infile,vector<Gaussian_basis_set> & basis)796 void get_crystal_basis(istream & infile,
797     vector <Gaussian_basis_set> & basis) {
798   string line;
799   string space=" ";
800   vector <string> words;
801   vector < vector < string > > basis_sections;
802   vector <string> basis_labels;
803   vector <string> blank_strvec;
804   while(getline(infile, line)) {
805     words.clear();
806     split(line, space, words);
807     if(words.size() > 4 && words[0]=="ATOM" && words[1] == "X(AU)" &&
808         (words[4]=="NO." or words[4]=="N.")) {
809       infile.ignore(150,'\n');
811       cout << "found basis " << line << endl;
812       getline(infile, line);
813       cout << "first line " << line << endl;
815       const char endmatch='*';
816       string currname;
817       currname.resize(2);
818       string currtype;
819       currtype.resize(2);
820       int nbasis=-1;
821       while(search_n(line.begin(), line.end(), 5, endmatch) == line.end()
822           && line.size() != 0) {
824         if(line[3] != ' ') {
825           currname[0]=line[5];
826           currname[1]=line[6];
827           getline(infile, line);
828           vector <string> this_sec;
829           while(line.size() >= 4 && line[3] == ' ') {
830             this_sec.push_back(line);
831             getline(infile, line);
832           }
833           if(this_sec.size() > 0) {
834             basis_sections.push_back(this_sec);
835             basis_labels.push_back(currname);
836           }
837         }
838       }
839       break;
840     }
841   }
843   assert(basis_sections.size() == basis_labels.size());
845   //for(unsigned int i=0; i< basis_sections.size(); i++) {
846   //  cout << "label " << basis_labels[i] << endl;
847   //  for(unsigned int j=0; j< basis_sections[i].size(); j++) {
848   //    cout << basis_sections[i][j] << endl;
849   //  }
850   //}
852   basis.resize(basis_sections.size());
853   for(unsigned int bas=0; bas < basis_sections.size(); bas++) {
854     basis[bas].label=basis_labels[bas];
855     vector < string > indiv_types;
856     vector < vector < string> > indiv_funcs;
858     int fnum=-1;
859     string currtype;
860     currtype.resize(2);
862     //cout << "parsing the basis" << endl;
864     for(unsigned int j=0; j< basis_sections[bas].size(); ) {
865       if(basis_sections[bas][j][36] != ' ') {
866         currtype[0]=basis_sections[bas][j][36];
867         currtype[1]=basis_sections[bas][j][37];
868         indiv_types.push_back(currtype);
869         j++;
870         vector <string> thisfunc;
871         while(j < basis_sections[bas].size() && basis_sections[bas][j][36] == ' ') {
872           thisfunc.push_back(basis_sections[bas][j]);
873           j++;
874         }
875         indiv_funcs.push_back(thisfunc);
876       }
877     }
879     assert(indiv_funcs.size()==indiv_types.size());
881     //for(unsigned int i=0; i< indiv_funcs.size(); i++) {
882     //  cout << "type " << indiv_types[i] << endl;
883     //  for(unsigned int j=0; j< indiv_funcs[i].size(); j++) {
884     //    cout << "line " << indiv_funcs[i][j] << endl;
885     //  }
886     //}
888     int nfuncs=0;
889     for(vector<string>::iterator btype=indiv_types.begin();
890         btype != indiv_types.end(); btype++) {
891       if((*btype) == "SP") nfuncs+=2;
892       else nfuncs++;
893     }
894     //cout << nfuncs << " total functions " << endl;
896     basis[bas].exponents.resize(nfuncs);
897     basis[bas].coefficients.resize(nfuncs);
898     int currf=0;
899     for(unsigned int f=0; f< indiv_funcs.size(); f++) {
900       if(indiv_types[f]=="SP") {
901         basis[bas].types.push_back("S ");
902         basis[bas].types.push_back("P ");
903       }
904       else if(indiv_types[f]=="D ")
905         basis[bas].types.push_back("5D");
906       else if(indiv_types[f]=="F ")
907         basis[bas].types.push_back("7F_crystal");
908       else basis[bas].types.push_back(indiv_types[f]);
909       //vector <double> tmpexp;
910       //vector < double> tmpcoeff;
911       //vector < double> tmpcoeff2;//For SP functions
912       for(vector <string>::iterator line=indiv_funcs[f].begin();
913           line != indiv_funcs[f].end(); line++) {
914         string exptxt;
915         string::iterator lineb=line->begin();
916         exptxt.assign(lineb+40, lineb+50);
917         double exp=atof(exptxt.c_str());
918         basis[bas].exponents[currf].push_back(exp);
919         //cout << indiv_types[f] << ": "<< exp;
920         string coefftxt, coefftxt2;
921         if(indiv_types[f]=="S ") {
922           coefftxt.assign(lineb+50, lineb+60);
923         }
924         else if(indiv_types[f]=="P ") {
925           coefftxt.assign(lineb+60, lineb+70);
926         }
927         else if(indiv_types[f]=="D ") {
928           coefftxt.assign(lineb+70, lineb+80);
929         }
930         else if(indiv_types[f]=="SP") {
931           coefftxt.assign(lineb+50, lineb+60);
932           coefftxt2.assign(lineb+60, lineb+70);
933         }
934         else if(indiv_types[f]=="F ") {//the position of D/F/G
935           coefftxt.assign(lineb+70, lineb+80);
936         }
937         else {
938           cout << "WARNING!!  Don't know type " << indiv_types[f] << endl;
939         }
940         basis[bas].coefficients[currf].push_back(atof(coefftxt.c_str()));
941         //	cout << coefftxt.c_str() << endl;
942         //cout << "index: " << currf << endl;
943         //cout << "ORB:" << indiv_types[f] << " "<< atof(coefftxt.c_str())<< endl;
944         if(indiv_types[f]=="SP") {
945           basis[bas].exponents[currf+1].push_back(exp);
946           basis[bas].coefficients[currf+1].push_back(atof(coefftxt2.c_str()));
947         }
948       }
950       currf++;
951       if(indiv_types[f]=="SP") currf++;
953     }
954   }
956   int nbasis=basis.size();
957   //Strip whitespace from basis names and set options
958   for(int bas=0; bas < nbasis; bas++) {
959     if(basis[bas].label[1]==' ') {
960       basis[bas].label.erase(basis[bas].label.end()-1, basis[bas].label.end());
961     }
962     //This isn't necessary in Crystal2009 it seems
963     //basis[bas].options=" NORMTYPE CRYSTAL \n NORENORMALIZE \n";
965     //Also strip whitespace from the basis types
966     for(vector <string>::iterator i=basis[bas].types.begin();
967         i!= basis[bas].types.end(); i++) {
968       if( (*i)[1] == ' ') {
969         i->erase(i->begin()+1, i->end());
970       }
971     }
973   }
975 }
978 //##################################################################
get_crystal_pseudo(istream & infile,vector<Gaussian_pseudo_writer> & pseudo)979 void get_crystal_pseudo(istream & infile,
980     vector <Gaussian_pseudo_writer> & pseudo) {
981   string testword;
982   while (infile >> testword) {
983     //------------------------------
984     // Pseudopotentials
985     if(testword == "PSEUDOPOTENTIAL") {
986       infile >> testword;
987       if(testword == "INFORMATION") {
988         infile.ignore(125, '\n'); //rest of line
989         infile.ignore(125, '\n'); //Line of **'s
990         infile.ignore(125, '\n'); //empty line
991         string line;
992         getline(infile, line);
993         const char endmatch='*';
994         vector <double> double_blank;
995         vector <int> n_blank;
996         Gaussian_pseudo_writer pseudo_blank;
997         string temp;
998         int currpsp=-1;
999         int currl=-1;
1000         //search loop
1001         vector <string> words;
1002         string space=" ";
1003         //cout << "searching " << line << endl;
1004         while(search_n(line.begin(), line.end(), 20, endmatch) == line.end()) {
1005           words.clear();
1006           split(line,space,words);
1008           //cout << "pre " << line << endl;
1009           if(words[0]=="INFORMATION" or words[0]=="NUCLEAR") break;
1010           if(line.size() > 2 && line[1]=='A' && line[2]=='T') {
1011             //new atom
1012             pseudo.push_back(pseudo_blank);
1013             currpsp++;
1014             temp.assign(line.begin()+15, line.begin()+18);
1015             pseudo[currpsp].atomnum=atoi(temp.c_str())%100;
1016             pseudo[currpsp].label=element_lookup_caps[pseudo[currpsp].atomnum];
1017             temp.assign(line.begin()+34, line.begin()+41);
1018             //pseudo[currpsp].effcharge=int(atof(words[5].c_str()));
1019             //cout << "found " << pseudo[currpsp].label << endl;
1020             cout << "Found " << pseudo[currpsp].label << " : effective charge " << atoi(temp.c_str()) << endl;
1021             pseudo[currpsp].effcharge=int(atoi(temp.c_str()));
1022             currl=-1;
1023           }
1024           else if(words.size() > 1 && words[0]!="TYPE") {
1025             //cout << "LINE: "<<  line << " "<< line.size() << line[5] << endl;
1026             if(words[0][0]=='W' || words[0][0] == 'P') {
1027               pseudo[currpsp].exponents.push_back(double_blank);
1028               pseudo[currpsp].coefficients.push_back(double_blank);
1029               pseudo[currpsp].nvalue.push_back(n_blank);
1030               currl++;
1031               words.erase(words.begin());
1032               words.erase(words.begin());
1033             }
1034             if(words.size() > 2) {
1036               string exps, coeffs, ns;
1037               exps.assign(line.begin()+8, line.begin()+22);
1038               coeffs.assign(line.begin()+22, line.begin()+35);
1039               ns.assign(line.begin()+35, line.begin()+39);
1040               if (coeffs.find("*", 0) == 0) {
1041                 cout << "****WARNING: Fail to read coefficient (****** occurs) for gaussian function with exponent: "<< exps << endl;
1042               }
1044               //              pseudo[currpsp].exponents[currl].push_back(atof(words[0].c_str()));
1045               pseudo[currpsp].exponents[currl].push_back(atof(exps.c_str()));
1046               //              pseudo[currpsp].coefficients[currl].push_back(atof(words[1].c_str()));
1047               pseudo[currpsp].coefficients[currl].push_back(atof(coeffs.c_str()));
1048               //              pseudo[currpsp].nvalue[currl].push_back(atoi(words[2].c_str()));
1049               pseudo[currpsp].nvalue[currl].push_back(atoi(ns.c_str()));
1050               //cout << "adding " << exps << " " << coeffs << " " << ns << " done " <<  endl;
1051               if(words.size() > 3) {
1052                 exps.assign(line.begin()+39, line.begin()+53);
1053                 coeffs.assign(line.begin()+53, line.begin()+66);
1054                 ns.assign(line.begin()+66, line.begin()+70);
1055                 if (coeffs.find("*", 0) == 0) {
1056                   cout << "****WARNING: Fail to read coefficient (****** occurs) for gaussian function with exponent: "<< exps << endl;
1057                 }
1058                 //                pseudo[currpsp].exponents[currl].push_back(atof(words[3].c_str()));
1059                 //                pseudo[currpsp].coefficients[currl].push_back(atof(words[4].c_str()));
1060                 //                pseudo[currpsp].nvalue[currl].push_back(atoi(words[5].c_str()));
1061                 pseudo[currpsp].exponents[currl].push_back(atof(exps.c_str()));
1062                 pseudo[currpsp].coefficients[currl].push_back(atof(coeffs.c_str()));
1063                 pseudo[currpsp].nvalue[currl].push_back(atof(ns.c_str()));
1064                 //cout << "adding second " << exps << " " << coeffs << " " << ns << endl;
1066               }
1067             }
1068             else {
1069               cout << "WARNING: Pseudopotential output seems corrupted!" << endl;
1070             }
1072           }
1073           getline(infile, line);
1074         }
1075         //----end search loop
1076       }
1077       break;
1078     }
1079   }
1081   // cout << "done " << endl;
1082   int npseud=pseudo.size();
1083   for(int ps=0; ps < npseud; ps++) {
1084     vector <double> tmp=pseudo[ps].exponents[0];
1085     pseudo[ps].exponents.erase(pseudo[ps].exponents.begin());
1086     pseudo[ps].exponents.push_back(tmp);
1089     tmp=pseudo[ps].coefficients[0];
1090     pseudo[ps].coefficients.erase(pseudo[ps].coefficients.begin());
1091     pseudo[ps].coefficients.push_back(tmp);
1092     vector<int> tmp2=pseudo[ps].nvalue[0];
1093     pseudo[ps].nvalue.erase(pseudo[ps].nvalue.begin());
1094     pseudo[ps].nvalue.push_back(tmp2);
1096     // pseudo[ps].exponents.push_back(pseudo[ps].exponents[0]);
1097     // pseudo[ps].nvalue.push_back(pseudo[ps].nvalue[0]);
1098     // pseudo[ps].coefficients.push_back(pseudo[ps].coefficients[0]);
1099     // pseudo[ps].exponents.erase(pseudo[ps].exponents.begin());
1100     // pseudo[ps].coefficients.erase(pseudo[ps].coefficients.begin());
1101     // pseudo[ps].nvalue.erase(pseudo[ps].nvalue.begin());
1102     //cout << "size " << pseudo[ps].exponents.size() << endl;
1103     //pseudo[ps].print_pseudo(cout);
1104   }
1106 }
1108 //######################################################################
1109 /*!
1110   Given a starting position and an input stream, append the MO
1111   coefficients from Crystal to the vector of vectors given.
1112   moCoeff will be in form [mo][coeff].
1113   */
readMO(istream & is,long int start,vector<vector<double>> & moCoeff)1114 int readMO(istream & is, long int start, vector < vector <double> > & moCoeff) {
1115   is.clear();
1116   string line;
1117   is.seekg(start);
1118   //  cout << "position " << is.tellg() << endl;
1119   int totmo=moCoeff.size();
1120   string space=" ";
1121   vector <double> emptyVector;
1122   while(getline(is, line) ) {
1123     if(line.size() > 15 && line[5]=='(' && line[15]==')') break;
1124     if(line.size() > 45 && line[35]=='(' && line[45]==')') break;
1126     //check for various words that crystal can end with
1127     if(line[1]=='E' || line[3] == 'T' || line[6]=='B') break;
1128     vector <string> words;
1129     //cout << "start line " << line << endl;
1130     split(line, space, words);
1131     int nmo_this=words.size();
1132     if (words[1]=="NEWK") break;
1133     for(int i=0; i< nmo_this; i++)
1134       moCoeff.push_back(emptyVector);
1135     //cout << "nmo_this " << nmo_this << endl;
1136     //is.ignore(150, '\n'); //empty line
1137     getline(is, line);  //sometimes crystal outputs a newline, and sometimes not
1138     if(line.size() < 15) getline(is, line);
1139     while(line.size() > 15 && line[1] !='E') {
1140       words.clear();
1141       split(line, space, words);
1142       //cout << "line " << line << " size " << words.size() << endl;
1143       if(words[0]=="BETA") break;
1144       if(words[1]=="NEWK") break;
1145       if(words.size()!= nmo_this+1) {
1146         cerr << "Problem reading in MOs: expected " << nmo_this << " orbitals, got " << words.size()-1 << endl;
1147         cerr << "Line:" << line << endl;
1148         exit(1);
1149       }
1150       assert(words.size() == nmo_this+1);
1151       for(int i=0; i< nmo_this; i++) {
1152         moCoeff[totmo+i].push_back(atof(words[i+1].c_str()));
1153       }
1154       getline(is, line);
1155     }
1156     totmo+=nmo_this;
1157   }
1158   return totmo;
1159 }
1161 // version for complex orbitals
readMO(istream & is,long int start,vector<vector<dcomplex>> & moCoeff)1162 int readMO(istream & is, long int start,
1163     vector < vector <dcomplex> > & moCoeff) {
1164   is.clear();
1165   string line;
1166   is.seekg(start);
1167   //  cout << "position " << is.tellg() << endl;
1168   int totmo=moCoeff.size();
1169   string space=" ";
1170   vector <dcomplex> emptyVector;
1171   while(getline(is, line) ) {
1172     if(line.size() > 15 && line[5]=='(' && line[15]==')') break;
1173     if(line.size() > 45 && line[35]=='(' && line[45]==')') break;
1174     //check for various words that crystal can end with
1175     if(line[1]=='E' || line[3] == 'T' || line[6]=='B') break;
1176     vector <string> words;
1177     //cout << "start line " << line << endl;
1178     split(line, space, words);
1179     if (words[1]=="NEWK") break;
1180     int nmo_this=words.size()/2;
1181     for(int i=0; i< nmo_this; i++)
1182       moCoeff.push_back(emptyVector);
1183     //cout << "nmo_this " << nmo_this << endl;
1184     //is.ignore(150, '\n'); //empty line
1185     getline(is, line);  //sometimes crystal outputs a newline, and sometimes not
1186     if(line.size() < 15) getline(is, line);
1187     while(line.size() > 15 && line[1] !='E') {
1188       words.clear();
1189       split(line, space, words);
1190       //cout << "line " << line << " size " << words.size() << endl;
1191       if(words[0]=="BETA") break;
1192       if (words[1]=="NEWK") break;
1194       if(words.size()!= 2*nmo_this+1) {
1195         cerr << "Problem reading in MOs: expected " << nmo_this << " orbitals, got " << words.size()-1 << endl;
1196         cerr << "Line:" << line << endl;
1197         exit(1);
1198       }
1200       for(int i=0; i< nmo_this; i++) {
1201         moCoeff[totmo+i].push_back(
1202             dcomplex( atof(words[2*i+1].c_str()), atof(words[2*i+2].c_str()) )
1203             );
1204         //cout << "imag. part " << atof(words[2*i+2].c_str()) << endl;
1205       }
1206       getline(is, line);
1207     }
1208     totmo+=nmo_this;
1209   }
1210   return totmo;
1211 }
1213 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
fort10input(istream & is,string & fort10file,vector<Atom> & atoms,Slat_wf_writer & slwriter,vector<Gaussian_basis_set> & basis,vector<double> & origin,vector<vector<double>> & latvec,vector<vector<double>> & moCoeff,vector<double> & shift)1215 void fort10input(istream & is,
1216     string & fort10file,
1217     vector <Atom> & atoms,
1218     Slat_wf_writer & slwriter,
1219     vector <Gaussian_basis_set> & basis,
1220     vector <double> & origin,
1221     vector < vector <double> > & latvec,
1222     vector < vector <double> > & moCoeff,
1223     vector <double> & shift) {
1225   string calctype=slwriter.calctype;
1227   //reading from the output of the readcrys10.f program to get better CO's.
1228   if(fort10file != "") {
1229     cout << "Reading from the fort10 formatted file " << endl;
1230     ifstream fort10(fort10file.c_str());
1231     if(!fort10) {
1232       cout << "Couldn't open " << fort10file << endl;
1233       exit(1);
1234     }
1236     int nfunctions=moCoeff[0].size();
1238     int nspin=1;
1239     if(calctype=="UHF") {
1240       cout << "fort10file doesn't work for UHF yet.." << endl;
1241       exit(1);
1242     }
1244     string dummy;
1245     int monum;
1246     int nmatch=0;
1247     cout << "Matching the .o orbitals with the .10 orbitals..this may "
1248       << "take some time" << endl;
1249     for(int f=0; f< nfunctions; f++) { //total number of MO's
1250       vector <double> currmo;
1251       currmo.reserve(nfunctions);
1252       fort10.ignore(120, '\n'); //line of =====
1253       fort10.ignore(120, '\n'); //
1254       fort10 >> dummy >> monum;
1255       //cout << "dummy " << dummy << endl;
1256       if(monum != f+1) {
1257         cout << "monum in fort10file doesn't match what it should be: "
1258           << "monum " << monum << " calculated function " << f+1 << endl;
1259         exit(1);
1260       }
1261       int tempfunc;
1262       double tempval;
1263       for(int f2=0; f2 < nfunctions; f2++) {
1264         fort10 >> tempfunc >> tempval;
1265         if(tempfunc != f2+1) {
1266           cout << "functions don't match in fort10file " << tempfunc
1267             << " calculated " << f2+1 << endl;
1268           exit(1);
1269         }
1270         currmo.push_back(tempval);
1271         //now loop through the mo's we've found and find the equivalent.
1272       }
1273       //cout << "currmo size " << currmo.size() << endl;
1275       for(vector < vector <double > >:: iterator mo=moCoeff.begin();
1276           mo != moCoeff.end(); mo++) {
1277         double dot=0, mag_out=0, mag_fort10=0;
1278         vector <double>::iterator curr=currmo.begin();
1279         for(vector<double>::iterator moc=mo->begin();
1280             moc != mo->end(); moc++) {
1281           assert(curr != currmo.end());
1282           dot+=(*moc)*(*curr);
1283           mag_out+=(*moc)*(*moc);
1284           mag_fort10+=(*curr)*(*curr);
1285           curr++;
1286         }
1287         dot /= sqrt(mag_out*mag_fort10);
1288         if(fabs(dot-1) < .01) {
1289           //cout << "match: " << dot << endl;
1290           *mo= currmo;
1291           nmatch++;
1292         }
1293       }
1294       /*
1295          for(int mo=0; mo < totmo; mo++) {
1296          double dot=0;
1297          double mag_out=0, mag_fort10=0;
1298          for(int f=0; f< nfunctions; f++) {
1299          dot+=moCoeff[mo][f]*currmo[f];
1300          mag_out+=moCoeff[mo][f]*moCoeff[mo][f];
1301          mag_fort10+=currmo[f]*currmo[f];
1302          }
1303          dot /= sqrt(mag_out*mag_fort10);
1305       //If they're the same molecular orbital, replace the output file
1306       //one with the read in one.
1307       if(fabs(dot-1) < .01) {
1308       cout << monum << " -> " << mo+1 << " dot " << dot <<  endl;
1309       for(int f=0; f< nfunctions; f++) {
1310       moCoeff[mo][f]=currmo[f];
1311       }
1312       }
1314       }
1315       */
1316     }
1317     cout << "Matched " << nmatch << " orbitals " << endl;
1318   }
1319 }
1321 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
MO_analysis(istream & is,string & fort10file,vector<Atom> & atoms,Slat_wf_writer & slwriter,vector<Gaussian_basis_set> & basis,vector<double> & origin,vector<vector<double>> & latvec,vector<vector<double>> & moCoeff,vector<double> & shift,int totmo,string mo_filename="mo_analysis")1323 void MO_analysis(istream & is,
1324     string & fort10file,
1325     vector <Atom> & atoms,
1326     Slat_wf_writer & slwriter,
1327     vector <Gaussian_basis_set> & basis,
1328     vector <double> & origin,
1329     vector < vector <double> > & latvec,
1330     vector < vector <double> > & moCoeff,
1331     vector <double> & shift,
1332     int totmo, string mo_filename="mo_analysis") {
1334   int natoms=atoms.size();
1335   ofstream an_out(mo_filename.c_str());
1337   const double print_thresh=1e-3;
1338   //const double pi=3.1415926535897932385;
1339   const double pi=3.1415926535;
1340   double snorm=1./sqrt(4.*pi);
1341   double pnorm=sqrt(3.)*snorm; // sqrt(3/4/pi)
1342   vector <double> dnorm;
1343   dnorm.push_back(.5*sqrt(5./(4*pi)));//sqrt(5, 16)
1344   dnorm.push_back(sqrt(15./(4*pi)));
1345   dnorm.push_back(sqrt(15./(4*pi)));
1346   dnorm.push_back(.5*sqrt(15./(4.*pi)));
1347   dnorm.push_back(sqrt(15./(4*pi)));
1348   vector <double> fnorm;
1349   //f orbital normalizations are from <http://winter.group.shef.ac.uk/orbitron/AOs/4f/equations.html>
1350   fnorm.push_back( sqrt( 7./(16.*pi)) );
1351   fnorm.push_back( sqrt(21./(32.*pi)) );
1352   fnorm.push_back( sqrt(21./(32.*pi)) );
1353   fnorm.push_back( sqrt(105./(16.*pi)) );
1354   fnorm.push_back( sqrt(105./(4.*pi))  ); //xyz
1355   fnorm.push_back( sqrt(35./(32.*pi))  );
1356   fnorm.push_back( sqrt(35./(32.*pi))  );
1358   vector <string> dnames(5);
1359   dnames[0]="z2r2";
1360   dnames[1]="xz  ";
1361   dnames[2]="yz  ";
1362   dnames[3]="x2y2";
1363   dnames[4]="xy  ";
1364   vector <string> pnames(3);
1365   pnames[0]="x   ";
1366   pnames[1]="y   ";
1367   pnames[2]="z   ";
1369   vector <string> fnames(7);
1370   fnames[0]="F0   ";
1371   fnames[1]="Fp1  ";
1372   fnames[2]="Fm1  ";
1373   fnames[3]="Fp2   ";
1374   fnames[4]="Fxyz  ";
1375   fnames[5]="Fp3   ";
1376   fnames[6]="Fm3   ";
1377   for(int mo=0; mo < totmo; mo++) {
1378     int func=0;
1379     an_out << "\n----------------\n";
1380     an_out << "MO " << mo << endl;
1381     for(int at=0; at < natoms; at++) {
1382       int bas=atoms[at].basis;
1383       int nbasis=basis[bas].types.size();
1384       for(int i=0; i< nbasis; i++) {
1385         if(basis[bas].types[i] == "S") {
1386           moCoeff[mo][func]*=snorm;
1387           if(fabs(moCoeff[mo][func]) > print_thresh) {
1388             an_out << atoms[at].name<< at  << "  S     " << moCoeff[mo][func]
1389               << endl;
1390           }
1391           func++;
1392         }
1393         else if(basis[bas].types[i] == "P") {
1394           for(int j=0; j< 3; j++) {
1395             moCoeff[mo][func]*=pnorm;
1396             if(fabs(moCoeff[mo][func]) > print_thresh) {
1397               an_out << atoms[at].name << at << "  "  << "P"
1398                 << pnames[j] << " " << moCoeff[mo][func]
1399                 << endl;
1400             }
1401             func++;
1402           }
1403         }
1404         else if(basis[bas].types[i] == "5D") {
1405           for(int j=0; j< 5; j++) {
1406             moCoeff[mo][func]*=dnorm[j];
1407             if(fabs(moCoeff[mo][func]) > print_thresh) {
1408               an_out << atoms[at].name << at << "  "   << "D"
1409                 << dnames[j] << " " <<  moCoeff[mo][func]
1410                 << endl;
1411             }
1412             func++;
1413           }
1414         }
1415         else if(basis[bas].types[i] == "7F_crystal") {
1416           for(int j=0; j<7; j++) {
1417             moCoeff[mo][func]*=fnorm[j];
1418             if(fabs(moCoeff[mo][func]) > print_thresh) {
1419               an_out << atoms[at].name << at << "  "   << "F"
1420                 << fnames[j] << " " <<  moCoeff[mo][func]
1421                 << endl;
1422             }
1423             func++;
1424           }
1425         }
1426         else {
1427           cout << "Error: unknown basis type in read_crystal_orbital"
1428             << endl;
1429           exit(1);
1430         }
1431       }
1432     }
1433   }
1435   an_out.close();
1437 }
MO_analysis(istream & is,vector<Atom> & atoms,Slat_wf_writer & slwriter,vector<Gaussian_basis_set> & basis,vector<double> & origin,vector<vector<double>> & latvec,vector<vector<dcomplex>> & moCoeff,vector<double> & shift,int totmo,string mo_filename="mo_analysis")1439 void MO_analysis(istream & is,
1440     vector <Atom> & atoms,
1441     Slat_wf_writer & slwriter,
1442     vector <Gaussian_basis_set> & basis,
1443     vector <double> & origin,
1444     vector < vector <double> > & latvec,
1445     vector < vector <dcomplex> > & moCoeff,
1446     vector <double> & shift,
1447     int totmo, string mo_filename="mo_analysis") {
1449   int natoms=atoms.size();
1450   ofstream an_out(mo_filename.c_str());
1452   const double print_thresh=1e-3;
1453   //const double pi=3.1415926535897932385;
1454   const double pi=3.1415926535;
1455   double snorm=1./sqrt(4.*pi);
1456   double pnorm=sqrt(3.)*snorm;
1457   vector <double> dnorm;
1458   dnorm.push_back(.5*sqrt(5./(4*pi)));
1459   dnorm.push_back(sqrt(15./(4*pi)));
1460   dnorm.push_back(sqrt(15./(4*pi)));
1461   dnorm.push_back(.5*sqrt(15./(4.*pi)));
1462   dnorm.push_back(sqrt(15./(4*pi)));
1463   vector <double> fnorm;
1464   //f orbital normalizations are from <http://winter.group.shef.ac.uk/orbitron/AOs/4f/equations.html>
1465   fnorm.push_back( sqrt( 7./(16.*pi)) );
1466   fnorm.push_back( sqrt(21./(32.*pi)) );
1467   fnorm.push_back( sqrt(21./(32.*pi)) );
1468   fnorm.push_back( sqrt(105./(16.*pi)) );
1469   fnorm.push_back( sqrt(105./(4.*pi))  ); //xyz
1470   fnorm.push_back( sqrt(35./(32.*pi))  );
1471   fnorm.push_back( sqrt(35./(32.*pi))  );
1472   vector <string> fnames(7);
1473   fnames[0]="F0   ";
1474   fnames[1]="Fp1  ";
1475   fnames[2]="Fm1  ";
1476   fnames[3]="Fp2   ";
1477   fnames[4]="Fxyz  ";
1478   fnames[5]="Fp3   ";
1479   fnames[6]="Fm3   ";
1481   vector <string> dnames(5);
1482   dnames[0]="z2r2";
1483   dnames[1]="xz  ";
1484   dnames[2]="yz  ";
1485   dnames[3]="x2y2";
1486   dnames[4]="xy  ";
1487   vector <string> pnames(3);
1488   pnames[0]="x   ";
1489   pnames[1]="y   ";
1490   pnames[2]="z   ";
1491   for(int mo=0; mo < totmo; mo++) {
1492     int func=0;
1493     an_out << "\n----------------\n";
1494     an_out << "MO " << mo << endl;
1495     for(int at=0; at < natoms; at++) {
1496       int bas=atoms[at].basis;
1497       int nbasis=basis[bas].types.size();
1498       for(int i=0; i< nbasis; i++) {
1499         if(basis[bas].types[i] == "S") {
1500           moCoeff[mo][func]*=snorm;
1501           if(abs(moCoeff[mo][func]) > print_thresh) {
1502             an_out << atoms[at].name<< at  << "  S     " << moCoeff[mo][func]
1503               << endl;
1504           }
1505           func++;
1506         }
1507         else if(basis[bas].types[i] == "P") {
1508           for(int j=0; j< 3; j++) {
1509             moCoeff[mo][func]*=pnorm;
1510             if(abs(moCoeff[mo][func]) > print_thresh) {
1511               an_out << atoms[at].name << at << "  "  << "P"
1512                 << pnames[j] << " " << moCoeff[mo][func]
1513                 << endl;
1514             }
1515             func++;
1516           }
1517         }
1518         else if(basis[bas].types[i] == "5D") {
1519           for(int j=0; j< 5; j++) {
1520             moCoeff[mo][func]*=dnorm[j];
1521             if(abs(moCoeff[mo][func]) > print_thresh) {
1522               an_out << atoms[at].name << at << "  "   << "D"
1523                 << dnames[j] << " " <<  moCoeff[mo][func]
1524                 << endl;
1525             }
1526             func++;
1527           }
1528         }
1529         else if(basis[bas].types[i] == "7F_crystal") {
1530           for(int j=0; j< 7; j++) {
1531             moCoeff[mo][func]*=fnorm[j];
1532             if(abs(moCoeff[mo][func]) > print_thresh) {
1533               an_out << atoms[at].name << at << "  "   << "F"
1534                 << fnames[j] << " " <<  moCoeff[mo][func]
1535                 << endl;
1536             }
1537             func++;
1538           }
1539         }
1540         else {
1541           cout << "Error: unknown basis type in read_crystal_orbital"
1542             << endl;
1543           exit(1);
1544         }
1545       }
1546     }
1547   }
1549   an_out.close();
1551 }
1554 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1556 //Reads in all the molecular orbitals that were outputed by Crystal
read_crystal_orbital(istream & is,string & fort10file,vector<Atom> & atoms,Slat_wf_writer & slwriter,vector<Gaussian_basis_set> & basis,vector<double> & origin,vector<vector<double>> & latvec,vector<vector<double>> & moCoeff,vector<double> & shift)1557 void read_crystal_orbital(istream & is,
1558     string & fort10file,
1559     vector <Atom> & atoms,
1560     Slat_wf_writer & slwriter,
1561     vector <Gaussian_basis_set> & basis,
1562     vector <double> & origin,
1563     vector < vector <double> > & latvec,
1564     vector < vector <double> > & moCoeff,
1565     vector <double> & shift) {
1567   assert(atoms.size() > 0);
1568   assert(basis.size() > 0);
1569   string dummy;
1570   string calctype=slwriter.calctype;
1571   //vector <int> nbasis;
1572   //vector <double > emptyVector; //to push onto moCoeff to add a mo.
1574   //Find out how many functions should be there.
1575   int natoms=atoms.size();
1576   int totfunctions=0;
1577   for(int at=0; at < natoms; at++ ) {
1578     int bas=atoms[at].basis;
1579     int nfunc=basis[bas].nfunc();
1580     totfunctions+=nfunc;
1581   }
1582   //cout << "Should be " << totfunctions << " functions " << endl;
1584   string space=" ";
1585   int totmo=0;
1586   vector <long int> eigen_start;
1587   vector <string> kpoints;
1588   while(is >> dummy) {
1589     //cout << "dummy " << dummy << endl;
1590     if(dummy == "FINAL") {
1591       is >> dummy;
1592       if(dummy == "EIGENVECTORS" ) {
1593         is.ignore(125, '\n'); //clear the line with FINAL EIG..
1594         string line;
1595         getline(is, line);
1596         // cout << "line " << line << endl;
1597         while(getline( is,line)) {
1598           if(line.size() > 15 && line[5]=='(' && line[15]==')') {
1599             //cout << line[5] << "  " << line[15] << endl;
1600             is.ignore(150, '\n');//two blank lines
1601             is.ignore(150, '\n');
1602             long int pos=is.tellg();
1603             string line2;
1604             getline(is, line2);
1605             vector <string> words;
1606             split(line2, space, words);
1607             if(words[0]!=words[1]) {
1608               //cout << "real k-point line " << line << endl;
1609               kpoints.push_back(line);
1610               eigen_start.push_back(pos);
1611             }
1612           }
1613         }
1614       }
1615     }
1616   }
1619   int nkpts=eigen_start.size();
1620   if(calctype=="UHF") {
1621     assert(nkpts%2==0);
1622     nkpts/=2;
1623   }
1624   cout << "Found " << nkpts << " k-points with real eigenvectors " << endl;
1625   for(int i=0; i< nkpts; i++) {
1626     cout << i << " : " << kpoints[i] <<  "   position " << eigen_start[i]
1627       << endl;
1628   }
1629   int kpt;
1631   if(nkpts > 1) {
1632     cout << "Please choose a point[0-" << nkpts-1 << "]:";
1633     cout.flush();
1635     cin >> kpt;
1636     while(kpt < 0 || kpt >= nkpts) {
1637       cout << "\nout of range..please re-enter:";
1638       cout.flush();
1639       if(!(cin >> kpt)) {
1640         cout << "\nError reading from STDIN" << endl;
1641         exit(1);
1642       }
1643     }
1644     cout << endl;
1645   }
1646   else kpt=0;
1650   is.clear();
1651   totmo=readMO(is, eigen_start[kpt], moCoeff);
1652   if(calctype=="UHF") {
1653     slwriter.spin_dwn_start=moCoeff.size();
1654     totmo=readMO(is, eigen_start[kpt+nkpts], moCoeff);
1655   }
1656   // cout << "nmo's " << moCoeff.size() << endl;
1658   slwriter.kpoint.resize(3);
1659   vector<string> kwords;
1660   kpoints[kpt].erase(kpoints[kpt].find(')'));
1661   split(kpoints[kpt], space, kwords);
1662   assert(kwords.size()>=5);
1663   double max=0;
1664   for(int i=0; i< 3; i++) {
1665     slwriter.kpoint[i]=atoi(kwords[i+2].c_str());
1666     if(slwriter.kpoint[i] > max) max=slwriter.kpoint[i];
1667   }
1668   for(int i=0; i< 3; i++)
1669     if(abs(max) > 1e-5) slwriter.kpoint[i]/=max;
1672   cout << "chosen k-point " << slwriter.kpoint[0] <<"   "
1673     << slwriter.kpoint[1] << "   " << slwriter.kpoint[2] << endl;
1676   //cout << "Found " << moCoeff.size() << " MO's. and "
1677   //<< moCoeff[0].size() << " functions " << endl;
1678   if(totfunctions != (int) moCoeff[0].size()) {
1679     cout << "The number of basis functions doesn't match between what was"
1680       << "read(" << moCoeff[0].size() << ") and calculated("
1681       << totfunctions << ")" << endl;
1682     exit(1);
1683   }
1684   if(totmo!=moCoeff.size()) {
1685     cout << "in make_orb, totmo is " << totmo
1686       << " and moCoeff.size() is " << moCoeff.size()
1687       << ".  They should be equal." << endl;
1688   }
1691   fort10input(is, fort10file, atoms, slwriter, basis, origin,
1692       latvec, moCoeff, shift);
1694   // analysis of band character and NORMALIZATION(!) of coefficients
1695   string mo_filename="xxmo_analysis";
1696   for(int d=0; d< 3; d++) append_number(mo_filename,slwriter.kpoint[d]);
1697   MO_analysis(is, fort10file, atoms, slwriter, basis, origin,
1698       latvec, moCoeff, shift, totmo,mo_filename);
1701   //if our k-point isn't zero, we need to fix any shifts
1702   int f=0;
1703   Shifter shiftobj;
1704   shiftobj.origin=origin;
1706   //------------------------------------
1707   //Shift the atoms away from the edges.  Should
1708   //reduce the number of centers outside the cell most of the time.
1710   //vector <double> shift;
1711   //double shift_amount=0;
1712   //shift.push_back(shift_amount); shift.push_back(shift_amount);
1713   //shift.push_back(shift_amount);
1714   if(latvec.size() > 0) {
1715     //Now enforce the pbc's..
1717     for(unsigned int at=0; at< atoms.size(); at++) {
1718       vector <int> nshift;
1719       int bas=atoms[at].basis;
1720       int nfunc=basis[bas].nfunc();
1721       if(shiftobj.enforcepbc(atoms[at].pos, latvec, nshift)) {
1722         //cout << "at " << at << "  shifted " << nshift[0] << "  " << nshift[1]
1723         //    << "   " << nshift[2] << endl;
1724         double kdots=0;
1725         for(int d=0; d< 3; d++)
1726           kdots+=slwriter.kpoint[d]*nshift[d];
1727         kdots=cos(pi*kdots);
1728         //cout << "kdots " << kdots << endl;
1729         for(int i=0; i< nfunc; i++) {
1730           for(int mo=0; mo < totmo; mo++) {
1731             moCoeff[mo][f]*=kdots;
1732           }
1733           f++;
1734         }
1735       }
1736       else f+=nfunc;
1737     }
1738   }
1741 }
1744 //Reads in all the molecular orbitals that were outputed by Crystal
1745 //version for complex coefficients
read_crystal_orbital(istream & is,vector<Atom> & atoms,Slat_wf_writer & slwriter,vector<Gaussian_basis_set> & basis,vector<double> & origin,vector<vector<double>> & latvec,vector<vector<dcomplex>> & moCoeff,vector<double> & shift)1746 void read_crystal_orbital(istream & is,
1747     vector <Atom> & atoms,
1748     Slat_wf_writer & slwriter,
1749     vector <Gaussian_basis_set> & basis,
1750     vector <double> & origin,
1751     vector < vector <double> > & latvec,
1752     vector < vector <dcomplex> > & moCoeff,
1753     vector <double> & shift) {
1755   assert(atoms.size() > 0);
1756   assert(basis.size() > 0);
1757   string dummy;
1758   string calctype=slwriter.calctype;
1759   //vector <int> nbasis;
1761   //Find out how many functions should be there.
1762   int natoms=atoms.size();
1763   int totfunctions=0;
1764   for(int at=0; at < natoms; at++ ) {
1765     int bas=atoms[at].basis;
1766     int nfunc=basis[bas].nfunc();
1767     totfunctions+=nfunc;
1768   }
1769   //cout << "Should be " << totfunctions << " functions " << endl;
1771   string space=" ";
1772   int totmo=0;
1773   vector <long int> eigen_start;
1774   vector <string> kpoints;
1775   while(is >> dummy) {
1776     //cout << "dummy " << dummy << endl;
1777     if(dummy == "FINAL") {
1778       is >> dummy;
1779       if(dummy == "EIGENVECTORS" ) {
1780         is.ignore(125, '\n'); //clear the line with FINAL EIG..
1781         string line;
1782         getline(is, line);
1783         // cout << "line " << line << endl;
1784         while(getline( is,line)) {
1785           if(line.size() > 15 && line[5]=='(' && line[15]==')') {
1786             //cout << line[5] << "  " << line[15] << endl;
1787             is.ignore(150, '\n');//two blank lines
1788             is.ignore(150, '\n');
1789             long int pos=is.tellg();
1790             string line2;
1791             getline(is, line2);
1792             vector <string> words;
1793             split(line2, space, words);
1794             if(words[0]==words[1]) {
1795               //cout << "complex  k-point line " << line << endl;
1796               kpoints.push_back(line);
1797               eigen_start.push_back(pos);
1798             }
1799           }
1800         }
1801       }
1802     }
1803   }
1806   int nkpts=eigen_start.size();
1807   if(calctype=="UHF") {
1808     assert(nkpts%2==0);
1809     nkpts/=2;
1810   }
1811   cout << "Found " << nkpts << " k-points with complex eigenvectors " << endl;
1812   for(int i=0; i< nkpts; i++) {
1813     cout << i << " : " << kpoints[i] <<  "   position " << eigen_start[i]
1814       << endl;
1815   }
1816   int kpt;
1817   if(nkpts > 1) {
1818     cout << "Please choose a point[0-" << nkpts-1 << "]:";
1819     cout.flush();
1821     cin >> kpt;
1822     while(kpt < 0 || kpt >= nkpts) {
1823       cout << "\nout of range..please re-enter:";
1824       cout.flush();
1825       if(!(cin >> kpt)) {
1826         cout << "\nError reading from STDIN" << endl;
1827         exit(1);
1828       }
1829     }
1830     cout << endl;
1831   }
1832   else kpt=0;
1834   is.clear();
1835   is.seekg(1);
1836   string line;
1837   int shrink_fact[3];
1838   while ( getline(is,line) ) {
1839     vector<string> words;
1840     split(line, space, words);
1841     if ( ( words.size()>5 )
1842         && ( words[0]=="SHRINK." )
1843         && ( words[1]=="FACT.(MONKH.)" ) ) {
1844       for (int is = 0; is < 3; is++ ) {
1845         shrink_fact[is]=atoi(words[2+is].c_str());
1846       }
1847       break;
1848     }
1849   }
1850   //cout << "shrinking factor " << shrink_fact << endl;
1852   is.clear();
1853   totmo=readMO(is, eigen_start[kpt], moCoeff);
1854   if(calctype=="UHF") {
1855     slwriter.spin_dwn_start=moCoeff.size();
1856     totmo=readMO(is, eigen_start[kpt+nkpts], moCoeff);
1857   }
1858   cout << "nmo's " << moCoeff.size() << endl;
1860   slwriter.kpoint.resize(3);
1861   vector<string> kwords;
1862   kpoints[kpt].erase(kpoints[kpt].find(')'));
1863   split(kpoints[kpt], space, kwords);
1864   assert(kwords.size()>=5);
1865   for(int i=0; i< 3; i++) {
1866     slwriter.kpoint[i]=atoi(kwords[i+2].c_str());
1867   }
1868   for(int i=0; i< 3; i++)
1869     slwriter.kpoint[i]/=shrink_fact[i]/2.0;
1872   cout << "chosen k-point " << slwriter.kpoint[0] <<"   "
1873     << slwriter.kpoint[1] << "   " << slwriter.kpoint[2] << endl;
1876   //cout << "Found " << moCoeff.size() << " MO's. and "
1877   //<< moCoeff[0].size() << " functions " << endl;
1878   if(totfunctions != (int) moCoeff[0].size()) {
1879     cout << "The number of basis functions doesn't match between what was"
1880       << "read(" << moCoeff[0].size() << ") and calculated("
1881       << totfunctions << ")" << endl;
1882     exit(1);
1883   }
1884   if(totmo!=moCoeff.size()) {
1885     cout << "in make_orb, totmo is " << totmo
1886       << " and moCoeff.size() is " << moCoeff.size()
1887       << ".  They should be equal." << endl;
1888   }
1890   // analysis of band character and NORMALIZATION(!) of coefficients
1891   MO_analysis(is, atoms, slwriter, basis, origin,
1892       latvec, moCoeff, shift, totmo);
1894   //if our k-point isn't zero, we need to fix any shifts
1895   int f=0;
1896   Shifter shiftobj;
1897   shiftobj.origin=origin;
1899   //------------------------------------
1900   //Shift the atoms away from the edges.  Should
1901   //reduce the number of centers outside the cell most of the time.
1903   //vector <double> shift;
1904   //double shift_amount=0;
1905   //shift.push_back(shift_amount); shift.push_back(shift_amount);
1906   //shift.push_back(shift_amount);
1907   if(latvec.size() > 0) {
1908     vector <double> atomshift;
1909     for(int i=0; i< 3; i++) atomshift.push_back(0);
1910     for(int i=0; i< 3; i++) {
1911       for(int j=0; j< 3; j++) {
1912         atomshift[j]+=shift[i]*latvec[i][j];
1913       }
1914     }
1916     for(int i=0; i < natoms; i++) {
1917       atoms[i].pos=atoms[i].pos+atomshift;
1918     }
1919     //Now enforce the pbc's..
1921     for(unsigned int at=0; at< atoms.size(); at++) {
1922       vector <int> nshift;
1923       int bas=atoms[at].basis;
1924       int nfunc=basis[bas].nfunc();
1925       if(shiftobj.enforcepbc(atoms[at].pos, latvec, nshift)) {
1926         //cout << "at " << at << "  shifted " << nshift[0] << "  " << nshift[1]
1927         //    << "   " << nshift[2] << endl;
1928         dcomplex kdots=0;
1929         for(int d=0; d< 3; d++)
1930           kdots+=slwriter.kpoint[d]*nshift[d];
1931         //kdots=cos(pi*kdots);
1932         kdots=exp(pi*kdots*dcomplex(0.0,1.0));
1933         //cout << "kdots " << kdots << endl;
1934         for(int i=0; i< nfunc; i++) {
1935           for(int mo=0; mo < totmo; mo++) {
1936             moCoeff[mo][f]*=kdots;
1937           }
1938           f++;
1939         }
1940       }
1941       else f+=nfunc;
1942     }
1943   }
1946 }
read_crystal_orbital_all(istream & is,string & fort10file,vector<Atom> & atoms,Slat_wf_writer & slwriter,vector<Gaussian_basis_set> & basis,vector<double> & origin,vector<vector<double>> & latvec,vector<vector<vector<double>>> & moCoeff,vector<string> & kpoints,vector<long int> & eigen_start,vector<vector<double>> & kptCoord,vector<double> & shift,vector<int> shifted,vector<vector<int>> nshift)1948 void read_crystal_orbital_all(istream & is,
1949     string & fort10file,
1950     vector <Atom> &atoms,
1951     Slat_wf_writer & slwriter,
1952     vector <Gaussian_basis_set> & basis,
1953     vector <double> & origin,
1954     vector < vector <double> > & latvec,
1955     vector < vector < vector <double> > > & moCoeff,
1956     vector <string> & kpoints,
1957     vector <long int> & eigen_start,
1958     vector < vector < double > > &kptCoord,
1959     vector <double> & shift,
1960     vector <int> shifted,
1961     vector < vector <int> > nshift) {
1963   assert(atoms.size() > 0);
1964   assert(basis.size() > 0);
1965   string dummy;
1966   string calctype=slwriter.calctype;
1967   //vector <int> nbasis;
1968   //vector <double > emptyVector; //to push onto moCoeff to add a mo.
1970   //Find out how many functions should be there.
1971   int natoms=atoms.size();
1972   int totfunctions=0;
1973   for(int at=0; at < natoms; at++ ) {
1974     int bas=atoms[at].basis;
1975     int nfunc=basis[bas].nfunc();
1976     totfunctions+=nfunc;
1977   }
1978   //cout << "Should be " << totfunctions << " functions " << endl;
1980   string space=" ";
1981   int totmo=0;
1983   int nkpts=eigen_start.size();
1984   if(calctype=="UHF") {
1985     assert(nkpts%2==0);
1986     nkpts/=2;
1987   }
1988   moCoeff.resize(nkpts);
1989   kpoints.resize(nkpts);
1990   kptCoord.resize(nkpts);
1991   cout << "Found " << nkpts << " k-points with real eigenvectors " << endl;
1992   for(int i=0; i< nkpts; i++) {
1993     cout << i << " : " << kpoints[i] << endl;
1994   }
1995   int kpt;
1997   is.clear();
1998   is.seekg(1);
1999   string line;
2000   int shrink_fact[3];
2001   for(int i=0; i<3; i++) shrink_fact[i]=1.0;
2002   while ( getline(is,line) ) {
2003     vector<string> words;
2004     split(line, space, words);
2005     if ( ( words.size()>5 )
2006         && ( words[0]=="SHRINK." )
2007         && ( words[1]=="FACT.(MONKH.)" ) ) {
2008       for (int is=0; is<3;is++)
2009         shrink_fact[is]=atoi(words[2+is].c_str());
2010       break;
2011     }
2012   }
2013   for (kpt=0; kpt<nkpts; kpt++) {
2014     is.clear();
2015     cout << "Reading orbital for " << kpoints[kpt] << "..." << endl;
2016     totmo=readMO(is, eigen_start[kpt], moCoeff[kpt]);
2017     if(calctype=="UHF") {
2018       slwriter.spin_dwn_start=moCoeff[kpt].size();
2019       totmo=readMO(is, eigen_start[kpt+nkpts], moCoeff[kpt]);
2020     }
2021     // cout << "nmo's " << moCoeff[kpt].size() << endl;
2023     slwriter.kpoint.resize(3);
2024     for(int i=0; i<3; i++) slwriter.kpoint[i]=0.0;
2025     vector<string> kwords;
2026     kpoints[kpt].erase(kpoints[kpt].find(')'));
2027     split(kpoints[kpt], space, kwords);
2028     if(kwords.size()<5) {
2029       cout << "Not enough words in " << kpoints[kpt] << endl;
2030       exit(1);
2031     }
2033     double max=0;
2034     for(int i=0; i< 3; i++) {
2035       slwriter.kpoint[i]=atoi(kwords[i+2].c_str());
2036       //if(slwriter.kpoint[i] > max) max=slwriter.kpoint[i];
2037       slwriter.kpoint[i]/=shrink_fact[i]/2.;
2038     }
2039     kptCoord[kpt].resize(3);
2040     for(int i=0; i< 3; i++) {
2041       kptCoord[kpt][i] = slwriter.kpoint[i];
2042     }
2045     //cout << "Found " << moCoeff[kpt].size() << " MO's. and "
2046     //<< moCoeff[kpt][0].size() << " functions " << endl;
2047     if(totfunctions != (int) moCoeff[kpt][0].size()) {
2048       cout << "The number of basis functions doesn't match between what was"
2049         << "read(" << moCoeff[kpt][0].size() << ") and calculated("
2050         << totfunctions << ")" << endl;
2051       exit(1);
2052     }
2053     if(totmo!=moCoeff[kpt].size()) {
2054       cout << "in make_orb, totmo is " << totmo
2055         << " and moCoeff[kpt].size() is " << moCoeff[kpt].size()
2056         << ".  They should be equal." << endl;
2057     }
2060     fort10input(is, fort10file, atoms, slwriter, basis, origin,
2061         latvec, moCoeff[kpt], shift);
2063     // analysis of band character and NORMALIZATION(!) of coefficients
2064     string mo_filename="mo_analysis";
2065     for(vector<double>::iterator d=slwriter.kpoint.begin(); d!=slwriter.kpoint.end(); d++)
2066       append_number(mo_filename,*d);
2067     MO_analysis(is, fort10file, atoms, slwriter, basis, origin,
2068         latvec, moCoeff[kpt], shift, totmo,mo_filename);
2071     //if our k-point isn't zero, we need to fix any shifts
2072     int f=0;
2073     Shifter shiftobj;
2074     shiftobj.origin=origin;
2076     //------------------------------------
2077     //Shift the atoms away from the edges.  Should
2078     //reduce the number of centers outside the cell most of the time.
2080     //vector <double> shift;
2081     //double shift_amount=0;
2082     //shift.push_back(shift_amount); shift.push_back(shift_amount);
2083     //shift.push_back(shift_amount);
2084     if(latvec.size() > 0) {
2086       //Now enforce the pbc's..
2088       for(unsigned int at=0; at< atoms.size(); at++) {
2089         int bas=atoms[at].basis;
2090         int nfunc=basis[bas].nfunc();
2091         if(shifted[at]) {
2092           //cout << "at " << at << "  shifted " << nshift[0] << "  " << nshift[1]
2093           //    << "   " << nshift[2] << endl;
2094           double kdots=0;
2095           for(int d=0; d< 3; d++)
2096             kdots+=slwriter.kpoint[d]*nshift[at][d];
2097           kdots=cos(pi*kdots);
2098           //cout << "kdots " << kdots << endl;
2099           for(int i=0; i< nfunc; i++) {
2100             for(int mo=0; mo < totmo; mo++) {
2101               moCoeff[kpt][mo][f]*=kdots;
2102             }
2103             f++;
2104           }
2105         }
2106         else f+=nfunc;
2107       }
2108     }
2109   }
2110 }
read_crystal_orbital_all(istream & is,vector<Atom> & atoms,Slat_wf_writer & slwriter,vector<Gaussian_basis_set> & basis,vector<double> & origin,vector<vector<double>> & latvec,vector<vector<vector<dcomplex>>> & moCoeff,vector<string> & kpoints,vector<long int> & eigen_start,vector<vector<double>> & kptCoord,vector<double> & shift,vector<int> shifted,vector<vector<int>> nshift)2114 void read_crystal_orbital_all(istream & is,
2115     vector <Atom> &atoms,
2116     Slat_wf_writer & slwriter,
2117     vector <Gaussian_basis_set> & basis,
2118     vector <double> & origin,
2119     vector < vector <double> > & latvec,
2120     vector <vector < vector <dcomplex> > > & moCoeff,
2121     vector <string> & kpoints,
2122     vector <long int> & eigen_start,
2123     vector < vector < double > > &kptCoord,
2124     vector <double> & shift,
2125     vector <int> shifted,
2126     vector < vector <int> > nshift) {
2128   assert(atoms.size() > 0);
2129   assert(basis.size() > 0);
2130   string dummy;
2131   string calctype=slwriter.calctype;
2132   //vector <int> nbasis;
2133   //Find out how many functions should be there.
2134   int natoms=atoms.size();
2135   int totfunctions=0;
2136   for(int at=0; at < natoms; at++ ) {
2137     int bas=atoms[at].basis;
2138     int nfunc=basis[bas].nfunc();
2139     totfunctions+=nfunc;
2140   }
2141   //cout << "Should be " << totfunctions << " functions " << endl;
2143   string space=" ";
2144   int totmo=0;
2145   int nkpts=eigen_start.size();
2146   if(calctype=="UHF") {
2147     assert(nkpts%2==0);
2148     nkpts/=2;
2149   }
2150   kpoints.resize(nkpts);
2151   cout << "Found " << nkpts << " k-points with complex eigenvectors " << endl;
2152   for(int i=0; i< nkpts; i++) {
2153     cout << i << " : " << kpoints[i] << endl;
2154   }
2155   int kpt;
2156   moCoeff.resize(nkpts);
2157   kptCoord.resize(nkpts);
2159   is.clear();
2160   is.seekg(1);
2161   string line;
2162   int shrink_fact[3];
2163   for(int i=0; i<3; i++) shrink_fact[i]=1.0;
2164   while ( getline(is,line) ) {
2165     vector<string> words;
2166     split(line, space, words);
2167     if ( ( words.size()>5 )
2168         && ( words[0]=="SHRINK." )
2169         && ( words[1]=="FACT.(MONKH.)" ) ) {
2170       for (int is = 0; is<3; is++) {
2171         shrink_fact[is]=atoi(words[2+is].c_str());
2172       }
2173       break;
2174     }
2175   }
2176   //  cout << "shrinking factor: " << shrink_fact[0] << "  " << shrink_fact[1] << "  " << shrink_fact[2] << endl;
2177   for (kpt = 0; kpt < nkpts; kpt++) {
2179     //cout << "shrinking factor " << shrink_fact << endl;
2181     is.clear();
2182     cout << "Reading orbital for " << kpoints[kpt] << "..." << endl;
2183     totmo=readMO(is, eigen_start[kpt], moCoeff[kpt]);
2184     if(calctype=="UHF") {
2185       slwriter.spin_dwn_start=moCoeff[kpt].size();
2186       totmo=readMO(is, eigen_start[kpt+nkpts], moCoeff[kpt]);
2187     }
2188     //cout << "nmo's " << moCoeff[kpt].size() << endl;
2190     slwriter.kpoint.resize(3);
2191     for(int i=0;i < 3; i++)
2192       slwriter.kpoint[i]=0.0;
2194     vector<string> kwords;
2195     kpoints[kpt].erase(kpoints[kpt].find(')'));
2196     split(kpoints[kpt], space, kwords);
2197     if(kwords.size()<5) {
2198       cout << "Not enough words in " << kpoints[kpt] << endl;
2199     }
2200     for(int i=0; i< 3; i++) {
2201       slwriter.kpoint[i]=atoi(kwords[i+2].c_str());
2202     }
2203     kptCoord[kpt].resize(3);
2204     for(int i=0; i< 3; i++) {
2205       slwriter.kpoint[i]/=shrink_fact[i]/2.0;
2206       kptCoord[kpt][i] =  slwriter.kpoint[i];
2207     }
2210     //cout << "Found " << moCoeff[kpt].size() << " MO's. and "
2211     //<< moCoeff[kpt][0].size() << " functions " << endl;
2212     if(totfunctions != (int) moCoeff[kpt][0].size()) {
2213       cout << "The number of basis functions doesn't match between what was"
2214         << "read(" << moCoeff[kpt][0].size() << ") and calculated("
2215         << totfunctions << ")" << endl;
2216       exit(1);
2217     }
2218     if(totmo!=moCoeff[kpt].size()) {
2219       cout << "in make_orb, totmo is " << totmo
2220         << " and moCoeff[kpt].size() is " << moCoeff[kpt].size()
2221         << ".  They should be equal." << endl;
2222     }
2224     // analysis of band character and NORMALIZATION(!) of coefficients
2225     string mo_filename="mo_analysis";
2226     for(vector<double>::iterator d=slwriter.kpoint.begin(); d!=slwriter.kpoint.end(); d++)
2227       append_number(mo_filename,*d);
2228     MO_analysis(is, atoms, slwriter, basis, origin,
2229         latvec, moCoeff[kpt], shift, totmo,mo_filename);
2231     //if our k-point isn't zero, we need to fix any shifts
2232     int f=0;
2233     Shifter shiftobj;
2234     shiftobj.origin=origin;
2236     //------------------------------------
2237     //Shift the atoms away from the edges.  Should
2238     //reduce the number of centers outside the cell most of the time.
2240     //vector <double> shift;
2241     //double shift_amount=0;
2242     //shift.push_back(shift_amount); shift.push_back(shift_amount);
2243     //shift.push_back(shift_amount);
2244     if(latvec.size() > 0) {
2245       //Now enforce the pbc's..
2247       for(unsigned int at=0; at< atoms.size(); at++) {
2249         int bas=atoms[at].basis;
2250         int nfunc=basis[bas].nfunc();
2251         if(shifted[at]) {
2252           //cout << "at " << at << "  shifted " << nshift[0] << "  " << nshift[1]
2253           //    << "   " << nshift[2] << endl;
2254           dcomplex kdots=0;
2255           for(int d=0; d< 3; d++)
2256             kdots+=slwriter.kpoint[d]*nshift[at][d];
2257           //kdots=cos(pi*kdots);
2258           kdots=exp(pi*kdots*dcomplex(0.0,1.0));
2259           //cout << "kdots " << kdots << endl;
2260           for(int i=0; i< nfunc; i++) {
2261             for(int mo=0; mo < totmo; mo++) {
2262               moCoeff[kpt][mo][f]*=kdots;
2263             }
2264             f++;
2265           }
2266         }
2267         else f+=nfunc;
2268       }
2269     }
2270   }
2271 }
read_kpt_eigenpos(istream & is,vector<string> & rkpoints,vector<long int> & reigen_start,vector<string> & ckpoints,vector<long int> & ceigen_start)2273 void read_kpt_eigenpos(istream & is,
2274     vector <string> & rkpoints,
2275     vector <long int> & reigen_start,
2276     vector <string> & ckpoints,
2277     vector <long int> & ceigen_start) {
2279   string dummy;
2280   string space = " ";
2281   while(is >> dummy) {
2282     //cout << "dummy " << dummy << endl;
2283     if(dummy == "FINAL") {
2284       is >> dummy;
2285       if(dummy == "EIGENVECTORS" ) {
2286         is.ignore(125, '\n'); //clear the line with FINAL EIG..
2287         string line;
2288         getline(is, line);
2289         // cout << "line " << line << endl;
2290         while(getline( is,line)) {
2291           if(line.size() > 15 && line[5]=='(' && line[15]==')') {
2292             //cout << line[5] << "  " << line[15] << endl;
2293             is.ignore(150, '\n');//two blank lines
2294             is.ignore(150, '\n');
2295             long int pos=is.tellg();
2296             string line2;
2297             getline(is, line2);
2298             vector <string> words;
2299             split(line2, space, words);
2300             if(words[0]==words[1]) {
2301               //cout << "complex  k-point line " << line << endl;
2302               ckpoints.push_back(line);
2303               ceigen_start.push_back(pos);
2304             } else {
2305               rkpoints.push_back(line);
2306               reigen_start.push_back(pos);
2307             }
2308           }
2309         }
2310       }
2311     }
2312     else if(dummy == "NEWK") {
2313       is >> dummy;
2314       if(dummy == "EIGENVECTORS" ) {
2315         is.ignore(125, '\n'); //clear the line with FINAL EIG..
2316         string line;
2317         //getline(is, line);
2318         // cout << "line " << line << endl;
2319         while(getline( is,line)) {
2320           if(line.size() > 45 && line[28]=='K' && line[29]=='='&& line[35]=='(' && line[45]==')') {
2321             //cout << line[5] << "  " << line[15] << endl;
2322             is.ignore(150, '\n');//one blank lines
2323             long int pos=is.tellg();
2324             string line2;
2325             getline(is, line2);
2326             vector <string> words1, words;
2327             split(line, space, words1);
2328             string kstr = words1[4] + " ( " + words1[6] + "  " + words1[7] + " " + words1[8];
2329             split(line2, space, words);
2330             //	    cout << words[0] << " " << words[1] << endl;
2331             if(words[0]==words[1]) {
2332               //cout << "complex  k-point line " << line << endl;
2333               ckpoints.push_back(kstr);
2334               ceigen_start.push_back(pos);
2335             } else {
2336               rkpoints.push_back(kstr);
2337               reigen_start.push_back(pos);
2338             }
2339           }
2340         }
2341       }
2342     }
2343   }
2344 }
2346 // ===========================================================================