1 //
2 // Copyright (C) 2018 Susan H. Leung
3 //
4 // @@ All Rights Reserved @@
5 // This file is part of the RDKit.
6 // The contents are covered by the terms of the BSD license
7 // which is included in the file license.txt, found at the root
8 // of the RDKit source tree.
9 //
10 #include "Metal.h"
11 #include <GraphMol/SmilesParse/SmilesParse.h>
12 #include <GraphMol/SmilesParse/SmilesWrite.h>
13 #include <GraphMol/RDKitBase.h>
14 #include <GraphMol/Substruct/SubstructMatch.h>
16 #include <GraphMol/RDKitQueries.h>
17 #include <GraphMol/Substruct/SubstructMatch.h>
18 #include <GraphMol/Substruct/SubstructUtils.h>
20 using namespace std;
21 using namespace RDKit;
22 namespace RDKit {
23 class RWMol;
24 class ROMol;
26 namespace MolStandardize {
MetalDisconnector()28 MetalDisconnector::MetalDisconnector()
29 : metal_nof(
30 SmartsToMol("[Li,Na,K,Rb,Cs,Fr,Be,Mg,Ca,Sr,Ba,Ra,Sc,Ti,V,Cr,Mn,Fe,Co,"
31 "Ni,Cu,Zn,Al,Ga,Y,Zr,Nb,Mo,Tc,Ru,Rh,Pd,Ag,Cd,In,Sn,Hf,Ta,"
32 "W,Re,Os,Ir,Pt,Au,Hg,Tl,Pb,Bi]~[#7,#8,F]")),
33 metal_non(SmartsToMol(
34 "[Al,Sc,Ti,V,Cr,Mn,Fe,Co,Ni,Cu,Zn,Y,Zr,Nb,Mo,Tc,Ru,Rh,Pd,Ag,Cd,Hf,Ta,"
35 "W,Re,Os,Ir,Pt,Au]~[B,C,Si,P,As,Sb,S,Se,Te,Cl,Br,I,At]")) {
36 BOOST_LOG(rdInfoLog) << "Initializing MetalDisconnector\n";
37 };
MetalDisconnector(const MetalDisconnector & other)39 MetalDisconnector::MetalDisconnector(const MetalDisconnector &other) {
40 metal_nof = other.metal_nof;
41 metal_non = other.metal_non;
42 };
~MetalDisconnector()44 MetalDisconnector::~MetalDisconnector(){};
getMetalNof()46 ROMol *MetalDisconnector::getMetalNof() { return metal_nof.get(); }
getMetalNon()48 ROMol *MetalDisconnector::getMetalNon() { return metal_non.get(); }
setMetalNof(const ROMol & mol)50 void MetalDisconnector::setMetalNof(const ROMol &mol) {
51 this->metal_nof.reset(new ROMol(mol));
52 }
setMetalNon(const ROMol & mol)54 void MetalDisconnector::setMetalNon(const ROMol &mol) {
55 this->metal_non.reset(new ROMol(mol));
56 }
disconnect(const ROMol & mol)58 ROMol *MetalDisconnector::disconnect(const ROMol &mol) {
59 auto *res = new RWMol(mol);
60 MetalDisconnector::disconnect(*res);
61 return static_cast<ROMol *>(res);
62 }
disconnect(RWMol & mol)64 void MetalDisconnector::disconnect(RWMol &mol) {
65 BOOST_LOG(rdInfoLog) << "Running MetalDisconnector\n";
66 std::list<ROMOL_SPTR> metalList = {metal_nof, metal_non};
67 std::map<int, NonMetal> nonMetals;
68 std::map<int, int> metalChargeExcess;
69 for (auto &query : metalList) {
70 std::vector<MatchVectType> matches;
71 SubstructMatch(mol, *query, matches);
73 for (const auto &match : matches) {
74 int metal_idx = match[0].second;
75 metalChargeExcess[metal_idx] = 0;
76 auto metal = mol.getAtomWithIdx(metal_idx);
77 int non_idx = match[1].second;
78 auto nonMetal = mol.getAtomWithIdx(non_idx);
80 Bond *b = mol.getBondBetweenAtoms(metal_idx, non_idx);
81 int order = (b->getBondType() >= Bond::DATIVEONE &&
82 b->getBondType() <= Bond::DATIVER)
83 ? 0
84 : static_cast<int>(b->getBondTypeAsDouble());
85 // disconnecting metal-R bond
86 mol.removeBond(metal_idx, non_idx);
87 // increment the cut bond count for this non-metal atom
88 // and store the metal it was bonded to. We will need this
89 // later to adjust the metal charge
90 auto &value = nonMetals[non_idx];
91 value.cutBonds += order;
92 auto it = std::lower_bound(value.boundMetalIndices.begin(),
93 value.boundMetalIndices.end(), metal_idx);
94 if (it == value.boundMetalIndices.end() || *it != metal_idx) {
95 value.boundMetalIndices.insert(it, metal_idx);
96 }
98 BOOST_LOG(rdInfoLog) << "Removed covalent bond between "
99 << metal->getSymbol() << " and "
100 << nonMetal->getSymbol() << "\n";
101 }
102 // std::cout << "After removing bond and charge adjustment: " <<
103 // MolToSmiles(mol) << std::endl;
104 }
106 for (auto it = nonMetals.begin(); it != nonMetals.end(); ++it) {
107 auto a = mol.getAtomWithIdx(it->first);
108 // do not blindly trust the original formal charge as it is often wrong
109 // instead, find out the most appropriate formal charge based
110 // on the allowed element valences and on its current valence/lone electrons
111 // if there are no standard valences we assume the original
112 // valence was correct and the non-metal element was neutral
113 int valenceBeforeCut = a->getTotalValence();
114 int radBeforeCut = a->getNumRadicalElectrons();
115 int fcAfterCut = -it->second.cutBonds;
116 int valenceAfterCut = 0;
117 int loneElectrons = 0;
118 const auto &valens =
119 PeriodicTable::getTable()->getValenceList(a->getAtomicNum());
120 if (!valens.empty() && valens.front() != -1) {
121 for (auto v = valens.begin(); v != valens.end(); ++v) {
122 valenceAfterCut = valenceBeforeCut + radBeforeCut - it->second.cutBonds;
123 if (valenceAfterCut > *v) {
124 if (v + 1 != valens.end()) {
125 continue;
126 }
127 valenceAfterCut = *v;
128 break;
129 }
130 fcAfterCut = valenceAfterCut - *v;
131 // if there were radicals before and now we have
132 // a negative formal charge, then it's a carbene-like
133 // system (e.g., [Me]-[C]=O), or there was something silly
134 // such as [Me]-[S]=X or [Me]-[P](X)(X)X
135 if ((radBeforeCut % 2) && fcAfterCut < 0) {
136 ++fcAfterCut;
137 ++loneElectrons;
138 // no radical doublets on N and higher
139 a->setNumRadicalElectrons(a->getAtomicNum() < 7 ? radBeforeCut + 1
140 : 0);
141 }
142 break;
143 }
144 }
145 // do not put a negative charge on sp2 carbon
146 if (fcAfterCut == -1 &&
147 valenceAfterCut == static_cast<int>(a->getTotalDegree()) + 1) {
148 fcAfterCut = 0;
149 }
150 a->setFormalCharge(fcAfterCut);
151 if (!it->second.cutBonds ||
152 (fcAfterCut == -1 && a->getAtomicNum() == 6 &&
153 valenceAfterCut == static_cast<int>(a->getTotalDegree()) + 2)) {
154 // do not take electrons from the metal if it was a dative bond
155 // (e.g., [C-]#[O+] coordinated to metal)
156 fcAfterCut = 0;
157 }
158 std::sort(it->second.boundMetalIndices.begin(),
159 it->second.boundMetalIndices.end(),
160 [metalChargeExcess](int a, int b) {
161 return (metalChargeExcess.at(a) < metalChargeExcess.at(b));
162 });
163 fcAfterCut += loneElectrons;
164 while (fcAfterCut < 0) {
165 for (auto i : it->second.boundMetalIndices) {
166 // if the bond was not dative, the non-metal stole electrons
167 // from the metal(s), so we need to take electrons from
168 // once-bonded metal(s)
169 if (fcAfterCut++ >= 0) {
170 break;
171 }
172 ++metalChargeExcess[i];
173 }
174 }
175 a->updatePropertyCache();
176 }
177 // adjust formal charges of metal atoms
178 for (auto it = metalChargeExcess.begin(); it != metalChargeExcess.end();
179 ++it) {
180 auto a = mol.getAtomWithIdx(it->first);
181 auto currentFc = a->getFormalCharge();
182 const auto &valens =
183 PeriodicTable::getTable()->getValenceList(a->getAtomicNum());
184 int fcAfterCut = it->second;
185 if (currentFc > 0) {
186 // if the original formal charge on the metal was positive, we trust it
187 // and add it to the charge excess
188 fcAfterCut += currentFc;
189 }
190 if (!valens.empty() && valens.front() != -1) {
191 for (auto v = valens.begin(); v != valens.end(); ++v) {
192 if (fcAfterCut > *v) {
193 auto next = v + 1;
194 if (next != valens.end() && fcAfterCut >= *v) {
195 continue;
196 }
197 fcAfterCut = *v;
198 break;
199 }
200 }
201 }
202 if (fcAfterCut > currentFc) {
203 a->setFormalCharge(fcAfterCut);
204 }
205 // make sure that radical electrons on metals are 0
206 // and are not added to metals by sanitization
207 // by setting NoImplicit to false
208 a->setNumRadicalElectrons(0);
209 a->setNumExplicitHs(0);
210 a->setNoImplicit(false);
211 a->updatePropertyCache();
212 }
213 }
215 } // namespace MolStandardize
216 } // namespace RDKit