2c Demonstration program for the DLSODIS package.
3c This is the version of 14 June 2001.
5c This version is in double precision.
7c This program solves a semi-discretized form of the Burgers equation,
9c     u  = -(u*u/2)  + eta * u
10c      t           x          xx
12c for  -1 .le. x .le. 1, t .ge. 0.
13c Here eta = 0.05.
14c Boundary conditions: u(-1,t) = u(1,t) and du/dx(-1,t) = du/dx(1,t).
15c Initial profile: square wave
16c     u(0,x) = 0    for 1/2 .lt. abs(x) .le. 1
17c     u(0,x) = 1/2  for abs(x) = 1/2
18c     u(0,x) = 1    for 0 .le. abs(x) .lt. 1/2
20c An ODE system is generated by a simplified Galerkin treatment
21c of the spatial variable x.
23c Reference:
24c R. C. Y. Chin, G. W. Hedstrom, and K. E. Karlsson,
25c A Simplified Galerkin Method for Hyperbolic Equations,
26c Math. Comp., vol. 33, no. 146 (April 1979), pp. 647-658.
28c The problem is run with the DLSODIS package with a 12-node mesh,
29c for various appropriate values of the method flag mf.
30c Output is on unit lout, set to 6 in a data statement below.
32c Problem specific data:
33c npts  = number of unknowns (npts = 0 mod 4)
34c nnz   = number of non-zeros in Jacobian before fill in
35c nnza  = number of non-zeros in Jacobian after fill in
36c lrwk  = length of real work array (taking into account fill in)
37c liwk  = length of integer work array
38c ipia  = pointer to ia in iw (ia(j) = iw(ipia+j-1)
39c ipja  = pointer to ja in iw (ja(j) = iw(ipja+j-1)
40c ipic  = pointer to ic in iw array (ic(j) = iw(ipic+j-1))
41c ipjc  = pointer to jc in iw array (jc(j) = iw(ipjc+j-1))
43      parameter (npts = 12, nnz = 3*npts, nnza = 5*npts)
44      parameter (lrwk = 20+3*nnza+28*npts)
45      parameter (liwk = 32+2*nnza+2*npts)
46      parameter (ipia = 31, ipja = 31+npts+1)
47      parameter (ll = 32+npts+nnz, ipic = ll,ipjc = ll+npts+1)
49      external res, addasp, jacsp
50      integer i, io, istate, itol, iw, j, lout, lrw, liw, lyh,
51     1   meth, miter, mf, moss, n, nout, nerr, n14, n34
52      double precision eta, delta, r4d, eodsq, a, b, t, tout, tlast,
53     1    tinit, errfac
54      double precision atol, rtol, rw, y, ydoti, elkup
55      double precision zero, fourth, half, one, hun
56      dimension y(npts), ydoti(npts), tout(4), atol(2), rtol(2)
57      dimension rw(lrwk), iw(liwk)
58c Pass problem parameters in the Common block test1.
59      common /test1/ r4d, eodsq
61c Set problem parameters and run parameters
62      data eta/0.05d0/, a/-1.0d0/, b/1.0d0/
63      data zero/0.0d0/, fourth/0.25d0/, half/0.5d0/, one/1.0d0/,
64     1   hun/100.0d0/
65      data tinit/0.0d0/, tlast/0.4d0/
66      data tout/0.10d0, 0.20d0, 0.30d0, 0.40d0/
67      data lout/6/, nout/4/
68      data itol/1/, rtol/1.0d-3, 1.0d-6/, atol/1.0d-3, 1.0d-6/
70      nerr = 0
71      lrw = lrwk
72      liw = liwk
74c Compute the mesh width delta and other parameters.
75      delta = (b - a)/npts
76      r4d = fourth/delta
77      eodsq = eta/delta**2
78      n14 = npts/4 + 1
79      n34 = 3 * (npts/4) + 1
80      n = npts
82c Set the initial profile (for output purposes only).
83      do 10 i = 1,n
84   10   y(i) = zero
85      y(n14) = half
86      do 20 i = n14+1,n34-1
87   20   y(i) = one
88      y(n34) = half
90      write(lout,1000)
91      write(lout,1100) eta,a,b,tinit,tlast,n
92      write(lout,1200) (y(i), i=1,n)
94c Set the initial sparse data structures for coefficient matrix A
95c and the Jacobian matrix C
96      call struct(iw(ipia), iw(ipja), iw(ipic), iw(ipjc), n)
98c The j loop is over error tolerances.
99      do 200 j = 1,2
101c This method flag loop is for demonstration only.
102      do 200 moss = 0,4
103        do 100 meth = 1,2
104          do 100 miter = 1,2
105   35       mf = 100*moss + 10*meth + miter
107c Set the initial profile.
108            do 40 i = 1,n
109   40         y(i) = zero
110            y(n14) = half
111            do 50 i = n14+1,n34-1
112   50         y(i) = one
113            y(n34) = half
115            t = tinit
116            istate = 0
118            write(lout,1500) itol, rtol(j), atol(j), mf
120c output loop for each case
121            do 80 io = 1,nout
123c Call DLSODIS and print results.
124              call dlsodis (res, addasp, jacsp, n, y, ydoti, t,
125     1             tout(io), itol, rtol(j), atol(j), 1, istate, 0,
126     2             rw, lrw, iw, liw, mf)
127              write(lout,2000) t, rw(11), iw(14), (y(i), i=1,n)
129c If istate is not 2 on return, print message and go to next case.
130              if (istate .ne. 2) then
131                write(lout,4000) mf, t, istate
132                nerr = nerr + 1
133                go to 100
134                endif
135   80       continue
136            write(lout,3000) mf, iw(11), iw(12), iw(13),
137     1                       iw(17), iw(18), iw(20), iw(21)
139c Estimate final error and print result.
140            lyh = iw(22)
141            errfac = elkup(n, y, rw(lyh), itol, rtol(j), atol(j), lout)
142            if (errfac .lt. hun) then
143              write(lout,5000) errfac
144            else
145              write(lout,5001) errfac
146              nerr = nerr + 1
147              endif
148  100     continue
149  200   continue
151      write(lout,6000) nerr
152      stop
154 1000 format(20x,' Demonstration Program for DLSODIS' )
155 1100 format(//10x,'-- Simplified Galerkin solution of ',
156     1       'Burgers equation --'///
157     1       13x,'Diffusion coefficient is eta =',d10.2/
158     1       13x,'Uniform mesh on interval',d12.3,' to ',d12.3/
159     2       13x,'Periodic boundary conditions'/
160     2       13x,'Initial data are as follows:'//20x,'t0 = ',d12.5/
161     2       20x,'tlast = ',d12.5/20x,'n  = ',i3//)
163 1200 format(/'Initial profile:',/20(6d12.4/))
165 1500 format(///85('*')///'Run with itol =',i2,'  rtol =',d12.2,
166     1       '  atol =',d12.2,'   mf = ',i3//)
168 2000 format(' Output for time t =',d12.5,'  current h =',d12.5,
169     1       '  current order =',i2/20(6d12.4/))
171 3000 format(/'Final statistics for mf = ',i3,': ',
172     1       i5,' steps,',i6,' res,',i6,' Jacobians,'/
173     2       20x,' rw size =',i6,',    iw size =',i6/
174     3       20x,i4,' extra res for each jac,',i4,' decomps')
176 4000 format(/'Final time reached for mf = ',i3,
177     1       ' was t = ',d12.5/25x,'at which istate = ',i2//)
178 5000 format('Final output is correct to within ',d9.2,
179     1       '  times local error tolerance.'/)
180 5001 format('Final output is wrong by ',d9.2,
181     1       '  times local error tolerance.'/)
182 6000 format(///85('*')//
183     1       'Run completed: number of errors encountered =',i3)
185c end of main program for the DLSODIS demonstration program
186      end
188      subroutine struct(ia, ja, ic, jc, n)
189c This subroutine computes the initial sparse data structure of
190c the mass (ia,ja) and Jacobian (ic,jc) matrices.
192      integer ia(*), ja(*), ic(*), jc(*), n,  jj, k, l, m
194      write(6,1200)
195      k = 0
196      do 33 l = 1,n
197         ia(l) = (l-1)*3+1
198         ic(l) = (l-1)*3+1
199         do 32 m = l,l+2
200            k = k + 1
201            ja(k) = m - 1
202            jc(k) = m - 1
203   32    continue
204   33 continue
205      ia(n+1) = 3*n + 1
206      ic(n+1) = 3*n+1
207      ja(1) = n
208      jc(1) = n
209      ja(k) = 1
210      jc(k) = 1
212      write(6,1300) (ia(jj),jj=1,n+1)
213      write(6,1350) (ja(jj),jj=1,k)
214      write(6,1400) (ic(jj),jj=1,n+1)
215      write(6,1450) (jc(jj),jj=1,k)
216      return
2171200  format('Initial sparse data structures'/)
2181300  format(' ia  ',15i4/10(5x,15i4/))
2191350  format(' ja  ',15i4/10(5x,15i4/))
2201400  format(' ic  ',15i4/10(5x,15i4/))
2211450  format(' jc  ',15i4/10(5x,15i4/))
222      end
224      subroutine res (n, t, y, v, r, ires)
225c This subroutine computes the residual vector
226c   r = g(t,y) - A(t,y)*v .
227c If ires = -1, only g(t,y) is returned in r, since A(t,y) does
228c not depend on y.
229c No changes need to be made to this routine if n is changed.
231      integer n, ires,  i
232      double precision t, y(n), v(n), r(n), r4d, eodsq, one, four, six,
233     1   fact1, fact4
234      common /test1/ r4d, eodsq
235      data one /1.0d0/, four /4.0d0/, six /6.0d0/
237      call gfun (n, t, y, r)
238      if (ires .eq. -1) return
240      fact1 = one/six
241      fact4 = four/six
243      r(1) = r(1) - (fact4*v(1) + fact1*(v(2) + v(n)))
244      do 10 i = 2,n-1
245         r(i) = r(i) - (fact4*v(i) + fact1*(v(i-1) + v(i+1)))
246   10 continue
247      r(n) = r(n) - (fact4*v(n) + fact1*(v(1) + v(n-1)))
248      return
249c end of subroutine res for the DLSODIS demonstration program
250      end
252      subroutine gfun (n, t, y, g)
253c This subroutine computes the right-hand side function g(y,t).
254c It uses r4d = 1/(4*delta) and eodsq = eta/delta**2
255c from the Common block test1.
257      integer n, i
258      double precision t, y(n), g(n), r4d, eodsq, two
259      common /test1/ r4d, eodsq
260      data two/2.0d0/
262      g(1) = r4d*(y(n)**2 - y(2)**2) + eodsq*(y(2) - two*y(1) + y(n))
264      do 20 i = 2,n-1
265        g(i) = r4d*(y(i-1)**2 - y(i+1)**2)
266     1        + eodsq*(y(i+1) - two*y(i) + y(i-1))
267   20   continue
269      g(n) = r4d*(y(n-1)**2 - y(1)**2) + eodsq*(y(1)-two*y(n)+y(n-1))
271      return
272c end of subroutine gfun for the DLSODIS demonstration program
273      end
275      subroutine addasp (n, t, y, j, ip, jp, pa)
276c This subroutine computes the sparse matrix A by columns, adds it to
277c pa, and returns the sum in pa.
278c The matrix A is periodic tridiagonal, of order n, with nonzero elements
279c (reading across) of  1/6, 4/6, 1/6, with 1/6 in the lower left and
280c upper right corners.
282      integer n, j, ip(*), jp(*),  jm1, jp1
283      double precision t, y(n), pa(n), fact1, fact4, one, four, six
284      data one/1.0d0/, four/4.0d0/, six/6.0d0/
286c Compute the elements of A.
287      fact1 = one/six
288      fact4 = four/six
289      jm1 = j - 1
290      jp1 = j + 1
291      if (j .eq. n) jp1 = 1
292      if (j .eq. 1) jm1 = n
294c Add the matrix A to the matrix pa (sparse).
295      pa(j) = pa(j) + fact4
296      pa(jp1) = pa(jp1) + fact1
297      pa(jm1) = pa(jm1) + fact1
298      return
299c end of subroutine addasp for the DLSODIS demonstration program
300      end
302      subroutine jacsp (n, t, y, s, j, ip, jp, pdj)
303c This subroutine computes the Jacobian dg/dy = d(g-A*s)/dy by
304c columns in sparse matrix format.  Only nonzeros are loaded.
305c It uses r4d = 1/(4*delta) and eodsq = eta/delta**2 from the Common
306c block test1.
308      integer n, j, ip(*), jp(*),  jm1, jp1
309      double precision t, y(n), s(n), pdj(n), r4d, eodsq, two, diag, r2d
310      common /test1/ r4d, eodsq
311      data two/2.0d0/
313      diag = -two*eodsq
314      r2d = two*r4d
315      jm1 = j - 1
316      jp1 = j + 1
317      if (j .eq. 1) jm1 = n
318      if (j .eq. n) jp1 = 1
320      pdj(jm1) = -r2d*y(j) + eodsq
321      pdj(j) = diag
322      pdj(jp1) = r2d*y(j) + eodsq
323      return
324c end of subroutine jacsp for the DLSODIS demonstration program
325      end
327      double precision function elkup (n, y, ewt, itol, rtol,atol, lout)
328c This routine looks up approximately correct values of y at t = 0.4,
329c ytrue = y12 or y120 depending on whether n = 12 or 120.
330c These were obtained by running with very tight tolerances.
331c The returned value is
332c   elkup = norm of [ (y - ytrue) / (rtol*abs(ytrue) + atol) ].
334      integer n, itol, lout, i
335      double precision y(n), ewt(n), rtol, atol, y12(12), y120(120),
336     1    y120a(16), y120b(16), y120c(16), y120d(16), y120e(16),
337     2    y120f(16), y120g(16), y120h(8), dvnorm
338      equivalence (y120a(1),y120(1)), (y120b(1),y120(17)),
339     1      (y120c(1),y120(33)), (y120d(1),y120(49)),
340     1      (y120e(1),y120(65)),
341     1      (y120f(1),y120(81)), (y120g(1),y120(97)),
342     1      (y120h(1),y120(113))
343      data y12/
344     1 1.60581860d-02, 3.23063251d-02, 1.21903380d-01, 2.70943828d-01,
345     1 4.60951522d-01, 6.57571216d-01, 8.25154453d-01, 9.35644796d-01,
346     1 9.90167557d-01, 9.22421221d-01, 5.85764902d-01, 1.81112615d-01/
347      data y120a /
348     1 1.89009068d-02, 1.63261891d-02, 1.47080563d-02, 1.39263623d-02,
349     1 1.38901341d-02, 1.45336989d-02, 1.58129308d-02, 1.77017162d-02,
350     1 2.01886844d-02, 2.32742221d-02, 2.69677715d-02, 3.12854037d-02,
351     1 3.62476563d-02, 4.18776225d-02, 4.81992825d-02, 5.52360652d-02/
352      data y120b /
353     1 6.30096338d-02, 7.15388849d-02, 8.08391507d-02, 9.09215944d-02,
354     1 1.01792784d-01, 1.13454431d-01, 1.25903273d-01, 1.39131085d-01,
355     1 1.53124799d-01, 1.67866712d-01, 1.83334757d-01, 1.99502830d-01,
356     1 2.16341144d-01, 2.33816600d-01, 2.51893167d-01, 2.70532241d-01/
357      data y120c /
358     1 2.89693007d-01, 3.09332757d-01, 3.29407198d-01, 3.49870723d-01,
359     1 3.70676646d-01, 3.91777421d-01, 4.13124817d-01, 4.34670077d-01,
360     1 4.56364053d-01, 4.78157319d-01, 5.00000270d-01, 5.21843218d-01,
361     1 5.43636473d-01, 5.65330432d-01, 5.86875670d-01, 6.08223037d-01/
362      data y120d /
363     1 6.29323777d-01, 6.50129662d-01, 6.70593142d-01, 6.90667536d-01,
364     1 7.10307235d-01, 7.29467947d-01, 7.48106966d-01, 7.66183477d-01,
365     1 7.83658878d-01, 8.00497138d-01, 8.16665158d-01, 8.32133153d-01,
366     1 8.46875019d-01, 8.60868691d-01, 8.74096465d-01, 8.86545273d-01/
367      data y120e /
368     1 8.98206892d-01, 9.09078060d-01, 9.19160487d-01, 9.28460742d-01,
369     1 9.36989986d-01, 9.44763554d-01, 9.51800339d-01, 9.58122004d-01,
370     1 9.63751979d-01, 9.68714242d-01, 9.73031887d-01, 9.76725449d-01,
371     1 9.79811001d-01, 9.82297985d-01, 9.84186787d-01, 9.85466039d-01/
372      data y120f /
373     1 9.86109629d-01, 9.86073433d-01, 9.85291781d-01, 9.83673704d-01,
374     1 9.81099057d-01, 9.77414704d-01, 9.72431015d-01, 9.65919133d-01,
375     1 9.57609585d-01, 9.47193093d-01, 9.34324619d-01, 9.18631922d-01,
376     1 8.99729965d-01, 8.77242371d-01, 8.50830623d-01, 8.20230644d-01/
377      data y120g /
378     1 7.85294781d-01, 7.46035145d-01, 7.02662039d-01, 6.55609682d-01,
379     1 6.05541326d-01, 5.53327950d-01, 4.99999118d-01, 4.46670394d-01,
380     1 3.94457322d-01, 3.44389410d-01, 2.97337561d-01, 2.53964948d-01,
381     1 2.14705729d-01, 1.79770169d-01, 1.49170367d-01, 1.22758681d-01/
382      data y120h /
383     1 1.00271052d-01, 8.13689920d-02, 6.56761515d-02, 5.28075160d-02,
384     1 4.23908624d-02, 3.40811650d-02, 2.75691506d-02, 2.25853507d-02/
386      if ((n-12)*(n-120) .ne. 0) go to 300
387      if (n .eq. 120) go to 100
389c Compute local error tolerance using correct y (n = 12).
390      call dewset(n, itol, rtol, atol, y12, ewt)
392c Invert ewt and replace y by the error, y - ytrue.
393      do 20  i = 1, 12
394        ewt(i) = 1.0d0/ewt(i)
395 20     y(i) = y(i) - y12(i)
396      go to 200
398c Compute local error tolerance using correct y (n = 120).
399 100  call dewset( n, itol, rtol, atol, y120, ewt )
401c Invert ewt and replace y by the error, y - ytrue.
402      do 120  i = 1, 120
403        ewt(i) = 1.0d0/ewt(i)
404 120    y(i) = y(i) - y120(i)
406c Find weighted norm of the error.
407 200  elkup = dvnorm (n, y, ewt)
408      return
410c error return
411 300  write(lout,400) n
412      elkup = 1.0d3
413 400  format(/5x,'Illegal use of elkup for n =',i4)
414      return
415c end of function elkup for the DLSODIS demonstration program
416      end