1 /* Siconos is a program dedicated to modeling, simulation and control
2  * of non smooth dynamical systems.
3  *
4  * Copyright 2021 INRIA.
5  *
6  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
9  *
10  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11  *
12  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16  * limitations under the License.
17 */
19 #ifndef NumericsMatrix_H
20 #define NumericsMatrix_H
22 /*!\file NumericsMatrix.h
23   \brief Structure definition and functions related to matrix storage in Numerics
24 */
26 #include <assert.h>         // for assert
27 #include <stdio.h>          // for size_t, FILE, NULL
28 #include <stdlib.h>         // for malloc
29 #include "CSparseMatrix.h"  // for CS_INT, CSparseMatrix
30 #include "NumericsFwd.h"    // for NumericsMatrix, NumericsSparseMatrix, Spa...
31 #include "NumericsDataVersion.h" // Versioning
32 #include "NumericsSparseMatrix.h" // for NSM_linear_solver typedef
33 #include "SiconosConfig.h" // for BUILD_AS_CPP, SICONOS_HAS_MP // IWYU pragma: keep
34 #include "NM_MPI.h"
35 #ifndef __cplusplus
36 #include <stdbool.h>        // for bool
37 #endif
39 #ifdef WITH_OPENSSL
40 #include <openssl/sha.h>
41 #endif
43 /** \struct NumericsMatrixInternalData NumericsMatrix.h
44  * Structure for simple workspaces
45  */
46 typedef struct
47 {
48   size_t iWorkSize; /**< size of iWork */
49   void *iWork; /**< integer workspace */
50   size_t sizeof_elt ; /**< sizeof_elt of an element in bytes (result of sizeof for instance)*/
51   size_t dWorkSize; /**< size of dWork */
52   double *dWork; /**< double workspace */
53   bool isLUfactorized; /**<  true if the matrix has already been LU-factorized */
54   bool isCholeskyfactorized; /**<  true if the matrix has already been Cholesky factorized */
55   bool isLDLTfactorized; /**<  true if the matrix has already been LDLT factorized */
56   bool isInversed; /**<  true if the matrix contains its inverse (in place inversion) */
58   MPI_Comm mpi_comm; /**< optional mpi communicator */
59 #endif
60 #ifdef WITH_OPENSSL
61   unsigned int values_sha1_count; /**< counter for sha1 */
62   unsigned char values_sha1[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH]; /**< sha1 hash of
63                                                  * values. Matrices of
64                                                  * differents sizes may have
65                                                  * the same hash */
66 #endif
67 } NumericsMatrixInternalData;
69 /*! Available types of storage for NumericsMatrix */
70 typedef enum NumericsMatrix_types {
71   NM_DENSE,        /**< dense format */
72   NM_SPARSE_BLOCK, /**< sparse block format */
73   NM_SPARSE,          /**< compressed column format */
74   NM_UNKNOWN, /** unset. Used in NM_null */
75 } NM_types;
77 /** \struct NumericsMatrix NumericsMatrix.h
78     Interface to different type of matrices in numerics component.
80     See NM_* functions for linear algebra operations on dense, sparse block and sparse storage.
81 */
82 struct NumericsMatrix
83 {
84   NM_types storageType; /**< the type of storage:
85                       0: dense (double*),
86                       1: SparseBlockStructuredMatrix,
87                       2: classical sparse (csc, csr or triplet) via CSparse (from T. Davis)*/
88   int size0; /**< number of rows */
89   int size1; /**< number of columns */
90   double* matrix0; /**< dense storage */
91   SparseBlockStructuredMatrix* matrix1; /**< sparse block storage */
92   NumericsSparseMatrix* matrix2; /**< csc, csr or triplet storage */
94   NumericsMatrixInternalData* internalData; /**< internal storage, used for workspace among other things */
96   NumericsDataVersion version; /*< version of dense storage */
98   NumericsMatrix* destructible; /**< pointer on the destructible
99                                  * matrix, by default points toward
100                                  * the matrix itself */
101 };
103 typedef struct
104 {
105   int size0;
106   int size1;
107   NumericsMatrix* D1;
108   NumericsMatrix* D2;
109   NumericsMatrix* A;
110 } BalancingMatrices;
112 /*! RawNumericsMatrix is used without conversion in python */
113 typedef NumericsMatrix RawNumericsMatrix;
116 typedef enum {
117   NM_NONE,          /**< keep nothing */
118   NM_KEEP_FACTORS,  /**< keep all the factorization data (useful to reuse the factorization) */
119   NM_PRESERVE       /**< keep the matrix as-is (useful for the dense case) */
120 } NM_gesv_opts;
122 #if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(BUILD_AS_CPP)
123 extern "C"
124 {
125 #endif
126   /**************************************************/
127   /** Constructors and destructors   ****************/
128   /**************************************************/
130   /** Creation of an empty NumericsMatrix.
131    * \return a pointer to allocated space
132    */
133   RawNumericsMatrix* NM_new(void);
134   RawNumericsMatrix* NM_eye(int size);
136   /** create a NumericsMatrix and allocate the memory according to the matrix type
137    * \param storageType the type of storage
138    * \param size0 number of rows
139    * \param size1 number of columns
140    * \return a pointer to a NumericsMatrix
141    */
142   RawNumericsMatrix* NM_create(NM_types storageType, int size0, int size1);
144   /** create a NumericsMatrix and possibly set the data
145    * \param storageType the type of storage
146    * \param size0 number of rows
147    * \param size1 number of columns
148    * \param data pointer to the matrix data. If NULL, all matrixX fields are
149    * set to NULL
150    * \return a pointer to a NumericsMatrix
151    */
152   RawNumericsMatrix* NM_create_from_data(int storageType, int size0, int size1, void* data);
153   RawNumericsMatrix* NM_create_from_filename(const char *filename);
154   RawNumericsMatrix* NM_create_from_file(FILE *file);
157   /** Copy a NumericsMatrix inside another NumericsMatrix (deep).
158    *  Reallocations are performed if B cannot hold a copy of A
159    * \param[in] A a NumericsMatrix
160    * \param[in,out] B a NumericsMatrix
161    */
162   void NM_copy(const NumericsMatrix* const A, NumericsMatrix* B);
164   /** Copy a NumericsMatrix to s sparse one.
165    *  Allocation or reallocation are performed on B
166    *  \warning It is assumed that B has been properly initialized: its storageType must
167    *  be set to NM_SPARSE.
168    * \param[in] A a NumericsMatrix
169    * \param[in,out] B a NumericsMatrix
170    * \param threshold if the original matrix is dense, a threshold can be applied
171    * on the absolute value of the entries
172    */
173   void NM_copy_to_sparse(const NumericsMatrix* const A, NumericsMatrix* B, double threshold);
175   /** create a NumericsMatrix similar to the another one. The structure is the same
176    * \param mat the model matrix
177    * \return a pointer to a NumericsMatrix
178    */
179   RawNumericsMatrix* NM_duplicate(NumericsMatrix* mat);
182   /** Creation, if needed, of sparse matrix storage.
183    * \param[in,out] A a NumericsMatrix
184    * \return a pointer on the sparse matrix storage
185    */
186   NumericsSparseMatrix* numericsSparseMatrix(NumericsMatrix* A);
188   /** Creation, if needed, of triplet storage from sparse block storage.
189    * \param[in,out] A a NumericsMatrix initialized with sparsed block storage.
190    * \return the triplet sparse Matrix created in A.
191    */
192   CSparseMatrix* NM_triplet(NumericsMatrix* A);
194    /** Creation, if needed, of half triplet storage from sparse block storage.
195    * \param[in,out] A a NumericsMatrix initialized with sparsed block storage.
196    * \return the triplet sparse Matrix created in A.
197    */
198   CSparseMatrix* NM_half_triplet(NumericsMatrix* A);
200   /** Creation, if needed, of compress column storage of a NumericsMatrix.
201    * \param[in,out] A a NumericsMatrix with sparse block storage initialized
202    * \return the compressed column CSparseMatrix created in A.
203    */
204   CSparseMatrix* NM_csc(NumericsMatrix *A);
206   /** Creation, if needed, of the transposed compress column storage
207    * from compress column storage.
208    * \param[in,out] A a NumericsMatrix with sparse block storage.
209    * \return the transposed compressed column matrix created in A.
210    */
211   CSparseMatrix* NM_csc_trans(NumericsMatrix* A);
213   /** Creation, if needed, of compress row storage of a NumericsMatrix
214    * \warning This rely on the MKL
215    * \param[in,out] A a NumericsMatrix with sparse block storage initialized
216    * \return the compressed row CSparseMatrix created in A.
217    */
218   CSparseMatrix* NM_csr(NumericsMatrix *A);
220   /** fill an existing NumericsMatrix struct
221    * \param[in,out] M the struct to fill
222    * \param storageType the type of storage
223    * \param size0 number of rows
224    * \param size1 number of columns
225    * \param data pointer to the matrix data. If NULL, all matrixX fields are
226    * set to NULL
227    */
228   void NM_fill(NumericsMatrix* M, NM_types storageType, int size0, int size1, void* data);
230   /** new NumericsMatrix with sparse storage from minimal set of data
231    * \param[in] size0 number of rows
232    * \param[in] size1 number of columns
233    * \param[in] m1 the SparseBlockStructuredMatrix
234    * \return  a pointer to a NumericsMatrix
235    */
236   RawNumericsMatrix* NM_new_SBM(int size0, int size1, SparseBlockStructuredMatrix* m1);
238   /** new NumericsMatrix equal to the transpose of a given matrix
239    * \param[in] A
240    * \return  a pointer to a NumericsMatrix
241    */
242   RawNumericsMatrix* NM_transpose(NumericsMatrix * A);
244  /** set NumericsMatrix fields to NULL
245    * \param A a matrix
246    */
247   void NM_null(NumericsMatrix* A);
249   /** Check if a matrix is destructible.
250    * \param[in] A the NumericsMatrix
251    * \return true if the matrix is destructible */
252   bool NM_destructible(const NumericsMatrix* A);
254   /** Preservation of a matrix before in-place transformations such as
255    * factorizations.
256    * \param[in] A the NumericsMatrix
257    * \return a pointer on the preserved Matrix;
258    */
259   RawNumericsMatrix* NM_preserve(NumericsMatrix* A);
261   /** Set the matrix as destructible, clear the preserved data.
262    * \param[in] A the NumericsMatrix
263    * \return a pointer on the Matrix;
264    */
265   RawNumericsMatrix* NM_unpreserve(NumericsMatrix* A);
267   /** Check for a previous LU factorization.
268    * \param[in] A the NumericsMatrix
269    * \return true if the matrix has been LU factorized.
270    */
271   bool NM_LU_factorized(const NumericsMatrix* const A);
273   /** Check for a previous Cholesky factorization.
274    * \param[in] A the NumericsMatrix
275    * \return true if the matrix has been Cholesky factorized.
276    */
277   bool NM_Cholesky_factorized(const NumericsMatrix* const A);
279   /** Check for a previous LDLT factorization.
280    * \param[in] A the NumericsMatrix
281    * \return true if the matrix has been Cholesky factorized.
282    */
283   bool NM_LDLT_factorized(const NumericsMatrix* const A);
285   /** Set the factorization flag.
286    * \param[in] A the NumericsMatrix,
287    * \param[in] flag a boolean.
288    */
289   void NM_set_LU_factorized(NumericsMatrix* A, bool flag);
290   void NM_set_Cholesky_factorized(NumericsMatrix* A, bool flag);
291   void NM_set_LDLT_factorized(NumericsMatrix* A, bool flag);
293   /** update the size of the matrix based on the matrix data
294    * \param[in,out] A the matrix which size is updated*/
295   void NM_update_size(NumericsMatrix* A);
297   /** Allocate a csc matrix in A
298    * \param A the matrix
299    * \param nzmax number of non-zero elements
300    */
301   void NM_csc_alloc(NumericsMatrix* A, CS_INT nzmax);
303   /** Allocate a csc matrix in A and set the vector of
304    * column pointers to 0 such that the matrix is empty.
305    * \param A the matrix
306    * \param nzmax number of non-zero elements
307    */
308   void NM_csc_empty_alloc(NumericsMatrix* A, CS_INT nzmax);
310   /** Allocate a triplet matrix in A
311    * \param A the matrix
312    * \param nzmax maximum number of non-zero elements
313    */
314   void NM_triplet_alloc(NumericsMatrix* A, CS_INT nzmax);
317   /** Free memory for a NumericsMatrix. Warning: call this function only if you are sure that
318       memory has been allocated for the structure in Numerics. This function is assumed that the memory is "owned" by this structure.
319       Note that this function does not free m.
320       \param m the matrix to be deleted.
321    */
323   void NM_clear(NumericsMatrix* m);
325   NumericsMatrix *  NM_free(NumericsMatrix* m);
327   /** Free memory for a NumericsMatrix except the dense matrix that is assumed not to be owned.
328       \param m the matrix to be cleared.
329    */
330   void NM_clear_not_dense(NumericsMatrix* m);
331   NumericsMatrix *  NM_free_not_dense(NumericsMatrix* m);
332   /** Free memory for a NumericsMatrix except the SBM matrix that is assumed not to be owned.
333       Note that this function does not free m.
334       \param m the matrix to be cleared.
335    */
336   void NM_clear_not_SBM(NumericsMatrix* m);
337   NumericsMatrix * NM_free_not_SBM(NumericsMatrix* m);
343   /** Free memory for a NumericsMatrix except for a given storage. Warning: call this function only if you are sure that
344       memory has been allocated for the structure in Numerics. This function is assumed that the memory is "owned" by this structure.
345       Note that this function does not free m.
346       \param m the matrix to be deleted.
347       \param storageType to be kept.
348    */
349   void NM_clear_other_storages(NumericsMatrix* M, NM_types storageType);
351   /**************************************************/
352   /** setters and getters               *************/
353   /**************************************************/
355   /** insert an non zero entry into a NumericsMatrix.
356    * for storageType = NM_SPARSE, a conversion to triplet is done for performing the entry in the
357    * matrix. This method is expensive in terms of memory management. For a lot of entries, use
358    * preferably a triplet matrix.
359    * \param M the NumericsMatrix
360    * \param i row index
361    * \param j column index
362    * \param val the value to be inserted.
363    * \param threshold a threshold to filter the small value in magnitude (useful for dense to sparse conversion)
364    */
365   void NM_zentry(NumericsMatrix* M, int i, int j, double val, double threshold);
367   /** insert an entry into a NumericsMatrix.
368    * for storageType = NM_SPARSE, a conversion to triplet is done for performing the entry in the
369    * matrix. This method is expensive in terms of memory management. For a lot of entries, use
370    * preferably a triplet matrix.
371    * \param M the NumericsMatrix
372    * \param i row index
373    * \param j column index
374    * \param val the value to be inserted.
375    */
376   void NM_entry(NumericsMatrix* M, int i, int j, double val);
378   /** get the value of a NumericsMatrix.
379    * \param M the NumericsMatrix
380    * \param i row index
381    * \param j column index
382    * \return  the value to be inserted.
383    */
384   double NM_get_value(const NumericsMatrix* const M, int i, int j);
386   /** compare to NumericsMatrix up to machine accuracy (DBL_EPSILON)
387    * \param A the NumericsMatrix
388    * \param B the NumericsMatrix
389    */
390   bool NM_equal(NumericsMatrix* A, NumericsMatrix* B);
392   /** compare to NumericsMatrix up to a given tolerance
393    * \param A the NumericsMatrix
394    * \param B the NumericsMatrix
395    * \param tol the tolerance
396    */
397   bool NM_compare(NumericsMatrix* A, NumericsMatrix* B, double tol);
399   /** return the number of non-zero element. For a dense matrix, it is the
400    * product of the dimensions (e.g. an upper bound). For a sparse matrix, it is the true number
401    * \param M the matrix
402    * \return the number (or an upper bound) of non-zero elements in the matrix
403    */
404   size_t NM_nnz(const NumericsMatrix* M);
406   /** get the (square) diagonal block of a NumericsMatrix. No allocation is done.
407    * \param[in] M a NumericsMatrix
408    * \param[in] block_row_nb the number of the block Row. Useful only in sparse case
409    * \param[in] start_row the starting row. Useful only in dense case.
410    * \param[in] size of the diag block. Only useful in dense case.
411    * \param[out] Block the target. In the dense and sparse case (*Block) must be allocated by caller.
412    *   In case of SBM case **Bout contains the resulting block (from the SBM).
413    */
414   void NM_extract_diag_block(NumericsMatrix* M, int block_row_nb, size_t start_row,
415                              int size, double **Block);
417   /** get a 3x3 diagonal block of a NumericsMatrix. No allocation is done.
418    * \param[in] M a NumericsMatrix
419    * \param[in] block_row_nb the number of the block row
420    * \param[out] Block the target. In the dense and sparse case (*Block) must be allocated by caller.
421    *   In case of SBM case **Bout contains the resulting block (from the SBM).
422    */
424   void NM_extract_diag_block3(NumericsMatrix* M, int block_row_nb, double **Block);
426   /** get a 5x5 diagonal block of a NumericsMatrix. No allocation is done.
427    * \param[in] M a NumericsMatrix
428    * \param[in] block_row_nb the number of the block row
429    * \param[out] Block the target. In the dense and sparse case (*Block) must be allocated by caller.
430    *   In case of SBM case **Bout contains the resulting block (from the SBM).
431    */
432   void NM_extract_diag_block5(NumericsMatrix* M, int block_row_nb, double **Block);
434   /** get a 3x3 diagonal block of a NumericsMatrix. No allocation is done.
435    * \param[in] M a NumericsMatrix
436    * \param[in] block_row_nb the number of the block row
437    * \param[out] Block the target.
438    * In all cases (dense, sbm, and sparse) (*Block) must be allocated by caller.
439    *  A copy is always performed
440    */
441   void NM_copy_diag_block3(NumericsMatrix* M, int block_row_nb, double **Block);
444   /** Set the submatrix B into the matrix A on the position defined in
445    *  (start_i, start_j) position.
446    * \param[in] A a pointer to NumerixMatrix
447    * \param[in] B a pointer toNumericsMatrix
448    * \param[in] start_i a start row index
449    * \param[in] start_j a start column index
450    */
451   void NM_insert(NumericsMatrix* A, const NumericsMatrix* const B,
452                  const unsigned int start_i, const unsigned int start_j);
454   /**************************************************/
455   /** Matrix - vector product           *************/
456   /**************************************************/
458   /** Matrix - vector product y = A*x + y
459       \param[in] sizeX dim of the vector x
460       \param[in] sizeY dim of the vector y
461       \param[in] A the matrix to be multiplied
462       \param[in] x the vector to be multiplied
463       \param[in,out] y the resulting vector
464   */
465   void NM_prod_mv_3x3(int sizeX, int sizeY,  NumericsMatrix* A,
466                              double* const x, double* y);
468   /** Row of a Matrix - vector product y = rowA*x or y += rowA*x, rowA being a submatrix of A (sizeY rows and sizeX columns)
469       \param[in] sizeX dim of the vector x
470       \param[in] sizeY dim of the vector y
471       \param[in] currentRowNumber position of the first row of rowA in A (warning: real row if A is a double*, block-row if A is a SparseBlockStructuredMatrix)
472       \param[in] A the matrix to be multiplied
473       \param[in] x the vector to be multiplied
474       \param[in,out] y the resulting vector
475       \param[in] init = 0 for y += Ax, =1 for y = Ax
476   */
477   void NM_row_prod(int sizeX, int sizeY, int currentRowNumber, const NumericsMatrix* const A, const double* const x, double* y, int init);
479   /** Row of a Matrix - vector product y = rowA*x or y += rowA*x, rowA being a submatrix of A (sizeY rows and sizeX columns)
480       \param[in] sizeX dim of the vector x
481       \param[in] sizeY dim of the vector y
482       \param[in] block_start block number (only used for SBM)
483       \param[in] row_start position of the first row of A (unused if A is SBM)
484       \param[in] A the matrix to be multiplied
485       \param[in] x the vector to be multiplied
486       \param[in,out] y the resulting vector
487       \param[in] xsave storage for saving the part of x set to 0
488       \param[in] init if True y = Ax, else y += Ax
489   */
490   void NM_row_prod_no_diag(size_t sizeX, size_t sizeY, int block_start, size_t row_start, NumericsMatrix* A, double* x, double* y, double* xsave, bool init);
492   /** Row of a Matrix - vector product y = rowA*x or y += rowA*x, rowA being a submatrix of A (3 rows and sizeX columns)
493       \param[in] sizeX dim of the vector x
494       \param[in] block_start block number (only used for SBM)
495       \param[in] row_start position of the first row of A (unused if A is SBM)
496       \param[in] A the matrix to be multiplied
497       \param[in] x the vector to be multiplied
498       \param[in,out] y the resulting vector
499       \param[in] init if True y = Ax, else y += Ax
500   */
501   void NM_row_prod_no_diag3(size_t sizeX, int block_start, size_t row_start, NumericsMatrix* A, double* x, double* y, bool init);
504   void NM_row_prod_no_diag1x1(size_t sizeX, int block_start, size_t row_start, NumericsMatrix* A, double* x, double* y, bool init);
506   /** Matrix vector multiplication : y = alpha A x + beta y
507    * \param[in] alpha scalar
508    * \param[in] A a NumericsMatrix
509    * \param[in] x pointer on a dense vector of size A->size1
510    * \param[in] beta scalar
511    * \param[in,out] y pointer on a dense vector of size A->size1
512    */
513   void NM_gemv(const double alpha, NumericsMatrix* A, const double *x,
514                const double beta,
515                double *y);
517   /** Matrix matrix multiplication : C = alpha A B + beta C
518    * \param[in] alpha scalar
519    * \param[in] A a NumericsMatrix
520    * \param[in] B a NumericsMatrix
521    * \param[in] beta scalar
522    * \param[in,out] C a NumericsMatrix
523    */
524   void NM_gemm(const double alpha, NumericsMatrix* A, NumericsMatrix* B,
525                const double beta, NumericsMatrix *C);
527    /** Matrix matrix multiplication : C = A B
528    * \param[in] A a NumericsMatrix
529    * \param[in] B a NumericsMatrix
530    * \param[in,out] C a NumericsMatrix
531    */
532   RawNumericsMatrix * NM_multiply(NumericsMatrix* A, NumericsMatrix* B);
534   /** Transposed matrix multiplication : y += alpha transpose(A) x + y
535    * \param[in] alpha scalar
536    * \param[in] A a NumericsMatrix
537    * \param[in] x pointer on a dense vector of size A->size1
538    * \param[in] beta scalar
539    * \param[in,out] y pointer on a dense vector of size A->size1
540    */
541   void NM_tgemv(const double alpha, NumericsMatrix* A, const double *x,
542                 const double beta,
543                 double *y);
545   /**************************************************/
546   /** matrix conversion display *********************/
547   /**************************************************/
550   /**************************************************/
551   /** matrix and vector display *********************/
552   /**************************************************/
554   void NM_dense_to_sparse(const NumericsMatrix* const A, NumericsMatrix* B, double threshold);
556   /** Copy a NumericsMatrix into another with dense storage.
557       \param A source matrix (any kind of storage)
558       \param B targeted matrix, must be dense with the same dimension as A
559   */
560   int NM_to_dense(const NumericsMatrix* const A, NumericsMatrix* B);
562   /** Screen display of the matrix content stored as a double * array in Fortran style
563       \param m the matrix to be displayed
564       \param nRow the number of rows
565       \param nCol the number of columns
566       \param lDim the leading dimension of M
567    */
568   void NM_dense_display_matlab(double * m, int nRow, int nCol, int lDim);
570   /** Screen display of the matrix content stored as a double * array in Fortran style
571       \param m the matrix to be displayed
572       \param nRow the number of rows
573       \param nCol the number of columns
574       \param lDim the leading dimension of M
575    */
576   void NM_dense_display(double * m, int nRow, int nCol, int lDim);
578   /** Screen display of the vector content stored as a double * array
579       \param m the vector to be displayed
580       \param nRow the number of rows
581    */
582   void NM_vector_display(double * m, int nRow);
585   /** Screen display of the matrix content
586       \param M the matrix to be displayed
587    */
588   void NM_display(const NumericsMatrix* const M);
590   /** Screen display of the matrix storage
591       \param M the matrix to be displayed
592    */
593   void NM_display_storageType(const NumericsMatrix* const M);
596   /** Screen display raw by raw of the matrix content
597       \param m the matrix to be displayed
598   */
599   void NM_display_row_by_row(const NumericsMatrix* const m);
601   /**************************************************/
602   /** matrix I/O                *********************/
603   /**************************************************/
605   /** PrintInFile  of the matrix content
606      \param M the matrix to be printed
607      \param filename the corresponding name of the file
608   */
609   void NM_write_in_filename(const NumericsMatrix* const M, const char *filename);
611   /** Read in file  of the matrix content
612      \param M the matrix to be read
613      \param filename the corresponding name of the file
614   */
615   void NM_read_in_filename(NumericsMatrix* const M, const char *filename);
617   /** PrintInFile  of the matrix content
618      \param M the matrix to be printed
619      \param file filename the corresponding file
620   */
622   void NM_write_in_file(const NumericsMatrix* const M, FILE* file);
624   /** Read in file  of the matrix content without performing memory allocation
625      \param M the matrix to be read
626      \param file the corresponding  file
627   */
628   void NM_read_in_file(NumericsMatrix* const M, FILE *file);
630   /** Create from file a NumericsMatrix with  memory allocation
631      \param file the corresponding  file
632      \return 0 if the matrix
633   */
634   RawNumericsMatrix*  NM_new_from_file(FILE *file);
635   RawNumericsMatrix*  NM_new_from_filename(const char * filename);
637   /**  NM_write_in_file_scilab of the matrix content
638    \param M the matrix to be printed
639    \param file the corresponding file
640   */
641   void NM_write_in_file_scilab(const NumericsMatrix* const M, FILE* file);
643  /**   NM_write_in_file_python of the matrix content
644    \param M the matrix to be printed
645    \param file the corresponding file
646   */
647   void NM_write_in_file_python(const NumericsMatrix* const M, FILE* file);
649   /** Read in file for scilab  of the matrix content
650      \param M the matrix to be read
651      \param file the corresponding  file
652   */
653   void NM_read_in_file_scilab(NumericsMatrix* const M, FILE *file);
655   /** Clear dense storage, if it is existent.
656    * \param[in,out] A a Numericsmatrix
657    */
658   void NM_clearDense(NumericsMatrix* A);
660   /** Clear sparse block storage, if it is existent.
661    * \param[in,out] A a Numericsmatrix
662    */
663   void NM_clearSparseBlock(NumericsMatrix* A);
665   /** Clear sparse data, if it is existent.
666       The linear solver parameters are also cleared.
667    * \param[in,out] A a Numericsmatrix
668    */
669   void NM_clearSparse(NumericsMatrix* A);
671   /** Clear triplet storage, if it is existent.
672    * \param[in,out] A a Numericsmatrix
673    */
674   void NM_clearTriplet(NumericsMatrix* A);
676   /** Clear half triplet storage, if it is existent.
677    * \param[in,out] A a Numericsmatrix
678    */
679   void NM_clearHalfTriplet(NumericsMatrix* A);
681   /** Clear compressed column storage, if it is existent.
682    * \param[in,out] A a Numericsmatrix
683    */
684   void NM_clearCSC(NumericsMatrix* A);
686   /** Clear transposed compressed column storage, if it is existent.
687     * \param[in,out] A a Numericsmatrix
688     */
689   void NM_clearCSCTranspose(NumericsMatrix* A);
691   /** Clear compressed row storage, if it is existent.
692    * \param[in,out] A a Numericsmatrix
693    */
694   void NM_clearCSR(NumericsMatrix* A);
696   /** Clear triplet, csc, csc transposed storage, if they are existent.
697     * Linear solver parameters are preserved.
698     * \param[in,out] A a Numericsmatrix
699     */
700   void NM_clearSparseStorage(NumericsMatrix *A);
704   /** XXXXXX: to be rewritten Direct computation of the solution of a real system of linear
705    * equations: A x = b. The factorized matrix A is kept for future solve.
706    * If A is already factorized, the solve the linear system from it
707    * \warning this is not enable for all the solvers, your mileage may vary
708    * \param[in,out] A a NumericsMatrix. On a dense factorisation
709    * A.iWork is initialized.
710    * \param[in,out] b pointer on a dense vector of size A->size1
711    * \param keep if set to NM_KEEP_FACTORS, keep all the info related to the factorization to
712    * allow for future solves. If A is already factorized, just solve the linear
713    * system. If set to NM_PRESERVE, preserve the original matrix (just used in
714    * the dense case). if NM_NONE, discard everything.
715    * \return 0 if successful, else the error is specific to the backend solver
716    * used
717    */
719   /* LU factorization of the matrix. If the matrix has already been
720    * factorized (i.e if NM_LU_factorized(A) return true), nothing is
721    * done. To force a new factorization one has to set factorization
722    * flag to false : NM_set_LU_factorized(A, false) before the call to
723    * NM_LU_factorize.
724    * If the matrix is preserved, that means that a call to
725    * NM_preserve(A) has been done before the call to NM_LU_factorize,
726    * it is not destroyed, but the factorized part remains accessible for
727    * subsequent calls to NM_LU_solve.
728    * If the matrix is not preserved, then it is replaced by the
729    * factorized part.
730    * \param[in] A the NumericsMatrix
731    * \return an int, 0 means the matrix has been factorized. */
732   int NM_LU_factorize(NumericsMatrix* A);
733   int NM_Cholesky_factorize(NumericsMatrix* A);
734   int NM_LDLT_factorize(NumericsMatrix* A);
736   /* Solve linear system with multiple right hand size. A call to
737    * NM_LU_factorize is done at the beginning.
739    * \param[in] A the NumericsMatrix. A is not destroyed if it has
740    * been preserved by a call to NM_preserve(A).
742    * \param[in,out] b the right hand size which is a pointer on a
743    * matrix of double. It is replaced by the solutions
745    * \param[in] nrhs the number of right hand side.
746    * \return 0 if the solve succeeded.
747    */
748   int NM_LU_solve(NumericsMatrix* A,  double *b, unsigned int nrhs);
749   int NM_LU_solve_matrix_rhs(NumericsMatrix* Ao, NumericsMatrix* B);
750   int NM_Cholesky_solve(NumericsMatrix* A,  double *b, unsigned int nrhs);
751   int NM_Cholesky_solve_matrix_rhs(NumericsMatrix* Ao, NumericsMatrix* B);
752   int NM_LDLT_solve(NumericsMatrix* A,  double *b, unsigned int nrhs);
755   int NM_gesv_expert(NumericsMatrix* A, double *b, unsigned keep);
756   int NM_posv_expert(NumericsMatrix* A, double *b, unsigned keep);
758   int NM_gesv_expert_multiple_rhs(NumericsMatrix* A, double *b, unsigned int n_rhs, unsigned keep);
762   /**  Computation of the inverse of a NumericsMatrix A usinf NM_gesv_expert
763    * \param[in,out] A a NumericsMatrix.
764    * \return the matrix inverse.
765    */
766   NumericsMatrix* NM_LU_inv(NumericsMatrix* A);
768   int NM_inverse_diagonal_block_matrix_in_place(NumericsMatrix* A);
770   /** Direct computation of the solution of a real system of linear
771    * equations: A x = b.
772    * \param[in,out] A a NumericsMatrix. On a dense factorisation
773    * A.iWork is initialized.
774    * \param[in,out] b pointer on a dense vector of size A->size1
775    * \param preserve preserve the original matrix data. Only useful in the
776    * dense case, where the LU factorization is done in-place.
777    * \return 0 if successful, else the error is specific to the backend solver
778    * used
779    */
NM_gesv(NumericsMatrix * A,double * b,bool preserve)780   static inline int NM_gesv(NumericsMatrix* A, double *b, bool preserve)
781   {
782     return NM_gesv_expert(A, b, preserve ? NM_PRESERVE : NM_NONE);
783   }
785   /**  Computation of the inverse of a NumericsMatrix A usinf NM_gesv_expert
786    * \param[in,out] A a NumericsMatrix.
787    * \return the matrix inverse.
788    */
789   NumericsMatrix* NM_gesv_inv(NumericsMatrix* A);
791   /** Set the linear solver
792    * \param A the matrix
793    * \param solver_id id of the solver
794    */
795   void NM_setSparseSolver(NumericsMatrix* A, NSM_linear_solver solver_id);
797   /** Get Matrix internal data with initialization if needed.
798    * \param[in,out] A a NumericsMatrix.
799    * \return a pointer on internal data.
800    */
801   NumericsMatrixInternalData* NM_internalData(NumericsMatrix* A);
803   /** Allocate the internalData structure (but not its content!)
804    * \param M the matrix to modify
805    */
806   void NM_internalData_new(NumericsMatrix* M);
808   /** Copy the internalData structure
809    * \param M the matrix to modify
810    */
811   void NM_internalData_copy(const NumericsMatrix* const A, NumericsMatrix* B );
813   /** Integer work vector initialization, if needed.
814    * \param[in,out] A pointer on a NumericsMatrix.
815    * \param[in] size number of element to allocate
816    * \param[in] sizeof_elt of an element in bytes (result of sizeof for instance)
817    * \return pointer on A->iWork allocated space of with the right size
818    */
819   void* NM_iWork(NumericsMatrix *A, size_t size, size_t sizeof_elt);
821   /** Double workspace initialization, if needed.
822    * \param[in,out] A pointer on a NumericsMatrix.
823    * \param[in] size the size of needed space.
824    * \return pointer on A->dWork allocated space of with the right size
825    */
826   double* NM_dWork(NumericsMatrix *A, int size);
828   /** Add a constant term to the diagonal elements, when the block of the SBM
829    * are 3x3
830    * \param M the matrix
831    * \param alpha the term to add
832    */
833   void NM_add_to_diag3(NumericsMatrix* M, double alpha);
835   /** Add a constant term to the diagonal elements, when the block of the SBM
836    * are 5x5
837    * \param M the matrix
838    * \param alpha the term to add
839    */
840   void NM_add_to_diag5(NumericsMatrix* M, double alpha);
842   /** Add two matrices with coefficients C = alpha*A + beta*B
843    * \param alpha the first coefficient
844    * \param A the first  matrix
845    * \param beta the second coefficient
846    * \param B the second  matrix
847    * \return C a new NumericsMatrix
848    */
849   RawNumericsMatrix *  NM_add(double alpha, NumericsMatrix* A, double beta, NumericsMatrix* B);
851   /** Multiply a matrix with a double alpha*A --> A
852    * \param alpha the  coefficient
853    * \param A the   matrix
854    */
855   void  NM_scal(double alpha, NumericsMatrix* A);
857   /** assert that a NumericsMatrix has the right structure given its type
858    * \param type expected type
859    * \param M the matrix to check
860    */
NM_assert(NM_types type,NumericsMatrix * M)861     static inline void NM_assert(NM_types type, NumericsMatrix* M)
862   {
863 #ifndef NDEBUG
864     assert(M && "NM_assert :: the matrix is NULL");
865     assert(M->storageType == type && "NM_assert :: the matrix has the wrong type");
866     switch(type)
867     {
868       case NM_DENSE:
869         assert(M->matrix0);
870         break;
871       case NM_SPARSE_BLOCK:
872         assert(M->matrix1);
873         break;
874       case NM_SPARSE:
875         assert(M->matrix2);
876         break;
877       default:
878         assert(0 && "NM_assert :: unknown storageType");
879     }
880 #endif
881   }
883   /** Check the matrix (the sparse format for now)
884    * \param A the matrix to check
885    * \return 0 if the matrix storage is fine, 1 if not*/
886   int NM_check(const NumericsMatrix* const A);
888  /** Compute the  1-norm of a sparse matrix = max (sum (abs (A))), largest column sum of a matrix (the sparse format for now)
889    * \param A the matrix
890    * \return the norm*/
891   double NM_norm_1(NumericsMatrix* const A);
893  /** Compute the  inf-norm of a sparse matrix = max (sum (abs (A^T))), largest row  sum of a matrix (the sparse format for now)
894    * \param A the matrix
895    * \return the norm*/
896   double NM_norm_inf(NumericsMatrix* const A);
898   int NM_is_symmetric(NumericsMatrix* A);
899   double NM_symmetry_discrepancy(NumericsMatrix* A);
902   /** Pass a NumericsMatrix through swig typemaps.
903    * This is only useful in python.
904    * \param A the matrix
905    * \return a NumericsMatrix
906    */
NM_convert(NumericsMatrix * A)907   static inline NumericsMatrix* NM_convert(NumericsMatrix* A)
908   {
909     return A;
910   }
912   /** Compute the  maximum eigenvalue with the iterated power method
913    * \param A the matrix
914    * \return the maximum eigenvalue*/
915   double NM_iterated_power_method(NumericsMatrix* A, double tol, int itermax);
917   /* Compute the maximum values by columns
918    *  \param A the matrix
919    *  \param max the vector of max that must be preallocated
920    *  \return info
921    */
922   int NM_max_by_columns(NumericsMatrix *A, double * max);
924   /* Compute the maximum values by rows
925    *  \param A the matrix
926    *  \param max the vector of max that must be preallocated
927    *  \return info
928    */
929   int NM_max_by_rows(NumericsMatrix *A, double * max);
931   /* Compute the maximum absolute values by columns
932    *  \param A the matrix
933    *  \param max the vector of max that must be preallocated
934    *  \return info
935    */
936   int NM_max_abs_by_columns(NumericsMatrix *A, double * max);
938   /* Compute the maximum absolute values by rows
939    *  \param A the matrix
940    *  \param max the vector of max that must be preallocated
941    *  \return info
942    */
943   int NM_max_abs_by_rows(NumericsMatrix *A, double * max);
945   /* Compute the balancing matrices for a given matrix by iteration
946    *  \param A the matrix
947    *  \param tol tolerance on the balanced matrix
948    *  \param itermax max number of iterations
949    *  \param alloated structure for the balancing matrices and the balanced matrix
950    * \return 0 if succeed.
951    */
952   int NM_compute_balancing_matrices(NumericsMatrix* A, double tol, int itermax, BalancingMatrices * B);
954   /* Create a Balancing Matrices structure
955    *  \param A the matrix  to be balanced
956    */
957   BalancingMatrices * NM_BalancingMatrices_new(NumericsMatrix* A);
960   /* free a Balancing Matrices structure
961    */
962   BalancingMatrices * NM_BalancingMatrices_free(BalancingMatrices* A);
964   /* Reset the version of a NM_types storage.
965    *\param M the NumericsMatrix,
966    *\param id the NM_types storage
967    */
968   void NM_reset_version(NumericsMatrix* M, NM_types id);
970   /* Reset versions of all storages.
971    *\param M the NumericsMatrix
972    */
973   void NM_reset_versions(NumericsMatrix* M);
976 #ifdef WITH_OPENSSL
977   /* Compute sha1 hash of matrix values. Matrices of differents size and same
978    * values have the same hash.
979    * \param[in] A the matrix
980    * \param[in,out] digest an allocated space of size SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH
981    */
982   void NM_compute_values_sha1(NumericsMatrix* A, unsigned char * digest);
984   /* Get stored sha1 hash of a matrix.
985    * \param[in] A the matrix
986    * \return a pointer on the current raw sha1 hash
987    */
988   unsigned char* NM_values_sha1(NumericsMatrix* A);
990    /* Set sha1 hash of a matrix. Matrices of differents size and same
991    * values have the same hash.
992    * \param[in] A the matrix
993    */
994   void NM_set_values_sha1(NumericsMatrix* A);
996   /* Clear sha1 hash of a matrix.
997    * \param[in] A the matrix
998    */
999   void NM_clear_values_sha1(NumericsMatrix* A);
1001   /* Check if matrix has beend modified after a previous NM_set_values_sha1.
1002    * \param[in] A the NumericsMatrix
1003    * \return true if the matrix is the same
1004    */
1005   bool NM_check_values_sha1(NumericsMatrix* A);
1007   /* Compare two matrices with sha1. NM_set_values_sha1 must be called
1008    * on the two matrices before.
1009    * \param[in] A a NumericsMatrix
1010    * \param[in] B a NumericsMatrix
1011    * \return true if the matrices have the same values
1012    */
1013   bool NM_equal_values_sha1(NumericsMatrix* A, NumericsMatrix* B);
1015 #endif
1017 #if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(BUILD_AS_CPP)
1018 }
1019 #endif
1021 #endif