2! Copyright (C) 1996-2016	The SIESTA group
3!  This file is distributed under the terms of the
4!  GNU General Public License: see COPYING in the top directory
5!  or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt.
6! See Docs/Contributors.txt for a list of contributors.
8      subroutine bsc_cellxc( irel, ider, cell,
9     $                   NMesh, NSpan, maxp, mtype,
10     &                   XMesh, nspin, Dens, EX, EC, DX, DC, VXC,
11     &                   DVXCDN, stressl )
13C *******************************************************************
14C Finds total exchange-correlation energy and potential in a
15C   periodic cell.
16C This version implements the Local (spin) Density Approximation and
17C   the Generalized-Gradient-Aproximation with the 'explicit mesh
18C   functional' approach of White & Bird, PRB 50, 4954 (1994).
19C Gradients are 'defined' by numerical derivatives, using 2*NN+1 mesh
20C   points, where NN is a parameter defined below
21C Ref: L.C.Balbas et al, PRB 64, 165110 (2001)
22C Wrtten by J.M.Soler using algorithms developed by
23C   L.C.Balbas, J.L.Martins and J.M.Soler, Dec.1996 - Aug.1997
24C Parallel version written by J.Gale. June 1999.
25C Argument DVXCDN added by J.Junquera. November 2000.
26C Adapted for multiple functionals in the same run by J.Gale 2005
27C ************************* INPUT ***********************************
28C integer irel         : Relativistic exchange? (0=>no, 1=>yes)
29C integer ider         : Return dVxc/drho in DVXCDN?
30C                        0=>no, 1=>yes (available only for LDA)
31C real*8  cell(3,3)    : Unit cell vectors cell(ixyz,ivector)
32C integer NMesh(3)     : Number of mesh divisions of each vector
33C integer NSpan(3)     : Physical dimensions of arrays XMesh, Dens and
34C                        VXC (or memory span between array elements)
35C                        See usage section for more information
36C integer maxp         : Physical dimension of XMesh, Dens, and VXC
37C integer mtype        : Mesh type:
38C                        0 => Uniform mesh
39C                        1 => Adaptive mesh, given in cartesian coord
40C                        2 => Adaptive mesh, given in cell-vector coord
41C real    XMesh(3,maxp): Mesh point coordinates (not used if mtype=0)
42C                        When mtype=2, cartesian coordinates are
43C                        Xcart(ix,im) = Sum_iv(cell(ix,iv)*XMesh(iv,ip))
44C                        Notice single precision in this version
45C integer nspin        : nspin=1 => unpolarized; nspin=2 => polarized;
46C                        nspin=4 => non-collinear polarization
47C real    Dens(maxp,nspin) : Total (nspin=1) or spin (nspin=2) electron
48C                        density at mesh points, ordered as
49C                        IP = I1+NSpan(1)*((I2-1)+NSpan(2)*(I3-1)),
50C                        with I1=1,...,NMesh(1), etc
51C                        For non-collinear polarization, the density
52C                        matrix is given by: Dens(1)=D11, Dens(2)=D22,
53C                        Dens(3)=Real(D12), Dens(4)=Im(D12)
54C                        Notice single precision in this version
55C ************************* OUTPUT **********************************
56C real*8  EX              : Total exchange energy
57C real*8  EC              : Total correlation energy
58C real*8  DX              : IntegralOf( rho * (eps_x - v_x) )
59C real*8  DC              : IntegralOf( rho * (eps_c - v_c) )
60C real    VXC(maxp,nspin) : (Spin) exch-corr potential
61C                           Notice single precision in this version
62C real    DVXCDN(maxp,nspin,nspin) : Derivatives of exchange-correlation
63C                           potential respect the charge density
64C                           Not used unless ider=1. Available only for LDA
65C real*8  stressl(3,3)    : xc contribution to the stress tensor,
66C                           assuming constant density (not charge),
67C                           i.e. r->r' => rho'(r') = rho(r)
68C                           For plane-wave and grid (finite diff) basis
69C                           sets, density rescaling gives an extra term
70C                           (not included) (DX+DC-EX-EC)/cell_volume for
71C                           the diagonal elements of stress. For other
72C                           basis sets, the extra term is, in general:
73C                           IntegralOf(v_xc * d_rho/d_strain) / cell_vol
74C ************************ UNITS ************************************
75C Distances in atomic units (Bohr).
76C Densities in atomic units (electrons/Bohr**3)
77C Energy unit depending of parameter EUnit below
78C Stress in EUnit/Bohr**3
79C ************************ USAGE ************************************
80C Typical calls for different array dimensions:
81C     parameter ( maxp = 1000000 )
82C     DIMENSION NMesh(3), Dens(maxp,2), VXC(maxp,2)
83C     Find cell vectors
84C     Find density at N1*N2*N3 mesh points (less than maxp) and place
85C       them consecutively in array Dens
86C     NMesh(1) = N1
87C     NMesh(2) = N2
88C     NMesh(3) = N3
89C     CALL cellXC( 0, 0, cell, NMesh, NMesh, maxp, 0, XMesh,
90C    .             2, Dens, EX, EC, DX, DC, VXC, DVXCDN, stress )
91C Or alternatively:
92C     parameter ( M1=100, M2=100, M3=100 )
93C     DIMENSION NMesh(3), NSpan(3), Dens(M1,M2,M3,2), VXC(M1,M2,M3,2)
94C     DATA NSpan / M1, M2, M3 /
95C     Find cell vectors
96C     Find Dens at N1*N2*N3 mesh points
97C     NMesh(1) = N1
98C     NMesh(2) = N2
99C     NMesh(3) = N3
100C     CALL cellXC( 0, 0, cell, NMesh, NSpan, M1*M2*M3, 0, XMesh,
101C    .             2, Dens, EX, EC, DX, DC, VXC, DVXCDN, stress )
102C ********* BEHAVIOUR ***********************************************
103C - Notice that XMesh is not used if mtype=0, and DVXCDN is not
104C   used if ider=0. This means that you do not even need to dimension
105C   them in the calling program. See usage section for calling examples.
106C - If FNCTNL='LDA', Dens and VXC may be the same physical array.
107C - Stops and prints a warning if arguments functl or XCauth are not
108C   one of the allowed possibilities.
109C - Since the exchange and correlation part is usually a small fraction
110C   of a typical electronic structure calculation, this routine has
111C   been coded with emphasis on simplicity and functionality, not in
112C   eficiency. The parallel version was written by J.Gale.
113C ********* ROUTINES CALLED *****************************************
115C *******************************************************************
117      use precision,    only : dp, grid_p
118      use sys,          only : die
119      use alloc,        only : re_alloc, de_alloc
120      use mesh,         only : nsm, meshLim
121      use siestaxc,     only : ggaxc, ldaxc
122      use siestaxc,     only : getXC
123#ifdef MPI
124C  Modules
125      use mesh,         only : nmeshg
126      use parallel,     only : Node, Nodes, ProcessorY
127      use parallelsubs, only : HowManyMeshPerNode
128      use mpi_siesta
129      use moreMeshSubs, only : distExtMeshData, gathExtMeshData
132      implicit none
134C Argument types and dimensions
135      integer,       intent(in)   :: ider
136      integer,       intent(in)   :: irel
137      integer,       intent(in)   :: maxp
138      integer,       intent(in)   :: mtype
139      integer,       intent(in)   :: NMesh(3)
140      integer,       intent(in)   :: NSpan(3)
141      integer,       intent(in)   :: nspin
142      real(dp),      intent(in)   :: cell(3,3)
143      real(dp),      intent(out)  :: DC
144      real(dp),      intent(out)  :: DX
145      real(dp),      intent(out)  :: EC
146      real(dp),      intent(out)  :: EX
147      real(dp),      intent(inout)  :: stressl(3,3)
149C If you change next line, please change also the argument
150C explanations in the header comments
151!!! Pending (AG)
152*     real(dp)
153      real(grid_p),          intent(in)   :: Dens(maxp,nspin)
154      real(grid_p),          intent(out)  :: DVXCDN(maxp,nspin,nspin)
155      real(grid_p),          intent(out)  :: VXC(maxp,nspin)
156      real(grid_p),          intent(in)   :: XMesh(3,*)
158C Fix the order of the numerical derivatives
159C NN is the number of points used in each coordinate and direction,
160C i.e. a total of 6*NN neighbour points is used to find the gradients
161      integer,       parameter    :: NN = 3
163C Fix energy unit:  EUnit=1.0 => Hartrees,
164C                   EUnit=0.5 => Rydbergs,
165C                   EUnit=0.03674903 => eV
166      real(dp),      parameter    :: EUnit = 0.5_dp
168C Fix switch to skip points with zero density
169      logical,       parameter    :: skip0 = .true.
170      real(dp),      parameter    :: denmin = 1.0e-15_dp
172C Parameter mspin must be equal or larger than nspin
173      integer,       parameter    :: mspin = 4
175#ifdef MPI
176C MPI related variables
177      integer  :: IOut, INN, JPNN(3,-NN:NN), MPIerror
180C Local variables and arrays
181      logical           GGA, GGAfunctl
182      integer           I1, I2, I3, IC, IN, IP, IS, IX,
183     &                  J1, J2, J3, JN, JP(3,-NN:NN), JS, JX,
184     &                  KS, NPG, nf
185      real(dp)          D(mspin), DECDD(mspin), DECDGD(3,mspin),
186     &                  dentot, DEXDD(mspin), DEXDGD(3,mspin),
187     &                  DGDM(-NN:NN), DGIDFJ(3,3,-NN:NN),
188     &                  DMDX(3,3), DVol, DXDM(3,3),
189     &                  DVCDN(mspin*mspin), DVXDN(mspin*mspin),
190     &                  EPSC, EPSX, F1, F2, GD(3,mspin),
191     &                  VOLCEL, volume, stress(3,3)
192      external          RECLAT, VOLCEL
194      integer           BS(3), iDistr
195      real(grid_p), pointer :: bdensX(:,:,:), bdensY(:,:,:),
196     &                         bdensZ(:,:,:), bvxcX(:,:,:),
197     &                         bvxcY(:,:,:), bvxcZ(:,:,:)
199      integer                 :: nXCfunc
200      character(len=20)       :: XCauth(10), XCfunc(10)
201      real(dp)                :: XCweightX(10), XCweightC(10)
203#ifdef DEBUG
204      call write_debug( '    PRE cellxc' )
207C Start time counter (intended only for debugging and development)
208#ifdef _TRACE_
209      call MPI_Barrier( MPI_Comm_World, MPIerror )
210      call MPItrace_event( 1000, 3 )
212      call timer( 'cellXC', 1 )
214      call getXC( nXCfunc, XCfunc, XCauth, XCweightX, XCweightC)
216      GGA = .false.
217      do nf = 1,nXCfunc
218         if ( XCfunc(nf).eq.'GGA' .or. XCfunc(nf).eq.'gga' ) then
219            GGA = .true.
220         endif
221         if ( XCfunc(nf).eq.'VDW' .or. XCfunc(nf).eq.'vdw') then
222            call die("BSC's cellxc cannot handle VDW functionals")
223         endif
224      enddo
226      if (ider.ne.0 .and. GGA) then
227         call die('BSC cellXC: ider=1 available only for LDA')
228      endif
230C Check value of mspin
231      if (mspin.lt.nspin) then
232        write(6,*) 'cellXC: parameter mspin must be at least ', nspin
233        call die()
234      endif
236      BS(1) = (meshLim(2,1)-meshLim(1,1)+1)*NSM
237      BS(2) = (meshLim(2,2)-meshLim(1,2)+1)*NSM
238      BS(3) = (meshLim(2,3)-meshLim(1,3)+1)*NSM
239#ifdef MPI
240C If GGA and the number of processors is greater than 1 then we need
241C to exchange border densities so that the density derivatives can
242C be calculated.
243      if (GGA.and.Nodes.gt.1) then
244        if (NN.gt.BS(1).or.NN.gt.BS(2).or.NN.gt.BS(3)) then
245          if (Node.eq.0) then
246            write(6,'(''  ERROR - number of fine mesh points per '',
247     &      ''Node must be greater than finite difference order '')')
248          endif
249          call die()
250        endif
252        iDistr = 3
253        if (BS(1).ne.NMeshG(1)) then
254          nullify(bdensX)
255          call re_alloc( bdensX, 1, BS(2)*BS(3), 1, 2*NN,
256     &                   1, nspin, 'bdensX', 'cellxc' )
257          nullify(bvxcX)
258          call re_alloc( bvxcX, 1, BS(2)*BS(3), 1, 2*NN,
259     &                   1, nspin, 'bvxcX', 'cellxc' )
260          call distExtMeshData( iDistr, 1, BS(2)*BS(3), NSM, NN, NSPIN,
261     &                          maxp, NMeshG, dens, bdensX )
262        endif
264        if (BS(2).ne.NMeshG(2)) then
265          nullify(bdensY)
266          call re_alloc( bdensY, 1, BS(1)*BS(3), 1, 2*NN,
267     &                   1, nspin, 'bdensY', 'cellxc' )
268          nullify(bvxcY)
269          call re_alloc( bvxcY, 1, BS(1)*BS(3), 1, 2*NN,
270     &                   1, nspin, 'bvxcY', 'cellxc' )
271          call distExtMeshData( iDistr, 2, BS(1)*BS(3), NSM, NN, NSPIN,
272     &                          maxp, NMeshG, dens, bdensY )
273        endif
275        if (BS(3).ne.NMeshG(3)) then
276          nullify(bdensZ)
277          call re_alloc( bdensZ, 1, BS(1)*BS(2), 1, 2*NN,
278     &                   1, nspin, 'bdensZ', 'cellxc' )
279          nullify(bvxcZ)
280          call re_alloc( bvxcZ, 1, BS(1)*BS(2), 1, 2*NN,
281     &                   1, nspin, 'bvxcZ', 'cellxc' )
282          call distExtMeshData( iDistr, 3, BS(1)*BS(2), NSM, NN, NSPIN,
283     &                          maxp, NMeshG, dens, bdensZ )
284        endif
285      endif
288C Find weights of numerical derivation from Lagrange interp. formula
289      do IN = -NN,NN
290        F1 = 1.0_dp
291        F2 = 1.0_dp
292        do JN = -NN,NN
293          if (JN.ne.IN .and. JN.ne.0) F1 = F1 * (0  - JN)
294          if (JN.ne.IN)               F2 = F2 * (IN - JN)
295        enddo
296        DGDM(IN) = F1 / F2
297      enddo
298      DGDM(0) = 0.0_dp
300C Find total number of mesh points
301#ifdef MPI
302      NPG = NMeshG(1) * NMeshG(2) * NMeshG(3)
304      NPG = NMesh(1) * NMesh(2) * NMesh(3)
307C Find Jacobian matrix dx/dmesh for uniform mesh
308      if (mtype.eq.0) then
310C Find mesh cell volume
311        DVol = VOLCEL( cell ) / DBLE(NPG)
313        if (GGA) then
315C Find mesh unit vectors and reciprocal mesh vectors
316          do IC = 1,3
317            do IX = 1,3
318#ifdef MPI
319              DXDM(IX,IC) = cell(IX,IC) / NMeshG(IC)
321              DXDM(IX,IC) = cell(IX,IC) / NMesh(IC)
323            enddo
324          enddo
325          call RECLAT( DXDM, DMDX, 0 )
327C Find the weights for the derivative d(gradF(i))/d(F(j)) of
328C the gradient at point i with respect to the value at point j
329          do IN = -NN,NN
330            do IC = 1,3
331              do IX = 1,3
332                DGIDFJ(IX,IC,IN) = DMDX(IX,IC) * DGDM(IN)
333              enddo
334            enddo
335          enddo
337        endif
339      endif
341C Initialize output
342      EX = 0.0_dp
343      EC = 0.0_dp
344      DX = 0.0_dp
345      DC = 0.0_dp
346      VXC(1:maxp,1:nspin) = 0.0_grid_p
347      if (ider.eq.1) then
348        DVXCDN(1:maxp,1:nspin,1:nspin) = 0.0_grid_p
349      endif
351#ifdef MPI
352C Initialise buffer regions of Vxc
353      if (GGA.and.Nodes.gt.1) then
354        if (BS(1).ne.NMeshG(1)) bvxcX = 0.0_grid_p
355        if (BS(2).ne.NMeshG(2)) bvxcY = 0.0_grid_p
356        if (BS(3).ne.NMeshG(3)) bvxcZ = 0.0_grid_p
357      endif
359      stress(1:3,1:3) = 0.0_dp
361C Loop on mesh points
362      do I3 = 0,NMesh(3)-1
363      do I2 = 0,NMesh(2)-1
364      do I1 = 0,NMesh(1)-1
366C Find mesh index of this point
367        IP = 1 + I1 + NSpan(1) * I2 + NSpan(1) * NSpan(2) * I3
369C Skip point if density=0
370        if (skip0) then
371          dentot = 0.0_dp
372          do IS = 1,MIN(nspin,2)
373            dentot = dentot + MAX(0.0_grid_p,Dens(IP,IS))
374          enddo
375          if (dentot .lt. denmin) then
376            do IS = 1,nspin
377              VXC(IP,IS) = 0.0_grid_p
378            enddo
379            goto 210
380          endif
381        endif
383C Find mesh indexes of neighbour points
384C Note : a negative index indicates a point from the buffer region
385        if (GGA .or. mtype.ne.0) then
387C X-direction
388#ifdef MPI
389          if (NMesh(1).eq.NMeshG(1)) then
391            do IN = -NN,NN
392              J1 = MOD( I1+IN+100*BS(1), BS(1) )
393              JP(1,IN) = 1+J1+BS(1)*I2+BS(1)*BS(2)*I3
394            enddo
395#ifdef MPI
396          else
397            do IN = -NN,NN
398              J1 = I1+IN
399              if (J1.lt.0) then
400C Out of block to the left - negative index
401                IOut = -J1
402                JP(1,IN) = -(1+I2+BS(2)*I3)
403                JPNN(1,IN) = J1
404              elseif (J1.gt.(BS(1)-1)) then
405C Out of block to the right - negative index
406                IOut = J1 - BS(1) + 1
407                JP(1,IN) = -(1+I2+BS(2)*I3)
408                JPNN(1,IN) = IOut
409              else
410C In block - positive index
411                JP(1,IN) = 1+J1+BS(1)*I2+BS(1)*BS(2)*I3
412              endif
413            enddo
414          endif
418C Y-direction
419#ifdef MPI
420          if (NMesh(2).eq.NMeshG(2)) then
422            do IN = -NN,NN
423              J2 = MOD( I2+IN+100*BS(2), BS(2) )
424              JP(2,IN) = 1+I1+BS(1)*J2+BS(1)*BS(2)*I3
425            enddo
426#ifdef MPI
427          else
428            do IN = -NN,NN
429              J2 = I2+IN
430              if (J2.lt.0) then
431C Out of block to the left - negative index
432                IOut = -J2
433                JP(2,IN) = -(1+I1+BS(1)*I3)
434                JPNN(2,IN) = J2
435              elseif (J2.gt.(BS(2)-1)) then
436C Out of block to the right - negative index
437                IOut = J2 - BS(2) + 1
438                JP(2,IN) = -(1+I1+BS(1)*I3)
439                JPNN(2,IN) = IOut
440              else
441C In block - positive index
442                JP(2,IN) = 1+I1+BS(1)*J2+BS(1)*BS(2)*I3
443              endif
444            enddo
445          endif
448C Z-direction
449#ifdef MPI
450          if (NMesh(3).eq.NMeshG(3)) then
452            do IN = -NN,NN
453              J3 = MOD( I3+IN+100*BS(3), BS(3) )
454              JP(3,IN) = 1+I1+BS(1)*I2+BS(1)*BS(2)*J3
455            enddo
456#ifdef MPI
457          else
458            do IN = -NN,NN
459              J3 = I3+IN
460              if (J3.lt.0) then
461C Out of block to the left - negative index
462                IOut = -J3
463                JP(3,IN) = -(1+I1+BS(1)*I2)
464                JPNN(3,IN) = J3
465              elseif (J3.gt.(BS(3)-1)) then
466C Out of block to the right - negative index
467                IOut = J3 - BS(3) + 1
468                JP(3,IN) = -(1+I1+BS(1)*I2)
469                JPNN(3,IN) = IOut
470              else
471C In block - positive index
472                JP(3,IN) = 1+I1+BS(1)*I2+BS(1)*BS(2)*J3
473              endif
474            enddo
475          endif
477        endif
479C Find Jacobian matrix dx/dmesh for adaptative mesh
480        if (mtype .ne. 0) then
482C Find dx/dmesh
483          do IC = 1,3
484            do IX = 1,3
485              DXDM(IX,IC) = 0.0_dp
486              do IN = -NN,NN
487                if (mtype .eq. 1) then
488                  DXDM(IX,IC) = DXDM(IX,IC) +
489     &                          XMesh(IX,JP(IC,IN)) * DGDM(IN)
490                else
491                  DXDM(IX,IC) = DXDM(IX,IC) +
492     &                   ( cell(IX,1) * XMesh(1,JP(IC,IN)) +
493     &                     cell(IX,2) * XMesh(2,JP(IC,IN)) +
494     &                     cell(IX,3) * XMesh(3,JP(IC,IN)) ) * DGDM(IN)
495                endif
496              enddo
497            enddo
498          enddo
500C Find inverse of matrix dx/dmesh
501          call reclat( DXDM, DMDX, 0 )
503C Find differential of volume = determinant of Jacobian matrix
504          DVol = VOLCEL( DXDM )
506C Find the weights for the derivative d(gradF(i))/d(F(j)), of
507C the gradient at point i with respect to the value at point j
508          if (GGA) then
509            do IN = -NN,NN
510              do IC = 1,3
511                do IX = 1,3
512                  DGIDFJ(IX,IC,IN) = DMDX(IX,IC) * DGDM(IN)
513                enddo
514              enddo
515            enddo
516          endif
518        endif
520C  Find density and gradient of density at this point
521        do IS = 1,nspin
522          D(IS) = Dens(IP,IS)
523        enddo
524C Test to ensure that densities are always > 0 added to
525C avoid floating point errors in ggaxc. JDG & JMS
526        do IS = 1,min(nspin,2)
527          D(IS) = max(0.0_dp,D(IS))
528*         D(IS) = max(denmin,D(IS))
529        enddo
530        if (GGA) then
531#ifdef MPI
532          if (Nodes.eq.1) then
534            do IS = 1,nspin
535              do IX = 1,3
536                GD(IX,IS) = 0.0_dp
537                do IN = -NN,NN
538                  GD(IX,IS) = GD(IX,IS) +
539     &                      DGIDFJ(IX,1,IN) * Dens(JP(1,IN),IS) +
540     &                      DGIDFJ(IX,2,IN) * Dens(JP(2,IN),IS) +
541     &                      DGIDFJ(IX,3,IN) * Dens(JP(3,IN),IS)
542                enddo
543              enddo
544            enddo
545#ifdef MPI
546          else
547            do IS = 1,nspin
548              do IX = 1,3
549                GD(IX,IS) = 0.0_dp
550                do IN = -NN,NN
552                  if (JP(1,IN).gt.0) then
553                    GD(IX,IS) = GD(IX,IS) +
554     &                DGIDFJ(IX,1,IN) * Dens(JP(1,IN),IS)
555                  else
556                    INN = JPNN(1,IN)
557                    if (INN.lt.0) then
558                      GD(IX,IS) = GD(IX,IS) +
559     &                  DGIDFJ(IX,1,IN) * bdensX(-JP(1,IN),-INN,IS)
560                    else
561                      GD(IX,IS) = GD(IX,IS) +
562     &                  DGIDFJ(IX,1,IN) * bdensX(-JP(1,IN),NN+INN,IS)
563                    endif
564                  endif
566                enddo
567                do IN = -NN,NN
568                  if (JP(2,IN).gt.0) then
569                    GD(IX,IS) = GD(IX,IS) +
570     &                DGIDFJ(IX,2,IN) * Dens(JP(2,IN),IS)
571                  else
572                    INN = JPNN(2,IN)
573                    if (INN.lt.0) then
574                      GD(IX,IS) = GD(IX,IS) +
575     &                  DGIDFJ(IX,2,IN) * bdensY(-JP(2,IN),-INN,IS)
576                    else
577                      GD(IX,IS) = GD(IX,IS) +
578     &                  DGIDFJ(IX,2,IN) * bdensY(-JP(2,IN),NN+INN,IS)
579                    endif
580                  endif
581                enddo
582                do IN = -NN,NN
583                  if (JP(3,IN).gt.0) then
584                    GD(IX,IS) = GD(IX,IS) +
585     &                DGIDFJ(IX,3,IN) * Dens(JP(3,IN),IS)
586                  else
587                    INN = JPNN(3,IN)
588                    if (INN.lt.0) then
589                      GD(IX,IS) = GD(IX,IS) +
590     &                  DGIDFJ(IX,3,IN) * bdensZ(-JP(3,IN),-INN,IS)
591                    else
592                      GD(IX,IS) = GD(IX,IS) +
593     &                  DGIDFJ(IX,3,IN) * bdensZ(-JP(3,IN),NN+INN,IS)
594                    endif
595                  endif
596                enddo
597              enddo
598            enddo
599          endif
601        endif
604C Loop over all functionals
605        do nf = 1,nXCfunc
607C Is this a GGA?
608          if ( XCfunc(nf).eq.'GGA' .or. XCfunc(nf).eq.'gga') then
609            GGAfunctl = .true.
610          else
611            GGAfunctl = .false.
612          endif
614C Find exchange and correlation energy densities and their
615C derivatives with respect to density and density gradient
616          if (GGAfunctl) then
617            call ggaxc( XCauth(nf), irel, nspin, D, GD,
618     &                  EPSX, EPSC, DEXDD, DECDD, DEXDGD, DECDGD )
619          else
620            call ldaxc( XCauth(nf), irel, nspin, D, EPSX, EPSC, DEXDD,
621     &                  DECDD, DVXDN, DVCDN )
622          endif
624C Scale return values by weight for this functional
625          EPSX = XCweightX(nf)*EPSX
626          EPSC = XCweightC(nf)*EPSC
627          do IS = 1,nspin
628            DEXDD(IS) = XCweightX(nf)*DEXDD(IS)
629            DECDD(IS) = XCweightC(nf)*DECDD(IS)
630          enddo
631          if (GGAfunctl) then
632            do IS = 1,nspin
633              DEXDGD(1:3,IS) = XCweightX(nf)*DEXDGD(1:3,IS)
634              DECDGD(1:3,IS) = XCweightC(nf)*DECDGD(1:3,IS)
635            enddo
636          else
637            DVXDN(1:nspin*nspin) = XCweightX(nf)*DVXDN(1:nspin*nspin)
638            DVCDN(1:nspin*nspin) = XCweightC(nf)*DVCDN(1:nspin*nspin)
639          endif
641C Add contributions to exchange-correlation energy and its
642C derivatives with respect to density at all points
643          do IS = 1,min(nspin,2)
644            EX = EX + DVol * D(IS) * EPSX
645            EC = EC + DVol * D(IS) * EPSC
646            DX = DX + DVol * D(IS) * EPSX
647            DC = DC + DVol * D(IS) * EPSC
648          enddo
649          do IS = 1,nspin
650            DX = DX - DVol * D(IS) * DEXDD(IS)
651            DC = DC - DVol * D(IS) * DECDD(IS)
652            if (GGAfunctl) then
653              VXC(IP,IS) = VXC(IP,IS) + DEXDD(IS) + DECDD(IS)
654#ifdef MPI
655              if (Nodes.eq.1) then
657                do IN = -NN,NN
658                  do IC = 1,3
659                    do IX = 1,3
660                      DX = DX - DVol * Dens(JP(IC,IN),IS) *
661     &                        DEXDGD(IX,IS) * DGIDFJ(IX,IC,IN)
662                      DC = DC - DVol * Dens(JP(IC,IN),IS) *
663     &                        DECDGD(IX,IS) * DGIDFJ(IX,IC,IN)
664                      VXC(JP(IC,IN),IS) = VXC(JP(IC,IN),IS) +
665     &                  (DEXDGD(IX,IS)+DECDGD(IX,IS))*DGIDFJ(IX,IC,IN)
666                    enddo
667                  enddo
668                enddo
669#ifdef MPI
670              else
671                do IN = -NN,NN
673C X-direction
674                  if (JP(1,IN).gt.0) then
675                    do IX = 1,3
676                      DX = DX - DVol * Dens(JP(1,IN),IS) *
677     &                      DEXDGD(IX,IS) * DGIDFJ(IX,1,IN)
678                      DC = DC - DVol * Dens(JP(1,IN),IS) *
679     &                      DECDGD(IX,IS) * DGIDFJ(IX,1,IN)
680                      VXC(JP(1,IN),IS) = VXC(JP(1,IN),IS) +
681     &                  (DEXDGD(IX,IS)+DECDGD(IX,IS))*DGIDFJ(IX,1,IN)
682                    enddo
683                  else
684                    INN = JPNN(1,IN)
685                    if (INN.lt.0) then
686                      do IX = 1,3
687                        DX = DX - DVol * bdensX(-JP(1,IN),-INN,IS) *
688     &                       DEXDGD(IX,IS) * DGIDFJ(IX,1,IN)
689                        DC = DC - DVol * bdensX(-JP(1,IN),-INN,IS) *
690     &                       DECDGD(IX,IS) * DGIDFJ(IX,1,IN)
691                        bvxcX(-JP(1,IN),-INN,IS) = (DEXDGD(IX,IS) +
692     &                       DECDGD(IX,IS))*DGIDFJ(IX,1,IN) +
693     &                       bvxcX(-JP(1,IN),-INN,IS)
694                      enddo
695                    else
696                      do IX = 1,3
697                        DX = DX - DVol * bdensX(-JP(1,IN),NN+INN,IS) *
698     &                       DEXDGD(IX,IS) * DGIDFJ(IX,1,IN)
699                        DC = DC - DVol * bdensX(-JP(1,IN),NN+INN,IS) *
700     &                       DECDGD(IX,IS) * DGIDFJ(IX,1,IN)
701                        bvxcX(-JP(1,IN),NN+INN,IS) = (DEXDGD(IX,IS) +
702     &                       DECDGD(IX,IS))*DGIDFJ(IX,1,IN) +
703     &                       bvxcX(-JP(1,IN),NN+INN,IS)
704                      enddo
705                    endif
706                  endif
707C Y-direction
708                  if (JP(2,IN).gt.0) then
709                    do IX = 1,3
710                      DX = DX - DVol * Dens(JP(2,IN),IS) *
711     &                      DEXDGD(IX,IS) * DGIDFJ(IX,2,IN)
712                      DC = DC - DVol * Dens(JP(2,IN),IS) *
713     &                      DECDGD(IX,IS) * DGIDFJ(IX,2,IN)
714                      VXC(JP(2,IN),IS) = VXC(JP(2,IN),IS) +
715     &                  (DEXDGD(IX,IS)+DECDGD(IX,IS))*DGIDFJ(IX,2,IN)
716                    enddo
717                  else
718                    INN = JPNN(2,IN)
719                    if (INN.lt.0) then
720                      do IX = 1,3
721                        DX = DX - DVol * bdensY(-JP(2,IN),-INN,IS) *
722     &                       DEXDGD(IX,IS) * DGIDFJ(IX,2,IN)
723                        DC = DC - DVol * bdensY(-JP(2,IN),-INN,IS) *
724     &                       DECDGD(IX,IS) * DGIDFJ(IX,2,IN)
725                        bvxcY(-JP(2,IN),-INN,IS) = (DEXDGD(IX,IS) +
726     &                       DECDGD(IX,IS))*DGIDFJ(IX,2,IN) +
727     &                       bvxcY(-JP(2,IN),-INN,IS)
728                      enddo
729                    else
730                      do IX = 1,3
731                        DX = DX - DVol * bdensY(-JP(2,IN),NN+INN,IS) *
732     &                       DEXDGD(IX,IS) * DGIDFJ(IX,2,IN)
733                        DC = DC - DVol * bdensY(-JP(2,IN),NN+INN,IS) *
734     &                       DECDGD(IX,IS) * DGIDFJ(IX,2,IN)
735                        bvxcY(-JP(2,IN),NN+INN,IS) = (DEXDGD(IX,IS) +
736     &                       DECDGD(IX,IS))*DGIDFJ(IX,2,IN) +
737     &                       bvxcY(-JP(2,IN),NN+INN,IS)
738                      enddo
739                    endif
740                  endif
742C Z-direction
743                  if (JP(3,IN).gt.0) then
744                    do IX = 1,3
745                      DX = DX - DVol * Dens(JP(3,IN),IS) *
746     &                  DEXDGD(IX,IS) * DGIDFJ(IX,3,IN)
747                      DC = DC - DVol * Dens(JP(3,IN),IS) *
748     &                  DECDGD(IX,IS) * DGIDFJ(IX,3,IN)
749                      VXC(JP(3,IN),IS) = VXC(JP(3,IN),IS) +
750     &                  (DEXDGD(IX,IS)+DECDGD(IX,IS))*DGIDFJ(IX,3,IN)
751                    enddo
752                  else
753                    INN = JPNN(3,IN)
754                    if (INN.lt.0) then
755                      do IX = 1,3
756                        DX = DX - DVol * bdensZ(-JP(3,IN),-INN,IS) *
757     &                       DEXDGD(IX,IS) * DGIDFJ(IX,3,IN)
758                        DC = DC - DVol * bdensZ(-JP(3,IN),-INN,IS) *
759     &                       DECDGD(IX,IS) * DGIDFJ(IX,3,IN)
760                        bvxcZ(-JP(3,IN),-INN,IS) = (DEXDGD(IX,IS) +
761     &                       DECDGD(IX,IS)) * DGIDFJ(IX,3,IN) +
762     &                       bvxcZ(-JP(3,IN),-INN,IS)
763                      enddo
764                    else
765                      do IX = 1,3
766                        DX = DX - DVol * bdensZ(-JP(3,IN),NN+INN,IS) *
767     &                       DEXDGD(IX,IS) * DGIDFJ(IX,3,IN)
768                        DC = DC - DVol * bdensZ(-JP(3,IN),NN+INN,IS) *
769     &                       DECDGD(IX,IS) * DGIDFJ(IX,3,IN)
770                        bvxcZ(-JP(3,IN),NN+INN,IS) = (DEXDGD(IX,IS) +
771     &                       DECDGD(IX,IS))*DGIDFJ(IX,3,IN) +
772     &                       bvxcZ(-JP(3,IN),NN+INN,IS)
773                      enddo
774                    endif
775                  endif
777                enddo
778              endif
781            else
782              VXC(IP,IS) = VXC(IP,IS) + DEXDD(IS) + DECDD(IS)
783              if (ider .eq. 1) then
784                do JS = 1, nspin
785                  KS = JS + (IS-1)*nspin
786                  DVXCDN(IP,JS,IS) = DVXCDN(IP,JS,IS) +
787     &              DVXDN(KS) + DVCDN(KS)
788                enddo
789              endif
790            endif
791          enddo
793C Add contribution to stress due to change in gradient of density
794C originated by the deformation of the mesh with strain
795          if (GGAfunctl) then
796            do JX = 1,3
797              do IX = 1,3
798                do IS = 1,nspin
799                  stress(IX,JX) = stress(IX,JX) - DVol * GD(IX,IS) *
800     &                             ( DEXDGD(JX,IS) + DECDGD(JX,IS) )
801                enddo
802              enddo
803            enddo
804          endif
806C End of loop over functionals
807        enddo
809  210   continue
811      enddo
812      enddo
813      enddo
815#ifdef MPI
816C Return buffer region contributions to VXC to their correct nodes
817      if (GGA.and.Nodes.gt.1) then
818        if (BS(1).ne.NMeshG(1)) then
819          call gathExtMeshData( iDistr, 1, BS(2)*BS(3), NSM, NN, NSPIN,
820     &                          maxp, NMeshG, bvxcX, VXC )
821        endif
822        if (BS(2).ne.NMeshG(2)) then
823          call gathExtMeshData( iDistr, 2, BS(1)*BS(3), NSM, NN, NSPIN,
824     &                          maxp, NMeshG, bvxcY, VXC )
825        endif
826        if (BS(3).ne.NMeshG(3)) then
827          call gathExtMeshData( iDistr, 3, BS(1)*BS(2), NSM, NN, NSPIN,
828     &                          maxp, NMeshG, bvxcZ, VXC )
829        endif
830      endif
833C Add contribution to stress from the change of volume with strain and
834C divide by volume to get correct stress definition (dE/dStrain)/Vol
835      volume = VOLCEL( cell )
836      do JX = 1,3
837        stress(JX,JX) = stress(JX,JX) + EX + EC
838        do IX = 1,3
839          stress(IX,JX) = stress(IX,JX) / volume
840        enddo
841      enddo
842C Divide by energy unit
843      EX = EX / EUnit
844      EC = EC / EUnit
845      DX = DX / EUnit
846      DC = DC / EUnit
847      do IS = 1,nspin
848        do I3 = 0,NMesh(3)-1
849        do I2 = 0,NMesh(2)-1
850        do I1 = 0,NMesh(1)-1
851          IP = 1 + I1 + BS(1) * I2 + BS(1) * BS(2) * I3
852          VXC(IP,IS) = VXC(IP,IS) / EUnit
853        enddo
854        enddo
855        enddo
856      enddo
857      do JX = 1,3
858        do IX = 1,3
859          stressl(IX,JX) = stressl(IX,JX) + (stress(IX,JX) / EUnit)
860        enddo
861      enddo
863      if (ider.eq.1 .and. .not.GGA) then
864        do IS = 1,nspin
865        do JS = 1,nspin
866          do I3 = 0,NMesh(3)-1
867          do I2 = 0,NMesh(2)-1
868          do I1 = 0,NMesh(1)-1
869            IP = 1 + I1 + BS(1) * I2 + BS(1) * BS(2) * I3
870            DVXCDN(IP,JS,IS) = DVXCDN(IP,JS,IS) / EUnit
871          enddo
872          enddo
873          enddo
874        enddo
875        enddo
876      endif
878#ifdef MPI
879C Free memory
880      if (GGA.and.Nodes.gt.1) then
881        if (BS(1).ne.NMeshG(1)) then
882          call de_alloc( bdensX, 'bdensX', 'cellxc' )
883          call de_alloc( bvxcX, 'bvxcX', 'cellxc' )
884        endif
885        if (BS(2).ne.NMeshG(2)) then
886          call de_alloc( bdensY, 'bdensY', 'cellxc' )
887          call de_alloc( bvxcY, 'bvxcY', 'cellxc' )
888        endif
889        if (BS(3).ne.NMeshG(3)) then
890          call de_alloc( bvxcZ, 'bvxcZ', 'cellxc' )
891          call de_alloc( bdensZ, 'bdensZ', 'cellxc' )
892        endif
893      endif
896C Stop time counter
897#ifdef _TRACE_
898      call MPI_Barrier( MPI_Comm_World, MPIerror )
899      call MPItrace_event( 1000, 0 )
901      call timer( 'cellXC', 2 )
903      end subroutine bsc_cellxc