1! ---
2! Copyright (C) 1996-2016	The SIESTA group
3!  This file is distributed under the terms of the
4!  GNU General Public License: see COPYING in the top directory
5!  or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
6! See Docs/Contributors.txt for a list of contributors.
7! ---
9      module dftu_specs
11! Javier Junquera, January 2016, based on previous redftuproj
13! Processes the information in an fdf file
14! to generate the projectors for the DFT+U simulations,
15! and populates the "projectors specifications" data structures.
17! Here is a guide to the behavior of the main routine "read_dftu_specs":
19! * Read the generation method of the projectors:
20!     The DFT+U projectors are the localized functions used
21!     to calculate the local populations used in a Hubbard-like term
22!     that modifies the LDA Hamiltonian and energy.
23!     It is important to recall that DFT+U projectors should be
24!     quite localized functions.
25!     Otherwise the calculated populations loose their atomic character
26!     and physical meaning. Even more importantly,
27!     the interaction range can increase so much that jeopardizes
28!     the efficiency of the calculation.
30!     Two methods are currently implemented (accepted values are 1 and 2):
31!        - If method_gen_dftu_proj = 1
32!          Projectors are slightly-excited numerical atomic orbitals
33!          similar to those used as an automatic basis set by  SIESTA.
34!          The radii of these orbitals are controlled using
35!          the parameter DFTU.EnergyShift and/or the data
36!          in block DFTU.proj (quite similar to the data block PAO.Basis used
37!          to specify the basis set, see below).
38!        - If method_gen_dftu_proj = 2
39!          Projectors are exact solutions of the pseudoatomic
40!          problem (and, in principle, are not strictly localized) which are
41!          cutoff using a Fermi function $1/\{1+\exp[(r-r_c)\omega]\}$.
42!          The values of $r_c$ and $\omega$ are controlled using
43!          the parameter DFTU.CutoffNorm and/or the  data
44!          block DFTU.proj.
45!     The default value is method_gen_dftu_proj = 2
47! * Read the energy shift to generate the DFT+U projectors
48!     Energy increased used to define the localization radious
49!     of the DFTU projectors (similar to the parameter PAO.EnergyShift).
51! * Allocate storage for the data structures
52!   in particular the projector pointer that will be used later
53!   in
54! * Determine any "global" basis specification parameters:
55!   DFTU.proj - This is the most complex block, very flexible but in
56!               need  of spelling-out the specific restrictions.
57!               It follows the same spirit as the PAO.Basis block.
58!               Line by line, the specific info is:
60!   1st:   Species_label number_of_l_shells [basis_type] [ionic_charge]
62!   For each l_shell:
63!     [n= n] l [E vcte rinn]
64!   where 'n= n' is *mandatory* if the species has any semicore states,
65!   E (soft confinement potential) section is optional.
66!   we assume that only one projector per (n,l) quantum numbers is allowed
67!   (i.e., nzeta = 1)
69!          U   and   J (in eV)
70!          rc  and   omega (if method_gen_dftu_proj = 2),
71!                          where rc and omega are, respectively,
72!                          the equivalent of the Fermi energy and width
73!                          of the Fermi functions used to cut the
74!                          long wave functions
76!   or
78!          U   and   J (in eV)
79!          rc  (if method_gen_dftu_proj = 1),
80!                          where rc is the cutoff radius of the (short) wave
81!                          function used to generate the projector.
83!   The cutoff radii in Bohrs. These lines are mandatory.
85!   A line containing contraction (scale) factors is optional, but if it
86!   appears, the values *must be* real numbers.
87!   --------------------------------------------------------------------
89!   After processing DFTU.proj block, whatever PAO information
90!   which is not already available is determined in routine 'autobasis',
91!   using the following defaults:
93!   rc(1:nzeta) is set to 0.0
94!   lambda(1:nzeta) is set to 1.0  (this is a change from old practice)
96!  ----------------------------------
98!  - If method_gen_dftu_proj = 1
99!    The Schrodinger equation for the isolated atom is solved, with
100!    the cutoff radius specified by the user.
101!    The Schrodinger equation is solved using the
102!    electrostatic potential generated by the "scaled" valence charge density.
104!    If the cutoff radius is set to zero, then it is determined by
105!    the DFTU.EnergyShift parameter. If this is the case, the Schrodinger
106!    equation has to be solved a first time, and this is done with the
107!    electrostatic potential generated by the valence charge
108!    density, readed from the pseudo-file.
110!  - If method_gen_dftu_proj = 2
111!    The Schrodinger equation for the isolated atom is solved, with a
112!    very large, arbitrary, cutoff radius.
113!    Here, it is fixed by the rmax parameter to 60.0 Bohrs.
115!    The potential energy included in the Schrodinger equation is computed
116!    from the rescaled charge density, as it was done in the generation of
117!    the basis set. In other words, if we angularly integrate the
118!    rescaled charge density between 0 and infinity it amounts
119!    to (zval + charge), where zval is the nominal charge of the ion
120!    (Zval (Si) = 4.0, Zval(Ba) = 10, and so on),
121!    and charge is the charge included in the PAO.Basis block.
123!    Since the cutoff radius is very large, no soft-confinement is considered.
125!    Once the eigenfunctions are found for each angular momentum shell,
126!    we search the point where the radial part drops below a threshold,
127!    determined by the parameter min_func_val, fixed to 1.0d-6
128!    The wave functions for larger distances will not be considered.
130!    Then, a Fermi-Dirac distribution is defined as
131!    1/[1+exp(r-rc)/width],
132!    where width is defined in the DFTU.proj block and stored in the variable
133!    dftu%width
134!    and rc is explicitly given in the DFTU.proj block or computed
135!    using the DFTU.CutoffNorm label, that defines the norm of the
136!    original orbital contained in a sphere of the radius given by
137!    this parameter.
139!    Finally, the long wave function is multiplied by the Fermi function
141!    To determine the cutoff of the DFTU+U projector,
142!    we select the point where the previous prodcut is smaller than
143!    a small tolerance, set up to 1.d-4.
145! =======================================================================
147      use precision
149      use sys,         only : die               ! Termination routine
150      use basis_specs, only : label2species     ! Function that reads the
151                                                !   label of a species and
152                                                !   converts it to the
153                                                !   corresponding index
154                                                !   according to the
155                                                !   Chemical_Species_Label block
156      use basis_types, only : basis_def_t       ! Derived type where all the
157                                                !   information relative to the
158                                                !   definition of the basis set
159                                                !   is defined
160      use basis_types, only : shell_t           ! Derived type of PAO shells
161      use basis_types, only : dftushell_t       ! Derived type where all the
162                                                !   information relative to the
163                                                !   atomic orbitals where the U
164                                                !   correction will be applied
165                                                !   is defined
166      use basis_types, only : basis_parameters  ! Derived type where all the
167                                                !   information about the
168                                                !   - basis set
169                                                !   - Kleinman-Bylander proj.
170                                                !   - DFT+U proj.
171                                                !   ...
172                                                !   for all the species
173                                                !   are defined
174      use basis_types, only: initialize         ! Subroutine to initialize
175                                                !   the values of some derived
176                                                !   types
177      use basis_types, only: print_dftushell    ! Subroutine to print
178                                                !   the values of the projectors
179                                                !   for DFT+U calculations
180      use basis_types, only : nsp               ! Number of different
181                                                !   chemical species
182      use basis_types, only : charge            ! Ionic charge to generate the
183                                                !   the basis set
184      use atmparams,   only : nrmax             ! Maximum number of points
185                                                !   in the logarithmic grid
186      use atmparams,   only : lmaxd             ! Maximum angular momentum
187                                                !   for both orbitals and
188                                                !   projectors.
189      use atmparams,   only : NTBMAX            ! Maximum number of points
190                                                !   in the tables defining
191                                                !   orbitals, projectors and
192                                                !   local neutral-atom pseudo
193      use pseudopotential, only: pseudopotential_t ! Derived type where all
194                                                !   the information about
195                                                !   the pseudopotential
196                                                !   is stored
197      use atom,        only : schro_eq          ! Subroutine to solve the
198                                                !   radial part of the
199                                                !   Schrodinger equation
200      use atom,        only : rc_vs_e           ! Subroutine to determine
201                                                !   the cutoff radius from the
202                                                !   energy shift
203      use atom,        only : build_vsoft       ! Subroutine to construct
204                                                !   the soft-confinement potent.
205      use atom_options,only: write_ion_plot_files ! Subroutine to plot the
206                                                !   basis functions and other
207                                                !   atomic functions
208      use atm_types,   only : species_info      ! Derived type with all the info
209                                                !   about the radial functions
210                                                !   (PAOs, KB projectors,
211                                                !   DFT+U proj,
212                                                !   VNA potentials, etc)
213                                                !   for a given atomic specie
214      use atm_types,   only : species           ! Actual array where the
215                                                !   previous information is
216                                                !   stored
217      use atm_types,   only : nspecies          ! Total number of different
218                                                !   atomic species
219      use units,       only : pi, eV            ! Conversions
220      use alloc,       only : re_alloc          ! Allocation routines
221      use radial                                ! Derived type for the radial
222                                                !   functions
223      use interpolation, only: spline           ! set spline interpolation
224      use interpolation, only: polint           ! polynomial interpolation
227      implicit none
229      integer :: method_gen_dftu_proj ! Method used to generate the
230                                      !   DFT+U projectors
231                                      !   Default value: exact solution
232                                      !   of the pseudoatomic problem
233                                      !   cutted with a Fermi function
234      real(dp) :: energy_shift_dftu   ! Energy increase used to define
235                                      !   the localization radious of the DFT+U
236                                      !   projectors (similar to the parameter
237                                      !   PAO.EnergyShift)
238                                      !   Default value: 0.05 Ry
239      real(dp) :: dnrm_rc             ! Parameter used to define the cutoff
240                                      !   radius that enters the
241                                      !   Fermi distribution to cut the
242                                      !   DFT+U projectors.
243                                      !   Only used if method_gen_dftu_proj = 2
244                                      !   It is the norm of the original
245                                      !   pseudoatomic orbital contained in
246                                      !   a sphere of radius dnrm_rc.
247                                      !   Default value: 0.90
248      real(dp) :: width_fermi_dftu    ! Parameter used to define the width of
249                                      !   Fermi distribution to cut the
250                                      !   DFT+U projectors.
251                                      !   Only used if method_gen_dftu_proj = 2
252                                      !   Default value: 0.05
253      real(dp) :: dtol_dftupop        ! Parameter that defines the
254                                      !   convergence criterium for the
255                                      !   DFT+U local population
256      real(dp) :: dDmax_threshold     ! Parameter that defines the
257                                      !   criterium required to start or update
258                                      !   the calculation of the populations of
259                                      !   the DFT+U projections
260      logical  :: dftu_init           ! Flag that determines whether the
261                                      !   local populations are calculated
262                                      !   on the first iteration
263      logical  :: dftu_shift          ! Flag that determines whether the
264                                      !   parameter is interpreted
265                                      !   as a local potential shift
266      real(dp), pointer :: projector(:,:,:) ! Radial part of the DFT+U projector
267      integer,  save, public, pointer  ::  nprojsdftu(:)
268                                      ! Total number of DFT+U projectors
269                                      !   (including the different angular
270                                      !   dependencies): i.e. a radial projector
271                                      !   with d-character counts as 5 different
272                                      !   DFT+U projectors
273      real(dp), parameter :: rmax = 60.0_dp
274                                      ! Arbitrary long localization radius
275      real(dp), parameter :: min_func_val = 1.e-6_dp
276                                      ! Minimum value of the
277                                      !   wave function times r, below which
278                                      !   the long wave function is no longer
279                                      !   considered
280      logical,  save ::  switch_dftu = .false.
281                                      ! Switch that determines whether
282                                      ! and DFT+U simulation is required or not
284      ! Routines
285      public :: read_dftu_specs
286      public :: dftu_proj_gen
287      public :: populate_species_info_dftu
289      ! Variables
290      public :: switch_dftu
291      public :: dftu_shift
292      public :: dftu_init
293      public :: dtol_dftupop
294      public :: dDmax_threshold
296      private
298      CONTAINS
300! subroutine read_dftu_specs           : Subroutine that reads all the
301!                                        info in the fdf file related with the
302!                                        DFT+U projectors and
303!                                        allocate some space for
304!                                        the projector pointer
305! subroutine dftu_proj_gen             : Subroutine that solves the
306!                                        Schrodinger equation for the
307!                                        isolated atom and generates the
308!                                        DFT+U projectors
309! subroutine fermicutoff               : Subroutine that computes the Fermi
310!                                        function used to cut the long
311!                                        atomic wave functions and produce
312!                                        the DFT+U projectors.
313!                                        only used if
314!                                        method_gen_dftu_proj = 2
315! subroutine populate_species_info_dftu: Subroutine that populates the
316!                                        data structures related with the DFT+U
317!                                        projectors in the species
318!                                        derived types.
319!                                        Called from the atm_transfer subroutine
322      subroutine read_dftu_specs()
324      use fdf
325      use m_cite, only: add_citation
326      use parallel, only: IONode
328      type(basis_def_t), pointer :: basp
329      type(dftushell_t), pointer :: dftu
330      type(dftushell_t), pointer :: lsdftu
331      type(shell_t), pointer :: shell
334      type(block_fdf)            :: bfdf
335      type(parsed_line), pointer :: pline
337      integer :: isp                ! Dummy parameter to account for the
338                                    !   species label
339      integer :: ish, jsh, i        ! Dummy parameters to account for the
340                                    !   loop on shells
341      integer :: indexp             ! Dummy parameters to account for the
342                                    !   reading of lines in DFTU.proj block
343      integer :: l                  ! Angular quantum number
344      integer :: maxnumberproj      ! Maximum number of projectors
345                                    !   considered in a given species
347      logical :: bool
349!     Default Soft-confinement parameters set by the user
350      logical,  save  :: lsoft
351      real(dp), save  :: softRc, softPt
354!     Read the generation method for the DFT+U projectors
355      method_gen_dftu_proj =
356     &  fdf_get('LDAU.ProjectorGenerationMethod',2)
357      method_gen_dftu_proj =
358     &  fdf_get('DFTU.ProjectorGenerationMethod',method_gen_dftu_proj)
360!     Read the energy-shift to define the cut-off radius of the DFT+U projectors
361      energy_shift_dftu =
362     &     fdf_get('LDAU.EnergyShift',0.05_dp,'Ry')
363      energy_shift_dftu =
364     &     fdf_get('DFTU.EnergyShift',energy_shift_dftu,'Ry')
366!     Read the parameter used to define the cutoff radius used in the Fermi
367!     distribution
368!     (only used if method_gen = 2)
369      dnrm_rc = fdf_get('LDAU.CutoffNorm',0.90_dp)
370      dnrm_rc = fdf_get('DFTU.CutoffNorm',dnrm_rc)
372!     Read information about defaults for soft confinement
373      lsoft  = fdf_get('PAO.SoftDefault',     .false. )
374      softRc = fdf_get('PAO.SoftInnerRadius', 0.9d0   )
375      softPt = fdf_get('PAO.SoftPotential',   40.0d0  )
376!     Sanity checks on values
377      softRc = max(softRc,0.00d0)
378      softRc = min(softRc,0.99d0)
379      softPt = abs(softPt)
381!     Read the parameter that defines the criterium required to start or update
382!     the calculation of the populations of
383!     the DFT+U projections
384      dDmax_threshold = fdf_get('LDAU.ThresholdTol', 1.e-2_dp)
385      dDmax_threshold = fdf_get('DFTU.ThresholdTol', dDmax_threshold)
387!     Read the parameter that defines the convergence criterium for the
388!     DFT+U local population
389      dtol_dftupop = fdf_get('LDAU.PopTol',1.e-3_dp)
390      dtol_dftupop = fdf_get('DFTU.PopTol',dtol_dftupop)
392!     Read the flag that determines whether the U parameter is interpreted
393!     as a local potential shift
394      dftu_shift = fdf_get('LDAU.PotentialShift', .false.)
395      dftu_shift = fdf_get('DFTU.PotentialShift', dftu_shift)
397      ! Read the flag that determines whether the local populations are
398      ! calculated on the first iteration
399      dftu_init = fdf_get('LDAU.FirstIteration', dftu_shift )
400      dftu_init = fdf_get('DFTU.FirstIteration', dftu_init )
401      ! When the local potential shift is applied
402      ! the initial iteration is forced to calculate
403      ! the DFT+U terms
404      if ( dftu_shift ) dftu_init = .true.
406!     Allocate and initialize the array with the number of projectors per
407!     atomic specie
408      nullify( nprojsdftu )
409      call re_alloc( nprojsdftu, 1, nsp, 'nprojsdftu',
410     .    'read_dftu_specs' )
411      nprojsdftu(:) = 0
413!     Read the DFTU.proj block
414      if ( .not. fdf_block('LDAU.proj', bfdf) ) then
415        if (.not. fdf_block('DFTU.proj', bfdf)) RETURN
416      end if
418      ! Add citation
419      if ( IONode ) then
420         call add_citation("10.1103/PhysRevB.57.1505")
421      end if
423      do while(fdf_bline(bfdf, pline))     !! over species
424        if (.not. fdf_bmatch(pline,'ni'))
425     .      call die('Wrong format in DFTU.proj')
426        isp = label2species(fdf_bnames(pline,1))
427        if (isp .eq. 0) then
428          write(6,'(a,1x,a)')
429     .      'WRONG species symbol in DFTU.proj:',
430     .      trim(fdf_bnames(pline,1))
431          call die()
432        endif
434        basp => basis_parameters(isp)
436!       Read on how many orbitals of a given atomic species
437!       we are going to apply the U correction
438        basp%ndftushells = fdf_bintegers(pline,1)
440!       Allocate space in the derived type basis_parameters
441!       to host the information on the atomic orbitals where
442!       the U will be applied
443        allocate(basp%dftushell(basp%ndftushells))
445!       Loop on all the different orbitals where the U will be applied
446        shells: do ish = 1, basp%ndftushells
447          dftu => basp%dftushell(ish)
448          call initialize(dftu)
450          if (.not. fdf_bline(bfdf, pline))
451     .         call die('Not enough information on the AO in DFTU.proj')
453!         Read the principal and angular quantum numbers of the atomic orbital
454!         where the U will be applied
455!         Also we check what is the maximum value of the angular quantum
456!         number between all of them that are read
458!         In the DFTU.proj block, the information about the projectors
459!         can be given as:
460!         n=3    2            # n, l
461!         i.e. with a string "n=" and then two integers...
462          if (fdf_bmatch(pline,'nii')) then
463            dftu%n = fdf_bintegers(pline,1)
464            dftu%l = fdf_bintegers(pline,2)
465            basp%lmxdftupj = max(basp%lmxdftupj,dftu%l)
467!         or deleting the string "n="
468!           3    2            # n, l
469!         i.e. only with two integers
470          elseif (fdf_bmatch(pline,'ii')) then
471            dftu%n = fdf_bintegers(pline,1)
472            dftu%l = fdf_bintegers(pline,2)
473            basp%lmxdftupj = max(basp%lmxdftupj,dftu%l)
475!         or only with one integer. In this case, this is the
476!         angular quantum number.
477!         If the semicore states is included in the valence, then
478!         this is not valid and the principal quantum number has to be given
479!         explicitly
480!           2            # l
481          elseif (fdf_bmatch(pline,'i')) then
482             if (basp%semic)
483     .         call die('Please specify n if there are semicore states')
484             dftu%l = fdf_bintegers(pline,1)
485             dftu%n = basp%ground_state%n(dftu%l)
486             basp%lmxdftupj = max(basp%lmxdftupj,dftu%l)
487          else
488             call die('Bad format of (n), l line in DFTU.proj')
489          endif
491!         Check for consistency in the sequence of principal and
492!         angular quantum numbers
493          do jsh = 1, ish-1
494             if( dftu%l .eq. basp%dftushell(jsh)%l .and.
495     .           dftu%n .eq. basp%dftushell(jsh)%n )
496     .       call die(
497     .        'DFTU projs. with the same l need different values of n')
498          enddo
500          ! Check that the principal and angular quantum numbers
501          ! are already an PAO
502          bool = .false.
503          do i = 0 , basp%lmxo
504           do jsh = 1 , basp%lshell(i)%nn
505              shell => basp%lshell(i)%shell(jsh)
506              if ( shell%nzeta == 0 ) cycle
507              bool = bool .or.
508     &          (shell%n == dftu%n .and. shell%l == dftu%l)
509           end do
510          end do
511          if ( .not. bool ) then
512             call die(
513     &'DFTU projs require quantum numbers to exist. Check n and L')
514          end if
516!         Check whether soft-confinement will be used
517          if (fdf_bsearch(pline,'E',indexp)) then
518            if (fdf_bmatch(pline,'vv',after=indexp)) then
519              dftu%vcte = fdf_bvalues(pline,ind=1,after=indexp)
520              dftu%rinn = fdf_bvalues(pline,ind=2,after=indexp)
521            else
522              call die('Need vcte and rinn after E in DFTU.proj')
523            endif
524          elseif (lsoft) then
525            dftu%vcte = softPt
526            dftu%rinn = -softRc
527          else
528            dftu%vcte = 0.0_dp
529            dftu%rinn = 0.0_dp
530          endif
532!         Read the U and J parameters for this atomic orbital
533          if (.not. fdf_bline(bfdf, pline))
534     .      call die('No information for the U and J parameters...')
536          if ( fdf_bnvalues(pline) .ne. 2)
537     .      call die('Insert values for the U and J parameters')
539          if (fdf_bmatch(pline,'vv')) then
540              dftu%u = fdf_bvalues(pline,1)*eV
541              dftu%j = fdf_bvalues(pline,2)*eV
542          endif
544!         Read the cutoff radii (rc) to generate the projectors
545!         and the contraction functions (lambda)
546          if ( .not. fdf_bline(bfdf, pline) )
547     .      call die('No information for the rc for projectors...')
549          if( method_gen_dftu_proj .eq. 1 ) then
550            if ( fdf_bnvalues(pline) .ne. 1 )
551     .        call die('Insert one value for the rc')
552            dftu%rc    = fdf_bvalues(pline,1)
554          elseif( method_gen_dftu_proj .eq. 2 ) then
555            if ( fdf_bnvalues(pline) .ne. 2 )
556     .        call die('Insert one value for the rc and width')
557            dftu%rc      = fdf_bvalues(pline,1)
558            dftu%dnrm_rc = dnrm_rc
559            if ( fdf_bvalues(pline,2) .lt. 1.d-4 ) then
560!             Default value of parameter used to define the width of
561!             the Fermi distribution to produce the DFT+U projectors
562!             (only used if method_gen = 2)
563              dftu%width = 0.05_dp
564            else
565              dftu%width = fdf_bvalues(pline,2)
566            endif
568          endif
570!         Optional: read the value for the contraction factor (lambda)
571          if ( .not. fdf_bline(bfdf,pline) ) then
572             if (ish.ne.basp%ndftushells)
573     .         call die('Not enough shells')
574!            Dafault values for the scale factors
575          else
576            if (.not. fdf_bmatch(pline,'r')) then
577              ! New shell or species
578              ! Default values for the scale factors
579              if ( .not. fdf_bbackspace(bfdf) )
580     .          call die('read_dftu_specs: ERROR in DFTU.proj block')
581!              cycle shells
582            else
583              if ( fdf_bnreals(pline) .ne. 1 )
584     .          call die('One optional value of lambda')
585              dftu%lambda = fdf_breals(pline,1)
586            endif
587          endif
589        enddo shells     ! end of loop over shells for species isp
592!       Count the total number of projectors
593        nprojsdftu(isp) = 0
594        do ish = 1, basp%ndftushells
595          dftu => basp%dftushell(ish)
596          l      = dftu%l
597          nprojsdftu(isp) = nprojsdftu(isp) + (2*l + 1)
598        enddo
599        basp%ndftuprojs_lm = nprojsdftu(isp)
600!!       For debugging
601!        write(6,'(a,i5)')'read_dftu_specs: lmxkb     = ',
602!     .    basp%lmxkb
603!        write(6,'(a,i5)')'read_dftu_specs: lmxdftupj = ',
604!     .    basp%lmxdftupj
605!        write(6,'(a,i5)')'read_dftu_specs: nprojsdftu(isp) = ',
606!     .    nprojsdftu(isp)
607!!       End debugging
609      enddo  ! end loop over species
611!     Allocate and initialize the array where the radial part of the
612!     projectors in the logarithmic grid will be stored
613      maxnumberproj = 0
614      do isp = 1, nsp
615        basp => basis_parameters(isp)
616        maxnumberproj = max( maxnumberproj, basp%ndftushells )
617      enddo
618      nullify( projector )
619      call re_alloc( projector,
620     .               1, nsp,
621     .               1, maxnumberproj,
622     .               1, nrmax,
623     .               'projector', 'dftu_proj_gen' )
624      projector = 0.0_dp
627!!     For debugging
628!      call die('Testing read_dftu_specs')
629!!     End debugging
632      end subroutine read_dftu_specs
634! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
635! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
637      subroutine dftu_proj_gen( isp )
638! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
639!     Generation of DFT+U projectors
640!     DFT+U projectors are, basically, pseudo-atomic-orbitals
641!     with artificially small radii.
642!     Written by D. Sanchez-Portal, Aug. 2008 after module basis_gen
643!     Rewritten by Javier Junquera to merge with the top of the trunk
644!     (Siesta 4.0), Feb. 2016
645! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
646      use basis_specs, only : restricted_grid
647      use basis_specs, only : rmax_radial_grid
649      use siestaXC,    only : atomXC
651      integer, intent(in)   :: isp   ! Species index
653!     Internal variables
654      integer  :: n           ! Principal quantum number of the projector
655      integer  :: l           ! Angular quantum number of the projector
656      integer  :: lpseudo     ! Angular quantum number of the pseudopotential
657      integer  :: iproj       ! Counter for the loop on projectors
658      integer  :: ir          ! Counter for the loop on points in the log grid
659      integer  :: ndown       ! Counter for the loop on l for the pseudos
660      integer  :: ndftupj     ! Number of DFT+U projectors that will be computed
661                              !    for a given specie (here we consider only
662                              !    different radial parts)
663      integer  :: nodd        ! Check whether we have and odd number of points
664                              !    in the logarithmic grid
665      integer  :: nnodes      ! Number of nodes in the radial part of the
666                              !    eigenfunctions of the Schrodinger equation
667      integer  :: nprin       ! Principal quantum number within the pseudoatom
668      real(dp) :: U           ! Value of the U parameter
669      real(dp) :: J           ! Value of the J parameter
670      real(dp) :: r2          ! Square of the distance to the nuclei
671      real(dp) :: rco         ! Cutoff radius
672      real(dp) :: rc          ! Cutoff radius (auxiliary variable to fit in an
673                              !   odd number of points in the log grid)
674      real(dp) :: phi         ! Wave function times r at a given point in
675                              !   the log grid
676      real(dp) :: lambda      ! Contraction factor
677      real(dp) :: el          ! Energy of the eigenvalue after adding the
678                              !    energy shift
679      real(dp) :: dnorm       ! Norm of the projector
680      real(dp) :: rinn        ! Inner radius where the soft-confinement potent.
681                              !   starts off
682      real(dp) :: vcte        ! Prefactor of the soft-confinement potent.
683      real(dp) :: ionic_charge! Ionic charge to generate the basis set.
684!     Variables used only in the call to atomxc
685      real(dp) :: ex          ! Total exchange energy
686      real(dp) :: ec          ! Total correlation energy
687      real(dp) :: dx          ! IntegralOf( rho * (eps_x - v_x) )
688      real(dp) :: dc          ! IntegralOf( rho * (eps_c - v_c) )
690      real(dp) :: eigen(0:lmaxd)      ! Eigenvalues  of the Schrodinger equation
691      real(dp) :: rphi(nrmax,0:lmaxd) ! Eigenvectors of the Schrodinger equation
692      real(dp) :: vsoft(nrmax)        ! Soft-confinement potential
693      real(dp) :: fermi_func(nrmax)   ! Fermi function used to cut the
694                                      !    long pseudowave functions and
695                                      !    produce the DFT+U projectors
698!     Derived types where some information on the different shells are stored
701      type(basis_def_t),       pointer :: basp  ! Parameters that define the
702                                                !   basis set, KB projectors,
703                                                !   DFT+U projectors, pseudopot
704                                                !   etc for a given species
705      type(dftushell_t),       pointer :: shell ! Information about
706                                                !   DFT+U projectors
707      type(pseudopotential_t), pointer :: vps   ! Pseudopotential information
710!     Variables related with the radial logarithmic grid
712      integer      :: nr                     ! Number of points required to
713                                             !   store the pseudopotential and
714                                             !   the wave functions in the
715                                             !   logarithmic grid
716                                             !   (directly read from the
717                                             !   pseudopotential file)
718      integer      :: nrval                  ! Actual number of points in the
719                                             !   logarithmic grid
720      integer      :: nrc                    ! Number of points required to
721                                             !   store the pseudowave functions
722                                             !   in the logarithmic grid
723                                             !   after being strictly confined.
724      integer      :: nrwf                   ! Actual number of points in the
725                                             !   logarithmic grid to solve the
726                                             !   Schrodinger equation of the isolated
727                                             !   atom when no cutoff radius is
728                                             !   specified
729                                             !   In these cases, an arbitrary long
730                                             !   localization radius of 60.0 Bohrs
731                                             !   is assumed
732      integer      :: nrwf_new               !
733      real(dp)     :: a                      ! Step parameter of log. grid
734                                             !   (directly read from the
735                                             !   pseudopotential file)
736      real(dp)     :: b                      ! Scale parameter of log. grid
737                                             !   (directly read from the
738                                             !   pseudopotential file)
739      real(dp)     :: rofi(nrmax)            ! Radial points of the
740                                             !   logarithmic grid
741                                             !   rofi(r)=b*[exp(a*(i-1)) - 1]
742                                             !   (directly read from the
743                                             !   pseudopotential file)
744      real(dp)     :: drdi(nrmax)            ! Derivative of the radial
745                                             !   distance respect the mesh index
746                                             !   Computed after the radial mesh
747                                             !    is read
748      real(dp)     :: s(nrmax)               ! Metric array
749                                             !   Computed after the radial mesh
750                                             !    is read
751      real(dp)     :: rpb, ea                ! Local variables used in the
752                                             !   calculation of the log. grid
755!     Variable used to store the semilocal component of the pseudopotential
758      character*4  ::  nicore                ! Flag that determines whether
759                                             !   non-linear core corrections
760                                             !   are included
761      character*3  ::  irel                  ! Flag that determines whether
762                                             !   the atomic calculation is
763                                             !   relativistic or not
764      real(dp)     :: vpseudo(nrmax,0:lmaxd) ! Semilocal components of the
765                                             !   pseudopotentials
766                                             !   (directly read from the
767                                             !   pseudopotential file)
768      real(dp)     :: zval                   ! Valence charge of the atom
769                                             !   (directly read from the
770                                             !   pseudopotential file)
771                                             !   This value is the nominal one
775!     Variable used to store the semilocal component of the pseudopotential
777      real(dp)                 :: chgvps     ! Valence charge of the pseudoion
778                                             !   for which the pseudo was
779                                             !   generated in the ATM code
780                                             !   (it might not correspond with
781                                             !   the nominal valence charge
782                                             !   of the atom if the pseudo
783                                             !   has been generated for an ionic
784                                             !   configuration, for instance
785                                             !   when semicore has been
786                                             !   explicitly included in the
787                                             !   valence).
788                                             !   For instance, for Ba with
789                                             !   the semicore in valence,
790                                             !   (atomic reference configuration
791                                             !   5s2 5p6 5d0 4f0),
792                                             !   chgvps = 8  (two in the 5s
793                                             !                and six in the 5p)
794                                             !   zval   = 10 (two in the 5s,
795                                             !                six in the 5p,
796                                             !                and two in the 6s.
797                                             !   These two last electrons were
798                                             !   not included in the
799                                             !   reference atomic configuration)
800      real(dp)     :: rho(nrmax)             ! Valence charge density
801                                             !   As read from the pseudo file,
802                                             !   it is angularly integrated
803                                             !   (i.e. multiplied by 4*pi*r^2).
804      real(dp)     :: rho_PAO(nrmax)         ! Valence charge density
805                                             !   it is angularly integrated
806                                             !   (i.e. multiplied by 4*pi*r^2).
807      real(dp)     :: ve(nrmax)              ! Electrostatic potential
808                                             !   generated by the valence charge
809                                             !   density, readed from the
810                                             !   pseudo file
811      real(dp)     :: vePAO(nrmax)           ! Electrostatic potential
812                                             !   generated by the "scaled"
813                                             !   valence charge density
814      real(dp)     :: vePAOsoft(nrmax)       ! vePAO + the soft-confinement pot.
815      real(dp)     :: vxc(nrmax)             ! Exchange and correlation potentil
816      real(dp)     :: chcore(nrmax)          ! Core charge density
817                                             !   As read from the pseudo file,
818                                             !   it is angularly integrated
819                                             !   (i.e. multiplied by 4*pi*r^2).
820      real(dp)     :: auxrho(nrmax)          !  Sum of the valence charge and
821                                             !   core charge (if NLCC included)
822                                             !   densities to compute the
823                                             !   atomic exchange and correl.
824                                             !   potential.
825                                             !   auxrho is NOT angularly integr.
826                                             !   (not multiplied by 4*pi*r^2)
827      integer      :: irelt                  ! Flag that determines whether the
828                                             !   atomic calculation to
829                                             !   generate the pseudopotential
830                                             !   was relativistic (irelt = 1)
831                                             !   or no relativistic (irelt = 0)
832      real(dp), parameter   :: eps  = 1.0e-4_dp  ! Epsilon value used to
833                                             !   determine the cutoff of
834                                             !   the DFT+U projector
835                                             !   if method = 2
838!     Associate the pointer so it points to the variable where all the
839!     parameters defining the basis sets of the given species are stored
840      basp => basis_parameters(isp)
842!     Determine if something has to be done regarding the
843!     generation of the DFT+U projectors.
844!     If DFT+U is not required (number of DFT+U projectors equal to zero),
845!     then do nothing and return.
847!     Compute how many DFT+U projector we are going to compute
848!     for this species
849      ndftupj = basp%ndftushells
852!     Determine whether the calculation of DFT+U projectors is required or not
853!     for this atomic species
854      if( .not. ndftupj > 0 ) return
856!     This switch will be used afterwards in setup_hamiltonian
857!     to determine whether the call to the Hubbard subroutine
858!     is required or not
859      switch_dftu = .true.
861!     Associate the pointer so it points to the variable where all the
862!     parameters defining the basis sets of the given species are stored
863      vps => basp%pseudopotential
866!     Read all the required information from the pseudopotentials that
867!     will be required to solve the Schrodinger equation for the isolated atoms
869      nr     = vps%nr
870      b      = vps%b
871      a      = vps%a
872      zval   = vps%zval
873      nicore = vps%nicore
874      irel   = vps%irel
875      ionic_charge = charge(isp)
877      nrval = nr + 1
878      if (rmax_radial_grid /= 0.0_dp) then
879         nrval = nint(log(rmax_radial_grid/b+1.0d0)/a)+1
880         write(6,"(a,f10.5,i5)")
881     .     'Maximum radius (at nrval) set to ',
882     .     rmax_radial_grid, nrval
883      endif
885      if (restricted_grid) then
886        nodd  = mod(nrval,2)
887        nrval = nrval -1 + nodd ! Will be less than or equal to vp%nrval
888      endif
890      if ( nrval .gt. nrmax ) then
891        write(6,'(a,i4)')
892     .   'dftu_proj_gen: ERROR: Nrmax must be increased to at least',
893     .    nrval
894        call die
895      endif
897!     Read the radial logarithmic mesh
898      rofi(1:nrval) = vps%r(1:nrval)
900!     Calculate drdi and s
901!     drdi is the derivative of the radial distance respect to the mesh index
902!     i.e. rofi(ir)= b*[ exp( a*(i-1) ) - 1 ] and therefore
903!     drdi=dr/di =a*b*exp(a*(i-1))= a*[rofi(ir)+b]
905      rpb = b
906      ea  = dexp(a)
907      do ir = 1, nrval
908        drdi(ir) = a * rpb
909        s(ir)    = dsqrt( a * rpb )
910        rpb      = rpb * ea
911      enddo
913!!     For debugging
914!!     Differences with respect Daniel's grid implementation
915!!     can appear in the number of points nrval.
916!!     In this latest version, the option restricted_grid is activated
917!!     by default.
918!!     This was not yet implemented in the version where Daniel started
919!!     Even more, the value of s printed by Daniel corresponds
920!!     with the redefinition given below for the integration of the
921!!     Schrodinger equation (s = drdi^2).
922!!     The one defined here is required for the solution of the Poisson equation
923!      do ir = 1, nrval
924!        write(6,'(i5,3f20.12)') ir, rofi(ir), drdi(ir), s(ir)
925!      enddo
926!      call die()
927!!     End debugging
930!     Read the ionic pseudopotentials (Only 'down' used)
931!     These are required to solve the Schrodinger equation for the isolated
932!     atoms.
933!     Here we read all the semilocal components of the pseudopotential
934!     independently of whether the DFT+U projector for a particular
935!     angular momentum is required or not.
937      do 20 ndown = 1, basp%lmxdftupj+1
939        lpseudo = vps%ldown(ndown)
941        if ( lpseudo .ne. ndown-1 ) then
942           write(6,'(a)')
943     . 'dftu_proj_gen: Unexpected angular momentum  for pseudopotential'
944           write(6,'(a)')
945     . 'dftu_proj_gen: Pseudopot. should be ordered by increasing l'
946        endif
948        vpseudo(1:nrval,lpseudo) = vps%vdown(ndown,1:nrval)
950        do ir = 2, nrval
951          vpseudo(ir,lpseudo) = vpseudo(ir,lpseudo)/rofi(ir)
952        enddo
953        vpseudo(1,lpseudo) = vpseudo(2,lpseudo)     ! AG
955  20  enddo
957!!     For debugging
958!!     Up to this point, these are the same pseudos as read in
959!!     Daniel's version of DFT+U
960!!     The only difference might be at the number of points in
961!!     the log grid
962!      do lpseudo = 0, basp%lmxdftupj
963!        write(6,'(/a,i5)')
964!     .    ' dftu_proj_gen: Reading pseudopotential for l = ',
965!     .    lpseudo
967!        do ir = 1, nrval
968!          write(6,'(a,i5,2f20.12)')
969!     .      ' ir, rofi, vpseudo = ', ir, rofi(ir), vpseudo(ir,lpseudo)
970!        enddo
971!      enddo
972!!     End debugging
974!     Read the valence charge density from the pseudo file
975!     and scale it if the ionic charge of the reference configuration
976!     is not the same as the nominal valence charge of the atom
977      chgvps = vps%gen_zval
978      do ir = 1, nrval
979        rho(ir) = chgvps * vps%chval(ir)/zval
980      enddo
982!     Find the Hartree potential created by a radial electron density
983!     using the Numerov's method to integrate the radial Poisson equation.
984!     The input charge density at this point has to be angularly integrated.
985      call vhrtre( rho, ve, rofi, drdi, s, nrval, a )
988!     Set 'charge':
989!     1. If 'charge' is not set in the fdf file (in the PAO.Basis block,
990!        an charge can be included to generate the pseudopotential)
991!        then set it to zval-chgvps.
992!     2. If 'charge' is equal to zval-chgvps, set it to that.
994      if( ( abs(ionic_charge) .eq. huge(1.0_dp) ) .or.
995     .    ( abs( ionic_charge-(zval-chgvps) ) .lt. 1.0d-3) ) then
996        ionic_charge = zval - chgvps
997      endif
999!     For DFT+U projector calculations
1000!     We use the "scaled" charge density of an ion of total charge "charge"
1001!     As seen above, this ion could be the one involved in ps generation,
1002!     or another specified at the time of basis generation.
1003!     Example: Ba: ps ionic charge: +2
1004!              basis gen specified charge: +0.7
1005!              if we integrate the charge density in rho_PAO, the integral
1006!              would amount to (zval - ionic_charge) = 10.0 - 0.7 = 9.3
1008      do ir = 2,nrval
1009        rho_PAO(ir) = (zval-ionic_charge) * rho(ir) / chgvps
1010      enddo
1011      rho_PAO(1) = rho_PAO(2)
1013!!     For debugging: check the normalization condition of the rescaled charge
1014!!     density
1015!      dnorm = 0.0_dp
1016!      do ir = 2,nrval
1017!        dnorm = dnorm + rho_PAO(ir) * drdi(ir)
1018!      enddo
1019!      write(6,'(a,4f12.5)')'Total charge in rho_PAO = ',
1020!     .                dnorm, zval, ionic_charge, (zval-ionic_charge)
1021!!     End debugging
1023      call vhrtre( rho_PAO, vePAO, rofi, drdi, s, nrval, a )
1025!!     For debugging
1026!      write(6,'(a,3f12.5)')' zval, chgvps, ionic_charge = ',
1027!     .                    zval, chgvps, ionic_charge
1028!      do ir = 1, nrval
1029!        write(6,'(a,i5,4f20.12)')
1030!     .    ' ir, rofi, rho, ve, vePAO = ',
1031!     .      ir, rofi(ir), rho(ir), ve(ir), vePAO(ir)
1032!      enddo
1033!!      call die()
1034!!     End debugging
1036!     Read the core charge density from the pseudo file
1037      chcore(1:nrval) = vps%chcore(1:nrval)
1039!     Compute the exchange and correlation potential in the atom
1040!     Note that atomxc expects true rho(r), not 4 * pi * r^2 * rho(r)
1041!     We use auxrho for that
1043      do ir = 2, nrval
1044        r2 = rofi(ir)**2
1045        r2 = 4.0_dp * pi * r2
1046        dc = rho(ir) / r2
1047        if( nicore .ne. 'nc  ')  dc = dc + chcore(ir) / r2
1048        auxrho(ir) = dc
1049      enddo
1050      r2        = rofi(2) / (rofi(3)-rofi(2))
1051      auxrho(1) = auxrho(2) - ( auxrho(3) - auxrho(2) ) * r2
1053!     Determine whether the atomic calculation to generate the pseudopotential
1054!     is relativistic or not
1055      if (irel.eq.'rel') irelt=1
1056      if (irel.ne.'rel') irelt=0
1058!     Compute the exchange and correlation potential
1059      call atomxc( irelt, nrval, nrmax, rofi,
1060     &             1, auxrho, ex, ec, dx, dc, vxc )
1062!!     For debugging
1063!      write(6,'(a,i5)') 'irelt = ', irelt
1064!      write(6,'(a,i5)') 'nrval = ', nrval
1065!      write(6,'(a,i5)') 'nrmax = ', nrmax
1066!      do ir = 1, nrval
1067!        write(6,'(a,i5,3f20.12)')
1068!     .    ' ir, rofi, auxrho, vxc = ',
1069!     .      ir, rofi(ir), auxrho(ir), vxc(ir)
1070!      enddo
1071!      call die()
1072!!     End debugging
1074!     Add the exchange and correlation potential to the Hartree potential
1075      ve(1:nrval) = ve(1:nrval) + vxc(1:nrval)
1077!!     For debugging
1078!      write(6,'(a,f20.12)')' chg = ', chgvps
1079!      write(6,'(a,f20.12)')' a   = ', a
1080!      write(6,'(a,f20.12)')' b   = ', b
1081!      do ir = 1, nrval
1082!        write(6,'(a,i5,3f20.12)')
1083!     .      ' ir, rofi, vxc+vhr, vpseudo = ',
1084!     .        ir, rofi(ir), ve(ir), vpseudo(ir,0)
1085!      enddo
1086!      call die()
1087!!     End debugging
1089      do ir = 2,nrval
1090        r2 = rofi(ir)**2
1091        r2 = 4.0d0*pi*r2
1092        dc = rho_PAO(ir)/r2
1093        if ( nicore .ne. 'nc  ' ) dc = dc + chcore(ir)/r2
1094        auxrho(ir) = dc
1095      enddo
1096      r2 = rofi(2)/(rofi(3)-rofi(2))
1097      auxrho(1) = auxrho(2) -(auxrho(3)-auxrho(2))*r2
1099      call atomxc( irelt, nrval, nrmax, rofi,
1100     &             1, auxrho, ex, ec, dx, dc, vxc )
1102      vePAO(1:nrval) = vePAO(1:nrval) + vxc(1:nrval)
1104!!     For debugging
1105!      do ir = 1, nrval
1106!        write(6,'(a,i5,4f20.12)')
1107!     .    ' ir, rofi, rho, ve, vePAO = ',
1108!     .      ir, rofi(ir), rho(ir), ve(ir), vePAO(ir)
1109!      enddo
1110!!      call die()
1111!!     End debugging
1114!     Redefine the array s for the Schrodinger equation integration
1116      s(2:nrval) = drdi(2:nrval) * drdi(2:nrval)
1117      s(1) = s(2)
1119!     Loop over all the projectors that will be generated
1120      loop_projectors: do iproj = 1, ndftupj
1121         shell => basp%dftushell(iproj)
1122         n      = shell%n
1123         l      = shell%l
1124         U      = shell%u
1125         J      = shell%j
1126         rco    = shell%rc
1127         rinn   = shell%rinn
1128         vcte   = shell%vcte
1130!        If the compression factor is negative or zero,
1131!        the orbitals are left untouched
1132         if( shell%lambda .le. 0.0d0 ) shell%lambda=1.0d0
1133         lambda = shell%lambda
1135!        Check whether the cutoff radius for the DFT+U projector
1136!        is explicitly determined in the input file or automatically
1137!        controlled by
1138!        - the EnergyShift parameter            (method_gen_dftu_proj = 1)
1139!        - the cutoff of the Fermi distribution (method_gen_dftu_proj = 2)
1140!        For the first generation method, and if we rely on the automatic
1141!        determination, we have to compute the rc from the EnergyShift.
1142!        This is done from a cut-and-paste from the corresponding lines
1143!        in the generation of the PAOs for the basis sets.
1144!        For the second generation method,
1145!        the rc is determined by the Fermi function,
1146!        and it is done in fermicutoff distribution
1147         if ( rco .lt. 1.0d-5 ) then
1149!          Cutoff controled by the energy shift parameter:
1150           if( method_gen_dftu_proj .eq. 1) then
1151!            Some required variables to solve the Schrodinger
1152!            equation are defined below
1154!            Determine the number of nodes in the radial part of
1155!            the eigenfunction
1157!            OF THE NEW PSEUDOS:
1160             nnodes = 1
1161!            Determine the principal quantum number within the pseudoatom
1162             nprin  = l + 1
1164             nrwf = nrval
1165             if (restricted_grid)  nrwf = nrwf + 1 - mod(nrwf,2)
1167!!            For debugging
1168!             write(6,'(/a,i2)')
1169!     .         'DFTUprojs with principal quantum number n = ', n
1170!             write(6,'(a,i2)')
1171!     .         'DFTUprojs with angular momentum l = ', l
1172!             write(6,'(a,f12.5)')
1173!     .         'DFTUprojs with U        = ',U
1174!             write(6,'(a,f12.5)')
1175!     .         'DFTUprojs with J        = ',J
1176!             write(6,'(a,f12.5)')
1177!     .         'DFTUprojs with lambda   = ',shell%lambda
1178!             write(6,'(a,f12.5)')
1179!     .         'DFTUprojs with rc       = ',shell%rc
1180!             write(6,'(a,i5)')
1181!     .         'DFTUprojs with nnodes   = ',nnodes
1182!             write(6,'(a,i5)')
1183!     .         'DFTUprojs with nprin    = ',nprin
1184!             write(6,'(a,i5)')
1185!     .         'DFTUprojs with nrval    = ',nrval
1186!             write(6,'(a,i5)')
1187!     .         'DFTUprojs with nrwf     = ',nrwf
1188!             write(6,'(a,i5)')
1189!     .         'DFTUprojs with nrmax    = ',nrmax
1190!             write(6,'(a,f12.5)')
1191!     .         'DFTUprojs with zval     = ',zval
1192!             write(6,'(a,f12.5)')
1193!     .         'DFTUprojs with a        = ',a
1194!             write(6,'(a,f12.5)')
1195!     .         'DFTUprojs with b        = ',b
1196!!            End debugging
1198!            Initialize the eigenfunctions
1199             rphi(:,l) = 0.0_dp
1200!            Solve the Schrodinger for the long cutoff
1201             call schro_eq( zval, rofi, vpseudo(1,l), ve, s, drdi,
1202     .                      nrwf, l, a, b, nnodes, nprin,
1203     .                      eigen(l), rphi(1,l) )
1206!            Compute the cutoff radius of the DFT+U projectors
1207!            as given by energy_shift_dftu
1209             if( eigen(l) .gt. 0.0_dp ) then
1210               write(6,'(/a,i2,a)')
1211     .         'dftu_proj_gen: ERROR Orbital with angular momentum L=',
1212     .         l, ' not bound in the atom'
1213               write(6,'(a)')
1214     .         'dftu_proj_gen: an rc  radius must be explicitly given'
1215               call die()
1216             endif
1218             if( abs(energy_shift_dftu) .gt. 1.0d-5 ) then
1219               el = eigen(l) + energy_shift_dftu
1220               call rc_vs_e( a, b, rofi, vpseudo(1,l), ve, nrval, l,
1221     .                       el, nnodes, rco )
1222             else
1223               rco = rofi(nrval-2)
1224             endif
1226!            Store the new variable for the cutoff radii
1227!            automatically determined
1228             shell%rc = rco
1230             write(6,'(/,a,/,a,f10.6,a)')
1231     .         'dftu_proj_gen: PAO cut-off radius determined from an',
1232     .         'dftu_proj_gen: energy shift =',energy_shift_dftu,' Ry'
1233             write(6,'(a,f10.6,a)')
1234     .         'dftu_proj_gen: rco =',rco,' Bohr'
1236           endif
1238         endif     ! End if automatic determination of the rc
1240!        At this point, independently of the method,
1241!        we should now the cutoff radius of the DFT+U projector.
1242!        Now, we compute it
1243         rco = shell%rc
1245!        Store the radial point of the logarithmic grid where the
1246!        DFT+U projector vanishes
1247         nrc = nint(log(rco/b+1.0_dp)/a)+1
1248         shell%nrc = nrc
1250!        Determine the number of nodes
1251         nnodes = 1
1252!        Determine the principal quantum number within the pseudoatom
1253         nprin  = l + 1
1255         if( method_gen_dftu_proj .eq. 1) then
1256!          Build the soft confinement potential
1257           vsoft = 0.0_dp
1258!          Scale the orbitals with the contraction factor
1259           rc  = rco / lambda
1260           call build_vsoft( isp, l, 1, rinn, vcte,
1261     .                       0.0_dp, 0.0_dp, 0.0_dp,
1262     .                       a, b, rc, rofi, nrval,
1263     .                       vsoft, plot=write_ion_plot_files )
1264!!          For debugging
1265!           write(6,'(/a,i5)')  '# l = '          , l
1266!           write(6,'(a,f12.5)')'# Eigenvalue =  ', eigen(l)
1267!           write(6,'(a)')      '# Soft-confinement      '
1268!           write(6,'(a,f12.5)')'# Inner radius  = ' , rinn
1269!           write(6,'(a,f12.5)')'# Prefactor     =  ', vcte
1270!           write(6,'(a,f12.5)')'# Cutoff radius =  ', rco
1271!           do ir = 1, nrval
1272!             write(6,'(2f20.12)')rofi(ir), vsoft(ir)
1273!           enddo
1274!!          End debugging
1276           do ir = 1, nrval
1277             vePAOsoft(ir) = vePAO(ir) + vsoft(ir)
1278           enddo
1281!          If rc is negative, treat it as a fractional value
1283           if (rco .lt. 0.0_dp) then
1284             call die("rc < 0 for first-zeta orbital")
1285           endif
1287!          Find the required number of points in the logarithmic grid
1288!          to solve the Scrodingcer equation
1289           nrc = nint(log(rc/b+1.0_dp)/a)+1
1291!          Note that rco is redefined here, to make it fall on an odd-numbered
1292!          grid point.
1294           if (restricted_grid) then
1295             nodd = mod(nrc,2)
1296             if( nodd .eq. 0 ) then
1297               nrc = nrc + 1
1298             endif
1299           endif
1301           rc  = b*(exp(a*(nrc-1))-1.0d0)
1303!          Solve the Schrodinger equation for the required cutoff
1304!          and with the Hartree potential from the scaled charge density
1306!          Initialize the eigenfunctions
1307           rphi(:,l) = 0.0_dp
1308           call schro_eq( zval, rofi, vpseudo(1,l), vePAOsoft, s, drdi,
1309     .                    nrc, l, a, b, nnodes, nprin,
1310     .                    eigen(l), rphi(1,l) )
1312!          Normalize the eigenfunctions
1313!          and divide them by r^(l+1)
1314!          In the previous subroutine, we compute r * phi,
1315!          where phi is the radial part of the wave functions.
1316!          In Siesta, we store in the tables phi/r^l.
1317!          Therefore, we need to divide the previous solution by
1318!          r^(l+1)
1320           projector(isp,iproj,:)=rphi(:,l)/(rofi(:)**(l+1))
1321           projector(isp,iproj,1)=projector(isp,iproj,2)
1323           dnorm = 0.0_dp
1324           do ir = 2, nrc
1325             dnorm = dnorm + drdi(ir) *
1326     .         (projector(isp,iproj,ir)*rofi(ir)**(l+1))**2
1327           enddo
1328           dnorm = sqrt(dnorm)
1329           projector(isp,iproj,:) = projector(isp,iproj,:)/dnorm
1330           projector(isp,iproj,1) = projector(isp,iproj,2)
1332           shell%nrc = nrc
1333           shell%rc  = rc
1335         else if( method_gen_dftu_proj .eq. 2) then
1336!          An arbitrary long localization radius for these orbitals
1337!          is set up with the parameter rmax (=60.0 Bohr by default).
1338!          This was suggested in the original implementation by Daniel
1339!          and is kept here for backwards compatibility
1340           nrwf = nint(log(rmax/b+1.0d0)/a)+1
1341           nrwf = min(nrwf,nrval)
1342           if (restricted_grid)  nrwf = nrwf + 1 - mod(nrwf,2)
1344!          For debugging
1345           write(6,'(/a,i2)')
1346     .       'DFTUprojs with principal quantum number n = ', n
1347           write(6,'(a,i2)')
1348     .       'DFTUprojs with angular momentum l = ', l
1349           write(6,'(a,f12.5)')
1350     .       'DFTUprojs with U        = ',U
1351           write(6,'(a,f12.5)')
1352     .       'DFTUprojs with J        = ',J
1353           write(6,'(a,f12.5)')
1354     .       'DFTUprojs with lambda   = ',shell%lambda
1355           write(6,'(a,f12.5)')
1356     .       'DFTUprojs with rc       = ',shell%rc
1357           write(6,'(a,i5)')
1358     .         'DFTUprojs with nnodes   = ',nnodes
1359           write(6,'(a,i5)')
1360     .       'DFTUprojs with nprin    = ',nprin
1361           write(6,'(a,i5)')
1362     .       'DFTUprojs with nrval    = ',nrval
1363           write(6,'(a,i5)')
1364     .       'DFTUprojs with nrwf     = ',nrwf
1365           write(6,'(a,i5)')
1366     .       'DFTUprojs with nrmax    = ',nrmax
1367           write(6,'(a,f12.5)')
1368     .       'DFTUprojs with zval     = ',zval
1369           write(6,'(a,f12.5)')
1370     .       'DFTUprojs with a        = ',a
1371           write(6,'(a,f12.5)')
1372     .       'DFTUprojs with b        = ',b
1373!          End debugging
1375!          Initialize the eigenfunctions
1376           rphi(:,l) = 0.0_dp
1378!          Solve the Schrodinger for the long cutoff
1379           call schro_eq( zval, rofi, vpseudo(1,l), vePAO, s, drdi,
1380     .                    nrwf, l, a, b, nnodes, nprin,
1381     .                    eigen(l), rphi(1,l) )
1383!          We consider only the solutions to the Schrodinger
1384!          equation up to the point where its value is smaller than
1385!          a given tolerance, setup by the min_func_val parameter
1386           nrwf_new = nrwf
1387           do ir = nrwf, 2, -1
1388             if( abs(rphi(ir,l) ) .gt. min_func_val ) then
1389               nrwf_new = ir + 1
1390               write(6,'(a,f20.12,a)')
1391     .           'dftu_proj_gen: updating the rc to',
1392     .            rofi(nrwf_new), ' Bohr'
1393               exit
1394             endif
1395           enddo
1397!          Divide the eigenfunctions by r^(l+1) and normalize them.
1398!          In the previous subroutine, we compute r * phi,
1399!          where phi is the radial part of the wave functions.
1400!          In Siesta, we store in the tables phi/r^l.
1401!          Therefore, we need to divide the previous solution by
1402!          r^(l+1)
1403           do ir = 2, nrwf_new
1404             rphi(ir,l)=rphi(ir,l)/(rofi(ir)**(l+1))
1405           enddo
1406           rphi(1,l)=rphi(2,l)
1407!          Nullify the rest of the solution
1408           rphi(nrwf_new+1:nrmax,l) = 0.0_dp
1410           dnorm = 0.0_dp
1411           do ir = 1, nrwf_new
1412             phi  = rphi(ir,l)
1413!            To compute the norm, we need to integrate
1414!            r^2 \times wave_function^2.
1415!            Since we have stored wave_function/r^l, we need to
1416!            multiply it by r^(l+2)
1417             dnorm = dnorm + drdi(ir) * (phi * rofi(ir)**(l+1))**2
1418           enddo
1419           dnorm = dsqrt(dnorm)
1420           do ir = 2, nrwf_new
1421             rphi(ir,l) = rphi(ir,l)/dnorm
1422           enddo
1424!          Now, define the Fermi distribution that will be used
1425!          to cut the long eigenfunction
1426!          The width of the Fermi distribution is defined by
1427!          the shell%width parameter
1428!          while the equivalent of the Fermi energy is determined by
1429!          the shell%dnrm parameter
1430           call fermicutoff( nrmax, nrwf_new, rofi, drdi,
1431     .                       rphi(:,l), shell, fermi_func )
1433!!          For debugging
1434!           write(6,'(/a,i5)')  '# l = '          , l
1435!           write(6,'(a,f12.5)')'# Eigenvalue =  ', eigen(l)
1436!           write(6,'(a,f12.5)')'# rc         =  ', shell%rc
1437!           write(6,'(a,f12.5)')'# width      =  ', shell%width
1438!           write(6,'(a,f12.5)')'# Norm       =  ', dnorm
1439!           write(6,'(a)')      '# Eigenfunction '
1440!           do ir = 1, nrwf_new
1441!             write(6,'(3f20.12)')rofi(ir), rphi(ir,l), fermi_func(ir)
1442!           enddo
1443!!          End debugging
1445!          Here we multiply the long wave function times the
1446!          Fermi-Dirac distribution to cut it.
1447           projector(isp,iproj,:) = 0.0_dp
1448           do ir = 1, nrwf_new
1449             projector(isp,iproj,ir) = fermi_func(ir) * rphi(ir,l)
1450           enddo
1452!          Normalize the projector
1453           dnorm = 0.0_dp
1454           do ir = 1, nrwf_new
1455!            Here we have stored projector/r^l, where projector is the
1456!            radial part of the DFT+U projector.
1457!            To compute the norm in spherical coordinates,
1458!            we have to integrate \int r^{2} projector^{2} dr,
1459!            and this implies that we have to mutiply rphi**2 times r^(l+1)**2
1460             dnorm = dnorm + drdi(ir) *
1461     .         (projector(isp,iproj,ir)*rofi(ir)**(l+1))**2
1462           enddo
1463           dnorm = dsqrt(dnorm)
1464           projector(isp,iproj,:) = projector(isp,iproj,:) / dnorm
1465           projector(isp,iproj,1) = projector(isp,iproj,2)
1468!          Set up the cutoff for the DFT+U projector
1470           do ir = nrwf_new, 1, -1
1471             if(dabs(projector(isp,iproj,ir)) .gt. eps) exit
1472           enddo
1473           shell%nrc = ir+1
1474           shell%rc  = rofi(ir+1)
1476!          Normalize after the cut
1477           dnorm = 0.0_dp
1478           do ir = 1, shell%nrc
1479!            The projector that has been stored in the array projector
1480!            is written in the same format as the atomic orbitals in the
1481!            inners of Siesta, i. e., in the format of R/r^l,
1482!            where R is the radial part of the projector.
1483!            To check if it is normalized,
1484!            we have to integrate \int r^{2} R^{2} dr,
1485!            and this implies just to take projector**2
1486!            and multiply by r^(2l+2) = r^(2*(l+1))
1487             dnorm = dnorm + drdi(ir)*(projector(isp,iproj,ir)**2)*
1488     .               rofi(ir)**(2*(l+1))
1489           enddo
1490           dnorm = dsqrt(dnorm)
1491           projector(isp,iproj,:) = projector(isp,iproj,:) / dnorm
1492           projector(isp,iproj,1) = projector(isp,iproj,2)
1494         endif
1496!!        For debugging
1497!         dnorm = 0.0_dp
1498!         do ir = 1, shell%nrc
1499!!          The projector that has been stored in the array projector
1500!!          is written in the same format as the atomic orbitals in the
1501!!          inners of Siesta, i. e., in the format of R/r^l,
1502!!          where R is the radial part of the projector.
1503!!          To check if it is normalized,
1504!!          we have to integrate \int r^{2} R^{2} dr,
1505!!          and this implies just to take projector**2
1506!!          and multiply by r^(2l+2) = r^(2*(l+1))
1507!           dnorm = dnorm + drdi(ir)*(projector(isp,iproj,ir)**2)*
1508!     .             rofi(ir)**(2*(l+1))
1509!         enddo
1511!         write(6,'(/a,i5)')  '# l                = ', l
1512!         write(6,'(a,f12.5)')'# Eigenvalue       = ', eigen(l)
1513!         write(6,'(a,f12.5)')'# Cutoff           = ', shell%rc
1514!         write(6,'(a,i7)')   '# Number of points = ', shell%nrc
1515!         write(6,'(a,f12.5)')'# Width            = ', shell%width
1516!         write(6,'(a)')      '# Projector      '
1517!         write(6,'(a,f12.5)')'# Norm       =  ', dnorm
1518!         do ir = 1, shell%nrc
1519!           write(6,'(2f20.12)')rofi(ir), projector(isp,iproj,ir)
1520!         enddo
1521!!        End debugging
1523      enddo loop_projectors     ! End the loop on projectors
1525!!     For debugging
1526!      call die("Testing dftu_proj_gen")
1527!!     End debugging
1530      end subroutine dftu_proj_gen
1531! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
1533      subroutine fermicutoff( nrmax, nrval, rofi, drdi, rphi,
1534     .                        dftushell, fermi_func )
1536! This subroutine defines the fermi function used to cut the long
1537! atomic wave functions and produce the DFT+U projectors
1538! Only used if method_gen_dftu_proj = 2
1541      integer,          intent(in)     :: nrmax       ! Maximum number of points
1542                                                      !   of the log grid
1543                                                      !   (required to define
1544                                                      !   the dimensions of
1545                                                      !   some arrays).
1546      integer,          intent(in)     :: nrval       ! Number of points of the
1547                                                      !   logarithmic grid where
1548                                                      !   the long wave function
1549                                                      !   is computed
1550      real(dp),         intent(in)     :: rofi(nrmax) ! Points of the log grid
1551      real(dp),         intent(in)     :: drdi(nrmax) ! Distance between
1552                                                      !   consecutive points of
1553                                                      !   the log grid
1554      real(dp),         intent(in)     :: rphi(nrmax) ! Long wave functions
1555                                                      !   (eigenfunctions)
1556                                                      !   of the Schrodinger
1557                                                      !   equation
1558      type(dftushell_t),intent(inout)  :: dftushell
1559      real(dp),         intent(out)    :: fermi_func(nrmax)  ! Fermi function
1561!     Internal vars
1562      integer               :: ir      ! Counter for the loops on real space
1563                                       !   grids
1564      integer               :: l       ! Angular momentum of the shell
1565      real(dp)              :: rc      ! "Fermi energy" of the Fermi function
1566      real(dp)              :: width   ! Width of the Fermi function
1567      real(dp)              :: a       ! Auxiliary function to compute the
1568                                       !   Fermi function
1569      real(dp)              :: dnorm   ! Norm of the original pseudoatomic
1570                                       !   wave function
1571      real(dp), parameter   :: gexp = 60.0_dp
1572      real(dp), parameter   :: eps  = 1.0e-4_dp  ! A small value (epsilon)
1573                                                 !    for comparison
1575!     Initialize the angular momentum quantum number.
1576      l   = dftushell%l
1578!     If no cutoff distance is explicitly given in the input file
1579!     (DFTU.proj block) then compute the cutoff distance for the Fermi function
1580!     For this, we have to check at which radial distance
1581!     the norm of the original pseudo atomic orbital equals
1582!     the value introduced in DFTU.CutoffNorm
1584      if ( dftushell%rc .lt. eps ) then
1586         dnorm = 0.0_dp
1587         do ir = 1, nrmax
1588!          In rphi we have stored phi/r^l, where phi is the radial part of the
1589!          wave function.
1590!          To compute the norm in spherical coordinates,
1591!          we have to integrate \int r^{2} R^{2} dr,
1592!          and this implies that we have to mutiply rphi**2 times r^(l+1)**2
1593           dnorm = dnorm + drdi(ir) * (rphi(ir)*rofi(ir)**(l+1))**2
1594           if( dnorm .gt. dnrm_rc ) exit
1595         enddo
1596         dftushell%rc = rofi(ir)
1597      endif
1599!     Initialize Fermi function
1600      fermi_func = 0.0_dp
1602!     Determine the parameters of the Fermi distribution
1603      rc    = dftushell%rc
1604      width = dftushell%width
1606      do ir = 1, nrval
1607        a = ( rofi(ir) - rc ) / width
1608        if( a .lt. -gexp ) then
1609          fermi_func(ir) = 1.0_dp
1610        else if( a .gt. gexp ) then
1611          fermi_func(ir) = 0.0_dp
1612        else
1613          fermi_func(ir) = 1.0_dp / ( 1.0_dp+dexp(a) )
1614        endif
1615      enddo
1617!!     For debugging
1618!      write(6,'(a,f12.5)')'# Fermi function computed with rc = ', rc
1619!      write(6,'(a,f12.5)')'#  and width  = ', width
1620!      do ir = 1, nrval
1621!        write(6,'(2f20.12)')
1622!     .    rofi(ir), fermi_func(ir)
1623!      enddo
1624!!      call die()
1625!!     End debugging
1627      end subroutine fermicutoff
1629! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1630      subroutine populate_species_info_dftu
1632!     In this subroutine, we populate the variables in the species_info
1633!     derived type related with the DFT+U projectors.
1634!     It is called from atm_transfer.
1636      use alloc, only : de_alloc
1637      type(species_info),      pointer :: spp
1638      type(basis_def_t),       pointer :: basp
1639      type(dftushell_t),       pointer :: dftushell
1640      type(rad_func),          pointer :: pp
1641      type(pseudopotential_t), pointer :: vps
1643!     Internal variables
1644      integer  :: is      ! Counter for the loop on atomic species
1645      integer  :: iproj   ! Counter for the loop on projectors
1646      integer  :: ir      ! Counter for the loop on real space points
1647      integer  :: l       ! Quantum angular momentum of a given DFT+U proj.
1648      integer  :: im      ! Counter for the loop magnetic quantum number
1649      integer  :: imcount !
1650      integer  :: nr      ! Point in the log. grid closest to the linear grid
1651      integer  :: nn      ! Total number of points in the log grid considered
1652                          !   for the interpolation
1653      integer  :: nmin    ! nr - npoint (see below for the meaning of npoint)
1654      integer  :: nmax    ! nr + npoint (see below for the meaning of npoint)
1655      real(dp) :: rc      ! Cutoff radius of the different DFT+U proj.
1656      integer  :: nrc     ! Point in the log. grid where the DFT+U proj. vanish
1657      real(dp) :: delta   ! Interval between consecutive points in the grid
1658                          !   where the DFT+U projectors are stored
1659      real(dp) :: rpoint  ! Coordinate of the real space points
1660      real(dp) :: projint ! Interpolated value of the DFT+U projector at rpoint
1661      real(dp) :: dy      ! Function derivative at point rpoint
1662      real(dp) :: a       ! Parameters of the logarithmic grid
1663      real(dp) :: b       ! Parameters of the logarithmic grid
1664      real(dp) :: yp1     ! First derivative at the first point of the grid
1665      real(dp) :: ypn     ! First derivative at the last point of the grid
1666      real(dp) :: rofi(nrmax)          ! Radial points of the
1667                                       !   logarithmic grid
1668                                       !   rofi(r)=b*[exp(a*(i-1)) - 1]
1669                                       !   (directly read from the
1670                                       !   pseudopotential file)
1671      real(dp) :: projinputint(nrmax)  ! Radial part of the projector that
1672                                       !   enters the interpolation routines
1674      integer, parameter  :: npoint = 4  ! Number of points used by polint
1675                                         !    for the interpolation
1677!     Loop on different atomic species
1678      loop_species: do is = 1, nspecies
1679        spp  => species(is)
1680        basp => basis_parameters(is)
1681        vps  => basp%pseudopotential
1683!       Read the parameters for the logarithmic grid
1684        a = vps%a
1685        b = vps%b
1686        nr = vps%nr
1687!       Read the radial logarithmic mesh
1688        rofi(1:nr) = vps%r(1:nr)
1690!       Store the total number of DFT+U projectors
1691!       counting the "m copies"
1692!       (including the (2l + 1) factor for each l).
1693        spp%nprojsdftu = nprojsdftu(is)
1695!       Number of DFT+U projectors
1696!       not counting the "m copies"
1697        spp%n_pjdftunl = basp%ndftushells
1699!       Store the maximum angular momentum of the DFT+U projectors
1700!       for each atomic specie
1701        spp%lmax_dftu_projs = basp%lmxdftupj
1703!       Loop on all the projectors for a given specie
1704!       This loop is done only on the different radial shapes,
1705!       without considering the (2l + 1) possible angular dependencies
1706        imcount = 0
1707        loop_projectors: do iproj = 1, spp%n_pjdftunl
1708          dftushell => basp%dftushell(iproj)
1710          spp%pjdftunl_n(iproj) = 1
1711          spp%pjdftunl_l(iproj) = dftushell%l
1712          spp%pjdftunl_U(iproj) = dftushell%U
1713          spp%pjdftunl_J(iproj) = dftushell%J
1715          l = spp%pjdftunl_l(iproj)
1717          do im = -l, l
1718            imcount = imcount + 1
1719            spp%pjdftu_n(imcount)     = dftushell%n
1720            spp%pjdftu_l(imcount)     = dftushell%l
1721            spp%pjdftu_m(imcount)     = im
1722            spp%pjdftu_index(imcount) = iproj
1723          enddo
1724        enddo loop_projectors ! End loop on projectors for a given specie
1725        if( imcount .ne. spp%nprojsdftu ) call die('DFT+U indexing...')
1727!       Allocate the derived types pjdftu, of radial kind,
1728!       where the radial components of the DFT+U projectors will be stored
1729!       There will be as many radial functions of this kind
1730!       as different DFT+U projectors, without including the m copies.
1731        allocate ( spp%pjdftu(spp%n_pjdftunl) )
1733        do iproj = 1, spp%n_pjdftunl
1734          dftushell => basp%dftushell(iproj)
1735          pp => spp%pjdftu(iproj)
1736          call rad_alloc(pp,NTBMAX)
1737          rc        = dftushell%rc
1738          nrc       = dftushell%nrc
1739          delta     = rc/(dble(ntbmax-1)+1.0d-20)
1740          pp%cutoff = rc
1741          pp%delta  = delta
1743          projinputint(:) = projector(is,iproj,:)
1745!         Interpolate the projectors from the logarithmic grid to the
1746!         linear grid
1747          do ir = 1, ntbmax-1
1748            rpoint = delta * (ir-1)
1749            nr     = nint(log(rpoint/b+1.0d0)/a)+1
1750            nmin   = max( 1,   nr-npoint )
1751            nmax   = min( nrc, nr+npoint )
1752            nn     = nmax - nmin + 1
1753            call polint( rofi(nmin), projinputint(nmin),
1754     .                   nn, rpoint, projint, dy )
1755            pp%f(ir) = projint
1756          enddo
1758!         Compute the second derivative of the projectors
1759          call rad_setup_d2(pp,yp1=0.0_dp,ypn=huge(1.0_dp))
1761        enddo
1763      enddo loop_species ! End loop on atomic species
1765!!     For debugging
1766!      do is = 1, nspecies
1767!        write(6,'(/a,i5)')
1768!     .    '# populate_species_info_dftu: specie number              = ',
1769!     .    is
1771!        basp => basis_parameters(is)
1772!        spp  => species(is)
1774!        write(6,'(a,i5)')
1775!     .    '#populate_species_info_dftu: specie, spp%lmax_dftu_projs = ',
1776!     .    spp%lmax_dftu_projs
1777!        write(6,'(a,i5)')
1778!     .    '#populate_species_info_dftu: specie, spp%n_pjdftunl      = ',
1779!     .    spp%n_pjdftunl
1780!        write(6,'(a)')
1781!     .    '#populate_species_info_dftu: Loop over different projectors'
1782!        write(6,'(a)')
1783!     .    '#populate_species_info_dftu: not considering m copies '
1784!        write(6,'(a)')
1785!     .    '#populate_species_info_dftu: iproj, pjdftu_n, pjdftunl_l'
1787!        do iproj = 1, spp%n_pjdftunl
1788!          write(6,'(a,3i5)')
1789!     .      '#populate_species_info_dftu:',
1790!     .       iproj, spp%pjdftunl_n(iproj), spp%pjdftunl_l(iproj)
1791!          pp => spp%pjdftu(iproj)
1792!          write(6,'(a,f20.12)')
1793!     .      '#populate_species_info_dftu: cutoff = ', pp%cutoff
1794!          write(6,'(a,f20.12)')
1795!     .      '#populate_species_info_dftu: delta  = ', pp%delta
1796!          do ir = 1, ntbmax-1
1797!            rpoint = pp%delta * (ir-1)
1798!            write(6,'(3f20.12)') rpoint, pp%f(ir), pp%d2(ir)
1799!          enddo
1800!          write(6,*)
1801!        enddo
1803!        write(6,'(a,i5)')
1804!     .    '#populate_species_info_dftu: specie, spp%nprojsdftu      = ',
1805!     .    spp%nprojsdftu
1806!        write(6,'(a)')
1807!     .    '#populate_species_info_dftu: Loop over different projectors'
1808!        write(6,'(a)')
1809!     .    '#populate_species_info_dftu: considering m copies '
1810!        write(6,'(a)')
1811!     .    '#populate_species_info_dftu: iproj, pjdftu_n, l , m, index'
1812!        do iproj = 1, spp%nprojsdftu
1813!          dftushell => basp%dftushell(spp%pjdftu_index(iproj))
1814!          write(6,'(5i5,f12.5)')
1815!     .     iproj, spp%pjdftu_n(iproj), spp%pjdftu_l(iproj),
1816!     .     spp%pjdftu_m(iproj), spp%pjdftu_index(iproj),dftushell%rc
1817!        enddo
1818!      enddo
1819!      call die('End testing populate_species_info_dftu')
1820!!     End debugging
1822      call de_alloc( projector, 'projector', 'dftu_proj_gen')
1823      call de_alloc( nprojsdftu, 'nprojsdftu', 'read_dftu_specs')
1825      end subroutine populate_species_info_dftu
1827      end module dftu_specs