1! ---
2! Copyright (C) 1996-2016	The SIESTA group
3!  This file is distributed under the terms of the
4!  GNU General Public License: see COPYING in the top directory
5!  or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
6! See Docs/Contributors.txt for a list of contributors.
7! ---
8module m_digest_nnkp
10  use precision,         only: dp
12  implicit none
14  integer              :: iun_nnkp    ! Integer that points to the .nnkp file
15                                      !   used in read_nnkp and  scan_file_to
18! subroutine read_nnkp
19! subroutine scan_file_to
20! function   vectorproduct
21! subroutine chosing_b_vectors
22! subroutine set_excluded_bands
23! function   getdelkmatgenhandle
24! subroutine number_bands_wannier
27subroutine read_nnkp( seedname, latvec, reclatvec, numkpoints,          &
28                      kpointsfrac, nncount, nnlist, nnfolding,          &
29                      numproj, projections, numexcluded, excludedbands, &
30                      w90_write_amn )
32! This subroutine reads the .nnkp file generated by the Wannier90 code
33! run in preprocessor mode, and populates some variables defined in the
34! siesta2wannier module.
35! The meaning of all these variables are properly described
36! in the file siesta2wannier90.F90 file
38  use sys,               only: die               ! Termination routine
39  use siesta_geom,       only: ucell             ! Unit cell lattice vectors
40  use units,             only: Ang               ! Conversion factor
41  use alloc,             only: re_alloc          ! Reallocation routines
42  use m_mpi_utils,       only: broadcast         ! Broadcasting routines
43  use files,             only: label_length      ! Number of characters allowed
44                                                 !   in the name of a file
45  use parallel,          only: IOnode            ! Input/output node
46  use parallel,          only: Node              ! Working node
47  use trialorbitalclass                          ! Derived class to define the
48                                                 !   trial wave functions
50  implicit none
52  character(label_length+3),       intent(in)  :: seedname ! Name of input file
53  integer,                         intent(out) :: numkpoints
54  integer,                         intent(out) :: nncount
55  integer,                         intent(out) :: numproj
56  integer,                         intent(out) :: numexcluded
57  integer,  pointer       :: nnlist(:,:)
58  integer,  pointer       :: nnfolding(:,:,:)
59  integer,  pointer       :: excludedbands(:)
60  real(dp),                        intent(out) :: latvec(3,3)
61  real(dp),                        intent(out) :: reclatvec(3,3)
62  real(dp), pointer       :: kpointsfrac(:,:)
63  type(trialorbital), allocatable, intent(out) :: projections(:)
64  logical,                         intent(out) :: w90_write_amn
66  external :: io_assign, io_close
69! Internal variables
71  integer              :: i, j, ik, iw! Loop counters
72  integer              :: ikp, inn    ! Loop counters
73  integer              :: iikp        ! Dummy variable
74  integer              :: iu          ! Integer number to refer to the nnkp file
75  logical              :: have_nnkp   ! Yes if the .nnkp is found
76                                      ! No if the .nnkp file is not found
77  real(dp)             :: rcell(3,3)  ! Reciprocal lattice vectors
78! Variables related to the projection functions.
79  real(dp)             :: center_w(3) ! Projection function center,
80                                      !   as read from the nnkp file
81                                      !   (relative to the direct lattice
82                                      !   vectors)
83                                      !   They are transformed latter to
84                                      !   cartesian coordinates.
85  integer              :: l_w         ! Angular momentum of the projection func.
86  integer              :: mr_w        ! z-projection quantum number of the
87                                      !   projection function
88  integer              :: r_w         ! Radial quantum number of the
89                                      !   projection function
90  real(dp)             :: zaxis(3)    ! Defines the axis from which the polar
91                                      !   angle theta in spherical
92                                      !   polar coordinates is measured.
93                                      !   Default: (0.0 0.0 1.0)
94  real(dp)             :: xaxis(3)    ! Defines the axis from which the
95                                      !   azimuthal angle phi in spherical
96                                      !   polar coordinates is measured.
97                                      !   Must be orthogonal to z-axis.
98  real(dp)             :: zovera      ! z/a, diffusivity, spread.
99                                      !   Units in nnkp file: Ang^-1.
100                                      !   This is transformed latter to Bohr^-1
101  real(dp)             :: xnorm       ! Norm of the x-vector
102  real(dp)             :: znorm       ! Norm of the z-vector
103  real(dp)             :: coseno      ! Cosine between the x and z vectors
105  real(dp), parameter :: eps4  = 1.0e-4_dp
106  real(dp), parameter :: eps6  = 1.0e-6_dp
109! Initialize some variables
110  nullify( kpointsfrac   )
111  nullify( nnlist        )
112  nullify( nnfolding     )
113  nullify( excludedbands )
115! Check the existence of the .nnkp file and open it if it exists.
116  if (IOnode) then
118     inquire(file=trim(seedname)//".nnkp",exist=have_nnkp)
119     if( .not. have_nnkp ) then
120       write(6,'(/,a)')  &
121 &       'read_nnkp: Could not find the file '//trim(seedname)//'.nnkp'
122       call die()
123     endif
125     call io_assign( iu )
126     iun_nnkp = iu
127     open( iun_nnkp, file=trim(seedname)//".nnkp",form='formatted')
129  endif ! IOnode
131  if (IOnode) then
132!   check the information from *.nnkp with the nscf_save data
133    write(6,'(/,a)')  &
134 &    'read_nnkp: Checking info from the ' // trim(seedname) // '.nnkp file'
137!   Real lattice vectors
139    call scan_file_to('real_lattice')
140       write(6,'(a)')'read_nnkp: Reading data about real lattice'
141       do j = 1, 3
142         read(iun_nnkp,*) (latvec(i,j),i=1,3)
143!        Rescale from Ang to Bohr, that are the units internally used in Siesta
144         do i = 1, 3
145           latvec(i,j) = latvec(i,j)*Ang
146         enddo
147       enddo
148!      Compare the unit cell read from .nnkp with the unit cell used in Siesta
149       do j = 1, 3
150         do i = 1, 3
151           if(abs(latvec(i,j)-ucell(i,j))>eps4) then
152             write(6,*)  'read_nnkp: Something wrong with the real lattice! '
153             write(6,*)  ' latvec(i,j) =',latvec(i,j),' ucell(i,j)=',ucell(i,j)
154             call die()
155           endif
156         enddo
157       enddo
158       write(6,'(a)')'read_nnkp:      - Real lattice is ok'
161!   Reciprocal lattice vectors
163    call scan_file_to('recip_lattice')
164       write(6,'(a)')'read_nnkp: Reading data about reciprocal lattice'
165       do j = 1, 3
166         read(iun_nnkp,*) (reclatvec(i,j),i=1,3)
167!        Rescale from Ang^-1 to Bohr^-1, that are the units internally
168!        used in Siesta
169         do i = 1, 3
170           reclatvec(i,j) = reclatvec(i,j)/Ang
171         enddo
172       enddo
173!      Compute the reciprocal lattice from the unit cell used in Siesta
174       call reclat(ucell, rcell, 1)
175!      Compare the reciprocal lattice read from .nnkp with the one used inSiesta
176       do j = 1, 3
177         do i = 1, 3
178           if(abs(reclatvec(i,j)-rcell(i,j))>eps4) then
179             write(6,*)'read_nnkp: Something wrong with the reciprocal lattice!'
180             write(6,*)' reclatvec(i,j)=',reclatvec(i,j), &
181 &                     ' rcell(i,j)=',rcell(i,j)
182             call die()
183           endif
184         enddo
185       enddo
186       write(6,'(a)')'read_nnkp:      - Reciprocal lattice is ok'
187  endif ! IOnode
188! Broadcast the lattice vectors in real space and the reciprocal lattice vectors
189  call broadcast( latvec     )
190  call broadcast( reclatvec  )
193! k-points
196  if (IOnode) then
197    call scan_file_to('kpoints')
198       write(6,'(a)')'read_nnkp: Reading data about k-points'
199       read(iun_nnkp,*) numkpoints
200  endif
202! Broadcast information regarding the number of k-points
203! and allocate in all nodes the corresponding arrays containing information
204! about the k-points.
205  call broadcast( numkpoints )
206  call re_alloc(  kpointsfrac, 1, 3, 1, numkpoints,  &
207 &                name='kpointsfrac', routine='read_nnkp')
209  if (IOnode) then
210     do ik = 1, numkpoints
211       read(iun_nnkp,*) kpointsfrac(1:3,ik)
212     enddo
213  endif
215! Broadcast the information regarding the k-points
216  call broadcast( kpointsfrac )
219! Projections
221  numproj = 0
222  if (IOnode) then  ! Read nnkp file on ionode only
223    write(6,'(a)')'read_nnkp: Reading data about projection centers '
224    call scan_file_to('projections')
225    read(iun_nnkp,*) numproj
226  endif ! IOnode
227  call broadcast( numproj )
229  if( numproj .ne. 0 ) then
230    if (IOnode) then   ! read from ionode only
231      allocate(projections(numproj))
232      do iw = 1, numproj
233        read(iun_nnkp,*) (center_w(i), i=1,3), &
234 &                       l_w,                  &
235 &                       mr_w,                 &
236 &                       r_w
237        read(iun_nnkp,*) (zaxis(i), i = 1, 3), &
238 &                       (xaxis(i), i = 1, 3), &
239 &                        zovera
241!       Check that the xaxis and the yaxis are orthogonal to each other
242        xnorm = sqrt(xaxis(1)*xaxis(1) + xaxis(2)*xaxis(2) + xaxis(3)*xaxis(3))
243        if (xnorm < eps6) call die('read_nnkp: |xaxis| < eps ')
244        znorm = sqrt(zaxis(1)*zaxis(1) + zaxis(2)*zaxis(2) + zaxis(3)*zaxis(3))
245        if (znorm < eps6) call die('read_nnkp: |zaxis| < eps ')
247        coseno = (xaxis(1)*zaxis(1) + xaxis(2)*zaxis(2) + xaxis(3)*zaxis(3)) / &
248 &               xnorm/znorm
249        if (abs(coseno) > eps6) &
250          call die('read_nnkp: xaxis and zaxis are not orthogonal')
251        if (zovera < eps6) &
252          call die('read_nnkp: zovera value must be positive')
254!       Now convert "center" from ScaledByLatticeVectors to Bohrs
255        do i=1,3
256          projections(iw)%center(i) = 0.0_dp
257          do j=1,3
258            projections(iw)%center(i) = center_w(j)*latvec(i,j) + &
259 &                                      projections(iw)%center(i)
260          enddo
261        enddo
263        projections(iw)%zaxis  = zaxis
264        projections(iw)%xaxis  = xaxis
265!       Compute the y-axis
266        projections(iw)%yaxis = vectorproduct(zaxis,xaxis)
267        projections(iw)%yaxis = projections(iw)%yaxis /     &
268 &         sqrt(dot_product(projections(iw)%yaxis,projections(iw)%yaxis))
270        projections(iw)%zovera = zovera*Ang ! To Bohr^-1
271        projections(iw)%r      = r_w
272        projections(iw)%l      = l_w
273        projections(iw)%mr     = mr_w
275!       Select the maximum angular momentum
276        select case(l_w)
277          case(0:3)
278            projections(iw)%lmax = l_w
279          case(-3:-1)
280            projections(iw)%lmax = 1 ! spN hybrids
281          case(-5:-4)
282            projections(iw)%lmax = 2 ! spdN hybrids
283          case default
284            call die("Invalid l in read_nkp")
285        end select
287!       Further checks
288        if ( mr_w .lt. 1 ) &
289 &        call die("Invalid mr in read_nnkp")
290        if ( r_w .gt. 3 .or. r_w .lt. 1 ) then
291          call die("Invalid r_w in read_nnkp")
292        elseif ( l_w .ge. 0 .and. mr_w .gt. 2*l_w+1 ) then
293          call die("Invalid mr_w in read_nnkp")
294        elseif ( l_w .lt. 0 .and. mr_w .gt. 1-l_w ) then
295          call die("Invalid mr_w in read_nnkp")
296        endif
298!       Cut-off initialization (in Bohr)
299        projections(iw)%rcut = cutoffs(r_w)/projections(iw)%zovera
301      enddo
302    endif ! IOnode
304!   Broadcast the information about the projection functions
305    call broadcast_projections( )
307  endif ! numproj ne 0
309!! For debugging
310!  if (IOnode) then   ! read from ionode only
311!    write(6,*) 'Projections:'
312!    do iw = 1, numproj
313!       write(6,'(3f12.6,3i3,f12.6)') &
314! &       projections(iw)%center(1:3),     &
315! &       projections(iw)%l,               &
316! &       projections(iw)%mr,              &
317! &       projections(iw)%r,               &
318! &       projections(iw)%zovera
319!    enddo
320!  endif ! IOnode
321!! End debugging
323  if ( numproj .eq. 0 ) then
324    if( IOnode ) then
325      write(6,'(/,a)')'read_nnkp: WARNING: No projections specified in ' &
326 &      //trim(seedname)//".nnkp"
327      write(6,'(a,/)')'read_nnkp: Calculation of Amn omitted'
328      w90_write_amn = .false.
329    endif
330  endif
333! k-points neighbours
335  if (IOnode) then   ! read from ionode only
336    write(6,'(a)')'read_nnkp: Reading data about k-point neighbours '
337    call scan_file_to('nnkpts')
338    read(iun_nnkp,*) nncount
339  endif
341! Broadcast information regarding the number of k-points neighbours
342! and allocate in all nodes the corresponding arrays containing information
343! about k-point neighbours
344  call broadcast( nncount )
345  call re_alloc( nnlist, 1, numkpoints, 1, nncount,           &
346 &               name = "nnlist", routine = "read_nnkp" )
347  call re_alloc( nnfolding, 1, 3, 1, numkpoints, 1, nncount,  &
348 &               name = "nnfolding", routine = "read_nnkp" )
350  if (IOnode) then
351    do ikp = 1, numkpoints
352       do inn = 1, nncount
353          read(iun_nnkp,*) iikp,                                &
354 &                         nnlist(ikp,inn),                     &
355 &                         ( nnfolding(j,ikp,inn), j = 1, 3 )
356       enddo
357    enddo
358  endif
360! Broadcast information regarding the list of k-points neighbours
361  call broadcast( nnlist    )
362  call broadcast( nnfolding )
365! excluded bands
367  if (IOnode) then     ! read from ionode only
368    write(6,'(a)')'read_nnkp: Reading data about excluded bands '
369    call scan_file_to('exclude_bands')
370    read (iun_nnkp,*) numexcluded
371  endif
373! Broadcast information regarding the number of excluded bands
374! and allocate in all nodes the corresponding arrays containing
375! information about excluded bands
376  call broadcast( numexcluded )
377  if( numexcluded .gt. 0 ) then
378    call re_alloc( excludedbands, 1, numexcluded,     &
379 &                 name = 'excludedbands', routine = "read_nnkp" )
380  endif
382  if (IOnode) then
383    if( numexcluded .gt. 0 ) then
384      do i = 1, numexcluded
385        read(iun_nnkp,*) excludedbands(i)
386      enddo
387    endif
388  endif
390!! For debugging
391!  if (IOnode) then
392!    do i = 1, numexcluded
393!      write(6,*) excludedbands(i)
394!    enddo
395!  endif
396!! End debugging
398! Broadcast information regarding excluded bands
399  if( numexcluded .gt. 0 ) call broadcast( excludedbands )
401  if (IOnode) call io_close(iun_nnkp)   ! ionode only
403  return
405end subroutine read_nnkp
409subroutine scan_file_to (keyword)
411! This subroutine is used to digest the .nnkp file.
412! It is borrowed from the QuantumEspresso suite.
415  implicit none
416  character(len=*)  :: keyword
417  character(len=80) :: line1, line2
419! by uncommenting the following line the file scan restarts every time
420! from the beginning thus making the reading independent on the order
421! of data-blocks
422!   rewind (iun_nnkp)
42410 continue
425   read(iun_nnkp,*,end=20) line1, line2
426   if(line1/='begin')  goto 10
427   if(line2/=keyword)  goto 10
428   return
42920 write (6,*) keyword," data-block missing "
430   call die("--")
431end subroutine scan_file_to
436function vectorproduct(a,b)
438! This function computes the vector product of two vectors a and b
440  real(dp),intent(in),dimension(3) :: a,b
441  real(dp),dimension(3)            :: vectorproduct
442  vectorproduct(1) = a(2) * b(3) - a(3) * b(2)
443  vectorproduct(2) = a(3) * b(1) - a(1) * b(3)
444  vectorproduct(3) = a(1) * b(2) - a(2) * b(1)
445end function vectorproduct
450subroutine chosing_b_vectors( kpointsfrac, nncount, nnlist, nnfolding, &
451                              bvectorsfrac )
453! In this subroutine we compute the b vectors that connect each
454! mesh k-point to its nearest neighbours.
456! ------------------------------ INPUT -----------------------------------------
457! real(dp) kpointsfrac(:,:)  : List of k points where the overlap matrix
458!                                of the periodic part of the wave function
459!                                with its neighbour will be computed.
460!                                Given in reduced units.
461! integer nncount            : The number of nearest neighbours belonging to
462!                                each k-point of the Monkhorst-Pack mesh
463! integer nnlist(:,:)        : nnlist(ikp,inn) is the index of the
464!                                inn-neighbour of ikp-point
465!                                in the Monkhorst-Pack grid folded to the
466!                                first Brillouin zone
467! integer nnfolding(:,:,:)   : nnFolding(i,ikp,inn) is the i-component
468!                                of the reciprocal lattice vector
469!                                (in reduced units) that brings
470!                                the inn-neighbour specified in nnlist
471!                                (which is in the first BZ) to the
472!                                actual \vec{k} + \vec{b} that we need.
473!                                In reciprocal lattice units.
474! ------------------------------ OUTPUT ----------------------------------------
475! real(dp) bvectorsfrac(:,:) : Vectors that connect each mesh k-point
476!                              to its nearest neighbours.
477! ------------------------------ BEHAVIOUR -------------------------------------
478! Set some kpointfrac, in this case the first in the list, and calculate
479! b's by subtracting it from it's neighbors.
480! They will be used as a handle to the "delkmat" matrix element of
481! a plane wave with wave vector b.
482! ------------------------------ UNITS -----------------------------------------
483! bvectorsfrac are given in reduced units.
484! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
486! Used module procedures
487  use alloc,            only: re_alloc ! Re-allocation routine
489  implicit none
491  integer,  intent(in)           :: nncount
492  integer,  pointer  :: nnlist(:,:)
493  integer,  pointer  :: nnfolding(:,:,:)
494  real(dp), pointer  :: kpointsfrac(:,:)
495  real(dp), pointer  :: bvectorsfrac(:,:)
498! Internal variables
500  integer :: i, inn
502  nullify( bvectorsfrac )
503  call re_alloc( bvectorsfrac, 1, 3, 1, nncount,    &
504                 name="bvectorsfrac", routine = "chosing_b_vectors")
505! Set some kvector, in this case the first in the list and calculate
506! b's by subtracting it from it's neighbors
507! They will be used as a handle to the "delkmat" matrix element of
508! a plane wave with wave vector b.
510! Loop on the three spatial directions
511  do i = 1, 3
512!   Loop on neighbour k-points
513    do inn = 1, nncount
514      bvectorsfrac(i,inn) =                  &
515        kpointsfrac(i,nnlist(1,inn)) + nnfolding(i,1,inn) - kpointsfrac(i,1)
516    enddo
517  enddo
519end subroutine chosing_b_vectors
524integer function getdelkmatgenhandle( vec, nncount,  bvectorsfrac )
526! This function accepts a k vector connecting two neighboring
527! k-points and returns the position of vec in the array bVectorsFrac.
528! It is used to assign matrix elements of a planewave to a k-vector.
529! Vec must be in fractional coordinates.
531  implicit none
532  real(dp), intent(in) :: vec(3)
533  integer,  intent(in) :: nncount                 ! Number of nearest k-point
534                                                  !   neighbours
535  real(dp), intent(in) :: bvectorsfrac(3,nncount) ! Vectors that connect each
536                                                  !   mesh k-point to its
537                                                  !   nearest neighbours.
539! Internal variables
540  integer              :: inn
541  real(dp)             :: normSq,minNormSq
543  minNormSq = 1.0_dp
544  do inn = 1, nncount
545    normSq = (bvectorsfrac(1,inn) - vec(1))**2 +                    &
546 &           (bvectorsfrac(2,inn) - vec(2))**2 +                    &
547 &           (bvectorsfrac(3,inn) - vec(3))**2
548    if ( normsq .lt. minnormsq) then
549      getdelkmatgenhandle = inn
550      minnormsq = normsq
551    endif
552  enddo
553end function getdelkmatgenhandle
557subroutine number_bands_wannier( numbandswan )
559  use siesta_options,  only: hasnobup   ! Is the number of bands with spin up
560                                        !  for wannierization defined
561  use siesta_options,  only: hasnobdown ! Is the number of bands with spin down
562                                        !  for wannierization defined
563  use siesta_options,  only: hasnob     ! Is the number of bands
564                                        !  for wannierization defined
565                                        !  (for non spin-polarized calculations)
566  use siesta_options,  only: nobup      ! Number of bands with spin up
567                                        !  for wannierization
568  use siesta_options,  only: nobdown    ! Number of bands with spin down
569                                        !  for wannierization
570  use siesta_options,  only: nob        ! Number of bands for wannierization
571                                        !  (for non spin-polarized calculations)
572  use m_spin,          only: nspin      ! Number of spin components
573  use sparse_matrices, only: maxnh      ! Maximum number of orbitals
574                                        !   interacting
575  use sparse_matrices, only: numh       ! Number of nonzero elements of each
576                                        !   row of the hamiltonian matrix
577  use sparse_matrices, only: listhptr   ! Pointer to start of each row of the
578                                        !   hamiltonian matrix
579  use sparse_matrices, only: Dscf       ! Density matrix in sparse form
580  use sparse_matrices, only: S          ! Overlap matrix in sparse form
581  use atomlist,        only: no_l       ! Number of orbitals in local node
582                                        ! NOTE: When running in parallel,
583                                        !   this is core dependent
584                                        !   Sum_{cores} no_l = no_u
585  use atomlist,        only: no_u       ! Number of orbitals in unit cell
587  use m_noccbands,     only: number_of_occupied_bands
588  use m_noccbands,     only: noccupied  ! Number of occupied bands for a given
589                                        !   spin direction
590  use parallel,        only: IOnode
592#ifdef MPI
593  use m_mpi_utils,     only: globalize_sum
596  implicit none
598! integer numbandswan(2) ! Number of bands for wannierization
599  integer, intent(out), dimension(2) :: numbandswan
601! Internal variables
602  integer :: ispin     ! Counter for the loops on the spin variables
603  integer :: io        ! Counter for loops on the atomic orbitals
604  integer :: j         ! Counter for loops on neighbours
605  integer :: ind       ! Index of the neighbour orbital
607  real(dp):: qspin(2)  ! Total population of spin up and down
609#ifdef MPI
610  real(dp):: qtmp(2)   ! Temporary for globalized spin charge
613! Initialize variables
614  numbandswan(:) = 0
616! Calculate the default number of bands considered for wannierization
617! numbandswan = number of occupied bands
618! This makes sense in molecules and insulators.
619  do ispin = 1, nspin
620    qspin(ispin) = 0.0_dp
621    do io = 1, no_l
622      do j = 1, numh(io)
623        ind = listhptr(io) + j
624        qspin(ispin) = qspin(ispin) + Dscf(ind,ispin) * S(ind)
625      enddo
626    enddo
627  enddo
629#ifdef MPI
630! Global reduction of spin components
631  call globalize_sum(qspin(1:nspin),qtmp(1:nspin))
632  qspin(1:nspin) = qtmp(1:nspin)
635!! For debugging
636!   if( IOnode ) then
637!     write(6,'(/,a,2f12.5)')  &
638! &       'number_bands_wannier: qspin', qspin
639!   endif
640!! End debugging
642  call number_of_occupied_bands( qspin )
644! Setting up the default number of bands for wannierization to the
645! number of occupied bands
646  do ispin = 1, nspin
647    numbandswan(ispin) = noccupied(ispin)
648  enddo
650! Check the consistency with the required bands specified in the input file
651  if ( nspin .eq. 1 ) then   ! Unpolarized calculation
652!   If a number of bands is explicitly included in the input,
653!   then use it overwriting the default value
654    if ( hasnob ) then
655      numbandswan(1) = nob
656!     Since we are in a non-spin polarized calculation
657!     ignore any possible value of the number of the number of bands for
658!     wannierization introduced in the input
659      if ( hasnobup ) then
660        if( IOnode )      &
661 &        write(6,'(a)')  &
662 &          'number_bands_wannier: ignoring Siesta2Wannier90.NumberOfBandsUp'
663      endif
664      if ( hasnobdown ) then
665        if( IOnode )      &
666 &        write(6,'(a)')  &
667 &          'number_bands_wannier: ignoring Siesta2Wannier90.NumberOfBandsDown'
668      endif
670    elseif ( hasnobup .and. hasnobdown ) then
671      numbandswan(1) = nobup
672      numbandswan(2) = nobdown
673      if( numbandswan(1) .ne. numbandswan(2) ) then
674        if( IOnode )      &
675 &        write(6,'(a)')  &
676 &          'number_bands_wannier: inconsistent output band specification'
677        call die("Confusion in fdf")
678      endif
679    elseif ( hasnobup ) then
680      numbandswan(1) = nobup
681    elseif ( hasnobdown ) then
682      numbandswan(1) = nobdown
683    else
684      numbandswan(1) = noccupied(1)
685      if( IOnode )          &
686 &      write(6,'(/,a)')    &
687 &        'number_bands_wannier: Automatic number of bands for wannierization'
688    endif
689    if ( numbandswan(1) .gt. no_u )                                   &
690 &    call die( 'More bands required than available number of states. &
691 &               Reduce the number of bands.')
692  else ! Spin polarized calculation
693    if ( hasnob ) then
694      if ( .not. ( hasnobup .or. hasnobdown )) then
695        numbandswan(1) = nob
696        numbandswan(2) = nob
697      elseif ( .not. ( hasnobup .and. hasnobdown )) then
698        if( IOnode )          &
699 &        write(6,'(a)')      &
700 &        'number_bands_wannier: inconsistent output band specification'
701          call die('Confusion in fdf')
702      else
703        if( IOnode )          &
704 &        write(6,'(a)')      &
705 &        'number_bands_wannier: ignoring Siesta2Wannier90.NumberOfBands'
706        numbandswan(1) = nobup
707        numbandswan(2) = nobdown
708      endif
709    elseif ( hasnobup .and. hasnobdown ) then
710      numbandswan(1) = nobup
711      numbandswan(2) = nobdown
712    elseif ( hasnobup .or. hasnobdown ) then
713      if( IOnode )          &
714 &      write(6,'(a)')      &
715 &      'number_bands_wannier: inconsistent output band specification'
716        call die('Confusion in fdf')
717    else
718      if( IOnode )          &
719 &      write(6,'(/,a)')    &
720 &        'number_bands_wannier: Automatic number of bands for wannierization'
721    endif
722    if ( numbandswan(1) .gt. no_u .or. numbandswan(2) .gt. no_u )        &
723 &    call die( 'More bands required than available number of states.    &
724 &               Reduce the number of bands.')
725  endif
727  if( IOnode ) then
728    write(6,'(a)')                                                     &
729 &    'number_bands_wannier: Number of bands for wannierization   '
730    write(6,'(a,2i5)')                                                 &
731 &    'number_bands_wannier: before excluding bands             = ',   &
732 &     numbandswan
733  endif
735end subroutine number_bands_wannier
739subroutine set_excluded_bands( ispin, numexcluded, excludedbands, numbands, &
740 &                             isexcluded, isincluded, numincbands )
742! In this subroutine we set up the bands that are excluded from wannierization
744! Used module procedures
745  use alloc,           only: re_alloc ! Re-allocation routine
746  use alloc,           only: de_alloc ! De-allocation routine
748! Used module parameters
749  use atomlist,        only: no_u     ! Number of orbitals in unit cell
750  use parallel,        only: IOnode   ! Input/output node
752!! For debugging
753  use parallel,        only: Node     ! Working node
754  use sys,             only: die      ! Termination routine
755!! End debugging
757  implicit none
759  integer,  intent(in)            :: ispin
760  integer,  intent(in)            :: numexcluded
761                                      ! Number of bands to exclude from the
762                                      !   from the calculation of the overlap
763                                      !   and projection matrices.
764                                      !   This variable is read from the .nnkp
765                                      !   file
766  integer,  pointer   :: excludedbands(:)
767                                      ! Bands to be excluded.
768                                      !   This variable is read from the .nnkp
769                                      !   file
770  integer,  intent(in)            :: numbands(2)
771  logical,  pointer   :: isexcluded(:)  ! List of bands excluded for
772                                                    !   Wannierization
773  integer,  pointer   :: isincluded(:)  ! List of bands included for
774                                                    !   Wannierization
775  integer,  intent(out)           :: numincbands(2)
778! Internal variables
780  integer :: iterex                   ! Counter for the loop on excluded bands
781  integer :: iband                    ! Index of the band that is excluded
783  nullify( isexcluded )
784  call re_alloc( isexcluded, 1, no_u, name='isexcluded', &
785 &               routine='set_excluded_bands' )
787! By default, the occupied bands for the corresponding spin, numbands(ispin),
788! are not excluded from the calculation...
789  isexcluded(1:numbands(ispin))      = .false.
791! ... while the unoccupied bands (from numbands(ispin+1) to the total number
792! of bands (no_u)) are excluded
793  isexcluded(numbands(ispin)+1:no_u) = .true.
795  do iterex = 1, numexcluded
796    iband = excludedbands( iterex )
797    if ( iband .lt. 1 ) then
798      call die("Erroneous list of excluded bands.")
799    elseif( iband .gt. numbands(ispin) ) then
800      call die("Erroneous list of excluded bands or numbands too small")
801    endif
802!   Exclude the corresponding band from the computation
803    isexcluded( iband ) = .true.
804  enddo
806  call de_alloc( excludedbands, name='excludedbands',  &
807 &               routine='set_excluded_bands')
809! The number of actually "included" bands is the computation of
810! the overlap and projection matrices is the total number of
811! occupied bands minus the excluded bands
812! This number will be used to dimension Mmnkb and Amnmat matrices,
813! and also corrsponds to the number
814! of wave functions in UNK00001.1
815  numincbands(ispin) = numbands(ispin) - numexcluded
817! Determine the bands explicitly included for wannierization
818  nullify( isincluded )
819  call re_alloc( isincluded, 1, numincbands(ispin), name='isincluded', &
820 &               routine='set_excluded_bands' )
822  iband = 1
823  do iterex = 1, numbands(ispin)
824    if ( isexcluded( iterex ) .eqv. .false. ) then
825      isincluded( iband ) = iterex
826      iband = iband + 1
827    endif
828  enddo
830  if( IOnode ) then
831    write(6,'(/,a,2i5)') 'Number of bands for wannierization ' // &
832                         'after excluding bands:',  numincbands
833    write(6,'(a)') 'Bands to be wannierized: '
834    write(6,'(16i5)') (isincluded( iband ), iband=1, numincbands(ispin))
835  endif
837end subroutine set_excluded_bands
839endmodule m_digest_nnkp