2! Copyright (C) 1996-2016	The SIESTA group
3!  This file is distributed under the terms of the
4!  GNU General Public License: see COPYING in the top directory
5!  or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt.
6! See Docs/Contributors.txt for a list of contributors.
8! This code segment has been fully created by:
9! Nick Papior Andersen, 2012, nickpapior@gmail.com
11module m_hs_matrix
13! Routines that are used for the distribution of the Hamiltonian
14! and scattering matrices into a full size matrix instead of sparse matrices.
15! It has several options for creating different kinds of matrices.
16! This module is a serial version. It requires that the Node has the full
17! sparse matrix available.
19! Specifically it can be used to remove the z-direction connections.
20! Also the inner-cell distances are in the xij arrays. Through routine calls
21! these inner cell distances can be removed.
23! The reason for having this is future use of routines which can utilize the
24! Hamiltonian created in different ways.
25! Say you want to test calculate a transmission from a Hamiltonian which is
26! created by SIESTA. For that purpose you need to remove the cell connection
27! in the z-direction.
29! The usage of this module is highly encouraged in future utilities where
30! the need for the Hamiltonian and/or overlap matrix is needed.
31! With this in mind the code can further be optimized for speed.
32! However, for normal sizes it is quite fast.
34! Also for testing against Inelastica the use of inner-cell distances is not
35! used. Therefore the Hamiltonians can not be numerically compared.
36! If this is to be enforced later on. The option is there.
38! The use of this module is a straight forward call:
40!   call set_HS_matrix(Gamma,ucell,na_u,no_u,no_s,maxnh, &
41!       xij,numh,listhptr,listh,H,S, &
42!       k,Hk,Sk, &
43!       xa,iaorb, &
44!       RemZConnection,RemUCellDistances,RemNFirstOrbitals,RemNLastOrbitals)
46! xa, iaorb, RemZConnection, RemUCellDistances, RemNFirstOrbitals, RemNLastOrbitals
47! are all optional arguments. xa and iaorb are required if RemZConnection or RemUCellDistances
48! are true.
49! Notice, that any calls to the optional arguments MUST be with keywords! Otherwise
50! the program will end!
51! We have added so that when iaorb is required, you could also use lasto. This
52! makes it more intuitive as lasto is often more accesible.
53! It on the other hand has a small overhead when using lasto (negligeble).
55! Gamma denotes whether it is a Gamma calculation (if true, it will not
56! add k-phases, no matter if k /= \Gamma-point.
57! na_u,no_u,no_s,maxnh,xij,numh,listhptr,listh,H,S are all variables
58! needed in the definition of the entire H and S matrices in the sparse format.
60! k is the k-point that will be created for the Hamiltonian.
61! Hk and Sk are returned for the user.
63! The RemZConnection can be used to remove any matrix elements <i|H|j> where i and j
64! are connections in the next unit cell in the Z-direction.
65! This is usefull if one wishes to see the matrix as it would look while doing
66! transmission calculations.
68! RemUCellDistances can be set to true so that inner-cell distances are removed.
69! Several people on the SIESTA mailing list have "complained/asked questions" about
70! the difference in the Hamiltonians which are not always constructed similarly.
71! However, inner cell differences can be neglected. This is merely to get the same
72! matrix as is created in Inelastica, for example.
74! RemNFirstOrbitals can be used to fully remove that many states from the start of the
75! Hamiltonian. This is used when there are buffer regions which should be disregarded.
76! RemNLastOrbitals is the same, albeit in the end of the Hamiltonian.
78! If the sizes of the incoming pointers Hk and Sk do not match the above
79! they will be reallocated to the correct size (without notifying the user).
81! Also there is a routine for obtaining an arbitrary transfer matrix.
82! The interface is very much the same as that for the set_HS_matrix.
83! However, here it has this interface:
85!   call set_HS_transfermatrix(Gamma,ucell,na_u,no_u,no_s,maxnh, &
86!       xij,numh,listhptr,listh,H,S, &
87!       k,transfer_cell,HkT,SkT,xa,iaorb, &
88!       RemUCellDistances,RemNFirstOrbitals,RemNLastOrbitals)
90! 'transfer_cell' is an integer vector of dimen 3 with each indices denoting the transfer matrix in that
91! direction.
92! For instance taking:
93!   transfer_cell(:) = (/ 1 , 3 , 1 /)
94! Will generate the transfer cell to the first neighbouring 'x', third neighbouring 'y' and first
95! neighbouring 'z' cell.
96! Often it can be necessary to have access to only the transfer matrix in one direction.
97! In such cases you can supply:
98!   transfer_cell(:) = (/ TRANSFER_ALL , TRANSFER_ALL , 2 /)
99! The TRANSFER_ALL is a variable in this module and tells that it should
100! use all possible transfer cells in that direction.
102! In this conjunction the routine
103!   call set_HS_available_transfers(Gamma,ucell,na_u,no_u,no_s,maxnh, &
104!       xij,numh,listhptr,listh,xa,iaorb,transfer_cell)
105! is invaluable. It returns in transfer_cell the allowed transfer cell units for
106! the system. Notice that transfer_cell is a 2x3 matrix with the formatting like this:
108!   transfer_cell(1,1) : minumum transfer cell in the x-direction
109!   transfer_cell(2,1) : maximum transfer cell in the x-direction
110!   transfer_cell(1,2) : minumum transfer cell in the y-direction
111!   transfer_cell(2,2) : maximum transfer cell in the y-direction
112!   transfer_cell(1,3) : minumum transfer cell in the z-direction
113!   transfer_cell(2,3) : maximum transfer cell in the z-direction
115! Usually the following holds (for obvious reasons):
116!   transfer_cell(1,i) = -transfer_cell(2,i)
117! This routine can thus be used to retrieve the allowed transfer cells before using
118! set_HS_transfermatrix.
120! Notice that RemZConnection is NOT available (it doesn't make sense).
121! Furthermore, xa and iaorb are needed in order to determine the transfer cell.
122! Thus they are no longer optional but mandatory arguments.
125! Furthermore there are the routines:
126!   call matrix_rem_left_right(no_tot,Hk,Sk,no_L,no_R)
127!   and
128!   call matrix_symmetrize(no_tot,Hk,Sk,Ef)
129! Which are used to remove connections of left/right regions
130! and used to symmetrize and shift the Hamiltonian Ef, respectively.
132! NOTICE that a call to matrix_symmetrize is almost always needed!
133! EVEN in the case of the transfer matrix.
135  use precision, only : dp
137  implicit none
139  private
141  interface set_HS_matrix
142     module procedure set_HS_matrix_1d
143     module procedure set_HS_matrix_2d
144  end interface set_HS_matrix
146  interface set_HS_transfermatrix
147     module procedure set_HS_transfermatrix_1d
148     module procedure set_HS_transfermatrix_2d
149  end interface set_HS_transfermatrix
151  interface matrix_rem_left_right
152     module procedure matrix_rem_left_right_1d
153     module procedure matrix_rem_left_right_2d
154  end interface matrix_rem_left_right
156  interface matrix_symmetrize
157     module procedure matrix_symmetrize_1d
158     module procedure matrix_symmetrize_2d
159  end interface matrix_symmetrize
161  public :: set_HS_matrix
162  public :: set_HS_transfermatrix
163  public :: matrix_rem_left_right
164  public :: matrix_symmetrize
165  public :: set_HS_available_transfers
167  integer, parameter, public :: TRANSFER_ALL = -999999
172! Setting the Hamiltonian for a specific k-point.
173! It requires that the Node has the full sparse matrix available
175  subroutine set_HS_matrix_1d(Gamma,ucell,na_u,no_u,no_s,maxnh, &
176       xij,numh,listhptr,listh,H,S, &
177       k,Hk,Sk, &
178       DUMMY, & ! Ensures that the programmer makes EXPLICIT keywork passing
179       xa,iaorb,lasto, &
180       RemZConnection,RemUCellDistances,RemNFirstOrbitals,RemNLastOrbitals)
181    use sys,       only : die
182    use alloc,     only : re_alloc
183    use geom_helper, only : ucorb
184    use cellSubs, only : reclat
186! ***********************
187! * INPUT variables     *
188! ***********************
189    logical, intent(in)           :: Gamma ! Is it a Gamma Calculation?
190    real(dp), intent(in)          :: ucell(3,3) ! The unit cell of system
191    integer, intent(in)           :: na_u ! Unit cell atoms
192    integer, intent(in)           :: no_u ! Unit cell orbitals
193    integer, intent(in)           :: no_s ! Supercell orbitals
194    integer, intent(in)           :: maxnh ! Hamiltonian size
195    real(dp), intent(in)          :: xij(3,maxnh) ! differences with unitcell, differences with unitcell
196    integer, intent(in)           :: numh(no_u),listhptr(no_u)
197    integer, intent(in)           :: listh(maxnh)
198    real(dp), intent(in)          :: H(maxnh) ! Hamiltonian
199    real(dp), intent(in)          :: S(maxnh) ! Overlap
200    real(dp), intent(in)          :: k(3) ! k-point in [1/Bohr]
201! ***********************
202! * OUTPUT variables    *
203! ***********************
204    complex(dp), pointer          :: Hk(:), Sk(:)
206! ***********************
207! * OPTIONAL variables  *
208! ***********************
209    logical, intent(in), optional :: DUMMY ! Do not supply this, it merely requires the coder
210!                                          ! to use the keyworded arguments!
211    real(dp), intent(in),optional :: xa(3,na_u) ! Atomic coordinates (needed for RemZConnection & RemUCellDistances)
212    integer, intent(in), optional :: iaorb(no_u) ! The equivalent atomic index for a given orbital (needed for RemUCellDistances)
213    integer, intent(in), optional :: lasto(0:na_u) ! The number of orbitals on each atom (needed for RemUCellDistances)
214    logical, intent(in), optional :: RemZConnection, RemUCellDistances
215    integer, intent(in), optional :: RemNFirstOrbitals, RemNLastOrbitals
217! ***********************
218! * LOCAL variables     *
219! ***********************
220    real(dp) :: recell(3,3) ! The reciprocal unit cell
221    real(dp) :: xo(3), xc
222    real(dp), allocatable :: xuo(:)
223    real(dp) :: kxij
224    complex(dp) :: cphase
225    integer :: no_tot
226    integer, allocatable :: liaorb(:)
227    integer :: i,j,iu,iuo,juo,iind,ind
228    logical :: l_RemZConnection, l_RemUCellDistances
229    integer :: l_RemNFirstOrbitals, l_RemNLastOrbitals
231    if ( present(DUMMY) ) &
232         call die("You must specify the keyworded arguments &
233         &for set_HS_matrix")
235    ! Option collecting
236    l_RemZConnection = .false.
237    if ( present(RemZConnection) ) &
238         l_RemZConnection = RemZConnection
239    if (l_RemZConnection .and. .not. present(xa)) &
240         call die("You need xa in set_HS_matrix when removing &
241         &the z-connection.")
242    if (l_RemZConnection .and. &
243         (.not. present(iaorb) .and. .not. present(lasto) ) ) &
244         call die("You need iaorb or lasto in set_HS_matrix when removing &
245         &the z-connection.")
246    l_RemUCellDistances = .false.
247    if ( present(RemUCellDistances) ) &
248         l_RemUCellDistances = RemUCellDistances
249    if (l_RemUCellDistances .and. .not. present(xa)) &
250         call die("You need xa in set_HS_matrix when removing &
251         &unit cell distances.")
252    if (l_RemUCellDistances .and. &
253         (.not. present(iaorb) .and. .not. present(lasto) ) ) &
254         call die("You need iaorb or lasto in set_HS_matrix when removing &
255         &unit cell distances.")
257    ! Make l_RemNFirstOrbitals contain the number of orbitals
258    ! to be removed from the Hamiltonian in the BEGINNING
259    l_RemNFirstOrbitals = 0
260    if ( present(RemNFirstOrbitals) ) &
261         l_RemNFirstOrbitals = RemNFirstOrbitals
262    ! Make l_RemNLastOrbitals contain the number of orbitals
263    ! to be removed from the Hamiltonian in the END
264    l_RemNLastOrbitals = 0
265    if ( present(RemNLastOrbitals) ) &
266         l_RemNLastOrbitals = RemNLastOrbitals
267    no_tot = no_u - (l_RemNLastOrbitals + l_RemNFirstOrbitals)
270    call re_alloc(Hk,1,no_tot*no_tot,name='Hk',routine='set_HS')
271    call re_alloc(Sk,1,no_tot*no_tot,name='Sk',routine='set_HS')
273    if ( l_RemZConnection ) then
274       ! Prepare the cell to calculate the index of the atom
275       call reclat(ucell,recell,0) ! Without 2*Pi
277       ! Find the actual coordinates of the orbitals in the form of the sparse matrices
278       ! Notice that this array is without the removed orbitals
279       allocate(xuo(no_tot))
280       call memory('A','D',no_tot,'set_HS')
282       if ( present(iaorb) ) then
283          do iuo = 1 , no_tot
284             i = iaorb(iuo + l_RemNFirstOrbitals)
285             xuo(iuo) = &
286               xa(1,i) * recell(1,3) + &
287               xa(2,i) * recell(2,3) + &
288               xa(3,i) * recell(3,3)
289          end do !io in uc
290       else if ( present(lasto) ) then
291          do j = 1 , na_u
292             do i = lasto(j-1) + 1 , lasto(j)
293                if ( i <= l_RemNFirstOrbitals ) cycle
294                if ( no_tot < i - l_RemNFirstOrbitals ) cycle
295                xuo(i-l_RemNFirstOrbitals) = &
296                     xa(1,j) * recell(1,3) + &
297                     xa(2,j) * recell(2,3) + &
298                     xa(3,j) * recell(3,3)
299             end do !io in uc
300          end do
301       end if
303    end if
305    ! Create the orb => atom index array
306    if ( l_RemUCellDistances ) then
307       allocate(liaorb(no_tot))
308       call memory('A','I',no_tot,'set_HS')
310       if ( present(iaorb) ) then
311          do iuo = 1 , no_tot
312             liaorb(iuo) = iaorb(iuo + l_RemNFirstOrbitals)
313          end do !io in uc
314       else if ( present(lasto) ) then
315          ind = 0
316          do j = 1 , na_u
317             do i = lasto(j-1) + 1 , lasto(j)
318                if ( i <= l_RemNFirstOrbitals ) cycle
319                if ( no_tot < i - l_RemNFirstOrbitals ) cycle
320                ind = ind + 1
321                liaorb(ind) = j
322             end do !io in uc
323          end do
324       end if
326    end if
329! Setup H,S for this k-point:
331    do i = 1,no_tot*no_tot
332       Hk(i) = dcmplx(0.d0,0.d0)
333       Sk(i) = dcmplx(0.d0,0.d0)
334    end do
336    xo(:) = 0.0_dp
338    setup_HS: if (.not.Gamma ) then
340       do iuo = 1 , no_tot
341          iu = iuo + l_RemNFirstOrbitals
342          iind = listhptr(iu)
343          do j = 1,numh(iu)
344             ind = iind + j
345             juo = ucorb(listh(ind),no_u) - l_RemNFirstOrbitals
347             ! Cycle if we are not in the middle region
348             if ( juo < 1 .or. no_tot < juo ) cycle
350             ! If we have a removal of the z-direction do the following
351             if ( l_RemZConnection ) then
352                xc = - (xuo(juo) - xuo(iuo))
353                xc = xc + xij(1,ind) * recell(1,3) + &
354                          xij(2,ind) * recell(2,3) + &
355                          xij(3,ind) * recell(3,3)
356                if ( nint(xc) /= 0 ) cycle
357             end if
359             ! We also wish to remove the connection in
360             ! in the inner cell
361             ! I suspect we have a problem here
362             ! We may need a check for being in the unitcell
363             ! i.e.:
364             ! if ( l_RemUCellDistances ) then
365             !    if ( listh(ind) > no_u ) then ! As we check in the unit cell!
366             !       xo(1) = xa(1,liaorb(juo)) &
367             !            -  xa(1,liaorb(iuo))
368             !       xo(2) = xa(2,liaorb(juo)) &
369             !            -  xa(2,liaorb(iuo))
370             !       xo(3) = xa(3,liaorb(juo)) &
371             !            -  xa(3,liaorb(iuo))
372             !    else
373             !       xo = 0.0_dp
374             !    end if
375             ! end if
376             if ( l_RemUCellDistances ) then
377                xo(1) = xa(1,liaorb(juo)) &
378                     -  xa(1,liaorb(iuo))
379                xo(2) = xa(2,liaorb(juo)) &
380                     -  xa(2,liaorb(iuo))
381                xo(3) = xa(3,liaorb(juo)) &
382                     -  xa(3,liaorb(iuo))
383             end if
385             kxij = &
386                  k(1) * (xij(1,ind) - xo(1)) + &
387                  k(2) * (xij(2,ind) - xo(2)) + &
388                  k(3) * (xij(3,ind) - xo(3))
389             cphase = exp(dcmplx(0d0,kxij))
390             i = iuo+(juo-1)*no_tot
391             Hk(i) = Hk(i)+H(ind)*cphase
392             Sk(i) = Sk(i)+S(ind)*cphase
393          end do
394       end do
396    else setup_HS
397       ! It is not a Gamma calculation, thus we do not have any
398       ! neighbouring cells etc.
399       do iuo = 1 , no_tot
400          iu = iuo + l_RemNFirstOrbitals
401          iind = listhptr(iu)
402          do j = 1,numh(iu)
403             ind = iind + j
404             juo = listh(ind) - l_RemNFirstOrbitals
406             ! Cycle if we are not in the middle region
407             if ( juo < 1 .or. no_tot < juo ) cycle
409             ! If we have a removal of the z-direction do the following
410             if ( l_RemZConnection ) then
411                xc = - (xuo(juo) - xuo(iuo))
412                xc = xc + xij(1,ind) * recell(1,3) + &
413                          xij(2,ind) * recell(2,3) + &
414                          xij(3,ind) * recell(3,3)
415                if ( nint(xc) /= 0 ) cycle
416             end if
418             i = iuo+(juo-1)*no_tot
419             Hk(i) = Hk(i)+H(ind)
420             Sk(i) = Sk(i)+S(ind)
421          end do
422       end do
424    end if setup_HS
426    if ( l_RemUCellDistances ) then
427       call memory('D','I',no_tot,'set_HS')
428       deallocate(liaorb)
429    end if
431    if ( l_RemZConnection ) then
432       call memory('D','D',no_tot,'set_HS')
433       deallocate(xuo)
434    end if
436  end subroutine set_HS_matrix_1d
439! Setting the Hamiltonian for a specific k-point.
440! It requires that the Node has the full sparse matrix available
442  subroutine set_HS_matrix_2d(Gamma,ucell,na_u,no_u,no_s,maxnh, &
443       xij,numh,listhptr,listh,H,S, &
444       k,Hk,Sk, &
445       DUMMY, & ! Ensures that the programmer makes EXPLICIT keywork passing
446       xa,iaorb,lasto, &
447       RemZConnection,RemUCellDistances,RemNFirstOrbitals,RemNLastOrbitals)
448    use sys,       only : die
449    use alloc,     only : re_alloc
450    use geom_helper, only : ucorb
451    use cellSubs, only : reclat
453! ***********************
454! * INPUT variables     *
455! ***********************
456    logical, intent(in)           :: Gamma ! Is it a Gamma Calculation?
457    real(dp), intent(in)          :: ucell(3,3) ! The unit cell of system
458    integer, intent(in)           :: na_u ! Unit cell atoms
459    integer, intent(in)           :: no_u ! Unit cell orbitals
460    integer, intent(in)           :: no_s ! Total orbitals
461    integer, intent(in)           :: maxnh ! Hamiltonian size
462    real(dp), intent(in)          :: xij(3,maxnh) ! differences with unitcell, differences with unitcell
463    integer, intent(in)           :: numh(no_u),listhptr(no_u)
464    integer, intent(in)           :: listh(maxnh)
465    real(dp), intent(in)          :: H(maxnh) ! Hamiltonian
466    real(dp), intent(in)          :: S(maxnh) ! Overlap
467    real(dp), intent(in)          :: k(3) ! k-point in [1/Bohr]
468! ***********************
469! * OUTPUT variables    *
470! ***********************
471    complex(dp), pointer          :: Hk(:,:), Sk(:,:)
472! ***********************
473! * OPTIONAL variables  *
474! ***********************
475    logical, intent(in), optional :: DUMMY ! Do not supply this, it merely requires the coder
476!                                          ! to use the keyworded arguments!
477    real(dp), intent(in),optional :: xa(3,na_u) ! Atomic coordinates (needed for RemZConnection & RemUCellDistances)
478    integer, intent(in), optional :: iaorb(no_u) ! The equivalent atomic index for a given orbital (needed for RemUCellDistances)
479    integer, intent(in), optional :: lasto(0:na_u) ! The number of orbitals on each atom (needed for RemUCellDistances)
480    logical, intent(in), optional :: RemZConnection, RemUCellDistances
481    integer, intent(in), optional :: RemNFirstOrbitals, RemNLastOrbitals
483! ***********************
484! * LOCAL variables     *
485! ***********************
486    real(dp) :: recell(3,3)
487    real(dp) :: xo(3), xc
488    real(dp), allocatable :: xuo(:)
489    integer :: no_tot
490    real(dp) :: kxij
491    complex(dp) :: cphase
492    integer, allocatable :: liaorb(:)
493    integer :: i,j,iuo,iu,juo,iind,ind
494    logical :: l_RemZConnection, l_RemUCellDistances
495    integer :: l_RemNFirstOrbitals, l_RemNLastOrbitals
497    if ( present(DUMMY) ) &
498         call die("You must specify the keyworded arguments &
499         &for set_HS_matrix")
501    ! Option collecting
502    l_RemZConnection = .false.
503    if ( present(RemZConnection) ) &
504         l_RemZConnection = RemZConnection
505    if (l_RemZConnection .and. .not. present(xa)) &
506         call die("You need xa in set_HS_matrix when removing &
507         &the z-connection.")
508    if (l_RemZConnection .and. &
509         (.not. present(iaorb) .and. .not. present(lasto) ) ) &
510         call die("You need iaorb or lasto in set_HS_matrix when removing &
511         &the z-connection.")
512    l_RemUCellDistances = .false.
513    if ( present(RemUCellDistances) ) &
514         l_RemUCellDistances = RemUCellDistances
515    if (l_RemUCellDistances .and. .not. present(xa)) &
516         call die("You need xa in set_HS_matrix when removing &
517         &unit cell distances.")
518    if (l_RemUCellDistances .and. &
519         (.not. present(iaorb) .and. .not. present(lasto) ) ) &
520         call die("You need iaorb or lasto in set_HS_matrix when removing &
521         &unit cell distances.")
524    ! Make l_RemNFirstOrbitals contain the number of orbitals
525    ! to be removed from the Hamiltonian in the BEGINNING
526    l_RemNFirstOrbitals = 0
527    if ( present(RemNFirstOrbitals) ) &
528         l_RemNFirstOrbitals = RemNFirstOrbitals
529    ! Make l_RemNLastOrbitals contain the number of orbitals
530    ! to be removed from the Hamiltonian in the END
531    l_RemNLastOrbitals = 0
532    if ( present(RemNLastOrbitals) ) &
533         l_RemNLastOrbitals = RemNLastOrbitals
534    no_tot = no_u - (l_RemNLastOrbitals + l_RemNFirstOrbitals)
537    call re_alloc(Hk,1,no_tot,1,no_tot,name='Hk',routine='set_HS')
538    call re_alloc(Sk,1,no_tot,1,no_tot,name='Sk',routine='set_HS')
540    if ( l_RemZConnection ) then
541       ! Prepare the cell to calculate the index of the atom
542       call reclat(ucell,recell,0) ! Without 2*Pi
544       ! Find the actual coordinates of the orbitals in the form of the sparse matrices
545       ! Notice that this array is without the removed orbitals
546       allocate(xuo(no_tot))
547       call memory('A','D',no_tot,'set_HS')
549       if ( present(iaorb) ) then
550          do iuo = 1 , no_tot
551             i = iaorb(iuo + l_RemNFirstOrbitals)
552             xuo(iuo) = &
553               xa(1,i) * recell(1,3) + &
554               xa(2,i) * recell(2,3) + &
555               xa(3,i) * recell(3,3)
556          end do !io in uc
557       else if ( present(lasto) ) then
558          do j = 1 , na_u
559             do i = lasto(j-1) + 1 , lasto(j)
560                if ( i <= l_RemNFirstOrbitals ) cycle
561                if ( no_tot < i - l_RemNFirstOrbitals ) cycle
562                xuo(i-l_RemNFirstOrbitals) = &
563                     xa(1,j) * recell(1,3) + &
564                     xa(2,j) * recell(2,3) + &
565                     xa(3,j) * recell(3,3)
566             end do !io in uc
567          end do
568       end if
570    end if
572    if ( l_RemUCellDistances ) then
573       allocate(liaorb(no_tot))
574       call memory('A','I',no_tot,'set_HS')
576       if ( present(iaorb) ) then
577          do iuo = 1 , no_tot
578             liaorb(iuo) = iaorb(iuo + l_RemNFirstOrbitals)
579          end do !io in uc
580       else if ( present(lasto) ) then
581          ind = 0
582          do j = 1 , na_u
583             do i = lasto(j-1) + 1 , lasto(j)
584                if ( i <= l_RemNFirstOrbitals ) cycle
585                if ( no_tot < i - l_RemNFirstOrbitals ) cycle
586                ind = ind + 1
587                liaorb(ind) = j
588             end do !io in uc
589          end do
590       end if
592    end if
596! Setup H,S for this k-point:
598    do juo = 1,no_tot
599       do iuo = 1,no_tot
600          Hk(iuo,juo) = dcmplx(0.d0,0.d0)
601          Sk(iuo,juo) = dcmplx(0.d0,0.d0)
602       end do
603    end do
605    xo(:) = 0.0_dp
607    setup_HS: if (.not.Gamma ) then
609       do iuo = 1,no_tot
610          iu = iuo + l_RemNFirstOrbitals
611          iind = listhptr(iu)
612          do j = 1,numh(iu)
613             ind = iind + j
614             juo = ucorb(listh(ind),no_u) - l_RemNFirstOrbitals
616             ! Cycle if we are not in the middle region
617             if ( juo < 1 .or. no_tot < juo ) cycle
619             ! If we have a removal of the z-direction do the following
620             if ( l_RemZConnection ) then
621                xc = - (xuo(juo) - xuo(iuo))
622                xc = xc + xij(1,ind) * recell(1,3) + &
623                          xij(2,ind) * recell(2,3) + &
624                          xij(3,ind) * recell(3,3)
625                if ( nint(xc) /= 0 ) cycle
626             end if
628             ! We also wish to remove the connection in
629             ! in the inner cell
630             ! I suspect we have a problem here
631             ! We may need a check for being in the unitcell
632             ! i.e.:
633             ! if ( l_RemUCellDistances ) then
634             !    if ( listh(ind) > no_u ) then ! As we check in the unit cell!
635             !       xo(1) = xa(1,liaorb(juo)) &
636             !            -  xa(1,liaorb(iuo))
637             !       xo(2) = xa(2,liaorb(juo)) &
638             !            -  xa(2,liaorb(iuo))
639             !       xo(3) = xa(3,liaorb(juo)) &
640             !            -  xa(3,liaorb(iuo))
641             !    else
642             !       xo = 0.0_dp
643             !    end if
644             ! end if
645             if ( l_RemUCellDistances ) then
646                xo(1) = xa(1,liaorb(juo)) &
647                     -  xa(1,liaorb(iuo))
648                xo(2) = xa(2,liaorb(juo)) &
649                     -  xa(2,liaorb(iuo))
650                xo(3) = xa(3,liaorb(juo)) &
651                     -  xa(3,liaorb(iuo))
652             end if
654             kxij = &
655                  k(1) * (xij(1,ind) - xo(1)) + &
656                  k(2) * (xij(2,ind) - xo(2)) + &
657                  k(3) * (xij(3,ind) - xo(3))
658             cphase = exp(dcmplx(0d0,kxij))
659             Hk(iuo,juo) = Hk(iuo,juo)+H(ind)*cphase
660             Sk(iuo,juo) = Sk(iuo,juo)+S(ind)*cphase
661          end do
662       end do
664    else setup_HS
666       do iuo = 1,no_tot
667          iu = iuo + l_RemNFirstOrbitals
668          iind = listhptr(iu)
669          do j = 1,numh(iu)
670             ind = iind + j
671             juo = listh(ind) - l_RemNFirstOrbitals
673             ! Cycle if we are not in the middle region
674             if ( juo < 1 .or. no_tot < juo ) cycle
676             ! If we have a removal of the z-direction do the following
677             if ( l_RemZConnection ) then
678                xc = - (xuo(juo) - xuo(iuo))
679                xc = xc + xij(1,ind) * recell(1,3) + &
680                          xij(2,ind) * recell(2,3) + &
681                          xij(3,ind) * recell(3,3)
682                if ( nint(xc) /= 0 ) cycle
683             end if
685             Hk(iuo,juo) = Hk(iuo,juo)+H(ind)
686             Sk(iuo,juo) = Sk(iuo,juo)+S(ind)
687          end do
688       end do
690    end if setup_HS
692    if ( l_RemUCellDistances ) then
693       call memory('D','I',no_tot,'set_HS')
694       deallocate(liaorb)
695    end if
697    if ( l_RemZConnection ) then
698       call memory('D','D',no_tot,'set_HS')
699       deallocate(xuo)
700    end if
702  end subroutine set_HS_matrix_2d
705! Setting the Hamiltonian for a specific k-point as a specific transfer
706! This can be used to obtain the transfer matrix for a certain Hamilton and S.
707! It requires that the Node has the full sparse matrix available
709  subroutine set_HS_transfermatrix_1d(Gamma,ucell,na_u,no_u,no_s,maxnh, &
710       xij,numh,listhptr,listh,H,S, &
711       k,transfer_cell,HkT,SkT,xa,iaorb, &
712       DUMMY, & ! Ensures that the programmer makes EXPLICIT keywork passing
713       RemUCellDistances,RemNFirstOrbitals,RemNLastOrbitals)
714    use sys,       only : die
715    use alloc,     only : re_alloc
716    use geom_helper, only : ucorb
717    use cellSubs, only : reclat
719! ***********************
720! * INPUT variables     *
721! ***********************
722    logical, intent(in)           :: Gamma ! Is it a Gamma Calculation?
723    real(dp), intent(in)          :: ucell(3,3) ! The unit cell of system
724    integer, intent(in)           :: na_u ! Unit cell atoms
725    integer, intent(in)           :: no_u ! Unit cell orbitals
726    integer, intent(in)           :: no_s ! Supercell orbitals
727    integer, intent(in)           :: maxnh ! Hamiltonian size
728    real(dp), intent(in)          :: xij(3,maxnh) ! differences with unitcell, differences with unitcell
729    integer, intent(in)           :: numh(no_u),listhptr(no_u)
730    integer, intent(in)           :: listh(maxnh)
731    real(dp), intent(in)          :: H(maxnh) ! Hamiltonian
732    real(dp), intent(in)          :: S(maxnh) ! Overlap
733    real(dp), intent(in)          :: k(3) ! k-point in [1/Bohr]
734    integer, intent(in)           :: transfer_cell(3) ! The transfer cell directions
735    real(dp), intent(in)          :: xa(3,na_u) ! Atomic coordinates (needed for RemZConnection & RemUCellDistances)
736    integer, intent(in)           :: iaorb(no_u) ! The equivalent atomic index for a given orbital (needed for RemUCellDistances)
737! ***********************
738! * OUTPUT variables    *
739! ***********************
740    complex(dp), pointer          :: HkT(:), SkT(:)
742! ***********************
743! * OPTIONAL variables  *
744! ***********************
745    logical, intent(in), optional :: DUMMY ! Do not supply this, it merely requires the coder
746!                                          ! to use the keyworded arguments!
747    logical, intent(in), optional :: RemUCellDistances
748    integer, intent(in), optional :: RemNFirstOrbitals, RemNLastOrbitals
750! ***********************
751! * LOCAL variables     *
752! ***********************
753    real(dp) :: recell(3,3) ! The reciprocal unit cell
754    real(dp) :: xo(3), xijo(3), xc
755    real(dp) :: kxij
756    complex(dp) :: cphase
757    integer :: no_tot
758    integer :: i,j,iu,iuo,juo,iind,ind
759    logical :: l_RemUCellDistances
760    integer :: l_RemNFirstOrbitals, l_RemNLastOrbitals
762    if ( present(DUMMY) ) &
763         call die("You must specify the keyworded arguments &
764         &for set_HS_transfermatrix")
766    ! Option collecting
767    l_RemUCellDistances = .false.
768    if ( present(RemUCellDistances) ) &
769         l_RemUCellDistances = RemUCellDistances
771    ! Make l_RemNFirstOrbitals contain the number of orbitals
772    ! to be removed from the Hamiltonian in the BEGINNING
773    l_RemNFirstOrbitals = 0
774    if ( present(RemNFirstOrbitals) ) &
775         l_RemNFirstOrbitals = RemNFirstOrbitals
776    ! Make l_RemNLastOrbitals contain the number of orbitals
777    ! to be removed from the Hamiltonian in the END
778    l_RemNLastOrbitals = 0
779    if ( present(RemNLastOrbitals) ) &
780         l_RemNLastOrbitals = RemNLastOrbitals
781    no_tot = no_u - (l_RemNLastOrbitals + l_RemNFirstOrbitals)
783    call re_alloc(HkT,1,no_tot*no_tot,name='HkT',routine='set_HS')
784    call re_alloc(SkT,1,no_tot*no_tot,name='SkT',routine='set_HS')
786    ! Prepare the cell to calculate the index of the atom
787    call reclat(ucell,recell,0) ! Without 2*Pi
790! Setup H,S for this transfer k-point:
792    do i = 1,no_tot*no_tot
793       HkT(i) = dcmplx(0.d0,0.d0)
794       SkT(i) = dcmplx(0.d0,0.d0)
795    end do
797    xo(:) = 0.0_dp
799    setup_HST: if (.not.Gamma ) then
801       do iuo = 1 , no_tot
802          iu = iuo + l_RemNFirstOrbitals
803          iind = listhptr(iu)
804          do j = 1,numh(iu)
805             ind = iind + j
806             juo = ucorb(listh(ind),no_u) - l_RemNFirstOrbitals
808             ! Cycle if we are not in the middle region
809             if ( juo < 1 .or. no_tot < juo ) cycle
811             ! Determine the transfer matrix cell
812             xijo(:) = xij(:,ind) - ( &
813                  xa(:,iaorb(juo+l_RemNFirstOrbitals)) - xa(:,iaorb(iu)) &
814                  )
815             xc = sum(xijo(:) * recell(:,1))
816             if ( nint(xc) /= transfer_cell(1) .and. transfer_cell(1) /= TRANSFER_ALL ) cycle
817             xc = sum(xijo(:) * recell(:,2))
818             if ( nint(xc) /= transfer_cell(2) .and. transfer_cell(2) /= TRANSFER_ALL ) cycle
819             xc = sum(xijo(:) * recell(:,3))
820             if ( nint(xc) /= transfer_cell(3) .and. transfer_cell(3) /= TRANSFER_ALL ) cycle
822             ! We also wish to remove the connection in
823             ! in the inner cell
824             ! I suspect we have a problem here
825             ! We may need a check for being in the unitcell
826             ! i.e.:
827             ! if ( l_RemUCellDistances ) then
828             !    if ( listh(ind) > no_u ) then ! As we check in the unit cell!
829             !       xo(1) = xa(1,iaorb(juo + l_RemNFirstOrbitals)) &
830             !            -  xa(1,iaorb(iu))
831             !       xo(2) = xa(2,iaorb(juo + l_RemNFirstOrbitals)) &
832             !            -  xa(2,iaorb(iu))
833             !       xo(3) = xa(3,iaorb(juo + l_RemNFirstOrbitals)) &
834             !            -  xa(3,iaorb(iu))
835             !    else
836             !       xo = 0.0_dp
837             !    end if
838             ! end if
839             if ( l_RemUCellDistances ) then
840                xo(1) = xa(1,iaorb(juo + l_RemNFirstOrbitals)) &
841                     -  xa(1,iaorb(iu))
842                xo(2) = xa(2,iaorb(juo + l_RemNFirstOrbitals)) &
843                     -  xa(2,iaorb(iu))
844                xo(3) = xa(3,iaorb(juo + l_RemNFirstOrbitals)) &
845                     -  xa(3,iaorb(iu))
846             end if
848             kxij = &
849                  k(1) * (xij(1,ind) - xo(1)) + &
850                  k(2) * (xij(2,ind) - xo(2)) + &
851                  k(3) * (xij(3,ind) - xo(3))
852             cphase = exp(dcmplx(0d0,kxij))
853             i = iuo+(juo-1)*no_tot
854             HkT(i) = HkT(i)+H(ind)*cphase
855             SkT(i) = SkT(i)+S(ind)*cphase
856          end do
857       end do
859    else setup_HST
860       ! It is not a Gamma calculation, thus we do not have any
861       ! neighbouring cells etc.
862       do iuo = 1 , no_tot
863          iu = iuo + l_RemNFirstOrbitals
864          iind = listhptr(iu)
865          do j = 1,numh(iu)
866             ind = iind + j
867             juo = listh(ind) - l_RemNFirstOrbitals
869             ! Cycle if we are not in the middle region
870             if ( juo < 1 .or. no_tot < juo ) cycle
872             ! Determine the transfer matrix cell
873             xijo(:) = xij(:,ind) - ( &
874                  xa(:,iaorb(juo+l_RemNFirstOrbitals)) - xa(:,iaorb(iu)) &
875                  )
876             xc = sum(xijo(:) * recell(:,1))
877             if ( nint(xc) /= transfer_cell(1) .and. transfer_cell(1) /= TRANSFER_ALL ) cycle
878             xc = sum(xijo(:) * recell(:,2))
879             if ( nint(xc) /= transfer_cell(2) .and. transfer_cell(2) /= TRANSFER_ALL ) cycle
880             xc = sum(xijo(:) * recell(:,3))
881             if ( nint(xc) /= transfer_cell(3) .and. transfer_cell(3) /= TRANSFER_ALL ) cycle
883             i = iuo+(juo-1)*no_tot
884             HkT(i) = HkT(i)+H(ind)
885             SkT(i) = SkT(i)+S(ind)
886          end do
887       end do
889    end if setup_HST
891  end subroutine set_HS_transfermatrix_1d
894  subroutine set_HS_transfermatrix_2d(Gamma,ucell,na_u,no_u,no_s,maxnh, &
895       xij,numh,listhptr,listh,H,S, &
896       k,transfer_cell,HkT,SkT,xa,iaorb,&
897       DUMMY, & ! Ensures that the programmer makes EXPLICIT keywork passing
898       RemUCellDistances,RemNFirstOrbitals,RemNLastOrbitals)
899    use sys,       only : die
900    use alloc,     only : re_alloc
901    use geom_helper, only : ucorb
902    use cellSubs, only : reclat
904! ***********************
905! * INPUT variables     *
906! ***********************
907    logical, intent(in)           :: Gamma ! Is it a Gamma Calculation?
908    real(dp), intent(in)          :: ucell(3,3) ! The unit cell of system
909    integer, intent(in)           :: na_u ! Unit cell atoms
910    integer, intent(in)           :: no_u ! Unit cell orbitals
911    integer, intent(in)           :: no_s ! Total orbitals
912    integer, intent(in)           :: maxnh ! Hamiltonian size
913    real(dp), intent(in)          :: xij(3,maxnh) ! differences with unitcell, differences with unitcell
914    integer, intent(in)           :: numh(no_u),listhptr(no_u)
915    integer, intent(in)           :: listh(maxnh)
916    real(dp), intent(in)          :: H(maxnh) ! Hamiltonian
917    real(dp), intent(in)          :: S(maxnh) ! Overlap
918    real(dp), intent(in)          :: k(3) ! k-point in [1/Bohr]
919    integer, intent(in)           :: transfer_cell(3) ! The transfer cell directions
920    real(dp), intent(in)          :: xa(3,na_u) ! Atomic coordinates (needed for RemZConnection & RemUCellDistances)
921    integer, intent(in)           :: iaorb(no_u) ! The equivalent atomic index for a given orbital (needed for RemUCellDistances)
922! ***********************
923! * OUTPUT variables    *
924! ***********************
925    complex(dp), pointer          :: HkT(:,:), SkT(:,:)
926! ***********************
927! * OPTIONAL variables  *
928! ***********************
929    logical, intent(in), optional :: DUMMY ! Do not supply this, it merely requires the coder
930!                                          ! to use the keyworded arguments!
931    logical, intent(in), optional :: RemUCellDistances
932    integer, intent(in), optional :: RemNFirstOrbitals, RemNLastOrbitals
934! ***********************
935! * LOCAL variables     *
936! ***********************
937    real(dp) :: recell(3,3)
938    real(dp) :: xo(3), xijo(3), xc
939    integer :: no_tot
940    real(dp) :: kxij
941    complex(dp) :: cphase
942    integer :: j,iuo,iu,juo,iind,ind
943    logical :: l_RemUCellDistances
944    integer :: l_RemNFirstOrbitals, l_RemNLastOrbitals
946    if ( present(DUMMY) ) &
947         call die("You must specify the keyworded arguments &
948         &for set_HS_transfermatrix")
950    ! Option collecting
951    l_RemUCellDistances = .false.
952    if ( present(RemUCellDistances) ) &
953         l_RemUCellDistances = RemUCellDistances
955    ! Make l_RemNFirstOrbitals contain the number of orbitals
956    ! to be removed from the Hamiltonian in the BEGINNING
957    l_RemNFirstOrbitals = 0
958    if ( present(RemNFirstOrbitals) ) &
959         l_RemNFirstOrbitals = RemNFirstOrbitals
960    ! Make l_RemNLastOrbitals contain the number of orbitals
961    ! to be removed from the Hamiltonian in the END
962    l_RemNLastOrbitals = 0
963    if ( present(RemNLastOrbitals) ) &
964         l_RemNLastOrbitals = RemNLastOrbitals
965    no_tot = no_u - (l_RemNLastOrbitals + l_RemNFirstOrbitals)
968    call re_alloc(HkT,1,no_tot,1,no_tot,name='HkT',routine='set_HS')
969    call re_alloc(SkT,1,no_tot,1,no_tot,name='SkT',routine='set_HS')
972    ! Prepare the cell to calculate the index of the atom
973    call reclat(ucell,recell,0) ! Without 2*Pi
975    ! Setup H,S for this k-point:
976    do juo = 1,no_tot
977       do iuo = 1,no_tot
978          HkT(iuo,juo) = dcmplx(0.d0,0.d0)
979          SkT(iuo,juo) = dcmplx(0.d0,0.d0)
980       end do
981    end do
983    xo(:) = 0.0_dp
985    setup_HST: if (.not.Gamma ) then
987       do iuo = 1,no_tot
988          iu = iuo + l_RemNFirstOrbitals
989          iind = listhptr(iu)
990          do j = 1,numh(iu)
991             ind = iind + j
992             juo = ucorb(listh(ind),no_u) - l_RemNFirstOrbitals
994             ! Cycle if we are not in the middle region
995             if ( juo < 1 .or. no_tot < juo ) cycle
997             ! Determine the transfer matrix cell
998             xijo(:) = xij(:,ind) - ( &
999                  xa(:,iaorb(juo+l_RemNFirstOrbitals)) - xa(:,iaorb(iu)) &
1000                  )
1001             xc = sum(xijo(:) * recell(:,1))
1002             if ( nint(xc) /= transfer_cell(1) .and. transfer_cell(1) /= TRANSFER_ALL ) cycle
1003             xc = sum(xijo(:) * recell(:,2))
1004             if ( nint(xc) /= transfer_cell(2) .and. transfer_cell(2) /= TRANSFER_ALL ) cycle
1005             xc = sum(xijo(:) * recell(:,3))
1006             if ( nint(xc) /= transfer_cell(3) .and. transfer_cell(3) /= TRANSFER_ALL ) cycle
1008             ! We also wish to remove the connection in
1009             ! in the inner cell
1010             ! I suspect we have a problem here
1011             ! We may need a check for being in the unitcell
1012             ! i.e.:
1013             ! if ( l_RemUCellDistances ) then
1014             !    if ( listh(ind) > no_u ) then ! As we check in the unit cell!
1015             !       xo(1) = xa(1,iaorb(juo + l_RemNFirstOrbitals)) &
1016             !            -  xa(1,iaorb(iu))
1017             !       xo(2) = xa(2,iaorb(juo + l_RemNFirstOrbitals)) &
1018             !            -  xa(2,iaorb(iu))
1019             !       xo(3) = xa(3,iaorb(juo + l_RemNFirstOrbitals)) &
1020             !            -  xa(3,iaorb(iu))
1021             !    else
1022             !       xo = 0.0_dp
1023             !    end if
1024             ! end if
1025             if ( l_RemUCellDistances ) then
1026                xo(1) = xa(1,iaorb(juo + l_RemNFirstOrbitals)) &
1027                     -  xa(1,iaorb(iu))
1028                xo(2) = xa(2,iaorb(juo + l_RemNFirstOrbitals)) &
1029                     -  xa(2,iaorb(iu))
1030                xo(3) = xa(3,iaorb(juo + l_RemNFirstOrbitals)) &
1031                     -  xa(3,iaorb(iu))
1032             end if
1034             kxij = &
1035                  k(1) * (xij(1,ind) - xo(1)) + &
1036                  k(2) * (xij(2,ind) - xo(2)) + &
1037                  k(3) * (xij(3,ind) - xo(3))
1038             cphase = exp(dcmplx(0d0,kxij))
1039             HkT(iuo,juo) = HkT(iuo,juo)+H(ind)*cphase
1040             SkT(iuo,juo) = SkT(iuo,juo)+S(ind)*cphase
1041          end do
1042       end do
1044    else setup_HST
1046       do iuo = 1,no_tot
1047          iu = iuo + l_RemNFirstOrbitals
1048          iind = listhptr(iu)
1049          do j = 1,numh(iu)
1050             ind = iind + j
1051             juo = listh(ind) - l_RemNFirstOrbitals
1053             ! Cycle if we are not in the middle region
1054             if ( juo < 1 .or. no_tot < juo ) cycle
1056             ! Determine the transfer matrix cell
1057             xijo(:) = xij(:,ind) - ( &
1058                  xa(:,iaorb(juo+l_RemNFirstOrbitals)) - xa(:,iaorb(iu)) &
1059                  )
1060             xc = sum(xijo(:) * recell(:,1))
1061             if ( nint(xc) /= transfer_cell(1) .and. transfer_cell(1) /= TRANSFER_ALL ) cycle
1062             xc = sum(xijo(:) * recell(:,2))
1063             if ( nint(xc) /= transfer_cell(2) .and. transfer_cell(2) /= TRANSFER_ALL ) cycle
1064             xc = sum(xijo(:) * recell(:,3))
1065             if ( nint(xc) /= transfer_cell(3) .and. transfer_cell(3) /= TRANSFER_ALL ) cycle
1067             HkT(iuo,juo) = HkT(iuo,juo)+H(ind)
1068             SkT(iuo,juo) = SkT(iuo,juo)+S(ind)
1069          end do
1070       end do
1072    end if setup_HST
1074  end subroutine set_HS_transfermatrix_2d
1076  subroutine set_HS_available_transfers(ucell,na_u,xa,lasto,no_u,maxnh, &
1077       xij,numh,listhptr,listh,transfer_cell)
1078    use geom_helper, only : ucorb, iaorb
1079    use cellSubs, only : reclat
1081! ***********************
1082! * INPUT variables     *
1083! ***********************
1084    real(dp), intent(in) :: ucell(3,3) ! The unit cell of system
1085    integer, intent(in)  :: na_u ! Unit cell atoms
1086    real(dp), intent(in) :: xa(3,na_u) ! Atomic coordinates (needed for RemZConnection & RemUCellDistances)
1087    integer, intent(in)  :: lasto(0:na_u) ! last orbital number of equivalent atom
1088    integer, intent(in)  :: no_u ! Unit cell orbitals
1089    integer, intent(in)  :: maxnh ! Hamiltonian size
1090    real(dp), intent(in) :: xij(3,maxnh) ! differences with unitcell, differences with unitcell
1091    integer, intent(in)  :: numh(no_u),listhptr(no_u)
1092    integer, intent(in)  :: listh(maxnh)
1093! ***********************
1094! * OUTPUT variables    *
1095! ***********************
1096    integer, intent(out) :: transfer_cell(2,3)
1098! ***********************
1099! * LOCAL variables     *
1100! ***********************
1101    real(dp) :: recell(3,3)
1102    real(dp) :: xijo(3), xc
1103    integer :: ia, ja
1104    integer :: i,j,iuo,juo,ind
1106    ! Initialize the transfer cell to:
1107    transfer_cell(:,:) = 0
1109    ! Prepare the cell to calculate the index of the atom
1110    call reclat(ucell,recell,0) ! Without 2*Pi
1112    do iuo = 1 , no_u
1113       ia = iaorb(iuo,lasto)
1114       do j = 1 , numh(iuo)
1115          ind = listhptr(iuo) + j
1116          juo = ucorb(listh(ind),no_u)
1117          ja = iaorb(juo,lasto)
1118          xijo(:) = xij(:,ind) - ( xa(:,ja)-xa(:,ia) )
1119          ! Loop over directions
1120          do i = 1 , 3
1121             ! recell is already without 2*Pi
1122             xc = sum(xijo(:) * recell(:,i))
1123             transfer_cell(1,i) = min(transfer_cell(1,i),nint(xc))
1124             transfer_cell(2,i) = max(transfer_cell(2,i),nint(xc))
1125          end do
1126       end do
1127    end do
1129  end subroutine set_HS_available_transfers
1131  ! Routine for removing left right overlaps of certain regions.
1132  ! Is used to fully remove the connection between left and right
1133  ! states in the Hamiltonian
1134  subroutine matrix_rem_left_right_2d(no_tot,Hk,Sk,no_L,no_R)
1136! **************************
1137! * INPUT variables        *
1138! **************************
1139    integer, intent(in)        :: no_tot, no_L, no_R
1141! **************************
1142! * OUTPUT variables       *
1143! **************************
1144    complex(dp), intent(inout) :: Hk(no_tot,no_tot), Sk(no_tot,no_tot)
1146! **************************
1147! * LOCAL variables        *
1148! **************************
1149    integer :: i,j
1151    ! If nothing is to be removed return immidiately...
1152    if ( no_L == 0 .or. no_R == 0 ) return
1154    do j = no_tot - no_R + 1 , no_tot
1155       do i = 1 , no_L
1156          Hk(i,j) = dcmplx(0.d0,0.d0)
1157          Sk(i,j) = dcmplx(0.d0,0.d0)
1158          Hk(j,i) = dcmplx(0.d0,0.d0)
1159          Sk(j,i) = dcmplx(0.d0,0.d0)
1160       end do
1161    end do
1163  end subroutine matrix_rem_left_right_2d
1165  subroutine matrix_rem_left_right_1d(no_tot,Hk,Sk,no_L,no_R)
1166    integer, intent(in)        :: no_tot, no_L, no_R
1167    complex(dp), intent(inout) :: Hk(no_tot*no_tot), Sk(no_tot*no_tot)
1168    call matrix_rem_left_right_2d(no_tot,Hk,Sk,no_L,no_R)
1169  end subroutine matrix_rem_left_right_1d
1172  ! Routine for symmetrizing and shifting the matrix Ef
1173  subroutine matrix_symmetrize_2d(no_tot,Hk,Sk,Ef)
1175! **************************
1176! * INPUT variables        *
1177! **************************
1178    integer, intent(in)        :: no_tot
1179    real(dp), intent(in)       :: Ef
1181! **************************
1182! * OUTPUT variables       *
1183! **************************
1184    complex(dp), intent(inout) :: Hk(no_tot,no_tot), Sk(no_tot,no_tot)
1186! **************************
1187! * LOCAL variables        *
1188! **************************
1189    integer :: iuo,juo
1191    do iuo = 1,no_tot
1192       do juo = 1,iuo-1
1194          Sk(juo,iuo) = 0.5d0*( Sk(juo,iuo) + dconjg(Sk(iuo,juo)) )
1195          Sk(iuo,juo) =  dconjg(Sk(juo,iuo))
1197          Hk(juo,iuo) = 0.5d0*( Hk(juo,iuo) + dconjg(Hk(iuo,juo)) ) &
1198               - Ef*Sk(juo,iuo)
1199          Hk(iuo,juo) =  dconjg(Hk(juo,iuo))
1201       end do
1203       Sk(iuo,iuo)=Sk(iuo,iuo) - dcmplx(0d0,dimag(Sk(iuo,iuo)) )
1205       Hk(iuo,iuo)=Hk(iuo,iuo) - dcmplx(0d0,dimag(Hk(iuo,iuo)) ) &
1206            - Ef*Sk(iuo,iuo)
1207    end do
1209  end subroutine matrix_symmetrize_2d
1211  subroutine matrix_symmetrize_1d(no_tot,Hk,Sk,Ef)
1212    integer, intent(in)        :: no_tot
1213    real(dp), intent(in)       :: Ef
1214    complex(dp), intent(inout) :: Hk(no_tot*no_tot), Sk(no_tot*no_tot)
1215    call matrix_symmetrize_2d(no_tot,Hk(1),Sk(1),Ef)
1216  end subroutine matrix_symmetrize_1d
1218end module m_hs_matrix