1! ---
2! Copyright (C) 1996-2016	The SIESTA group
3!  This file is distributed under the terms of the
4!  GNU General Public License: see COPYING in the top directory
5!  or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
6! See Docs/Contributors.txt for a list of contributors.
7! ---
8subroutine read_options( na, ns, nspin )
10  ! Subroutine to read the options for the SIESTA program
11  !
12  !     It uses the FDF (Flexible Data Format) package
13  !     of J.M.Soler and A.Garcia
14  !
15  ! Writen by P.Ordejon, December'96
16  ! Modified for introduction of dynamic memory in SIESTA by JDG Sept 99
17  ! Wrapping of most fdf and broadcast calls: A. Garcia, June 2005
18  !
20  use siesta_options
21  use precision, only : dp, grid_p
22  use parallel,  only : IOnode, Nodes
23  use fdf
24  use files,     only : slabel
25  use files,     only : filesOut_t   ! derived type for output file names
26  use sys
27  use units,     only : eV, Ang, Kelvin
28  use siesta_cml
29  use m_target_stress, only: set_target_stress
30  use m_spin, only: print_spin_options
32  use m_charge_add, only : read_charge_add
33  use m_hartree_add, only : read_hartree_add
35  use m_mixing_scf, only: mixers_scf_init
36  use m_mixing_scf, only: mixers_scf_print, mixers_scf_print_block
38  use m_cite, only: add_citation
40  implicit none
41  !----------------------------------------------------------- Input Variables
42  ! integer na               : Number of atoms
43  ! integer ns               : Number of species
44  ! integer nspin            : Number of spin-components
45  !                            1=non-polarized, 2=polarized, 4=non-collinear,
46  !                            8=spin-orbit
48  integer, intent(in)  :: na, ns, nspin
50  ! This routine sets variables in the 'siesta_options' module
52  ! The following are comment lines that should be merged into 'siesta_options'.
54  ! real*8 charnet           : Net charge (in units of |e|)
55  ! logical outlng           : Long (true) or short (false) output
56  ! real*8 g2cut             : PW cutoff energy (Ry)
57  ! logical negl             : True = Neglect interactions between
58  !                            non-overlaping orbitals (coming from
59  !                            KB projectors)
60  ! integer nscf             : Maximum number of SCF cycles per time step
61  ! real*8 dDtol             : Maximum Density Matrix tolerance in SCF
62  ! real*8 Energy_tolerance  : Maximum Total energy tolerance in SCF
63  ! real*8 Harris_tolerance  : Maximum Harris energy tolerance in SCF
64  ! logical mix              : Perform mix in first SCF step
65  ! real*8 wmix              : Amount of output DM for new DM
66  ! integer isolve           : Method of solution.  0   = Diagonalization
67  !                                                 1   = Order-N
68  !                                                 2   = Transiesta
69  !                                                 3   = OMM
70  !                                                 4   = PEXSI
71  !                                                 5   = (Matrix write)
72  ! real*8 temp              : Temperature for Fermi smearing (Ry)
73  ! logical fixspin          : Fix the spin of the system?
74  ! real*8  total_spin       : Total spin of the system
75  ! integer ncgmax           : Maximum number of CG steps for
76  !                            band structure energy minimization
77  ! real*8 etol              : Relative tolerance in CG minimization
78  !                            of band structure energy
79  ! real*8 eta(2)            : Fermi level parameter of Kim functional
80  ! real*8 rcoor             : Cutoff radius of LWF's (Bohr)
81  ! integer ioptlwf          : Option to build LWF's according to:
82  !                             0 = Read blindly from disk
83  !                             1 = Functional of Kim et al.
84  !                             2 = Functional of Ordejon-Mauri
85  ! logical chebef          : Compute the chemical potential
86  ! logical noeta            : Use computed Chem.pot. instead of eta
87  ! real*8 rcoorcp           : Cutoff (Bohr) to compute the chem.pot.
88  ! real*8 beta              : Inverse temperature to compute chem.pot.
89  ! integer pmax             : Order of Chebi expansion for chem.pot.
90  ! integer idyn             : Atomic dynamics option:
91  !                             0 = Geometry optimization
92  !                             1 = Standard MD run (Verlet)
93  !                             2 = Nose thermostat MD
94  !                             3 = Parrinello-Rahman MD
95  !                             4 = Nose thermostat + Parrinello-Rahman MD
96  !                             5 = Annealing MD
97  !                             6 = Force constants
98  !                             7 = Deprecated (Forces for PHONON program)
99  !                             8 = Force evaluation
100  !                             9 = Explicit set of coordinates
101  !                            10 = Lua controlled dynamics
102  ! integer istart           : Initial time step for MD
103  ! integer ifinal           : Final time step for MD
104  ! integer nmove            : Number of steps in *any* MD/optimization
105  ! real*8 ftol              : Maximum force for structural optimization
106  ! real*8 strtol            : Maximum stress for structural optimization
107  ! integer ianneal          : Annealing option for idyn = 5
108  !                             1 = Temperature
109  !                             2 = Pressure
110  !                             3 = Temperature and Pressure
111  ! integer iquench          : Quench option: 0 = No; 1 = Yes; 2 = Fire
112  ! real*8 dt                : Length of time step (fs)
113  ! real*8 dx                : Atomic displacement for Force Constants
114  !                             calculation
115  ! integer ia1              : First atom to displace for force constants
116  ! integer ia2              : Last atom to displace for force constants
117  ! real*8 dxmax             : Maximum atomic displacement in one atomic move
118  ! real*8 tt                : Target temperature (Kelvin)
119  ! real*8 tp                : Target Pressure (Ry/Bohr**3)
120  ! real*8 mn                : Mass of Nose variable (Ry/fs**2)
121  ! real*8 mpr               : Mass of Parrinello-R. variable (Ry/fs**2)
122  ! real*8 bulkm             : Estimate of bulk modulus (Ry/Bohr**3)
123  ! real*8 taurelax          : Annealing time to reach targer T and P (fs)
124  ! logical usesavelwf       : True = try to use continuation LWF files
125  !                              from disk
126  ! logical usesavedm        : True = try to use continuation DM files
127  !                              from disk
128  ! logical usesavecg        : True = try to use continuation CG files
129  !                              from disk
130  ! integer mullipop         : Option for Mulliken Pop. analysis
131  ! logical init_anti_ferro  : Spin initialization for spin-polarized
132  !                              .true.  -> Antiferro
133  !                              .false. -> Ferro
134  ! integer maxsav           : Number of density-matrices stored for Pulay
135  !                            mixing. .lt.2 => linear mixing only
136  !                                    .ge.2 => pulay mixing
137  ! integer nkick            : Perform a linear mixing eack nkick scf cycles
138  ! real*8 wmixkick          : Mixing parameter for linear mixing each nkick scf
139  !                            cycles
140  ! logical pulfile          : Use file (.true.) or memory (.false.)
141  !                            to store Pulay miximg intermediate vectors
142  !                            Default: .false.
143  ! real*8 tempinit          : Initial temperature (Kelvin) of the MD simulation
144  ! logical dumpcharge       : True: Dump information to plot charge contours
145  !                            by the external DENCHAR application program.
146  !     (This is now obsolete: info will appear in .RHO file)
147  ! logical varcel           : variable shape for optimization or dynamics
148  ! logical harrisfun        : swith that indicates if harris functional will
149  !                            be used or not
150  ! real*8  occtol           : Occupancy threshold for DM build
151  ! integer broyden_maxit    : Number of histories saved in Broyden SCF mixing
152  ! logical require_energy_convergence  : Impose E. conv. criterion?
153  ! logical broyden_optim    : Use Broyden method for optimization
154  ! logical want_domain_decomposition:  Use domain decomposition for orbitals in O(N)
155  ! logical want_spatial_decomposition:  Use spatial decomposition for orbitals in O(N)
158  !----------------------------------------------------------- Local Variables
159  real(dp) :: tcp
161  character(len=22) :: annop, dyntyp
162  character(len=13) :: lwfopt
163  character(len=30) :: ctmp
164  character(len=6) :: method
166  logical :: qnch, qnch2
167  logical :: tBool
169  !--------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
170  ! New template, using fdf
171  !
172  !      param = fdf_get('ParamName', param_default)
173  !      if (ionode)  write(6,'(a,i)'),
174  !     .    'redata: ParamName           = ',param
175  !      if (cml_p) call cmlAddParameter(xf=mainXML, name='ParamName',
176  !     .                 value=param, dictref='siesta:param')
178  !
179  !      cml_p is only true in the master node
180  !
181  ! Start of code
183  if (cml_p) then
184     call cmlStartParameterList(mainXML, title='Input Parameters')
185  endif
187  ! for cml output, find the system name & label
188  if (cml_p) then
189     call cmlAddParameter(xf=mainXML, name='SystemName',             &
190          value=trim(sname), dictref='siesta:sname')
191     call cmlAddParameter(xf=mainXML, name='SystemLabel',            &
192          value=trim(slabel), dictref='siesta:slabel')
193  endif
195  ! Start by printing out spin-configuration
196  call print_spin_options()
198  ! H setup only
199  h_setup_only = fdf_get('HSetupOnly', .false.)
200  if (ionode .and. h_setup_only) then
201     write(6,1) 'redata: H Setup Only', h_setup_only
202  endif
204  ! Type of output
205  outlng = fdf_get('LongOutput', .false.)
206  if (ionode) then
207     write(6,1) 'redata: Long output', outlng
208  endif
210  if (cml_p) then
211     call cmlAddParameter( xf=mainXML, name='LongOutput',            &
212          value=outlng, dictRef='siesta:verbosity' )
213  endif
215  ! Write about Number of species, as before
216  if (ionode) then
217     write(6,4) 'redata: Number of Atomic Species', ns
218  endif
220  if (ns .le. 0) then
221     call die( 'redata: ERROR: Number of species must be larger than zero.' )
222  endif
224  if (cml_p) then
225     call cmlAddParameter( xf=mainXML, title='NumberOfSpecies', &
226          value=ns, dictRef='siesta:ns', units="cmlUnits:countable" )
227  endif
229  ! Dump information to plot charge contours
230  ! by the external DENCHAR application program.
231  dumpcharge = fdf_get('WriteDenchar',.false.)
232  if (ionode) then
233     write(6,2) 'redata: Charge density info will appear in .RHO file'
234  endif
236  if (cml_p) then
237     call cmlAddParameter( xf=mainXML, name='WriteDenChar', value=dumpcharge)
238  endif
240  ! Perform Mulliken Population Analysis
241  mullipop = fdf_get('WriteMullikenPop', 0)
242  if (mullipop == 0 .and. outlng) then
243     mullipop = 1
244  endif
245  ! <L> output
246  orbmoms                = fdf_get( 'WriteOrbMom'   , .false. )
248  if (ionode) then
249     select case (mullipop)
250     case(0)
251        write(6,3) 'redata: Write Mulliken Pop.','NO'
252     case(1)
253        write(6,3) 'redata: Write Mulliken Pop.','Atomic and Orbital charges'
254     case(2)
255        write(6,3)'redata: Write Mulliken Pop.','Atomic and Orbital charges'
256        write(6,10) 'plus Atomic Overlap Populations'
257     case(3)
258        write(6,3)'redata: Write Mulliken Pop.','Atomic and Orbital charges'
259        write(6,10) 'plus Atomic Overlap Populations'
260        write(6,10) 'plus Orbital Overlap Populations'
261     case default
262        call die( 'redata: Invalid value for WriteMullikenPop' )
263     end select
264  endif
266  if (cml_p) then
267     call cmlAddParameter( xf=mainXML, name='WriteMullikenPop', value=mullipop, &
268          units="cmlUnits:dimensionless" )
269  endif
271  ! Perform Hirshfeld and/or Voronoi Population Analysis
272  hirshpop= fdf_get('WriteHirshfeldPop',.false.)
273  voropop=  fdf_get('WriteVoronoiPop',.false.)
274  partial_charges_at_every_geometry =  &
275       fdf_get('PartialChargesAtEveryGeometry',.false.)
276  partial_charges_at_every_scf_step =  &
277       fdf_get('PartialChargesAtEveryScfStep',.false.)
280  if ( fdf_get('Compat.Matel.NRTAB', .false.) ) then
281    matel_NRTAB = 128
282  else
283    matel_NRTAB = 1024
284  end if
285  if ( IONode ) then
286    write(6,4) 'redata: Matel table size (NRTAB)', matel_NRTAB
287  end if
288  if (cml_p) then
289    call cmlAddParameter( xf=mainXML, name='MatelNRTAB',value=matel_NRTAB, &
290        dictRef='siesta:matel_nrtab', units="cmlUnits:countable")
291  end if
293  ! Planewave cutoff of the real space mesh ...
294  g2cut = fdf_get('MeshCutoff',300._dp,'Ry')
295  if (ionode) then
296     write(6,6) 'redata: Mesh Cutoff', g2cut,' Ry'
297  endif
299  if (cml_p) then
300     call cmlAddParameter( xf=mainXML, name='MeshCutOff', value=g2cut,     &
301          dictRef='siesta:g2max', units='siestaUnits:Ry' )
302  endif
304  ! Net charge in the cell ...
305  charnet = fdf_get('NetCharge',0.0_dp)
306  if (ionode) then
307     write(6,6) 'redata: Net charge of the system',charnet,' |e|'
308  endif
310  if (cml_p) then
311     call cmlAddParameter( xf=mainXML, name='NetCharge', value=charnet, &
312          dictRef='siesta:NetCharge', units='siestaUnits:e__')
313  endif
315  ! SCF Loop parameters ...
316  !     Minimum/Maximum number of SCF iterations
317  min_nscf = fdf_get('MinSCFIterations',0)
318  nscf     = fdf_get('MaxSCFIterations',1000)
319  SCFMustConverge = fdf_get('SCF.MustConverge', .true.)
320  if (ionode) then
321     write(6,4) 'redata: Min. number of SCF Iter',min_nscf
322     write(6,4) 'redata: Max. number of SCF Iter',nscf
323     if (SCFMustConverge) then
324        write(6,2) 'redata: SCF convergence failure will abort job'
325     endif
326  endif
328  if (cml_p) then
329     call cmlAddParameter( xf=mainXML, name='MaxSCFIterations',  &
330          value=nscf, dictRef='siesta:maxscf',  &
331          units="cmlUnits:countable")
332     call cmlAddParameter( xf=mainXML, name='MinSCFIterations',  &
333          value=min_nscf, dictRef='siesta:minscf',  &
334          units="cmlUnits:countable")
335  endif
337  call fdf_deprecated('TS.MixH','SCF.Mix')
338  call fdf_deprecated('MixHamiltonian','SCF.Mix')
339  call fdf_deprecated('MixCharge','SCF.Mix')
341  ! Note, since 4.1 mixing the Hamiltonian is the default option!
342  mixH = fdf_get('TS.MixH',.true.) ! Catch old-style keyword (prefer new key)
343  mixH = fdf_get('MixHamiltonian',mixH)
344  mix_charge = fdf_get('MixCharge',.false.)
346  if ( mix_charge ) then
347     ctmp = 'charge'
348  else if ( mixH ) then
349     ctmp = 'Hamiltonian'
350  else
351     ctmp = 'density'
352  end if
354  ctmp = fdf_get('SCF.Mix', trim(ctmp))
355  if ( leqi(ctmp, 'charge') .or. &
356       leqi(ctmp, 'rho') ) then
357     mix_charge = .true.
358     mixH = .false.
359  else if ( leqi(ctmp, 'Hamiltonian') &
360       .or. leqi(ctmp, 'H') ) then
361     mix_charge = .false.
362     mixH = .true.
363  else if ( leqi(ctmp, 'density') &
364       .or. leqi(ctmp, 'density-matrix') &
365       .or. leqi(ctmp, 'DM') ) then
366     mix_charge = .false.
367     mixH = .false.
368  else
369     call die('Unrecognized option for: SCF.Mix. Please see the manual.')
370  end if
372  if ( IONode ) then
373  if ( mix_charge ) then
374     write(6,3) 'redata: SCF mix quantity', 'charge'
375  else if ( mixH ) then
376     write(6,3) 'redata: SCF mix quantity', 'Hamiltonian'
377  else
378     write(6,3) 'redata: SCF mix quantity', 'density-matrix'
379  end if
380  end if
382  ! Options for pre-4.0 compatibility
383  compat_pre_v4_DM_H  = fdf_get('Compat-pre-v4-DM-H',.false.)
384  mix_after_convergence = fdf_get('SCF.MixAfterConvergence',compat_pre_v4_DM_H)
385  recompute_H_after_scf = fdf_get('SCF.Recompute-H-After-Scf',compat_pre_v4_DM_H)
387  if (ionode) then
388     if (compat_pre_v4_DM_H) then
389        write(6,2) ':!:Next two options activated by pre-4.0 compat. switch'
390     endif
391     write(6,1) 'redata: Mix DM or H after convergence',mix_after_convergence
392     write(6,1) 'redata: Recompute H after scf cycle', recompute_H_after_scf
393  endif
395  ! Pulay mixing, number of iterations for one Pulay mixing (maxsav)
396  maxsav = fdf_get('DM.NumberPulay', 0)
398  ! Broyden SCF mixing, number of iterations
399  broyden_maxit = fdf_get('DM.NumberBroyden',0)
400  ! FIRE SCF mixing, no parameters
401  fire_mix = fdf_get('DM.FIRE.Mixing',.false.)
403  if (cml_p) then
404     call cmlAddParameter( xf=mainXML, name='DM.NumberPulay',     &
405          value=maxsav, dictRef='siesta:maxsav', &
406          units="cmlUnits:countable" )
407     call cmlAddParameter( xf=mainXML, name='DM.NumberBroyden',    &
408          value=broyden_maxit, dictRef='siesta:broyden_maxit', &
409          units="cmlUnits:countable" )
410  endif
412  ! Mix density matrix on first SCF step (mix)
413  mix_scf_first = fdf_get('DM.MixSCF1', &
414       .not. compat_pre_v4_DM_H)
415  mix_scf_first = fdf_get('SCF.Mix.First', mix_scf_first)
416  mix_scf_first_force = fdf_get('SCF.Mix.First.Force', .false.)
417  if ( mix_scf_first_force ) then
418    ! Also set this, to note the user of mixing first SCF regardless
419    ! of flag.
420    mix_scf_first = .true.
421  end if
422  if (ionode) then
423    write(6,1) 'redata: Mix DM in first SCF step',mix_scf_first
424  endif
426  if (cml_p) then
427     call cmlAddParameter( xf=mainXML, name='DM.MixSCF1',   &
428          value=mix_scf_first, dictRef='siesta:mix' )
429  endif
431  ! Use disk or memory to store intermediate Pulay mixing vectors
432  ! (pulfile)
433  pulfile = fdf_get('DM.PulayOnFile',.false.)
434  if (ionode) then
435     if (pulfile) then
436        call die( 'redata: Cannot use DM.PulayOnFile=.true.'//&
437             'in this version' )
438     endif
439     write(6,1) 'redata: Write Pulay info on disk',pulfile
440  endif
441  if (cml_p) then
442     call cmlAddParameter(xf=mainXML, name='DM.PulayOnFile',      &
443          value=pulfile, dictRef='siesta:pulfile')
444  endif
446  ! Density Matrix Mixing  (proportion of output DM in new input DM)
447  wmix = fdf_get('DM.MixingWeight',0.25_dp)
448!!$  if (ionode) then
449!!$     write(6,6) 'redata: New DM Mixing Weight',wmix
450!!$  endif
452  if (cml_p) then
453     call cmlAddParameter( xf=mainXML,name='DM.MixingWeight', &
454          value=wmix, dictRef='siesta:wmix', &
455          units="cmlUnits:dimensionless" )
456  endif
458  ! Density Matrix occupancy tolerance
459  occtol = fdf_get('DM.OccupancyTolerance',1.e-12_dp)
460  if (ionode) then
461     write(6,8) 'redata: New DM Occupancy tolerance',occtol
462  endif
464  if (cml_p) then
465     call cmlAddParameter( xf=mainXML,name='DM.OccupancyTolerance', &
466          value=occtol, dictRef='siesta:occtol' ,  &
467          units="cmlUnits:dimensionless" )
468  endif
470  ! Perform linear mixing each nkick SCF iterations (to kick system
471  ! when it is pinned in a poorly convergent SCF loop)
472  nkick = fdf_get('DM.NumberKick',0)
473  if (ionode) then
474     if (nkick .ge. 1) then
475        write(6,5) 'redata: Kick with linear mixing every',nkick,&
476             ' iterations'
477     else
478        write(6,2)'redata: No kicks to SCF'
479     endif
480  endif
482  if (cml_p) then
483     call cmlAddParameter( xf=mainXML,name='DM.NumberKick',     &
484          value=nkick, dictRef='siesta:nkick', &
485          units="cmlUnits:countable" )
486  endif
488  ! Density Matrix Mixing each nkick SCF iterations
489  wmixkick = fdf_get('DM.KickMixingWeight',0.5_dp)
490  if (ionode) then
491     write(6,6) 'redata: DM Mixing Weight for Kicks',wmixkick
492  endif
494  if (cml_p) then
495     call cmlAddParameter( xf=mainXML,name='DM.KickMixingWeight',    &
496          value=wmixkick, dictRef='siesta:wmixkick',&
497          units="cmlUnits:dimensionless" )
498  endif
501  !-----------------------------------!
502  !                                   !
503  ! Reading of convergence criteria   !
504  !                                   !
505  !-----------------------------------!
507  ! Harris energy convergence
508  ! If this is TRUE, then the following options are defaulted to FALSE.
509  converge_Eharr = fdf_get('DM.RequireHarrisConvergence', .false.)
510  converge_Eharr = fdf_get('SCF.Harris.Converge', converge_Eharr)
511  tolerance_Eharr = fdf_get('DM.HarrisTolerance', 1.e-4_dp*eV, 'Ry' )
512  tolerance_Eharr = fdf_get('SCF.Harris.Tolerance', tolerance_Eharr, 'Ry' )
513  if ( IONode ) then
514     write(6,1) 'redata: Require Harris convergence for SCF', &
515          converge_Eharr
516     write(6,7) 'redata: Harris energy tolerance for SCF', tolerance_Eharr/eV, ' eV'
517  end if
519  if (cml_p) then
520     call cmlAddParameter( xf=mainXML, name='SCF.Harris.Converge', &
521          value=converge_Eharr, &
522          dictRef='siesta:ReqHarrisConv' )
523     call cmlAddParameter( xf=mainXML, name='SCF.Harris.Tolerance', units='siestaUnits:eV', &
524          value=tolerance_Eharr/eV, dictRef='siesta:Harris_tolerance')
525  end if
528  ! Density matrix convergence
529  converge_DM = fdf_get('SCF.DM.Converge', .not. converge_Eharr)
530  dDtol = fdf_get('DM.Tolerance',1.e-4_dp)
531  dDtol = fdf_get('SCF.DM.Tolerance',dDtol)
532  if ( IONode ) then
533     write(6,1) 'redata: Require DM convergence for SCF', converge_DM
534     write(6,11) 'redata: DM tolerance for SCF',dDtol
535  end if
536  if (cml_p) then
537     call cmlAddParameter( xf=mainXML, name='SCF.DM.Converge', &
538          value=converge_DM, &
539          dictRef='siesta:ReqDMConv' )
540     call cmlAddParameter( xf=mainXML, name='SCF.DM.Tolerance', &
541          value=dDtol, dictRef='siesta:dDtol', &
542          units='siestaUnits:eAng_3' )
543  end if
546  ! Energy-density matrix convergence
547  converge_EDM = fdf_get('SCF.EDM.Converge', .false.)
548  tolerance_EDM = fdf_get('SCF.EDM.Tolerance',1.e-3_dp*eV, 'Ry')
549  if ( IONode ) then
550     write(6,1) 'redata: Require EDM convergence for SCF', converge_EDM
551     write(6,7) 'redata: EDM tolerance for SCF',tolerance_EDM/eV, ' eV'
552  end if
553  if (cml_p) then
554     call cmlAddParameter( xf=mainXML, name='SCF.EDM.Converge', &
555          value=converge_EDM, &
556          dictRef='siesta:ReqEDMConv' )
557     call cmlAddParameter( xf=mainXML, name='SCF.EDM.Tolerance', &
558          value=tolerance_EDM/eV, dictRef='siesta:EDM_tolerance', &
559          units='siestaUnits:eVeAng_3' )
560  end if
563  ! Hamiltonian convergence
564  if ( compat_pre_v4_DM_H ) then
565     tBool = .false.
566  else
567     tBool = .not. converge_Eharr
568  end if
569  converge_H = fdf_get('SCF.H.Converge', tBool)
570  dHtol = fdf_get('SCF.H.Tolerance',1.e-3_dp*eV, 'Ry')
571  if ( IONode ) then
572     write(6,1) 'redata: Require H convergence for SCF', converge_H
573     write(6,7) 'redata: Hamiltonian tolerance for SCF', dHtol/eV, ' eV'
574  end if
576  if (cml_p) then
577     call cmlAddParameter( xf=mainXML, name='SCF.H.Converge', &
578          value=converge_H, &
579          dictRef='siesta:ReqHConv' )
580     call cmlAddParameter( xf=mainXML, name='SCF.H.Tolerance',     &
581          value=dHtol/eV, dictRef='siesta:dHtol', &
582          units='siestaUnits:eV' )
583  end if
586  ! Free energy convergence
587  converge_FreeE = fdf_get('DM.RequireEnergyConvergence', .false.)
588  converge_FreeE = fdf_get('SCF.FreeE.Converge',converge_FreeE)
589  tolerance_FreeE = fdf_get('DM.EnergyTolerance', 1.e-4_dp*eV, 'Ry' )
590  tolerance_FreeE = fdf_get('SCF.FreeE.Tolerance',tolerance_FreeE, 'Ry')
591  if ( IONode ) then
592     write(6,1) 'redata: Require (free) Energy convergence for SCF', converge_FreeE
593     write(6,7) 'redata: (free) Energy tolerance for SCF', tolerance_FreeE/eV, ' eV'
594  end if
596  if (cml_p) then
597     call cmlAddParameter( xf=mainXML, name='SCF.FreeE.Converge', &
598          value=converge_FreeE, &
599          dictRef='siesta:ReqEnergyConv' )
600     call cmlAddParameter( xf=mainXML, name='SCF.FreeE.Tolerance', &
601          value=tolerance_FreeE/eV, dictRef='siesta:dEtol', &
602          units="siestaUnits:eV" )
603  end if
605  ! Check that there indeed is at least one convergence criteria
606  tBool = .false.
607  tBool = tBool .or. converge_Eharr
608  tBool = tBool .or. converge_FreeE
609  tBool = tBool .or. converge_EDM
610  tBool = tBool .or. converge_DM
611  tBool = tBool .or. converge_H
612  if ( .not. tBool ) then
613     call die('There is no convergence criteria. Please at least have one.')
614  end if
616  !------------------------------------
617  ! Done reading convergence criteria
618  !------------------------------------
620  ! Monitor forces and stresses during SCF loop
621  monitor_forces_in_scf = fdf_get('MonitorForcesInSCF',.false.)
622  monitor_forces_in_scf = fdf_get('SCF.MonitorForces',monitor_forces_in_scf)
624  !--------------------------------------
625  ! Initial spin density: Maximum polarization, Ferro (false), AF (true)
626  if ( nspin .eq. 2 ) then
627     init_anti_ferro = fdf_get('DM.InitSpin.AF',.false.)
628     if ( ionode ) then
629        write(6,1) 'redata: Antiferro initial spin density',init_anti_ferro
630     endif
631     if (cml_p) then
632        call cmlAddParameter( xf=mainXML, name='DM.InitSpinAF',   &
633             value=init_anti_ferro, dictRef='siesta:inspn')
634     end if
635  end if
637  ! Use Saved Data
638  usesaveddata = fdf_get('UseSaveData',.false.)
639  if (ionode) then
640     write(6,1) 'redata: Using Saved Data (generic)', usesaveddata
641  endif
643  ! Use continuation DM files
644  usesavedm = fdf_get('DM.UseSaveDM',usesaveddata)
645  if (ionode) then
646     write(6,1) 'redata: Use continuation files for DM',  usesavedm
647  endif
649  if (cml_p) then
650     call cmlAddParameter( xf=mainXML, name='DM.UseSaveDM',            &
651          value=usesavedm, dictRef='siesta:usesavedm')
652  endif
654  ! Neglect Interactions between non-overlapping orbitals ...
655  negl = fdf_get('NeglNonOverlapInt',.false.)
656  if (ionode) then
657     write(6,1) 'redata: Neglect nonoverlap interactions',negl
658  endif
660  if (cml_p) then
661     call cmlAddParameter( xf=mainXML, name='NeglNonOverlapInt', &
662          value=negl, dictRef='siesta:negl' )
663  endif
665  ! Method to Solve LDA Hamiltonian ...
666  method = fdf_get('SolutionMethod','diagon')
667  if (cml_p) then
668     call cmlAddParameter( xf=mainXML, name='SolutionMethod',        &
669          value=method, dictRef='siesta:SCFmethod' )
670  endif
672  if (leqi(method,'matrix')) then
673     isolve = MATRIX_WRITE
674     if (ionode)  then
675        write(*,3) 'redata: Method of Calculation', 'Matrix write only'
676     endif
678  else if (leqi(method,'diagon')) then
679     isolve = SOLVE_DIAGON
680     if (ionode)  then
681        write(*,3) 'redata: Method of Calculation', 'Diagonalization'
682     endif
684  else if (leqi(method,'ordern')) then
685     isolve = SOLVE_ORDERN
686     if (ionode) then
687        write(*,3) 'redata: Method of Calculation','Order-N'
688     endif
689     if (nspin .gt. 2) then
690        call die( 'redata: You chose the Order-N solution option '// &
691             'together with nspin>2.  This is not allowed in '//&
692             'this version of siesta' )
693     endif
695  else if (leqi(method,'omm')) then
696     isolve = SOLVE_MINIM
697     call_diagon_default=fdf_integer('OMM.Diagon',0)
698     call_diagon_first_step=fdf_integer('OMM.DiagonFirstStep',call_diagon_default)
699     minim_calc_eigenvalues=fdf_boolean('OMM.Eigenvalues',.false.)
700     if (ionode) then
701        write(*,3) 'redata: Method of Calculation', 'Orbital Minimization Method'
702     endif
703  else if (leqi(method,"pexsi")) then
704#ifdef SIESTA__PEXSI
705     isolve = SOLVE_PEXSI
706     if (ionode) then
707        call add_citation("10.1088/0953-8984/26/30/305503")
708        write(*,3) 'redata: Method of Calculation', 'PEXSI'
709     endif
711     call die("PEXSI solver is not compiled in. Use -DSIESTA__PEXSI")
714  else if (leqi(method,'transi') .or. leqi(method,'transiesta') &
715       .or. leqi(method,'negf') ) then
716     isolve = SOLVE_TRANSI
717     if (ionode) then
718        call add_citation("10.1103/PhysRevB.65.165401")
719        call add_citation("10.1016/j.cpc.2016.09.022")
720        write(*,3) 'redata: Method of Calculation','Transiesta'
721     endif
722     if ( nspin > 2 ) then
723       call die('transiesta does not work for non-collinear or spin-orbit')
724     end if
725  else
726     call die( 'redata: The method of solution must be either '//&
727          'Transiesta, '//&
728#ifdef SIESTA__PEXSI
729          'PEXSI, '//&
731          'OrderN, OMM or Diagon' )
732  endif
734#ifdef DEBUG
735  call write_debug( '    Solution Method: ' // method )
738  ! Electronic temperature for Fermi Smearing ...
739  temp = fdf_get('ElectronicTemperature',1.9e-3_dp,'Ry')
740  if (ionode .and. isolve.eq.SOLVE_DIAGON) then
741     write(6,6) 'redata: Electronic Temperature',temp/Kelvin,' K'
742  endif
744  if (cml_p) then
745     call cmlAddParameter( xf=mainXML, name='ElectronicTemperature', &
746          value=temp, dictRef='siesta:etemp',       &
747          units='siestaUnits:Ry')
748  endif
750  ! Fix the spin of the system to a given value ; and
751  ! value of the Spin of the system (only used if fixspin = TRUE)
752  fixspin = fdf_get('FixSpin',.false.)
753  fixspin = fdf_get('Spin.Fix',fixspin)
754  if (ionode) then
755     write(6,1) 'redata: Fix the spin of the system',fixspin
756  endif
758  if (fixspin) then
759    if (nspin .ne. 2) then
760      call die( 'redata: ERROR: You can only fix the spin of '//&
761          'the system for collinear spin polarized calculations.' )
762    endif
763    total_spin = fdf_get('TotalSpin',0.0_dp)
764    total_spin = fdf_get('Spin.Total',total_spin)
765    if (ionode) then
766      write(6,9) 'redata: Total spin of the system (spin value)', total_spin
767    endif
768  else
769    total_spin = 0.0_dp
770  endif
772  if (cml_p) then
773     call cmlAddParameter( xf=mainXML, name='FixSpin', &
774          value=fixspin, dictref='siesta:fixspin' )
775     call cmlAddParameter( xf=mainXML, name='TotalSpin', &
776          value=total_spin, dictref='siesta:totalspin',&
777          units='siestaUnits:eSpin' )
778  endif
780  ! Order-N solution parameters ...
781  !     Maximum number of CG minimization iterations
782  ncgmax = fdf_get('ON.MaxNumIter',1000)
783  if (ncgmax<1) then
784     if (ionode) then
785        write(6,2) 'ON.MaxNumIter cannot be less than 1.  Resetting to 1'
786     endif
787     ncgmax = 1
788  endif
790  ! Relative tolerance in total band structure energy
791  etol = fdf_get('ON.etol',1.e-8_dp)
793  ! Fermi level parameter
794  eta(1:2) = 0.0_dp
795  eta(1) = fdf_physical('ON.eta',eta(1),'Ry')
796  eta(2) = eta(1)
797  eta(1) = fdf_physical('ON.eta_alpha',eta(1),'Ry')
798  eta(2) = fdf_physical('ON.eta_beta',eta(2),'Ry')
800  ! Cutoff radius for Localized Wave Functions
801  rcoor = fdf_get('On.RcLWF',9.5_dp,'Bohr')
803  ! Use continumation LWF files
804  usesavelwf = fdf_get('ON.UseSaveLWF',usesaveddata)
806  ! Option on how to build LWF's (disk or functionals)
807  lwfopt = fdf_get('ON.functional','kim')
808  if (leqi(lwfopt,'files')) then
809     ioptlwf = 0
810  else if (leqi(lwfopt,'kim')) then
811     ioptlwf = 1
812  else if (leqi(lwfopt,'ordejon-mauri')) then
813     ioptlwf = 2
814  else
815     call die('redata: wrong ON.funcional option')
816  endif
818  ! Option to calculate the Chemical potential in O(N)
819  ! Option to use the Chemical Potential calculated instead
820  ! of the eta variable of the input
821  noeta = fdf_get('ON.ChemicalPotentialUse',.false.)
822  ! NOTE: This does not yet work in parallel
824  if (noeta) then
825     ! if so, we must (obviously) calculate the chemical potential
826     chebef=.true.
827  else
828     ! otherwise, we may still want to calculate it but not use it.
829     chebef = fdf_get('ON.ChemicalPotential',.false.)
830  endif
832#ifdef MPI
833  if (chebef) then
834     call die("ON.ChemicalPotential(Use) options do not work with MPI")
835  endif
838  ! Cutoff radius to calculate the Chemical Potential by projection
839  rcoorcp = fdf_get( 'ON.ChemicalPotentialRc', 9.5_dp, 'Bohr' )
841  ! Temperature of the Fermi distribution to calculate the
842  ! Chemical potential by projection
843  tcp = fdf_get( 'ON.ChemicalPotentialTemperature', 0.05_dp,'Ry' )
844  beta = 1.0_dp/tcp
846  ! Order of the Chebishev expansion to calculate the Chemical potential
847  pmax = fdf_get('ON.ChemicalPotentialOrder',100)
850  if (isolve==SOLVE_ORDERN) then
851     if (ionode) then
852        write(6,4) 'redata: Maximum number of iterations',ncgmax
853        write(6,6) 'redata: Relative tolerance',etol
854        if (nspin.eq.2) then
855           write(6,6) 'redata: Eta (Fermi level) Alpha spin',eta(1)/eV,' eV'
856           write(6,6) 'redata: Eta (Fermi level) Beta spin',eta(2)/eV,' eV'
857        else
858           write(6,6) 'redata: Eta (Fermi level parameter)',eta(1)/eV,' eV'
859        endif
860        write(6,6) 'redata: Radius of LWFs',rcoor/Ang,' Ang'
861        write(6,1) 'redata: Use continuation files for LWF',usesavelwf
862        write(6,3) 'redata: Method to build LWFs',lwfopt
863        if (chebef) then
864           write(6,1) 'redata: Compute Chemical Potential',chebef
865           write(6,2) 'redata: Use the calculated Chemical ..'
866           write(6,1) 'redata: ..Potential instead of eta',noeta
867           write(6,6) 'redata: Radius to compute the Chem. Pot.',rcoorcp/Ang,' Ang'
868           write(6,2) 'redata: Temp. for Fermi distribution ..'
869           write(6,6) 'redata: .. to compute the Chem. Pot.',tcp/eV,' eV'
870           write(6,4) 'redata: Order of the Chebishev expansion',pmax
871        endif
872     endif
873     if (cml_p) then
874        call cmlAddParameter( xf      = mainXML,        &
875             name    = 'ON.MaxNumIter',&
876             value   = ncgmax,         &
877             dictref = 'siesta:ncgmax', &
878             units   = "cmlUnits:countable" )
880        call cmlAddParameter( xf      = mainXML,       &
881             name    = 'ON.etol',     &
882             value   = etol,          &
883             dictref = 'siesta:etol', &
884             units   = "siestaUnits:eV" )
885        if (nspin==2) then
886           call cmlAddParameter( xf      = mainXML,          &
887                name    = 'ON.eta_alpha',   &
888                value   = eta(1),           &
889                dictref = 'siesta:eta1',    &
890                units   = 'siestaUnits:Ry' )
892           call cmlAddParameter( xf      = mainXML,          &
893                name    = 'ON.eta_beta',    &
894                value   = eta(2),           &
895                dictref = 'siesta:eta2',    &
896                units   = 'siestaUnits:Ry' )
897        else
898           call cmlAddParameter( xf      = mainXML,         &
899                name    = 'ON.eta',        &
900                value   = eta(1),          &
901                dictref = 'siesta:eta',    &
902                units   = 'siestaUnits:Ry')
903        endif
904        call cmlAddParameter( xf      = mainXML,          &
905             name    = 'On.RcLWF',       &
906             value   = rcoor,            &
907             dictref = 'siesta:rcoor',   &
908             units   = 'siestaUnits:Bohr')
910        call cmlAddParameter( xf=mainXML,                 &
911             name='On.UseSaveLWF',       &
912             value=usesavelwf,           &
913             dictref='siesta:usesavelwf' )
915        call cmlAddParameter( xf      = mainXML,        &
916             name    = 'ON.functional',&
917             value   = lwfopt,         &
918             dictref = 'siesta:lwfopt' )
919        if (chebef) then
920           call cmlAddParameter( xf      = mainXML,                &
921                name    = 'ON.ChemicalPotential', &
922                value   = chebef,                 &
923                dictref = 'siesta:chebef')
925           call cmlAddParameter( xf      = mainXML,                   &
926                name    = 'ON.ChemicalPotentialUse', &
927                value   = noeta,                     &
928                dictref = 'siesta:noeta')
930           call cmlAddParameter( xf      = mainXML,                  &
931                name    = 'ON.ChemicalPotentialRc', &
932                value   = rcoorcp,                  &
933                dictref = 'siesta:rcoorcp',         &
934                units   = 'siestaUnits:Bohr')
936           call cmlAddParameter( xf    = mainXML,                           &
937                name  = 'ON.ChemicalPotentialTemperature', &
938                value = tcp, dictref='siesta:tcp',         &
939                units = 'siestaUnits:Ry' )
941           call cmlAddParameter( xf      = mainXML,                     &
942                name    = 'ON.ChemicalPotentialOrder', &
943                value   = pmax,                        &
944                dictref = 'siesta:pmax',               &
945                units   = 'cmlUnits:dimensionless')
946        endif
947     endif
948  endif
950  ! Dynamics parameters ...
951  varcel = fdf_get('MD.VariableCell', .false. )
953  ! NB reset below ...
954  ! Type of dynamics
956  compat_pre_v4_dynamics = fdf_get('compat-pre-v4-dynamics', .false. )
957  if (compat_pre_v4_dynamics) then
958     dyntyp = fdf_get('MD.TypeOfRun','verlet')
959  else
960     dyntyp = fdf_get('MD.TypeOfRun','cg')
961  endif
963  if (leqi(dyntyp,'cg')) then
964     idyn = 0
965     usesavecg = fdf_get('MD.UseSaveCG', usesaveddata)
966     ! Support the old Broyden switch  for now
967     broyden_optim = fdf_get('Optim.Broyden',.false.)
968     call deprecated('Optim.Broyden')
970  else if (leqi(dyntyp,'broyden')) then
971     idyn = 0
972     broyden_optim = .true.
973  else if (leqi(dyntyp,'fire')) then
974     idyn = 0
975     fire_optim = .true.
976  else if (leqi(dyntyp,'verlet')) then
977     idyn = 1
978  else if (leqi(dyntyp,'nose')) then
979     idyn = 2
980  else if (leqi(dyntyp,'parrinellorahman')) then
981     idyn = 3
982  else if (leqi(dyntyp,'noseparrinellorahman')) then
983     idyn = 4
984  else if (leqi(dyntyp,'anneal')) then
985     idyn = 5
986  else if (leqi(dyntyp,'fc')) then
987     idyn = 6
988  else if (leqi(dyntyp,'phonon')) then
989     call die('Dynamics type "PHONON" is no longer supported')
990  else if (leqi(dyntyp,'forces').or.leqi(dyntyp,'master')) then
991     idyn = 8
992#ifdef NCDF_4
993    else if (leqi(dyntyp,'explicit')) then
994      idyn = 9
996#ifdef SIESTA__FLOOK
997   else if (leqi(dyntyp,'lua')) then
998      idyn = 10
1000  else
1001     call die('Invalid Option selected - value of MD.TypeOfRun not recognised')
1002  endif
1004  ! Maximum number of steps in MD/coordinate optimization
1005  nmove = fdf_get('MD.NumCGsteps',0)
1006  nmove = fdf_get('MD.Steps',nmove)
1008  ! Maximum atomic displacement in one step
1009  dxmax = fdf_get('MD.MaxCGDispl',0.2_dp,'Bohr')
1010  dxmax = fdf_get('MD.MaxDispl',dxmax,'Bohr')
1012  ! Tolerance in the maximum atomic force [0.04 eV/Ang]
1013  ftol = fdf_get('MD.MaxForceTol', 0.00155574_dp, 'Ry/Bohr')
1015  ! Tolerance in the maximum residual stress (var cell) [1 GPa]
1016  strtol = fdf_get('MD.MaxStressTol', 6.79773e-5_dp, 'Ry/Bohr**3')
1017  strtol = abs(strtol)
1019  GeometryMustConverge = fdf_get('GeometryMustConverge', .false.)
1021  if (ionode) then
1022     select case (idyn)
1023     case(0)
1024        if (nmove > 0) then
1025           if (broyden_optim) then
1026              write(6,3) 'redata: Dynamics option','Broyden coord. optimization'
1027           elseif (fire_optim) then
1028              write(6,3) 'redata: Dynamics option', 'FIRE coord. optimization'
1029           else
1030              write(6,3) 'redata: Dynamics option','CG coord. optimization'
1031           endif
1032           write(6,1) 'redata: Variable cell', varcel
1033           if (.not. broyden_optim) then
1034              write(6,1) 'redata: Use continuation files for CG', usesavecg
1035              write(6,6) 'redata: Max atomic displ per move', dxmax/Ang, ' Ang'
1036           endif
1037           write(6,4) 'redata: Maximum number of optimization moves', nmove
1038           write(6,6) 'redata: Force tolerance', ftol/eV*Ang, ' eV/Ang'
1039           if (varcel) then
1040              write(6,6) 'redata: Stress tolerance', &
1041                   strtol/6.79773e-5_dp, ' GPa'
1042           endif
1043           if (cml_p) then
1044              if (broyden_optim) then
1045                 call cmlAddParameter( xf   = mainXML,        &
1046                      name = 'MD.TypeOfRun', &
1047                      value= 'Broyden' )
1048              else if (fire_optim) then
1049                 call cmlAddParameter( xf   = mainXML,        &
1050                      name = 'MD.TypeOfRun', &
1051                      value= 'FIRE' )
1052              else
1053                 call cmlAddParameter( xf    =mainXML,        &
1054                      name  ='MD.TypeOfRun', &
1055                      value ='CG' )
1057                 call cmlAddParameter( xf    = mainXML,       &
1058                      name  = 'MD.UseSaveCG',&
1059                      value = usesavecg )
1060              endif
1062              call cmlAddParameter( xf    = mainXML,         &
1063                   name  = 'MD.NumCGSteps', &
1064                   value = nmove,           &
1065                   units = "cmlUnits:countable" )
1066              call cmlAddParameter( xf    = mainXML,         &
1067                   name  = 'MD.Steps', &
1068                   value = nmove,           &
1069                   units = "cmlUnits:countable" )
1071              call cmlAddParameter( xf    = mainXML,           &
1072                   name  = 'MD.MaxCGDispl',   &
1073                   value = dxmax,             &
1074                   units = 'siestaUnits:Bohr' )
1075              call cmlAddParameter( xf    = mainXML,           &
1076                   name  = 'MD.MaxDispl',   &
1077                   value = dxmax,             &
1078                   units = 'siestaUnits:Bohr' )
1080              call cmlAddParameter( xf=mainXML,                 &
1081                   name='MD.MaxForceTol',      &
1082                   value=ftol,                 &
1083                   units='siestaUnits:Ry_Bohr')
1084              if (varcel) then
1085                 call cmlAddParameter( xf=mainXML,                     &
1086                      name='MD.MaxStressTol',         &
1087                      value=strtol,                   &
1088                      units='siestaUnits:Ry_Bohr__3' )
1089              endif
1090           endif
1091        else
1092           write(6,3) 'redata: Dynamics option','Single-point calculation'
1093           if (cml_p) then
1094              call cmlAddParameter( xf   = mainXML,        &
1095                   name = 'MD.TypeOfRun', &
1096                   value= 'Single-Point' )
1097           endif
1098        endif
1099     case(1)
1100        write(6,3) 'redata: Dynamics option', 'Verlet MD run'
1101        if (cml_p) then
1102           call cmlAddParameter( xf    = mainXML,        &
1103                name  = 'MD.TypeOfRun', &
1104                value = 'Verlet' )
1105        endif
1107     case(2)
1108        write(6,3) 'redata: Dynamics option', 'Nose thermostat MD run'
1109        if (cml_p) then
1110           call cmlAddParameter( xf=mainXML, name='MD.TypeOfRun', value='Nose')
1111        endif
1113     case(3)
1114        write(6,3) 'redata: Dynamics option', 'Parrinello-Rahman MD run'
1115        if (cml_p) then
1116           call cmlAddParameter( xf= mainXML,              &
1117                name= 'MD.TypeOfRun',     &
1118                value= 'Parrinello-Rahman' )
1119        endif
1121     case(4)
1122        write(6,3) 'redata: Dynamics option', 'Nose-Parrinello-Rahman MD run'
1123        if (cml_p) then
1124           call cmlAddParameter( xf    = mainXML,                &
1125                name  = 'MD.TypeOfRun',         &
1126                value = 'Nose-Parrinello-Rahman' )
1127        endif
1129     case(5)
1130        write(6,3) 'redata: Dynamics option', 'Annealing MD run'
1131        if (cml_p) then
1132           call cmlAddParameter( xf    = mainXML,        &
1133                name  = 'MD.TypeOfRun', &
1134                value = 'Annealing' )
1135        endif
1137     case(6)
1138        write(6,3) 'redata: Dynamics option', 'Force Constants Matrix Calculation'
1139        if (cml_p) then
1140           call cmlAddParameter( xf    = mainXML,          &
1141                name  = 'MD.TypeOfRun',   &
1142                value = 'Force Constants' )
1143        endif
1145     case(7)
1146        ! deprecated
1148     case(8)
1149        write(6,3) 'redata: Dynamics option','Force evaluation'
1150        if (cml_p) then
1151           call cmlAddParameter( xf    = mainXML,            &
1152                name  = 'MD.TypeOfRun',     &
1153                value = 'Force Evaluation' )
1154        endif
1155#ifdef NCDF_4
1156      case(9)
1157        write(6,3) 'redata: Dynamics option','Explicit'
1158        if (cml_p) then
1159          call cmlAddParameter( xf    = mainXML,            &
1160                                name  = 'MD.TypeOfRun',     &
1161                                value = 'Explicit' )
1162        endif
1164#ifdef SIESTA__FLOOK
1165     case(10)
1166        write(6,3) 'redata: Dynamics option','LUA'
1167        if (cml_p) then
1168           call cmlAddParameter( xf    = mainXML,        &
1169                name  = 'MD.TypeOfRun', &
1170                value = 'LUA' )
1171        endif
1173     end select
1174  endif
1176  ! Initial and final time steps for MD
1177  istart = fdf_get('MD.InitialTimeStep',1)
1178  if ( fdf_defined('MD.Steps') ) then
1179    ifinal = fdf_get('MD.FinalTimeStep',max(1,nmove - istart + 1))
1180  else
1181    ifinal = fdf_get('MD.FinalTimeStep',1)
1182  end if
1184  ! Length of time step for MD
1185  dt = fdf_get('MD.LengthTimeStep',1._dp,'fs')
1187  ! Quench Option
1188  qnch  = fdf_get('MD.Quench',.false.)
1189  qnch2 = fdf_get('MD.FireQuench',.false.)
1190  if ((qnch .or. qnch2) .and. (idyn==2 .or. idyn==4)) then
1191     call die( 'redata: ERROR: You cannot quench and '//&
1192          'use a Nose thermostat simultaneously')
1193  endif
1195  iquench = 0
1196  if (qnch) then
1197     iquench = 1
1198  endif
1199  if (qnch2) then
1200     iquench = 2
1201  endif
1203  ! Initial Temperature of MD simulation
1204  ! (draws random velocities from the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribition
1205  !  at the given temperature)
1206  tempinit = fdf_get('MD.InitialTemperature',0.0_dp,'K')
1208  if (idyn .ge. 1 .and. idyn .le. 5) then
1209     if (ionode) then
1210        write(6,4) 'redata: Initial MD time step',istart
1211        write(6,4) 'redata:   Final MD time step',ifinal
1212        write(6,6) 'redata: Length of MD time step',dt,' fs'
1213        write(6,6) 'redata: Initial Temperature of MD run',tempinit,' K'
1214        if (idyn .ne. 5) then
1215           if (qnch2) then
1216              write(6,1) 'redata: Perform a MD Fire quench',qnch2
1217           else
1218              write(6,1) 'redata: Perform a MD quench',qnch
1219           endif
1220        endif
1221     endif
1223     if (cml_p) then
1224        call cmlAddParameter( xf    = mainXML,             &
1225             name  = 'MD.InitialTimeStep',&
1226             value = istart,              &
1227             units = 'cmlUnits:countable' )
1229        call cmlAddParameter( xf    = mainXML,             &
1230             name  = 'MD.FinalTimeStep',  &
1231             value = ifinal,              &
1232             units = 'cmlUnits:countable' )
1234        call cmlAddParameter( xf=mainXML,              &
1235             name='MD.LengthTimeStep',&
1236             value=dt,                &
1237             units='siestaUnits:fs' )
1239        call cmlAddParameter( xf=mainXML,                  &
1240             name='MD.InitialTemperature',&
1241             value=tempinit,              &
1242             units='siestaUnits:K' )
1243        if (idyn/=5) then
1244           if(qnch2) then
1245              call cmlAddParameter( xf    = mainXML,         &
1246                   name  = 'MD.FireQuench', &
1247                   value = qnch2 )
1248           else
1249              call cmlAddParameter( xf    = mainXML,     &
1250                   name  = 'MD.Quench', &
1251                   value = qnch )
1252           endif
1253        endif
1254     endif
1255  endif
1257  ! Target Temperature and Pressure
1258  tt = fdf_get('MD.TargetTemperature',0.0_dp,'K')
1259  tp = fdf_get('MD.TargetPressure',0.0_dp,'Ry/Bohr**3')
1260  !
1261  ! Used for now for the call of the PR md routine if quenching
1262  if (idyn == 3 .AND. iquench > 0) call set_target_stress()
1265  ! Mass of Nose variable
1266  mn = fdf_get('MD.NoseMass',100._dp,'Ry*fs**2')
1268  ! Mass of Parrinello-Rahman variables
1269  mpr = fdf_get('MD.ParrinelloRahmanMass',100._dp,'Ry*fs**2')
1271  if (idyn==2 .or. idyn==4) then
1272     if (ionode) then
1273        write(6,6) 'redata: Nose mass',mn/eV,' eV/fs**2'
1274     endif
1275     if (cml_p) then
1276        call cmlAddParameter( xf    = mainXML,              &
1277             name  = 'MD.NoseMass',        &
1278             value = mn,                   &
1279             units = 'siestaUnits:Ry_fs__2')
1280     endif
1281  endif
1283  if (idyn==3 .or. idyn==4) then
1284     if (ionode) then
1285        write(6,6) 'redata: Parrinello-Rahman mass',mpr/eV,' eV/fs**2'
1286     endif
1287     if (cml_p) then
1288        call cmlAddParameter( xf    = mainXML,                   &
1289             name  = 'MD.ParrinelloRahmanMass', &
1290             value = mn,                        &
1291             units = 'siestaUnits:Ry_fs__2' )
1292     endif
1293  endif
1295  ! Annealing option
1296  ianneal = 0
1297  annop = fdf_get( 'MD.AnnealOption','TemperatureAndPressure' )
1299  if (idyn .eq. 5) then
1300     if (leqi(annop,'Temperature')) then
1301        ianneal = 1
1302     else if (leqi(annop,'Pressure')) then
1303        ianneal = 2
1304     else if (leqi(annop,'TemperatureAndPressure')) then
1305        ianneal = 3
1306     else
1307        call die( 'redata: ERROR: With annealing MD, you must '//&
1308             'choose an appropriate value for MD.AnnealOption' )
1309     endif
1311     if (ionode) then
1312        select case (ianneal)
1313        case(1)
1314           write(6,3) 'redata: Annealing Option', 'Temperature'
1315           if (cml_p) then
1316              call cmlAddParameter( xf    = mainXML,           &
1317                   name  = 'MD.AnnealOption', &
1318                   value = 'Temperature' )
1319           endif
1321        case(2)
1322           write(6,3) 'redata: Annealing Option', 'Pressure'
1323           if (cml_p) then
1324              call cmlAddParameter( xf    = mainXML,           &
1325                   name  = 'MD.AnnealOption', &
1326                   value = 'Pressure')
1327           endif
1329        case(3)
1330           write(6,3) 'redata: Annealing Option', 'Temperature and Pressure'
1331           if (cml_p) then
1332              call cmlAddParameter( xf    = mainXML,                &
1333                   name  = 'MD.AnnealOption',      &
1334                   value = 'TemperatureAndPressure')
1335           endif
1336        end select
1337     endif
1338  endif
1341  if (idyn==2 .or. idyn==4 .or. (idyn==5 .and. (ianneal ==1 .or. ianneal==3))) then
1342     if (ionode) then
1343        write(6,6) 'redata: Target Temperature',tt,' Kelvin'
1344     endif
1346     if (cml_p) then
1347        call cmlAddParameter( xf    = mainXML,                &
1348             name  = 'MD.TargetTemperature', &
1349             value = tt,                     &
1350             units = 'siestaUnits:K' )
1351     endif
1352  endif
1354  if (idyn==3 .or. idyn==4 .or. (idyn==5 .and. (ianneal==2 .or. ianneal==3))) then
1355     if (ionode) then
1356        write(6,6) 'redata: Target Pressure', tp/eV*Ang**3, ' eV/Ang**3'
1357     endif
1359     if (cml_p) then
1360        call cmlAddParameter( xf=mainXML,                     &
1361             name= 'MD.TargetPressure',      &
1362             value= tp,                      &
1363             units= 'siestaUnits:Ry_Bohr__3' )
1364     endif
1365  endif
1367  ! Relaxation Time for Annealing
1368  taurelax = fdf_get( 'MD.TauRelax', 100._dp,'fs' )
1369  if (idyn==5) then
1370     if (ionode) then
1371        write(6,6) 'redata: Annealing Relaxation Time', taurelax,' fs'
1372     endif
1373     if (cml_p) then
1374        call cmlAddParameter( xf    = mainXML,          &
1375             name  = 'MD.TauRelax',    &
1376             value = taurelax,         &
1377             units = 'siestaUnits:fs' )
1378     endif
1379  endif
1381  ! Estimated Bulk modulus (for Pressure annealing) [100 GPa]
1382  bulkm = fdf_get( 'MD.BulkModulus',100*6.79773e-5_dp,'Ry/Bohr**3' )
1383  if (ionode) then
1384     if (idyn==5 .and. (ianneal==2 .or. ianneal==3)) then
1385        write(6,6) 'redata: Approx. Bulk Modulus ', bulkm/eV*Ang**3, ' eV/Ang**3'
1386     endif
1387  endif
1389  if (cml_p) then
1390     call cmlAddParameter( xf    = mainXML,                &
1391          name  = 'MD.BulkModulus',       &
1392          value = bulkm,                  &
1393          units = 'siestaUnits:Ry_Bohr__3')
1394  endif
1396  ! Atomic displacement for force constant calculation
1397  dx = fdf_get('MD.FCDispl',0.04_dp,'Bohr')
1399  ! First and last atoms to displace for calculation of force constants
1400  ia1 = fdf_get('MD.FCfirst',1)
1401  ia2 = fdf_get('MD.FClast',na)
1403  ! Check that last atom doesn't exceed total number
1404  if (idyn.eq.6.and.ia2.gt.na) then
1405     call die( 'redata: ERROR:'//&
1406          'Last atom index for FC calculation is > number of atoms.')
1407  endif
1409  if (idyn==6) then
1410     if (ionode) then
1411        write(6,6) 'redata: Atomic displ for force constants',dx/Ang,'  Ang'
1412        write(6,4) 'redata: First atom to move',ia1
1413        write(6,4) 'redata: Last atom to move',ia2
1414     endif
1415     if (cml_p) then
1416        call cmlAddParameter( xf    = mainXML,           &
1417             name  = 'MD.FCDispl',      &
1418             value = dx,                &
1419             units = 'siestaUnits:Bohr' )
1421        call cmlAddParameter( xf= mainXML,        &
1422             name= 'MD.FCFirst', &
1423             value= ia1,         &
1424             units= 'cmlUnits:countable' )
1426        call cmlAddParameter( xf= mainXML,       &
1427             name= 'MD.FCLast', &
1428             value= ia2,        &
1429             units= 'cmlUnits:countable' )
1431     endif
1432  endif
1434  ! Variable cell shape? Depending on input and type of dynamics
1435  varcel = varcel .or. (idyn==3) .or. (idyn==4)             &
1436       .or. (idyn==5 .and. ianneal==1)           &
1437       .and. (idyn/=1) .and. (idyn/=2)           &
1438       .and. (idyn/=6) .and. (idyn/=7)           &
1439       .and. (idyn/=9) &
1440       .and. (.not. (idyn==5 .and. ianneal/=1) )
1442  want_spatial_decomposition = fdf_get('UseSpatialDecomposition', .false.)
1443  want_domain_decomposition = fdf_get('UseDomainDecomposition', .false.)
1444#if defined(ON_DOMAIN_DECOMP) || defined(SIESTA__METIS)
1446#ifdef MPI
1447  if (want_domain_decomposition) then
1448     write(*,*)'Need to compile SIESTA__METIS or ON_DOMAIN_DECOMP'
1449     call die("Need to compile with ON_DOMAIN_DECOMP support")
1450  endif
1454  ! Read in mixing parameters (SCF)
1455  call mixers_scf_init( nspin )
1456  call mixers_scf_print( nspin )
1458  ! We read in relevant data for ChargeGeometries block
1459  call read_charge_add( min(2, nspin) , charnet )
1461  ! We read in the relevant data for HartreeGeometries block
1462  call read_hartree_add( )
1464  ! Harris Forces?. Then DM.UseSaveDM should be false (use always
1465  ! Harris density in the first SCF step of each MD step), and
1466  ! MaxSCFIter should be  2, in the second one the Harris
1467  ! forces are computed. Also, should not exit if SCF did
1468  ! not converge.
1470  harrisfun = fdf_get('Harris_functional',.false.)
1472  ! First read in, then later correct depending on
1473  ! the other usages
1474  use_aux_cell = fdf_get('ForceAuxCell', .false.)
1476  if (harrisfun) then
1477     mixH = .false.
1478     mix_charge = .false.
1479     usesavedm = .false.
1480     nscf      = 1  ! Note change from tradition, since siesta_forces
1481     ! now explicitly separates the "compute_forces"
1482     ! phase from the rest of the scf cycle.
1483     mix_scf_first = .false.
1484     SCFMustConverge = .false.
1485     if ( nspin > 2 ) then
1486        call die("Harris functional does not work for &
1487             &non-collinear spin polarization.")
1488     end if
1489  endif
1491  ! Warn the user about deprecated symbols...
1492  call deprecated('Optim.Broyden.History.Steps')
1493  call deprecated('Optim.Broyden.Cycle.On.Maxit')
1494  call deprecated('Optim.Broyden.Variable.Weight')
1495  call deprecated('Optim.Broyden.Debug')
1496  call deprecated('Optim.Broyden.Initial.Inverse.Jacobian')
1499  ! Find some switches
1500  writek                = fdf_get( 'WriteKpoints', outlng )
1501  writef                = fdf_get( 'WriteForces', outlng )
1503  writedm               = fdf_get( 'WriteDM', .true. )
1504  write_dm_at_end_of_cycle = fdf_get( 'WriteDM.End.Of.Cycle', writedm )
1505  writeH                = fdf_get( 'WriteH', .false. )
1506  write_H_at_end_of_cycle  = fdf_get( 'WriteH.End.Of.Cycle', writeH )
1508  writedm_cdf           = fdf_get('WriteDM.NetCDF', .false. )
1509  writedm_cdf_history   = fdf_get('WriteDM.History.NetCDF', .false. )
1510  writedmhs_cdf         = fdf_get('WriteDMHS.NetCDF', .false. )
1511  writedmhs_cdf_history = fdf_get('WriteDMHS.History.NetCDF', .false.)
1512  read_charge_cdf       = fdf_get('SCF.Read.Charge.NetCDF' , .false. )
1513  read_deformation_charge_cdf = &
1514       fdf_get('SCF.Read.Deformation.Charge.NetCDF', .false. )
1516  ! Write the history
1517  write_tshs_history = fdf_get('Write.TSHS.History', .false.)
1518  if ( IONode.and.write_tshs_history ) &
1519       write(*,2) 'redata: Saves TSHS files in MD simulation'
1520  !write_hs_history = fdf_get('Write.HS.History', .false.)
1522  if (read_charge_cdf .or. read_deformation_charge_cdf) then
1523     mix_scf_first = .false.
1524  endif
1526  save_initial_charge_density = fdf_get(    &
1527       'SaveInitialChargeDensity' , .false.)
1529  analyze_charge_density_only = fdf_get(    &
1530       'AnalyzeChargeDensityOnly' , .false.)
1532  tBool = fdf_get( 'UseNewDiagk', .false. )
1533  if ( tBool ) then
1534    ctmp = fdf_get('Diag.WFS.Cache', 'CDF')
1535  else
1536    ctmp = fdf_get('Diag.WFS.Cache', 'none')
1537  end if
1538  if ( leqi(ctmp, 'none') ) then
1539    diag_wfs_cache = 0
1540  else if ( leqi(ctmp, 'cdf') ) then
1541    diag_wfs_cache = 1
1542  else
1543    call die('redata: ERROR: Diag.WFS.Cache must be one of none|cdf')
1544  end if
1546  writb                  = fdf_get( 'WriteBands', outlng )
1547  writbk                 = fdf_get( 'WriteKbands', outlng )
1548  writeig                = fdf_get('WriteEigenvalues', outlng )
1549  writec                 = fdf_get( 'WriteCoorStep', outlng )
1550  writmd                 = fdf_get( 'WriteMDhistory', .false. )
1551  writpx                 = fdf_get( 'WriteMDXmol', .not. writec )
1552  save_ORB_INDX          = fdf_get( 'WriteOrbitalIndex', .true. )
1553  ! Do options of graphviz
1554  ctmp = fdf_get( 'Write.Graphviz', 'none' )
1555  write_GRAPHVIZ = 0
1556  if ( leqi(ctmp, 'orb') .or. &
1557       leqi(ctmp, 'orbital') ) then
1558     write_GRAPHVIZ = 1
1559  else if ( leqi(ctmp, 'atom') .or. &
1560       leqi(ctmp, 'atomic') ) then
1561     write_GRAPHVIZ = 2
1562  else if ( leqi(ctmp, 'atom+orb') .or. &
1563       leqi(ctmp, 'atom+orbital') .or. &
1564       leqi(ctmp, 'orbital+atom') .or. &
1565       leqi(ctmp, 'orb+atom') .or. leqi(ctmp, 'both') ) then
1566     write_GRAPHVIZ = 3
1567  else if ( leqi(ctmp,'none') ) then
1568     ! do nothing, correct
1569  else if ( IONode ) then
1570     write(*,2) 'Write.Graphviz input could not be understood. &
1571          &Use [orbital|atom|atom+orbital] in the option.'
1572  end if
1573  if ( IONode ) then
1574     select case ( write_GRAPHVIZ )
1575     case ( 1 )
1576        write(*,2) 'redata: Save orbital connectivity graph in GRAPHVIZ format'
1577     case ( 2 )
1578        write(*,2) 'redata: Save atomic connectivity graph in GRAPHVIZ format'
1579     case ( 3 )
1580        write(*,2) 'redata: Save atom+orbital connectivity graphs in GRAPHVIZ format'
1581     end select
1582  end if
1585  writec                 = fdf_get( 'WriteCoorStep', outlng )
1586  savehs                 = fdf_get( 'SaveHS', .false. )
1587  initdmaux              = fdf_get( 'ReInitialiseDM', .TRUE. )
1588  allow_dm_reuse         = fdf_get( 'DM.AllowReuse', .TRUE. )
1589  allow_dm_extrapolation = fdf_get( 'DM.AllowExtrapolation', .TRUE. )
1590  DM_history_depth       = fdf_get( 'DM.History.Depth', 1)
1591  dm_normalization_tol   = fdf_get( 'DM.NormalizationTolerance',1.0d-5)
1592  normalize_dm_during_scf= fdf_get( 'DM.NormalizeDuringSCF',.true.)
1593  muldeb                 = fdf_get( 'MullikenInSCF'   , .false.)
1594  spndeb                 = fdf_get( 'SpinInSCF'   , (nspin>1) )
1596  ! If no mulliken is requested, set it to false
1597  if ( mullipop == 0 ) muldeb = .false.
1598  rijmin                 = fdf_get( 'WarningMinimumAtomicDistance', &
1599       1.0_dp, 'Bohr' )
1600  bornz                  = fdf_get( 'BornCharge'   , .false. )
1601  if (idyn.ne.6) then
1602     bornz = .false.
1603  endif
1604  change_kgrid_in_md           = fdf_get('ChangeKgridInMD', .false.)
1605  RelaxCellOnly                = fdf_get('MD.RelaxCellOnly', .false.)
1606  RemoveIntraMolecularPressure = fdf_get( &
1607       'MD.RemoveIntraMolecularPressure', .false.)
1608  !
1609  !   COOP-related flags
1610  !
1611  write_coop = fdf_get('COOP.Write', .false.)
1612  !
1613  saverho  = fdf_get( 'SaveRho', dumpcharge)
1614  savedrho = fdf_get( 'SaveDeltaRho',       .false. )
1615  saverhoxc= fdf_get( 'SaveRhoXC', .false.)
1616  savevh   = fdf_get( 'SaveElectrostaticPotential', .false. )
1617  savevna  = fdf_get( 'SaveNeutralAtomPotential', .false. )
1618  savevt   = fdf_get( 'SaveTotalPotential', .false. )
1619  savepsch = fdf_get( 'SaveIonicCharge', .false. )
1620  savebader= fdf_get( 'SaveBaderCharge',  .false.)
1621  savetoch = fdf_get( 'SaveTotalCharge', savebader )
1623  !
1624  !   Siesta2Wannier90 -related flags
1625  !
1626  w90_write_mmn = fdf_get( 'Siesta2Wannier90.WriteMmn',   .false. )
1627  w90_write_unk = fdf_get( 'Siesta2Wannier90.WriteUnk',   .false. )
1628  w90_write_amn = fdf_get( 'Siesta2Wannier90.WriteAmn',   .false. )
1629  w90_write_eig = fdf_get( 'Siesta2Wannier90.WriteEig',   .false. )
1631  w90_processing = ( w90_write_mmn .or. w90_write_unk .or. &
1632       w90_write_amn .or. w90_write_eig )
1634  hasnobup   = fdf_defined( 'Siesta2Wannier90.NumberOfBandsUp'   )
1635  hasnobdown = fdf_defined( 'Siesta2Wannier90.NumberOfBandsDown' )
1636  hasnob     = fdf_defined( 'Siesta2Wannier90.NumberOfBands'     )
1638  nobup      = fdf_get( 'Siesta2Wannier90.NumberOfBandsUp',   0)
1639  nobdown    = fdf_get( 'Siesta2Wannier90.NumberOfBandsDown', 0)
1640  nob        = fdf_get( 'Siesta2Wannier90.NumberOfBands',     0)
1642#ifdef NCDF_4
1643  write_cdf = fdf_get('CDF.Save', .false.)
1644  ! No compression is by far the fastest
1645  cdf_comp_lvl = fdf_get('CDF.Compress', 0)
1646  if ( Nodes > 1 ) then
1647    cdf_w_parallel = fdf_get('CDF.MPI', .false.)
1648  else
1649    cdf_w_parallel = .false.
1650  end if
1652  ! Only allow writing the CDF file for FC and non-MD calculations
1653  ! The MD file should be something different that only contains
1654  ! these things.
1655  if ( write_cdf ) then
1656    if ( idyn == 0 .and. nmove == 0 ) then
1657      ! non-MD calculation
1658    else if ( idyn == 6 ) then
1659      ! FC calculation, the FC calculation is fine
1660      ! Here we disable saving any real-space grid data
1661      save_initial_charge_density = .false.
1662      saverho = .false.
1663      savedrho = .false.
1664      saverhoxc = .false.
1665      savevh = .false.
1666      savevna = .false.
1667      savevt = .false.
1668      savepsch = .false.
1669      savebader = .false.
1670      savetoch = .false.
1671    else
1672      write_cdf = .false.
1673    end if
1674  end if
1675# ifndef NCDF_PARALLEL
1676  ! If not compiled with NCDF_PARALLEL, we do not
1677  ! allow parallel writes.....!!!!
1678  cdf_w_parallel = .false.
1679# endif
1680  if ( cdf_w_parallel ) then
1681     ! Doing parallel writes does not allow
1682     ! compression (the offsets cannot be calculated)
1683     cdf_comp_lvl = 0
1684  end if
1685  cdf_r_parallel = fdf_get('CDF.Read.Parallel', cdf_w_parallel )
1687  if ( IONode ) then
1688     ! Write out
1689     write(*,1) 'redata: Save all siesta data in one NC',write_cdf
1690     if ( write_cdf ) then
1691        if ( grid_p == dp ) then
1692           ctmp = fdf_get('CDF.Grid.Precision','double')
1693           if ( leqi(ctmp,'single') .or. leqi(ctmp,'float') ) then
1694              write(*,2) 'redata: Grids in NC reduced to single precision'
1695           end if
1696        end if
1697        write(*,4) 'redata: NC compression level',cdf_comp_lvl
1698        if ( cdf_r_parallel ) then
1699           write(*,2) 'redata: Reads NC in parallel'
1700        end if
1701        if ( cdf_w_parallel ) then
1702           write(*,2) 'redata: Writes NC in parallel (possibly not working)'
1703        end if
1704     end if
1705  end if
1708  if (ionode) then
1709     write(6,'(2a)') 'redata: ', repeat('*', 71)
1710  endif
1712  if (cml_p) then
1713     call cmlEndParameterList(mainXML)
1714  endif
1716  ! Print blocks
1717  call mixers_scf_print_block( )
1719  RETURN
1720  !-------------------------------------------------------------------- END
17211  format(a,t53,'= ',2x,l1)
17222  format(a)
17233  format(a,t53,'= ',a)
17244  format(a,t53,'= ',i8)
17255  format(a,t53,'= ',i8,a)
17266  format(a,t53,'= ',f10.4,a)
17277  format(a,t53,'= ',f12.6,a)
17288  format(a,t53,'= ',f14.12)
17299  format(a,t53,'= ',f10.4)
173010 format(t55,a)
173111 format(a,t53,'= ',f12.6)
1734  subroutine deprecated( str )
1736    implicit none
1738    character(len=*), intent(in) :: str
1740    if (ionode) then
1741       if (fdf_defined(trim(str))) then
1742          write(6,'(a)') '**Warning: FDF symbol '//trim(str)//&
1743               ' is deprecated. See the manual.'
1744       endif
1745    endif
1747  end subroutine deprecated
1749end subroutine read_options