1! ---
2! Copyright (C) 1996-2016	The SIESTA group
3!  This file is distributed under the terms of the
4!  GNU General Public License: see COPYING in the top directory
5!  or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
6! See Docs/Contributors.txt for a list of contributors.
7! ---
8      MODULE m_siesta_init
9      private
10      public :: siesta_init
12      CONTAINS
14      subroutine siesta_init()
15      use Kpoint_grid,        only: setup_Kpoint_grid, gamma_scf, nkpnt
16      USE Kpoint_pdos,        only: gamma_pdos
17      use Band,               only: gamma_bands, setup_bands
18      use m_ksvinit,          only: gamma_polarization,
19     &                              estimate_pol_kpoints
20      use m_struct_init,      only: struct_init
21      use units,              only: Kelvin
22      use siesta_options
23      use timer_options,      only: use_tree_timer, use_parallel_timer
24      use sparse_matrices
25      use class_Fstack_Pair_Geometry_dSpData2D, only: new, max_size
26      use siesta_geom
27      use atomlist,           only: no_u, rmaxkb, amass, lasto, qtot,
28     &                              qtots,
29     &                              iza, rmaxo, zvaltot, superc,
30     &                              initatomlists, no_l, rmaxdftu
31      use fdf
32      use sys,                only: die, bye
33      use molecularmechanics, only: inittwobody
34      use metaforce,          only: initmeta
35      use m_mpi_utils,        only: broadcast
36      use alloc,              only: re_alloc, alloc_report
37      use parallelsubs,       only: getnodeorbs
38      use m_iostruct,         only: write_struct, read_struct
39      use zmatrix,            only: lUseZmatrix
40      use zmatrix,            only: write_canonical_ucell_and_Zmatrix
41      use m_supercell,        only: exact_sc_ag
42      use files,              only: slabel
43      use siesta_cmlsubs,     only: siesta_cml_init
44      use m_timestamp,        only: timestamp
45      use m_wallclock,        only: wallclock
46      use parallel,           only: Node, Nodes, PEXSINodes, IOnode
47      use parallel,           only: SIESTA_worker
48      use parallel,           only: SIESTA_Group, SIESTA_Comm
49      use m_energies
50      use m_steps
51      use m_spin,             only: init_spin, spin
52      use m_spin,             only: init_spiral
53      use m_rmaxh
54      use m_forces
55      use m_eo
56      use m_fixed,            only: init_fixed, print_fixed
57      use m_ioxv,             only: xv_file_read
58      use m_projected_DOS,    only: init_projected_DOS
59      use writewave,          only: gamma_wavefunctions,
60     &                              setup_wf_kpoints
61      use m_new_dm,           only: get_allowed_history_depth
62      use m_object_debug,     only: set_object_debug_level
63#ifdef DEBUG_XC
64      USE siestaXC, only: setDebugOutputUnit
65#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
66      USE m_timer, only: timer_report ! Sets options for report of CPU times
67      use m_check_walltime
68#ifdef MPI
69      use mpi_siesta
71      use m_cite, only: add_citation, init_citation
73      use m_ts_init, only : ts_init
75      use m_diag_option, only: read_diag, print_diag
76      use m_diag_option, only: diag_recognizes_neigwanted
78#ifdef SIESTA__FLOOK
79      use siesta_dicts, only : dict_populate
80      use flook_siesta, only : slua_init, slua_call, LUA_INITIALIZE
83#ifdef NCDF_4
84      use netcdf_ncdf
86#ifdef _OPENMP
87      use omp_lib, only : omp_get_num_threads
88      use omp_lib, only : omp_get_schedule, omp_set_schedule
89#if _OPENMP >= 201307
90      use omp_lib, only : omp_get_proc_bind
91      use omp_lib, only : OMP_PROC_BIND_FALSE, OMP_PROC_BIND_TRUE
92      use omp_lib, only : OMP_PROC_BIND_MASTER
93      use omp_lib, only : OMP_PROC_BIND_CLOSE, OMP_PROC_BIND_SPREAD
95      use omp_lib, only : OMP_SCHED_STATIC, OMP_SCHED_DYNAMIC
96      use omp_lib, only : OMP_SCHED_GUIDED, OMP_SCHED_AUTO
98!$    use omp_lib, only : omp_get_num_threads
99!$    use omp_lib, only : omp_get_schedule, omp_set_schedule
100!$    use omp_lib, only : OMP_SCHED_STATIC, OMP_SCHED_DYNAMIC
101!$    use omp_lib, only : OMP_SCHED_GUIDED, OMP_SCHED_AUTO
104      implicit none
106#ifdef MPI
107      logical :: initialized
108      integer :: MPIerror  ! Return error code in MPI routines
110      real(dp):: veclen       ! Length of a unit-cell vector
111      integer :: i, is, ispin, n_dm_items
112      integer :: neigmin      ! Min. number of eigenstates (per k point)
113      integer :: ns           ! Number of species
114      logical :: not_using_auxcell
115      real(dp) :: walltime_m, walltime_s
116      integer :: nstates_spin(2)  ! dummy intermediate variable
117      integer :: World_Group
118      integer :: npSIESTA
119      external :: read_options
120      external :: reset_messages_file
122!---------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
123! Initialise MPI unless siesta is running as a subroutine
124! of a driver program that may have initialized MPI already
126#ifdef MPI
127C     Initialise MPI and set processor number
129      call MPI_Initialized( initialized, MPIerror )
130      if (.not.initialized) then
131#ifdef _OPENMP
132         call MPI_Init_Thread(MPI_Thread_Funneled, i, MPIerror)
133         if ( MPI_Thread_Funneled /= i ) then
134            ! the requested threading level cannot be asserted
135            ! Notify the user
136           write(*,'(a)') '!!! Could not assert funneled threads'
137         end if
139         call MPI_Init( MPIerror )
141#ifdef _TRACE_
142        call MPItrace_shutdown( )
144      endif ! (.not.initialized)
146      call MPI_Comm_Rank( MPI_Comm_World, Node, MPIerror )
147      call MPI_Comm_Size( MPI_Comm_World, Nodes, MPIerror )
149      ! Keeper for PEXSI-runs..
150      PEXSINodes = Nodes
152      call reset_messages_file()
155      if (.not. fdf_parallel()) then
156        call die('siesta_init: ERROR: FDF module ' //
157     &           'doesn''t have parallel support')
158      endif
160      call reset_messages_file()
162      if (Node==0) then
163         call system("/bin/rm -f 0_NORMAL_EXIT")
164      endif
166      ! Initialize the output file
167      ! This will close and open unit=6 in case a command-line
168      ! option is specified
169      call init_output(Node == 0)
171#ifdef DEBUG_XC
172! Set output file unit for debug info
173      call setDebugOutputUnit()
174#endif /* DEBUG_XC */
176      ! We have to immediately write out the options used to compile SIESTA
177      if ( Node == 0 ) then
178         ! Print version information
179         call prversion()
180#ifdef MPI
181         ! Sadly PEXSI workers can only be determined after
182         ! fdf has been opened, so we can't print-out that information
183         ! (for now)
184         if ( Nodes > 1 ) then
185            write(6,'(/,a,i0,a)')
186     &           '* Running on ', Nodes, ' nodes in parallel'
187         else
188            write(6,'(/,a)') '* Running in serial mode with MPI'
189         endif
191         write(6,'(/,a)') '* Running in serial mode'
193!$OMP parallel default(shared)
194!$OMP master
195!$    i = omp_get_num_threads()
196!$    write(*,'(a,i0,a)') '* Running ',i,' OpenMP threads.'
197!$    write(*,'(a,i0,a)') '* Running ',Nodes*i,' processes.'
198#ifdef _OPENMP
199!$    write(*,'(a,i0)') '* OpenMP version ', _OPENMP
201#if _OPENMP >= 201307
202!$    i = omp_get_proc_bind()
203!$    select case ( i )
204!$    case ( OMP_PROC_BIND_FALSE )
205!$    write(*,'(a)') '* OpenMP NOT bound (please bind threads!)'
206!$    case ( OMP_PROC_BIND_TRUE )
207!$    write(*,'(a)') '* OpenMP bound'
208!$    case ( OMP_PROC_BIND_MASTER )
209!$    write(*,'(a)') '* OpenMP bound (master)'
210!$    case ( OMP_PROC_BIND_CLOSE )
211!$    write(*,'(a)') '* OpenMP bound (close)'
212!$    case ( OMP_PROC_BIND_SPREAD )
213!$    write(*,'(a)') '* OpenMP bound (spread)'
214!$    case default
215!$    write(*,'(a)') '* OpenMP bound (unknown)'
216!$    end select
218!$    call omp_get_schedule(i,is)
219!$    select case ( i )
220!$    case ( OMP_SCHED_STATIC )
221!$    write(*,'(a,i0)') '* OpenMP runtime schedule STATIC, chunks ',is
222!$    case ( OMP_SCHED_DYNAMIC )
223!$    write(*,'(a,i0)') '* OpenMP runtime schedule DYNAMIC, chunks ',is
224!$    if ( is == 1 ) then
225!$     ! this is the default scheduling, probably the user
226!$     ! have not set the value, predefine it to 32
227!$     is = 32
228!$     write(*,'(a,i0)')'** OpenMP runtime schedule DYNAMIC, chunks ',is
229!$    end if
230!$    case ( OMP_SCHED_GUIDED )
231!$    write(*,'(a,i0)') '* OpenMP runtime schedule GUIDED, chunks ',is
232!$    case ( OMP_SCHED_AUTO )
233!$    write(*,'(a,i0)') '* OpenMP runtime schedule AUTO, chunks ',is
234!$    case default
235!$    write(*,'(a,i0)') '* OpenMP runtime schedule UNKNOWN, chunks ',is
236!$    end select
237!$OMP end master
238!$OMP end parallel
239!$    call omp_set_schedule(i,is)
241         ! Write time-stamp at the top of the output
242         call timestamp('Start of run')
243      end if
245      ! Initialise input/output...........................................
246      call reinit( sname )
248#ifdef MPI
249      ! Optionally, restrict the number of processors that SIESTA uses, out
250      ! of the total pool
251      npSIESTA  = fdf_get("MPI.Nprocs.SIESTA",Nodes)
252      call MPI_Comm_Group(MPI_Comm_World, World_Group, MPIerror)
253      call MPI_Group_incl(World_Group, npSIESTA,
254     $                    (/ (i,i=0,npSIESTA-1) /),
255     $                    SIESTA_Group, MPIerror)
256      call MPI_Comm_create(MPI_Comm_World, SIESTA_Group,
257     $                     SIESTA_Comm, MPIerror)
259      SIESTA_worker = (Node < npSIESTA)
261      ! Swap communicator
262      ! This is needed since MPI_COMM_WORLD is used implicitly by
263      ! Siesta for all operations.
265      if (SIESTA_worker) then
266         call MPI_Comm_Rank( MPI_Comm_World, Node, MPIerror )
267         call MPI_Comm_Size( MPI_Comm_World, Nodes, MPIerror )
268      endif
270      SIESTA_worker = .true.
271      Node = 0
272      Nodes = 1
273      PEXSINodes = 1
275      IOnode = SIESTA_worker .and. (Node .eq. 0)
277      if ( IONode ) then
278        ! Add citations
279        call init_citation(trim(slabel))
280        call add_citation("10.1088/0953-8984/14/11/302")
281      end if
283      ! Be sure to initialize the spin-configuration data
284      ! for all processors.
285      call init_spin( )
287      if (.not. SIESTA_worker) RETURN
289#ifdef DEBUG
290!     Generates a debug file for every process to track the execution.
291!     The file is called debug.$(PID) Where PID is the process number.
292!     It also works in secuencial mode.
293      call debugMpiOn( )
295#ifdef NCDF_4
296      call ncdf_IONode( IONode )
299!     Print version information
300      if ( IOnode ) then
301#ifdef MPI
302         if ( PEXSINodes /= Nodes ) then
303            write(6,'(/,a,2(i0,a))')
304     &           '* Running on ', Nodes, ' SIESTA-nodes and ',
305     &           PEXSINodes, ' PEXSI-nodes in parallel'
306         end if
308         call wallclock('Start of run')
309      end if
311!     Initialize some variables
312      call init_Energies()
315!     Set object debugging level
316      call set_object_debug_level(0)
317      i = fdf_get('DebugObjects.Node',0)
318      if (Node==i) then
319         if (fdf_get('DebugObjects',.false.)) then
320            call set_object_debug_level(1)
321         endif
322      endif
324!     Initialize CML (relies on reinit)
325      call siesta_cml_init( )
327! Set timer report file and threshold .................................
328      threshold = fdf_get('timer_report_threshold', 0._dp)
329      call timer_report( file=trim(slabel)//'.times',
330     .                   threshold=threshold )
331      ! Note that the parallel timer might be inefficient for reports
332      ! when large numbers of processors are used
333      if ( PEXSINodes /= Nodes ) then
334         use_parallel_timer = fdf_get('UseParallelTimer', .false.)
335         use_tree_timer = fdf_get('UseTreeTimer', .true.)
336      else
337         use_parallel_timer = fdf_get('UseParallelTimer', .true.)
338         use_tree_timer = fdf_get('UseTreeTimer', .false.)
339      end if
341!     Start time counter
342!     Note new placement of this first use, so that
343!     initialization is done after the setup of relevant variables
345      call timer( 'siesta', 0 )
346      call timer( 'siesta', 1 )
347      call timer( 'Setup', 1 )
349! Set allocation report level .........................................
350! variables level and threshold imported from module siesta_options
351      level = fdf_get('alloc_report_level', 0)
352      threshold = fdf_get('alloc_report_threshold', 0._dp)
353      call alloc_report( level=level, file=trim(slabel)//'.alloc',
354     .                   threshold=threshold,
355     &                   printNow=.false. )
358!     Initialise exchange-correlation functional information
359      call read_xc_info()
361!     Initialise force field component
362      call inittwobody( )
364!     Initialize pseudopotentials and atomic orbitals
365      if (IOnode) call initatom( ns )
366      call broadcast( ns )
368      call broadcast_basis( )
370      call register_rfs()
372      atmonly = fdf_get( 'Atom-Setup-Only', .false. )
373      if (atmonly) call bye( 'End of atom setup' )
375!     Read geometry
376      call struct_init( )      ! Sets na_u, isa, ucell
378      ! Initialize the spin-spiral settings
379      call init_spiral( ucell )
381!     Initialize atom lists
382      call initatomlists( )    ! Sets iza
384!     early exit if only checking the structure
385      struct_only = fdf_get( 'Output-Structure-Only', .false. )
386      if (IONode) then
387         call write_struct( ucell, na_u, isa, iza, xa )
388         if (fdf_boolean('WriteCoorXmol',.false.)) then
389            call coxmol(iza, xa, na_u)
390         endif
391         if (lUseZmatrix) then
392            call write_canonical_ucell_and_Zmatrix(
393     &                        filename="OUT.UCELL.ZMATRIX.INITIAL")
394         endif
395      endif
396      if (struct_only) then
397         call bye('End of structure processing')
398      endif
400!     Walltime control (numbers in seconds)
401      if ( fdf_isphysical("MaxWalltime") ) then
402         walltime_m = fdf_get("MaxWalltime", huge(1._dp), 's')
403      else
404         walltime_m = fdf_get("MaxWalltime", huge(1._dp))
405      end if
406      ! Period for clean-up operations
407      if ( fdf_isphysical("MaxWalltime.Slack") ) then
408         walltime_s = fdf_get("MaxWalltime.Slack", 5._dp, 's')
409      else
410         walltime_s = fdf_get("MaxWalltime.Slack", 5._dp)
411      end if
412      ! Note that the slack detracts from net available time
413      walltime_warning = walltime_m - walltime_s
415!-------------- Now we have the initial geometry
417!     End of Initial Structure Processing
418      if (Node.eq.0) then
419        write(6,'(/,a,20("*"),a,28("*"))')
420     &    'siesta: ', ' Simulation parameters '
421        write(6,'(a)')  'siesta:'
422        write(6,'(a)')  'siesta: The following are some of the '//
423     &                           'parameters of the simulation.'
424        write(6,'(a)')  'siesta: A complete list of the parameters '//
425     &                           'used, including default values,'
426        write(6,'(a,a)')'siesta: can be found in file out.fdf'
427        write(6,'(a)')  'siesta:'
428      endif
430!     Allocate other arrays based on read sizes
431      nullify(fa,cfa)
432      call re_alloc( fa, 1, 3, 1, na_u, 'fa', 'siesta_init' )
433      call re_alloc( cfa, 1, 3, 1, na_u, 'cfa', 'siesta_init' )
435!     Read simulation data
436      call read_options( na_u, ns, spin%H )
438      call get_allowed_history_depth(n_dm_items)
439      call new(DM_history,n_dm_items,"(DM history stack)")
440      if (ionode) print "(a,i0)", "Size of DM history Fstack: ",
441     $                            max_size(DM_history)
443      qtot = qtot - charnet     ! qtot set in initatomlists
444                                ! charnet set in redata
445      if (IOnode) then
446        write(6,fmt="(a,f12.6)") 'Total number of electrons: ', qtot
447        write(6,fmt="(a,f12.6)") 'Total ionic charge: ', zvaltot
448      endif
450!     Warn the user: if not doing a direct optimization, the Zmatrix
451!     coordinates are no longer updated. Only coordinates are treated.
453      if (lUseZmatrix) then
454         if (idyn .ne. 0) then
455            write(6,"(a)")
456     &      " *** WARNING: Zmatrix form will be used only for input !!"
457            write(0,"(a)")
458     &      " *** WARNING: Zmatrix form will be used only for input !!"
459         endif
460      endif
462! Calculate spin populations for fixed spin case...
463      if (fixspin) then
464        if (.not.spin%Col)
465     &    call die( 'siesta: ERROR: ' //
466     &              'You can only fix the spin of the system' //
467     &              ' for collinear spin polarized calculations.' )
468        qtots(1) = (qtot + total_spin) / 2.0_dp
469        qtots(2) = (qtot - total_spin) / 2.0_dp
470        if (IOnode) then
471          write(6,"(a,f12.6)") 'Total number of UP electrons: ',
472     &        qtots(1)
473          write(6,"(a,f12.6)") 'Total number of DOWN electrons: ',
474     &        qtots(2)
475        end if
476      else
477        ! Distribute electrons equally per spin
478        ! (For spin%spinor = 1, qtots(2) should not be referenced)
479        qtots(:) = qtot / spin%spinor
480      end if
482      ! Get number of eigenstates that need to be calculated This
483      ! generally needs to be set to half the number of charges plus a
484      ! few extra states (such that the temperature tail can be found).
485      ! When states are spinors (for collinear or non-collinear spin,
486      ! i.e., for spin%spinor=2), to be occupied by a single electron
487      ! each, this number refers to half the number of spinors.
488      neigwanted = fdf_get('NumberOfEigenStates',no_u)
490      ! This is the rough number of states to be occupied (per spin channel)
491      ! For spin%spinor=1, this is half the number of electrons
492      nstates_spin(1:2) = ceiling ( (qtots(1:2)/2.0_dp) *  spin%spinor )
494      ! Calculate the number of eigenstates
495      ! dependent on the # of spin-components.
496      neigmin = 0
497      do is = 1 , spin%spinor
498        neigmin = max(neigmin, nstates_spin(is))
499      end do
501      ! Always at least have one additional state per 200 K.  This
502      ! choice is rather arbitrary. If the system is large it is likely
503      ! to have many states "close" to the Fermi level, and then the
504      ! number of extra states should be higher. See below
506      neigmin = neigmin + ceiling((temp / Kelvin) / 200._dp)
508      ! Correct the number of calculated eigenstates
509      if ( neigwanted < 0 ) then
511         ! If this number is negative it corresponds to the number of
512         ! states ABOVE the charge neutrality point to be included.  For
513         ! normal temperatures and small/medium systems, a number such
514         ! as 10 might be enough, but For very high temperatures and/or
515         ! large systems, this number might need to be increased significantly.
517         ! Add the user requested states.
518         neigwanted = neigmin + abs(neigwanted)
520      end if
522      ! Check number of eigenstates - cannot be larger than number of
523      ! basis functions or smaller than number of occupied states + 1
524      ! so that the Fermi level can be estimated
525      neigwanted = max(neigwanted, neigmin)
526      ! Truncate value to number of basis orbitals
527      neigwanted = min(neigwanted,no_u)
530!     Find maximum interaction range
531      if ( negl ) then
532        rmaxh = 2.0_dp*(rmaxo + rmaxdftu)
533      else
534        rmaxh = 2.0_dp*(rmaxo + max(rmaxkb,rmaxdftu))
535      endif
537!     Madelung correction for charged systems
538      if (charnet .ne. 0.0_dp) then
539        call madelung(ucell, shape, charnet, Emad)
540      endif
542!     Parallel initialisation
543      call initparallel( no_u, na_u, lasto, xa, ucell, rmaxh )
544      if (IOnode) call show_distribution( )
546!     Find number of locally stored orbitals and allocated related arrays
547      call GetNodeOrbs(no_u,Node,Nodes,no_l)
549!     Find k-grid for Brillouin zone integration
550!     NOTE: We need to know whether gamma is .true. or
551!     not early, in order to decide whether to use an
552!     auxiliary supercell for the calculation of matrix elements.
553      call setup_Kpoint_grid( ucell )
554      not_using_auxcell = gamma_scf
556      ! Read in diagonalization routines
557      ! Note that only the sampled BZ is responsible for
558      ! ParallelOverK option, the remaning options are
559      ! taking care of this option
560      call read_diag(Gamma_scf, spin%H)
561      call print_diag()
563      if ( diag_recognizes_neigwanted() ) then
564        if ( IONode .and. neigwanted /= no_u )
565     &      write(6,"(a,t53,'= ',i0,' / ',i0)")
566     &      'diag: Number of calculated states [no_calc / no_u]',
567     &      neigwanted, no_u
568      else
569        neigwanted = no_u
570      end if
572!     Call initialisation of PDOS here since we need to check if
573!     the auxiliary supercell is needed for a non-gamma calculation
574      call init_projected_DOS( )
575      if (do_pdos) then
576        not_using_auxcell = not_using_auxcell.and. gamma_pdos
577      endif
579      nullify(eo,qo)
580      call re_alloc(eo, 1, no_u, 1, spin%spinor, 1, nkpnt, 'eo',
581     &              'siesta_init')
582      call re_alloc(qo, 1, no_u, 1, spin%spinor, 1, nkpnt, 'qo',
583     &              'siesta_init')
585      call setup_bands( )
586      not_using_auxcell = not_using_auxcell .and. gamma_bands
588      call setup_wf_kpoints( )
589      not_using_auxcell = not_using_auxcell .and. gamma_wavefunctions
591      call estimate_pol_kpoints( ucell )
592      not_using_auxcell = not_using_auxcell .and. gamma_polarization
594!     User can request that the calculation is done with an explicit
595!     auxiliary supercell and hermitian version, even if using only
596!     the gamma point
598!     In case the user has requested the use of auxiliary
599!     cell we simply use that option.
600      if ( .not. not_using_auxcell ) use_aux_cell = .true.
602!     Find required supercell
603!     2*rmaxh is used to guarantee that two given orbitals in the
604!     supercell can only overlap once
605      if ( .not. use_aux_cell ) then
606        nsc(1:3) = 1
607      else
608        ! Determine the tightest auxiliary supercell using
609        ! also the atomic positions
610        call exact_sc_ag(negl,ucell,na_u,isa,xa,nsc)
611      end if
613      mscell = 0.0_dp
614      do i = 1, 3
615        mscell(i,i) = nsc(i)
616        nsc_old(i)  = nsc(i)
617      enddo
619!     Find auxiliary supercell (required only for k sampling)
620      call superc( ucell, scell, nsc )
622!     Initialise metadynamic forces if required
623      call initmeta( )
625      if (idyn .eq. 0) then
626        inicoor = 0
627        fincoor = nmove
628      else if (idyn .ge. 1 .and. idyn .le. 5) then
629        inicoor = istart
630        fincoor = ifinal
631      else if (idyn .eq. 6) then
632        inicoor = 0
633        fincoor = (ia2-ia1+1)*3*2
634      else if (idyn .eq. 7) then
635        call die( "'PHONON' support is deprecated" )
636      else if (idyn .eq. 8) then
637        inicoor = 0
638        fincoor = huge(1)
639#ifdef NCDF_4
640      else if (idyn == 9) then
641         if ( IONode ) then
642            write(*,'(/,a)')'expcoord: '//repeat('*',69)
643            write(*,'(a,i0)')
644     &           'expcoord: Currently reached coordinate step = ',
645     &           inicoor
646            write(*,'(a,i0)')
647     &           'expcoord: Final coordinate step = ',
648     &           fincoor
649            write(*,'(a,/)')'expcoord: '//repeat('*',69)
650         end if
652#ifdef SIESTA__FLOOK
653      else if (idyn == 10) then
654         inicoor = 0
655         ! Controlled in external LUA machine
656         fincoor = huge(1)
658      else
659        call die( 'siesta: wrong idyn' )
660      endif
662      ! initialize the fixed positions (we need to check whether the
663      ! fixed positions make sense)
664      call init_fixed( ucell, na_u , isa, iza )
665      call print_fixed( )
667      ! Build initial velocities according to Maxwell-Bolzmann distribution....
668      if (idyn .ne. 0 .and. idyn .ne. 6 .and. (.not. xv_file_read))
669     &    call vmb( na_u, tempinit, amass, xa, isa, va )
671      istp = 0
673      call ts_init(spin%Grid,ucell,na_u,xa,lasto,no_u,inicoor,fincoor)
675#ifdef SIESTA__FLOOK
677      ! Populate dictionaries
678      call dict_populate()
680      ! Initialize LUA handle, also die if the Lua relaxation
681      ! is requested
682      call slua_init(LUA, idyn == 10)
684      ! Call a preprocess step right after initialization
685      call slua_call(LUA,LUA_INITIALIZE)
689!     Output memory use before main loop
690!!      call printmemory( 6, 0 )
692!     Initialization now complete. Flush stdout.
693      if (ionode) call pxfflush( 6 )
695      call timer( 'Setup', 2 )
697!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- END
699      END subroutine siesta_init
701      END MODULE m_siesta_init