1! ---
2! Copyright (C) 1996-2016	The SIESTA group
3!  This file is distributed under the terms of the
4!  GNU General Public License: see COPYING in the top directory
5!  or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
6! See Docs/Contributors.txt for a list of contributors.
7! ---
8      MODULE m_state_init
10      private
11      public :: state_init
13      CONTAINS
15      subroutine state_init( istep )
16      use Kpoint_grid,       only: setup_Kpoint_grid, nkpnt, gamma_scf
17      use m_os,              only: file_exist
18      use m_new_dm,          only: new_dm
19      use m_proximity_check, only: proximity_check
20      use siesta_options
21      use units, only: Ang
22      use sparse_matrices, only: maxnh, numh, listh, listhptr
23      use sparse_matrices, only: Dold, Dscf, DM_2D
24      use sparse_matrices, only: Eold, Escf, EDM_2D
25      use sparse_matrices, only: Hold, H, H_2D
26      use sparse_matrices, only: xijo, xij_2D
27      use sparse_matrices, only: S, S_1D
29      use sparse_matrices, only: H_kin_1D, H_vkb_1D
30      use sparse_matrices, only: H_dftu_2D, H_so_2D
32      use sparse_matrices, only: sparse_pattern
33      use sparse_matrices, only: block_dist, single_dist
34      use sparse_matrices, only: DM_history
37      use create_Sparsity_SC, only: crtSparsity_SC
38      use m_sparsity_handling, only: SpOrb_to_SpAtom
39      use m_sparsity_handling, only: Sp_to_Spglobal
40      use m_pivot_methods, only: sp2graphviz
42      use siesta_geom
43      use atomlist,          only: iphorb, iphkb, indxua, iaorb,
44     &                             rmaxo, rmaxkb, rmaxv, rmaxdftu,
45     &                             lastkb, lasto, superc, indxuo,
46     &                             no_u, no_s, no_l, iza
47      use alloc,             only: re_alloc, de_alloc, alloc_report
48      use m_hsparse,         only: hsparse
49      use m_overlap,         only: overlap
50      use m_supercell,       only: exact_sc_ag
51      use siesta_cml,        only: cml_p, cmlStartStep, mainXML
52      use siesta_cml,        only: cmlStartPropertyList
53      use siesta_cml,        only: cmlEndPropertyList
54      use siesta_cml,        only: cmlAddProperty
55      use zmatrix,           only: lUseZmatrix, write_zmatrix
56      use m_energies,        only: Emad
57      use write_subs
58      use m_ioxv,            only: ioxv
59      use m_steps
60      use parallel,          only: IOnode, node, nodes
61      use m_spin,            only: spin
62      use m_rmaxh
63      use m_mixing,          only: mixers_history_init
64      use m_mixing_scf,      only: scf_mixs, scf_mix
66      use m_normalize_dm, only: normalize_dm
68      use m_eo
69      use files,             only: slabel
70      use m_mpi_utils,       only: globalize_or
71      use m_mpi_utils,       only: globalize_sum
72      use domain_decom,      only: domainDecom, use_dd, use_dd_perm
73      use dftu_specs,        only: switch_dftu, dftu_init
74      use fdf,               only: fdf_get
75      use sys,               only: message, die, bye
76      use m_sparse, only : xij_offset
78      use m_ts_kpoints, only: setup_ts_kpoint_grid
79      use ts_dq_m, only : TS_DQ_METHOD, TS_DQ_METHOD_FERMI
80      use m_ts_options, only : BTD_method
81      use m_ts_options, only : TS_Analyze
82      use m_ts_options, only : N_Elec, Elecs, IsVolt
83      use m_ts_electype
84      use m_ts_global_vars, only: TSrun, TSmode, onlyS
85      use m_ts_io, only : fname_TSHS, ts_write_tshs
86      use m_ts_sparse, only : ts_sparse_init
87      use m_ts_tri_init, only : ts_tri_init, ts_tri_analyze
88      use files, only: slabel, label_length
89#ifdef CDF
90      use iodm_netcdf, only: setup_dm_netcdf_file
91      use iodmhs_netcdf, only: setup_dmhs_netcdf_file
93#ifdef NCDF_4
94      use dictionary
95      use m_ncdf_siesta, only : cdf_init_file, cdf_save_settings
96      use m_ncdf_siesta, only : cdf_save_state, cdf_save_basis
97#ifdef MPI
98      use mpi_siesta
102      use class_Sparsity
103      use class_dSpData1D
104      use class_dSpData2D
105      use class_dData2D
106      use class_Pair_Geometry_dSpData2D
107      use class_Fstack_Pair_Geometry_dSpData2D
109#ifdef TEST_IO
110      use m_test_io
112#ifdef SIESTA__FLOOK
113      use siesta_dicts, only : dict_repopulate_MD
114      use siesta_dicts, only : dict_repopulate_sparse_matrices
117      use m_handle_sparse, only: correct_supercell_SpD
118      use m_restruct_SpData2D, only: restruct_dSpData2D
120      implicit none
122      integer            :: istep, nnz
123      real(dp)           :: veclen      ! Length of a unit-cell vector
124      real(dp)           :: rmax
125      logical            :: cell_can_change
126      integer            :: i, ix, iadispl, ixdispl
127      logical            :: auxchanged   ! Auxiliary supercell changed?
128      logical            :: folding, folding1
129      logical            :: diag_folding, diag_folding1
130      logical            :: foundxv  ! dummy for call to ioxv
132      external           ::  madelung, timer
133      real(dp), external :: volcel
135      integer                       :: ts_kscell_file(3,3) = 0
136      real(dp)                      :: ts_kdispl_file(3) = 0.0
137      logical                       :: ts_Gamma_file = .true.
138      character(len=label_length+6) :: fname
139      real(dp)                      :: dummyef=0.0, dummyqtot=0.0
140      type(Sparsity) :: g_Sp
141#ifdef NCDF_4
142      type(dictionary_t) :: d_sav
143#ifdef MPI
144      integer :: MPIerror
148      character(len=256)            :: oname
150      type(dData2D) :: tmp_2D
152!     Variables required to correct the DM in the history
153      type(dSpData2D), pointer :: tmp_Sp2D
154      type(Pair_Geometry_dSpData2D), pointer :: pair
156      real(dp) :: dummy_qspin(8)
158!------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
159      call timer( 'IterGeom', 1 )
161      call timer( 'state_init', 1 )
163      istp = istp + 1
165      if (IOnode) then
166      write(6,'(/,t22,a)') repeat('=',36)
167      select case (idyn)
168      case (0)
169         if (nmove == 0) then
170            write(6,'(t25,a)') 'Single-point calculation'
171            if (cml_p) call cmlStartStep(mainXML, type='Single-Point',
172     $           index=istp)
173         else
174            if (broyden_optim) then
175               write(6,'(t25,a,i6)') 'Begin Broyden opt. move = ',
176     $              istep
177            else if (fire_optim) then
178               write(6,'(t25,a,i6)') 'Begin FIRE opt. move = ',
179     $              istep
180            else
181               write(6,'(t25,a,i6)') 'Begin CG opt. move = ',
182     $              istep
183            end if
184            if (cml_p) call cmlStartStep(mainXML, type='Geom. Optim',
185     $           index=istp)
186         endif
188!        Print Z-matrix coordinates
189         if (lUseZmatrix) then
190            call write_Zmatrix()
191         endif
192      case (1, 3)
193         if (iquench > 0 ) then
194            write(6,'(t25,a,i6)') 'Begin MD quenched step = ',
195     $           istep
196            if (cml_p) call cmlStartStep(mainXML, type='MD-quenched',
197     $           index=istep)
198         else
199            write(6,'(t25,a,i6)') 'Begin MD step = ',
200     $           istep
201            if (cml_p) call cmlStartStep(mainXML, type='MD',
202     $             index=istep)
203         endif
204      case (2,4,5)
205         write(6,'(t25,a,i6)') 'Begin MD step = ', istep
206         if (cml_p) call cmlStartStep(mainXML, type='MD', index=istep)
207      case (6)
208          write(6,'(t25,a,i6)') 'Begin FC step = ',istep
209          if (cml_p) call cmlStartStep(mainXML, type='FC', index=istep)
211          if (istep .eq. 0) then
212            write(6,'(t25,a)') 'Undisplaced coordinates'
213         else
214            iadispl = (istep-mod(istep-1,6))/6+ia1
215            ix = mod(istep-1,6)+1
216            ixdispl = (ix - mod(ix-1,2) +1)/2
217            write(6,'(t26,a,i0,/,t26,a,i1,a,f10.6,a)') 'displace atom ',
218     &           iadispl,'in direction ',ixdispl,' by', dx/Ang,' Ang'
219         endif
221      case (8)
222         write(6,'(t25,a,i6)') 'Begin Server step = ',istep
223         if (cml_p) call cmlStartStep(mainXML, type='FS', index=istep)
225      case (9)
226         if ( istep == 0 ) then
227            write(6,'(t25,a,i7)')'Explicit coord. initialization'
228         else
229            write(6,'(t25,a,i7)')'Explicit coord. step =',istep
230         end if
231         if (cml_p) call cmlStartStep(mainXML, type='ECS', index=istep)
233      case (10)
234         write(6,'(t25,a,i7)')'LUA coord. step =',istep
235         if (cml_p) call cmlStartStep(mainXML, type='LUA', index=istep)
237      end select
239      write(6,'(t22,a)') repeat('=',36)
241!     Print atomic coordinates
242      call outcoor( ucell, xa, na_u, ' ', writec )
244!     Save structural information in crystallographic format
245!     (in file SystemLabel.STRUCT_OUT),
246!     canonical Zmatrix (if applicable), and CML record
248      call siesta_write_positions(moved=.false.)
250      endif ! IONode
252      ! Write the XV file for single-point calculations, so that
253      ! it is there at the end for those users who rely on it
254      call ioxv( 'write', ucell, vcell, na_u, isa, iza, xa, va,
255     &           foundxv)
257!     Actualize things if variable cell
258!     These checks are made to ensure that the k-points
259!     and Madelung terms are corrected in case the cell is changed.
260      auxchanged = .false.
261      cell_can_change = ( varcel .or.
262     &                    (idyn .eq. 8)  ! Force/stress evaluation
263     &                  )
264      if (change_kgrid_in_md) then
265         cell_can_change = cell_can_change .or.
266     &                     (idyn .eq. 3)   .or. ! Parrinello-Rahman
267     &                     (idyn .eq. 4)   .or. ! Nose-Parrinello-Rahman
268     &                     (idyn .eq. 5)        ! Anneal
269      endif
271      if ( cell_can_change .and. istep /= inicoor ) then
273!       Madelung correction for charged systems
274        if (charnet .ne. 0.0_dp) then
275          call madelung(ucell, shape, charnet, Emad)
276        end if
278        if ( .not. gamma_scf ) then
280!         Will print k-points also
281          call setup_Kpoint_grid( ucell )
283          call setup_ts_kpoint_grid( ucell )
285          call re_alloc( eo, 1, no_u, 1, spin%spinor, 1, nkpnt, 'eo',
286     &        'state_init')
287          call re_alloc( qo, 1, no_u, 1, spin%spinor, 1, nkpnt, 'qo',
288     &        'state_init' )
289        end if
291      end if
292!     End variable cell actualization
294!     Always (in case of auxiliary cell) check the new sparse pattern
295      if ( use_aux_cell ) then
296!       Determine the tightest auxiliary supercell using
297!       also the atomic positions
298        call exact_sc_ag(negl,ucell,na_u,isa,xa,nsc)
300        mscell = 0.0_dp
301        do i = 1, 3
302          mscell(i,i) = nsc(i)
303          if (nsc(i) /= nsc_old(i)) auxchanged = .true.
304        end do
306      end if
308!     Auxiliary supercell
309!     Do not move from here, as the coordinates might have changed
310!     even if not the unit cell
311      call superc(ucell, scell, nsc)
312#ifdef SIESTA__FLOOK
313      call dict_repopulate_MD()
316!     Print unit cell and compute cell volume
317!     Possible BUG:
318!     Note that this volume is later used in write_subs and the md output
319!     routines, even if the cell later changes.
320      if (IOnode) call outcell(ucell)
321      volume_of_some_cell = volcel(ucell)
323!     Use largest possible range in program, except hsparse...
324!     2 * rmaxv: Vna overlap
325!     rmaxo + rmaxkb: Non-local KB action
326!     2 * (rmaxo + rmaxdftu): Interaction through DFTU projector
327!     2.0_dp * (rmaxo+rmaxkb) : Orbital interaction through KB projectors
328      rmax = max( 2._dp*rmaxv, 2._dp*(rmaxo+rmaxdftu), rmaxo+rmaxkb)
330      if ( .not. negl ) then
331        rmax = max(rmax, 2.0_dp * (rmaxo+rmaxkb) )
332      endif
334!     Check if any two atoms are unreasonably close
335      call proximity_check(rmax)
337      ! Clear history of mixing parameters
338      call mixers_history_init( scf_mixs )
339      scf_mix => scf_mixs(1)
341      ! Ensure sparsity pattern is empty
342      call delete(sparse_pattern)
343      ! sadly deleting the sparse pattern does not necessarily
344      ! mean that the arrays are de-associated.
345      ! Remember that the reference counter could (in MD)
346      ! be higher than 1, hence we need to create "fake"
347      ! containers and let the new<class> delete the old
348      ! sparsity pattern
349      nullify(numh,listhptr,listh)
350      allocate(numh(no_l),listhptr(no_l))
351      ! We do not need to allocate listh
352      ! that will be allocated in hsparse
354!     List of nonzero Hamiltonian matrix elements
355!     and, if applicable,  vectors between orbital centers
357!     Listh and xijo are allocated inside hsparse
358!     Note: We always generate xijo now, for COOP and other
359!           analyses.
360      call delete(xij_2D) ! as xijo will be reallocated
361      nullify(xijo)
362      call hsparse( negl, scell, nsc, na_s, isa, xa, lasto,
363     &              lastkb, iphorb, iphKB, maxnh, .not. use_aux_cell,
364     $              set_xijo=.true., folding=folding1,
365     $              diagonal_folding=diag_folding1,
366     $              debug_folding=fdf_get('debug-folding',.false.))
368      call globalize_or(diag_folding1,diag_folding)
369      call globalize_or(folding1,folding)
370      if (diag_folding .and. .not. use_aux_cell ) then
371         call message("WARNING","Gamma-point calculation " //
372     $         "with interaction between periodic images")
373         call message("WARNING",
374     $           "Some features might not work optimally:")
375         call message("WARNING",
376     $           "e.g. DM initialization from atomic data")
377         if (harrisfun) call die("Harris functional run needs " //
378     $                              "'force-aux-cell T'")
380      else if (folding) then
381         if ( .not. use_aux_cell ) then
382               call message("INFO","Gamma-point calculation " //
383     $                      "with multiply-connected orbital pairs")
384               call message("INFO",
385     $              "Folding of H and S implicitly performed")
386               call check_cohp()
387         else
388            write(6,"(a,/,a)") "Non Gamma-point calculation " //
389     $           "with multiply-connected orbital pairs " //
390     $           "in auxiliary supercell.",
391     $           "Possible internal error. " //
392     $           "Use 'debug-folding T' to debug."
393            call die("Inadequate auxiliary supercell")
394         endif
395      endif
397      call globalize_sum(maxnh,nnz)
398      if (cml_p) then
399         call cmlStartPropertyList(mainXML,title='Orbital info')
400         call cmlAddProperty(xf=mainXML, value=no_u,
401     $        title='Number of orbitals in unit cell',
402     $        dictref='siesta:no_u', units="cmlUnits:countable")
403         call cmlAddProperty(xf=mainXML, value=nnz,
404     $        title='Number of non-zeros',
405     $        dictref='siesta:nnz', units="cmlUnits:countable")
406         call cmlEndPropertyList(mainXML)
407      endif
408      !
409      !
410      ! If using domain decomposition, redistribute orbitals
411      ! for this geometry, based on the hsparse info.
412      ! The first time round, the initial distribution is a
413      ! simple block one (given by preSetOrbitLimits).
414      !
415      ! Any DM, etc, read from file will be redistributed according
416      ! to the new pattern.
417      ! Inherited DMs from a previous geometry cannot be used if the
418      ! orbital distribution changes. For now, we avoid changing the
419      ! distribution (the variable use_dd_perm is .true. if domain
420      ! decomposition is in effect). Names should be changed...
422      if (use_dd .and. (.not. use_dd_perm)) then
423         call domainDecom( no_u, no_l, maxnh )  ! maxnh intent(in) here
424         maxnh = sum(numh(1:no_l))
425         ! We still need to re-create Julian Gale's
426         ! indexing for O(N) in parallel.
427         print "(a5,i3,a20,3i8)",
428     $         "Node: ", Node, "no_u, no_l, maxnh: ", no_u, no_l, maxnh
429         call setup_ordern_indexes(no_l, no_u, Nodes)
430      endif
432      ! I would like to skip this alloc/move/dealloc/attach
433      ! by allowing sparsity to have pointer targets.
434      ! However, this poses a problem with intel compilers,
435      ! as it apparently errors out when de-allocating a target pointer
436      write(oname,"(a,i0)") "sparsity for geom step ", istep
437      call newSparsity(sparse_pattern,no_l,no_u,maxnh,
438     &     numh,listhptr,listh, name = oname)
439      deallocate(numh,listhptr,listh)
440      call attach(sparse_pattern,
441     &     n_col = numh, list_ptr = listhptr, list_col = listh )
443      ! In case the user requests to create the connectivity graph
444      if ( write_GRAPHVIZ > 0 ) then
445         ! first create the unit-cell sparsity pattern
446         call crtSparsity_SC(sparse_pattern, g_Sp, UC=.true.)
447         ! next move to global sparsity pattern
448         call Sp_to_Spglobal(block_dist, g_Sp, g_Sp)
449         if ( IONode ) then
450            if ( write_GRAPHVIZ /= 2 )
451     &           call sp2graphviz(trim(slabel)//'.ORB.gv', g_Sp)
452            ! Convert to atomic
453            if ( write_GRAPHVIZ /= 1 ) then
454               call SpOrb_to_SpAtom(single_dist,g_Sp,na_u,lasto,g_Sp)
455               call sp2graphviz(trim(slabel)//'.ATOM.gv', g_Sp)
456            end if
457         end if
458         call delete(g_Sp)
459      end if
462      ! Copy over xijo array (we can first do it here... :( )
463      call newdData2D(tmp_2D,xijo,'xijo')
464      deallocate(xijo)
465      write(oname,"(a,i0)") "xijo at geom step ", istep
466      call newdSpData2D(sparse_pattern,tmp_2D,block_dist,xij_2D,
467     &     name=oname)
468      call delete(tmp_2D) ! decrement container...
469      xijo => val(xij_2D)
471!     Convert the xijo array into a super cell offset array
472!     isc_off (located in siesta_geom).
473!     This array is primarily used in TranSiesta but may easily
474!     be used elsewhere to figure out orbital/atomic placements
475!     in the sparsity pattern.
476      if ( .not. use_aux_cell ) then
477         ! Here we create the super-cell offsets
478         call re_alloc(isc_off,1,3,1,1)
479         isc_off(:,:) = 0
480      else
481         call xij_offset(ucell,nsc, na_u,xa,lasto,
482     &        xij_2D, isc_off, Bcast=.true.)
483      end if
486      ! When the user requests to only do an analyzation, we can call
487      ! appropriate routines and quit
488      if ( TS_Analyze ) then
490         ! Force the creation of the full sparsity pattern
491         call ts_sparse_init(slabel,IsVolt, N_Elec, Elecs,
492     &        ucell, nsc, na_u, xa, lasto, block_dist, sparse_pattern,
493     &        .not. use_aux_cell, isc_off)
495         ! create the tri-diagonal matrix
496         call ts_tri_analyze( block_dist, sparse_pattern , N_Elec,
497     &        Elecs, ucell, na_u, lasto, nsc, isc_off,
498     &        BTD_method )
500         ! Print-out timers
501         call timer('TS-analyze',3)
503         ! Bye also waits for all processors
504         call bye('transiesta analyzation performed')
506      end if
509      write(oname,"(a,i0)") "EDM at geom step ", istep
510      call newdSpData2D(sparse_pattern,spin%EDM,block_dist,EDM_2D,
511     &     name=oname)
512      !if (ionode) call print_type(EDM_2D)
513      Escf => val(EDM_2D)
515      call re_alloc(Dold,1,maxnh,1,spin%DM,name='Dold',
516     .     routine='sparseMat',copy=.false.,shrink=.true.)
517      call re_alloc(Hold,1,maxnh,1,spin%H,name='Hold',
518     .     routine='sparseMat',copy=.false.,shrink=.true.)
519      if ( converge_EDM ) then
520         call re_alloc(Eold,1,maxnh,1,spin%EDM,name='Eold',
521     .     routine='sparseMat',copy=.false.,shrink=.true.)
522      end if
524!     Allocate/reallocate storage associated with Hamiltonian/Overlap matrix
525      write(oname,"(a,i0)") "H at geom step ", istep
526      call newdSpData2D(sparse_pattern,spin%H,block_dist,H_2D,
527     &                  name=oname)
528      !if (ionode) call print_type(H_2D)
529      H => val(H_2D)
531      write(oname,"(a,i0)") "H_vkb at geom step ", istep
532      call newdSpData1D(sparse_pattern,block_dist,H_vkb_1D,name=oname)
533      !if (ionode) call print_type(H_vkb_1D)
535      write(oname,"(a,i0)") "H_kin at geom step ", istep
536      call newdSpData1D(sparse_pattern,block_dist,H_kin_1D,name=oname)
537      !if (ionode) call print_type(H_kin_1D)
539      if ( switch_dftu ) then
540         write(oname,"(a,i0)") "H_dftu at geom step ", istep
541         call newdSpData2D(sparse_pattern,spin%spinor,
542     &        block_dist,H_dftu_2D,name=oname)
544         ! Initialize to 0, LDA+U may re-calculate
545         !   this matrix sporadically doing the SCF.
546         ! Hence initialization MUST be performed upon
547         ! re-allocation.
548         call init_val(H_dftu_2D)
549         if ( inicoor /= istep ) then
550            ! Force initialization of the LDA+U
551            ! when changing geometry
552            ! For the first geometry this is controlled
553            ! by the user via an fdf-key
554            dftu_init = .true.
555         end if
556      end if
558      if ( spin%SO ) then
559         write(oname,"(a,i0)") "H_so at geom step ", istep
560         call newdSpData2D(sparse_pattern,spin%H - 2,
561     &        block_dist,H_so_2D,name=oname)
562      end if
564      write(oname,"(a,i0)") "S at geom step ", istep
565      call newdSpData1D(sparse_pattern,block_dist,S_1D,name=oname)
566      if (ionode) call print_type(S_1D)
567      S => val(S_1D)
569!>    Before proceeding we need to "fix" a few things before we can
570!>    successfully read the new DM.
571!>    1. Cases where the atomic displacements yields a new sparse
572!>    pattern it is vital to remove the elements that does not exist.
573!>    Such cases are often encountered because atoms move in/out of
574!>    neighbouring atoms orbital ranges. Everytime two orbitals meet,
575!>    new sparse elements are added, and everytime two orbitals flee
576!>    sparse elements are removed.
577!>    2. If the supercell has changed size it is necessary to
578!>    remove/translate the old/new supercells such that they are
579!>    conforming with the new sparse pattern.
580!>    For details regarding the sparsity pattern, see sparse_matrices.F90
581      do i = 1, n_items(DM_history)
582        pair => get_pointer(DM_history,i)
583        call secondp(pair,tmp_Sp2D)
584        if ( auxchanged ) then
585!         Transfer the old mixing matrix to the new supercell pattern
586          call correct_supercell_SpD(nsc_old, tmp_Sp2D, nsc)
587        end if
588!       Only retain the new orbital interactions
589        call restruct_dSpData2D(tmp_Sp2D, sparse_pattern, tmp_Sp2D,
590     &      show_warning = .false.)
591      end do
594!     Find overlap matrix
595      call overlap( na_u, na_s, no_s, scell, xa, indxua, rmaxo, maxnh,
596     &              lasto, iphorb, isa, numh, listhptr, listh, S )
598#ifdef NCDF_4
599!     At this point the sparsity pattern, overlap matrix and some
600!     other details.
601!     Before continuing we will create the CDF file output
603!     Initialize the NC file
604      if ( write_cdf ) then
605        if ( inicoor == istep ) then
606          call cdf_init_file(trim(slabel)//'.nc', is_FC=(idyn==6))
607#ifdef MPI
608          call MPI_Barrier(MPI_Comm_World,MPIerror)
611!         Save the basis set (only once)
612          call cdf_save_basis(trim(slabel)//'.nc')
613#ifdef MPI
614          call MPI_Barrier(MPI_Comm_World,MPIerror)
617          d_sav = d_sav//('xa'.kv.1)//('cell'.kv.1)
618          d_sav = d_sav//('sp'.kv.1)//('S'.kv.1)//('xij'.kv.1)
619          d_sav = d_sav//('isc_off'.kv.1)//('nsc'.kv.1)
620          call cdf_save_state(trim(slabel)//'.nc',d_sav)
621          call delete(d_sav)
623        end if
624      end if
628!     Here we could also read a Hamiltonian, either to proceed to
629!     the analysis section (with nscf=0) or to start a mix-H scf cycle.
631!     Initialize density matrix
632!     The resizing of Dscf is done inside new_dm
633      call new_DM(auxchanged, DM_history, DM_2D, EDM_2D)
634      Dscf => val(DM_2D)
635      Escf => val(EDM_2D)
636      if (spin%H > 1) call print_spin(dummy_qspin)
638!     The number of old supercells is used in new_DM. Hence we may first
639!     update the oldnsc here.
640      if ( auxchanged ) nsc_old(:) = nsc(:)
642      ! Initialize energy-density matrix to zero for first call to overfsm
643      ! Only part of Escf is updated in TS, so if it is put as zero here
644      ! a continuation run gives bad forces.
645      if ( .not. TSrun ) then
646         call normalize_DM( first= .true. )
647         Escf(:,:) = 0.0_dp
648      end if
650#ifdef TEST_IO
651      ! We test the io-performance here
652      call time_io(spin%H,nsc,H_2D)
655#ifdef SIESTA__FLOOK
656      call dict_repopulate_sparse_matrices()
659!     Write out the ORB_INDX file (if requested)
660      if ( save_ORB_INDX ) then
661        if ( IOnode .and. istep == inicoor ) then
662          call write_orb_indx( na_u, na_s, no_u, no_s, isa, xa,
663     .        iaorb, iphorb, indxuo, nsc, ucell )
664        end if
665      end if
667!     If onlyS, Save overlap matrix and exit
668      if ( onlyS ) then
669         fname = fname_TSHS(slabel, onlyS = .true. )
670         ! We include H as S, well-knowing that we only write one of
671         ! them, there is no need to allocate space for no reason!
672         call ts_write_tshs(fname,
673     &        .true., .not. use_aux_cell, ts_Gamma_file,
674     &        ucell, nsc, isc_off, na_u, no_s, spin%H,
675     &        ts_kscell_file, ts_kdispl_file,
676     &        xa, lasto,
677     &        H_2D, S_1D, indxuo,
678     &        dummyEf, dummyQtot, Temp,0,0)
679         call bye( 'Save overlap matrix and exit' ) ! Exit siesta
681      endif
683#ifdef CDF
684      if (writedm_cdf) then
685         call setup_dm_netcdf_file( maxnh, no_l, spin%H,
686     &                              no_s, indxuo,
687     &                              numh, listhptr, listh)
688      endif
689      if (writedm_cdf_history) then
690         call setup_dm_netcdf_file( maxnh, no_l, spin%H,
691     &                              no_s, indxuo,
692     &                              numh, listhptr, listh,
693     &                              istep)
694      endif
695      if (writedmhs_cdf) then
696         call setup_dmhs_netcdf_file( maxnh, no_l, spin%H,
697     &                              no_s, indxuo,
698     &                              numh, listhptr, listh,
699     &                              s)
700      endif
701      if(writedmhs_cdf_history) then
702         call setup_dmhs_netcdf_file( maxnh, no_l, spin%H,
703     &                              no_s, indxuo,
704     &                              numh, listhptr, listh,
705     &                              s,
706     &                              istep)
707      endif
709      call timer( 'state_init', 2 )
711      END subroutine state_init
713      subroutine check_cohp()
714      use siesta_options, only: write_coop
715      use sys,            only: message
717      if (write_coop) then
718         call message("WARNING","There are multiply-connected "//
719     $                          "orbitals.")
720         call message("WARNING","Your COOP/COHP analysis might " //
721     $                          "be affected by folding.")
722         call message("WARNING",'Use "force-aux-cell T "' //
723     $                          'or k-point sampling')
724      endif
725      end subroutine check_cohp
727      END module m_state_init